#alt title: something borrowed something blue
monabee-draws · 2 years
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For Luck.
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thatonealise · 3 years
On Worlds.
We inhabit them. We've christened ours Earth, but there are some who call Middle-Earth their home. I've heard many dashing tales from the Borderlands, and on all too many occasions guested in Azeroth. All these faraway lands are unique in their own right, sporting flora and fauna so diverse it really does make one wonder how such things came to be, whether out of nothing, or out of the wilds of human imagination.
I've always been under the impression that it would take a person too much blood, sweat and tears to fashion one. But here I stand, alone, and I need a place to set my latest overambitious and never-ending enterprise. It's a habit I'd always detested deep down, but came to respect over time, and now I say it is the prospect of making something grand, chipping away at it day and again, that gives me one more reason (among many, mind you) to get up early in the morning, and wonder what aspect of it am I going to work on next.
So it is, that I've been pondering on the sort of a world I would want you, the Player, to quench your wanderlust, and perhaps take your subconscious somewhere it has never travelled.
My research -- that hunt for inspiration, artistically speaking -- took me to media I have and have never ever witnessed, or heard, or read, or seen. I've browsed art, played this game and that; I've watched film and series, and I've brushed the dust off some of my forlorn literature. I've even dared to show up in the local library for once in an embarrassingly long (by a reader's standards) while, and borrow a "manuscript" or two I thought had a few interesting ideas. But, I have to admit, Stack Exchange remains my personal favourite. There are so many great minds there, with an equal knack for world-building, and even more thought-provoking questions granted inspiring answers. I can't recommend it enough.
On to the point, though, and it is that I've compiled a list of "archetypes" to take into consideration building my own world:
What a surprise, huh? I believe it to be the most widespread archetype, and it is rather self-explanatory. An Earth-like world is more often than not a carbon copy of the blue planet (or our rather milky galaxy), with oceans and continents shuffled a notch to dodge the cosmic copyright, so to speak. It is again most common, and for a good reason: we know plenty about the science that keeps such worlds (and, by extension, our own) spinning, and the life living the way it does. It is a solid point of reference, backed with facts and studies so easy to look up on the web, or anywhere bookish, and it is always oh so tempting to use.
A few notorious examples taken from modern authors include...
...a continent under the influence of Celtic and Germanic myths; known as Middle-Earth of J. R. R. Tolkien.
...the super-continent of Stillness by Nora K. Jemisin.
...the Present World, to some extent a mirror of ours, and found in Kentaro Miura's Berserk.
...or the unforgiving deserts of Arrakis, credited to Frank Herbert.
...or Faerun, the iconic setting of Forgotten Realms.
...or even the Journey, courtesy of thatgamecompany, and the dunes one has to slide down rushing to the mountain's peak.
If at least two of the above ring a bell, you may have an idea of what brings all these worlds together, and by extension, what I think constitutes an Earth-like world. If not, then let me illustrate my point instead:
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Go on, draw a comparison! It wouldn't take a particularly perceptive eye to notice that even a seemingly outlandish example, the desert planet of Arrakis, shines features not too unlike those we may find here on Earth, albeit "turned up to eleven," for the lack of a better expression. They are planets filled with oceans, and continents in between the oceans, most of them, and in general they follow the same rules we follow in our universe: desert storms rise as the wind blows, plates collide to erect mountains, and sentient life is soon to usher in an age of civilisation. Physics and passage of time progress the world as you would expect them to.
Naturally, there will be a degree of variation between Earth-likes. George Martin's Westeros, for one, is an otherwise conventional continent subject to unconventional seasons, some so abnormal they shape entire cultures -- consider the Long Night, for instance, and the impact it had on the Westerosi folklore.
Let's touch on Arrakis again: it is too an Earth-like world at the core, that suffered from a speculated misfortune of a near-miss encounter with a comet, and what once might have been an arid and bountiful world has now been left a scorching desert inhabited by massive sandworms that have evolved to swim through the sands as though they were oceans, and gobble up the teeny-tiny human wanderers crossing their "soil." A few similar worlds come to mind: Kharak, just as extreme and featured in the Homeworld series, and the much more famous Tatooine, the brainchild of George Lucas.
This big quirk -- extreme weather, unpredictable seasons, or morphed geology, or fictional species -- I prefer to dub "the Twist." It is something, a phenomenon or fact of life, that sets this world apart from ours -- something you can use to suggest that the world at hand is its own, and not Earth put in an alternate reality. Extreme biomes of Arrakis or Kharak, and bizarre seasons of Westeros, are just two examples of the Twist. Magic and magical beings found on Azeroth, or in Faerun, is another.
While the Twist is found in all archetypes, I'm of the opinion that Earth-likes depend on it more than others. Take away the Twist, and you will be left with yet another exoplanet, abiding by the rules we all know and, to be frank, find them too mundane to entertain us, or to leave a lasting memory.
As you'd expect, this was the first archetype I visited and considered for my game. The Twist I wish to feature, to go hand in hand with game mechanics I have devised, is the marriage (or clash, depending on your point of view) of science and magic, and the many ways cultures practicing either-or-both would balance them out, or tip the scales in one's favour if they so desire. I'm also very keen on endangering the Player on their journey, which I want to be perilous, and for it to matter more than the destination. Think of it as a world of vagabonds and gallivants, travelling from one bizarre place to a place twice as otherworldly, and embarking on life-threatening quests.
I've considered several worlds, most notably Kharak -- whose native species, the Kushan, traverse it on trucks and jeeps and other sand-crawling machinery. Cities on that scorched planet exist as only safe havens around, surrounded with lifeless sands, and to make it from one city to another is a dangerous affair indeed. The theme resonated with me quite a bit, but I did not find desert planets a good choice for my game, for many reasons:
It is, as the name suggests, a giant desert. There aren't that many biomes (just two, in fact, if you count largely mechanical cities as one) for the Player to explore, and there is little challenge in generating them on the fly, as opposed to a more varied world.
Throwing in arid biomes we discover in worlds like Middle-Earth or Narnia, or Faerun, felt far too conventional to me, and in my mind there would not be much room for an apocalyptic event so crippling as to make exploring this world nigh fatal.
Even if I dodged the desert altogether and rolled with a different biome or biomes, I'd still have to balance between two problems I doubt are easy to solve: featuring more biodiversity in a fundamentally monolithic environment, or more extremes in an Earth-like world that would not fit in very well.
Banality. Banality was a major concern for me, as there are oh so, so many Earth-likes out there in the industry, and the last thing I wish for my little side project is to offer yet another one. No sir!
Scope was the last but nevertheless just as important. It is difficult to fill up a giant continent, or continentS, with enough quests and points of interest to keep the Player invested. It is hard enough to produce enough scripted content, a la World of Warcraft, and it is harder still to delegate the creative matters to an automaton (Talking about you, Left 4 Dead!). Earth-likes, to my understanding, necessitate imposing scale, that I can not hope to achieve neither alone nor in company.
So I scratched this archetype off my list, and again I went searching every nook and cranny of the game industry and beyond for patterns and clues to make into archetype...
Perhaps not the best title to describe a world so otherworldly as to defy all laws native to our universe, but I nonetheless thought it described what I had in mind for such worlds best. Exotics, Otherlands, Alternate Realities, you name it: they spit on the natural laws we've always known, and turn what we consider to be natural upside down, from a relative point of view (I'd image they'd think we earthlings bend their ideas of what is natural, vice versa). They more often than not have so little in common with a conventional; continental world, that as a Player, you ought to be born anew, in a sense, as you have to come to terms with the new reality, and learn the rules alien to your human brain-box.
While not so abundant in fiction or film, there is an unexpected plethora of otherworldly examples found in video games. I suspect, as little more than a humble writer and not at all a qualified game designer, that the blame (the reason, rather) is at least in part to be pinned on the freedom of mechanics worlds detached from all physical boundaries allow. You're no longer on Earth; seldom even in our universe, and more often in a dimension forged by game designers to fulfill a very blunt purpose: to serve the gameplay, in full. I'd imagine it is times easier to set a game built on mechanics hostile to laws of physics somewhere abstract; mallable, in a way, to the designer's whim.
Thinking of examples took me to these fine pieces of digital entertainment:
William Chyr's Manifold Garden is, to me, a quintessential Otherland. It is set in an abstract world wrapping on itself, juxtaposing impossible geometry against Euclidean space. About the only link to our reality it maintains is the presence of gravity. Look up and down, try interacting with the objects or solving the puzzles, and you will very soon understand this is NOT the realm accomodative of your earthly instincts.
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Alice: Madness Returns, too, features an Otherland (not Otherlands, fellow Alice fans!), a level set among the clouds, far above in the sky -- none other than Cardbridge! Playing cards dwell there, and glide along the windy streams to form marvellous paper castles in the sky, and bridges, and gates for Alice to cross on her way to the evil (is she really?) Queen's heartful (quite literally) domain. Like in Manifold Garden, physics still permeates this world, but the only "actor" it appears to affect is Alice herself. All that surrounds her, on the other hand, behaves in a way we would think odd.
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Oddly enough, Valve's Ricochet is one more example of an Otherland, the way I see it. It's set in a pitch black void, a pocket dimension of a sort, and constricts its gunslinging inhabitants to a small archipelago of quasi-futuristic-looking platforms. It is in many ways abstract and disconnected from what we would brand a "real" world; akin more to a simulation than something even an advanced civilisation would be able to orchestrate in the vacuum of deep space. It instead serves a solitary purpose: to be an open and clear arena for the Players to pull off dextereous ricochets and physics-bending leaps from one spot to the next. There are no other earthly rules to govern this world, and beyond the dark arena is the thrice as dark abyss.
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Of course, by this logic, one could consider more abstract games along the lines of Tetris Effect or even Pinball Dreams, to also fit under the same umbrella of otherworldness, and I reckon they would be right. Both games take place in places foreign to our expectation for a, dare I say, traditional setting. This is not to say, oh no, that Otherlands belong to just the games -- far from it! Otherlands are to be found in many other media.
Off the top of my head, I'd count that one scene from the cult-classic 2001: A Space Odyssey, as a "classic" Otherland in a mind-boggling nutshell:
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The message I'm trying to convey, if not clear, is that Otherlands are very stubborn, and insistent on breaking you as an earthly thinker; to augment your mind and let it comprehend and utilise the new reality and the rules it enforces, like one would use the laws of our universe. "When in Rome," is the mantra they will have you etch into memory, until you think and interact with it as though you had never known another home.
The entire world, in other words, is one big Twist, standing in stark contrast to the little twists applied here and there to an Earth-like dimension. Furthermore, one could even assert that the Twist in an Otherland is turned on its head -- whereas in an Earth-like Twists were other-landish phenomena many in number but little in scope -- the Twists in an Otherland are instead few and far between, and grounded in reality. They are the links linking an Otherland to the Earth-like law. Say, physics would be very much expected in an Earth-like world, but treated as an exotic Twist in an Otherland.
To be a little more precise, an Otherland does not bother to stay true to the mechanics we think mundane and natural. It instead moulds or kills them outright, and throws itself at the mercy of the designer's wants and wishes.
Otherlands were an option, but not the option, that I'd choose for my world. I cherish the freedom they bestow upon you as a designer, but it alone did not convince me to opt for this archetype. Simply put, the downs outweighed the ups:
The world I wish to create will host fantasy far too Tolkien-esque to distance so much from Earth and earthly law. There is, in my view, a strong pull among many dungeon-crawling aficionados towards fantasy, and fantasy I will deliver. My own strain of fantasy, to be clear, but it will nevertheless mandate a degree of reality deemed by me too Earth-like to belong in an Otherland. I just can not see, at this time, a world of fantasy that is also an Otherland, not if I want my world to radiate welcoming familiarity.
This game being an open-ended RPG, it is difficult for me to envision it in an abstract environment. It calls, as I see it, for landmarks sensible to someone never ever "tainted" by the quirks of Otherlands, familiar and homely in a way, based in laws of physics and around points of interest grounded in our reality. Elevating it to be the Twist of an Otherland, brings the latter much closer to an Earth-like, but not quite. Neither this nor that, if you will, and that in turn leads me to the next and last archetype...
Should you ever run into the same predicament as yours truly did in the paragraph above, I'd strongly advise you to consider Near-Earths. Not entirely Earth-like, but also too Earth-like to fit as an Otherland, a Near-Earth world is based to some considerable extent in the laws and traits of an Earth-like. It takes the best of both worlds -- mind-boggling Twists of an Otherland and experiential familiarity of an Earth-like -- and mixes them up to shape up something in-between.
Near-Earth remains ultimately an extension of an Earth-like world at its core, but to set itself apart it puts an emphasis on large-scale Twists -- that would be considered too outlandish for an Earth-like. One popular trope among Near-Earths is to feature earthly topology, strewn around the universe in the form of isles or even whole continents. Fundamental laws that define an Earth-like it bends to a fictional degree, but preserves the essentials, such as planets or stars or faimiliar dimensions, that make up our universe. Thus the link between our universe and that lives on, and it's easy for a newcomer to the world to find their way around with little to no hand-holding required.
I can't help but conjure up a few shots from Treasure Planet, which I gather needs no introduction, to illustrate my line of thought. Take one of the more iconic stills from this flawed masterpiece, R.L.S. Legacy docked at the spaceport of Crescentia:
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It is in many ways familiar, I think, to anyone who has ever been to any run-of-the-mill harbour, except that ginormous frigate appears to stay suspended mid-air, not even ropes to hold it in place, and not at all swaying side to side on the high seas as one would assume. No, in this universe carpenters and shipwrigts build 18th century vessels propelled by internal combustion engines to fly through the breathable expanse that they call Ethereum. Indeed, there it is possible to breathe in space, so long as one stays careful not to lean too much on the taffrail and fall into the Ethereum proper, doomed forever to be a cosmic castaway.
Treasure Planet is very representative of a Near-Earth world, as I reckon the aforementioned scene proves. While grounded in culture and (partly) science of our universe, it strays a lot from what our scientists would deem feasible, to the point that it is fundamentally different from our universe in some respect, such as there existing a breatheable atmosphere everywhere in their universe, but not so fundamental as to defy every law of science we know in our world. Physics, and planets, and other celestial bodies and phenomena still exist there, albeit altered in a variety of ways.
Another such example would the High Wilderness, that we're told to travel aboard a literal locomotive, in the brilliant game and one of my many favourites -- Sunless Skies:
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It, too, features all the same biomes and structures and many laws with a basis in our universe, and like Treasure Planet, it introduces a major twist: the space beyond the confines of Earth (which does exist in Sunless Skies, and generally follows our history with significant deviations perpetrated by Masters of the Bazaar) is an intricate maze of seldom interlocked and often overlapping topology, stacked on top of one another, and filled with an atmosphere reminiscent of Ethereum, breathable but named a different name.
It is still familiar enough to us as earthlings, and it would not take a seasoned Otherlander to pick the thing up and know the rules of play by instinct. Sure, we are driving a locomotive through time and space, and pass by living stars that govern all, called the Judgements, but the spaces we traverse and people we meet and phenomena we witness are not confusing in the slightest. Shrouded in mystery, maybe, but ultimately sensisble if given enough thought. There is not another dimension for us to consider, and impossible geometry wrapping on itself to comprehend, as seen in Manifold Garden. Nay.
On the Judgements, as a side note, I've found them to be an interesting twist in and of themselves: they are intended to be the law-makers that decide what is real in this world, and what is not. Kill, or posses them, and the world will return to a chaotic state, easily a contender for the quintessential Otherland.
One last sample for you to taste would be the city-state of Sigil, the center of all planes in the planar world of Planescape (pardon the tautology!). Also an earthly world in many ways, it departs from tradition by dabbling in the ideas of interplanar travel, and whole planes of existence drifting from place to place depending on the belief of its denizens. Name me a single spiral-shaped medieval town suspended miles in the air:
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I hope my criteria is now clear, or clear-er, better still if as a day. A Near-Earth has some of its fundamental laws thrown away, or meddled with, but there is always at least some foundation identical to that of an Earth-like.
Enter the Wild
In the end, I had a choice to make; a choice of three options, all of which bore pros and posed cons. Weighing all of them took me several restless nights, about a week in total, and some creative encouragement from a colleague, who suggested I turn to Sunless Skies-esque worlds for inspiration: islands floating in the sky, nurturing islanders and their peculiar settlements. I fell in love with the idea in a heartbeat, and on and on I went searching for references. It implied to me a Near-Earth, and all the marks of distinguishment I outlined before for other archetypes pointed to Near-Earths as the perfect fit for my world.
I settled for a few points of reference, among them...
Variably-sized islands and quasi-continents of Dragon Hungers, complete with pocket cultures and hosts of creatures that dwell there:
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"Outdated" and outlandish means of transportation between the islands, like airships or fire-breathing dragons, a la Sunless Skies:
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Celestial bodies of Treasure Planet, like black holes or nebulas, making an appearance, though toned down a bit to ditch some of their more destructive and lethal properties. A black hole wouldn't spaghettify you in the blink of an eye, but falling into one will nonetheless bring a swift (albeit not quite so fast and unavoidable) end to your career:
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What they amounted to, ultimately, is an amalgamation of varied islands, some as big as a continent, others as small as my balcony, and all sporting ecosystems never-before-seen on most other islands. They are suspended in the sky, fortunate to have a man-friendly atmosphere, with a devilish twist I'd rather keep a secret for the time being.
Wannabe heroes make their living sailing through this sky aboard mighty airships or fire-breathing dragons (among many other means of transportation), from one island and on to the next, undertaking quests and accepting commissions from the locals to earn themselves some sustenance. It's a floating world of vagabonds, gallivanters, and legends-in-the-making.
OR! Those same gallivanters may find a particular island, or spot upon on the island, very tempting to settle on. Indeed, if they so desire, players would be able to adopt a sedentary lifestyle, and see what the wilds beyond the comfort of their heart might bring one treacherously blissful morning...
Us locals have entitled this universe the Wild. Enter at your own risk, traveller, for you may never return. This theme seemed to me like a good middle-ground between all the problems I've outlined reviewing archetypes:
Scope was confined to the typical bounds of an island. Some are bigger than others, no doubt, but all of them are a far cry from the usual dimensions of a continent. A narrow scope, as such, is a scope amiable to developers limited in number, or readiness to tackle an enormous landmass.
Narrowed scope in turn shortens the distance one must travel to leave one point of interest for another. We're feeding two birds with one scone -- there is no need for us, as developers, to fill up the lands betwixt with something for you to do, and you won't have to drag yourself through an overstretchesd piece of half-arsed (pardon my French) filler to finally reach the objective that caught your eye in the first place.
At last, as my colleague pointed out, islands in space are capital. Done before to be sure, that road has been travelled many times (and so were most others), but it is still the Earth-likes that proudly keep at the victorious spree as the dominant archetype among the developers. A Near-Earth to me felt like a fair and much-wanted change of scenery, for once in a blue moon.
A floating world shattered into many habitable pieces by far imposes so many more factors upon the cultures, languages, civilisation, technology, and nature of the wild, that to turn it down in favour of an all-too-researched Earth-like world seemed a lazy way out the massive creative problem, I think, many people of letters and pencil and other trades would be thrilled to approach.
P.S. I do realise all my scribbled judgements are arbitrary, and the lines separating Near-Earth from Earth-likes, from Otherlands, is apparently fine, and entirely subjective. These are little more than my five cents; my five thoughts on the subject, and I personally found grouping these worlds into archetypes a good "bookmark" that I've used and will likely come back to designing my own worlds. Peace.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 26 Roundup
You wanna hear something disturbing?  There are TWELVE WEEKS LEFT in this round of the BBB!  AMAZING AND FRIGHTENING.
And you get the very first whisper of this news... next weekend (October 17th) we will be having another Discord party!  More info to come about that...
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Title: On the watch Collaborator: Menatiera Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - BAMF Bucky Ship: background Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Winter on a mission, Bucky and Winter are separate personalities, happy ending Summary: The Winter Soldier takes his missions seriously. This Mark shouldn't cause any troubles. And then he does. Word Count: 3427
Title: The One Death Left Behind Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 – “Dyin’ ain’t so bad.” Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: assassination, death, introspection, angst Summary: Bucky Barnes has had just about every kind of experience with death that there could possibly be. Except one. Word Count: 850
Title: Making Waves Collaborator: hddnone Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Arranged Marriage Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Creature fic, octoBucky & merTony, allusions to sex & public sex Summary: Tony and Bucky come up with an unconventional plan to escape Tony's arranged marriage. Word Count: 1106
Title: Reveal on skin Collaborator: Menatiera Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B3 - Team dynamics Ship: Stuckony Rating: Gen Major Tags: cursed!Tony, moodboard Summary: Moodboard and summary. Villain of the Week casts a curse on Tony to “reveal his true nature on his skin”. Instead of horrors, though, Tony’s hands start to resemble the night sky with thousands of stars. Word Count: 363
Title: Art: Fireworks Collaborator: dreaminglypeach Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y5 - star watching Ship: Stucky Rating: Ten Major Tags: pre-war, pre-serum Steve, fireworks, fluff, art Summary: Steve and Bucky and fireworks
Title: Sight Collaborator: Menatiera Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C2 - [picture of Steve and Bucky standing next to each other] Ship: Stuckony Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard, retired!steve, blind!steve, happy!steve Summary: Steve goes blind and retires - much to his boyfriends Tony’s and Bucky’s bafflement. Word Count: 222
Title: air and space Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: C1 - Mistaken Identity Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Identity Issues, Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Memory, Smithsonian, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Whumptober 2020, alt. 9 memory loss Summary: “He was smaller,” he breathed to himself, forgetting for a brief moment that one of the cardinal rules of any mission was to make sure that he didn’t make any noise.-A man visits the Smithsonian. Word Count: 2027
Title: Is It Better to Have Loved and Lost? Collaborator: Purple_ducky00 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - Rescue Mission Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: Graphic Violence, Torture, Gore(?), Kidnapping, Not Really Character Death (assumed), Angst, Hopeful Ending Summary: Tony was kidnapped, and Bucky goes to rescue him. It doesn't all go according to plan this time. Word Count: 846
Title: The Curious Witch and the Cursed Wolf - Chapter 1: A Man and A Wolf Collaborator: riotwritesthings Link: AO3 Square Filled: C2 - AU: medieval/fantasy Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: fantasy AU, witch!Tony, wolf!Bucky, fairytale vibes, Non-graphic injury Summary: Once upon a time there was a man, and a wolf. They both went into the forest looking for different things, and instead they found each other. Word Count: 1288
Title: Breaking Free Collaborator: shadow-ravin Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - AU: Supervillain Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Supervillain, podfic included, Podfic Length: 0-10 Minutes Summary: Bucky breaks free of Hydra before the movies. Hydra tells the world he is the villain. Word Count: 419
Title: To Love Every Peace Of You Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Kink: BODY WORSHIP Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Angst and Fluff, Body Worship (Kink), Clowns, Idiots In Love, mentioned PTSD Summary: James Bucky Barnes and Tony Stark have been together for several months. But somehow they haven't gotten intimate in bed yet. Some miscommunication could be the reason for it. Oh, and Tony's birthday is around the corner, meaning James needs to come up with a present. Thankfully, the villain of the week gives him the perfect idea. Word Count: 4080
Title: To Be Warm Collaborator: darter-blue Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Huddling for Warmth Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: Bucky Barnes Recovering, Fluff, Huddling for Warmth, Sharing a bed, Getting Together Summary: It's cold. Like, ridiculously cold. And Bucky is awake - partly because his brain just won't shut off tonight, and partly because the comforter, the blanket, the other blanket and the three pairs of socks he's wearing are just not enough to keep the cold out. Bucky hates the cold. Back living with Steve and finding his way to recovery, Bucky just wants to be warm... and it just so happens that the warmest place in the apartment is in Steve's bed - right up next to Steve, the human furnace... But does Bucky have it in him to crawl in next to Steve and borrow some of that warmth? Will Steve let him? Will it turn out that Steve has wanted Bucky there all along? For my Bucky Barnes Bingo Square: K1/ Huddling for warmth Word Count: 1015
Title: in the woods somewhere Collaborator: nightwideopen Link: AO3 Square Filled: B5 - Bucky/Natasha/Clint Ship: Bucky/Natasha/Clint Rating: Mature Major Tags: several mentions of death & suicidal ideation/attempts, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Past Character Death, Magical Realism, Dark Fairy Tale Elements Summary: The only thing Clint cares about is the aching sadness in his bones that won't go away, and that one way or another, the witch can help him.And if that means feeding him to a feral snarling beast, then so be it. Word Count: 2271
Title: Emotional Complications - Chapter 1 Collaborator: TiBun Link: AO3 Square Filled: - Major Injuries Ship: Steve/Bucky/Clint Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Major Character Death, violence, ABO, explicit sexual content Summary: Clint was hurting. He'd lost the love of his life, and suddenly life wasn't something he wanted to participate in as he kept himself locked away from the outside world. Steve hated seeing Clint like that and reached out, hoping to be enough to help the archer experience some of the good in life once more. Neither of them ever expected to see Bucky again. Word Count: 8709
Title: Modify, Babe. Collaborator: fightingforcreativity Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K3 - Kink: BODY MODEFICATION Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: DARK, not cap friendly, not avengers friendly, Rhodey is a good bro, Pepper is a good bro, Bucky POV,  Body Modification (Kink) Summary: Word Count:
Title: After a Long Day Collaborator: saganarojanaolt Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U1 - Lingerie Kink Ship: None Rating: Mature Major Tags: art, nsfw Summary: Bucky art
Title: Stop Me if You've Heard This One Before Collaborator: Faustess Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Vulnerability Ship: pre-Bucky/Tony/Steve Rating: Teen Major Tags: Anxiety, Angst (with a happy ending) Summary: An artist, a super-soldier, and a billionaire walk into a bar - you haven't heard this one yet, have you? Tony Stark, recently divorced dad, head of Stark Industries' R&D department, and Iron Man, has been lonely. Rhodey's the best co-parent anyone could ask for, but he's moving on... and Tony's lonely. Bucky Barnes was pulled out of the ice almost five years ago. Even now, he's still not comfortable with the celebrity that goes along with being Captain America. And it's isolating being both younger than your teammates and at least 3 generations older. Bucky's lonelier than he'd ever thought possible. Steve Rogers made a name for himself as a graphic designer and illustrator - good with both digital apps and hand-drawn sketches. But romantically, there may as well be tumbleweeds and dust in his bedroom - it's that close to a ghost town. It's hard to be taken seriously, though when you're 5'4" and 100 lbs soaking wet... and that's a lonely life. So a better way to phrase this would be: three lonely hearts walk into a bar to see what they can find. Word Count: 4007
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This is a post that I both love and hate writing every year. Love, because: I get to list all the things I could possibly ever want. Hate, because: I never know if I want something bad enough to ask for it. Either way: here’s my Christmas wish list!
1. Books
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1. Adequate Yearly Progress: the title alone does it really. The story makes it sound even better. (Goodreads)
2. Yuval Noah Harari: because, you know: science. And knowledge. All things I’m pretty darn fond of. And also, apparently these books are written very well! (Sapiens – Homo Deus – 21 Lessons)
3. All Out: The No-Longer Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout The Ages: do I even need to explain this? These stories sound fascinating – and also: they need to be heard. (Goodreads)
4. Ogre Enchanted: I loved Ella Enchanted, so it’s only natural that I want to read the prequel as well, right? (Goodreads)
5. The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out Of The Window And Disappeared: fun fact: I almost bought another book by the same author on three. different. occasions. Anyways, this one sounds interesting too :p (Goodreads)
6. Sex with the Queen; Sex with Kings: because history. And scandal. What else do you need? (Queen – King)
7. The Clockmaker’s Daughter: I need to read more historical fiction but it’s often quite expensive to buy myself? So, you know – I want someone to give it to me. As one does. (Goodreads)
8. Crazy Rich Asians: I don’t want to watch it until I’ve read it. So I need to read it. But it’s an entire series. So I need to be gifted it. (Goodreads)
9. The Next Person You Meet In Heaven: I loved the first part of this series. And every other book by Mitch Albom I’ve ever read. Really, everything points towards me liking this one. (Goodreads)
2. Utensils
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1. Brita Water Filter: we already have the filter jug, but, honestly… With how much water I drink? We need the big guns. (Amazon)
2. Bottles: see above, really! (Amazon)
3. Glass Storage Boxes: I love cooking. Particularly in large batches. But I don’t have enough storage to then save the food in. Or, if I’m being honest, enough closets to store the storage boxes in. But still – I want all the things! (4-part or 6-part set)
4. Pots and pans: they’re so pretty. And they’re blue. And there’s so many of them! (Blue set – Grill pan)
5. Electric Fondue: this might be because it’s Christmas and every year either around Christmas or on New Year’s Eve, we do fondue or gourmet. And I always have to borrow the parents’ set. I need to stop doing that – and get someone to give it to me instead! (Amazon)
6. Fat Separator: I just like gadgets. That’s all the reason I need for this. (Amazon)
3. Randoms
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1. Face Cleanser: because acne. And stress. And I need this.(Amazon)
2. Juicer: Because juices. And stress. And I need this. (Amazon)
3. Purse: I just have a problem – I like purses. It’s the only thing, apart from kitchen utensils and books, I don’t think I will ever have enough of. (Individual – Set of 3)
4. Watch: do you know how many times a day I have to ask someone else what time it is? Because I can’t find my phone? (I probably should get on that as well) But still, I would be so much better a friend (or at least a less complaining one) if I just had a watch. Can someone give me this already? (Amazon)
Sooooo… That’s my wish list. Fun fact, when I was asked to send through my actual wish list? I thought of three books. That’s it. Why can I only ever think of gifts when I don’t need them?
Anyways, what’s on your Christmas wishlist this year? I actually have one extra thing: for you to go check out the rest of this year’s blogmas-posts as well as all the rest of my Christmas content! (gotta get those views up :p )
My Christmas Wish List This is a post that I both love and hate writing every year. Love, because: I get to list all the things I could possibly ever want.
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oceanusborealis · 4 years
Video Game Review – XCOM: Chimera Squad
Video Game Review – XCOM: Chimera Squad
TL;DR – it is a game that is something old (The XCOM Setting) and something new (living rather than waring), something borrowed (SWAT mechanics), and something blue (the face of any enemy who just discovered Torque)   Score – 4 out of 5 stars
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Review – If there is one studio that is the king of turn-based strategy games it would be Firaxis Studios. While they are probably better known for their…
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dherzogblog · 6 years
Hey everyone. Welcome back. In a break with tradition I expanded this year’s playlist well beyond the 80 minute limit of a CD.  in addition, and let’s be honest here, I did have some extra time on my hands to listen to music in 2017. So for your listening (and reading ) pleasure I present 1 hour and 50 minutes of the good stuff from the past year. I know, I know, it’s a lot. So is this blog for anyone who actually tries to read it. I’ll promise to try and get it back under control next year, but in the meantime…. enjoy! PS- Click on the bold type below for the music, extras and surprises.
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Ride with Me- The Mavericks My theme song for 2017. This year was all about travel and figuring out what I was going to when I grow up. I checked ALL the boxes on the travel end, while the latter remains a work in progress. As the year began and I found myself “unencumbered”, I literally told Noreen to keep her bags packed. A few weeks later the always dependable Mavericks echoed my thoughts with this tune singing: “I gotta go… a whole world to see. So pack your bags up baby, Come along and ride with me “. And ride we did. From Havana to The Grand Canyon, Tokyo to Tel Aviv,  Motown to Muscle Shoals and many places in between, It was trains, planes, and automobile’s across thousands of miles with Noreen and as well as some good friends. It was nothing but good times, and I was so grateful for the opportunity.
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No Particular Place To Go- Chuck Berry In 1973 a concert film entitled “Let The Good Times Roll” was released. It was a document of the then popular Richard Nader Rock & Roll revival shows that filled Madison Square Garden regularly. The film featured performances by Bo Diddley, Little Richard, Fats Domino, The Shirelles, and Chuck Berry. It was an era of great popularity for the vintage rock sounds of the 50′s. American Graffiti, Happy Days, Sha Na Na, and even The Beach Boys had helped usher in a “oldies” music revival. It was “retro” and” throwback” before  anyone coined those terms. And it proved that music that was once considered disposable as well as the exclusive domain of pimply teenagers had true enduring appeal. At the time Chuck Berry was riding the wave of his somewhat regrettable “My Ding A Long” novelty single. That song, as well as the 50’s/60’s revival in general is probably what got my 12 year old self into the theater. It was incredible to watch Little Richard climb all over the stage in a frenzy, his androgynous image predating Bowie, and his frenzied stage antics providing a blue print for Prince. Then there was Bo Diddley all in black, strutting the stage with his signature guitar chugging like a freight train, and Chuck Berry duck walking the crowd into a frenzy, it all had me mesmerized. Upon seeing the film, I was so blown away I went back to see it a second time just days later. It was the only way to see it again back then. The acts were all well past their prime and were considered mere “oldies” acts at the time. Berry was not yet 50. (He wouldn’t have been old enough to play Desert Trip) For me, it was a crash course in rock history helping me understand and process almost everything I heard after.
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Champagne Corolla- Justin Townes Earle More Songs About Cars And Girls. JTE covers a lot of ground on this outing. He’s 8 albums into his career, and stepping out of the long shadow of his father. 
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How to Boil An Egg- Courtney Barnett One off single from Australian singer songwriter making her return to the list. More messy, jangly musings on Millenial angst. She returned later in the year with a full length album with in partnership with Kurt Vile.
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On The Rock- Bash & Pop Speaking of jangly and messy, Replacement Tommy Stinson delivers one of my favorite songs of the year. Good fun.
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Bad Art and Weirdo Ideas (Quiet Slang)- Beach Slang The original version of this song appeared on the songs/15 list. James Alex the band’s leader starting touring under the moniker Quiet Slang last year. This EP contains some remakes as well as covers recorded in a “Quiet Slang” setting that includes strings. I loved this song the first time around, and even more so now.
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Slow Me Down- Jess Ware  This year’s model. Yet another of the UK’s seemingly endless supply of soulful female vocalists. I love a good torch ballad.
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Brand New Me- Aretha Franklin and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra I’m normally suspect of these types of projects. Too gimmicky. Messing with these seminal records borders on sacrilege, But it being Lady Soul, along with some of my very favorite songs I gave a listen. Pairing classic Aretha vocals with brand new backing from London’s Royal Philharmonic Orchestra  these reboots seem to reach for something else. Imagine them as part of an Aretha Franklin Broadway jukebox musical or the lush soundtrack to an Aretha biopic.  And while this particular cut doesn’t have the low key swing of the original, it does have it’s own big, brassy charm. Cinematic orchestration aside, these Aretha vocals remain stone cold classics in any settings. 
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At The Breaking Point- Zeshan B Remarkable debut from an Indian Muslim soul singer out of Chicago. The album, recorded in Memphis, is a mixture of obscure R&B , and retro feel originals expertly capturing a mid sixties soul vibe. Sung in three different languages , including Punjabi, the disc also features a great rendition of George Perkins Civil rights song “Cryin In The Streets”
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Feeling Alive- Earl St. Clair This young man from Alabama delivers a positive and upbeat message in a modern R&B setting. Plus, I am totally down with the sentiment: “My friends say I should live a little, gotta say yes more”. From his gospel influenced singing to the fiddle heard near the end, their are echos of the deep south felt throughout.
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Sweet Love- Wizkid Slinky exotic riddims from this Nigerian hip hop artist
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Skin and Bone- Phil Cook I don’t know much about this guy. From north Carolina by way of Wisconsin. His previous record (this was a one off single) was mostly performed in an acoustic country blues/gospel vein. This track reminds me of a late era Sly Stone groove meeting conscious hip hop. The message is right on time, so “clap your hands”.
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Birds Of A Feather, We Rock Together- Vulfpeck Vulpeck are back with all their funky, eclectic, quirky charm intact. You not be be able to get the title refrain out of your head after hearing it once. 
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Brutal- the Expanders “Man say it brutal out deh”. Perfect description for the world at large in 2017. This Southern California unit specializes in rekindling the spirit of 70’s roots reggae, specifically the unique sounds of the eras classic vocal trios. This is a faithful remake of the Itals track from 1981. Original Ital Ronnie Davis died earlier this year. 
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Ladies Nite- Bootsy Collins It’s ladies night in America folks. Bootsy always knows what time it is. O.G.Funk style.
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My Old School- Steely Dan (Walter Becker) When I got to college in the fall of 1977, Steely Dan’s Aja was just about to hit record shops. It was an immediate smash upon being released. Prior to that release I knew their pop hits, but not the LP’s to a large degree. I really loved Aja. I was a big jazz funk fan and it had a lot of that influence. Later that school year, during the blizzard of 78, I have vivid memories of that record blasting from nearly every dorm room stereo and radio as we were cooped up for days on end. My next door neighbor in the dorm (from Worcester/“"Woostah" Mass) was a true Steely Dan fanatic. He considered Aja a bit of a sell out on their part.  He insisted I listen to the 5 albums in their catalogue that proceeded it. So I did, borrowing from his collection one LP at a time. I liked them all, especially the magnificent Katy Lied. But the song that always stayed with me was My Old School. A funky (and and not a bit bitter) anthem with a blast of horns straight from E Street topped off with an unforgettable sing a long chorus. As of this printing the Becker estate is now suing Fagen. California might fall into the sea just yet, and but no one is gong back to their old school.
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Heart Of The City- Los Straitjackets In 17 years I’m not sure I’ve ever included a rock instrumental. Los Straitjackets remain the premier purveyors of that long forgotten genre. On their latest the band tackle’s the great Nick Lowe’s canon. Super rockin fun all the way through.
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Jackpot- Nikki Lane Stylish Nashville rebel with a great voice, rolls the dice and comes with a twangy and rocking winner
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A Little Pain- Margo Price A slice of country soul heaven from alt country’s it girl.
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Living In The City- Hurray For The Riff Raff On her latest outing band leader Alynda Lee Segarra embraces her Bronx bred Hispanic roots moving ever so slightly away from the alt country sound of previous albums. This track splits the difference nicely. 
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Here Comes My Girl- Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers I vividly remember both the first time I saw Tom Petty perform, as well as the last time. The first was in Madison Square Garden as part of a tremendous line up at one of The No Nukes Shows headlined by Bruce Springsteen. The under card was pretty strong that night. Bonnie Raitt, Peter Tosh, and Gil Scott- Heron. I was a fan of all the acts and had seen them all play live, save Petty. I was not sure what to expect from Petty that night. At that time he had three songs garnering airplay and scratching the Top 40. There was the Byrds like “American Girl”, the AOR ready “Breakdown”, and the taught, urgent energy of  “I Need to Know”. That track had me wondering if The Heartbreakers might just be another skinny tie band. In addition there was the slight confusion because punk rocker Johnny Thunders band was also named The Heartbreakers . So I wasn’t exactly sure what I was about to see. His short dispelled any notions of a the act being new wave flash in the pan. It was clear Petty was more straight ahead rock classicist. The release of Damn The Torpedoes just a few weeks later would confirm that. Petty had arrived and was thrust onto the charts and into the big leagues. I was never a huge fan. I loved the best albums and ignored the others. I never found him a great live performer, but always left his shows happy. The songs were great and the band was top notch. Somehow despite his nuanced low key approach he became an unlikely MTV video star. He made continually great clips and they dominated the channel. Despite that, he never did promotions and contests, was rarely interviewed, and his managers did not work us nearly as much as his superstar peers. He toured regularly and always seemed to have a clip in rotation. He was the every man rock star, not bigger than life, not overly political, just writing great songs, hanging with The Wilbury’s and doing his thing. It felt like he was was always there, but he never was. A huge star, yet somehow in the shadows. Hence I rarely ever came face to face. My one memory is standing on stage at Live Aid next to him, and then Heartbreaker drummer Stan Lynch as they waited like anxious school boys to see the reunited Led Zeppelin. They could not have been more excited, anxiously awaiting the set to begin. The band hit the stage and started too play. It was a disaster, just awful. Half way through the second song Petty threw Lynch a sour look. In a flash they were gone, back to the artist compound. They could not bear to watch. I saw Petty perform for the last time just ten days before he passed. I was in the first row at The Hollywood Bowl. Early on I remarked to my wife “He doesn’t look good” (although truthfully, did he ever?). His energy seemed good, and his demeanor upbeat, but he was pasty and wan. He stumbled crossing the stage a few times, took some quiet puff of a cigarette hidden on the drum riser. And he was doing a weird thing with his mouth/lips/teeth. But honestly my reaction was not unlike running into a friend you haven’t seen in a bit where they did not look their best. Like everyone else, I was shocked when I heard the news. When all is said and done for me, it was the songs. Lyrics clear and concise, monster melodic hooks, classic influences and great production.  Petty had a chip on his shoulder for sure, but it fueled the hope, ambition, and longing in his best songs and allowed him to achieve pop perfection over and over.
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Gentle On My Mind- Glen Campbell 1968. I listened to what ever WABC played on the radio. Around that time there were three sappy and saccharine pop hits that always managed to make my cynicism free, nine year old heart ache with melancholy. The country soul of “O.C Smith’s. “Little Green Apples”, the maudlin mush of Bobby Goldsboro’s “Honey”, and the gorgeous,”Gentle on My Mind”. 1968 turned dark quickly with the assassination of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy, the simmering controversy around the Vietnam War, and a divisive presidential election. The bright sunlight of The Summer Of Love disappeared as quickly, as did this type of 60′s pop (and psychedelia for that matter). Campbell continued to write mainstream and country hits, star in his own prime tine TV series (”Hello, I’m Glen Campbell!”), and later become tabloid fodder with his drama and drug fueled marriage to country bad girl Tanya Tucker. All of this conspiring to obscure the fact that he was a truly a tremendous songwriter and performer. I was moved recently watching the heartbreaking documentary “I’ll Be Me” which chronicles his battle with Alzhiemers on his final tour. Its well worth a watch and adds to the story of this somewhat overlooked legend.
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Tupelo- Jason Isbell and The 400 Unit Beautiful ballad from the ex Drive By Trucker. A great album overall as well.
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Transformation- Van Morrison If this sounds familiar, that’s probably the point. This track echoes back to Van’s great mid 70′s albums. It’’s smothered in enough tupelo honey, crazy love and  celtic soul to turn on your electric light and send you into the mystic. I’m gonna guess you’re all ok with that.
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Midnight Rider- Allman Brothers Band  (Greg Allman) CLICK HERE for my earlier Greg Allman post (REVISED AND UPDATED)
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Find Yourself- Lukas Nelson and The Promise of The Real Willie’s son and band fresh off the road deliver a promising set. This southern soul track recalls classic’s like William Bell’s “I Forgot to Be Your Lover”, and Delaney and Bonnie’s version of “Everybody Loves A Winner. That plus the pedigree gets my interest. Willie clearly raised him right.
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 What Would I Do- Lizz Wright The elegant and soulful Lizz Wright delivers plenty of grace on her latest set of well chosen covers like this Ray Charles gem.
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Have You Heard Anything From The Lord Today- Cody Chestnutt Elusive and genre hopping Cody Chestnutt returns with only his fifth album in over 15 years.  Better known within the industry than out, he always delivers something interesting. This time it’s a little bit of a little bit of faith.
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Not Dark Yet- Shelby Lynne& Alison Moorer Two of country’s finest voices, and sisters, finally team up for an entire album. This is one of my very favorite latter day Dylan tunes, and they sing it beautifully. I was haunted by their version the very first time I heard it and have played it quite a bit since. I’ve always interpreted the lyrics to be the final reflections of someone getting ready to meet their maker. As 2017 brought some very tough days, there were times I couldn’t help thinking of it as a reflection of the state of our union and the planet. “It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there” I thought to myself once too often. Here’s to a better 2018. Here’s the whole thing on Spotify: songs/17 The Herzogs wish you and all of yours the very best. Look forward to seeing you in the new year. xo dh Los Angeles, December 2017
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luminousalicorn · 7 years
Is there a way somewhere to find all the Amenta-involving glowfic stories? You mentioned like we're made of starlight and in color before, but now another one's been mentioned too. Are there more?
There’s a bunch.  They’re not organized because I suck at using the setting field on the glowfic site.  Amenta appears in longform continuity Silmaril, in the threads titled “you’ve seen them all” and “stupid rainbow people”, and is implicitly background present in further peal threads.  I will just catalogue Amenta threads other than that so far for you right here to atone for my metadata sins.  I apologize for the forthcoming Taylor Swift earworms.
like we’re made of starlight - Space Elves find Amenta in their own contiguous universe.  They land in Tapa, because it has the prettiest buildings.
in color - @lintamande‘s Fëanorian characters are instantiated native to Amenta in the country of Anitam.  No crossover; completes an arc.
have ten kids and teach them how to dream - Space Elves find Amenta in their own contiguous universe.  This time Calado has the prettiest buildings instead.  Calado is a dumpster fire.
like a thief in the day - Characters from my variant Cosel setting lands on Anitam.
are we out of the woods yet - @lintamande‘s Andalites (as seen in Silmaril) crash on Amenta.  Branches from the timeline of in color afer 3425.
blue like I’d never known - Set decades before any other Amenta thread, a young blue finds a portal to a standard-issue Valinor in her wardrobe.
all the colors of the wind - @maggiedeshiboux​‘s characters appear in Anitam.  Branches from the timeline of in color in 3423.
blue blooded - @scientiststhesis‘s character, branching from I can’t keep track, appears in Amenta, I don’t remember if this one branches from the in color timeline.
I could show you incredible things - A Milliways pileup thread.  (Milliways is a convention of the genre and means we can keep adding crossover whenever we get stuck.)  Branches from Silmaril at “defy your limitations” and from in color in 3423.
you belong with me - Branches from Silmaril at “there’s a way” and from in color in 3428 and from like we’re made of starlight at the same place where it’s currently stalled.
in a storm in my best dress - Not sure when this is set but it’s an Evenstar character alted native to Anitam.
something borrowed something blue - @curiosity-discoverer-of-worlds‘s characters appear in Anitam in late 3422.
do not befoul us - @shitifindon‘s characters find Amenta within their (...sorta) contiguous universe.  They fuck it up less than Elves.
if the spirit so moves me - Verrrrry sloooooow thread where Peka (a Tapai red of mine) appears in Eclipse with @inquisitivefeminist‘s characters.
ethnic cleansing - @scientiststhesis‘s character (an alt of the blue blooded one) appears in Voa in early 3422.
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lescargotdesign · 7 years
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Live From The Kitchen Disco Vol.38       
The monthly event "Live From The Kitchen Disco" will be held at Restaurant Papera in Shinjuku-Gyoenmae, Tokyo, on Sunday, July 16th. This month’s Kitchen Disco stars are Rich Loffman (English solo indie/alt rock), Ian Gronow (British solo acoustic folk pop), Manami Nix (Japanese solo acoustic passion), Parallel Lives (International acoustic duo) and Miniminx (Classic, original, British-styled pop music in the vein of Madness, the Kinks and The Squeeze.).
Live From The Kitchen Disco showcases the talents of both Japanese and overseas musicians active on the Tokyo independent music scene. Each show features five to six bands or solo artists. The cosmopolitan atmosphere is complimented by the international audience and restaurant staff.
This is a special edition which will cerebrate the wedding of Manami Nix, one of the musicians performing, and the whole gig will be the wedding after party for her and her husband, Stephen Nix.  
L'escargot Design Office creates all of the posters for Live From The Kitchen Disco. I used "something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue" in the poster for this special Kitchen Disco, with lots of love for 'Mana' who has often shown us her amazing performance.
"Something Old" is the tins from one of our Kitchen Disco posters in 2015. "Something New" is the ring next to Mana's name, which is a material I bought recently.
For "Something Borrowed", I asked illustrator Mii Yoshii to lend me her work as the background illustration. I collaged her illustration, a car driving on the road in the woods, and the tins, and create the scene of newlyweds going on their honeymoon.  
Then for "Something Blue" is simply the word 'Just married!" right under the title.
Although it is the wedding after party, every one, including people who don't know them is welcome. Please come and enjoy this magical evening of music and romance.
—————————— Live From The Kitchen Disco Vol.38 on Sunday, July 16th Doors open: 6pm. Show: 6:30-10:00pm. Restaurant closes at 11pm Admission is FREE. All ages welcome
Guests are asked to order one item from the menu (Snacks from 350 yen, alcohol from 550 yen). No minimum charge.
Please try to support all of the musicians by watching the whole show. The Kitchen Disco is a NON-SMOKING event. There is an ashtray outside the restaurant in the entrance hall. -------------------------------- Tokyo Weekender Tokyo Cheapo read more about Live From The Kitchen Disco. ---- http://www.lescargotdesign.com/en
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talesfromafork · 7 years
Everything I had researched about Udo Island made it seem so pure and scenic with its crystal clear blue waters and natural beauty. Visiting an isolated islet felt romantic, even when embarking on a solo trip for the day. (Mike was off hiking Mount Hallasan, a shield volcano.)
Caught in a Tourist Trap
However, when I got to Udo Island, it wasn’t isolated at all. It was overcrowded and noisy from the public bus and ferry ride there to the attractions along the outer trail of the island. My skin started to crawl with discomfort as I wanted nothing more than to escape the tourist traps of the so-called isolated island. How spoiled rotten was my attitude? After all, I was lucky enough to be in Korea.
– Pin now, read later! –
This need to escape happened the second I got on the hop-on, hop-off bus (₩8,000). I chose this option thinking that the 90°F (32°C) heat and my lack of health would make it quite exhausting to explore the island on a bike, and I didn’t have a license to get a scooter or quad, but obviously I picked the wrong mode of transportation for myself. As the bus drove towards the first tourist attraction on the island, I stared out the window wistfully wishing that I was riding through the peanut fields in open air and able to capture them without the reflection of a scratched glass pane.
I got off the first stop at the black sand beach excited to be off the bus but was very underwhelmed quickly. The beach was littered, and there were hordes of people around waiting in line for peanut ice cream and taking selfies rather than enjoying the view. I didn’t even bother going down to the beach based on how it looked and joined the crowd for peanut ice cream as the peanuts are locally produced in Udo Island. #wheninrome The ice cream was good but overhyped.
After that, I went back to the bus stop hoping that the next attraction would be better but ended up having to wait 30 minutes in line for the next bus because of a traffic jam in such a small area. I was both amused at seeing people in their scooters and quads not being able to get around the traffic and frustrated that I wasn’t able to leave freely. I had a battle going on in my head between the selfish, whiny voice who wasn’t happy with the ever-so-lucky opportunity of being in Udo Island versus my self trying to be the better person.
My selfish, whiny self won!
Once the bus finally pulled in, I rode it around the whole island. I sat there while everyone else was getting on and off. The bus driver kept looking at me like I didn’t know what was going on, but in the end, I got exactly where I wanted to go to– back to the beginning!
The Electric Bike Saves the Day
Then I found the best mode of transportation for me– an electric bike! I didn’t need a license and wouldn’t have to exert much energy to get around. Win-win. I put on my yellow helmet, which the store owner called cute, and “sped” off. I had complete freedom of where I could go now and was so much happier!
I skipped the tourist attractions listed on the map and went into the center of Udo Island where people live and no restaurants or tourist attractions exist. My mood changed instantly.
With a slight breeze on my face from biking, the sun shining on my back, and wide, open roads with no one around, I was in my element.
If you’re curious, I’m wearing a Seafolly bathing suit.
The Lesser Seen Side of Udo Island
Biking around was quite tranquil. I stopped and stared at whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Isn’t that one of the perks of traveling by yourself?
I checked out the agricultural fields, weaved in and out of small dirt roads, and even found myself in awe of these pretty average rock walls.
I loved the different colored rooftops of these homes around the island. They added a spark of personality to the neighborhoods.
When I saw that flag, I got a bit prideful about standing in the country that my parents and grandparents came from.
I especially loved watching these ajjumas (old women) planting peanuts. It made me wonder if this is what my grandma did in Korea, and sure enough, she did. When I went back to New York City, I showed my grandma all my photos from Korea. She said she used to work in fields like this and noted, “No way do I miss that type of work.”
Because they reminded me of my grandma, and it was something so different than I’m used to as a city girl, I wanted to go over there and ask them if I could help out, but I quickly stopped romanticizing this hard labor and moved on.
I don’t know what it was about to broken home and piece of sh*t mess, but I must’ve been on a high from my bike ride because I thought something about it was quite beautiful.
Towards the end, I finally saw some life besides the field workers– this cow! I also saw Seongsan Ilchulbong from a distance. I had climbed up to the top of this crater formed by volcanic activity right before coming to Udo Island so it was cool to see  from a different perspective.
Lastly, I went to see what I came here for– the pristine blue water at what they call “Popcorn Beach”. Can you see why they would call it that?
I headed back to the ferry for Jeju Island, but before I left, I made sure to get some local peanuts from these hardworking ajjumas as an addition to the stories I would tell him about my day.
They were absolutely smitten with my American-accented Korean and told me how polite I was. I was absolutely smitten with their kindness and their OG field worker status, which you could tell from their skin color.
All in all, I had a wonderful day and am so happy I escape the tourist attractions and found my own path. I hope you do too if you visit Udo Island!
Thanks for stopping by! xo.
Must-Haves for Udo Island
The sun is quite strong, there’s no electricity to borrow, and exploring away from the tourist attractions means less accessibility to water so prepared, and bring all these things I brought!
It’s quite funny about the one-piece though. I was probably the least dressed person there wearing this one-piece bathing suit. Most people in Korea like to be covered fully for sun protection. I definitely knew where they were coming from! The sun was so strong, and I lost my sunscreen so by the end of the day, I had a black long sleeve on to prevent sunburn, which is something I would NOT do in the US or Europe.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Meet the British kids hoping to light up the Bundesliga in the season ahead
The German Bundesliga is quickly gaining a reputation as a finishing school for talented young British players.
Unable to make progress with the first team they crave fast enough in Premier League academies, more and more rising stars are looking for a career boost abroad.
Jusson Sancho of Borussia Dortmund one of the best players in the German top flight last season, of course leads the way.
But who are the other Britons abroad who hope to illuminate the Bundesliga in the coming season?
England star Jadon Sancho enjoyed the excellent 2018-19 season in Borussia Dortmund
Great things were expected from Oxford when he became the youngest debutant of West Ham at the age of 16 years and 198 days in the summer of 2015, but that has not been entirely successful so far.
Several Hammers executives returned the center on loan to gain vital experience, but Oxford never seemed to play more than a handful of games.
However, the 6ft 3-inch defender appeared to lend the Bundesliga in the course of two loan spells in Borussia Mönchengladbach and another in Augsburg towards the end of last season.
Reece Oxford has granted its permanent stay at Bundesliga club Augsburg from West Ham
With opportunities that clearly don't appear at London Stadium quickly, Oxford has made the decision to make a permanent stay in Augsburg.
& # 39; I have felt very comfortable in the city and club for the past six years and now want to take another step in my development in the Bundesliga, "said the 20-year-old at signing.
Although most expect Augsburg to be involved in the relegation battle in the coming season, Oxford will hopefully enjoy a lot of first-team football.
He started his opening game of the season on the Replacement bench when Augsburg traveled to Borussia Dortmund on Saturday.
Oxford was introduced in the second half when Dortmund rioted in Signal Iduna Park, with fellow Englishman Jadon Sancho scoring in a 5-1 win.
Oxford, 20, signs for Augsburg after three loan spells in the German Bundesliga
This was probably one of the most surprising transfers from England to Germany from the summer, as 21-year-old Lookman played 24 times for Everton last season.
The young Englishman, signed with Charlton Athletic in January 2017, became more aware when he scored on his debut in the 4-0 route of Everton from Manchester City.
That was about as good as it got for Lookman in Goodison Park and the player showed a stubborn streak for someone so young when he ignored Sam Allardyce's advice to go on loan to Derby and go to RB Leipzig went.
Ademola Lookman has Everton He left behind and joined RB Leipzig this summer
The winger made a great impression in the Bundesliga, but scored five times in 11 games to prove his right instinct. Leipzig tried to sign him last summer, but got his husband 12 months later.
Meanwhile, Lookman tested the patience of manager Marco Silva, who criticized his desire and tactical discipline.
Now, Lookman has moved for £ 22.5 million and has a clean slate and another opportunity to demonstrate his class to a German audience – and to leave Everton with a few regrets.
Lookman will begin its season on Sunday when Leipzig hosts Eintracht Frankfurt in the Bundesliga.
Ademola Lookman is welcomed back to Leipzig, where he had a successful loan spell
The 18-year-old Welsh defender joined Leipzig for a long-term loan from Chelsea after a new manager Frank Lampard decided he needed more play time
Ampadu did not appear in the Premier League last season under Maurizio Sarri, after he signed a five-year deal in September.
He will hope to see all the changes in the Bundesliga in what is his first loan move from the Stamford Bridge club.
Chelsea has lent their highly rated Welsh Ethan Ampadu
Chelsea fans are excited about the potential of the dreadlocked defender by his brief glimpse of him in cup competition and he will try to play with more playing time.
"My goal this season is to develop as a player, but also to be part of the team and to win something and when I go back to Chelsea I want to win something there," he said.
Chelsea is training their young players on loan and Ampadu is at a club that expects a challenge for the Champions Le places, if not the title.
The 18-year-old Ampadu has signed a one-year deal with Bundesliga club RB Leipzig
LEWIS BAKER (Fortuna Dusseldorf)
While Ampadu is on its way to its first loan period, another Chelsea player is about to starting at the age of eight
Midfielder Lewis Baker, 24, has grown to become Sheffield Wednesday, Milton Keynes Dons, Vitesse Arnhem, Middlesbrough, Leeds United, Reading and now Fortuna Düsseldorf during his young career.
Baker was once one of the smartest talents who entered the club's academy, but still plays only three minutes of football for the first team for the Blues. [1 9459005]
His goal will certainly be to impress enough to earn a permanent move to the Bundesliga in a Fortune side hoping to improve his 10th place last season.
Baker started his season in the perfect possible fashion while playing the full 90 minutes in the 3-1 victory from Düsseldorf to Werder Bremen in the Bundesliga.
The midfielder started in midfield alongside Alfredo Morales, while Düsseldorf was in a 4-2-3-1 formation.
Chelsea borrower Lewis Baker points the way during the opening match of Fortuna Dusseldorf
Last season was a complete disaster for Schalke. Traditionally a club that challenged the Champions League, they flirted with relegation before finally bringing themselves to safety.
With the former Huddersfield manager David Wagner now at the helm, they will be desperate to prevent a repeat and one of
He played 13 times for Everton last season and 25 years before, but clearly had the feeling that somewhere else there was a greater chance.
A seasonal loan in Gelsenkirchen gives the England under-21 international the opportunity to show what he can do
& # 39; I could not & # 39; say no & # 39; To be with such a large club like Schalke means that I will become a better football player, & # 39; Kenny said on arrival.
& # 39; Being away from home means that I will also develop as a person. & # 39;
Wagner mentioned Kenny in his line-up for his trip to Borussia Mönchengladbach on Saturday, with the right back playing the full 90 minutes in a 0-0 draw.
Kenny made eight tackles and completed 64% of his passes on what was a solid opening performance for his new club.
Jonjoe Kenny (right) bombs ahead during 0- 0 Schalke's draw with Monchengladbach
Like Sancho, winger Matondo seemed to conclude that the wealth of Manchester City was from offensive talent would have seen him waiting for quite some time. for a chance of the first team.
It is a reasonable decision to make an 18-year-old, but quite daring, which was sold for £ 9.6 million last January and a four and a half year contract signed.
He has since taken his first steps in German football and played eight times to help Schalke maintain their top fligh status, and will hope to continue this season.
Regular football will certainly justify the decision of the Wales international to take such a leap in confidence, although only 18, and he has enough time at his side.
Matondo was not mentioned in the Schalke boss David Wagner's matchday team because his match went away from Werder Bremen on Saturday 0-0.
Rabbi Matondo on the ball for Schalke during the Bundesliga last season's match with Freiburg
KEANAN BENNETTS (Borussia Monchengladbach)
Coming through the youth ranks in Tottenham, a club just up the road from where he grew up , winger Keanan Bennetts drew comparisons with Gareth Bale.
The expectation was that the teenager would eventually become a Tottenham player who had appeared to be under 23 on his side.
So it came as a surprise when Bennetts decided in the summer of 2018 to join Bundesliga side Borussia Monchengladbach in £ 2m deal.
Keanan Bennetts at the ball during the friendly game of Borussia Monchengladbach with Chelsea
As Bennetts made clear, it was not a particularly important pursuit of him to shine in the Premier League – he just wanted to become professional and play regularly.
Germany was logical because Bennetts was born in Hamburg and has a German mother, so is the fluent use of language. He has also represented England and Germany in youth international ranks.
After spending the last season with Gladbach & # 39; s second team in the Regionalliga West, he will crack the first team of this campaign.
Bennetts was named in Gladbach & matchday squad for the opening game of the season on Saturday at home against Schalke, but did not come in the 0-0 draw.
The fast and skilled winger came through the rows at Spurs before he moved to Germany
LUKAS NMECHA (Wolfsburg)
Nmecha was someone else born in Hamburg, but was established in England after he moved there at a young age. He is currently a player under 21 in Germany, despite having played at the same level for England.
And for the coming season, the 20-year-old attacker will also carry out his trade in the Bundesliga signed for Wolfsburg on loan from Manchester City.
With a breakthrough in the title winning side of City that seems unlikely, Nmecha will hope to build on the games he played last season in the championship with Preston North End and improve on a return of three goals in 41 matches.
It appears that Germany has secured the international loyalty of Nmecha to England after he was chosen in their team for the European Championship under 21 this summer.
Now he has the chance to show a German domestic audience why he is considered such an exciting talent.
The youngster made a promising start in Germany after coming up as a substitute for the second half with three minutes to go from Wolf's Burg & 2-1 victory over FC Koln on Saturday.
Lukas Nmecha in training at Manchester City prior to his move
JADON SANCHO (Borussia Dortmund)
Last but certainly not least we come to Jadon Sancho. The young Englishman lit up the Bundesliga with a storm season in Borussia Dortmund, scored 13 goals and carried a total of 19 assists.
His stellar shape was enough for the 19-year-old to earn his first appearance in England and Sancho looks like a mainstay in Gareth Southgate's side for years to come.
Sancho & # 39; s escape goal to complete the season opening Supercup against Bayern Munich showed that he wants to go again in a season to end with a starring Euro 2020.
Quite a few nice Dortmund to win the Bundesliga this season, breaking the seven-year stranglehold of Bayern and the speed, creativity and deception of Sancho will be central to their title bid.
The winger could not have wished for a better start to the season, as he scored and assisted in Dortmund on Saturday during the 5-1 thrashing of Augsburg.
Sancho scored the second goal from his side of the afternoon with a well-taken finish eight meters, before setting Paco Alcacer for the fourth of Dortmund, after turning on the left and the Augsburg defense bamboo with a series stepovers and shimmies
Jadon Sancho celebrates after scoring in Dortmund & # 39; s 5-1 win over Augsburg on Saturday
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homedevises · 5 years
How Nice House Interior Designs Is Going To Change Your Business Strategies | nice house interior designs
When developer Michael Kirchmann confused from South Africa to New York City as a twenty-something in 1997, he spent his aboriginal few nights in a copse bazaar on Renwick Artery in Tribeca. Now he lives, works and flips absolute acreage in the neighborhood, which has continued aback confused from copse shops and artists’ lofts to condominiums and flush restaurants.
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The 46-year-old affiliated ancestor of two spent 11 years designing appointment barrio in western Europe at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), afore ambience off on his own to begin an architectonics and development close alleged Global Architectonics Strategies (GDSNY) in 2008. While he had originally planned to focus on development, the Abundant Recession waylaid his affairs for a brace years. His baby close rode out the angular years accomplishing architectonics work, including two 34-story ablaze installations for the 2012 London Olympics, the adept plan for a mixed-use development in Bahrain and autogenous architectonics for a restaurant in London. Kirchmann additionally got into designing products, including jets, archetypal motorcycles and Porsches.
Perhaps his better accomplishment has been a gig allowance L M Development Partners body and apple-pie affordable accommodation projects throughout the bristles boroughs. In Far Rockaway, Queens, he revamped a 1,093-unit Section 8 accommodation development, Arverne View, that had been damaged by Superstorm Sandy. His close and OCV Architects came up with the abstraction that they could reclad the facades of the 11 low- and mid-rise barrio with an exoteric insulation system, giving them a new, blooming white-and-gray attending and much-needed insulation from the elements.
The barrio “weren’t cloistral and they leaked,” said Jeffrey Moelis, the development administrator of canning at L M (and accessory to L M co-Founder Ron Moelis). The new bluff panels “solved those problems and accustomed Michael to actualize this [architectural] vision. And [they] accustomed us to do it in a way that helped us accomplish our budget.”
In Brownsville, Brooklyn, Kirchmann teamed up with L M to reimagine the Marcus Garvey Apartments, a townhouse-style residential circuitous with 693 federally subsidized apartments. GDSNY created a new lighting arrangement for the exterior, devised new agriculture for the courtyards in amid the barrio and installed solar panels on the roofs of the sprawling development. As allotment of the bluff renovation, they advised two-story, perforated metal panels that resembled blooming ivy and installed them on tall, light-up panels, which awning attenuated stretches of the facades aloft the doorways on the Marcus Garvey buildings.
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“He absolutely buys into that abstraction that there’s no acumen why bodies who alive in affordable accommodation can’t alive in a admirable place,” Moelis said. “It doesn’t amount a accomplished lot more. If they feel like they’re in a nice place, they’re activity to account it and booty affliction of it. We’ve apparent a big bead in abuse [at Marcus Garvey]. It’s not all attributed to the architecture—there’s beefed up security—but I anticipate bodies are appreciative of area they live, and they don’t appetite their neighbors and guests antibacterial the place.”
Kirchmann estimated that he has completed 20 projects with L M, including the redevelopment of six New York City Accommodation Authority complexes with 875 apartments—Bronxchester Houses in the South Bronx, Saratoga Aboveboard in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, Millbank-Frawley Apartments in axial Harlem, and Campos Plaza in Alphabet City. He additionally brought his artful talents to L M’s four-year-old residential barrio at 1951 Park Avenue in East Harlem, area he created what he calls an 80-foot-long metal “art wall,” with fins of differing base that assume to agitate as one passes by on the animated Metro North tracks.  
But in the accomplished two years, he’s assuredly started to assignment on the affectionate of projects he set out to do added than a decade ago—ground-up buildings. Abutting to the High Line in West Chelsea, GDSNY is amalgam a 10-story, eight-unit affluence address architectonics at 500 West 25th Street. Each high adventure except for the accommodation holds a full-floor, three-bedroom, three-bath accommodation with a clandestine terrace. Asking prices ambit from $5.5 actor for a 2,100-square-foot address on the third attic to $16.9 actor for a four-bedroom, four-bath bifold accommodation advance beyond 4,300 aboveboard feet. The boxlike anatomy cantilevers over the High Line, which Kirchmann considers the best cogent allotment of architectonics in New York City. Its facade, clad in anemic gray Alabama limestone, will borrow architectonics cues from the elevated-freight-line-turned-park. Kirchmann brought in the lighting artisan that formed on the High Line, a French close alleged L’Observatoire, to ability night-time lighting for the exoteric of 500 West 25th. Wrought adamant railings forth the balconies and gold aluminum emphasis panels are additionally declared to adjure the 1920s architectonics and stainless animate railings of the High Line. The developer additionally assassin Swedish-born bounded artery artisan Tony Sjöman, additionally accepted as Rubin, to actualize a geometric board art allotment to beautify the lobby.
“We capital to do article absorbing but not crazy” on West 25th Street, he said. “Our apartments are actual high-end, but they get to the point. We try not to accept any mirrorballs or annihilation blind in the lobby. It’s aloof like apple-pie Scanda-modern blazon stuff.”
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In fact, alive with artists—and creating art of its own—is a big allotment of GDSNY’s business. Afore he adapted a Soho attic architectonics at 25 Mercer Artery into condos, he accustomed British artisan Shantell Martin to draw faces on the walls. (He larboard her assets below the drywall for address owners to acquisition aback they apple-pie their apartments in a decade or two.) He additionally hosted a laser art accession and ball achievement in the building, with lasers by artisan Matthew Schreiber and choreography from Kathryn Boren of the American Ballet Theatre. And in February of aftermost year, he teamed up with an ad bureau to spray-paint a sky-blue and fire-engine red mural featuring aerial seagulls on his development armpit at 10th Avenue on West 25th Street, abutting to the High Line. The mural was allotment of a beyond activity alleged “Wall That Unites,” and was meant to beef Admiral Donald Trump’s planned bound bank with Mexico.
And Kirchmann has assuredly gotten aback to designing new appointment buildings. He and his business partner, Alan Rudikoff, active a 99-year arena charter in April for one of the aftermost abortive sites in NoMad, at 1241 Broadway at the bend of West 31st Street. They plan to body a 170,000-square-foot bazaar appointment building, with Kirchmann’s above administration from SOM administration the design.
T.J. Gottesdiener, a managing accomplice at SOM’s New York City office, is alive carefully with Kirchmann on 1241 Broadway. Aback Gottesdiener met him 15 years ago, Kirchmann was his employee. Now he’s a client, which is “kind of awkward but fun,” Gottesdeiner said. At SOM, “he was tenacious. He’d accept an abstraction and he would accompany it. It’s not a abruptness to me that he went into development.” As a developer, Gottesdiener added, Kirchmann “talks about the art of architecture. You can see his auto axis aback we appearance him the ground-floor amplitude or the lobby. He talks about what he can do to accompany some affectionate of art into the affairs and how bodies will acknowledge to it, how it will be lit at night. [There are] abundant burghal issues that he’s cerebration about.”
Douglas Mass, the admiral of engineering close Cosentini Associates, has accepted Kirchmann aback he started at SOM 21 years ago. The brace aboriginal met while alive on an appointment belfry in Paris for developer Howard Ronson, whose HRO International was a abounding artist of appointment amplitude in Manhattan and western Europe in the 1980s and 1990s. They’ve formed on over 20 bartering projects together, mostly in Paris, London and Germany,  Mass said.
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“I apparently formed on every activity with him at SOM,” the artist explained. “Not too abounding bodies his age or any age accept done 8 actor aboveboard anxiety of amplitude in 25 buildings.” Mass alleged Kirchmann’s artful “classic adapted architecture” while acknowledging that “he knows about budgets and he’s a abundant collaborator.”
The South African artist additionally met his business partner, Rudikoff, while alive on Ronson’s projects. Rudikoff was Ronson’s right-hand man, Kirchmann said, and he after went on to begin his own development close in Sweden in 2007. During his bristles years active in Stockholm, Rudikoff helped accounts and advance a $350 million, 800,000-square-foot office, auberge and assemblage centermost circuitous alleged the Waterfront.
Kirchmann has appear a continued way from his adolescence in Johannesburg, area he was one of seven kids built-in to a absolute acreage developer ancestor and autogenous artisan mother. He larboard to abstraction architectonics in Cape Town and confused to New York City in 1997, area he anon landed a job as a architectonics artist at SOM beneath Roger Duffy. Once he absitively to get aback into the development game, he went aback to academy to apprentice the banking ancillary of the business and completed a master’s amount in absolute acreage at New York University in 2007. He concluded up giving a few lectures on architectonics as a master’s student. Then Columbia University’s Graduate Academy of Architecture, Planning and Canning asked him to advise a absolute acreage advance with Jared Della Valle and A.J. Pires, two added architects-turned-developers who founded Alloy Development.
Although GDSNY is still a baby angle in the development world, Kirchmann argues that his acquaintance as an architect—combined with his business partner’s assignment accumulating a huge mixed-use activity in Stockholm—makes them a decidedly active firm.
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“We see all the pieces in advanced of us from the business to the architectonics to the architectonics to the engineering to the finance,” he explained. “We’re in a different bearings area we can amalgamate those actual finer and actual efficiently. [When] we attending at projects, for example, we’re able to accede those projects actual bound because we can do zoning studies in-house. We can do planning in-house. It’s article that happens in a few hours as against to a few weeks. That absolutely gives us a aggressive bend aback we are out there attractive for properties.”
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jaeatwitsend · 6 years
Weekly Photo Challenge: Something Borrowed
This week, the theme is to: Photograph Something Borrowed You don't just have to think weddings this week. So grab your camera this week - or better still, borrow someone else's - and go see what you can negotiate.
This week, the theme is to:
Photograph Something Borrowed
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue….
You don’t just have to think weddings this week, but a summer wedding would be appropriate.
So grab your camera this week – or better still, borrow someone else’s – and go see what you can negotiate.
Product photography works. Anything is fair game this week — as long as…
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growthvue · 6 years
Carrie Pierce: Discovery and Inquiry-Based Learning in Math
Carrie Pierce on episode 313 of the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
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Eighth-grade teacher Carrie Pierce uses discovery and inquiry-based learning in her classroom (and no textbooks.) Dig into how she makes math marvelous!
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Discovery and Inquiry-Based Learning in Math
Link to show: www.coolcatteacher.com/e313 Date: May 16, 2018
Vicki: Today we’re talking with Carrie Pierce, 20-year middle school math teacher, about discovery and inquiry-based learning in math.
Carrie is just up the road from me. She lives in Edison. She’s at Lee County, just one county over. Two counties over from me here in Mitchell County in Georgia.
So Carrie, let’s talk about how we can have discovery and inquiry-based learning in the math classroom. How do we do it?
Carrie: Well, it is a challenge.
One of the things that I try to do as I plan my lessons is to start at the end.
Start with the end in mind
I always have to think of what is it that I want the kids to know, what do I want them to learn, and how can I get them there using what they already know.
I think it’s really important to build on that prior knowledge whenever you can, but then tweak it just a little bit, to ask, “What if we did THIS instead? How would that number change this equation, or change the situation?” And try to get them asking the questions and get them excited about what they want to know.
Vicki: Carrie, this is more than just a math textbook, right?
Carrie: Absolutely. I don’t really use a math book. I have not touched one in probably fifteen years.
I teach from the standards, teach lessons that I have compiled and created and borrowed and adapted and tweaked throughout the years. And of course that changes with each group of kids. Everything runs differently the longer you do it.
Vicki: Okay, so “Discovery in the Math Classroom” Help us understand what you mean by that, because discovery and math don’t usually go together, right?
  Carrie: Right, right.
When I was growing up and learning, we had our topic. I guess these days it would be the essential question (EQ) that you put on the board. The EQ was on the board.
The teacher says “Today, boys and girls, we are going to learn about functions,” and then launches into the lesson. “Here’s what it is, and here’s what it isn’t. Now work some problems.”
A common catchphrase that I hear teachers say often is “I do, we do, you do” and in my opinion, that’s not the best way. I like for the kids to wonder.
I like for the kids to wonder
I want them to get excited about math. I want them to see the real world connections that math has.
So instead of introducing the lesson with how things work, I might have a mini-lesson or perhaps a “Do Now” on the board to get them to ask the question, to get them to wonder. I might say, “Hey! What happens if… “ and then let them fill in that blank.
Vicki: So does this blow kids’ minds when they come into your classroom? Maybe they haven’t experienced this before?
Carrie: Absolutely.
I think it’s a period of adjustment. It usually takes them about three to four weeks to get used to each other and to get used to my teaching style.
One of the things that I do often is we’ll practice the problem for a little while, and I get them working.
We don’t start with notes. We don’t start with examples. That comes at kind of the middle of the lesson. Once they’ve tried it and kind of gotten their feet wet a little bit, then we’ll put our notes into our active notebook. Mainly that’s something for them to refer to if, you know, they have to take some practice home or to look back later in the year if they need that for a reference.
So definitely there’s an adjustment period.
There’s an adjustment period
Vicki: How do you start the class? You start with inquiry? Discovery? Very beginning of class?
  Carrie: Well, usually the way I run my classroom, we do have our EQ on the board. They have their Do Now question, their bellringer, warm-up, whatever you want to call it.
And they come in, they kind of get settled. Now the Do Now could be a review of last night’s homework, but usually when I’m starting a new lesson, I’m trying to think of something that’s going to build on some prior knowledge. I try to think of what have we done yesterday, or in a previous lesson, that I can put up here and use, and often it just launches into my mini-lesson.
Vicki: Okay, so it launches into your mini-lesson, and then you’re always asking questions, trying to get them to inquire. Do you ever have your students come up and just ask you a question out of the blue, that leads to some math discussion?
Carrie: Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I have a really hard time planning.
My administrators want me to have my lesson plans a week in advance.
And it’s not realistic because kids do wonder and they do ask, and often the lesson or the class takes a different direction. We still get our same standards done, and we still have great discussions.
Often the lesson takes a different direction
But maybe we wanted to do a different activity than what was planned or was already copied. It’s really amazing to hear how they think.
I think, as teachers – especially math teachers – one of our biggest (things) is that it’s not about formulas, it’s not about always doing it my way, but try to hear what they’re thinking.
And I’m always amazed at sometimes how children will approach a concept that I would have never considered because I’m trying to do it a certain way.
Try to hear what they’re thinking
And so as teachers I think we tend to teach in the way we’re taught, how we were trained to think about things, but to allow a child to discover a concept on their own and put it into their words is so powerful.
Vicki: Carrie, what’s a mistake you’ve made with inquiry-based learning that you would like the listeners not to make?
  Carrie: It’s not easy. It’s not going to work every day, not going to work for every lesson. It takes practice. It takes experience. Sometimes you’re going to just fall flat on your face.
You have to be comfortable enough as a teacher, to be afraid to fail, so to speak, in front of the kids. Sometimes you think what you’ve planned is an amazing lesson for them to do, and it just bombs. They’re just not ready for it, they don’t make the connections that you hoped that they would make, for whatever reason.
And you have to be confident enough to say “Guys, I’m sorry, we’re going to try this again another day. You all weren’t ready for this,” or whatever. You have to be confident enough to fail, if that makes sense.
You have to be confident enough to fail
Vicki: What does it look like when inquiry-based learning and discovery in the math classroom goes right?
Carrie: It’s amazing. It’s fun.
They are teaching themselves. All I have to do is walk around and ask a few questions, and try to get them talking and communicating with each other and having those discussions.
What it looks like is the kids have taken ownership of their learning, and whether or not I was there, it would still happen.
Vicki: Do you ever have kids who used to hate math change your mind?
  Carrie: I do. And I had a child who, yesterday, we were doing a complex — this was one of my algebra classes so it was a higher, higher level and it had a lot of plugging in and crunching numbers and (inaudible- FOILing?) and multiplying. We got to the end of the problem — it was just algorithms and one thing after another — and we got to the end, he said, “Huh. That is so satisfying.”
Vicki: (laughs)
Carrie: It was so funny. It was like he put the puzzle together. I thought, Oh my gosh. I love that. He sees that, and he’s got it.” It was just so cool to watch that.
Vicki: Carrie, if you could travel back in time and talk to Carrie Pierce on her first year of teaching, what would you tell her?
  Carrie: I don’t know that we have time to address all that.
Vicki: (laughs)
Carrie: You learn and you grow, and every year is different.
Your life experiences change the way that you see children. I know that, as my daughter grew up and got to be the age of the child that is in my classroom, my perspectives changed and my focus changed. We constantly evolve and grow.
I think I would tell myself to give them a break. Sometimes they are just kids, and a lot of times, I think perhaps new teachers maybe expect too much. I know I did, coming straight out of college.
And you have your own classroom for the first time, and I was ready to go, and it was all about the content, content, let’s get it drilled in.
There’s so much more to kids than that. And there’s so much more to math than that.
Eighth grade, ninth grade, high school, they’re just beginning to see the “whys” of all this deeper-level content — see it apply to science, or analyze a graph in social studies.
I would tell myself to take it easy and to let them be kids and try to grow. Instead of me giving it to them, let them seek it themselves.
Vicki: Yep, you’ve got to relate before you educate, as I very often say, and it is about the relationship.
I’m so glad for people who were kind and patient with me when I was a beginning teacher. (laughs)
I know you are too, and so we always have to remember that.
But even when we’re beginning, we do have to remember that it does get better and when you start having those relationships, that’s really what keeps you teaching, in my opinion.
So, teachers, we’ve got lots of interesting things to think about with discovery and inquiry-based learning in math. We can really use that in every classroom, because we want students to inquire. We want them to discover. We want them to ask questions.
Thank you, Carrie!
  Carrie: Absolutely. You’re welcome.
Contact us about the show: http://www.coolcatteacher.com/contact/
Transcribed by Kymberli Mulford [email protected]
Bio as submitted
Carrie is a veteran middle school teacher with over 20 years of experience, who incorporates discovery and inquiry based learning into her 8th grade math classes.
Twitter: @CarriePie
Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” This company has no impact on the editorial content of the show.
The post Carrie Pierce: Discovery and Inquiry-Based Learning in Math appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
Carrie Pierce: Discovery and Inquiry-Based Learning in Math published first on https://getnewdlbusiness.tumblr.com/
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strivesy · 6 years
Carrie Pierce: Discovery and Inquiry-Based Learning in Math
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
Eighth-grade teacher Carrie Pierce uses discovery and inquiry-based learning in her classroom (and no textbooks.) Dig into how she makes math marvelous!
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Enhanced Transcript
Discovery and Inquiry-Based Learning in Math
Link to show: www.coolcatteacher.com/e313 Date: May 16, 2018
Vicki: Today we’re talking with Carrie Pierce, 20-year middle school math teacher, about discovery and inquiry-based learning in math.
Carrie is just up the road from me. She lives in Edison. She’s at Lee County, just one county over. Two counties over from me here in Mitchell County in Georgia.
So Carrie, let’s talk about how we can have discovery and inquiry-based learning in the math classroom. How do we do it?
Carrie: Well, it is a challenge.
One of the things that I try to do as I plan my lessons is to start at the end.
Start with the end in mind
I always have to think of what is it that I want the kids to know, what do I want them to learn, and how can I get them there using what they already know.
I think it’s really important to build on that prior knowledge whenever you can, but then tweak it just a little bit, to ask, “What if we did THIS instead? How would that number change this equation, or change the situation?” And try to get them asking the questions and get them excited about what they want to know.
Vicki: Carrie, this is more than just a math textbook, right?
Carrie: Absolutely. I don’t really use a math book. I have not touched one in probably fifteen years.
I teach from the standards, teach lessons that I have compiled and created and borrowed and adapted and tweaked throughout the years. And of course that changes with each group of kids. Everything runs differently the longer you do it.
Vicki: Okay, so “Discovery in the Math Classroom” Help us understand what you mean by that, because discovery and math don’t usually go together, right?
  Carrie: Right, right.
When I was growing up and learning, we had our topic. I guess these days it would be the essential question (EQ) that you put on the board. The EQ was on the board.
The teacher says “Today, boys and girls, we are going to learn about functions,” and then launches into the lesson. “Here’s what it is, and here’s what it isn’t. Now work some problems.”
A common catchphrase that I hear teachers say often is “I do, we do, you do” and in my opinion, that’s not the best way. I like for the kids to wonder.
I like for the kids to wonder
I want them to get excited about math. I want them to see the real world connections that math has.
So instead of introducing the lesson with how things work, I might have a mini-lesson or perhaps a “Do Now” on the board to get them to ask the question, to get them to wonder. I might say, “Hey! What happens if… “ and then let them fill in that blank.
Vicki: So does this blow kids’ minds when they come into your classroom? Maybe they haven’t experienced this before?
Carrie: Absolutely.
I think it’s a period of adjustment. It usually takes them about three to four weeks to get used to each other and to get used to my teaching style.
One of the things that I do often is we’ll practice the problem for a little while, and I get them working.
We don’t start with notes. We don’t start with examples. That comes at kind of the middle of the lesson. Once they’ve tried it and kind of gotten their feet wet a little bit, then we’ll put our notes into our active notebook. Mainly that’s something for them to refer to if, you know, they have to take some practice home or to look back later in the year if they need that for a reference.
So definitely there’s an adjustment period.
There’s an adjustment period
Vicki: How do you start the class? You start with inquiry? Discovery? Very beginning of class?
  Carrie: Well, usually the way I run my classroom, we do have our EQ on the board. They have their Do Now question, their bellringer, warm-up, whatever you want to call it.
And they come in, they kind of get settled. Now the Do Now could be a review of last night’s homework, but usually when I’m starting a new lesson, I’m trying to think of something that’s going to build on some prior knowledge. I try to think of what have we done yesterday, or in a previous lesson, that I can put up here and use, and often it just launches into my mini-lesson.
Vicki: Okay, so it launches into your mini-lesson, and then you’re always asking questions, trying to get them to inquire. Do you ever have your students come up and just ask you a question out of the blue, that leads to some math discussion?
Carrie: Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I have a really hard time planning.
My administrators want me to have my lesson plans a week in advance.
And it’s not realistic because kids do wonder and they do ask, and often the lesson or the class takes a different direction. We still get our same standards done, and we still have great discussions.
Often the lesson takes a different direction
But maybe we wanted to do a different activity than what was planned or was already copied. It’s really amazing to hear how they think.
I think, as teachers – especially math teachers – one of our biggest (things) is that it’s not about formulas, it’s not about always doing it my way, but try to hear what they’re thinking.
And I’m always amazed at sometimes how children will approach a concept that I would have never considered because I’m trying to do it a certain way.
Try to hear what they’re thinking
And so as teachers I think we tend to teach in the way we’re taught, how we were trained to think about things, but to allow a child to discover a concept on their own and put it into their words is so powerful.
Vicki: Carrie, what’s a mistake you’ve made with inquiry-based learning that you would like the listeners not to make?
  Carrie: It’s not easy. It’s not going to work every day, not going to work for every lesson. It takes practice. It takes experience. Sometimes you’re going to just fall flat on your face.
You have to be comfortable enough as a teacher, to be afraid to fail, so to speak, in front of the kids. Sometimes you think what you’ve planned is an amazing lesson for them to do, and it just bombs. They’re just not ready for it, they don’t make the connections that you hoped that they would make, for whatever reason.
And you have to be confident enough to say “Guys, I’m sorry, we’re going to try this again another day. You all weren’t ready for this,” or whatever. You have to be confident enough to fail, if that makes sense.
You have to be confident enough to fail
Vicki: What does it look like when inquiry-based learning and discovery in the math classroom goes right?
Carrie: It’s amazing. It’s fun.
They are teaching themselves. All I have to do is walk around and ask a few questions, and try to get them talking and communicating with each other and having those discussions.
What it looks like is the kids have taken ownership of their learning, and whether or not I was there, it would still happen.
Vicki: Do you ever have kids who used to hate math change your mind?
  Carrie: I do. And I had a child who, yesterday, we were doing a complex — this was one of my algebra classes so it was a higher, higher level and it had a lot of plugging in and crunching numbers and (inaudible- FOILing?) and multiplying. We got to the end of the problem — it was just algorithms and one thing after another — and we got to the end, he said, “Huh. That is so satisfying.”
Vicki: (laughs)
Carrie: It was so funny. It was like he put the puzzle together. I thought, Oh my gosh. I love that. He sees that, and he’s got it.” It was just so cool to watch that.
Vicki: Carrie, if you could travel back in time and talk to Carrie Pierce on her first year of teaching, what would you tell her?
  Carrie: I don’t know that we have time to address all that.
Vicki: (laughs)
Carrie: You learn and you grow, and every year is different.
Your life experiences change the way that you see children. I know that, as my daughter grew up and got to be the age of the child that is in my classroom, my perspectives changed and my focus changed. We constantly evolve and grow.
I think I would tell myself to give them a break. Sometimes they are just kids, and a lot of times, I think perhaps new teachers maybe expect too much. I know I did, coming straight out of college.
And you have your own classroom for the first time, and I was ready to go, and it was all about the content, content, let’s get it drilled in.
There’s so much more to kids than that. And there’s so much more to math than that.
Eighth grade, ninth grade, high school, they’re just beginning to see the “whys” of all this deeper-level content — see it apply to science, or analyze a graph in social studies.
I would tell myself to take it easy and to let them be kids and try to grow. Instead of me giving it to them, let them seek it themselves.
Vicki: Yep, you’ve got to relate before you educate, as I very often say, and it is about the relationship.
I’m so glad for people who were kind and patient with me when I was a beginning teacher. (laughs)
I know you are too, and so we always have to remember that.
But even when we’re beginning, we do have to remember that it does get better and when you start having those relationships, that’s really what keeps you teaching, in my opinion.
So, teachers, we’ve got lots of interesting things to think about with discovery and inquiry-based learning in math. We can really use that in every classroom, because we want students to inquire. We want them to discover. We want them to ask questions.
Thank you, Carrie!
  Carrie: Absolutely. You’re welcome.
Contact us about the show: http://www.coolcatteacher.com/contact/
Transcribed by Kymberli Mulford [email protected]
Bio as submitted
Carrie is a veteran middle school teacher with over 20 years of experience, who incorporates discovery and inquiry based learning into her 8th grade math classes.
Twitter: @CarriePie
Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” This company has no impact on the editorial content of the show.
The post Carrie Pierce: Discovery and Inquiry-Based Learning in Math appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
Carrie Pierce: Discovery and Inquiry-Based Learning in Math published first on https://medium.com/@seminarsacademy
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ralph31ortiz · 6 years
Carrie Pierce: Discovery and Inquiry-Based Learning in Math
Carrie Pierce on episode 313 of the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
Eighth-grade teacher Carrie Pierce uses discovery and inquiry-based learning in her classroom (and no textbooks.) Dig into how she makes math marvelous!
Listen Now
Listen to the show on iTunes or Stitcher
Stream by clicking here.
Enhanced Transcript
Discovery and Inquiry-Based Learning in Math
Link to show: www.coolcatteacher.com/e313 Date: May 16, 2018
Vicki: Today we’re talking with Carrie Pierce, 20-year middle school math teacher, about discovery and inquiry-based learning in math.
Carrie is just up the road from me. She lives in Edison. She’s at Lee County, just one county over. Two counties over from me here in Mitchell County in Georgia.
So Carrie, let’s talk about how we can have discovery and inquiry-based learning in the math classroom. How do we do it?
Carrie: Well, it is a challenge.
One of the things that I try to do as I plan my lessons is to start at the end.
Start with the end in mind
I always have to think of what is it that I want the kids to know, what do I want them to learn, and how can I get them there using what they already know.
I think it’s really important to build on that prior knowledge whenever you can, but then tweak it just a little bit, to ask, “What if we did THIS instead? How would that number change this equation, or change the situation?” And try to get them asking the questions and get them excited about what they want to know.
Vicki: Carrie, this is more than just a math textbook, right?
Carrie: Absolutely. I don’t really use a math book. I have not touched one in probably fifteen years.
I teach from the standards, teach lessons that I have compiled and created and borrowed and adapted and tweaked throughout the years. And of course that changes with each group of kids. Everything runs differently the longer you do it.
Vicki: Okay, so “Discovery in the Math Classroom” Help us understand what you mean by that, because discovery and math don’t usually go together, right?
  Carrie: Right, right.
When I was growing up and learning, we had our topic. I guess these days it would be the essential question (EQ) that you put on the board. The EQ was on the board.
The teacher says “Today, boys and girls, we are going to learn about functions,” and then launches into the lesson. “Here’s what it is, and here’s what it isn’t. Now work some problems.”
A common catchphrase that I hear teachers say often is “I do, we do, you do” and in my opinion, that’s not the best way. I like for the kids to wonder.
I like for the kids to wonder
I want them to get excited about math. I want them to see the real world connections that math has.
So instead of introducing the lesson with how things work, I might have a mini-lesson or perhaps a “Do Now” on the board to get them to ask the question, to get them to wonder. I might say, “Hey! What happens if… “ and then let them fill in that blank.
Vicki: So does this blow kids’ minds when they come into your classroom? Maybe they haven’t experienced this before?
Carrie: Absolutely.
I think it’s a period of adjustment. It usually takes them about three to four weeks to get used to each other and to get used to my teaching style.
One of the things that I do often is we’ll practice the problem for a little while, and I get them working.
We don’t start with notes. We don’t start with examples. That comes at kind of the middle of the lesson. Once they’ve tried it and kind of gotten their feet wet a little bit, then we’ll put our notes into our active notebook. Mainly that’s something for them to refer to if, you know, they have to take some practice home or to look back later in the year if they need that for a reference.
So definitely there’s an adjustment period.
There’s an adjustment period
Vicki: How do you start the class? You start with inquiry? Discovery? Very beginning of class?
  Carrie: Well, usually the way I run my classroom, we do have our EQ on the board. They have their Do Now question, their bellringer, warm-up, whatever you want to call it.
And they come in, they kind of get settled. Now the Do Now could be a review of last night’s homework, but usually when I’m starting a new lesson, I’m trying to think of something that’s going to build on some prior knowledge. I try to think of what have we done yesterday, or in a previous lesson, that I can put up here and use, and often it just launches into my mini-lesson.
Vicki: Okay, so it launches into your mini-lesson, and then you’re always asking questions, trying to get them to inquire. Do you ever have your students come up and just ask you a question out of the blue, that leads to some math discussion?
Carrie: Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I have a really hard time planning.
My administrators want me to have my lesson plans a week in advance.
And it’s not realistic because kids do wonder and they do ask, and often the lesson or the class takes a different direction. We still get our same standards done, and we still have great discussions.
Often the lesson takes a different direction
But maybe we wanted to do a different activity than what was planned or was already copied. It’s really amazing to hear how they think.
I think, as teachers – especially math teachers – one of our biggest (things) is that it’s not about formulas, it’s not about always doing it my way, but try to hear what they’re thinking.
And I’m always amazed at sometimes how children will approach a concept that I would have never considered because I’m trying to do it a certain way.
Try to hear what they’re thinking
And so as teachers I think we tend to teach in the way we’re taught, how we were trained to think about things, but to allow a child to discover a concept on their own and put it into their words is so powerful.
Vicki: Carrie, what’s a mistake you’ve made with inquiry-based learning that you would like the listeners not to make?
  Carrie: It’s not easy. It’s not going to work every day, not going to work for every lesson. It takes practice. It takes experience. Sometimes you’re going to just fall flat on your face.
You have to be comfortable enough as a teacher, to be afraid to fail, so to speak, in front of the kids. Sometimes you think what you’ve planned is an amazing lesson for them to do, and it just bombs. They’re just not ready for it, they don’t make the connections that you hoped that they would make, for whatever reason.
And you have to be confident enough to say “Guys, I’m sorry, we’re going to try this again another day. You all weren’t ready for this,” or whatever. You have to be confident enough to fail, if that makes sense.
You have to be confident enough to fail
Vicki: What does it look like when inquiry-based learning and discovery in the math classroom goes right?
Carrie: It’s amazing. It’s fun.
They are teaching themselves. All I have to do is walk around and ask a few questions, and try to get them talking and communicating with each other and having those discussions.
What it looks like is the kids have taken ownership of their learning, and whether or not I was there, it would still happen.
Vicki: Do you ever have kids who used to hate math change your mind?
  Carrie: I do. And I had a child who, yesterday, we were doing a complex — this was one of my algebra classes so it was a higher, higher level and it had a lot of plugging in and crunching numbers and (inaudible- FOILing?) and multiplying. We got to the end of the problem — it was just algorithms and one thing after another — and we got to the end, he said, “Huh. That is so satisfying.”
Vicki: (laughs)
Carrie: It was so funny. It was like he put the puzzle together. I thought, Oh my gosh. I love that. He sees that, and he’s got it.” It was just so cool to watch that.
Vicki: Carrie, if you could travel back in time and talk to Carrie Pierce on her first year of teaching, what would you tell her?
  Carrie: I don’t know that we have time to address all that.
Vicki: (laughs)
Carrie: You learn and you grow, and every year is different.
Your life experiences change the way that you see children. I know that, as my daughter grew up and got to be the age of the child that is in my classroom, my perspectives changed and my focus changed. We constantly evolve and grow.
I think I would tell myself to give them a break. Sometimes they are just kids, and a lot of times, I think perhaps new teachers maybe expect too much. I know I did, coming straight out of college.
And you have your own classroom for the first time, and I was ready to go, and it was all about the content, content, let’s get it drilled in.
There’s so much more to kids than that. And there’s so much more to math than that.
Eighth grade, ninth grade, high school, they’re just beginning to see the “whys” of all this deeper-level content — see it apply to science, or analyze a graph in social studies.
I would tell myself to take it easy and to let them be kids and try to grow. Instead of me giving it to them, let them seek it themselves.
Vicki: Yep, you’ve got to relate before you educate, as I very often say, and it is about the relationship.
I’m so glad for people who were kind and patient with me when I was a beginning teacher. (laughs)
I know you are too, and so we always have to remember that.
But even when we’re beginning, we do have to remember that it does get better and when you start having those relationships, that’s really what keeps you teaching, in my opinion.
So, teachers, we’ve got lots of interesting things to think about with discovery and inquiry-based learning in math. We can really use that in every classroom, because we want students to inquire. We want them to discover. We want them to ask questions.
Thank you, Carrie!
  Carrie: Absolutely. You’re welcome.
Contact us about the show: http://www.coolcatteacher.com/contact/
Transcribed by Kymberli Mulford [email protected]
Bio as submitted
Carrie is a veteran middle school teacher with over 20 years of experience, who incorporates discovery and inquiry based learning into her 8th grade math classes.
Twitter: @CarriePie
Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” This company has no impact on the editorial content of the show.
The post Carrie Pierce: Discovery and Inquiry-Based Learning in Math appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
from Cool Cat Teacher BlogCool Cat Teacher Blog http://www.coolcatteacher.com/e313/
0 notes
Dress c/o* Use code LP15 for 15% off | Flats (Similar here) | Bag | Necklace (similar here) | Belt
Here we go! Styling a smock dress round 2! This is a more casual and versatile dress than my previous smock dress adventure, though. However, with this dress, I really didn’t care for it without the belt.
I know that’s my personal preference, I like something with a little more structure. But just note, that this dress looks this way because I found a nice belt to go with it! I’ve been having awesome luck finding waist belts to go with my dresses on Amazon. And I’ve also found that this makes me much more open to adding smock dresses to my wardrobe.
This is another smock dress from my friends at EvaTrends. (Use code LP15 for 15% off your order on EvaTrends.) They make such lovely, comfortable dresses! This one will be perfect for summer. It’s such a light and breathable fabric. I love how it moves when I walk, and I thought the sleeves were fun too. This dress does have A LOT of room in it, though. This dress feels much larger on me than the other smock dress I have. (I had ordered my normal size in both.) That’s because this top has less structure and is more tent-like without the belt.
I personally felt styling it with a belt and statement necklace helped to minimize the abundance of fabric. Not that that is a bad thing, but again, I’m still warming up to the whole smock dress idea.
I liked how my new purse paired with this dress too! I’ve it for a couple weeks and had debated returning it…because I really didn’t need another purse, let’s be honest. But gosh, this one is such a unique piece! (Although, my husband says it reminds him of a blue pineapple? Darn boys! Haha.) It’s a nice size for me to carry all my essentials, and I like that it comes with an adjustable crossbody strap. It’s really fantastic quality too! My only complaint was I wish it was a smidge larger so I could put a notebook in it. It’s not quite large enough, despite looking kind of briefcase-like. And unfortunately, the teal version of this bag sold out almost instantly, but there is a mint version available now!
And just in case you were wondering, these photos were taken in Appleton, Wisconsin (near my hometown). This area has gotten so many amazing murals since I had last been here! It’s a blogger’s paradise, haha. I need to come back to get more photos of this butterfly mural when my husband can help me. (This was a tricky one to capture in a high-traffic area with a tripod, haha.)
Have you added any fun new pieces to your wardrobe lately? And does your city have some fun murals too? Let me know in the comments!
Where to find it:
Dress: c/o* Evatrends Use code LP15 for 15% off Bag: Modcloth (Different color) Flats: Old (Similar here) Necklace: Old (Similar here) Belt: Amazon Sunglasses: c/o* Polette
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Girl in Betsey: The Eyelash and Eyebrow Serums That Actually Work
Have Clothes, Will Travel: Visiting Buenos Aires in a Hurry – 1/2 Day Itinerary
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Knowing My Style: Spring/Summer Color Trends for 2018
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Online Personal Stylist: How to Style Narrated Videos
Sifa’s Corner: 9 Expert Tips for Perfect Wedding Day Hair
Style Mouse: Where to Stay on Maui
Tales of Two Blog: Grand Canyon Walk – Blue Mountains
The Borrowed Babes: Why You Need a Tribe of Badass Babes
The Simply Luxurious Life: 9 Things to Do to Prepare for Traveling to France in the Next Three Months
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Here we go! Styling a smock dress round 2 on Have Clothes, Will Travel! What are your thoughts on this style of dress? Dress c/o* Use code LP15 for 15% off | Flats (Similar here) | Bag | Necklace (similar…
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