#an improvement compared to my 18th
thewhizzyhead · 1 year
what's up my bitches and bros I just turned 19 and I don't feel like it's the end of the world yet so let's fucking gooooo
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demigirlravenqueen · 9 months
Historically ever after part 5
Darling Charming 2 New And Improved!
I wanted to do an updated version of this post because, it was really just my second attempt at doing something like this so it's not really the best and I've learned quite a bit more about 18th century fashion since then and I'm not really satisfied with that post anymore. Darling was the fist character that I decided to make these posts on because everybody kind of knows that her design was 18th century inspired. I think that it's just one of the recognisable historical styles .
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Starting with the dress, it has an open front showing another layer underneath like most styles of dresses from the Georgian period which usually had a petticoat underneath as well as a matching stomacher if one was worn. The robe robe a la francaise is, I think the most iconic for this look. The robe a la francaise also featured large box pleats at the back and were commonly worn over side hoops which gave the iconic wide hip look.
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I think that darlings dress more closely resembles an English gown or robe a l’anglaise which is more fitted and less often worn with side hops therefore usually having a more round skirt shape.
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Either way it doesn't really matter as I doubt that the people designing these outfits really had this in mind. But I'll leave this article by the American Duchess which dose a good job explaining the different styles of 18th century gowns if you're interested.
We also have those lovely elbow length frilled sleeves which were common on fashionable gowns.
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The print on her dress really resembles some of the floral patterns common during this period, such as these ones I found in the Met's online collections.
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the underlayer's pattern is more subtle and and resembles these silk woven fabrics.
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Her hair is swept back and curled in a way that's meant to reference the large fancy hair styles iconic to the period, mostly around the mid 18th century. Feathers, ribbons and jewellery were all pretty common hair pieces.
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Her hair is also verry light which is again a reference to white powdered hair.
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While were talking about hair I'd also like to mention that we plenty of primary sources indicating the use of blue and pink hair powder during this time. I don't know a lot about that (or just historical hair in general I'm trying my best), but Abbey Cox did a great video the history of coloured hair, and after watching that I was able to find portraits showing it. It's such a niche fun fact that I don't think that it was intentional and they probably just chose blue to go with the colour scheme they already had but it's still cool.
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Her jewellery was interesting to look into, full disclosure I don't know much about jewellery outside of the Victorian era and even then my knowledge is pretty limited so I was mainly digging through the V&A archives and comparing them.
Her necklaces are I think the most similar. You got the jewels arranged in a circle around another jewel and the elaborate patterns.
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I think her bracelet is more armour inspired I'm not really able to get a good enough look at it to notice much detail.
dangly earrings sort of like hers I've seen a lot of but rather different.
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With her flower shaped ring I was either expecting to either find nothing or something similar but smaller which they made more bulky for doll production. I didn't find a similar ring, most were verry simple in shape, but I did find this broch and gasped verry loudly when I did because it was so similar.
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I might do another one on her dragon games outfit, but I don't really think there's anything there, and this post is getting long, nothing compared with what I have in the works for Lizzie but... I have homework to do and this has already taken up enough of my time.
As always, feel free to add on or correct me.
Part 0.5 Part 1 (original darling post) Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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canofwyrmz · 19 days
Begging and pleading in light of the Cass "report" for people to please please please not concede trans youth to the transphobes. Stop saying shit like "oh if I'm 18 I should be able to do whatever thing I want with my body, like [usually several cosmetic examples go here]." Stop undermining the legitimacy of trans healthcare as medicine by comparing your right to your healthcare to your right to body mods ! Stop ! Stop implicitly conceding that trans youth are a price you're willing to pay !
I would've died before my 18th, probably even my 16th birthday without HRT. I'm sure of it. I hate arguments like this; trans people don't deserve the right to our essential healthcare because "we're adults (we're not all adults)," we deserve it because it's essential healthcare that improves and saves our lives and makes us whole.
Arguments of this ilk not only throw trans youth under the bus, but also give more fuel to the "it's just cosmetic (and this shouldn't be covered by insurance)" fire.
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comparativetarot · 4 months
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Judgement. Art by Nara Lesser, from Neurotic Owl’s Faerytale Tarot.
Snow White
Another week, another fairy tale to recap.  Imma trust that y’all know the basics from Disney or whatnot and just hit a few key differences.
The evil queen makes three separate murder attempts – first a poisoned corset lace, then a poisoned comb, and THEN the apple.  The dwarves manage to remove the other two items from Snow and remind her to quit taking shit from strangers but good lord does she not know how to say no.  Anyway, since the apple is in her cute little throat they can’t figure out what got her the third time and go ahead and make the gold and crystal coffin.
So THEN the prince finds said coffin, gets the whole story from the dwarves, and instead of just kissing a dead girl like a gd freak, he asks the dwarves if he can take her back to the palace to be buried as befits a princess.  Luckily on the way the coffin falls off the horse/cart/whatnot and the jolt magically Heimlichs Snow, who wakes up, falls in love with the prince at first sight, and has a nice consensual kiss with him before they head back to his place to get married.  It’s a huge improvement over Sleeping Beauty, where the prince rapes Briar Rose in her sleep and she’s woken by their TWIN BABIES NURSING.   Seriously.  Comparatively Snow White is exceedingly wholesome aside from all the attempted murder and alllllllso the ending, where the Evil Queen is made to dance at Snow’s wedding in red hot iron shoes.   Fairytales!
Anyway.  The description of a girl with skin as white as snow, hair as black as coal, and lips as red as blood is either poetic exaggeration, a vampire, orrrrrrr . . . one of these days I’m doing another Snow White drawing where she’s a geisha.  I thought about it this time, but so far I’ve stuck with generally western clothes on purpose, because I didn’t want to exoticize my BIPOC by only putting them in folkwear, OR do the calculus of how many are in regional dress, how many are in more generic fashion, am I balanced enough.  And yeah, ‘generic’ dress is kind of a fiction anyhow, because what’s standard in 18th century France is exotic in 18th century Japan, there is no such thing as ‘regular’ clothing, just what’s normal or unusual  for any given time and place.  But for this I’m pretty much setting the continent of Europe as my place (an extremely non-specific choice, I know) both to keep some stylistic consistency and because the vast majority of my fairytale knowledge is European.
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autolenaphilia · 1 year
I'm not American, but I'm interested in how American history and politics. And I'm of course not unaffected by US politics either, it's a superpower. And I do have friends living there.
And one thing I find fascinating and horrifying is how the constitution and supreme court in the US works. Basically the USA runs on one of the oldest constitutions in the world still in use. My country Sweden by comparison got its current constitution in 1974 (and the 1809 constitution it replaced was also at the time one of the oldest constitutions still in use in the world at the time).
The US constitution was written by rich 18th century cishet white men, and naturally is intended to protect their interests. It doesn't protect women and literally allowed for slavery. It's a product of 18th century "classical" liberalism.
And as those groups in the US excluded by it started demanding their rights, in ways that couldn't be ignored by the system, it had to be changed, amended and reinterpreted. The reconstruction amendments are the most obvious of these, to account for black people being more than slaves. It was basically expanding the definition of liberalism, to account for democracy, to make the definition of freedom for the individual also apply to women and people of colour and queer people.
There was also reinterpretation of what the constitution means. It's a very old document, so in order to apply it to modern conditions, a lot of judicial interpretation is needed. This is how a lot of progressive supreme court decisions were made, like Roe vs Wade and Lawrence vs Texas. What the judges behind those decisions did was decide that the language protecting the freedom and rights of the individual in the US constitution also applied to women and gay people. That they were people just as heterosexual men are, and thus deserving of rights and freedom. So the constitution was reinterpreted to mean bodily autonomy for women and their right to have an abortion, and the right for gay people to not be arrested for having gay sex.
This viewpoint among American judges is called the living constitution. Even if the original makers of the constitution intended that the people guaranteed rights were cishet white men, it should be reinterpreted according to a more modern liberal definition of who are people guaranteed rights.
It's still liberalism, of course, all caught up in the liberal idea of the capitalist state guaranteeing rights. It's an expansion of liberalism, rather than a rejection of it. It's easy for socialists to be cynical about such things. But they also meant real improvements in the lives of women, people of colour and queer people. It's how the US as a nation has not remained stuck in the 18th century, despite having a constitution that old. Liberal democracy ought to be replaced by a socialist democracy, but it's an improvement compared to the systems it replaced in the west.
That's why the legal reasoning of conservative judges is scary in how it barely hides what it intends to do. It's called "originalism" and it openly says that the constitution should only be interpreted according to the intentions of its creators. And that intention is that only cishet white rich men deserve those rights and freedoms the constitution guarantees. They aren't entirely open about that, but that's the only realistic way to interpret originalism.
So when the conservative originalist dominated Supreme court overturned Roe v. Wade, that is basically the reasoning they went with. Abortion is not protected by any part of the constitution, because the relevant parts of the constitution defending individual rights could not have been intended by their creators to encompass women and their right to abortion. The right to have an abortion is not "deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition." as they put it.
Of course this is a violent denial of women's bodily autonomy, and that's the point. Their reasoning is that the creators of US constitution did not view women as people, deserving of rights, and thus women can have no constitutional rights today, in the modern US.
So yeah, that's the horror of the Supreme court. It basically decided women were not people with a right to bodily autonomy. And it's probably going to keep on deciding that people who are not cishet white men are by definition not people deserving rights according to the US constitution. They are probably going to overturn marriage equality and Obergefell vs Hodges. Maybe Lawrence too.
I'm not American, so I can mostly look on as horrified outsider. I guess the lesson here is: If you try to run a modern liberal democracy with rights for marginalized people on a constitution from the 18th century that was never intended for such a society, you are always going to have compatibility problems like this.
A constitution from the 18th century is always going to need radical interpretation to apply to 21st century problems, which means a lot of power is given to unelected constitutional courts. The judiciary are meant to be civil servants, following the laws laid down by elected politicians, but when the practical application of basic constitutional laws are in doubt, they have a lot of leeway to interpret it as they will, and thus power. Liberal democracy is again not my preferred political system, but it's better than a lot of the more reactionary alternatives and this is not a good way to run it.
It's interesting how the US constitution has survived this long, but it's dangerous anachronism rather than quaint. It's like trying to use an early 80s IBM computer running DOS as your primary computer in 2022.
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thosearentcrimes · 1 year
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a lot better than Dracula. The flow of the text is better, it's more fun to read, the themes are more subtle and interesting. Perhaps a better work to compare to would be The Vampyre, a work which arose from the same impromptu writing circle as Frankenstein, and which apparently introduced the vampire into anglophone literature in a form recognizably similar to that which appears many decades later in Dracula. However, I have read Dracula, and so have many others, and I have not read The Vampyre.
By way of example of the superiority of Frankenstein, consider the use of the epistolary device. Dracula retains it throughout the narrative, in which it interferes constantly, to no appreciable benefit. The rapid shift from narrator to narrator is not accompanied by significant insight into their character and internal world, as the characters are in fact precisely who everyone else takes them to be. By contrast, Frankenstein also begins with an epistolary introduction, but then transitions reasonably cleanly into narrative. The epistolary device is not used to much greater effect, but less of a bad thing is still an improvement.
The writing of these letters is remarkably bad. I understand that tastes change, but the letters (including those cited in the non-epistolary section) consist largely of people telling each other things they clearly already know, for the benefit of the reader. Surely there is no point in writing letters into the story if they're not going to make sense within the narrative? Additionally, both letters and dialogue are all rendered in the same voice.
On this note, while Shelley has gone to great lengths to justify the eloquence of the monster, and this eloquence does in fact serve a worthwhile thematic purpose, the effect of it is reduced somewhat by every other character being bizarrely eloquent as well. Additionally the mechanism by which the monster is rendered eloquent is quite frankly a long series of plot holes. As appropriate as it is for the monster to reference Paradise Lost, it is quite inexplicable for a French-speaking monster in 18th century Germany to have found a copy of it (and some other books) in the first place, let alone been able to read it, for starters.
Some of the character introductions, especially but not exclusively those done by way of letters, are a bit too obviously utilitarian. I rather prefer it when the author either sets up all the characters and plot points in such a way that the reader cannot tell that they serve a specific narrative purpose later, or that they simply introduce them when they come up. A character brought up with no immediate motivation a chapter or two before they become narratively relevant is like a recognizable big-name actor in a police procedural, it gives the game away. I wonder what happens in a couple chapters with this tragic innocent in this gothic horror novel!
Despite all my criticism, I quite liked Frankenstein and I think it is not only worth reading but additionally a good book. The story has relevant themes, ably explored, without letting them get too far in the way of a gripping narrative. The philosophical points it sets out are still valid and relevant today, and not in a facile way. Merely substitute "life" for "intelligence", which in any case is really a substitution of synonyms as far as the general form of the argument goes, and make other minor adjustments as necessary, and you get a more intelligent analysis of AI than almost any I have read in the press or in blogs, though that speaks more to the miserable state of that discourse than anything else.
Easily the most affecting part of the book is the narration by the monster himself, and really the book improves as it approaches this point, and deteriorates as it departs. Some decontextualized quotes that particularly stuck with me: "I, too, can create desolation; my enemy is not invulnerable; this death will carry despair to him", "My vices are the children of a forced solitude that I abhor", and best of all "I intended to reason. This passion is detrimental to me; for you do not reflect that you are the cause of its excess."
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etes-secrecy-post · 10 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#Onthisday: Jul 18th, 2016
Title: Nu Murumo H.W.S.
The "Cuteness Supreme Leader" has a heavy suit of armor with massive weapons with a same features. The Heavy Weapon System (HWS), Nu Murumo's add on weaponry for Newtype use. 😁
Nu Murumo H.W.S. Based on the: FA-93HWS ν Gundam Heavy Weapons System Type
• 60mm Vulcan Gun Mounted in the head, the pair of shell firing weapons have a high rate of fire but little power and can't damage the armor of a mobile suit, though they can damage lightly armored areas such as the sensors. They are ideal for shooting down small, lightly armored targets such as missiles, attack vehicles, etc.
• Beam Saber • Spare Beam Saber • Beam Rifle • New Hyper Bazooka A 280mm five round magazine hyper bazooka that has improved firing range and destructive power compared to the Hyper Bazooka used by other Earth Federation Armors. The bazooka can be fired even when stored on the backpack, catching the opponent by surprise. It is capable of destroying an enemy unit in a single shot and is mostly used to take out slow, heavily armored targets.
• Hyper Mega Rifle The most powerful beam weapon of the suit, at its maximum output, the Hyper Mega Rifle's power is comparable to that of several battleship-class mega particle cannons. This weapon also supported ultra-long-range sniping and featured a bipod for precision firing. A sensor built into the rifle adjusts the power output according to the target's distance, and could be controlled via the Murumo's psycoframe system.
• High Mega Shield The ν's shield with a pair of mega particle cannons mounted on top. The High Mega Shield also retains the other weaponry of the original shield.
• Mega Particle Cannon • Beam Cannon • Small Missile • Shoulder Missile Launchers An improved version of the multi-use launchers that were widely used, the Missile Launchers mounted on the shoulders of the H.W.S. can use a wide variety of munitions. During the conceptualisation stage, the launcher was supposed to be fitted with Psycommu Grenades, a weapon in which its trajectory can be controlled to a certain degree. However, the plan did not materialised due to development problems with the Psycommu Grenade, but it was said to be linked to the later development of a similar weapon called the "Funnel Missile".
• Fin Funnels Considered one of the most deadly weapons, the funnels were individual remote weapons that could fly off and attack from receiving the psycommu waves of the Cuteness Mecha. Fin funnels were funnels equipped with their own generator, which greatly increased their capabilities. They needed less frequent charging, and were able to generate a fin funnel barrier, a defensive field, around friendly units.
Special Feature(s):
• Birdlime launchers Fires an adhesive substance from the hands that can be used to repair small cracks in colony wall or to restrain soldiers on foot.
• Dummy launchers Stored in the hands, these launchers can deploy mimic sized dummy balloons as decoys.
• Psycoframe The armor is composed of microscopic Psycommu receptors that allow the member to control the suit as if it is his/her own body. A Psycommu receiver is located at the back of the member's headrest. This also features airmats that are used in case of impact.
Murumo - Mirmo! © 2002-2005 Hiromu Shinozuka / Sho-Pro, TV Tokyo Armor (Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack Mobile Suit Variations) - Gundam Series © SUNRISE, Sotsu
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gyuyoungarchives · 5 months
💬 Xports News: Highlights from Interview for the 'Promising Star of 2018' Segment' - on Just Between Lovers, Monsters, and The Wrestler (by reporter Lee Ayoung)
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Xports News met three promising new stars who are expected to shine in 2018, coinciding with the Lunar New Year. These include Park Gyuyoung from JTBC's drama 'Just Between Lovers', Jo Seunghee from OCN's 'Meloholic' and SBS's 'Bravo My Life', and comedian Han Yoonseo from tvN's 'Comedy Big League'. We heard their goals and resolutions for the year. Interviews with Park Gyuyoung, Jo Seunghee, and Han Yoonseo will be sequentially released from the 16th to the 18th.
If you're a viewer of JTBC's drama 'Just Between Lovers', there's a supporting actress you can't forget. It's Park Gyuyoung, who played the role of Somi, an employee at the architectural office where Ha Moonsoo (played by Won Jinah) works. Although somewhat annoying, she is not disliked, and her bubbly yet not over-the-top behaviour blends into the drama, adding vibrancy.
"I'm calmer than Somi in real life," says Park Gyuyoung. "When I went to the set, the staff treated and welcomed me just like Somi, so I always felt 'uplifted'. As a result, quirky expressions and playful actions came out naturally," she reveals the secret behind her lively acting.
Her formal training in acting began after she was scouted as a trainee by JYP Entertainment in 2015. She got noticed by the magazine 'University Tomorrow' after uploading her pictures on social media (SNS), which led to her being featured on the cover, and subsequently, her current agency proposed the path of acting to her.
"I never dreamt or even imagined acting, as I didn't think it was my field. But I got a good opportunity and have been enjoying it. If I hadn't gone into acting, maybe I would have graduated from school and gotten a job? I think 'University Tomorrow' was a somewhat fated move."
She debuted in 2016 in singer Jo Kwon's music video 'Crosswalk'. Following that, she appeared in dramas like 'Suspicious Partner', 'Solomon's Perjury', and KBS Drama Special 'Kang Deoksoon's Love History'. Even with limited screen time, she had a noticeable presence. In 'Just Between Lovers', her solid and natural acting made it hard to believe she had only just over two years of experience. Comments like "she's a great actor" were often seen. Could there be a better compliment for a rookie?
"It really, really made me happy. Among those, I still remember comments saying '(Her role) fits her perfectly'. It was almost overwhelming. There's still a lot I need to learn and improve on, so it's a bit embarrassing, but it feels good, and I can't hide that."
She grew through praise from senior actors on set from actors such as Lee Kiwoo and Won Jinah. Park Gyuyoung recalls, "That was really empowering and fun." However, she shyly smiles, attributing her success more to the script than her own skill.
"Compared to those who have majored in acting or have long experience, I have less experience, so I think I only know how to melt what I have into my roles. My expressions are also based on how I usually am with friends or parents, as I'm quite affectionate with them. I still have a lot to learn, study, and research, like methods of creating a character."
Before filming 'Just Between Lovers', Park Gyuyoung had completed two movie shoots and appeared in several dramas. She had a non-speaking role in 'Suspicious Partner', but many people remembered her.
When asked about her charm, Park Gyuyoung shyly smiled and replied, "It might be my bright smile." She added, "But I'm more contemplative than I appear, and my voice is lower than one might think. So, I want to try more serene and emotional roles, not just cheerful ones."
She is looking forward to the releases of the movies 'Monsters' and 'The Wrestler' this year. She's a star recognized first by the screen. Furthermore, the film magazine 'Cine 21' named her as 'the most noteworthy newcomer of the year.'
Hearing that, she thought, "Why am I considered a promising actor?" She was curious about who else was selected. "There were really famous people too. It's unbelievable and still doesn't feel real. But, I think I should be ambitious. It won't be easy, but it would be a lie to say I don't have any ambition."
'Monsters' is Park Gyuyoung's film debut, where she played dual roles. "It was my first time, so I was overwhelmed, but I created a path through many conversations with the director," she said. "It's a precious memory. I'm excited too, as I haven't seen the final version yet."
In 'The Wrestler', she appears as Lee Sungkyung's sister, sharing meaningful experiences with senior actors like Na Moonhee, Sung Dongil, and Yoo Haejin. During the script reading for 'The Wrestler', she received compliments from Na Moonhee, who remembered her even when they met again during the filming of 'Just Between Lovers.' "Such memories are truly valuable," she remarked.
"Acting is still purely fun for me. Being on the set made me realize there's more to consider. One thing is, just as the senior actors treated me humanely and helped me feel at ease, I want to do the same for nervous juniors when I become a senior."
This Lunar New Year, she plans to spend time with her family in her hometown of Busan. Her parents are her number one fans and monitors, supporting her in everything she does. During the broadcast of 'Just Between Lovers', her family had a chat room where they exchanged real-time comments like 'cute' or 'this one is a bit off'.
Her goal for the year is modest. "In 2017, it feels like I've slowly shown that Park Gyuyoung exists," she said. "In 2018, I want to show more of my capabilities in more media and better roles."
Full Article:
https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/311/0000823651 https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/311/0000823652
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Medium Specificity and Gesamtkunstwerk
According to 18th century poet Lessing (1766), successful artworks are ones which stay within the limits of their respective mediums, this is also known as medium specificity, as we’ve expanded into the technological era, I wonder if medium specificity is still applicable in the digital arts as it encampasses such a broad range of tools, as Manovich (2001) argues, we are still using archaic terms to understand the modern digital arts and their subcategories and whether it’s time to create new ways to classify certain works and tools. Lessings theories on medium specificity has caused a lot of argument and adjustments to his theory within the world of art, eg. Toelken’s (1822) addendum, in which his argument could be considered a forerunner to Manovich’s through his exploration of differences between ancient and modern mediums through the framework of theoretical and historical representations, all while considering the effects of cultural context (Garberson, 2017). These developments are to be expected as we have created new mediums and tools, however, I can't help but wonder if Lessing would stay true to his views in the expansion of mediums or if what could be seen as a chaotic blending of modern tools would cause him to adhere more firmly to his theory. In my personal experience, Lessing’s theories have a place when observing the natural beauty and skill of the artist in a traditional medium, but I also think that with the breadth of all the modern tools available, it is still true that it takes the hand of a skilled artist to bring out the best in all of them; the alternative being extreme mediocrity or a chaotic mess at best. 
Beyond the argument of medium specificity lies the modern demand of art in the development of massive multimedia products. While a purist view of mediums is perhaps best suited for classical art spaces, the commercial demand makes delivering media specific products impossible unless it was specifically requested. With fast turn over times, artists turn in gratitude to tools that speed up the creation process. This is true more than ever with AI art generators looming over artist heads and beating them in terms of speed and quality. 
Digital tools can also help artists that struggle with certain skills, eg. perspective or anatomy achieve incredible results without putting in the thousands of hours for mastery. For me, that meant I could create work beyond my traditional skills and begin to make money within my profession. I feel that using 3D in my artwork doesn't take anything away in the same way that AI could, but rather improves the clarity of the concept I am delivering. 
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My artwork titled "Palace of the Corsairs" is a concept piece based on Tolkien's Middle Earth. I used 3D software as a tool to create the complex shapes with correct perspective.
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An animated GIF showing the process of turning a 3D scene into a piece that imitates a painterly style by digitally "painting" over it in Photoshop using "brushes" and "tools" that simulate traditional methods.
I can analyse my digital paintings within the context of medium specificity if digital painting is the closest visual comparative to painting within a traditional medium. If I am delivering something that needs to have a feel of a specific medium but not specifically requested, I ask myself how much 3D can I add before I start losing that purist essence of a digital painting. Imperfections are part of the charm of many artworks, 3D can be too clean. I think it becomes a tug of war between efficiency and charm, and subliminally trying to imitate the simplistic beauty of a single medium.
If digital media is not easily defined within the context of medium specificity and it becomes a thing of “imitation”, perhaps it is more suited to embracing the strength of its parts and the tools suited to create “Gesamtkunstwerk” (Trahndorff, 1827) meaning “total work of art”. Wagner (1849) considered theater to be the ultimate “Gesamtkunstwerk” in his time, and while the medium of theater has endured, films may also be considered the modern equivalent of a total work of art. In fact, Marinetti, et al. (1916) demanded in their manifesto that “One must free the cinema as an expressive medium in order to make it the ideal instrument of a new art, immensely vaster and lighter than all the existing arts,” (Marinetti, et al., 1916, p. 33). 
The aim of a “Gesamtkunstwerk” is to indulge as many senses as possible; if I were to try to turn my concept art into a total work of art, I would consider movement, i.e. animation, sound through music or sound effects, colours that evoke emotion and richly developed characters to empathise with. This might look like painting with parallax, or perhaps one that requires exploration to tell the story through zooming into small details. It may also mean using more immersive delivery methods like Virtual Reality, which could be considered an ideal medium to exist among the evolutions of “Gesamtkunstwerk” (Randall, Ken, 2002).
GARBERSON, E. (2017). Correcting Lessing's Error: E. H. Toelken's Addendum to Laokoon, 1822. In: LIPPERT, S. (Ed). Space and Time in Artistic Practice and Aesthetics : The Legacy of Gotthold Ephr. London: I. B. Tauris & Company, Limited. pp.74-96.
LESSING, G. E. (1766) Laocošn.
MANOVICH, L. (2001). Post-media Aesthetics. [Online]. Manovich. Available at: http://manovich.net/index.php/projects/post-media-aesthetics [Accessed 9 November 2023].
MARINETTI, F.T., CORRA, B., SETTIMELLI, E. GINNA, A., BALLA, G., CHITI, R. (2014). The Futurist Cinema (Italy, 1916). In: MACKENZIE, S. (Ed). Film Manifestos and Global Cinema Cultures. Berkeley: University of California Press. Pp.32-36.
RANDALL, P., KEN, J. (2002). Multimedia: from Wagner to Virtual Reality. New York; London: W. W. Norton.
TOELKEN, E. H. (1822). Ueber das verschiedene Verhältniß der antiken und modernen Malerei zur Poesie, ein Nachtrag zu Lessings Laokoon. Berlin: Nicolai.
TRAHNDORFF, K. F. E., (1827). Ästhetik oder Lehre von Weltanschauung und Kunst 2 Bde., Berlin
WAGNER, R. (1849). Art and Revolution.
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citadelofstudiesbac · 9 months
Week 1 Stress Management There are many ways to reduce stress but the way I follow is by doing some exercise. I do heavy workouts like 100 squats and I also do climb the stairs up to the 18th floor. This makes me tired but I personally do it because this will reduce my stress. At the same time I listen to songs, sometimes I listen to rock songs and sometimes I listen to calm music to make my mind clear.
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Week 2 Self-Discipline  I’m pretty sure that I’m very self-disciplined. I’m very good at managing my time, I’ve never handed in my assignments last minute or after the deadline. I also try to keep my work schedule consistent and updated so that I don’t miss out on anything. I’m also very conscious about my health because I won’t skip my workout and my breakfast.
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Week 3 Self-Esteem
I really have very high self-esteem because I believe that no one can motivate us better than ourselves. I will frequently tell to my self that I will always be confident in myself and also I will always tell myself that I’m better than everyone just to keep me motivated. I don't compare myself with anyone because that will bring my self-esteem down.
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Week 4  Learning styles  I think I am a Visual Learner because I like to learn by reading and seeing pictures. Visual learners can easily visualize objects, have a great sense of balance and alignment, are very color-oriented, and can effortlessly envision imagery. Graphic aids help me remember and learn material easily . Usually, I learn by color coding my notes, doing a to-do list, and using mind mapping techniques.  Multiple Intelligence  Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. I prefer communicating with others while doing an assignment or project. This habit helps me go through working in groups easily.
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Week 5  Note Taking Skill  The most effective note-taking skills that I use during my study sessions is the two-column note-taking system which is a valuable technique for improving the quality and effectiveness, of my note. It helps me to focus on capturing what’s most important, reducing the risk of overwhelming myself with excessive details.
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Making Up For Lost Time
I’ve wanted to write some blog posts that were larger compared to some of my latest ones. But I was too busy with important schoolwork. It didn’t help that the pollution in my country grew to the point where I couldn’t focus on the things I loved that weren’t Pokémon.
Thankfully, things have gotten better for me. For one, some close acquaintances are actually doing something to combat the air quality problems and the people who cause them. I’ve also recovered both physically and mentally. Now I can go back to working on the things I couldn’t do all those weeks ago.
It’s time to make up for all the time I lost!
I finally found all the orange stakes in Pokémon Violet! When I went to find the shrine for the next legendary Pokémon, I found out that it was in a completely different location.
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And when I touched it, a Pokémon that WASN’T Chi-Yu popped out.
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What is this thing, and why doesn’t its fur match up with the color of the shrine/stakes?
After one Master Ball, I managed to add it to my collection.
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If it has something to do with swords, then why doesn’t Chien-Pao lower every other Pokémon’s Attack?
I spent most of the time I had for the day collecting shiny Pokémon.
I first went back in time to Hisui so I could trade this shiny Sylveon I caught in a Max Raid battle for another shiny Pokémon I haven’t gotten yet. After HOURS of waiting and haggling, I was eventually able to trade it for a shiny Yanma.
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And with Yanma, the Yanma line has finally been completed.
Before I moved on to the next game, I had to release another Pokémon. And when I did, something happened.
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Apparently, Pokémon you release in this game leave behind gifts for you. I’ve never seen this behavior since I never release any of the Pokémon I have. (Outside of specific situations...)
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At least it was something useful.
After all of that, I moved onto Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Version to trade the Drapion I had. Thankfully, I found someone who was willing to trade something good to me. (Whatever that Pokémon is, you’ll just have to visit the Shiny Collection to find out.)
I was also fortunate to fight in a few battles. Naturally, I won them all. Even after 2 months, I’m still the best!
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I should draw with my stylus more. (If only it wasn’t so terrible.)
I also managed to get another shiny Pokémon in a trade. The second shiny Unown I’ve ever owned!
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It’s not an S. But it’ll do for now. (I could catch shiny versions of the other Unown and create a new Unown laboratory. But I think I’ll save that for later.)
I was kind of busy with schoolwork that day. I battled someone in Violet Version and I managed to get over whatever I was worried about the previous day. I even finished that assignment I mentioned earlier.
I managed to improve my battle skills. I feel like I can make smarter decisions now that my brain is getting the oxygen it needs.
I got a Charizard through an event. It has a Dark Tera Type. (Although, I don’t know why anyone would change it to THAT...)
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I’m not sure WHY it has my name registered to it. (It was supposed to be someone else’s.)
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I guess this makes Charizard the first event Pokémon I’ve caught that has a Classic Ribbon. (I should take him back to Sinnoh with me so I can win him even more ribbons.)
To improve my brain’s capabilities, I went to the academy to take on the Battle class.
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I’m pretty sure the Treasure Hunt ended a month ago. (I hope I don’t cause any trouble by bringing a legendary Pokémon to this class.)
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Then this class could become on par with the classes at Earl’s Pokémon Academy.
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But it doesn’t completely restore their HP. (Most of the time...)
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If they feel that way, they should have gone with a Pokémon that was right for the job.
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The midterms are here already? I guess this class really is the one I excel at the most.
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To be honest, an indoor area would be a more ideal place to hold a test like this.
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A perfect A+. And THIS is what I get for it. (Captures the education system perfectly.)
Time to take on the last few lessons.
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But will Auto-Battles increase a Pokémon’s specific stats?
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Hopefully that hacker isn’t someone who comes to this school on a daily basis...
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I wish the lessons in this class would go over stuff like this. Pokémon Stadium 2 went over battle basics in a much better way.
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But what about Triple Battles? Or Sky Battles?
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But they’ll be no good if their stats weren’t trained properly.
Eventually, I managed to complete the final exam and pass the class. Now that I’m done with this one, it’s off to Art.
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When I was about to exit my dorm room, the map stated that Penny was somewhere in the main hall.
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I mean, that WAS the plan for the admins, wasn’t it?
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It HAS been a few months since they’ve reformed. Life should have improved for them in that time.
That should cover the previous week. I’d focus on battling more. But I want to go back to drawing. It’s been so long since I’ve sketched anything...
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lgcxcameron · 2 years
choose, choosing, chosen - scenarios | solo
cam definitely did not expect what they walked into. 
he wasn't familiar with the previous seasons of future dreams and hadn't had much time to binge the seasons between all that he had to do for the evaluation group, truth untold, and all that other stuff. so when they met with the pd for the next meeting, he was not expecting to have to rank himself amongst his peers. he could objectively see the improvement he's made since leaving the last company, how much even that he made since arriving in korea; it was hard to compare himself to others based on his skills. he knew he was decent at singing, he'd been chosen for an ost, but compared to his seniors and some of the other trainees that joined around the same time as him-- compared to even his friends jiahn and indy? it made him uncomfortable and want to curl into himself.
despite that, he would have to do it anyways- no matter how much it made his stomach twist up.
"i think, based on my experience and compared to those with me today, i would rank myself 18th." his head wobbles a bit as he thinks, lip bitten without noticing. "i have a lot to prove against the others in the competition, i've seen quite a few of them and know how strong they are." he shrugs slightly, it's the truth. "but, i don't think i belong at the bottom-- i have my own strengths and have been able to show them recently." the last thing he wants to come across as is cocky, because he truly doesn't think he has a leg to stand on, but he also doesn't think he's the most inexperienced of the group.
"as for who i could see myself facing against--" he hums, trying not to take too much time and willing his brain to process just a bit faster so there's not an awkward silence. "i think for singing i would like to go against jiahn, he's experienced and i think it would be a great challenge to better my own skills and learn."
"for dancing, i think jaekyung is very good and well matched for me; and last for rap, i think i'd like to go against kian." he feels like he's singling out people despite being asked to choose people. his skin is crawling, hidden behind a calm and easing smile as they move along to the other trainees in the competition to answer just what he had.
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