#and Flint is like ah today's good deed :)
ginazmemeoir · 3 years
so i was inspired by @h00man-bean and here you go with a fic about Kaz and Inej as the Devil and the Reaper.
tagging @h00man-bean @mango-pickle @carmen-riddle @the-fault-in-our-inquilab @momo-all-the-way @gopikanyari @aadyeah @reddish-green-personality @weird-u @holding-infinity-and-a-book @dragonfairy1231 @totallyforgotyouwerehere @a-dragon-under-the-stars @taareginn
I crash into consciousness. The sound of gurgling water and rustling leaves greets me as I stand up. Strange. The last time I was alive, I had arthritis and was confined to a wheelchair. All Nina could do was slow mine and Inej’s death. I remember the last breath I drew, the last thought I had, the last time I saw Inej smile. And then nothing. Just an empty void, just – not being anymore.
I look at myself, flex my toes. It appears as if death has returned my old skin back to me, but it still doesn’t look like mine. This one is clear as if it was tended to by a Grisha tailor daily, as if the man who bore it had never worked a day. I am wearing the suit I stole from Pekka Rollins, decorated with a genuine gold pin showing a crow with a lion’s head in its claws. My cane lies beside me along with my hat. Either I am in a coma and am dying a slow, painful death as many of my enemies wished, or I have woken from a dream and nothing that I know happened, never really happened. I would rather prefer the first. Then, I see Inej.
She stands there in her captain’s uniform, the teal coat Sturmhond gave her, coupled with breeches and boots. I bet her knives are still tucked there. Her skin, still the same gleaming bronze, is now wrinkle free. Her eyes are kohl rimmed, and her ink black hair spill onto her shoulders. She looks at me with confusion, her eyes searching. “Kaz?” she asks. I move toward her, and then run. Funny how a good leg is almost as useful as a grisha crafted cane.
I clasp her hands in mine, her breath caressing me. “Inej,” I whisper “What are we doing here?”
“You’re both dead actually.” says a voice behind me. I turn around to see a Fjerdan merchant approaching us. He wears a blood red coat with gold lapels. His blonde hair is slicked back, and he walks with the cool confidence of someone who just cracked a deal. The only thing differentiating him from a Kerch businessman that I once looted is that he’s surrounded by floating rocks. Inej immediately kneels beside me, and nudges me. “Sorry but I have a bad leg. Also I don’t bow to animated turkeys.” I say as I go and retrieve my cane and hat. The Fjerdan chuckles and replies in heavily accented Kerch, “I suspect that bad leg excuse is of any use to now, Kaz Brekker. Also, please get up Inej, you look extremely out of place bowing to me in a teal coat.” Inej gets up reluctantly, and when she does, she has… tears in her eyes?
“Sankt Demyan of the Rime, thank you for protecting me.” She says, and hands him one of her knives. “Ah. How poetic.” He says, and pockets the knife. That is when I realize that we, in fact are dead. And Inej’s saints, are in fact, real. Great. There goes my ten thousand kruge. Thankfully the rest of the Crows aren’t here or I would have ended up as quite literally, a bankrupt soul.
“How many times have I told you Demyan to let me welcome the visitors? You’re hardly a gracious host, let alone a good gambler,” says a Shu woman, as she walks in behind Demyan, along with a Suli girl. The Suli girl was surrounded by floating rocks as well. She looked at Inej, and smiled at her. “And now, I would like those gold buttons of yours.” Says the Shu woman.
Inej hastened to remove her own lapel, a dragon and a fox, when the woman stops her. “I’m not talking to you Wraith, I’m talking to Demyan. We had bet that Kaz Brekker would kick him in the balls when he first arrived. I however had gone for a scathing insult. So seems like I won.” She says, and takes the gold buttons that Demyan removed (albeit while grumbling) in her slender hands. “Sankta Yeryin of the Mill, and Sankta Marya of the Rock, I- it’s an honour to meet you.” says Inej, and proceeds to bow more times than she has apologized when she was alive. I am shocked to see the way these so called “saints” milk Inej’s “devotion”. She was the closest thing to a saint that people actually had down in the mortal realm, and I would rather have kicked Demyan in the balls than let Inej bow again. But I restrain myself for the sake of my jaan.
Inej gives two more knives to the women, and stands beside me. She looks like a ridiculous schoolgirl, all giddy as if she had met her favourite aunts, and I catch myself falling in love with her all over again as a dead soul. Demyan soon interrupts my thoughts with that sinuous high-pitched voice, and asks, “I see you’re unusually quite today Dirtyhands. What’s the matter?” “I’m sorry, it’s just I’m wrapping my head around the concept of not existing physically anymore. Also I’ve heard you carry your belongings with you to the afterlife, so where’s all my gold?” I reply. Yeryin chuckles, her slit eyes crinkling while Marya looks at me in disbelief. Her voice, booming like a mountain echo, repeats what she, and countless others back in the mortal world, including my wife, thought each day, “Have you no honour Kaz Brekker?” I just shrug and adjust my hat.
“Anyways, ah, back to the topic at hand.” says Demyan, as he walks towards a tree. No wait, the tree. It could easily be as tall as a mountain. Five springs gush forth from its roots, and a heart is suspended from thorns right in front of a tear in it. The heart with the thorns I remember from the most epic heist of my career, involving legends and the Ravkan monarchy. The tree I do not. Inej asks, “Mind me, O great Saint of the Dead, but could you please acquaint us with our surroundings?” Wow. That’s a lot of vocabulary from a woman whose last sentence, in my memories, is complaining how the medicine she gave me smelled like rat fart. “Oh yup that’s Djel. Or rather his ash tree. Quite popular with my countryfolk.” he says cheerfully. “And we’re here in a mountain in the Sikurzoi, in a different plane of existence. For you, are dead.” he continues, with that ridiculous smile of his. Marya then steps forward, her voice slightly less enthusiastic, giving me the feel that this is all probably quite rehearsed for a while now. “You are a long way from home my loves. Kaz Brekker, you died a natural death. Inej Ghafa, you also died a natural death. Both of you were a hundred and thirteen years old, with Inej dying within a year of your death. The form you have now, is the form you chose to be remembered as.” she says. Yeryin huffs past us, her robes billowing, and hands the buttons over to Demyan, raising up her hand to his face and showing a symbol that quite contradicts with the Saint of Hospitality. “I should have expected such from you, you merchant scum.” she says. She then turns to directly address us and says, “Enough introductions though. The real reason you’ve been brought here is for another reason entirely. You see, the souls of the dead…”
I roll my eyes as the Sankta prepares for another lecture about how our “feeble human brains can’t comprehend the world.” I regret having married Inej in this moment in the afterlife though. Dirtyhands would’ve conned them by now and found a way back to the mortal realm. Kaz Brekker on the other hand, sits on the grass like a five-year old listening a story. Inej sits beside me, her coat now lying beside her in a heap and her hair fluttering open. How I wish I could’ve seen her in the open sea like that.
“…are usually brought to the other sides of the tree.” Yeryin says, waving her hands in an elegant motion to summon up a throne made out of the river pebbles and rocks, confirming that the trio were all, in fact, Fabrikators. “There, they are all assessed in context with their deeds on earth. Everything that they’ve gone through, and everything they’ve done is all taken into account by the Saint of The Book.” She then points to a woman, invisible until this point, sitting near the tree. She bends over a desk, poring over a giant ledger and surrounded by thick books. Her thick blonde hair covered her face, her glasses perched on her wide nose, and her fair, plump skin flushed. “The three of us then decide their fate in the afterlife. Those, who we decide are ‘good’, enjoy the fruits of paradise for a while and then return to the making at the heart of this world. Those, who we deem ‘bad’, are impaled on the thorn wood until they are purged of their sins. They then bathe in one of Djel’s springs, and return back to merzost.”
“Yeah but why are you telling us all of this? We get it, we’re dead, so which way are we going?” I ask the Saints. Inej elbows me once again, scolding me with her eyes. I shrug, and stand up with my cane. “Unless you have something else to tell us, I would like to take your leave. Saints.” I start to walk, when I find myself tripping over. I right myself with my cane just in time, and see that my hands and feet are bound by vines, Demyan’s hands raised up. These saints want a taste of Dirtyhands? Fine. I will show them Dirtyhands.
I see Kaz’s demeanour change. He slips into the familiar garb of Dirtyhands, his eyes cold as flint, lips slightly pursed, standing like the King of the Barrel. I get into a fighting stance, my heavy coat no longer obstructing me. I feel the presence of my remaining knives, regretting handing over the rest. I respect my Saints, but nobody, and I repeat nobody, touches my husband and escapes alive.
Marya stands immovable, her eyes gazing at something in the distance. Yeryin clasps her hands, and states, “You came here at our wish Kaz Brekker. You leave with our wish as well. No need to reach for your knives Wraith they won’t serve you here.” I feel a tug inside me, as if someone is yanking on my leash. Before I know, I am pulled back, my breath knocked out of me, and I crash into a wooden chair. Kaz suffers a similar fate beside me, and I can see his anger barely in check. “Why are you doing this to us?” I ask Marya. She glances at me, her eyes tearful, and replies, “Because we’re tired Inej Ghafa. Because you’re now, the new gods of death.”
Great. We’re the subject of a cruel joke by the Saints and are being tortured for our sins. “We don’t want anything to do with you or your jobs. Just release us and march us over to the thorn wood, I’m ready to answer for my crimes.” “Oh you silly girl, we won’t kill our scapegoats, will we? Isn’t that right my fellow sisters?” Demyan says in his ridiculously cheerful manner. That smile takes me back to the West Stave, Heleen bartering over me with the slavers, her sinuous smile each time I resisted her. I eventually did track my slavers, although only Kaz knows of their fate, for he was the one who insisted on having them. Demyan then comes over to us, and the Saint of Death’s face becomes morose. He kneels in front of us, as if pleading with us, and says, “You see, we’re linked directly with humans and grisha. Death. Hospitality. Pathfinder. Our roles were fundamental to the balance of the world, to the smooth passage of souls and justice in the afterlife. However, seeing the Starless One return back to merzost, seeing Juris merge with the Dragonqueen, has made us realize that we thought impossible, was actually just – improbable. You would certainly know about that, wouldn’t you Dirtyhands?” Demyan glances at Kaz, his eyes moist, while Kaz looks at him unflinchingly. Weren’t the Saints destined to perform their duties? Then why are they looking for scapegoats? Demyan comes back to me, his tone rushed as he blurted out his plan. “We long to be free Inej Ghafa. We too long to return back from where we came. We too long to feel.” Yeryin and Marya then float over to us. “A Saint that dispenses justice, must have suffered injustice to be accurate in his judgements. He should be immovable, yet sensitive to the souls he receives. Kaz Brekker, you have shown us the resilience and fury of a Saint.” Yeryin says. Marya then glances at me, and begins, “Jaan, you’re one of my own people, and so I hold a special place for you. The Saint that is the Reaper, who brings over the souls of the dead, must kill without remorse. Must feel for each soul with all of her heart. She must be indiscriminate in her search.” “And you Inej Ghafa have shown us that heart.” Demyan finishes, clasping my hand. “The part is yours, should you keep it. However, remember, you must take it up with free will, for handling the deceased is a far more tedious and draining task than it sounds.”
I look back at Kaz. His eyes are focussed on the ground, his brain coming up with another wild scheme. I look at the Saints with disbelief. All this time, as I, as millions, prayed to them, honouring their martyrdoms with festivals and prayers, the Saints just longed to be human. Kaz finally speaks after what feels like an eternity. “I have a question. Are the Saints willing to answer that?” “But of course. That is the least we can do for you.” says Yeryin.
“You might’ve come across two souls in your eternal career. Jordie, and Pekka Rollins. What fate awaited them?” I ask hesitantly. I am both excited and afraid of the answer the saints hold for me. Marya looks at the Saint of the Book. She rises, and comes towards us, a small register in her hands. She hands it to Marya, and returns back, giving me a not-so subtle side look. Marya searches for the names I asked, clears her throat, and begins. “Pekka Rollins, the leader of the Dimes, a gang in the streets of Ketterdam, was impaled on the thorn wood. He was purged of all his sins, and then chose to return back to merzost. As for Jordie, your brother, he did not choose to stay for long.” I look back at Marya. “His soul… was tormented. Even though he was healed with the waters of Djel, even though we helped his soul discover his unknown gift as a Grisha Tidemaker, he kept searching this garden for you. In the end, he chose to take a single bite of Djel’s fruit, and returned back to merzost, finally at peace.”
Jordie’s fate stuns me into silence. Pekka Rollins snatched our life on Earth, but even in the gardens of paradise my brother kept searching for me. My vision blurs, my brother’s destiny opening a well of sadness in me, his peaceful return to merzost the only respite offered to him. This was the place where Jordie’s soul searched for me. Where he waited and waited for me, until he dissolved back into the heart of the world. And this is where I would choose to stay for eternity, the only place that holds my brother’s peace. I look at Marya, and nod.
Beside me, Inej grasps my hand, and smiles. She then looks down at Demyan, and says, “We will take up the mantel of your duties, O Revered Saints.” I roll my eyes. It’s as if Sturmhond’s vocabulary worms it’s way into Inej’s brain each time she talks to her saints.
The saints all look at each other, then smile and open their arms. “Our powers, are then yours, Wraith and Dirtyhands.” Golden rays, the colour of sundried wheat and barley emit from Yeryin. Ink black waves surge from Demyan while a shower of dirt erupts from Marya. The three slowly disappear, probably to a much better place. The knives Inej gave to them clatter on the ground.
Inej picks up her coat, dusts it off, and shrugs it on. She picks up her knives, touching them to her forehead, and wipes them on her sleeve. “So what do we now?” she asks me. “Well we’re here for eternity, alone, at least till you go off to bring our souls. Let’s have some fun.” I say and suggestively smirk. The Saint of the Book widens her eyes in horror as she looks at us. “Oh keep it in your pants, you perv.” I say, as I give a big shout and run towards the gentle slope along the riverbank, Inej’s soft padded boots following me, as we both tumble into each other and hurtle to the earth.
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Beast Souls Volume 1
Aaron McCoy 
Beast Souls
(Scene: California redwood forest, an advanced style tree house centered at the top of the middle one in the shot. Blaze; a fiery haired shaggy young man with a half hoodie, "fireball" necklace, and swim trunks with flame print. Sits beside a huge Fu dog style statuesque figure made of fire with glowing green eyes "Ember". They're leaning against the tree looking over a sheet in Blazes hand)
Blaze: "Man, look at this sad list!"
Ember: "Sad?"
Blaze: "Yeah! None of these bounties are over $500!?"
Ember: "Isn't their bounty directly related to their class and skill?"
Blaze: "Yes? What's your point?"
Ember: "My point IS; are you really MAD there aren't MORE dangerous people in the area?"
Blaze: "Not EXACTLY, it's just, we got bills to pay! Plus we need to eat! On top of that class ones are boring now, they're not even challenging anymore. We'll never get stronger at this rate."
Ember: "Hmmm...I guess you have a point. That IS the amateur list though. It’s not like we're proud souls."
Blaze: "AH! Proud Souls. Now THAT's the life! Hunting hardcore baddies for big pay and privileges."
Ember: "Seeing as its invite only guess we'll stick with the small fry for now"
Blaze (annoyed face): "I guess so. Hmm. How about this guy? Bounties $500, highest on the sheet, says has been mugging young rich ladies in the market."
Ember: "What despicable behavior! We should teach him better manners!"
Blaze (serious face): Yes.....yes we should."
(Scene point: Last shot in scene is bounty page with picture of a man’s face and the names Fig and Twig at the top with a bounty of $500)
(End scene 1)
(Scene: Blaze narrates a flashback accompanied with coinciding pictures of the places mentioned, him running away from a house, under a tree, etc.)
Blaze (narrating): "I've been living day by day this way since the very beginning. The day I first met Ember, my very own beast soul.
I had ran away from a bad home in the middle of winter before a terrible snowstorm. Guess that wasn't the brightest idea.
I finally found shelter inside a huge hole in a tree. Only problem was the hole was so big that snow was blowing in making it almost impossible to start a fire. Notice I said almost? I had found rocks to serve as flint, but were getting wet from the snow, and I was getting colder."
Child Blaze: "COME ON! Light already! If you don't light....ILL DIE!"
(Scene: as child Blaze slams the two pieces of flint together in one last ditch effort they explode into sparks and the small explosion becomes a puppy made of fire)
Child Blaze: "WOAH!? What.....ARE you!?"
Blaze (narrating): "I was in complete shock. The puppy seemed to be made of fire but it didn't burn me when I got near it or touched it. It kept me warm. I thought at first I was hallucinating until..."
Ember (puppy): "I'm.....Ember."
Child Blaze: “HEY! I hear you in my head!?"
Ember (puppy): "Yes, I'm here because of you! I'm here to help you survive."
Blaze (narrating): "I didn't understand then completely what I had done. It was only when I made it to the city and a man named Argyl appeared before me with a certain letter that I truly understood."
(Scene: Now in a big city back alley with child blaze and a man in a black/blue suit with open lapel and lacey undershirt tucked back collars and red shoes, strong dark hair and eyes (hair of below shoulder length) Argyl )
Argyl: "You unlocked your potential and summoned your Beast Soul"
Child Blaze: “Beast...Soul?"
Argyl: "Yes, An amazing creature summoned forth to exist by using a sliver of your soul! It's part of you!"
Child Blaze: "Wow! COOL! But......how did I do it?"
Argyl: "None know for sure WHY some have this strange ability, BUT what IS known is that it's been around for a VERY long time, and only extreme circumstances, instincts, and large releases of adrenaline can cause a potential soul to fracture."
Child Blaze: "Wait.....so you're saying I summoned it because I thought I’d die from the cold!?"
Argyl: "In your case, yes, it would appear that way. As a result Ember is made of pure heat. Many of these beast souls have powers; How you use them is up to you, however, you should read this letter very carefully first."
(Scene: Argyl stops pacing and hands Blaze a letter, blaze looks down at the letter)
Child Blaze: "Okay, but I still don't get why....."
(Scene: Blaze looks up to notice that Argyl has already disappeared)
Child Blaze: "HEY! Where'd he go.....? Hmmm..."
(Scene: Blaze looks down at the letter again then opens it carefully, its contents now fully displayed. The letter reads as follows; "Dear Blaze, Congratulations on your recent awakening and welcome to the world of Beast Souls! We are The Society of Myth, a government of sorts for Users like yourself. Do what you will with your newfound powers; but know this, we WILL be watching. If you commit evil deeds or disrupt the world in any way we WILL find you. You have been warned. Sincerely, Mr. Koji P.S. This is your ONLY warning!" after this blaze continues to narrate with pictures of him through the years hunting, cooking, and finally some shots of him handing over Rouges to Argyl)
Blaze (narrating): "Naturally as a young boy the letter had terrified me. I definitely DIDN'T want the Society after me. I ended up using my powers mostly just for hunting and cooking.
Eventually, once I was old enough, I was informed of the Amateur List and Bounties (a list of low level trouble makers other users can catch for money). So I decided that's how I and Ember would make a living.
We've been fighting ever since."
(Scene 2 "flashback sequence" End)
(Scene opens to current day a California local marketplace where The List said Fig would be. Blaze walking around the high end of the market)
Blaze: "Man! Sure is busy today!"
Ember: “It IS Saturday you know”
Blaze: “Good that means lots of Richie teen girls will be out shopping. Perfect bait for our bounty!”
Ember: “That’s….not necessarily a “happy” thought.”
Blaze: “Don’t worry Ember. I won’t let anyone get hurt, we’ll be ever vigilant!”
(Saying this Blaze does a comical hand above eyes back and forth scan?)
Ember: “Blaze, look over there!”
Blaze: “WOAH! She’s obviously the richest girl here!”
(In the distance a women with nice clothing, expensive jewelry, and even a servant carrying many bags.)
Ember: “Yes, but if WE noticed her that easily, then that means….”
Blaze: “Our bounty might too!”
(Scene: after tailing the girl only a couple of minutes they notices a shadowy figure wearing sunglasses staring and following her intently)
Blaze: “Hey, looks like that guys watching her too!”
Ember: “Yes, and its way too cloudy for sunglasses.”
Blaze: “Definitely, looks like we’re on to something.”
(Scene: They keep following the young girl as they do the man follows also)
Blaze: “Looks like he’s our man!”
Ember: “We can’t be sure until he makes his move, harming civilians with our powers is against the rules. We have to be sure he’s Fig”
Blaze: “I know, don’t worry, we’re reaching the end of the market if he’s planning on making a move he’ll have to do it soon!”
(Scene: They finally end up in a more deserted area of shops. Closed or out of business signs dot the windows. They overhear the woman)
Woman: “Oh my, it appears we’ve come too far James”
James: “Yes madam, we should find our way back immediately. This place looks unsavory.”
Woman: “I think the main market is this way?”
(Scene: Just then the dark figured man steps forward)
Man: “I can show you the way back miss.”
Woman: “Why thank you kind sir”
Man (smiling intently): “My pleasure!”
(Scene: saying this the man leads them instead down a back alley”
Blaze: “Here it comes!”
Ember: “Don’t go down there until he reveals himself!”
James: “Hmmm. This doesn’t look right at all”
Man: “You’re right. That’s because, IT’S NOT!”
(Scene: saying this the man discards the jacket and sunglasses revealing the face of Fig from the wanted poster)
Ember: “Alright LET’S GO!”
(Scene: Racing in Blaze steps in front of the lady)
Blaze: “You might want to get out of here lady, it might get ugly.”
(Scene: Saying this Blaze throws out his hand wide as an explosion occurs summoning Ember into existence)
James: “My lady we need to leave NOW!”
(Scene: Saying this the man and woman drop their bags and high-tail it from the alley)
Fig (scowling): “YOU BASTARD! I don’t know who you are but that was my catch of the day, and you scared her off! You won’t get away with this.”
Blaze: “Sorry. I never did have good luck with the ladies. Ha ha ha.”
Fig: “ARGH! You think this is FUNNY!? I’ll show you the PUNCHLINE!”
(Scene: Fig claps his hands together. As he pulls them apart a long smooth brown object materializes between them. A giant stick bug creature is revealed.)
Fig: “Meet Twig, my faithful companion. The most powerful stick in the world!”
(Scene: Seeing this Blaze and Ember look at each other. Then back to him. After which they burst into teary-eyed laughter.)
Blaze: “OH MY GOD! That’s got to be the worst Beast Soul I’ve EVER seen!”
Fig: “Yes, I suppose he doesn’t look very impressive eh? But I assure you looks can be deceiving.”
Twig: “Yes my good sirs, do not count me among the trash just yet!”
Blaze: “HUH? You talk silly too!?”
Twig: “Yes, I suppose to a barbaric simpleton such as you my linguistics are quite strange.”
Blaze: “Barbaric simpleton!? That’s an insult……right Ember?”
Ember: “Yes, but you’re not exactly helping your case.”
Blaze: “Ugh, whatever let’s just fight already. Then I will SHOW you “barbaric””
Fig: “As you wish!”
(Scene: saying this they step forward Ember growling at Blaze’s side and Fig brandishing Twig as a wooden sword)
Blaze (smirking): “Your move stick boy”
Fig: “Indeed”
(Scene: Fig rushes forward jumping over Ember and coming down with a heavy strike toward Blaze, Blaze then rolls back and stands as Twig slams the ground breaking it up a little)
Blaze: “Ember GO!”
(Scene: Ember jumps toward Fig spinning into a giant fireball slamming Fig right in the chest and up against the alley walls)
Fig: “I see you are well practiced.”
Blaze: “Oh, you have no idea pal!”
(Scene: Fig and Twig stand quickly back to ready stance)
Twig: “We should enlighten them to our true power sir”
Fig: “Yes, I believe you’re right Twig!”
(Scene: They rush Blaze again jumping over Ember they swipe at Blaze’s feet as he jumps Twig changes direction and grows in length until Blaze is slammed against the opposite wall)
Blaze: “Argh! Damn! What was that?”
Fig: “Very observant, Twig can stretch himself to any length without reducing strength in blows or structural integrity.”
Twig: “Now you see don’t you!? You’ll not be getting close to us again, and my reach is ABSOLUTE!”
Blaze (shrugging): “So!? You think a parlor trick like that is gonna scare me? Ember…..Time to get serious”
Ember: “Good, I was getting bored hanging back”
(Scene: Blaze stretches out his left hand fingers apart palm to the sky. Ember becomes a flame tunnel racing down Blazes arm. When he reaches the end Ember transforms into a glowing sun-shaped ball)
Blaze (jumping): “Blazing SHOT!”
(Scene: Blaze strikes the growing glowing sun-shaped sphere of fire with his free hand. HARD. This sends it spinning, flaming, and flying toward Fig and Twig)
Fig: “ARGGHH!”
(Scene: Fig uses Twig to try and block the shot. It overwhelms them. When it clears they are on the ground and Blaze is facing away from them.”
Blaze: “Alright, let’s call Argyl.”
(Scene: Even while saying this the bloodied Fig and Twig start to stand)
Fig: “Don’t count me out yet!”
(Scene: Saying this Blaze turns as Fig pulls a hidden sword from twig and it grows into and through his shoulder pinning him to the brick wall)
Blaze: “NOT AGAIN!?”
Ember: “A sword!?”
Twig: “I’m actually a SHEETH”
(Scene: Blaze grabs the blade with both hands, the blades cut his skin)
Blaze: “I’m SICK of playing your GAMES!”
(Scene: Saying this with gritted teeth he pushes the blade out and Fig and Twig away.)
Fig and Twig together: “NO IMPOSSIBLE!”
Ember: “USE IT!”
Blaze: “Yeah. Let’s finish this!”
(Scene: Fig grows the blade swinging at Blaze. Blaze jumps dodging the blade as it slices the brick wall clean. As Blaze lands he outstretches both hands together into a “Gun” Shape. Embers flame tunnel goes through him over shoulders down arms and to his fingertips glowing like a red star.)
Blaze: “Fire-Gun Finger”
(Scene: A giant white hot beam is shot from his fingertips)
Fig and Twig together: “NOOOOO”
(Scene: Blaze and Ember looking down over the charred scratched up body of Fig. Twig now gone because of Fig being passed out.)
Ember: “Well, he was certainly a handful”
Blaze: “He was annoying.”
Ember: “Yes, He’s out now for sure though.”
Blaze: “Good let’s call Argyl for real this time”
(Scene: Pulling a black feather from his pocket and holding close to his head closing his eyes)
Blaze: “Yo Argyl we got Fig here.”
(Scene: In a whoosh of feathers and flapping Argyl and his raven Nevermore appear. Seeing the condition of Blaze’s Shoulder.)
Argyl: “Hmmm……that’s the first injury you’ve had in a while.”
Blaze: “Yeah, he surprised me because I didn’t take him seriously. That WON’T happen again!”
Argyl: “Let’s hope not. Especially if you plan on accepting this!”
(Scene: Argyl then hands Blaze a letter with the society seal, a dragon around an eye gem.)
Blaze: “Well, this takes me back!”
Argyl: “Just open it.”
(Scene: The opened letter reads: “Dear Blaze, I’ve noticed great potential within you as you’ve hunted down these amateurs. Yet, you lack structure and discipline. Sometimes the only way to force these traits is dropping a great responsibility in one’s lap. Such as, an invitation to become a Proud Soul. Not just a regular but a leader of a Souls Unit. It would honor me for you to accept.
Sincerely, Mr. Koji)
Blaze: “Is this…..is this for real!?”
Argyl: “Yes, it’s quite real. The Seeing Souls have monitored your progress for some time now. From the reports Koji thinks the position is perfect for you.”
Blaze: “It’s just, I’ve been dreaming of this for a while now, and…..now that I’m actually faced with the decision it’s a lot to consider.”
Argyl: “Understandable. The Rouge Souls you’d be hunting as a Proud Soul are two times or more strong than you currently hunt. Also you’d be uprooted from your current home to a more secure home of our choosing. Finally any and all monetary needs would be met by the Society.”
Blaze: “That last bit sounds nice, but….leaving my home, and having others depend on me sounds tough.”
Argyl: “You’d be a fool not to give it some thought. Know this however, Mr. Koji has personally vouched for you. This hardly ever happens, but when it does you can be sure it’s with good reason. Mr. Koji Never acts without thinking out every possible consequence first. You have until tomorrow.”
(Scene: Saying this he vanishes with Fig in a cloud of feathers.)
Ember: “Lets head home for now. We can think about it there.”
Blaze: “Yeah, you’re right.”
(Scene: In Mister Koji’s office now: Argyl appears knelt before a big desk where Koji sits, his face obscured by dark the figure of a dragon sleeping behind him against a wall of windows behind the desk.)
Argyl: “I’ve delivered the invitation”
Koji: “Very good. His brash nature and blind bravery are a front to how truly unsure he is of himself. That may be the cause of his arrogance. Regardless he will accept…..and he will grow immensely.”
Argyl: “Either way he only has till tomorrow, but you’ve never been wrong before.”
Koji: “Perfect. You are dismissed. Go find his first teammate.”
Argyl: “Yes sir”
(Scene: bowing deeply he disappears again. Koji turns toward the dragon his face still being cut off, he looks down)
Koji: “His growth will be most interesting to watch eh, Thaimat?”
Thaimat: “*grunt*”
(Scene: Back at Blaze’s treehouse home)
Blaze: “I can’t believe it, The Proud Souls! Head of my own unit….”
Ember: “You were just complaining about these amateur lists being too easy”
Blaze: “Yeah, but a LEADER? Me? A loner maybe, sure! But I’m no leader.”
Ember: “You know we haven’t seen much of the world, perhaps you underestimate yourself?”
Blaze: “Maybe……we have been alone a long time.”
Ember: “Familiarity however comfortable will never beget change. Only change causes growth.”
Blaze: “I DO want to become stronger….”
Ember: “Then accept the offer. We’ll see new places, meet new friends, and possibly gain new strength.”
Blaze: “A-+ND have all our bills paid FOR us” (snickering)
Ember (laughing): “Yes there IS that too I suppose.”
Blaze: “I’ll get to travel, make friends, and help the world? Who could say no to that job?”
Ember: “Good. We should pack.”
Blaze: “Yes, I think we should. He’ll be back tomorrow.”
(Scene: Blaze and Ember stand on the deck of their treehouse home fondly admiring it they turn bags and luggage at their heels to see Argyl appear)
Argyl: “So. Have you given it some thought?”
Blaze: “Yeah, a lot. I’ve decided to do it. I want to see what else there is out there, and how strong I am. Plus, it would be rude to mister Koji having placed his faith in me.”
Argyl: “I’m glad to hear that you feel that way. I’ve known you since you were a boy you’ll make The Society proud.”
Blaze: “Aw shucks! Don’t go soft on me!”
Argyl (chuckling): “My apologies…….Now; I will explain how it all works and take you to your new home.”
Blaze: “Explain how what works?
Argyl: “Yes. Well you see there are 3 major divisions of The Society of Myth. The Seeing Souls which monitor the world for news of Rouge Souls, and who also do our spying. They are the ones who watched your progress and reported it to Koji”
Blaze: “I was being watched!?”
Argyl: “Don’t feel bad most users are monitored somewhat to make sure the world stays balanced. At any rate, the next group is the Inquisitive Souls. These are our scientists, mechanics, inventors, and all around researchers. They also keep our lore dating back to the dawn of mankind. Finally, there are the Proud Souls, which your are now a member of. These users risk their lives in teams called “units” in order to guarantee peace in the world. Despite those Rouge Souls who wish to abuse their gift. These Units get assignments from handlers around twice a month.”
Blaze: “A MONTH!?
Argyl: “Yes, many of these tasks will take days, even weeks to complete. You must realize this is no amateur list these Rouges know how to hide their presence and they do it well.”
Blaze: “Ah, ok. Then I have a question. Which of the branches are you and Mr. Koji?”
Argyl: “Good question. We along with one other user are called the Cerberus. The “Three-heads of The Society”. We lead the Seeing Souls. Us along with the head of the Inquisitive Souls, and the top ranking Proud Soul leaders, make up the Societies governing body.”
Blaze: “So what rank will I be?”
Argyl: “You well start at Novice, as you gain notability and new members you will be given harder tasks. Complete a difficult task or show great promise, and we will reward you a new rank. All the way up to Master Souls. Master Souls help run the Society and insure the safety of the entire world, their powers are immense. Right now there are only two. That’s how rare the position is given. Now that that’s explained shall we go?”
Blaze: “That’s a lot to take in, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out. Yeah, we can go.”
(Scene: Taking one last somber look back at their home Ember and Blaze disappear with Argyl. Reappearing outside a rural apartment in Japan)
Argyl: “Welcome home.”
Blaze: “What!? This whole place!?”
Argyl: “Of course. You won’t be alone long. You’ll have a team remember?”
Blaze: “Oh yeah! So…..where are my teammates?”
Argyl: “Most Proud Souls pick their own unit by hand out of friends or through hiring channels. But, since you have lived as a loner for most your life your options are low. Which is why me and Koji have picked your first teammate and Co-Captain for you.”
Blaze: “Whoa REALLY!? Is he strong?”
Argyl: “Oh yes, most likely in ways you might not understand. Look this over and I’ll go fetch him”
(Scene: Argyl hands Blaze a Seer’s Sheet a page with information on a User collected by the Society)
Blaze: “My first teammate…..”
(Scene: The last shot is a black outline of a body and the name Eugene at the top of the page)
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thelastleafgardener · 7 years
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The photo featured atop this entry is of a tufted titmouse who is taking in the sights of Central Park. I took the image this past Saturday, April 15th 2017. I have posted a very similar one here in my last post on tumblr. In any event, on the day that I witnessed this bird, watching, I had come to the park to distract my mind, from the sadness I was feeing over having been blown off by someone who had planned to meet with me (which I subsequently blogged about this past Monday). Therefore, I was honored and humbled to see this tufted titmouse, as well as to meet another bird type; who can be seen in the second picture. If you have been following me here on tumblr and/or on Facebook, you probably know that after some research, I had thought the creature was a Savannah sparrow. And, you may also know, that I have recently learned that this creature is a White-throated sparrow, which I discussed in one of yesterday's entries here on Blogger.In any event, last Saturday when I encountered the tufted titmouse as well as the White-throated sparrow, I saw a number of bird types, including an American robin, who can be seen in the third photo. As you can see, this creature is doing some flora-ing (what birds call the act of observing flowers, a habit which is discussed in the book Words In Our Beak Volume One.) And this robin certainly had reason to be impressed by the flowers that are blooming in NYC's Central Park! Therefore, in honor of today's celebration of Earth Day, I'm sharing a few images (pictures four-ten) of the flowers which I saw in the park last Saturday; for upon my reflecting on this experience, a poem comes to my mind which is Hamatreya. The work is by Ralph Waldo Emerson; and in honor of Earth Day, and this National Month of Poetry, I've posted a copy of it below:
Bulkeley, Hunt, Willard, Hosmer, Meriam, Flint, Possessed the land which rendered to their toil Hay, corn, roots, hemp, flax, apples, wool, and wood. Each of these landlords walked amidst his farm, Saying, “’Tis mine, my children’s and my name’s. How sweet the west wind sounds in my own trees! How graceful climb those shadows on my hill! I fancy these pure waters and the flags Know me, as does my dog: we sympathize; And, I affirm, my actions smack of the soil.” Where are these men? Asleep beneath their grounds: And strangers, fond as they, their furrows plough. Earth laughs in flowers, to see her boastful boys Earth-proud, proud of the earth which is not theirs; Who steer the plough, but cannot steer their feet Clear of the grave. They added ridge to valley, brook to pond, And sighed for all that bounded their domain; “This suits me for a pasture; that’s my park; We must have clay, lime, gravel, granite-ledge, And misty lowland, where to go for peat. The land is well,—lies fairly to the south. ’Tis good, when you have crossed the sea and back, To find the sitfast acres where you left them.”  Ah! the hot owner sees not Death, who adds Him to his land, a lump of mould the more. Hear what the Earth say:—   EARTH-SONG                 “Mine and yours;          Mine, not yours.          Earth endures;          Stars abide—          Shine down in the old sea;          Old are the shores;          But where are old men?          I who have seen much,          Such have I never seen.                   “The lawyer’s deed          Ran sure,          In tail,          To them and to their heirs          Who shall succeed,          Without fail,          Forevermore.           “Here is the land,          Shaggy with wood,          With its old valley,          Mound and flood.          But the heritors?—          Fled like the flood's foam.          The lawyer and the laws,          And the kingdom,          Clean swept herefrom. 
        “They called me theirs,          Who so controlled me;          Yet every one          Wished to stay, and is gone,          How am I theirs,          If they cannot hold me,          But I hold them?”
When I heard the Earth-song I was no longer brave; My avarice cooled Like lust in the chill of the grave.  A line in this poem, “The earth laughs in flowers," has often been attributed to e.e. cummings, but as you can see, it actually appears here in Hamatreya. A slight misquote, its meaning taken out of context is quite different than in the poem which is a fact that Karen Joslin has written about. Joslin points out that "The full line in the poem reads: “'Earth laughs in flowers, to see her boastful boys Earth-proud, proud of the earth which is not theirs; Who steer the plough but cannot steer their feet Clear of the grave.'" And she says, “Out of context, it’s warm-and-fuzzy imagery. In context, it’s an illustration of nature’s supremacy, mocking the arrogance of a humanity which thinks it holds dominion over Earth – an immortal force created long before we existed and which will remain long after we’re gone. I find the quote more interesting with the nuances of meaning the poem presents, and I can’t help but wonder if Emerson would be dismayed to see it printed on coffee mugs as a happy pick-me-up."And yet, I like it as a happy pick-me-up, too. For me, it’s an excellent reminder to live in the moment, to pay attention to fleeting instants of beauty, and to appreciate what I have when I have it. Because as Emerson points out, the nature of life is transitory. But unlike Emerson, I don’t look at death as something to be feared; I’d rather look at life as something to be celebrated." On another note, I also wrote (on Blogger) about the poem, Hamatreya, back in 2011, but without the keen insight of Joslin's. Be that as it may,  I think that Hamatreya, is the perfect poem as a means to pay homage to Earth Day!
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