#and ironwood was. saying whatever he was saying i dont really remember
zymstarz · 1 year
RWBY V9 E8 !?!??!??!?!?? OH MY GOD
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bridgyrose · 3 years
“We cannot allow her to remain!” James Ironwood stepped up to a podium, looking around at the collection of gods and goddesses among the masses. “Its in our laws that only those who are naturally born as gods can serve as one. Never those who were created!” 
“She was dying and I had to do something!” Blake stood up, looking at the god of war and famine with a gaze that could pierce anyone. “Where’s the justice in letting her die like that?!” 
Ozma let out a heavy sigh as he looked around the room, listening to each of the gods argue amongst themselves. “Quiet down.” He looked over to Blake, shaking his head a bit. “You knew the rules to creating someone like us. I know that we have a vacancy with our original god of death having disappeared-” 
“I didnt have a choice! If I had let her die-” Blake felt her voice leave her as a pair of blue tendrils formed out from the ground and pulled her back to her seat. 
Glynda rolled her eyes, moving her fingers and letting a small, purple orb spin around them. “Blake, you know the rules. You’re lucky we’re not punishing you for this. Now, do you think you can behave?” 
Blake let out a silent sigh and nodded, looking away from the other gods and goddesses. 
“Good.” Glynda flicked the purple orb at Blake, watching as it went down her throat. “Now, Ozma and I know you had good intentions, but this is a serious matter. We have the rules set for a reason: we cannot allow for another uprising like before. We need to be unified.” 
“But we cant just kill her,” replied Blake. “She’s a tortured soul and would know only unrest if we end her life.” 
“Which is why we are only going to banish her from our realm.” Ozma stood up and created a small necklace. “She will be banished until she can assist ten generations of souls to the afterlife. As for your punishment Blake, you’ll be the one to tell her, and to give her this necklace.” 
Blake’s eyes went to the necklace, a red gem hanging off a golden chain. “I… understand.” 
Ozma nodded and moved the necklace to Blake’s hand. “Then this meeting is adjourned.” 
Ironwood glared at Ozma. “You cannot be serious! We cant let Ruby continue existing-” 
“And with Salem gone and collecting souls for her own reasons, we need another god to help save these souls. As much as I hate to admit it, we need Ruby. And this will be her chance to prove her usefulness to us.” 
Ironwood huffed, folding his arms and watching Blake leave through the corner of his eye. “Then she better be worth it.” 
Ruby fondled the necklace she wore as she waited for a bus in the pouring rain. The gem no longer shined brightly, dimming with every soul she moved from the mortal realm to the afterlife. She let out a sigh, keeping her eyes watching the street. “I thought I told you that you cant stay here with me.” 
“Maybe I want to see how you’ve been surviving down here.” Blake walked over to Ruby, keeping an umbrella over her. “Besides, they never said I wasnt allowed to visit.” 
“Visiting is one thing, but this…” Ruby shook her head. “If you’re going to stick around, then you’re going to have to follow some rules.” 
“And they are?” 
“First, don't use any of your powers. I still live with humans and they arent ready to understand that gods and what they call magic actually exist.” 
Blake gave a small nod. “I can do that.” 
“Second, I live with a few… troubled people. So I need you to understand that they may do or say things that normally would invoke your wrath and I need you to let it slide.” 
“I… cant make any promises on that.” 
Ruby let out another sigh. “And third, no matter what anyone says to me, I need you to let me deal with it myself.” 
Blake cocked her head to the side for a moment. “I’m not sure I understand what you mean.” 
“The owner of the place I’m living at isnt exactly… friendly. And I dont need your protection.” 
Blake let out a small sigh. “Fine. But if anyone hurts you-” 
“That includes if anyone hurts me,” interrupted Ruby as the bus finally arrived. “Just… stick close and follow my lead please.” 
Blake nodded and followed Ruby onto the, watching as she paid the driver. The bus started moving just as she found a place to sit, looking through the window and watching the buildings pass by. It wasnt often she made her way down to the mortal realm, usually observing through whatever means she could. Cats, crystal balls, pools of water… but none of it gave her the same experience as being here. 
Ruby quietly put her headphones on, tapping her foot to the music that played. A sad smile crept across her face as she listened to the voice of an old friend that had died many years before. It was still the one thing she hated about this life: all she could do was watch those that she cared about move on with their lives without her, and eventually, she would guide them all to the afterlife. 
Blake slowly tapped Ruby’s shoulder, starting to look concerned. “Is… everything alright?” 
Ruby slowly moved her headphones off and nodded. “Y-yeah, everything’s fine. Just… listening to an old friend.” She smiled a bit, wiping her tear away. “Its been… strange watching those I become friends with grow old and eventually helping them to the afterlife. This one was a woman who went by Tock. Strange woman, but I cant say I didnt like being around her.” 
“Why get close to anyone if you’re going to outlive them? That would make things easier, wouldnt it?” 
“Easier, but lonely.” Ruby looked out the window, grabbing her bag. “Alright, we’re almost back to my place.” 
Blake nodded and followed Ruby off the bus, pausing when she saw they were stopped at an old building that looked like it desperately needed repairs. “This… is where you live?” 
Ruby nodded. “For the last ten years now.” 
“But you’re a god. Shouldnt you be living somewhere a bit… better?” 
“Unfortunately, the mortal realm requires money for that. And unfortunately, if I dont want to draw attention to myself, having a bank account and leaving it isnt exactly the best option for me.” 
Blake dropped it as she followed Ruby inside the building, looking around. As far as she could tell, the inside looked better than the out: the walls didint look like they were going to crumble, the paint looked a couple years old, and the carpet seemed to be freshly replaced. “This… seems a bit better…” 
“It’s really not as bad as it seems, once you get used to it.” Ruby slowly unlocked the door and opened it, immediately getting hit with a couple pillows being tossed at her. 
“You’re late,” replied a redhead as she walked over to the door. “Which means you better avoid Emerald until she calms down.” 
Ruby rubbed the back of her head. “S-sorry about that, Nora. Work ran a bit late and I met up with an old friend for a bit.” She stepped inside, setting her bag down. “Besides, Emerald will get over me being late-”
“You know she’ll hold this over you until you can make it up to her.” Another girl walked downstairs, smirking at Ruby. Her gold eyes glistened in the light as she moved a few strands of hair out of her eyes. “Who’s that?” 
“Oh, right, I forgot to do that.” Ruby smiled and took Blake’s hand. “Nora, Cinder, I want you to meet Blake. Blake, meet Nora and Cinder.” 
The redhead, Nora, walked over to Blake and looked her over. “She’s not one of us, is she?” 
“One of… you?” Blake leaned over to Ruby and whispered into her ear. “What does she mean by that?” 
Ruby sighed as she watched Cinder grab an apple and start peeling with a knife she had never owned before. “Remember how I told you I lived with a few troubled people?” 
“Yes, I remember that.” 
“They’re… thieves.” 
Blake frowned, immediately engulfing the room in a flash of light and leaving a couple coins where Nora and Cinder were standing. 
Ruby pinched the bridge of her nose, groaning. “This… is going to be a rough night…” 
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scarletrebel · 7 years
a thing about rw.by
this is a whatever. not a meta or a theory or really a well-thought out critique. if anything I guess im just voicing my frustrations. if you like rw.by, please, please dont read this. you wont like what i have to say and i am in no way looking to upset rw.by fans, i just need a good old fashioned shout into the void. theres some things i liked in here too that actually came out whilst writing aha, so its not all my bullshit.
my main gripe with rw.by at the moment is the lack of character development for ruby rose. you know, the main character? which i think is the reason why my heart breaks a little that i dont love it as much as i used to. i identified so much with ruby. a little girl with a heart too big for her brain, who just wants to protect and help, having to come to terms with the fact that the real world doesnt make noble goals like that easy? thats my childhood right there. 
the latter is something that hasnt been touched on as far as ruby rose’s character development goes until this season, and even then it hasnt really been touched, or lightly brushed, its been mentioned. ruby thought saving the world wouldnt take that long, that the world wasnt as big as it is; she apologises to jaune for dragging jnpr along with her. all INCREDIBLE MOMENTS I was really happy about, but they werent expanded upon. it was like the writers wanted to hit a checklist of ‘make sure the audience knows ruby is naive and sad but hopeful’ rather than making it more engaging to learn about as aspects of her character, which is just lazy storytelling. 
show, dont tell. they’ve done that with juane. they’ve shown that he’s upset about phyrra’s death, they’ve shown him get mad at the situation and with qrow. he’s never outright voiced these things about his character like ruby has about herself, and we all knew she was a little naive. season one, weiss accusing ruby of being a bad leader and them showing the audience ruby trying to get better was so much better than just having her be like ‘im a little naive but ill fight for the greater good!’ like she has so blatantly been this series. 
like, why would she not get mad at her own uncle for keeping her in the dark about someone wanting to kill her?? ruby’s what, 16 at this point? 15 at the least? would she not at least be a little bit annoyed, and would that not show some character growth on her part if she was? my naivety ended, personally, when i stopped trying to be so dang optimistic, (this can become more complicated to explain, as obviously you still have to have hope in the world while keeping a level head and ruby is still young, but, thats another conversation) and if that moment hasnt happened for ruby after 1. penny dying 2. phyrra dying 3. her uncle keeping important information from her 4. her sister having her arm sliced off 5. her friends being split up from her 6. nearly dying to a foe way more powerful than she is, even with her silver eyes -- then when?! 
and lets just get it out of the way -- i dont fucking hate juane. i really, really like him as a character but i just fucking wish he got less of a spotlight because so much more attention is being payed to him and his journey and how everything affects him over ruby. it just is, and it sucks. i like theorising about his semblance, im pretty certain he’s really fucking powerful just like ruby is, but if he unlocks and masters his thing before ruby does i will be so pissed, and the only reason i say that is because it feels like thats the way its headed. 
juane is a lovely character. he’s heroic, he’s actually quite brave and smart, and he’s a good fucking friend. he’s a brilliant support character. but for the love of all that is holy, focus more on ruby when they’re in the same scene. about how he’s helping her on her journey, why could they not have had one conversation about phyrra on screen is my question. they did it really, really well it season one, and i was very loud about the fact that no, juane doesnt get more screen time or attention, but during season four it feels like he -- like everyone that isnt ruby or the other three titular characters -- has over ruby. 
just, please, rwby season five -- give ruby rose more character development. prove me fucking wrong and reveal that you were playing the long game, please.
also; i havent watched the last two episodes, but if it turns out the ‘’’cure’’’ to yangs ptsd is a new arm. fuck, man. please no. but i cant really comment on that yet so, we’ll see. i actually, up until seeing the preview for her spraying her arm and all that, really liked yangs journey. and taiyang is such a sweetheart i adore him. he was so patient and gentle and loving with yang, a few moments had me cringing but overall, an enjoyable part of the season. i hope yang gets to punch adam in the face. 
blake’s journey is one ive enjoyed also. and tbh, i think sun following her and thinking she was on a personal mission to take down the white fang is a very sun thing to do, and i think blake surprising us all by saying no im not gonna do that is a very blake thing as well. sun is spontaneous, carefree to a point and very dedicated to taking down bad guys. projecting that onto blake was his mistake, and im really glad that blake is the one to voice the audiences frustrations at how annoying it is that he follows and harrasses her into taking action (even when a part of us knows that she should -- a really, really well written aspect of blakes journey actually, i really liked it) (sun really needs to have a ‘okay im being a creep im really sorry’ moment but i dont see it happening. again; prove me wrong, guys.)
blake so, so needed to see her family. im glad she could see that and im not surprised that she wanted to run under the guise of ‘resting’ like. come on blake, we all know you’re scared shitless. her characterisation was on point, probably the most out of the four girls. blake was a+ in this season and im really happy about that, come to think of it aha. i hope she gets to punch adam too.
weiss im satisfied with too, although i really wish that ironwood and her got to talking. he didnt necesarily need to save the day for her, i would think that a guy fighting her own battles -- even if it is a ‘good one’ like ironwood -- would irk her, so it wouldve been nice for them to talk. (im still fucking salty about juanes ‘you can have her’ to neptune like lmao fuck off you fucking dudebros THAT WAS SO ANNOYING anyway) weiss being able to call off the thing she summoned before it hurt the lady would be a sign that yeah she’s getting strong but she’s learning control, so. shrug. 
papa schnee is an asshole, where is mama schnee?? and i FUCKING LOVED THE PLOT POINT THAT HER DAD MARRIED INTO THE FAMILY. please let this be an opening for a badass but subdued for Reasons mama schnee (although my hope is not that high)
my main, number one, OVERALL problem with rwby since the end of s3 to s4 is that they dont give the characters that need and deserve the most time and attention just that. i know its a small crew, i know that what they do and the time they do it in is amazing and admirable, and i do admire it and applaud it, they work so fucking hard and deserve praise for that. but they dont use their time wisely when it comes to assigning it in the narrative. and thats more of a writing issue, anyway. 
and another fucking thing. the majority of the interesting characters that arent the main four and are alive and have been developed or made mysterious enough to warrant interest from the audience are fucking men. and yeah, no duh jade, welcome to every piece of media for fucking ever. qrow is an asshole that everyone loves, raven is probably going to turn out to be a bitch -- the majority of salem’s ‘court’ or whatever are dudes. ironwood. ren got backstory over nora. blakes dad. adam taurus. for all that i love him, fucking juane. did we learn anything about phyrra that wasnt her explicitly telling us her backstory? no. we felt sad that she died because of her connections with other people, but, lets face it, mostly juane. im still adamant that she didnt die just for him, that she knew there was a bigger picture and genuinely loved him, but from a narrative pov him and his reactions was a bigger focus point especially in the aftermath with season 4. 
i remember at a rwby panel at rtx one year, when asked about making a series that has four female protaganists, the guys said that they didnt see it that way, that they were just writing a story about a bunch of kids and yeah, i get that. but its not. 
its a story about four strong, tested, young women and they need to stop being oblivious to that because the narrative is fucking suffering. 
end rant/
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