#and like nobody cares? they just punt him off?
fantasticalleigh · 10 months
Mr. Bell was a fucking FOX and so helpful and kind yet everyone did him so dirty honestly if i were margaret i'd probably have said yes to him
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Propaganda why Alex Eagleston is insufferable:
literally causes the end of the world by being The Absolute Worst and has done so multiple times including his alternate selves. he technically has three (and a half) love interests (cause theyre the only characters he can/attempt to kiss or express any attraction to) and he treats them all poorly first three vella sammy and essentia 2000 are cause hes a misogynist but they all get different flavors of it sammy gets fridged for the plot of the game and is basically never relevant again outside of a secret(?) ending. shes also based off of a real life dead person for no fucking reason. vella is subjected to weird speculation about her age in her introduction scene with alex saying something along the lines of she cant be older than him cause shes too pretty (alex is like 24 and vella 27 from what i recall its been a few years since ive thought about yiik) and has a weird internal monologue about his feminist ex girlfriend prompted by vella just existing. theres a weird scene when alex asks her if shes korean n says she looks vaguely ethnic making her uncomfortable. One Of His Alternate Selves Literally Caused Her To Leave Her Home Dimension Cause Of How Poorly He Treated Her and the context behind that is that to leave the world/timeline/dimension/whatever you're originally from you basically have to be super suicidal and he pushed her to that point by ghosting her for a while and next time vella saw him he was hooking up with a girl noticably younger than her (<- remember this) and immediately after being told this he can attempt to kiss her which has no actual repercussions. essentia 2000 is like technically supposed to be evil i guess but her goal is supposed to be killing alex so i cant fault her on that. the in game day after they first meet alex has like a monologue about how special and attractive she is ""she was like water filling all my cracks"" or some shit. all three girls are alternates of eachother and are on a sliding scale of how objectified they are by alex with who got it the worst depending on which aspect you're focusing on. other sort of love interest is rory (diversity loss!) who alex can attempt to kiss after he confides in him about something when rory is like 18-19 (hes meant to be about the same age as michael whos recently graduated high school) and depending on how alex treats him can literally kill himself and alex's reaction to learning this is to only focus on how terrible he feels before moving on n rory's death never being mentioned again. the whole point of the game is that alex is a piece of shit who cant even buy groceries for his mom without throwing a hissy fit about it but it undermines itself constantly by having characters forgive or just stop being mad at alex on a dime after hes been exceedingly shitty towards them in various ways and any sort of charm or endearing traits he had quickly wearing off due to him never shutting the fuck up. near the end of the game all the other party members are killed off in quick succession leaving alex by himself and all he can do is sulk in self pity before going on a space adventure or whatever to stop an alternate him thats linked to an alternate essentia and enlisting the player as a different alternate him to help fight various superficial flaws of himself (which arent even like the actual things that make him insufferable n a bad person) n then finish the job for him. i need to punt him into the sun
He constantly goes on annoying monologues about things that nobody cares about. In game he is meant to be kind of an asshole, but they never give him the necessary character development to make him feel like a proper flawed protagonist, yet the narrative makes him out to be a character who is ""deep down a good guy"". Also he doesn't seem to care about any of his friends/party members.
"""YIIK"" is a poorly written, irony-poisoned RPG using a real life actual unsolved murder as the basis for an inciting event, altered so that what happened to the victim was some ~scary supernatural stuff~ and also Alex was there being vaguely misogynistic the whole time and monologuing to no-one in a way no real human person thinks uncritically.
The game intends to paint Alex as a bad person, but this is implemented in such a snide and uninteresting manner which has nothing to actually say about him being this way, nor is it at all fun or entertaining to experience.
He has no idea what's going on, blindly following the plot with the vague motivation of being suddenly stricken with affection for a girl he basically called a freak as soon as he met her five minutes ago. He is self-absorbed, lazy and overconfident, constantly bemoaning and ignoring the needs and feelings of others. He is the only character given enough breathing space to have something to him, and yet manages to not even feel any sort of dimensional.
Also his shirt is an ad for the dev's last game.
An incel who always screams about everything and yet is overly pretentious about everything.
Propaganda why Scott Pilgrim is insufferable:
He is not a good person. He doesn’t take other people’s feelings into consideration. He mooches off his one real friend. He’s dating a teenager as a grown ass man. Every girlfriend he’s ever had hates him for good reasons
Stupid idiot
dated a 17 yr old
kind of a cop-out answer since he's like deliberately made to be an annoying person but
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starburstdragon · 10 months
So during my Paranatural reread I am noticing several overt references being made to how Isabel is like. Weirdly good at connecting with spirits. Like it’s brought up that most Spectrals can’t even really use their Tool’s powers if they’re not touching the object, but Isabel could manipulate paper when Eightfold was multiple yards away. Spender punts Scrapdragon’s bat across the room and figures that’s far enough it can’t hear him, but Isabel’s communicating with Eightfold after her book’s been lost out the other side of a train car and fallen at least 20 or 30 feet already. She’s like, beyond prodigal at this sort of thing, and it’s no secret.
But her grandfather never acknowledges it. Maybe he doesn’t know because Isabel and Ed never told him, knowing he wouldn’t be impressed. Maybe he doesn’t care because Spectrals need to be able to rely on themselves in an emergency so obviously any skill with Tools is wasted. But Isabel has this great ability, and he’s squandering it because it’s not the one he wants from her. He’s not proud of what she can do because it’s not what he’s good at.
And it’s super fucking blatant with the whole situation regarding Flipflop. Master Guerra gives Isabel Flipflop’s Tool because he thinks having a “useless” spirit/ability will wean her off using Tools, but after one conversation with the little guy she’s using his power damn near as instinctively as she was with Eightfold! There’s like one moment where she seems surprised by how it’s working (when she flips around to the other side of the classroom door) and then the next fight scene she’s already moving and grooving with the umbrella and flipping like a pro. There’s basically no adjustment period at all! That’s impressive! And nobody around her comments on how impressive it is, because her grandfather doesn’t care, Mr. Spender was possessed and didn’t see it, and the rest of the Activity Club is like “That’s Isabel, of course she’s awesome with her Tool” because they’re children and they don’t realize just how awesome why she did actually is.
Isabel’s never going to be good enough for her grandfather because she is never going to be her grandfather. But she’s damn good.
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pinkanonwrites · 1 year
As a very very late Valentine's treat while I lay snug in my bed, here's some various Chai headcanons, basic and in a relationship.
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ADHD and dyslexia, this boy did NOT do well in school at any point in his life. He was the kind of kid in class who would get the teacher going on a tangent so they'd forget you had an essay to turn in.
Class clown that everybody liked, but nobody was actually friends with. Everyone looks back in their high school yearbook and remembers some silly stunt Chai pulled, but he never really had his own circle of friends.
Listens to classic and modern rock, punk, thrash metal, hip hop, new wave, and techno. He likes a lot of kinds of music, but his favorite is always something he can bop his head along to, something with an infectious rhythm.
Never blow-drys his hair after getting out of the shower; He prefers to drip-dry.
His biggest intangible fear is being abandoned, especially by the people he cares most about. His biggest tangible fear is dolphins. ("They're so aggressive! And what for? Way too smart and way too mean. Did you know they punt sharks into the air for fun?")
Likes spicy food, but has absolutely no tolerance for it. He'll be beet red, hunched over the table, sweat dripping down his face over a mildly-spicy curry. He's got a bit of a sweet tooth too, he just loves to snack in general.
Chai's type is someone who he can joke around and have fun with, but also helps keep him grounded when it's important. He loves to have a partner who he can goof off with, but he needs them to have a solid head on their shoulders too, to know when to reel him in a bit. And, of course, you've gotta be able to talk music with him.
Once he realizes he has a crush he becomes a complete and utter mess, barely able to string a sentence together around the person he likes. It's painfully obvious to everyone, including himself, but something about just being around them turns his brain into complete mush. It doesn't help that he's pale and blushes very easily.
Once he's in a relationship though, it's straight back to goofball mode. Chai's a super fun, goofy, go-with-the-flow boyfriend who loves to make you smile and laugh, even if it's at his own expense. Of course, he'd much prefer if you saw him acting cool, but he'll take what he can get.
Simultaneously the most forgetful and the most sweet partner. He's terrible remembering dates and times and important events, but he always remembers your favorite song or your preferred take-out order without ever having to ask.
He loves to learn the songs you like on guitar just to impress you, even if they're really difficult. He's still in the early learning phase so nothing with super complicated fingering or riffs, but he'll buckle down and drill the chord progression of your favorite love song into his own head just to woo you with it later.
Total cuddlebug, Chai's personal space is your personal space and (as long as you're okay with it) your personal space is his. His favorite thing to do with you is a game he calls "Going Boneless" where he drapes himself over you and goes completely limp, often times dragging you straight to the ground with him in a messy heap. He has no problems weaseling right up into your space or you weaseling into his, cramming himself into a recliner with you or letting you tuck your head right under his arm while he's practicing.
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lostacelonnie · 8 months
how would honkai 3rd play out if otto was wearing cursed long shoes that gave him an ungodly urge to kick people on the ass and he had to fill a one kick per arc quota and he couldnt take the shoes off because he was cursed into liking them
FIRST OF ALL this is literally my favorite ask i've ever gotten so thank you. second of all i hope you dont mind how chaotic this is but i literally wrote everything down exactly as it came to mind, didnt proofread before posting, and also i barely remember half the older arcs. third of all this is a long post so readmore blast 💥
where dreams began + the end of destiny: im sorry but i genuinely dont know what he was even doing during this time. im just gonna say if any anti entropy personel was caught by schicksal they were just unfortunate enough to be the victim.
under the falling sky: you know that scene where he fucking shoots hua. when shes Not Quite Dead Yet he kicks her to add insult to injury
from the deep ocean: once again, i have zero recollection of what he was doing. does he even appear on screen? oh wait yeah in that one bubble universe where he has an orphanage or whatever. good lord i have no idea who that guy would kick. weren't theresa and children the only people there? oh i dont remember this part of the story At All. wait wasnt there a scene where joachim got mad at him or sth? for killing his father? well there you have it. out of character for that particular otto but it's time for a child to get punted
a shooting star streaking across the night: clueless. any suggestions welcome. perhaps void archives gets it, as it is the only one consistently around otto
elegy to yesterday: during world serpent's attack on the divine key testing site, otto Sees His Chance and disguises himself to infiltrate the battlefield for the sole purpose of kicking someone. all the valkyries present know its him bc of the ridiculous shoes but frankly they dont care bc hes a good distraction
here lies bellflower: yet another arc i dont remember. just like, In General. other than the parts bianka was in [yes i am a parody of myself] and the general gist of what happened. so idk </3
taixuan dream: he kicks senti in self defense. moments before being strangled
remaining flames: not really in this one is he. WAIT ACTUALLY NO wasnt his consciousness attached to some random HoD puppet to get the core???? then i guess he just kicked another one and nobody cared bc HoD puppets are just Like That
thus spoke apocalypse: as recompensation for all the confusion earlier, he gets to kick a lot in this one. first of all the false god otto boss fight is different, adding an attack. The Kick. second of all, while fighting in the space near the imaginary tree, he can finally kick as many of them as he can
following his death, afterlife-otto has to defend himself from the angry mob of all the people that died because of him Somehow. and so he gets to kick people until someone inevitably steals the shoes from him in order to reverse the roles. this goes on for eternity. The End
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altheneum-writings · 1 year
Hello, I would love to see comfort headcanons between Ruv and his s/o. From nightmares to sickness, anything.
let's say you almost got hurt :)
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INCLUDES: Romantic relationships (Ruv/Reader), getting injured, reader was implied to get murdered, a very angry and worried russian criminal
☪️ Ruvyzvat, a man who is tall, russian, and a criminal. and he's a criminal with a high reward wanted price for a reason. he's dangerous and he shows it.
☪️ one thing's for sure, nobody is going to try in hurting you anymore
☪️ let me explain. one day you went to help Sarvente out as she was busy doing her errands and getting members to join the church, you decided it was okay to help her do the groceries. you had already told her that you'd help over text so she'd know and won't have to accidentally buy extra food for the three of you guys at the church.
☪️ while you were shopping you had a glimpse of a guy that seemingly stared at you from across the street near an alleyway, what a weird yet creepy cliche...creepy nonetheless
☪️ you decided to ignore him and do your bidding, you buy stuff and then you go back. once you were done with your grocery shopping though, the guy had approached you and he had a creepy fucking look on his face that made you uncomfortable. you tried to tell him to back off but he just went nearer and one of his hands were in his pocket.
☪️ at this point you were sure he planned on killing you but luckily, Ruv was out and saw the guy was troubling you. so he just punted the dude to the ground with his foot. like damn, he nearly grove his face onto that cement.
☪️ Ruv checked over you to see if you were okay and once he saw that you weren't hurt, he was relieved. he offers to help carry the groceries and go home with you.
☪️ what he actually did was give you a piggy back ride and carry the grocery bags, just how strong was this guy? eh, not like you complained either way
☪️ he made tea for you at the church and didn't push you to telling what happened as he had already known the gist of it already. he's actually way better at comforting people than one thinks he is
☪️ not the best with talking sure but when it comes to showing how he cares and is worried in private, you could argue that he might be better than Sarvente
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I headcanon that Ruv is a lot better at silent comfort than Sarvente, he knows just what to do while Sarvente knows just what to say. both are balanced individuals hehe
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passivenovember · 8 months
Billy tugs his phone out of his pocket, clumsy fingers swiping notifications from the home page. 
He’s got four emails from Cosmo, a missed call from Maxine, and a message from Joyce that lights up his screen with the same sprawling, letter-esque type that all people born before 1983 seem to use. 
Billy, Joyce says, and Billy imagines her index finger tapping furiously, glasses perched on the tip of her nose, Hop ate some bad seafood. Won’t make the party. I’m sorry, kid. Love you so much. Breathe in, have fun, breathe out. Love, Joyce Byers.
Billy hadn’t noticed the time.
“This is fun,” Eddie says, suddenly. 
Billy looks up, startled out of his swirling little daydream. “Sure,” he says distantly. Things have settled in the dust. Soft, intimate conversations flutter around the room like butterfly wings, brushing Billy’s skin and sticking to the sweat on his brow. 
He’s relieved to be out of the spotlight. A good meal can take the edge off of things, sending people into a heady, comfortable space where nothing matters as much as it did before. 
Scarecrow is asleep on the couch. Everyone else is gone.
Billy considers the clock on his home screen and the prickly meaning of 10:23 shining over the last picture he took with his mom before boarding the plane last Christmas. His feet hurt, his throat’s dry, and really what would it matter if he took off?
It’s not like Steve would toss a rock through his living room window. He might send someone after him, like. Chrissy or Eddie or Dustin, who Billy learned spent every summer at a camp not far from Mammoth Lakes. He’s been gathering information all evening, building his arsenal. No matter the case or the friend or the scenario, Billy could take them–
“Should we go check on Steve?” 
Billy looks up from the empty pit of his cell phone screen. It’s gone dark. The room has cleared out, with art majors and registered nurses running back to whatever warehouse Steve keeps them in, and it’s down the the bare bones.
Billy. Scarecrow, asleep on the couch. Robin and Chris, probably, sitting on a bathroom floor somewhere misty-eyed like El and Max are when they’ve had too much to drink, doing each other’s hair and throwing compliments at each other like confetti. And Munson. 
Always Munson. 
Eddie wags an eyebrow, patting at his shirt pocket for a packet of cigarettes. “Want?”
“No,” Billy says, wrinkling his nose at the bright orange package, “Thanks.”
Apparently, people still smoke Dosal’s. 
Apparently, this is 1982. 
“Suit yourself, Blondie,” Eddie fishes a pale slim between two fingers and pinches the butt with his teeth, patting around all over again for a lighter. Billy wants to play the Hypocrite, insisting that smoking real cigarettes is bad, even though his lips are lightning pricks of jealousy. 
“They’re having a moment,” Billy says finally.
“Nancy and Steve.”
“Awful long moment, if you ask me.”
“Nobody did.”
“Gee, thanks,” Eddie quips back. He gets a flame started. Smoke pouring from his nose like a dragon, “You should go up there,” Eddie says, eyes bright with mischief.
“Why not?”
“Because I can’t just go up there–”
“Don’t wanna cause a scene?” Eddie blows smoke through his nose, the flat, sweaty face of his palm lining circles through the air, “Dude. Party’s dead. It’s not like anyone’s around to see and even if they did, they won’t remember or care once the hangover kicks in.”
“Oh, and you don’t count?”
“‘Course not, Blondie, I’m just stirring the shit. Besides,” Eddie smirks, “You go up there and find out what’s keeping him, and I swear I’ll punt the Wheeler kid over my shoulder and we’ll be gone in time for Nancy to storm, broomstick flying, out the front door.”
The edge of Billy’s cell cuts into his palm, its corner pressing deep enough that Billy feels his pulse thumping through centimeters of metal and plastic. “Where’s Chris?”
“Went for a sleepover with Robin and the baby. Chrissy loves kids.”
Billy doesn’t remember that. He doesn’t remember much of anything–
“Are you serious?” Eddie rolls his eyes, “That’s what you get for staring at your phone for twenty minutes, Hargrove.”
Billy starts. “Twenty minutes?”
“It’s true what they say about radio signals and microwaves and cell phones frying your frontal lobe, you know–”
The ceiling starts thumping overhead. “Wait,” Eddie says to himself. To Billy. He holds his palm upward, cigarette smoke curling up through his fingers like fog from a sewer grate.
Someone slams a door. 
And then someone else comes thundering down the stairs, their footfall so heavy that Billy glances at the knick-knack shelf with mirth.
He holds his breath, terrified and suddenly, heart-wrenchingly sober–
And then Nancy rounds on him.
She’s crying.
Eddie says, “Wheeler,” like he knows something they don’t know.
Nancy ignores him. Her eyes somehow catch and tear open on Billy’s smooth, concerned gaze. He wants to say something to her. He wants to apologize and scrub the thundering sound of her footsteps from the stairwell.
She stalks to the foyer, snatching her purse off the now bare antique table that had bags and jackets piled high not even twenty minutes ago. “Mike,” Nancy says, her eyes glued to the floor as she digs around for her keys.
Scarecrow doesn’t rouse from his spot on the sofa. He’s drooling, a little.
Billy clears his throat, “Is everything–”
“Michael Wheeler,” Nancy says, with all the pissed-off, righteous terror of a girl who spent too long at her mother’s knee.
Mike sits with a startled sound, “What, what happened? Is everything–”
“Get up so I can drive you home.”
Mike stares wildly around the room, dimly lit like all rooms are at the end of a monumental evening. “Where is everybody?” Mike’s wide, nervous eyes land on Billy. “Hey, do you have any more of that tater-tot casserole?”
Nancy grabs her brother by the scruff of his neck, “You don’t need more casserole, I can get you McDonald's on the way home.”
“Home,” Mike repeats, scrubbing sleep from his eyes, “What happened to you and Steve–”
Nancy hauls Mike to the front door, shoves him through, and slams it shut behind them.
The house falls silent like someone hit the mute button. Like Nancy ripped the button out of the wall and they’re stuck in this weird, floating space between alive and. Something else. Radio silent.
Eddie clears his throat, “Anyway–”
“Mike told me he doesn’t like tater-tot casserole,” Billy says thickly. Feeling. A little bit like a tiny ceramic figurine in the center of a snow globe, full of wonder as emotions swirl brightly all around him. 
Maybe he’s just drunk. “He said he wouldn’t eat it.”
“But he did,” Billy tries heavily. “Mike was the first person I met when I got here and he made me feel like shit, but then. He ate the casserole.”
Eddie nods, taking a languid drag from his still-lit cigarette. Billy thinks that Steve is going to throw a fit when he comes down here and finds his vintage, 1970s furniture smelling exactly like the decade they were manufactured in.
Billy shakes his head, willing it to clear. “It doesn’t make sense. Nothing makes sense anymore.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“I just mean that. Why would Mike eat the casserole if he hates it?”
Eddie shrugs, “Maybe he was lying?”
“But why would he eat my casserole if he hates me?”
“Maybe he was lying,” Eddie says again, flatter this time. He puffs on his cigarette, studying the drunken flush on Billy’s cheeks. It goes on forever and forever and then he ashes his cigarette in the tray Steve uses to keep loose change in, leaning forward on his elbows. 
Eddie’s head gets huge and wobbly like a bobbledummy. “Can I be honest with you, Billiam?”
“Can I, though?”
“You’re a great guy,” Eddie says lightly, full of feeling, and Billy starts to shake. “I’m being serious. You’re the best guy Steve’s been with in longer than I can remember, you just. I think you judge people too harshly.”
“You.” Eddie determines. He leans back, cool as a frizzy-haired cucumber. “I just think, like. You’re getting all misty-eyed over the drunken realization that maybe Mike didn’t hate you as much as you thought he did, and earlier you seemed surprised that Nancy didn’t try to kill you with a paring knife, and you’re attributing it all to some garlic bread and a fucking tater-tot casserole.”
Billy’s ears feel hot. Red hot and sunburned, under the weight of Eddie’s scrutiny. Maybe he’s right, maybe he’s wrong– “What should I attribute it to, then?”
“You,” Eddie says, lighting another cigarette. “I’ve known you for half a day, Hargrove, and I can tell. You’re cool. Way cooler than you give yourself credit for.”
Eddie makes up some bullshit lie about needing to go home. I work in the morning, he says, so Billy lets him go.
And then he climbs the stairs, two at a time while flickering memories of the party-set-up dance just out of reach. He’s never actually been anywhere beyond the landing on the second level of Steve’s house. The attic drawstring dangles in a lazy, barely-there breeze, and Billy’s surprised to find more doors than he anticipated, stamped along the hallway in calm, quiet darkness.
He imagines them leading to spare bathrooms. Closets that span the entire floor. Libraries and knicks that lead to the unpolished servant’s quarters. 
It’s magical like the Brothers Grimm stories his mom used to read to him, and Billy has the foreign, intense urge to open every single door and peer into the darkness like Nancy Drew.
Nancy Wheeler.
But the door on the farthest end of the hallway spills gold onto the carpet from a tiny, amber sliver, and Billy’s heart thumps wildly, battering against his ribs at the thought that Steve’s in there, Steve’s just down the hall–
Billy knocks twice with the hardest part of his knuckle. Just like his mother used to before Neil went missing and before Susan made her laugh at the grocery store, back when Billy had huge feelings but couldn’t put a name to them. Back when his bedroom was a fortress. 
“Steve?” Billy says. Someone shuffles behind the door, their shadow casting long enough to reach like phantom fingers into the hallway. “I think I’m gonna head out–”
The door swings open.
Steve’s been crying. 
Right away, Billy’s heart skips a beat and starts thumping backward, eager to turn back time and retrace every step until things start to make sense again. “Oh, you didn’t have to open the door,” Billy says, shyly, “Sorry. I didn’t want to bother you.”
Steve shrugs. He won’t meet Billy’s eyes when he says, “Is everyone else gone?” Like he hopes they’ll come thundering up the stairs, one right after the other, to save him from this.
Billy tries to push the thought away and fails. “No, they’re all gone.”
“Did you have an alright time?”
“Yeah,” Billy says softly, surprised to feel his heart opening like a flower in the light of that truth. “Your friends are really great, Steve. Chrissy was a doll and Robins–”
“Yeah. Dustin actually knew where Mammoth Lakes is on a map, like. I was so surprised. And he’s been hiking near the mountains at that nerdy little summer camp–”
“--Camp Knowhere–”
“Right. Science camp,” Billy smiles, feeling hot all over from the booze, “And Eddie was great, too, y’know. For a nosy piece of shit.”
Steve starts at that, his spine going ramrod straight like maybe Billy’s words electrocuted him. “You. You spent most of the night with Eddie?” 
“Yeah, he’s cool,” Billy chuckles, and. Steve makes a face, like. A trademark, Big-eyed-terrified-jealous-asshole kind of face. It’s adorable. “Steve. Are you jealous?” Billy asks, amused.
Steve turns beet-red. “No.”
“Oh my god, you are.”
“I’m not jealous of Eddie Munson,” Steve spits, rolling his eyes so far back Billy thinks they may never be brown again, “He’s a nice guy, I just. Can’t believe you found anything he said so interesting that it took you an hour and a half to come up here.”
Billy falters. “I thought he was one of your friends.”
“He’s a work friend,” Steve says sharply, “That’s not the same thing. Nancy said he was making eyes at you all night.”
For the first time since Steve started turning Billy’s heart on its head with the sound of a shovel on his driveway, Billy wants to knock Steve’s teeth in. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Steve looks bashful, staring at the floor. “I don’t know. Nancy said that–”
“Fucking Nancy,” Billy spits. His arms burn, and his muscles pull tense. “She has no right to run up here and tell you that anything was going on, Steve, because she’s full of shit. Eddie’s a cool person. He was just being nice.”
“Like how he’s been ‘nice,’ to every other guy I’ve–”
Billy tries to put a lid on the fire that sentiment starts, burning through his stomach. That Billy’s not special. He’s just like every other guy Steve’s ever brought home. “Eddie loves his girlfriend,” Billy reasons, “Chrissy, remember her?”
“Good,” Billy says, crossing his arms over his chest. “What does it matter who I spent the night with, anyway.” 
“I still had a good time. I thought that’s what you wanted?” 
“It is what I wanted.”
“Then why are you acting so weird?” Billy's jaw aches. He wants to hinge it shut. Yearns to fold himself into Steve’s arms and forget everything. Nancy and the kitchen, Nancy and the Hallway–
He’s drunk. And when Billy’s drunk, his mouth runs away with him. Steve’s hurt him, whether or not he meant to is inconsequential, and Billy’s suddenly pissed off. Furious. He bares his teeth. “It’s not like I could’ve spent any time with you.”
Steve picks up on it immediately, his eyes blowing wide with regret. “Bill–”
“When you weren’t saddled up in the next room, smoking until your eyes dried out and ditching me so I could bake bread in the kitchen like your little kept boy, you were locked up in here with Nancy.”
Steve’s baby browns flash red with anger. “Like you were, with Munson?”
“What are we talking about?” Billy snaps. “Where is this coming from?”
“Nancy just said–”
“You’re throwing a fucking fit because I was spending time with one of your friends?” 
“To be fair,” Stee quips, smiling softly, “Eddie’s pretty cute.”
“I’m not in the mood for this,” Billy shakes his head, driven crazy with sorrow, “That’s bullshit, Steve. You don’t get to be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad at you, baby.”
“Don’t call me that,” Billy says, “I’m pissed at you.”
“Alright, Jesus–”
Billy feels his fuze stop, ready to detonate. “Why are you rolling your eyes and acting like this isn’t a big deal? It is.”
“I know.”
“I come up here and you start bitching at me about Eddie Munson. I’m not the bad guy, here. I wasn’t the one who disappeared for an hour to talk to a girl I once called ‘baby,’ on the phone.”
Steve doesn’t say anything. 
His mouth opens and closes, working around a comeback, but Billy isn’t in the mood to give him that chance. 
“For months, Nancy’s been this huge thing hanging over my head. Ever since we got snowed in that last time, and. Steve, I didn’t ask to be a bigger part of your life. I didn’t ask you to scrape my driveway, or bring me ice melt, or grow flowers to decorate my classroom with. I didn’t want any of it. I don’t deserve–”
What Nancy said to me. Robin’s kindness. 
Billy takes a deep, steadying breath. “I’m sorry,” He says, tugging a hand through his hair. When their eyes meet, Steve’s are warm. Sad. Billy wets his lips, “I don’t want to bitch back and forth. Tonight was really fun. Really. I loved it.”
I love you.
Billy turns, grateful that the world is less of a dreamscape, now. He’s ready to go home, ready to disappear, But then–
“Nancy said she overstepped, tonight.”
Billy stops. His hand clutches the banister.
“She told me she opened her mouth and ruined what we had, and. To be honest, I’m not really surprised. I should’ve expected that she would say something fucked to you because she does that. Always has. It’s one of the reasons we broke up in High School and never got back together again, even though–”
“I just. We’ve never really stopped caring about each other, and it’s unhealthy. I was living in denial because it’s always been platonic on my end. But I think in some weird, step-ford wives kinda way, maybe Nance–”
Billy whirls, his body catching on fire, “I don’t want to hear that she’s in love with you, Steve.” 
Steve watches him like a bear caught in a trap. 
Billy’s voice cracks right down the middle. He hates it. He’s going to drown. “I swear to god. If you tell me that she’s in love with you and after all this time, all this shit you’ve done to make me like you. Steve, if you stand there and say you love her–”
“I’m not in love with Nancy Wheeler, Billy, I’m in love with you.”
Billy blinks, shocked when tears cling to his lashes. 
He’s grateful that Steve isn’t close enough to see them, poised and ready to break like waves over his freckles. “No,” Billy says, not. Believing it. He can’t. He won’t. Billy shakes his head, “No–”
“--This is insane,” Billy says, “We’re fighting. We’re having our first fight.”
“Yeah,” Steve says sheepishly, “It sucks, but. It’s kinda nice, too. Refreshing to have it all out there.”
“Stop,” Billy says, breathless. “This isn’t right. I’m supposed to call you an asshole, and you’re supposed to kick me out and I’m supposed to not sleep, and. Cry to my sister on the phone. I’m supposed to realize I fucked up big time, and come back tomorrow with flowers and apologize for getting so drunk and ruining our lives–”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for,” Steve says. He tucks his hands into his pockets, gaze steady on what he wants. “What’s happening is my fault.”
“It’s not,” Billy says thickly. He wants to stand on the stairway banister and say it’s his fault. All of it. His insecurity, his depression, his brain bullshit, making everything difficult since that first January day–
“It is, though,” Steve says, taking one step closer. “I shouldn’t have invited Nancy tonight. I should’ve done more to make you comfortable, and even though I knew all the shit with her was tearing you up inside, I didn’t do anything to stop it. I should have.”
“It’s okay–”
“It’s not okay, Billy, you’re supposed to throw shit and call me an asshole because I deserve it,” Steve says. “We’re having our first fight, remember?”
He’s on the verge of smiling, but. 
Billy can feel heartache like an incoming rainstorm, emotions like clouds gathering somewhere neither of them can see but when the rains come and wash away everything that was there before, they can start over, bathed in the light of the dawn.
“I don’t know what she said, exactly, but Bill,” Steve looms closer, his eyes swamped with emotion, “You’ve gotta believe me. It’s not true.” When his hands cup Billy’s neck, they’re warm. His thumbs brush lightly over Billy’s jaw. “I’m so in love with you, Billy.”
Billy presses into them, like a cat, “Okay.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t say it earlier. I’m sorry–”
“That’s the thing about a first fight,” Billy says, grinning softly, “I think we get to have makeup sex, now.”
Steve holds terrifyingly, shockingly still, and then. 
He moves.
Billy kisses him. He presses all his weight into Steve, pushing and pulling until their bodies meld into something new. 
Steve sucks on his tongue, hands scrambling to touch every part of Billy he can find. They stumble, unsure on love-drunk legs, knees knocking along the hallway and into the bedroom. 
Billy hums low in his throat. Steve’s tugging on his shirt, pulling the starched fabric downdown down until the blood stops pulsing up through his brain. 
“Off,” Steve says, panting into his mouth, “Off, baby, please–”
“Buttons,” Billy grunts, and they go flying, a handful of tiny stars that leave scratch marks on the wallpaper.
This is the shirt Steve picked out for him. So they could match. They’re matching right now, two halves of a whole, and Steve gets him on his back, says, “Let me eat you out, baby. Please–”
“Yes.” Billy’s mouth chokes around a half-baked thought, that. Good boy. Steve, Billy, both of them. 
“Thank you,” Steve says, like a prayer, and it’s ridiculous. 
Billy wonders if it’s the start of something. Of love. Fifty more years draped button-downs and pressed khakis and Steve, salt-and-pepper gray around the temples and everywhere else. 
He gets Billy’s pants off.
Billy moans because he wants to see it. The room is cold, and Steve is warm, and Billy tucks into it like an animal fending off the winter, and then he’s hot.
On fire.
Steve gets his mouth on Billy. Licks up his balls and swallows his cock down to the root, nose buried in the curly blond husk that pillows him. Steve gives head like someone’s told him he’s got ten minutes left to live. It’s break-neck. Harsh. The world is drowning and the sky has been torn open, and this is Steve’s dying wish. 
“Shit,” Billy says to the ceiling, “Shit, Steve, I’m gonna–”
Steve pulls off with a wet, satisfying pop. “I’ve got lube in the drawer,” He says, voice hoarse through the fog of pleasure surrounding them. 
He doesn’t ask. 
He licks a stripe from Billy’s balls to his swollen, pink head, and says, “Open it for me.”
Billy doesn’t have the wherewithal to think so he gets on his knees and crawls, starving, to the beside table. 
“Jesus Christ,” Steve says. He follows Billy up the mattress. Steve’s cupping his ass, petting it, spreading it open. 
He spits on Billy’s pucker, and.
There are fingers, pressing lightly at his rim. Steve says, “I’ve wanted this for years,”
Billy drops the lube, says, “Years?” But then he’s being split open. Fucked open on Steve’s tongue, strong and sure and slick, in all his most tender places.
His face hits the mattress. He’s suffocating, and death smells like cedarwood and vanilla. Billy’s dripping a puddle onto it, ruining the duvet and the sheets too, probably, but.
It feels amazing. It’s amazing–
Billy’s radioactive. Steve’s got him by the kneecaps, keeping him open and receptive, and Billy’s cock hangs heavy and swollen when Steve pressed two fingers in alongside his tongue.
Billy’s makes a noise, like. 
His lungs are giving out. His heart has grown lips to speak, after all these years, and–
“Is it okay if I–”
“Want you,” Billy gasps, tasting cotton on his tongue. He can’t manage more than that.
Steve pulls away, pressing a soft, sweet kiss to the base of Billy’s spine. “Lay on your back, okay?”
Bily does as he’s told. 
His shirt is tangled frustratingly around his elbows. Billy twists onto his back, anyway, watching as Steve tugs his own pants down just far enough for his cock to bounce free.
It’s perfect.
It’s long and thick, pink at the tip next to a pretty brown freckle, and Billy wants to get his mouth on it. He tries to sit, obeying when Steve keeps him pinned to the mattress with a strong, gentle arm across his chest. 
His pupils are blown wide, eating up all the honey-brown Billy loves so much. “I want,” Steve starts, gasping when Billy’s fingers tug at his length. “Fuck–”
“Where’s the lube?” Billy demands. 
Steve fumbles for it. When his fingers close around the bottle, he squirts a generous amount onto Billy’s waiting palm and sits back, watching through eyes half-lidded as Billy’s fingers tease and play with him. 
“You’re big,” Billy says softly.
“Jesus, you’re gonna give me a complex.”
“It’s a fact,” Billy twists his fingers and Steve lights up like Times Square. He wants to do it again, “You’re gonna feel so good, Stevie.”
Steve drops his forehead to Billy’s chest, tongue laving hot over his collarbone. “You talk way too much,”
Billy tugs on his cock a little harder, relishing the little ah ah ah’s Steve can’t hold back. He’s got Steve where he wants him, that pretty pink head bumping softly against his hole, and Billy needs this.
Steve’s heart and body and love, more than he’s ever wanted anything in his life.
It’s terrifying.
It hurts and it really, really doesn’t when Steve slides home. Kisses all over Billy’s face and says, “I love you,” like he’s a virgin who’s just seen God for the first time.
Then he moves, sliding out and back in, out and back in.
Thrusting and then pounding, folding Billy in half until Steve is all he can feel inside of himself, all he can see staring down from above.
“I love you,” Steve says. Keeps saying, when Billy whimpers that he’s going to come. Steve quickens his thrusts, “You’re gorgeous. You’re so tight, baby, so perfect. Come for me, alright? C’mon, let me see you–”
It’s all the gentle reverence Billy could never, ever deserve. 
He has no choice but to lie there and take it.
“I like your ears.”
It’s hot, under the duvet cover. Billy’s covered in sticky, warm sweat. It’s Steve’s and it’s his and it’s theirs, making it difficult to stay put but impossible to pull away. 
Steve’s got a leg thrown over Billy’s waist. 
He’s propped on his elbow, gazing down at the soft, rounded shell of Billy's ear, fingertips tracing up and around until he tugs on the lobe.
“Ow,” Billy swats his hand away. “Dick.”
“You’ve got Dumbo ears.”
“Is this the best you can come up with in terms of pillow talk?”
“Freckles and pink cheeks and perfect lips. Long eyelashes and wonderful hair and now the ears, took?” Steve ignores him, leaning down to ghost the shell with his lips, “You’re like a cartoon character. It’s like God wanted to make everyone else feel bad about themselves because of how detailed you are.” 
His breath tickles.
Billy laughs, high and bright, “God, you’re insane.”
“What do you expect? You’re the main character and I’m just a supporting role–”
“--shit, what time is it–”
“--I’m not even a supporting role, I’m a cameo. An NPC–”
Billy pats around under the covers for his phone, realizing that it’s probably still lying face-down on the coffee table. 
“--It’s really only a matter of time before you find some other person who’s as perfect and detailed as you are, and then you can have perfectly detailed babies and live in your perfectly detailed house–”
Billy sits, drooping his legs over the side of the mattress, “I live in an IKEA showroom, I don’t think you’ll need to worry about that.”
“Hey, where are you going?” Steve demands. “I thought we were gonna have a sleepover?”
Billy’s stomach swoops. 
His brain kickstarts, trying to think of a reason he can’t sleep over tonight, but his synapses fumble the ball and he sits there, starched button down dangling between two fingers. 
Suddenly, he can’t breathe.
The walls are closing in, and Steve says, “Billy, what’s wrong?” And Billy thinks no one should ever want anything from him. No one should ever get this far–
“Hey, why are you breathing like that?” Steve sits, palms spreading warmly over Billy’s stomach where he slots in behind him. “Where’d you go?” 
Billy’s mouth dries up. Outside the window, the sky is starting to gray, a little, dawn slowly and softly approaching. Billy has no idea how long they’ve been here, lying like this together, but he knows he never wants to leave.
Won’t survive it ever ending. 
But it will.
It will–
Steve presses a kiss to the back of Billy’s neck. “Talk to me, Billy. Please.”
Billy shakes his head.
“Let’s lay down,” Steve tells him, and before Billy knows it he’s tucked under the covers again, folded in and around the soft, supple places Steve has made for him. 
Billy counts to one hundred, then.
Listens to Steve’s breathing for as long as it takes his own to go calm. Finally, he sits with his back to the headboard. Steve watches him, patient.
Always patient. 
Billy takes a deep breath. “When you were up here with Nance–”
“What did she tell you?”
Steve’s fingers play with the knobs of thread on his duvet. Like the rest of his house, it’s old. Quilted. Probably a hand me down from his mother, and her mother, and hers before that. “She told me you were afraid of me.”
Billy waits. Listens.
“You know you don’t have to be, right?” Steve looks up at him, eyes thick with worry, “You know I would never do anything–”
“It’s more than that,” Billy says. “My mom. She wasn’t always gay. Or, maybe she was, but she wasn’t always married to Susan.” His knuckles turn white on the lip of the duvet cover. This is stupid. This is so fucking stupid. “Before our family was like it is now, there was. My dad.”
Steve nods. Waits.
“He was an angry man,” Billy swallows and his throat clicks. “He liked. Blood.”
“Baby, if it’s hurting you, we don’t have to talk about this.”
“I have a lot of problems, Steve,” Billy says. “Something’s wrong with me.”
Steve shakes his head, “You struggle with mental illness. That doesn’t mean something is wrong with you, Billy.”
Steve’s shaking. His jaw is set, strong and resolute, ready to argue Billy’s case for him. Ready to lay these things to rest because they’re in love.
Steve says he loves Billy. He really believes it, and.
Billy toes the edge of a cliff. “I’m gonna tell you something I never say out loud,” He whispers, “Is that alright?”
“Of course, you can tell me anything.”
“I know, but,” Billy sits up straighter, tugging a hand through his hair, “I need to say it because. Look, Steve, I.”
Billy’s going to throw up.
He closes his eyes. “I love you, okay? I fucking love you, too, and I can’t. Goddamn do this, if you don’t know the whole story–”
“Alright.” Steve sits, taking Billy’s hands in his own. “Tell me. Go slow.”
Billy opens his eyes, and all he can see is Steve. 
He realizes, then, that he’s shaking. That he would do anything to keep this. 
It makes him brave.
“Okay,” Billy starts, staring down at their hands because that’s easier. “I moved out here because I knew there were kids that needed someone to care about them, but I miss my family. I haven’t unpacked my house because I can’t see myself fitting in here, but. I never really fit anywhere, except for with my sister.” He stares out, to the foot of the bed. He counts the shadows, seeing his father’s face in every single one. “Steve, I. I didn’t expect to fall in love with you.”
Steve laughs, “Same, you’re way too cool for me.”
“No, I’m serious. I didn’t expect to fall in love. Not with anyone,” Billy says, “Ever.”
Steve’s smile falls away. “That’s not possible,” He says valiantly, “Someone would’ve come along and loved you. You’re a beacon for it.”
Billy gasps, “I don’t deserve you.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Steve, I used to be a piece of shit–”
“--So did I–”
“--I have panic attacks,” Billy admits in a rush, like he’s ever been good at hiding them. “I overthink things, and I spiral–”
“--I love you, Billy–”
“--I have to go to therapy two times a week. My favorite color is gray. Well, blue and gray, but–”
“--I love you, Billy,” Steve says, again. He rubs his thumb across the back of Billy’s hand, smiling softly. “We were neighbors before this. I know you.”
Billy watches Steve’s thumb, timing his breaths to its careful, loving swipe. “There was something else Nancy said,”
“That I can’t keep stringing you along if fear is what I feel.”
Billy realizes, half a second too late, that he’s dropped a bomb. Steve pulls away from him, brow furrowing. “Stringing me along?”
“No, not, like, in the literal sense–”
Steve gets out of bed. He’s naked, and it feels wrong to look when the roof is caving in, but Billy can’t help it. 
“Nancy said that? I can’t believe Nancy said that, that’s so–” Steve’s eyes close like doors. “I don’t understand why you’re afraid of me.”
“Not you,” Billy says sharply. “She got that part wrong.”
“Then what? Tell me what I can do–”
“You can’t do anything!” Billy snaps. The room is silent. Outside, there are crickets. Night birds. Billy’s chest aches, pain springing fresh in his voice. “The fear is mine. It’s inside me. Ever since I was a kid, and. With my dad, I just.”
Steve watches him. 
Billy shakes his head. “I feel like I have a lot of work to do before I can love somebody.” 
A dam breaks. 
Billy doesn’t realize he’s crying until Steve crosses to him, pulling Billy to his chest. “Love isn’t something you have to work for, alright? You don’t have to spend years working on yourself until you think you’re perfect enough to love someone, you’re perfect now.”
Billy hiccups, his throat closing just a little. 
“Billy, please believe me,” Steve says. 
Billy wants to. More than anything, but.
He pulls away, scrubbing at his face with the back of one hand. It takes everything in him to say it, but he has to. He owes it to himself and to Steve and to this brand new, perfect, fragile thing growing between them.
“I love you,” Billy says gently, “I do. I’ve loved you so much for so long but I feel like I don’t know who I am. I haven’t known since the second I moved to Hawkins, and I just. Need to see my mom. And my sister. I need to go home and be with my family before I can–”
“When does your spring break start?”
“I don’t know,” Billy says, “What day is it?”
“If I knew, I’d tell you,” Steve smiles in spite of himself, thumb lifting to wipe the tear tracks from Billy’s face. “I could’ve guessed, you know? You’ve never really been happy, here. I thought I was helping.”
“You are.”
Steve nods, threading their fingers together. He watches their hands for a moment, and then sighs, his neck rolling his eyes to the ceiling. “I think you should go home early.”
Billy frowns. “But–”
“If you need space, I can give it to you,” Steve looks at him, smiling small and sad, “It hurts that you don’t see yourself here and I’ll miss you like hell for those two weeks, but. If that’s what you need to feel sure about this–”
“--I’m sure about you, Steve–”
“--Then yourself. Take care of you first,” Steve grows serious, eyes tracking the curves of Billy’s face, “I want you to feel okay. That’s the most important thing.”
Steve presses a kiss to their hands, and Billy loves him. It rumbles down through his bones, spreading like wildfire until his skin catches aflame. 
It hurts.
It hurts, and it really, really doesn’t when Billy lets out a deep, trapped breath. “Okay. I’ll miss you,”
“I’ll miss you, too.”
“You won’t run away from me when I get back?”
Steve leans forward, his breath ghosting the shell of Billy’s ear. “Where else am I gonna go?”
Billy sleeps in Steve’s bed that night.
When he wakes and the room is empty, his phone charging on the nightstand, he opens his Southwest App and buys a ticket. 
One way, home.
from the new chapter of if snow loves the trees and fields
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arttrampbelle · 3 months
Disney villain confessions:
Fave Disney villain and why: look it's really really hard to choose. But if i had to. Judge claude frollo. Simply because let's be honest. We will NEVER get a villain like that ever again. Dark,real,raw,and complex af. He's not enjoying being a villain let alone thinking he is one. One could argue he is a victim of the very faith he claims. Ah yes. That guilt be thicc boiz! But anyways,i feel he deserves the top spot because solely of the simplicity in the character and the fact he is ironically the most human in his downfall,his motives,his anger. And that my dears is what is terrifying.
The most closest to him in my fave list is hades but that's because he is the closest to his actual mythos counterpart. Chill,funny,just wants to do his job and everyone is making that a problem for some reason. Because some douchebag son of zuse wanted to show off and be a heroic epic. Thats it. The grand scheme of disneys Hercules is funny af if you really think about it. And meg,honey,he's cute and nice and all that but really?! But it's funny more so because greek mythos is kinda ridiculous too. But ya know.
Oh and captain hook. But more so the character in the movie hook. So damn good. R.i.p robin williams. I love you and miss you so much. He was like a childhood friend to me and i cried when i heard of his passing. Plz in all seriousness,check on your loved ones. Advocate for better mental health care. But back to disneys hook in peter pan. He was fun. Just plain fun to me. It was the feeling on playing on a playground,and that was the point. Tho it could get twisted and dark real quick. Oof. But as for overall. He's fun. I think he's neat and charming.
Scar. Oh my god,Jeremy irons. Legit blew his voice out for this character. Great villain. 10 outta 10.
All the lady Disney villains absolutely kill it but we already knew. Cept mother gothel to me. I feel she's redundant. Cool character,fun. But overall redundant in the grand scheme of things. At least compared to other villains,motives and overall vibe. *shrug* i dont hate her. I just feel she's pointless. Dont hate me plz.
But sadly as all the villains are great. Frollo is my top one.
Now onto my least favorite disney villain:
Gaston. Yeah. I mean he served his purpose. His role. But he's the least appealing of the classic villains. As for any new villains? Nah none of them are as appealing as the classics. They are golden years and renaissance for a reason. you just dont see any oomf to disney villains anymore. Hans is a close 2nd. It's legit just gaston but "pretty" and frozen and motives are weak. Gaston is at least upfront. We know what he's about. But overall I'd punt him into the sun. Hell i feel a lot of Disney villains would find this guy obnoxious and eff him up on spot. I feel it would even make frollo,the most repressed man alive,pissed off and defending belle from this douche. Frollo ffs. Just saying in hypothetical. Look it's no shade to gaston stans and enjoyer. He's a great villain. But he's the least appealing because to me,he's slightly boring but he serves his purpose so i can't hate 100% either. But hans? Nah nobody likes him. Nobody i know.
Again these are just my opinions. No shade to any Disney villain truly. But i neeeeeed oomf,that spice,that charisma,that je ne sais quoi so to speak. I need tragedy,comedy,and either a simple to follow motive or something so complex and straightforward it's believable. Which comes to my point. MAKE THE BULLSHIT BELIEVABLE!!!
Which is why we dont see many disney villains that are appealing anymore.
Now onto fave Disney villains songs.
Omg too many!
Helfire still ranks as my most fave a chilling song.
Poor unfortunate souls. Hell yeah Ursula my girl killed that! Love you sweetheart.
Be prepared. Once again. Jeremy irons rules.
I got friends on the other side. Princess and the frog. Underrated af. And that song is catchy and i love jazz. Lousiana. And this soul that is put into this song? Absolutely delicious.
Overall. I absolutely love Disney villains. And honestly. I loved them more than the princesses. Sorry. But definitely more than most disney princes. Until naveen,i didn't care for any of em really. Maybe beast but more so as beast so it doesn't count. And yes,some that aren't "official" princesses,i count as princesses. Because they are to me. And disney can suck it for that. But yeah naveen was fun,simple,cute,and he actually got character development in the movie. Pretty sweet. The only disney prince i felt earned his princess. That's the gospel truth. Hee hee.
Ok anyways im done ranting and raving about Disney villains.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
For the 6 characters and what you'd do with them. Can we add "sit down and have a serious talk with them" and do all 7 of Tsunas Guardians? (Mukuro AND chrome)
Oh, this one is so fun! I love the extra prompt you came up with as well though the choices for this were so hard to make!
The character I'd push off a cliff
Honestly, it would be Lambo. I mean, I love Lambo more than a considerable portion of the fandom does and he amuses me greatly, but he can still be an awfully annoying brat and I'd probably get fed up and punt him off a nearby cliff by accident. However, let's all admit that Lambo takes a lot of very physical damage in canon that's equivalent to being tossed off a cliff or worse and he still keeps ticking after all of it, so he'd probably be okay after being sent over a cliff.
The character I'd kiss
Well, to make a terrible joke, depression and a complete lack of regard for my physical and mental well-being at times (I'm honestly trying and improving guys, don't take this too too seriously) means that I do not fear death, I welcome it. So I'm kissing Hibari. Might as well go out doing something fun and leaving an impression on someone, haha!
The character I'd marry
Okay, but he's not even, nor has he ever truly been, my favourite or one of my fictional others, but even I have to admit you'd be crazy not to marry Yamamoto. The man will always make you smile and laugh, will be fiercely loyal to you, will have your back, can cook and clean, and my parents would both love and hate him. Perfect marriage material and I'd get the best father in law in the world.
The character I'd set on fire
Ryohei and I could totally get him to not only allow me to do it but have him beg me to do it, if I convinced him that it was some new training method or ritual that only the strongest of fighters can withstand. And I can be pretty damn convincing. Of course, I'd put him out pretty quick because I wouldn't want to cause any actually serious damage.
The character I'd wrap a blanket around
Surprising nobody, it's Chrome. That poor girl has been through so much and she still tries so damn hard to be good and strong and to do her best for those she cares about. And I so badly want her to rest under a pile of warm blankets, in a feather soft bed, in the softest of pyjamas and wake up to breakfast in bed and spend the day getting pampered and doing things that would truly make her happy. I mean, she would probably never let anyone do that for her, but I totally want to.
The character I'd be roommates with
Okay, but these last two are where I had the most fight to decide who to put but in the end, I just have to admit that living in the filth that Kokuyo Land is would legitimately probably kill my very clean, everything in its place, super organized, obsessive-compulsive ass so I will have to go with that I would room with Gokudera. Honestly, I think that as long as we weren't in a pandemic like situation again where we were stuck together every hour of every day, we could probably survive rooming together without too many major fights, especially since I'm an extremely tolerant person who hates conflict, so I would shoulder and grin and bear a lot of his more unpleasant traits and just continue to live in ways that worked for the both of us.
The character I'd sit down and have a serious talk with them
Okay, but who wouldn't look at Mukuro at some point and be like 'bitch, why are you like this? Like, seriously? And all these plans and plots of yours? To what end? And then, after you succeed, what then?' Because I love Mukuro and I love his characterization and his growth and development through the story but sometimes you really do have to wonder if he's even figured it all out, if he even knows what he truly wants and desires and why.
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justicefanged · 1 year
When one has become as small as a mouse, one must take care to avoid unexpected hazards. Rain and hail hit deceptively hard. Those stairs you’d vault up one or more at a time? You’ll need to find another route. And all those cats, dogs, and chickens around the monastery you’ve befriended over the school year? Well, the dogs are still more than happy to be your pals (watch out for their enthusiasm, however), but the cats and chickens… The former think you look like the perfect toys now, and the latter may or may not be wondering just how edible you are. Quick! Escape the courtyard!
Being this small really was a pain in the ass. For one, it took way too long to get from one place to another now. As lost as he still got within Garreg Mach, he could at least cover a lot of ground when he wasn’t fun-sized! Two, nobody fuckin’ listened! Or heard him to start with -- unless he got really, really loud. The laughs wore off real quick with that. And point C, people didn’t watch where they were going! Linus couldn’t tell you the amount of times he’s nearly been stepped on or punted as he tried to find his way around.
Really, if he could just find his brother, he could at least hunker down with someone who had more than two brain cells to rub together. But it was really hard to recognize landmarks when you were the size of bug and everything else was...big. 
But, hey now...was that...?
“Hey, you ate some’a that shit, too? You a Deer?” Linus asked, jogging over to the kid. Or well, he assumed this guy was a kid-- er, a student, but man, it really was hard to tell sometimes! “Whatever, either way, we’re stuck in the same boat going up shit creek, ya know?”
Maybe two heads would be better than one? That’s usually how it went with Linus. Or, well...he didn’t do much of the thinking, so maybe it was still just one head, it just wasn’t his head.
Glancing around them for a moment to try and get his bearings, Linus spots something he hadn’t noticed before coming over. There was a little hole in the door just over there. It wasn’t something you would ever notice if you were normal sized, but at this size...well, it looked like something to explore.
“Hey, kiddo, check this out! Wonder where it goes...,” Linus put out in a sort of enticing, teasing tone of voice, waiting for the other to get close enough before he gave him a little itty-bitty push inside. 
For science, or something.
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mirror-to-the-past · 11 months
Hi. Boom. Here's long assorted sleep deprived thoughts I'm gonna be face palming at later about my current KH3 impressions.
Finished Olympus, Corona, now I'm on Toy Box.
PUNTING DONALD INTO ORBIT. And low key, Goofy, too. Like, on one hand, they're just Some Guys and also cartoon characters that make me giggle every cutscene they're in and they just try to lighten the mood or whatever. On the other hand, narratively, NOBODY is getting off Sora's case oh my god. Like, they've teased him before but it feels much more frequent and pointed this game towards the things Sora is insecure about. "Haha, you know Sora, our forgetful, stupid, careless, rash, powerless, weak, codependent idiot! We love him. <3" (exaggerated for comedy but they really don't stop with the punches and it's so uncalled for lol) And he either takes it or lightly goes "hey..." half the time. Donald keeps talking shit, Goofy just lets it happen and whenever there's actually disputes where Sora sasses back a 'lil then he steps in and it gives off vibes of "now don't make your mother angry." They're questionable guardian figures. Rehoming Sora to Supportive Dad Mickey Mouse real quick out of saltiness. That said, Goofy kind of laying a steadying hand on Sora on the Trinity Sled and when he was upset about Eugene's "death" in Corona is sweet.
The face of someone doing completely well who says "I can take it" twice in a row just to prove how well he's doing:
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Bestie. You're fifteen years old and running around in a world where tripping acid on identity issues, amnesia, and listening to vague monologues from strange predatory darkness men is another Tuesday.
Sora keeps spacing out and giving thousand yard stares especially throughout this game, and when Ienzo told him "yeah, your heart's not entirely yours!" And Sora just stared blankly at the phone like "figures." I just laughed, lol. He's just constantly pivoting between being occupied by and amazed by the Wonder™ of the world/absorbed by the hype of meeting new people and the Horrors™ presented by the constant tumult of foreign emotions and memories running through his little head, clearly to such a degree that it's no surprise to be told that there's whole fuckin people within him. Teenage experience, honestly. Love coming of age narratives that are just crazy fucking magic bs manifesting in dissociation central. What a guy.
I was in tears laughing when Sora was hearing voices in Twilight Town and thought Hayner and co. were those same voices for a sec and very enthusiastically, as though to prove himself went: "See?? :DDD Voices!" SORA, HONEY.
In other news of AAA-
Way to the Dawn just fucking broke? Why was everyone so calm? Am I missing something? Riku's like "aha gives me an excuse to skill up and get a better one-" child, I am gripping you by the shoulders. This blade is manifested as an extension of your heart, they don't just BREAK. Should I be concerned about the integrity of your soul, brother?
THE SCENE WITH KAIRI AND LEA/AXEL WAS SO SWEET, I WANT MORE OF THEM. NEED MORE OF THEM, ACTUALLY. When Kairi was like ":3 hehe I'm gonna beat your ass in the ring," and when he started CRYING because he caught a glimpse of Xion in her. 😭 Her letter to Sora was so fucking sad I am heartbroken how she becomes more alienated from her friends as time goes on. She went from sending the letter as a waypoint in KH2, like "please come back, here I am" to "you know where I am, but I'm still here talking to myself anyway." I. 👏 NEED. 👏 CLOSURE. 👏 Preferably for Kairi with both Sora and Riku, but they'll probably do just Sora but I dunno I don't want to get my hopes up or down. I just... I dunno, even if things aren't necessarily the same with all of them, I'd just like there to be something affirming where they stand because like even though the care they have for each other is obviously there, you can see it with all three of them in KH1 and KH2 (drives me up the walls bonkers when Riku shielded her with his body and Sora caught her when they were flashbanged), it's also like that feeling of a dwindling group chat kind of scenario. "That's right, no more waiting for you to come back from your adventures..." Props to VA that line was delivered so laden with hollowness. I hold Kairi in hands. Devastated.
THE FOCUS ON SAVING ROXAS HAS ME EXCITED. THAT IS ALL. I WAS YELLING AT SCREEN FOR FOREVER LIKE "USE A REPLICA" and then Riku finally was like "🤔✨...Replica?" And I went and mentally hoisted him onto my shoulders for a little "hip hip hooray" because the dots are connecting with the characters, fellas. I might see at least one of my peoples, soon.
Riku's VA just sounds like he's given up for this game and it's killing me, lol. Voice direction just hasn't been in his favor so far.
Mickey Mouse and Riku bonding time in hell. Riku's like "wow, mouse dad, I feel less riddled with self doubt these days. It's pretty nice to feel like a go-getter, haha, wonder why tho?" And Mickey Mouse is like... "Well... 🏳️‍🌈...! :D" Riku goes: "🤔... 🏳️‍🌈👍." strength to protect what matters And then that's that. Back to reconnaissance mission for lost veteran. Cinematic perfection.
Sora is still a certified Disney princess, if anyone's curious. He got his dance number in for this game, and he had birds gently circle around him and land on his finger.
Marluxia: "Ah yes, we finally reunite." Sora: "who"
I still can't tell if anyone has debriefed Sora, Donald, and Goofy about what happened in Castle Oblivion yet in any way. I'm wondering why they're (writers) playing that particular plot line so close to their chest.
Adorable how well Sora and Rapunzel got along. While Sora is a friend to all and shit it's really sweet seeing how he still seems to have bonds where he personally clicks with some characters more than others. And all for good reasons- like matching with his traits. I imagine him, Rapunzel, Ariel, and Hercules get brunch at the Bistro now, and no one can take this from me. Also Hercules is such a Sora hypeman, cheering him on even when he's getting crushed by a building. He passes the vibe check 100%.
I manifested my gag attack concept from my BBS post halfway into being and I'm so happy about it, lol. Thank you Hercules from hit movie Hercules for swinging Sora around in a circle like a broadsword in your special attack. I think more people should use him as a broadsword for enrichment reasons.
"how do I get power of waking when it didn't work the normal way Hercules," "idk Sora maybe you've got to be in love like I am," "well shit. guess I should get me some of that love superpower. Oh btw how come happily married Mickey Mouse and my best friend Riku are the only dudes that have the power of waking I'm confused," "...idk Sora" "okay, bye herc" (can you see my sleep deprivation leaking yet, I'm connecting the dots though, I promise, trust my methods 🤣)
IT TOOK ME 7 TRIES TO CRACK A FUCKING EGG. Remy Ratatouille looks at me like a disappointed father
Weaponized amusement park ride powers are so badass actually. I love the teacups and wish I could inflict them on my enemies, too.
Sora now has GUN. "Shooting" Star, indeed.
Sora and Rapunzel splashing in da water. 💦🥰 So cute.
WHY DID THEY PUT THEIR WHOLE ASS INTO THE FAKE VIDEO GAME TRAILER IT LOOKED SO SICK. I was so confused though I saw the dude and was like... Riku?? Wtf you're HD, my guy! Wait, you've got heterochromia and are chasing after a girl, mistook you for someone else, my bad.
There is a dog on my gummi ship roof and he will stay there until I finish the game.
Twilight Town is gorgeous and I now know the answer for "if I could pick a video game place to live" that's not just Stardew or Pokemon or something.
"I can't computer so... do that." Me too, Sora. Helping him learn his phone by having him take a ton of pictures, though. I'd like to imagine he sends them to his buddies or is excited to show them later or something. That would be so <3
The Kingdom Hearts social media posts are so funny to me for some reason btw. You get surreal shit like Riku pain-posting "I wonder if I'm the reason Ansem looks the way he does :/" and. The sideway frown just sent me. No, I can't explain why. Just comedy gold. "Mfw when possession :/" "sometimes I think about when my friend was in a coma for a year :/" "y'know I wonder what my family felt when my home was overcome with darkness because of me. Did it hurt? Were they afraid? Well they're back now but I wonder that sometimes. :/"
Maleficent is me trying to track down Luxu and shake him for answers. I don't even care if it's bad she finds it, I need to know what's in the damn box.
Buzz Lightyear going "this plot sounds ridiculous and absurd. Of course you're acting like this is normal, pitiful JRPG character." Sora: ":'D"
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princessofmerc · 2 years
I don’t get the people that get so mad at “aggressive” driving. Aggressive driving is something like the battle George and Max did earlier this year when his drs didn’t work properly or Charles/Carlos with George multiple times. An that is a positive way to drive aggressively but respecting the other driver. Crashing WILLINGLY into someone is another story entirely, it’s not aggressive driving and most importantly it’s not the way George drives (even when he’s nervous and effs some moves up)
The thing is: there is nothing wrong with aggressive driving in itself. There's a long list of names of drivers who drive aggressive. I wouldn't even put George very high up on that list because, yes he can drive aggressively but he can also stick to text book driving. He can do the same thing to the same driver in the same race (Barcelona where he schooled Max lap after lap after lap by covering one corner and then when Max thought he got by where George stuck to the racing line and Max was almost of the track) but he's still, most of the time within the rules.
The thing is: why is aggressive driving such a huge deal nowadays?
'There's nothing wrong with driving aggressively. I can think of an example of every driver driving aggressively. Nobody cares that Kevin Magnussen has returned and still drives as aggressively as he did in the past. Nobody cares that Mick punted Seb off the track in Miami. No one cares that Daniel fought against the Aston Martin's with his teeth in Hungary.
The issue with George, and Lewis, driving aggressively is the following: they hugely drive that way against other aggressive drivers especially against the Red Bull drivers: Cheatco and Max can afford to drive overly aggressively they will get away with it. The FIA has changed their own rule set just so they can get away with it. That's the entire reason why George got a penalty in Austria and why Checo should have given the position back in France. And on the otherhand: their team is so good at manipulating a driving force in the European fanspaces: The Orange Army. The best example for that is Silverstone last year. Max additionally to the whole 'the rules are bent for me' is also known and has admitted one thing: If you duel with him you need to know that Max will shove you off the track. We've all watched Silverstone last year, we've watched Monza, we've watched Brazil, Jeddah, Abu Dhabi.
There is no issue with aggressive driving and people don't always have an issue with aggressive driving. They have an issue when it's against a Red Bull driver and if you then add Mick as a fan favourite to the tally you get people pretending George drives around with a gun in his car shooting around.
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Round 3
Propaganda why Caillou is insufferable:
Horrible, whiny, mean (I know they're like three but that's no excuse)
He's the absolute worst bratty child I've ever seen in a kids show, his voice is suuuper annoying.
You know and I know why, he's the poll's icon for a reason.
More propaganda
Propaganda why Alex Eagleston is insufferable:
literally causes the end of the world by being The Absolute Worst and has done so multiple times including his alternate selves. he technically has three (and a half) love interests (cause theyre the only characters he can/attempt to kiss or express any attraction to) and he treats them all poorly first three vella sammy and essentia 2000 are cause hes a misogynist but they all get different flavors of it sammy gets fridged for the plot of the game and is basically never relevant again outside of a secret(?) ending. shes also based off of a real life dead person for no fucking reason. vella is subjected to weird speculation about her age in her introduction scene with alex saying something along the lines of she cant be older than him cause shes too pretty (alex is like 24 and vella 27 from what i recall its been a few years since ive thought about yiik) and has a weird internal monologue about his feminist ex girlfriend prompted by vella just existing. theres a weird scene when alex asks her if shes korean n says she looks vaguely ethnic making her uncomfortable. One Of His Alternate Selves Literally Caused Her To Leave Her Home Dimension Cause Of How Poorly He Treated Her and the context behind that is that to leave the world/timeline/dimension/whatever you're originally from you basically have to be super suicidal and he pushed her to that point by ghosting her for a while and next time vella saw him he was hooking up with a girl noticably younger than her (<- remember this) and immediately after being told this he can attempt to kiss her which has no actual repercussions. essentia 2000 is like technically supposed to be evil i guess but her goal is supposed to be killing alex so i cant fault her on that. the in game day after they first meet alex has like a monologue about how special and attractive she is ""she was like water filling all my cracks"" or some shit. all three girls are alternates of eachother and are on a sliding scale of how objectified they are by alex with who got it the worst depending on which aspect you're focusing on. other sort of love interest is rory (diversity loss!) who alex can attempt to kiss after he confides in him about something when rory is like 18-19 (hes meant to be about the same age as michael whos recently graduated high school) and depending on how alex treats him can literally kill himself and alex's reaction to learning this is to only focus on how terrible he feels before moving on n rory's death never being mentioned again. the whole point of the game is that alex is a piece of shit who cant even buy groceries for his mom without throwing a hissy fit about it but it undermines itself constantly by having characters forgive or just stop being mad at alex on a dime after hes been exceedingly shitty towards them in various ways and any sort of charm or endearing traits he had quickly wearing off due to him never shutting the fuck up. near the end of the game all the other party members are killed off in quick succession leaving alex by himself and all he can do is sulk in self pity before going on a space adventure or whatever to stop an alternate him thats linked to an alternate essentia and enlisting the player as a different alternate him to help fight various superficial flaws of himself (which arent even like the actual things that make him insufferable n a bad person) n then finish the job for him. i need to punt him into the sun
He constantly goes on annoying monologues about things that nobody cares about. In game he is meant to be kind of an asshole, but they never give him the necessary character development to make him feel like a proper flawed protagonist, yet the narrative makes him out to be a character who is ""deep down a good guy"". Also he doesn't seem to care about any of his friends/party members.
The game intends to paint Alex as a bad person, but this is implemented in such a snide and uninteresting manner which has nothing to actually say about him being this way, nor is it at all fun or entertaining to experience.
He has no idea what's going on, blindly following the plot with the vague motivation of being suddenly stricken with affection for a girl he basically called a freak as soon as he met her five minutes ago. He is self-absorbed, lazy and overconfident, constantly bemoaning and ignoring the needs and feelings of others. He is the only character given enough breathing space to have something to him, and yet manages to not even feel any sort of dimensional.
Also his shirt is an ad for the dev's last game.
An incel who always screams about everything and yet is overly pretentious about everything.
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Let's play ✨Poker✨
Small tw for drinking (For the bots it's gas, but it acts like alcohol for them) and cursing
Greaves walked into the kitchen, bored out of his mind. Who knew the 21st century would be this dull? A few days of being reactivated and he had nothing to do. He didn’t know if any of his old haunts were still open, or even still in use. Also, he had the suspicion that the others didn’t trust him.
Hare slunk into the kitchen, his good eye scowling at the taller automaton as he hopped up on the counter, opening the can of gas he had entered with. Yeah, they definitely didn’t trust him. “You going to be my nanny now?” Greaves asked cooly, trying to hide his growing frustration as he leaned back against the table.
Hare made a sound that was half snort and half growl, taking a sip. “You going to wreck anything else?” He shot back, his vocoder rough with ages of soot buildup and use.
“It was one window,” Greaves said, his grip on his anger quickly dissolving.
“Yeah, one window that I had to clean up after,” Hare hissed, his green optic full of irritation and the clear desire to punt Greaves through the nearest window.
Greaves closed his eyes and sighed, rubbing the strip of metal that took up the space between his kinda-but-not-really eyebrows. “The hell do you want me to say? ‘I’m Sorry’? Well then, I’m sorry,” He said, lightly knocking his fists against the table in a rhythmic manner.
Hare snorted, taking another swig of his gas. “That’s cute. You’re still a dick, but thanks,” He said, his tone slightly dismissive.
“Look, could we not fight about this for once?” Greaves asked, frustration burning up beneath his furnace.
Hare gave him a look and Greaves wished desperately he had his own can of gas to guzzle. “Yeah, I know, you don’t remember, but still. Could we do something else? If you’re gonna watch me like a hawk, might as well not be staring at each other until we rust,” Greaves griped, glaring at the smaller automaton.
Hare seemed to consider it for a second, looking off into nowhere in particular with a look of slight consideration on his face. Finally, he answered, “Yeah, sure. Fine. Now, pray tell, what are we gonna do?”
Greaves thought for a moment, trying to rule out things. He knew that both he and Hare probably still liked butting heads with Skully, just to rile him up, but that was when the old man was still alive. Now he wasn’t, and Skully had seemed to mellow out a bit. Not much, mind you, but enough that he wasn’t a mindlessly obedient weapon like before.
“Poker? Do you still play poker?” Greaves asked.
Hare snorted again, this time in amusement. “You mean, do I still win Poker? Yeah, nobody’s beaten me in a while,” He said, sounding proud.
Greaves heard the silent challenge in his statement and he smiled. “Ready to get beat?” He asked, grinning slyly.
Hare grinned right back cockily. “The fact that you even think you can is hilarious, but fine, I’ll humour you,” He said, leaning back on the counter. “Got cards?”
“I hope so,” Greaves snorted, “Yours are so dirty that I could take them to be cleaned and I would be surprised if they came out actually clean.”
Hare mumbled under his breath, shooting the taller automaton a glare as he pulled out a pack of cards from his pocket. “I wanna shuffle,” Hare said, his tone insistent and leaving no room for arguing.
Greaves shrugged and passed him the cards, now leaning against the counter. Hare put the cards down beside him and shuffled them quickly, moving them in a way that humans wouldn’t be able to track. He was just about to deal when Greaves said, “Put that ace back.”
“What ace?” Hare asked, his tone innocent but with an undertone of surprise.
“The one you put up your sleeve,” Greaves replied.
“Damn it!” Hare growled, slipping the card out and slipping it back into the deck.
Greaves took the deck and shuffled it simply, short and fast. He then dealt a simple five-card draw, taking care not to accidentally flash any cards up. “Twos are wild and regular home game rules- no bottom dealing and no joker. Also, no fudging misdeals,” Greaves said.
“What? Me? Fudge a misdeal? I would never,” Hare said, picking up his cards and scanning them.
“Mhm,” Greaves said, looking at his own cards.
A three of clubs, a queen of diamonds, a five of clubs, an eight of spades, and a seven of clubs. Not too bad of a hand. He could get a flush with that; maybe even a straight flush, if he was lucky. “What’re we betting with?” Graves asked, going over his cards again critically.
“What’ve you got?” Hare replied.
Greaves paused for a moment, shifting his cards into one hand while he dug around in his pockets with the other. He pulled out the contents and listed them off. “A few bolts and screws, an old pen nib, a dried-up leaf, about three euros from 1942, and three bucks in quarters.”
“Okay, the quarter’s will work. Wait- where’d you get the euros from?” Hare said, looking puzzled.
“Don’t ask stupid questions,” Greaves replied, sliding a quarter in between him and Hare. “Ante.”
“Ante,” Hare said, digging up a quarter from and slapping it down next to Greaves’.
And then the game was on.
“You’re cheating,” Hare hissed, scowling at Greaves over his cards.
“Nope,” Greaves said, surveying his cards and his winnings so far.
As of now, Greaves had won from Hare seven dollars, five cents, and the rest of Hare’s gas. Now they were betting on the last few dollars Hare had on him and Greaves had the winning hand- four Queens and one ace.
There was no way that Hare could beat him unless he had a straight flush, and judging from the look in his eye, he didn’t have that. Greaves was just about to skip his turn and go straight to the final betting when he felt smoke clogging his throat and choking him, whatever dark smoke that could escape through his neck vents darkening his already-grey collar. He coughed hard, putting his cards face-down as he hacked into his hand, trying to dislodge the ball of soot in his throat.
Hare paused, an unreadable look on his face as Greaves coughed roughly into his hand. Finally, the smoke let up and it rushed out of his mouth in a dark river, curling through the air with the scent of burning coal. The vents in Greaves’ throat lit up as he inhaled deeply, trying to get his breathing back to normal. “… the hell was that?” Hare asked none too gently.
Greaves cleared his throat before speaking, but his voice sounded hoarse and rough. “Design flaw. Now put that extra card back in the deck so we can get along with this,” He said, picking up his cards.
Hare groaned and slid the extra card he had picked up back into the deck. “Two cards,” He requested, looking sullen.
Greaves gave him the cards and he hissed in anger. “Damn it!’
“Ready to show your cards?” Greaves asked, grinning.
“Shut up- I fold,” Hare said sourly, throwing his cards on the table. “Damned game…”
“You’re just mad I won,” Greaves said, picking up Hare’s last three dollars and slipping them into his pocket.
“Wow, how couldya tell?” Hare asked sarcastically.
“You could never beat me, Hare,” Greaves said teasingly, grinning at Hare as he picked up the smaller automaton’s can of gas.
“Well that’s the one thing that I’m glad I don’t remember,” Hare said sarcastically, his angry tone unignorable.
Greaves felt like someone had stabbed him in the core. He knew Hare was just being a dick because he lost, but the thought that nobody missed remembering him was horrible. They were asshats, but Greaves actually liked them. Well, they were more tolerable than anyone else that he had met and for him, that passed as him liking them.
“Yeah, sure. Have this back if it upsets you so much, you big baby,” Greaves said sourly, slamming the half-empty can down next to Hare and leaving the room.
Hare watched in silence, confused, but he didn't go after him. Why would he do that for anyone, much less an almost-stranger?
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luffythinker · 7 months
Bkdk grabs your heart but can i raise you ShinDeku? i once read a fic where something happen to Shinso (he got hurt) and he couldn't be a hero and Deku said if he wanted he would condone him doing vigilante work it's "Soft Light by Saezs" gonna talk about ShinDeku dynamics.
Shinso believing he has 0 worth but he wants to prove himself wrong, it's harder on some days but not everyday. Midoriya is there to snuggle him when he feels worthless. Shinso is the first next to Bakugo who's going to knock somebody's face off if they even say a hurtful word in Midoriya's direction your getting kicked 7 ways to hell. Midoriya is Shinso's sunshine and he tells him that every day protective boyfriends!!! cause i'll be damned if Midoriya isn't the same way Shinso's life was hard enough so if anyone's going to ruin his boy's day your getting punted, your getting mississippi smashed, colorado smashed united states of america obliterated if you even breath wrong by Shinso and Midorya catches it
i don't think either of them are the jealous type but they probably hold hands and walk down the street thinking "what did i do to deserve someone like him" at the same time they've probably also thought when they first started dating if they slightly see someone and this is mosting going in Midoriya's direction cause he's probably popular with the girls (and boys for that matter) at UA and Shinso over in the corner thinking wow he would probably be better off with somebody else but the only thing going through Midoriya mind is MOVE I NEED TO FIND MY BOYFREND i don't doubt Midoriya would ever have the thought of Shinso's better off without me im so terrible at maintaining a love relationship when he's the only one with experience cause ya boys was bullied but i think Shinso was bullied a little worse for having a cough villain quirk
NO cause i can see them having a conversation where Midoriya starts crying and wiping his eyes saying stuff Shinso has no idea where it came from and Shinso grabs his hands and tells him nobody ever even gave him the time of day like Midoriya does so the fact that he's even still here now is a blessing, "You say your blessed to have such friends in your life im blessed to have you in my life" which turns Midoriya into sprinkle mode and he's screaming and crying and hugging Shinso tightly
Both of them getting on eachothers cases for not taking care of themselves properly but it's a cycle cause neither of them have the care for themselves as they have for eachother it's literally the only argument they have when they argue its about not taking care of yourself one way or another, "you keep doing dangerous things" "SO DO YOU" "i want you to be careful" "i know you don't care about your body but i do" stuff like that
Midoriya called Shinso tinky winky once and he just stared at him for a long time whispering what the fuck is a tinky winky? are you talking to me????? and Midoriya laughed. no go on i wanna hear all the pet names you have for me and Midoriya just laughing and swinging his arm cause he can't two can play at this game Shinso calls Midoriya sprout and string bean, cabbage head and broccoli boy Bakugo probably calls Midoriya broccoli head Midoriya calls Shinso basil which is cute cause basil can be purple but also a lot of the vegetables shinso calls Midoriya can be purple too they are vegetable boys im crying
Shinso wears cat ears casually because of Eri and Midoriya thinks it's cute he teases him and calls him his little meow meow "shut the fuck up" - blushing Shinso lol
Golden retriever x Cat that's what this is omg
Who do you think confessed first? it could be Shinso but it also could be Midoriya im leaning more on Shinso but not cause he's super ready for the turn down of asking and doesnt wanna be the one to ask but he just really likes Midoriya after the sports fes AND AIZAWA KNOWS IT OH GOD he's in class A and Aizawa is teasing him about it THE DAD EVER he's a little shit about it too like have you told him you like him yet? snort wuss MIC TOO
this is getting long but before i go i remembered another doujinshi that is actually ShinDeku [atarime] Can Tonight Be The Night? – Boku no Hero Academia dj [Eng]
you absolutely can, because shindeku is actually my second fav deku ship!! (rodydeku is the third btw), and I've also read this fic!!
I love this dynamic of grumpy + sunshine because Shinso is not even that grumpy he's just bitter and mad at the universe, but Izuku brings out the best parts of himself, he really is like a ray of sunshine, deku gives him hope that the world is not that much of a bad place. I think for him it's a reminder that life can be hard and you can still end up being good like Izuku is, so he tends to be very protective of him, he won't let the world even try to mess with his boyfriend, he will be smiling and happy forever if it depends on him!!
I agree, don't think they're jealous because they are very secure and there's a lot of mutual trust involved. Like you said, in the beginning, it would be something that bugs Shinsou because why would Izuku choose him, but luckily, his boyfriend is always there to reassure him that he has all the right reasons to be the best boyfriend he needs, so eventually, shinsou trusts this and they don't have any issues down the line. I think they both would communicate well with each other, I really see them as a very healthy couple (I love the toxic flavor in some ships, but for me, the appeal of these two is that they're a lil fucked up but managed to have the best relationship possible)
Them caring for the other but not for themselveskjdfjk i think eventually they would just learn basic first aid stuff to be able to care properly because they're both too stubborn. I love the idea of them having weird cute pet nameskjfdf because the mental image of a guy like Shinso calling his boyfriend lettuce or sumn is so adorable to me
they're absolutely golden retriever x black cat !!
I think Shinso confessed first, it makes sense to me that he would realize his feelings and just… take a shot with it, like he knows izuku will be nice about it even if he rejects him, so he thinks he should be honest about how he feels bc he couldn't continue a friendship like this, I think he would try to make it a romantic moment but it would be so unlike him that it just doesn't go as planned and it doesn't feel like he's being himself. So he tries again, this time just taking Izuku on a walk and he just says it, he likes him, he doesn't want him to feel pressure but he also thinks it's fair for deku to be aware of his feelings, to his surprise izuku is really eager about it and says he is also into him, his feelings have been growing but he didn't know how to bring this up. I feel like they would not kiss at this time, just because they're both really nervous (like have you seen midoriya???)
But they plan on having a date, maybe something really cheesy like an amusement park or going for a picnic at the beach (bc Shinsou needs all the sunlight he can get), and the kiss would happen naturally, with them just wanting to feel each other <3
thank you for the dj rec, I will make sure to read it with the others!!
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anthonybialy · 8 months
Buffalo Bills Have Quarterback Who Makes All the Difference, Unfortunately
An overtime loss on a punt return was a perfect ending in its way.  Fuming about a rather egregious lapse for an alleged pro team is an afterthought in a sign of just how superbly the opener went, specifically not quite very.  The most atrocious punt coverage in memory was merely the exclamation point.  Now is the time for questioning every statement.  Winning a coin toss after doinking in a tie meant the club can’t kvetch about not getting breaks.  Instead, the Bills beat the Bills.
Josh Allen was the deciding factor.  That’s supposed to be good news.  Losing on his lonesome is the variable fans weren’t expecting if anyone enjoys surprises.  Inflicting a handicap is one way to ensure parity.  But making it fair isn’t in his job description.  This isn’t golfing, although he may have done too much of that.  The good news for him is that nobody’s going to care who he’s dating.
We wanted desperately for the Jets to use the Aaron Rodgers blink of a tenure as an excuse.  Instead, the Bills couldn’t capitalize on how he wasn’t going to tackle or cover receivers no matter how long he played.  The four-snap era led to the Jets needing the Bills to squander the most glorious of chances, and they naturally obliged.
The only way losing to Zach Wilson could get more mortifying is when he’s thrust into playing after presuming he was going to spend the evening swiping potential OkCupid matches on the sideline.  Doing so should shame any respectable franchise into proficiency.  A night off for MILFs turned into the same for the Bills.  Even his cadence on “Green 18” sounds hollow.
Bills fans should be delighting in memories of Wilson’s prototypical interception that he would’ve thrown even on an alternate DC Comics Earth where Rodgers is a Titan and the new/old/new guy had the entire offseason to prepare like a starter.  Taunting him should lead to a gain of 15 yards.
As for the quarterback he beat, the stubborn refusal to read coverages is the wrong style of defiance.  An interception where it looked like there wasn’t another Bill in New Jersey was as bad as making Stefon Diggs play defense.  Fumbling a snap by not looking at the ball was a nice touch if the throws into oblivion weren’t infuriating enough.  We’re trying to combat a story about Allen’s ghastly decisions as he adds another chapter.  That settles it: I’ll take the cash if I win West Herr's giveaway and not the truck.
Calling Allen a gunslinger shames qualified profession members.  He’s shooting at the Sun.  Aiming recklessly differs entirely from playing riskily.  His decisions reflect someone who thinks he has to win games singlehandedly while losing them on its own.  Irony is tough to appreciate while watching him make decisions bad enough to make Doug Whaley shake his head.
Wholly unnecessary gambles are not an aberration from last season but now part of his profile.  He’s reached the point where it’s on him to change the perception, as he didn’t do so during the offseason.  Number 17 hits on 19; if he gets an ace, he hits again.
Allen is presently a bad player.  That sounds dramatic for an acceptable reason.  A failing 62.6 rating is atrocious and still doesn’t encompass how he cannot be trusted.  The one thing better than criticizing himself is not once again putting himself in position where he needs to do so.  A new season offers an opportunity to start fresh, and he turned it down.  Instead, he sounds like a drunkard promising to sober up before sneaking sips from a schnapps bottle.
This isn’t part of the Josh Allen experience.  Trying to throw through small windows is distinct from seeking to throw through closed doors.  He hasn’t always been careless with attempts.  It wouldn’t be okay if he was, but this unfortunate habit has only become an issue since partway through last season.  Maddening decisions are avoidable if you seek hope.  The problem is the habit seems to have taken hold.
Recklessness is thorough.  Worst of all, there’s no beneficial result in exchange for the tradeoff.  Take his daft final play of the first half, which featured him jumping pointlessly for a few extra yards far from the line to gain and in the red zone, which he needs to be informed means the placekicker is already within range.  We’d be more upset about one bad decision if it was the worst he made and not maybe in fifth place.
A few missed tackles almost seem like a quaint issue.  Leslie Frazier was coordinating from home.  We can’t blame him except for his legacy.  Sean McDermott seemed distracted as feared.�� The same defensive lapses as usual would ideally be the most glaring issue.
Prison thinking leads to obsessing over outcomes that likely won’t happen.  The only way to exacerbate endless hours for pondering is to let theoretical narratives take root.  The offseason sentence led some fans to either conclude the Bills were destined to cruise or doomed to have missed their chance.  An unanticipated scenario involving remedial quarterback play didn’t come to mind that entire time in a mental cell.
We still only know one game despite the urge to project results on the next 16.  The Chiefs and Bengals aren’t surrendering because of their respective underwhelming losses.  But the fixes aren’t headlights that turn on automatically when needed.  Teams made to wait the longest to start get the shortest interval before going again, which is good news for one in particular that needs to prove their self-destruct sequence isn’t their most prominent play call.
The opener confirmed the narrative, or didn’t.  That narrows it down to all the possibilities in the universe.  Buffalo doesn’t necessarily have to be defined by a game that was frustrating even by historical franchise standards.  But Tre White needs to start regaining his form.  Spencer Brown has to learn how to play offensive lineman.  And Buffalo’s most prominent resident must stop trying to do it all on his own, especially since he’s doing the opposite.
Everything feels different on September 11.  Sports seem both unimportant and treasured if the schedule happens to coincide.  A day for reflection leads to appreciation for things we enjoy.  If you’re a Bills backer, it then leads to returning to everyday aggravations.
Games go on even if tenures end before taking seats.  The Bills were struck by lightning about half a dozen times last year.  The Jets learned from their rival’s precedent and didn’t use getting hit by a lava meteor as an excuse.
A Trent Edwards/Dick Jauron-worthy performance is the unwelcome kind of throwback.  This season’ first outing ended as unnecessarily ignominiously as 2009’s horrid opener with the additional cruelty of having seen incumbents perform far better.  The Jets cashed in on facing a quarterback who wouldn’t have performed differently if he were trying to lose.
The same franchise that’s broken your heart before dipping it in liquid nitrogen to shatter it hasn’t changed despite recent exceptions.  That was only one game.  But the Bills used their opening shot to demonstrate they’ve reinforced their worst tendencies.
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