#and their parents are able to recognise and understand what his couldn't (no fault of their own)
charmac · 5 months
#gonna go on a parasocial rant for a man i barely care about bc thats where i am#but honestly its actually a little heartbreaking#when you think about the fact that rob#who we know struggled in school and with behavioural issues#was a neurodivergent kid who had no idea what that even was#no resources or labels to help him#is now an adult figuring this all out#and seeing#holy shit this sports team i grew up with and love knows about this too#and theyre doing all of this#like do you realise he was a kid in the 80s with no knowledge of any of this#used sports as an outlet and to bond with his dad#probably imagining if this foundation had existed when he was a kid what that could have done for him#and i now have the money and ability to support this all#so hes donating and posting to raise awareness and encourage support#and he's spending time and money with his soccer team in wales to do this same thing#so neurodivergent kids who love sports are growing up with what he didnt have#and their parents are able to recognise and understand what his couldn't (no fault of their own)#im sorry but youre a very blindly heartless person to think that doesnt matter because rob is NOW rich#why are we acting like hes elon fucking musk#he came from nothing you ALL KNOW HOW SUNNY STARTED!?#yes hes stupid spending his money on nfts and the metaverse#can you not see hes fucking growing... and learning. like. probably through his own kids....#i dont even care if you dont care#i dont think it matters at all but adamantly shitting on him to his (social media) face is so beyond loser behaviour#holy fucking christ most of twitter now has clearly been educated in the tiktok school of anti capitalism#that they think the moment someone breaks 1mm they lose their history and soul#rob is a centrist he posts copganda he owns a gun and is proud of it but youre biggest issue with him is he won at capitalism?#via doing something not only he loves but YOU love? and have a whole account dedicated to??????#everyone in his quotes is britta perry from community
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veg-hotwings · 2 years
Hawks, Shigaraki and their abuse
I was thinking about Hawks (what a surprise!) and how much people tend to mischaracterise him and minimise the abuse he went through at the HPSC since he was fucking six years old.
He was literally groomed to be a weapon, grew up alone with no friends, forced to use his quirk in an unnatural way (you can't tell me this picture is not disturbing, that this is not abuse), ripped of his own name and identity, guilt tripped into being ashamed because his father was a villain so much he apologised for it like it was his fault, and probably do some pretty dark shit too.
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Plenty of people argue that Twice was his first kill, but I doubt it. He desperetely tried to save Jin because he thought he was good and he admired him for it, implying that Hawks doesn't think the same of himself. After all Lady Nagant was his mentor, and she was a sniper. It's said multiple times in the manga he was raised, among other things, to be her successor, so he should have been able to take down high profile villains etc. Let's not forget that he freaking aimed for All for One's head as soon as he flew on the battlefield. He wasn't trying to block him, he was trying to kill him. Killing is engraved in him.
He says "If corrupting myself is enough to put everyone else at ease, then I will gladly take on this job" while mockingly bowing to the HPSC President, like he is resigned to this life, to his role.
At the same time, he fails to recognise he was abused, because he just doesn't know any other way to live. He hasn't known anything else apart from the HPSC and violent parents back in Fukuoka.
He didn't even dream of becoming a hero (he didn't know they were real in the first place!), the HPSC just took advantage (again, isn't this abuse?!) of him saving some people from a car crash to mould him in the perfect asset, the golden hero to embody everything Stein and Dabi hate: something fake, a facade.
A proof of this is his actual wish: doing some good while enjoying life around the 20-30th placing in the hero ranks.
The HPSC played so much with his mind he thinks he wasn't alone in this when he was, when his "not being alone" was just holding a fucking stuffed toy of another abuser. Isn't this just fucked up?
Psychological abuse IS abuse as much as physical abuse is.
All of this IS abuse, I won't accept other opinions on this matter.
Now, to Shigaraki.
I realized he and Hawks have a lot in common.
Plenty of people loathe Shigaraki. That's ok, he's a villain and of course did some pretty bad shit.
At the same time, they seem to forget that hasn't even been Tomura himself for plenty of chapters now. That's not him, it's All for One.
This doesn't justify his previous actions, but it's still an important thing to bare in mind (here for a deeper analysis).
Most of all, I think I've never read anywhere that he was abused in the same way Hawks was. And of course, since people fail to see Hawks' abuse (and he's a hero), understanding the same happened to a villain is just too hard.
(It applies to Dabi too, 'cause yes, there are still people thinking he just threw a tantrum because "DaDdY diDn'T GiVe Me AtTeNtiOn!!11!1!". That's concerning, honestly, but I'm not going to talk about him now).
Tenko grew up in a household that hated heroes because his father believed Nana abandoned him. He already had health issues, which piled up with the frustration and fear he felt towards his father, who couldn't accept his dream of becoming a hero, of his grandparents ignoring the fact he was beaten for this, and his mother and older sister who failed to protect him.
When he unleashed his quirk for the first time he was terrified and calm at the same time, but it was such a traumatic experience his mind just closed up on itself and made him forget about it (a typical trauma response).
Then, while roaming alone, ignored by everybody while pleading for anybody to help him, he was found by fucking All for One because life is just that fair, who exploited his fear and anger to mould him in the perfect weapon to use against All Might and the hero society.
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Do you see the resemblace? He was ripped from his name and groomed by AfO after escaping somehow a violent household the same way Hawks was ripped from his name and groomed by the HPSC after escaping a violent household, just with a different objctive.
Cherry on top, when he finally got the power to destroy everything he loathed, to give his companions what they wanted too, AfO took over his mind. I'll say it again: isn't it just fucked up?!
Tomura is unable to free himself from his grip yet the same way the HPSC teachings are so engraved in Hawks he believed killing can be accepted if it's for a superior cause, that he believes he is responsible for his father's crimes.
I really really hope Horikoshi will grace these two with some justice.
I hope that Hawks will finally realise what his life really was and get some peace and rest, and that Tomura will free himself from AfO's grip and reunite with his friends before or after the end.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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anunfortunatekinlist · 6 months
Peter's Betrayal.
Soooo I wrote a thing, I was so sick of having no reason for Peter's betrayal so I made one…. ig content warning for torture, kidnapping, blood etc.
He had been sat in the dark for hours, blindfold pressing on his eyelashes, tears soaking them and dripping down his chin, he has no idea where he is, and no idea who exactly who sat in the room with him, the only noise Peter can hear are muted screams and muffled laughter.
It had been hours, of taunting words, manic laughter and the incarcerous ropes cutting and burning his skin. Peter knew this was a consequence of the war, there was a slim chance that he would wind up like so many of their friends, but he never thought he was so important to have an audience. The fact that he was just sat in waiting for his captors to get bored of the others they were torturing to get to him next.
It was weird, having to mourn his own life sat in his own solitude, suffocating on his own dreams and and ambitions in a single moment until someone could finally put him out of his own misery.
The pure agony of waiting was finally halted, the blindfold finally pulled down to be met with a semi-familiar face, some kid he went to school with that he cannot quite place, one of the Slytherins in the lower year; several masked figures on the edge of the shadows, the room feeling as if it was going on forever.
Now Peter could finally take in his surroundings, he was in some type of abandoned warehouse, with the room only having one light on, the shadows consuming the rest.
"Well Pettigrew, welcome" the boy said, Peter could finally place him, it was Crouch Jr. He was a quiet boy back in school, went missing a year and a half back, many thought him to be dead, well they were all wrong.
All Peter could do was stare, transfixed, this boy was someone like him, and he had ended up one of his greatest enemies, someone who had killed his friends.
"You know Pettigrew, we haven't brought you here to kill you, that would be an awful lot of effort, so you can wipe that worried look off your face, you are awfully to helpful for a simple kill" Crouch stated, slowly walking out of Peter's sight towards the walls of the shadows once again, the wall of deep breathes and muffled screams filled the room once again, they were in front of him, through the shadows.
It dawned on Peter, they knew, the Death-Eaters know, they finally figured out that Peter was the Potter's secret-keeper, they wanted him for James, for Lily, for baby Harry.
Light consumed the room, flooding Peter's eyes, making him blink and having to focus his vison, he could finally see in front of him, through the masked men he saw four people in similar positions to him, tied and gagged. But Peter recognised them instantly, how could he not, his own parents and siblings were sat across from him, blood dried into their hair and tears constantly pouring down their face. All in their dinner clothes from earlier, now ripped and ruined.
He had just seen them hours before, they had all gone out to dinner for their parents anniversary, all able to forget the grief of war for a couple hours to celebrate their family and their parents love. It was heart-breaking to see the happiness ruined by the psychopaths in front of them. His little sister, only 17 years old was sat directly across from him, her dinner dress was ruined with dirt and her own blood.
Seeing his family in front of him, made his heart hurt, they were pain all because of Peter, his involvement in the war had directly brought them pain, it was all Peter's fault.
"No, no, no, why them? Why have you got them? You want me, not them. They are not involved in the war, it's me you want, not them" he was in distress, he couldn't understand why his family was involved in all this.
"Now now Peter, calm down, we won't hurt them if you do one small thing for us, I think you can guess what we want, just give us the location, and this will all be over, you and your poor little family can go home and forget this all happened." Crouch whispered, behind him now, there was no escape from his voice, it was all-consuming.
"I-I don't know what your talking about..." Peter whispered, choking back his sobs.
"Oh really dear, you don't know what I'm talking about." Crouch whispered in his ear.
One of the masked men walked over to his mother, and with his wand, cut down her exposed arm, blood pouring and her screams still muffled by the gag. Her sobs made his ears almost bleed, he was crying, trying to break away from the binds around his arms. "No, no. NO! Leave them alone please, please. They're innocent please."
"Then tell us what we want to hear, dear." Crouch now came and sat on his lap, as if he was enjoying a theatre show, glee written in his features.
"I don't know what your talking about you sadistic fuck, let them go, they have done nothing, I don't know what you are talking about." Peter sobbed, he was disgusted, he just want to be dead.
Another one of the masked men walked up to his older sister, she writhed under her binds as they got closer, but it was no use, all Peter heard was silence until a small whisper of "Crucio" and a jet of red light emitted from his wand, and then the gut-wrenching screams of his sister filled the room, her sobs and pain stuffed the room, nearly breaking Peter, he could not go on until the death-eaters murdered his family.
"Fine, fine. FINE! What will you do to them if I tell you." Peter shouted and the screams of his sister finally let go, and Crouch smiled ear to ear.
"Aww has Peter finally come to his senses? Are you going to give in? Have I proven to you that we are superior?" Crouch said, still perched on his knee.
"No, go fuck yourself, I just want to know what you plan if I do actually tell you" Peter said, voice horse.
Crouch slapped him, "Now, don't be rude, all we plan to do is to deal with the boy, nothing more."
"You want to kill a baby! You want to kill my nephew!" Peter said disgust filling his voice.
"Fine you don't want to help." Crouch said again, and flicked his wrist towards Peter's family. One of the masked men now approach his father, "What should do to him, because it seems as long as they're alive..."
"No please don't." Peter begged.
"Oh really, don't what?" Crouch whispered, and on of the masked men dragged a blade up his father's arm, not stopping, going painfully slow, blood slowly oozing it's way out, staining his clothes and dripping on to the floor. But it looked like they would not stop this time, the cut went from his wrist, and was slowly making it up towards his shoulder, and not stopping, and the blade starts to make a turn towards his father's neck.
"NO NO NO, PLEASE NO DON'T!" Peter screamed.
"Come on then tell us." Crouch whispered again, the blade was now at his fathers neck, digging in deep, he watched in horror and his father's life was being played with, as if it was a gamble, that if Peter could watch his father die, on his wedding anniversary.
"Potter's cottage, Godric's Hollow, in the West Country!" Peter screamed, "Let me go so i can heal my father!"
Crouch laughed in glee, "Thank you Peter, aren't you very kind." And the binds and gags fell from Peter and his family, Peter rushed to his father's side and snatched one of the death-eaters wands in the process, and started spells to stop the bleeding and heal his father's wounds so that he wouldn't bleed to death. Leaving a scar instead, encompassing his entire right side.
Crouch was beside him once again, "Aww are you happy now Peter, trading lives, your as bad as us." Crouch had his hand on Peter's shoulders, watching over him as he preformed spell's on his family in an attempt to heal their wounds and make sure that they weren't hurt further.
"I am nothing like you!" Peter spat, tears still welling in his eyes, he could never imagine this happening, he just killed his best friend's son, but saved his father.
"It's all for the greater good dear, someone had to die for everything to heal." Crouch said, still smiling.
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