#ao3 wrapped ask meme
istadris · 6 months
For the Ao3 Wrapped ^^
3, 10, and 29
3- What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Aaaah, it's a tough one :O
Although I'm very proud of Doppio Senso and Bend or Break, regardless of how much effort they're taking me to write but motivate me enough to finish, since they're unfinished as of now (Bend or Break turning into a series, I don't consider it done yet), it's hard to tell if I'll be proud once they're over...
Instead, I'll go with The Quiet of Night. (Don't be fooled by the date on AO3, this is actually the first fic I posted in the Mario fandom). I wrote it one year ago and it was my first foray in Mario fanfics.
It's not a big or flashy fic; just a quiet, introspective scene of Mario dealing with his insecurities and worries about his brother. I used elements of this fic in other works and even a year later, I still think it has solid elements. Like Luigi reaching out even in his sleep when sensing his brother's distress. I was in the middle of discovering the Mario & Luigi games and I think my love for this series shows through this fic :p
It was also the first fic I wrote on my own after a long, long writer's block (not counting a fic I wrote for a challenge, since it wasn't my own idea), and it gave me faith that I still could create stories; I think writing and publishing this fic is why 2023 was one of my most productive years in terms of writing.
Not to mention @suedoodle made a beautiful illustration of it, and I consider it a proud achievement when my work manages to inspire someone else <3
10-What work was the quickest to write?
Hard to say, as I don't really keep track of how long each fic takes me to write (and it'd be easier to say which work was the longest to write...).
But I think that's also The Quiet of Night ; I wrote it on an impulse, and I remember I managed to start and finish it in the few days I spent at my grandmother's house.
29-Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Ooof, there are so many of them ...but this moment from Doppio Senso still makes me giggle like an idiot :
“Don’t worry”, Mario answered cheerfully as he stepped inside, “no one will even know I’ve been here! I’ll just be in and out!” * Twenty-seven minutes later, after bursting from an exploding wall in the castle and hastily eating a Super Mushroom, Mario was running for his life through the Darklands, the entire Koopa Troop after him, and dragging Bowser’s unconscious body behind him.
AO3 Wrapped Ask meme
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chromatic-lamina · 6 months
for the ao3 writers wrapped, 6, 16, and 22!
Thank you!
End of year wrap up for writers.
6. Favorite title you used: Maybe Forty-Two Superior Teeth. It's a piece I did for the free (and still available) Growing Pains Zine (the one piece characters when they were kids). Polar bears have 42 teeth, and Bepo knows it! (That was a piece about Law, Bepo, Penguin and Shachi on Swallow Island).
16. What's your most common "additional tags" tag?
I didn't write so much this year, but maybe always some variation of 'canon divergence'. I do have a 'national geographic hearts' or equivalent tag.
22. Which work has the most comments?
I'll take this as comment threads. That way it excludes my replies. It seems that I updated a one shot collection: Bepo's Drabble and One Shot Collection, and that has 15 chapters and 16 comment threads, but none on the drabble I posted (all the other chapters were posted 2019).
Heart PIrates Week, 2023 has 9 chapters (they're drabbles/ficlets. Don't get your hopes up :D!) and so 15 comment threads.
Taxi, which is actually a 2018-2019 story, but I re-uploaded a missing chapter last year, has 14 comment threads, and I actually uploaded that missing chapter due to some lovely comments I received this year.
For one shots, Bioluminescent Hearts is the top with 9 comment threads.
Thank you so much.
ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
ask away!
6, 16 and 22 are finished.
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tunastime · 6 months
oooh 11 for ao3 wrapped! :3 -🍯
omg hi honey!!
11. What work took you the longest to write?
ohhh man. you know it, you love it, it was SEN. I started spitballing the fic to dearest laurie ohsnapperss back in Nov 2022 on a 6 hour car drive, and it kind of snowballed from there and briefly took over my waking, working life for about two months. then I hit a hard wall and had to put it down, got really into yogscast, and an SMP with some friends, and my job got hectic, so I didn't feel like I could write it. I would sit to plan and nothing would happen :( then I kind of got smacked with desire to finish around late may? picked it back up full speed in june, and finished by july-ish where I sat for like, three or four hours a day editing for a week.
so yeah! and now I've picked up (starting back in october? both a fic for ranchers and a fic for docsuma+tango backstory, so that's been really fun! they're slow and steady, but I hope to crank out some of it in the next few weeks while I hit winter break!
thanks honey!!
(ask meme)
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kittlesandbugs · 1 year
AO3 wrapped!! What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? This little untitled Chargestep sap I wrote on a whim. It's only like 300 words, but it got the most notes out of anything else I wrote this year, and Jin drew art, and I'm just a little flabbergasted everyone liked it so much. XD
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? I have been trying to figure out how to deal with Argent and her mindvoice, given [redacted]. I still don't feel like I have that great a handle on it or that I'm doing it well. I've written a fair amount for her this year, and it's slowly getting there, getting bolder, but most of it is unshareable until Retri drops for realsies next year lol.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? I'm so glad I got this question a couple times because it's so hard to choose. But this is one of my favorite bits from my Heartbreak anniversary fic, Time doesn't heal.
The stone presses against your back, cold through sweat-soaked cotton. You shift and it makes no adjustment. No jibe at your restlessness. It's too quiet and too unyielding and it doesn't breathe with you and you've never missed her more. 
Whoever said time heals all wounds should be punched.
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aces-to-apples · 1 year
30 for the ao3 wrapped ask meme?
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
The reason I was so productive while unemployed is because working saps all of my energy, motivation, and dubious brainpower. Shocked and appalled, truly. Also, transmasculine clones is something I'm invested in? Somehow??
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astridthevalkyrie · 1 year
for the ao3 wrapped game: 3, 6, 15, 20, 30 (lol sorry this is probably a lot, so you don't have to answer all if you don't want to)
thank you for asking!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
the past two years has been dedicated to superior so i pretty much have to say that. this is the longest i have spent on a fic, the most effort i have put into a fic, and the most love i have ever had for a fic. 6. Favorite title you used
i'm going to include last year since why not, but I really do love summer rain as a title. it has the vibe of the fic, i got to namedrop it pretty naturally, and the name just has really pleasant memories for me now.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
superior again LMAO, and a couple of oneshots that may or may not never see the light of day
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
.....can you guess what I'm gonna say 30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
sometimes music is enough to force me into a writing mindset but that will also backfire very horribly if i don't like anything on my playlist or i've heard certain songs one too many times.
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hi!! how about 3 for the ao3 wrapped?
Hey anon! Thanks for the question!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
The answer to this one is a bit similar to another question I answered, but once again I think "A family can be a demon, a witch, and a firstborn child" and "Darkness was all there had ever been." are some of the best things I've written this year. However, I'd like to add one more work that I absolutely think deserves more love simply because I love the idea of Jimmy losing his mind, and that's "Runner-Up", a Secret Life Jimmy drabble that I think I did a good job with.
Honestly, I'm very proud of all my works, and I'm glad I get to share them with people! I'm also really proud of what I wrote for the mcytblr gift exchange of this year :eyes: It's coming out soon, so keep an eye out for it! I've never written something like it before.
(ask meme)
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runawaymarbles · 6 months
For the AO3 ask meme: 3, 15, 27!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I don't think I've picked Grilled Cheese fic for this one yet so I'm going with the Grilled Cheese fic, because I had to watch a lot of character youtube compilations for it since I haven't watched Angel in probably 10 years. Youtube character compilation makers are underrated pillars of fandom.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
Bet!fic. You know how it's a pretty common bit in 9-1-1 fic that the rest of the team has a bet going on when Buck and Eddie are going to get together? The concept is: that, but make it bad. What if you're dealing with a lot of baggage and personal revelations and latent trauma and it's this huge and scary thing and you find out that all your friends think it's funny and have been joking about it behind your back. What then.
*In what they think is a loving way bc they do love you
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Swan Lake. ad nauseam. Sometimes the Wonder Woman soundtrack if things are getting tense.
ao3 wrapped ask meme
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izzyspussy · 6 months
AO3 Wrapped Ask Game!
Fic you clicked on the most times this year (shows in History)
First fic you clicked on this year
First fic you Bookmarked this year
First fic you posted this year
Your most read Fandom this year
Your most written for Fandom this year
Your most read pairing this year
Your most written for pairing this year
Most popular fic by hits you read this year
Most popular fic by hits you posted this year
Most popular fic by kudos you posted this year
Most popular fic by comment threads you posted this year
Your personal favorite fic you read this year
Your personal favorite fic you posted this year
Most recent fic you clicked on
Most recent fic you Bookmarked
Most recent fic you posted
Highest word count fic you read this year
Highest word count fic you posted this year
Your total word count posted this year (shows in Statistics)
Your total hits this year (shows in Statistics)
Your total kudos this year (shows in Statistics)
Your total comment threads this year (shows in Statistics)
Least popular fic by hits you read this year
Least popular fic by hits you posted this year
Least popular fic by kudos you posted this year
Least popular fic by comment threads you posted this year
Number of fics you clicked on this year (20 per page)
Number of Bookmarks you made this year (20 per page)
Most popular Fandom by total fic number you read from this year
Most popular Fandom by fic updated this year you read from this year (filter by Date Updated)
Most popular Fandom by total fic number you wrote for this year
Most popular Fandom by fic updated this year you wrote for this year (filter by Date Updated)
Least popular Fandom by total fic number you read from this year
Least popular Fandom by fic updated this year you read from this year (filter by Date Updated)
Least popular Fandom by total fic number you wrote for this year
Least popular Fandom by fic updated this year you wrote for this year (filter by Date Updated)
Most popular pairing by total fic number you read this year
Most popular pairing by fic updated this year you read this year
Least popular pairing by total fic number you wrote this year
Least popular pairing by fic updated this year you read this year
Canon pairing you read the most this year
Non-Canon pairing you read the most this year
Canon pairing you wrote the most this year
Non-Canon pairing you wrote the most this year
A playlist of all the songs you used lyrics from to title fics this year
Shout out an incomplete fic you read this year
Oldest fic you read this year
Your most posted Additional Tag this year
Your favorite comment you left or received this year
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graylinesspam · 6 months
Ao3 wrapped
Pick a question off this list or come up with you're own and drop it in my ask box. I'll be pulling all the answers from my Bookmarks. If you pick a prompt with or in it, please specify. On second thought this may be more than bookmarks. Maybe it's just all my reading/writing for the year.
❤️ Most read Genre for the year or for the collection.
🧡Most read Fandom for the year or for the collection.
💛Most read Pairing for the year or for the collection.
❤️‍🔥Most read rating for the year or the collection.
💚Fic reread the most amount of times for the year or the collection.
💙Top Author for the year or the collection.
🌸Most frequent commenter (on my own works)
🪷Favorite comment of the year (on my own works)
🌹Favorite bookmark of the year (on my own works)
🏵️ Best spam comment streak of the year (on my own works)
🌺 Best Tumblr interaction of the year.
🌻 MVBR (Most valuable Beta reader exchange)
🍋 Least read genre of the year or collection
🍊 Least bookmarked fandom
🍌 Least bookmarked pairing.
🍎 Fic I'm still checking the bookmark for but it never updates.
🍑 Fic that I follow that regularly updates but I never catch up with
🫐 Fic that's sitting in my drafts beta'd but unfinished.
🥝 Chapter update that's sitting in my drafts.
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istadris · 6 months
ao3 wrapped ask 13.
13- What’s your longest work of the year?
Ooooh, 100% Doppio Senso. Just to give you an idea, here are my 2023 word count stats on AO3 :
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It's currently 12,717 words, and the third chapter (which I hope to post before the end of the year) is well on its way to be over 10k words.
Even the Bend or Break series, which I hope to continue in 2024, hasn't as much actually written down yet in my WIPs.
And you wanna know the best ? It all started with a one-off joke in a private discussion with a friend.
Then I went "hey, what if I wrote it haha....unless...?"
Then I went "hey, it's funny as a one shot but what if I actually added a second chapter haha...unless...?"
Now it's "I'm finally seeing the end of it, but what if I made it into a series haha...unless....?"
AO3 Wrapped Ask meme
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For the ao3 wrapped: 20 & 27 🥰
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
Overall, probably the best by far is you! It is my own personal comfort read lol. But as I've been working on Beside the Seaside this last year, I revisit the previous chapters a lot, so that one might win for 2023!
27. What do you listen to while writing?
I don't use music a ton when writing, but if I do listen to something, it's gotta be instrumental or ambient noise (big fan of listening to a crackling fireplace tbh). I did revisit the Seaside playlist as I was working on the upcoming chapter, especially Glenn Miller's works since those don't have lyrics, such as Moonlight Serenade, String of Pearls (I mean, come on! 🥹) and In the Mood! (and maybe there will also be a nod to the Seaside playlist in the next chapter 👀🥰)
[ao3 wrapped!]
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tunastime · 6 months
12 and 27? <3
hi laurie!! <33
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
If I count things I started this year? I think honestly, about 5! There's ranchers and docsuma for SEN, a bdubs secret life fic, a zedango fic that has yet to come off the ground (sorry myke :( ) and there's a season 9 doc fic that I've been bouncing around! they're all projects where I've got a semblance of what I want to write, so I'm really excited to keep working on them into the new year! I don't expect my mcyt hyperfixation to be going away any time soon :3
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Oooh, I like this question a lot! It really depends honestly... I mean laurs you've heard me repeat the same song over and over but most of the time it's either 1. looped instrumental tracks for atmosphere, 2. closing my eyes and playing a song that helped me figure out a scene (those spotify asks were done like that!) or 3. um. nothing!
I do a lot of my writing in pretty quiet places (at home, on the phone in the car, in the library/coffee shop, at work on break) so I kind of just zone in and work on it. If I'm really struggling with focus I love love sitting with people in discord voice calls just to body-double, and at that point any music they put on I can normally tune out and just work! tldr: a lot of instrumental, since I can't focus with words going blablabla
(ask meme)
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ebongawk · 6 months
ao3 wrapped: 5, 16, 29 !
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
I'm not actually finished with it but so far, give me your hand (give me your sound) is getting significantly more attention than I was expecting! I didn't think the fandom was so excitable regarding a/b/o 😂
16. What's your most common "Additional Tags" tag?
lmao according to AO3 it's "vaginal sex" followed closely by "vaginal fingering" so we know what I'm about
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Gods, I've probably said this eighty-seven times now but, "I mean, Christ, Cunningham, don't you realize? You already have my heart between your teeth; take a fucking bite! At least that way, even if you break it, I'll always have the scar to remember you by." - from we're a lie (you and I)
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aces-to-apples · 1 year
19 and 27 for the ao3 wrapped :D
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Maulakin, definitely, been meaning to for a while. Also Jink for JnD.
27. What do you listen to while writing?
I don't like to listen to anything while I'm writing, tbh, more and more I find it distracting.
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astridthevalkyrie · 1 year
2 and 16 for ao3 wrapped? (Just the writer’s edition. Have NOT found a reader’s edition but would love to.)
the fact that there’s a writer edition impliiies a reader edition so yeah I hope there’s one too!! thank you for asking ^_^
2. How many works did you publish this year?
ahahahahaha there is nothing new on my ao3 this year it has only been updates 😭 I had a couple drabbles on tumblr but i don't have a set count. it's cool it's cool i don't cry about it at night (yet)
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
i went and looked on ao3 and there's like five i have used twice:
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so do with that what you will LMAO
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