#ask siegelst
siegelst · 2 years
Do you know about the 1982 TV version of Wait Until Dark? It's basically just a filmed version of the stage play, but it's worth seeing at the very least its version of the Susy vs Roat showdown. Because the Roat in this goes the opposite route from Arkin-- he acts coked up as hell. Everything else is rather meh, especially compared to the awesome 67 movie, but you might get a kick out of the end.
oh wow that sounds hillarious XD. i was afraid to try out the play version because who can outdo what Arkin did for Roats? but now drunk Roat acting up would be so funny. he probably be saying to susy 'hey babe you should try this speed its great!' XD LOL
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oldschoolteenflicks · 2 years
i love your gifs. can i ask what you software you use to make them? is some of your gifs bluray? or do you do the editng? they look so clear and nice. if they are hd, how you screencap them? i been trying to figure out how to do that. thanks! :D
thank you! I use KMPlayer to take the caps and then make the gifs in photoshop (i use the CS5 version, but others should work just as well)
as for the resolution, it's always best to use a 1080p copy. the gifs just look better, especially if you're gonna make big gifs. but sometimes I also gif 720p or dvdrips (depending on the film, it is often impossible to find a 1080p copy, so I have to settle for less)
here's a tutorial that can guide you.
if you have any other questions though, let me know. I'll be more than happy to help :)
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whencallstheheart · 3 years
siegelst said: i thought for a while but could it be -abigail be back in town?
Lori was in prison while they were filming... so that’s a big no.  
waldstein221b said: In one of JT’s weekly Facebook lives a few weeks ago (can’t remember the specific week), he said the finale script was so jam-packed, they asked Hallmark for a longer run-time for that episode to fit everything in, and Hallmark said yes. Maybe it was that?
Hallmark giving the show a few extra minutes is not that big of a deal.  Besides, that came about in post-production when they were trying to edit down the episode and he didn’t want to make more cuts.
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paladinofthelantern · 3 years
@michellestarswept @scoffingatgravity @nenyc @oeybell @littlepichon @georgeapp137 @anna-omens13 @naobara @florence-pew​ @siegelst​
So I edited SCL again, but, since I understand that  some people might not want to re-read it, I decided to post the updated text here. Enjoy.😉
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A while later she moved in with him, Harry glad that he finally had someone who he did not have to hide himself from. Their relationship thrived after that, becoming stronger and stronger, until a year had passed. One day, after work, Harry drove to the very spot where she had first opened up to him. When she asked why they were there he smiled, telling Asta he had something to show her. It wasn’t until he knelt down in the snow on one knee and retrieved a small velvet box from his coat pocket did she realize why.
They were married by a justice of the peace in a simple ceremony that took place at the Ute Reservation. Of course, Asta's family was in attendance, but there were many others who came, including their friends from town. All watched as Harry and Asta recited their vows to each other, although no one understood it when the doctor said that his new bride was smarter than a lizard. Asta only smiled at the words, and, when they were pronounced man and wife, she wasted no time in sealing the union with a kiss. At the reception they were congratulated time and time again by loved ones, who, besides wishing them the best in their new life together, bestowed many gifts upon them.
But one of Asta's favorite parts that day was when Harry led her in a slow dance, one hand on her lower back while they swayed to the rhythm of the music. When she asked where he learned how to dance Harry replied that D'arcy's boyfriend, Owen, had taught him. She made sure to give the snowboarder a hug afterwards in thanks. At D'arcy's joke about Asta stealing her man they all laughed. Later, after the newlyweds returned to the cabin, they could see Harry's home planet shining high above in the night sky. He told her that, although he still missed it, Earth had become his home, and she had captured his heart. Asta responded by taking hold of his hand and placing it on her chest, saying that he had as well. Neither of them would forget that moment for as long as they lived.
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To Ask The Magic Mirror
You stand in front of a face either too dark or too bright stares back,
serving as the bleakest night and brightest morning.
To speak to it, to hear it speak, is not easy for those who listen with their ears and speak with a loud voice.
Nothing can stand in its way, and it stands in the way until the right words are spoken,
the search can last forever.
It does not care or change, this face, to one discernable,
not to be understood without pain or malice,
unshrouded and in shade.
Who can tell whether it reveals the dark secrets of the past and future,
or indeed a reflection of some hidden truth.
All is truly hidden here, nothing told is certain.
Speak loudly to it with the words of a beating heart, the only way it will hear,
the only way to stop its own sad mouth from carrying on in despair.
It does not care or change, infinite and finite in its own rules,
giving answers only to hear itself talk again.
Learn to solve, to love the riddles of the heart, or of the universe if you can,
and each will be solved, setting places for new thoughts and forms,
and perhaps this face will finally speak out loud, in your own voice.
~A. Siegelster~
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siegelst · 10 months
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awww danke :D
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siegelst · 10 months
there's hardly any ursula/oc fics D: you found any?
anon i feel your pain too. idk what it is because Ursula is awesome . I found some ao3 but i think there are 2 on watpad as well but i lost track of them.
the one below is dark but it's really good
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siegelst · 2 years
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
i know chess, like the color grey, and love whales.
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siegelst · 2 years
Bro where did u see that law and order trial by jury with Alfred Molina??? I can’t find it anywhere and I’m this 🤏 close to buying it.
ah yes. :D just to warn you. It is a very heavy topic. it is on Amazon for $2 or $3 for per episode. one episode was in Law & order SUV Season 6 episode 20 called 'Night'. the other episode ties in to that episode in was Law & order Trial by jury Season 1 Episode 11 called 'Day'.
edit: I never seen anyone do an two episodes separate on two different tv shows. that’s probably why people have trouble finding it the second part.
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siegelst · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead? The good, the bad? What do you think about the upcoming tv adaptation?
Tell Us👁👄👁🍿
Hey Anon! Lets talk tv! :D
warning: its been a while since i read the series. watch the movie. thought it was done well and Byrne dude is in it. Read two books and WOW it was VERY GOOD. i loved it. I'm not sure how far i got in the series, i think i stop after Blood Promise. If they could make a good movie. hopefully they make a good tv show :D
The good: Rose's adventure through the series.
the Bad: 1) i just noticed this and i realize that the big power differences on Rose vs. the person she's protecting. Regardless of how well their relationship is. That friend she's protecting will always be the higher class and Rose is always lower class 2) Tw: rape: I DO NOT KNOW if it was done in the book as well, but the necklace that victor spiked scene. and I don't know what age Rose is in the books or movie - even though nothing come out of it, they destroyed the necklace in time, it still a non-consent situation for both Dimitri and her. 3) victor strikes again and turns his daughter into sterogie or something idk. that's just awful. Manipulating his own daughter to turn her self into a monster. wtf man. you're awful Victor. 4) in book rose baiting herself so she could save dimitri. and she's in a rough situation, terrified, under the blood influence of idk vampire Dimitir and i thought that was bad. so ... like yeah you love a guy that you go through hell and back. um. no put yourself first sorry.
Just looked up who is making the tv show and it has Julie Plec. if y'all don't know who julie plec is, she did Vampire Diaries series. HOWEVER i do want to give this tv show a chance. just one chance.
but i don't see how well this tv show is going to be with Julie Plec being involved.
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siegelst · 3 years
I have a theory on why the eyes go red during his scene with Harry~
Otto doesn't like Harry, and the red lights are when he has a violent impulse toward him, and the white is either Otto suppressing it, or more likely telling them "later".
Just a thought! Have a wonderful day 💕
:o  that’s a great theory bro! yes yes! that make it more tragic for Otto. you should add that in there yo. Thank you! you as well! good day!
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siegelst · 2 years
dude this is the third time someone sent me n&de ladies. yall i aint gonna answer those mail. 
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siegelst · 2 years
//You're not alone in not seeing NWH. I won't be seeing it 1. I have 0 interest in seeing it cause of the (potential) plotholes I noticed 2. pandemic which is a very fair reason (did see Dear Evan Hansen in theaters but it was only 4 people in the entire theater very far apart) 3. sensory sensitivity which make loud/flashy movies tough for me I wont mind if people spoil it for me in the tags~
@giftedintelligence  glad i’m not alone in this. I would LOVE to see it even if they probably mess it up, however safety first. I could see it two months later.
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“The Arms”, a short story by A. Siegelster
“I fail to see how this is funny.”
Sam was drenched with the icy water from the bucket that had just fallen from the top of the opened door, and Jamie was laughing hysterically.
“Oh - oh my god, S-Sam, you should see your face!”
Sam tried to stomp forward toward Jamie, only to slip on the pooling water and fall on his butt. This only made Jamie laugh harder, clutching her stomach with one hand and the arm of the sofa with the other as she tried to stay standing. Sam rose carefully, bracing himself on the other side of the sofa. His face was still set in a grimace of pain and embarrassment, and Jamie’s peals of laughter were dying down slowly.
“That was mean, Jamie!” Sam whined. He started to shiver in his soaked clothes.
“Aw, do you need a hug?” teased Jamie.
Sam gave a short, gruff laugh. “Ha, no thank you, I don’t think I trust you to do anything after that prank!”
“That’s fair, and good for me too, you stink! When was the last time you showered?”
“Hey, I didn’t smell this bad before the bucket fell! Where’d you get the water anyway? The water from the tap in the sink doesn’t come out smelling this gross.” Sam smelled himself and pulled a face.
“I got it from the cistern down in the basement,” Jamie replied. “Isn’t that where all the water in this cabin comes from?”
“Uh, no,”  said Sam. He was looking at Jamie as though she was an idiot. “All the water is piped in from elsewhere, and purified first. This smells like it’s been sitting there for a long time. Nice going.”
“Hey I’m sorry, I didn’t know!” Jamie crossed her arms.
“You couldn’t smell it when you were filling the bucket?!”
“I hadn’t taken my allergy meds yet. You know I can’t smell well before I do!”
“So you didn’t think to take your meds before going into a dusty and mildewy basement?”
“Uhm… I forgot?” Jamie gave an innocent smile and shrugged.
Sam rolled his eyes. “Whatever, I’m going to go shower and attempt to get this stench off me.”
Sam huffed out of the living room, and Jamie sighed, smiling to herself, and threw herself down on the sofa. She picked up a book which she had brought with her - the cabin they rented for the week had no TV, or anything technological that wasn’t useful for cooking or washing. The book was a Lovecraftian story, filled with all sorts of strange science fiction monsters, including the tentacled god Cthulhu himself. Jamie could not get enough of it, or of any science fiction story, and she talked incessantly about it, to her own delight, and to Sam’s annoyance.
Jamie was just getting immersed in her book when she heard Sam call her.
“Hey, uh, Jamie? Can you come here for a minute? Something’s weird.”
Jamie called back. “Are you still in the shower? Cause if you’re still naked and this problem has to do with your penis then I think I’m gonna stay right here.”
“I’m out of the shower, I have pants on. Just come here.”
Jamie groaned, marked her place in her book, and got off the sofa. She walked over to the bathroom where she found Sam standing in front of the mirror, flexing his arms.
“Are you sure you didn’t just call me here to show off your muscles?”
“Ha ha,” Sam replied. “No, just take a look at my arm. I didn’t used to have this many freckles before, did I?”
Jamie took Sam’s left arm and inspected it. “Well, there are a lot of freckles. But we’ve been out tanning by the lake for a few days now, you probably got them from the sun, right?”
Sam looked at his arm again then nodded hesitantly. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re probably right. Nothing to worry about. Freckles are supposed to be fashionable now, right?”
Jamie chuckled. “Absolutely. Now come on, let’s go for a hike before dinner.” They came out of the bathroom to grab their hiking boots. Jamie spotted her book lying where she had put it on the sofa.
“Oh, and I am getting so into this book I’m reading, Sam. Did you know that Cthulhu - ”
Sam held his hand up. “Please, Jamie, save your sci-fi facts, I get enough of them the rest of the time!”
“Aw,” Jamie whined, but then giggled as she was lacing up a boot. “But they are fun facts! You don’t want to know about the squid-faced…?”
Sam pulled a face, and Jamie stopped, laughing and patting Sam sympathetically on the shoulder.
“Alright, Sam, I’ll stop. For now.” She flashed him a huge, toothy smile as they got up, and he pushed her out the door, following behind.
The rest of the day was uneventful, except for the sighting of a small woodpecker on their hike, and dinner consisted of roasted weenies and marshmallows. They each went to bed content and sleepy, thinking about what the next day would bring. In the morning, however, Jamie’s eyes snapped open, having woken up to the sound of Sam’s distressed calls. He was in the bathroom, looking at his arms again.
“The freckles are raised, red, and they kind of hurt!” Jamie took a look, and sure enough, the freckles were raised, red, and larger, almost like welts. She sucked in a breath.
“We should probably take you to a doctor, Sam,” she said.
“But the closest doctor is hours away,” Sam replied, “and I don’t really want to go if this is just temporary. I mean rashes usually go away within a day, right?”
Jamie thought for a moment. The welts looked pretty bad, but maybe it was just a rash. She went into the bathroom and found aloe in the cabinet.
“Here, put this on,” she told Sam. “We might as well help the rash heal quicker - if it is a rash.”
Sam rubbed the aloe onto his arms, and thought he felt a little better. That same evening, after another day of hiking and swimming in the lake - and other various mountain adventures - though, they both would start to wonder.
As they did every night since they arrived at the cabin, Jamie and Sam were roasting marshmallows in front of the fire, outside under the stars. They had forgotten the rash on Sam’s arm, and didn’t think about anything unusual, until Sam suddenly threw his roasting stick right into the fire.
“Sam, why the hell did you do that?” asked Jamie, annoyed. “Now we’re short a stick!”
“I - I’m not sure,” Sam said, looking confusedly at his hand. “I really don’t know why I did that.”
“Oh well,” said Jamie, shrugging. “Maybe it was just an irresistible impulse. I know sometimes when I’m standing by the lake I have urges to throw my phone in, or jump in with all my clothes on.”
“Yeah,” Sam replied slowly, “yeah, maybe that was it. Weird.”
For the next couple of days neither Sam nor Jamie paid much attention to Sam’s arms, being busy with the adventures of nature during the day, and as Sam took to wearing long sleeves on cold evenings.
One night, Jamie slowly drifted awake, still half asleep, to the sound of talking from the other room. She thought that Sam might be talking in his sleep, maybe having a nightmare or strange dream. She had had those herself sometimes.
That next morning at breakfast she asked him if he had slept well, wanting to know what his dream was, if he had one.
“I slept fine,” Sam said. “How about you?”
“Fine,” answered Jamie. “No dreams?”
“Nope,” said Sam. “None that I can remember, anyway.” Jamie noticed that he was scratching his arm lightly.
They both sat at the table in silence, Sam eating his cereal. Jamie picked up her book and started reading, trying not to pay attention to Sam’s arms. After a while this proved difficult, and she slammed the book down on the table, the images of Cthulhu reminding her again and again of those welted arms, though the monstrous god was always her favorite. Her thoughts then were interrupted suddenly by Sam yelling,
“Look out!”
Jamie ducked just in time as Sam’s cereal bowl flew past her head and hit the wall with a loud smash as it broke into many pieces. She looked back up, wide-eyed, to see Sam with his right arm extended toward her. They stared at each other.
“Did you throw that?” asked Jamie after a moment.
“Yeah,” Sam replied, lowering his arm. “Well not really me, my arm did it by itself. Again.” He looked from his arm to Jamie, eyebrows crinkled with worry. “Jamie, I’m starting to get really freaked out. What the hell is going on with my arms?!”
Jamie thought for a moment. “I’ve heard of a disease - maybe it’s neurological - where your arm acts by itself because it’s detached from some part of the brain or something. That could explain the random throwing things.”
“But what about these disgusting lumps on my arms?” asked Sam. He poked at a welt with a finger, dragging a line of viscous brown goo when he took his finger away. He made a face.
Jamie looked to her book for a moment, thinking, then said slowly,
“It could be a rash from the water. Or maybe… never mind.”
“No, no,” said Sam, “tell me.”
“Well, this may be a far-fetched idea - a very far-fetched idea. But what if the water in the cistern that got all over you was full of microscopic creatures?”
“You mean like bacteria?” asked Sam.
“Maybe,” said Jamie. “Or maybe it’s some intelligent microscopic creatures inhabiting and controlling your arms.”
Sam looked at her incredulously. “You’ve been reading too many sci-fi novels, Jamie.”
“Just hear me out,” she said, “it’s far-fetched, but not impossible. I read a story once where it rained these tiny microscopic creatures from space, which invaded the water supply, and thus inhabited the bodies of humans too, eventually controlling them, using them in one unit as vessels to live on earth.”
“Let me guess,” Sam cut in, “they end up taking over the world and preparing it for their alien overlords, right?”
“Well not exactly like that, but…”
“Oh come on, Jamie!” Sam said. “You don’t actually believe my arms are inhabited by microscopic alien overlords, do you?”
“Hey, I told you it was far-fetched, but it’s the only other way I can think of right now to explain your oozing warts!”
Sam sighed. “Not everything’s about aliens.” He looked down at his arms again. “It’s probably that first thing you said. The brain thing. And the rash”
“Yeah,” Jamie replied. “Yeah, maybe that’s it. Awful coincidence though, right?”
Sam shrugged.
Jamie sighed. “We can’t just leave your arms like that, though, can we?”
Sam got a tinge of worry on his face again. “Maybe we go to the village tomorrow and see about a doctor, yeah?”
“Yeah,” said Jamie, nodding, looking down at her own hands. “I’ll drive.”
It was later that night, the moon was bright, beaming through the window onto Jamie’s face. Looking up at the sky she couldn’t help seeing eyes and a mouth on the silver face of the moon. A face in the sky staring back at her. A face in space.
She kept thinking of Sam’s arms. The story she told him replayed over and over again in her mind. It couldn’t be true, could it? she thought, Sam’s probably right. My imagination is running away with me. She settled again on the less-exciting explanation they came up with earlier. The brain thing, she thought. And yet, with the light of the moon and the wild thoughts of hers, she couldn’t help feeling that there was something more to this than met her eye.
Jamie had just dozed off when she was startled awake by a loud crash. She sat up in bed, waiting to see if it was not part of some dream. She heard it again, louder this time, and leapt out of bed, racing out of her bedroom without any shoes. She followed the sound into to the living room, where she saw, a few feet from the basement door, Sam making a hole in the floor with a sledge hammer.
“Sam!” Jamie exclaimed, “what the hell are you doing?!”
Sam turned back to her, a look of terror on his face, while continuing to hammer at the floorboards. “Jamie! I - I don’t know why I’m doing this! I mean, I’m not doing this, it’s my arms! Help me!”
Jamie looked around, thoughts racing as she tried to think of what to do. She’d have to time it right, so that she wouldn’t get in the way of the giant hammer. In a second she sprinted just as Sam was about to bring the hammer down again, tackling him so that they both fell to the side of the large hole he had made. She quickly grabbed the hammer and slid it across to the other side of the room.
“What the hell were you doing, Sam?” Jamie asked again, as calmly as she could.
“I- I don’t know, I was sleeping and all of a sudden I was startled awake. I heard voices in my head… ” Sam paused and looked down at his arms, on which the welts were larger and darker and oozing more. “The voices, they told me to get the sledgehammer. I didn’t want to, I really didn’t. But then my arms, my body, started to move by themselves. You saw the end of that.” Sam looked back up at Jamie, eyes wide with fear. “Jamie, there’s something in my arms. Something controlling my arms, controlling me! It’s like you said before, something small, and smart, is in my arms!”
“Sam,” Jamie said, shaking slightly, “we said... we already said before that it was a disease, something in your brain -”
“Yeah, there’s something in my brain alright, and they’re controlling my arms!” He held his arms up to Jamie’s face, so she could see the dark, oozing welts. They seemed to be writhing. Suddenly they grasped out at her. Jamie jumped back just in time. Her back was to the large hole in the floor.
“Sam!” she exclaimed.
Sam was picking himself up off the floor, though he seemed to be struggling with himself. “No, no, don’t make me, I don’t want to!” His arms raised, stretched out towards Jamie. “Yes,” Sam said, in a voice that wasn’t quite his own. “Yes, do it, do it! Make her one of us! A new vessel! A NEW VESSEL!”
In an instant Jamie was holding her hands up as Sam ran towards her, both shouting, “NO!” as he pushed her back through the hole in the floor, where she fell through directly into the cistern.
Sam stood looking down at the cistern - at Jamie in the water, floating down to the bottom. She did not come back up.
He walked away from the hole in the floor to the bathroom steadily, calmly. He turned the water on in the faucet, took a washcloth, soaked it in the water, and ran it over each arm, each time coming away with a dark brown, gelatinous material.
Once his arms were clean he looked up in the mirror at his own reflection. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “Well,” he said, “that’s done.”
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