healt-123 · 8 months
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happyherbals-12 · 2 years
Happy Swasa: The Place For Your Every Ayurvedic Need
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Happy Swasa is combination of 20 herbal ingredients like Tualsi , Trikatu , Adusa, Sonti, Maricha, Kantakari, Karakkaya, Ashwaganda, Bilva, Amlaki, Lavanga, Voma, Shirisha, Pudeena, Guggulu, Pushkaramoola, Twak, Triphala etc., which are useful for easy breathing . It repairs the respiratory system , while boosting our immunity power . This improves resistance power in our body .
INDICATIONS : Its a great immunity booster. It fights on all virus like corona and works on common Cold, Cough, Astama, Chronic Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthama, Allergic Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Esimophelia, Sneezing, Wheezing, Flu, Pneumonia, Cardiac Ashtama.
Dosage : Once or twice a day before or after food. Adults : 5 to 10ml, Children : 3 to 5ml or as prescribed by the physician.
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shmsworld · 1 year
Tulisan ini saya buat tidak bermaksud apa-apa, tetapi hanya sekadar untuk memotivasi dan mengapresiasi diri saya sendiri. Kalau memang teman-teman ingin menjadikan ini sebagai motivasi, sangat boleh. Foto-foto yang saya posting kali ini adalah beberapa tweet yang saya tulis di Twitter beberapa tahun yang lalu, tepatnya di tahun 2019.
Di tahun 2019, di bulan Maret, saya mengikuti kegiatan Family Development Session (FDS) yang diselenggarakan oleh Balai Besar Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kesejahteraan Sosial (BBPPKS) Regional III Jogjakarta. Waktu itu adalah pertama kali saya menginjakkan kaki di tanah Jawa dan Jogja adalah kota pertama saya di Jawa. Selama 10 hari di sana, saya merasakan kenyamanan yang luar biasa. Di pagi hari, kami berangkat ke Boyolali untuk kegiatan FDS bersama KPM di Desa Karangduren, kemudian kami akan kembali ke asrama sekitar pukul 14.00. Setelah itu, kami akan menghabiskan waktu istirahat di astama dan akan melanjutkan kembali aktivitas di esok hari.
Padahal, sebagian besar waktu saya habiskan di asrama, namun saya merasakan sesuatu yang berbeda dengan Jogjakarta. Saat di asrama, saya sekamar dengan kak Nuri dan kak Denty. Hampir setiap hari saya selalu bilang ke mereka bahwa suatu saat nanti saya akan kembali ke Jogjakarta, entah untuk menetap, lanjut kuliah S2, atau dengan tujuan yang lain. Saking jatuh cintanya dengan Jogjakarta, hampir setiap hari di waktu itu, saya mentweet tentang itu. Saya juga pernah menuliskan tentang jurusan yang sebenarnya saya sangat inginkan di waktu S1 namun tidak terwujud, yaitu jurusan Hukum atau Kesejahteraan Sosial.
Sepulang dari Jogjakarta, saya gagal move on. Yang dipikirkan hanya Jogja saja. Saya sempat meminta untuk melanjutkan kuliah S2 di orang tua, namun dengan keterbatasan orang tua dan adik saya juga sedang berkuliah, permintaan itu tidak bisa dipenuhi oleh orang tua saja. Saya kecewa waktu itu. Saya merajuk. Yang saya inginkan adalah keinginan saya untuk melanjutkan kuliah S2 harus dipenuhi. Di saat itu, saya mentweet tentang LPDP, UGM, UPI Bandung, dan lainnya.
Daaaan guys, apa yang saya tulis di tahun 2019, terwujud di tahun 2022-2023. Di tahun 2022, saya dinyatakan lolos seleksi Beasiswa LPDP. Di pilihan pertama, saya memilih jurusan Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan di Universitas Gadjah Mada Jogjakarta. Kebetulannya lagi, sekarang saya sedang berada di Bandung untuk mengikuti kegiatan Pembekalan Afirmasi Angkatan 2 LPDP tahun 2023.
Ucapan adalah doa. Ucapan adalah doa. Ucapan adalah doa. Ucapkan hal-hal yang baik, siapa yang tahu kalau Allah SWT akan mengabulkan ucapan itu di waktu yang lain. Allah SWT benar-benar memberikan apa yang saya butuhkan. Mungkin di tahun 2019 saya ingin melanjutkan kuliah S2 karena terobsesi dengan Jogjakarta, makanya permintaan waktu itu tidak dikabulkan oleh Allah SWT melalui orang tua saya. 2023, 4 tahun kemudian saya mendapatkan Beasiswa LPDP, saya dapatkan itu semua. Tentu saja berdoa dan bersabar adalah kuncinya.
Doakan saya guys, semoga segera mendapatkan LoA di Universitas Gadjah Mada ataupun Institut Pertanian Bogor 😇🦋
Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal 🦋
BDPKSDMT, Bandung, 6 Maret 2023 📚
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444names · 2 years
brythonic deites + the entire article about swords on wikipedia in suomi
Abandarta Abandatis Abandatus Abelata Abelatus Abelenus Abeli Abelisama Abellos Abellä Adsullo Adsullos Aerikka Aerikkaa Aerikkat Aeris Aerius Agronssis Agrus Alaiset Alaistuu Alaisuus Alasis Alasista Alasistuu Alasistä Alisagrus Alisama Alisamara Alisäosia Alkuperä Alkuperän Ambis Ambisama Ambisanos Ancamullo Ancamulus Ancastama Ancaste Andartio Andartios Andatis Andatus Andinus Andraskaa Andraskan Andrasta Aneet Anetonnus Anetonus Anextio Anextios Ankoura Arabus Araniae Aranis Arannia Arausus Arduinnia Arduinnä Arnempina Arnempiä Artios Aseena Aseens Aseensä Asein Aseitai Astama Asteekka Asteluun Asteta Astetaan Astettu Astetty Astetään Atepomara Aufania Aufanis Aventina Aventtiin Avetaan Avetaania Avetaas Aveteluun Aveteris Barintara Belata Belatus Belisanos Bellio Bello Bellos Bellä Brianos Brianus Brita Britai Britaiset Britaneet Britasgus Camna Campesta Campestä Camullata Camullo Caneet Canetonus Canextio Canextios Cernus Cicollut Cimbrit Cimbrita Cissa Cissain Cocidiaan Condarta Condartio Condatus Contres Contresta Contrestä Coven Coventia Damarus Damonen Damos Elisagrus Elisama Elisamara Elisanos Elisäosia Esimeris Esimerius Esimesta Esimestä Esimetia Esimetio Eteluun Eterikkaa Eteris Eterius Eteroita Eterä Eteräinen Eterän Grania Graniae Granis Grannia Granniae Hueteluun Hueterius Hueterä Hueterän Huetia Huetio Huetios Hyvindon Intara Intarania Intaranis Inthus Iovantia Iovantina Iovat Isoturit Isoturita Isotutis Joissa Joitai Joitaneet Joitannus Joitasgus Joiterius Joiterän Joitetaas Joitettu Joitetty Joitetää Joitetään Jokona Kahdellio Kahdello Kahdellos Kahdellä Kahdens Kahdensä Kahvaste Kaksis Kaksissa Kaksista Kaksistuu Kaksiterä Kiinna Kiinnia Kiinniae Kiinnä Kiven Kiventia Kiventina Kivesta Kivestama Kivestres Kokona Koosta Koostama Koostutis Koura Kädellio Kädello Kädellos Kädens Kädensä Käyteta Käytetaas Käytettu Käytetty Käytetää Käyttiin Käyttään Latucarus Latus Leucellio Leucello Leucellos Leucellä Leucetia Leucetio Lisagrona Lisagrus Lisama Lisamarus Lisanos Lyömäase Lähinna Lähinnia Lähinniae Lähita Lähitai Macaneet Maponnus Miekat Miekka Miekkaa Miekkat Miekki Mitää Molemmat Molempiä Monaiset Monaista Monaistä Monen Monentia Monentina Morit Morita Moritai Muista Muiste Muistettu Muistoase Muistutis Muistuu Muistä Mullata Mullatus Mullos Mulus Muodon Muodonnus Muodosta Muodostuu Nemausio Nemetia Nemetio Nemetiris Nemetrios Nemetriä Nempina Nempiä Nericura Nerikka Neris Noden Nodensä Obsidiaan Obsidius Olemmat Olemmilta Olempina Olempiä Olluis Olluista Olluiste Olluistuu Olluistä Ovantia Ovantina Palaiset Palaista Palaistuu Palaisuus Palasis Palasissa Palasistä Palaunus Pisiä Pista Piste Pisteluun Pisteta Pistettu Pistoase Pistutis Pistä Ponnessis Ponnestä Ponnus Ponos Ponus Prona Pronaistä Pronssis Puustama Puuvarres Raskaa Raskan Rasta Raste Rasteekki Rasteluun Rastettu Rastetään Reunoilta Roborrum Roborvo Rudiaan Rudiaania Rudianus Ruodonnus Ruodosta Ruodostuu Sedatis Segus Sentia Sentina Senttivät Smericura Smerikka Smeris Smerius Smerkki Smertriä Sucellio Sucello Sucellä Sucetia Sucetio Sucetios Sucetiris Sucius Taania Taanis Taisemmat Taiset Taista Taiste Taistä Taisucius Taisuus Tapauksis Tarabus Tarania Tarannus Tarausio Tarausus Tarkoita Tericura Terikka Terikkaa Terikkat Teris Terius Teroita Teräinen Teräiskaa Teräiskan Teräista Teräistuu Tridama Tridamona Trios Useita Valmista Valmiste Valmistuu Valmistä Varhaiset Varhaista Varhaistä Varres Varresta Varrestä Vetaan Vetaania Vetaanis Vetaas Veteluun Veterius Veterä Vheteluun Vheterius Vheterä Vheterän Vindon Viroturit Visucello Visucellä Visucetia Visuus Visuusta Vosegomo Väiskaa Väiskan Väista Väiste Väisteta Väistetää Väistutis Väistuu Väistä Yhdellio Yhdello Yhdellos Yhden Yhdens Yhdensä Yleena Yleens
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Nevolje u raju: Bali gubi strpljenje s Rusima, ali i Ukrajincima koji bježe od rata
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  Od početka ruske invazije na Ukrajinu najpoznatije turističko odredište u Indoneziji postalo je magnet za Ruse, ali i Ukrajince u bijegu od ratnih užasa. Lani, nakon popuštanja mjera protiv covida, Bali je posjetilo oko 58.000 Rusa i 7000 Ukrajinaca, a samo u siječnju 2023. na taj rajski otok slilo se 22.500 Rusa i oko 2500 Ukrajinaca. Ipak, situacija bi se mogla promijeniti za one koji su od ratnog vihora pobjegli na Bali     Vlasti Balija ovog tjedna pozvale su na ukidanje državne politike viza za građane Rusije i Ukrajine, navodeći niz navodnih incidenata koji uključuju nedolično ponašanje i prekoračenje viznih rokova uz ilegalno zapošljavanje na poslovima frizera, turističkih vodiča i vozača taksija. Mnogi Ukrajinci na Baliju tvrde da se većina takvih slučajeva odnosi na Ruse. 'Kad god dobijemo izvještaj o strancu koji se loše ponaša, to je gotovo uvijek Rus', rekao je lokalni policajac u gradu Kuta za CNN. 'Stranci dolaze na Bali, ali se ponašaju kao da su iznad zakona. Tako je oduvijek i to mora konačno prestati', rekao je. Bali i inače ima problema s alkoholiziranim turistima različitih nacionalnosti, javnom golotinjom i nepoštivanjem svetih mjesta. Rusi i Ukrajinci sada su u centru javne rasprave zbog pojačanog dolaska, rekao je guverner Balija Wayan Koster. No ovaj otok nije jedino utočište u jugoistočnoj Aziji za one koji bježe od nasilja i regrutacije. Otok Phuket na jugu Tajlanda također bilježi nagli priljev Rusa, s tim da su mnogi uložili u nekretnine da bi osigurali dugoročan boravak. No Bali je primamljiv i zato što dopušta državljanima više od 80 zemalja - uključujući, barem zasad, Rusiju i Ukrajinu - da podnesu zahtjev za vizu tek po dolasku. Ona vrijedi 30 dana, ali se može jednom produžiti na ukupno 60 dana.     Zahtjev Balija da se postroži ulazak Rusa i Ukrajinaca uslijedio je nakon što su se Indonežani na društvenim mrežama žalili na postupke nekih ruskih turista na Baliju, uključujući manekenku koja je pozirala gola na svetom drvetu i muškarca koji je navodno udario pješaka dok je vozio pod utjecajem alkohola. While Bali was a favorite with Russian tourists even before the war, its attractions have become more appealing in the wake of Putin's invasion. https://t.co/JOwl3VwM9Z — ExtensiveOpinion (@extnsv_opinion) March 20, 2023 Nekoliko ruskih turista deportirano je posljednjih mjeseci zbog istekle vize. Na Bali je došao i Sergej Ovseikin, ulični umjetnik koji je stvorio antiratni mural usred rižinog polja. 'Kao i mnogi drugi koji su bili prisiljeni napustiti domovinu, došao sam na Bali kao turist', rekao je Ovseikin. On se druži sa svojim sunarodnjacima, ali i Ukrajincima i Bjelorusima, dodajući: 'Svi se dobro slažemo, razumijemo da obični ljudi nisu započeli ovaj rat.' Vijest o mogućoj promjeni pravila o vizama osobito je uznemirila Ukrajince na otoku, prvenstveno one koji napuštaju Indoneziju i vraćaju se svakih 60 dana da bi izbjegli kršenje pravila. 'Bali je dobro mjesto', rekao je Ukrajinac Dmitro. 'Vrijeme je odlično, zemlja je sigurna, možda ima velikih grupa Rusa, ali nema ruskih vojnika.' Kaže da Ukrajinci poštuju zakon i kulturu Balija i tužno mu je to što ih se stavlja u istu kategoriju s Rusima. Indonesia: ‘They (Russians) don’t respect us’: Backlash in #Bali as Russians flee war. “Bali Gov. Wayan Koster asked the central government in Jakarta to end visa-on-arrival privileges for citizens of Russia and Ukraine amid growing complaints from locals“ https://t.co/EQWkRb4P5p — Dr.M.A.A.O.W. (@Marieaaow) March 19, 2023 'Ukrajinci ne dolaze na odmor na Bali jer je naša zemlja napadnuta. Ukrajinci sada dolaze radi spajanja obitelji i uglavnom su to žene', rekao je glasnogovornik ukrajinskog konzulata na Baliju, Nyoman Astama, dodajući da oni ne žele kršiti lokalna pravila i propise. 'Imperativ je provoditi zakon i primijeniti posljedice za svako kršenje zakona', dodao je. Ipak, barem za sada, svi oni koji računaju na vizu po dolasku ne trebaju strahovati. Središnja vlada tek treba odlučiti hoće li odobriti zahtjev vlasti Balija. 'Razgovarat ćemo detaljno o tome s drugim dionicima', rekao je indonezijski ministar turizma Sandiaga Uno. Tportal.hr Photo by Khairul Leon     Read the full article
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redaksi · 2 years
Rembug Tani ASTAMA Mendongkrak Usaha Talas Pratama
Magelang – redaksijateng 81 Minggu, 3 Juli 2022. Bertempat di rumah Sarindi, Dusun Tirip Desa Kembaran Kecamatan Candimulyo, praktisi pertanian melakukan rembug tani membentuk asosiasi yang bernama ASTAMA ( Asosiasi Talas Magelang). Tujuannya adalah membangun usaha talas dalam wadah bersama lewat kelembagaan yang legal, pengelolaan pasca panen yang terarah dan pemasaran yang luas serta punya…
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unbfacts · 5 years
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A doctor on an Air Canada flight jerry-rigged a device to help a toddler breathe during an asthma attack. Dr. Khurshid Guru, director of Robotic Surgery at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, created a nebulizer using a water bottle, a cup, oxygen, and an adult inhaler.
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arroseworld · 3 years
Respiratory problems are becoming one of the leading causes of death in India. We can see that India is having a death rate of 11% because of respiratory diseases. In every one lakh people, an estimated 142 people die from lung disease. The country bears 18% of the world population and 32% of the global burden of respiratory diseases.
If we get back and check the reasons for this respiratory disease, the main reason is our changing lifestyle and pollution is the biggest contributor to this problem. we all can see how lifestyle is changing and how changing lifestyle is affecting our environment. The environment is getting polluted. The air which we are breathing is not pure and the water we are drinking is polluted. For the sake of urbanization, people are destroying forests. Just to make themselves convenient they are destroying forests and to make the ways of the road they are destroying the trees around. As the population is increasing vehicles are increasing on the other hand it is increasing pollution. because of this changing lifestyle and urbanization, people are facing many health issues related to respiration.
 Pollution is the main reason for respiratory disease. as a minimum, 140 million people in India breathe air that is 10 times or more over safe restriction, 13 of the world’s 20 cities with the highest annual degrees of air pollutants are in India.  About 33.6% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, could be attributed to ambient air pollution, 25.8% to household air pollution, and 21% to smoking. the fifty-one% of pollution is resulting from economic pollution, 27 % utilizing automobiles, 17% by way of crop burning, and 5% by using fireworks. air pollution contributes to the premature deaths of 2 million Indians every year. Emissions come from motors and enterprise, while in rural areas, lots of pollution stems from biomass burning for cooking and maintaining heat. In autumn and iciness months, massive scale crop residue burning in agriculture fields – a less expensive opportunity to mechanical tilling – is a first-rate source of smoke, smog, and particulate pollution.
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adigital-blog · 5 years
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What Is Tulsi?
Also known as "Tulasi," "Holy Basil," "The Incomparable One" and "Elixir of Life," tulsi is an herb used in Ayurveda, and in some herbal tea/tisane and true tea blends.
Tulsi has been used in India, China, and the Middle East for thousands of years. It became known as "sacred" or "holy basil" after it was introduced to European Christians.
Proposed Health Benefits of Tulsi :
3. colds.
8.sore throat.
9. High blood pressure.
10. high cholesterol.
13.eye disorders. 
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hxnnibxi · 4 years
Me watching everyone talk about getting drafted knowing that my health wouldn't let me be drafted:
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444names · 2 years
american and french forenames BUT all vowels including "y" are replaced with "a" and excluding "aa"
Abralanla Adalas Adamaca Adanactana Adanta Adara Adgal Adnal Aladra Alandandar Alannalara Alanrava Alant Alantharan Alarc Alasta Alatan Algaraqala Allaward Almanças Amaggan Amalas Amalva Amana Amanca Amangarl Amara Amaran Amarta Amatsa Ambal Ammallasta Anacark Anaff Anala Anarga Anasta Anastalla Anatha Anavad Ancark Anclatana Anman Annandra Annathas Anracta Aphal Aphalla Aracalawn Arachla Arack Aralatta Arald Aramarla Arandar Aranna Aratha Arcan Ardall Argartras Argasa Arjasta Arlavarra Armarra Arrama Asalala Assabastal Astama Astana Astappal Astaras Athalata Atharran Attarasta Avacqas Avala Avana Avanavada Avarasala Avarla Avathalma Avava Babata Babatan Babra Bacqana Balada Balavalla Balbacas Bancard Banda Bandan Bannalanal Bannattana Banta Bapamarna Barana Baranla Barara Barga Barganda Barrada Bascalasta Batam Batha Bathaw Bavavarman Blamald Brack Bracqa Braqa Cablastan Cadabba Cadan Calack Calan Calant Calard Callah Calvargara Carga Carnack Carrala Cartnacas Cashanna Caslaxann Cassanna Casta Chagana Chalarla Chalaxa Chalma Chalmad Chanana Chandaman Chapal Charma Charmaraca Chastava Chawn Chraca Chracaral Chran Chranadgan Claffald Clala Clana Clanath Clant Clargatt Clarra Clarthald Clatha Clathal Craca Crana Cratth Daban Dablan Dalall Daland Dalard Dallandra Danan Danast Dannallat Darala Darancla Darca Darlan Darta Darthra Datadas Dwagla Dwanklan Faballa Fabra Fandama Fandan Fanpatt Farannas Fartard Farvalar Flala Fradarc Fraggara Fralaca Franack Franal Franranga Gadrawn Galana Galanatta Galanda Galaz Gallaphas Garana Garas Garava Garlachar Garlas Garmar Gartha Gassam Gasta Gatar Gatharagal Gatras Gattarca Glandrada Glanrak Glavara Gracantha Gracqa Grada Gradra Grana Gratta Gwada Hagga Hallasta Halvallava Hammaraw Hanca Handa Haraban Harall Haranna Harasta Hargathala Harna Hawan Jacal Jacallaral Jacan Jacar Jacara Jacha Jachan Jachawrana Jachra Jacqa Jacta Jafabar Jafframa Jaftana Jahal Jahnn Jalana Jalanna Jalarana Jalarra Jalfra Jamannarna Jamarasa Janalascal Janattan Janattava Janaza Janda Jandran Jandsasta Jankla Jannalla Jannarnall Jantand Jançasa Jaragana Jarangan Jarla Jarnacqasa Jarrah Jasadannal Jasamarna Jasammart Jasann Jasar Jasta Kalman Kalsabanna Kanadana Karann Kargana Kartanadra Kathal Katra Katta Kattan Kavana Kranga Lacka Laddart Lafarna Lasalassa Lassallasa Latha Lattargall Lawanrana Lawarnam Laxana Laxandan Llanla Mabbas Macarga Macarla Maght Magnattha Makatal Maladar Malasta Malavad Mallaqa Malmallas Mamarasta Manaffa Manasa Manca Mandattana Mandran Manjas Manklad Marad Marada Maraga Maramag Maramal Maramaran Maranal Maras Mardara Mardarat Marjamag Marla Marlah Marlaxa Marmarasa Marrad Marvald Massa Matan Mattamaras Nacha Nackanas Nanacka Naqala Natharanna Nattaparad Navar Navarl Padara Padasa Padragan Palan Palmark Parla Pasabarca Pathala Patharal Patharaman Phala Pranadan Prastarana Rabala Racala Racas Racqa Radagart Ragarana Ralackard Ralla Rallaca Ralvalant Ramatthala Ranaca Randaca Rasabarga Rassamagh Rassarak Rasta Ratchra Ratta Rattan Sabaraka Sabava Sacarra Sackamal Sacqana Sacta Sancachana Sandran Sanstanna Saradd Sarbartana Sartna Sassa Scadalas Shalda Shall Shama Shannalas Shartapara Shladnatas Shlana Stabara Stamanda Stana Stanac Talahn Talmalann Tamarra Tannaca Tapal Taphaga Tatrack Tavarana Thala Tharan Tharlawn Trattas Vacart Vachama Valmala Vandrann Vanga Vanlaxama Varaca Varadana Varas Varta Vastalva Vatha Vatnaqa Vavalla Wagatt Walanpard Wanaqa Wanarasa Wandar Wanna Waralal Warmarc Xanna Xavaranath Zancal
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asthmawork-blog · 5 years
Developed of asthma action plan
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Asthma work system is a set of education provided already which actually connects on how to answer to an asthma attack or if asthma triggers and watch for the infection of your lungs to cut fluff its long-term results of asthma. An Asthma is an infirmity in which your airways narrow and grow and create excess mucus. This can create breathing heavy and trigger coughing, panting and conciseness of breath. To many people, asthma is lesser trouble. For others, it can be the main problem that prevents daily projects and may start to a life-threatening asthma strike. Asthma cannot be healed, but its marks can be measured. Because asthma usually increases over time, it's essential that you go with your doctor to track your symptoms and signs and modify practice as required. Asthma signs vary from character to character. You may have occasional asthma strikes, have signs only at sometimes — such as when using — or have marks all the living. It is a permanent condition that causes your airways to grow irritated, making it difficult to breathe. There is never a cure for asthma. The genuine way to handle asthma is to avoid triggers, use medications to stop symptoms and plan to manage asthma events if they happen. Sometimes asthma signs are clear and go on about their own or following minimum angle with asthma medication. Additional times, signs stay to get serious. If marks get more serious and/or more marks to occur, you're holding an asthma relapse. Asthma drives also are asked flare-ups or increasing. Using signs when you first see them is necessary. This will assist stop the signs from worsening and making a critical asthma intervention. Hard asthma attacks may need emergency attention, and they can be deadly. Asthma effect has no remedy. Also if you feel little, you yet have the disease also it can burn up at any moment. However, with now experience and employment, most characters who must asthma are ready to control the disease. They have some if any, signs. They can live healthy, productive lives and rest through the evening outbreak from asthma. If you own asthma, you can use an effective role in controlling the temperature. For strong, accurate, and continuous way, build strong connections with your physician and other wellness care providers. Now days asthma is one of most talked topics for more information just click here.
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pusakadunia · 3 years
Gelang Pusaka Koleksi Sesepuh Rudraksa Naga Astama Keramat
Gelang Pusaka Koleksi Sesepuh Rudraksa Naga Astama Keramat
Gelang Pusaka Koleksi Sesepuh Rudraksa Naga Astama Keramat Gelang Pusaka Koleksi Sesepuh Rudraksa Naga Astama Keramat ini merupakan gelang dari biji rudraksa. Pusaka ini menjadi produk spesial pusaka dunia dan dijadikan koleksi sesepuh karena memiliki energi yang spesial. Gelang rudraksa ini terjamin asli dan sangat sulit mendapatkanya karena tim sesepuh pusaka dunia mendapatkanya dari penarikan…
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The hunter and the dauntless leader
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Summary: Y/N and jack find themselves alone in the divergent world. Now both having to by time till Sam, dean, and cas find them. But they had to choose a faction. That faction was dauntless.
Cass walked out of the room so that he could go get a book. It only took a few minutes before Cass could back he opened the book and put it on the table. “Anubis. Guardian of the dead. The ancient Egyptians believed that when you die Anubis would weight your heart on his scale against justice’s feather.” Cass said. “Yeah the weighing of the heart ceremony right but that wasn’t Anubis. That was Osiris. We met him.” Sam said. “Major dick.” Dean said. “Yeah I hate him. He tried to force me to marry him.” I said. “He did what?” Eric asked. “Yeah he tried to make a deal with us where if we kept our end of the deal than he would help us but if we didn’t then I would have to marry him. But when we did he wasn’t too happy.” I said. “Osiris is Anubis’s father and heaven passed over him when they enlisted his son.” Cass said. “Anubis works for Heaven?” Lily asked. “He doesn’t work for heaven. He works with heaven. When god left sorry long story we needed a new judge and Anubis was the obvious choice.” Cass said. “So heaven hired a temp to make the soul train kept running on time?” Dean asked. “Right. Great. So we summon him.” Sam said. “You can do that? You can summon a god?” Lily asked. “Done it before.” Dean said.
Eric and I went down to get the items that we needed to summon Anubis. “So why didn’t you mention that before?” Eric asked. “Would you have honestly believed me? I mean it’s not every day you hear hey you know the Egyptian god Anubis. Well me and my brothers made a deal with his father Osiris and if we didn’t keep our end of the deal I would have to marry him.” I said. “I believe everything else didn’t I.” Eric said as he put an arm around my waist. “Did you really or did you just tell me that to make me feel better. I mean we haven’t gone a case yet to prove that I wasn’t lying.” I said. “Four killed you and our baby but when Cass brought you back I knew you were telling me the truth.” Eric said. “But he wasn’t able you bring the baby back.” I said. “I know. I know.” Eric said as he kissed my head. “We should hurry and get back before they come and look for us.” I said. “Yeah I don’t want them to be thinking we are trying to have another kid.” Eric said which made me laugh a little. “Yeah Dean could probably just sense when a guy takes off my shirt.” I said. “You wanna test that theory out?” “Eric asked. “As fun as that sounds we need to get back.” I said. “I guess your right but give me a kiss before we go back.” Eric said. I laugh as I shook my head. “Fine.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my toes and kissed him. Eric put his arms around my waist as he lifted me from the ground. My legs wrapped themselves around his waist. Eric had one arms under my butt as the other slowly started to go under my shirt. “Hey. Hey. That’s enough you.” Dean said as he walked into the room. I pulled away from Eric as I started to giggle. “I told you.” I said. “That you did.” Eric said as he kissed my nose and put me back down. “Did you two find everything before you decided to try and get one in?’ Dean asked. “Yes we did.” I said as I started to grab what we needed. “Well come one then we can’t waste any time.” Dean said. “We know dean.” I said. Dean walked out of the room went Eric and I following close behind him.
We got back into the main room of the bunker where Sam and Dean already had moved the tables so they wouldn’t get in the way. I went over to one the tables and sat down the supplies. I felt an arm wrap around me. “It’s going to work.” Eric said as he kissed the side of my head. “I know. I’m just worried is all.” I said. “I know. But like you told me you have brought people back before.” Eric said. “It just feels different with Jack. We just never brought a Nephilim before.” I said. “I know. If anyone can do it. It is you guys.” Eric said. I smiled as I turn to look at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love you. You know that. I love you so much.” I said. “I love you too. I don’t know how exactly you and Jack ended up where you two did. But I’m so grateful that you did. You have been the best thing to have ever happened to me. I don’t know what my life would have been like if you didn’t come into it.” Eric said. “If we didn’t meet than four would have killed you. I know that for a fact.” I said. “That’s true. You saved me. I will do anything to keep you safe. Hell I’ll even fight god. You don’t know or meet god right?” Eric said. “Well.” I said. “Unbelievable.” Eric said.  
As Dean was painting the symbol on the ground and Sam was reading the spelling when Lily walked up to him and handed him a book. “The instruction manual.” Lily said. “Thanks. Alright we’re almost set. Just got to get one more thing. Eric do you mind helping me out. Y/n can you go grab some candles?” Sam said. “Sure.” Eric said. “Got it Sammy.” I said walking out of the room to go grab a few candles. I wasn’t sure how many Sam wanted me to grab so I grabbed six and some matches. Once I grabbed them and made my way back. “Okay so I wasn’t sure how made you wanted me to grab so I brought six.” I said. “That perfect kiddo.” Dean said as he took them from me. “Here.” I said as I handed him the matches. I looked to see that Sam and Eric had brought Jack body in here. I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes as I went over to Eric nuzzling my face into his chest. Eric kissed my head as he wrapped his arms around me. “Where’s Cass?” I asked. “Some trouble in heaven. We’ll pray to him when we need him.” Sam said. I nodded.
Dean started to light the candles and placed them on the pints of the star as Sam started to say the spell. “Ya ‘anubays, yda ‘uwzuris. Astamae ‘iilaa suti. Ya ‘anubis, ‘ant min yazan alqulbu. Astamae ‘iilaa suti. Ya ‘anubis dalil almawtaa. Aleawalim bayn alealmin maftuhatan, wa’amrak ‘an tuqadim nafsak fi eini.” Sam said. As he was saying the spell Dean gave a knife to Lily would walked into the middle of the symbol cutting her hand and got blood on the eye that was in the middle. After she did she looked to both Sam and Dean. “Give it a second.” Sam said. Then was a rusting sound then there was Anubis.
“Mm. The Winchester siblings. I must say your files have come across my desk many times. Not so much for the youngest Winchester sibling. But it seems that you avoided death yet again but the same could not be the same for your daughter.” Anubis said. My mouth dropped in shock. I felt Eric’s grip on me tighten. Sam and Dean also looked at me in shock. “It was a girl?” I asked. Anubis looked at me in confusion. “Did you not know?” Anubis asked. I shook my head as I wiped the tears away. “We never met? I mean we’ve died.” Sam said. “Yeah. A lot.” Dean said. “I’m more of a back of the house kind of guy. Death and her subordinates get all the face time. I get stuck with the paperwork.” Anubis said. “Psuhin pencils damning souls. Tough work.” Dean said. Anubis started to laugh. “Just as snappy as advertised. What do you want?” Anubis asked. “It’s me. I need to know where I’m going when I die.” Lily said. “Hmm. That’s unorthodox. Against protocol. But I suppose we’re already here.” Anubis said. He opened his briefcase and pulled out an abacus. The beads on the top half were white while the ones on the bottom were black. “An abacus?” Sam asked. “You were expecting a scale and a feather? May I?” Anubis said as he held out his hand to Lily. He grabbed onto Lily’s hand and placed it above the abacus then closed his eyes. We watched as the beads went back and forth turning from white and black. In the end more beads were black than white. Anubis opened his eyes and gave a sad look to Lily. “I’m sorry.” Anubis said. “No.” Lily said as Anubis put the abacus back into his briefcase. “Change it.” Sam said. “I can’t.” Anubis said. “Well looks like you’re not goin anywhere.” Dean said. “Yeah. The lore was pretty clear Anubis can be bound in a ring or foinikelaio.” Sam said. “Aka palm oil. Just so happens we had some laying around.” Dean said. “This is a miscalculation.” Anubis said smugly. “Fine. Change it. Let her into Heaven.” Sam said. “I’m an accountant. I don’t have that kind of power.” Anubis said. “Yeah right. Like you or God has never made an exception?” Sam asked. “That’s right. Because god doesn’t decide. I don’t decide. You do each of you your individual choices all tallied up at the precise moment of your death.” Anubis said. We all glared at him. “Keep me here. Try and kill me. It is not going to change Lily Sunder’s fate. But it might change yours.” Anubis said. Sam let out a sigh as he broke the seal on the symbol. “Smart boy.” Anubis said. Just like that he was gone. 
Eric and I started to pick up the candles from the ground as Sam went to talk to Lily as she was getting her things. “Lily i- I know you’re upset but you can still do the spell.” Sam said. “That wasn’t the deal. I’ve got to go.” Lily said as she started to walk away. “We have nothing to offer you noth- nothing to say but. He’s our kid!” Sam said. This made Lily stop in her tracks. “I’m sorry.” Lily said. “You know what I think? Burning all that soul? You’re not even human anymore not really.” Dean said as pushed himself up from the table he was leaning against and walked over to where Sam and Lily were. “Dean.” Sam said. “Otherwise how could you ever, ever let anyone go through what you went through? The pain of losing a kid? Don’t do this to us.” Dean said. “Fine.” Lily said.
Eric and I lit the candles as Sam and dean got everything else ready. “I’m ready.” Lily said as she picked up the book she had given Sam earlier. “Cass I hope you can hear me. We’ve got Jack. His shell it’s ready to go. Here’s hoping that you’re staring at him right now. So if you are then un do you thing okay? Amen.” Dean said. “Oh-doh oh oh-zuhm-ah, oh-ee, ah-oh-ee-vee…” Lily said as she started to say the spell. I grabbed on to Eric’s hand. “Oh oh. Oh-doh…” Lily said. Please work please. Please. Jack let out a gasp as he shot up from the table. Jack was breathing heavily and started to cough. “Jack. Hey.” Sam said. “Hey hey hey.” Dean said. “Read this. Jack read this.” Sam said handing Jack the paper with the rest of the spell on it. “Oh koh-nuh-ga-ma-fuh-luh-guh ah-oh-ee-vee-ah-ee..ee-duh-luh-vah..oh-ee-vee-ah-ee,ee-duh-luh-vah-juh-ah-um-kah-dah.” Jack said couching but finished the spell and we watched as his eyes glowed. Jack looked at us confused. “Was that my soul?” Jack asked. “How do you feel?” Dean asked. “Good. I feel good.” Jack said laughing a little. Dean was quick to pull him into a hug. “It’s good to have you back.” Sam said. “Lily thank you.” Dean said as he started to walk away. “Yeah. Lily” Sam said but stopped when he looked over to Lily who was sitting down in a chair not moving. “Lily?” Dean asked. That’s when I knew she was gone. “Thank you Lily.” I said quietly to myself. “Y/n why don’t you take Jack and Eric to the kitchen and get some grub into him.” Dean said. “You got it. Come on now I gotta feed all of my boys.” I said. “You have to stop calling us that we are not your boys.” Dean said making me stop in my tracks and playfully glare at him. “Yeah we are.” Eric said. “Yeah I know.” Dean grumbled. I smirked as I turned around. “So burgers?” I asked as I walked out of the room. “Yes please.” Jack said as he and Eric followed me.
I hummed to myself as I made the burgers and veggie burgers for Sam. Jack went to his room real quick to get a little more comfortable. Eric was in the kitchen helping me cook. “You okay?” I asked. “I guess I’m just not use to all of this yet. But I guess it will take a bit to get used to it.” Eric said. I nodded. “Yeah I guess going from a dauntless leader to a hunter won’t be easy.But it gets easier once you get the hang out it. Can you get the beer out of the fridge and tell me if I need to send the boys to get some more.” I said. “You got it boss.” Eric said as he kissed me. Eric walked over to the fridge and opened it. “There’s four bottles. Do you want me to go tell Sam and Dean?” Eric said. “Please.” I said. Eric nodded as he walked out of the room to go find Sam and Dean. I walked over to get the bacon and started to cook it. “Do you need help Y/n?” Jack asked as he walked into the Kitchen. “Can you get the plates and put them on the table?” I asked. Jack nodded and went to grab the plates taking them over to the table. I went and grabbed the buns and sat them on the metal island. I could hear Jack’s footsteps as he walked closer to me. “Is everything okay Jack?” I asked. “I think I should tell Eric.” Jack said. “Jack.” I said. “No Y/n I need to tell him.” Jack said. “I think he understands.” I said. “But he doesn’t know Y/n and I don’t want to keep it from him.” Jack said. “You two don’t have to get it from me I know.” Eric said as he walked back into the kitchen. “Eric I am truly sorry.” Jack said. “Jack it’s okay. I understand. I always knew that you felt something towards her even if Y/n didn’t see it.” Eric said. “So you’re not upset?” I asked. “No. Sam and Dean said that they will be back in ten minutes.” Eric said. Jack let out a sigh of relief. “The burgers should be done by then.” I said.
Cass got back at the same time that Sam and Dean did. Cass told us that the angles in heaven knew roughly where Michael was. By that time I had already started to plate the burgers and the boys had put them on the table for me. We finally sat down at the table on one side was Sam, Dean and I. The other side was Jack, Cass and Eric. Jack was the first one to start eating everyone else kinda just watched him. He just gave us his confused puppy look. “Is uh something wrong?” Jack asked. “No. No not at all.” Sam said. “Just damn glad to have you back.” Dean said. “Yeah.” Sam said. “And we know where Michael is. Not quite sure how you pulled that one off.” Dean said. Cass and Jack shared a look like they knew something we didn’t. I hated to feeling that it gave me. “Well we uh we still don’t know where dark Kaia is or the spear.” Cass said. “yeah but we will. We’ll figure it out. We’ll find her. I mean we found her before.” Sam said. “That’s right. And then Michael. And that son of bitch is gonna pay.” Dean said. The he lifted up his bottle of beer. “Come on.” Dean said. We all followed Dean’s lead and we had a toast.
Taglist: @jaiboomer11 @darkqueennox​ @letsthedogpackandthecats @sassyslytherinshai @anaszpan​
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pslvtv · 4 years
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tamiyaland · 2 years
Hari ini kubawa cerita tentang anak keduaku. Khaibumi Astama, begitu ayahnya dulu menamainya, berharap ia tumbuh dengan hati seluas dan seikhlas bumi. Pertama kali aku bertemu dengannya, usianya kala itu delapan tahun. Ingat sekali, masih jelas terlukis di kepalaku kapal kertas basah yang ia lajukan di becek air sisa hujan sore itu.
Anak ini istimewa sekali. Pundaknya yang kecil terlampau kuat. Ia jadi anak paling dewasa di rumah, selalu jadi sandaran kakak dan adiknya. Kalau Jevan, kakaknya, sedang sedih karena nilai ulangannya belum bagus, ia akan jadi yang pertama mengetuk pintu kamar kakaknya, membawa dua es krim rasa stroberi kesukaan mereka berdua, lalu dengan tenang ia akan bilang.
"Kak, nilai itu cuma angka. Mau nilai kakak 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000, 2000, buat aku nggak penting. Aku tetep sayang sama kakak kok."
Iya, anak ini tidak pernah malu-malu menunjukkan rasa sayangnya. Kalau ia menyayangi sesuatu atau seseorang, maka ia akan jelas menyampaikannya tanpa ragu.
Atau kalau Alana, adiknya, sedang merengek kutinggal memasak, Khai akan siap sedia duduk di sebelahnya, menyanyikan lagu anak-anak supaya adiknya senang lagi. Selalu semanis itu.
Aku mungkin tidak tahu bagaimana rasanya mengandung anak hebat itu. Aku tidak bisa merasakan bagaimana tendangannya kala ia masih di dalam perut. Aku tidak bisa mendengar kata pertama yang diucapkannya. Aku tidak bisa membersamainya berlatih berjalan. Aku tidak bisa membersamainya menghabiskan masa balitanya.
Tapi aku berjanji, Bunda berjanji Kak, Bunda akan membersamai Kakak untuk hari-hari selanjutnya yang akan Kakak lewati. Bunda berjanji akan jadi rumah dan peluk paling hangat kala dunia Kakak merayu Kakak untuk berhenti. Selama Bunda ada di bumi, Bunda akan ada untuk Kakak. Pun nanti kala Bunda sudah menyatu dengan bumi, Bunda akan menjaga Kakak dari tempat yang lain.
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