natsubane · 6 months
ml player kaz on
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brainandbodyhealth1 · 2 months
The Crucial Role of Integrating Primitive Reflexes in Child Neuro Rehabilitation: Insights from Brain and Body Health in Gladesville
In the bustling heart of Gladesville, Brain and Body Health stands out as a beacon of hope and progress in the realm of child neuro rehabilitation service. With a steadfast commitment to enhancing the lives of children facing neurodevelopmental challenges, the center has embraced innovative approaches, notably the Melillo Method, to address the critical aspect of primitive reflex integration.
Understanding Primitive Reflexes
Primitive reflexes are automatic movements originating in the central nervous system that are essential for a baby's survival in the early stages of life. These reflexes should naturally integrate as the child develops within the first year. However, when these reflexes remain active beyond the infancy stage, they can interfere with a child's motor skills, emotional regulation, attention, and overall neurodevelopment.
Why Integration is Key
At Brain and Body Health, experts in child neuro rehab in Gladesville have observed the profound impact that unintegrated primitive reflexes can have on a child’s development. The presence of active reflexes such as the Moro (startle reflex), ATNR (Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex), and STNR (Symmetric Tonic Neck Reflex) beyond their natural phase can contribute to challenges such as ADHD, difficulties in learning, sensory processing issues, and even physical ailments like scoliosis.
The Melillo Method: A Beacon of Hope
Embracing the Melillo Method Child Development program, Brain and Body Health offers a holistic and comprehensive approach to child neuro rehab. This method focuses on creating balance between the two hemispheres of the brain, understanding that many neurodevelopmental disorders stem from a hemispheric imbalance. By incorporating specific exercises and activities that stimulate the underactive side of the brain, the Melillo Method aims to integrate these primitive reflexes, paving the way for improved motor and cognitive functions.
Personalized Neuro Rehabilitation Services
What sets Brain and Body Health apart is their commitment to personalized care. Recognizing that each child is unique, their child neuro rehabilitation service in Gladesville is tailored to meet the individual needs of every young client. From detailed assessments including QEEG brain scans to identify the specific areas of imbalance, to crafting customized intervention plans, the team goes above and beyond to ensure that each child can reach their full potential.
For parents noticing signs of delayed development, unusual posture, or difficulties in learning and emotional regulation in their children, seeking a professional consultation could be a pivotal step. Brain and Body Health’s child neuro rehab in Gladesville is not just about addressing current challenges; it’s about unlocking a child’s full potential for a brighter, more balanced future.
Embrace the Journey Towards Integration
Understanding and integrating primitive reflexes is not just about overcoming developmental hurdles; it’s about setting the foundation for a lifetime of learning, growth, and emotional well-being. With Brain and Body Health and the Melillo Method, children in Gladesville and beyond have a pathway to achieving not just developmental milestones, but soaring beyond them.
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prtcll · 7 months
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【Gig Info】
"静寂の落とす影 vol.12" Date: 11.25 (Sat.) open 18:30 / start 19:00 Venue: 八丁堀 七針 (Nanahari / Haccho-bori, Tokyo) Admission: 2,000 yen Reservation: [email protected]
About 七針 (Nanahari): 東京都中央区新川2-7-1 オリエンタルビル 地下1階 2-7-1 Oriental Bldg. B1F, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Website: https://www.ftftftf.com
[Acts] DrunkenForest + 遠藤ふみ (Fumi Endo) Straytone + Yu Ogu soma hayato + atnr Otömika + 岡川怜央 (Leo Okagawa)
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dotomtom · 3 years
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OP-1によるリハビリテーション。 https://t.co/SML3FjQbOs atnr さんのツイートから
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sugurukumasaka · 5 years
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また告知です。 割と近しい仲間うちで始めた古着ユニットです。まだお店は出してませんが今流行りの? #popupstore や #shopinshop 的な試みでスタートしてます、 @atnoreal_tokyo 通称アトノリトーキョー。 @fridge.setagaya も元々古着を扱っていたけど、徐々に古着はこのレーベルに一任していこうか画策中。札幌の @kafuka.sapporo もまだ、自分の所仕入れだけど、そろそろ発進の多角化と、よりセレクトショップとして深化するためにも、餅は餅屋。色々分業して行こうかな。これからかなりがんばるみたいなので、僕らの試み @world_know_reason 見たいな感じなんだろうけど、応援、フォローよろしくお願いします! #atnr #atnoreal #tokyo #tokyovintage #vintage #used #usedwear #secondhand #vintagewear #antique #ビンテージ #ビンテージウェア #80s #80 #70 #70s #60 #60s #stussy #oldstussy #oldoutdoor #vintagestussy https://www.instagram.com/p/B5sYm1NlEOF/?igshid=14dlod4po0y7u
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Title: Acrobatic Acrylic on canvas Artist: Kifah Abdulla https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz5r6i-ATnR/?igshid=1l6m6x8f59ax1
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The Chiropractor
As I said in my previous post we went to the Chiro because Ellie had a sore back.  I had to fill in a mountain of paperwork relating to my pregnancy with Ellie and her stages of life.  Firstly Ellie never crawled, she was a bum shuffler.  Being a teacher I know the importance of crawling but no matter how hard we tried to encourage her to crawl, she just would not!  She is also a toe walker.  Ellie’s gross motor skills have never been great either.  Anyway back on track, Tanja (the chiropractor) did some testing on Ellie and found that her core strength and neck strength was lacking, she also had very little balance (5 seconds on each leg).  She also discovered Ellie still possessed the ATNR primitive reflex (this reflex basically helps babies unscrew themselves through the birth canal).  When Ellie was turning her head (more predominately to the right) her whole body was turning, this would explain her shocking handwriting and some loss of concentration. (. More information about primitive reflexes here http://occupationaltherapychildren.com.au/reflexes/).  Our first step was to see Tanja and Mary twice a week to have manipulations to extinguish this primitive reflex.  It took about 3-4 weeks and she was able to turn her head both ways without turning her body.  At home Ellie had to do some exercises to help develop her strength and balance.  These were 1)laying on her back and lifting her head for 10 seconds - this progressed to wiggling her toes at the same time - Ellie struggled in the beginning to keep her hands still with this; 2) still on her back lifting each arm and leg independently clockwise and and anti-clockwise,  3) superman - on her tummy lifting her arms, legs and head off the ground,      4) picking up a marble with her toes and hopping to drop it in a basket on each leg and lastly 5) balancing on one leg- goal of 30 seconds.  Ellie could balance on each leg for about 5 seconds each.  She took the sheet into school and had her whole class doing some of the exercises too.  Within the first 4 weeks Ellie’s teacher noticed a difference in her concentration. 
After 4 weeks:
After the first 4 weeks of twice weekly visits we dropped to weekly visits.  Ellie’s strength and balance progressively got stronger.  Being summer holidays we were swimming in our pool a lot and doing the exercises.  After about 8 weeks Ellie was able to balance of each leg for 60 seconds which is AMAZING!  We have now added spinning on a chair to Ellie’s exercises to help with her balance, we have to go fast anti-clockwise and slow clockwise, this is done on a chair for 3 spins (so she doesn’t get dizzy).  We are so pleased with Ellie’s progress.  We are about to start with an OT as recommended by the chiropractor and paediatrician.  
I’ll post again about how Ellie is doing now we are up to monthly visits with the chiropractor.   
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author-mandi-bean · 3 years
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💕Miracle Maddie 💕 WHAT A WONDERFUL UPDATE FOR TODAY! Maddie’s chiropractor re-evaluated her and here are some highlights from his report: Top three health care goals: 1.decreased tone 2.flexibility 3.decreased agitation Subjective Maddie has made some improvements since doing MRNI therapy. She is able to cough, and gag. She is producing a lot of saliva. She is less stiff. Her eyes are reactive. Objective Now both pupils react to light. Auditory and Visual blink are now both present. Moro is now present. ATNR present on the left. Palmar grasp present bilaterally. Babinski present bilaterally, toe flare on the right side. Left rooting present. Condition Assessment the condition has improved Goals Met improvement in neurological function Goals Continue to feed existing neurological pathways- blinks, tactile, smells. #miraclemaddie (at Manchester, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSsOY7yrFXk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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myriadmuzik · 6 years
MyriadMuzik.com #Repost @atnr ・・・ Percussive pattern . . . . . . #techno #minimalistic #minimalhouse #minimaltechno #percussive #synth #synthesizer #beat #techhouse #sequencer #electronicmusic #electronicmusician #musicproduction #tenorion #electronica #elektron #digitakt #tenorion #yamaha #jam #midi #synchronicity #session
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rattyshipss · 3 years
I just atnr Grayson here ti comfort me but now i feel like I don't even deserve him
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brainandbodyhealth1 · 5 months
The Impact of the ATNR Reflex on Reading and Attention in ADHD
Reading is more than understanding words on a page; it's an intricate dance of neural circuits, eye movements, and attention. For those with ADHD, this dance can be even more complicated due to a persisting primitive reflex - the Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR).
  What is the ATNR?
Developed in utero, the ATNR aids in the birthing process and serves early developmental milestones. When an infant turns its head to one side, the arm on that side straightens while the opposite arm bends. This reflex starts diminishing around six months, but in some cases, it can persist, leading to certain challenges in older children and adults.
  ATNR and Eye Control
One of the primary areas impacted by a retained ATNR is eye control. Efficient reading requires the eyes to move smoothly from left to right across a page. However, a retained ATNR can impede this coordinated movement, making the scanning of lines laborious.
  The Vestibular System's Role
A robust vestibular system underpins good eye movements. When the ATNR lingers, it suggests the vestibular system might not have fully matured, making reading not only slow but also exhausting. A poorly functioning vestibular system can strain the eyes, leading to difficulties in focusing and tracking words, further exasperating reading difficulties.
  ADHD, ATNR, and Reading
ADHD individuals often exhibit challenges in attention and reading. Research suggests a significant correlation: up to 80% of ADHD patients exhibit a retained ATNR reflex. This high prevalence indicates the role of ATNR in exacerbating reading and attention challenges commonly seen in ADHD.
  ATNR Exercises for Improved Reading
Thankfully, specific exercises target the ATNR reflex, helping integrate it and thereby improve reading capabilities. These exercises often involve cross-lateral movements and can be performed under the guidance of professionals trained in neuro-rehabilitation. As the ATNR diminishes, reading speed, accuracy, and comprehension often improve, alleviating one layer of challenge for ADHD individuals.
  In Conclusion
A retained ATNR doesn't just impact physical movements; it holds implications for cognitive processes like reading and attention, especially in ADHD individuals. Through targeted exercises and interventions provided at Brain and Body Health, a Child Neuro Rehab in Gladesville , one can address this root issue, paving the way for improved reading skills and attention spans.
  If you're seeking expert advice or require more detailed information, don't hesitate to get in touch with Dr. Eric Hansen, a Primitive Reflex Integration Therapy specialist from Brain and Body Health. With his vast experience, Dr. Hansen has worked with countless families and children with ADHD. His expertise lies in enhancing their quality of life through dedicated neuro-rehabilitation strategies, including the integration of primitive reflexes.
  Reading is more than understanding words on a page; it's an intricate dance of neural circuits, eye movements, and attention. For those with ADHD, this dance can be even more complicated due to a persisting primitive reflex - the Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR).
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earthstory · 7 years
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ICELAND Þingvellir National Park
Þingvellir itself is the name of two places in southern Iceland. One represents a historical site and the other one a national park. Þingvellir means “assembly field” in Icelandic, which has a direct reference to the historical site. In the medieval times, Icelanders used to resolve disputes and govern themselves here. The oldest recorded parlament in the world, the Alþing, was held here by Norwegian Vikings in 930 A.D. In 1798, the government was dissolved by the Danes. The place wasn’t forgotten as in 1944, the Republic of Iceland declared it’s independence there. The National Park was established in 1928 and it is located 40 km north-east from the capital, Reykjavik. One of the incredible landscapes is a gorge which formed where the American and European continental plates meet. This gorge is called the Alamannagja which means Everyman Gorge. Every year, the plates drift 2 cm apart from each other which allows enormous tectonic pressure to build up. When this pressure is released, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions appear. The Oxara River flows through Alamannagja with the impressive waterfall, Oxarafoss, at its very end. There is always steam released because the cold water of the river comes in contact with rocks warmed by the subterran volcanic activity. The most beautiful waterfall in Iceland, the Gullfoss, is situated at the end of the Hvita River. It falls 32 meters, causing 30 cubic meters per seconds to cascade through the torrent all year long. This is the largest volume of any waterfall in Europe. Also here, the most famous hot water springs in Iceland are situated. They are called “The Geyser Landscape of Haukadalur”. Together with the Gullfoss Waterfall and the National Park itself form the Golden Circle. They were all added to the UNESCO World Natural Heritage list in 2004. FUN FACT The Icelandic alphabet has 32 characters because some of them come from the Runic alphabet. One example was used in today’s subject, the letter “ þ ”. It is pronounced like the “th” in “thing”. Online, you will usually find it as “Thingvellir National Park”.
Dana K.
*The first image represents the Gullfoss Waterfall *The second image represents the Oxarafoss *The third image represents the Almannagja valley, where you can also go snorkeling to see the continental drift underwater *The fourth image represents the historical site
Sources: Info: the book “Wonders” by Michael Hoffmann and Alexander Krings, http://bit.ly/2tSrcsd, http://bit.ly/2v6lTVY, http://bit.ly/2sBZwTX, Image: panoramio, imaggio, pinterest
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Release : Atomic Bomb Compilation vol.5
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Atomic Bomb Compilation vol.5 (FREE DOWNLOAD limited200)
FREE DL LINK➡︎  http://ur0.pw/FhS8 (mediafire)
32 Artists / 33 Tracks
aylu & Gnyonpix
bahnhof::zoo (feat. trbl.w .dr3ams)
Black Ops
Colonel Hentoner 
DJ いぶつ
Dubb Parade
Franz Snake
Indus Bonze
KTIR a.k.a. itrk
Loop Ensemble Of Monkey Temple
lotus echo
Naked Under Leather
Quadrupole Quartet
Skip Club Orchestra
Yasuji Morita
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Overview of Cerebral Palsy in India |Trishla Foundation
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It is found that 10% of the global population has some form of disability from different causes; in India, it is 3.8% of the population. Nearly 15-20% of physically disabled children are affected by Cerebral Palsy in India. The estimated incidence is around 3/1000 live births. Cerebral palsy is the most common motor disability in childhood. Because of the developing nature of Indian health care in semi-urban and rural areas and the lack of technology used in these areas, cerebral palsy has been a problem seen during my thirty-seven years of caring for such patients.
The topographic classification of CP is monoplegia, hemiplegic, diplegia, and quadriplegia; monoplegia and triplegia are relatively uncommon. There is a substantial overlap of the affected areas; diplegia is the commonest format 30% – 40%), hemiplegic is 20% – 30% and quadriplegia accounts for 10% – 15%. In an analysis of 1000 cases of CP from India, it was found that spastic quadriplegia constituted 61% of cases followed by diplegia 22%(1). Spastic CP is the commonest and accounts for 70%-75% of all cases, dyskinetic for 10% to 15% and ataxic for less than 5% of cases.
Another classification, GMFCS, describes the functional characteristics in five levels, from I to V, level I being the mildest in the following age groups: up to 2 yrs, 2 – 4 yrs, 4 – 6 years and 6 – 12 years. For each level, separate descriptions are provided.
Early diagnosis Cerebral palsy is a clinical diagnosis made by a history of risk factors, regular developmental screening of all high-risk babies and neurological examination. A systematic approach focusing on maternal, obstetric and prenatal histories, review of developmental milestones, and a thorough neurological examination and observation of the child in various positions such as supine, prone, sitting, standing, walking and running is mandatory. (3) It is not possible to diagnose CP in infants less than 6 months except in very severe cases. The patterns of various forms of CP emerge gradually with the earliest clues being a delay in developmental milestones and abnormal muscle tone. In CP, the history is no progressive. Milestones once acquired do not show regression in CP. A tone may be hypertonic or hypotonic. Many cases of early hypotonic change to spasticity or dystopia by 2 – 3 yrs of age. Early signs include a presence of hand preference in the first year, prominent fisting, abnormalities of tone–either spasticity or hypotonia of various distribution, the persistence of abnormal neonatal reflexes, delay in the emergence of protective and postural reflexes, asymmetrical movements like asymmetrical crawl and hyperreflexia. Primitive reflexes should gradually extinguish by 6 months of age. Among the most clinically useful primitive reflexes are Moro, Tonic labyrinthine and Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR). In many cases, a diagnosis of CP may not be possible until 12 months. Repeated examinations and observation over a period of time may be required in mild cases before a firm diagnosis can be made.
In the further evaluation of a child with CP, an EEG is obtained if there is a history of epilepsy. Neuroimaging studies are carried out if they have not been done in the neonatal period that provided the etiology of CP. MRI studies are preferred to CT scans. Genetic and metabolic tests are carried out if there is evidence of deterioration or metabolic compensation, family history of childhood neurological disorder associated with CP. Tests to rule out coagulopathy in children with stroke is necessary.
CP is a chronic condition with considerable morbidity on affected individuals. Overall prevention of CP has not been successful. Early diagnosis and comprehensive management with a multidisciplinary approach with a developmental pediatrician or neurologist, orthopedic surgeon, speech and language therapist, physical and occupational therapist are required for the management of a child with CP. Complete evaluation of a child with CP must have an assessment of associated deficits like vision, speech and hearing, sensory profile, or motor evaluation, epilepsy and cognitive functioning. Orthopedic evaluation is a must as muscle imbalance and spasticity cause subluxation/dislocation of the hips, equines deformities, contractures, and scoliosis. NICE Guidelines have to be introduced in most of the Indian Cerebral palsy centers.
Treating Cerebral Palsy is nearly as unpredictable as the condition may be, and there's no cut-out approach in light of the fact that every individual is influenced in an unexpected way. In spite of the fact that the mental damage that causes Cerebral Palsy can't be recuperated, the subsequent physical debilitation can be made do with a wide scope of medicines and treatments. Despite the fact that there is no all-inclusive convention created for all cases, an individual's type of Cerebral Palsy, the degree of disability, and seriousness level help to decide care. At Trishla Foundation get the most ideal courses for the Cerebral Palsy treatment.
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radiosleeprecords · 5 years
Green Breeze / atnr [Mizukage Records]
Green Breeze / atnr [Mizukage Records] https://youtu.be/t9YFI9v0y0Q via Sleep Records - Music for content creators. http://bit.ly/2Lu3esZ
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rewerenda · 5 years
College admissions scandal: Elite education is for sale in Delaware, says education advocate
Atnre Alleyne (Photo: Submitted photo)
Atnre Alleyne is the founder and executive director of an education advocacy organization, DelawareCAN: The Delaware Campaign for Achievement Now.
There’s no need for us to be astonished about the recent college admissions scandal. Elite education is for sale in Delaware too.
No bribery or consultants needed. In this country, and in this state, we have created and condoned a school system that gives those with the most privilege greater access to a high-quality education.
Many who can afford the $20,000-$30,000 annual tuition choose to send their children to one of Delaware’s private schools. This means access to individualized attention, abundant resources, campuses that resemble elite colleges, rigorous curriculum, prominent guest speakers, and the type of free-flowing social capital that perpetuates advantage.
There’s nothing surreptitious about it. All parents want their children to flourish.
More from this author:
If you really care about schools, you should care who runs them
There are others — whether or not they can afford private school tuition — who believe the public education system can provide the type of quality their children deserve.
Some think private school education is not as great as many assume. Some would rather save the tuition dollars and use it on tutors, travel, and other extracurricular opportunities that give their children an edge. Others have a moral commitment to diversity and public education and wear it proudly like a badge.
But they are rarely talking about the same kind of public education. They are usually talking about schools with a tolerable amount of racial and socio-economic diversity, with a generous amount of instructional and technological resources, with a stable teacher and leader workforce, and with parent groups that raise money for all manner of accouterments.
They most certainly are not referring to the schools with high teacher turnover, out-of-field teachers, low proficiency rates, aging facilities, subpar curriculum, safety concerns, and a lack of counselors.
The public schools that parents with means desire for their children are for sale and it is completely legal.
For example, if you want to attend North Star Elementary school in Hockessin, you only need to be willing and able to pay the area’s $434,000 median home listing price. It is no surprise then that only 4 percent of the school’s students are low-income, 5 percent of students are Hispanic, and 3 percent are black students.
Like the cost of tuition prevents certain families from accessing private schools, the housing market prices less-resourced families out of “premium” public education.
Fortunately, in Delaware, we have a system of school choice and charter public schools designed to create options beyond what the housing market and one’s zip code dictate. And a third of Delaware public school students rely on it to move beyond their assigned school.
But the process is also not without costs that create barriers and advantages.
For example, if you want to get your child into Newark Charter School — with its 3,000-student waiting list — you need to live within a five-mile radius of the school to give yourself a slight chance. Like North Star Elementary school, this effectively creates a barrier through the housing market.
Outside of these potential housing costs, there are “browsing costs” — costs associated with searching for and applying to various schools options — that are challenging for low-income families. If one wants to apply for other charter public schools, magnet schools, and magnet programs (e.g. Cambridge Program at Newark High School and the IB program at Dickinson) they will encounter application requirements that may include auditions, additional assessments, in-person interviews, essays, and teacher recommendations.
Regarding the process, one parent shared the following with me:
“This was very hard, even for me. I have a reliable computer and reliable internet access. I have reliable transportation to take [my child] to the three extra assessments she has had to complete. I have easy access to all of the available documentation. I think for anyone without all of these components, these tasks would be nearly impossible.
"They are more than daunting or discouraging. The procedures create barriers to access. This whole process has been very stressful, especially for my 8th grader. A 14-year-old girl has had to contend with a level of competition reserved for high-level athletes and college admissions.”
But we can inject more fairness into this frenzy. We can learn from places like Washington, D.C. and Denver that have unified enrollment systems — including one application and a centralized matching system— for nearly 100,000 and 80,000 students, respectively. This would build upon the progress made in 2013 when the state standardized the school choice application forms and deadlines across traditional and charter schools.
We can minimize the number of enrollment preferences that give certain students an increased chance of admission during the school choice process. We can also expand efforts to provide high-quality information — translated in different languages like the MiEscuelaDE.com website my organization created — and support navigating the process.
We just have to want more than an education system where some students are sold short while others are long on options.
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The post College admissions scandal: Elite education is for sale in Delaware, says education advocate appeared first on Rewerenda.
Learn More: http://www.rewerenda.com/college-admissions-scandal-elite-education-is-for-sale-in-delaware-says-education-advocate/
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