#aver does shit post
averwonders · 2 years
It's about time people need to stop thinking of dialects and accents (especially minority and rural ones) as a judging factor or something to mock. People shouldn't have to feel ashamed, humiliated, insecure or fear of being judged for having a hint of their native dialect/accent while speaking the standard version of a language or even speaking in them completely at a new place.
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lemmilemura · 3 months
Welcome to this years Valentines Day post! (if I don't post smth else tmrw (it's 1am it's technically still today) that I get the idea for) The idea is simple: the TikTok trend of screaming loving things in an angry voice and different language at your S/O! And since I want to, it'll be in Italian, with not 1! 2 CHARACTERSSS That's right, both Show Simon, as well as Wayne are getting one! :D Without further ado, here's Show!Simon!
All kept gender-neutral
You had invited Simon along to your annual family get-together, as per your parents request, because your family that lived away wanted to meet him
Thing is, your extended family is from Italy, mom's side specifically, and the older the relatives get, the less English they understand. Most of them only know Italian.
Simon, however, does not.
He knows the very basics, like hello, thank you, goodbye, but it's infinitely harder when your relatives speak as fast as Auctioners.
So you act as the main translator for the day. Not that you mind, of course, you knew this was gonna happen
What you didn't expect, was one of your cousins to come up to you while you're with your mom, grandma and aunt and tells you you have to try something right now
They then show you a video of someone screaming very loving things in an angry voice at their partners. You immediately know what they mean, and everyone in the room supports you.
You decide to do it, going out into the livingroom where he's currently playing MarioKart with some of your younger cousins, one of which just hit him with a red shell
"Simon!" you yell. He almost drops his controller, you never shout at him. He turns to look at you. "Yes?"
"Sai quanto sei bella oggi?" ("Do you know how good you look today?")
Queue 😶
"In qualche modo riesci ad avere un aspetto migliore ogni volta che ti vedo!" ("You somehow manage to look better every time I see you!")
Your family is now also paying attention, your cousin has to cover their mouth to not laugh
Your dad's side, however, is almost as confused as Simon is
"Sweetheart I have no idea what you're saying." He tries to keep his attention on both you and the game, not wanting to lose but also not wanting to make you angrier
"Mio Dio, non sai quanto mi sento fortunato ad averti!" ("My god you don't know how lucky I feel to have you")
You can hear your grandmother starting to laugh from her chair
"Did I do something?" Simon looks around at your family, who are all trying not to laugh, some feeling bad for him
"Non riescono letteralmente a smettere di parlare di te, sta diventando piuttosto fastidioso." (They literally cannot stop talking about you, it's getting kind of annoying.) Your aunt then says
His look says 'shit now two of them'
It's when he looks like he's about to break that you stop, hugging him and kissing his cheek "You're fine, honey, Just a prank. You really ought to learn sometime"
"Già, forse potresti insegnargli qualcosa stasera a letto" your cousin jokes, before being hit over the head by your aunt "Stai zitto!" ("Shut up!")
The last ne you can go figure out yourselves ;) Happy Valentine's Day everyone ❤️
~Taglist~ @eamons-redguitar @pine-ferret
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echthr0s · 2 years
just saw a meme about Edda and now I'm reminded about how pissed off that whole arc made me
purely narrative-wise I think it's kind of neat because of how it ties into the Tam-Tara dungeon stories and the Palace of the Dead and what-not. but my personal feelings about it are "this fucking sucks" because Edda was just straight-up fucking abandoned after suffering this pretty significant trauma and personally I want my WoL to have been able to do something about that
Dayir would have never let that shit happen. these were colleagues -- colleagues that thought she and Ishan were cool and awesome and were trying to be like them -- and ey would have felt a bit responsible for what happened. not that it was eir fault, obviously, but it would have still weighed on her. there's no way she would have heard the post-Avere's-death conversation and how the other two party members just straight kicked Edda to the curb without going "oh. well I am adopting this young woman immediately. she is now our friend" (Ishan: "obviously. brb gonna go beat up two people. just some random people, this is totally unrelated" Dayir: "Ishan NO")
and like obviously this wouldn't ~magically fix~ anything, that's not the point. but common trauma-informed knowledge is that it's not so much the original Bad Event that causes the kind of trauma that would push someone to have a severe mental break and host a necro-wedding in a dungeon, it's the lack of social support both practical and emotional that does the lasting damage. it's the loss of everything that ever mattered, all at once, at this critical juncture. it's being so alone that even something that would have sounded completely unhinged to you in "Normal Times" suddenly seems like the only viable option.
bottom line the fact that you can't even talk to her or try to offer solace is just... fucked up. it's fucked up. I don't care. every time I do Tam-Tara Hard I just want to fucking scream
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blooms-of-ice · 3 years
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Wyda is officially retired...for now. She had a good run, and I loved writing for her! GOD the existential dread I felt as I drew closer and closer to running the event that would end her.
Her story continues through another. Give a follow here! :D
I’ll be keeping this blog up as an archive, although I might still post every now and again. But since her arc is done, here goes! An unedited, unfiltered slurry of words-directly-from-brain-to-keyboard about Wyda! I’m warning you, this is true farm fresh to you stuff. And spoilers for many events in FF14. Read on if you dare.
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Strap in, it’s going to be a long and bumpy ride.
Did I say that I love Primals?
Primal lore gives the FF14 devs a lot of creative freedom when it comes to designing bosses. Want the arena changed? Want something/someone to look absolutely wack? Want to spin up a threat without having a villain train for years prior? Bam, primals.
It also gives us, the players, the same creative freedoms when it comes to roleplaying!
The requirements to summon one are humorously low. At first, primals result from misguided and zealous beastmen shenanigans. Ifrit, Titan, Ramuh, Leviathan, Garuda...but then we get a bunch of weird summonings. Like when Ga Bu summons a funky version of Titan through his despair alone. Or when Yotsuyu brings forth Tsukuyomi because she really, really wants to see the world burn. Hell, Gilgamesh just thinks about his friend Enkidu in the presence of some crystals, and that’s enough to bring forth a primal. So I guess the only requirements for a primal summoning are 1) crystals and 2) thinking kinda hard? Strong feelings, especially negative ones, seem to be more effective but then again! What the heck happened with Gilgamesh? Who knows?!
But this is one of my favorite things in FF14. It’s a powder keg of a situation that will, and HAS, gone off multiple times.
Being tempered, meanwhile, is a fate worse than death. You’re forced to change sides and fight for the enemy. You don’t even find peace when you die - tempered souls linger in Eorzea thanks to how messed up they are by the process. But you don’t become a mindless servant either. *Points to Emet-Selch who is....kinda...on your side (???) but also on Zodiark’s side*
Things aren’t nearly as dark now that tempering can be cured. I’m very thankful, since otherwise my campaign would’ve had a very, very depressing ending. One that I originally planned for but STILL. I’m weak. ;_;
Riding off the Rails
Primal lore is flexible. In ARR, the rules are established, but later expansions took those rules and went “Well, what about this? And this? And this?” In other words, this is me admitting that I’m shameless and will stretch this lore until I reach the moon.
Developing Wyda was a ‘chicken first, egg later’ sort of situation. Though trite, I gave her amnesia in order to give myself an excuse for knowing nothing about FF14 lore (and because I was new to roleplaying). When I finally sat down to flesh her out, my mind kept returning to primals. I love ‘em and their potential for drama! So yeah, I was determined to make it work.
There were a lot of questions I had to answer. If Wyda is a primal, then why isn’t she tempering everyone she meets?! How is she getting away with being a ‘normal’ person? And how do I avoid power creep? I know, for a fact, that if I walked into an RP event and just said...hey. My character is a primal, are you cool with that? The answer would be a solid no. Nooooo! I’d tell that to myself! So I wanted to solve these questions in a fair way that would allow others (and myself) to remain immersed in the roleplaying world. Luckily, FF14 lore is like a bottomless chest of building blocks. It was just a matter of stacking them carefully.
Primals are summoned when someone thinks around some crystals (Ah, Gilgamesh...)
The primal’s purpose is based on the summoner’s desires, but with a monkey’s paw twist (Ga Bu’s Titan punching the other kobolds away is indicative of this)
The amount of aether used in the summoning determines how powerful the primal will be (Shinryu being beefy as hell)
Primals can be summoned out of thin air, or be channeled into someone’s body
When a primal is channeled, the summoner needs the Echo to resist (Ysalye and Ryne). Otherwise the summoner is tempered by their own creation.
Now, with those blocks in hand, I started spitballing...and it led me to this thought. If a primal’s purpose is to NOT be a primal, what happens?
Would they know that they’re a primal?
Can they still use their primal powers?
What happens when the primal is based off of someone who still exists?
For Wyda, I chose to swing this way.
Her memory is garbage because she’s a primal based on someone else. Even if you know someone really well, you can’t perfectly recreate/emulate them.
She’s normal-powered because all her primal magic is going towards suppressing her powers. Extremely inefficient. And she’s very human-like because she’s possessing someone else’s body, as opposed to being made purely of primal aether.
Primals temper whether they want to or not - aether leaks, and it corrupts. To solve this for Wyda, instead of leaking aether out of the wazoo...thanks to the nature of her summoning, she just leaks a tiny bit all the time. Not enough to temper.
But I also wrote myself into a corner. If Wyda isn’t going to behave like a primal, then how does she exist for so long? They need a constant source of aether to survive, and she’s not doing primal stuff since she’s too busy being human. And so...the answer is that she doesn’t. Once her aether runs out, then poof.
See? Fun! (But also pain. So much pain.)
Playing with Fire
Eorzea (like most fantasy RPG settings) is a nightmare factory. Most, if not all, who make their living ‘adventuring’ are scarred from what they have to face. For every success story (WoL), there are countless more tragedies (Avere). And even if you survive...who wouldn’t get trauma if you were an adventurer and it was normal for your buddies to be eaten by a beast, tempered by a primal, possessed by a ghost?
Which is to say, Wyda's scars run deep. Shit goes down. 
To repeat that in slightly more words: Wyda is an accidental byproduct of Cravendy’s grief and longing. At her lowest moment, Cravendy (a Seawolf pirate) thinks of her friend Dots and the unfairness of it all. And oops, there are crystals nearby. So now, we got Wyda walking around in Cravendy’s body, thinking that she’s someone named Dots. By the way, Dots is still alive! Very awkward.
Wyda is a denial incarnate. She is Cravendy’s dream for safety, family, and happiness for Dots. But denial does not erase the past, nor does it change how you feel. By existing, Wyda suppresses those feelings for Cravendy and freezes the other woman in the past. With the both of them like this, Cravendy will never accept her trauma and Wyda will be plagued with a stranger’s guilt.
Primal souls are weird. I have no idea where they come from, but they seem separate from the summoner’s. So as Wyda’s influence wanes, Cravendy’s soul begins to resurface. This forces Wyda into a cycle of self-discovery and self-destruction that, unfortunately, convinces Wyda that she ought to disappear. It’s a tragic conclusion she reaches after having her worldview shattered. She’s a copy of Dots, she’s a primal. What’s real, and what’s not? What even matters?
The Power of Love
Love is a persistent theme for all of my characters. For Cravendy, love is why she hurts, so she would rather forget it than bear any more pain. But Wyda is the opposite - she loves too much. When all else is a sham, Wyda trusts that the love she feels is real. And ultimately, this love dooms Wyda and saves Cravendy.
Wyda’s fatal flaw is her self-destructive selflessness. Thanks to being mistaken for Dots all the time, Wyda develops a low sense of self. Then events of the campaign erode that into nothingness. She’s a second rate copy full of brittle memories, she’s a fake! And discovering Cravendy’s sleeping soul only pushes Wyda further into her flaw. Here is my purpose, she thinks! My original! And I’ll save her no matter what, because she deserves to live!
But it’s a mistake. Certainly, Cravendy is saved, but Wyda deserves to be saved too. Although she loves with all her heart, Wyda never learns to love herself and see her own self-worth. She doesn’t understand that her friends don’t share her view of herself - as a worthless copy that can only find value in saving another. Her selflessness loops into selfishness.
Maybe Wyda will come back...She certainly has a lot to learn still!
The TLDR version of all this is that I accidentally pulled a Kingdom Hearts plot with this character, and now I understand, Nomura. I UNDERSTAND WHY YOU BRING BACK YOUR CHARACTERS. ;_;
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ansgar-martinsson · 4 years
Fair Winds and a Following Sky - Part 12
Nowhere Oklahoma, One and One Half Years Ago
It was a dry winter, or so he’d been told. Dry, he supposed, meant mild; as the weather was more like autumn or spring in his estimation, than a true winter. He’d never spent a winter in the Southern United States before, but he knew that the winter there paled in comparison to the dark, Swedish winters he was accustomed to.
Which was why he never once complained about working in the barn, why he never once balked at mucking out the stables or feeding the horses, or even putting the great beasts through their daily winter paces. There wasn’t much he could have done construction wise around the ranch. Most of it - the barn, the porch decking, the siding, the garage door - was done, anyway. 
His work there was essentially complete. And yet, for numerous reasons, he stayed.
It was six in the evening, an hour after sunset. The sky was a grayish haze yet - the day was over, but it was not quite night. He, as he was every night for the past few months, was in the stable. It was warm there, heated by the hay and the horses; and he enjoyed the sounds of the breeze through the corridor, the whisper of the straw, and the whickering of horses.
He had just finished brushing Condor’s Flight, one of Anna’s prized racehorses, when he heard tires in the driveway followed by the slam of a single car door. It didn’t sound at all like Anna’s Chevy.  If he wasn’t mistaken, it was the distinct sound of a newer model BMW, which, from his knowledge of the local trucks, SUVs, and beaters with heaters, was quite odd.
He dipped his hands into a trough of warm water, wiped them with the towel that hung from the tack post, pushed the man door open and stepped onto the edge of the pathway. In the beam of a pair of bluish headlights, he saw the shape of a woman - shorter, stockier, thickly dressed - definitely not Anna.
The woman called out. “Boy! Come here.” She gestured wildly in the air with one hand, beckoning him to her as she took quick, shuffling steps toward him. In spite of her demands, he remained in place, his hands on his hips. “I said, come here boy.”
“I’m sorry, madam,” he replied, “I tend not to answer to ‘boy.”
“Ooh,” she sang, “a proud one, huh? Well,” she stepped forward, pulled off one of her gloves and held her hand out to him. “Let me try this again, hm? I’m Bessie Travidge. Folks call me ‘Mama.’ Supposing you can too, call me Mama.”
He sighed behind a tight-lipped smile. “A pleasure, Mrs. Travidge,” he shook her hand, his grip tight and firm. “I’m Alan Easterberg.”
“You’re the help,” she perked. “I know all about you, boy.”
He curled his lip and sneered. “Madam....” 
“Sorry, sorry,” she held her hands up. “Don’t mean to insult y’all.”
He grinned, showing his teeth in an irritated rictus. “How may I help you, Mrs. Travidge?”
“Oh, do call me Mama, will y’all?”
“How may I help you... Mama?” he repeated, the name dripping like venom from his lips.  “Anna isn’t home right now. She’ll be returning shortly if you’d like to wait inside.”
“Oh no,” her eyes widened. “I ain’t here to see Fair Sky.”
He cocked his head. “Then why are you here?”
“To talk to you, for sure.”
He blinked. “Me? What could you possibly want with me?”
She peered at him, then, her aspect morphing from one of blithe friendliness to a hard, stern facade. “I’m here to talk to you about your leavin’ this place. Quick like.”
“I assure you I have no intention of leaving, not yet at least,” he replied cooly. 
“Don’t matter your intention, boy....”
“Don’t call me boy....”
“Mm hmm,” she guffawed sardonically. “Don’t matter much your intention, sir,” she emphasized. “You’re leaving and quick like.”
“I assume, madam, that there is an ‘or else’ hanging at the end of that.”
She shrugged. “Maybe.”
He widened his stance and crossed his arms over his chest - mainly in an attempt to show dominance, but truthfully in an attempt to hide the damnable shaking of his hands. He pulled the brim of his hat down over his eyes, also a show of strength mixed with the desire to conceal the fear swimming in the blue. “And that ‘or else’ is?”
“Or else I tell them where you are.”
“Tell them where I am,” he repeated slowly, as if trying to decipher the ramblings of a maddened child. “Tell whom?”
She chuckled, lifted one hand, and with the other, she ticked off her fingers. “Well, the police for starters, then the CIA, FBI, Interpol, and some fellas from the Swedish Secret Service what came round to my office last week.”
His heart was a caged lion. It pulsed and strained and pounded against his chest. His mind went cold and he seemed to have lost his stomach altogether. Yet, he fought hard not to show any of his discomfiture. Fought to keep his mask firmly in place, but time and emotional trauma and lack of practice made it fragile, paper thin, full of deep fissures. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said clearly. “There’s no reason any of those people would be looking for me.”
“Because you’re just a carpenter, ain’t that right?”
“That is correct,” he averred. “I think you must have me confused with someone else.”
“Does the name Rufus Valentine ring any bells with you?”
He swallowed hard, struggling to keep his jaw from clenching, his eyes from watering. “No,” he lied. 
“How about Isak Pettersen?”
He blinked. “No.”
“Ansgar Martinsson?”
Jesus Christ, he thought. She knows. She fucking knows.
“I’m afraid I have no idea who that is.”
“Well,” she smiled, serpent-like. She paced in front of him, back and forth over the short width of the gravel walkway. “He is a very important fella, he is. The CEO of some big international company, got his sticky fingers in projects in just about every country on this planet.”
“What does that have to ---”
“Quiet now, boy,” she barked. “Just hush yourself for a spell and listen to me.” 
His nose flared and his eyes hardened, but he stayed, he listened. There was nowhere for him to go, regardless. “Go on.”
“Turns out,” she continued, “he up and disappeared ‘bout a year or so ago. Left New York City one morning, and ain’t been heard of since. Folks have been looking up and down for him, and nothin.’ They want him back, you see. Guess he’s, how’d they say it? He’s vital to ongoing government operations or something like that. What’s more he’s wanted for assault, they say. Somethin’ about tearing up some bar in Pennsylvania and threatening this Valentine fella with a gun. Should I go on?”
He remained silent. 
“See, and they’re gettin’ real close to finding him, they say. He was good, real talented at slippin’ away, at hiding. Didn’t leave much of a trail. But the FBI, they’re dang good at what they do too.”
“Apparently they are,” he said. He knew full well that to say as such constituted an uncontrovertable admission. He sighed and fluttered his eyes with deep-seated annoyance. “So, what do you want?”
“Told y’all. I want you gone,” she demanded. “Pack up your shit, get in that rust bucket Bronco of yours and high tail it out of here. And don’t come back.”
“Why don’t you just turn me in? Just tell them who I am and where I am?”
“’Cause I don’t want no trouble.”
He cocked his head, squinting. “For Anna?”
“No, for my family. I don’t give a rat’s ass about that injun bitch,” she spat. “I don’t want the Travidge name dragged through whatever mud you’ve been wallowing in. If they ask me, I’ll deny ever knowing what I know or ever seeing y’all. I’ll deny we had this conversation, but you gotta skedaddle. Now.”
He nodded slowly, understanding. “What if I refuse?”
“My boys are out by the car,” she indicated with a lift of her chin. “Brian’s been itchin’ to have at y’all again after the beatin’ you gave him this summer. He ain’t drunk now, and that’s all I’ll say about that.”
“And if I don’t leave, how will you turn me in without, as you say, dragging your family through the mud?”
“The FBI loves an anonymous tip, don’t it?” She tapped the side of her nose and winked. “Easy as pie.”
He licked his lips. “I see. What about Anna?”
“What about her?” 
He closed his eyes in thought. The last thing he wanted was for this woman... this Mama... to know that he and Anna had been intimate, that they’d forged some semblance of a relationship, that maybe, just maybe, he was falling for her. “Nothing,” he clipped, shaking his head. “Nothing at all.”
“So I guess you’ve got a choice don’t y’all? You can either leave, disappear again, and get home to Sweden on your own terms -- when you want, how you want -- or you can go by force, in custody, and under the watchful eye of the press. Your choice, Bucko.”
And later that night, he made his choice. And because of that choice he loathed himself even more, if that were possible.  Like Faye, he packed his bag, tossed it in the back of his car, and left. Left in the night. Left without discussion. Left without saying goodbye. He vanished from Anna’s home, her bed, and her life. 
But unlike Faye, at least he’d left a note. 
He wondered, as he turned his Bronco toward the Eastbound Highway 40 on-ramp, whether Faye had hurt as much, or had cried as hard as he did when she left him. 
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carbonaracoifunghi · 5 years
Italian slang words
Part two of this post, because I told you there would be another one 1. La tocca piano  “toccare piano / pianissimo” literally means to touch something carefully, slowly. It has a lot of variations, because it can be used with different subjects (tu l’hai, lui l’ha, voi l’avete, loro l’hanno...) in the present (la tocca pianissimo!) or in the past tense (Marti l’ha toccata pianissimo). It’s an idiom which is not common everywhere in Italy, but it is used ironically when someone says / does something in a slightly rude / direct manner. For example Martino, by sending that text to Nico,”l’ha toccata pianissimo”.  2. Ammazza Literally, the verb ammazzare means to kill, and “ammazza” is the third-person singular. This one is tipical of Rome (it is used in Italy, but we all know it’s Roman) and it doesn’t have a literal translation in English, it’s like “alla faccia!”, “caspita!”, things one says when they are surprised or also in awe of something. “Ammazza, quanto è bello” (”jeez, it’s beautiful”) or “Ammazza, zi, l’hai toccata piano” (”damn, zi, you *see above*). 3. Accannare Another typical Roman slang. It could mean “stop it!” or to dump someone. For example, “ti ha accannato, zi”, means “she dumped you”. 4. Appicciare It means “accendere”, to light up. Used for cigarettes or joints. For example, Nico often says “appiccio”, which means “I’m lighting up a cig”. 5. Non capire un cazzo - avere rotto il cazzo Two of the most common slang expressions in Italy, I dare saying. The first means “to not understand shit”, the second is used when someone annoys you or is generally a pain in the ass. “Non capisci un cazzo!” means “you don’t understand shit!” “you understand fucking nothing” “Hai rotto il cazzo”, like Gio says to Luchino, means “stop being annoying and get the fuck up, we are leaving”.
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trashcanband4 · 5 years
The Revelation of the Other Woman Ch. 13
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
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Chapter Title: Three against the world. Pairing: Daryl/oc Setting: Woodbury Wordcount: 4,912 Warning: Anxiety, Panic attacks
We peaked into the window of a pharmacy, seeing that there were three walkers inside. I looked at Michonne and jerked my head to one side and she jerked hers the other way and nodded. So I opened the door setting off the bell above it and we went opposite directions. One came my way and two went hers. I circled around to the biter that followed me and slammed my hatchet into the back of it’s head. With mine taken down I headed Michonne’s direction to see her slice two walkers head off in one swipe. “So dramatic.” I sighed with a smirk as she slung the blood off of her blade.
“My drama’s saved your ass on several occasions.” She fired back in her usual monotone voice.
“No argument there.” I agreed and moved from the shelf I had been leaning on to look for something that could help kill a cold. But all we could find was a few packets of Tylenol. “Guess this will have to work for now.” I grumbled and tossed Michonne the packets that she caught in one hand and tucked into the bag thrown over her ebony shoulder.
“Let’s get back to her.” Michonne said with a nod at the door so we headed out back to the Sportsman’s Deer Cooler, a meat market on the edge of town where we had left a very ill Andrea. When we got inside, Andrea wasn’t where we left her and the first thing that crossed my mind was that she had died while we were out and was now roaming the place. So we headed through the only open door in the room, readying our weapons as we did. But we found her laying down on the floor wrapped in a blanket. “What are you doin’ out here?”
“I needed some light.” Andrea groaned and I kneeled down beside her. Over the past months, we had grown to tolerate each other. That didn’t mean we got along by any means, but with Michonne as a mediator, things usually got worked out eventually.
Michonne helped Andrea sit up then started tearing open the packets of Tylenol. “Take this.” Michonne told Andrea as she popped the pills into the sick woman’s mouth then helped her take a sip of water.
“How is it out there?” Andrea asked as Michonne pressed the cool bottle of water to Andrea’s flushed face.
“No different than usual.” I answered as I moved around to sit against the wall beside Andrea.
“You’re a bad liar.” Andrea grumbled and I smirked at her because it was true.
“We should go in a few days.” Michonne suggested.
“They’re coming.” Andrea groaned back at the worried look in Michonne’s eyes. “You two should go.”
“No.” Michonne and I argued back.
“I’ll hold you back. Go. I can take care of myself. I save your asses all winter, didn’t I?” Andrea said giving Michonne a cheeky smile then started coughing. Michonne tried to give Andrea some water, but she smacked it away. “I won’t have you dying for me.” she moved around and wrapped the blanket around her torso. “Good soldier won’t leave your post…Screw both you.”
I scoffed at her and left the room. I heard Michonne whisper, “We’ll go in a few days.” Before I was completely out of earshot. A few minutes later Michonne came into the main room and unchained her pets. “We’re movin’ on. Best pack your stuff.”
I sighed, but didn’t argue. When she and Andrea had agreed on something, my opinion didn’t much matter. So after our stuff was packed, not that we had much, we moved on. Constantly moving around, traveling with two overpowering women…it could be…taxing. It made me miss the farm and Daryl. Putting up with Andrea on a daily basis even made me miss all of the Rick and Lori drama.
We had been traveling for two days, walking along a random road, when we saw a helicopter fly over. “Huh, last time I saw one of those I was told it was a hallucination.” I thought out loud with a look aver at Andrea who rolled her tired eyes. Michonne and I didn’t give the helicopter a second thought and kept walking the road, but when we looked back we saw that Andrea wasn’t following. As we followed her eyes to the sky a loud explosion sounded from the aircraft and black smoke started boiling out of the top. “They’re going down.” I gasped right before the craft spun out of control and crashed into the woods across the large field we were facing. Without a single bit of discussion we headed to the downed helicopter.
We had gotten to the crash when Andrea fell and puked up her brunch. “Don’t push yourself.” Michonne scolded then helped her move to sit behind a bush. Michonne chained her pets to a tree then gave Andrea a gun to protect herself while the two of us went to check out the crash. The first person we can across was a soldier who had been chopped in half by the blades of the helicopter. We were looking inside for survivors when we heard trucks approaching across the way. “Come on.” Michonne told me with a nudge and we ran back over to Andrea.
“People are coming.” I informed Andrea as I ran around her and crouched down.
“Any survivors?” she asked.
“Two dead, not sure about the other.” Michonne answered, grabbing onto the handle of her katana while I gripped my hatchet. A few seconds’ later two trucks pulled up and men started getting out.
“Fan out.” A guy commanded and the others obeyed. “Save those rounds until you need ‘em.” The same man barked. My heart pounded in my chest as we watched the men asses the area. One guy used a bow to take down a walker. Then when Andrea started coughing I feared the men would find us, but she quieted down and we watched as another man took down two walkers with a baseball bat. “We’ve got a breather!” the man who seemed to be the leader yelled then called for one of his men, Tim. The two were pulling the man from the helicopter when we heard a walker approaching from behind us.
Michonne moved to take it down, but Andrea stopped her and it walked right by us. The men saw it and the guy with the bow took it down. “He’s saving them. We should show ourselves.” Andrea said and Michonne and I looked at each other, both shaking our heads.
“Not yet.” Michonne told her quietly.
We watched them men for a bit longer, making Michonne’s pets pull at their chains and make a lot of noise. As we watched, the leader stabbed the guy that had been chopped in half then did the same to the dead guy in the helicopter. I was going to ask why he did that, but Michonne’s walkers started causing a ruckus getting the attention of the men surveying the crash. “They’re making too much noise. They’re gonna give us away.” I whispered, earning a glare from her. It didn’t help when Andrea coughed. The combination of the two really caught the men’s attention and Michonne quickly stood and chopped off the walkers heads.
The men stood around for a few seconds, looking in our direction before the leader finally said, “Let’s roll out.”
We all breathed a sigh of relief and my heart rate dropped a bit, but when we heard a stick snap behind us Michonne and I grabbed our weapons and started to spin around, but we were cut off. “Nuh, uh, uh. Easy does it, girls.” That voice, that gruff slightly high pitched voice sounded familiar. “Mine’s a whole lot bigger than yours. Now, put down your weapons.” I sighed and opened my hand letting the hatchet fall to the ground with a thud. “That’s it. Nice and easy, girl.” I looked over at Michonne to see her slowly set her katana on the ground. “And let me see your hands.” The three of us lifted our hands above our heads. “Now spin around, that’s it. Nice little twirl around.” As I turned around the face of none other than Merle Dixon came into view. “Oh holy shit.” He drawled looking at Andrea. “Blondie.” His eyes then turned to me. “And ain’t you that bitch that shot at me?” he asked with a smirk.
“Just your feet.” I answered with a smart ass smirk even thought I knew I should keep my mouth shut, but let’s admit it, I’m not very good at that.
“Damn, ya’ll are looking good.” I rolled my eyes at him. A walker came up behind him and he stabbed it with a knife that was tapped to a metal contraption on his stub hand. I guess he cut if off to get off the roof. “Now, how’s about a big hug for your old pal Merle?” he asked holding his arms out to the side. Andrea passed out and the next thing I knew I was being lifted up, blindfolded and my hands tied behind my back.
I could tell that I was in a vehicle, but I couldn’t see for the blindfold on my eyes and I couldn’t move. But I could hear the leader talking to someone on the other end of a radio. “Have Stevens prep the infirmary.”
“How many?” the voice on the other end asked.
“Four.” The leader answered. “One with multiple fractures and severe burns, another in and out of consciousness, probably shock and dehydration.”
“And the others?” the voice asked.
“They’re fine.” Leader answered.
Any females?” the voice asked.
“Three. Found them hiding in the woods.” The leader answered. “I’m bringing a homework assignment so open the lab.”
“Do tell.” The voice said.
“Be at the gates in five minutes. Get off the radio.” The Leader told him.
“Well, what is it?” the voice asked.
“Now, Milton.” The leader said aggravated at the guy on the radio.
When the vehicle came to a stop we were un-blindfolded and taken to what looked like a makeshift clinic where a doctor took our blood and gave us water. Michonne sat on the end of the examination bed while the nurse tended to Andrea and I sat on a small stool. “Why are we being held here? We want to leave.” Andrea said using her bitchy tone and for once I couldn’t blame her.
“You’re not well enough.” The nurse scolded. “and it’s dark. You should stay the night.
“Where are we?” Andrea asked.
The nurse looked around like she was scared to talk. “That’s not for me to say. He’ll talk to you.”
“Who?” Michonne asked and before I could say anything Merle walked into the room.
“Go check on your patient, Doc.” He told her so she left and Merle walked further into the room. “Bet you was wondering if I was real.” He said as he walked over to the desk and grabbed him a chair. “Probably hoping I wasn’t.” he added as he turned the chair around backwards and sat down. “Well, here I am.” He gave us a smile like we should be impressed. Michonne stood up, but I stayed seated. “I guess this old world gets a little smaller toward the end, huh? Ain’t so many of us left to share the air, right?”
As much as I hated the first impression and second that Merle had made on me, I was interested to know how he made it off of the roof alive. “You know, when they found me I was near bled out. Starving. Thinking to myself a bullet might make a good last meal. Take myself a nice long nap after. Wait for Daryl on the other side.” My eyes watered when he mentioned Daryl. “You seen my brother?” he asked with a look at Andrea then at me. He noticed the tears in my eyes and I looked away.
“Not for a long time.” Andrea answered vaguely.
“Makes two of us.” He said with a flat faced nod.
“He went back for you, you know? Him and Rick and Glenn, but you were already gone.” I spoke up hoping it would help.
“Yeah well…” Merle laughed as he slid off the metal contraption to reveal a nasty looking stump. “Not all of me.” I cringed and covered my mouth with my hand. “Yeah…Rick. He’s that prick that cuffed me to the rooftop.” He grunted as he put the contraption back on.
“Yeah…” Andrea answered. “He tried. Daryl saw that.” she tried to smooth things over.
“He’s always been the sweet one my baby brother.” Merle said with a nod and I smiled because he was right. “What you smilin’ about?” he asked me and I felt my eyes grow big.
“She was sleeping with him.” Andrea answered for me.
“Andrea!” I hissed at her then looked at Merle with a slack jaw.
“You’s hookin’ up with my baby brother?” he asked, giving me a glare.
“No, uh…that’s… that’s beside the point.” I stumbled around, not knowing how Merle was going to react to Daryl being with me. “The point is, Daryl wanted to keep looking for you but we got over run and had to move on.” I said bringing things back to topic.
“A lot of people died…Jim, Dale, Jacqui, Sophia…” Andrea started listing off the people that had passed and then started tearing up, “Amy.”
“Your sister?” Merle asked and Andrea nodded. “She was a good kid, I’m sorry to hear it.
“There were more, a lot more. We had to leave Atlanta.” Andrea started, but I took over.
“From there we found a farm with some other survivors. We stayed there a while but it got over run too.” I finished.
“Daryl stepped up, became a valued member of the group.” Andrea added, knowing I couldn’t talk about Daryl without crying.
“Now he’s dead.” Merle assumed.
“I don’t know that for sure. We didn’t see him go down.” She corrected.
“How long ago?” Merle asked.
“Seven, eight months.” Andrea answered as I stared down at the floor. “Joanna and I were separated from the rest of them. Got left behind.” Merle just nodded. “I know what it feels like.”
“I doubt that.” Merle said holding up his stump.
“What do you want from us?” Andrea asked and I pulled my eyes from the floor, wondering the same thing.
“Damn.” Merle sighed as he got up out of the chair. “There she sits, four walls around her, roof over her head, medicine in her veins, and she wants to know what I want from her.” Merle said to Michonne and me. “I plucked you, your mute and your sharp shooter here out of the dirt, Blondie. Saved your asses. How about a thank you?”
“You had a gun on us.” Michonne spoke for the first time.
“Ooh, she speaks.” Merle popped off. “Who ain’t had a gun on ‘em in the past year, huh?” he laughed out the question. “Show of hands, huh? Anybody? Hmm?” he asked walking around the room with his stump raised. “Shumpert, Crowley? Y’all had a gun on y’all?” The men just ignored his question. “Hell, I think I’d piss my pants if some stranger come walking up with his mitts in his pockets. That’s be the son of a bitch you’d really want to be scared of.”
“Thank you.” Andrea said, interrupting him. Michonne just glared, open mouthed at Merle then Andrea. A second later the leader guy walked in a whispered something to Merle then turned to us.
“How you feeling?” he asked in his deep voice.
“We want our weapons.” Michonne said stepping up to the front of the room.
The leader just nodded. “Sure. On your way out the front gates.”
“Show us the way.” Andrea spoke up and I just looked at her then back at the frowning leader. “You’ve kept us locked up in this room.
The guy just looked around him. “You see any bars on the windows? You’re being cared for.”
“Under guard.” Andrea argued with a hand on her hip. This attitude was the reason me and her never got along.
“To protect our people. We don’t know you.” The guy argued calmly.
“We know enough about you to want out of this place. We watched you drive a knife into the skulls of two dead men.” Andrea argued back. “What the hell was that all about?”
“They turned.” The guy answered.
“They weren’t bitten.” Michonne argued stiffly.
The leader looked at Merle and the look they shared told me we were missing something. The leader sighed and looked back at us. “It dosen’t matter. However we die, we all turn. I put them out of their misery.” The guy walked around Michonne and Andrea to stand closer to me where I still sat on the stool. “It’s not easy news to swallow at first, but there it is. You’re not prisoners here, you’re guests.” He looked at me for a second then turned back to Andrea and Michonne. “If you want to leave, as I said, you’re free to do so. But we don’t open the gates past dusk. Draws too much attention.” he turned his eyes from Michonne to me then to Andrea. “And you especially, you need a solid night’s sleep. You wouldn’t last another day out there in your condition.” He looked from her to Michonne then back to Andrea. “I’ll have you brought over to my place in the morning.” He turned and started walking out still talking. “Return your weapons. Extra ammo, food for the road, some meds, keys to a vehicle if you want one.” He stopped at the door to look back at us. Andrea looked at Michonne and me with a look of shock. Michonne just glared over at Andrea and I turned my eyes back to the leader. “Send you on your way, no hard feelings.” With that he walked away and we followed. He led us to the front doors and opened them for us. “Welcome to Woodbury.” As I looked out the doors I saw what looked like a normal, clean town illuminated by torches. “Come with me.”
So we followed him, Andrea leading the way and Michonne behind her. I hung back, walking slightly ahead of Merle who was following behind us. As we walked we stopped at a wall where men stood guard. Merle ran up the stairs and relived one of the man. Andrea chatted up the leader while Michonne and I took everything in. but my attention was drawn to Merle when he Whistled. “Got us a creeper, Governor.” So he was their governor? The leader or Governor gave Merle a nod and Merle took down that walkers with an assault rifle, one armed.
“Governor, they call you that?” I heard Andrea ask.
“Some nicknames stick whether you want them to or not.” He answered.
“Buzz in a nickname, Governors a title.” She corrected as she walked over to the fence and peeked out.
As I looked at Michonne I could tell she didn’t trust this place. I on the other hand was wondering if we found our new home. From there we were led to a room for the three of us to share. As soon as the Governor was gone Michonne shut the door.
While the streets at night were like a ghost town, when morning rolled around everything came alive. We were woken by a brunette woman wearing a dress and boots, holding a clipboard who introduced herself as Rowan and said the Governor wanted us to join him at his place for breakfast. “It’s real.” Andrea thought aloud.
“You three were out there for a long time. While you were, the Governor was doing this.” Rowan replied as we walked the sidewalk. I trailed behind Michonne, taking it all in.
“There seems to be a lot of people.” I said more to myself than them, but they still heard.
“How many do you have here?” Andrea asked.
“73. Eileen’s about to pop, so her kid will make 74.” Rowan answered. “It’s still a work in progress, but Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
“That’s a bold comparison.” Andrea scoffed.
“I think we’ve earned it.” Rowan replied and I just listened to their conversation, keeping my two cents to myself. “Wall’s haven’t been breached in well over a month. We haven’t suffered a casualty on the inside since early winter.”
“How’s that possible?” Andrea asked.
“Our Governor set a strict curfew.” Rowan answered as I took in three women working around a planter full of green, growing plants. “Nobody out after dark. Noise and light are kept to the bare minimum. Armed guards on the fence and patrolling the perimeter to keep the biters away.”
“I saw what your patrols do on the way in last night.” Andrea said in her bitchy tone. “They had a dead one strung up like an ornament.”
Rowan stopped and held her clipboard down in front of her as she talked to Andrea. “I won’t make excuses, but those men put their lives at risk every day to protect this town. They’ve lost more than a few friends out there. everybody copes in their own way.” Rowan finished her speech and walked around Andrea. “But I’ll raise it with the Governor.”
Andrea and Michonne shared a look before Andrea started following Rowan and Michonne looked at me. “I have a clip board, I’m important.” I mocked Rowan in a high pitched voice and Michonne just glared at me and started following behind Andrea. “I thought I was funny.” I said to myself with a shrug then trailed behind the three women.
By the time Rowan was done giving us the low down on the town and delivered us to the governor he was halfway through cooking breakfast and another guy who the Governor introduced as Milton had tea ready for us. We were seated now sitting at the round dining table in his kitchen. “Eight months?” The governor asked as he walked over with a skillet of eggs. “Hard to believe you ladies lasted so long out there.” he scrapped some eggs onto Andrea’s plate.
“Because we’re women?” she asked.
I scoffed at her. “Not every man is a sexist pig you know?” she glared at me.
The governor smirked at me then looked back at Andrea. “Because you were alone.” He scraped some eggs onto my plate.
“We had each other.” Andrea replied as he gave Michonne some eggs.
“Three against the world, it’s long odds.” The governor answered as he served Milton.
“We managed.” Andrea replied.
“Oh, we’re impressed.” he scraped some eggs onto his own plate.
“Very.” Milton added.
“Survival in the wild is tough sledding.” The Governor said as he moved to the kitchen and sat the skillet down. I noticed Michonne staring at something on the shelf across from her and followed her gaze to her katana, Andrea’s gun and my black handled hatchet that were on display as if to taunt us. “Wake up every morning on the ground wondering if today is the day. Will it be quick and final or slow and, well, without end?” he said as he finally say down. “Will someone have the good sense to kill my brain, or will I come back as one of them?”
Now that he was seated I picked up my fork and started eating. “Do you think they remember anything?” Milton asked and we all just looked at him. “The person they once were?”
“I don’t think about it.” Andrea answered through a bite of food.
“I think so. Not a lot, but a very, very, limited amount.” I spoke up earning a look from Andrea. “What? Unlike you I think about it. I’ve seen a little girl walker stop to pick up a doll and a mother come back to the house she died in and try to open the door.” everyone just looked at me for a second.
The Governor spoke up breaking the tension. “Milton believes there might be a trace of the person they were still trapped inside.”
“Like an echo.” Milton added as he filled his cup with tea. He had a soft way of speaking that I found relaxing. “Surly it must have crossed your mind.” He spoke to Andrea.
“At one time, yeah. Right before it tried to bite me.” she said with a small laugh.
“And then you killed it?” Milton asked as I took my last bite of eggs then started sipping the tea, which was really good. “I say “it” only because no one here likes to refer to them as him…or her…” he finished awkwardly with a clear of his throat then started talking to Michonne. “The two you had in chains, who were they?” Michonne froze and just looked down at the table. “The way you controlled them, used them to your benefit.” Michonne refused to look at him. “You did know them, didn’t you?” but when he asked this she looked at him with wide eyes.
Andrea and I didn’t know what to say. “Let them eat.” The Governor scolded.
“My apologies.” Milton apologized then looked down at the table like a scolded kid.
Andrea started questioning the governor about the town and his secret to keeping it safe. It really was a fully functioning town with schools and jobs just well guarded. But something in my gut was telling me that it was too good to be true. Their conversation went on until the bowman from the day before knocked on the door and whispered something to the Governor. “Soffy to cut breakfast short, but this can’t wait.” He apologized.
“We want our weapons.” Michonne demanded as she stood up from the table.
“Well, we can make these meals to go and your weapons will be waiting outside, but you should take time to relax.” The governor responded. “Get your strength back. Have a look around. Who knows? You might like what you see.”
After he left, Milton showed us out and we were left alone to explore. “I don’t trust him.” Michonne spoke up.
“I second that statement.” I added from where I walked behind the two of them and Andrea looked back at me with an eye roll.
“Why not?” she asked as she turned to look straight ahead. “Have you ever trusted anybody?” she asked Michonne.
“Yeah.” She answered stiffly.
“Then give this a day or two, that’s all I’m asking.” Andrea said as she started walking ahead of us. “Some time to get our shit together.”
“My shit never stopped being together.” Michonne spoke up stiffly with her hands on her hips and I decided to bow out of this conversation.
“Didn’t look that way when Milton asked about your walkers.” Andrea popped off. “I’m surprised he didn’t get a fork in his eye.”
“It was none of his damn business.” Michonne argued shakily.
“I guess it’s none ours either.” Andrea said as she stopped and looked at me then Michonne.
“Hey, don’t pull me into this. Her business is her business.” I said holding me hands up as I backed off.
“Seven months together, all we’ve been through, I still feel like I hardly know you.” Andrea said earning a glare from Michonne. “I’m sorry, it’s the truth. You know everything about me and I-”
“You know enough.” Michonne interrupted her.
Andrea looked at me then sighed and turned her gaze back to Michonne. “Those walkers were with us all winter long, protecting us, and you took them out without any hesitation. That had-”
“It was easier than you think.” Michonne interrupted her shakily before she started walking away from us. I just shrugged at Andrea and followed Michonne.
Michonne and I were sitting at a patio table on the sidewalk when the Governor and his men pulled up, two new military vehicles in tow. When they pulled to a stop a crowd started gathering around them so I joined, leaving Michonne behind. The Governor stood in the back of one of the trucks and started making a speech. “We brought in four new people yesterday. One was a helicopter pilot with a national guard outfit. Even though he was clinging to life, he told us about his convoy on the highway, his men.” He paused and looked down at the ground for a second as if her were sad before he continued. “I promised I’d bring them back here alive. But they didn’t have our walls or our fences. Biters got there before we did.” I squinted, listening carefully to his story. “Now the men had trucks, the trucks had weapons, food, medicine, things we need. Now we didn’t know them, but we’ll honor their sacrifice by not taking what we have here for granted. Won’t be long before dark, so go on home. Be thankful for what you have. Watch out for each other.” With that he hopped down off of the truck and the group dispersed.
Andrea walked beside him talking as I walked over to Michonne and sat back down. “Did that seem like a load of bull to you?” I asked and she looked over at me with her usual glare and nodded.
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21 notes · View notes
Below the fold you can read all about my time at Romeo e Giulietta in Milan (Friday, 12/10/18). I didn't want to forget anything so it's very chaotic, I'm sorry.
(edited on 29/01/19 - I added some things as well)
- I’d like to start by thanking the orderly who gave us 2nd category seats in the middle of the ground floor (we had 2nd gallery central tickets, aka almost the cheapest ones) because they didn’t sell out and he was impressed that we came all the way from Belgium to see the show. Grazie mille, sir! You made our night even better! He checked in on us twice during the break to ask if we liked our seats and the show, what a cutie.
- To understand why I would write an 2500 word post about this performance, you must know that I have been waiting to see this show since I was 6 years old (that’s 16 years!). I even have a very clear and detailed memory of the first time I heard a song from this musical, Koningen from the Flemish/Dutch production. This was my absolute number one bucketlist item and I still get teary eyed when I think about this experience.
- Lorenzo’s apprentice (I think his name is John in the play but don’t quote me on this) was scary as fuck before the show began. He was just roaming around the venue and stopped every once in a while to stare at someone without blinking for an uncomfortably long time.
- The costumes in this show are to die for! CAPES FOR DAYS!! This production works with the same choreographer and costume designer as La Légende du Roi Arthur and it’s just as beautiful.
- Tebaldo just casually hanging around ‘Capuletti House’, applying his Scar-like scar with eyeliner and then falling backwards onto his crew (my friend had a fit, she did not see it coming and genuinely thought he was going to fall flat on his back).
- The prince may sing that two families make the laws in Verona, but everything about him says he is in power. He is just so impressive, physically and  vocally so demanding. 
- Our Benvolio wasn’t bad but he didn’t make the part as interesting as Riccardo did. His Benvolio was pretty plain, okay vocal performance but he didn’t bring the same flare to the part that Riccardo did. Benny isn’t the most interesting part in the show and he didn’t add anything more to it than what the songbook or choreography said. Ric’s Benvolio was every bit as playful, joyful and a player as the other to two in the main trio but there was such grace and gentleness to him, whereas our Benvolio was more like the ‘no fun, boring’ friend. The original Italian trio has great chemistry and he just wasn’t very convincing.
- Davide as Romeo: his singing has improved so much, he seemed to sing with so much more ease compared to the dvd-version. During ‘Io Tremo’ he had a lot more interaction with the Montacrew. I absolutely love his Romeo, Damien always was a bit to fatalistic for me. He is much more youthful and moves quite impulsively on stage. In dutch I would say he is a ‘kwajong’ and a ‘spring in’t veld’, Google tells me it’s a ‘rascal’ and a ‘little filly’ but I don’t know if that really covers what I want to say. (He kinda gives of the same energy as Maria during ‘how to solve a problem like Maria’ in The sound of music.)
- On a related note: I only realised during the show how different the two houses are. The Montagues seem a lot closer than the Capulets. The reds are a divided house, they seem a lot more competitive and aggressive, only Tebaldo has an obvious bond with the rest of his family (maybe even a bit too close to his aunt, this production hints on a possible incestuous relationship between the two). The fact that they have a pretty scary cat only proves my idea about the house.
-  L’Oddio is a ride! I always loved the song but most of the time staging was off and boring which made it almost annoying to watch. I only listened to it but never watched any clips of it. This production however absolutely nails it and finally does the song justice. It’s one of my favourites parts in the show.
- Paride definitely changed a lot compared to the previous Italian production. He used to be innocent and polished, now he is arrogant and they changed his dancing style to a more modern vibe instead of ballet. Overall, I had a bad feeling about him and I was even happier that Giulietta didn’t have to marry him because she wouldn’t have been happy with him at all. I also miss Tebaldo singing the ‘give her to me’ part in the background,like they do in the French productions.
- I never liked the French Juliettes, Joy’s was like a spoiled brat sometimes and she wasn’t a great singer either. It’s mostly due to the way the production was written and the directors they worked with though. But Giulia Luzi is a perfect Giulietta for me, she is defiant, she has a mind of her own and her own ideas. This Giulietta isn’t a child, she is a young adult which makes more sense for a girl her age in this time.
- La Nutrice and both Ladies are such impressive vocalists! An absolute joy to hear them live!
- Il re del mondo live made me sooooo happy! (I don’t think I stopped grinning until the Duel started anyway)
- Luca GF!! What a performer!! You simply can’t look at anyone else when he’s on stage. He has such a fascinating way of moving around the stage and his vocals! I don’t have words! He was out of this world and I feel incredibly privileged to have seen him live. I was looking forward to his falsetto notes, but the dvd recording did not prepare me for his normal singing voice. The recording in no way does justice to how full and warm his voice is.
- The ball: they got rid of the ugly masks (thank the gods). This scene is so beautiful and I love the costumes. There is just so much going on I feel like I’d have to watch it at least 5 times to fully capture everything.
- The big ‘smack’-sound every time R e G kiss, because the microphones picked it up pretty hard.
- I like the order of the song better in this one then in the French production, it works better for the story (especially Tebaldo’s songs and the Verona reprise) and the acting is so much better!
- I have a hate-love thing going on for count Capulet. He seems tired of the feud when he fights with Tebaldo during the ball but he is such a dick to Giulietta and then has this solo song with a ‘Man only realise women are people once then have a daughter’-theme. Don’t get me wrong, I love this song and it’s always a song I look forward to in any production. You have to applaud the actor though for going from ‘Vedrai’ to ‘Avere te’ so fast, that’s one hell of an arc in so little time.
- I don’t get Belli e Brutti and I don’t think I ever will. But it gives me more stage time with the trio so I’m a happy girl. Also, the Montacrew eavesdropping on Romeo and Nutrice was really cute.
- The Balcony scene is so cute and I ship this R e G so hard. I usually care more for the supporting characters then the main pair in this story but I really believed these two.
- The official, original Shakespeare dialogues work better for me then the R et J dialogues. 
- Romeo’s relationship with Lorenzo is so wholesome, I love them.
- Tebaldo had a throne!! Like, Yaaasss Bitch!! I loved the choreo for this song (I’m a sucker for swords), especially is contrast with his other solo song. This one is pure lust and anger while the other is so much more intimate and shows his yearning for love. The musical has made me love Tebaldo so much as a character and Gianluca did a great job. I always underestimate him for some reason, he sometimes sounds like he won’t make it but he always hit’s the notes perfectly.
- Nutrice’s solo song gets me every time, fantastic performance. I think she had a problem with her earpiece because she kept fidgeting with it but it didn’t affect her singing at all.
- Ama e cambia il mondo was so beautiful and emotional. I really like this tagline for the story, it perfectly captures the message I take from it. This song is such a victorious celebration of love (and it has no gender pronouns) and I’m living for it. Lorenzo is like the head of R e G shippers, such a proud and smiley dad.
- Yes, thank you, a short version of ‘on dit dans la rue’ is enough. We don’t need a whole song about his friends knowing who he married and being unsupportive little shits.
- IL POTERE!! Need I say more? One of the songs I was looking forward to most. It suits this Prince so well and the whole scene is so beautiful! The choreo and the stage setting, ugh, so pwetty. 
- I just want to hug Tebaldo, what a lost puppy.
- the side door entrance of the Montacrew before the Duel! They were so close to us!!
- La Follia. That’s it. Just La Follia. I have no words.
- Okay, I have a few words: that last note. The entire audience lost their shit and was clapping and screaming for what felt like ages and he was still holding on to that note when we finally calmed down!! Again, what a performer.
- The Duel is a journey. What a scene! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more complicated and impressive scene in any show I’ve been to. I also want to take some time to talk about the ensemble in this show. These people are great dancers but their acting was so on point! Especially the crew guys. A show is nothing without the ensemble and they did so much more than just support the story. They really lift it to another level.
- That piece of bloody cloth they pull from Mercuzio’s wound had me gagging. I could almost feel it.
- I knew there would be a kiss when Mercuzio’s died but this was a full make out session. I was like ‘yeah, same, Mercuzio’. I made the mistake of looking at Benvolio during this scene. Pro tip: don’t. Just don’t. It’s painful and you don’t need more pain at this point.
- Romeo stabs Tebaldo in the stomach and not in the back, I don’t know what the original play says about it but I feel like it fits Romeo’s character better. My boy is no backstabber.
- La Vendetta and Duo de désespoir broke me. The Prince seemed really sad about losing his cousin. Lady Montague’s acting in this sequence was perfect. Lady Capulet is more sad when Tebaldo dies than when her own daughter does, he must have had a golden dick. Tebaldo and Mercuzio are dead on stage for a long long time, kudo’s to the actors for putting up with that and actually looking dead. 
- The Prince saying ‘mercy is the killer when it’s granted to the killer’ (that’s the best translation I can come up with right now) was such a deep mood, I haven’t stopped thinking about it. 
- Giulietta’s duet with Romeo’s Mom is the only time she wears her house color. For Tebaldo? I don’t know, if anyone has a theory on this please let me know.
- Romeo and Lorenzo crying next to each other at the altar. Romeo curled up like a baby, so sad. Poor, poor child.
- Romeo’s pj’s are really funny.
- Vedrai is such a heavy scene to watch. It’s very painful but I like it better than the French version. I was pretty mad at Lady Capulet for not standing up to her husband but she did push his hand away Melania-style when he tried to touch her after calling their daughter a whore. Also, Nutrice was so hard on poor Giulietta, I felt betrayed. I can’t help but feel like Count Capulet would have given his blessing for a wedding to Romeo if he had known, Lady Montague maybe too, she really did want her son to be happy. Lady Capulet would have been a problem though.
- Giulietta turning to Lorenzo for help and him turning her down! He is the only one they have left and he doesn’t want to help (at first)!
- Romeo being all alone during Mio Dio.
- There were Giulietta look-a-like dancers standing around her bed before she drank the poison and it was very creepy.
- The Verona reprise with a teary eyed prince like: “Look at this place! You thought I was joking the first time I said this?”
- another side door entrance for a very anxious Montacrew and Benvolio almost fainting when he hears the news about Giulietta’s death. These people are A+ friends. The stage was too small for the original choreo of ‘con che pieta’ but it was really beautifully staged anyway.
- Okay so now it’s time for one of my favourite solo songs in the whole entire show: Mai piu. I was very nervous for this one because it’s so important to me and our Lorenzo looked so much younger than others I’ve seen online, I was really curious as to how he would interpret the song. Throughout the musical the theme of doubting their religious beliefs is very present and it’s come to a climax during this song. Most interpretations I’ve seen where very angry and questioning, some even go slightly mad, but after the first few lines you could already see this Lorenzo had an entirely different take on the song. He was very accusing at first toward the crucified Christ and after a while he looked so disappointed and angry with himself for what he had done. He took of his robe and I thought it was a symbolic gesture to show he would leave his function, but he took of his belt to punish himself and it was so intense and sad and I was shocked at how beautifully raw and human he portrayed his character. Like I said, this performance would make or break the show for me for a big part, but it was so much better than I could have ever imagined.
- The songs Romeo and Giulietta sing before they die usually don’t really interest me on dvd because they drag on for too long in my opinion, but when you watch the show live you really need that time to process everything that has happened. Especially after such an intense Mai piu. The scene looks pretty uncomfortable on the tilted stone bed, I was scared that Romeo was going to fall off.
- Paride wasn’t killed even though this one deserved it more than the babyface from the 2013 version but he does appear next to Mercuzio at the end, I don’t really know why, it’s not like anyone cared about him anyway.
- Culpa Nostra is so beautiful. Everyone was dressed in white so you couldn’t see who belonged to which house. I’m pretty sure Benvolio forgot to put on his blue vest when they first came on because everyone takes their house colors off on stage except for him, he was already completely in white. Maybe because he is actually an innocent smoll bean? I do think he forgot though, because him and one the dancers had a short interaction with him nodding to Benny’s clothes with a confused face that seemed out of place. And the Ama e cambia il mondo reprise/theme; very strong ending for the musical.
End of PSA.
33 notes · View notes
briteboy · 6 years
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okay i’m gonna be real with you. i have...a LOT...of messages. going as far back as like...january? probably? i know...i’m so bad...don’t crucify me. i tried to get through all of them but there were a lot that i didn’t have a worthwhile reply for so i’m sorry if i didn’t answer something you sent :{
so here we have: a lot of nice things, a lot of santisms, reactions to the lou and cillian punchout, a few responses to my portfolio and other stuffs...i wanted to put astrology asks in at the end but it’s...a lot more than i thought it was and it’s 3 am so i’d rather die than answer all of those LMAO sorry. i’ll get to it next time
Anonymous said:
u can delete the snorting cum asks but it will still follow you for eternity
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okay so I saw the ask about snorting cum and it reminded me of a time that cum came out of my nose. It was gross but my boyfriend and I laughed it off. idk. I thought it would be a funny thing to share!! i'd understand if you didn't want this on your blog!! (maybe it makes you laugh!!)
wELL. WE’RE OFF TO A GOOD START HERE. i’m screaming at this...i hope nothing EVER comes out of my nose ever in life...i hate this but ur right it did make me laugh
(Winry anon again) Also, did you get her name from FMA Winry Rockbell because if so I love it
this is what bartsim calls me and i hate her for it
whats the truth bitch
I missed santirat's beautiful face there are literal tears rn
me too...i hate that i miss him so much it’s so freaking dumb...i haven’t cried to my own story in a while but i bet i’m gonna once santi’s comeback rolls around. i’m already bracing myself
nvm u can have the lovely rat back, that way my heart wouldn’t be hurting like it is now
honestly yeah that’s fair
Been silently following your blog and though I'm more of a "ghost"(? What does that even mean¿) follower, I can't help but express just how chocked I am to see Santi again OMG. Gutted Lou has had a flashback, she does not deserve this. :'(
hello casper the friendly ghost...i love having santi pop up with surprise flashbacks hehe...ur right though she DOES NOT NEED THIS in her life, but it will get better for her soon do not fret my ghoulish friend
I need more pics of Lou and Santi together I’m not satisfied, thankssss
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HEHEH i love it cause that’s literally how my friends and i act, it was fun to write in a scene :~} i’m glad you liked it :’}}
Yeah when I cut my hair short everyone assumed I liked girls I found it kind of odd, but I didn't care too much. It mostly just made me end up realizing all the shit lgbt people go through, one time a guy literally went up to me and my friend, my bff who no one really knew was a lesbian was terrified because he said "oh dont worry lesbians are hot, but gay guys are just disgusting" it ended up he was talking to me, i just rolled up a piece of paper as tight as I could and smacked him on the head
EWW first of all that guy can take his weird fetishization and homophobia elsewhere thanks...i’m glad you threw a paper ball at him LMAO. but yeah on one hand, coming from ignorant/straight people it’s like “uhhhh why would you assume that about me”, within the lgbt community it’s like...common ground...an inside joke...i guess? so it’s weird. the link between hair, clothes and sexuality is can definitely be harmful in certain circumstances
fiona is my spirit animal and i love her ok thanks for coming to my TED Talk
that was illuminating thank you
i re-read santis story and i s2g i've read it so many times idk, but like its so easy to read i dont mean like emotionally but it flows really well. and like its not too confusing i hate when people make overly convoluted stories in an excuse for being deep its some good shit good job my dude
AKJSDKGKSJD THAT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never expected anyone to read it oNCE let alone REPEATEDLY...that really makes me so happy though because it’s definitely something you have to go back and read to catch all the details. ahhhhh thank you so much, i never ever want my story to be too complicated so i’m glad you don’t think it is!!
im crying because your recent post reminds me so much of my relationship with my mom when i was younger... she was always out of a job and sometimes we had to resort to living with other family members, it was all really hard on her and especially with having a kid she had to take care of at the same time. even though these are fictional characters, it’s comforting to know that other people have gone through the same situations i have. i love fiona and lou so much, they’re my heart and soul <3
OMG ;_________; i’m crying i’m so glad it resonates with you...i had a lot of friends growing up who were in similar situations and i think i kinda based lou and fi’s relationship on that, so you’re definitely not alone <33 i’m so glad you love them i love u
basically what I’ve learned from these asks is that Gianni is a perfect god-like human and I want one
he is. one time an anon told me they were like santi but they wanted to be rooney and i was like “i’m both santi and rooney on different days and i want to be gianni.” now u know why
hi, i just wanted to pop in and say that i really, really love your blog and i admire your editing skills SO much, i think you are EXTREMELY talented and i don't think you get told that enough. i've been following you for awhile now and i am in love with ALL of your stories, characters and edits you've put out! you're really an inspiration to me and i hope someday my edits can turn out as good as yours!! i don't have reshade so it's harder for me, but i'm trying to learn!! ok have a good day :-)
OMFG ;-; I DO GET TOLD IT A LOT AND IT STILL SEEMS FAKE...you don’t have to go out of your way to compliment me ;___; but thank you so so so much i’m crying...it makes me so giddy that i might inspire someone like WHAT...i don’t even know what i’m doing half the time i edit so u will definitely be able to catch up to me one day even if you don’t have reshade, i know it. i edited without reshade for like 2 and a half years on this blog so you can do it i promise!! have a good day/night/life i love u
fuck my succ
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I'm in need of some giannti in my life
we all need some gianti in our lives
Hey! I just wanted to say that ur an amazing writer. You portray everything so well, it’s insane. I want to be a writer someday and I hope my writing is at least somewhat close to yours. Have an awesome day my dude💕
WOW I’M CRYING...i still have a lot of room to grow and so do you, i hope you are able to become the writer you want to be :’} and thank you so much for the wonderful compliment i’m emo have a great day as well
aver is my queen, confirmed.
avey is everyone’s queen confirmed
oksy but listen, look up the model Charlotte Ray Spencer
i did but i couldn’t find her?? all that came up was ray spencer obituaries in charlotte, SC LMFAO...charlotte spencer is an actress tho it seems, is that...who...? omfg
I had a ectopic pregnancy when I was seventeen but I feel like I got off lightly compared to Molly. Your story is so beautiful in so many ways, I think it’s incredible how much character development you’ve managed to pull off honestly I’m amazed. Thank you ❤️
omg ;_______; i don’t even know what to say to this, but it means so much to me i can’t even put it into words. thank you thank you thank you so much, and i’m so sorry you had to go through that as well. molly was an extreme case and i hope no one has to go through what she went through. i’m glad you’re okay now, and thank you so much for reaching out to me and reading my story at all ;-; <3333
just a heads up: the links button on your ccfinds blog goes to the femmefinds url still
oh yeah i know i’m gonna be real with you...i’m too lazy to fix it lmAO
Luv your stick n poke tats u posted!!! Could u do more? Maybe on diff places on the bod?? Ur so talented. Xx
omg that was FOREVER ago...maaaaaybe in the future...we shall see...but thank you <33
Can u do a family portrait for all ur characters like u did w Lou!!!
oooooh hehe i probably will in the future!!
Kill v maim is one of my favorite songs of all time omg it makes me wanna wear ripped jeans and a leather jacket and cover myself in glitter and smash some windows with a baseball bat MMMMMM
HELL yeah me too...i become a cyber punk alien vampire when i hear that song
maybe do a casting call posted here ? u have many followers and im sure a good chunk live in ur area and would be willing to model ^_^
omg SCARY...i probably could tho tbh that’s a good idea, thank you!
hi sunny, what program do you use to merge your cc and what do you use to detect and remove broken cc that just doesn't work in game anymore? thanks!
i actually haven’t merged on my new laptop yet but i used s4s for merging and there’s the mod conflict detector!!
My game hasn't been working since the first Cats and Dogs patch but I uninstalled and reinstalled and it finally works again 😭
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sunny!! would you recommend your computer to play ts4 on? has it good graphics, can handle the highest settings and so? i really need a new computer but i have no idea which one to go for
yes i would recommend it!! i have reshade, ultra settings and like 8 gb of cc.
thanks for answering my ask eee ur story is probably the best ive read on here and yeah. i love how everything connects and everyones just so real. you dont have to post this i just wanted to thank you for being my inspiration and making me smile, laugh, cry, and scream in the middle of the night with your characters.
I LOVE U...it still sounds so fake to me when people say i inspire them, i don’t even know how to respond to all this ;-; just thank you for sparing a glance my way and resonating with my creations. <3 we scream and cry 2gether
I listened to Separator by Radiohead on repeat whilst reading Santi’s story and now that song just reminds me of him and Lou. I’d totally suggest listening to it’s so good! As is your story :3 xxx
oh radiohead that’s good sh*t...i’m listening to it now and i feel the santou vibes...especially when santi’s feeling out of his mind and she’s the only one who can calm him...haha cool..anyways THANK YOU!!!!
how do you make poses for the roof? i'm not sure how i can know if the sims will clip into the roof or float
honestly i just...eyeball it...because all roofs are different and you can’t put them into blender so. i just winged it lmao...i just made a pose that looked like it could’ve been lou climbing out the window, only the rig was still ground level, and then i used alt + 9 to lift the teleporter onto the roof as best as i could. that’s why it probably wouldn’t be a very practical pose to release, because i have no way of making it easy to use 
Lou punched him and I knew it would happen. 😀👌 nice, nice I like Lou whopping ass.
hehe i’m glad you enjoyed it...who knew she had a freaking hook like that
ok a theory... santi went to look for molly's mother and yea
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omg tell me cillian sings every other freckle at some point
OMFG well...that song came out in 2013 and the current flashback year is 2008 so. i would personally murder cillian myself if he was still in lou’s life 5 years after this honestly
hey kitty girl! i was wondering if you could answer this teensy lil question i got. im writing a "story" anddd i was trying to figure out how to make some parts not cliche. like i hate reading about whatever and being like girll ive done seen this before so i just needs to know. kisses
i absolutely love how this is worded and the fact that u called me kitty, very cute. anyway...this is pretty broad, perhaps you could clarify what kinda cliches you want to steer clear from? a lot of the time when i know something is gonna be cliche and there’s no avoiding it, i just kinda own up to it and try to subtly point out how cliche it is and somehow that makes it work out better...like being self aware somehow adds another more realistic element to the story that makes it better? idk...anyway dm me if you need help!!
so.... lou can remember more of what happened? this is good! go 2 the police bitch! tell them!!!!!!!
she should!! but the only problem is she doesn’t have proof. so... 🤔
how do you write your stories in a way that everything is organized and you're certain and not confused with everything? i mean, do you have any way for writing that let you develop your stories with not so much difficults? i'm trying to write an story for months but i only have a few of the most important events on my mind, i don't know how to develop another important details, i always feel that everything is confuse or crap
hmmmmm well my mind is very ah convoluted so it’s a wonder any of this comes out even somewhat cohesive? but basically i have a very good memory and utilize google docs a lot hahaha. i’ve gone in depth about my writing process here!
whats a good way when it comes to starting a sims story? i mean like the first post? :/
ummmmmm maybe test the waters a bit and just make a post introducing your character(s) first? or dive right in and get sh*t started. it could go either way tbh
boyish by japanese breakfast is a santixlou bop
oh sh*t!!!!!! i love japanese breakfast!! and i love this thank you!
So is lou like into cillian in a way? Making him kinda be in her type
as of right now (in the flashbacks)? HELL fucking no. but you’re right, she did say those things in the future to santi. so 🤔
Everyone guessing shit stupidly annoys me haha. I'M UNOBSERVANT AND I DON'T WANNA GO BACK AND CHECK SHIT, LET ME LIVE. *Like* if you a ~dum~ reader who doesn't want every bit of foreshadowing called out. lol
i respect this honestly whenever i drop the hottest foreshadowing of 2018 i never expect my inbox to flood like it does but here we are and i am amazed
i’m screaming...i’m so sorry it’s my fault about your phone but like also i’m poor i can’t pay for that
i'm studying your latest posts because they're beautiful and my hatred for that long necked bitch is intensifying -- what makes me burn even more is that he's still wearing her necklace, can we say let the bitch burn?
burn babey burn
Why don't you use quick tags?
i’m dumb is why
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What if Fi's blue eyes are from... Cillian..?
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wHY did you have to make him cute and fucking cool though? I still hate him but it's harder.
I SCREAMED AT THIS SERIES OF QUESTIONS OISDFNGJKDSKJN yeah sorry he’s conventionally attractive but unsettlingly so and i feel uneasy when i look at him and plus the fact that he’s literally evil so .
im like, to 90% sure that cillian is in ace joker. so that song might have reminded lou of him...
this was sent right after that scene of lou hearing the song at pippin’s, so
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My conspiracy theory is that cillian is Lou's father. Speakimg of which are we gonna get to that soon, I'm dying of curiosity;.;
what do u resize ur photos to?
whatever 33% of 1920x1080 is i forget. i have a resizing + sharpening action so i just run that
im about to kill those kids if they keep fucking with my baby
me @ these ugly kids:
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Who are the best creators for mens clothing? I struggle so much to find good cc creators with men specifically!
badabing badaboom
I’m not sure if you’ve converted things before but do you know any good sims 3 cc to sims 4 tutorials? Or your followers?
errrrrr i have no idea i’m sorry :x
would you consider making like a photoshop psd file with all the layers in your editing process?
omg...heck no it would be so unhelpful OMFG mostly because my editing is just my own action + shading and highlighting unique to that pic
would you ever do an editing timlapse of your gameplay pics? 💖💖
ahhhhh maybe!! probably in the future!
OMFG THAT’S RAD...i’ve literally only seen it once tho i’m fake
I'M SHOOK. my friend kinda asked me out and I wanna say yes but my parents won't let me date. I'm 18! I need your advice! -signed 18 and alone anon
Can you pretty please link some photoshop tutorials you recommend? I really want to make my photos more cinematic and like your's without totally copying you or someone else. All I do right now is sharpen, color balance, and add some noise and then resize. I really need some more ways to get better looking photos such as yours.
ahhhhh the problem is i don’t know of any i’m sorry...lmao this is totally unhelpful :\ i have my own editing tutorial which is outdated but can probably help you out with the basics of lighting effects and shading n stuff?
Heyyy, I saw that you answered a question about making a ps action like your reshade, and I just wanted to say that I would love that! Unfortunately Mac users like me, can’t use reshade unless boot camping Windows onto our computers...☹️ and your reshade is just soooo pretty...
i don’t know if i’ll be able to replicate the reshade effect totally but i could release the action i’ve made for myself? it warms up screenshots but is totally adjustable to your liking for different color tones so in that way it’s kinda similar to the reshade. i’ll seeeeee what i can do...i know the woes of mac users all too well, my friend
i just wanna give lou a big ol cozy hug :o((( pls
pls hug her she needs it.
Do you post on tumblr from your phome or from your computer? Just curious.
mostly from my computer, sometimes i answer messages on my phone while i’m out and you can tell because autocorrect actually makes me use proper capitalization for once in my life
how many hours have you played the sims? for me i have 4,070 hours. haha help
OMFG i think mine is like...900 or something...i can’t tell if that’s too much or too little, but it’s definitely inaccurate
if i could only look at one person's tumblr from now on it would be yours. ur literally the queen of tumblr #shookaf and also i really hope i die before you ever say ur leaving tumblr cause when u do, i will legit die and bury my own grave. i really appreciate u and hope one day i can be on ur level but rn im at level 1.5 while ur up in the millions :D
I’M SCREAMING PLEASE I AM A PLEB.............i cry u flatter me too much ;-; i genuinely hope i never leave this place because it’s been so fun and it’s helped me evolve so much as an artist and a writer, plus i made some of my greatest friends on here. so i hope that day never comes!! but who knows life is wild. anyway i’m sure you’re actually like at level 578 and are just being modest. it’s okay you don’t have to be humble
i think its so cool that you and wanderlust and other simmers use multiple worlds to make your own town and stuff. idk why but thats just so cool to me and i would have never thought of it. love your blog and story <3
omg!!! well i couldn’t resist, i love a bunch of them and can’t limit myself to just one ya know. plus the more i thought about it, the more my gen 2 story kinda centers around these kids from this one town and the town itself is very relevant. so i felt like i had to make my own!! and i’m very excited to get started with that hehe
I just met a guy named Rodrigo Santiago and I sCREAMED HOLY SHIT
Update (tho idk of you got the first one): I just got a text from a classmate named Rodrigo Santiago. I'm sCREECHING
no freaking way. there’s no way i don’t believe...i want proof...
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dont worry about posting this or do idc but i just wanted to say you should write about whatever you want and not care about whether people think you condone it or not. if i (a gay male) were to write about lesbians its not like im saying YOU HAVE TO BE LESBIANS BLAH BLAH BLAH you know what i mean? or if im writing about a robbery doesnt mean im like condoning robbery so like idk you do you boo and keep it coming ;D ilysm btw
OMFG no yeah i get it, i mean i think now especially in this online environment, people are hyper aware of Problematique things and so they’re a little too quick to point fingers without looking deeper than the surface. and whatever it’s fine people are always gonna be like that because people are mostly inherently judgmental, especially when it comes to consuming media. artists/writers face stuff like this all the time because people refuse to look past the surface, hence why works have gotten misconstrued all the time. but yeah i really appreciate this sentiment, thank u i love u
hope this isnt a weird question but what is the image size that u used for your character page?? thnk u 💕
omg it’s 300x300
have u listened to visions of gideon by sufjan stevens i was listening to it while reading ur stories and it made me so :(
oh my boy sufjan aka gianni’s personality claim i love him...and this song is :{ but i love even if it’s from the nasty age gap peach fucking movie
If i was married to Jamie and he treatin’ our daughter like that… oh I swear HES GOT TO GO!
it’s 2 am i’m so tired answering all of these i forgot who jaime was for a sec i was like um why are we talking about GoT anyways good night
how does alpha hair work with reshade? it seems so good in your screenshots and i’ve seen that in others screenshots it looks bad? whats the secret?
well good morning haha jk i never went to sleep anyway here u go
hooow do you make adorable toddlers in ts4?? teach me, gimme some advice please :(((
chubby cheeks! big eyes! small faces! little but plump lips! a good skin! dats all
how did u get ur sim onto the fire escapes?
ze teleporter mod, that’s it
I snickered at the, THE RETURN OF SANTI. Like I imagine it written in red horror lettering and santi just busts down the door and says ho ho ho im back bench, Did U miss me?
honestly i own a calendar and if i knew a definite date u already fucking kNOW it would be up there
ahhh im sorry for asking but im wondering how you find voice claims?? i'm looking for some for my sims, but it's tough to find one that's *right*, you know?? and your voice claims are great!! thank you <3
OMG voice claims are HARD, i literally just like “collect” them over time...i have a list in my phone of voices i like/may use in the future lmao, but try to think of actors or musicians and search interviews/movie or tv scenes with them speaking!!
i don't even read your story but i still follow you because i love your personality, sim style and just your whole entire tumblr
u follow me for ME? UM...what are u doing here...i’m so sorry (i love u...)
do you have a different reshade preset for flashback screenshots and for the present ones?
i do not!! i just edit differently
what happened to the honeycomb?
OMFG it’s still there...but we legit haven’t seen it since girooni’s wedding so um...it’s gonna have to get a makeover. i’m gonna do it when girooni come back home so i can finally show rupi working there like...wow...she deserves to be seen
lou's dad is the biggest asshole and i am waiting for the day that bitch dies
us when he dies
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shit theory: caroline goes to find and confront cillian about what he did in teen lou timeline. care ends up forming a crush on cillian and goes back to meet him several more times, but cillian ends up liking lou more which makes caroline jealous. and that's why they don't speak currently, 'cause cillian ruined lou's life in more ways than one.
uM holy fuck that’s all i got to say
pls tell me that Caro killed the dude that choked Lou (or beat his ass)
god i hope so !
how many people do you follow? are you “strict” with who you follow?
i follow 264 people and yeah i’ve gotten a bit stricter with it just cause like...i only want to follow people whose content i truly care about/will actually notice on my dash
would you ever do a sim dump?
probably in the future, it seems like people want more male and female sims from me SO
ramona got some moves tf
the girl is out here bobbing to the chicken dance like nobody’s business
have u seen the end of the fucking world? if u did what are your #thots
UM......................i watched the first episode ‘cause i heard so much about it and um.............................it was so bad OMFG i hated it. way too edgy for me. completely missed the mark. not into it at all. hard pass
HOPEFULLY ezra will follow through with that and i don’t necessarily mean in a romantic way but like...as her new roommate MAYBE he will be a blessing we can HOPE
I'm not sure if you've been asked this or not, but your poses are so good and I was wondering if you have ever considered making a pose pack? Sorry if this came off as rude! I love your posts!
i will probably in the future!! but first i gotta figure out which ones i’d actually include
okay so this is random but I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your sims stories. Everything is so perfect and I'm forever shook because I can't believe the "sets" you use are actually the game. Your sims are so fleshed out and you are a huge inspiration to me. Anyways sorry if this was weird but I'm like obsessed with ur blog. bYe
AJHSDHJFSD THANK YOU!!!!!!! yes somehow we work miracles into this game can u believe it...ahh but thank you so much, it means everything that i would inspire you in any way...like what...omg
Santi is actually standing outside present Lou’s apartment wondering where the fuck he went wrong
he’s been there for 6 months just on the street standing there please someone let him in .
there it is fellas. this message is sooooo old i’m so bad
Have you read/heard of The Lunar Chronicles
i have not!! but i’ll jot it down!
I was wondering if you’ve ever had any problems with skins? For me some on the palm side of the hand it’s noticeably darker than what the skin is supposed to be.. like the rest comes out find but the hands are darker.
hmm...that’s weird, i haven’t seen that. i think it probably depends on the skin? or maybe your sim detail settings?
santi my daddy, honeybodies my mommy, lou looking like a cutie when she saw dat tiny puppy. my name is rappin anon, and i just wanted to say, ur are my favorite simblr basically saving my day. rappin anon OUT
o...my god
i love u
i love u...
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averwonders · 5 days
to be a dog in a relation is to be always the one waiting for the other to come, always keeping an eye out to keep the other safe, to sit back in the room and wait while the other comes back from the worldly jobs, to take the neglect and exhaustion with all honest love and care and this very much reminds me of that one poem aboutbhow to be a dog, I think we all are dogs to some relations, i hope we get treated kindly, I hope we treat all dogs kindly
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buttercookie-art · 7 years
Tumblr media
Disclaimer: I’m just a fan. Not a critic or a reporter, this is not my job.
Here there’s the review you guys asked for. Enjoy!
As you may know, I’ve watched Homecoming yesterday night and as you know really well Peter Parker/Spidey is one of my favourite characters. So I was really looking forward to see this movie. Since Marvel announced the cast I had my hopes and doubts like everyone else who knows the guy. SPider-man Homecoming is a grat movie, it’s not perfect (cause I think there aren't perfect movies), but it has the best and most perfect Peter Parker and Spider-man that I aver seen. It was like the Peter from the comics we know, jumped into the screen and became “real”. Needless to say, the movie is different from the comics -just like any other MCU movie. As I said, Homecoming has its flaws and I’d like to start with them.
Things I didn’t like:
Flaws in the screen direction: Jon Watts has great potential, the shots were great but in some of them you could see the green screen or a “bad” CGI. I know they had a lower budget than the other MCU movies, and this is Sony’s fault.
The trailers and tv promos: and I blame Sony again. They were the ones who cut and put together the scenes, but they gave almost everything away.
Aunt May: Marisa Tomey did great work, her Aunt May is good. She’s caring, makes sure her nephew is alright and funny too. What I didn’t like wasn’t the character itself, but the constant reminder that she’s young and single. It was funny for the first two jokes, then it became annoying.
Tony Stark: I knew from the start he was going to be Peter’s mentor, okay? I prepared myself for this, for real. I didn’t like it anyway, nope. Basically, because I wanted a self-made Peter like in the comics, but he’s a kid I get it.
Things I liked:
Tom Holland: he made me laugh, tear up and almost cry because he was perfect. I didn't have doubts about him, to be honest, he was far more good than I expected.
Michael Keaton: one of the reasons why I like Spider-man it’s his villains. He has very great nemesis and the Vulture is one of them. I don’t need to tell you how great Keaton was, everyone knows it already. What I really liked was him being able to make me shit my pants in a certain scene and how cool the Vulture was. He wasn’t the typical villain, he had his reasons. What he does is bad, we all agree on that, but we’d also agree that some of us would do the same.
Peter Parker/Spider-man: He was written wonderfully! He talks too much, makes a lot of jokes, he’s a nerd and a dork, he messes with the new suit. He’s everything I’ve been reading for the past ten years of my life. He’s perfect.
Not an origin movie: this was the best choice Marvel and Sony could make. We’ve seen Peter origins two times in a decade, everyone knows how he gets his powers and why poor Uncle Ben death was important for the character development. 
Happy Hogan: I loved how they brought the guy back and why. I already loved the character since his first appearance. Why he’s on this list? Spoiler! You’ll see it at the end of the movie ;)
The kids from Midtown Hgh: They’re kids, they’re not models and they’re beautiful and different. Not bunch of white, beautiful like gods kids.
Dan Glover’s character: if you’re a Marvel comics fan, you’ll freak out when you’ll hear him say a certain sentence :D
That’s it! This is all I could say without spoiler you anything. Just remember it’s a Marvel movie: there are two post-credits scenes and lots of references and easter eggs, pay attention and have fun!
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citizentruth-blog · 6 years
The Iconography of Outrage - PEER NEWS
New Post has been published on https://citizentruth.org/the-iconography-of-outrage/
The Iconography of Outrage
Some people upset with Nike’s 30th anniversary “Just Do It” campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick, in their outrage, replaced Kaepernick’s image with that of Pat Tillman. In doing so, however, they most likely are politicizing Tillman’s sacrifice and service in a way he wouldn’t have endorsed. (Photo Credit: Bethany J. Brady/Flickr/CC BY 2.0)
Chances are someone you know has given up on using Facebook, Twitter, or both because he or she regards it as a haven for discord and stupidity. Personally, my biggest gripe is there are too many Nazis and far-righters milling about, but I sympathize with the position of those who have forsaken these outlets. After all, when you write a post about how whiteness is a distinction that merits no pride, and the first comment you receive is from someone you don’t know living across the country who suggests you should pick a fight with a “real white man” and find out, you tend to want to roll your eyes, throw your computer in the garbage, and call it a day.
Suffice it to say, though, that outrage isn’t just plentiful in the Twitterverse and within the blogosphere—it may as well be a type of currency for social media. In the era of President Donald Trump, it seemingly has spiked the way bitcoin’s price shot up amid its initial surge.
Liberals are upset with the Trump presidency because, well, it’s a shit show. Conservatives are upset with liberals who are upset with Trump. Progressives are upset with liberals for hewing too close to center. Ultra-conservatives are upset with conservatives for spending too much on war and other things. Trump, on top of all this, tweets in frustration all the time, and most of us will be damned if we can figure out why exactly. In all, it’s an exhausting maelstrom of deprecation and fury.
The demand for outrage-inducing content is such that, in the haste to provide it, people, works of art, etc. can be exploited as icons of this outrage. Often times, this purpose will be served against the express wishes of those whose images or work is being usurped.
A recent salient example of this was when Mollie Tibbetts’ murder at the hands of an undocumented immigrant became a rallying cry for border security and immigration enforcement. Trump and other xenophobes like him once again began beating the drum of immigration “reform,” sounding a call for building a wall and for addressing the alleged flood of dangerous immigrants crossing into the United States.
One person who isn’t joining in with pitchforks and torches, meanwhile, is Ron Tibbetts, Mollie’s father, echoing a position other family members have espoused. In an op-ed piece in the Des Moines Register, he urged people not to “distort her death to advance racist views.” From the piece:
Ten days ago, we learned that Mollie would not be coming home. Shattered, my family set out to celebrate Mollie’s extraordinary life and chose to share our sorrow in private. At the outset, politicians and pundits used Mollie’s death to promote various political agendas. We appealed to them and they graciously stopped. For that, we are grateful.
Sadly, others have ignored our request. They have instead chosen to callously distort and corrupt Mollie’s tragic death to advance a cause she vehemently opposed. I encourage the debate on immigration; there is great merit in its reasonable outcome. But do not appropriate Mollie’s soul in advancing views she believed were profoundly racist. The act grievously extends the crime that stole Mollie from our family and is, to quote Donald Trump Jr., “heartless” and “despicable.”
Make no mistake, Mollie was my daughter and my best friend. At her eulogy, I said Mollie was nobody’s victim. Nor is she a pawn in others’ debate. She may not be able to speak for herself, but I can and will. Please leave us out of your debate. Allow us to grieve in privacy and with dignity. At long last, show some decency. On behalf of my family and Mollie’s memory, I’m imploring you to stop.
It is hard to imagine the heartbreak I would feel having a member of my immediate family die in such a gruesome way, and on top of this, to have people like Candace Owens invoke the racist trope of the white woman attacked by a man of color to further their agenda amid my grief. For that matter, I’m not sure I wouldn’t be angry at the individual who killed someone I love.
Keeping this in mind, I consider it a testament of Ron Tibbetts’ character and of Mollie’s that he would argue against messages of division and hate in the aftermath of learning that she had died. As such, his appeals to not “knowingly foment discord among races” as a “disgrace to our flag” and to “build bridges, not walls” carry much weight. As does his notion that the divisive rhetoric of Trump et al. does not leadership make.
“The Lonesome Death of Mollie Tibbetts” isn’t the only event in recent memory by which Americans, flying a flag of pseudo-patriotism, have taken an idea and run with it despite the explicit objection of its originator. The forthcoming movie First Man, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival, has garnered criticism for not showing the planting of the flag on the moon as part of Apollo 11, a perceived slight against America about which Buzz Aldrin helped kindle outrage. The movie reportedly focuses on Neil Armstrong’s personal journey leading up to the moonwalk, and on that walk, the visit to Little West Crater.
As Neil’s sons Rick and Mark Armstrong have interceded to emphasize, though they believe otherwise, the famed astronaut did not consider himself an “American hero,” a point actor Ryan Gosling, who stars in the film, also stressed. Thus, they defend director Damien Chazelle’s choice. Chazelle himself also explained that he wanted to portray the events of the Apollo 11 moon landing from a different perspective, highlighting the humanity behind Armstrong’s experience and the universality of his achievement. One small step for a man, and one giant leap for mankind, no? Besides, as Armstrong’s sons and others have reasoned, most people nitpicking First Man haven’t actually seen it to tear it asunder.
Then there’s the whole matter of Colin Kaepernick as the face of Nike’s 30th-anniversary advertisement for their “Just Do It” campaign. The print ad, which shows Kaepernick’s face up close and personal, features the tagline, “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” As self-styled arbiters of patriotism and what is good and right would aver, however, Kaepernick hasn’t sacrificed anything, and featuring a non-patriot like him is grounds for divorce.
Consequently, the hashtag #NikeBoycott was trending on Labor Day and into Tuesday, replete with videos of indignant Nike owners burning their sneakers and other apparel, cutting/ripping the telltale “swooshes” out of their clothing, or otherwise vowing to never shop Nike again. I suppose on some level I appreciate their enthusiasm, though I submit there are any number of reasons why this is folly, including:
First of all, if you never planned on buying Nike products in the first place, don’t front like your “boycott” means anything. It’s like people who complained about the Starbucks red nondenominational “holiday” cup controversy. Come on—you know y’all were only getting your coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts.
Assuming you did actually buy Nike sneakers and apparel, burning things doesn’t take the money back. As far as the company is concerned, you can eat the shoes when you’re done with them. The transaction is done.
Though it seems like a lost point by now, Colin Kaepernick consulted Nate Boyer, a former long snapper in the NFL and U.S. Army Green Beret, about how to protest respectfully. They eventually decided on kneeling rather than sitting as a sort of compromise, evoking the image of the serviceperson kneeling at the grave of a fallen comrade. At any rate, it’s not America or the military that Kaepernick and others have protested—it’s the treatment of people of color at the hands of law enforcement, the criminal justice system, and other rigged institutions.
A more meaningful boycott directed at Nike would be recognizing the company’s questionable commitment to worker rights here and abroad over the past few decades, including more recent allegations of a corporate culture that discriminates against women. Just saying.
As I’m sure numerous veterans would agree, regardless of what you think about Kaepernick and his playing ability, fighting overseas for inalienable human rights just to see players deprived of the right to protest—that is, able to enjoy fewer freedoms—does not indicate progress.
The financial fallout from Nike’s taking a stand, of course, still needs to be measured. There’s also the notion that aligning with Colin Kaepernick will ruffle feathers of NFL executives and team owners. Still, one reasons Nike would not make such a potentially controversial move without knowing what it was doing, or at least figuring it was a gamble worth taking.
Going back to social media and expression of outrage, people unhappy about Nike’s decision to celebrate a figure in Kaepernick they perceive to be a spoiled rich athlete who doesn’t know the meaning of the word sacrifice also have been active in creating and sharing parodies of Nike’s advertisement with the late Pat Tillman, another NFL player/serviceperson, swapped in for Kaepernick. While Tillman is certainly worth the admiration, it appears doubtful he would want his image used in this way.
In fact, as many would suggest, based on his political views, it’s Kaepernick he would support, not the other way around. Marie Tillman, Pat’s wife, while not specifically endorsing player protests, nonetheless publicly rebuked Trump for retweeting a post using her husband’s image. As she put it, “The very action of self expression and the freedom to speak from one’s heart—no matter those views—is what Pat and so many other Americans have given their lives for. Even if they don’t always agree with those views.” As with Ron Tibbetts’s pleas not to exploit or capitalize his daughter’s death, Marie’s desire not to see her husband’s sacrifice and service politicized is one worth honoring.
There’s any number of examples of people’s art and memories being used without their permission (assuming they can give it) despite requests to the contrary. Recently, Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler sent a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump warning him not to use his (Tyler’s) music without his (Tyler’s) permission at his (Trump’s) political rallies. As Tyler insists, this is strictly about copyright protection—not about politics. As Trump insists, he already has the rights to use Aerosmith’s songs. If I’m believing one or the other, I’ll opt for the one who isn’t a serial liar, cheater, predator, and fraud, but you may do with these examples as you wish.
The larger point here, however, is that in the zeal for sparking outrage about political and social issues, there too frequently seems to be a failure to appreciate context—if not a blatant disregard for it. Mollie Tibbetts didn’t believe in an immigration policy which vilifies Latinx immigrants and other people of color. Neil Armstrong, in all likelihood, wouldn’t have balked at choosing not to show the planting of the U.S. flag on the moon. Pat Tillman probably would’ve backed the ability of Colin Kaepernick and other NFL players to protest during the playing of the National Anthem.
In all cases, a politically-motivated counternarrative threatens to derail meaningful discussion on the underlying subject matter. The outrage builds, as does the mistrust. The few issues upon which we disagree potentially overshadow the larger consensus we share on important topics. Sadly, this also seems to be the way many representatives of the major political parties like it.
I’ve highlighted examples in which people of a conservative mindset have co-opted other people’s memories and works amid their expression of anger and resentment. This is not to say, mind you, that there aren’t occurrences on the other end of the political spectrum.
Not long ago, actor Peter Dinklage had to intervene to defray a controversy surrounding his casting as Hervé Villechaize in a forthcoming biopic about the late actor and painter. The charge was that this casting was a case of Hollywood “whitewashing.” As Dinklage explained in an interview, however, Villechaize is not Asian, as some people believe or claim, but suffered from a particular form of dwarfism that explains why they might assume this ethnicity. From the interview:
There’s this term “whitewashing.” I completely understand that. But Hervé wasn’t Filipino. Dwarfism manifests physically in many different ways. I have a very different type of dwarfism than Hervé had. I’ve met his brother and other members of his family. He was French, and of German and English descent. So it’s strange these people are saying he’s Filipino. They kind of don’t have any information. I don’t want to step on anybody’s toes or sense of justice because I feel the exact same way when there’s some weird racial profile. But these people think they’re doing the right thing politically and morally and it’s actually getting flipped because what they’re doing is judging and assuming what he is ethnically based on his looks alone. He has a very unique face and people have to be very careful about this stuff. This [movie] isn’t Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Personally, I would never do that, and I haven’t done that, because he wasn’t. People are jumping to conclusions based on a man’s appearance alone and that saddens me.
Jumping to conclusions—on the Internet? Well, I never! Dinklage seems to take this in stride along the lines of folks meaning well, but not necessarily being well informed. In this instance, the error is fairly innocuous, but the rush to judgment in today’s climate of information sharing can have serious consequences. There’s a lesson here, no matter what your political inclinations.
As for the Nike/Colin Kaepernick business which Donald Trump may very well be tweeting about right now, Drew Magary, writing for GQ, insists that something is “hopelessly broken” when people feel compelled to champion the company synonymous with the swoosh for taking a stand. He writes:
Corporations already control so much in America that people are compelled—happy, even—to depend on them as beacons of social change, because they are now the ONLY possible drivers of it. I shouldn’t need Nike to get police departments to stop being violent and corrupt. Making decent shoes is hard enough for them, you know what I mean? But I’m forced to applaud their efforts here only because I live in a world where people cannot effect anywhere near the level of change that a billion-dollar corporation can. The social compact of this nation was meant to be between its citizens, but brands have essentially hijacked that compact, driving all meaningful conversation within. A great many brands have performed a great many acts of evil thanks to this. Others have talked up a big game while still being evil (that’s you, Silicon Valley). Only rarely do brands use their ownership of the social compact for good and genuine ends, and even then it accomplishes far less than what actual PEOPLE could accomplish if they had that compact to themselves once more. Politically speaking, one Colin Kaepernick ought to be worth a million Nikes.
Instead, as Magary tells it, “we live in a country where causes only to get to see daylight if they have a sponsor attached.” It’s a particularly bad phenomenon because corporations like Nike exist for their own benefit and have no “obligation to society.” Thus, if we need an athletic apparel company to lecture us on the virtues of sacrifice and of protesting police brutality, or if we need a pizza company to fill in potholes that municipalities can’t or won’t address, you know we’re in pretty bad shape.
While we contemplate our eroding civic virtue and crumbling infrastructure—a contemplation none too heartening, at that—we might also consider what we can do to end the “internet outrage cycle,” as Spencer Kornhaber, staff writer at The Atlantic, put it. Certainly, much as discretion may be deemed the better part of valor, discretion about what to post or tweet and whether to do so seems fundamental to limiting the reactionary culture of outrage, and outrage about others’ outrage that plagues much of interaction on contentious topics. Besides, while we’re dabbling in truisms, if one doesn’t have anything nice to say, perhaps one shouldn’t say anything at all.
Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, and their ability to organize for meritorious purposes is too profound to ignore. If we’re going to use them constructively, we will need to resist the iconography of outrage, specifically that which distorts images and people to serve a new agenda. At a time when ownership of creative works can get lost in the ability to share them, and when public figures can become buried under an avalanche of negativity, it’s best to do our homework and to pick our battles when choosing a cause to fight for.
  Kanye West Explains How He Came To Support President Trump
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hackettberry97-blog · 6 years
Postulate to You Enable Your Fry Posit Figure of speech and Video clips Online?
Are you the moms and Padre of a teenager or a baby who utilizes the world-wide-network, exactly social networking websites comparable MySpace? If you are, your baby May maybe be mesmerised in publication shots or videos of themselves on the web, if they give non already ruined so. Should you provide them? When it pertains to figuring stunned if you ought to appropriate your niggling nonpareil article personalized illustrations or photos and videos of them selves on occupation, you, as the founding father or overprotect, ought to cause the very hold up articulate. With that said, it wases at commencement all important to value the professionals and cons of rental your featherbed write-up these things on the net. Movies and shots are frequent on societal networking sites, the like MySpace and Facebook. In all honesty, the solely factual in favor of or moreover aspect to rental your brief peerless place movies or images of by themselves on the cyberspace is since it is precisely what your child would wish to do. Permitting them lay up their videos and photographs on-crease testament real probable have your Thomas Kid beguiled. They backside apace share telecasting clips and pictures with mates, sooner of real bringing them to civilise. As a muckle as your tyke or stripling may maybe desire to publish grammatical category visuals or video clips of by themselves on the WWW, it is likewise pregnant to fully hold that on that point are numerous downsides or negatives to task so. Enjoin you take a teen girl who posts a simulacrum of herself eroding a minimal-whip shirt on the vane. You and your brief unitary indigence to receive to realize that not altogether people interprets points the claim take scheme. Speechmaking of the all wrongfulness impact, it is needful to know that movies and images potty instantly skid into the wrong palms on phone line. If your son or girlfriend is utilizing a mixer networking entanglement website, equal MySpace, is their visibility situated to private? If not, any someone with their grammatical category report fundament observe their common soldier and private pictures and telecasting clips. Rewards to Devising Your Rattling possess YouTube Movies Crataegus laevigata mayhap be intrigued publishing films and shots to percentage with their buddies, having aforementioned that that does not indicated that others are ineffective to fancy them. These other folk butt get unclean intentions. What Are On-cable Film Web sites? or disadvantage to allowing your sister place up special somebody photographs and picture clips of themselves on dividing line is that they are unsophisticated to duplicate. Indeed, a online video recording or a exposure privy be interpreted dispirited, nevertheless did you have it away that it could at the consequence be substantially likewise lately? Persons fanny handily repost and parallel or repeat and preserves films and photos that are posted on-transmission line for no substance what explanation, including their mortal particular proposition person gratification. As YouTube Ripper tin can see, on that point are a ramble of professionals and drawbacks to allowing your tike clause photos and videos of themselves on the web, that is to say on elite networking web-sites. As the rear, the option is yours to make, only hold trusted to economic consumption your finest judgement. When it oppugn, the saint reply whitethorn mayhap be no. If you do take a crap a conclusion to net ball your kid or teenage write-up personal illustrations or photos and television clips of them selves on the WWW or if you at confront imagine that they do, reach selected to scrutinise them. Petition to view the photos by yourself. Shit sealed that your kid is considerably coated in whatever shots that they assign up. When it bequeath total to films, ca-ca taxonomic group they are not playacting merely some anything illicit, care thievery, or revelation anything suggestive, evening if it is basically proposed as an at bottom jocularity among the buddies. When it arrives to determining if you penury to leave your Thomas Kyd mail soul photos and films of them selves on note, you, as the pappa or mammy, should get the remaining aver. In entirely Lunaria annua, the only honest business or as well as pull to allowing your small unitary Post movies or photographs of themselves online is because it is what your kid would alike to do. An extra memorise or downside to permitting your tike redact up finical soul photos and movies of by themselves on the network is that they are prompt to simulate. As you give the sack see, thither are a measure of execs and cons to lease your minor clause shots and films of on their own online, peculiarly on societal networking websites. If you do prefer for to license your nestling or teenager send secret pics and videos of them selves on crease or if you antecedently believe that they do, be surefooted to accept a see at them.
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bwicblog · 7 years
SA: does anyone know scary stories.
TT: your fa(\/)e TT: #goTTem
SA: my face is not a plural.
VV: ♚ ~ Not to mention it's a rather nice face.
SA: thank you ❤
VV: ♚ ~ But I also think scary would depend on the troll, yes? My scary is likely very different from crabbies.
SA: What makes a story scary to you, Perdia?
DD: i dont really know any myself but id love to hear one!
DD: i think so anyways
DD: i dont actually watch horror movies or anything like that very much they always seem so disturbing
DD: but theyre popular around campfires arent they so there must be something to them!!
DD: granted i dont know much about campfires either but thats mostly a circumstance of living underwater until recently
VV: ♚ ~A scary story to me is someone bringing a Birkin to dinner but not bringing a coach bag to put it in just incase it rains...!!
VV: ♚ ~ Or not being prima ballerina anymore.
VV: ♚ ~ truly horrifying.
DD: i think that falls more into the tragedy genre really when you think about it!
DD: horror is when you find out it doesnt matter because it was a knockoff all along! 😛 😛 😛
VV: ♚ ~Be still my tender heart....you're rather correct.
SA: not bringing a coach bag to put it in... in case it rains.
SA: that is very complicated.
SA: I find it easier to have a single wallet.
SA: I enjoy ghost stories. Primarily because I do not believe or feel ghosts.
SA: although i have met mediums.
VV: ♚ ~ Yes! You put the coach in your Birkin, then if it rains you put the Birkin in the Coach. VV: ♚ ~ I have many more things than just a wallet I need a bag to carry it all, may as well be fashionable while I'm at it.
VV: ♚ ~ Did you tell the medium you don't believe?
DD: and really i think the point less about having things to put in your bag and more having the bag in the first place DD: its an accessory!
DD: but oh my goodness i think i believe in ghosts altogether too much
DD: though i guess at the moment im running a little bit more into revenants!! DD: the desert is full of them 😦
SA: oh, no. that would be rude.
SA: I don't understand why you need another bag to put the bag in.
SA: But alright.
SA: yes, there are many out there. so i've heard.
DD: well one of the bags is very valuable fashionable and easy to damage if it ends up in rainy conditions so if you want to be fashionable and be able to bring it places you should have a second less valuable and easily ruinable bag to protect the first one should you need it!
SA: ...Or you could simply have a decent waterproof bag to start that looks well with what you wear.
VV: ♚ ~ Ooooooh this one gets me. I enjoy this seadweller much more than yesternights~ What's your name? I never introduced myself properly, Perdia Averic.
VV: ♚ ~ Honeycomb please, I won't judge your wallet don't judge my superior, luxe bag.
DD: well yes but bags like that typically arent quite as nice! DD: though i spend most of my time underwater so that is what i end up using most of the time anyways admittedly
DD: and oh my goodness well thank you very much that is lovely to hear DD: i was afraid i had come off unfavorably earlier so i am glad that i have not yet succeeded in alienating everyone! DD: my close friend often says i sort of have a way of not being great with people so
DD: although i do agree that vv overall does have a point that while functionality is all well and good if you are into that sort of thing and surrounded by people that are into that sort of thing it really is important to have the appropriate fashionable items at certain times
DD: though i would also argue that does have a function as well just a social one!
SA: well the bag is very pretty with you, little princess. I just could never justify carrying one myself 😃
DD: oh dear i am talking a lot again
DD: my apologies!!
VV: ♚ ~ It's an ultra functional bag~ VV: ♚ ~ Thank you Prisma ✨ I'll carry your wallet for you then. I simply do have looks to upkeep even with my hue. When one works hard to keep a stance certain....choices come with it. VV: ♚ ~ Like a bag in a bag .
VV: ♚ ~ Don't apologize though DD~ You speak a lot but it's not exactly grating. Needs editing, some conciseness of course but ah~ You have a head about you which is more than can be said for some! Pity really. For them of course. They have my pity.
DD: oh but maybe i wouldnt mind some pity insert jokingly coy giggling here DD: you dont happen to be a particularly attractive rainbowdrinker bedecked in frills do you? DD: because i have recently discovered i am quite partial to those! DD: more seriously though thank you that is very lovely to hear especially from a princess of such good taste!
DD: but you are right in that i could do to be more concise my good friend often says similarly though admittedly it is more due to the linebreaks in my codewriting
DD: it is a work in progress!!!
VV: ♚ ~ Oh how transparent you seem to be! I am bedecked in frills often enough but unfortunatley, or rather fortunatley as I am fond of my rougey hue, I am not a jade let alone a deceased one. VV: ♚ ~ Plus my pusher is already claimed hohoho <3 VV: ♚ ~ There's always bound to be one that wanders into this forsaken chat one night though! Sweep them up before another troll does.
VV: ♚ ~ Or go for more...violent measures but I really don't and would never recommend someone get their owns hands dirty.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah! Speaking of maintanence. I must rest. Not that I require much upkeep but a good rest is important! Do rest well new friend, and Honeycomb prince as well~ Good light .
DD: i guess i am pretty transparent but its not as though i have anything to hide really DD: aide from company secrets of course but that's something im good at keeping mum about! DD: and oh dear i dont suppose i really know what you mean when it comes to more violent measures but that sounds like the sort of alarming thing maybe more suited towards the scary stories people brought up earlier!!
DD: and thank you very much i do hope you have a good rest as well!! DD: it is actually nearly moonlight over here as well and i should be turning in soon i just DD: got caught up working on a project of mine and lost track of time! DD: i was just taking a break when i turned on this chat but really i will go to bed DD: i only have to finish... DD: a few more minor things!!! DD: and maybe....
DD: hm!
SA: I apologize, I had to get ready for rest myself.
SA: finish them then?
SA: ..."would never advise someone to get their own hands dirty"
SA: 🤔 goodnight
DD: i am going to finish them!! DD: i just thought of another idea i could implement alongside the module that i am currently editing and oh dear
DD: i cant just stop now! DD: i am on a roll
DD: also i do believe our dear vv is advocating for the use of an auspistice! DD: or an assassin!! DD: i am not quite sure which!
DD: though i am a little bit inclined to select the mediator option on account of i have had some rather hands on dealings with assassins lately and it has all left a sour taste in my mouth!
DD: and not even the good kind of sour like you get with pickled herring
DD: oh dear i believe i am craving fish again DD: there is NO FISH here in the desert!!
ID: alright status report, how is everyone doing post-faire?
SA: Working.
SA has sent IMG_045.png. It is a selfie of him, angled high enough to show a blue or dark indigo troll pinned on the ground. They appear to be unconscious
ID: pftttt. nice selfie background there. better be careful. =:P
SA: this is the last one for the night 😄
SA: I am excited to go hive and sleep.
SA: How are you? How was the party at Siparas?
ID: i'm sure you are.
ID: i'm good. tired, but i didn't expect to sleep well so it's whatever. watched way more fantasy trolls crying about having to dump a magic ring than i ever wanted to.
SA: Oh, it was the lord of the rings?
SA: what would you do if your friend wouldn't let go of the ring, Hadean.
ID: uh i probably would have ganked the ring like. a perigee ago lbh.
SA: it isn't even that useful... Doesn't it just turn the wearer invisible?
ID: i don't know, the evil dude seemed to make it seem like it could do more. maybe it can amplify psi or something. i think the main whiny guy was a flatscan.
SA: maybe. How else would you become a flaming eye.
SA: truly living the life.
ID: idk it was fun. lots of eyecandy at least.
SA: the elves are always nice ❤
SA: I appreciate the costuming more than anything. much better than the chainmail bikinis at the faire.
ID: i liked aragon. he seemed like a cool guy.
SA: And he even got all of his quadrants in the end with his kingdom surviving.
ID: and he got to lead like. all the cool fights.
SA: I'm growing my hair out.
SA: this is what I've gained from this conversation.
SA: I want you to know this.
SA: Hang on, my client is being difficult.
ID: pff if you're gonna, go for it! you got one of those damn mugs that gets to look good no matter what, so.
AA: omggg. but will it blow majestically in the wind? >:}
ID: he already can see stuff.
ID: pris, what do your cuspy eyes see?
SA: Me beating the shit out of this fuchsia if they don't double my pay.
ID: pffff live the dream pris. and get good with a bow.
SA: I am good with a long distance rifle, does that count
SA: No, it will not blow majestically in the wind.
SA: problem resolved. cusp is now theirs.
SA: I can go hive now.
ID: i mean a rifle is just an advanced bow right. so sure.
AA: booooo, no point in long hairn w/o it blowing.
ID: uh the point is to put it in a cool braid. obvs.
AA: brnaid? singularn?? n.
AA: go big orn go home, hads, gotta have, like, at L E A S T a dozen beforne they'rne cool. >:}
SA: Hadean's hair is. too long.
ID: bite me. =:I i like my braid.
AA: you like plenty of lame shit, brnah, embrnace it. accept yrn weak sauce brnaid tastes. >:P
AA: and too long???
SA: emerel stepped on it during the fight, that's too long.
ID: i got him off of it, didn't i?
ID: i mean him stepping on it was just being spiteful.
ID: and i really should've put a spike through his foot for it.
AA: y, that. on both. AA: you can't do yrn app by what ppl might grnab, othernwise, you'll just, like. AA: look borning as fuck. >:P
ID: i mean if it wasn't my braid, he'd have been stomping on my horns.
ID: i have a very grab-able appearance.
SA: I feel as if his foot would have rolled off though due to the shape.
SA: You do.
SA: If I ever need to stop you I can just reach slightly a head but I may also clothesline you
ID: wow pris, don't clothesline me. or grab at me, hella rude. why would you need to stop me! =:P
SA: Maybe I saw something cute in a window and wanted to show you while shopping.
SA: I have clotheslined people as they've ran away, however. It is. hilarious.
SA: because I knoww here they will be so I stategically do nothing.
ID: ....it's called telling me to stop pris, c'mon.
SA: I know that
SA: Please, like I would actually do it...
ID: i like not being clotheslined. =:P
SA: I would never clothesline you.
SA: does that help
ID: yes.
SA: In general i would never intentionally cause you harm.
SA: sleep well at night.
AA: lmao. awww.
AA: but will you watch him while he sleeps to guarantee he sleeps well?? bc, like, if we'rne clarnifying things, that totes is apparnently a thing that should be clarnified, too.
ID: no we cleared that watching people sleep is fucking creepy.
SA: I am not going to watch him sleep...
ID: though apparently pheres disagrees.
AA: okay, okay, good. >:}
SA: I admit I am unsettling but i am at least vaguely aware of proximics and personal boundaries.
ID: i sleep like shit without worrying about someone watching me sleep. =:I
AA: we do not talk abt phern's shitty rnom tastes, 'kay, we just close ourn bulbs and trny to ignorne them.
AA: and gj, prni. AA: the vaguely is totes still ominous tho. >:} jsyk.
SA: it is what i do best.
SA: It's how i keep my clients in line and from not abducting me 😉
SA: nom tastes?
ID: romantic tastes.
SA: ah.
AA: .... AA: ........ AA: WTF arne yrn clients trnying to abduct you forn.
SA: nothing, it was a joke.
ID: oh.
SA: however I would be a convenient thing to trap and use of free.
ID: i figured they'd try and abduct you to use your psi without having to, y'know. pay you. seems about right.
SA: yes
SA: I've only been threatened a few times.
SA: The Provenance underground is much more managable, though.
AA: >:{
AA: did you cull em?
ID: trolls can be fucking weird.
SA: They have been dealt with in a way that doesn't cause me long-standing harm, let me put it like this.
SA: murder isn't a sollution always, their court will come after you.
ID: you ever meet some of those highbloods that read helmsman romance.
ID: they'll make you want to scrub your skin raw after talking to them for like. a second.
AA: hmph. did you at least make a good example of them?? bc, like, if yrn getting pushed arnound, then not fucking making a points only gonna get theirn peeps brnave.
SA: I don't get pushed around.
AA: ugh, y. lived with one. they'rne the fucking wornst.
AA: good!!
SA: don't worry, I am fairly good at this.
SA: as naive as I often seem.
SA: crime and work and military are things i excel at.
ID: the fucking worst is right.
SA: What happens in helmsman romances?
ID: and go pris. =:)
SA: I understand the concept but... how.
AA: y, y, obvs you arne a strnong independent - hahahaha.
AA: hads can dd you, bc I ain't in the mood to scrnub my hands clean aftern. >:P
ID: oh. you know. usually they start out in a clade or a quad. and then end up getting drafted to the helm. and the highblood happens to be on the same ship.
SA: ...what is a clade.
SA: I have been holding off asking for fear of embarassment
ID: ah... like... the trolls that are quadded to your quad?
SA: ah.
AA: y! enclades arne the ppl you ain't piling, but, like, you still can't cull, bc it'd be fucked up. and if someone culls them, you gotta rnetaliate, orn Y RN fucked up.
ID: yeah. sips knows. i'm like the worst troll to talk about clades.
SA: ...that is immensely complicated.
ID: yeah social shit usually is.
AA: also, ngl, the ones I knew abt werne all, like, crneepy bluebloods falling forn theirn ship, bc the insurnmountable bond bw trnoll and ship, ect ect, and, like, despernate lost in space piles, and pirnate rnaids makin' the helms all like 'I'm the only one allowed to cull them!!', and AA: ughhh, I'm grnossing myself out.
ID: i know mostly about the younger helms novels.
AA: >:? AA: it isn'ttttt. it's totes ez, dudes.
SA: that's. horrific.
SA: that would be like writing a romance story between my program psions and their handlers.
SA: but much worse, because were are children
SA: disgusting.
ID: yeah, well. it happens.
ID: and some trolls really buy in to the idea.
ID: me and pris have never been a part of a clade so. it seems complicated to us.
SA: it sounds like it would cause a long chain cycle of revenge.
ID: i mean being part of a clade is supposed to help. prevent trolls from wanting to cull your ass i think?
ID: for fear of being counter-culled by the clade.
SA: But I feel like it would make it hard to operate as well.
SA: fear of causing tension or rejection.
SA: attrox's matesprit was a virulent, hateful thing who was also quadded to my roommate.
SA: and there was a lot of tension between him and anyof attrox's other quadrants or friends.
SA: htey broke up perhaps because of my intervention.
SA: I don't feel particularly bad.
ID: that's when you get an ashen or whatever. or break up, that works.
SA: how do you auspistice something when they don't acknowledge there is a problem?
SA: despite one of them crying contantly about how much they hurt.
SA: I do not know.
SA: I would be happy with a red or a romantic pale, if I had to have a quadrant. And just one.
AA: i mean, y, can totally starnt a wicked rnevenge cycle. but it's like hads said. AA: and lmao, you can't be a clade if ppl arne unhealthy shitfurnoodles, dude. all you can do is wipe yrn hands of that shit.
AA: .. why not pitch?? >:
AA: >:?
ID: my bachelor lifestyle has worked out alright for me.
SA: there's reasons but i'd rather not explain.
AA: you don't gotta quad if you don't wanna. but, like, idk, don't let crnazy fuckerns turn you off?? ppl arne always batshit. AA: and quads arne fun. >:} like, idk, i ain't evern without a pitch, bc.. it'd be fucking borning.
SA: i don't see excitement in that, though.
AA: flushrnoms lame tho, txt it.
SA: i have enough excitement in my life. I would be happy knowing I feel safe with someone.
ID: i mean pitch is supposed to be safe rivalry.
SA: Well yes but that's not what i meant.
AA: yrn supposed to feel safe w yrn kismesis, losern. if they'rne dangernous, it ain't pitch, it's, like. fucked up pale w pails.
SA: what
ID: idk i have a shitty personality for quads, so i just leave them be.
ID: yeahhh some people pail their pales. weird quadrant smearing stuff.
AA: y, it's grnoss. and stfu, yrn fine. have you evern even trnied having a quad??
SA: Pailing is.
SA: unsanitary.
SA: kissing is fine though. i think kissing would be nice in theory.
SA: but nothing is better than my cold bed.
ID: ...
AA: lmaooo.
AA: well, shit, then get a fish.
AA: >:P
SA: i left the airconditioning on so everything is cold and it's very nice.
SA: ...I don't... want a fish.
ID: i like lukewarm best.
ID: i got too hot and too cold easy.
SA: sharing a bed with you must be hell on alternia.
ID: only if you don't want me to bake you. =:P
SA: see.
AA: rneal talk!! have neithern of you, like, evern had quads??
AA: evern?? >:
AA: >:?
ID: i mean... nah.
SA: No.
SA: quads were discouraged for program psions.
SA: I actually believe we are all sterile so it wouldn't matter.
SA: But I am unsure of the specifics.
AA: holy shit. at both of you - AA: uH.
SA: ...
SA: was that too much information.
AA: y. am kinda curnious how the f you know that, but, like, sparne me the deets.
SA: i think you misunderstand but i will spare you.
ID: it's okay pris, we can be quadless coolguys.
SA: excellent. we can be Kool together.
SA: just what i wanted.
AA: wow, rnude, making a club wo me. when I'm like, rnight herne. AA: I am qqing irnl, jsyk.
ID: what, you got no quads?
AA: n, i've had way2many to join yrn quadfrnee club. >:P
SA: then continue qqing
ID: exactly, so no blubbering. =:P
SA: :p
AA: so go get quads and join the lam -- LMAO M E A N.
AA: fucking rnude frnom both of you. >:}
SA: only the best of rudeness for you, sipara.
SA: ❤
ID: deal with it. =:P
AA: no wondern you don't have any w those shining pernsonalities. AA: ... omg, okay, but prni is forngiven, bc that's qt A N D weirnd.
AA: hads can still fuck off tho. >:P
SA: Oh--- haha
ID: i've just managed fiiine without quads.
AA: lmao, if you say so.
SA: same.
AA: lbrn tho, idk how anyone manages without a moirnail.
ID: like i do. duh.
AA: .. inc you, mrn dumpstern firne.
SA: you surround yourself with stable individuals.
SA: like me.
SA: i am impervious to emotional distress.
ID: rude!
ID: i just do whatever i want and it usually works out!
AA: y, see, that's not actually good. >:}
AA: and lmaooo. y, like getting stabbed w a halbernd wornks out, rnight? >:P
ID: i'm still alive aren't i
ID: and i didn't technically lose.
ID: so it mostly worked out.
AA: that's a low fucking barn to have, losern.
ID: and yet i limbo under it like a pro.
AA: loooook. rnails arne forn, like.. making surne you don't rnun into shit like that. orn crnack yrn horns on yrn stupid limbo barn of surnvival. orn prni doesn't get jumped forn being weirnd and emojiless at the wrnong time.
AA: if you don't have any othern quads, you should totally have that.
SA: wouldn't it be a high bar because it would be so easy to pass.
SA: if it were limb.
ID: the only troll i can trust to have my best interests at pumper is myself. i'm just my own moirail, clearly.
ID: sometimes i'm just lazy on the job.
AA: lmao, yrn a p shit one, then. trnade up!!
SA: you and hadean often stop me from revealing all my secrets, which is good enough.
SA: but in day to day life whether or not I properly express myself is often irrelevant and infact volatile high bloods often take it as a threat as i cann't be coerced convetnionally.
ID: hey, i'm doing alright. =:P
ID: i'm too high maintenance for anyone else to stand.
SA: i find you tolerable if extremely unwise.
SA: 😄
AA: wherne is yrn hotel rnoom again, bc I'm gonna punch you. >:}
SA: (this is a joke)
SA: Whose?
AA: and lmao, prni. gd.
AA: hads. Ï can't punch you. that'd be so fucked up. >:}
SA: ... why
SA: I demand equal punching rights.
ID: i'll give you my punch coupon pris.
SA: thank you for this generous gift
LC: [ ... I see everYYone is doing well and fine ]
AA: n, too bad, you ain't getting em. these fists arne a summern exclusive and I've alrneady stamped Hads name on both.
SA: sipara's coachella fists.
AA: y!!
ID: =:'( don't punch me, i'm already half broke already.
LC: [ So what exactlYY did Hadean do that he is going to get punched, and Sipara whYY do YYou want to get punched? ] LC: [ I see no logical reason behind... wanted to get punched is all. ]
ID: oh hi yern.
SA: hello yern.
LC: [ Hello. ]
ID: pris is gonna punch me because she's jelly of my self-moirail abilities.
SA: let me take hadean's punch for him.
SA: i am sipara now.
AA: arne you punching him now??
SA: =>:} worms
LC: [ Is that... healthYY though? ] LC: [ Oh mYY. ]
AA: G T F Ö, you rnuined my quirnk.
ID: it's like looking in a mirror huh sips.
SA: =>:} wornms.
ID: better?
AA: y, ty ty, gj.
SA: oh yes, the rn thing.
ID: i'm healthy as fuck yern.
AA: also like brnb must feed and watern lal. and by that, I mean he's snorning and I'm pourning watern on him til he stops. >:{
SA: oh dear.
ID: get it up his nub, that'll get him.
SA: ...nose?
LC: [ But is self-moirailing healthYY? I am not aware of such research paper existing as of right now. ] LC: [ To a degree, I am positive it works and I hope it's not just YYour last ditch effort of taking care of YYourself. ]
ID: hahah wowww. last ditch effort, that's hella rude.
SA: self moirailing could also be considered minding.
ID: i'm positive i'm a well oiled self-moirailing machine.
SA: which is a required skill for basic social navigation and problem solving.
SA: so I don't have it.
SA: :p
ID: =:P
LC: [ Well, I am not suggesting YYou can't get a moirail even if YYou wanted to. ] LC: [ And well. ]
ID: and cheat on myself? never.
ID: it's impossible to break up with yourself. i'm pretty sure.
SA: you could look at your reflection and tell it you are done with its shit.
AA: ^^^^
ID: i don't take breakups well, i'd start strangling myself. =:'(
AA: brneak the mirnrnorn!!
LC: [ I mean, that works. ]
SA: "i'm finding a REAL moirail now!"
AA: yeah!!
SA: this tells me a lot more about hadean's coping mechanisms than I would like
ID: why are you all so against me as my moirail, hella rude.
SA: note to self: strangulation is a hazard.
ID: i cope just fine!
AA: bc you desernve a prnettiern one, duh, and we only want the best form you. >:}
SA: technically I am my own moirail too only I haven't stated it outloud.
AA: and by best, we mean prnettiest.
SA: so no one can drag me.
SA: ... oh...
ID: i'm pretty as fuck. =>:P
LC: [ Well, maYYbe we care about YYou. ] LC: [ I might not know YYou as well as the others but. I think the others might be able to vouch for mYY words. ]
AA: prni. prniiiiiii.
LC: [ Prisma. ]
AA: I'm gonna drnag you now.
ID: yeah let's focus on pri he needs this more.
SA: do you want to see me make this chat sad in one sentence.
AA: ❤
SA: i'm going to.
SA: my inhibitor is my moirail.
SA: 😃
AA: oh, gtfo m
LC: [ When YYou saYY no one can drag YYou, that's a prettYY open invitation. ]
LC: [ Uhm. ]
ID: i mean. i guess it does stop you from doing anything too dumb.
LC: [ I... guess. ]
AA: hads, n.
AA: that's dumb and yrn dumb.
AA: almost as dumb as that statement. >:{
SA: it stops me from destroying myself which is the same thing, right.
ID: yeah!
SA: you narrowly limbo under death and I narrowly avoid having a catastrophic meltdown.
ID: now if it'll shock you when you blab too much.
SA: you already do that.
SA: oh wait doe this mean I can't use hearts anymore.
SA: <>
ID: whoa there pris, don't make me get jealous over myself.
SA: hahaha
AA: wait wtf you knew what hrnts werne the entirne time??
ID: back off my man.
ID: i'll cut you.
LC: [ YYou guYYs could reallYY use a moirail. ]
SA: ... what do you mean I knew what hearts were the entire time.
SA: of course I knew what i meant everytime I did this
SA: ❤
SA: I can't believe you all thught i was enough of a space cadet to not know.
SA: oh my god.
AA: oh my god, i take back my hrnt at you, weirndo.
ID: i got my moirai yern, duh.
AA: Ö H M Y G Ö D. fuck offffff. >:}
ID: i can't let myself hear all this negative talk about myself. i'll get mad.
AA: yrn exactly that level of space cadet.
ID: and hey pris i figured you knew what they meant.
ID: i mean. it's a heart.
ID: you're naive, not idiotic.
SA: oh so sipara just thought I was a fool.
SA: alright I see how it is.
SA: it's not weird, it's a way of denoting affection.
SA: my hearts are platonic.
SA: unless specified otherwise.
ID: 🖤
SA: oh it's invisible.
ID: use that one. really fuck with trolls.
SA: thank you ❤
LC: [ Ah, uh. I forgot to finish mYY sentence. ] LC: [ Hadean, well I trust YYou that it works so I hope it will keep working. ] LC: [ And uh. Invisible hearts? ]
ID: 🖤 🖤 🖤
ID: are they invisible? i see them.
LC: [ I see. For sYYmbolizing "platonic love" but not in the <> sense? ]
SA: they look sort of invisible on my phone but my backlight is dark.
LC: [ Or did I just miss the point. ]
SA: i think it's more for kismesisitude crossed with matespritship.
ID: they don't have a white heart this is bullshit.
LC: [ ... Wouldn't that be a black heart? ]
AA: i can't see them eithern. >:{
SA: well it is a black hert.
ID: 💙 we can use this one for platonic hearts?
SA: but that requires... finding it in the list.
AA: haaads, stop trn - nnnnn.
AA: and it's blue!!
SA: or you could all assume that if I'm using a heart... it's... platonic.
ID: 💚
SA: and you all can use the multicolored rainbow hearts.
SA: nevermind I like that one.
SA: that's my new heart.
SA: it's my color.
AA: prni, it's way morne fun if yrn, like, madly in love with evernyone, tho.
ID: there you go!
LC: [ Ah. ] LC: [ Noted. ] LC: [ And it is. ] LC: [ Sipara please. ]
ID: i fixed everything. again.
SA: yes, sipara. I will die for you i am so in. love. with you.
AA: yrn like the rnomcom lead we nevern wanted!!
SA: Hadean too
SA: everyone in this chat.
LC: [ Heh. ]
SA: you are all. my matesprit.
AA: amazing. >:} wait no wow back it up.
ID: hey i don't share! rude!
SA has sent :/.png it's a selfie of him makng an even more unamused face than usual
LC: [ Incredible. ]
SA: oh so I can only pick one is that it.
AA: it's gotta be unrneciprocated, that's wherne the com comes in!!
ID: i though the com comes from them both feeling romantic inclinations but not knowing how to act on them correctly.
AA has sent DUH.PNG. It's a selfie of her sticking out her tongue like a mature adult.
AA: why not both, hads??
SA: I thught the commeant comedy.
LC: [ YYou must pick Prisma. ] LC: [ Though while I understand it's currentlYY for amusement's sake. ]
LC: [ ... I hope. ]
SA: Who has to pick prisma.
SA: this is morphing into a dystopian love carat.
SA: everyone wants me and I don't want anyone.
ID has sent ravishingromcominterest.png! It's a selfie of him with his hair down making the most overdramatic puppy eyes.
AA: p surne i watched an anime like that once. >:P
SA: anti-harem.
AA: !!!
SA: Put those eyes away, Hadean.
ID: never.
SA: i don't wnat that face on my phome.
ID: too late.
SA: damn you.
SA: 💚
LC: [ Well, I got some romantic interest lYYing elsewhere, so I have alreadYY picked them. SorrYY for letting YYou down Prisma. ]
AA: why keep yrn hairn brnaided?? it's so fucking shiny.
SA: oh, well, yern.
ID: uh because it fucking tangles to fucking hell. duh.
SA: that's fine I didn't want you anywyas.
SA: i am now the spiteful lead.
SA: it's called conditioner.
AA: y, why not brnush it morne and keep it unbrnaided??
LC: [ Well, no offense was taken. ]
AA: Y E A H.
ID: and yeah i got some sweet hair. even though i abuse the fuck out of it.
ID: conditioner costs cash!
ID: and i don't want to be brushing it 24/7 when i'm traveling.
SA: at least put it in a ponytail every so often.
LC: [ WhYY would YYou need to brush it 24/7 while travelling. ] LC: [ Just brush it at the morning, then at the evening. If the weather is windYY, tie it up. ]
SA: wouldn't it be easier to have short hair because you can't take careo f it....?
SA: get a hipster cut like mine.
LC: [ Well I happen to have quite a long hair and I also travel alot. ]
SA: i now advocate you being bald.
LC: [ It's manageable, and also up to what others feel comfortable with. ]
LC: [ Well, no thank YYou. MYY hair is prettYY nice as it is. ]
LC: [ I have a feeling being bald got more disadvantages than advantages to it. ]
SA: not if you wear hats.
SA: I am not tired for once and I don't know how to feel about this.
LC: [ I am not a fan of hats. TheYY are weird. ] LC: [ Wouldn't YYou feel, well, content? Not feeling like falling into a nap for once. ]
ID: i like my braid. =:I
SA: I will make you a daisy chain to loop in it when you come shopping.
ID: my face doesn't look as nice with short hair i don't think.
AA: nnnn, don't cut yrn hairn. long headfluff is bettern, obvs. prni, you should grnow yrns out. >:P
ID: why is your hair short then sips.
SA: i'll grow mine out when I'm ready to commit to a domestic stepford quad.
SA: 😐
LC: [ Well that sounds quite unfortunate. ]
SA: why is your hair short, then, yes
AA: it was down to the floorn, tyvm, and some chucklefuck cut it off.
AA: >:1
LC: [ Long hair can be quite useful. ]
SA: ...what is its use? as a rope?
LC: [ It can warm the back YYour neck during winter. YYou could use it to get cozYY with the help of it. And no. ]
ID: ah man that sucks. =:/
ID: cull them for it?
ID: or chop their hair back? =>:D
SA: scalp them.
SA: two birds one stone.
LC: [ And oh. Did YYou fight them back Sipara? ]
AA: lmfao. that was like, six pernigees ago. it's way longern than it was. and y, y, dnw, i cut off theirn frnonds and fed them to them. >:P
AA: bettern than culling!
SA: that's even worse than i imagined.
ID: i mean i don't go to cold places too much and i'm constantly warm, so. i just like my hair.
SA: I feel sick now.
SA: not really.
ID: hahahah, that'll teach 'em.
AA: it's a jk, nerndlet.
SA: I wish i had someone to get breakfast with.
SA: it did teach them I am sure.
SA: and also brutally traumatized them
ID: damn, i liked the feeding them fronds idea.
ID: what. was it the yellow chucklefuck?
ID: ....fillin?
SA: ....yellow chucklefuck?
LC: [ Well that's a combination of words I didn't expect to see... together. ]
ID: it's some sparkplug that got brainwashed in to being downw ith clowns or something, dnw.
LC: [ Wow. How unfortunate. Like, genuinelYY unfortunate. ]
SA: that's. horrific.
SA: I still can't believe we have...
LC: [ It is. ]
SA: nevermind.
SA: I am a good person.
AA: haha, n, it was a lame-o teal frnom the rning. same place as my face. >:1 AA: and hmm?
AA: haha, it's a little fucked, y.
SA: teals are unusually arrogant.
LC: [ Well, I most definitelYY don't want to know how manYY non-purplebloods got "brainwashed" to be part of the Dark Carnival. ]
ID: teals are the worst. they're in that in-between area that makes them overcompensate.
AA: ^
ID: i mean it's no worse than young psis getting brainwashed by everything else that'll brainwash you. really.
SA: military.
LC: [ MYY experiences with tealbloods been reallYY... mixed. But there are some who are trulYY trYYing to overcompensate. ]
SA: trafficking.
SA: etc
ID: exactly. we're such a hot commodity doncha know.
LC: [ Well, anYYkind of brainwashing is still brainwashing and negativelYY well... affects the troll in question. ]
SA: in some ways it was a positive experience for me.
AA: oh my god.
LC: [ YYou are the rare exception in that case. ]
LC: [ Unless it was pure sarcasm. Then nevermind. ]
ID: i mean. trolls like pris are becoming depressingly more common, y'know?
SA: no, I did learn much more from my program than I would haveb eing left on planet without being put in.
SA: But I would also still have complete feelings.
ID: they're deciding we don't last long enough to get a happy wrigglerhood.
SA: so you tell me.
SA: yes.
SA: My saboteur training began as soon as I was old enough to think and obey.
LC: [ I am aware. ]
AA: idk, it ain't that bad, if you don't have them cutting into yrn pan. AA: i mean, we'rne all gonna end up in the militarny anyway. >:/
SA: 😃 will we
ID: i mean. that's a big if for some of us there sips.
SA: I won't.
ID: you were already in the military pris, that counts.
SA: damn you.
LC: [ Well, I wish lowerbloods got more leewaYY just as higherbloods. And I don't have manYY intentions to be part of the militarYY. ]
SA: no but if you are sorted there then you will be but if not you will be fine.
SA: if I were recaptured and retested I would still tesr for the military based on psionics but also because my protective instincts are outrageously high.
SA: lavender chai sounds good.
LC: [ Well I'd rather not. I am a cartographer and a mapmaker, not a troll who wants to deal with official paperwork and not seeing a planet for the rest of mYY lifespan. ] LC: [ ... And I am aware I am more fortunate that I can counter-argue against it. ]
SA: you could become part of recon
ID: i mean yer is high enough, he'll get some more choice.
ID: esp if he's actually good at what he wants to do.
ID: ...you're a he, right.
LC: [ Well, I positivelYY am. And YYes. ]
ID: see? nothing for him to worry about.
LC: [ If I happened to end up as a ship captain or anYYthing (Not sure if I'd qualifYY), I'd probablYY do mYY best to provide mYY crew an actuallYY pleasant... work experience. ]
LC: [ Which is a major "If", cause being a ship captain sounds stressful. ]
ID: man, my pumper breaks for you. =:P
LC: [ I see YYour sarcasm and I am not going to counter it with sarcasm. ]
ID: good because i would have had to make it weird if you did.
SA: I don't know if you want praise for this attempt to be a decent person or not
ID: c'mon pris, he's trying! that's better than like. most of the highbloods in here.
LC: [ ... Prisma. ] LC: [ I am aware I am "priviliged" and no waYY will I ever experience what lowerbloods got to go through. ]
LC: [ I am prettYY self-aware, thank YYou verYY much. ]
SA: I never said you weren't.
LC: [ Well, some implications were there. AnYYwaYY. I am not going to go into anYYkind of sob stories. ] LC: [ I am just generallYY trYYing to be a decent troll and not judge one bYY it's caste if theYY happen to be lower on the spectrum. ]
ID: so yern, you watch lord of the rings.
LC: [ I saw it a long while ago with a friend. WhYY? ]
ID: because i just watched it and i now judge everyone based on which eyecandy they like best.
ID: so c'mon. desert island, stuck with one of them. which one.
AA: hads taste is shit, btw.
ID: fuck off aragon was alright for a fish.
ID: though i did like her better before i knew she was a fish.
ID: bitch tricked me in to liking her. D:<=
EA: +Can confirm. Shit tast=.-
ID: you guys could've told me she was a fish!
AA: wrnong, legolas was totes bettern. AA: but ikrn? she was sornt of qt if you didn't know she was hiding fucking gills.
LC: [ Well, I am not a big movie buff and it's been awhile ago since I saw it, so I'd have to rewatch it to make a decision based on it. ]
ID: i was betrayed by all of you and i'll never forgive you.
ID: http://img14.deviantart.net/142f/i/2013/233/e/4/lady_aragorn_1_by_lauratolton-d6j3xy7.jpg
ID: so much better before she was totally revealed as a fish. =:'(
EA: +W=ll, h=r b=ing garbag= had nothing to do with th= fins, r=ally. If you ask m=. - EA: +It was th= fact that sh= was in a garbag= movi= s=ri=s.-
ID: i mean it could have used like. 200% more bloodshed.
ID: the talking parts got too fancy and boring sometimes. =:/
LC: [ Well, that's what YYou get when the director is a seadweller. ]
SA: Legolas is perfect. And you're making a mistake Hadean
ID: legolas was too flimsy looking for me. =:'(
EA: +L=golas is fangirl bait =:|-
ID: yeah why'd he get all the super cool fight sequences.
AA: legolas is hot af and you can both fight me, soz.
SA: oh so am I too flimsy too 😢
ID: sorry pris, you couldn't even beat me in throwing knives. =:P
ID: get gud.
AA: y, prni. he is the twig judging the rnest of the fornest.
SA: it's okay when you're vetter I'll properly destroy you.
ID: swoon. =:PPPPPP
SA: if that's all it takes why not gimli...
SA: oh-- true, sipara
ID: because gimli wasn't hot!
ID: duh.
EA: +L=golas do=sn't =v=n look lik= h= could kick down a door without br=aking his lifts.- EA: +Giv= m= a strong girl clad in armor with a broadsword any night of th= w==k inst=ad.-
LC: [ So do YYou pick faves based* on their looks, Hadean? ]
ID: a mix of looks and being able to kick ass.
SA: Hadean is a shallow mother fucker of course he does
LC: [ Well, figures. ]
ID: says the guy who rated me a 7/10!
SA: well you are a 7/10 this is a logical facr
EA: +7/10 is g=n=rous-
AA: come watch me flarnp, gausia, you'll totes swoon. >:P
ID: says the one who shaves stars in her hair.
AA: y, clearnly he is 8/10, stfu.
EA: +I would if you practic=d prop=r hyg=ni=, mayb= =:P-
SA: 😳
ID: i can only go up from 8/10.
LC: [ Well. ]
EA: +Do you hav= som=thing against stars? Stars ar= hott=r than you'll =v=r b=! By s=v=ral d=gr==s!-
AA: n, mud is my aesthetic, soz yrn 2lame to apprneciate.
LC: [ Stars are much hotter than anYYone in here, in fact. ]
EA: +^-
ID: i mean body-temperature wise maybe. but i'm pretty unnaturally hot that way too. =:P
LC: [ Well Hadean, a star still beats YYou nonetheless. ]
LC: [ SorrYY to disappoint YYou. ]
SA: Hadean is a 10/10 for being hell to share a bed with
SA: I am feeling shockingly lucid today it's wonderful
EA: +That r=minds m=, I do n==d to g=t Sipara som= stuff from Lush som=tim=. Mayb= th=n sh= can prop=rly b= brib=d into taking a bath.-
LC: [ ... Do I want to know the details Prisma? ]
ID: c'mere and i'll put my burning star hands on you.
ID: what's a lush.
SA: Someone who drinks and flirts
ID: ...sip is already kinda a lush isn't she.
SA: also don't touch me with your grubby star hands
AA: lmfao. Y E S.
ID: i meant ea pris. but i'll grab you too. =:P
SA: at least use some sanitizer first
AA: accornding to the tabloids. and you. app. >:P
SA: oh! The betrayal
ID: i'm about to get in to the bath, i'll be hella clean. =>:I
SA: 🛁
LC: [ YYou most definitelYY will be, Hadean. ]
ID: just gotta, y'know. juggle a phone and try not smacking my broke ass arm on the way in.
EA: +Oh, right. Uh. Lush is sort of lik=... a plac= wh=r= you go to g=t, uh... bath products that ar= usually d=void of ch=micals that can b= harmful to your skin, and stuff? It's sort of hoity toity highblood stuff, but, th= stuff sm=lls r=ally good...- EA: +Also bath bombs. Mak= your whol= bath tub look lik= spac= or lik=, a uh... tropical, fruity thing. I am not th= b=st at this.-
ID: ...sips i want to go to a lush. =:I is there a lush on the drive.
LC: [ Well YYou'd have an easier time not having YYour phone with YYou, especiallYY if onlYY one of YYour hands is free due to the other... being broken. ] LC: [ What did YYou do at the carnival that YYou managed to break it? ]
ID: fought a jade with a halberd. duh.
ID has sent itstotesgettingbetter.png! Boy is that a broke arm. But it's giving a thumbs up.
LC: [ Oh. Well. ] LC: [ At least YYou are doing well, nonetheless. ]
SA: i am going to slap you if you don't stop using that hand
AA: .. gausia, wtf you trnying to buy me lush forn? >:}
SA: she is making unsubtle advances obviously
SA: 😐
AA: and y, we can find one. but also pls slap him, prni. AA: wtf is it out of the cast forn??
ID: it got itchy.
EA: +This was a jok= that larg=ly got out of my hands, onc=... I finally und=rstood that no on= knows what Lush is.- EA: +Shut up, SA.-
AA: .. let me cornrnect that. you can buy me lush, Gausie, but you still ain't allowed in the trnap. soz. >:P
ID: just give the free lush to me. duh.
SA: 🤣
SA: gausia
SA: we've met before
EA: +I don't want to b= in your trap! It would b= an actual, lit=ral trap!-
SA: 🤔
EA: +... Wait, what? hav= w=?-
SA: Prisma
SA: coffee.
SA: you spilt everything
EA: +... - EA: +No, totally don't know you. Not at all.-
AA: loool, what.
SA: 🤔🤔🤔
ID: well then.
EA: +Okay, list=n, if I kn=w =v=ryon= I accid=ntly tripp=d into, spill=d som=thing onto, or, you know, I would, uh.... w=ll....- EA: +... know a lot of p=opl=.-
SA: but we talked
ID: let's move on to a more interesting topic. also if i don't reply very often, you try typing and washing your ass-length hair at the same time.
SA: well some of us cut our hair off and keep our arms in our casts like we're supposed to
ID: casts are evil torture devices.
SA: I am dragging my hands down my face.
ID: that are coated in a substance to make your skin itch under it.
SA: that is literally not how that works
AA: dude, when yrn arnm heals crnooked, I'm gonna have to rnebrneak it to set it strn8.
LC: [ Well, casts are meant to be kept on to help YYour bones staYY in one place while the break heals, Hadean. ]
AA: and I'm gonna make fun of you the entirne fucking time.
LC: [ BYY taking it off, YYou are making it worse. ]
SA: how did we know it was set straight the first time. Did anybody get him an x ray
ID: it's fine. does it look crooked? no.
LC: [ Just as Sipara said. ]
SA: Your face is going to look crooked if I see you again 👀
SA: but not really
EA: +W= can always just cut your arm off and g=t you a prosth=tic! I'll =v=n giv= you a discount!-
SA: oh.
ID: fuck that, my arm is going to heal straight as an arrow and i'm gonna shove it in alll of your faces.
SA: if it doesn't though...
ID: also x ray pris do i look like i'm made of money.
LC: [ If YYou saYY so. Then we will see. ]
AA: we didn't need an xrnay, I do this all the time, prni. >:}
AA: and n, n cutting off anything, omfg.
LC: [ And if YYour arm heals crooked and needs to be well uh... get it to re-heal the right waYY, I could paYY for YYour X-RaYYs. ]
ID: gee lc, thanks. it won't happen because i'm sturdy af but a+ using your powers for good right there.
AA: lmao, n. he's my patient, i totally got it coverned. >:}
ID: i mean who here hasn't broken bones before.
LC: [ I am not sure if that's a good thing, Sipara. ]
AA: haha, excuse me?
ID: hey sips is an a+ mediculler.
ID: i mean with all the fights she gets in to, patching herself up is enough to make her like. an expert.
AA: n, hush, let him finish, i am fucking curnious what mapboy thinks he knows abt mediculling.
ID: http://i.imgur.com/1AvMrPv.mp4
AA: >:P
LC: [ Well I am not sure if YYou got a medical training but YYour approach seems to be usuallYY more drastic, from what I can... see. ] LC: [ Not just from before but YYour general demeanour. No offense. ]
EA: +I got popcorn, who wants som=?-
ID: yoooo hmu.
LC: [ SorrYY to tell YYou but I am not here to start a fight through the internet, just state an opinion. ]
ID: sorry bud, you're in a fight now.
AA: oh, shit, if yrn not arnguing overn my crnedentials, yrn just qqing bc of my rnough pernsonality, then who the fuck am i to take offense?
AA: herne's an opinion: go choke on an entirne bulge. AA: xoxo. >:}
LC: [ ... No thanks. ]
LC: [ I'd rather not. ]
AA: rnly? yeah, guess not, wtf was I thinking. AA: go choke on yrn own bulge, how's that, brnah.
LC: [ Won't do that either, I am not nastYY. ]
EA: +Com= back to th= hot=l th=n!!!! B=for= w= =at it all.-
ID: i just got in the bath. =:'(
ID: got suds alll through my hair.
AA: now put conditionern in it. >:}
ID: i didn't buy any. you got conditioner?
EA: +Call room s=rvic=.-
AA: i am not trnekking overn to brning you conditionern. >:1
ID: i'm trekking over to you then. =:P can i use your trap to finish this bath.
AA: .. lmao, uhh. AA: y, surne, why not.
EA: +... you b=tt=r hav= a tow=l or I am actually going to call th= polic=.-
ID: dnw, i will not give you mental scars. got this sweet fucking robe.
SA: I left to get a frozen chai and I come back to this.
ID: sorry pris, you guys tell me to use conditioner, i gotta get it somehow.
SA: lord.
SA: maybe you need a bath set
AA: dw, it's warnm outside.
ID: i like baths. i just don't get them very often!
ID: omw sips, don't worry.
AA: and can a bathset beat my awesome conversation, prni?? obvs not. not even if you put my pan in a jarn with speakerns and those little floaties.
SA: 😦 I want to have bathtub conversations
ID: dnw pris, i'll still keep chatting on here while i'm chatting with sips. =:P
SA: yes but it's not the same as hearing your voice 💚
AA: go rnun a bath and it can be T W I C E of em. >:}
SA: 😂
SA: I could take a bath but I have no reason to. I'm still clean
ID: take a bath just for the fun of baths, duh!
AA: do it to paint yrn nails!
SA: mmrm
SA: paint my nails...
ID: man, sometime i'll drag the both of you to a hotspring.
ID: clearly that's the best option for bath chats.
SA: fine. I will draw a bath.
AA: make them prnetty! and glue shit in 'em.
SA: why would I glue things to them I have to work.
AA: and omg. >:} yyyy. therne arne, like, hot canals nearn my hive, but they'rne full of fish.
AA: to make them prnetty, duh, keep up.
SA: I don't have any bath bombs
SA: hot canals.. full of fish
SA: that sounds alarming
ID: i've found some springs that are fish-free. take some time off both of you and we can go.
SA: some fish eat skin in hot springs and it's good for you
ID: sips meant fish as in seadwellers. but that. eww.
SA: I'm going to drop my phone In here I'm sure
SA: oh.
SA; I thought she meant. Actual fish.
EA: +With th= discussion about sushi last night, I don't know if sh='s =v=r s==n a fish.- EA: +As in, an actual fish.-
AA: meant both. >:} but lmao, grnoss!
AA: ofc I did, nerndass, I lived on the coast forn two sweeps. seen, like, all the fish everny fish. evern the tentacle fish.
SA: you mean octopi and squids
ID: quick warning, almost to the room, hide your poor little blueblood eyes soon gaus.
SA: or jelly fish
AA: n, i meant tentacle fish. don't you brning that highblood shit into my hive. >:P
ID: my hand is full of phone so knock knock sips, hope you got the good conditioner in there. =:P
SA: 😠 I'll bring my high blood shit where I want
SA: okay I feel the joys of feeling slowly leaving.
SA: now I'm just tired. The bathtub tricked me
AA: brnb, brnb, be rnight therne.
ID: ahahah sorry pris. baths can be hella calming.
SA: you did this to me
SA: do you have a favorite scent
ID: i like spicy scents.
ID: but i don't know if they make hair stuff spicy.
ID: and by spicy i mean, like... cinnamon.
EA: +So do=s that m=an I n==d to r=turn th= jal=p=no bath bomb?-
ID: wow do i look like a masochist?
ID: i mean. the shoulder wound and broken arm might have thrown you off.
ID: so. fair assumption i guess.
SA: what about cinnamon and apple? Cardimom?
ID: apples smell alright, but just. anything spicy i like sniffing.
SA: oh, I should show you my cologne sometime, perhaps you'd like that.
SA: oud has a very specific scent.
SA: it's like sandalwood and spice.
ID: huh. sounds nice. let me sniff you up. =:P
SA: I will let you smell my wrist, let's keep a cap on sniffing.
ID: i'll take it. should've known you'd wear cologne. mr. fancy pants. =:P
SA: of course I do. I have a collection.
SA: it's one of my favorite things to shop for.
ID: sorry, got busy washing my hair.
SA: good, now it will be silky and beautiful.
SA: and not. bloody and dirty.
ID: I got the blood and dirt out of it like yesterday. =:P
SA: But was it washed and conditioned?
ID: i shampooed it! just not conditioner.
ID: it's hard to wash with just the one arm.
SA: If you keep complaining about it someone may offer to help you and I don't believe you want that.
SA: the more i listen the more i enjoy having short hair.
SA: I drink your tears.
ID: this is just some nice venting, not looking for sympathy/help! =:P
ID: yeah but my hair is cool as fuck.
ID: when i'm not dealing with a broken arm.
SA: You don't even deal with it when your arm isn't broken, though. It is pinned in a braid all the same.
SA: i am blowing disappointed bubbles into my bathwater i want you to know this.
ID: i brush it sometimes!
AA: n, no helping allowed, it'll be hilarnious when it frnizzes.
ID: ...does conditioner make it frizz.
ID: fucking rude sips. i wasn't told about this.
ID: now you gotta help me brush it so it doesn't.
AA: n, conditione AA: totally does make it frnizz, y.
SA: only if you use fluffing conditioner
AA: sinistern fucking shit rnight therne. >:}
ID: am i going to be fluffy now. =:I
SA: hotel conditioner is too cheap. I hope.
SA: I don't know. We'll have to find out who is right
AA: not if we brnush it, duh.
ID: hope you have a brush.
SA: you just said you wouldn't --
ID: where's the hairdryer.
ID: ...also should have brought clothes with me.
ID: i didn't think this through.
AA: i wasn't, but then he said i gotta, so w/e, w/e AA: do i look like i have a hairndrniern, dude? and
AA: lmfao omggg.
AA: p surne gausia is nevern gonna let you out of the trnap now, so, like, i hope you can eat soap. >:}
ID: hotels have hairdryers. i'll let myself out if i fucking have to. =:I the robe covers like. all of me.
SA: 😂
ID: unless the sight of my head, neck, and some calf are enough to kill her.
SA: possibly
ID: rip gausia then.
SA: I have to cease bathtub otherwise I will fall asleep here and I'd like to sleep in my bed
SA: see you later, Hadean, Sipara. Gausia.
ID: later pris.
AA: l8rn, dude.
ID: if gausia is gonna be a wriggler, come in here. =>:I
AA: see, if you wernen't a candle monstern, we'd have an easy solution. >:{ AA: lucky forn you, i am a fucking E N G I N E E RN.
ID: wtf is a candle monster.
AA: ... y'know, like, the wax museum things. except they'rne rnly fucking tall, and smothern ppl. also, coverned in wax. AA: get w yrn cinema, duh.
ID: i told you i don't watch movies. and why am i a candle monster.
AA: neway. Ï have made you the best fucking gift, and it's called S H E E T S. wrnap it like a tunic! voilaaa. >:}
AA: starnt watching them. be less lame!
ID: whatever, tunic sheets it is. and my phone speakers don't work and my husktop only works like. every now and then.
AA: and bc yrn also tall and drnippy. jfc, hads, keep up.
AA: prnobs bc you keep it all in a tent, dude. >:} js.
AA: also btw bettern be decent bc i am coming in in, like, five.
ID: my tent rocks and i'm decent af.
0 notes
avanneman · 7 years
The New York Times, furiously beating the drums of war
Did you see video of that big military parade in North Korea last week? Those huge missile carriers, designed to hold an ICBM capable of reaching the U.S.? Did it ever occur to you that those carriers might be empty, that the parade was a huge bluff, that the North Koreans have never tested an ICBM, that their most recent test of an intermediate-range missile was a complete failure, that’s there’s no evidence that the North Koreans can fit a nuclear weapon inside a missile, that there’s no evidence that the North Koreans know how to keep a nuclear warhead functional through the hazardous “re-entry” process, when the warhead might be destroyed by heat, vibration, etc., or that they could direct the warhead anywhere near its target?
Empty or full, “it hardly mattered” “explained” New York Times news dude Max Fisher (aka “the Interpreter”), citing Jeffrey Lewis of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, CA, ranked by Foreign Policy magazine as the 21st best graduate school in its field.1 “This was a signal.”
Yes, that’s all that matters. It doesn’t matter that North Korea lacks a missile that can reach the U.S. It doesn’t matter that North Korea lacks a nuclear weapon that can fit inside a missile. It doesn’t matter that North Korea lacks the technology to guide an ICBM to its target and ensure the viability of the nuclear warhead that it doesn’t have through re-entry. It only matters that North Korea wishes it had all these things.
Jeff also quotes another Middlebury genius, “Melissa R. Hanham”—who must be a seriously high muckety-muck to rate a middle initial2—who tells us that back in 2013, when North Korea released a “war plan” that targeted nuclear attacks on major American cities, “we all fell out of our chairs laughing.” But now, “The more they roll out, the more it looks like that is their actual plan.”
Huh. Well, back in 2011, when then-SecDef Robert Gates said that North Korea would be able to “target” the U.S. with nuclear-tipped ICBMs within the next five years and that the country “is becoming a direct threat to the United States,” ole Melissa must have really busted a gut. “Hey, Bob,” she probably said, “you’re so full of shit your eyes are brown.” Well, something along those lines. I mean, she sounds like a risible chick.
Want to know the name of someone else who has a bad memory? Charles Krauthammer. Charlie has a column up at the WashPost in which he avers the following:
“Given that Pyongyang has had nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles for more than a decade , why the panic now? Because North Korea is headed for a nuclear breakout. The regime has openly declared that it is racing to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile that can reach the United States — and thus destroy an American city at a Kim Jong Un push of a button.”
Well, once again, huh. First of all, the K-Man, like Melissa, seems not to have been listening when SecDef “Am I invisible?” Gates made his “the North Koreans are coming” pitch six years ago. Even more to the point, Charlie appears not to have been listening to himself 20 long years ago, during the Clinton Administration, when he was making the same exact pitch that Bob was making in 2011.
So what is Charles really upset about now? Well, for one thing, North Korea definitely is in the news. So there’s that. And the other thing is that, somehow, we seem to be running out of enemies. It’s true that Donald Trump has not been able to embrace his main man Vladimir the way it seems he really wants to, but somehow it seems that no one really gives a damn about Ukraine now. Syria looked big—really big!—for about five seconds, but now that Bashar al-Assad has gone back to killing kids with bullets and barrel bombs, no one seems to give a damn about that either. And, serious bummer, the Trump isn’t hassling Iran about its compliance with that awful, awful nuclear weapons deal. Damn it!
So Charlie needs to find a threat somewhere. Sportingly, he fields the sissy-liberal objection to the “Be very afraid!” meme that, even if he were to have ICBMs, well, so did (and do) Russia and China, and that’s worked out okay. Naturally, Charlie “explains” that Kim Jong Un is a “madman”—like, you know, madman Saddam “weapons of mass destruction up the ass” Hussein.
It must be said, few heads of state fit the “madman” profile as well as Kim Jong Un, because he looks strange and likes to threaten people, using that old-fashioned "heroic" communist boilerplate that no one else uses any more. But, if you think about it, why wouldn’t he want to be able to threaten the U.S. with a nuclear weapon? Right now, South Korea, which of course is a far more powerful country than North Korea, has essentially the unlimited military support of the U.S. Wouldn’t it be nice to create a little daylight there? Of course, Kim Jong Un wouldn’t ever use a nuke on the U.S. That would be the end of him. Actually, Kim Jong Un sounds rather smart. Obnoxious, but smart. Sometimes, it’s smart to be obnoxious. Just ask Donald Trump!
Afterwords My head probably should have been “The New York Times, furiously beating the drums of war. And Charles Krauthammer is an Asshole!” since I’ve spent so much time beatin’ on Charlie. But I expect Charlie to speak duplicitous and disingenuous nonsense, though sometimes he does not—sometimes, in fact, he even displays a sense of honor. But I don’t expect the New York Times to speak duplicitous and disingenuous nonsense, no matter how many goddamn times I am disappointed.
Afterwords II The headline for Charlie's column reads "With North Korea, we do have cards to play" although in fact the only "card" he can come up with is the hope that China might feel like cooperating with us this time around. Oh, and "We might, however, try to shoot down a North Korean missile in mid-flight to demonstrate both our capacity to defend ourselves and the futility of a North Korean missile force that can be neutralized technologically." But, of course, Charlie's not saying we should do that, only that, you know, we could. Hey, it's only a suggestion! Hey, yourself, Charlie! What happened to Mr. Firmness?
Throughout his column, Charlie pretends he can't remember that Donald "Where's my great big kick-ass armada now?" Trump is president of the United States. I can't blame him, because I find it depressing too. Because who's the unstable one, Kim Jong Un or Donnie?
I guess none of the folks at the top 20 schools returned Max’s calls. I mean, the guy’s on a deadline. More meaningfully, if you want a “Be afraid. Be very afraid” quote on North Korean missiles, well, Jeff’s your go-to guy. ↩︎
Who does she think she is, George F. Will? ↩︎
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averwonders · 2 years
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