bathroom-sand · 2 years
Bathroom-Sand’s BB Takeover
Week One — Episode Two
cast: @cantstand-bb @maxdoesbb @charlchen-moonves @artsy-man-today @captain--steve--rogers @stanningbb @julieeexcheeen @bitterjurorssavetheday @paras-atashnak @skyhawkstragedy @davonnesveto @flopbb24 @cirie-sandra-michaela @transpokenerd @marcdjr00
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Welcome back ya’ll! Previously at Big Brother High, bitterjurorssavetheday won the first HOH of the season and was forced to make a nomination on the spot. She nominated davonnesveto for eviction.
Skyhawkstragedy elected to grab the hall pass, granting him three weeks of immunity in the game. In doing so, he triggered a new school policy that brought in 4 new houseguests, flopbb24, cirie-sandra-michaela, transpokenerd, and marcdjr00!
These houseguests then competed in a competition where the winner was granted immunity and last place landed themselves on the block. marcdjr00 won immunity for the week and flopbb24 landed themselves on the block.
AND in the last minute, maxdoesbb revealed he had an identical twin in the house, stanningbb, who will now chance spots with her twin.
— House Update —
The very first night in the house, the houseguests all agree to do a “house alliance” where they will all play nicely. They decide to draw sticks to decide who is nominated each week. They dub my season “the season of friendship!” (🤢)
Bitterjurorssavetheday is forced to nominate 3 people as have nots for the week. The room remains silent until a few hands awkwardly raise themselves: transpokenerd, charlchen-moonves, and stanningbb. Bitterjurorssavetheday thanks them and promises none of them will be nominated this week due to their helpfulness!
— DR Update from the Nominees —
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It appears that both nominees aren’t exactly happy being nominated. How strange! How will being nominated affect their gameplay? Let’s see
— Alliance Updates —
✨ New Alliance ✨
After the house alliance breaks for the evening a few events transpire…
charlchen-moonves pulls stanningbb to the side and apologizes for winning Rock Paper Scissors. Confused, stanningbb says that’s okay. The two decide to make a final two alliance amongst themselves called “rock beats paper”. Stanningbb accidentally calls the alliance “an alliance of three”.
charlchen-moonves is confused and stanningbb laughs it off before leaving the room. charlchen-moonves seems undeterred in the alliance.
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charlchen-moonves is very loyal to this alliance. Despite some curiosities about why “maxdoesbb” said this was a three person alliance, these remain the closest ties in the house
Stanningbb is fairly loyal to the alliance, in spite of the warning that maxdoesbb gave them. She likes charlchen-moonves and plans on taking this far
Maxdoesbb is not happy with the update. He tells stanningbb that this was the only person he asked stanningbb to look out for. Maxdoesbb decides to “keep my friends close, enemies close.” He also questions the alliance name, saying it doesn’t make sense.
The Transfer Students
flopbb24 originally intended to lay low but his plan failed when his comp strengths (or lack thereof) landed him on the block. He meets with The Transfer Students to discuss his nomination. Transpokenerd, cirie-sandra-michaela, and marcdjr00 all agree to not vote flopbb24 out. Marcdjr00 promises to use the veto on flopbb24 if he is in the veto. Transpokenerd and cirie-sandra-michaela admit that if the competition isn’t mental they’ll probably lose and ask flopbb24 to not select them for the veto comp. Their initial bond remains strong as they discuss tactics to make davonnesveto come across as a threat to everyone else's game.
flopbb24 is relying on this alliance to help get him off the block, chiefly marcdjr00 who did really well in his first comp. He feels confident in the alliance.
Transpokenerd doesn’t say it, but she kinda hopes flopbb24 stays on the block for the rest of the week. She would much rather not risk going on the block. She is the least loyal to this alliance and wants to branch out
Cirie-sandra-michaela realizes that this alliance is physically weak and is considering bringing in other, more physical, members to the alliance. After nearly being nominated, he doesn’t want to feel like that again. Despite this feeling, he is very loyal and doesn’t want to stay from his word to the alliance members
Marcdjr00 is very excited to be here. He has immunity for the week so whatever happens now matters less to him. He gets attached easily but doesn’t want to make any high profile plays. The alliance is asking him to be a comp beast but he’d much rather lay low.
✨ New Alliance ✨
Davonnesveto decides she needs to make friends. She begins having a conversation with skyhawkstragedy, Julieeexcheeen, and paras-atashnak. She reveals to them that she’s aware of two alliances (not exactly true). She says that the new houseguests were talking as if they were in an alliance together, and mentions that the first group of houseguests looked close as well. She proposes that they also ban together. Julieeexcheeen says they need to include bitterjurorssavetheday in this alliance if they’re doing it. Davonnesveto reluctantly agrees to the proposal but doesn’t seem very excited about it. Julieeexcheeen then retrieves bitterjurorssavetheday.
Davonnesveto talks to Bitterjurorssavetheday and the two appear to squash the beef. They agree it’s best if the house didnt realize they were aligned. They also agree that davonnesveto being on the block during bitterjurorssavetheday’s HOH hides the alliance. They brainstorm names and come up with three options:
Good Luck Charm
Trojan Horse
Secret Alliance
They go with Trojan Horse.
Skyhawkstragedy goes along with the alliance but doesn’t appear as invested as the others, he is currently closest with Paras-atashnak. They agree that this shouldn’t be their main alliance but also agree that aligning with the current HOH is good for their game. They strike a final 2.
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Bitterjurorssavetheday is excited to be offered an alliance since it will help her ensure her own safety next week!
Davonnesveto has no intention on honoring her alliance to bitterjurorssavetheday. The rest and is relatively fine with.
Julieeexcheeen is the most loyal to the alliance, having grabbed in the additional member. She doesn’t want to get involved with people already masking alliances with others.
Skyhawkstragedy is interested in different horizons but will honor the alliance until it no longer suits him.
Paras-atashnak is not a fan of it at all but is silently nodding his head along to every plan. He won’t be vocally against it but will not take the alliance into account if he falls into power.
✨New Alliance ✨
After connecting really well the first day, cantstand-bb, artsy-man-today, and captainsteverogers continue to hang out. They spent hours the first few days playing card games together, which eventually becomes game talk. Artsy-man-today decides to bring up that they should probably make what they’re doing an official. The rest agree to an alliance and then agree the alliance should stay lowkey. They discuss forming over friendships and bringing information back together. None of them plan on making any waves but instead plan on creating subtle chaos so they can all continue coasting.
They also agree they should name the alliance after their card games. They don’t agree on a name and decide that whoever wins the next round of blackjack will get to decide the official name. Captainsteverogers wins the round and names them Poker Face.
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Cantstand-bb plans on being loyal to the information center that Poker Face provides! Cantstand-bb’s game plan of sharing information as an “anonymous source” works well with the alliance
Artsy-man-today enjoys that the alliance provides them with an easy way to float through the game. It’s a fairly non active alliance with no immediate plans to win competitions when it doesn’t need to. This works well with their big brother strategy.
Captainsteverogers also benefits from this, given that her strategy is to be super social with a lot of people in order to get on everyone’s good side. The core plan of Poker Face continues to align with her big brother intentions.
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There’s a lot of anxiety from everyone but maxdoesbb. Probably because he only has to spend half the time in the house while his twin spends the other half in the game. With the intensity of the recent comps, houseguests are left to ponder whether being physical will matter more this season than ever before.
Truthfully, maybe. Because seeing how every person left their comp skills as a bunch of 2s and 1s made me want to watch a bunch of nerds do their best! Some may call this sadistic, and that’s a label I’m willing to accept.
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While meeting in the DR. Twins maxdoesbb and stanningbb are giddy over fooling the houseguests for the first few days. Stanningbb says nobody suspected that she wasn’t maxdoesbb! When she reveals the alliance with charlchen-moonves maxdoesbb gets annoyed but reluctantly agrees.
— Veto Competition —
The houseguests are called to draw names for the veto competition. Currently playing are bitterjurorssavetheday, davonnesveto, and flopbb24!
Bitterjurorssavetheday draws Julieeexcheeen to play in the veto competition! A member of bitterjurorssavetheday and davonnesveto’s alliance!
Davonnesveto draws transpokenerd! A member of flopbb24’s alliance. Transpokenerd didn’t want flopbb24 off the block but may enjoy winning the veto to secure her safety!
Flopbb24 draws the final contestant… captainsteverogers. Captainsteverogers is a wildcard for this competition and currently doesn’t want to draw attention to herself.
Flopbb24 approached captainsteverogers after the drawing process and asks captainsteverogers to use the veto on him. She asks flopbb24 to provide him useful information and she’ll consider using the veto on him, depending on the information. Flopbb24 agrees to share all known information if captainsteverogers wins, but admits that telling her everything now isn’t good for his game.
Bitterjurorssavetheday selects charlchen-moonves to be the veto host!
The houseguests arrive to the back yard for a mental competition based around memory and beakers. This is the only type of competition most of the houseguests are decent at! This should make this competitive!
Without intending to fight hard, Captainsteverogers is a natural at the competition and wins the power of veto without realizing it. She was the houseguest with the least skin in the game and the only member to not be in an alliance related to the nominees or HOH.
Captainsteverogers spends the evening having one on one meetings with the HOH and each nominee to discuss whether she should use the veto, and if so then on who!
Captainsteverogers and Flopbb24 meet first. Flopbb24 reminds her that he was the first person to approach her and that he already wanted her allegiance before the veto competition. Captainsteverogers asks if he remembers their deal and Flopbb24 exposes the Transfer Students.
Captainsteverogers and bitterjurorssavetheday meet second. Bitterjurorssavetheday asks that captainsteverogers not use the veto and put her in an awkward spot. She admits she has no idea who else she would put up. Captainsteverogers asks who bitterjurorssavetheday wants to go home and bitterjurorssavetheday replies that ideally flopbb24 will be evicted.
Lastly, davonnesveto and captainsteverogers have their meeting. Captainsteverogers says she may use the veto if davonnesveto can share compelling information on the house. Davonnesveto immediately outs Trojan Horse and it’s members, including bitterjurorssavetheday.
Captainsteverogers leaves the meeting pissed that bitterjurorssavetheday offered no information, especially considering the information davonnesveto shared.
Trojan Horse meets up to discuss the outcome of the veto ceremony. Davonnesveto reveals that captainsteverogers was upset with bitterjurorssavetheday but fails to reveal the reason behind it. Bitterjurorssavetheday is now worried the veto will be used and she will have to make a new nom. Together, the alliance comes up with an alternative solution. Paras-atashnak comes up with the idea that bitterjurorssavetheday should threaten to put up someone captainsteverogers is close to, since captainsteverogers is not currently close to anyone in the game. Skyhawkstragedy backs up this theory and offers to look into people captainsteverogers is close to. Julieeexcheeen finds this to be a stressful conversation and davonnesveto brings up that she actually wants the veto to be used because she is on the block. The room falls silent….
Flopbb24 comes to The Transfer Students and admits he thinks captainsteverogers might use the veto on him. His alliance appears happy for him. In the DR, some members of the alliance are more supportive than other members. They then realize they have no idea who bitterjurorssavetheday will put on the block. Transpokenerd volunteers to talk to bitterjurorssavetheday and to give her a nominee suggestion if flopbb24 is taken down. cirie-sandra-michaela suggests to that Transpokenerd suggests that maxdoesbb is the replacement nominee.
Marcdjr00 comes up with an alternative idea, reminding them that they need to start thinking about the few players who are physically skilled at competitions. He says that artsy-man-today would be a really good target. The group agrees.
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Cirie-sandra-michaela admits that maxdoesbb has been acting very hot and cold with the house and Marcdjr00 reminds them all that it’s the first few days and everything is bound to be a little strange. They don’t know if this is normal for maxdoesbb or not.
Davonnesveto overhears the tail end of the conversation and decides to let it be known she was evesdropping. The houseguests are a little annoyed until davonnesveto revealed everything about Trojan Horse and the plan for flopbb24 to go home. She says she doesn’t like her alliance because they don’t care about whether or not she’s on the block. Davonnesveto is allowed as a probationary member of the alliance if she can continue to give useful information. Davonnesveto then adds that if flopbb24 is removed then bitterjurorssavetheday will nominate one of captainsteverogers friends.
Minor Updates with Bitterjurorssavetheday
Transpokenerd suggests that maxdoesbb is the renom
Charlchen-moonves (unaware of Transpokenerd) suggests that maxdoesbb is not a renom.
Julieeexcheeen reports that captainsteverogers, artsy-man-today, and cantstand-bb may be in an alliance since they’re always playing cards
Stanningbb suggests an alliance to bitterjurorssavetheday’s between them and charlchen-moonves. Bitterjurorssavetheday seems tempted but says there’s no promises just yet
Captainsteverogers and bitterjurorssavetheday talk. Bitterjurorssavetheday says she’ll put up captainsteverogers ally if she uses the veto.
Skyhawkstragedy tells bitterjurorssavetheday that davonnesveto has been really chummy with flopbb24. Bitterjurorssavetheday reminds skyhawkstragedy that it’s not like she can nominate them since they’re both already on the block
Cantstand-bb says she heard an argument between Transpokenerd and cirie-sandra-michaela regarding an alliance. Bitterjurorssavetheday starts to question if it’s true.
Bitterjurorssavetheday sees maxdoesbb and tries to talk to him about “their” earlier conversation. Stanningbb failed to mention it to maxdoesbb who is confused about it. Bitterjurorssavetheday leaves, annoyed that maxdoesbb didn’t remember.
Paras-atashnak reports to bitterjurorssavetheday that he has noticed: davonnesveto, flopbb24, cirie-sandra-michaela, Transpokenerd, and marcdjr00 being very close recently. Bitterjurorssavetheday is angry but calms herself down.
— The Veto Ceremony —
The houseguests come together and wait for the veto ceremony to begin. Captainsteverogers decides to give a little speech. Captainsteverogers says
Before the veto competition, only one houseguest decided to come up and speak to me to ask what I would do if I won. I told him that if I won I would consider using it on him. Im thankful to all those who kindly interacted with me during this time and gave me their input. If you weren’t friendly, well you know why I didn’t listen to you. With that being said, I am choosing to using the Veto on Flopbb24.
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Flopbb24 gives captainsteverogers a hug and thanks her for using the veto on him. He gladly takes his seat on the couch, glad to be off the block. Bitterjurorssavetheday slinks down onto the couch, not wanting to nominate someone but eventually gets up.
Bitterjurorssavetheday glanced at captainsteverogers and frowns. Bitterjurorssavetheday begins her speech…
When captainsteverogers won the veto I asked her not to use it. She did. And I told her if she used it then I would put up her closest ally. But between then and there I have had a lot of information thrown my way about snakes in the grass. If I could nominate davonnesveto again I would, but I can’t. Instead I will target someone she betrayed me for. This person has been hanging around davonnesveto for the past few days. For this reason I choose to nominate marcdjr00 for eviction.
There is a pause.
Unfortunately bitterjurorssavetheday, marcdjr00 won immunity for the week. Please make a different nominee. Oh and for the record, skyhawkstragedy was also granted immunity.
An awkward silence befalls the group as bitterjurorssavetheday collects her thoughts. Marcdjr00 looks shellshocked.
Sorry marcdjr00. Just kidding about that nomination thing. Moving on, this person is known to be working with davonnesveto, hid this fact, and came to me trying to make friends. What they should’ve done was warn me about the snack they knew was in my garden. For that reason, transpokenerd, you are my final nominee. This veto meeting is now adjourned.
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bunbunzsims1 · 1 year
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Olive eyes ✿ 31 colours
Face paint category
31 colours
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Download here [Early access]
Will release to public on 24th Jan, 2023
✿ Terms of use ✿
Do not Re-upload my work
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Thank you for your support! ❤︎
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hyunllx · 2 years
Flopbb’s 2022 BBSIM Week 5
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@ashlynbuggy​ bathroom-sand bisexyasami @bitterjurorssavetheday​ @charlchen-moonves​ @chumchunom​ @julieeexcheeen​ kemi-fucking-fakunle @lavenderkaty​ @leotheeworld​ @maxdoesbb​ pyrrheposts @skyhawkstragedy​ @whoblewboobear​ 
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After managing to save herself from eviction in previous weeks @charlchen-moonves​ managed to secure herself the title of HOH. Following her past bold plays, she decided to take a stab at big targets @ashlynbuggy​ and @lavenderkaty​. While @lavenderkaty​ went on to win veto for herself, she and her allies came together to form a new alliance called Bullseye with the goal of also keeping @ashlynbuggy​ safe and which included @charlchen-moonves​’ ex-ally @leotheeworld​. However @charlchen-moonves​ remains a master of uncovering gameplay and put up a second member of Bullseyes, kemi-fucking-fakunle, who ultimately went home.
Filled with competition winners, will Bullseye manage to hold on to their domination of the house? We’ll have to see as Julie calls the houseguests into the backyard for the HOH competition. As outgoing HOH @charlchen-moonves​ is not eligible to compete.
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After an hour and 4+ miles worth of travelling back and forth across the slippery graham cracker, @julieeexcheeen​ manages to fill her bowl up and pries the marshmallow free, becoming the new HOH!
After the HOH is finished and the competitors clean the chocolate water from their skin and hair, @julieeexcheeen​ meets privately with her alliance members @lavenderkaty​ and @skyhawkstragedy​ both members of Bullseye, though @julieeexcheeen​ is so far unaware of this.
Bullseye’s target is currently @charlchen-moonves​ for targeting and evicting three of their members, and it doesnt take much convincing to get @julieeexcheeen​ to agree, her having already considered the possible nomination. @charlchen-moonves​ did put up her ally and has several times exposed peoples’ private alliances and secrets, so it’s in her best interest to take her out before their trio alliance is also exposed.
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The nomination ceremony begins early friday, the houseguests sleepily gathering in the kitchen as @julieeexcheeen​ names her nominees for this week.
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@charlchen-moonves​ seems rather unsurprised to see her face appear on the memory wall. @julieeexcheeen​ states that @charlchen-moonves​ is both a comp threat and a social threat in the house, and no one feels safe making deals or alliances while she is around and thats a problem for the her own game. @bitterjurorssavetheday​ is just a pawn this week.
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Later that night I approach @julieeexcheeen​ in the HOH room about putting my ally @charlchen-moonves​ on the block. She reiterates the points she made during nominations and I point out that if she has nothing to hide why would @charlchen-moonves​ be a bigger threat than @leotheeworld​ who has won just as many competitions or @lavenderkaty​ who has been proven to have a strong social influence. @julieeexcheeen​ gets defensive when I question why she would put up only one strong threat and not multiple and the conversation turns into a short argument. I leave the HOH room before the situation escalates further.
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With the veto competition fast approaching, the houseguests gather to pick their players. @julieeexcheeen​ pulls former enemy of her alliance @whoblewboobear​ @charlchen-moonves​ picks me with houseguest’s choice as I’m currently her closest ally and will certainly take her off the block, and @bitterjurorssavetheday​ pulls Bullseye member @maxdoesbb​ 
Before the competition begins @bitterjurorssavetheday​ approaches @maxdoesbb​ to ask if he would use the veto on her if he wins. @maxdoesbb​ agrees, however does not plan on keeping the promise. @charlchen-moonves​ is Bullseye’s target and using the veto might cause another member of the alliance to go up next to her, so @maxdoesbb​ really plans to throw this veto again.
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Following the lead of legend Dan Gheesling @maxdoesbb​ throws the competition first round, and slowly the number of competitors dwindle by wrong guesses until @julieeexcheeen​ and I are left. In the final round, she manages to grab the victory by earning the most points, giving @julieeexcheeen​ total power for this week!
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Just like last week the houseguests are given the opportunity to opt-in for a small luxury competition in the spare room off the HOH room. More people participate this week, but @whoblewboobear​ beats them out, winning a small cash prize for themself!
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Monday afternoon the houseguests gather for the veto ceremony in the living room. @bitterjurorssavetheday​ knows she is a pawn so @julieeexcheeen​ likely wont use the veto but she knows pawns usually go home and it may be smarter to put up a stronger target. @charlchen-moonves​ assures @julieeexcheeen​ she’s not going after her as there are bigger targets in the house.
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Ultimately @julieeexcheeen​ decides not to use the power of veto, leaving the nominations the same.
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Determined to not be another pawn caught in the crossfire of bigger players, @bitterjurorssavetheday​ pulls @ashlynbuggy​ and @maxdoesbb​ aside, asking for their vote to stay in the house. As @charlchen-moonves​ is the target of the Bullseye alliance that they both belong to, they agree to help her campaign and say they will vote to keep her.
They bring the news of this alliance to Bullseye later that night and the rest of the alliance also agrees, and seems glad to have an extra scapegoat to help them if need be.
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Thursday comes rather slowly, Julie gathering the houseguests in the living room after a rather boring week. That could be either a good or a bad sign depending on the result of the eviction.
Standing when prompted, @charlchen-moonves​ announces again that her goal is to break up the alliance forming between strong players, particularly @ashlynbuggy​ and @lavenderkaty​. @bitterjurorssavetheday​ reminds the house of @charlchen-moonves​’ previous snooping and public blow ups, stating the house cant trust she’ll only go after those she says she will.
One by one the houseguests are called to vote.
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@charlchen-moonves​ 3 - 0 @lavenderkaty​ 
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@charlchen-moonves​ 5 - 1 @bitterjurorssavetheday​
Even with @lavenderkaty​ seemingly voting against her own alliance, its official @charlchen-moonves​ will be evicted this week, but lets see how the other votes fall.
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By a vote of 7 to 1, @charlchen-moonves​ you have been evicted from the BBSIM house!
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cantstand-bb · 9 months
Aight time to brush the dust off of this dumbass blog.
Anyways I too am on the Blue hype train, so I’m hoping she doesn’t disappoint.
I also have chronic “I can’t not root for older black women on Big Brother” syndrome so I’m really wanting Felicia to go far.
But overall, other than the vibe atrocities that are Red and Luke, I’m feeling p excited for this cast :)
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ricsim2022 · 2 years
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You can now download the most watched house in the country, in this case from your sims. The house is set up to offer your sims a reality show experience. The house is inspired by the Portuguese version of Big Brother, broadcasted on TVI. A few days before the real version premieres, I will soon launch the galas studio also inspired by the Portuguese studio of this great reality show. Download, play and tell me what you think!
Podes agora fazer o download da casa mais vigiada do país, neste caso dos teus sims. A casa está preparada para ofereceres aos teus sims uma experiência de reality show. A casa é inspirada na versão portuguesa do Big Brother, transmitida na TVI. A poucos dias da versão real estrear, em breve irei lançar o estúdio das galas inspirado também no estúdio português deste grande reality show. Faz download, joga e diz-me o que achas!
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hhyanaa · 8 months
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Blue Download sim+cc GD Thanks for all creators <3 @bbsims @bloodmooncc @miikocc @kikiw-sims @northernsiberiawinds @poyopoyosim @angissi @evoxyr @obscurus-sims @reinasimsstory @sims3melancholic @bluecravingcc @charonlee @rimings @busra-tr @astya96cc @joliebean @madlensims @ravensim @serenity-cc @backtrack-cc
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simdeity · 6 months
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Freezia Sim ♥
I made a sim inspired by Song Jia (송지아) AKA Freezia (프리지아), with her formal and party attire completely identical to some of my favorite outfits of hers! 
The reason why i seperated it into 3 files is because Patreon is limiting big file uploads. Try to watch out for duplicates in your mods folder by going through the mods, or using a third party apps like the "Sims mods manager".
If you want to download Her with no cc (not recommended, she will look nothing like the pictures) Extract the files in "SongJia.zip" (without the folders) right into your tray folder. (My documents>Electronic arts>The sims 4>Tray)
The mods - you should simply put them in your mods folder. If there is anything you don't want, i really recommend donwloading the sims mods manager. :)
Now for creator credits ♥:
Skin&details&slideres&makeup: Northern siberian winds, Obscurus (My 2 favorite creators, please check them out!) ,MS_MarySims,cmar, HFOTS4, LUUMIA, MsBlue, teanmoon, vibrantpixels, HYB,
Makeup: MMSIMS, SeokJji, MYOBI, BlahberryPancake, ANGISSI, nananni, crypticsim, BBSims
Hair: Leahlilith, Nightcrawler, kiegross, Anto, brandysims.
accesories: Toksik, MURPHY, Pralinesims PlatinumLuxeSims (Luxury bags from Sugar Baby mod!)
Clothes: BADDIESIMS, Simpliciaty euno, Trillyke, PZC, EAN, RIMINGS, CosplaySimmer, Kiro, arethabee.
Shoes: IndiSim, MAUVEMORN, BRADFORD, ShakeProductions.
Thank you all for your amazing mods! 
download link in my patreon (for FREE of course!!!):
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mildchoco · 2 years
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🎃 Kabocha(Halloween Sim)🌿
If you like my sims please like and follow me❤️ This post will become public on : 11/18/2022 • < 🧡 ≫───•◦ 🎃 ◦•───≪ 🌿 > • Kabocha CC list : Slider - [MB] Default boobs slider 2v @magic-bot - miiko-eyebrow-slider-02(far-close) @miikocc you should download file name :     - obscurus esotropia and exotropia slider_Fixed - obscurus nose slider N3 nose bridge_Fixed   Link to download @obscurus-sims     Preset - jiumiQAQ Jaw Preset V1 @wsyzxkw - obscurus_nose_presets_2f @obscurus-sims Skin - [NorthernSiberiaWinds] SKIN N6 @northernsiberiawinds - [NorthernSiberiaWinds] CLEAVAGE MASK N2 @northernsiberiawinds EA Eyelashes Remover   - [Kijiko]Remove-EA-Lashes Makeup - GPME-GOLD F-Eyebrows G12 @goppolsme - [BBSims] eyes39 @bunbunzsims1 - obscurus_3D_eyelashes_N2_natural @obscurus-sims - GPME-GOLD Glossy Eyes @goppolsme - [poyopoyo] Makeup Set N13 (MS13) @poyopoyosim - [NorthernSiberiaWinds] BLUSH N4 @northernsiberiawinds - [NorthernSiberiaWinds] HIGHLIGHTER N4 + NOSE BLUSH @northernsiberiawinds - [MB] Non-default Adult teeth japanese @magic-bot - MMSIMS Lips 4 @mmsims Hair - [JINO] HAIR 03HQ Acc - euno 2022 0104 nail (square shape) Pattern ver HQ @eunosims Outfit - [RIMINGS] Pumpkin Corduroy Beret + [RIMINGS] Pumpkin Knit Cardigan + [RIMINGS] Pumpkin Corduroy Pants @rimings - [Jius]ChunkyPlatformHeels01 @jius-sims Pose by : helgatisha & Hongzo • < 🧡 ≫───•◦ 🎃 ◦•───≪ 🌿 > • Download Sim Tray :   ♥ [̲̅L][̲̅i̲̅][̲̅k̲̅][̲̅e̲̅] ♥ (Early access)     You can follow me on Facebook / patreon    
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skyhawkstragedy · 7 months
we are getting dangerously close to wanting every day to be a gate or bbsim territory
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casmylordandsavior · 2 years
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(click for better quality)
let's play a game of cat and mouse <3
cc by: @notegain @rottenmothboy @saruin @cloudcat @pyxis-likes-ts4 @pyxiidis @bbsims @ts4eve @mmsims @kamiiri @goppolsme @akalukery @yuko-18 @squeamishsims @weepingsimmer @asansan3 @ashwwa @plushymoth @pralinesims @trillyke @sentate @simbience @simandy @infiniteraptor @serenity-cc @punchyo @bellassims @ohmybunnny @lamatisse @chewybutterfly @zinxsims @lutessasims @grhyme @dreambot
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charlchen-moonves · 2 years
Watch @bathroom-sand, @kemi-fucking-fakunle and I start an alliance in @flopbb24’s bbsim, with all of us choosing what in Loyalty?
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bathroom-sand · 2 years
Bathroom-Sand’s BB Takeover!
Week One — Episode One
cast: @cantstand-bb @maxdoesbb @charlchen-moonves @artsy-man-today @captain--steve--rogers @stanningbb @julieeexcheeen @bitterjurorssavetheday @paras-atashnak @skyhawkstragedy @davonnesveto @flopbb24 @cirie-sandra-michaela @transpokenerd @marcdjr00
Hello everyone! I’m your host, Bathroom-Sand! I hope all of you are excited for a very special season of big brother!!!!! Ive decided to take… creative liberties with this season! Featuring my own twists that will flop in two weeks! There will be three episodes to each week! Following the basic premise of the actual show (🤢)! If you want a DR session make sure to leave a reply/reblog/comment/dm after each episode for me to include in the next episode! If not, no hard feelings! And please, remember to expect the unexpected!
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The first 5 houseguest to take the stage are cantstand-bb, maxdoesbb, charlchen-moonves, and captain--steve--rogers! One by one the houseguests enter the house.
Unfortunately for maxdoesbb, he enters the house first.
The houseguest are immediately greeted to a house full of fan. The kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and (yes) the Bathroom. They aren’t given much time to settle before they’re told to enter the backyard for the first part of the HOH competition.
The backyard is decorated like a classroom, outfitted with desk chairs, a chalkboard, and posters. Once there they are told to wait. In the meantime…
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charlchen-moonves and maxdoesbb exchange names and play a game of rock paper succors to kill time. charlchen-moonves wins the game and maxdoesbb stops talking to her.
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artsy-man-today, cantstand-bb, and CaptainSteveRogers share personal information about their lives. They come to an agreement to not put each other on the block if any of them win HOH.
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Group two enters the big brother house of sand comprised of julieeexcheeen, bitterjurorssavetheday, paras-atashnak, skyhawkstragedy, and davonnesveto. None of them are happy with the house. The group talks with one another but none of them make any promises regarding the competition. They exchange hometowns, careers, and the names of their pets. It’s all smiles (🤢)
They enter the backyard and join the first group of houseguests!
The HOH Competition
Welcome houseguests! You may have noticed by now that the backyard is designed like a classroom! That’s because this summer you’re not just playing big brother, you’re playing Big Brother: Schools Out! Right now you’ll be competing to win HOH! Winning HOH will guarantee you immunity for the week and allow you to nominate two of your classmates for expulsion! All houseguests, please line up by the back of the classroom. The objective is to grab the chalk at the front of the classroom and write “I will win big brother” 20 times. The chalk is located on the opposite side of the room along the chalk board. But BEWARE! At any moment, this robotic teacher can turn around! If the scanner detects any movement you’re out of the competition! Once across the room you may begin writing. Simple, right? But for those who don’t want that kind of power there’s an alternative! A hall pass! If you grab the hall pass you’ll be granted three weeks of immunity from the game! However, doing so will result in an immediate unknown school wide policy change! So be careful with your decision!
The competition starts! Many houseguests are tempted by the hall pass. It means laying low for a few weeks! davonnesveto has her eyes squarely on it, along with maxdoesbb, artsy-man-today, julieeexcheeen, and paras-atashnak…. But in the end
skyhawkstragedy GRABS THE HALL PASS. Houseguests are immediately annoyed but he assured them he genuinely thought it was the actual HOH. He claims that since so many were going for it he figured that was how you won. (
Only four houseguests were taking this seriously! These houseguests get their first and begin to write the phrase! (over and over and over) cantstand-bb charlchen-moonves, captain--steve--rogers, and bitterjurorssavetheday!
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bitterjurorssavetheday wins the competition!
Congratulations bitterjurorssavetheday! You are the new HOH! This means you’ll be staying in the HOH room for the week! The only room with no sand! My treat! This also means you will have to nominate two of your fellow houseguests for eviction! As a special twist (also my treat!), you will nominate one of those houseguests right now!
bitterjurorssavetheday feels awkward after being put on the spot. She decides that since 6/10 houseguests (10? Weird, that’s such a small number) decided to go for the hall pass, it’s only fair to nominate one of them. Unfortunately, bitterjurorssavetheday doesn’t actually know any of the houseguests by name. She decides to point at the houseguests she wants to nominate.
Each houseguest does their best to look super friendly and sweet! Unfortunately, some houseguests are more socially skilled than others.
bitterjurorssavetheday points out davonnesveto!
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davonnesveto’s plan of flying under the radar immediately fails as she is now the first nominee of the season (tragic).
But that’s not all…
skyhawkstragedy! Earlier you decided to grab yourself a hall pass! In doing so you have given yourself 3 weeks of safety (how tender). What you’ve also done is enforce a new policy at BB High! BB High has now accepted the admission of 4 new houseguests! (Oh that’s why there was only 10 of you?)
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flopbb24, cirie-sandra-michaela, transpokenerd, and marcdjr00 enter the backyard! they’ve been waiting for the last 30 minutes! Unbeknownst to the other houseguests, they’ve formed the first alliance! Although, to be fair, there was no guarantee they would enter the house, so maybe it was a little preemptive!
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Hmm… I feel like I’m forgetting something…. Oh yeah! We only have one nominee! Let’s see… Well the original houseguests have all had the chance to compete for safety! One of them has even been nominated. It’s only now fair that the transfer students compete in a competition. First place is granted immunity form nomination or expulsion and last place is granted the opportunity to be the second nominee! This next completion will be a simple crapshoot!
flopbb24, cirie-sandra-michaela, transpokenerd, and marcdjr00 line up for a shotput style of competition. Unfortunately for flopbb24, cirie-sandra-michaela and transpokenerd, this is more of a physical competition. All of them selected one for the event. The odds of any of them winning is very slim against marcdjr00 who has a 5 in the category!
In an unsurprising twist marcdjr00 wins immunity!
In second place is cirie-sandra-michaela!
it’s neck and neck between flopbb24 and transpokenerd!
in third place by mere centimeters is transpokenerd! She doesn’t have immunity but she isn’t a nominee. A fair trade.
losing by… surprisingly not much… flopbb24. He is not the second initial nominee!
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Ironically, both flopbb24 and davonnesveto had planned to stay under the radar for some time! With any luck, either of both of them will get off the block and survive to next week where they can try that strategy again!
With the shock settled houseguests are finally allowed in the house! all houseguests immediately visit bitterjurorssavetheday’s HOH room to avoid the sand in the rest of the house. One by one, houseguests are called to the diary room to talk over the events of the days. All houseguests agree to play nicely this summer and to make it a summer of friendship (🤢). I
maxdoesbb is called to the diary room….
maxdoesbb enters the diary room to greet his twin! stanningbb! with identical icons the two are indistinguishable. the pair are informed that if they survive the twin twist without being evicted until jury, both of them will be allowed to enter the game.
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maxdoesbb is given five minutes to tell stanningbb everything he knows about the game. maxdoesbb tells her that charlchen-moonves thinks they’re close but that she isn’t to be trusted. he explains to them who the hoh is, that the house is filled with sand (so don’t panic), that it’s a kinda lame school twist, and to make alliances!
with the all the information given to her, stanningbb now leaves the diary room and enters the house for the first time.
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bunbunzsims1 · 11 months
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hyunllx · 2 years
Flopbb’s 2022 BBSIM Week 4
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@ashlynbuggy​ bathroom-sand bisexyasami @bitterjurorssavetheday​ @charlchen-moonves​ @chumchunom​ @julieeexcheeen​ @kemi-fucking-fakunle​ @lavenderkaty​ @leotheeworld​ @maxdoesbb​ pyrrheposts @skyhawkstragedy​ @whoblewboobear​ 
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Last week saw the fall of the first F2 formed of the season when HOH @leotheeworld disagreed with his partner @charlchen-moonves on whether or not to target two strong players in the house. The disagreement dissolved their alliance, and despite an attempt to flip the vote and keep her, a tie sent bisexyasami out the door.
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After a shocking tie vote Julie orders you all to the back yard for a mental HOH competition. As the outgoing HOH @leotheeworld is not eligible to compete. 
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Sporting a superior memory and coming off the back of a failed attempt to flip the house against her former ally, @charlchen-moonves manages to take the HOH this week!
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Unsurprising to everyone, @charlchen-moonves puts up @ashlynbuggy in revenge for putting her on the block two weeks ago. She also puts up former nominee @lavenderkaty citing the situation where she and her alliance members were able to figure out the bathroom-sand rumors and how that could make them a strategic threat.
In a DR after the ceremony @charlchen-moonves reveals that she didn’t put up @leotheeworld because she considers him less of a threat without an alliance than if he had one to help him win competitions. If worst comes to worst he can be a back door plan, but her target this week is still @ashlynbuggy​.
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Production The universe has an ironic sense of humor, and in picking players for veto, @charlchen-moonves​ picks her former ally @leotheeworld​, something she wouldve been happy about only a week ago. @ashlynbuggy​ pulls the rather elusive @chumchunom​ and @lavenderkaty​ picks @maxdoesbb​ with houseguests choice.
In a DR after the picks, @lavenderkaty​ states she picked @maxdoesbb​ because he is a mutual friend with fellow nominee @ashlynbuggy​. In picking him to play for veto she hopes it helps sway him a little more to use the veto on her if he were to win, or at least vote to keep her if she remains on the block.
@maxdoesbb​ is torn though. He is closer to @ashlynbuggy​ but doesnt want to get on the bad side of an alliance of 3 when he’s relatively alone. He thinks he’ll throw this competition to avoid making that choice right now.
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@ashlynbuggy​ spends some time before the veto talking to @chumchunom​ in hopes he will use the veto on her if he wins.
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After a gross and grueling competition @lavenderkaty​ manages to find the most votes and secures herself safety for the week!
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As Pandora’s Box went unopened last week, the spare room was transformed into an individual luxury competition that the houseguests could opt to participate in under the promise of a reward. @ashlynbuggy​ chooses to participate, hoping for some kind of safety as her fellow nominee would be taking herself off the block with the veto. In successfully completing the challenge all the houseguests including have-nots get to throw a nice backyard barbecue.
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During the barbecue @lavenderkaty​ and @kemi-fucking-fakunle​ get to know each other more, bonding enough to talk game and consider each other allies.
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Early Monday morning before the veto ceremony @lavenderkaty​ gathers her allies in @skyhawkstragedy​ @ashlynbuggy​ @maxdoesbb​ former HOH @leotheeworld​ and new friend @kemi-fucking-fakunle​ and proposes a solid alliance to save both @ashlynbuggy​ and herself this week. As she will use the veto on herself, they would have the five votes needed to keep @ashlynbuggy​. The whole alliance generally also are strong competitors and have a good chance to win competitions to keep each other safe. They all agree and decide to name the alliance Bullseye, as they aim to move the targets off of themselves and on to others.
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And unsurprisingly that afternoon when @lavenderkaty​ calls the house together for the veto ceremony she uses it to save herself. @ashlynbuggy​ congratulates her for saving herself and hopes this isnt the end of the game for her.
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To the shock of the newly-formed majority alliance Bullseye, @charlchen-moonves​ puts up one of their own. It seems her perception for secrets and lies from the first week hasnt waned and she picked up on @lavenderkaty​ and @kemi-fucking-fakunle​ growing closer over the past couple days. Though she’s unaware of the greater alliance she wants to break up any relationship that may be forming there.
Bullseye meet late into the night when everyone else is asleep. They consider just breaking up the alliance because it will be a big loss to lose one of their own right after forming. They joke about being flops of the season and how the public will perceive them, but they ultimately decide to stay together and lose a member. The members who can vote agree to split their votes 2-2 to let the rest of the house decide which member to evict.
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While talking over a group dinner on Wednesday @julieeexcheeen​ makes an inappropriate and ignorant statement. While there doesnt appear to be immediate consequences, live feeders certainly arent happy about it.
As eviction night comes once again, Bullseye scramble to meet one last time on their way to the living room to confirm they still want to split their votes. Everyone still agrees... we’ll see if they stick to it. 
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When prompted by Julie, @kemi-fucking-fakunle​ says the game is only just beginning and he has so much more game to play. He could be a good asset to the house if they were to keep him. @ashlynbuggy​ makes it clear that she will continue going after @charlchen-moonves​ who seems keen on spying on everyone’s private deals and alliances.
One by one Julie calls each person to the DR to cast their vote.
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@kemi-fucking-fakunle​ 2 - 2 @ashlynbuggy​ 
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@kemi-fucking-fakunle​ 4 - 3 @ashlynbuggy​ 
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By a vote of 5 to 4, @kemi-fucking-fakunle​ you have been evicted from the BBSim house
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cantstand-bb · 1 year
I’m so fuckin ready for BB25 y’all have no idea.
I didn’t watch any of these past seasons of The Challenge so I’m in a reality TV DROUGHT
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ricsim2022 · 2 years
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The studio that welcomes the contestants right after they leave, and every week the viewers and hosts of the world's biggest reality show now has a version for the sims, to complement the Big Brother house that was available before. Download it and let me know how you'll use it! Tell me all about it in the comments.
O estúdio que recebe os concorrentes logo após a sua saída, e todas as semanas os espetadores e apresentadores do maior reality show do mundo tem agora uma versão para os sims, para complementar o a casa do Big Brother que ficou disponível antes. Faz o download e quero saber como o vais usar! Conta-me tudo nos comentários.
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