#besties read this book rn
the---hermit · 4 months
2024 reading goals
Let's talk about reading goals for the new year. I also want to be better at checking in during the year how I am doing with my goals, so expect further updates (ideally each quarter).
read all the books I buy during the year (or the most of them anyway): This has been one of my main goals for the past couple of years. I think I have been pretty good with this. I never got to read the 100% of the new books, mostly because at the very end of the year between the holidays and all I always accomulate some books, but never too many, and I generally end up working my way through them at the beginning of the year. Having this goal in mind has made me better at buying books I actually want to read right away, and at not making my physical tbr get bigger every year. It is fundamental for me to keep being as good as I can be with this goal, and I am pretty confident I can do a good job.
read more non fiction that is not uni related: I love non fiction books but since I have a lot of non fiction to read for uni I never really read much in my free time. I would like to read more in my free time, and I decided to keep a very minimal goal of a non-fiction book for each quarter of the year. Of course any book I have to read for a class does not count. If I can get more than one non fiction book read each quarter that is even better but I prefer starting with an approachable goal.
decrease my physical tbr: After sitting down and writing out all the unread books I own it is imperative I do something to conquer my physical tbr. I have done it with my graphic novel section, I can do it with the rest. The main focus is the fiction section, but I will keep track of the non fiction as well. I haven't planned how to yet, but I think my main approach will be to fit as many of the books I already own in the propts of the reading challenges I will do during the year. I might look for audiobook to help me with this goal. Once I'll have a better plan I might write a specific post about it.
get back to reading in French: For years I have been saying I need to work on picking back up my French and this year this is one of my goals. To do so I would like to slowly get back into reading in French. Again I want to keep this approachable so I'd like to read one French book each quarter. Ngl if I read even just one book it will be a win because it will be more than I have done in the past years. For this I will need recommendations, because I only own The Stranger by Camus in French, and no other books. I am thinking about getting a copy of The Hobbit since it's one of my favourite books and I know it pretty well, that could be a good option to start. But any recommendation is welcome. (Note for my future self checking in: even if i read one book each half of the year that counts as enough because I am scared to read in French again so I need to go easy on myself)
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ruiconteur · 7 months
Any chance you could explain the five poem references in the chorus of 山外? 👀👀👀
(I love love love ur tls and the accompanying notes for context/elaboration, you put so much thought and effort into them and it shows!! Just read ur tl of Hen Bie and cried ;-;)
i'll take any chance to obsess over classical chinese poetry so i'd be delighted to :D ty for finally giving me the motivation to flesh out my explanations of them in my translation bc i've been too lazy to do it before this, but also you might regret having asked me this by the time you finish reading this post lol
also i'm rly rly glad you liked my tl of henbie! the last line still gives me ulcers every time i think about it, it was so difficult 😭
anyway so 山外 chorus!! it has eight lines split into two stanzas and the first three lines of each stanza is a poetic reference which is absolutely insane to me?? lyricist大大 真是太佩服您了
the first line of both stanzas is 山外青山楼外楼 / beyond the mountains are yet more verdant mountains—beyond the towers are yet more towers. i translated it a bit more literally to get the parallel structure, but a more figurative translation might be something like an unending expanse of verdant mountains—the buildings stretch on for so long one cannot tell where they begin or end.
this line comes from the 七绝 / seven-character quatrain 《题临安邸》 / on the subject of the inns and residences in lin'an by song dynasty poet 林升 lin sheng. (note: 邸 here refers to an inn, but i've also translated it as residence to emphasise lin sheng's criticism of the government officials who have come, in his view, to visit lin'an in this poem.)
the poem goes something like this (aka, have yet another very rough tl):
山外青山楼外楼, / beyond the mountains are yet more verdant mountains—beyond the towers are yet more towers; 西湖歌舞几时休? / at what hour will the singing and dancing on the western lake come to an end? 暖风熏得游人醉, / the fragrance wafting through the warm breeze sweeps the sight-seers into a drunken stupor; 直把杭州作汴州。 / they have simply taken hangzhou to be once-glorious bianzhou.
context! this poem was written after the fall of the (northern) song to the jurchen invaders. as the capital of the song dynasty, bianzhou (known today as kaifeng) was captured and sacked by the jurchen, and the song rulers who managed to escape fled to southern china, whereupon they made hangzhou the capital of the southern song. the emperor gaozong, the only one of the imperial house who wasn't in bianzhou at the time, took the throne in lin'an, which he favoured for being a 人间天堂 (paradise on earth, basically). the officials then proceeded to engage wantonly in song and dance—that is, in a life of degenerate extravagance and debauchery, and it got to the point where hangzhou was labelled a 销金锅 (lit. "a pot of melting gold"), which is now used to describe a place in which huge amounts of money and gold are frittered away. it was this exact attitude that this poem is criticising lol.
(i'm putting the rest under a read more because i am apparently incapable of shutting up)
the second line is 不如黄鹂鸣翠柳 / it cannot compare to the singing of golden orioles in jade-green willows. this line is adapted from the first line of the third (and most famous) of 杜甫 du fu's 《绝句四首》 / four quatrains: 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳 / two golden orioles sing in jade-green willows.
some background info on du fu because the guy is just ridiculous: he's known as one of the three greatest tang dynasty poets, aka the triumvirate 李杜白 lidubai, which stands for 李白 li bai, 杜甫 du fu, and 白居易 bai juyi. depending on who you ask, either he or li bai is the greatest classical chinese poet of all time. he's known as either the 诗圣 / poet-sage, for the way he engages with morality in his poetry, and also the 诗史 / poet-historian, because of his extant poetry (and it's a truly insane amount, btw, i mean, close to 1500, which is wild for a guy who lived in the 8th century), many were intended as political commentary and therefore indirectly shed light on the effects felt by the common people. anyway, he's also extremely notable for his range and technical excellence, because given just how many poems he wrote, it's kind of understandable that he ended up writing in all the poetic forms available to him at the time. but also wow.
the most incredible part to me about him is that he specialised in 律诗 / regulated verse (about two-thirds of his extant poetry is in this form) which is. holy shit. this form is incredibly demanding, and it's absolutely astounding just how easy du fu makes it look. i won't get into it here because i've already rambled enough about him, but if you watched shl, part of his poem 《登高》 / climbing the heights, which is one of the best existing examples of 律诗 out there, was quoted in the lyrics for 天涯客, and i explain it in the footnotes of my translation.
anyway, onto the actual poem! the context is that it was written after the an-shi rebellion was quelled; coincidentally, it was this exact rebellion that greatly influenced du fu's writing. after learning that his good friend yan wu, the governor-general of chengdu, had returned to his post, du fu too returned to his home in chengdu in great spirits. upon seeing the fresh and vivid spring scenery, he was seized by the impulse to compose a poem about it. the reason it's just named 绝句 / quatrains is because he didn't think of a title before writing it and was too lazy to come up with one afterwards (mood).
the couplet that's quoted also uses parallelism, btw. specifically:
两、一 -> number 个、行 -> measure word 黄、白 -> adjective: colour 鹂、鹭 -> noun: type of bird 鸣、上 -> verb 翠、青 -> adjective: colour 柳、天 -> noun: nature
(yeah he writes like that. constantly. how, you ask? excellent question, i don't know either.)
anyway, the full poem, as roughly translated by me:
两个黄鹂鸣翠柳, / two golden orioles sing in jade-green willows; 一行白鹭上青天。 / a line of white herons rise into the blue skies. 窗含西岭千秋雪, / within the window—snow atop the western ridges, gathered over a thousand autumns; 门泊东吴万里船。 / outside the door—vessels in anchorage, come ten thousand miles from eastern wu.
and now, finally, the third line! this one isn't a line from a poem, but the title of one: 春江花月夜 by tang dynasty poet 张若虚 zhang ruoxu, which i've translated as flowers by the spring river on a moonlit night. i won't be translating the full poem because it's incredibly long and this post is long enough as is, but it's gorgeous. it was praised by the poet 闻一多 wen yiduo as being 诗中的诗,顶峰上的顶峰 / the poem of poems, the pinnacle of pinnacles, and is also considered to have 压全唐 / surpassed the entirety of the tang [in poetry], which is insane considering just how many incredible poems/poets came out of the tang dynasty, aka the literal golden age of chinese poetry (if you recall, 李杜白 lidubai were all tang dynasty poets).
this is a 宫体诗 / palace-style poem, and each character in the title is described in great detail: 春 / spring, for the gentle and exquisite spring; 江 / river, for the winding and flowing river; 花 / flowers, for the hazy but resplendent flowers; 月 / moon, for the glow of the distant moon reflected in water; and 夜 / night, for the tranquil and melancholic night.
other than the scenery, this poem also explores the enigmas of the universe and human existence—specifically, how although each of our lives are short and limited, the existence of humanity as a whole stretches on unendingly, much like the bright moon that rises over the river day after day. it then goes on to describe the yearning of a wife for her travelling husband (fun fact: he's travelling by boat on the river), and the last line in particular is very, well. it's very li lianhua-core, shall we say? 不知乘月几人归,落月摇情满江树。 / i know not how many will return with the moonlight; the falling moon sways with the sorrow of parting, spilling it over the riverside trees. yeah. :)
next up is a quote from tang dynasty poet 王勃 wang bo, who wrote one of my absolute favourite couplets of all time, it literally rewrote my brain chemistry omg: 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 / as long as there remains someone who knows me within the four oceans, we will be as neighbours even at the edges of the earth. (i definitely shoved it in here bc it's relevant to this post since zeng shunxi quoted it in his farewell letter to fang duobing and absolutely not bc i just wanted to :D)
anyway the ACTUAL quote is 物换星移几度秋 / landscapes change and stars shift—how many autumns have passed? it comes from the poem 《滕王阁诗》 / prince teng's pavilion: a poem, which is considered a founding piece of tang literature. in days of yore, this pavilion was constructed by prince teng, son of the tang emperor gaozu, and was often used by him to host great feasts and guests, but now that he's now long gone, the only thing left is the empty expanse of river water that flows beneath the railings. basically, it laments the ephemeral prosperity and declines of human life, particularly when contrasted against the perpetuity of the universe.
and now, at long last, the final poetic reference! the line in question is 举杯销愁愁更愁 / raise a cup to drown your sorrows, but the sorrows only worsen, which, apart from referencing a classical poem, also links back to a very similar line from the opening theme 就在江湖之上 / at the pinnacle of the jianghu: 千杯不醉入愁肠 / a thousand cups of wine lead not to intoxication but despair.
as for the poem, this one comes from 李白 li bai, the man the legend the icon himself, poet-drunkard-swordsman-hermit-he of the multiple moon and wine poems (although that pretty much describes all of classical chinese poetry so, eh). i only know three (five?) chinese poems by heart in their entirety and one of them is by this guy (静夜思, bc every cn diaspora kid learns that growing up).
this particular poem, 《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》 / ascending xie tiao's pavilion in xuanzhou for a farewell repast with uncle yun of the imperial record-keepers, is a leavetaking poem (clearly), and opens with the lines 弃我去者,昨日之日不可留。乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧。 / yesterday, which has abandoned me, can no longer be pleaded with to stay. today, which upsets my heart, causes me much anxiety. then it takes a rapid one-eighty into describing the gorgeous scenery (长风万里送秋雁 / the great winds escort the wild geese through the autumn skies) and the noble aspirations being discussed while drinking their fill atop this tall pavilion. and then right after the couplet 俱怀逸兴壮思飞,欲上青天览明月 / all harbouring intrepid and grandiose thoughts, in our surging states of mind, we desire to leap into the blue skies and take the bright moon into our arms, the poem plummets once more into the abyss of misery at the realisation that these ideals/aspirations sharply conflict with reality. (remind you of someone?)
here's where the couplet this song quotes comes into play: 抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。 / draw a blade to stem the flow of water, but the surge of water only gets fiercer; raise a cup to drown your sorrows, but the sorrows only worsen. it is at this moment that the poet decides, you know what, i'm going to retire to live in the jianghu. specifically, he says: 人生在世不称意,明朝散发弄扁舟。 / since life in this world is so incongruous with my desires, i may as well let my hair down and drift through the jianghu on a small boat. :) everything's about li lianhua here huh.
and there you have it! 2,222 words about all the poetic references (that i'm aware of) in 山外.
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having a horrid time sitting in a sound booth listening to a charismatic lady talk about prophetic art
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biboomerangboi · 2 months
I need to get back into reading SVSSS but I really struggled with it because SQQ internal monologues and critiques sound so so similar to my best friend and his critiques of things he likes and his logic is so similar that I literally cant really get into any of the Bingqiu sexual tension, I cringe, I feel the need to look away.
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mazojo · 11 months
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raininyourblackeyes · 7 months
omg i have an ask that says "what's your favourite ancient civilization?" that i'm so anxious to answer actually because i don't think i'm qualified to have one...? like i did want to study archaeology but my plan was to catch up to fun stuff and detailed facts in uni once i was away from my family because that was an easier way to live since my dad only valued mathematics and physics as something i should've been spending my time on. so like to avoid being called stupid and useless and disappointment to him more than was necessary, my knowledge of history in general was restricted to basic stuff we learned in school and when i started uni i deleted most of that stuff from my memory because well turns out i won't need that and it's easier not to think of an alternate universe where the pandemic didn't happen and i got out, instead of remaining stuck with my family studying pharmacy... and even from the school stuff, we only focuesed on mesopotamia, persia, ancient egypt and then everything else was europe. so my knowledge of ancient civilizations beyong that is that they existed. i was planning to learn about as much suff as possible during that summer before starting university but that obviously didn't happen and now i feel so underqualified to actually answer that harmless little ask. like answering ancient egypt or ancient greece or ancient rome because i remember the most about them from school because we did study those the most sounds boring but i also literally would need to google english spelling and exact names for anything more fun that i remember. like my knowledge is that little. i shouldn't be getting this worked up over an ask lmao but i don't want to have this rant be an answer to it so i have to get it out before i eventually gather what little i remember and try to figure out an answer
#besties i had to get a license for judging skating for my dad to stop yelling at me for watching it#i read classics for school at home because those were acceptable books and usually discussed over dinner but any fantasy and sci-fi etc#had to be read on the bus to school (if i was going by the bus) so he wouldn't find out and deem me a waste of money and his time#i spent from august 2019 to february 2020 slowly explaining that studying archaeology abroad wouldn't be pointless and wouldn't be somethin#only people who can't get into any other faculty would study for him to reluctantly agree#to this day he is saying that the pandemic was actually perfect for me because i didn't throw away my life and potential#i was to my country's biggest museum thrice in my life. mandatory school visits.#okay but not to give you a wrong picture my parents really really aren't strict or anything#sure i do lie to my dad a lot but rn i am the only person who gets along with him at home#like yeah i have to be home by 22 at last but that's reasonable to me i see no reason to stay out that late#i have never been to a club sure but i also would rather eat my own arm than go to a club#yes they do ignore the fact that i hate drawing and painting in favour of boasting how talented i am and yeah my dad is complaining#how i should have studied architecture instead of pharmacy and i do hide the fact that i like to write from them but also#i did paint my cousin's book covers so it's kind of difficult for them to understand that i don't like that and writing is a silly hobby
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sunlitmcgee · 11 months
in my head c!wilbur and c!eret had an extremely deep bond pre-betrayal bc they were the only adults in l'manburg and thus connected over their shared raising of three young boys.
which only made it worse when eret eventually did betray them.
Theyyywwre parent peopleeee
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sodrippy · 1 year
dyou reckon someone at the library saw i was trying to check out the godfather and is delaying the delivery to spite my taste in media?
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vveakfish · 10 months
i finished the book i was reading at work today and now idk what to do…
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dandelion-roots · 1 year
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[Image description: a black and white digital sketch of Caleb Jansen from the SPECTR series, a pale skinned man with long black hair, from the knees up. He’s looking off to the right suspiciously, and has his hands in his pockets. He’s wearing a jacket over a mostly-unbuttoned shirt and black ripped jeans. Next to his head is the anarchist sign. End description.]
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preciouspatriots · 1 year
convinced my little sister and best friend to read the half bad trilogy. gave them ample warning that it’s the saddest thing i’ve ever read; can’t wait for some commiseration >:)
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diobrando · 1 year
Lol romi wanted to read scummy villain so bad
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silverislander · 27 days
have discovered a new enemy while doing research for the honours essay. why are you pretending to understand psychology and BLATANTLY misinterpreting actual terms and concepts in order to tear down a movie aimed at teenage girls, my good bitch. i'm going to start biting
#you got the WRONG BITCH bc you just hit on two of my biggest interests (zombie movies and psychology) at once#FIRST of all. you dont have the credentials to be talking abt this and it shows bc why dont you know what psychotic means!!#simple shit!! you want to pretend you know psychology dont fuck up psychopathology psychopathy and psychosis! all different things!#you can BARELY conceive of narcissism. a one off joke about how a character recognizes his flaws and wishes he was respected more#is NOT proof to label someone as a fucking narcissist oh my god. id actually argue the complete opposite#you are accusing A Zombie of being abusive based on (checks notes) being scary looking eating brains and /protecting a girl/#bc uhhhhhhh smth smth dark triad smth smth twi/ight#last time i checked thats literally just fucking normal ass zombie shit + him being NICE!!#its not male gaze 'ocular aggression' bestie he cant blink. hes dead.#talking about how the zombie is unrepentantly creepy when he Literally worries about coming off as creepy In The Movie out loud#SECONDLY to circle back why are you so stressed about twilight. thats not even the subject of the chapter#(there are good critiques of those movies but this is not that)#your book came out in 2015 why were you still shitting your pants and crying that girls were having fun 3yrs ago at the EARLIEST#reaching so fucking hard to 'um ackshewally [thing that teenage girls like] bad' im shocked you didnt throw your fuckin back out#your arguments are nonsensical your positions reveal an alarming level of sexism and you should be ashamed#levi.txt#believe it or not im having fun rn. im funny complaining not angry complaining#w@rm b0dies isnt a Good movie but i will go to bat for it actually. let teenage girls have fun garbage#god knows adult men have enough of their own to choose from ESP in this genre#and its a movie that has a lot of interesting shit someone could analyze!! im focusing on it as a representation of changing feminism#but id love to see a reading of its portrayal of zombiehood as disability + its cure narrative#or critiquing how it writes its female characters bc admittedly theyre bad ngl#or on how survival is represented in comparison to films like zomb!e/and (which i also love) where you 'earn' survival with competence!#genuinely there is even smth to be said for the problematic nature of the brain eating element. id be intrigued by that paper#i dont think its much worse than the play the movie is based on? but its not nothing#it Is ultimately a little bit fucked up and i dont think the movie explores it enough#but noooooo we gotta talk about how the zombie is a narcissistic abuser bc of the brain eating. ok
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limoneads · 5 months
feeling mentally ill as of late. might reread a game of thrones
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verstarppen · 2 months
haiii plz ignore this if your requests are closed 🙇🏻‍♀️ but I'm begging you to give us george who's totally in love with someone from the camera crew and the drivers start making fun of him for it but it's all fluff ♥️
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summary; mercedes have a strict policy regarding office romance, but that can't stop Totally Spies because they can't read
pairing; george russell x fem! camera operator! reader [ no faceclaim ]
a/n; im so sorry if this isn't as funny as usual im rusted and dusted from exam season anyway HERE WE GOOO HERE WE GOOO ON A MISSION UNDERCOVER AND WE'RE IN CONTROL HERE WE GOO HERE WE GOOO WE'RE TOTALLY SPIES SO WE'LL GET ON WITH THE SHOW
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, lilymhe and 625,801 others
alex_albon He's going to look back at this post and curse my entire bloodline isn't he
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georgerussell63 Alright then, what's all this about
alex_albon It'll all be revealed in time... georgerussell63 Your old wizard impression is serving
scuderiayummy the f1 gc must be booming rn bc what does this even mean, alexander.
charlielecunt If I see "breaking news: george russell found dead in a ditch" in 30 mins I'm gonna lose it
pierreleftsock "time to take george to football, live up the bugatti weeee"
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liked by alex_albon, landonorris, charles_leclerc and 755,105 others
georgerussell63 I won in the name of the people
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miss.sainz55 this is better than 95% of the enemies to lovers books i've read
typicallyleclerc what happened to the original plot of the movie
applenorizz bitches be like "can't stand her fake ass" 10 minutes later "me and the bestie"
landonorris i feel the urge to bash your head in a wall
georgerussell63 Digital footprint
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liked by 36rg, britney_alex_clover and 15 others
ynusername on a mission undercover and we're in control
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36rg Alexa, play "They Don't Know About Us" by One Direction
britney_alex_clover Now all you have to do is avoid being spotted together by the public eye, your boss, all of your friends, your family and also the entire human population
britney_alex_clover also please stop flirting on promo vid sets that shit is cringe as fuck britney_alex_clover I find it adorable britney_alex_clover no one cares what u think charles britney_alex_clover Wow. britney_alex_clover Guys britney_alex_clover Sorry britney_alex_clover Hello 👋 britney_alex_clover alright who let maximilian in 36rg Who let any of you menaces in britney_alex_clover careful loverboy, i've got HR on the phone 36rg And I know what you did with the trophy after Vegas britney_alex_clover OKAYYYY LET'S ALL JUST CALM DOWN britney_alex_clover what the fuck 36rg Eyes and ears everywhere, Norris britney_alex_clover Wait, is that why I still can't get it to light up? Did you break another one??? britney_alex_clover can someone ban max off this account thank you
britney_alex_clover and while you're at it can you tell the trophy company to start making trophies that look less edible
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pic credits: instagram and pinterest
blog taglist: @coffeehurricanes @iifloweringnightsii @jsjcue @lanando4 @fastcarsandshit @christianpulisic10 @allygatcr @marshmummy @ravisinghs-wife  (happy race week everyoneee im so glad to be back)
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cannotescape · 2 years
Well I'm done being disappointed by tv shows. I'm just gonna read things now
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