#bethrothed verse
knightxren · 1 year
It was medieval. Harkin to some old tradition from eon’s ago. Leia would have shun it off had it been her hand that was asked for. Ben was sure of it. But this lost Princess, Duchess or whatever her title was, was asking for Ben. Or at least her dying Household was asking on her behalf.
Ben wasn’t sure what her thoughts were on the matter. He wasn’t even sure of her own name. Just that it was the girl. Her. And felt her more then anything else, looming large.
Luke was giving him side wards glances since their shuttle touched down. Wanting to break the silence since hyperdrive. 
“We should talk to Leia first.” Luke might have said. The other opens his mouth but shuts it. Or, “Do you sense something off?” But that too doesn’t come.
Ben’s hands tighten into fists. He charges down the polish hall in silence. Ben knows why Luke remains quite. Not opening his thoughts to him. Luke doesn’t trust his fears to Ben. After all this training. The years of being his best student, the strongest with the force. After all this time, Luke still doesn’t trust his judgement. Doesn’t trust his own skill. Not even with his own thoughts. They finally get to the double doors. The grand suit, Leia’s office while working off world for the New Republic. Both pause. Their reflection gaze back at them. They have smarten up for the visit.  Ditching their usually neutral uniforms. Ben wears a more somber version of his Jedi robes.  Black always suited Ben.  A heavy cloak on his shoulders, a dust of the light rain from outside. His hair hangs loose and tangs wet which hides his ears. 
Ben takes a deep breath and gathers his thoughts. “Ready?” Luke said, Ben would nod. He would be polite. Listen to what was on offer. He would trust Leia, trust in the grand scheme of things. “There is something off about this proposal but not with this girl.” Leia said.  And Ben trusted his mother.  But he was a Jedi. Surely the Lady- his new wife would learn that. Know they would fall into their new roles. Be apart often. Surely she crave that as well.  Ben nods to himself. Yes. That seems reasonable. Ben left out his held breath. “Ready.” He said, The doors opens and Luke takes now to start talking.  “Ben think of this as a mission. Don’t worry if anything we can get you out of this-” As the doors slide open the world goes silent. The nervous tension he has felt for days now made sense. Rey has been tugging at the other end of him. Calling to him. Like a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Ben narrows his eyes. Like star, a rey of sunshine. And all those in the room, Leia and her guests dress in their best, where her planets in her orbit. “-Are you even listening to me?” Luke said, Ben snap out of his trance. Taking long leg strives towards the young woman. The room’s ambiance had stilled to watch him. Even the story Leia had been telling had halted.  “The girl I heard so much about.” Ben said, his eyes fix on her. Only now with real, true interest. Who are you?
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curseplay · 10 months
@behe4dings sent: 34, on kiss cam at a sports game. [ ACCEPTING. ]
its her first day off in what seems like twenty fucking years, and it feels like spring break in high school. gone are the paparazzi, the managers, the glitz and glam and nightlife . . . all replaced by a hot dog the length of their forearm and their very best friend. paris has taken the liberty of buying them both the obnoxious hats you can carry drinks in, the ones with straws that hang down, and a new york yankees flag each. they continue waving it with wild abandon even though nothing's currently happening on the field below.
❝ no offense to football, but this is so much better than a football game. ❞ they try to goad, only to be overtaken by a sudden uproar from the crowd surrounding them. paris blinks. ❝ is it time to sing take me out to the ball game or something ? ❞
it is, in fact, not time to sing take me out to the ball game . . . which paris learns upon further inspection of the field. they begin hitting chad's shoulder in an attempt to get him to look up from the mascots below. this endears the crowd [ many of who may or may not recognize her, ], who laughs even louder once chad realizes what's going on.
paris wastes no time staking their claim, not wanting the camera to waver. they pucker up dramatically . . . leaning as close to his face as they can without actually touching him. the theatrics only last so long before they lose their composure, crumpling across his shoulder in a fit of giggles and smushing his cheek with their hand.
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annabelle--cane · 4 months
"the magnus protocol had a whole ARG beforehand? what?"
yes! it did!
"oh so I need to have participated in this whole big thing to actually understand the podcast?"
not at all! from the official post-mortem put out by RQ, "while the ARG was not something that was necessary to participate in to understand the magnus protocol, it was designed to contain a wealth of background story and context that would enrich any player's listening experience."
"a wealth of background context that would enrich my listening experience 👀👀👀 how can I learn about this?"
SO glad you asked. sadly, many of the materials made for the arg have been taken down since the game ended 😔 (ex., the official OIAR, magnus institute, and bonzoland websites. (edit ii: I found partial wayback machine captures! see below) though @strangehauntsuk is still up!), so we're a bit low on primary sources, but in terms of learning about what happened:
for a starting point, I would really recommend this video by @pinkelotjeart
it's super accessible, it was made in real time as the game progressed and follows the solving and revelation of clues as they happened, it hits all the major points of the mystery and moments of community insanity while eliding some of the nitty gritty puzzle grinding, 10/10 would recommend.
here's the official summary put out by RQ, and I'd recommend reading through this once you've already gotten a basic handle on the flow of the story and the basic connections between major clues and events. it's got some fun behind-the-scenes info and lays out the thought process behind the puzzles in simple terms
here's the full masterdoc of all puzzles and resolutions put together in the statement remains discord server. masterdoc my absolute BELOVED, masterdoc my bethrothed, masterdoc my soul mate. I'd recommend this as a second port of call after the above video as it either contains all details about the puzzles or links to other expanded docs that do.
here's the narrative summary doc that lays out all the plot and lore discovered in three pages of plain prose. if you just want to get to the good bits as fast as you can and get blasted directly in the face by contextless lore bombs, this is the doc for you. if you don't want to start with the video, I'd say this is another good entry point.
once you've got the lay of the land, some of the game materials that I found particularly interesting include:
the in-universe east germany expat usenet forum, with all content translated into english. most of it is irrelevant space filler with occasional extremely sus lore, but I still found it fun to read through. love to soak in some fictional forum drama.
chdb.xlsx, the spreadsheet of the names of all the children the protocol 'verse magnus institute was studying/experimenting on. EDIT: here is a version of the sheet without any annotations and with all of the names in their original order, kudos to @theboombutton for catching that the commonly shared copy had the order swapped around.
klaus.xls, a (very corrupted) spreadsheet with what looks like the classifications of a bunch of old OIAR cases.
EDIT: have a few more saved materials from the game that I forgot to include.
an in-universe audio ad to apply to the OIAR that ran before archives episodes and kicked off the whole game.
an in-universe video ad to apply to the OIAR, this one is an official upload that's still up from the game itself. you can subscribe to the OIAR's official youtube channel today, if you so chose.
the robo-voicemail greeting from the OIAR's phone line.
here is a wayback machine capture of the OIAR's official website.
here is a wayback machine capture of the bonzoland website.
(pretty sure both of the above captures just archived the home pages, though I haven't tried clicking all of the links. I'd say they're still worth looking at, the home pages give a good window into the vibes.)
once you start poking around in these documents, you'll find a bunch of links to others with further information, the materials I've included here just contain what I feel to be the most relevant details to getting a broad feel for the whole game. once again, huge shout out to the statement remains server, I was barely in there as the ARG was in progress and only ducked my head in every so often to find links like these. true mvps of the fandom.
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vullcanica · 8 months
@vilestblood : A note for main verse from Nik!
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"For when.. you are away." his feeble voice barely carries the words, whisper-thin, ripped from his chest in a rasp. How he loathes the sound. Lain in his opulent bed of silk and feather cushions, the King has to him the look of a drowning man, whittled down to naught but bone and weak muscle, swallowed whole by decadence. His hands shake around the velvet box, by no will of his own.
"It is a promise."
One he has made with words already, but with distance soon to stretch between them, short though the ride to their western border may be, the need for a pledge grows. Just as his end draws nearer. Words had begun falling short between them these long wonderful years. Yet it is all he has left. If he were to reach now to seek the warmth of a sweet pale cheek, he knows he would not make the journey.
It looks a simple gift. Commissioned to a fine jeweller, pure gold in make and clean in shape. It nevertheless holds the unmistakeable teardrop-pure shine of a diamond taken from his very crown at its heart. Within is he, painted decades younger, in the fashion of youths in love who, beholden by passion and impatience, give a bethrothed a locket with their likeness encased. And by god he is no youth... but o, the rest...
It would be a fine gesture, truly. If not for the drop of ink marring the visage. A spill might well explain it, if a quill had looked to have ever come near the locket in its manufacture. But simple ink it is not. In a beat and before Adiel's very eyes, the spot of black comes alive in a swirl, licking the gold trimmings of its small enclosure. From the nondescript spiral forms a familiar shape. Nehebkau pokes her head out from the darkness.
"Impatient beastie." The King breathes a laugh, so fond to watch her play his face sheds a decade in a single smile. "I haven't.. let her run wild in years now."
Twenty perhaps. Thirty. How slowly and irrevocably the years have slipped him now he can feel their weight and length. See them in a mirror, measure them by failing sight and gait, and illness. There is a bittersweetness to it, the fast-approaching closure. Yet undaunted he remains, if soft and tired now. He faces eternity after all. More than that, he faces the promise of a future greater than one mortal or immortal can imagine. Faces it this very moment.. So he reaches out for its hand. And though his own falters halfway, he knows he will be met in turn. That is their promise.
"Let her roam with you, my angel. For now.. Until the time comes."
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msfbgraves · 1 year
The night before his wedding, how does Daniel feel? How about Terry? Is Daniel frightened? Is he sad to be leaving his childhood home and his siblings, parents? Is Terry wondering if this was the right choice? Do Daniel and Terry hope their marriage will be happy? That maybe, one day, they’ll come to love the other, or at least like them?
This got long!
So, here's the thing. Daniel knew he would be promised to someone, and that this someone would be picked by his parents, specifically his father. He'd expected more input than he got, but the mechanism of the deal wasn't new to him. He'd been used to the idea since he presented as omega. And since he knows his parents love him (who doesn't, ha!) he trusts that this person will not mistreat him. He knows his value and that this Alpha won't be just anyone. And everyone kept telling him it would be good and warm and safe and comfortable, like home, too, and when he thought about it at all, it all would be ok...
And then Kumiko.
And he's completely gone and what felt like a pretty OK prospect, a kind of rite of passage into adulthood and respectability as himself rather than "that LaRusso pup", "the omega boy", maybe even something to lord over Nessa and Michael and Louie, becomes something restricting rather than freeing. Because why can't he have Kumiko? Why can't he be a father rather than a mother? He's never wanted to protect anyone before, but now he makes sure that Kumiko has enough to drink, pops her blisters, helps her stretch, helps her with western repertoire. He did dance too, as an elective, but what she's doing, an intensive NYCB program, that's a different ballgame. (I'm not going into detail here, I only know the Royal Ballet does them, as does, I think, the Dutch National Ballet, so pretend NYC has one too in this verse.) And he's ready to run away, God knows where, but she's bethrothed of course - wouldn't have been allowed to study otherwise - and it's just too much and too real for them both.
And then he's back home in some heartbroken limbo until he's allowed to be courted and then Terry's there. Courting him with a knife to his throat, somewhat. And then he's been through two heats more alone - one at the dinner and a symbolic one straight before the wedding -and there's a lot going on for that last one, and it's really kind of intense because it is indeed a rite of passage. Like, this is what a heat is like without an Alpha, aren't you lucky you don't have to go through that anymore? Maybe there's some of Terry's clothes too, to kind of already imprint on him. It is A Lot, and it's to distract an omega from dwelling too much on the fear of leaving home. So the night before his wedding he's still a bit shaken having gone through a monster of a heat. And he's very excited at the idea of a party and all the attention, but what his life would be? Can it compare to what he felt for Kumiko? How will it work? Will Terry like him? Can Daniel keep everyone safe? He simply falls asleep at one point, maybe after Pop gives him some extra wine or a tranquilizer for the nerves.
Terry, and I love that for him, wants to get Daniel through it. He's won, and the wedding is to lord that over everyone there, but the kitty, it's hardly his fault, is it? And it's been empty. Many nights staying late at the pub, writing Amanda, dinner at John and Betsy's when he's not busy directing his people. They're still on high alert for some LaRusso scheme, he won't feel entirely safe until after the reception maybe, but the kitty can't know all that. Daniel. Danny Boy. He's inspected their honeymoon suite three times now. It needs to be perfect. Welcoming. Safe. He knows he needs to win him over but the anticipation of having a beautiful, soft omega at his side. Something inside him hungers for it. The smell, the feel of him. God. But he needs to get him through it first. Be a good mate. Make him feel safe.
Was it the right choice? Strategically, yes. Instinctively, also yes. Can he make it work? He's Terry Silver and he likes a challenge. And something soft and warm in his bed. If Terry can make him trust him...
Well, we know that's what Terry does.
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libidomechanica · 6 months
Breathe apart
Were fancies? Dive into the shore,     that same year at then I pull up every fine; I looked close     the offer of; you will
be the praised they seem’d absence; i’ll     not one should heard these because her you’re sweet birds twittered!     The Sweetness, would come homeward
tells of hope, we dropt, and aye     it chance the Eyes be blindly. On this; say the din of corn     bows all about thee we
could split a Hair, drove Nymph pursues,     with conceal my love because all go well. Burn to pot, till     singer and all be cured:
but the hundred eyes the distant     stare lost nymph that more to plough, what thou canst thou with dissolving     circle of all belli’-
those soul’s spring on silver.     It kiss’d whispers, illumine us! The greens, and kiss; and     men don’t done for my
bethrothed. And by sun. With rod and     gone! Once upon the king; he tortoise crawls; troops her boudoir’s     precious were my verse must.
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ofthevanyar · 2 years
What object is most important to Amarie? Does she have like a locket from her family, or a poem that was a love confession or anything of the sorts?
Her most prized possession is her betrothal ring from Finrod. She and Finrod had just barely gotten engaged when the Morgoth destroyed the trees.
In the canon verse, she always wears it, even after Finrod has gone to Middle Earth.
In the Middle Earth verse, she wears the bethrothal ring as her wedding ring. She and Finrod ended up eloping on the ice. It took several decades to cross the ice, and there just weren’t the resources to make a proper gold wedding ring during that time.
Finrod offered to make her a proper gold band once they were settled in Doriath, but she refused - she liked the silver band, and what it represented.
She also has a pair of pearl earrings that her Grandfather gave her. It’s often the only piece of jewelry she wears (with the exception of her wedding ring, of course.)
Amarië also keeps the various love notes that Finrod has written to her, but over the years, many have been lost. She has a book of Edain poetry he collected, and when she sailed back to Valinor after the War of Wrath, she gave it back to Finrod.
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awakened-harmony · 2 years
It’s time for more verses for Vita that i’ve been meaning to work on.
Deltarune tag: Now i see’ We were never meant to be (Deltarune verse ~ Vita)
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Born and raised in a hyper religious village on the ocean coasts far from the small town of ebott where she now resides, Vita was a well behaved, sweet girl. Known well for her obedience to her parents and their wishes for how they wanted her life to go, she followed this without question for a long time which is why she ended up bethrothed to Orinda once they were both of age and spending a hellishly long time in his clutches as he wasn’t a good person, far from it and all she can do is thank her lucky blessings that she never got pregnant by him, one of his main goals for her after all in his eyes. That was her duty as his wife.
She escaped with the help of a practical stranger named drusil, a visitor to her village, she knew perhaps she shouldn’t have been so trusting but when help was offered. What else could she do but accept? so she did and fled with drusil’s help, Travelling the countryside while doing her best to avoid the pursuits of her family and scorned husband who would not simply accept HIS wife fleeing from him, especially not with another guy. Involving moving a lot and feeling unable to trust anyone, For a time she and drusil were happy, as happy as they could be in their circumstances and they got together. It was never public, always in the quiet private of their own home wherever that might have been at the time.
and though she hadn’t intended it, She got pregnant and though stressed, she was overjoyed, Excited to tell drusil about their child yet she never got the chance. He didn’t come home that night and she was awoken in the morning. Sick with worry by a knock at the door that confirmed her worst fears, he was dead, they didn’t know how, it was always hard to tell with monsters. But the presumption was a robbery gone wrong, she couldn’t mention her real fears but they scared her enough that she spent the next two days packing up what was left of their life together and moving again, As far as she could which is how she ended up in Ebott. Trying to get as far from her old life as possible while grieving the loss of what could have been.
With it, she became one of the reclusive if kind nurses who worked at the small hospital and worked for most of her pregnancy. Inevitably giving birth to her and drusil’s son alone, A bittersweet moment for her despite the ultimate reward of her child. She stuck to ebott as a means of keeping her son in a stable environment, he’s one now and while she’s loosened up a little bit, she’s still wary, shy and on her guard with strangers as she still gets threatening messages from her family and her still technically legal husband who’s been searching for her as a full blown stalker. But she’s trying her best and it’s all she can do.
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iamnarvi · 6 years
If Not for Strategy Then What?
Narvi had a conversation with her father weeks ago about an arranged marriage that was on the table. He was talking strategy, pros, and cons, and when Narvi asked for a name he didn’t say anything. In which She declared she was not going to marry a stranger. When she got called into the library today, that conversation was the furthest thing from her mind. 
She and her father walked in to see Thor and Modi.  Since the racing incident, and all the events that were after that, they had been good, hardly causing any trouble. 
Naturally, she moved to his side, by the look on his face, Modi was just as confused “Father.... what is this about?” She asked tilting her head to the side gently. 
“Well, the two of you.” He spoke just in time for Thor to speak up.  “We have been asking you questions the past few weeks and a decision has been made. 
“On what? From who?” Narvi used. still confused. 
Loki sighed and gestured to her and Modi. “Narvi, you are official, engaged to be wed to Modi.”  Thor spoke now. “Modi, see your future wife, Narvi.”
Narvi for one of the few times in her lifetime, was too stunned for words, she did, however, glance over at Modi.
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australet789 · 2 years
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This pic was meant to be for mother's day and my way to introduce Sarabi's sisters into my verse. Sarabi is the biggest one in the middle, and her sisters, from left to right are Naanda, Dwala and Diku.
Naanda: She is the mother of Tama and these two boys that i have yet to name. She is cocky and usually praised by her beauty. She is the oldest of the triplets. She sadly passes away during the famine caused by Scar's reign.
Dwala: She is Simba's aunt from the story An Unusual Choir and mother of Mtoto and Kitoto (the baby cousins in the story). Very cheerful and a prankster, she is the middle one from the triplets. She is one of the Pridelanders that stayed/survived the famine and then helps Simba fight Scar's hyenas.
Sarabi: The eldest of the sisters (she is part of a different litter). Bethrothed to Prince Mufasa, she takes very serious her future role. That doesnt mean she doesn't want to have fun tho. She can be very mischevious and bold, but sometimes need to play judge between her sisters.
Diku: The youngest of the triplets. she is the mother of Tojo (lioness seen here in The Orphaned Baby Birds story). Being the youngest makes her the target of Naanda's and Dwala's pranks, so she usually takes cover with Sarabi. She is very close with her older sister and admires her greatly. She also survives the famine caused by Scar's reign and helps to battle the hyenas.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
About the LWJ and WWX were engaged (I'm another anon). CQL verse. To make it angstier. The Wens destroyed LP, JC lost his golden core, WC thrown him to BM and he became a demonic cultivator. JZX and LWJ realize they're in love with their past bethrothed, but when they want to fix things, it's too late (1/2).
JYL is the new sect leader and JC her right hand (with his new abilities, the Jiang recuperate his position as one of the big sects). In addition, the Jiang sect elders, arranged the marriage between JYL and WWX, to keep the sect autonomy. While JYL and WWX are still heartbroken, and will respect their elder's decision. JC is glad that his a-jie and shixiong will be together with him forever (2/2).
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tracer85s · 4 years
MDZS fics i treasure (2)
parts 1, 2, 3
The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane
[explicit, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 71k, complete]
one of the classics. this is also the fic that got me into the whole mdzs fandom. i literally just searched up kid fic on ao3 and this one seemed promising... so i read it without knowing who tf lan wangji or wei wuxian are... fast forward a few months later and all i can think about is “wangxian are married and have a son.” THEY’RE MARRIED AND HAVE A SON. now take that knowledge and add in modern wangxian as university music students who get married to take care of a-yuan and you’ve got yourselves this brilliant fic. also, i did not know you can endlessly pine for your own husband but with wangxian, anything’s possible
Neatly Arranged by thunderwear
[teen and up, lan wangji/wei wuxian, jiang yanli/jin zixuan, 45k, complete]
yes. i love arranged marriage wangxian fics okay ! they’re my guilty pleasure. this one’s unique because lwj’s actually bethrothed to jiang yanli and jin zixuan’s bethrothed to wwx which is actually kind of funny especially when jzx asks lwj if he wants to switch. it does get angsty but there’s a happy ending !
Night of Sixth Magnitude Stars by Leffy
[mature, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 22k, complete]
modern au with student lwj and teacher wwx although it’s only for the first chapter. THIS FIC. OH MY GOD. i literally got tricked, i thought it would be lighthearted and fluffy but the angst (specifically for wwx’s character) broke my heart. THE PLOT IS AMAZING, PLEASE READ IT
one good thing by Yuu_chi
[teen and up, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 26k, complete]
this one’s a classic, one of the first few mdzs fics i read and i absolutely love it. modern au with ghost wwx and house owner lwj *squeals* IT’S SO FLUFFY... and then gets quite a bit angsty at the end, i swear your heart stops at that scene. anyway it’s such a good read sigh,,, might re-read
Pigtail Pulling by protos_metazu_ison
[general, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 3k, complete]
whenever i’m feeling down, this fic always manages to cheer me up. it’s very lighthearted, just fluffy wangxian in cloud recesses: wwx teasing lwj and lwj teases back and absolutely flusters wwx. it’s just SO CUTE
Rush Hour by Ulan
[teen and up, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 3k, completed]
basically modern wangxian in public transport, pressed up against each other, with a dash of protective lwj and damsel in distress wwx. warning, there is minor sexual assault but the rest is just fluffy wangxian <3
seldom all they seem by Fahye
[explicit, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 24k, complete]
yes... another arranged marriage fic... i have nothing to say for myself. but this one’s just the usual fic with lwj finding wwx annoying at first and then pining so hard afterwards once he realizes wwx is his entire world. the author also changed the wwx escaping with the wens scene and OH MY GOD THEIR VERSION *chef’s kiss*. READ IT !
silhouettes to steal this night by moonsteps
[teen and up, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 51k, complete]
MODERN WANGXIAN AS ASSASSINS/HITMEN AND ROOMMATES. WHAT MORE DO I NEED TO SAY. guys, they just flirt every time they’re assigned to the same hit i am literally crying. top tier fic as expected from moonsteps (read the rest of their works you won’t regret it at all).
so you’ve been robbed by a museum by yukla
[mature, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 5k, complete]
immortal cultivators wangxian in the modern world !! to summarize, wangxian somehow does *not* get their shit together in the ancient times and pine all the way into the 21st century until lwj sees an entire section of paintings of himself hanging in the museum... you can guess whose yearning-induced artistic creations those are ;)
soft-hearted by @sarah-yyy
[general, lan wanji/wei wuxian, 6k, complete]
are you wondering what happens if child lwj found child wwx in the streets and brought him back to gusu with him? this. this is what happens: SOFTNESS, FLUFF, AND WWX CALLING GEGE. i literally didn’t know how much i need childhood friends to lovers wangxian until i read this and every time wwx called lwj gege? hello? i was pretty sure i was going to burst into flames if i kept screaming. also, read the author’s wangxian rebuttable presumption verse on their page bc it’s absolutely genius oh my god i’m never going to shut up about the rp verse
take yourself home by ribena
[mature, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 26k, complete]
okay, this one is HEAVY. like you would seriously just want to wrap wwx in a blanket and feed him soup kind of heavy. to summarize, radio host lwj keeping plant dad wwx company with his voice and then himself once he moves into the same apartment as wwx. honestly, this one hits home for me, it will definitely make you sob but the ending is so hopeful and i need a sequel of just plant dads wangxian being domestic 
tame by rikke
[mature, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 11k, complete]
IMAGINE IF LWJ DID NOT LEAVE WWX AFTER THE XUANWU CAVE. just imagine oh my god, maybe they would’ve gotten their feelings resolved faster... or hatched a baby xuanwu, and wait what? yes, you read right. this fic is about xuanwu dads wangxian in yunmeng, it’s fluffy and funny and just a perfect lighthearted read if you’re having a bad day
The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou
[explicit, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 66k, complete]
in which wwx travels to lanling alone for jin ling’s one month celebration and gets heavily injured, cue in very heavy hurt/comfort. warning, there’s major illness and surgery in this fic. so basically, lwj stays in the burial mounds to guard wwx and the wens while wwx recovers from his injury. LISTEN, burial mounds husbands wangxian and heavy hurt/comfort, what more do you need. go read it
The Lotus Defense Society by mondengel
[teen and up, lan wangji/wei wuxian, jiang yanli/jin zixuan, 3k, complete, only available for registered users of ao3]
i have lost count of how many times i’ve read this one, i love it so much. lwj and jzx bond over their mutual pining for wwx and jyl and accidentally starts a cult with nhs to prevent unsuitable people from courting them. where do i even begin with this fic, it’s literally so amazing !! very crack-y, my favourite line is “Young Master Jin!  It’s Lan Wangji! He’s enacting Phoenix Mountain Part 2!” and then what happens after is my favourite scene
the secret ingredient by queen_gee
[teen and up, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 8k, complete]
WWX BAKING FOR LWJ WHO HAS A SWEET TOOTH OH MY GOD I AM SOBBING. modern college/university wangxian with lots of pining and baking, i am literally banging my head against a table this is the sweetest fic, but they’re also idiots in love so there’s some light angst but you’ll literally melt at the ending !!
The Trials and Tribulations of a Modern Father by Bgtea
[teen and up, lan xichen/jiang wanyin, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 24k, complete]
written in jiang fengmian’s pov where jfm realizes jiang cheng attracts a lot of attention from... old men. cue in lan xichen and his charming smile and this spells trouble to jfm so he enlists wwx’s help in operation protect jiang cheng. endgame xicheng with side pairing wangxian, this is absolutely cute and very humorous
with you, I am home by tellthemstories
[mature, lan wangji/wei wuxian, 47k, complete]
MODERN CULTIVATORS WANGXIAN DECIDE TO FAKE DATE *SCREAMS*. slow burn (but not if you read it fast enough), the way they are so domestic in this one oh my god, a LOT of oblivious wwx, and lwj meeting the family. i’m a sucker for fake dating fics and this one is just SO right. i’m urging everyone to read it for self-care
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nervionsailor · 3 years
— Dukedom of Méndez; Eliazar
— I’ve been considering adding Eliazar’s story to this blog for a while so there he goes.
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NAME; Eliazar Méndez
GENDER; Male (he/him)
BIRTHDAY; September 2nd
AGE; 22 (at the time of Casto’s birth) — 50 (now-AU)
HEIGHT; 310cm/10′1″
Eliazar Méndez, duke of Méndez and commander of the Adelio Grand Fleet since he was eighteen. Eliazar is married to Aivi de Ruiz, second princess of the Adelio Queendom and has three children, Casto and twins Adela and André.
Eliazar is a strong and muscular man. Unlike his son, his skin is lightly tanned from his sea journeys and carries the traits that defined every member of the house of Méndez prior to him. Jet-bllack hair and amber- coloured eyes that seek adventure beyond the sea horizon.
As all dukes of Méndez and their heirs, Eliazar wears two black earrings on his left ear, one passed down by his father and the other crafted on his coming-of-age ceremony. 
Eliazar is a stern and disciplined person. He carries his family name with pride and acts according to how he was taught from a young age. He doesn’t seem to smile much on first sight and rarely shows any intense emotions. This colder side of himself is reinforced with a rather ferocious attitude in battle and with time he built himself a reputation to be the “Beast of Adelio”.
However, beyond the façade, Eliazar is a doting father and caring husband. He puts an extreme care in the well-being and survival of his family, sometimes making decisions that might hurt them in favour for a future happiness.
As Duke of Méndez, Eliazar has commandment over the Adelio Grand Fleet, as well as the ships pertaining to the personal entourage of the second Princess of Adelio and the Dukedom of Méndez. He also retains that same power on ground, making him one of the most powerful figures on int he Queendom of Adelio.
Eliazar is well-versed in common etiquette and enjoys reading and investigating, making him very knowledgeable about the business out in sea. He has extensive sailing skills, so he is capable of navigating his fleet with ease.
As part of his training, Eliazar has learned to use all sorts of weapons for close combat, but he usually chooses to stick to sabers and knives. He isn’t good with marksmanship but will wield a gun if the situation requires him to do so.
The Méndez household comes from a dinasty of mercenaries and sailors that centuries ago became retainers for the Ruiz family. Their long tradition and allyship turned them into one of the most powerful families of the Queendom of Adelio, second only to the Royal Family.
Eliazar was born the first son of the former Duke of Méndez, his mother died in childbirth so he was raised solely by his father, a man of old age. Eliazar was raised to become the successor to the title, as well as next Commander of the grand Adelio fleet, under strict training as all those who carried his same position had done before. At age sixteen he was named Knight by the Queen of Adelio.
During the royal debutante ball, the young heir caught the eye of one of the debutantes, who requested his hand for her first dance. Eliazar was pressured by his peers to accept the request and soon he found himself dancing with Aivi de Ruiz, the second Princess of the Adelio Kingdom. He quickly realised the princess was quirky, defiant and cheerful, something he was not used to seeing among the noble circles.
That dance caught the Queen’s eye once again, who requested Eliazar as the swordsmanship instructor for the Princess. The young heir obliged and, though reluctant at first, Eliazar quickly warmed up to Aivi’s odd mannerisms. They became close and soon Eliazar and Aivi were bethrothed to one another, marrying at age 20. That same year, the Duke of Méndez would perish from old age and Eliazar would succeed him in his role as Duke.
Years later, their firstborn was born under the name of Casto. However, his Sun sensitivity made it impossible for the young child to accompany the man in his campaigns and Eliazar became obsessed with the idea of showing his son the sight of the sea. He began seeking aid in experts, scientists and others to find a way to bring his son a chance to see the Sun.
Soon after his success in giving his son an alternative to his albinism, Casto and Eliazar began sharing journeys accross the North Blue. During this time, Eliazar would teach his son how to navigate and to fight, eventually teaching him techniques passed down from his ancestors, which later Casto would discover it was Haki all along.
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escapekissed · 4 years
ffxv mainverse write-up:
it is my solemn duty to fix all ff games except ffx which is perfect in every way. so this is my new ffx verse which i will write all my threads with gladio and ardyn in, excepting aus and the like, and if people want to write more ‘canon’ things.
this au takes inspiration from @darkkept ‘s stray who becomes basically a secondary protagonist and @serapime ‘s ravus, who does not feature heavily in this au as she is in canon bc she’s hard to fit in any kind of ffxv canon bc she’s so much better than canon but IS STILL THERE IN THEORY, BITCH! the ravus in this is at least a sexy trans girl oracle lol whatever
okay so. its based off of the universe of kingsglaive but with the lore changed.
basically instead of a road trip simulator, prince noctis has been allowed to have a normal life bc. that's what you do in the city if ur a young handsome prince. you have a normal life. 
he was spoiled! he got everything he wanted! 
meanwhile, his older sister had to go to the meetings and be a real noble lady. same with gladio, whose father was just a stickler for this kind of thing.
she had marriage proposals by the time she was 6, and that was just to send her off to some foreign country to have babies. 
 but basically the crux of this is. 
instead of a simple roadtrip simulator. it's a royal convoy through the vast and dangerous wilderness simulator. the kingsglaive is part of it, including nyx and crowe and the fat guy whose name i forget, and this gives gladio such a fucking complex bc he wants to be the best but the kingsglaive OWN on him. ignis is there. prompto is there. any ocs or any other characters from other fandoms we want to add are there (or with the second team which i will  go into). 
they have to treat it like its nothing special, but its a dangerous mission just to go into the wilds at all, and only gladio and cor and the kingsglaive have any experience with the outside world. 
 lunafreya is imprisoned by the empire. ardyn is also technically imprisoned by the empire, as their secret weapon. lunafreya too is given her own title and considered the enemy----up until the point that she escapes, sending one word to her bethrothed thru the goddess gentiana before she leaves. 'claim your birthright.' and then, another word. to the princess. 
'find me before he finds you.' the royal convoy has already left the city. but the princess and king are then escorted secretly outside the castle by BAD DAD DRAUTOS, who attempts to kill the king but who is stopped by cindy, who is more of an action girl in this, ravus, who is a trans girl in this and who is looking for lunafreya along with stella, and the princess herself, stray, wields the chosen ring herself to defeat drautos, and the kings fall privy to her charms and her heritage in order to defeat drautos---just in time for ardyn to see.
from there, lunafreya awakens gods and leaves clues for both siblings to find her where she is with the relics or the gods respectively, healing all she can though she is really just making the problem worse. noctis and his team find all the artifacts. stray and her team take on the power of all the worlds gods
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verse: GO TO HELL. ( i just got back. ) | “horror”/ monster verses for various muses [ part ONE of probably many ]
you can go ahead and give this post a like if any of these verses strike your fancy!
aerith: the corpse bride. after her death at the hands of an arranged spouse-to-be, aerith becomes a myth & a legend that lives in graveyards & bride-to-be’s dreams, sending them messages of love & lust from beyond the grave, and always searching for a new bethrothed in her tattered wedding gown. it is said that if you fall for her---you’ll be dragged to the underworld, and will never return.
fang: everlasting, true love, i am yours. based on rule of rose, as a child orphan, fang is sent to an orphanage in which she is abused/bullied by the other children who form creepy rituals to prove their worth to their own ‘secret society’ they all use to cope with their abuse at the hands of adults.
ardyn: spirited away. ardyn is the bathhouse master, and he does as he likes. only a fool would try to disobey him.
gladio: feathers&claws. based on howl’s moving castle. gladio is turning into a monster to stop a war far beyond his control. only finding his heart and returning it to him can stop him from losing his humanity completely.
manuela: that’s showbiz, baby. at the height of the silent film age, manuela gives up her voice for eternal youth & beauty... only for sound to enter the scene. she is pushed from the spotlight by her own mutism, and to continue to keep up youthful & beautiful appearances, she must drink drink blood.
dorothea: think of me. based on phantom of the opera, dorothea is groomed to stardom by the phantom himself. unfortunately for her---the phantom is an actual phantom, and it happens to be draining her life force from her the more she sings and performs for him. and yet she cannot stop, she knows nothing else, and feels unloved by all but him.
sylvain, dima & dedue: reocurring nightmares. this is basically a verse based on ‘it’ in which the blue lions are forced to take down pennywise. can be modern verse or period-typical.
edelgard: final girl. edelgard lives in the midwest, where the scariest thing around is the sound of the coyotes at night, and the bigoted sermonizing of the local megachurch her father forces her to attend. her uncle offers her a way out---a family commune on her mother’s land where her and her siblings are supposedly free to be themselves. a massacre, many years and many scars later---she thought she was free of them and their experiments&abuse; that none of them were left, that she was free to come back to her hometown for her father’s funeral with a group of friends that could protect her emotionally from her own trauma---but it turns out the supernatural element of the cult was not as fictional as it seemed.
dedue: beauty & the beast. dedue wanted desperately to avenge his people from the monsters---he climbed to the highest mountain in the deepest tundra to do it, with nothing but the clothes on his back and a dagger in his hands. such a plan did not go well, and dedue was brought before the king of beasts---who offered to protect him, in exchange for his services&friendship.
enki: spirit medium. enki can talk to ghosts---and they want to talk to you, really, real bad, and it’s not good when they get angry, so you should probably listen.
dima&edelgard: edelgard is a vampire hunter, queen of the humans. dimitri is the vampire king. the DRAMA UNFOLDS as they GO TO AGAINST EACH OTHER IN WAR, both sides quickly turning monstrous.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
“And with the world and daut the door she turning”
Rose-cheeked Adonis, the soule planet     that trembled. Is the kingly I look down to every     human created on
this Cot, our selves on that come health,     and told the others, the coverture? I must wed the springs     his own, but vicious,
have flowers a sweet, like for some     sidled up again, this poor excuse to feede, they had to     die. And in her fancy
is in the broke, bethrothed to     all legs of the sodger. Us my turret stand ambers fallen     have been. Lay on sea-
ward Quantock’s dreadful winding thorn     is the rising his heart. We turned about comin’ I hae     lo’ed her cheerly swum. Quo’
she, poor in his hear these tardy     arms undo, bow patiently met. And with the world and daut     the door she turning away
from skirt to do with tears be:     just have his part of beer: his soul intend a zealous lest     his more trains. All do store,
to sit beneath her body now     a softer rhyme to bring that made her eyes do that my true     right of his Soul? Of partridge,
wherewith breathed the staggering     possess peace, three little tract. Was turn’d away so sorely     brilliant such sort, I
ceased to a flattering night, the     Lord will confusion on her loveless chaste, matured, you half-     shut from the turn, turn again;
love with azure blood he clung.     A honey tongue says been at home thankfull parts which no eye     should miss home-talk and I
cannot tell, will find when the whisper     at they good instructor; but yet complish what Meg o’     the Mill have been born.—If
I should learne thieving they han great     court. The tales that I can stop the next hour, went Hero shrunk     away, like to each, in
heaping up in the grass it shook     upon thy youthful board are long his pipe, enamoured.     The brave man who’s towered
cocktail dress his name, is swift was     bom old. Are loth to seek: for fair play. That for her cuckoo-     song, as that break. Some on
the hills alone, one in verse in     piteous empress truth, I rate as she strays about to flutes     of the fraud, the other?
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