#big bussy boy doing the gangnam
Hitting Rock Bottom
A true story by RobloxBannedMe4Terrorism
Winter nights can be cold, unforgiving and brutal but they can also be comforting, beautiful and eye opening. My december 4th of 2022 was a concoction of both. What started out as a simple Harry Potter watchparty ended up being a moment that changed my whole future.
As i was joining my friends in a voice call to watch the movie I had low expectations. It had been a challenging day for me. I had been drinking for the record and trying to stay afloat among the many challenges facing me. Little did i know watching a nostalgic movie with some wonderful friends was precisely the boost I needed to boost forth my mood with a tremendous force.
Jokes ensued and laughs were had but a movie is only so long. As the movie ended and the people started leaving I and two more people decided to stay and we started congenially having a grand old time. But as I would soon cum to know, one word can change your world.
Submit. The sound of the softly spoken word hit me like Apollo 13 breaking the stratosphere. It was almost like a flower blossoming inside of me yet it was terrifying, something unknown had been inside of me all of my life. It wasn’t new, it had just laid dorment. A sudden urge to obey to please. A sudden urge to be submissive to earn affection. A new day had dawned.
Change can be scary, but it is nothing to fear. To live is to change and to change is to truly live. Nothing is the same as it has ever been even if you never truly noticed the miniscule differences. As I enter this new era of life i do not fret and i do not fear. I embrace life and the changes that come with it.
I am a bottom.
The End
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Deeper Into The Bottom
An in depth look int the mind of RobloxBannedMe4Terrorism
Eleviation of choices is freedom. As i started accepting my position in society and the bedroom i came to the realization that some choices carry weight and i hath become encumbered by my own responsibility.
Then they said to me three words to alter the voyage of my life; Submit, baby boy. My awakening commenced, the dorment bottom energy inside of me breached the surface of my being as i audibly whimpered out of something that could only be described by the experience itself.
All of a sudden i was owned by another. Aimless and lost as I was before i have now been given one simple job, to gratify the one in control of me.
The revelation that has blown me (???) out of the water came as a shock, but looking back at things in my life I am realizing the truth was always there inside of me just like my dormant bottom energy. Several cascading events falling into place in my life proving to myself that i truly have always been a bottom.
The universal cosmos is a form of art constantly thrusting itself forwards in time working in tandem with every individual soul. A word i find particularly fascinating and poignant is symbiosis, two roles with opposing behaviours to form a equally beneficial connection.
Just like laws of nature the laws of bottoms and tops is written in our very own nature. One to do and one to take, one to push and one to hold, one to top and one to bottom. Symbiosis.
The End
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im lying
with my head on the phone
thinking of
til it hurts
i know youre hurt too but what
else can we do?
and torn apart
i wish i could carry
your smile in my
for time when my life
seemed so
it would make me believe what tomorrow
could bring
when today doesnt
really know
doesnt really know
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roblox can take away my
freedom of speech
roblox can take away my
god given right to throw it back
but roblox cannot take away my
terroristic tendencies
this is a reference to my roblox ban and my involvement in several terror deeds
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gregeoory house
walks in the room
”its not a tumour”
”doctor house m.d this is an
open crime scene and you killed this man”
”told you it wasnt a tumour” - house m.d gregrory
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Purging Desires
A True Story By RobloxBannedMe4Terrorism
It was a chilly winter night, the snow was flying in the wind and a young but slightly decrepit man had just decided the time for some gaming had come. He started my video game console and proceeded to fire up his favourite video game Halo 3.
Match after match he was playing with a laser focus unlike ever seen before. I was in the zone. My close friend called him and decided to join in on the fun and whilst they played they were joking, laughing and reminicisnsising of their old times with the slightly aged game. Twas a beautiful evening to behold. Although… as he would soon come to know, nothing beautiful ever lasts.
The friend decided the time for slumber had come but the young man was far too deep into it. Hour after hour passed and the world passed the young man by. Nothing but the game mattered at this point. Then out of seemingly nowhere his wee little tum tum started rumbling. The time for poo poo had come but this young man was deep into the game. There was no time for a break. He decided he could hold it. But alas, what is held cannot be held forever.
The young man focused his mind on the game when all of a sudden an enemby emerged behind the frontlines he was tasked with holding. Slightly startled he used his quick reflexes to overcome his foe but he could not overcome the laws of nature affecting his bowels. He has taken a poopoo in his pants.
And this young man, was me.
The End
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