oopsallmabari · 2 years
i always wished we got to see a little of the conclave before it ended so horrifically, since it's such a huge event but it feels diminished... what kinds of origins specific stuff are you thinking of? 👀
YEAH like the game focuses hard on the conclave issue being the death of the divine which like. fine, it's because of corypheus, but like. that's not what I care about nearly as much.
GRANTED I have mostly thought about this in the context of my own inquisitors (adaar, mage trevelyan, cadash) but like. the stakes are different!!! to me, narratively, there's a huge difference between the conclave as a business venture vs as a diplomatic mission vs as a above-average merc job.
a mage trevelyan enters the conclave and it is perhaps the most important experience of their lives. this could determine the fate if mages in thedas. you should get some actual context for the mage templar war, sew the seeds of different viewpoints of circle mages!! we know from origins there are different schools of mage political thought-you can't tell me the conclave for mages isn't filled with RICH political discourse. give Fiona a chance to seem like a figure with real power! hell, you can foreshadow vivienne's appearance in game, give us some idea of what it means to be a loyal circle post-rebellion. GIVE US TENSE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN MAGES AND TEMPLARS. THEY ARE TRYING TO BROKER A PEACE WITH A GROUP THAT IS CAPABLE OF USING DEADLY FORCE TOWARDS THEM (it's CUSTOMARY, even). a mage trevelyan enters the conclave presumably with some of the only friends they have in their life, and then everyone but them dies. how does that feel? how does that color the inquisition's response to their survival, this apostate who is the prime suspect for the divine's murder, the murder of hundreds of others?
even a non-mage trevelyan is on an important mission. give us the outsider perspective on the mage-templar conflict. give us more insight into the chantry's role and power since the trevelyan family is so devout. how are the free marches faring, since all of inquisition takes place in southern thedas? it's still a critical experience for a non mage trevelyan, but maybe this isn't so life and death for them. maybe their family members joined them to help negotiate. are the trevelyans trying to steer the proceedings any particular way? do some disagree on what should be done?
lavellans are LITERALLY SENT TO SPY ON THE PROCEEDINGS CAN YOU IMAGINE AN ORIGIN ESPIONAGE MISSION. we could have shown the dalish some fucking respect early on and displayed their cunning! their ability to seem unassuming and on the fringes while keeping the clan safe! is lavellan going to the conclave solo? how close were they hoping to get to the proceedings-how close to the divine? are there city elf servants, perhaps, that they intend to disguise themselves as? lavellans are one of the origins that explicitly aren't supposed to be there, so again, how does the Inquisition-the Chantry-respond to a dalish elf as their prime suspect for the divine's murder? tbh I feel like that is a hugely dangerous spot for a lavellan to be in.
an adaar was probably expecting some conflict as part of the conclave, but nothing so serious as what ended up happening. there's a huge opportunity here to delve into some of adaar's personal/family dynamics. are the valo-kas kindred to them,or just coworkers? who in the company stayed behind and out of the temple of sacred ashes? what's their take on the mage-templar war? THEYRE SECURITY, HOW DID CORYPHEUS EVADE THEIR DEFENSES? what did the valo-kas miss? were there other people up to mischief during the conclave that got ferreted out? were there other hired security groups that they worked together/clashed with???
cadashes are also spies, but with a much clearer bend to shape proceedings. what's been happening with lyrium as the circles disband? are there any signs of red lyrium at the conclave pre-breach? are the dwarves more inclined to see one group access lyrium over the other? how do they attempt to sway minds? the merchant's guild is probably also implicated in the conclave proceedings, how do they navigate?
idk ultimately, the way the conclave ends up for me in game is disappointing-we don't get to really feel how politically altering it is, we miss out on a chance to set up the big players in inquisition (rebel mages and the templar order, obviously, but arguably you miss out on a chance to distinguish orlais and ferelden even, especially for folks that are coming in to inquisition as their first DA game). you have no people connection to the conclave, no idea of the size of the event. everyone else at the conclave died but all anyone else cares about is divine Justinia. is there NOBODY the inquisitor loses at the conclave? no other important dignitaries whose absence could shake up thedas? when the inquisitor enters the Fade and the Nightmare dimension, you're supposed to be getting back memories of the conclave that were terrifying, but there's no real horror. no disgust at what's happened, no reminder besides corypheus, who at that point we have already seen, so there's not much new or poignant to emotionally tie me to.
idk, the conclave explosion is fucked up. and I want more of it.
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breninarthur · 11 months
welcome to DADWC, and happy friday!!!!!! :o) sending you “there’s still time for you to change your mind” for adaia and duncan 👀?
thank you, happy friday!! 🥰 i have finally gotten to this! ^^
some soft and kinda sad/bittersweet duncadaia for @dadrunkwriting 💕 622 words.
♡ ♡ ♡
Birdsong gently pulled Duncan from the Fade. The dawning sun shone brightly, leaving the thin walls of the tent with no hope of blocking it out. He could hear a gentle breeze caress the trees. He was comfortable beneath soft Orlesian furs, and impossibly, beautifully warm where skin touched skin. He smiled.
Adaia stirred, making a little noise when she woke that set Duncan ablaze. In the butter-yellow light of their tiny tent, as she blearily blinked and squinted and frowned at the insult of morning, he cradled her beauty. She would be seared into his soul forevermore, that much he knew.
"Good morning," he murmured.
"Vunin sulahn," she grumbled.
She looked furious to be awake. He chuckled.
They lay in silence as she adjusted to the waking world, and Duncan was more than happy to just be in the quiet moment for a change. Between trekking through the Emerald Graves and the rest of Orlais, fighting off her clan, wolves, and bandits... they didn't get much opportunity for peace.
And he knew it wouldn't last.
"What?" Adaia whispered, and he refocused. His face had fallen from a warm smile to staring at a spot just past her bare shoulder, his eyebrows slightly pulled together. Duncan tried to readjust.
Maker, but she was beautiful. Her skin was darker than his own, warm and soft. Her chestnut hair was a mess after last night and sleep, a bird's nest halo that she would painstakingly untangle later. Her brown eyes were a match of his own, as dark as ambered honey. And that smile... butterflies burst out of long-dormant cocoons when he'd first seen it, and he felt strange every time she shot it his way.
Adaia was funny, too, in a dry sort of way. Kind, but easily frustrated. She missed the Rashira clan, and still cried sometimes about what happened. He would hold her until she stopped, and she would hold him when she knew he needed it too.
Duncan loved her. He'd never been so sure.
He smiled at Adaia, small and sad, and shook his head slightly, blinking slowly. She reached a hand out to him and gently cupped his cheek, the stubborn beginnings of his beard undoubtedly scratching but she didn't mind.
"Surely it's not too late," she muttered, blinking rapidly but Duncan could see the shine of tears anyway. "There's still time for you to change your mind."
He placed his large hand over hers, rubbing circles with his thumb.
"There isn't," he whispered back, afraid to raise his voice any louder. "And I... can't. On a personal level as well as... well."
Adaia sighed. "Grey Warden secrets."
He smiled ruefully.
She searched his face for something he desperately wanted to give. The words were stuck in his throat. Yes, I'll go with you. Yes, I will run from the Wardens. Yes, we will be together. Yes, I love you. Yes, yes, yes.
"I'm sorry," he said instead, and tried to ignore the dagger he'd plunged into his own chest.
It was her turn to shake her head.
Adaia leaned forward, and kissed him. Slow and uncomplicated, it was almost chaste but for the pressure and pure feeling. Duncan put all that he had into it.
"...I love you," he croaked, for the first time.
"I love you too," Adaia whispered thickly without hesitation, pressing her forehead to his. "Ar lath ma, mirevas."
They stayed there for a while, until it was time to go. After they ate and laughed and packed up their little camp, they left the little glade hand in hand.
They knew their time was running out fast; but it had not run out yet. And the future was not their problem.
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
laura i have a dumb but genuine question i’ve wondered for years and im humbly submitting it to the origins loremaster (you <3). if they’re called the grey wardens why do they wear blue
"OLUSJDBF"SDUIKFJS ok this is legitimately something i've thought about, too, so I DO have an answer for you. the codex used in both Origins and DA2 for the Grey Wardens basically only says this about their name:
At Weisshaupt fortress in the desolate Anderfels, a meeting transpired. Soldiers of the Imperium, seasoned veterans who had known nothing their entire lifetimes except hopeless war, came together. When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
It doesn't really give us much. BUT! The tabletop game says what I kinda assumed and something that I also really like bc I think it's cute: that the name comes from the grey coloration of the gryphons they raised and flew. That's not necessarily canon bc it's the tabletop and not the games and the canon of that is debated, but I frankly think it's adorable, and I have to imagine that seeing the Wardens flying in from a distance on their mostly grey gryphons, with silver and blue armor, they probably looked pretty grey.
also I'm sobbing about being called the Origins loremaster ask;jdbfaskdf 💗
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luckyspacerabbit · 1 year
what do you think kai’s fashion & style is like outside of the mandatory cerberus stuff 👁👁
Oh my god ok this is a tough one because i have to use my psionic powers to separate my brain’s urge to make everything exactly to my tastes vs the reality…
Okay so to start with nots— nothing superfluous or overly fancy. Items that cause intimidation are good until they become too much like posturing or cheap tactics. In reality, he might be disappointingly plain or rudimentary with his fashion choices because I think when it comes to an outward identity he’s very into his fists (and I guess his body) doing the defining for him.
Aka nothing I really draw him in is stuff he’d probably wear. Like if I wanted to be real about it, guy probably dresses like a bouncer. No excessive rings or jewelry (unless they double as weapons), a guy who’d only wear a tank top under his leather jacket (and waits eagerly for the opportunity to take it off) (i wonder if he gets into arguments on the off chance he can turn it into a fight and then takes his jacket off?) (he may be the butt of a joke for this)
All these choices 10000% doesn’t mean he has no taste for fashion. He probably has opinions about what everyones wearing on any given day, if you prod him for it. They’re simple tastes, but they’re tastes. He’s just a judger. How could he not be.
That being said, he will alter his look for each event. Like he’s not going to wear workout clothes to the club or anything. Nice jacket but the sleeves are rolled up to show his forearms and a t shirt underneath, and he can pick a nice suit from the Cerberus Disguises Cache…but he’s never going to be the most colorful or primmest dresser. This won’t stop him from thinking he’s THE coolest guy in the galaxy.
Ty for asking for my thoughts jay 🥺🫶🏼 i appreciate you.
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phoenixsoul13 · 2 years
phoenix if you ever have some time would love to hear fun facts abt any of your OCs that are on your mind… emotional abt them ;—; <3 you have such a cool cast of characters here…
i am so sorry i have let this sit this long; i kept meaning to get to it and then *face in hands* i am so easily distracted
anyway, some Sara Ryder facts because the girl needs more love
she's poly bisexual, romances both Liam and Jaal; they both make her smile and give her a safe landing spot when she's overwhelmed by the responsibilities of being Pathfinder
when it comes to like Official Business, she can be very serious and come across as almost a bit stern, so people that usually only see her in those situations can be surprised by her more casual, almost reckless nature outside of them. She's very adventurous and loves exploring and experiencing new things.
SAM being that integrated into her kinda freaks her out at first, she's like "i didn't ask for this." like yeah, it saved her life, but not being asked first kinda makes her a bit !!!!!!!! they do manage to come to an understanding.
she is.... not a fan of Alec. he was always a bit distant/distracted when she was growing up, and then only managed to visit once (with Ellen) when Sara and Scott were attending Grissom Academy. And then Mom got sick and Alec got so obsessed with finding a cure/treatment that he neglected Ellen's need for him to be there for her that Sara never really forgave him.
she wanted to study history/archaeology, but she has trouble with numbers, and was steered away from that. She planned on pursuing it eventually anyway, but then her mom got sick. :(
literally the only reason Sara joined the Andromeda Initiative was because Scott did. Otherwise she would've been quite happy to let Alec fuck off to another galaxy.
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tiny-banana-time · 2 years
♠: One character adjusting the other’s jewelry/neck tie/ etc. 👀
👀👀👀 from here
Jay! This one spoke to me and said: "Jay's a little shit". Him, not you.
"Would you quit fidgeting with it?"
Kaidan slaps Jay's hand away from where it's toying with the button at the base of his neck, again, and continues straightening the medals that keep getting moved.
"Wow, do you even know me, Kay?" The insult in his voice is feigned, but the apprehension is real – nerves starting up now that they're moments away from the ceremony.
"I'd hope I do by now," he starts, re-pinning the Medal of Valor from Akuze. "That's why I said 'quit fidgeting with it', as in 'fidget with something else' please." The last few bars are aligned, and as long as Jay doesn't move them with his sleeve again, they're ready to be paraded across the stage. 
"It's so uncomfortable, though. I swear my neck's gotten thicker since the last time I had to wear this." Jay starts playing with a cuff link, rubbing the metal between his fingers but, thankfully, keeping it in place.
"Think your head's gotten bigger, too." Kaidan's smirk grows proportionally to Jay's scowl, further still as eyebrows furrow down and eyes narrow to glare at him in that adorable, half-hearted way Kaidan has come to love.
Jay opens his mouth as if to speak, closes it until Kaidan chuckles, then commits to the comment. 
"You're one to talk, Mr. My Hair Has a Mind of its Own." He's going for the cuff link again, but Kaidan swats the hand away as he continues. "Any other Captain besides Volk wouldn't let you get away with not taming that mane for so long."
Kaidan catches the smirk, goes for a retort, but is cut off by the call to assemble.
"We're not done here!" Kaidan hisses, finger pointed for emphasis as he turns to head for the front of the line. Pausing, he straightens that damned medal on Jay's chest one last time before booking it to his place.
Ceremonial photos show it askew anyway.
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neechees · 1 year
Josephine’s romance is one of my favorites in Inquisition ;—; its very sweet imo
Plus she's VERY pretty <3 taking notes
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lavampira · 2 years
top five interactive fiction games 👀
[ask for top 5 things]
ty tyyy 🖤 obvs these are my personal prefs but they're ones I have 24/7 brainrot for:
shepherds of haven
the exile
project hadea
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vhenaqui · 1 year
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hi lex i hope you’re doing well its so nice to see you ♥️🌼!!!!!!! :)
jay!! this made me smile thank you so much :') ♥️💕 i've been very busy and tired from work but i hope you're doing well too!!!
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waterbearable · 1 year
are there any fun facts or trivia or anything about zeke u can share w/o major spoilers??? 👀 would love to hear any.. :o)
teehee thank you for enabling me :3 there are some things that i can talk about!!
-zeke wields two swords that are enhanced by magic. one freezes things on contact, the other burns. they are a gift from one of her partners, thalia.
-she has tattoos on her back!
-[insert 'your mom lets you have two weiners?' meme here] zeke is a big ole lesbian and has two partners, cora and thalia. they help zeke run her business.
-zeke is the proud owner of a dinner club, the king cobra (i may change the name though)! the venue is known for having live, magical entertainment. she isn't much of a performer herself but she loves dancers.
-she's gotten more into fashion in the past few years. and (no surprise there) her favorite color is red.
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nuwanders · 1 year
♒♦️for your main four 👀?
hehe thank you Jay! <3
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Jórunn - having lived in the Imperial City her whole life, Jórunn has a broad palate and a love for the best street foods offered by Tamriel's various cuisines. Food is probably one of the few things she misses about Cyrodiil; in particular, pasta and coffee.
Raydrin - Raydrin is a huge foodie. When he was about thirteen he started a habit of sneaking into the residence kitchens and charming the head cook into letting him help with the cooking (though he was probably more of a hindrance than a help for the first year or so). This actually led to his first puppy romance, a passionate affair spanning several years with a young kitchen maid by the name of Meralyn :^)
Cassathra - Cassathra enjoys spicy food as much as the next Dunmer, but there is something about hearty Nord stodge that she secretly really enjoys. Especially Nordic baked goods. Honey cakes, sweet rolls, good crusty breads.... the fastest way to win her heart.
Mathyas - Mathyas doesn't really have a sweet tooth, but back in Morrowind, he was partial to a bitter dark chocolate infused with ginger oil.
♦️ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Jórunn - Jórunn's favourite activity in the Imperial City was to go to the Tamrielic equivalent of an open mic night. On nights off, she and her fellow brothel workers would find some tavern and get drunk listening to a bard reading aloud some raunchy poetry (and make fun of them if it was bad). I think doing this has given her a hidden knack for writing her own, though she hasn't realised it yet.
Raydrin - Raydrin is a huge reader; he loves novels and poetry. He's tried his hand a few times at writing some of his own, but always ended up hating it. I think many years down the line he sits down and writes up the events of the fic as a way of making sure at least one accurate account of Jórunn's life survives amidst all the exaggerated stories.
Cassathra - Cassathra loves spending time in the outdoors, whether that's sparring in a training yard, wild swimming, or simply going on a long walk with a friend. As much as she enjoys cooping herself up with a good book, she gets antsy if she goes a long while without moving her body or spending some quality time outside. This makes Winterhold's winters difficult for her.
Mathyas - i've talked a little about Mathyas' hobbies before here!
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syrupwit · 2 years
hi, happy dadwc friday!! :-) sending you 25. An unconvincing argument for Sigrun... 👀
Hello hello, thank you very much!! Under the cut please find ~360 words of Sigrun & Velanna, with pre-Sigrun/Velanna vibes, for @dadrunkwriting.
It’s a hot, sticky night on the Amaranthine coast, too hot for tents. Sigrun can’t sleep, and her turn to replace Anders on watch up on the cliff is coming soon, if the position of the moons can be believed. She’s still adjusting to telling time above ground. Can’t trust anything up here.
“Velanna,” she whispers, above the muted roar of the surf. “Psst! Hey.”
The elf across from her remains silent and still—too still—like just another boulder on the beach. Well, maybe driftwood. Very shapely driftwood. A lot of driftwood. Velanna’s tall.
No response.
“Ve. La. Na.” Sigrun’s fingers find a pebble in the sand beside her, and she flicks it at Velanna, who stirs and makes a noise of displeasure.
“If you don’t keep quiet and let me sleep,” says Velanna, voice appealingly rough, “I will send beachgrass up from the sands to choke you to death.”
“Beachgrass?” Sigrun wrinkles her nose. “Sounds ticklish. You do mean that flimsy, sort of slippery stuff that grows in patches here? Or… the big floppy stuff is seaweed, right? I could see you choking me to death with seaweed, not beachgrass.”
Velanna groans and shuffles her bedroll away from her. 
“Come on!” Sigrun coaxes. “I know you weren’t really sleeping before. You’re awake now, so let’s make the most of it.”
“That’s your argument? We’re awake anyway, so we should just forget about resting?” 
Sigrun shrugs, which makes her want to stretch, so she does. “Better than just lying in the dark like a stone.”
“That was Keeper Ilshae’s remedy for insomnia,” says Velanna gloomily. “Pretending to be a stone. Or a log. Or a corpse.”
Sigrun snickers. “Well, we meet a lot of rowdy corpses in our line of work.”
“Did you needle your comrades in the Legion of the Dead this much, or am I special?”
“You’re especially grumpy!” says Sigrun. “Tell me a story. If one of us falls asleep in the middle of it, you can thank me later.”
A pause. Sigrun is sure that Velanna will refuse. Then she sighs lowly, turns back over so she’s facing Sigrun, and says, “What do you want to hear about?”
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
10, 11, 15, 16 and 40!!! 👁👁 the people (me) want to know :) <3
10. THE GREY COMPANY. the grey company. The Grey Company. the grey company <3
11. this is such a hard question for me because it absolutely changes for each of my three main characters, Lanadhiel, Duventoliel, and Lathuilas. if Lanadhiel could have any NPC companion, ignoring lore or assuming just for the quests where they overlap, it would be Elladan, for obvious reasons. Duventoliel's would vary, mostly because her friends tend to...die. but Halbarad acts as a surrogate father in some ways, despite her being older than him as an elf, and it would be sweet i think for them to have more time together. for Lathuilas, i WISH she could have her girlfriend Narmeleth with her at all times.
15. as someone who tends to play solo, i usually stick to the blue variations on the class specialization trees. they're more defensive usually and have skills that boost my gameplay lol
16. OOOOO plot twists..........lets see.........Lheu Brenin's betrayal got me actually. the energy while trying to escape and finding each member of the party still sticks with me.
40. BEST MUSIC ok the music that gets me the most with the nostalgia is in some ways the best to me so i gotta say the music around Ered Luin, specifically Duillond, Celondim, and in the Falathlorn Homesteads.
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luckyspacerabbit · 1 year
12, 13, 29 and 31 for dan hyun please... <333 and jade if you would like to answer for her too 👁👁💖
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Dan Hyun☄
﹝ 12. Does Shepard have any nicknames? What do they think of em?﹞
So many🥹
Dannie— A childhood nickname used by her father. If someone calls her this, she’s softened. It brings up reminders of how she should be behaving, to straighten up, act humbly, carefully, and cautiously. In a manner befitting how her father would like to see her.
Shepard— The classic. Her mother’s maidan name, taken from Dan Hyun’s late grandfather. This name reminds her of her mother: the secret signals in her papers, strange devices in hidden labs disguised as walls. Hannah kept her name to remind herself that the world is filled with evil, leaving her as the sole person who can shepherd it away. Dan Hyun sees the opposite: that the world is full of good, and people only need to see someone step into the light to realize it.
Siha— another obvious one… this one she basks in. She finds it validating to be seen as someone who is a protective, valorous force. Thane sees the divinity inside her, that which she knows exists in her as much as she believes it exists in him. She still prefers it when she is just Dan Hyun to him, esp as their relationship goes on. When you wear titles for so long, there is divinity to be found in the rawness of your name.
The Prophet Shepard— a mocking name some tabloids used to spin her initial plea to the Council about beacon’s vision. Though many find it embarrassing, Dan Hyun is quiet on it, ashamed to admit that she finds the nickname flattering. It’s a sign that she’s on the right track and that she can change the world. Hopefully for the better.
Steak Dinner— a nickname generated by her lab mates on the Akuze project. She received steak dinner regularly thanks to her knack for dating oddly affluent individuals while on the Citadel. She finds it funny, if a little cheeky.
Synthetic Spectre— her colloquial moniker amongst the Spectre task force come ME3. Rumors of Cerberus’ work on her body have spurred a complex reputation, leading to some wondering if she’s an agent of the reapers. It’s cost her lives in the form of those who refuse her aid, as well as subjected her to uncomfortable scrutiny from those looking to benefit from her technology. She hates this name.
Bulldozer— a nickname her first unit christened her with in her early Alliance days. Dan Hyun trained to use tech shields as both offense and defense, playing an important role in clearing the field. Her shockwaves were no joke either.
Darling— a couplet to her “dear.” To know Thane still sees her as a precious person, despite the raw, violence she has grown accustomed to, is a wonderful thing. Said often, and with passion.
Bright Eyes— James nickname for her. Dan Hyun finds it touching and sweet. She disregards the negative implications.
﹝13. How does your Shep react to teasing/ribbing?﹞
She enjoys being teased :^) Dan Hyun’s happy to be in the center of attention, even as the butt of a joke. She’ll play along, fake a pout, or plainly wear a self satisfied smile for as long as the joke runs.
﹝29. How active is Shepard? Are they hitting the gym, playing sports, or do they prefer quieter downtime?﹞
Dan Hyun LOVES her sleep, but she’s definitely got her active hobbies. In the day, she prefers to read, watch dramas, or take a nap. At night, she gets active. Kickboxing is her preferred way to stay in shape, coupled with a regular workout with whoever she can rope into coming with her (usually Jacob).
When she’s on shore leave, she prefers badminton :). Overall, she has a 70 (inactive)-30(active) habit ratio.
﹝31. Who can always make them laugh?﹞
Answered Here!
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﹝12. Does Shepard have any nicknames? What do they think of em?﹞
My Daughter— used by the Aunties in the salon that raised her. She really loved it when she was young. Jade was proud of her Aunties and their many skills. Drawing a relationship between them, one as real as a daughter’s, meant the world to her. She was one of them. When she turned 8, the realization that she would always be left alone at that salon kicked in. They didn’t really see her as their daughter. If they did, why would she be sleeping over the Office while they went home to tuck in their own children, late at night? Her skin crawls when someone says this to her now.
Scrapper— Not “kid” or “Jade.” This is what adults like Bailey began to call her when she turned 12 and started charging credits for minor robot repairs. Named for her work. It felt a lot better than being called a daughter when she knew she wasn’t actually anyone’s.
Tech— A nickname used by Cerberus agents to refer to Jade, and another nickname for her work. She’s proud of this nickname.
Blackjack Agent— A term for Cerberus defects recruited back into the Alliance during the Reaper War. This nickname is meaningless to her.
Liem— Kai calls her this. It’s her last name, uncovered after being buried for years. This name is sacred to her.
Cowboy— Only Jade calls herself this. It frames how she sees the world in relation to herself. It’s a confidence booster.
Lucky— James nickname for her. Jade doesn’t get it at all.
﹝13. How does your Shep react to teasing/ribbing?﹞
Answered Here!
﹝29. How active is Shepard? Are they hitting the gym, playing sports, or do they prefer quieter downtime?﹞
Not really active! Most of her activity is centered around mechanical work. Jade likes tinkering, especially if she had access to an endless supply of junk. Otherwise, she’s researching new methods for her craft, or reading a magazine alone.
﹝31. Who can always make them laugh?﹞
Anyone! Even people she doesn’t like. If Jade thinks something is funny she’ll always let out a laugh. She has no concerns about maintaining a personal image, and tends to be unexpectedly expressive because of it. She most enjoys laughing at others’ expense.
Ty for asking Jay!! <3 sorry I unearthed this after a while but I’m having fun stimulating thoughts again about them 🥰
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phoenixsoul13 · 1 year
phoenix i am so curious about nora and nick.. ;—; do you have anything written or made about them? how do they meet? do they move in together (or adventure together)… what draws them to each other?
I don't really have much aside from their playlist, lolol
game background info: Nora is from the 'pre-war' era, 200+ years before the game's current setting; she, her husband, and infant son (along with others from their neighborhood) were put in cryo. her husband was killed when their son was kidnapped. Nick is a synth (basically like a very humanoid robot, but typical robots in this setting are like… really obviously not human, so synths freak people out, especially 'cause the most recent gen look identical to people); when made, he was implanted with the memories of a pre-war detective, so that's what he ended up doing in the current setting.
Nora ends up rescuing him from a vault where he'd been imprisoned by… mobsters(?) while he was working a case. Nora was looking for Nick because she was pointed in his direction while she was looking for help in trying to find her kidnapped baby boy. :( /end of game info dump alskfalks
And honestly, Nick being the first person to offer assistance (his job as a detective or not) and not just condolences goes a long way towards starting their relationship on the right foot. And when she's feeling like nothing matters, he's pretty quick to point out that there's still hope, which she appreciates. He's not one to give up, and she needs that reassurance in this strange, post-apocalypse world that she's found herself in. I do think she's initially drawn to Nick because of his connection to the pre-war era, but his kindness, fortitude, and sense of justice are what really get her.
and while Nora is initially like ?????? at Nick being a synth, she adjusts pretty quickly and doesn't treat him with suspicion. when he's dealing with identity crisis, she's quick to reaffirm that he's not just a copy of the original pre-war Nick, but his own person. She's a tad bit more selfish, especially during the events of the game, but a lot of that is driven by her need to find and protect her son. She's also generally kind, and always willing to offer a helping hand, even when it inconveniences her, and (when not plagued by overwhelming doubt) approaches everything with sheer determination.
idk if they move in together? i haven't figured where Nora settles down after the events of the main game, if she does at all. as leader of the minutemen, she wanders a lot, making sure the people of the commonwealth are doing okay. they do spend a lot of time together though; either he's traveling with her while she wanders, or she's helping him with a case.
ty for asking!!! they're honestly kinda a recent development (or only recently solidified, at least), so i'm mostly just kinda like 🥰🥰🥰 about them, lol
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oopsallmabari · 1 year
please give us your opinions AWAKENING CREW EDITION… velanna sigrun nate justice anders oghren… (and bonus of whichever warden you have in awakening if you like 👀)
ohoho ok:
velanna: i picture her as 5'6, which is on the taller side for an elf! she is a bitch with no social skills and i like her SO much.
sigrun: sigrun is...4'7 (we love a Tall gf and Small gf). my girl is funny as hell, wish we got more of her.
nathaniel: that man is Tall. 6'2. i have to respect a dude out for revenge that ends up reconsidering (cannot WAIT to play awakening w my cousland) and i just enjoyed his banter w anders a lot.
justice: another Tall boy, 6' (especially disturbing on a rotting corpse). keeping it to how he is in awakening: i love when we get spirits encountering the material world for the first time and it makes me so happysad that he tries to reconcile with his host's wife.
anders: also a tall boy (oops, squad of Tall Human Men+everyone else?) but more like 5'11. you go you funky little bisexual, funniest bitch in the grey wardens, i'm so sorry for what happens next.
oghren: oghren is 4'8, just a little taller than sigrun. i tried to like him but his party banter in origins icked me out so much and it Continued in awakening :/
bonus, veria! she is a good 5'2 (tiny baby.) in awakening she finally starts to get a little more Fed Up with people (and Fucked Up) and i love that for her.
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