#bozhan fanfic
raccoonmoon · 2 years
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illustration for fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39992592/chapters/104893968
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lifeblog-onceupon · 2 years
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Глава VII (https://ficbook.net/readfic/12152904/32601898) уже на сайте.
Я так давно не была на тамблере. Не знаю, выйдет ли его вести, но я постараюсь что-то выкладывать.
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obsidian-aurora · 4 years
As I’m about to dive into the events of 227 in my fanfic, I thought now is a good moment to take some time to reflect on the past year.
Words:  1,086,764
Chapters:  131/?
Comments:  2206
Kudos:  4065
Bookmarks:  350
Hits:  161449
If you can believe it, I started writing this fic almost a year ago now.  I’ve written the equivalent of a novel a month this whole year! Nuts. I watched The Untamed for the first time over a year ago.  My soul was captured by the light that I saw in Xiao Zhan’s and Yibo’s eyes when they looked at each other. And I haven’t stopped believing in the power of love since then.
Sounds corny?  Yeah, kind of is.
It’s hard to imagine that when I started writing this fic, the Special Edition hadn’t come out yet.  There was only the official BTS on the Tencent channel to watch - as well as a pile of interviews and fanmeetings.  There were no secret Discord groups, I didn’t even have a Twitter account.  I had this old blog of mine on Tumblr and an old AO3 account that I dusted off to start writing some fanfiction again.
Did you know I’m a self-published author?  Oh yeah, for years I wrote nothing but my own novels.  You can check them out here at lillybirdsong.com
I thought to myself, I’ll just write a short fanfic over the course of December.  I’ll publish it in January and rid my system of this bug I’ve got and then move on.  Now, a year later and I still can’t stop writing about these boys.  What is it?  It’s all about love.  It’s about the belief that against all odds, whether it’s living in a society that doesn’t support LGBT individuals, whether it’s struggling with management companies that don’t support you in your own careers, against all odds Love Wins™.
Or does it?
I’m about to embark on writing the 227 part of the fanfiction and I thought it was really important for me to remind everyone that what I’m writing here is not a bible, it’s not a biography, it’s a piece of fiction that’s my own personal interpretation of what might have happened.  I’m saying this because it’s soul-crushing to imagine what might have taken place behind closed doors, the conversations that would have happened, the thoughts that would have spun out of control.
I mean, I just remember my own journey.  Some of which is documented right here on Tumblr.  I wrote one of my first artist blogs when I hit 50 chapters on Yizhan in early Feb.  I wrote a post when Xiao Zhan fans first started calling out AO3 for hosting inflammatory material. I wrote a post when I considered whether this fic should be abandoned. I wrote a post when Coronavirus brought me back home on a plane way earlier than expected.  I wrote a post in April when I completed 80 chapters, and at the end of May when I completed 100 chapters.
I’ve gone a bit dark on Tumblr since I moved to Twitter where there’s a lot more BJYX interaction going on, but Twitter is not a good place for a long post so I’m once again spilling my thoughts here on Tumblr.
Writing about 227
As I start to write about this, I’m going to pick and choose which rumours I will write into the story and which I’ll discard.  Because let’s get real - there are a lot of rumours out there, and no one except those people intimately involved will know the truth of the matter.  I do choose to believe some of the malicious rumours.  And so I will include some of them.
Don’t start a war in my comments section. I beg you.  I’ll just have to end up moderating my comments which I never wanted to do.
Disagreements within the fandom
I’ve noticed more and more “extreme” behaviour within the BJYX fandom.  I feel like ever since the “secret” BTS (which are mostly the same as what we saw in the official BTS just longer cuts) have whipped turtles up into a frenzy! And when someone has a different opinion or when someone likes to spout theories about what their small interactions might mean in the context of the bigger picture, that can cause harm.
So I’m saying right now - everyone’s entitled to their own points of view. No one knows the truth but the ones involved.
Don’t bring your disagreements to my fic.
Respect in public spaces
I have also stated this on Twitter but I want to put my 2 cents here as well.  I’ve also been uncomfortable lately with the amount of public discourse about body parts, about sex positions, really really intimate things. If you want to write fanfics or draw fanart to explore these interpretations, I say go for it! That’s appropriate because it’s within the realm of fantasy. But when it comes down to really speculating about what’s going on in the private lives of these two men we love so much, I personally would rather those conversations be relegated to private spaces - Discord, WhatsApp.  Not Twitter and Tumblr. So you’ll notice that I’ve unfollowed and even blocked some accounts recently that cross a line I’m not comfortable with.
When I do that, it’s not about you, it’s not a personal attack. That’s just me not being comfortable with the content that’s being created in the space it’s being distributed. If you want to chat with me about it, I’m very open to having that discussion in DM. I’ve been called a hypocrite for my views given that my story is an explicit one, but in my mind there’s a clear distinction between me publishing a story on AO3 and people discussing their real private lives in public spaces like Twitter.  That’s just my point of view and I mean no offence to those that feel the opposite.
As usual, I always have my finger on the trigger to take Yizhan down the moment it causes harm to the boys in question.
Other interesting things I’ve done lately:
I’ve been publishing some Fanart.  (See the pic at the end of this post as an example). Follow me on Twitter @ObsidianAurora to get the latest as I usually post things first there. I’ll try to remember to post things here as well.
I started a YouTube Channel. It’s called Queer Stories and it’s my space to talk about all things queer - video games, TV shows, and yeah sometimes even how harmful it can be to assume you know someone’s gender identity, whether they’re feminine or masculine, and that this has nothing to do with a person’s sexuality. This video I made in the context of BJYX/LSFY/ZSWW and Yizhan.
I opened a Patreon account since some people wanted to know how to support me. I have been jobless since our visual effects studio closed down in May and I’m starting up a new job again next week (finally!) but if you want to contribute for the work I’m doing this would be the way.
Be Kind.
I’ve rambled on for quite a bit now so let me end it here. Let me just say please be kind. Be kind to each other. Be kind to those who disagree with you. When you’re tempted to lash out, consider the other person’s point of view first.
Remember that what started this was love. Not hate. Don’t give in to the temptation to participate in fanwars. Remember the love.
Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
~Obsidian Aurora~
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The Body Language GGDD's Ver.
This is fake. Only a more GGDD's fanfic. Long Post...
First of all, I am not an expert on this subject. I investigated much of the things are written in this post.
When a person is in love, tend to show a genuine glare in their eyes. It’s normal for our eyes to shine when we see something we like.
A person in love, focus only on what it is interested in, causing the tear glands to be more stimulated than usual. This explains the singular brightness of the eyes in these situations. This isn’t the only thing worth mentioning, though.
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One of the most revealing elements in the body language of a person in love is their fixed gaze. This gaze is the one that follows his love interest wherever that person go and the only looks for in a crowd. It’s the type of gaze that doesn’t go anywhere else as long as his love interest is there.
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Proximity or Proxemics
To start with this point we can mention, that the Proxemics is the study of human use of space and the effects that population density has on behaviour, communication, and social interaction.
1. Intimate distance for embracing, touching or whispering
Close phase – less than one inch (one to two cm)
Far phase – 6 to 18 inches (15 to 46 cm)
2. Personal distance for interactions among good friends or family
Close phase – 1.5 to 2.5 feet (46 to 76 cm)
Far phase – 2.5 to 4 feet (76 to 122 cm)
3. Social distance for interactions among acquaintances
Close phase – 4 to 7 feet (1.2 to 2.1 m)
Far phase – 7 to 12 feet (2.1 to 3.7 m)
When someone is physically comfortable with a person, proximity is important. The person in question, always lean or unconsciously approach his body to the person he trusts, since his own instinct calls him to the comfort and warmth that this person can provide.
If is in love, this actions will be more obvious and unconscious. The person will bridge the gap between you as often as possible. They lean closer to you, this proximity should feel comfortable and easy. They’ll often lean in toward their partner in a way that feels different from being sexually interested. Is something that says ‘I enjoy your company. I want to be close to you'.
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Attentiveness is a huge sign someone is falling in love; they’re enthralled. Love often brings with it tunnel vision. So if a person only is able to focus exclusively on other person and not get overly distracted by other stimuli, it’s a sign of love.
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Eye contact
Eye contact is so intense that researchers have even used it to trigger feelings of love. So, if your partner is looking deeply and comfortably into your eyes, it communicates a lot about their desire. Eye contact is an intimate and vulnerable act, so intense eye contact can be very meaningful. Deep eye contact, or holding your gaze for at least four seconds, may indicate feelings of love.
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Protective gestures
People in love to feel highly protective of the person they care for. This may take the form of gestures or of lending extra help. When we love someone, we care about their safety. A person who is falling in love will often take great care to protect (the person they love) If they seem to be extending an extra hand without thinking twice, they might be falling in love. And if a person’s actions make you feel loved and cared for, you’re likely in clear to take the leap and say those three words without fear of being left hanging.
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Other signs
It is a sign of submission by exposing the throat. Showing of neck is a form of "comfort" behavior? (givens, 2005, 63, 128) it first appears when we're growing up, where the act indicates interest in something we find appealing. this is believed to be useful in friendship, as well as courtship.
Other sign is what psychologists call "postural reflex" or "postural echo" (postural echo) that occurs when the person unconsciously adopts a posture similar to yours. That is, a mirror of your posture. That would indicate affinity, strong harmony in the relationship between the couple. Actually, the “body reflex” technique can be used as a flirting technique to create a feeling or atmosphere of togetherness and harmony.
Legs can especially indicate your comfort level with someone. The knees of a person, indicate where their interest is, they will be positioned towards the person that they have all their attention on. It may indicate attraction. Second, while spreading your legs around someone denotes a lot of confidence in the person, by leaving his private parts more exposed, with what that entails, he means that he is willing to expose himself physically and mentally to you. He is passing on his confidence to you. Opening the legs excessively can be sexual and shows dominance in the situation or relationship. Touching another person's knee with yours indicates trust and a desire for closeness, generally it is when two people keep their knees together for a long time, it is because there is sexual tension.
Rub the hands or caressing the back of the hand gently, indicates interest and trust. Rub the hand deliberately too it is something very intimate that shows attraction, especially if the person who initiates the contact moistens his lips and clears his throat.
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xiao-wang008 · 3 years
Fanfic Prompt
Thrill-Seeker Yibo turns his boyfriend, Xiao Zhan, into an adrenaline junkie. Yibo obviously doesn't mind, at least until Zhan tries to take him to a haunted house.
where cool Yibo is embarrassed by his much cooler husband.
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tiktokpersoncent · 4 years
So I found this manhwa called "The Best Smell" and I thought an AU for GGDD would be so good.
Like, imagine...
XiaoZhan is someone who was born with a heightened sense of smell. At first, it was only simple things like being able to tell what his mother made for dinner or knowing if someone else was inside the house. However, it all changed when he was around ten years old and his father came home smelling like someone else... Someone who wasn't his mother.
When he confronted his dad about it his father retorted with a lie. Suddenly, a sharp and disgusting smell reached XiaoZhan's nose.
He could smell deception.
It didn't stop there. He could smell guilt, sadness, fear, anger, and frustration. Scared and overwhelmed by the situation, the amount of horrible smells caused XiaoZhan to faint.
Ever since that day, XiaoZhan has developed a hate for the people who lie, because lying was the worst scent of all.
Lies of all kinds.
"Ah, sure! I want to hang out!" I actually wanted to stay home.
"Yeah, your haircut looks amazing!" It's really gross I feel bad for you.
That was until he met a young boy named Yibo.
"I like you."
The young boy stared back at him with defiant eyes, firm and unwavered. XiaoZhan could only blink at him.
XiaoZhan brushed away this boy's confession, but there was something about him.
He smelled nice.
Yibo was straightforward. He never lied even if it was about the little things.
"I don't want to eat that-- it's gross!"
"Zhan-ge you look beautiful today."
"No, I think it's stupid."
There was not a hint of a lie.
"Zhan-ge, I love you."
It was all truth.
But most of all, XiaoZhan couldnt help but melt at the scent of the boy's love and affection.
It was the best smell.
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estelwenadia · 5 years
Xiao Zhan is a doctor in the latest drama series.
Wang Yibo is a fireman in the latest Day Day Up.
This is like, a YiZhan fic waiting to happen 😂
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nuts-cracker-pn · 5 years
Expensive fic is heeeere
Yes that fic about  expensive twink Yibo and suga daddy Zhan-ge
Remember this post ?
Inspired in :
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------”EXPENSIVE”  CH1----------
note : (1 - as an endearment TángXing ( just made it up) instead of the real name FanXing / táng means: sweetie, sweet, sugar, candy / xīng means : star, particule, small amount ( very fitting for him lol)
YiBo is fussing and sulking since he came back from his dance practice. 
“Hey, where is my Prada shirt?”  
4:45 pm in his Rolex. P-guy sent the message an hour ago and he has to speed up to make it in time “before sunset”. He wanted to take advantage of the venue to take some photos apparently.
“How the hell would I know?  It’s not my style anyway. Ask FanXing.”
WenHan,one of his roommates, is focused in his gameplay on his laptop, but raises his eyes with significance at the last sentence. This guy is 25, majoring in Architecture, but somehow ended in the sophomore year with YiBo, both sharing classrooms in some subjects, and the liking for dance, which they practice with other 3 students of the academy, which provides that monthly extra money fashionista YiBo needs so much.
YiBo stays there for few seconds, looking at ‘the important thing’ in the screen that WenHan said he had to do today so he couldn’t go to dance practice with him, until the other looks up again. ‘What?”
Now he can send him a brow an inch high.
“Oh please, as if you don’t know how he looks at y-”
“No time for jealousy now.” YiBo’s words linger when he sprints to the bathroom, closing the door just in time to block the sneaker flying to his head. It hits as loud as the “You wish, fucker!” screech. Thankfully he made sure to bring the little bag in hand with the hammam oil he bought in his way back.
Fifteen minutes later he’s out drying his hair with a towel. Heading to his closet he notices FanXing, the other roommate, who stops his talk beside WenHan’s desk, the chair turning around.
“Did you wash everything thoroughly, honey?” 
The olders have acquired this disrespectful joke-flirting state in just one year living together, which occasionally makes YiBo thinks about the cause. 
Not paying a glance, he starts to rummage through the opened doors of his closet. “No time to show you now.”
He stops his search with his hands in his waist and a tsk!, making his way then in Fanxing’s direction. Leaning an arm on Wenhan’s chair he stands in front of the boy, closer than the comfort zone says. 
“Táng Xiiing.” (1 
The cute boy came in fresh this September also to the Architecture department, and took the 3rd bed, vacant after last graduated roommate left. ‘Wen-ge’ took him under his wing but he seems intimidated around the tallest guy.
“Have you seen my Prada shirt ?”
WenHan acknowledges the silk in the usual deep-pranky tone rolling his eyes.
“Ahh...mm, no. Sorry, Wang-ge” The boy’s cheeks look like two painted cherries. The struggle to not look anywhere below YiBo’s eyes is painful to watch. Understandable, taking that YiBo is still a little wet and only in his undies. 
“Can’t you wear anything else? Summer is over anyway.” Wenhan dries the enticing scene out. “Or do you want to impress someone?” 
YiBo smirks delighted. “It’s only work, honey.” He whispers in his friend ear.
WenHan is not too fond of P-guy, YiBo knows. He walks back to his closet.
“It’s a top-rank party, he said. Besides, that shirt is comfortable to perform.” He sighs in defeat. He only has another expensive option. “Well, since the night is already fresh…”
Yibo is absentmindedly scanning the food on the big table. He does not like to have a full tummy before performing, it’s always after when he gets really hungry, even more when he’s doing solo. The dishes look really ‘Instalike’, if only he knew what they are made of. 
He takes a little cardboard plate and place the appetizer that looks less complicated on it.
He doesn’t see the written napkin holding a funny rolled appetizer beside his left hand, until the person is gone & lost in the crowd. 
He looks around to check. Only he’s near the table at the moment. Me, the hungry poor kid... He grabs the funny roll thing.
‘Also bored as hell. Help me please (>=<) This roll 👇 is tasty and healthy for your diet. Please keep reading behind 👉’
Yibo looks around again, cautiously, not catching anyone ‘suspicious’. He sniffs a smirk to finally munch the entire thing in one go. It’s pretty good tho, the smoked salmon slices rolled around something guacamole like and he tastes some pineapple in it. So he grabs another with his left hand and the napkin with the right one. 
‘Please enter to Talkwithstranger site / choose nickname / enter ‘Talk to Strangers’ box  / Mi nickname: ‘SXG’. Keep clicking on ‘talk to another’ until you see my nick connected to you.
He was planning to call it a night after filling up his stomach -not seeing hopes for anything more...  but maybe he could have some fun in this party after all. 
After a variety of salties and sweets he makes his way, glass of champagne in hand, to find a spot at a corner where he still will be able to scan the room in case the ‘mystery person’ shows face.
He opens the site and follows the instructions. It’s a one-to-one random chat. Guess he needs a nick that makes easy to identify him. He has to refresh the box a few times before he sees ‘You are connected to SXG. Say Hi!’
At the opposite end of the saloon someone with waiting eagle eyes suddenly cracks up, hand over mouth. at the nickname ‘Bored Yellow Sweater’.
‘Are the checkered pants bored too? It’s a cute fit tho, to say the least….And you danced really well in it. Seems like you had fun. ^^’
‘Are you a headhunter, secret agent or someth?’
‘Oh no, just an ugly person too shy to approach. No confidence 😔.’
Yibo can’t completely hide the disappointment in his face. He tends to have high standards.
‘Thankfully I’m not that ugly, and I’m confident enough, but not to know how to approach people either.’
‘SXG’ is trying really hard to hide in the crowd not to be found out , since ‘its’ face is red of so much silent laugh.
‘I noticed 😅...anyway, yes to all of that.’
The person sends the text too quick before realizing.
‘Is that a flirt? Well this is not fair game. However, after that napkin little scene you proved that you’re clever and not as unconfident as you say.’ 
‘Thanks. 😏 Keep going.’
‘What are doing here? Pleasure or work?’
‘It was supposed to be more of the first but I don’t know anymore….😑’
‘So that means you’re a hard worker. Like me. We are progressing.’
‘At least you are already done and free.’
‘Maybe not.’
‘….are you going to perform again?😀’
‘Maybe not on the dance floor...’
‘ ......umm, wow lion.😅 Is the lucky person here?’ 
‘1-How did you guess I’m one? 2- I’ll tell you if you show yourself. 3- Are you male or female?‘
‘Find me out if you can, kid 😉’
Ahhhg.The person cringes again mentally.
‘Busted. By the excessive use of emojis I thought you were a teen but I see you are older than me. How much?’
‘Are you a student? A worker? Are you a minor?!’ 
‘No mom. I’m D Major.’
Yibo doesn’t realize that someone is walking onto him. 
It’s a woman.
“Helloooo. Nice to meet you. My name is Qing ChunHua.”
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duonglamca6104 · 4 years
[Shortfic] [BácChiến] Bánh Bao Nhân Thịt Người
Tác giả: Đường Lam Ca
Thể loại: kinh dị, u ám, OOC nặng, tâm lý biến thái vặn vẹo công x cường thụ, niên hạ, OE hoặc SE.
Nhân vật chính: Vương Nhất Bác x Tiêu Chiến
Lời mở đầu:
"Thịt trên người anh nếu nó trở thành một phần nhân trong bánh bao của tôi thì như thế nào nhỉ? Mùi vị của nó chắc là sẽ ngon lắm đây."
Lời tâm sự của tác giả: khuyến cáo OOC nặng, các yếu tố trong truyện hoàn toàn không có thật.
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chenqingweijue · 3 years
So... I somehow ended up writing an yizhan fanfic. Give it a shot?
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obsidian-aurora · 4 years
Yizhan, 80 Chapters In - A Reflection
Given that today is my birthday, and that I posted Chapter 80 of Yizhan today, I thought it was a good day to reflect on this project and on the recent life events.
Current status of Yizhan:
Words:  463,447
Comments:  849
Kudos: 1843
Bookmarks: 191
Hits:  38742
I’ve been working on this project for almost 5 months now, and it’s been a roller-coaster ride of self-doubt, questioning, and also a lot of fun.  
When I first started writing Yizhan, I wrote it because I saw something so beautiful and unique in the loving relationship between Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan.  To say that there’s a loving relationship is without a doubt.  Whether it’s romantic?  To me, that didn’t really matter, I just wanted to explore a world where it could be.  It wasn’t that I was out to prove something, in fact, I would not be disappointed in the least if the two are just good friends.
Since the 227 incident, where Xiao Zhan’s fans reported AO3 for impugning his public image, and the subsequent anti-fans went on a campaign to destroy him, I’ve felt a lot of conflict in my heart.  At the time I was on a business trip halfway across the world, and I felt like my heart was breaking.
Shortly thereafter, I got the call back from my government - come home!  Right now!  Borders will be closing soon.  I hopped on a flight, and for the past 6 weeks I’ve been isolated at home alone (luckily with 3 very friendly furry cat-friends).
I’ve watched the movie industry that I work in be slowly torn apart and decimated.  The company where I work has laid off countless employees, and I have only a few weeks left before I, too, lose my job.  I have had to be a part of making the decisions of who we were going to let go, all in the essence of “survival” of the business.  Once again, my heart was breaking.
I have gone through what I am now recognizing as the onset of a major depression.  I’m sharing this because I’m sure many of you, too, have similar experiences.
Throughout all of this, one of the things that has brought me joy is to imagine a world where two people I admire fall in love with each other, and find happiness together.  I’ve agonized over whether it was “right” or “good” to keep writing this story.  Honestly, I don’t hold the answer to that question.  I can only hope that if our lovely actors knew of my story, they would understand it’s only meant to bring people joy and not meant to hurt anyone.
As such, I’ve rejected people who have asked to translate my work.  So far I’ve received requests to translate it into Thai, Spanish, and Russian.  It’s not that I don’t want the work translated, but it’s that I want the control to be able to take this story down the moment that it becomes hurtful to either of the two men in question.
For those of you that are still reading this story, I hope it’s bringing you some joy in this time of darkness.  If it is, feel free to drop in some comments.  I might not respond to comments often but I love all of them, and I read them diligently.
If this were a book, I’d quickly be approaching that list of “Longest Books Ever Written” simply in terms of word count, and there’s still so much story yet to write.  I keep writing because it makes me happy, and I hope it makes some of you happy, too.
Stay happy, stay healthy, and let’s all support each other through these times.
~Obisidian Aurora
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obsidian-aurora · 4 years
Xiao Zhan fans call out AO3
For those of you that follow the news in China, you may have heard that a trending topic yesterday was Xiao Zhan fans calling out Archive Of Our Own and Loft for fans that create Yizhan fanfiction and artwork.  I wanted to drop a few preliminary thoughts here.
It has always been my greatest fear as a writer of a Yizhan fanfiction that somehow by writing this work I could hurt the two men who inspired the story.  I have so much respect and love for them, and my intention was only to express the feelings of love in my heart.
As we all know, the climate in China is not favourable to homosexual relationships.  It was less than a year ago when Weibo made an attempt to ban all LGBT content to “clean up the platform.”  As such, stars who may be gay will not come out because it will be devastating to their careers.  We can’t know whether Xiao Zhan or Wang Yibo have feelings that are more than a close friendship.  It breaks my heart that even if they wanted to be together, they can’t.  More than anything this is what inspired me to write Yizhan.  It’s not so much that I believe this story is true - it’s likely not.  It’s more that I wanted to explore an alternate universe where these feelings are true, because it would make such a beautiful and inspiring story.
For hundreds of years, fans have written fanfiction about real people falling in love.  Even famous authors like Shakespeare and the Bronte sisters have written RPF.  It’s a natural feeling for a fan to want to explore, we see chemistry on screen and we translate it to imaginings of what may be going on off the screen.  In this aspect, I don’t feel guilty for wanting to write this piece.
But it’s different when the subject of your fiction could actually be hurt by what you write.  Even though the interactions I’ve written about them have always been respectful and loving, I do imagine intimate situations between the two of them.  The reason that I write these scenes is that sex is the most natural way to express the depth of one’s feelings.  The way we touch each other is such a delicate and beautiful expression of love.  I couldn’t write this story without including scenes like this.
I will be travelling in a few hours, and I’ll be in transit for nearly 2 days, with limited access to the internet.  As I travel I’ll ponder what to do.  Part of me thinks if my work can be harmful to them, I should take it down.  Another part of me thinks then I’d be giving in to the Chinese government’s pressure to assert “Moral Authority” on its people.  As one fiction in a sea of fiction, my work probably hasn’t even garnered enough attention to be considered significant.  If I do feel, however, that my work could hurt them in a significant way, then I will take it down.  I won’t stop writing - I couldn’t, even if I tried - but I’ll keep my story to myself.
I wish all love and happiness to Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo in their respective lives.
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xiao-wang008 · 4 years
Fanfic Prompt
(Fake) Bartender AU
Zhan and Yibo are both wealthy celebrities. Both are businessmen who own various estates across China, including clubs and bars. The two have been dating for almost two years.
Since they rarely get to see each other with all they manage, they play a little game when they're in the same city: bartender and flirty costumer.
It's normally a bar rather than a club just because Yibo prefers a quieter atmosphere when making his drinks. Zhan simply ends up playing along. The environment wouldn't matter as long as he saw his partner, which they go months on end not doing.
Tonight, the mood was perfect for their little roleplay. The smooth jazz coating the room in elegance and the lights playing on Yibo's skin perfectly. Too bad a stranger starts up conversation with Yibo first, causing jealous Zhan has to shut down the entire establishment to 'confront' his boyfriend.
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tiktokpersoncent · 4 years
Also there's this angsty imagination I had before sleeping that I wanted to share:
It's the end of the world.
XiaoZhan and Yibo are on two different sides of China, too far to visit one last time.
The two of them stay locked inside their apartments as the seconds tick by slowly towards the world's destruction. It's so dark with only the light of their phones showing the shadows upon their from faces.
One last video call.
"Zhan-ge..." Yibo whispered.
"Yibo..." XiaoZhan replied.
Wails from outside reached within their walls, chaos ran as human beings sought desperately to hide from something that couldn't be prevented.
Yibo wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. He wanted to hold XiaoZhan one last time-- but he couldn't.
From the screen, XiaoZhan could see the tears beginning to shine in Yibo's eyes.
The young man let out a choked sob, "Zhan-ge I---"
"Yibo, let me sing you a song."
Yibo paused, interrupted. He stared at XiaoZhan's image from his phone's screen, his lover somehow still smiling brightly from the other side.
This was the last time he could here his voice.
"Sure..." Yibo replied, voice weak.
And that was how it went. XiaoZhan singing him a beautiful Melody as the young man held his phone with a vice grips as if afraid his lover would go away.
Tick tock.
The world's end came closer, but the two could only focus on themselves.
Tick tock.
Faster and faster, life began to end.
Tick tock.
The sweet Melody kept going. A beautiful smile and a young man sobbing.
"Yibo, I love you."
"I love you too, Zhan-ge."
Based on this song:
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tiktokpersoncent · 4 years
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A while ago, my friend @aikawaradzu made this edit for me! I’m going to make a short mermaid fic for BJYX now!  Summary:  XiaoZhan was a man who enjoyed the sea. He somehow found himself drawn to it for both its beauty and its danger. One night as he was treading a small beach located far at the edge oft he country, he came across an unusual scene.  It was a merman stained in blood red lying still at the edge of the sand. 
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