#buenas noches have this as a bedtime story from me
arctic-bookclub · 1 month
imagine loving someone so much you’ll leave to keep them out of danger, your heart hurts but it’s to keep the danger that follows you away from them, imagine being comforted thinking the ones you love are strong and healthy, they’ll be fine just like they always have been without you, your children are protected by the one you love, someone strong and dependable, imagine going to sleep comforted by this information… imagine being so distant from the ones you love to be so unaware of just how false your false sense of comfort regarding their wellbeing is, not knowing how close to the one you love, the one you see as strong and undefeatable, is to giving up, to let himself get lost forever, and just how much pain all those you love have endured and are haunted by
imagine leaving to protect someone you love, only to unknowingly risk losing them forever to a threat you could’ve never even imagine
i’m thinking a bit too hard about qmissa and just how unaware he is of the fastly declining mental health of his family, hiding in an attempt to keep his family safe while not knowing just how desperately he is needed by them :(
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gtwscratch · 11 days
Bedtime Story
Summary: Chayanne and Tallulah ask Phil to tell them a bedtime story, and he tells them about Technoblade
CW: A little sad? Bittersweet ending
Word count: 665 (a way shorter one compared to my other posts, but I'm tired, and I wanted to get this out today in honor of Techno's birthday)
“Papá , can you tell us a bedtime story?” Tallulah asked.
Chayanne sat up in bed, grinning. “Yeah!”
Phil smiled softly at his children from the doorway. “You both know it’s already well past your bedtime. If Missa finds out-”
“He won’t! We’ll go to bed right away! ¿Por favor?” Tallulah gave him her best puppy dog eyes, and Phil chuckled.
“Alright, but just one story, okay?”
“Okay!” The two said in unison.
Chayanne immediately had a request. “You should tell one about Technoblade!” 
Tallulah tilted her head to the side. “Technoblade?”
He looked at his sister excitedly. “Yeah! Dad told me all kinds of stories about him before we found you. You would love them!” Chayanne eagerly looked to Phil. “You should tell the one about the potato wars! Wait-! No! The one where he fought the homeless man! Oh, oh! No, tell the one-!” He continued to ramble on and on for a moment, clearly not having one particular favorite. Phil laughed softly and sat in his chair in front of the two beds.
“Alright, calm down, Chayanne. I’ve got a good one.” The boy stopped rambling and sat (mostly) still. “How about I tell you both about the time he and I took down a tyrannical government?” Chayanne’s eyes lit up, clearly excited for the story, and Tallulah looked intrigued.
Phil smiled, getting into his best story-teller mode. “It was just me and Techno, fighting side by side against an entire army of people. The odds looked rough, but we had the advantage. Everyone knew Techno was always prepared for whatever was thrown his way, but no one—not even I—had expected him to go to these lengths.”
“What did he do?” Tallulah asked, leaning forward.
“With my help, he rigged a gigantic explosives system, and together, we made TNT rain down on their corrupt government. Some of our enemies still wanted to fight after that, and, man, we sure gave them one hell of a fight.” Phil smiled fondly at the memories he had with his friend.
“And then you defeated them all and won, once and for all!” Chayanne shouted, very enthusiastic.
Phil laughed. “Sure, something like that.”
Tallulah was very interested in the story. “What happened next?”
“After that, Techno and I went to live in the Artic. Our time there was.. almost conflict-free, but that’s a story for another time. Shortly after that adventure, Techno..” Phil trailed off for a moment, his expression turning a bit somber. “He had to go.”
“Go where?”
“.. He left to take down every last system of government there was,” Phil said with a smile. He didn’t want to upset her.
“Why didn’t you go with him?”
“Sometimes.. the people we care about have to go places where we can’t follow them, no matter how much we want to.” Phil paused for a moment, taking a breath. “I wish he could have stayed, but he couldn’t. That’s just the way things go.”
Tallulah seemed satisfied with that answer. “Oh. Well, I hope you can see him again one day,” she said with a smile.
“Yeah,” Phil nodded, “I do, too.” He stood up from his chair with a classic dad grunt. “Alright, now it’s time for you two to get some sleep before I get in trouble for letting you stay up.”
He tucked the kids into bed (for a second time, and this time they actually stayed under their covers) and walked to the door. “Goodnight, you two.”
“Buenas noches,” Chayanne yawns, and Tallulah mumbles the same as Phil turns out the lights.
A while later, Phil passes their room, and something catches his eye. He does a double take, and he freezes.
There, between the beds, stood the figure of his friend, looking at Tallulah and Chayanne. After a moment, he looked to the door. He smiled softly at Phil before disappearing.
As Technoblade’s figure faded, Phil could’ve sworn he heard his friend’s voice in his mind.
Thanks for telling them about me.
Happy birthday, Technoblade. You were an absolute legend, and your legacy will be remembered for so many more years to come. It's a shame you couldn't have stayed with us longer. o7
Sorry again for this one being so short, I didn't want it to be too complicated though. And, as I said, I'm tired, haha. It's currently 10:10pm, and I have work in the morning. I hope you guys liked this one :) I actually do still have a Techno-themed idea to rewrite, so I hope you look forward to that.
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katelynnwrites · 2 years
pairing: Ona Batlle x f!Reader
warnings: f for major fluff
word count: 1170
summary: your daughter is your baby star and ona is your superstar
a/n: part four of this series, this fic is dedicated to my fellow gays, queers and allies. happy pride month to you 🌈
Baby Star
‘Okay time for bed mija.’ Ona laughs as she picks Via up, swinging the little girl up around.
‘But Mama I’m not tired.’ Via whines, giggling as Ona plants a kiss onto her forehead.
‘Mommy and I will read you a bedtime story. How does that sound Via? Do you want that?’
Your daughter immediately starts to nod furiously, ‘Sí Mama. Sí sí sí.’
‘Okay go brush your teeth. I’ll check on you soon baby.’
Olivia runs off as soon as the Manchester United defender puts her down and you chuckle at her enthusiasm.
‘Someone’s excited.’ Ona smiles at you and you kiss her gently.
‘I love you.’
‘I love you too.’ Ona slips her hands under your shirt, pulling you close to her.
‘Big game tomorrow…’ She hums, placing little kisses on your neck.
‘Yeah.’ You breathe, closing your eyes and tilting your head to give her more access.
‘You confident?’
‘Yeah.’ You say again and Ona’s smile widens.
‘Good. A confident forward and a confident defender. We’re gonna win this.’ The Spanish girl gives a small cheer and you giggle, leaning into her embrace.
‘Yes but first we read a bedtime story to our little girl.’
Ona laughs, spinning you around and pulling you after her, into the bathroom where your daughter is waiting.
‘All comfy Via?’ You check and your daughter nods eagerly. The toddler was tucked into her bed, clutching one of her stuffed bunnies tightly.
It hit you hard sometimes, just how much she looked like Ona. From her brown hair, to her bright eyes and scattered freckles. She even acted like her, with her tendency to pout and perpetual stubbornness.
Ona sits down on one side of the bed while you sit on the other.
‘Can we read Baby Star?’ She pleads and you kiss the top of her head while Ona goes to get the well worn book. It was Olivia’s favourite and neither you nor Ona were surprised that she had asked for it once again.
The both of you had memorised the book a long time ago but your wife opens the book just to show Via the pictures.
‘Once there was a baby star. She lived up near the sun.’ Ona begins.
‘And every night at bedtime, that baby star wanted to have some fun.’ You continue softly.
Ona turns the page accordingly and Olivia is transfixed by the brightly coloured pictures.
‘She would shine and shine, and fall and shoot and twinkle oh so bright.’ The full-back’s accent comes out clearly as she reads and you smile softly as you hear it.
‘And she said, Mommy I’ll run away if you make me say goodnight.’
Via giggles at this part and you laugh quietly, looking up at Ona who grins before saying, ‘And then her mommy kissed her sparkly nose…’
Both you and Ona kiss Olivia’s nose, making her giggles increase in volume.
Playfully, you tap her nose, ‘And said, no matter where you go.’
‘No matter where you are.’ Ona adds.
‘No matter how big you grow.’ You read, taking your turn.
Via is completely mesmerised, hanging onto every word even as she blinks slowly, trying to stay awake.
With a wide smile Ona closes the book, already very familiar with the words, ‘And even if you stray far.’
‘I’ll love you forever, cause you’ll always be my baby star.’ The two of you say at the same time.
‘Te amo baby star.’ You make sure your voice is low, not wanting to keep her up.
‘Mommy I’m your baby star? Olivia asks sleepily.
‘Sí. You’re Mama’s baby star too.’
Ona nods and Via gives a tiny smile in return.
‘Is Mama your baby star too?’
You laugh and Ona chuckles, pulling your daughter’s blanket up higher and smoothing her hair out of her face.
‘No. Mama is my superstar. Now, goodnight to you baby star.’
Via giggles again and you smile. It’s the kind of smile you reserve only for your little family.
‘Buenas noches mi bebé estrella.’ Ona murmurs, flicking off the main light but leaving Via’s small night light on.
She holds your hand as you both leave the room, knowing that Olivia would be asleep within five minutes at most.
Tugging you into your shared bedroom, she checks that the baby monitor is switched on before kissing you hard. You gasp but let her deepen it.
‘I love you. You’re my superstar too.’ She softly says and you blush.
‘Te amo Ona. Can my superstar give me kisses please?’
In answer, Ona pushes you down onto the bed, trapping you beneath her body as she presses her lips onto every part of your body that she can reach.
You laugh as she nudges your shirt up, kissing your stomach repeatedly. It tickles and your infectious laughter causes her to giggle.
Squirming away from her, you try to escape but Ona isn’t having any of it, using her hands to pin your arms down by your side as she gives you more light kisses.
‘Ona stop!’ You choke out between your laughs before trying to catch your breath as she stares at you mischievously trying to decide whether or not to keep tickling you.
The Catalan relents but presses one last teasing kiss onto your stomach.
‘I thought you asked for kisses?’ She asks innocently and you’re unable to stop the laugh that bubbles up.
Your eyes meet and there’s a softness in Ona’s eyes as she continues looking at you.
‘Do you think we’re ready for baby number two?’ She whispers.
You blink in surprise, not at all expecting her to say that.
There’s a beat of silence before you ask, ‘Are you wanting another child?’
You keep your voice equally quiet and Ona nods tentatively.
The two of you had always talked about having two children but then Via had been born and for a while you were both far too focused on managing your footballing careers and raising her right to even think about adding another member to your family.
But now things had finally found a balance and you were in a place that maybe, just maybe you could think about growing your family.
‘Joan and I, we grew up together. I want Via to have that. My brother drives me crazy that’s for sure but I don’t know what I would do without him…’ Ona smiles just thinking of her brother and that makes you sure you’re about to make the right decision.
‘Okay. Okay let’s do it.’
Ona’s eyes light up and she kisses your stomach lovingly.
You touch it lightly, wondering what it would be like to have a baby inside and Ona grins, knowing exactly what you’re thinking.
‘I’m so excited.’ She kisses your stomach again and you giggle, pulling her up to kiss you on your lips.
Ona does so eagerly before smoothing your hair back with her hands.
‘I love you and I can’t wait to start trying to have another baby with you.’ She breathes.
‘Me too. Me too mi amor.’
Spanish Translations:
mija - affectionate term for my daughter
mi amor - my love
‘buenas noches mi bebé estrella.’ - ‘goodnight my baby star.’
sí - yes
te amo - i love you
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sillysnack · 2 years
the night before
daily headcanon masterlist
day 7: feb. 6, 2022
a/n: had sm stuff happening yesterday so im posting this a day later sorry
— — — — — — — — — —
“Dolores, cariño, are you going to sleep already?” Dolores looks at her mother, shaking her head. “Can you read Antonio his bedtime story? I had an exhausting day today, and you know how I get when I don’t get enough sleep.” Dolores knew better than to laugh along, God knows what happened to Camilo when he made a series of jokes about his sleep-deprived mother.
“He’s in the nursery.” Dolores nods. “I’ll be going now, mama. Goodnight!” Dolores receives a hug from Pepa before making her way to the nursery.
The nursery. Dolores hasn’t really spent the night there since Camilo and Mirabel had their gift ceremony.
“Dolores! Please!” The two dragged-out the ‘e’ sound, making all sorts of pleading faces to Dolores. “Aren’t the two of you used to sleeping alone already?” She laughed. “Yeah, but..! Tomorrow’s my birthday!”
“Scaredy-cat can’t sleep without his sister!” Mirabel teased Camilo, “You won’t see me asking Isabela to sleep here before my birthday because I’m a big girl!”
“Nuh-uh! You cried yesterday because you said you wouldn’t have a roommate anymore!”
“Liar! Dolores, he’s lying!”
Dolores happily watched four year-old Mirabel and Camilo argue with each other, before deciding that it was time for them to sleep before they woke everyone up in the middle of the night.
“Time for bed, you two.” Dolores separated the two, seeing that they were on the verge of tears. “Say sorry to each other first.”
“No!/I don’t want to.”
Dolores smiles at the memory, but the smile quickly disappears as she hears her brother’s footsteps. Never missing an opportunity to make fun of her brother, she makes a (quiet) run for it.
“And where are you off to?”
Camilo slowly answers, “Seeing my... partner?”
Dolores smiles, then she giggles. Those giggles became loud laughter. “Oh, that’s a good joke. I was going to scold you for sneaking off to get snacks for yourself but that joke was good. You should tell it to mama and papa sometime.” She pats her brother’s head before walking back to the nursery, her laugh echoes in Camilo’s ears.
“What if I wasn’t joking, then what?” Camilo’s grumbling makes Dolores laugh once again. I always knew Camilo would grow up to be a comedian.
Dolores stands in front of the nursery. She knocks softly on it’s wooden frame. Antonio opens the door, holding a book in his right hand. The two beds are empty. Despite knowing her whereabouts, Dolores asks, “Where’s Mirabel?”
“She’s looking for materials to make decorations.” Antonio gestures to Mirabel’s crafting table, a display of many colors and cut out fabrics. The two sit on Antonio’s bed.
“You excited for tomorrow?” Antonio nods and hands Dolores the book. “You nervous?” Antonio shrugs. Now, Dolores couldn’t read people’s minds but she could feel that Antonio had something in his mind. She stays silent to let her brother talk.
“What if I don’t get a gift?”
Dolores’s face falls. “You’ll get a gift, Toñito. And, even in the impossible situation that you don’t get a gift, we’ll love you all the same.” She holds Antonio’s hand and plants a kiss on his forehead. “Now, you better be getting some sleep tonight. It’s a busy day tomorrow.”
“Can you read me a story first?” Dolores nods and Antonio snuggles closer to his sister.
“El Renacuajo Paseador.” (The Walking Tadpole)
— — —
“Los gatos comieron y el pato cenó, ¡y mamá Ranita solita quedó!” (The cats ate and the duck dined,and Momma Ranita was left alone!)
Antonio frowns. “If I was Rinrín, I would do what his mama said. Then she wouldn’t be sad.” Dolores smiles as she closes the book, “Maybe your gift will help you tell frogs like Rinrín to obey their parents, don’t you think?” Antonio smiles back at her. “Yeah!”
Dolores stands up and tucks Antonio into his bed. “Sleep well, Toñito. Buenas noches.” She walks out of the nursery and is greeted by Mirabel.
“Guess who I just ran into! Camilo! And he was talking to someone! Yeah, couldn’t believe it too.” Dolores holds back her laughter. “Camilo, how are you not over this?”
“I’m Mirabel!” ‘Mirabel’ gets hit in the back of the head before shifting back to Camilo.
“I’m Mirabel. Go back to your room!”
Dolores snickers, “If you two are going to keep arguing, at least do it quietly so Antonio won’t wake up.”
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chibi-tsukiko · 4 years
Countdown to TLBotW
Tumblr media
Day 4: Magic 
A Magic Four Letter Word
Magnus wakes with a start. He waits for his eyes to adjust to the darkness before sitting up. He takes a few deep breaths to relax himself and moves the strands of hair sticking to his forehead out of his eyes.  He checks his phone, 1:04 am. New Message. He clicks it open.
Alexander 12:30 am: The next time Jace asks me to come with him on a scouting mission, you can answer him. Hopefully, the boys didn’t give you too much trouble with bedtime. 😕I’ll see you in a couple hours. ♥️
Magnus, huffs. Oh, our Bluebell certainly did, he thinks. He had to read Max ten bedtime stories and promise him chocolate chip pancakes in the morning just to get him to into bed. It took nearly four lullabies before Max had finally fallen asleep. Rafe had gone to bed without bargaining. I hope Max’s behavior doesn’t rub off on him, Magnus thinks. He puts his phone back on the nightstand and sighs. 
He gets up from the bed and grabs his silk robe he had laid across the chair in the corner. He snaps his fingers, summoning a cup of tea, and heads out towards the sitting area. He stops short in the hallway when he notices a large shadow on the couch.
Rafe peaks his head out from the blanket, the moonlight from the balcony doors catching the ends of his chestnut curls.
“What are you doing out here?” Magnus asks, kneeling down in front of Rafe, who fidgets with the blanket he’s cocooned in. Rafe’s curls cling to his forehead and around his ears, and there’s a ring of sweat around the collar of his shirt. Magnus places the back of his hand against Rafe’s forehead.
“Are you feeling sick?”, he asks.
Rafe shakes his head.
Magnus’ anxiety wains slightly. He pushes some wet strands away from Rafe’s face.
“Bad dream?,” he asks softly.
Rafe grips the blanket, pulling it tighter around his shoulders, “d-demonios”, he whispers, his voice shaking.
Magnus sees the tears swell up in Rafes’ eyes and his heart breaks. His own nightmare forgotten, he places his hand on Rafe’s knee giving a small squeeze, “Would you like to sleep with me tonight?”
Rafe looks up, eyes glistening in the moonlight. Slowly, he nods his head and Magnus smiles.
He stands and holds out his arms, “Come along then” he says.
Rafe immediately unwraps himself from his blanket cocoon and stands on the sofa so he can put his arms around Magnus’s neck. Magnus grabs the blanket with his free hand and carries Rafe back to the bedroom, glad for the company and the distraction.
Once in the bedroom Magnus deposits Rafe onto the bed, “Here we are. You can sleep on Daddy’s side,” Magnus winks and summons a small nightlight in the corner of the room, filling it with a rich orange hue.
He drapes his robe back over the chair, turns to get back in the bed, and stops. Rafe sits near the middle of the bed, his shoulders trembling as his hands fiddle with the blanket he had been wrapped in.
Magnus gets into bed, waiting for Rafe to crawl in closer to him as Max usually does, but Rafe doesn’t move.
Magnus frowns. Rafe has only been with them for a few weeks now, and though he’s adjusting well to everything, Magnus can still see the walls he’s built up.
“You’re just like me,”, he says quietly.
Rafe looks up at him in confusion.
Magnus smiles, “Whenever I have a bad dream, I usually go out to the couch too. I like to be as far away from the bad dream as possible.” Especially when Alec isn’t around to ease his mind.
Rafe stares.
“In fact,”, Magnus continues, covering Rafes’ legs with the blanket, “I had one tonight and headed that way when I saw you.”
Rafes’ eyes go wide, he turns his body towards Magnus, scooting closer, “el demonios?” He asks in a whisper.
Magnus hums, reaching out to tussle Rafes hair, “Yes, dreadful things aren’t they?”
Rafe nods.
“Why did you go out to the couch?” Magnus asks, curious, but also hoping the conversation will help Rafe feel more relaxed.
Rafe looks up at the window behind Magnus, “la luna” he says, pouting when he notices that he can’t see it.
“I see”, Magnus says. “I have an idea,” he sits back against the pillows and runs his hands together, muttering softly to himself. Slowly, a mist forms around his hands. Cloudy ribbons of blues and purples weave in between his fingers and cascade through the crevasses of his knuckles. As he pulls his hands apart the magic concentrates between his palms, creating a vortex of colors, all swirling together.
Rafe stares captivated his eyes twinkling, mouth agape.
“Ready?” Magnus asks.
Rafe nods vigorously.
Magnus tosses his hands up and the vortex explodes, stretching across the ceiling, turning the bland white roof into a galaxy.
Rafe gasps, staring up at the night sky Magnus created, awestruck.
“We’re just missing one thing,” Magnus says, he leans over and reaches behind Rafe’s ear, when he pulls back he holds a light in between his index finger and thumb, he flicks them up towards the ceiling and a moon appears among the stars.
Rafe beams, giggling as he grabs his ear and points up at the moon before looking back at Magnus.
Magnus grins, feeling his heart swell. There was a time in his life when he had feared his magic and the things it was capable of because of who he was.   There’s a part of him that’s still fearful, but in moments like these, where he can use his magic to heal and bring joy. He’s reminded that he is the one who  decides who he is.
Rafe continues to stare at the floating moon above them in awe. Magnus watches contently until out of the corner of his eye he sees the door to the bedroom creak open.
“Bapa?” Max calls, before pushing the door fully open. “Bapa?,” he calls out again, stepping into the room, rubbing his eye, his blue octopus stuffed animal dragging behind him.
“What is it, my little Bluehorn?”
“Daddy home?”
“No, not yet.”
It’s then that Max realizes Rafe is in the bed. He points at him, “sleepover?”
Magnus looks at Rafe, “Sort of”, he says looking back at Max, “Rafe had a bad dream,” Magnus barely finishes before Max springs into action.
He gasps, running forward, climbing up onto the bed. He crawls in between Magnus and Rafe and thrusts his toy into Rafe’s arms.
“Here Occi protect! Bapa put spell make scary dreams go way!”, he beams looking at Magnus.
Magus rubs the top of Max’s head, “That’s very kind of you, Bluebell.”
Max giggles, patting Rafe on the back. Rafe tucks the plushie into his lap and looks back up to the ceiling. Max follows his gaze, his mouth opening wide in amazement.
“WOOOOOW! PWETTY!,” he exclaims.
Rafe points up at the moon and to his ear, speaking rapidly in Spanish.
Max turns to Magnus, who chuckles.
“He’s saying how he had the moon hiding behind his ear,” Magnus translates.
Max turns to Rafe, bouncing up and down, “Oh! Magic! Rafey magic!!” Max claps throwing his arms around Rafe pulling him into a hug.
Rafe grabs onto Max to steady himself, “Rafe”, he corrects Max with a frown, but Magnus can see the sides of his mouth twitch.
Max giggles, grabbing one of Rafe’s hands, “More! More! More!”
Magnus shakes his head, “Not tonight, it’s late, and well past everyone’s bedtime.”
“Awww,” Max pouts, letting go of Rafe’s hand.
Rafe tenses again, pulling the octopus into his chest, “Me puedo quedar?”
Magnus blinks, “of course you can stay, I said so before”, he watches as Rafes shoulders relax.
“Bapa, I stay too? Protect Rafe?” Max asks.
Magnus smiles, and looks to Rafe, “What do you think?”
Rafe thinks for a moment, and reaches out, grabbing Max’s hand, giving it a small squeeze before nodding his head.
Max grins ear to ear, throwing his arms around Rafe again.
“Then it’s settled,” Magnus says, “let’s get you both tucked in and off to sleep. Before you know it Daddy will be home and—“
“PANCAKES!” Max interrupts, moving to lie beside Rafe.
“Yes, yes, and then all the chocolate chip pancakes you can eat my ravenous Blueberry,” Magnus chuckles, leaning over Rafe to tickle Max’s stomach.
He tucks both boys in, and lays back against the pillows, watching as the spell he cast starts to disappear.
Suddenly, he feels a hand on his arm; he looks down, Rafe reaches out tentatively before he pulls his hand back.
Magnus shifts slightly so he can put his arm around Rafe and pulls him in so that his head can rest on Magnus’ chest. Max notices the shift and moves to wrap his arms around Rafes middle and presses himself against Rafes back. They are small enough that Magnus’ arm can wrap around both of them comfortably.
“Night Night Rafey, Night Bapa,” Max yawns.
“Good night Blueberry,” Magnus says, rubbing Max’s shoulder with his hand.
“Rafe,” Rafael corrects again, and Magnus hears Max pat Rafes stomach in response.
Magnus chuckles quietly to himself, closing his eyes, ready for sleep to take him. He blinks himself awake when he feels Rafe grip his shirt and his body tense. Magnus moves his other hand and rubs it up and down Rafe’s shoulder.
“Shhhhh, it’s all right,” he whispers, “you’re safe.”
He lets his magic seep out of his fingers, something he’s done for Alec and Max before to help calm them down.
He feels Rafe relax his grip and snuggle in close.
“There you go,” Magnus says continuing to rub up and down his shoulder, “it’s all right. Shhhhh”
Rafe moves his arm to hug Magnus’ waist, “Gracias... Papa,” he mumbles.
Magnus hand stutters from his ministrations, his magic sparking slightly in shock. He looks back up at the spell above him, the vortex nearly invisible, only the translucent moon remaining. He’s an all power warlock. He can summon demons, create galaxies in a bedroom, and has lived for centuries. Yet to Magnus, a simple four letter word, was more than all the magic in the world. He squeezes his eyes shut, willing the tears back in and presses a kiss to the top of Rafe’s head.
“Buenas noches, mi hijo.”
Tag List : @lbotw-countdown-event @tiberiussblackthrn @littleturtle95 @legendofconsullightwood @hate-me-on-your-own-behalf @foreverfallentoast @tobeornottobetequila @cruel-prince-james @zafirafoxx @an-awkward-nerds-world @magnuslightwood-bane @bookworm-jedi @magnus-the-maqnificent @banesbitch
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fishmalazahn · 7 years
Scoundress Saturdays #20 The Visitor Part 1
Breha had watched Leia push her dinner around her plate all evening, choosing instead to sip carbonated water, busy herself with making sure Kira’s food was cut into precise pieces and pretending that everything was fine. She’d also observed Han’s hand and how it stayed planted in the small of Leia’s back for almost the entire evening.
“Mumma.” Kira looked at her after dinner after they had adjourned to the lounge for after dinner caff.
“Yes loved?”
“Someone here to visit.”
Leia smiled and smoothed her hair gently, Kira had been taking about a visitor for the last couple of weeks and it wasn’t until after the positive pregnancy test that afternoon, that Leia had realized that she was feeling the force signature of the life taking shape deep with her her body. “Hush loved.” She spoke gently.
“But mumma, someone here to visit.”
“Where?” Breha asked simply.
Leia looked at her her mother knowing exactly where and wondering if Kira did as well. They watched Kira move from Han’s lap to Leia’s.
“Well, go on.” Breha urged gently. “Where is this visitor that you are so insistent is here?”
“Right here.” Kira spoke, still struggling not to pronounce her Rs as Ws and placed her hand against Leia’s stomach. “Someone here to visit.”
Han and Bail stopped their conversation and looked at Kira and Leia.
“Who there mumma?”
Leia shot Han a helpless look.
“You’re pregnant.” Breha stammered. “Oh!” She pulled her into her arms. “This is so wonderful.”
“Congratulations.” Bail spoke clapping Han’s shoulder.
“Now.” Han spoke firmly. “It’s early yet, you know and we’re still real cautious at this phase.” He looked at Leia taking her hand in both of his. “We hadn’t planned to tell anyone just yet.” He looked at Kira.
“Sorry.” She spoke quietly. “Sorry daddy.”
Breha and Bail knew more than anyone else in the room about wanting to wait just to be sure the pregnancy took before telling anyone. They both nodded sympathetically and Breha smoothed Leia’s hair in that same gentle way that Leia smoothed Kira’s.
Leia looked at her mother and smiled tightly.
“It’s alright sweetheart.” Han soothed Kira gently, picking up on her concern. “Isn’t it Lei?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong loved.” Leia spoke gently. “You just wanted to know who was here.”
Kira nodded. “But who mumma?”
“That’s your little brother or sister.” Breha spoke up without thinking.
“They come to visit?”
“Not for a long time yet, but you can feel them can’t you baby?” Leia spoke gently smoothing her hair.
“Uh huh, can you mumma?”
Leia nodded pressing her hand to her stomach. “Pretty neat huh?”
Kira nodded pressing her hand next to Leia’s. “I in there?”
Leia looked at Han.
Han smiled and hooked his hands under Kira’s arms. “C’mere bitsy.” He spoke sitting her on his lap.
She looked up at him.
“It’s getting close to your bedtime Princess, and you’ve got to help me think of a story.”
She nodded she took their nightly improvisational stories very seriously.
“Now.” He got up. “Let’s go put on our jams and think of a good story, yeah bitsy?” He spoke slinging his shoulder roughly. “Let’s go you little hooligan.” She squealed and laughed with delight at his dad-acrobatics.
“Say goodnight to your lita and your papa.”
“Buenas noches lita and papa, te amo.”
“Te amo, mija.” They both spoke.
“And your mumma.” He swung her down to Leia lap once again.
“Night mumma, love you.”
“Night loved.” Leia spoke gently holding her close to her chest. “I’ll be in later to check on you.” She kissed her forehead. “I love you.”
She nodded. “Mumma?”
“I say night?”
Leia looked at her quizzically. “What?”
Kira put her hand back against Leia’s stomach. “Night in there, te amo.”
Leia looked at Han.
He cleared his throat. “Come on bitsy.” He spoke gently picking her up. “Let’s go on our adventure.”
“Okay daddy.”
Leia sighed. “I wish Master Ferus were still alive. I just don’t know what to do with her.”
“Train her.” Bail spoke simply.
“She won’t let me and I don’t want to push her.”
“Why won’t she?”
Leia shook her head. “Vader.”
Breha rubbed her back gently. “Give her time.
Leia nodded. “This one is strong too.”
“Obviously.” Bail nodded.
“You’re going to have your hands full if you don’t figure something out.”
She nodded. “I hope that the force isn’t as difficult for her to deal with as it is for me.”
“She’s more attuned to it than you were.” Breha spoke. “You and the force were always in some sort of conflict. You fought it so hard, for her it seems to be more apart of her. It seems more symbiotic.”
Leia nodded, she’d noticed. It reminded her of how Luke worked in the force, peaceful and comforting. “Maybe I can learn something from her.”
“Have you decided how you’re going to explain to her where she came from?”
Leia shook her head. “I don’t even know where to start.”
“What was the outcome of Carlist’s raid on the clone base?”
“They destroyed the base and left nothing behind.”
“Did they find anything?”
“I didn’t ask.” She spoke quietly. “I don’t want to know. They took enough from me with my knowledge, I’d rather not know what they took from me without my knowledge.” She picked at her thumb.
Breha took her hand gently laying it across her palm moving slowly and carefully. “Mija.” She spoke quietly. “You’re so hard on your hands.”
Leia nodded.
“These are the hands you comfort Kira with you have to be more careful with them.”
“She does it too.”
Breha nodded. “It might help her if you worked on that together.”
Leia nodded.
“If she watches her mumma stop doing it, she will too.”
Leia nodded. “Han knows.”
“Han knows what?”
“He’s seen the report, Carlist sent it to him on accident. He was so angry, neither of us wanted to know, and now he feels like he’s keeping a secret from me.”
“Let him tell you.”
Leia sighed. “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“What if, what if she’s mine?”
“There’s no question in my mind that she’s yours. And I think you know that as well.”
Leia sighed.
“Daddy.” Kira spoke as Han tucked her into her big girl bed, they one he’d built for her, the one that was extra long so that he could fit too.
“Bitsy.” He spoke with mock seriousness.
She smiled. “I in there?”
He sighed sitting on her bed. “That’s a long story bitsy.”
“Wanna know.” She looked up at him with Leia’s eyes. “Please, daddy?”
He sighed. “You mama is going to kill me.”
She furrowed her eyebrows at him, looking just like her mother.
He held up his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright.”
She shot him a self satisfied look and curled up with her stuffed Wookiee and Han hoped she’d fall asleep quickly.
Han frowned at her trying to figure out how to answer her question. The simple answer was ‘no’, but ‘no’ wouldn’t suffice. It was so much more complicated than just ‘no’. Han sighed, he knew the answer he just had no idea how to frame it for an inquisitive almost three year old. He knew how old she was, she now had an exact birthdate, birthdate wasn’t the exact phrasing he was looking for.
He sighed. “Give me a second Bits, I’m thinking.”
She sighed and crossed her arms across her chest.
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charomiami · 7 years
Day 3: Darkest Moments, Brightest Lights
7 years in the future total headcanon wish list. We find a 4yo drinking in the images of her favorite (and mine) bedtime story book. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
He laid back on the tiny bed, propped up on pillows. A tiny head of deep brown waves and curls rested in the knook of his shoulder. Matched brown eyes drinking in the last pages of the book held before the two as they reached the last few pages of Puss In Boots. “It rests with you, Marquis, whether you will not become my son-in-law.” “I shall be only too happy,” said the Marquis, and the princess’s cast-down eyes declared the same” He flipped the page where a grand fairy tale wedding spread over the pages. “So they were married the very next day.” “That’s a fancy wedding, Daddy!” the girl beneath the dark curls laughed finding the picture charming no matter how many times he read the story to her. “Yes, it is. very big. Oh, look!” he nodded and pointed to the white castle in the background continuing reading. They took possession of the Ogre’s castle, and of everything that had belonged to him.” ”What about Puss, Daddy?” “Ah, as for our frealess Puss, he became a great and important noble! he never had to chase mice again for supper, unless he wanted to of course.“ “But not hamsters. Just mice, right Daddy?” She cuddled a plush hammy close to her.  “That is right, especially not hamsters.” As he closed the book she rose from her recline and brushed her hair out of her sleepy face. He could feel the pins and needles as blood started flowing to that arm now. How could a little head weigh so much?! He stood and placed the children's book on the bedside table. “You are tired, hija?” He smiled as she flopped back and nodded. She’d stayed up late waiting for a vidcom with mommy. He walked around the other side of her small room and turned on the tiny hanar night light, casting the room in a soft pink and purple light.
“Daddy, can we see,” she fought a yawn and lost causing her to stop mid sentence. “Can we see abuelo Drack tomorrow?” Reyes paused  and inhaled a bit as he started to tuck her in, “Not tomorrow. he is with mommy. They are... ... on a very important mission... “ they said in unison. “But we will see him as soon as we can.” He bent down to to kiss her head goodnight. As soon as his lips touched her forehead the heat was unmistakable. He put the back of his hand to her forehead, then her chubby cheeks, each touch brow furrowed deeper and deeper. He’d thought maybe she was just warm earlier as a result of her insisting of being cuddled. “Hija,” he questioned softly, “Do you feel okay?” He used his other hand. Maybe he was doing it wrong. He’d seen her do this plenty of times. he was doing it right, right? Each touch was unchanged. All he got was a small snore for a reply. “You have your mother’s snore.” He shook his head as he turned off the nightstand lamp. Perhaps it would pass. He’d come back and check on her before he’d turn in. he rubbed the back of his neck in thought as he walked out her bedroom door, “Buenas noches pequeña princesa.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A small bottle of water in hand, he skimmed the invoice data pad in the other as he went to check on Valentina. His concern had dropped but, his daughter was the most precious of cargo. His eyes half on the file, he set the water bottle down almost missing the night stand. He caught it before it fell to the floor. “Ah, pendejo. Stupid. Sorry baby.” he smiled as she stirred thinking he woke her.  He went to brush her hangs from her forehead which were surprisingly damp with sweat, his hand quickly covered her forehead confirming his fears. She’d gotten worse, much much worse. He didn’t even remember turning on the light, but she was a whole new shade he’d never seen her. A sickly color in all the wrong places, her little cherub lips parted and pale. She was just as dark as her mother’s sun kissed skin, but this, this was wrong.  He sat on the bed with her, moving the hair from around her face and neck to dry her as best he could.  “Hija, how you feeling?” Nothing, only her breath filled the room. His mind raced with all the things he should do and who he could trust at this hour.  “Valentina, baby...”  he felt his heart starting to race and quickly keyed up his coms as he thought faster trying to beat the panic. “Mira, baby, say something to daddy?” He could see the halo of sweat building almost as fast as he could swab her dry. The soft glow and an electrical voice came to life... “... I don’t care what time it is, get someone we can trust up here. Someone I trust more importantly.” “Reyes, I can’t. The last good doctor we had was reported missing last week, They went to...” “What the fuck do you mean, missing? Last week?” “It’s ...” “Suka, it’s Valentina...” Reyes’s voice changed to something indescribable. “... I’ll think I know someone. I will call you right back.” Silence was short lived as he rushed to make another connection. His mind ran all over the place, but mostly back to Sara. He wanted to call her, but he of all people knew how important this mission was and a distraction like this... “... Reyes?” “Lexi, I...” he scooped Valentina up in his arms and slid further on the child sized bed. “I know, I just got the message from Suka.” Lexi, for all the shit the crew ever gave her, knew when not to waste words. Reyes was thankful for that because he was having trouble keeping his usual swagger and bravado in his voice. “I was just about to call you when you rang. Tell me her symptoms. We’ll get through this, Reyes...” It was all very knew. Even the medicines and knowledge the brought with them from the Milky Way and the new medicines of the Angaran, they children of the new generation often reacted differently to a number of things. New illnesses and new cures were found frequently. Valentina had always been a healthy child. a fun, lively, loving child. But even though she was only 4, she matched her mother’s curiosity and father’s talent for trouble. Honestly, as much as he hated this helpless feeling he had to wait. Lexi was with Sara, and at this point Lexi was their best chance. Valentina’s best chance.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Word had been left with Sara, but only to be given to her after the mission was complete. He knew she would not call him but already be tearing through FTL to return. That’s how she was. She was reckless and blind in her devotion. Just look at him... How many hours had passed her fever never changing. Her eyes never opening. Not even a flutter as he changed her pillows, washed her face, dabbed her lips with cool water. He held her limp and fevered body in his arms singing softly the songs Sara sung when she was a baby pacing back and forth this same window as the sun peeked over the mountain. Her breathing seemed to have calmed, but the fever held strong. Hammy was still clutched in her tiny hand as he laid her back down. Dropping to his knees beside her bed, he brushed a damp curl behind her ear. ”You are my most precious cargo, hija. Hang in there. I can’t lose you...” “... Reyes?”  He hadn’t even heard the ping, but the voice woke him from his trance. He’d only heard this tone, this worry twice before in her voice and it broke his heart. “Princesa, I...” “I’m almost there... te amo. Los amo a ambos” “We’ll be waiting. Be safe mi amor.” he put a smile in his voice that did not match his face. He turned slowly, resting his back against her bed, a hand running down his face he was ready to assume his post.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“... y.” “humm?” “... addy.” “What baby?” he answered groggily. “Daddy?” ”Valentina?” Reyes  jumped to his feet, spinning on his heels to look at the bed. No beautiful brows greeted him. No dimpled smiling face looked back at him. His shoulders sagged as he sighed in the conclusion that he’d been dreaming.  His aching body needed a stretch. How long had he been a sleep like that. Honestly he’d been in worse positions for longer. He stretched and looked down seeing hammy had made a great escape in the night and lay on the floor now. With a slight frown, he picked the hamster up. “Oh no my friend, If I’m on duty, so are you. We Vidal take care of our own.” And with that he placed hammy back next to his daughter before turning to gather the old hand towels for fresh ones. “Thanks Daddy.”  The tiny sleepy voice floated to his ears as if a song sung by angels. “I dropped him.” “Baby!” he turned right back around and sat with a thump on the bed pushing hair from her face. A motion that was almost second nature now. “Mierda, you scared me!” “Daddy, mommy said that’s a bad word.” She barely had her eyes open, but there was a smile  in them. “Oh, well, you better tell on me?” He saw her fever, while still present, had gone down. “She’s on her way home early.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am late?! I almost didn't get this in on time. I feel asleep! but it’s not midnight somewhere?! My first ever FanFic be kind! Thanks for reading my drivel again! Was it too long? Should I have drawn it too? maybe, but too late. Sorry.  Fanfic Props by: @vorchagirl and @joufancyhuh
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