#but all the lurker lore is coming to me
skyauroka · 15 days
🌼lurky??? lurky have fears???
Everyone does,,,,,so duh
• Describe one of your OC's worst nightmares.
Describe?? Oh I will describe even better
Tw: Blood,,,gore ? I mean head went cut off that counts at the end tho
She's back again.
The ground below her is cold, it's winter. Days become shorter and night soon dawns.
In her horrible, putrid shared body she scratches at her skin, feeling the outside layer moving along with her dark substance that's keeping them both alive. Her hands eventually reach her neck and she shivers slightly as she remembers that she needs to breathe.
A voice calls out to her, a name that isn't hers. Yet a name that she found so right when it came to her voice.
Once the girl comes close, she smiles and laughs at her. Telling her that she wore way too light clothing for this kind of weather.
She almost felt offended, as the clothes she wore were her own personal choice after the girl in front of her begged her to wear something new. But noted that the people from this area seemed to wear heavier clothing when it snowed heavily.
Smoke came out of the girl's mouth when she breathed out. And when she tried to do the same, only a faint sound came out.
Another flaw of her body. She sighed, she should probably avoid this winter season. But the girl in front of her laughed once again, and teased her for it.
This was their routine. And Lurker liked it.
So how did it end up like this?
Her body trembles like a machine.
A useless bloodied head is on the ground, staining the grass and what's left of the snow with it's blood.
The girl has always known what she was, why was she still trying to hide after all this time?
The girl.
The girl that she saw each day grabbed her horrible, horrible hands that were threatening to turn into daggers.
"Please." she begged in a broken, low voice.
"I'm sick of this, I know you can!"
She kept staring at her hands. Two lifeless purple eyes that once showed no emotion were now wide open, and Lurker thinks it's fear.
"I've done enough research, I know who made you like this, I know how you were made like this!" She moved Lurker's hands right to her chest. The trembling visibly moving to her arms once her palms were pressed onto her body.
Her hands were melting, they were getting attached to the girl's clothes.
"Wouldn't it be better if I just never aged? This way we'll always be together. We- we won't have to always find each other again!"
Her name no longer felt right. it stung. It stung, it stung and she didn't know how she felt that.
she's not supposed to feel.
"Didn't you wish we could be friends forever?"
She finally looked up, and regretted it soon after, recoiling almost instantly the moment she saw the girls face.
"I'm sick of my life, Lurker.. I'm sick of having to be reborn everytime"
"No..no. That's not how it works- its-"
"You won't disappoint me, right?"
The girl's hand pressed Lurker's own into her chest more. it was merging. Lines of darkness that resembled a bundle of veins slowly started making its way all around the girl.
"You wouldn't dare to make your only friend sad, would you Lurker?"
It continued further.
it was reaching her neck.
it was engulfing her.
"Let me become one of you."
Her free arm turned liquid for a split second to quickly morph into a blade and in one swift motion she cut her head off.
As the body fell, she made way to the girl's decapitated head and stabbed it, again. again. and again.
She kept on stabbing it until she could only see the dark blood on her whole face.
Until she couldn't see her eyes.
Until she could no longer recognize the skin of the bloody piece of flesh that sat on the ground in front of her feet.
Her arm slowly morphed back into normal, the remaining blood getting wiped off instantly.
The ground was warm. Winter ended. Days were no longer gonna be shorter and the sun would've been the first one to see her work of art.
And she was sure she felt fear, because she knew she'd see the girl again in a few years.
Freaks of nature always seem to levitate to one another like magnets, after all.
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foxxology · 5 months
It Spreads, The Complete Comic
You can read the last chapter a week early*, as well as get exclusive art, a bonus comic, behind the scenes stuff, and LORE!
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More Info below the cut
You can read the last chapter a week early*
The last chapter of It Spreads will be posted publicly on December 21st on all my socials, as well as on AO3. The PDF will stay up forever and will be the only place the art and bonus material in it will exist, so if you want more lore that's where it'll be!
What's in the PDF?
The whole PDF has a total of 140 pages! 113 pages for the actual comic, some bonus art, and a bunch of lore doc pages and some concept art I haven't shown yet!
How much will it cost?
35 USD is the starting price but has the option to pay more if you want to leave a tip!
I don't want to pay for a fancomic
That's fine, no pressure! The last chapter will be out a week after the PDF is released and will be on my socials for as long as my accounts exist, so you'll be able to read it in whole regardless. I've worked on this comic for free for a year and the whole comic will come out and STAY free! This PDF is more if you want to throw some support at me and get some fun bonus goodies in return.
How will it be available for?
Yes. (No time limit)
Hold onto those questions! I'm going to be posting a google form for people to send in questions about the setting and story. The form will go live the day after the public posting of the last chapter and I'll be answering the questions live on my twitch channel!
Whether you get the PDF or have just been a lurker reading it, I cannot stress enough:
THANK YOU for reading!
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risunsky · 5 months
2023 review
So, was it a good year ?
I think so, I've enjoyed challenging myself, I've tried Beksinski for a second time, Klimt twice, I've done a crossover hellraiser which I'm quite happy with… I made cement for the first time and it was great!
At the 2022 review I said I wanted to do more horror, so I went for gore with all my emaciated skeletons and I'm very happy with that.
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September is my favorite of all.
Outside of my fanart world, my biggest freelance achievement has been completing a big comic commission on time and now that the book is out and I've had good feedback from both commissioners and readers I'm relieved and quite proud. It's been a stressful time so it's nice to see that it hasn't all been for nothing. So, even though I'll never stop considering myself as a learner and experimenting with new things, I think that this year I've finally managed to settle on a style, or a range of styles, that I like and that I think I'll stick with for a long time. I've been drawing for a very long time but this is the first year I've felt so strongly that I've found MY style. As for my universe, it seems that somewhere in the horror area of dark fantasy it is my home.
What's planned for 2024?
In terms of priorities, the gift commissions, yeah.... I'm soooo late. I've finished one, but two are still on hold, and have been for at least a year now. I'm terribly sorry about that, because I haven't been overwhelmed like that for a long time, and I intend to sort it out as soon as possible.
It should also be the year I finish the Goya remake. Ideally, I'd like to finish in February because that's my birthday month, or March because that's the anniversary of my discovery of Ghost.
For the rest, don't take it as a promise, because I tend to let myself be carried along by my desires and they are constantly changing. For example, I was planning great things with Nunussy but the poor thing was left on the side of the road. My interest in it just died. it seems that shipping characters and writing an alternative universe for them is not my thing. I have at least 3 shorts comics ideas, more or less ghost related but always mixed with something else. I really really want to work on it but it's a lot of work and this year I need money, like more than usual so I don't know... I also want to do Bloodborne fanart.
The fails
I haven't kept to my plan to draw the other characters in the Ghost lore, oopsy. I still haven't had the time to open any commissions, but last year was really special, working on a big contract that kept me busy for months and that was something new, it was stressful enough. 2024 should be different. I had to show a bit more of my traditional technique, let's say I do it with the Goya project, it's a semi-failure.
Not really a failure: I still haven't come up with a design for an official t-shirt. I think that's because I'm more of an illustrator than a designer and for a good design I need to find a special thing. It's not a big deal for me, just, if it happens it's cool, if not, well, not the end of the world.
To finish
I'd like to thank all those who follow me and who like and share my drawings, including those who remain silent in the shadows - I'm myself a lurker so I understand! Of course, a huge thank you to those who have supported me on ko-fi, it's the first time I've tried this system and I'm happy to have had some support pretty quickly!
my apologies if there are any English mistakes in this text, which is still too long
Have a great festive season!
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iminyourbookshelf · 3 months
QSMP community positivity because the streamer awards made me so happy
(under the cut because it's going to be A LOT)
QSMP Digital Artist - Ate and left NO crumbs ever omg. The amount of detail, varying styles, and epic scenes are my favorite. The variety of art styles for QSMP artist is like just going to a buffet to browse and they're all special little dishes made with so much love.
QSMP Tradtional Artist - HOW CAN YOU DRAW/PAINT SOME OF THIS STUFF?? Watercolor paintings of QSMP bulids, notebook spreads with cute little details, the fact that you can draw traditionally at all. All so talented.
QSMP Beginner Artist - NEVER GET DISCOURAGED <33. Everyone was a beginner at some point and seeing people improve over time with their art is so cool. I consider myself still a beginner even though I've been drawing for a couple years now lol. There is still so much for me to learn, and the fact how kind the qsmp art community is makes me so happy. Keep improving, your art looks great <3
QSMP Fanfiction Authors - I don't know whether to compliment you or ask for my therapy payment (/lh). So many authors have ripped my heart out and left it out to dry and others are like a bucket of fluff and joy. I love both of these. The writing quality is genuinely amazing on so many of these. I love to visualize when reading and with all the details it's basically just watching a movie.
QSMP Web Weavers - You guys are AMAZING. Finding so many quotes, transcripts, fanarts, aesthetic photos, and being able to combine them in a way that represents characters so well is beautiful. Not to mention the fact how your able to put credits for everything in an easy to find way??? Perfect.
QSMP Moodboards/Stimboard makers - These are so cute aaaa. I love seeing them, all the little collections of photos or gifs of characters I like is very fun.
QSMP Poll Accounts - I LIVE for taking polls. It's just fun to have a place to put an opinion you had for yourself that you didn't know how to put unprompted on your own post. Seeing results after a while also makes me happy to see what as a general consensus the fandom is on.
QSMBLR and QSMPTWT users - Transferring information from one hellsite to the other, I admire anyone who can survive in the discourse trenches and come back with account updates.
QSMP Clip accounts - I love seeing silly clips of cubitos, and especially those with transcripts and translations. It's a lot of effort and I admire that. Gives me so much info I would've missed otherwise.
QSMP translators - As someone still currently learning the other languages, it is so helpful when people translate it. Sometimes your brain just hurts and you can only read your native language. Also anyone who translates things from English to other languages, yes please make it for other speakers.
QSMP Multi-Shippers - It's so fun to see these, yes give your cubito 7 different romantic/platonic partners. You guys collect ships like Pokémon and it is inspiring
QSMP Cosplayers - I respect cosplayers so much. The wigs, the makeup, the costume, the PROPS?? All take so much work it's amazing to see final products. I reccently tried making a scythe for one I want to do, and I was struggling. Y'all are so cool.
QSMP Character Analysis Posts - Keeping fanfiction accuracy and my personal view on characters as close to canon as possible. These help so much when I need to look for a character I haven't watched much and easy to read.
QSMP Livebloggers - Save me from losing track of lore when I'm busy. I swear some of you just never sleep (please do but thank you for information). The amount of stuff I can figure out from vague post of combined livebloggers makes it much easier to know what's happening. Most of my mutual liveblog a lot and it saves me so much time <3
QSMP Rebloggers - KEEPING THIS FANDOM ALIVE‼️‼️ Tumblrs algorithm is based on reblogs, accounts that are just lurkers rb stuff ily. Hell yeah man, take all the cool stuff and share it.
QSMP Animatics - Movie night exists because of you guys!! Sometimes you all make me want to sob violently or laugh till I can't breathe. The differences in each video is so fun to see. The effort in each one is just beautiful too, animatics are NOT easy.
QSMP Editors - The fact that people can take a cube game and turn into epic/sad/cute edits with a few clips, transitions, and audios astounds me. You guys are so cool and I love seeing them. Also the fanart edits are so sick, finding the best ones to match.
QSMP Fan Video Creators - Stuff like the Federation Welcoming Workers Video, that one cucrucho cereal video, things like that. Quality is usually amazing and all the unique takes or camera work is epic. Idk what else fits in this genre but I just wanted to mention it.
QSMP RP Accounts - Seeing other people's takes on characters are so interesting and fun to see. RP is a skill I need to work on and it's done pretty well with these accounts. The amount of detail y'all can put is insane.
QSMP OC creators - Cringe culture is dead, I love seeing people make their little characters interact with eachother based on the QSMP. Keep it up and pls share it.
QSMP 3D Animators/Modelers - I never expirence more joy than when I see a 3D model of a qsmp rat spinning around. Also any 3D animators your dedication is insane. I tried learning 3D animation once and that was a STRUGGLE.
QSMP Vod savers/YT summaries -Actual lifesavers, there is no way I could've been apart of this community without them. Watching a few videos a day about what happened on the server makes it easier for me to actually do other things. Also that one person who made a QSMP2023 summary in UNDER 10 minutes, you are insane and did such a great job.
QSMP Accounts in Different Languages - QSMPBLR is heavily more English speaking than other languages, and when people main tag with post in different languages it makes me so happy. This was the point of the server, to let people post in whatever language they wanted. It's also fun for me to practice and try to translate it for myself.
I tried to get everything but please add if you have anything <3
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pestercord · 3 months
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ignore the placeholder image
come join our 18+ homestuck chatroom. trying to bring back the good ole days where you just roleplayed 24/7 as your characters while the lines blur between where they end and you start.
doubles allowed, alt timelines allowed!
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this is mostly a place just to hang out like chat rooms, we do want active people and not lurkers. you pick a character and thats just who you will be referred as to. quirks encouraged
this is 18+ just because theres not many adult fandom spaces much anymore, sorry kids theres other servers out there (tip: you can always make your own too!)
this is not a kin/fictive server, but you are totally welcome here. this will be in character usually source material content. as someone said before, in character drama is fine (and funny) but ooc drama is not. there is a level of separation. but if you are a fictive who likes being source then by all means come on in!
kind of obvious but you should know basic homestuck lore
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if the link above is broken check here to see if there is a new pinned post with new invites. also feel free to DM me for an invite if not!
heres 5 invites to start out with (renewed on 4/4)
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
WELCOME ABOARD! This blog has amazing readers which makes it a lot of fun. Check your content settings to make sure you can see everything. Heed warnings on fics. UPDATED 4/30/24.
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Tox/Toxy, she/her. millennial. Blog is 18+.
As of 4/30/24, I'm still on hiatus, but my WIPs are not abandoned.
Do not copy, translate, or repost* my work. Do not put it into AI or make bots of it. Ty for understanding.
*reblogging ( 🔁 button) is encouraged.
Q: Are Requests open?
A: no, not for new fics. but feel free to send thots, particularly on my stories. if I use it I'll tag you. you can also ask Qs about lore, etc.
Q: Will you write more every inch/left in Lincoln?
A: I plan to. More here. For Every Inch, there are three more parts planned.
Q: When is [fic] coming back? How many chapters?
A: IDK, sorry. If I knew I'd tell you. I have to delete asks like this for my sanity. I get overwhelmed. In the future, I'm not planning to release things as I write, I'm gonna try to finish everything before posting. Problem is I have a lot of one shot fails / play as I go AUs. We'll see. I can tell you Every Inch has 6 total parts.
Q: Did you read my fic?
A: I'm sure it's good but I'm a slow/bad reader. I'm also overdosed on pedro rn. More here.
Q: AO3
A: Here, not everything is on there but lmk if there's something you'd like me to prioritize as I work on bringing everything over.
Q: Tag list?
A: Please follow @toxicfics, use the person icon to turn on notifications, and use this trick for getting a tab on your dashboard just for your blog subscriptions so you can see what you missed.
Q: Are the fics always dark on this blog?
A: No.
Q: What is the brothel?
A: I HC my characters as living in my brothel which has its own crack sideblog @toxicbrothel and tv show.
Q: What are Joelkémons?
A: Reader-coined term for the Joel variants on this blog. Some listed here: Joelkémon cards.
Q: Can we make your characters into bots?
A: No, please don't do this. It makes me feel bad and they don't even work. Every time it puts me farther away from updating the fic. Please. o not copy, repost, translate, put in IA, or make bots of my work. Please lmk if you ever see my work made into a bot, copied, etc.
Q: Who's night walks!Joel? Who's thighs out?
A: Night Walks is an AU where Joel is your hot, older, creepy pothead neighbor. Night walks masterlist. Thighs out (another AU) is your boyfriend's hot slutty dad.
Q: What's a HOG? Who/what is GILF?
A: Hot Old Guy, from Silence can never be bought pt. 2 and 5. GILF is grandpa I'd Like to Fuck and may refer to the one from Pawn Shop (Joel in his 60s) @gilfjoel.
Q: Who is Dr. Rock?
A: Hot sex therapist who roleplays my characters. Dr. Rock is also the poster boy for avoiding discourse.
Q: Do you still write slashers?
A: Yes. I just wrote my first Thomas Hewitt in March 2024. Main/slashers masterlist.
Q: What other fics & blogs do you rec?
A: Please check out @toxicrecs
Q: How can I stay motivated to write without getting a lot of notes?
A: Please see these posts: here and here.
Q: Why did you unfollow me?
A: As a Tumblr noob, I followed accts all willy nilly--i was impatient to diversify my dash by account. But now I want it more diverse by fandom too. I recently put my dash in chronological mode and began seeing a lot more of some people. If we've never interacted, I don't want to feel like a lurker. Or I could've lost (some or all) interest in your fandom. Or I may have forgotten why I followed you, especially if what you're posting has changed. Or I might be wanting to reduce the discourse I see. Or it could be be something like what's described below that I don't want to see.
✨Q: Am I blocked? Why can't I see your main blog from my account? / Did you soft block me? What is going on?
⚠️ A: The most common reasons I block are for policing or judging what others write or post, kink shaming, or spreading harmful rumors. ⚠️
When it comes to rumors and shaming, silence is not a sign of guilt or agreement. It's confidence in the truth and desire to keep harmful takes off the dash. As a rule, I would ignore and block false accusations, rumors, or kink shamers instead of giving them a huge audience by responding or addressing it.
Harmful takes in the wild / targeted harassment: blocked. And if a post is bad enough--such as calling for targeted harassment of writers or trivializing a serious crime by casually accusing writers of it, I may block people for positively interacting with it. I don't want to be on your dash if you share those views, even if it's about som thing I don't write. On my blog, it's important for readers to understand fiction can't be equated with real life. And who's to say I won't offend or traumatize you on a different topic one day? It's for your own good.
You can get blocked on anon too.
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muttsterion · 2 months
Hi there! Been a long time lurker for a while but I gotta say, your theories and headcanons about Kenny are immaculate 🙏🏻😩 specifically the ones surrounding his immortality. I really wish we were given more about his curse, there isn't enough content about it! I know that's part of the mystery and one of the many reasons why Kenny is so awesome, but even a few crumbs here and there would be so appreciated 😭. The super-hero trilogy and FBW are my favourite because of the focus on Kenny's powers and how it could be connected to the Cthulu Mythos. It's even inspired me to write my own fic about it. And looking towards your blog ignites the determination I have to finish it! So for that, I gotta say thank you for constantly inspiring me with your own passion about this immortal boy! 💕
Hello! I appreciate the kind words and feel rather honored. :D I'm always happy and love being able to help inspire lore and creativity around the immortal legend that is Kenny. He's a character with so much potential and yet not as much canon time as we'd love for him. So it's fun that we're able to do it ourselves. I love how we're all able to come up with our own ideas and theories/headcanons for him and share them and build upon him. Showing just how much lore can be added to this character. To think he started out as the show's punching bag but there's just something about Kenny that some of us just loved and gravitated towards. The running joke that just turned into something so much more. I honestly really do hope we get another plot or episode or special or whatever that brings us back to Kenny searching and discovering the origins of his immortality. Until then I guess it's up to us fans to do something with his Cthulhu bloodline. He potentially has Eldritch abomination blood pumping through his veins there's got to be a demon inside him somewhere. Esp one that's possibly very angry with the curse the universe stuck him with…that's got to build up on something. Oh man just a plot where Kenny is at his most furious and reaching a breaking point cause he's just fuck this curse and fuck the world for not even remembering when he suffers and dies…ok I'll stop rambling though I still can't help but imagine that being the true reason behind Princess Kenny's betrayal in Stick of Truth. She just decided to take it out on us...ok I'll stop for real. XD But anyways I do hope you stay determined and are able to finish your fic! As you may have noticed I have so many ideas of my own but I haven't really written fanfic in so long…so good luck and keep me posted!
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It is Wednesday, my dudes
Lots of thanks to @sheirukitriesfandom for tagging me in a wip whenever. I finally, actually have something to share! And on a wednesday! And I get the chance to see what everyone else has been writing! It's a good day, indeed <3 The following excerpt is from chapter 16 of WYGTYA and I must say, I'm pretty proud of this one, really. Have some Miraak lore!
I'm going to tag @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @mareenavee @dirty-bosmer @nerevar-quote-and-star @blossom-adventures @kiir-do-faal-rahhe of course, only if you want to, and tagging anyone else who wants to participate and share!
It’s a strange sight, indeed: his old suit. He hasn’t seen, nor touched it since he came back from Apocrypha, and right now, he wants nothing more than to burn it. When Ravonna guided him to the basement - basically a small storage room - and he saw that suit again, he almost didn’t recognize it, and it made him sick to his stomach either way.
“It didn’t always look like that, you know?” Fenrik says, trying to defend it for some reason or other. This suit has been with him through his hardest of times, after all, and much like his spirit, it didn't break. Not yet. 
“I suppose it’s the Apocrypha corruption. You know, you looked almost like a lurker with the suit and with your mask.” 
“Did I? I guess my mask was corrupted as well.”
“Yeah, it had all these tentacles coming out of the mouth area. ‘Twas gross and ugly.” Ravonna shudders. “No offence.”
“None taken.” He says, raising his eyebrows but still holding that thousand yard stare at the robes in the chest.
“For what’s worth, I don’t think you look like a lurker anymore.” Ravonna shifts uncomfortably on her feet.
“Thank you.” he feels a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. It’s hard, seeing hervdeliver all her lines in such a cold manner. She’s been… absent, yet still there. So unmistakingly, genuinely there, right beside him.
“What did it look like? Before, I mean.”
“It was just a brass mask with no expression. Plain as a cloudless sky. That was its purpose, too. To numb any and all emotion in me. I was too emotional, they said.” He winces at the memories that come flooding in.
“Oh… I’m sorry. Didn't mean to bring back all those memories.”
“You have nothing to apologise about. It was you who actually took it off, remember?”
The sound she makes is somewhere between a snort and a huff. “More like shouted it off. You made me so angry that I let out my most strongest shout yet.”
“Glad to be… of service? I guess.”
“I was properly shocked when you turned and looked back at me, that’s for sure.”
“Why?” He asks, genuinely not understanding. He’s a person, just like her. Whatever else did she expect?
‘Because of your beauty, because of your humanity, your desperation, your sadness, your fucking soft, brown eyes’ She wants to say, but refrains herself. Instead, she says: “Because you looked so intimidating with the mask on. Without it, you were so… normal. Approachable, even, were the circumstances different and my memory completely wiped.”
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sourlemon04 · 10 months
In regards to Project Moon
I don’t think I need to explain anything regarding the latest controversy of Project Moon, from the incredibly unprofessional firing of Vellmori from PM to the recent things coming out about PM’s CEO Kim Ji-Hoon. 
I think I share the same point of view that all of this is incredibly shameful and is an overall incredibly disappointing turn of events that changed the views we had of PM in just the last couple of days. Creating strong characters and basing them off from literature written by authors whose purpose was to defy the standards of society with their strong will and passion, just to not follow those same principles whenever they get applied presssure from a really stupid and shallow minded minority (who probably don’t even play any of the games anyway). 
All of that personally devastated me as, at least in my case with Limbus, I saw the main cast as an amazing representation of strong characters, both women and men, with actual defined personalities and charm, and the game itself having a deep importance on its lore and character development rather than pretty or hot designs for cumbrains to hold onto, and while I’d like to believe they will hold to their standards in that regard, I must admit that I feel like the future is uncertain...doesn’t help we have not gotten any actual official statement either since the day they announced they fired Vellmori, which btw is absolutely disgusting they wouldn’t keep one of their own and kick her out just for the pressure of a few individuals whose lives hold no meaning. As a small artist myself and one who found a lot of charm and personality in her artstyle, I find what they did with Vellmori and her career to be absolutely disgusting and for that I will not forgive unless she gets hired again.  Now regarding the community, I’d understand if people decide to jump the ship because all of this, I myself was thinking of it too despite being relatively new, but I think more than never we have to keep eachother the closest and support eachother, some people are taking it especially bad. Fanartists, fanfictioners, overall fan content creators, members of the community or even those who simply enjoy it casually, keep eachother close since it’s a way we can support eachother while all of this happens. It’s time for us to be closer. 
As for me, I will keep drawing Limbus characters, not because of devotion to the game but because they mean something personal to me outside of whatever PM and Ji-Hoon may do with them in the future. I may even get myself into either Ruina or LC just to understand the lore a bit further, but as it is for now, I do not plan to support PM in any of their decisions and much less financially...and speaking of, if you decide to cancel any purchase from any fan merch or commissions you may have gotten related to any PM project because of this, that’s understandable, but please remember the only person you’d be affecting is the artist and not Project Moon. Just be mindful of that, please.
Participating as a lurker and simply posting fanart, I can say the PM community is one of the most interesting and coolest communities I’ve seen (and perhaps partially been a part of). Keep eachother close, support eachother, and let’s hope for the best. The fight is not over. 
PD. I’m still drawing Ishmael X Quixote. Have a good day.
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imagineitdearies · 4 months
Hi Imogen,
Long time lurker, first time poster. I wanted to let you know how much I've been enjoying Perfect Slaughter. I think you do such an inspiring justice to with the sheer horror of abuse, comfort of connection, characterization and extension of the source material in your writing. I've never read a fanfic quite like what you have done and you deserve so much kudos for it!!
Since you have mentioned you're a D&D nerd (same!), I'm curious about your answers to 2 questions about mechanics:
1) Have you thought about the tool or material that could be used to create the inevitable back scars 😞 ? I've noticed in your writing how much you have highlighted how flawless the spawn are once they've fully healed. All I can think of is something relating to a silvered weapon or something made out of infernal iron. I also know you probably can't fully answer this without it being spoiler-y.
2) This is more a game question, but I've had a few back and forths with my "forever DM" partner on this. Does Cazador actually die in BG3? For all my experience playing, I have admittedly never fought a vamp lord on table top. But from what I understand, there are few ways to actually kill them (I know of breaking their resting place or trapping their mist form). If Astarion comes in with a knife during a vamp's healing phase, would that kill them for good? I feel like I'm missing something here.
Anyway thank you! Apologies if you already got this ask (I'm new to using Tumblr). I'm looking forward to Ch. 23!
Hi MafWaff 🥰 Always glad to meet a fellow d&d nerd!
Haha I did get your previous ask and was actually sitting down to tackle my ask inbox after a crazy week (just moved to a different state), so you have impeccable timing! Thank you so so much for your kind words, I'm endlessly ecstatic to hear that the story is being enjoyed. To answer your questions:
Yes I have thought about this! In canon, Astarion says Cazador used 'his needle' to carve the runes. I indeed have my own fancanon as to how exactly Cazador got them to be permanent and it will come up in Perfect Slaughter!
From what I understand, what Astarion does in canon without any other explanation wouldn't, in fact, kill Cazador for good by dnd law 😂 but bg3 definitely plays hard and fast with the rules when it wants to, so we're left to justify why the vampire lord doesn't just mist form back into his coffin again! Breaking/destroying their resting place, trapping their mist form for two hours, or reducing them to 0 HP while they're in sunlight or running water--ie rivers/lakes/ocean, not a bucket, of course--so they can't go into mist form at all are all viable methods for dnd. If you stake them in their resting place, they're instead incapacitated/paralyzed for a millennia until the stake rots entirely away (or some idiot un-stakes them). Others are welcome to chime in if I've missed something!
Sometimes the gaps and discrepancies between dnd lore and bg3 can be a bit frustrating (and spark some tiresome debates online, lol) but these ones have honestly been fun for me to figure out! Sort of like a puzzle I get to shape the missing pieces into 😊
Anyways, I'm excited for you guys to see what I came up with in future chapters!
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aluckiicoin · 23 days
What other fandoms are you in, apart from this one?
Tl;Dr?: I fit's not participating it's: Star Rail, Genshin (are the ones I RP in), Dragon Age (I adore, no way I step into rp there), Digimon, SMT (+persona), Kingdom Hearts (but kh3 ruined it), Shadowrun, DnD, Servamp, Bungo Stray Dogs (but only the anime sources), Devil May Cry, League of Legends and more
if it is participating? Well, only HSR by now.
I'm never really active in any fandom, I'm the silent lurker unless I rp and since I exclusively rp'ed OCs until Aventurine I usually slipped under the radar there too. (And Ven is a very special exception I feel, I mean, look at Blade or my Multimuse, they're wastelands xD). But when we go for fandoms I enjoy? Then, oh boy, there's a lot.
Now, first of all, what will always get me talking is Dragon Age, I have the novels (or read them), I still want all the comics, I played all games. It went as far that I wanted to weep over Baldurs Gate 3 because that one finally gave me the “hd, new content” game I wanted from Bioware in the dragon age universe for years. We can even say centuries now.
The second one that comes to mind is Digimon, I claw for every Digimon game I can get, I adore the idea in most iterations. It's always fun.
And while we're at Digimon it's easy to say: Shin Megami Tensei. Yes, also, all I can get my hands on except of the next fucking persona 5 spin off because listen. Persona 5 was awesome, yes, but I suck at rhythm games and I don't have a ps5. But I especially adore the digital devil saga. I want a HD remake of that.
Also, I have to mention Persona separately now given per 5 it's officially not a SMT game anymore, funny, given they finally brought the demons back. And when we're at persona, I played P2, innocent sin and couldn't get my hands on either P1 or eternal punishment. I will never forgive p5 for using the butterfly theme on someone and it not being a connection to persona 2.
I used to love Kingdom Hearts but then it just became more and more of buy this console too, do that thing too and I really didn't like how KH3 looked despite giving my favorite char a keyblade. Such a waste.
I put Shadowrun in all my futuristic RP characters, I love delving into a world that is worse than our own. It just happens that we come always closer to it being real. I hate how we got scammed out of magic though. Any augmentations I put on my characters can usually be found and described on the shadowhelix.
Well, I couldn't find anyone to rp Shadowrun so I settled on DnD and I've been reading up. Still preferring Pathfinder pantheon/lore though.
League of Legends has been a part of my life for a really long time. With HSR and Genshin having actually valuable dailies I haven't played a game in months. But I adore the lore, the world, and I wish I could play in it. The first time I tried the fandom was really nice. But damn I fear I that won't be the case anymore and I don't wanna flood my HSR blogs with league rp'ers so I'm not following anyone from there anymore (not that the ppl I liked are still around to begin with).
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thechairanon · 2 months
I know other anons already did posts like this a few days ago, but I’m a procrastinator and wanted to put in more thought about what I’ll do with this blog.
I’m not gonna delete it because it has too many good memories and because I also still have some more lore I want to write/post for Chair. I’m not quite ready to give her up yet.I regards to what I’ll do after that, my main is @spoonstheoracle. It’s a lurker blog for now, but I am planning on trying to step outside my comfort zone and interact with other people through there (which I haven’t done yet due to the Anxiety™). But that doesn’t mean I’ll stop interacting with other anons through this blog (I would honestly love to talk to more anons in character. That day we all ganged up on 8ball and her notes was probably one of the greatest in-character days we had).
(This part is more aimed at the mod(s) of the anon discord server) I am trying to get my legal guardian’s permission to get discord for the server and am planning on asking for the whatchamacallit to join. If I can’t convince my parents, then sadness and despair forever /lh /j
But otherwise, yeah. To call this an amazing time would be an understatement. This blog and all of the anons helped me broaden my comfort zone when it comes to interacting with people on the internet. I’m so glad I got to meet all you goofy goopy goobers. I love you all (/platonic, obviously) and thank you so much for everything.
With much love, 🪑
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arcielee · 9 months
Hello. For the ask game, I was hoping to participate and ask a few questions regarding "Hazy Shades of Spring" and "Ask Me Anything" ☺️
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way?
6. What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
10. Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
My favorite lurker 💜
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I was very obsessed with the idea of modern Aemond, especially after reading Down in Flames by @sapphire-writes (it is fucking amazing) and thought, "Fuck it, let me try." 😂
For my modern Aemond, I imagined him being grounded, more reserved in his family, but still somewhat aware of his affect on women. Also, I had read and loved several Professor!Aemond stories and decided to take a bit of the Alysmond F&B by making it his professor, which allowed another plot point that kind of pulled part 1 & 2 together.
6. What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
It's a little self-indulgent? I use Arcie lore in it.
I am actually 6 years older than my husband and had a lot of hesitation when we first started dating (something I clearly got over since we are now married 😂), but it held similarities in that aspect.
Also, I loved the idea that her true passion is writing, that she's a sci-fi classics kind of dork, but realized she has a knack for writing smut (more Arcie lore). It also allowed me to incorporate how he found her story through her alias (my husband figured out my ao3 penname) and when he confronted her + her reaction, I just adored writing that (this came from when my husband would use the names of my titles from my Call It Dreaming series, dropping it in casual conversation when we were out with friends, and I would burn like I was calling to Rohan for aid).
10. Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
It really stemmed from Alysmond. I am curious how HBO will handle their relationship, but I feel (and this is my personal opinion only, so please feel free to disregard as I am a hopeless romantic) that there was some sort of love between them.
But this might be coming from this amazing stories I read by honeydwine on ao3.
Thank you for these questions. I will probably say this each time, but damn I really loved writing this series. 😂💜
Ask game.
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katyspersonal · 9 months
hello again, i'm the anon from the waifu/blorbo thing just checking in. it was quite surprising to see the ask i made when i was feeling sorta petty would spiral in all that lol
to answer why i stay anon, its because I'm just a "filthy lurker" tbh. im not really sociable or talented enough that i feel like interecting directly in the fandom, and i'd rather avoid the headaches that come from exposing myself to its more annoying parts lol. i understand its different for artists tho, you guys do us a great service
but Holy Shit your situation was quite bonkers. it is kind of funny that i might have helped you out with this apparently lmao. all it took was the right ask at the right time, crazy how that works
best of luck to you and thank you for being based lol. it isn't easy with such persistent haters but i hope you keep it up
Thank YOU for being based, the moment I read what you said I knew EXACTLY what you were talking about! And yes, it is a reliably stable way to piss that person off enough to 'act' by poking the holy dogma of "Maria is a masculine lesbian and everyone with a different interpretation is a bigot" with a stick in any way shape or form. Imagine being easily caught just because you can't stand bisexuals or women that can combine badassery and tenderness?
I'll have you know though, that fanart or fanfics are NOT a "rent" you have to pay to be considered a "valid" part of the fandom! You say you don't feel like you belong here... but you do, as long as you love BB and want to interact with other fans and support them. I am not the most fantastic artist either; my anatomy is still a long way to go and I finish my works very slowly, but it is my passion why I am here! :)
As for the annoying parts of the fandom,...
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Honestly, you don't need to worry, at least not on Tumblr. Redditbros tend to stay away in their own circles and all you have to do is to not go on Reddit for sharing things like headcanons, drawings, ships etc. As for the bullies (oh, pardon, the completely civil people that are not encouraging harassment but simply spread "awareness" in order to excile people they dislike from the safe wholesome fandom uwu); they will typically do you a favour if they drop your name as "yiiiikes this person is nasty for [reason] block them girlies!", since this way the fake ones will self-isolate from you as a result and YOU won't see THEIR bad takes! And toxic Maria fans usually function by one 'main' guy vs their simps that got easily influenced. Before the current guy (you know who by now) it was someone else spreading bad takes about "misogynist" Gehrman and "violated masculinity" of Maria, boasting about how they ignore all lore and (mis)translation evidence against their One True interpretation. That person matured though, and the simps they influenced dissolved and became nuanced. The current guy is chronically unable to mature, learn and admit mistakes; but at the same time, popular accounts popularised a "compromise" take that portrays Gehrman as missing the mark but having good intentions that get way more traction and toxicity is overshadowed by them 🤔
What I am saying is, you can avoid annoying parts reliably easily! You probably are seeing like same two people starting controversy every time from your "corner"... and it is BECAUSE there are not that many. They are just loud. If you are in the room with 20 people, 19 of which are adults minding their own business and 1 is a screaming baby, who will you pay more attention to? I'd love to see you make an account, tbh, but if you really don't want to.. Well, still feel free to send me asks, gripes or headcanons or questions or whatnot!
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redwinterroses · 2 years
Just had a thought about piglins. I remembered a theory I'd heard about piglins once living in the overworld but then there was an airborne zombie virus or something which is why they had to move to the nether and can't come back, so I thought, what if the abandoned cities in the deep dark were made by piglins? Then I had more thoughts. How the warden's design includes a glowing blue pattern identical to soul sand. How piglins are afraid of soul flames, and zombie piglins too, even though those are only hostile when provoked. How the nether can sometimes be interpreted as some sort of underworld/'hell'/etc sort of place. How there's something that looks like a portal at the centre of the cities, but it can't be lit. How baby piglins, just like baby zombies, never grow up. What if the piglins didn't actually manage to escape? What if the reason they can never come back to the overworld... is because they're all already dead?
So I'm going through old asks (apologies to anyone who's sent me anything ever) and found this. And I really, really like it -- the idea that maybe they fled to the nether to get away from the Warden? Maybe they were cursed: you can escape, but you can never return kind of thing. The Warden has souls trapped in his chest, and there are souls in the very ground of the nether... maybe they're the souls of the piglins, who traded their souls away for safety rather than have them be devoured by the lurker in the dark.
I dunno -- that's the best thing about Minecraft lore. You can do literally anything with it and it's awesome.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 4 months
✨ I enjoy your writing very much! You're probably tired of hearing it by now but I adore that Alexander is such a multifaceted muse with an incredibly deep, rich backstory? It's hard to make an OC even at the best of times but you've gone to a whole new level when it comes to Xandora. Worldbuilding is so underrated and you've crafted an exceptionally detailed realm jam-packed with lore, history and enough troubles to rival Discworld. It's made for some wonderful reading both in and out of your blog through threads with other characters, how Alexander came to be and has changed (a little) over the centuries since he became the demonic dragon we all love (and fear!) Also, Cromwell deserves a mention for all the things he does! He may not be as commonplace as Alexander but I thoroughly enjoy him as a muse also and what he does behind the scenes, his (very) complicated relationship with Alexander, which brings me to another thing I love about your portrayal - you don't shy away from making Alexander absolutely brutal sometimes, which is so refreshing in a villainous character as sometimes we're pressured to tone them down for the sake of making them more palatable? You balance that out nicely, making him fun, mischievious, sweet at times and even a downright bastard which is so much more entertaining as one can never expect what he'll do next! Sorry for the wall of text, there is a lot to say but I will leave it there for now and even though I've said it before, I cannot wait to interact with him when possible! Have a great day, just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog as a lurker from afar 😊
Send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.
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I will never be tired of folks telling me that they enjoy anything I create and put out. Life is rough and I'll take any crumb of positivity I can get. I love hearing the art I create and share making someone's day or entertaining them. It means more than you know. Alexander and to and extent Cromwell are my comfort characters and I love them very much, writing them is always a treat for me, esp when I get to display their nasty side. And I hope if things go my way in my personal life I'll have the spoons and time to really share some stuff I've been quietly working on in the background. Thank you so much for this treat of an ask. 💜
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⭐| Accepting
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