#but anyway because i like the huntlow ship but no not like that
when ppl who like the huntlow ship post about “all the crumbs” in the show which include cutesy scenes but are mostly just screenshots where theyre in the same frame but most of the time gus is also in the frame and interacting with either hunter or willow more than theyre interacting with each other so ppl just poorly crop gus out of the screenshot
#toh#the owl house#huntlow#hunter toh#willow park#gus porter#when ppl do this with any characters i either find it really annoying or really funny#i like the huntlow ship the way i like most of my ships#where they go through half a decade of angsty pining on either side but at different times#and hunter realizes he still has to recover from ptsd and willow realizes she still has to get better self esteem#so being in a relationship before they do that would be a huge mess that will destroy their friendship which they care way more about#idc if theyre endgame in canon but they gotta address hunters issues with authority figures and give willow a reason to be into him first#and the way most of the fandom portrays it makes me feel iffy bc it reduces both of them down to either#angsty white boy ya love interest number 82374023840238 and his arm candy#or rough and aggressive Strong Female Character and her woobie simp who needs his girlfriend to protect him from anything that moves#not to mention how im uncomfortable with how people see hunter a victim of child abuse respect willow for her strength#and say willow wouldnt be scared of him because she could defend herself from him#and interpret that as 'hunter wants yet another authority figure in his life to physically abuse him but now hes into it bc its willow <3'#idk maybe i just have a Very Specific Way of shipping the huntlow ship and anything too sweet or out of character just rubs me the wrong wa#but anyway because i like the huntlow ship but no not like that#this is one of the rare occasions where i find it both incredibly annoying and incredibly funny at the same time#oh and dont think i dont see you guys disregarding the arguably closer relationship gus has with both willow and hunter#yeah yeah the actual scenes where hunter has a crush on willow are cute#but we all know if either of them were dark skinned or if they were both girls or even dark skinned boys#you guys would not go this crazy over the ship#shut up pandora#lowhunt
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
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[ID: four images showing Luz, Amity, Hunter and Willow from the owl house. The first image depicts lumity in their grudgby outfits from Wing it like Witches, and huntlow in their flyer derby uniform. Luz is holding Amity bridal style and smiling with her eyes closed while amity blushes and looks away. Willow talks to hunter happily while Hunter scratches the back of his neck nervously, smiling and looking away like amity.
The background is red and covered in various doodles of hearts, stars, speech bubbles with punctuation, a glowing light glyph behind lumity and a glowing plant glyph behind willow. In the center is the quote "oh, wow! Sports", with the word "sports" arranged in the shape of a heart.
The next three images are all variations of this- a close-up crop of Luz and Amity with no doodles, a close-up of Hunter and Willow with no doodles, and a variation on the full image with no doodles except the quote. End ID]
Shout-out to the owl house for being the only show brave enough to have not one, but TWO sports themed ship tease episodes /j
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lollytea · 2 years
Huntlow, but Cardcaptor Sakura fluff moments with Hunter being a blushing mess towards Willow like Syaoran did towards Sakura
This just made me think of my two favourite Sakura and Syaoran scenes ever and I gotta present them with Huntlow.
I know that canonically Hunter does sometimes call Willow by her name. BUT
Wouldn't it have gone so hard if they had gotten an elevator moment. Hunter strictly calling her Captain and nothing else. A moment where Willow seemingly falls to her death and Hunter is just left there, in pure shock, attempting to process that she's gone. Then his breathing begins to tremble, his features tighten with anguish and he just screams her name.
And then Willow emerges, standing atop a massive flower that she used to break her fall. And Hunter just. Silently stands up and hugs her. That would fuck. That would absolutely fuck.
And also also. I'm flipping the roles a bit because of Hunter and his canonically terrible sewing. BUT
Willow noticing that Hunter has been exhausted lately. The bags under his eyes have gotten darker, he's distracted, and always the verge of falling asleep. Stuff like this has happened a few times before due to stuff like grimwalker biology, overworking himself, nightmares, so she is absolutely fearing the worst.
And then a few days later, on Willow's birthday, he gifts her a scarf that he made himself. He was sorta on crunch time to make it so he didn't get a lot of sleep until it was finished. Plus he had never done embroidery before so he pricked his fingers a lot but he felt like he needed to add the little flowers because she liked flowers so much. And he's aware that it's not the best, as he's still very much a beginner and--
Hunter is just kinda rambling out an explanation for why it looks so shitty while Willow is just kinda standing there, stunned.
"You made this?" She asks suddenly.
Hunter blinks. He's pretty sure he mentioned that part already. "Yeah?"
There is a pause in which Willow says nothing, staring at the scarf in Hunter's extended hand like she can't figure out what it is.
Hunter, a little nervous at her silent reaction, mutters "But it's okay if you don't want it.."
"NO!" Willow exclaims, furiously snatching the scarf out of Hunter's hand like it was hers and he was about to take it away from her.
But well, it is hers. She bundles it over her neck and decides that it is now one of her most prized possessions.
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bookiedoodles · 1 year
girl you’re 24 and still talking about anti’s…
Damn dude you should really be seeing the ages of these anti’s if you’re so thrown off by me being 24. I’ve seen people who are married and have a full blown careers and still go online and attack multiple people on the daily just because they enjoy a ship. Mean, awful, hateful things- over a ship? In a child’s show? THAT is what’s ridiculous.
Also, I have stated MANY MANY TIMES that I don’t care if someone is “anti-huntlow”. I don’t care. Hate the ship all you want it’s none of my business if you like it or not. But when they go out of their way to attack and belittle those of us that are just out here enjoying and celebrating something for just getting recognition that we didn’t think would even get that far? That’s also pretty fucking ridiculous, if you ask me.
But yeah man, I’m 24 and I talk about shit like this. I’m over seeing people getting bullied online because of a ship from a children’s show. That’s stupid. But I understand if you are uncomfortable with my posts and you are more than welcome to block me.
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hikaaa-bi · 5 months
you know, i think huntlow could have worked if they weren't forced into the whole girlboss x malewife dynamic.
if we just had hunter being sassy and sardonic as always, but with a soft spot for willow and willow being chill and mature, acting as hunter's common sense when he needed it, i think it could have been a cute ship. not necessarily the best or most well-written ship, but it wouldn't have been as unbearably awkward and forced as the huntlow we have now.
it's not like the show has a deficiency in physically strong female characters anyway. almost all the female characters in toh were headstrong women and great fighters.
and you know, willow could still be a skilled witch, since she was introduced as one. she just doesn't need to be rescuing hunter all the time, because it doesn't make sense for her to be stronger than the literal child soldier who was put through torturous training.
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agrebel18 · 1 year
I ADORE qpr Huntlow, and I’m happy on how many people are choosing to see them that way, ESPECIALLY since I recently discovered that I am on the aro and ace spectrum, but I ALSO REALLY LIKE THEM ROMANTICALLY because they kinda match the “girlboss x malewife” dynamic AND they’re QUITE DIFFERENT from some of the m/f ships I’ve seen IN A WHILE (and they’re probably both queer, or at least one of them is, let’s face it) and I haven’t seen enough of plus sized girls like Willow getting desired and found attractive like Hunter does (the fan fave white boy!!) plus I LOVE FRIENDS TO LOVERS. anyways, just feeling positive right now, and they’re just so neat to me. if you hate them DNI!!! 
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 1 month
Fight me all you want but huntlow/lumity antis are the weakest links in the toh community,
...unless you don't have ears idk block the haters
All this slander is coming from the goldric/huntmira/lunter/guster/amiter shippers, yes that's a mouthful, and yes I'll be blocking you if you're a toxic shipper, if your not, good! except if you ship amiter, fuck off you lesbianphobic bitch, anyways back to my rant, also sorry if this comes out as insensitive, rude, or if I sound over dramatic I just really hate these types of people
If I had a dime for every toxic shipper I've encountered since I first came into the toh community...BITCH ID BE RICH CAUSE SOME OF Y'ALL ARE WILD ASF 😭🙏, this is based off of a rant I got below this post so yeah credits to anon it was very helpful pookie
Y'all toxic ass shippers will go FUCKING PARAGRAPH LENGTHS TO DEFEND YOUR SHITTY SHIPS, and this is targated twords lunter and goldric, again, if you're not toxic this ain't for you I don't mean to offend anyone, cause tell me why there is this account on Pinterest, I ain't afraid to say their name it's something like TheGoldenCoven, or some shit like that, BROS A LUNTER FAN ACCOUNT 💀, and a toxic one too, dw I got some proof
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How the fuck do you normalize the TWO MAIN COUPLE OF A SERIES??? Hunter was never intentioned to date Luz and vice versa, this is a perfect example of toxic a lunter shipper, and not only are they toxic they're...LESBIANPHOBIC!! I know it was probably from 2021 and they've moved on buuuut they did post amiter art, and they're not even a nice person although having in their bio "I'm nice you if you're nice to me" or some bullshit idk
As for toxic goldric shipper accounts I haven't seen any Pinterest or Tumblr accounts so that's good! But majority of the shippers are the most insufferable human beings on earth, their only excuse for shipping them is "they want a mlm couple and they're the same age" noting against wanting a mlm couple it'd be super nice...buy may I remind you this is post early season two...HUNTERS NAME WASN'T EVEN CONFIRMED YET 😭🙏, And let alone having only two or three minutes of screen time makes the ship have an even worse reputation, and the shippers are just bitchy and biphobic, always complaining that Hunter should be canonically gay instead of literally anything else so he can be shipped with only Edric, and I know huntmira shippers exist but I've actually never had an interaction with one, hopefully they aren't too bad
Y'all will come out withe the stupidest excuses not to ship huntlow/lumity, also sorry I got off track 😭😭, for lumity, don't know how it exists, but it's either "it's abusive" or "it's toxic" brother ew 💀, name one way Luz or Amity have hurt each other and DO NOT say it's by how Luz always makes stuff mess even though it's literally apart of her personality or by how she didn't wanna tell her about the portal door in S2 or how she accidentally helped Philip/Belos, I'll wait 😊, and I see the point of how Amity's personality downgraded to only being Luz's gf but she still did have her family problems but I guess they just didn't wanna make it an episode, I mean we got Clouds on the horizon that counts ig?
And for huntlow I keep hearing the same shit "I-Its a crack ship, I-Its forced, t-they have no chemistry 🥺🥺🥺" yeah I can see your toxic ass shipping a 12 and 16 year old together don't think you're slick bitch, and just because huntlow was rushed doesn't mean it's necessarily bad, you don't know if Dana had intentions on it but because of the cancellation it was forced to be rush, and I'm sorry to y'all hearing the shortened s3 excuse but it's true since there's literally no other explanation, also don't come into the comments saying "B-But you don't know that!!🥺🥺" it's just speculation my brother in Christ 😭🙏, merely a theory put together with brain cells which almost everyone in this community doesn't have, another weird double standard is how everyone ships gustholomule and veesha even though there's very little evidence it'll be canon was supposed to be canon but since it's a more noticeable and popular ship no one bats an eye for some reasons even though huntlow is too a popular ship, but these are the more bigger ones so I'll more obscure like cameda or aladarius which where probably never meant to happen and totally fandom operated
Anyways that's all, I'll block haters/toxic shippers in the comments so don't think you'll get a reaction outta me with some half baked and barely thought through argument you found in a Reddit post
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I ship Huntric more than Huntlow because Huntric has more potential even though it has little screentime.
Willow's arc isn't going well with Hunter's. She's just a normal citizen in the Boiling Isles and a student at Hexside, her family has no connection to Belos or the environment that Hunter is living in, that's it. No connection to the Coven Heads or Belos. The whole ‘half a witch” thing is forced. Besides the Flyer Derby, they have nothing in common.
Meanwhile, Edric is from the Blight family that works for Belos to create weapons. Both Hunter and Edric have family issues. They understand how it feels to live in an abusive environment. Both have to cope with loneliness. Edric feels lost without Emira while Hunter feels the same without Flapjack. Both of them are interested in wild magic and especially in animals. Edric is in Beast Keeping track, he has a bat named Badric, while Hunter is interested in wolves. Both of them have to hide their true selves: Edric has an illusion stone, and Hunter has to wear a mask. Edric is flirty and mischievous, that trait is natural to him more than Willow.
Hunter can still be his sassy self when Edric is flirty and mischievous with his prank, instead of being a blushing mess who can't stand up to Willow.
Huntlow may have more screen time but their potential is zero. Like people have to change her personality to be the flirty girlboss or make her the Plant Coven Head Terra's daughter in fanon to make that ship more fitting.
I have to agree with you. Huntric isn't the best Hunter ship, and I don't really know, if it's possible to write them naturally with the time toh had, but characters-wise, they would work so much better. Not only they have many things in common, but also Hunter could have believable relationship with Edric without becoming blushy usless malewife. Not to mention that after understanding that Belos was abusive (and evil, but it's not for this theme) and running away from him, Hunter needs equal partner, not someone who would be his "captain" or "girlboss". So, on condition that Lumity is still canon and Hunter needs love interest, Huntric is the best option anyway.
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the-owl-house-takes · 9 months
i can talk about how RECENTLY, in a panel, they were asked “how would they react if Luz died?” and they gave amity, willow, HUNTER more detailed answers than GUS. they said, “gus and everyone else would be sad” or some shit.
i can talk about how they literally never talk about him, OR his v/a! and when they do its bs (above). i hope its clear that they got BOSCHA and KIKIMORAS V/As, aka two characters nobody actually gives a flying shit about (the actors are rlly nice though no shit on them), on an interview, but not gus?? really??
i can talk about how, even with the episodes being FOCUSED ON HIM, he gets overshadowed by other characters. whether purposefully or not (who am i kidding, its always on purpose lmao). like in labyrinth runners, he gets overshadowed by hunter and amity, and in through the looking glass graveyard, they put a FUCKING lumity kiss.
i can talk about how in WAD, when luz was in her dream, all of the characters had outfits that correlated to how luz “came into their life and changed it” or whatever, but gus is wearing is GROM SUIT, why? because the show IGNORES HIM THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME, and he never gets a ‘big moment’ with luz unlike everyone else!
i can talk about how it takes until the LAST MINUTES of THE LAST EPISODE for him to get a new haircut, and the fact they couldnt even animate his hair right in the beginning anyways. not like they cared to!
i can talk about how it feels like he was literally just thrown in there for black representation, and they dont do shit anyway!!!! hes the only ‘main’ black character (excusing darius and ig willow who is blasian but. on average, nobody would really know that abt her anyway)
i can talk about how all the canon ships are poc x white, yet gustholomule, poc x poc, literally gets ignored too. like how did fucking aladarius and huntlow get a chance?? i know gm is really just an opinion (and probably always will be) but they had so much chemistry compared to the other two. cmon, the fuck? everyone else gets a partner but not him? and if hes every confirmed to be aroace, itll just be another stab in the gut. Im aroace myself, and lillith was already ENOUGH bad representation!! if he was aroace, it would literally just be one excuse to why they ignored him and his chance on having a potential partner. not to mention they completely glaze over his short lived crush on bria.
sorry the rant was so long, i could go into more depth but i wont and theres defo a lot i missed but whatever. but i guess my take really is THE CREW FUCKING SUCKS ASS AND GUS DESERVES BETTER!!!!! (also mb if anything is written weird im tired raah)
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flower-boi16 · 3 months
The Owl House Is A Bit of A Mixed Bag When It Comes To Ships
The Owl House is a show that I love a lot, but when it comes to relationships I have some mixed feelings. Now, I don't hate ships in TOH but I do have some issues with them.
The Good
First let's start of with the good; one of the things I like about how TOH handles its ships is how they don't overtake the plot or anything, which is a pretty easy trap that any show with romance can fall into (looking at you Star vs). There's also no bullshit romance drama in the show (the closest thing we get to that is Luz not opening up in S2 EP11 and EP14 but that was about it and its also executed in a way that's not absolutely insufferable).
Lumity is also the show's best relationship; it's gradually built up over the course of season 1 and the first half of season 2 and they are legitimately pretty cute together. Ships like Veesha and Aladraius are also pretty neat. So now let's get into...
The Problems
NOTE: Any issues I have with TOH's ships are most likely due to the shortening, so take my critiques with a grain of salt. Also there will be some criticism levidied towards Huntlow and Reada, if you don't like that don't read the rest of this post.
I think my issues with TOH's ships have to come with the ship's themselves, mainly Raeda and Huntlow. Lumity is good as I already said but the other two have a few issues. First I'ma talk about Huntlow; I don't hate Huntlow as a ship, It's OK, I just think it could have been done a bit better.
The ship mainly suffers from being less developed than Lumity, as Willow and Hunter don't really have that much-developed chemistry with each other. There is one interesting thing about the ship though, that being how they are both young witchlings that were shunned for not being born strong and called a "half-a-witch". That is an interesting parallel, but I don't really think the show develops they're relationship beyond that. The ship is just kinda underdeveloped which is my main problem with it, they're relationship just isn't that fleshed out to me, and as a result, it feels a little bit rushed.
I WILL say though, the moment they had in FTF is cute, it's neat harmless little fan service that doesn't take away from the plot or characters, which is nice.
But overall Huntlow isn't terrible but I have my fair share of issues with it. I honestly feel like this ship has more developed chemistry in fan works than in canon. Like, seriously, Willow and Hunter are incredibly cute together in a lot of Huntlow fan works more than in the actual show.
Anyways, now let's get into...Raeda. I've already talked about this ship before and why I personally don't care for it so I won't go too in depth here, but Raeda to me just suffers from how Raine, as a character, is heavily defined by Eda, and they don't have much depth outside of that. If Raine as a character had more independence from Eda I would have liked this ship a lot more, but they don't.
Again, my issues of Huntlow and Raeda are purely there because of the shortening. If the show wasn't shortened than Huntlow would've definitely been more developed, and Raine would have been a better character with more actual development beyond "Eda's ex".
So ya, that's my thoughts on TOH ships. The shipping in the show isn't bad but I think it could've been better, though again, it's worth mentioning the show got shortened so these problems aren't necessarily its fault, buuuuuut my points still stand. So....bye.
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Ramble time: Willow's Halloween Costume
Willow's Halloween costume always seemed strange to me, I dismissed it as Luz had told her about "human witches", and I didn't give it importance until I saw [this post] by @theprinceandthewitch
Don't like don't read.
Willow's costume. As I said at first I thought it was just that Luz had explained about the human "witches" to Willow. And she had decided to try looking like one.
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Then I saw the post mentioned before and realized that it was a representation of this image of Evelyn.
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And that just feels…off. I mean, did they try to make willow look like Evelyn here to make a parallel between CalebXEvelyn and Huntlow? Because they didn't archieved it.
I mean…
Number 1: Couples costumes. We know that for Halloween Luz and Amity were dressed up as Azura and Hecate.
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So…who Hunter had a matching Halloween costume with? No with Willow, but with Gus.
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(And don't lie to me if Gus had 1 (one) year more, then half of the fandom shipped them. I mean, look at this, it's like he hands him a wedding ring. But, you know, no homo/s)
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Anyway if they were trying to make a couple metaphor with the Willow costume… Well, they definitely haven't achieved it
Number 2: Willow's costume represents Evelyn, okay. But it's not the "real" Evelyn, it's a portrait of her seen through the eyes of witch hunters. This Evelyn is evil. And Willow wearing a costume to represent her…IDK, just rubs in the bad way
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We also know that Evelyn was a good witch, not a bad one. And who represents a good witch in these Halloween costumes?
Yes, that's right, Luz in her Good Witch Azura costume.
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Anyway, TTT was a Lunter chapter
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they’re definitely going to bring up the huntlow ship by the end of the show because hunter is SIMPING hard but i really want them to do something interesting with it. i don’t want them to just get together with no drama aimed at each other. so what i propose is: a deconstruction of the last-minute love confession trope.
hunter spends the second or even third episode blushing after willow. but willow doesn’t flirt or blush at him, just encourages and hangs out with him like she would her other friends. and at the end of the second or the middle of the third episode, the gang is gearing up for a huge battle with belos, the collector, or any other villains they’ll have to confront. everyone knows it’s dangerous, so there’s a lot of sweet moments between friends and family where they make peace with some of their conflicts and reinforce how much they care about each other. lumity and raeda both get an “i love you” or a kiss.
hunter pulls willow aside and confesses his feelings. he says he has a crush on her and asks if after they defeat the villains, they could go on a date. maybe he gets out a plant glyph and makes a bouquet. it’s very cute and reminiscent of a lot of love confessions in movies and tv that characters do right before a battle.
but willow FREEZES. she’s only thought of hunter as a friend up to this point, and hunter dropping this bombshell during the most stressful day of her life really isn’t helping her decide how to answer him. she has to recontextualize all of their interactions up to this point. and whether she eventually decides to date him, she can’t make up her mind at that moment, because she’s never even considered dating hunter before.
because the “last minute love confession” trope only works out well if the two characters have been pining and basically knows the other’s feelings. it’s a good way to clear up the air in that situation before a dangerous fight where they might not get a chance after. but if only one side has/is aware of their romantic feelings, the last minute love confession becomes solely a way for the person confessing to get it off their chest. it doesn’t matter if the person being confessed to wants to know about these feelings or reciprocates, the confession is sprung on them without prior warning, and now they have to think about that on top of the dangerous battle.
so before willow can give hunter an answer about that date, everyone has to get in position for the fight. and during the fight, willow is DISTRACTED. she knows she needs to focus on the fight, but she can’t help but think about hunter’s confession from a few minutes before, regardless of whether she reciprocates. and at one point, willow gets a clear shot to take out the villain or rescue one of their friends or whatever the goal of the battle is, but she MISSES.
if hunter had confessed a few hours or days earlier, giving willow time to come to terms with it before the battle, or if he had waited until after the battle to confess, it would have been fine. but he tells her at the WORST possible time, so willow has something else on her mind during one of the most important battle of her life. and because of that, everything goes very, very wrong.
#toh#the owl house#shut up pandora#hunter toh#hunter noceda#willow park#this isn't to say willow would blame hunter for distracting her#shes too nice her first instinct is to spiral into the 'im a horrible incompetent leader and i shouldnt do anything ever' mentality#but regardless of if she likes him or not love confessions are distracting! they make you blank out for a bit!#it ends up being all you can think about for the next hour at least be it out of flattery or happiness of discomfort!#and ive always disliked the trope where someone confesses to their love interest right before or during a battle like#now? your love interest is going to get hit by an arrow because youve distracted them#and the worst ones are the ones where they confess by kissing the love interest without prior warning#sometimes its unclear if the love interest is even interested and i know its for drama! but could you do that at literally ANY other time#it just feels cruel to the love interest you know#like the person confessing is getting stuff off their chest but they have no regard for how the love interest is feeling#if they reciprocate theyll have to go into a deadly battle knowing if they die they wont be able to continue a relationship they really want#and if they dont reciprocate it puts the burden on the love interest to turn them down and go into the battle being emotional about it#that may just be me though#anyway after that it doesnt really matter if the huntlow ship actually gets together#again i still dont ship it but if they do something interesting with it like this then it has a place in the story#but to reiterate it doesnt matter if willow has feelings for hunter in this scenario just the confession would be enough to distract her#and to those of you compiling screenshots where they stand next to each other#or where willow smiles fondly at gus and hunters shenanigans and say its only because shes in love with hunter#and basically trying to TJLC yourselves into believing willow is madly in love with hunter at this point of the story#she...really isnt......#at least not yet#does she even seek him out to hang out when hes not with gus#does HUNTER even seek her out to hang out when SHES not with gus#lowhunt
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divinemiracles · 7 months
may i ask why lunter shippers often criticize and/or dislike lumity so much ─ as in, the pairing itself, not the fans? it's extremely frustrating because i'm a multishipper (lumity main, but i very much love lunter too) and i don't understand why the shipping war over which one "should be true canon" isn't just one-sided from biphobes/antis/etc., because i was always under the impression that was the case. i've only ever experienced the fandom mainstream and i'm still new to spaces where shipping luz with boys, especially hunter, is acceptable. i'm curious as to why each side has negative shit to say about the other as if their opinion is absolute. hell, i'm still confused by how much people passionately hate huntlow this bad for being boring and unoriginal at worst; if it's problematic for the age gap then surely lunter is too (rhetorical)? anyway, i hope this ask comes across okay and respectful enough. i read your blog's description and pinned post so i hope i can find some answers through you.
~ bi-ship
Thank you for being so respectful!
There’s many reasons as to why Lunter fans dislike Lumity as a ship. It’s mainly due to a difference in shipping taste or out of spite since a handful of Lumity shippers are toxic (I like Lumity, it’s cute, but I fall under the difference in shipping taste category).
Lumity and Lunter are two completely different ships. One falls under the cutesy, wholesome, loving couple (Lumity) trope and the other falls under the angsty, heartbreak, storyline, and lore-based (Lunter) ship trope.
Many Lunter fans are mainly in the fandom and watch the show for the lore and Wittebane brothers, which is why they ship Lunter (for the Evelyn/Caleb parallels). If Lunter was canon, TOH would be a completely different story and have the Wittebane family as a major key to the story. But with Lumity, the story doesn’t go much into the brothers and just has a cute loving couple.
That’s where most of the criticism comes from. Lumity isn’t a ship that’s there for the lore, it’s just there for sapphic representation and normality. Also, since it was the first Disney sapphic couple involving a protagonist, it would be difficult to add it into lore-based angst since it would probably be passed as “too toxic” or whatever. That’s why they’re so lovey-dovey. Keep in mind this is just a thought. Lumity is not toxic at all, they’re just a normal couple.
With Huntlow, Lunter fans mostly hate it and criticize it for being boring and unoriginal like you said. It was rushed a lot and could have been dropped since it didn’t bring representation or relevance (Willow was never confirmed as Evelyn and they were never in-show confirmed or coded as bi/pan. I headcanon them as such but all they ever had were popular color palettes). It also depends a lot on perspective. It’s toxic to some and not toxic to others. I have a deep hate for it just for the unoriginality (bad boy turns into malewife for the shy girl that turns into a girlboss) and irrelevance but I don’t actually view it as TOXIC toxic since in my viewpoint, it’s just two normal people pushed too hard into a malewife x girlboss ship. I don’t like how Willow does sometimes resemble Belos but she’s far FAR better and healthier than Belos.
To sum this up: Lunter fans often dislike/criticize Lumity and Huntlow for being lovey-dovey, unoriginal, and not relevant to the plot. It all boils down to a difference in shipping interest. None of the ships are actually toxic (it’s mostly just people looking far too deep into them) but some people can view it as such and that’s fine as long as no one gets harassed. We all have different views.
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lollytea · 2 years
Huntlow ft Gus au where they roleplay Cosmic frontier and being O'bailey helps Hunter feel more confident to flirt with Willow? Kinda like in Community when Annie, Troy and Abed roleplay Inspector Spacetime and Abed totally changes when getting into character
OKAY OKAY OKAY But after all this Collector shit is over and everything settles down. Hunter and Gus LARPing in their Cosmic Frontier cosplays and Gus casts an illusion curtain so Camila's basement really does feel like the inside of a futuristic spaceship. They even get Camila on board to join them. (Remember how excited she was to LARP in Yesterday's Lie?? She's never done anything like this before but she would be so into it!!)
Anyway. You KNOW how Gus and Hunter are. Obviously Gus is a born performer and very committed to theatrics but also there's Hunter who is intensely hyperfixated on Cosmic Frontier and not only connects to O'Bailey but also sees him as a fictional role model of sorts. He's cool and smart and kind and confident and basically everything Hunter aspires to be. So O'Bailey is basically Hunter's main blorbo. He WOULD be the type to keep a notebook full of O'Bailey characters analysis. He understands this fictional man inside and out. Everything from his big grand life aspirations and inner turmoil to his little character tics and personal details.
So when he and Gus get into the zone? Oh Hunter would take it so deathly seriously. Gus would too so they're perfect LARPing partners.
I think it definitely fits with Hunter's tendency to lose himself in the roles that he plays, like how his personality altered when he was wearing the Golden Guard uniform. Except, in this case, Hunter's face is on full display and rather than O'Bailey being a character Hunter can hide behind like the GG was, it's more like Hunter is just having fun playing pretend, while using O'Bailey as a bit of an outlet for him to experiment with the person he wants to be. Role-playing as this character he really likes helps with his confidence significantly as with the bonus of being unmasked, it's easier for him to tap into it as Hunter.
Eventually. Eventually.
Because when they first start playing pretend, Hunter believes that he's playing an entirely different person than himself. But he has so much fun with it!!!
Anyway Gus and Hunter get very into their roles, acting out extremely tense and emotionally gripping scenes. Camila is also very enthusiastic, though she has a tendency to break character every once in a while by devolving into squeals because this is just SO cool!!! Why did she and Manny never do this??
Anyway Willow almost always shows up to watch. For the plot. She sits there and she watches Hunter go full cool hero protagonist mode for the plot. She's very interested in....whatever the fuck is going on. There's an asteroid about to hit the ship she thinks. She doesn't know what an asteroid is but she assumes this is a bad thing.
It's Camila that kickstarts the chaos. She notices the scene is waning in regards to cool shit to say and decides to spice things up. As O'Bailey and Avery are engaged in a tense dialogue, she shuffles over to where Willow is sitting and takes her by the hands to hoist her up.
"How about you join us, Mija? :)"
"Oh!" Says Willow, blinking out of the stupor that overcame her when Hunter started a dramatic monologue about the safety of everyone in the galaxy. "Okay...?"
She had never done something like this before. But now that Camila is leading her over to the boys, she thinks to herself...hm. yeah...Yeah!! Yeah, this could be fun!!!
"Captain Avery." Camila says sharply, snapping her posture straight. "Botanist Kumiko O'Bailey has been sent to inspect our vegetation crop and report back to the Nebula Federation."
Gus and Hunter turn to look at them and Willow feels the push to engage.
"Uhh. YES!" She announces, adopting a powerful air as she places her fists on her hips and tips her chin up high. "It's me! Kumiko!! And I'm here to...uh. To do what Camila just said."
"What Quando just said."
"Also...." Camila continues. "She mentioned wanting to see her husband."
"My what now?" Willow blurts out under her breath.
Oh. Right. Kumiko. Kumiko O'Bailey. She had heard that name once or twice. She knows at least a chunk of the lore. Hunter talks about it often.
So. So she's currently playing the role of...
"Kumiko!" Hunter exclaims and rushes to her side. And then suddenly there's hands and they're long and narrow and warm and they are cradling her hands. And though Willow has held Hunter's hands plenty of times, it was always initiated by her. It's his sudden bout of forwardness that stuns her speechless.
Where is this coming from?
"Um..." Willow finds herself mumbling idiotically.
"You weren't answering any of my communications." Hunter says, looking deeply invested in the colour of Willow's eyes. "I was worried..."
Hunter has not acknowledged that this is something he would have been far too shy to do with Willow Park under any other circumstances. Because he is currently Chief Engineer O'Bailey and he is extremely committed to portraying this role faithfully. And if there's one thing he knows about O'Bailey, it's that he loves Kumiko with abandon.
"Aw, well, you know how it is," Willow grins, still a little breathless. She tries to tear her eyes away from their interlaced fingers, a slight blush seeping across her cheeks.
"The communication....thingie...was busted. So I just figured I'd hop on a spaceship and come find ya."
Under the assumption that she's nailing this role, Willow decides to get a little rambunctious with it. She tilts her head to the side, tweaking her smile into something overtly flirty. "I missed you <3" She says in a honey sweet tone that she has used on him on numerous occasions. It usually renders Hunter completely unsure of what to do with himself. It's adorable.
But not this time.
Hunter, completely unruffled, responds with a warm endeared smile that sends Willow's pulse coursing. "I missed you too." He says softly.
And then. One of those accursed hands of his. It settles into a gentle caress against her face.
Willow's eyes are just about about bulging out of their sockets.
"But wooow," Hunter croons, stroking the pad of his thumb across her cheekbone. (Her skin is hot and he is gonna notice, which is only making it hotter.) That's when the flirtatious touch to his own smile cracks through. "You traveled all those lightyears? For me?"
Willow does not have a fucking clue what a lightyear is. But she likes the sound of the word when he says it like that.
"You betcha, babe!" Willow responds enthusiastically, trying to regain some handle on this scenario. "You know I'd travel a million lightyears just to see you."
She flirts. Her. Willow.
Hunter unexpectedly taking the lead here is throwing her off. She's floundering.
Is this what she does to him all the time?
Hunter's smile spreads and he takes a step closer.
Willow would have taken an instinctive step back but she is currently frozen to the spot.
Hunter's eyes are very brown.
"Well..." He says musingly. "You've seen me. Will that be everything, Mrs O'Bailey?"
Willow is certain her heart forgot its main functions before promptly bursting into a frenzy.
How has his palm not scalded against her cheek.
Willow is about to say something. Potential responses swirl around in her head.
She isn't quite sure what is about to happen. All she's processing is that Hunter is standing very close and she has some ideas of what she would like to happen right now and she's pretty sure if she just--
"Oooooh. Go Hunter!" Somebody suddenly whoops and Willow gets to see the O'Bailey persona shatter like glass before her very eyes.
Luz has descended the stairs with not an ounce of context of what is going on. All she sees is Hunter cupping Willow's cheek and moving closer and closer.
Camila is observing with a broad beam, while Gus leans against a nearby wall, a little bored.
With that, Hunter is yanked back to the reality of the situation. He's not in space, he's in a basement. He's not Chief Engineer O'Bailey, he's Hunter. And she is not his wife Kumiko. She is Willow Park.
He might have been about to kiss Willow Park.
Heat floods his face and he breaks into a splutter of rapid-fire apologies. The words are spit out so frantically, they begin to tangle together.
And as charmed as Willow tends to be with flustered Hunter, she is quite disappointed that whatever that was is over.
Meanwhile Hunter is dangerously close to the realization that flirting with Willow Park is something as impossible as he originally thought.
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sergeantsporks · 5 days
Huntlow shipper here, saw your recent critical post, and honestly yeah, you're not wrong about the communication problems they'd have. If someone asked me why I ship it my response would be 'idk I like them' but considering there are people who unironically ship Willow and Boscha I'm pretty comfortable with my huntlow feels.
In any case, no one's obligated to like any ship, 'canon' or not, and thank you for being courteous and leaving your critical post out of the main tag.
Yeah, idk, it's a cute enough ship, definitely has fewer problems/more basis than other ships, but it's just not interesting to me, especially not when compared to the other romances on the show. Which isn't TOTALLY fair, since it had way less time to be established, but one of the reasons I'm a fan of other relationships in the owl house is DEFINITELY because we see how messy and complicated they can be, and despite Hunt-low for sure having the CAPACITY to be messy (as stated in post), we never get that messiness in canon (again, mostly a result of the cut, I'm sure). As a result, like I said, it doesn't get explored in fanon the way I'd like it to. So it's just. Eh. Cute fluff, occasional angst, but that's about it.
Anyway, thank YOU for being polite and hearing me out because my notifications went "Hunt-low shipper here, saw your recent critical post" and then cut off and my brain immediately went "oh no" lol, so I was very pleasantly surprised when I actually opened my inbox.
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haystarlight · 1 year
I imagine it must be real vindicating for Dana that most of the fandom enjoys Huntlow so much and makes so much fanart and fanfiction on it.
Like, she was probably very sad when S3 got cut because it meant she wouldn't get to explore this ship that she very obviously loves so much more in depth.
And it must be a relief for her to see that, even if we didn't get the content she wanted to give us, we love the ship anyway and we're making the content in her stead.
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