#but cheesecake is so good but like. not a dessert you can have alot of ... one slice is good enough for me
mangostar · 11 months
frozen tiramisu is actually so good
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mode-lfy · 1 year
It's a year since I updated. I tried writing this on my laptop. Hopefully it's not much different than my usual works.
I didn't really proof read this or anything. So if there are some confusing parts. Forgive me. :<
It's a long oneshot but I hope you guys enjoy this.
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A young man dressed casually walks along the back of the concert, finding a comfortable spot among the empty seats at the back. He sees many beautiful girls walk out to the stage and preparing to perform for a special stage.
There were many beautiful faces but he smiled, focusing his attention on one of them. They waved at the fans who have been waiting for them to do this special stage, one of the girls looking around, as if looking for somebody that she is waiting for.
The girl spotted him and started smiling brightly, waving in the general direction to where he was sitting. The young man keep on a serious face and posed a little finger heart for her. Making her blush and look away, himself smiling like a fool after seeing her reaction.
She looked back at him, showing a small finger heart at his direction.
Then the girls started performing, dancing and singing along to the song. He smiled and clapped along to the music. In the middle of the performance, he took out a large fan board saying, "KIM MINJU! KIM MINJU!" and started swinging the board, making her smile brightly during the performance.
After the performance, everyone left the concert except for the young man, who sat the back and waited for Minju to come after the performance. The idols have a chat with the director and staffing team, who praised them for a successful performance before they head into the make-up room to remove their make up and change out of their outfits.
While waiting, the young man gave a box of cheese cake to the staff for them to share.
"Thank you for the cheesecake. You always bring something for us when you come over." The staff thanked.
"No worries, glad that you like it."
"I will tell Minju that you are waiting for her"
"It's okay, let her take her time. I can wait for her."
After awhile, the man looked back down at his watch and the paper bag that he brought. Just then, Minju came by and tapped his shoulders. "Sorry, did you wait very long for me?" She asked, sitting down at the seat beside him.
"No, your performance was amazing. I like your voice and your dance." He complimented, making Minju blush.
"Really? I was worried that it might not be good..." Minju confessed.
"You are Kim Minju, you can do it!" He cheered her on.
Then he picked up the paper bag and took out some of Minju's favourite dessert, Cheesecake.
"Thank you, Y/n. You must have been tired... You said today you were going to inspect the factories and store outlets around the city. How was it?" Minju asked.
"It was tiring, there was alot of travelling and talking with the staff and all. But... Now that I am with you, I am no longer tired. You give me energy and motivate me." Y/n said,  smiling at Minju's reaction who is blushing and laughing when he held her hand.
As Y/n is walking with Minju around the streets, and having their own date in the cold winter. Y/n decided to talk about Minju's contract extension. "Minju... Your contract is expiring with your agency. What are you planning to do?" Y/n asked, wondering what is her next move.
"I think... I will be signing as an actress under another company. A company that has more experience and can help me in my career." Minju said, while she held on to his arm and continued walking, feeling the warmth of Y/n's body.
"Why not... take a break from all and have good rest. You have been working alot, you deserved a break." Y/n said, stopping and looking at Minju's eyes.
"My mom is sick, she's in the hospital. I need the money to take care of her and for her to do surgery. And you know my father..." Minju stopped before continuing to walk on her own, looking down.
"Don't worry, I will take care of you and your mother. Let's get married, and you will have nothing to worry about." Y/n said, chasing up to her, and proposing for them to get married.
Minju smiled back, "You sure you want to get married this young? I thought men usually like to enjoy being unmarried for a while more." She teased.
"As long as i'm marrying you, nothing can worry me." Y/n said, making her blush and look down.
"Have you told your father about us yet?" She asked, making Y/n hesitate a little.
"You haven't told him, have you?" Minju asked again, confirming his suspicions when Y/n nodded guiltily.
"I haven't had the chance to... It's just that... You know... He is very strict about finding a wife and all." Y/n explained.
"What if... Your father doesnt approve of me and wants you to marry some other girl... Someone who is rich and even prettier than me." Minju asked, worried that she might lose him.
"No! It will never happen. I will make sure that we are together, no matter what." Y/n assured her.
"Okay. I trust you." Minju said, smiling as they held each other's hands.
The next day, when Y/n is at the office, he came to his father's office and wanted to talk to him about Minju. But his father asked him to go home and get into a fresh new outfit before coming back to the office.
Once he was back, his father and him got into a car and the chauffeur started driving without his father speaking a word..
"Dad? Where are we going, we are supposed to still be working at this time." Y/n asked, wondering where they are going.
"Don't worry, and just sit quietly." His father told him.
Soon they arrived at an expensive, luxurious restaurant, where they went to a private dining room. Upon entering the room, he realised what was going on.
His father wanted to set him up with one of Korea's biggest companies' heiresses.
As they sat down, the girl's parents and his father were talking happily. They were satisfied to see their child's future spouse.They even called a matchmaking lady to see if they were compatible, to which the lady said yes.
"The groom is talented and is already helping his father to manage the business at a young age. While the bride is pretty and educated, she will be sure to help her future husband in his business dealings." The matchmaking lady said.
Y/n sighed as he realised the mess that he has gotten into.
After the lunch, where the Y/n met the girl and her parents, their parents asked them to go out on a date and know more about each other. Y/n wanted to refuse but he didn't want to embarrass his father or the girl and her parents. So he decided to agree first before saying he had something to attend to.
Y/n and the girl walked in the streets of Gangnam, the girl seemingly happy about the prospect of having Y/n as her husband. Y/n meanwhile thinking about how he needs to solve this big issue.
He wants to marry Minju...
So as they continued taking a slow walk, until they met a cafe, the girl suggested to go to the doctor. "I'm feeling cold. Let's take a seat in the cafe and we can talk. It's warmer inside."
"Sure." Y/n forced a smile.
Once inside, they both ordered drinks and found a seat beside the window where they get a very nice view of the streets.
The girl introduced herself before asking Y/n about his hobbies, what he does in the company. Y/n just answering them, and waiting for them to pass by.
"Hi... my name is..."
By an hour, Y/n decided it was enough and he told the girl that he had matters to tend to in the company and he had to go.
When they were both leaving and about to exit the cafe. Y/n saw Minju walking from a distance and panicked. He quickly stopped the girl at the door.
The girl was flustered when Y/n stopped her with his body and he asked her if she wanted to have a longer conversation,
"Actually, the weather is great. Do you want to go back in for another conversation? The company matters can come later." Y/n suggested.
"Sure!" The girl lit up.
Then Y/n quickly pulled her by the hand and sat at the same seat where they were originally.
Once they had their drinks served and continued talking, Y/n let out a sigh of relief as he didn't see any traces of Minju nearby.
He looked back at the girl who was sitting in front of him, who wanted to know more about him.
"So... what was your name again? Sorry, I'm a little bad with names." Y/n asked, this time actually paying attention.
"My name is Wonyoung... Jang Won-young!" She said brightly, happy that her soon-to-be husband is interested in getting to know her.
"My name is Y/n.... Lee Y/n." Y/n introduced himself.
Y/n looked around and out the window, hoping that Minju is no longer around. Y/n decided to spend awhile talking to Wonyoung before he leaves.
Wonyoung asked a few questions about his hobby and talked about her's, before she talked about what kind of wife she would be. All the while, maintaining an aura of pleasant, and something about her that shouts expensive.
"I would be a wife that would stay at home and take care of the children. I can also help you in your business. I seen how my parents work the business and I learned a few things, hopefully it will be of help to you." Wonyoung said, her hands on her lap, maintaining the elegant pose.
Hearing her plans for when she is married to him in the future, Y/n got uneasy and forced a smile. "Are you still studying or have you graduated?" Y/n asked, slightly interested since Wonyoung mentioned she learned a few things about business.
"Ah~ I just started university a year ago..." Wonyoung said, shy.
"A year ago !?!? H-How old are you???" Y/n asked, surprised and bewildered.
"I am about to reach 20 years old this year." Wonyoung said, brushing her hair to the side of her ear.
"I know you are 24 years old already, and graduated from Seoul National University. And you did it, with honors." Wonyoung said.
"How did you know?" Y/n asked, surprised.
"Your father told me." Wonyoung answered politely.
Y/n nodded.
"I think it's getting late. How about we go home?" Y/n asked.
Wonyoung agreed and got up with Y/n. Y/n took a quick scan around the area and was worried that Minju might still be around.
"Are you leaving now?" Wonyoung asked, her eyes shining at him.
"I will send you home first." Y/n said, making Wonyoung smile at him.
Y/n flagged a taxi and opened the door for Wonyoung to sit first before he sat inside.
Little did he know... Minju saw him and Wonyoung... She observes them for a while and sees them leaving together in a taxi...
That night, Y/n went to Minju's show and brought gifts for the staff and her. He got into his seat, found Minju and smiled at her, waving at Minju.
Minju looked at him for a while but did not smile back. In fact, she looked like something was on her mind throughout the night.
When the show ended and Y/n went to look for Minju. She looked a little sad and followed him to his car.
They both sat in the car, however their expressions were different.
Y/n was excited to see her while Minju was disappointed.
"Do you want to go eat? I found a new place." Y/n suggested.
"I saw you with a girl today..." Minju admitted.
"Y-You saw me?" Y/n stuttered guiltily.
"Who is she? Is she the girl that your father wants you to marry?" Minju asked.
Y/n nodded, ashamed.
"So you have not told your father about me? About our relationship?" Minju questioned.
"I..." Y/n was at a loss of words.
Minju disappointed, asked him, "What are you going to do now?"
"The marriage isn't confirmed yet. I'm hoping to convince my father to let me decide on my own marriage." Y/n said, hoping to reassure Minju.
"I even got a ring for you." Y/n said, taking out a box which contains marriage rings and showed it to Minju.
"Trust me please. I really want to marry you Minju." Y/n pleaded with Minju.
"I don't know... I'm really worried. I don't come from a rich family. The girl that I saw today... She is pretty and carries around a rich aura. I'm assuming she's a heiress." Minju said, sadness obvious in her voice.
"I will tell my father about you soon. Please give me some time." Y/n held Minju's hand.
"You have been saying that for a long time. I think we should stop seeing each other if this is not going to work out." Minju said, releasing her hand from Y/n's grasp.
"Minju!" Y/n reached out, hoping to stop Minju.
But Minju unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car, walking away.
Y/n went to the office, sighing, stressed and not know what to do. He doesn't want to disappoint his father but he loves Minju. He went up to his office and heard some voices in the office's resting area.
"Ah, boss. Why are you sighing?" A voice said. 
"I'm just glad that my son is now fully grown up, and he's about to get married." Y/n's father said.
"See! Look at boss! Ever since he seen his future daughter-in-law, he has been smiling from ear to ear." Another voice said.
"I still remember how when Y/n was a kid and followed his father around in the old company office. He looked weak and was always sick." One voice said.
"I'm just glad that he grew up well and is healthy." Y/n's father said.
"He is also fit, and studies well. He graduated from a top university as well. Can you imagine that?" One of the voice continued.
"I don't expect much from Y/n to be honest... I just want him to marry a decent girl, have some kids and live a good life. I'm planning to pass the company to him once he is more experienced and ready to manage the company." His father confessed.
"Ah, boss. You are preparing to retire already!"
"I started this company from nothing. Now that the company is big and developed, I can finally pass over to my son. I am also growing old, I can't manage it forever." His father joked.
Y/n could hear the sound of Soju being opened and poured, his father and his long-time employees celebrating.
He sighed once again and left the office. He drove to the Han River, where Minju and him used to go on dates all the time.
Now, late at night, and alone. Y/n looked at the blue river and smiled, looking back at the memories of him and Minju. He relaxed and took a deep breathe.
"What should I do..." He mumbled.
He sat for an hour alone, before he drove back home and took a rest for the night.
It had been a week since Y/n met Minju. This time, they agreed to meet at the Han River, where they had many memories together.
"Minju." Y/n said happily, when he finally saw Minju after a week.
"Have you told your father about us?" Minju asked.
Y/n looked down and shook her head.
"So you really are going to marry that girl instead." Minju realised.
"I don't want to! But... I don't wan't to disappoint my father." Y/n admitted to Minju.
"But how about... you be my mistress?" Y/n asked, timidly and ashamed.
"Mistress...?" Minju felt shocked at his request.
"You know that my mother raised me alone single-handedly, and I grew up without knowing my father." Minju started to have tears in her eyes.
"How can you ask me to be a mistress?" Minju cried.
"Minju... I..." Y/n felt helpless.
"I don't want to force you. I will leave." Minju said, wiping her tears away and turning around to walk away.
"Minju! Are you going to give up on our relationship." Y/n asked, helding on to her hand.
Minju looked back at him in sadness and left him alone.
"Appa, can I talk to you about something?" Y/n asked, when he reached home.
"What's wrong?" His father asked, concerned and sitting at the couch.
"Do you want to come out for a meal with me?" Y/n asked, sitting beside his father at the couch and looking at him.
"Sure." His father agreed.
Y/n brought his father to a restaurant where it was peaceful and pleasant environment.
"Why did you bring me here?" His father asked as they entered the restaurant.
"I want to show you someone." Y/n said, smiling.
When they were led to a private table, Minju was already sitting and waiting for them.
"Who is she?" Y/n's father asked.
"She's Minju, my girlfriend." Y/n revealed.
"Girlfriend!?!" His father was shocked to hear him.
"You are supposed to get married soon, what are you doing?"
"Minju and I have been dating for a long while. I wanted to tell you about it, but I couldn't find a good opportunity..." Y/n answered, gathering up the courage to say what he didn't dare to say for the past few months.
"She looks familar." His father asked, looking at Minju carefully.
"Minju is a singer, she is also an actress and music show host." Y/n introduced, smiling at Minju and proud of her.
"A singer? Also a host?" His father was infuriated and looked at Y/n, disappointed.
"Why did you choose to date someone like that?" He continued.
Y/n didnt expect his father's reactions and looked at Minju who was scared.
"Appa, Minju is a good woman. She is good at singing, kind and gentle!" Y/n argued.
"You are already engaged with Wonyoung. Don't do anything that will embarrass me." His father scolded him.
Minju held her hands tightly, nervous and did not know what to say or do.
His father gave him an ultimatum. "If you decide to cancel your engagement, and marry this girl. I will disown you!" His father said to Y/n, looking at Minju angrily before walking away.
"Appa!" Y/n called after his father, hoping to stop him, but to no avail.
Y/n looked at Minju before chasing after his father. Minju herself left behind, looking pathetic as she sat alone at the restaurant.
After that incident, Minju and Y/n did not talk ever again. Even when Y/n called or texted Minju to contact her, she did not reply to him.
It had been 3 months, and it was close to Chuseok, an event that is auspicious and it is also an time of the year where familes gather together to celebrate and spend time together.
Chuseok was also the day where Y/n and Wonyoung was supposed to be married, but Y/n has been thinking of Minju. He wants to cancel the marriage but he is not willing to offend his father and the Jang family.
On the weekend, Y/n went to Minju's last day as a MC and see Minju again, having missed her so dearly.
However, he couldn't enter the building and wasn't allowed to see Minju. Minju herself even hiding and running away from Y/n when the show ended.
3 days later, Y/n was coming off from work when the director of the show contacted Y/n.
"Y/n, are you free right now?" The director asked.
"Yes, I am in my car right now, driving back home." Y/n answered.
"Can you come over to the SBS building? I have something to pass you." The director asked.
"Is it is something important?" Y/n asked.
"It's from Minju. She have this handwritten letter for you." The director said, which made Y/n turn around and drive quickly to the building.
Y/n arrived at the building and received the letter. "Is there something wrong with you and Minju? I never seen you at her mother's funeral." The director said as he passed the letter to Y/n.
"Her mother died!?!?" Y/n asked in shock.
"She didn't tell you? Her mom died 2 days ago. That night, when Minju finished her last day of being the MC. She didnt even stay behind for a farewell party, she immediately went to see her mom in the hospital. That night, her mom passed away..." The director informed him.
"Well, tonight she gave me this letter and told me to pass it to you tomorrow but  I need to catch a flight tonight." The director said, before leaving the building.
Y/n opened the handwritten letter from Minju.
'Y/n Oppa,
I don't want to trouble you nor don't I want you to be disowned by your father. I love you but I hope your marriage to Miss Jang is happy, You should forget about me.
Now that my mother is dead, I no longer have any family with me. There is no more meaning for me to leave in this world.
I will leave this world and join my mother in another world. Don't worry about me, I will be with my mother, and I will be happy.
By the time, you see this letter, the news of my body being discovered in the Han River should have reached you.
Please do not blame me for being selfish.
Upon reading the letter, Y/n quickly got on his car and drive immediately to the Han River.
Y/n prayed as he drove, hoping to stop Minju before she commits sucide.
Once he reaches the Han river, he ran to the spot where Y/n and Minju spend the most time around and once he reached the place. He ran around, hoping to find a glance of Minju.
While looking around, Y/n found Minju walking slowly down to the river. Y/n took off his shoes, trying to grab Minju back and away from the water.
"Minju! I'm here!" Y/n shouted as he ran into the water.
"Stop!" Y/n shouted at Minju, as he sees Minju submerging into the water. He dived into the water and grab Minju away.
Y/n pulled Minju away and got onto the ground.
Minju spit out water, coughing once she got pulled onto the ground. Y/n too himself, spitting out water and lying down on the ground. Happy and smiling that he was able to save Minju.
"Oppa? Why are you here?" Minju asked, looking at Y/n, herself wet and hair all messy.
Y/n pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her. "Why didn't you tell me that your mother was sick? Even when she died, you should have told me!" Y/n berated her.
"I don't want to disturb you from your marriage. You are getting married soon, and... I am no longer your girlfriend..." Minju said, pushing Y/n away.
"No! Minju, when I read that letter and on the way here. I realised that I love you, I can't lose you." Y/n explained.
"I am going to cancel the marriage and marry you." He continued.
"What about your father?" Minju asked, worried.
"I'm sure my father will understand. If it means me getting disowned and offending the Jangs'. So be it. I know that I can't lose you." Y/n said, holding Minju's hand.
Minju smiled and nodded, hugging him.
Y/n told his father about his decision and even told his father that he will love Minju forever. His father, helpless, could only give in to Y/n and even helped him cancel his wedding with the Jangs'.
Instead, Y/n would marry Minju and they held a small private wedding.
In a year's time, Minju would give birth to their first child together, a son. 
"Minju, I'm very thankful that today you are alive and married to me. I can't imagine a life without you.. Or our son." Y/n said, patting Minju's hair after she gave birth to their son.
Y/n kissed Minju on her cheeks.
"I love you."
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- # ; salt and pepper
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I don't know I just wrote whatever and whoever came to mind. Also this is not proofread if there are any mistakes there aren't, you're seeing wrong. Btw i moved blogs and deleted the old post teehee written pre-sumeru
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Eula swear vengeance on me hot lady coming from an old noble houshold, didn't know how to cook. I hc that it was after she met amber(lets go lesbians) that she finally learnt the arts of culinary. Definitely practiced alot at Good Hunters with Sara. But but but she already knew how to make desserts (look at her trailer video justice for Eula 2k23) and she decorates them in a manner that's very aesthetically pleasing too. She also has a habit of cooking in a very neat and organised manner. Once again Sara taught her about the necessity of a sanitary kitchen and she had taken it to heart so don't fuck up her kitchen. She will swear vengeance and kick you out(lmaooo skill issue Euladontkickmeoutpls )
The great priestess of Watatsumi Island, Sangonomiya Kokomi unfortunately cannot handle seafood [koko is like half fish so would her having seafood be considered cannibalism???] so don't even think about bringing any living creature that has even been near a water body to your kitchen when shes with you. If you make my wife sad I'm coming to throw hands. Kokomi prefers food with mild flavors like her specialty, bird egg sushi, and foods that are easily portable because she is often (see: always) in a hurry. Although if you don't know how to cook, she will gladly teach you. Cooking with kokomi is very fun and cooking dates are how a great majority of your dates are spent. [oh no, what's this, suddenly I have forgotten how to even chop an onion wha- How unfortunate seems like I'll have to take cooking classes on watatsumi Island now:)]
Adeptus Xiao, the mighty yakha who has defended Liyue for centuries, the Golden Winged King who has served the geo archon as his sole master after being saved from the clutches of the evil god is rendered completely helpless infront of a chopping board. This angsty teen cannot cook anything other than almond tofu so cooking dates are a no-go :( Although he can't cook he'll sit on the kitchen counter and watch while you bake. He won't take a bite if it's anything savoury or spicy but mild tasting desserts that don't come off as strong (like cheesecake or kheer) will definitely not be refused
The ever busy secretary Ganyu (my dear overworked coconut please take a break.) somewhat knows her way around the kitchen. Being an half-qilin eating isn't the same for her as it is for mortals. She can go on for day's without any nutritional intake due to the divinity running through her veins therefore she hasn't had much chances to be in the kitchen. If need be, she could always order something from Wanmin's or perhaps the boquet of qingxin that Yaoyao dropped by for her. Ganyu is as good as any amatuer who can cook basic meals but is very willing to learn, that is if she can get past her busy schedule. (Also pls stop eating glaze lilies, half divine or not, I don't think that's good for your health.) She doesn't cook often because of work but when does take a break forced to by ningguang and Keqing. I also think modern au ganyu would be vegan. And candies Hawthorn or tanghulu would be a guilty pleasure.
When it comes to cooking, it is safe to say that culinary is not the electro archon, Raiden Ei's area of expertise. Sticking to honing her skills in martial arts would do better. (Read: my mother would smack you with her slipper and kick you out of the gouse if you dared enter her kitchen). Say if Ms. Ei does try her hand at cooking... your house burnt down because she tried to thaw the chicken w the musou no hitotachi. Now you're homeless and broke. Later you both agree to order takeout and then freeload off of the budget from Narukami shrine courtesy of the gūji, yae miko, who is just surprised you managed to bring this hikkikomori out of her hole. It's fine ei's the archon anyway it's more or less her property.
The handsome consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Zhongli has lived for 9000 years. He has picked up as many skills as the friends he's lost. Maybe this is why the all knowing rex lapis cannot find those who share the memories. However for the sake of your wallet, who already has one foot in the coffin, please keep this man away from the kitchen. Reason being, the groceries you bought for a month have been used in a week. While I am quite proud of how much food i can stuff in my stomach, servings for 8 people might be a little too much even for me. bestie have mercy. Its me and your sugar daddy who has to pay for the groceries and because you so kindly decided to step down as rex lapis and give away your gnosis, the change in minting of mora is going to bring a global financial crisis woohoo. Also nobody can wait 85648 hours for dinner. please be finished before my retirement. Not everybody has the luxury of faking their death and then having a sugar daddy to live rich. (Yes i am bitter.)
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This was a repost from my main acc. because i moved blog here. Also genshin has been a little boring (read: cheated on genshin with hsr bc dan heng my beloved) so what better way to return than come back by writing
Make sure to rb bc I want clout (read: human interactionbc i dont have a life)
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dimpledpran · 3 years
okie dokes darling, here goes some questions!
✨ what’s your favorite way to spend your days off?
✨ what type of music are you into? fave bands/artists?
✨ what are some of your hobbies and how’d you get into them?
✨ what was the last tv show you binge watched? movies you last saw?
✨ what is one thing that can instantly make your day better?
✨ what are some of your favorite foods and drinks?
that’s all i can think pf right nw sjdjajja
✨ what’s your favorite way to spend your days off?
Hmm I am a complete homebody. So i pretty much just laze on my bed and read or watch some shows. Nothing too interesting happening there hahaha But I also do like to go out and try new food. I am a picky eater, but I love to eat. 
✨ what type of music are you into? fave bands/artists?
I would say I am not constrained by music genres. I listened to alot of types of music. My favourite artists are One Direction (and by extension all of them as solo artists) , Ed Sheeran, Bruno Mars, Carrie Underwood, Hunter Hayes, Little Mix, Lewis Capaldi. I am pretty sure I am missing quite a few, but i cant think of names now. 
✨ what are some of your hobbies and how’d you get into them?
I LOVE dancing! That has always been a passion of mine, and I really want to get back into it again. Again, I love any kind of dance, and have learnt/tried about 7 different dance styles. I first started doing Indian dance when I was 6, but I stopped for a few years when I was 11. And then started again at 14 and had to take a break to focus on my GCSEs. But then my dance teacher went back to India, and I never back for another class. But I have recently started to go for a few Hip Hop and Street Jazz open classes, so that has been fun! 
I also love to read and sing (My sis would probably say that I don’t do that well, but i love singing)
✨ what was the last tv show you binge watched? movies you last saw?
The last show that I binge watched was actually Gank You Heart and The Untamed before that. hahaha English show would be Mindhunter, ABSOLUTELY LOVED THAT! I actually can’t remember the last english movie I watched. It might have been Jumanji 2.
✨ what is one thing that can instantly make your day better?
Music is something that can immediately change my mood. It is my solace on rough days. Dancing and a good fic also make me a very happy person. oh and also ICE CREAM!
✨ what are some of your favorite foods and drinks?
hahaha i guess the last line above also fits here. I LOVE ICE CREAM! Ben & Jerry’s is BAE! I am also obsessed with Bubble Tea, Mexican and Italian cuisine. I love a good risotto, paella, almost any kind of pasta, burritos, enchiladas. When it comes to Indian food, Briyani is definite fave. My favourite desserts are lava cakes, cheesecakes, creme brulee. It can keep going on.  (I am making myself drool. Sorry if you are too. I am gonna stop here for my sanity). And anything my mum cooks. She is amazing.
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angelblumes · 3 years
food ment. Helllooooooo ugh would you like me to beat her up perhaps end up like her namesake, og mischa?(jk im not a (cannibal)) time to bust out the therapy voice tho , you will find your people and they will love you. Ok. ok wtf is happening? are we like the same person or something? wellbutrin buddies ❤ my room needs to be clean and moved the whole sha bang but I cant😔 life needs to be lived and such. I hope you arrived safely and happily and that everything is slightly better for you than it was last message and that you didn't get too carsick. my power went out today for like 3 seconds everything turned off everything , it usually takes alot for that to happen for my house just because its old and other reasons that I dont actually know. I've had a jam out session yesterday, it was so relaxing 😌 🙌 danced my little heart out to them guys I told you about. There's something abt the murders in hannibal that just does it for me... the artistry of it all. I love it when we talk outside of the 5 daily things too!!! hey, did you get that 'you're so mature for your age' as a kid or 'you've got an old soul' ? whats ur thoughts on that? I personally cant really imagine saying that to a kid maybe its a generational thing? ok 🙄😁 I like commentary ive been watching reactions? on youtube its a guilty pleasure, also I've been getting into some reality tv. Wife swap is crazy I love it alot and then the dating ones because ofc. whats one of the 1st reality show you remember watching and not hating? Honey Boo Boo and I Am Jaz (I think?) were my top two choices of reality. maybe a rewatch is in order for me. ok daily things um a guitar got brought into my house today i... its very.. it made me weirdly happy I love music and its instruments. thank goodness tbh my med were just a little later than usual, the pharmacy gave me emergency 3 days for they can figure out whats up because this is the second time we are having the same problem 😅 I had the best brownie of my life, it was store bought but like from the bakery fav dessert. I got this "new" shirt on so comfy, its tie dyed splattered different blues with an astronaut and nasa logo in white, its cute but also like 3? sizes too big (its a hand me down) dont worry abt the guy if a next time happens ill be ready for it 💪 it will go down, I personally know the man's family I will ruin his life if it comes down to it (we live in a town idk if it's small)or realistically just sic my family onto him. I found out my cousin has a gf now and is apparently very much happier than she was with her ex man (who made awesome cheesecake btw off topic tho) gay people stay winning, I did not know she was not straight tho so happy little surprise 😁 jeez its a lot of words uh I hope you're doing good and you had a good sleep and other nice stuff happen to you and you had a good trip🌷🤟🤙❤
HELPPP u are an angel. thank u❤️. and right exactly. normalize thinking fictional murders are artistic or something . thinkin abt how i used to think criminal minds murders were interesting but never had the right words so i'd just be like "woah he *kills them weirdly*? cool"😭. BUT YEAH i did get that all the time omfg "ur so mature for ur age!!" like thanks it's because i have issues and problems 💀....hmm i hate reality tv HAHA. this gc i'm in was just talking abt wife swap the other day how crazy !! idk if i've EVER liked reality tv .... i like watching commentary abt it (like uhh cody ko's stuff) but watching it myself... nope😭. daily things lets see!!! i went to the baltimore aquarium:) i was exhausted tho. saw that a tiktoker i like (hello fem will graham cosplayers...) went there a few days before me. how funny! i wish we had met and fallen in love or something. i went to bed at 5pm yesterday and slept til 3am. then went back to sleep from 6am to 10am. i think my new adhd/anxiety meds are the cause. sadly. cuz they work! but by making me too tired to be nervous or start thinking too much🥲. i'm tired 24/7 already and thats not helping LOL! i had this fancy meal ok multiple fancy meals and it was really nice. i got chesapeake chicken (haha like chesapeake ripper am i right?!?) and it had crab but i'm crazy i'm crazy i didn't eat the crab. the texture was soooo bad. anyway at another place i got a burger bc i'm lame i don't eat seafood (besides shrimp. which i am allergic to.) and i ate almost the whole thing and my friends mom said she was proud of me😭❤️. i always feel so guilty after eating a lot and that made me feel good. i've started watching more vampire video game play throughs. what can i say. vampire masquerade: bloodlines did something to my brain where i like vampire games now. it's the same guy which is cool. i dont like finding new youtubers becuz i've never kept up w whose problematic or not... like what if i get really into someone and mention it and someone's like oh yeah he preys on women. wtf. like umm cry? is he a youtuber? is he evil? cuz i was looking for a pathologic gameplay and he had one and i was like hmm... he sounds familiar. he has probably done something ? maybe? mm lastly.... i read this hunger games hannibal crossover WEEKS AGO but it's just still on my mind. i don't particularly love the hunger games but it's only bc i don't really know a lot abt it. i enjoy it but i've only seen the movies and read the first book (until rue died. never picked it up again after that! i cried a lottttt) and there's like an absurd amount of hannibal crossovers. i guess bc hannibal would totally rule in the hunger games. like come on a CANNIBAL? the uh.. capitol? they'd go crazyyyy for that. the fic itself wasn't even that groundbreaking or anything i have a lot of criticism for it tbh but it opened my brain to the concept. i have another one opened in a tab but it's super long so i haven't made much headway. i want one where it's like.... the one where the old winners come back for a game! and then they escape😈. but in the one i read will and hannibal sort of just escape anyway in a normal hunger game. like ok cool but i don't think that's plausible. but then how would it work ? like could will win a game on his own? maybe i should write my own fic. but then i'd have to understand what happens in the hunger games /j. ugh ok i was thinking abt that one scene where idk they do the little hand signal thing and drag katniss away and go to shut the door like right as they shoot that guy in the head. THAT WAS SO CRAZY. or when katniss shoots the lady instead of president snow and then everyone just descends on him💀 i feel like there's a level of nuance and understanding that i just don't have so i say "woah! cool :)" i hope ur doing well too ily❤️❤️💗
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nosweetdreamm · 6 years
Get to know your followers meme
Tagged by @lonely-t0wn  + @lightbrite-rebel
Rules: Answer the questions (which you can change if you don’t feel like answering certain questions) then tag 20 followers you want to get to know better!
Nickname: Sara isn’t necessarily the most nickname-able name but some people call me Saz (because they know I hate it). I’ve also been called Daria (like from that show from the 90s) because of my personality. Idk if that’s a good thing? I swear I’m nice...
Gender: Female
Star sign: Virgo 
Height: I think I’m 5′7? 171ish cm? I’m a tol(ish) bean.
Favorite feature: Ma eyes, they’re big and they’re brown? That’s aight I guess?
Favorite color: Atm probably reds, and like muted light pinks? It changes constantly.
Favorite animal: QUOKKAS! Search them up if you don’t know of them! 
Average hours of sleep: Yikes. This literally ranges anywhere from 12 - 5 hours. (I need help)
Dogs or cats: bOTH. You can’t make me pick. Though I have cats, so.
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1
What’s your dream trip: I wanna go to Santorini! I pretty much wanna go everywhere in Europe.
What’s your dream job: Again, yikes. This is a loaded question. I feel attacked. I am studying law at University... but idk what I’m doing with my life ... hahahahah (TOO REAL). 
When did you make this account?: Oh goodness. I’ve been on this site since like 2011, I only brought my TK obsession onto here this year though. 
What’s your favorite dessert?: Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting! I also like cheesecake. 
How many pets do you have?: 3 kets 
Best places to visit in your town or country: Oo, I mean there’s, Uluru (any part of Central Australia with the vast red desert, and mountains, and Indigenous culture, etc.) There’s the obvious stuff like the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Great Barrier Reef. Any of the beaches! There’s alot more obviously but thats the go to basic stuff. 
Favorite ice cream flavor: I’m a simple gal, it’s usually just vanilla. I am a hoe for cookies and cream though. 
How often do you read: Not as much as I used to, that is for sure. I used to read a tON, now it’s a very rare occurance sadly. 
Favorite study locations: In my room with music blasting. I KNOW it’s weird, but I can’t study in silence, and I also can’t study around people, so music it is.  
Favorite TV series: Brooklyn 99, Queer Eye, Scrubs, Please Like Me, probably many others that I’m forgetting!
I feel like pretty much everyone has done this already so I’m tagging @atmcbmb (idk if you’ve done it yet girlie) and anyone else: do this if you haven’t already and want to! Don’t be shy!
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There is always room for DESSERT: Wencé Dessert
Wence dessert cafe is located beside Honda services in front of Waltermart Pampanga. Wence has only one branch in Pampanga and it is located only here along Mc Arthur Hi-way. Wence offers foods that are very sufficient, tasty and yet very affordable. Filipinos are food lovers so when it comes to food we are always present. Wence Pampanga offers a variety of foods that are served around the world. 
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Arriving in Wence here in San Fernando, Pampanga is exciting. You can feel that you are in other country. Its designs are fascinating, it feels comfortable in looking around. Chandeliers, paintings, table and chairs are perfectly organized. It is french inspired interior. Going to their crew, they are very accomodating and friendly. There are no reasons why can not they satisfy their customers, they serve fast and your money is surely best for their food. There’s nothing to regret. This cafe are best in their desserts, it is very affordale and delicious. Your taste will find the sweetness and fancy taste of your dessert. Any food that you will order is best for your money. So if you want relaxing and comfortable ambiance when eating, this cafe suits your taste.
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The food in Wence taste very delicious. From their garlic chicken with it's sauce were perfectly matched together. Also the thai sisig was also very delicious it looks like "tapsilog" because it has also an egg. So their frappe was also very delicious from the blueberry cheesecake, m&m crushed, java chips and many more. For their service, our orders served in 15 minutes and that's because it is being ready upon order and waiting for it is worth it. Also their crew were very good in their service because they are approachable, and always smiling. The price of their food is also very cheap unlike other cafe. Because your 200 pesos will make your tummy full. For the cleanliness, the place is very neat that you will be loving the place, and you will surely come back in this cafe.
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Words cannot express how satisfied we were from our experience in wence. We were simply speechless. Starting from the place, the ambiance, the crew which completes wence, the food, the price and in other words, everything. We cannot remember when was the last time we felt this for a restaurant. And surely wence is going to be one of the most memorable places we all visited. What more can we ask for. We highly suggest you visit the place because there is alot you are missing on. If you are looking for a new adventure in food which guarantees only the best, visit wence. So what are you waiting for?  
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In the postive side we have seen and observed in Wencé restaurant, In regards with the staff/crews they showed a good attitude, they served the customer's swiftly with an organized manner. They also serve with a smile and it made the place more satisfying. Also, there dishes are delicious and very affordable with reasonable prices, its doesn’t only look tasty but also good when you eat it. In short Wencé restaurant is almost the best among best but the only problem that we have observed in the place is that the place is that the other air conditioners are not on in some parts leaving the place so hot and the carbonara is not that tasty that is the only thing they have to improve to the restaurant, but overall we highly recommend this restaurant because of its good service, because of their good services and well mannered staff they gained lots of customers.
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Food and Service quality in Wence has a very good rating but there’s still a lot of improvement to do. In their facilities their table and chair are arguably small and their chairs has no backrest and the customers might not be that comfortable because of that. Their food service is good but they should use trays to serve it because the food might fall to the customers it can be cause of embarrassment and the customer might not go back. We think this are the only improvements needed because they have a very good service and food quality.
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 Ryan Paulo Julao 
 Raymund Manansala 
 Kristian Manlapaz 
 Charles Pineda 
 Aron Jeremy Trinidad
 Eric Ryan Wyco 
 12 Our Lady of Montserrat
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June 6-June 11 Jewish Ghetto, wine tasting, capitolline museum, colloseum, roman forum, pallatine hill, Galleria Borghese, Villa Borghese Gardens, Bioparco Rome and weekend in Venezia!
It has been a crazy week here in Italia! I haven’t been able to keep up with my blog as I would have liked to but I thought I would say a little something about my week. This week I jam packed alot into my days. My classes are monday thru thursday so every morning I have planned trips to go on by myself. It has been really nice and relaxing for me to do things on my own and then during the weekends I go on bigger trips with groups of people. I’m really happy that my plan has been working out. As for my accessibility survey, I have been taking notes on the accessible train/bus routes as well as the accessibility of touristy places I go to. After going to Venice this weekend, I have realized how much that Rome is lacking in the department of accessibility. Yes, there are some elevators and some ramps in Rome, but Venice goes out of their way to assist these individuals and they have signs everywhere. Temple Rome for instance is not an adequate place for a person in a power wheelchair. Yes, now that there are rooms in the basement, a student could have classes down there, but none of the bathrooms are accessible and none of the doors are handicap accessible. There are no ramps to the front door and no elevator. There are stairs and cobblestones everywhere making it very difficult for people in wheelchairs to get around. The whole campus of Temple Rome would need to be fixed to allow for an elevator or ramp, but the problem is that Temple does not own the whole building and doesn’t make sense for them to make those sorts of changes without a large number of students with disabilities interested. This year, they had one student with a visual impairment who I have seen on many occasions have difficulty opening the door to the campus because it is gated and he has to pin in a code. He doesn’t have an aid with him and seems to have alot of diffiiculty so on occasions I would help him go grocery shopping. Here in Rome the pedestrian crossing is very difficult for people with disabilities. Very few of the streets have crossing lights and far too few of them lack the sound needed to have along with the timer and light for people who are blind. They also do not make it clear for when you can go.  For one good thing, the Colosseum and the Galleria Borghese has an elevator. Also,the capitolline museum has an elevator. Not all the street corners have ramps either making it difficult. In Rome I have also seen very few people with disabilities in general. I have seen a few adults with autism and maybe four with down syndrome. I have seen a few tourists in wheelchairs but mostly just in the touristy areas like in Pompeii and Rome
. June 6- I went to Mondo Arancina for pomodoro and mozzarella on foccaccio with greens which I didn’t really like but after I ate that I went to the wine tasting which was alot of fun and I had a chance to try a bunch of different wines. I got to taste a wine that smelled like cat piss and it tasted pretty bad too. I realled liked the presecco and the red wine though.
 June 7- I went to La Rustichella which is right next to the residence. I had fiori di zucca(pumpkin fowers) on pizza but I didn’t really like the pizza or the pumpkin flowers. But, before I ate there I had my italian class and my food class which was really cool. We got to try bread with this anchovies juice that i didn’t like but still we got to eat in class. That morning, I also got to see the colosseum, the roman forum, and the palatine hill. It was a really spectacular experience getting to see these three monuments close up. I was also really impressed by how accesible the colloseum was because they had an elevator that they created actually in the colloseum that can take people up to the top. 
June 8- I went to a zoo in Rome which had the most beautiful monkeys that I absolutely fell in love with. there were also elephants, camels, tigers, reptiles, birds, hippotamuses, and so much more. It was incredible. I also went to the Galleria Borghese art museum and got to see some spectacular works of art. There was also an elevator in there making it really easy for anyone to get around. The Villa borghese park is also just so beautiful in general and I can’t wait to go back to take a bike ride. During my food class, we got to go to an apertivo(happy hour) where you can buy a drink and then get a bunch of free food with the purchase of your drink. It was amazing. They gave us tramezzino, sprimp on bread, mixed nuts and sweet nuts. I really liked the sweet nuts. I went to one of the dell’unita mercata(open air markets) in the prati area and got the best fresh fruit there. After my class ended, I hung around the fountain and went back to the room. Then , I went back out later and I got lasagna at napoli 2 which wasn’t that great. It seemed like a tourist trap to me but yet it had good tripadvisor reviews. I decided to go to Dolce Maniera, aka my heaven, afterwards and I got pizza, ciambella, and cannolis there. They have pizza there that is incredible. It is really fluffy like a cake and it is good cold or warm.
June 9- I had no class today which was awesome. So I decided to go to the capitolline museum since all my friends were telling me about it. It was really cool and it was so big. After the museum, I walked around the Jewish ghetto and i got rigatoni with bacon, fried pumpkin flower, and a piece of watermelon for dessert at the giggetto hostaria dal 1923. It was definitely one of the best meals I had so far it was sooo good. Later that day, I got millennium flavored gelato at millennium which kinda tasted like a mix of different chocolate and hazelnut. But, still my cheesecake gelato is number one! Around 6 I got on a train to venice with my friend taylor. The train took about 4 and half hours to get there which was fun because I got a change to talk to taylor more and relax. I also got to call my mom which I really needed to. When we arrived in Venice, we took a water bus across the water and it was awesome. I couldn’t believe that it was like a septa bus on the water. so many people were jam packed in this little bus. It was around 1230 in the morning when we arrived at the air bnb but we found it and we slept great that night after an exhausting night. 
June 10- We explored Venezia all day and hit all the touristy spots. We had a great lunch at the Teamo Wine Bar and then ate dinner at this place called al porte storico which was good. I got scallops which were expensive since they only gave me three but they were so good. The view from the top of the bell tower was incredible and the view inside the church at San Marco was beautiful. I really enjoyed the board of cheese and meats at the Teamo wine bar and the spritz there was good too with the olive inside. I also liked that our airbnb host gave us croissants with peach inside because they were so good. I also got gelato in Venice which I think its safe to say that their gelato is better than the gelato in rome. I got stracciatela flavored gelato with a coffee macaroon on top which was lovely. I love macaroons! 
June 11- I went to Lido beach today and got a great tan. It was so nice and of course I got more gelato because gelato is my favorite thing here. The crepes I had today were incredible as well. The crepe place i think was called cociatella. It was so cool we got to watch him make the crepes. Thus, so far the food in Venezia has been my favorite so far. But, Im happy to be back in Roma tonight so that I can get my fluffy pizza at the 24 hour bakery!!
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