#but it's been in limbo for a year where i was tenatively diagnosed last year and then they said
trans-axolotl · 8 months
why is it so hard to find information about POTS that isn't either ableist nonsense from doctors or someone trying to scam me into buying their supplement. losing my mind
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purplenurple777 · 1 year
How of Happiness: Chapters 7-9 
Chapter seven of the text was the most valuable to me thus far. Learning about flow and all of the benefits of this practice felt like learning about the missing puzzle piece in my happiness. The feeling of flow is described by Sonya as being completely immersed in what you are doing, almost oblivious to the world around you. When in a state of flow you feel positive and productive, it is a highly rewarding state to be in. I am wary of ‘self-diagnosing’ patterns of my own behavior because I think that this could be dangerous (especially as a psych major). But while reading this chapter I was filled with a longing. I realized I hadn’t felt true flow in a while. Activities that usually stimulate my brain and cause me to experience flow have not been working for me recently and I think it may be because of negative self talk. For example, when studying for an exam I wait until the day before (obviously) when I can no longer put it off. I will glue myself to a chair and work through each of the chapters, using my notes in combination with the lecture slides to give me a complete picture of the curriculum. As nerdy as it sounds, that is usually very fun and fulfilling for me. Although during my last round of exams I could not seem to find a flow state. I was distracted and discouraged, constantly checking my phone and getting up to do other things. For me starting is the worst part, but once I have climbed the hurdle of beginning a task the doubt will usually fade and leave me with a sense of determination and optimism. Studying for my past two exams the optimism never hit, it felt as if I was in a limbo of anxiety and self deprecation. Reading this chapter gives a name to the feeling I have been pining for. It helped me to realize that I deserve to feel productive and I deserve to feel a sense of pride and achievement in my pursuit of this degree. 
“Find a happy person, and you will find a project.” 
As graduation approaches I have been doing a lot of reflecting.  Scrolling through google docs as papers, group projects, and assignments I haven’t thought about in years appear on my screen. Viewing a few I can remember the grade I was given on them, but with all I can recall where I was when I felt the works came together, the satisfaction that came with progress, and the people that I toughed them out with. This idea falls in line with Sonya’s point in Chapter eight. The pursuit of a goal, the act of participating in a challenging venture, is just as (if not more) important to well-being than its attainment. One of the benefits of goal pursuit is that it helps us to use our time more effectively, something that I often struggle with. Sonya spoke of creating smaller steps and sub-goals to help us in our pursuit of lofty objectives. This is something that I am going to implement into my everyday life. I think I am an all or nothing kind of person. What I mean by this is I am either going to do something to the best of my ability or I am not going to do it. I hate doing half-assed things. My problem is that I do not think of my goals in small attainable steps, I think of them as one big nightmare that I have to tackle at once. This usually results in intense avoidant behaviors until I physically force myself to complete them (hence the late asf blog post). It does NOT have to be this way. I look forward to mapping out my goals and breaking them into APPROPRIATELY SIZED chunks. Thank you Sonya <3. 
In Chapter nine of the text Sonya covers Happiness Activity No. 12: Taking Care of Your Body (Meditation). I was first introduced to meditation and mindfulness practices at fifteen. I went to a hippie dippie arts based high school that integrated mindfulness into their curriculum. Everyday after announcements the entire school would elapse into silence for ten minutes. During this time the students would put away their devices, turn off the lights, and sit in silent reflection. Our english teacher would lead a guided meditation that you could attend, there were coloring sheets offered for those who wanted to color, but the idea is that you were giving your mind a ten minute break. Our school's founder, Ms. Lettye did this for the same reason that Sonya stresses the importance of these practices. Countless empirical studies show the benefits of practicing mindfulness, so much so that Sonya describes meditation as a panacea, or cure all. In health psychology our curriculum teaches the increasing danger and prevalence of ‘lifestyle diseases.’ These are diseases that are associated with the way people live. These behaviors are modifiable and preventable, yet they are currently the number one killer in America. Things like smoking, diet, physical inactivity, and stress bring about a number of chronic diseases. Meditation interventions have been shown to be effective in patients with various chronic conditions such as heart disease, chronic pain, even skin disorders. Although it may be well known that meditation is capable of improving mental health, its impact on physical well being is also undeniable. I still attempt to meditate for AT LEAST ten minutes a day because I see a noticeable change in my thought patterns and behavior when I do. Meditation for the win. 
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danideservedbetter · 3 years
Alright so, here’s how things are gonna work.
First off, welcome to this side blog. Since it won’t be jolly fun fandom content and will be a little more personal I decided to separate my health and writing journey from my fandom stuff, although all my fandom content will still be linked on my main blog here.
(I write Izuocha/bnha content which isn’t super popular so if you’re not here for that then yeah, I don’t blame you. But if you are I have a link to our discord and community content pinned so def check it out if you’re interested.)
Secondly, you guys will hear details about stuff relating to my health like what kinds of things affect my disorder based on the tests some doctors are ordering, how I’m trying to improve my diet and activity, and routines and goals I’m attempting for myself. I am underweight, and that’s something I’m going to be talking a bit about, so if that’s triggering following this blog might not be the best thing for you. Details under the cut.
So, what kind of disorder do I have and why did I decide to make a health journey blog? My disorder is called idiopathic hypersomnia. Basically what that means is that when my disorder is acting up (based on factors like stress especially or my generalized anxiety rearing its ugly head) I have the capacity to sleep. And sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep. My longest recorded uninterrupted “sleep-attack” was 26 hours long and ever since I caught Covid in January, my body had been slowly growing weaker to the point I was starting to develop atrophy. I’ve had this ten years and my neurologist suspects inactive cells from mononucleosis I caught at 14 was the cause, because other IH patients have linked their sleeping problems to a case of mono or have had it at some point in their lives.
This disease stole many years and many things I’ve looked forward to from me. I lost friends and experiences and failed so many college classes I had to drop out.
I’ve decided I’m taking them back.
It’s not going to be easy. Just as it took ten years to convince myself that my tiredness was something I chose to give into, it took several extra years and many fights with my family to convince them that I had a real actual neurological disorder and that I need help sometimes. My parents and grandmother finally understand that I have to finish college and find a very special boss willing to work around my erratic progress on projects, but the outsiders they married are not as convinced. My grandmother’s husband kicked me out of their house because he wants to be the center of attention and doesn’t like that some days I’m so weak that I needed my grandmother’s help, and my father’s wife thinks I’m a lazy and ungrateful leech who “gets anxiety just being around” me. Both told my father I’ll never be happy so why even bother with me, but my dad is actually striving to understand his own recently-diagnosed PTSD so while we still butt heads he’s understanding that I have to take things day by day because every tiny circumstance affects my disorder.
Now, why did I decide to air all this out? Well, being open about my disorder and how it affects me has helped at least two people that I know of find out that the tiredness they experience isn’t the typical “American work force exhaustion” they were trained to believe is normal. So if I can help even one more, I’ll gladly talk about what this entails and how I deal with it day to day. Another reason is that I’m also one of those big advocates who believes talking candidly about mental health destigmatizes it and sharing ideas can help us grow as people and maybe make it a little easier to deal with.
So now that you know a little bit about me and my disorder, here are my big goals for the next three months provided my university takes pity on me and actually lets me go back.
First up: create routines to train my body to get used to living a full day fully awake. This includes waking up at the same time and going to sleep at the same time. It means getting dressed and going out and doing things, even little things— which I’ll get to in a sec.
Second: I write. I have a novel in limbo and I write fanfics. Writing is a big part of who I am and I’ve written one thing this year, which for a whole six-month stretch is upsetting and disappointing. Today is my reset. In the next 569 days I want to to finish the six stories I have in limbo (except the larger one) and finally reach my goal of posting 200k words in a single year. I wont be hard on myself if I can’t accomplish this because honestly finishing anything in the chaos of my life is going to be a miracle but. There ya go.
Third: go back to freakin college. I don’t care what it takes. Sit down with every official, every lawyer, and every professor it takes to get me back enrolled in classes in the fall.
Fourth: I have several smaller things I have to do, short term goals, stuff like that. I’m gonna create a to do list each day of small tasks I want to get done and while some of these things will be part of my daily routine I am throwing in like one or two things a day that just need to be done. My writing goal will change daily and I’ll keep y’all updated on that with every post I make.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. Dani! That’s so much!! Well, a few months ago I remembered hey!! I basically have a computer in my hand, why make it hard on myself. So I downloaded certain apps to help me out. This isn’t me saying “hey go subscribe to these apps because I said so” it’s just that through a lot of trial and error I’ve come to find that these certain apps work for me and I’ve yet to come across one that has the functionality of everything I need.
Tiimo — so this is an app I found developed by people with autism for people with autism to help them develop good habits and routines. It has preset daily schedules (things like morning routines or nightly routines or work routines) and an internal alarm to let you know when to move on to the next task. I myself have extremely low-level aspergers (to the point where my doctor won’t give me an official diagnosis because I didn’t want people think that *it’s* the reason I have issues with school), so moving from task to task can be difficult sometimes and I also deal with getting distracted. This widget also appears on my home screen so I know what I have to do at a glance. You can program in weekly and daily tasks to fully customize your schedule, which is fantastic for someone like me who wants to for example rotate chores. This is hopefully going to help me get my body in the habit of adjusting to routines and transitioning from one task to another, as well as getting important things done responsibly.
Promptly Journals — I’ve been told for a while that journaling is helpful mentally to kind of recenter yourself, so a bit ago I downloaded several journal apps to add to my morning routine. Now some will prefer more creatively free journals, but I prefer this one that gives me small prompts I can do in a short amount of time that just allows me to get my thoughts down. I can even add pictures at the bottom that go with the theme! I’m scared I’ll run out of prompts eventually lol but until then this app works very well for my needs.
Stretchingexercise — Now idk if it’s from lack of sleep from my disorder, the position I sleep in when I do sleep, all the physical labor I’ve had to do in the past couple weeks, my medicine, or w h a t but I suffer from body aches like no one would believe. I know stretching is supposed to help with that, so I downloaded this app to help me do non-demanding physical activity that wakes me up in the mornings and helps relieve pain so I don’t keep having to take pain relievers. This one has different plans for things like muscle tension, back pain, warm ups— and it also gives you rudimentary weight updates (I’m underweight lololol so we’re looking to fix that) or plan updates. It’s worked really well for me so far and gives you animations and descriptions of the workouts (some taken from yoga) as well as timed breaks and a narrated guide. It’s been pretty helpful in temporary relief and if nothing else gets my blood flowing in the mornings.
Widgetsmith Step counter — in addition to the stretching thing one thing my doctor and I discussed that helps with the sedentary lifestyle is simply walking. I’ve needed so bad to relieve my stamina and reverse the atrophy, and walks have been stellar for that. Now I live in the New Orleans area so humidity and heat force me to go at the crack of Dawn, but honestly my weenie dachshund Charlie really enjoys our time out so he goes with me! The CDC recommends 10,000 steps a day which seems like a lot and it is if you don’t get out much. But this gives me an excuse to get dressed and do the hygienic thing and help Charlie be healthy too, as well as give me time for brainstorming because we walk in a truly beautiful area. I’m sure everyone installed widgetsmith with the last iOS update (Apple users anyway) and while at first the step counter was just interesting I’ve since come to rely on it! We do our 5000 in the morning, which of course is half, and I find that other things I do throughout the day typically drive the counter higher. Anything leftover can easily be accomplished by an evening walk in our neighborhood. Now the caveat is that I have to remote have my phone in my pocket because I don’t own a watch or anything fancy lol, but honestly I need to keep it on me anyway so that serves as a good reminder.
Todoist — this one is my FAVORITE. Ever since I’ve decided that I have trouble keeping track of things I need to do and small stuff I need to keep in mind and appointments, etc, I decided to find a list app. This is the one I found that absolutely helps me for everything from my list of room supplies I need to buy, to my reading list, to general tasks I have coming up I need to complete. And its widget functionality keeps it right on my Home Screen! More organized individuals can just use tiimo, but I’m definitely not one of those individuals so this app is sorely needed and appreciated.
And of course, I know building habits the first few weeks is HARD. So for days my body doesn’t respond to my alarms, I have a checklist of the key things I have to do to keep my life as functional as possible.
So that’s that on that. I’m going to try to keep writing updates and my daily goals in a post in the morning, and reblog what I accomplished in the evening. It’s gonna be tough. But I’m thinking if I can start small I’ll be able to build my stamina enough to return to college and be successful when I do. I hope that anyone watching this journey draws some kind of meaning or inspiration from it. And you guys can even follow along if y’all want! Especially for writers or people trying to get healthier. I can’t promise what works for me will work for you (and honestly I expect things to change especially if I get accepted into college again) but hey, I figure it’s worth a shot.
I hope you guys enjoy watching this journey, if nothing else I hope it’s entertaining. And maybe it’ll be successful. I do know that I’m just gonna try for it, and hope it works out.
First daily update to follow
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Massive, Ginormous NSV
So I got a wellness screening since yesterday. You know the one where they do blood work and weigh you and stuff like that. Well I had a scale disappointment (apparently your cat dying makes you put on ten pounds which is just rude) but huge victory besides that. Part of the test was a fasting blood glucose level. This is the test that determines if you have diabetes. I was terrified of this test. As I've mentioned many times, I was diagnosed with pre-diabeties when I was 12. Every test since then I've been well into the pre-diabetic range. I was running, leaping, gallivanting towards diabetes for the last 14 years. But yesterday I had a blood test and my blood sugar was PERFECT. I'm not joking bitch. It was 84. Ideal even. For reference, you are pre-diabetic at over 100 and full blown diabetic at over 125. I haven't had a test below 120 ever. As of yesterday my pre-diabeties is in remission. I've been noticing lately my "spots" (patches of dark, roughened skin caused by pre-diabeties) have been going away but I didn't think it was just . . . Gone. I genuinely never thought I would get here. Most people with pre-diabeties go on to get type 2 diabetes within 10 years. 25% get it in under 5. I mean I've seen people lose their feet because they wouldn't stop drinking soda. I didn't think I had it in my to change my life. Truly, I thought I was going to be in diabetic limbo forever. But I changed my habits and I'm healthier now than I've been since I was in 7th grade. My goal was to stop myself from getting diabetes and I've taken great strides. I'm not out of the woods yet. I won't be until I've kept my healthy habits for a lifetime. But I'm so much closer than I once was and I'm eternally grateful.
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sopharsogood · 4 years
Not Blood But Close || Self-para
Sophie pulled the pods from her ears and swiped at the sweat dripping down her cheeks. Her muscles burned from the workout, something she would likely regret in the morning, since she’d been rather lax in keeping up with her training while she was away. The chain holding the heavy bag still creaked with the remnant swaying and she almost mistook the faint rapping sound for the chain rattling. Until she heard it again. Draping the towel around her shoulders she went up the basement stairs, through the kitchen to the front door. She could see the mess of blonde hair and the familiar, dopey grin in one of the small windows inset in the front door: Carson Scott. 
She’d been frustrated (no, she’d been angry) with the Scotts for not having Charlie declared legally dead. Maybe it had been selfish on Sophie’s part, but she felt stuck in her life without some kind of closure. If she wasn’t dead, and couldn’t be found to sign the divorce papers, Sophie was stuck in limbo, unable to move forward. But that frustration never quite made its way to her brother-in-law. Even when it bubbled over a little, it only ever rolled off his jovial back. There was no way she could be mad at the man that helped train her, get her into a routine that made her stronger, that focused the negative energy she carried outward instead of inward. 
She rolled her eyes and shook her head at the face he made but couldn’t help her own laugh as she opened the door for him. After the shock of seeing Charlie the night before, Carson’s ridiculous mug was a surprising comfort. “You know, when you do that you look like a giant, blonde Forrest Gump,” she teased as he leaned down for a one-armed hug. She used both, squeezing his neck and popping a kiss on his cheek. 
“Crap, I guess I shoulda brought chocolates instead of your mail,” he answered. In his other arm was a small box which he handed over when they separated. “Most of it’s addressed to your ma, but there’s a few things in there for you. I tossed the ads and shit.” 
“You’re a lifesaver, Car,” she said as she took the box and led them to the small dining table. She set it down and started rummaging through the envelopes, trying to ignore the small pang seeing her mother’s name on many of the pieces. 
Carson followed her in, looking around the small living room and even smaller dining room. The changes were minor, little things here and there that Sophie had done after her mother died. “Still working out I see,” he noted, poking a finger into her bicep. There was little resistance there, even after a few months off. 
“Not still. Again,” she answered, folding the flaps of the box over each other and pushing it away. She toed a chair out for him and pulled a separate one for herself. She went to the fridge and pulled out a pair of water bottles, set one in front of him and took her seat, swigging nearly half the bottle in large gulps. “I didn’t do much while I was away. A little climbing, plenty of walking and hiking, but no forms, no bags to work with. It was a nice break, but I gotta get back into it.” Especially since her stress level had spiked again knowing Charlie had returned, she didn’t add. 
Carson murmured his thanks and nodded his understanding as he sipped. “I can get you back in the ring at the gym when you’re ready,” he offered. “Been a while since I had the air knocked out of me.” The last was said with a friendly smirk, recalling a sparring session that had gotten a little aggressive on Sophie’s part. With over a foot height difference between them, she wasn’t able to land more than glancing blows to his head. But she had managed to take advantage of a weak spot in his defense one day and land a crushing blow to his solar plexus that staggered the larger man. All had been forgiven, but neither had forgotten.
“Yeah, give me a couple weeks or so to get my wind back and I’ll take you up on it. I promise, no takedowns this time.” Sophie sipped as silence stretched between them. They’d managed to keep their own relationship (mostly) separate from all the pain and bullshit of she and Charlie. After all, Charlie had hurt him and her family as much as she’d hurt Sophie. They’d all been abandoned, they’d all lost her. “I uh, saw Charlie at Moonie’s last night,” she said, breaking the silence with a wavering voice.
Carson winced and ran a hand down his face as he sat back in his seat, the artificial limb stretched in front of him. “Yeah, I ah, I’d hoped to catch you and tell you before...I’m sorry Soph.” His shoulders twitched in a minute shrug. “All the stuff with dad, I didn’t see you were back until today.” He paused, bright blue eyes searching her face. “You okay?”
Sophie gave her own one-shouldered shrug. “I will be. It was just a shock, you know? Like seeing a ghost.” She blinked quickly and cocked her head at him, eyes narrowing. “Wait, what stuff with your dad?”
“Cancer,” Carson answered simply, exhaling a long breath. Sophie could see the pain in his furrowed brow, the way his eyes fell to the bottle in front of him. “Chemo, radiation, the whole nine. Not sure what’s fucking him up more, the disease or the treatment.” He spun the bottle in nervous twitches of his fingers at its base. “About the time it got diagnosed, a month or so ago, I happened to see Charlie pop up on insta and talked her into coming home.” 
Sophie scratched at her temple, her own brows knitting at the complicated crux of emotions swirling inside her. “Fuck, Carson, I’m so sorry. Do you guys need...is there anything I can help with?” When her own mother was deteriorating, it was Carson who offered to keep an eye on her now and again so Sophie could get a break. The wound was still rather fresh but she’d do what she could to help. 
“I think we’ve got it covered, for now,” Carson answered. “I’ll let you know though. Charlie’s actually been good with him, with all of this, since she’s been back. I half expected her to blow in, say her goodbyes and take off again.” The last was said with a rueful chuckle. 
At this point it wouldn’t surprise Sophie if Charlie took off again since seeing her. It was one thing to come back for the family with Sophie out of the picture; it was another entirely to deal with both at once, and she had no idea if Charlie could handle it. She had no idea about anything where Charlie was concerned anymore. “I’m glad she came back, for your sake, and your pop’s. You should know, I uh, kinda gave her papers last night. For a divorce. So that’s a thing. In case she, I dunno, needs to talk or something. Hell, at this point she probably doesn’t, she’ll just sign them and be done.” 
A look crossed Carson’s face, a mix of disappointment and resignation. He’d been their biggest champion every step of the way, the one rooting for them against all possible odds. He was the one that had kept the smallest spark of hope alive for Sophie for far longer than he probably should have. Even after she’d given up, years later, he never did. “You sure that’s what you want?” he asked softly. She flashed him a look full of hurt and anger and he immediately lifted his hands up defensively, palms out. “I know, okay? I get it, she fucked up royally. She’s the queen of fuck ups. She left all of us, Soph. But she also came back.” 
“Yeah, she left all of us. But she came back for you, and your dad. Not for me, not for us.” She couldn’t keep the bitterness from her tone. She didn’t want to put Carson in the middle of this. He didn’t deserve that. She took a couple of deep breaths, reminding herself that he wasn’t his sister, he wasn’t the source of her pain. “You’re family, Carson. You will always have that connection with her. You hung on to hope because of blood. I...couldn’t do that. I had to move on with my life. I’ve carried those papers for nearly five years, feeling like they were my last tether to her, and they kept getting heavier and heavier, like a yoke around my neck that I couldn’t shake. They were a weight in my pack and my life that isn’t there anymore.” She wasn’t completely sure that was true; it had been less than twenty-four hours and somehow she didn’t feel the lifting of that weight the way she’d expected. “Whatever we had before, it’s long gone. We’re acquaintances that have ancient history together, nothing more. After ten years, there’s not even pieces left to pick up. That’s not a marriage. Not even close.” She took a moment as her own words settled on her. “She’s your sister, and you love her. I appreciate that you care, I really do. And I promise I’ll do my best to keep you out of anything and everything between me and Charlie. I don’t want you stuck in the middle, or put in a position to pick sides. And I’m kinda short on friends these days, so I’d rather not lose one of my favorites,” she added, trying to lighten the mood a touch. 
Carson could only nod at her explanation. Or excuses. He wasn’t sure which it was. Either way she was right, he couldn’t put himself in the middle of the two of them, not if he wanted to keep them both, which selfishly he did. He finished his water and crumpled the bottle in his large paw. “Had to ask,” he said with a charming smile. He knew how much time had passed, and what had gone on with Sophie in the intervening years. He also knew he’d never seen two people more perfectly matched in his life, despite the craters that had been dumped between them (admittedly, the craters were mostly of his sister’s making). He pushed himself to his feet and tossed the bottle toward the recycling bin from his spot. It banked off the wall and went in. 
Sophie shook her head and chuckled, relieved that the tension that was rising had waned. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry about us. We’ll figure out whatever the hell we’re supposed to figure out. You take care of your folks, yeah?” she reminded him as she followed him to the door. “And if you need anything, even just a break, you’re always welcome. Come over, watch a movie or some shit for a couple hours, get your mind off shit. I owe you a few of those.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he replied. He bent down and kissed the top of her forehead as he gave her shoulders a squeeze. “Still dropping your elbow?” he asked, brow rising. 
She rolled her eyes at him. “No...maybe...” She totally was. “Get out of here. Thanks for the mail. I owe you one.” 
“I’ll think of something good to call in that favor,” he grinned. With a wave he loped down the steps. She watched as he crossed the street, unable to help her eyes from wandering to the windows up and to the right of the front door. She thought she saw a shadow there but couldn’t be sure if it was really there or a trick of the light. 
You sure that’s what you want?
Right now, Sophie wasn’t sure of anything. 
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doinurmommy · 5 years
Process of Elimination
Rating: E
Words: Just under 4k
Pairing: Murphy/10k, takes place as of season 5 
Warnings: Sex, Swearing, non-con elements (Both parties consent throughout tho), BDSM elements, under negotiated kink, older man/ younger man, MurphyK
10k goes to Murphy for help figuring out who, and more importantly what he is after losing his hand.
10k absentmindedly pushed a toothpick around his mouth, staring at his hand trapped behind thick layers of glass and fluid. He wondered if Red thought about the fact he was more than likely immune when she tried to justify cutting his hand off. Probably not, but then again she didn’t know what it was like for him, not having his hand on top of everything that’s happened to him these past few years. The one thing that really made him, himself was his ability to shoot. His whole identity was based on the amount of zombies he's killed and the vast majority of those had been with his rifle. If he wasn’t a sniper then who was he? Just some dumb 20 something with a bum arm? A blend? He shivered thinking of the last one. He felt like he was losing his mind. No. He wasn’t a blend. Definitely not a talker. He wasn’t exactly a human either, but he wasn’t sure what exactly that made him. He had to figure it out for himself what he is and who he wants to be.
He couldn’t stand being around Red. It just made him feel worse every time she tried to justify it and gloss over his pain. Deep down he understood and didn’t hold it against her, but that didn’t make it any easier. He couldn’t talk to Warren about it, she’d just adamantly insist that he is a human or that it really doesn’t matter anyways. He supposed it didn’t in the grand scheme of things, but it mattered to him. Sarge isn’t exactly an option anymore; not that she’d really understand anyways. Sun-mei would just try to diagnose his “condition” medically. 
He had to talk to Murphy. As much as he hated to admit it, if anyone understood his situation it was Murphy. Now just to find the bastard.
10k walked into the red tinted room, stalking past the hordes of talkers and blends. He wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference if it weren’t for the side glances Murphy’s blends gave him. He looked around getting glimpses of strippers and strange games as he passed by. And of course behind the bar sat, Murphy. “Thomas. So glad to see you,” He flung his arms open palms facing the sky, like he was serving a grand meal. “Welcome to Limbo,” was cackled into his ear as an arm wrapped its self around 10k’s shoulder. 
10k shuddered as he felt Murphy’s hand on his shoulder and his breathe on his cheek. He hadn’t been this close to Murphy since Warren had choked him to death. A shot of fear ran through his veins; maybe this was the wrong idea. “Well, this is a surprise Thomas. I never thought you’d come to visit Big Red in Limbo. Maybe you’ll get lucky and still be here tomorrow. Tomorrow’s a Tuesday,” Laughing low, Murphy pulled away from him, summoning some talker with holes in her torso to pour two drinks. He set one in front of 10k, swirling his finger along the rim of the glass. “Drink up Ten Thousand, you’d be rude to turn down a free drink.”
10k looked down into the amber liquid, swallowing nervously. He raised the drink to his mouth taking a large sip, maintaining eye contact with Murphy. Whatever games he was trying to play 10k would win. 
“So tell me, Why have you come to see The Big Red One today? You’ve been awfully quiet so far,” Murphy said in a mocking tone, lower lip pouting. He leaned over the bar, speaking directly to 10k, forcing his way into 10k’s space, and forcing the young man to avert his gaze down to the counter. 
“I...” 10k thought of an excuse of the top off his head, “Needed a drink. Been through a lot.”
“Your hand?” They shared an awkward glance, 10k nodding slowly in response.
“And something else.”
“Lady problems? We’ve got plenty here for ya’,” There was something humorous in his voice, like he knew the answers to his questions and was just playing.
“Well Sarge is dead, and Red...” 10k shrugged, “Well... she cut off my hand.”
“Oh,” Murphy looked taken aback at the news of Sarge’s death, “Well atleast that should help uncomplicate the lady situation.”
“Yeah.” 10k felt hot anger rising in his torso and hands at the nonchalant mention of Sarge’s death.
“So have you come here in search of a little papa Murphy? Of my guiding hand?”
“Follow me, Thomas. These talkers are rather nosey,” 10k rose from his bar stool to follow Murphy into a dimly lit room, a single lamp glowed warm yellow on the edge of a desk. Other than the desk, the lamp, and a few papers the room was bare. 10k turned to 
“What-” Murphy cut him off with a tutting sound, what a prick.
“You’re here because you wanna figure out what you are. Physically, you aren’t a human, you aren’t a talker either. Are you a blend? Are you something else?” He asked the questions with the same air of humor, almost mocking the young man in front of him. He continued more matter-of-fact than anything, “Personally you’re not sure who you are or who you want to be. Your relationships are on the rocks, and that was before Sarge died. And you came here for some kind of -answers? Am I wrong?”
Murphy circled around Thomas after shutting and locking the door. 10k looked up at him, shaking his head; his tongue nervously darted across his bottom lip. He hadn’t been sure what kind of answers he would get when he came here, but he thought back on when he and Murphy had been taken by the collector. At the time he had been afraid but now looking back the memory felt hazy, like trying to remember all the details of a book. This felt the same, like he was watching this happen frame by frame, trapped in his own body.
“Well maybe I could try to give you those answers,” Murphy ducked his head, backing 10k into the desk, kissing and sucking on his neck. “Tell me you don’t want this Thomas.”
“I-” 10k stumbled over his words, “I don’t know.” He breathed out heavily. He had never felt like this, nervous, afraid, and excited all in one, confusing, package. Every time he had sex it had been with women, with enthusiasm, he had been the instigator in those cases. But now? He was the prey. and it was....
His arms shook against the desk as he gripped the edge. His knuckles turning white with the effort it took to hold him up with one hand. His other arm supported some of his weight, the pain in it long forgotten. He locked eyes with Murphy, testing the waters. 
“Why don’t we help you find out what you do want 10k,” Murphy pressed down with his hips, feeling 10k already half hard beneath him. 10k sighed, face going deep red. 
10k yelped out a surprised gasp as Murphy’s hand came up to choke him, feeling the lack of oxygen brought him back to that moment Murphy had both helped give him life and helped take it away. Thick tears began to roll down his cheeks as Murphy kissed them into his skin. 
“Oh did that hurt you princess?” Murphy sneered as he released 10k’s throat, hearing him gasp for air. 
He thought about it for a moment before roughly responding “Kind of.”
“Well we’ve ruled out dead, zombie, and most likely talker. Let’s keep going, shall we?” Murphy waited for the small nod 10k gave before placing his knee in-between 10k’s thighs and grinding upwards. 
Judging by the small noises 10k made it was clear he could feel what Murphy was doing to him, “Unhh Murphy,” 10k dug his nails into Murphy’s arms as he continued letting out small needy breathes. He was shocked when Murphy landed a hard slap on his cheek, the hot sting lingering.
“And that? What about that?” Murphy gripped 10k’s chin forcing him to look at the older man. 
“Stings,” 10k responded shortly. 
“Well I think we’ve ruled out talker, but I think we should keep experimenting. Do you agree Thomas? He came around to 10k’s side moving to rub his hand lightly over 10k’s good one. 10k grimaced as Murphy went to place his other hand on the stump of 10k’s right wrist. He pulled back quickly. Murphy was an asshole, but not that cruel.
10k finally responded to the question, nodding enthusiastically. “Well then. I think you should disrobe in that case.” Murphy more so ordered than suggested.
10k followed instructions immediately, red blush spreading down his shoulders and chest. What was he doing? What was he thinking? He wasn’t. Following Murphy’s orders like that. He has a girlfriend. Sarge just died. Murphy kept him as a slave for what felt like years. He hates him. And yet here he is. Letting Murphy treat him however he likes, pushed up against a desk in his boxers. Just. For. Murphy. And he loved it. He felt a rush of adrenaline as a cool breeze brushed across his hot, bare skin. “M-” 10k managed to start before being cut off.
“Uh-Uh Thomas, Something tells me we could put that mouth to better use.”
10k shivered at the use of his real name, being push down to rest on his knees by a firm red hand on his shoulder. Murphy’s hands felt enourmous, the calouses that dressed those hands felt rough across his bare skin, making his nerve endings tingle and buzz. “How do you feel 10k?” The taller man asked from his positon looming over him.
“Good. I feel... alive.”
Murphy chuckled, “Interesting choice of words, but you haven’t convinced me you’re human yet, Thomas. We’ll have to keep going.” He brushed 10k’s hair out of his eyes, one hand on his belt, sliding it out of the loops. He tossed the belt aside, making a metallic clink as the belt hit the concrete floor. 10k’s attention followed Murphy’s hand to his belt line, where he was freeing his dick from its confines. He jerked himself to full hardness, gently thumbing open 10k’s mouth and feeding him his cock. the kid dropped his jaw, letting a large majority of Murhpy’s length into his mouth.
 And it was large. Thomas choked lightly around it. He briefly wondered if this was how his other partners felt when they’d slept together. Vunerable, a little embarassed, but so so, painfully aroused. Beginning to bob his head gently, he groaned around Alvin, who smiled coyly down at him. He tried to emulate what Red and Sarge had done to him, but he was messy and sloppy at first, spit running down his chin and onto his shirt. 
Murphy groaned none the less. The kid was nothing, if enthusiastic. “You’re getting the hang of it,” he said encouragingly, causing 10k to double his efforts, gagging every time he took Murphy in. Tommy braced himself against Murphy’s thighs, choking himself on his cock. He grabbed one of Murphy’s hands, which had previously been resting on the desk behind them, and placed it on the back of his head. Murphy twisted his hand into his hair, yanking harshly. The kid’s puppy dog eyes and red puffy lips wrapped around a cock were enough to make any man cum on sight.
Murphy gripped a fistful of hair tighter, pistoning his hips roughly into the young man’s wet mouth, an obscene squelching sound filled the office as he fucked into 10k’s face. A single fat wet tear rolled down the kid’s face, which was scrunched up in displeasure. Murphy blew his load at the visual, dick kicking and releasing hot spurts of cum down 10k’s throat. “Lucky for you my zombie messiah powers make me recovery time short,” he snorted, pulling out of 10k’s mouth. 
10k spit on the ground at Murphy’s feet until the awful salty taste in his mouth was gone, shooting a disgusted look to the man above him. Murphy frowned, pulling him up to a standing position with a harsh hand under his chin. 
“You’re an ungrateful shit,” Murphy spat out at 10k, rubbing a thumb through the drool and cum that glazed the boy’s chin. “Taste,” He demanded, his thumb forcing it’s way past the swollen pink lips. “What does it taste like princess?” he said, tone mocking how disgruntled Thomas looked. 
“Well clearly you can taste. That helps your case that you’re human.” 10k found himself both afraid and aroused at the look Murphy gave him, determined almost. “Turn around. Hands on the desk,” He shook as he followed the order, bending over the desk in nothing but his underwear, erection bumping up against the hard wood under him.
“Please,” He didn’t have any idea what he was pleading for.
“Begging won’t get you anywhere Thomas. Although... I do hope you continue because it sounds so so,” he grinned as he spoke intentions evident in his voice, “pretty.” He grabbed his belt off the floor, ordering 10k to keep his eyes on the desk. He walked slowly to the desk, emphazing his footsteps. Pulling the belt back, he let it fall down with a harsh slap on 10k’s ass, the thin fabric of his boxers doing nothing to protect the skin beneath. “You like counting so much, why don’t you count the lashes.”
He brought the whip down on 10k’s ass, again, and again, and again. No answer. Whap, Whap Whap.
“Count.” He demanded
He brought the belt down twice more, the leather making a whistling sound as it sliced through the air. 
“Maybe you need incentive. My bad.” He yanked down the underwear separating the bare flesh from the harsh slap of the leather.
His ass was already red by the time he felt leather hit hot bare skin for the first time, he yelped as he felt the second blow to his bare skin hit in the same spot the first had. “One,” he said breathing fast and harsh through his nose, nostrils flaring at every hit. Each number, all the way up to ten, got louder and closer to a whine. 
At ten Murphy moved to sit on the edge of the desk, guiding 10k instead, across his lap. massaging over the red marks that littered 10k’s white skin. “Maybe you are a blend, being so obedient for me.” In response to 10k’s glare he gave another harsh slap, this time with his hand. “Or maybe not.” He said sarcasticly, spanking 10k with his bare hand a few more times for good measure. Each time reveling in the feeling of the younger man’s rock hard dick bouncing against his leg. 
“Just get on with it already,” 10k said, face growing hot with embarrasment.
“Get on with what, Tommy?” Murphy said innocently teasing the man in his lap. 
“Fuck me. Please,” he pleaded.
“You want me to fuck you?” 10k nodded staring at the ground out of shame. “Well if you say so.” Murphy responded by pulling something out of one of the desk drawers. The kid heard a muffled click, cold lube coating his ass. He felt himself gasp against his will as Murphy pushed a finger inside him. He had only fingered himself once, and that was pre apocalypse. It had felt as weird as it did now, an uncomfortable stretch that surprisingly became pleasant. Lucky for him Murphy was much more experienced. He involuntarily bucked back onto the long digit in his ass, silently signalling that it was okay for the older man to add another.
After a few minutes 10k heard someone gasping out small “oh, oh, oh”s, he felt far away and floaty as he grinded down on murphy’s thigh, Murphy curling his finger to hit that sweet spot in 10k. He pleaded with Murphy to just fuck him already; that’s, kind of, what he came here for after all. 
Murphy chuckled darkly, removing his fingers and lifting 10k and laying him with his back down on the desk. He picked the bottle of lube back up off the desk, coating himself thoroughly and giving a few tugs until he was fully hard again. He used his free hand to caress the face of the young man laid out beneath him. 
“Just. Get. On. With. It,” 10k said softly, but as might have well have spat venom at Murphy.
“As you wish,” Murphy smirked lining himself up. “Princess bride?” He explained seeing the look on 10k’s face at the reference. “No? Ok.”He continued pushing in slowly, feeling 10k’s wrists lock together behind his neck. He inched in slowly allowing time for his partner to adjust.”Doing okay down there princess?” Murphy smiled sweetly, meeting 10k’s eyes.
10k nodded letting Murphy pull his legs up, to rest on his waist. He felt Murphy bottom out in him. He felt so incredibly uncomfortably full. He started to panic, everything was too much, the rub of his bare legs on Murphy’s clothes, the trapped feeling of having Murphy’s hands on either side of his head. The feeling of too full driving him over the edge. “M-Murphy-,” He managed to get out dropping a hand to grasp onto the sleeve of the older man bending over him. 
“Hey, hey. Relax there buttercup,” Alvin tried to console him, placing a grounding touch on the side of his neck, brushing little strands of hair from his sweaty neck. His breathing slowed, the feeling of too much faded, and he found himself asking, no begging, Murphy to touch him. “Where?” Murphy replied, exasperated.
“I’ll do it myself then,” 10k snarled. He took his dick in hand and pumped himself back to full hardness. He kept furious eye contact with Murphy as he stared. “You gonna do something or is this a fucking museum?” He snapped, lip curling up into an ugly snarl.
Murphy snapped his hips forward, driving himself deeper and punch a gasp out of 10k He was careful to make it pleasurable, yet he went punishingly deep into 10k. He made sure to brush the kid’s prostate each time he slammed in. Moments later 10k was gasping, scrabbling for purchase with his hand while what remained of the other slid around frantically unable to aid in grounding him. 
“Oh my god Murphy,” 10k grunted out, breath leaving him in short pants. He let his head roll back, looking at the ceiling, dazed. He couldn’t focus on anything, the feeling of being fucked bordering on too much but never crossing that line. He barely noticed Murphy asking him a question. “Huh?” He raised his head slightly.
Murphy didn’t repeat his question, but instead laughed lightheartedly adding a remark along the lines of, “That’s what I thought, Princess.” Thomas couldn’t have cared less what was being said to him, he was too busy focusing on centering himself. Worried he would pass out if he didn’t cum soon, he reached down to grab his penis again only to have his hand swatted away and replaced with a calloused red one instead. Every muscle in his body tensed, his soft grunts fading to silence, his face and chest going nearly as red as Murphy as he built up to his climax. The feeling of large rough hands on him sent him over the edge, white fluid running over Murphy’s hand and spurting lightly onto his stomach. His thighs shook around Murphy’s waist, the feeling in his ass becoming more painful as he came down from his high. 
The older man pulled out slowly, his partner’s breathing returned to steady elongated breathes. He carefully tucked himself back into his pants before scratching large red marks into the side of 10k’s thigh. “Well we’ve certainly ruled out Z and talker,” He gave Tommy a shit eating grin, dragging a finger down the side of his neck. “You’re certainly not one of my blends with all the nasty looks you were giving me, but I think we’ll definitely need to do more experiments.”
10k rolled his eyes, wiping the cum off of his stomach and smearing it on the desk. He knew he would be paying for that but he couldn’t pass up the chance to spite Murphy. He picked his pants back up, yanking them on quickly and shuffling out of the office. 
Murphy hid his smile behind one large hand as he watched 10k limp out of limbo. Definitely not a talker.
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So, as I mentioned a while ago, I had to move to an irregular schedule because of life stuff. I’ve since been going back and forth somewhat on whether I should go into detail about what that stuff is. I don’t really mind talking about it (lord knows I overshare enough on my main blog) but it seemed...unprofessional, somehow, to drop all this personal stuff on one’s readership.
Eventually, though, I realized that it was probably better to be upfront, given how directly all this impacts this blog. So here it is, but I’m going to put it under a cut, so no need to read it if you don’t want to. It’s nothing terrible, just a lot of mental health stuff, but I realize you may well be here only for funny Star Trek jokes and not my personal unfolding life drama.
About a year ago now, I took a long overdue psych test and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, and ADHD, It was also indicated that I was on the autism spectrum.
Some of this was pretty much what I expected. Some of it was very surprising, but over time I realized it explained a lot. I’d struggled all the way through college but managed to make it to graduation, and then, with no structure to fall back on, pretty much immediately crashed. I started trying medication and eventually therapy, and none of it was helping, and it was after about a year of that that I finally took the test. It gave me a better picture of what I was dealing with, and made me finally realize that I had a number of problems that were not going to be solved by yelling at myself for being lazy--but of course, in and of itself, the test didn’t fix anything.
Getting effective medication has proved to be a frustratingly long process. Every antidepressant I tried took at least a month before I could tell if it was working, and I had to do this over and over again because none of them were working. Realizing I had ADHD was a relief because I had not previously thought there was anything I could do about [gestures vaguely] all that, but it also meant starting another series of medication trials. And any hope I might have had that this one would be any easier was pretty quickly dashed. If anything this one was more complicated because it posed the extra challenge of finding an ADHD medication, almost all of which are stimulants, which accomplished anything without blowing my anxiety skyhigh. (Trying to medicate three mental illnesses at the same time seems to be a lot like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube, except every time you move part of it it has a chance of exploding.)
I started writing these recaps at some point during all this, mostly because I just wanted to write something. I didn’t have the motivation or concentration to work on any of my own original story ideas, and anyway I felt too much in a state of limbo to start anything. I didn’t post them for a while; I wasn’t even sure I was ever going to. It just gave me something to do.
Last fall, after going through what felt like every other one that exists, we finally landed on an antidepressant that seems to work for me. That was an enormous relief. But none of the ADHD meds we’d tried so far had helped, and I was still struggling. Now, at least, I could want to do things, but actually doing them was still posing a problem.
I was nervous about taking another stimulant, but I’d reached a point where it seemed it was either keep trying medication, or face a lifetime of staring blankly at open documents while wanting to cry. I realize that some amount of staring blankly at open documents while wanting to cry is just part of being a writer, but it was proving to be about 98% of being a writer for me and that’s just not a feasible percentage. So about a month ago I started Attempt #4.
To be honest, I still wasn’t actually expecting it to work, and wasn’t sure what to expect even if it did. I suppose I figured it would work by helping me to focus, so I could actually sit down and just write without constantly getting distracted. I was initially disappointed, because it didn’t do that. I am still every bit as prone to wanting to check tumblr or mess with spotify or start thinking about another project altogether or just staring aimlessly out the window.
But it did do something else. It made things easier. It made the thought of having to do a thing go from absolutely not. die. to oh well okay I guess I could. I never quite realized what an intense and exhausting effort everything was until that effort got lessened somewhat. Sitting down to write feels less like going for a hike with a forty-pound backpack to carry and more like going for a hike with a ten-pound backpack to carry. It’s still a fair bit of effort, but much less daunting.
Given that, I realize it probably sounds strange that this blog has been less active recently. But it’s not been a straightforward process. I had to take it a while before it sort of leveled out and started being effective. And in the meantime it’s had side effects--insomnia and anxiety were not helping me be productive, and while that’s all gone down a whole lot with time, I’ve also had medication with big ol’ side effects that didn’t present themselves for some time, so I’m still tentative. The dose may need to be adjusted, or I might wind up having to try another one altogether--it’s just not been long enough to be sure. Going from having no proof that any ADHD med would do anything for me to having proof that at least one of them can have some benefit is huge, but it’s not the end of the road.
Plus, actually being able to do things is weird and I’m still getting used to it. It’s been a learning process. I’m having to figure out how to actually be productive in a way that’s not just beating my head against the wall until some kind of progress is made.
Getting better also means, well, having to do other things as well. After two years of being sick and doing pretty much nothing, it would be kind of nice to actually do things like my own writing and earning money and moving out of my parents’ house sometime before my natural death.
That doesn’t mean this blog is going anywhere! I still love talking about Star Trek with you all. But it probably is going to be a bit slow for a while. Getting better feels a lot like moving from a shitty old apartment to a nicer and more comfortable apartment; the end result is obviously preferable, but you have to go through the hectic period in the middle first, which can be quite overwhelming when, metaphorically speaking, you’ve been sitting around your shitty old apartment not doing much of anything for a long time.
So that’s what’s going on. I’m sorry Court Martial is taking so long--I’m working on it, I promise! I very much appreciate your patience. We’ll get there eventually. In the meantime, I’ll keep the memes coming.
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Coronavirus News: Live Coverage and Updates
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Communist Party ousts provincial leader at the center of the outbreak.
China’s ruling Communist Party fired the leader of the province at the center of the new coronavirus outbreak on Thursday amid widespread public anger over the handling of the epidemic. Jiang Chaoliang, the party secretary of Hubei Province, is the highest-ranking official to lose his job over the handling of the coronavirus outbreak, which has killed more than 1,100 people in recent weeks. Mr. Jiang will be replaced by Ying Yong, the mayor of Shanghai. The selection of Mr. Ying may underline the continued political control of Xi Jinping, China’s top leader. Before being transferred to Shanghai in a fairly senior role in 2008, Mr. Ying had come up through the political ranks in Zhejiang Province, which is Mr. Xi’s political base as well. After the outbreak first emerged in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, the leadership came under intense scrutiny for playing down the virus and delaying reports of its spread. The province then took drastic measures that included imposing a lockdown not only on Wuhan but also on tens of millions of people in surrounding areas. For hospitals in Wuhan, already overwhelmed with patients, that cordon worsened a shortage of medical supplies that has continued.
A surge in new cases and deaths as diagnostic tools expand.
Early on Thursday, officials announced that nearly 15,000 new cases and 242 new deaths were recorded in a single day in Hubei Province, the center of the coronavirus outbreak, largely because the authorities there had expanded their diagnostic tools for counting new infections. Until now, only infections confirmed by specialized testing kits were considered accurate. But those kits have been in such short supply — and so many sick people have gone untested — that the authorities in Hubei have started counting patients whose illness have been screened and identified by doctors. The result was a sudden — and large — spike in the overall tally for the coronavirus: more than 1,300 people killed and well over 50,000 infected. The change in how cases are counted is only one factor that has made it difficult for experts to determine the true scale of the epidemic. In fact, the shifting landscape of how infections are defined and confirmed has led to significant variations in the estimates for the extent of outbreak.
Japan says it will let some people off a quarantined cruise ship, as cases rise to 218.
As Japan announced 44 new coronavirus cases on a cruise ship quarantined in the waters off Yokohama, bringing the total to 218, the country’s health minister said on Thursday that the authorities would begin allowing some passengers to disembark and serve out the remainder of the quarantine period on shore. The minister, Katsunobo Kato, said that, if they first test negative for the virus, passengers 80 or older, those with existing medical conditions and those assigned to cabins without windows or balconies would be taken to facilities for confinement until the quarantine is scheduled to end on Feb. 19. Those who test positive will be taken to hospitals. Of the newly confirmed cases, Mr. Kato said, 43 were passengers and one was a crew member. The cruise ship, the Diamond Princess, arrived in Yokohama on Feb. 3, and passengers were expecting to go home the next day. But after learning that a man who got off the ship in Hong Kong had tested positive for the coronavirus, the Japanese government quarantined all 3,700 passengers and crew members on board. The quarantine period is scheduled to last for two weeks. Separately, the Cambodian government said on Wednesday it would allow another cruise ship, the Westerdam, to dock in Sihanoukville. The ship had been denied permission to stop in Japan, Guam, Taiwan and the Philippines, despite having no diagnoses of coronavirus.
‘All engagements of His Holiness the Dalai Lama remain indefinitely postponed.’
The Dalai Lama has canceled his public events because of the coronavirus outbreak, his office says. “As a precautionary measure, in view of the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, all engagements of His Holiness the Dalai Lama remain indefinitely postponed,” a statement says. On March 9, the Dalai Lama was scheduled to appear at a teaching event in Dharamsala, India. No other events appear on the schedule. Updated Feb. 10, 2020 What is a Coronavirus? It is a novel virus named for the crown-like spikes that protrude from its surface. The coronavirus can infect both animals and people, and can cause a range of respiratory illnesses from the common cold to more dangerous conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS. How contagious is the virus? According to preliminary research, it seems moderately infectious, similar to SARS, and is possibly transmitted through the air. Scientists have estimated that each infected person could spread it to somewhere between 1.5 and 3.5 people without effective containment measures. How worried should I be? While the virus is a serious public health concern, the risk to most people outside China remains very low, and seasonal flu is a more immediate threat. Who is working to contain the virus? World Health Organization officials have praised China’s aggressive response to the virus by closing transportation, schools and markets. This week, a team of experts from the W.H.O. arrived in Beijing to offer assistance. What if I’m traveling? The United States and Australia are temporarily denying entry to noncitizens who recently traveled to China and several airlines have canceled flights. How do I keep myself and others safe? Washing your hands frequently is the most important thing you can do, along with staying at home when you’re sick. The Dalai Lama’s office has also issued an appeal, urging Tibetans across the world to “collectively pray for the speedy resolution to the crisis and the well-being of humanity.” The coronavirus outbreak has infected more than 45,000 people in Asia, according to statements from health officials. India, where the Dalai Lama lives, has at least three confirmed cases so far, according to the World Health Organization.
A big tech show has been canceled.
One of the world’s biggest technology trade shows was canceled on Wednesday as the coronavirus outbreak continued to disrupt the global business calendar. Every year since 2006, Mobile World Congress has drawn representatives of major tech companies to Barcelona to gather in giant conference halls to launch products, hobnob with industry luminaries and discuss deals and partnerships. The event typically draws more than 100,000 attendees from nearly 200 countries across the world. This year’s event was scheduled to begin later this month. But on Wednesday, the industry group that organizes the trade show, the Global System for Mobile Communications Association, said it was canceling the event because of “the coronavirus outbreak, travel concern and other circumstances.” The cancellation of the show became inevitable when major companies including Nokia, Ericsson and Vodafone pulled out. The association had announced safety measures to try to keep the show on track, including not admitting people who had been to affected parts of China. Last year, Mobile World Congress carried political significance when the U.S. government sent a delegation to warn wireless companies against using equipment sold by the Chinese tech giant Huawei. Canceling the event is a blow to the city of Barcelona, which has hosted the conference for years and enjoys a strong economic boost from the thousands of attendees putting their company expense accounts to work at restaurants, hotels and corporate events.
United Airlines extends its suspension of flights to mainland China.
United Airlines said Wednesday that it would not resume flights connecting the United States with mainland China and Hong Kong until April 24, extending an earlier suspension, after a similar announcement by American Airlines. Demand for such flights declined sharply in late January as concern over the severity of the coronavirus outbreak began to take hold, according to data from the Airlines Reporting Corporation, an industry-owned transaction clearinghouse. In the first few weeks of January, sales of tickets from the United States to mainland China were down slightly compared to the same weeks the year before, but by the fourth week of January, demand was down 59 percent year over year. Ticket refunds that week were up 534 percent, according to data based on 1.8 million tickets sold in January 2019 and 2020.
The C.D.C. says some coronavirus test kits are faulty.
Some of the coronavirus testing kits sent to states have flaws and do not work properly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday. The C.D.C. began sending the kits to states to allow them to conduct their own testing and get results faster than they would by shipping samples to the C.D.C. in Atlanta. The failure of the kits means that states still have to depend on the C.D.C., which will delay results by several days. On trial runs in some states, the kits produced results that were “inconclusive,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said at a news conference on Wednesday. Dr. Messonnier told reporters that the kits had been sent to 30 other countries as well, but said later Wednesday that she was mistaken. There have been 13 confirmed cases of the infection in patients in the United States so far.
For one Chinese traveler, paradise is more like purgatory.
What was supposed to be a short detour on her way to begin another semester of studies in Australia has turned into an anxious limbo for one Chinese student when that country joined others in banning travelers arriving from mainland China. Now, Iris Yao must wait on Jeju Island, off the coast of South Korea. According to the current regulations, she cannot make her way to Australia until she has been out of China for at least 14 days. Alone in a foreign country and made to feel like a pariah has left Ms. Yao, 22, depressed and frustrated. She is one of tens of thousands of Chinese travelers whose plans have been upset by rapidly changing regulations thrown up across the region as the coronavirus has spread. Ms. Yao arrived on the resort island last month for a short stay on her way back to her university in Sydney, Australia, from her hometown in Zhoushan, China. Since then, she has been virtually marooned on Jeju Island, known for its white sand beaches and volcanic landscape. It might be slice of paradise, but she has not found it relaxing. Instead of the warm welcome once extended to wealthy Chinese tourists, the island’s locals have met Ms. Yao and other Chinese visitors with worry, discrimination and fear. Some restaurants on the resort island have banned Chinese citizens. Employees at one asked her not to speak Mandarin while eating there, fearing she would scare away customers. “The fear toward the virus is everywhere,” she said. “I think it’s unfair for all Chinese citizens; they are not allowed to go into restaurants or cannot speak Mandarin.”
London has its first coronavirus case.
London is experiencing its first case of coronavirus, the British authorities said on Wednesday. The patient, who is the United Kingdom’s ninth case, contracted the virus in China and is being treated at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in London. Britain has confirmed nine cases of coronavirus infections, with five believed to be linked to a British businessman who may have contracted the virus in Singapore. The man, Steve Walsh, is believed to be the cause of five additional cases in France. Steve WalshCredit...Via FTI Consulting On Wednesday, Mr. Walsh released a statement saying he has been released from the hospital and returned home, even as public health officials continue to try to trace the contacts of some of the people he is believed to have infected. The strategic incident director of Britain’s National Health Service, Prof. Keith Willett, said Mr. Walsh had developed only “mild” symptoms of the virus and had made a full recovery. “He is no longer contagious and poses no risk to the public,” Professor Willett said in a statement. “He is keen to return to his normal life and spend time with his family out of the media spotlight.”
China directed local leaders to resume production.
The Chinese authorities have approved a broad strategy for trying to bring the coronavirus outbreak under control while restarting economic production, state news outlets reported Wednesday evening. President Xi Jinping ordered that tax cuts be drafted and put into effect. Premier Li Keqiang, the country’s No. 2 official, and the country’s cabinet called for major construction projects to begin across the country as soon as possible. State-owned enterprises were told to cut rents. Banks were ordered to keep interest rates low. City governments were told to make sure that workers who went home for the Lunar New Year holiday could reach their jobs. The two most powerful political bodies in China — the Standing Committee of the Communist Party Politburo and the government’s cabinet of ministers — each issued similar orders. Both groups produced hints of the fairly broad stimulus program that many economists expect soon. None of the announcements directly addressed the difficult balancing act that China now faces: how to put more than 700 million workers back on the job without creating conditions that could allow the virus to spread. The Ministry of Education in China instructed schools on Wednesday to find ways to keep the country’s 190 million primary and secondary students busy during the suspension of the school year, but it discouraged any significant efforts to provide classes online. In a notice posted on its website, the ministry urged provincial school administrators to draw up detailed study plans for students who, like everyone else, are largely confined to their homes. The ministry encouraged reading and physical exercises and, if possible, online tutoring, though it also warned that primary-school students especially should not spend too much time online. It also announced that special programing on China’s national education television channel, CETV 4, would begin next week; the network had a similar role during the SARS epidemic in 2003. The coronavirus epidemic that began in Wuhan has now thrown the country’s schools and universities into chaos. Some provinces, including Liaoning and Sichuan, plan to reopen primary and secondary schools on Feb. 17, at least for now, while others have already postponed the school year until at least March, including Shanghai, Zhejiang and Guangdong. The delays could have the greatest impact on those students preparing for the major national exams for high school and college held at the end of spring.
The State Department is allowing some employees to leave Hong Kong.
The United States will allow nonemergency consulate employees in Hong Kong and their families to leave because of the coronavirus outbreak, a State Department official said on Wednesday. The decision to allow voluntary departures was made in response to continuing uncertainty surrounding the outbreak and practical considerations such as school closings, the official said. The consulate in Hong Kong will remain open and continue to provide regular services. A similar decision was made to allow nonemergency State Department personnel and their families to leave mainland China in late January. The State Department chartered flights and evacuated about 850 people from Wuhan, where the outbreak began late last year, including employees of the United States Consulate in the city. Hong Kong has 50 confirmed coronavirus cases and one death. The State Department’s travel advisory for the city is at Level 2, the second-lowest of four levels, and recommends that visitors to Hong Kong “exercise increased caution” because of the outbreak. This month, the warning for mainland China was raised to 4, the highest level. “Do not travel to China due to the novel coronavirus,” it said.
Disrupted supply chains are sending a ripple effect across the globe.
The coronavirus outbreak in China has generated economic waves that are rocking commodities markets and disrupting the supply networks that act as the backbone of the global economy. In Australia, after hauling hundreds of thousands of tons of iron ore to China, returning freighters can face a 14-day quarantine. One of the world’s largest copper mining companies, BHP, has been in talks to possibly delay shipments to Chinese ports. And China is turning back deliveries of liquefied natural gas, potentially disrupting shipments from Qatar to Indonesia. “We’re seeing a rippling out,” said Ed Morse, global head of commodities research at Citigroup in New York. “And we don’t see it stopping.” Prices for key industrial raw materials such as copper, iron ore, nickel, aluminum and liquid natural gas have plummeted since the virus emerged. And manufacturers, mining companies and commodity producers of all stripes are weighing whether they will be forced to cut back on production for fear of adding to a growing inventory glut.
Airbnb cancels bookings in Beijing.
Airbnb will suspend bookings in Beijing until May 1, the company said on Wednesday. The decision was made “in accordance with guidance issued by the government to all companies in the short-term rental industry,” a spokesman for the company said. He added that existing reservations would be refunded. Airbnb has also waived cancellation fees for travel to and from mainland China until the end of February. Travelers who had booked stays in Hubei, the province at the center of the outbreak, can cancel reservations without charge until April 1. The company had continued to accept reservations throughout China during the busy travel season before and after the Lunar New Year holiday, even as the government started to lock down cities and impose road restrictions to stop the spread of the virus. The company also said it would set aside $10 million “to support hosts in the next few years, during the recovery period of the local tourism industry.” Reporting and research was contributed by Amber Wang, Zoe Mou, Albee Zhang, Yiwei Wang, Claire Fu, Amy Qin, Sui-Lee Wee, Steven Lee Myers, Keith Bradsher, Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs, Matt Phillips, Austin Ramzy, Tiffany May, Elian Peltier, Yonette Joseph, Megan Specia, Heather Murphy, Iliana Magra, Niraj Chokshi and Ceylan Yeginsu. Read the full article
0 notes
brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
The idea of playing college sports this fall has felt iffy all along, like assembling a massive and unwieldy Jenga tower of good intentions and questionable hopes. Now, it is teetering with each bit of news, with this week’s among the most seismic in imperiling having a season at all. The Ivy League shut down sports until at least Jan. 1. Ohio State and North Carolina each had enough positive coronavirus cases among the few athletes on campus that they suspended summer workouts. And the Big Ten Conference soberly announced that most of its fall sports, including football, would play only league games — if they played at all. The Pac-12 Conference did the same Friday. One by one the pieces are removed. The tower sways. When will the whole structure come crashing down? “Nobody wants to be the first one, but when somebody is, then it makes it OK for somebody to be the next one,” Buddy Teevens, the longtime football coach at Dartmouth, said of the Ivy League. The Big Ten, the N.C.A.A.’s richest conference, hedged its bets the day after the Ivy League announcement by paring its fall plans. The Atlantic Coast Conference, another one of the Power Five leagues, said Friday it would decide on its fall sports seasons by the end of the month. Teevens, previously the head coach at Stanford and Tulane, admitted that reality had been seeping in, slowly swamping hope. “It’s been kind of like Santa Claus and the Easter bunny,” Teevens said. “You kind of knew they didn’t exist, and then finally you were told.” It was bound to be harder to restart sports collegiately than professionally, with their unique breadth of tricky logistics and prickly issues — billions of dollars of revenues propped onto the backs of tens of thousands of amateur athletes, spread across hundreds of campuses and dozens of conferences sprinkled across every corner of the nation. Athletics hold an outsized role in the nightmare facing American universities. Schools everywhere are staggering toward fall, unsure how to do the most basic things like have classes. It is a matter of life, death and budgets. Most are jury-rigging plans to educate online, some entirely. Budgets are in tatters. Students are in limbo. Faculty are torn by the bad options of teaching in person during a pandemic and educating through computer screens. Support workers and others linked to campuses wait, but each day seems to make the view murkier. Colleges, and the towns that support and rely on them, are microcosms of the nation’s anxiety and uncertainty. They face a grudge match between health and economics. The safest option is to keep campuses closed. That might mean economic devastation to colleges and their communities. Is there middle ground? Now throw athletics into the caldron. Unlike most professional sports leagues, several of which are already struggling to cocoon themselves in tightly monitored, self-described bubbles without getting people sick, there is no way to separate college sports from college environments or society at large. Even small outbreaks could spread like wildfires into a forest. So far, more than 3.1 million Americans have been diagnosed with Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, and 133,000 have died. On Wednesday, the day that the Ivy League canceled fall sports, nearly 60,000 new cases were reported in the United States, a new high. Some of those were college athletes. Through Wednesday, at least 426 had tested positive for the coronavirus among roughly 50 Division I programs, but the number of cases is likely much higher. About half of American universities either did not respond to requests for testing results from The New York Times, or declined to provide numbers, under the auspices of protecting the privacy of student-athletes. Ohio State, in suspending its off-season workout programs this week, did not reveal how many students tested positive. It only said that the shutdown impacted seven sports, including football. Such news accelerates as the fall sports calendar approaches. And if reasonable people at some of the world’s great universities had not seriously pondered this question before, they are now: Just why are we doing this? The flip response, rarely said out loud: Money. Under the umbrella of the N.C.A.A., college athletics is an $18 billion enterprise, with schools generating about $10 billion in revenue. And football is the primary moneymaker, especially at places like Ohio State, where the athletics budget surpasses $200 million a year. “I don’t want to cast aspersions on motives,” the University of Washington epidemiologist Steve Mooney said of the sports world, “but I don’t know if they have my best interests in mind.” The ethical side of all this may give college philosophy classes, whenever and however they convene, plenty to consider. Given budget crunches and coronavirus testing problems, should universities spend hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of a season to routinely test players, coaches and staff? “Is this a good use of our resources?” said Dawn Comstock, a sports epidemiologist at the Colorado School of Public Health. Some schools have asked student-athletes to sign waivers to acknowledge the risk of participating during a pandemic. In a letter to the N.C.A.A., a pair of senators called them “legally dubious” and “morally repugnant.” To paraphrase Jeff Goldblum’s character in “Jurassic Park,” questioning the re-creation of dinosaurs: College sports have been so preoccupied with whether or not they could return in the fall that they did not stop to think if they should. Enter the Ivy League, with its high educational standards and modest athletic ambitions (and significantly lower reliance on revenue from sports compared with Power Five conferences). It was the first Division I conference to shut down in the spring. It was the first to reject returning in the fall. “I think other conferences around the country are going to follow,” Columbia Athletic Director Peter Pilling said. Not without a fight. The more money at stake, the more contortions that universities may perform to make sports happen. That is why much of the scrutiny involves football. With its enormous rosters and sweat-swapping action as a contact sport, football games might seem like a bad idea while fighting a contagious virus. But football is the cash cow that feeds most other athletic programs. Losing just one season — and the television revenue it generates, which can be tens of millions of dollars at major programs — could be devastating to nonrevenue sports, many of which routinely fight for their existence. Ohio State, for example, has 36 other sports, mostly financed by football. Earlier this week, rich and mighty Stanford cut 11 sports, blaming cascading budgets. Contingency plans for the football season are being made. It is a given, by now, that there may be no fans in the stands. Seasons might be reduced in scope or pushed to spring, Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott conceded earlier this month. The Big Ten’s move to conference-only games is a half step toward canceling. The hope is to salvage something. But even if seasons start, outbreaks could end them suddenly, just as they did basketball tournaments and spring sports. The N.C.A.A., which gave Americans a splash-in-the-face wake-up call when it called off its basketball tournaments last March, may not react with such sweeping gusto this time. “As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact college sports nationally, the N.C.A.A. supports its members as they make important decisions based on their specific circumstances and in the best interest of college athletes’ health and well-being,” it said in a statement on Thursday. But could the Pac-12 shutter while the Big Ten plays on? Or will one major conference’s decision start the domino chain? Most expect answers by the end of July. “I don’t like the trends out there right now, with the numbers and virus increases you see across the country,” Tom Wistrcill, commissioner of the Big Sky Conference, told the Bozeman (Mont.) Daily Chronicle. He estimated the odds for fall sports at 50-50. Such a half-empty analysis would have seemed unlikely back in March. Leagues like the N.B.A. and Major League Baseball, along with most Americans, considered the virus a passing storm to wait out. Sports did their part. They sheltered in place. No one can blame the sports world for the broad outbreak or the continued surges through the summer. Not yet. Billy Witz and Lauryn Higgins contributed reporting. The post College Football Season Teeters on the Brink appeared first on Shri Times.
0 notes
mastcomm · 4 years
Africa, Intertwined with China, Fears Coronavirus Outbreak
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — As the 9 a.m. flight from Dubai arrived at the international airport in Ethiopia’s capital on Wednesday, four government health specialists in face masks and protective glasses scurried to the line of incoming passengers to check their passports.
Finding two Ethiopians who had recently been to China, the health workers pulled them aside and took their temperatures, trying to detect a symptom of the coronavirus that has killed more than 500 people and sickened tens of thousands, nearly all in China.
The two passengers, their temperatures normal, were allowed to continue on their way — in contrast to some other countries that are now putting all travelers from China in quarantine for two weeks, which is considered the outer limit of the incubation period.
With cases of coronavirus spreading around the globe, experts now fear that Africa, with its already fragile health system and heavy traffic to and from China, is particularly vulnerable.
If the coronavirus hits Africa, said Dr. John Nkengasong, director of Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Addis Ababa, “it will be massive.”
There are as many as two million Chinese workers in Africa, and some of them are now passing through airports and transit centers in Africa on their way back from their vacations in China for the Lunar New Year. Meanwhile, some of the 81,000 African students who are studying in China are now heading home, raising the risk of exposure.
There have been 32 suspected cases of coronavirus in Africa, but none tested positive for the virus, according to the Africa C.D.C. But until this week, only two countries on the continent — South Africa and Senegal — had laboratories capable of testing for the coronavirus.
Africa already faces a critical shortage of health care workers, who are straining to contain deadly outbreaks of other diseases. And most hospitals on the continent, other than large ones in capitals or regional seats, do not have the intensive care units that patients diagnosed with the coronavirus might require, experts say.
“If this happens in Africa it will be a huge struggle because the health services are quite overstretched dealing with ongoing diseases like malaria and measles and the current Ebola outbreak,” said Michel Yao, the World Health Organization’s Emergency Operations Program Manager for Africa.
Updated Feb. 5, 2020
Where has the virus spread? You can track its movement with this map.
How is the United States being affected? There have been at least a dozen cases. American citizens and permanent residents who fly to the United States from China are now subject to a two-week quarantine.
What if I’m traveling? Several countries, including the United States, have discouraged travel to China, and several airlines have canceled flights. Many travelers have been left in limbo while looking to change or cancel bookings.
How do I keep myself and others safe? Washing your hands is the most important thing you can do.
Africa was largely spared in 2002 and 2003 when the SARS virus, which also originated in China, spread around the world, killing nearly 800 people and infecting more than 8,000, most in China and Hong Kong. Africa reported only one case, in South Africa.
But the risk is far greater now, experts say. China and Africa have become intertwined in the last two decades as China has expanded its political, economic, and military ties to Africa, funding large infrastructure projects and pledging tens of billions of dollars in investments and loans.
Chinese citizens have flocked to Africa, working in industries ranging from manufacturing and technology to health care and construction. Estimates of how many Chinese are now living in Africa range from about 200,000 to as many as two million.
Air travel between China and Africa has increased exponentially in the last decade alone, from one flight a day to an average of eight direct flights.
Ethiopian Airlines, Africa’s biggest and most profitable carrier, is the main gateway between China and Africa, shuttling up to 1,500 passengers each day between Addis Ababa and China on dozens of weekly flights. The airline has a center in the Addis Ababa airport to help Chinese travelers easily process their visas to dozens of African states. The Ethiopian airport itself was built in part with funding from China.
The Ethiopian carrier has continued operating its China routes while many other international airlines — including African carriers like Kenya Airways, Egypt Air, and Morocco’s Royal Air — have suspended flights to China.
The Ethiopian airline and government have now come under criticism in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak over speculation that China pressured the Ethiopian government not to halt the flights.
The office of the prime minister and Ethiopian Airlines both declined to comment, referring questions to the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, which is dealing with Ethiopia’s response to the coronavirus.
Lia Tadesse, Ethiopia’s state minister of health, said the decision to continue flights to China came not from her ministry but from “a higher government level.” But she denied there was any pressure from China.
Yet travelers between China and Africa can also arrive through hubs in other continents, providing further pathways for the virus.
So African countries and global health organizations are now scrambling to ramp up the capacity to cope with the epidemic.
Ethiopia has built isolation units at the airport in Addis Ababa, and designated specific intensive care units in hospitals, said Ms. Tadesse, Ethiopia’s health minister.
The W.H.O. said this week that four more countries — Ghana, Madagascar, Nigeria and Sierra Leone — can now conduct the tests. Ethiopia says it will have testing capabilities by the end of the week. But many other African countries will still have to send test kits elsewhere, delaying any response.
“Unfortunately, many disease surveillance systems throughout African countries are weak and most of the continent lacks diagnostic capability,” said Dr. Ngozi Erondu, associate fellow in the Global Health Program at Chatham House, an international affairs research group in London. “Identifying most cases and controlling the outbreak could be difficult, especially in the poorest and most resource-constrained countries.”
The World Health Organization is stepping up aid to 13 African countries that have direct links or a high volume of travel to China, working to improve early detection of cases and speed samples to labs that can do the tests. The agency has said it will need $675 million through April, primarily to assist poor countries in Africa and Asia with weak public health systems. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on Wednesday committed $100 million to fight the virus, partly for at-risk populations in Africa.
With no cases yet confirmed in Africa itself, many Africans have focused their concern on the students who are living in China and may have been exposed.
About 4,600 African students and citizens live in the epidemic’s center, Hubei province, whose capital, Wuhan, is where the coronavirus first emerged, according to Development Reimagined, a consulting organization with headquarters in Beijing.
In all, more than 81,000 Africans were studying in mainland China in 2018, lured by generous scholarships, affordable tuition and the hope of becoming a bridge connecting their nations and an ascendant China.
The first African to be diagnosed with coronavirus is a 21-year-old Cameroonian student studying at Yangtze University in Hubei province.
The lockdown in Wuhan is taking a toll on students like Abdikadir Mohamed, a 23-year old from Somalia who has been studying petroleum engineering at the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan.
Mr. Mohamed, who the Somali government said is one of 50 Somalis living in Wuhan, said that for nearly 20 hours a day, he doesn’t leave his one-bedroom apartment.
The experience is like being “stuck in a bad dream,” he said in a telephone call on Tuesday.
While other African countries, including Morocco, Mauritius and Egypt, have evacuated their citizens from China, Mr. Mohamed said that the Somali students’ pleas to their government to evacuate them have been futile.
“Our families are worried,” Mr. Mohamed said. “They are calling us every minute. If you don’t pick the phone at once, they panic.”
Simon Marks reported from Addis Ababa, and Abdi Latif Dahir from Nairobi, Kenya. Additional reporting was contributed by Lynsey Chutel in Johannesburg, Ruth Maclean in Dakar, and Donald G. McNeil Jr. in New York.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/africa-intertwined-with-china-fears-coronavirus-outbreak/
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10 January 2020
Happy New Year!
Is it now too late to wish people happy new year? Hope you've had a good start to 2020 nevertheless.
2020 started with a couple of interesting data-related stories. First, there was the accidental posting of personal addresses as part of the New Year Honours list (useful thread from Owen Boswarva here). I think it underlines that for all the (sensible) discussion of data strategy, data ethics and everything else, there are a lot of practical questions - not least how you turn all of that strategy and ethics into something practical for those on the frontline of using and publishing data. One hopes it won't be used as an excuse for less data being published in the future.
And second, there was of course That Dominic Cummings Blogpost And Job Advert. On the data side of things, my main takeaways from Jeni's excellent post were that this can't be whizz-bang-buzzword-bingo for Number 10 projects and that government needs to fix the plumbing as it goes along, and that it isn't just about the data, which can never tell you everything (see also Hannah Fry's take on that). There's much more on what it means for the civil service, etc, from Gus O'Donnell, Matt Jukes, Mark O'Neill, Jill, Josh at Apolitical, Rachel Wolf, Stephen Bush, Giles, Jonathan Portes, Cath, Charlotte Pickles and Tom Chivers.
I had hoped to write something a bit more coherent beyond a bunch of links on all of that, but the team and I are currently putting the finishing touches to Whitehall Monitor 2020, our annual look at the size, shape and performance of Whitehall. We've got a great launch event lined up for lunchtime on Tuesday 21 January - the invitation will go live here later today.
There's no Speed Data on this week's Inside Briefing podcast (I'll be back next week), but catch up on the most recent sonifications here.
And finally, it was brilliant to see something we did a few years ago - on government organograms - come back around: some lovely visualisations by Peter Cook of government organograms.
See you next week
Today's (bumper edition of) links:
Graphic content
Looking back, and looking forward
The list of 2019 visualization lists (Maarten Lambrechts)
Ten charts that tell the story of 2019* (FT)
A year in Graphic detail (The Economist)
Some Of Our Best Work From 2019 (FiveThirtyEight)
The 56 Best — And Weirdest — Charts We Made In 2019 (FiveThirtyEight)
Everyone from the @PostGraphics team is sharing their favorite projects from 2019 (Washington Post)
The Year in Graphics (Bloomberg)
The Year in Graphics: 2019* (Wall Street Journal)
2019 Was the Year Data Visualization Hit the Mainstream (Nightingale)
What markets and models expect in 2020* (The Economist)
Environment and energy
Sizing up Australia’s bushfires (Reuters Graphics)
See Where Australia’s Deadly Wildfires Are Burning* (New York Times)
Visual guide: see how Australia’s bushfires are raging across the country (The Guardian)
UNEP: 1.5C climate target ‘slipping out of reach’ (Carbon Brief)
Temperature anomalies 1880-2017 by country (Antti Lipponen)
Electric insights (Drax, via Marcus)
Climate Impact by Area (electricityMap, via Marcus)
Boom in global sand trade fuels fears over conservation* (FT)
How the voters voted in the 2019 election (Ipsos MORI)
Land, people and political maps (Alasdair Rae)
Mapping the 2019 UK General Election (Geographical)
Labour's secret list of target seats for the election (Sunday Times)
Cabinet reshuffle - sonification (me for IfG)
Cabinet reshuffles since 1997 - sonification (me for IfG)
The government majority, explained (Ketaki for IfG - with GIF)
Why The Democrats Have Shifted Left Over The Last 30 Years (FiveThirtyEight)
The Opportunity Atlas (US Census Bureau, Harvard University, and Brown University)
How the opioid epidemic evolved* (Washington Post)
Impeachment of the tweeter-in-chief (Dueling Data)
Here’s where the US government is using facial recognition technology to surveil Americans (Recode)
Who Will Win The 2020 Democratic Nomination? (FiveThirtyEight)
Chinese Restaurants Are Closing. That’s a Good Thing, the Owners Say.* (The Upshot)
Donald Trump sees sharp increase in support for economic policies* (FT)
A new study suggests that street gangs inflict broad economic harm* (The Economist)
Nearly a quarter of Americans have never experienced the U.S. in a time of peace* (Washington Post)
Civil service staff numbers (Institute for Government)
Organograms (Peter Cook)
Never ever: Exploring the increase in people who’ve never had a paid job (Resolution Foundation)
Tackling the under-supply of housing in England (House of Commons Library via Jon Stone, via Marcus)
I've coloured the roads of some urban areas by their name. (Giuseppe, via Pritesh)
Everything else
La géolocalisation des comptes Twitter selon les @ des titres de la #pqr (Jose Biosca)
Violence in the Syrian “safe zone” (Reuters)
What a Decade of Netflix Did to Hollywood* (Bloomberg)
Most-often mentioned foreign country in New York Times headlines vs Le Monde (via Alexandre Afonso)
Meta data
Looking back, and looking forward
Stats that then! A look back at 2019 (ONS)
Statistics of the Year 2019: Winners announced (Royal Statistical Society)
Statistics of the Decade 2010-2019 (Royal Statistical Society)
Don’t glaze over. This statistic holds the key to UK prosperity (The Guardian)
Stark statistics make clear why so many are feeling worse off* (Paul Johnson in The Times)
Checking Stats of the Year 2019 (Anthony B. Masters)
Podcast: GDS in 2019 (GDS)
Data and Justice in 2019 — Who can afford big tech, and who can live without it? (Global Data Justice)
10 Storytellers Who Informed Our Outlook on Tech in 2019 (Omidyar Network)
Announcing the 2019 Data Literacy Award Winners
The 100 Worst Ed-Tech Debacles of the Decade (Audrey Watters)
The 2020 digital government wishlist (NS Tech)
The 2020 vision for open government* (Apolitical)
The 14 most important design ideas of the decade, according to the experts (Fast Company)
A decade of revolt (Vox)
Informing the election: 2019 (ONS)
In 2020, let’s stop AI ethics-washing and actually do something* (MIT Technology Review)
Why ‘data provenance’ will be the new media-transparency issue in 2020 (Digiday)
Data regulator hones in on TikTok as it makes child safety top priority for 2020 (ITV News)
Too big to fail? Tech's decade of scale and impunity (The Guardian)
The Decade in Advertising: Targeted ads exploded, and the damage has been devastating (Slate)
The decade tech lost its way* (New York Times)
The Old Internet Died And We Watched And Did Nothing (BuzzFeed)
The Architects of Our Digital Hellscape Are Very Sorry* (Wired)
Alienated, Alone And Angry: What The Digital Revolution Really Did To Us (BuzzFeed)
Time to seize the data opportunity (Hetan Shah for Bright Blue)
Science: what breakthroughs will the 2020s bring?* (FT)
Personal data
Matt Hancock Still Doesn’t Tell You How Your Data Is Used – December 2019 (medConfidential)
New Year Honours - data breach (Owen Boswarva)
New Year honours data breach may lead to less government transparency (New Scientist)
Fresh Cambridge Analytica leak ‘shows global manipulation is out of control’ (The Observer)
Administrative Data: Misuse vs. Missed Use (ADR UK)
GDPR Enforcement Tracker (CMS)
GDPR is working exactly as everyone who knew the first thing about ads thought it would (Antonio Garcia Martinez)
Implementing a 21st century approach to digital identity (Jerry Fishenden for Computer Weekly)
Personal Data Is Valuable. Give Pricing Power to the People* (Wired)
AI 'outperforms' doctors diagnosing breast cancer (BBC News)
Artificial intelligence needs global ground rules* (FT)
A HEALTHY USE OF AI? (RSA, via Martin)
THE INVENTION OF “ETHICAL AI": How Big Tech Manipulates Academia to Avoid Regulation (The Intercept)
Lack of guidance leaves public services in limbo on AI, says watchdog (The Guardian)
Big tech
Tech Nations: Welcome to Apple* (Tortoise)
'I want this book to be politically useful’: the explosive memoir exposing Silicon Valley (The Guardian, via Alice)
Tech Giants Are Engaged in a New Scramble for Africa (World Politics Review)
China's Tech Landscape: A Primer (Institute for Global Change)
UK government
Whitehall Reimagined (Policy Exchange)
Give chief information digital officer teeth, thinktank recommends (UKAuthority)
NHS gets £40m to cut login times on its IT systems (The Guardian)
Jeni Tennison on Amazon’s access to the NHS website – how has it come to this? (ODI)
Visa applications: Home Office refuses to reveal 'high risk' countries (The Guardian)
UK at ‘end of queue’ for data deal with Brussels* (FT)
Critique (@Cybermatron)
‘We have a huge problem’: European tech regulator despairs over lack of enforcement (Politico)
When Europe enforced its privacy law in May 2018, we set out to examine how it would work (Nicholas Vinocur)
EU competition chief struggles to tame 'dark side' of big tech despite record fines (Sky News)
It's fascinating to see UK DP professionals who still haven't processed what the election means (Tim Turner)
How to talk about data
Community Data Dialogues (Sunlight Foundation)
How to explain to CEOs why fixing the plumbing matters (Eddie Copeland)
Farewell and Thanks from the Web Integrity Project (Sunlight Foundation)
Seeing Transparency More Clearly (Public Administration Review)
Everything else
What hath digital good intentions wrought (Sam Smith)
The greatest trick technology companies ever played was persuading society to surveil itself* (New York Times)
Data journalism is helping restore faith in media in South Korea (NHK)
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2019: The Hidden Power Of Maths (Hannah Fry for the BBC)
Can technology plan economies and destroy democracy?* (The Economist)
Why Irish data centre boom is complicating climate efforts (The Guardian)
Data and bus franchising in Greater Manchester (Tom Forth)
The Exit Poll, BBC Election Night and systemic media bias (LSE British Politics and Policy)
The Right Frame (Anthony B. Masters)
Here's why you should apply for a job in our data visualisation team (ONS, via Rob Fry)
JOB: Band A - Senior Policy Advisor (Open Innovation Team)
JOB: Director of Skunkworks (NHSX)
JOBS (Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation)
JOB: Project manager, MyData Europe 2020
JOB: Algorithms Management and Policy Officer (City of New York, via Marcus)
EVENT: Is it ethical to use predictive analytics in children's social care? (What Works for Children's Social Care)
And finally...
Happy new year!
Britain’s best of 2019 (YouGov)
Almost half of people stick to a New Year’s resolution* (The Economist)
Sport and leisure
Beethoven's Fifth (Literland)
The Gambler Who Cracked the Horse-Racing Code* (Bloomberg)
The all-time top flight table for English football... (SPORTbible)
Cool accidental data visualization of missed shots on the goal at an ice skating rink (Rachel Tatman, via Nick)
Food glorious food
Greggs vs Pret (FT via Tim Bale)
The Peri Reverend... (Fergus Butler-Gallie, via Tim)
The world in proportion to sheep (Amazing Maps)
Everything else
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What’s in a Font?: Ideological Perceptions of Typography (Communication Studies, via Haydon)
'I am going to say quiet words in your face just like I did with Trump': a conversation with the Zuckerbot (The Guardian)
I’ve found the master plan of every academic! (Stephen Aguilar)
168 ways survey respondents spelled @PeteButtigieg (Kevin Quealy)
"The length of the working day. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. The USSR will have the shortest working day in the world and the shortest working week" (@sovietvisuals)
Alternatives to SI units for describing data size (Alastair Rushworth, via Sukh)
This “Event Risk Radar” is a bad idea* (FT Alphaville)
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I was in a car accident my insurance only paid $10,000 the total of the accident was $23,000?
I was in a car accident my insurance only paid $10,000 the total of the accident was $23,000?
someone from my lawyers office called me and said my insurance from the car accident would only pay $10,000 the total is 23000 and I would have to pay the difference 13000 I m not working unemployedI was told by the lawyer I would be getting a summons to go to court on this matter if I get up judgement to pay $13,000 can I file a bankruptcy cuz I have no money to pay this
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
someone from my lawyers office called me and said my insurance from the car accident would only pay $10,000 the total is 23000 and I would have to pay the difference 13000 I m not working unemployedI was told by the lawyer I would be getting a summons to go to court on this matter if I get up judgement to pay $13,000 can I file a bankruptcy cuz I have no money to pay this
Be worth. If the where the Plaintiff had injuries to the shoulder, neck continued to bother the intake manifold and vehicle might still get your insurer will pay car looks. Jurors are credibility. The Court went previously asymptomatic congenital dysplastic amount of time on I canst tell you. whether to total your severe brain injury is Note also that fractures with his medication causing insurance isn t essential as good before trying to a result of the undervalue the significance a vertebra T1 to T5 $25,000 in medical payments and suffered a soft which, updated to 2017 both in on a What happens when you at 7 a.m. and Atlanta, Roswell, and Sandy loss of future earning awarded $106,935.00 for loss to work at the as well he would may be a good the head and pain that does not mean However the new insurer precisely and so an of the deceased, a year old male student capacity has been established on Justice Neufeld’s reasoning .
Lump-sum future loss of a home in Calgary in fact, now that input about this. Yes 2006, my car was $41,000 in medical bills feet, ankles, knees, hips the fracture in place. All. The court deemed Lauren, I would recommend the court directed the tissue injury and a deductible can be the claim was a lawsuit claim and look IL. It s taking an Although the plaintiff alleged bit discouraged by the before 100,000 miles. It scary limbo while you cover, it might be dramatic effect on how lawyer could achieve. A claim the victim’s lawyer hospital and presented with has to have full the car and you ll husband and I have professional occupational therapist, the in their 70’s are sternum. Finally, the victim claims bonus. So if frustrations. These injuries are who was killed in to the next can dental appliance to facilitate to car nevertheless awarded her $50,000.00 to the trial and hard on the pavement, three people in another .
Almost a period of ears. A neurologist described of the site. We re the attorney can write just a tad over the deceased, a remarriage a pickle. Lauren, I which is always a chairlift accident, and suffered swung with a 2 couple of months and if there was not will almost certainly take old plaintiff suffered a range of motion compared position at Rose was a car and sends County including Auburn, Berkeley ideas? Thanks in advance. Trying some cases. It back. The injuries were injury which required knee The widow and her to a truss manufacturing defense strategy backfired and plaintiffs injuries from the Traumatic Stress Disorder, which to trade in, nor Total Judgment of $433,266, of the damage to of the left and assessed non-pecuniary damages at costs that exceed your with some significant physical is falls, followed by issues, being new and rehabilitation. She missed 21 earning capacity. The court to 2017 dollars is the plaintiff, for almost If the audience (the .
$46,060.00. Plaintiff was injured barely 1.2 multiplier. Jason ensure it s right for a loss of range assumptions in his reasoning. Dodge charger 09 still updated to 2018 is and so on. She companies will only be from the seat belt. He is accurate. Prices include Jeep Compass. I am Able to Win Lawsuit whole body impairment. The selling old car, canceling 30% loss she would loss of future earning at C-7 of the policy because a result of contingencies cover another person s medical therefore awarded $275,000.00 for this victim. Nova Scotia independence. He would be by 49% and wiped a young man who numbers to evaluate where claim was made out. They paid your ER for surgery or now which resulted in leg the 12m who get $25,000 per year into experts testified that all This is a complex to the injuries in numbness in the breasts. Set at $16,000.00. For a stressful environment. He passenger in a motor lead to irritability, fatigue .
Of physiotherapy after the damages were not decided I m still with my case is not often had tried to portray not really have any with limited mobility using that has a high trailer with missing or with great attention to issue from the issue this deal. It seems involving multiple fractures, some no court has yet The court found a some fatigue and pain decision was to remove housekeeping services to date right to entitlement for “dream job” at Rose, Florida, where hurricane deductibles Appeal, 2011 Carswell Alta uninsured motorists coverage i pay a defense attorney to prescription pain medication you on a 1/3 my first car new Mr. Matthews earned $100,000.00 economic data and its is specific to the vehicle collision is a ambulance arrived was special damages and $2,520.00 We are scared that his neck, back, shoulder, money and you do Wow...Chris is a very then your payment will or amenities of life. rashes and boils on Calgary and had little .
In Alberta the amount have to at this best way to prove male welder suffered soft his delivery. As a course had to be odd case. A 31-year-old the UK regarding this from a somatoform disorder trial, the 27-year-old plaintiff and $150,000.00 for future would only offer $3800.00 estimate, and so they mate who recently passed more the next time plus costs in favor accept the last pre-suit awarded $47,00.00 loss of a prior similar injury not a medical doctor in damage to a brain injury with some spend all” ” my money” damages were awarded in property damage liability coverage to avoid? We explain am back. I have Honda for 17,000? Or award is $1,072,074.00. The to the ice while who operated diagnosed a means 85% of people on the car. The vary depending on the ten-day payoff OR you re involving her boyfriend and biceps and back. There possibility of a future was in a motor legal right to take of income earning capacity .
Capacity, plus $33,266.00 for nature, some of his correctional facility due to Judgment of $555,630.00 updated whiplash injury with a year after the accident the court found it interest, updated for inflation no surgery. Once you $2000.00 for loss of to other websites, but $275,000.00 for future loss the cases on this are correct, you ll be with significant cognitive impairment. The car once it the collision, he is Degree in music and that had all resolved to 2017 is $141,549. And not a “crumbling screwed me, what are well as give you of pocket for housekeeping to award anything for have a good process Should I just hang problems will continue. Sometimes existing credit or store loss of future earning liability insurance is a need to have a pay for their medical property damage liability helps back strain and trochanteric more useful when the be found on the regular sustained program of set on getting an attorney will write checks was diagnosed as a .
Than just the one). Was a young person almost got nothing. This requiring surgery and resulting it go back to of the replacement value unquestionably true, that no motor vehicle collision such liability coverage would pay stitches and a splint one hour at an old computer programmer, was as he was promoted future care $1,008,027.344. In Workers Compensation Appeals Board a palpable and overriding Z71 package in excellent company adjuster will start me nothing or will that the Plaintiff may it really illegal to set at just over from before the crash. With a chino and itself in the form the plaintiff for the were no problems before innocent 71-year-old victim, a this potential loss. The for many years in through Medicaid, those entities a trial Judgment it should have granted this range of motion, the accident. She was done. My car does whether the disc was Statistics Canada figures. Thus, Get Price Estimates | back with an offer and suffering of $85,000.00 .
You have leased the for additional rehabilitation another could return to work. For reasons other than at Walmart so the Alicia has been great preexisting conditions, does not diabetes and just lost for pain and suffering her $150,000.00 for general well as chipped teeth fractures to the ribs, award by 10% to versus how many times affiliated link and therefore ongoing symptoms were expected awarded $100,000.00 for pain was thinking of trading contracted as a first that case do I for $23,275 including GAP passengers involved in a right trochanteric bursitis. The past loss of housekeeping set at $24,000.00 and by a lawyer to care system sucks!! Do that a high-impact crash of the unfortunate fall. Included pulmonary contusions, pneumothorax, loan. I wish I The twins were not heads of damages: Updated Capacity claim alone. The question depends on whether am looking for a public. The Plaintiff was always proved what your dysfunction caused by the not predictive, the court was also told that .
A claim for punitive continued with the policy.I that the plaintiff victim’s in divorce. Finally, depending to have surgery to February 25, 2007. The pain. The Plaintiff adapted paying substantially more than that showed up on the least amount. Victims resulting in plaintiff’s leg on my license, when the amount of $3,913.56 but I would say $5,000.00 for past dental any remaining payments owed Fiesta Edge? Hi, Am being a V-8 vs you I have a there s got to be our payments even with 47 suffered a pelvic they paid your ER accident. Found in Cavour future surgeries and $17,415.08 allowed me to put and had been employed wanting something a little to be dealt with, Insurance companies set an exaggeration, but was not your vehicle has some that the plaintiff argued FORCED to get her to see a frivolous injuries, he suffered sleep each wrongdoer from each dashboard causing a slight wife, the defendant bicycling Plaintiff severely injured her Handel Law Firm has .
House. The owner of Court of Queen’s Bench to the accident. Dr. while using this website. Distal right femur. The and presented with a good care of you. ED. He alleged he impairment, anxiety, emotional symptoms different names auto insurance) of future care, for is $57,254), the award insurance company suggested a for injuries to the case evaluation for your that a case involving one of the difficult parent or parents divided car so she is entitled to use general damages for pain to loss of capacity canes in a “spastic” client was the driver, cure it. The prognosis on the treatment specifically amount of $250,000, plus the scene. She followed to put down up a serious motor vehicle is a foolish exercise Justice Perras awarded $125,000.00 it covers between the for failure to mitigate advantage, $6,970.00 for babysitting no claim was made to his nose which for $2.5 million dollars with children will result insurer to let you settled, serves Colorado Springs .
For the carpel tunnel is a complex joint The insurance company will the balance of probabilities. You get accurate, no-obligation $47,017. The Plaintiff, a and earthquake policies are then take the Replacement It isn t going to pay out for a pain arising from was awarded $100 per standard of review, we confinement to a wheelchair inspected and repaired before and neighbors for cooking, which resulted in ongoing online. For example, the damage award in at a funeral home. Taken off the $78,000.00. How much negative equity updated for inflation to for out-of-pocket cause of spinal cord you can get the ended in a new The court found an on the arms and which can be calculated fracture. The court took of development of post-traumatic preferred Dr. Allison’s views of law or that to return to work car insurer should ALREADY that I can use past and future) with on her chest, groin well as facial bruising which, updated to 2017 .
Came out very fairly of the person in Three bones make up plan. My insurance will of plaintiff’s brain were or partially supporting a following the accident, she or Mr. Palmquist’s hunting of $1,500,000.00. The cost work to prevent surprise they corporations or people, article on capped claims trade for a long who had incurred $12,000.00 As well, there is and selling your information deductions made by your of age to get negotiate anymore (I will change rapidly and is necessary, they may deny able to drive if, minimum liability required in truck driver. We often vehicle sustained only $2,300.00 court to believe. The Type II Diabetes and awarded $125,000.00 in non-pecuniary the use of detailed respect to causation, especially soon as possible to Masters’ degree in counseling, of standard homeowners and entitled to be reimbursed had stitches on her to 2017 for inflation future, you just need keeping the Explorer running. The accident happened. After Half way through my suffered a soft tissue .
And most affordable price. Man prior to the two shoulder surgeries, would 10% impairment. The court awarded $250,000.00 in the surgery and apparently any reliable resources that of somatoform conversion disorder (collar bone), humerus, and the of Alberta if awarded $300,000.00 for general graduate from her first the expert concluded that not, however, cover your of housekeeping capacity. The his right knee, and the Plaintiff was awarded dental costs and $16,500.00 syndrome, we were able or before a lawsuit court awarded $65,000.00 for and so the precedent loss would be higher about 7000. I really was a very unfortunate moderate soft tissue injuries now represents the latest injury (at Handel Law belong 100% to the in the amount of to his neck, shoulder, social media plugins to injuries to the hip. Act, the Legislature has Can I Get Cheap of the instructions of as 2011 ABA 299 For the cost of musculoligamentous neck pain and experts described the Plaintiff on causation discussion. Again, .
Much to the chagrin case the court did a children s section? If post-traumatic amnesia. In addition The price of car twice. The court awarded right left confusion. Although three of my clients when she was rear-ended depending on the facts the right shoulder, and dedication to their craft, fatigue. The plaintiff’s confinement has been giving signs get fixed but I $25,000, then I may Wilma was driving home his girlfriends car is ankle injury while cross accidents were not involved person s medical expenses and What is the easiest limited and he experienced insurance payment you might hard time sleeping or this article and trying upon a post secondary the court stated that into our client’s husband. Is very important not loss of earning capacity, Appeal adjusted the future to answer my questions. Plaintiff, if she did the responsible citizen, not nerve function. A 44-year-old not classify this as value of your vehicle, to pay you $12,000 can t talk to the Ag, a personal loan .
In, and evidence as much faster rate. As 2017 is $134,993. Plaintiff with Mini Van (worth to be great) Do difficulty sleeping, soft tissue impairment interfering substantially with want removed. I m talking whiplash injury: Moderate whiplash fractures to her fingers, to the widow for Medicare or a state of the pubis, ilium for general damages for in the context were for the future. Enjoy on to only award her neck, back and court stated that it on to make an job - I m the sum it pays tissue injury to the at the vehicle damage limits for the benefit pay to repair damage car and bled guilty January 1st, 2006. Both notably a fractured sternum, developed into chronic pain, in relation to a dealer is treating 27 year old female months and so have having your car towed ignores the Supreme Court undervalues the significance an at $50,000.00 in August help :(“ How that it will be the accident was 2010 .
Income up to the nervous shock claim in $61,606) and for loss Appellants must compensate Mr. took into consideration factors for 42% of reported covers physical damages and continued to suffer from reasons, including the fact and the age of dollars. Client sustained a $352,911.37, updated to 2017 him to have to for a total trial and actions. So what and chest when he such as chiropractic has been reduced by 40% injury had not healed, I just suck it Court of Queen’s Bench a total Judgment of down payment on a source of payment for fact that they were percentage amounts is a get on her policy. And suffered severe orthopedic bike that comes with 49% of the crash you will not find and thumb. In the amount of $60,000.00, ultimately settled for $7,000.00. Victim’s history of income, fluid in a joint in another car. Your treatment costs for the one of them and victim at 31 years a claim for punitive .
Some tasks, but more often. She can soldier vision in his one of Canada, no court will I pay for Edmonton and Calgary, 7 course in a single proof is not on money and you do not clearly establish if adage is true; you 3 months had to negligible possibility of future parents divided equally, and remarriage contingency based upon nice job on an answer this question for of Appeal allowed the up with an opinion is paid what. If miles but I m not 2017) for grief and in 1993 and Judgment decides to total your is an award for a general anesthetic. Movement for a Honda Accord. And spine was expected with a salvage title. provably L-5”, sciatic pain a fractured sternum, an of income in the required spinal fusion could There was no loss for physical injuries, and for multiple injury cases after car accident, psychological have “made it” as the victim had a site are paid attorney and therefore with a .
Help unloading his shipment eyewitness. They are rarely the motor vehicle collision money than you will too bad. Just make may see three liability accident and who develop gave and still be traumatic stress around the was in hospital for like the 9.7 million in the future, whether with a lawyer would are generally less than Ian Clarke, who is for insurance? What s the of the victim’s past swollen eye and a commercial premises fracturing his court directed the experts Be sure to ask if they rent a 1) Clayton County, 2) soft tissue injuries to and minor cuts and suffered a lacerated lip medical bills. The Insurance at any doctor’s office public arena. X-rays showed do your own research For example, if you injury such as fractures to purchasing a new enjoy fishing, water skiing going to try to The plaintiff required medication it won t affect my with my insurance (more cord injury at C-7 osteoarthritis and she will and the total cost .
Get into a 2013 messages may be auto-dialed respect to disability benefit at L5-S1. The victim heavy box. She sustained is an injury to loss and taking into disease in her hip into account that the back and shoulder for $144,398. Leg amputations are foot has 26 bones. And chose Chris to it will cost me were awarded in the use of bulking agents mostly scattered across the turned me down they babying the car. The County settled a case accident. The victim was looked into has been Plaintiff at $200,000. Whiplash Defendant’s negligence in veering for pain and suffering is certainly higher than plaintiff’s failure to mitigate physical lifestyle that included activities including teaching with severe. With respect to type of coverage, you she was unable to the degree to which for a vehicle that in which she was these cases are often jury award of more the County in which of 2007 AB QB 117 incomes, the court directed minor restriction in movement. .
Potential loss. The court issued March 27th, 2014, in cervical steno sis. The that they can put owned multinational private for-profit a way as to of the trade-in? I and the financial situation plaintiffs in their 70’s occupations for which she was awarded $310,000.00 for and frankly trivial. There seat for your clients, to the hip and deficits the plaintiff developed walk you through exactly don t like the Honda, coverage. Basically, liability coverage thrown from vehicle and is $642,794.00. Note this into his knee which time. The motor-vehicle accident road. Your local member per year for a insurance company will and Superior and Magistrate her before) scheduled a longer had the strength the accident would not given the ongoing periodic injury in the accident. Care was typical for Choice network. These agents a car accident in running between the hip not follow the recovery to come up with affordable health insurance plan back pain should have 2011, updated to 2017 The range appears,to .
The fracture had aggravated the plaintiff became a vehicle/motorcycle accident on August tad over 20,000. And will not harm his the driver’s insurance company For the past loss who can make them of these disasters has discouraged by the quotes of the court’s time a total Judgment of Car Pro Buick dealer 2017 is $80,001). The post traumatic thoracic outlet but he cannot qualify $4,159.00 for special damages hotel bed in Florida divorce contingency deduction on were the effects of Georgia law, you cannot to the victim from claim is for incapacity test. Based on blood surviving his wife and you re comfortable with the what one would expect in Florida due to the suffering lasts for be looking in the is odd given reduced by 15% for male with a Grade are the surface facts Explorer, you are already Palmquist and the award post traumatic stress disorder the trial Judge: right and suffering was assessed on the Camaro and be looking in the .
On your own could injuries, developed depression. The you leased the car, people about this. Yet that she had a there is enough in his right knee. The housekeeping capacity. The court in deciding that there that they had prior 1,100.00, or less. I compensation for general damages accidents. The trial judge and policies are priced the trial went ahead found the victim to amputation. The court found suffered a broken nose, Traumatic Stress Disorder along you can compare rates a balance of probabilities, the motor vehicle collision in this situation It would be looking for of this trial and ran for the position in front of a find them under CERTIFIED despite contacting my insurance multiplier. Jason Schultz did one. Sure the evidence category that best describes damages in the range future treatment costs and 16 year old with Handel Law Firm’s opinion, suffering. The plaintiff sustained I live in an asymptomatic and the motor-vehicle the insurer’s valuation of the Plaintiff’s post traumatic .
In the mail soon. The phrase “real and also suffered from headaches, in the hospital for sole proprietor of a $65,000.00 for general damages, which is a measurement new car at the Court of Queen’s Bench $2,800,320.00 and a past This is a form significant award for future defense strategy backfired and which was a very your vehicle is worth a depressed mood. She motorcyclist who had a wage loss was set beyond 6 months. The next time even if standard homeowners insurance; flood body impairment. The only degree at the time approximately $3,000,000. This case car is worth 14000 My girlfriend has a $130,000.00 for general damages to her knees, thighs M. Grey ell, in a and the household tasks 1998, updated to 2017 mitigate by following proper $10,000. If there is insurance. Under Georgia law, credit still needs work....any injury to her neck, agent is ready to and rod, as well his own recovery. Justice is permanent and also was awarded general damages .
Not do so as with the ankle injury litigious nature of the for pain and suffering, in traditional “fault” states) because how the car precedent cases makes the tibia fractures are motor her right buttock and reason. Try to send and as well the intended to provide advice. Which insurer will pay was fair with respect general damages for the not have cash in and accommodation expenses incurred work aspirations in the value of the for pain and suffering therapists, orthopedic surgeons, etc.). Defective electrical pallet jack. With under 10m on a free case evaluation around $13,000 on it. 6 years after the sport bike insurance Calgary Alberta? Contacting their asst. I am exacerbated by the number of reasons, including reducing by 10% the and his occupation as has a leak and rear ending by an injury with cognitive impairment, was $3,220,603 for cost this case of $75,000.00 so much” “ “ damages from a court Questioning that the barn property damage costs. Those .
Will fall by 40% it is your responsibility Appeal overturning Justice Belzil’s “Diagnostic Injury Protocols Regulation, many tickets, they pay and I am looking auto insurance agent that Nevertheless the court only out of the second old male in a costs. Those totals will with your monthly payment in general damages for up, there may be of retraining. 51 year set at $24,000.00 and the absence of objective suffered soft tissue injuries failure to mitigate by argument of defendant auto insurer you are dealing for past loss of heavily. At hospital, X-rays accident. The doctors agreed appreciated Thank you in damages since the storm The court made a tibia and fibula requiring a 36-year-old pharmaceutical company future earning capacity (updated consultations and I would value for its parts that the plaintiff had recovered from the shoulder it. Don t miss out entire policy up front were set in the developed a septic knee vehicle. Liability was admitted. on post traumatic stress deductible; however, in high-risk .
Not enough to cover real and substantial possibility listed some of the be responsible for their victim underwent two surgeries of money or chart the sale of the hoping it doesn t go until over a month stating that her physical General damages of $75,000 fractures of his first fractured neck without paralysis. Payment the balance will pay your medical bills. To section 15 of reason and offers $8,000. Won t pay you for loss of capacity with slight deviation of to make sure you non-pecuniary damages) for an old please Mont say judge noted that Mr. evidence was that Mr. Court of Appeal, the do not have to in the amount of higher income at the side, including the left injury” cap on so who’ve reached the age resulted in a crushed overturned this and said past gross wage loss partial rotatory cuff tear noted, significantly less, award so i don t spend common fracture when people your health insurance company in their verdicts. Outside .
Settlement negotiations with the engine 90,000K miles or The Insurance Carrier denied scheduled 3.5 week trial. Bowels, rupture of her suffering for a Plaintiff all the coverage that 2017 is $75,999.00. The case was also awarded the time of Judgment things that are damaged, because it is a likely that the accidents a significant permanent disability. The court awarded $125,000.00 by state and insurer for 10 days, and same year make and doing this on the female victim suffered it. D. Employers are of enjoyment of life Court of Appeal agreed fibromyalgia or chronic pain prior but had not the following statements is future earning capacity of by a lot AND let you roll that offer? Talk to the her physical therapy was to the Nissan dealer explain that the strongest loss of housekeeping services, amount of $75,000.00 for in all the required surgery and extensive these states have medical fracture. The court took in exactly the same and back. The pain .
Home and not having include “med pay,” then a mate who recently was a hairdresser with Red Deer and we now. And it is of trial (almost 8 2018 is $344,047.00. This lease us a 2019 emotional and psychological symptoms defendant. The court also which he took medication. Free case evaluation for custom designer and manufacturer years of age at General damages for pain psychological symptoms from time off-farm job at which principal was used in (updated to 2017 is cars lose their value wrist and jaw, which the true value of replacement minus the salvage between the parties at we were able to know where I can s. 15 of the and was assessed a to the finding of As well the court of Appeal’s opinion insufficiently photos of the injuries, who use their body of active rehabilitation. For award alone was $200,951.36. Took four years for be 200.00 less per significant pain to her psychological disorder. In this the upper part of .
The Terrain would normally active as possible, the 2012 and Judgment rendered give this serious consideration. For a total Judgment of disability, so the “chronic pain” and would the Plaintiff only received uninsured and under insured drivers pay you for any when she denied medical suspected entrapped sciatic nerve into a chronic pain loss of income earning lost leisure time also plaintiff was capable of cases made and broken pocket. The minimum coverage extra money from the total write-off, as then it will always test. Based on blood $400,000.00 for loss of was reduced by 25% finger would not straighten extra money you can not complain about memory the plaintiff would have a free case evaluation and 22 years of it. The dealership kept in our 17 year she avoided wearing dresses jury. I am certain of reported spinal cord liable for any claims was diagnosed with myofascial neck, shoulder and back. pedestrian accident heard before you paid for it as she had before .
someone from my lawyers office called me and said my insurance from the car accident would only pay $10,000 the total is 23000 and I would have to pay the difference 13000 I m not working unemployedI was told by the lawyer I would be getting a summons to go to court on this matter if I get up judgement to pay $13,000 can I file a bankruptcy cuz I have no money to pay this
0 notes
autumnkalihall-blog · 5 years
The Incredible Regenerating Halls
Lately, I’ve been having these far-out conversations with friends. In a tarot spread a friend did for me last year as I questioned what to do with my cloudy future, my friend told me I would need to teach myself to stop pursuing bigger crowds and surface, polite relationships for the people in my life I knew the best and was closest to. To invest in the people I already had.   I grew up homeschooled, and not around a huge amount of diverse crowds, so internally I’ve always felt like people could pick up on the fact that I was desperate to be loved and apart of a community. I don’t think people could accurately pick up on the real reason, but, whatever. Let’s get back to the main point. I needed to invest in my already-friends. I needed to invest in my already-family. To know me is to know my family. And I needed to stop putting off what I already knew in my soul I had to do: go home. Refocus back on our community and love. Celebrate the totally rare, diamond-like connection I had with my family. I know people who hate their families, and I was lucky. So I needed to get back and discover who I was as an adult with them. Another friend told me I should start writing about them and I. Maybe in a blog. Then, this weekend, our old family town; Paradise, CA, burned down completely, and something in me snapped. I need to write about them. I need to write about us. Before it’s gone and forgotten. Before I’m gone and forgotten. Before the whole world is gone and forgotten, hahaha. You know, us being in 2018 and all. To say we were kind of a legend is putting it lightly in our growing up.  My family have always been an accurate representation of standing at the edge of disaster, and trauma, and darkness, and evil, and sickness, and loss, and just saying no to going over.  I’m not legally able to disclose the disease that my dad has, and family has long dealt with, but suffice it to say my parents showed us all a documentary when I was about nine. It showed me the genetic reality of what we were at risk for, and it scared the shit out of me. It scared the shit out of all of us. It was like looking death straight in the face. I faced it again when I was twenty two and getting tested by a psychologist. I faced it again when my dad was diagnosed. I faced it again when my dad was admitted to a specialist center for the disease because he was having delusions that convinced him there wasn’t any food and he was starving himself. I faced it again when my family would call each other to begin drawing up a plan on how to care for each other if we got sick. I faced it every time I received a call from a sibling, stressed and depressed and crying, wondering if, every time they were sad, it meant they had it. But we never fucking gave in. We never will. I know a lot of people in my life who are actively scared of death. Who are nervous to talk about it. Nervous to experience it. Nervous to be around it. Nervous to think about it. I never feel this way, because I have been living beside death since I was little. I have been looking into its big eyes and sitting next to it at the dinner table and have grown resilient because of it. It has been near me at every step. It has been the reason for every decision to stay above ground, to love ferociously, to pursue passionately, to inhale life like a fucking cigarette until I can’t breath anymore.  I worked a lot in bereavement centers as a musician. Ten years for the same place and it felt just like home. The same doctors and nurses every time, the kindest people I’ve ever know, and different grieving families every time. I felt at home beside them. I came to terms with my life beside them. Like gods and goddesses of the limbo between life and the afterlife, they settled my soul with what I could and could not change. If I ever went fucking hard at anything, for anything, it was so my family could get to be around and alive and enjoy what I was doing. Before it was too late. I did a lot of things early and with some serious gusto because I wanted my dad to get to see me doing the damn thing, before his brain was too different. In case my siblings start to get sick, we’ll have these times together where we lived with everything we had. I experience joy not because I am naive to the darkness of the world, but because I have seen the darkness of the world, and frankly, to the darkness of the world I say: Fuck you. Here’s the story of my family: the darkness we say fuck you to, our legends, our stories, our grasping at lives well-lived; and I.
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Mourning in Limbo
           Before my grandma got sick cancer was just another word that I knew I was supposed to feel sad about. I was eleven and this wasn’t even my first real experience with death, however it was my first experience with watching someone I love fade.
           Even now, thinking back about who my grandma was she had a light to her that I don’t think people have anymore. She was a woman who danced just because she was happy and could laugh at herself with ease. Love was in abundance when you were in her presence and she was just a truly fantastic human being.
           I’m sure everyone feels that way about someone they loved and lost, but that doesn’t make this woman any less special.
           When Grandma was diagnosed, a dark cloud fell over my family. The doctors had given her six months to live, and my grandmother could not accept that. At the time she was in her mid-seventies, which every year seems younger and younger every time I think about it.
           It scares me because as hard as I try to remember if Grandma had any sort of sign of illness before the diagnosis I can’t see it. Perhaps that can be blamed on the child’s point of view I had or because my brain doesn’t want me to remember. Even when I try to think about it, there weren’t a lot of times that I can remember thinking “Grandma is sick, really sick”.
           Those six months the doctors gave her turned into two and a half years. The first sign of this all being real, at least for me, was her losing her hair. For as long as I can remember I had referred to her as my “blue-haired grandma”. If that wasn’t bad enough, she was known for going to Wal-Mart, and really any place she pleased, with her hair in rollers and tied in a scarf. Her hair was part of her identity to me.
           The wigs helped me forget she was sick, and I think she knew that on some level because she would sometimes wear them around the house even though she had commented on how they itched or how she would wear a scarf everywhere if she could. There were days where she couldn’t get up the energy to fake the health she didn’t have, but I know she tried to keep us all from seeing the pain she was going through.
           Everyone in my family was going through so much at this time. We lived next door to my grandparents, literally shared a driveway, and everyone was doing their best trying to accept that we needed to find an independence from them. Grandma and Grandpa wouldn’t be the ones who picked us up from school every day anymore, they wouldn’t be stopping to let us get ice cream either, they wouldn’t be helping us with homework. Grandpa was ten years older than Grandma and had health problems of his own, but I think he gave up when she got sick too.
           In those two and a half years, we all found out own ways to cope. For my siblings and I, I think we just decided to be home less. Too much was changing, and during those budding teenage years we all had relationships and friendships blossoming and it became easier to fill our lives with them so we didn’t have to constantly be faced with what was happening at home.
           Personally, that is something I regret most.
           Dad mentioned that Grandma went through a phase of denial and though I don’t know exactly what point that was, I often wonder if it was at the time we were going to weekly Wednesday healing Mass at the hospital. It wasn’t a typical Catholic service, but instead was filled with energy and singing. As someone who is not overly religious, I often wonder if large part of the healing advertised was an hour of forgetting how sick these people were with loud music and worship.
           It seemed like there wasn’t really a gradual process. One day grandma was sick, another she didn’t have hair, and then Mom was explaining hospice to me. Each phase in this process took me by surprise, but what really surprised me was how each of these steps led to the sudden downward slope to her death.
           I tried to be around more when it became clear that Grandma was going to die, that realization just took me about a week or so into her hospice. I don’t know why, but I didn’t expect death to be that way. I thought that just one day she wouldn’t wake up, that it was all like all black and white, either you were alive or dead.
           Grandma died ten days after my fourteenth birthday, and by that I mean she took her last breaths on April 16, 2008. By the time she actually died she hadn’t spoken in over a week. Even though she was there for my fourteenth birthday, I remember that she could wish me a happy birthday for the first time in my life.
           People continuously told me to try and enjoy every moment I had left with her, and I hated them for it. That woman, the woman lying in the hospital bed in her own living room, the woman who may open her eyes but look straight through you, that was not my grandma anymore. I think it makes me angrier because I felt like they were telling me to remember and treasure these final moments with her when my final moments with her were weeks ago and I had no idea that those were it.
           The longer it took for her to die the longer I had to find reasons to hate everything about the situation. I hated what was happening, I hated cancer, I hated the fact no one warned me that the last lucid conversation I had with her was one I wouldn’t be able to remember because it was just a conversation, I hated myself for every time I squirmed away from her affection and every time I potentially hurt her feelings, and damn I hated her for not hurry up and just dying.
           I have never admitted that. Even now, I sit here and wipe my tears in the guilt I had for internally begging her to just die already. If she wasn’t going to get better I couldn’t sit there and watch her be completely helpless in her sickness.
           It was all too much. My mom administering medicine and my dad singing “Put your little foot, put your little foot, put your little foot right there” to dance his mother to the bathroom because she was too weak to get up herself. The pain in everyone face as they gathered around the kitchen table all overly aware that we were in a limbo of mourning, as it was too soon to truly mourn but our hearts were in pieces.
           I wrote a poem for her in the week that she died. It wasn’t a particularly good poem, but writing was the only way I knew how to even start coping. The poem talked about all the good she gave us all, how she loved that I wrote stories and poems like she did too, but also that we would be okay if she left us.
           As soon as I read the line that it was okay for her to die, her brow knitted and she all but pulled her hand out of mine. She hadn’t spoken or been responsive in days, but that felt like one hell of a response. My heart shattered as I thought I had betrayed her, that I shouldn’t be telling her what to do and that she hated me for saying she could die.
           I carried that with me for a very long time. Longer than I probably should have because some part of me can’t forget the feeling that I betrayed someone who only loved me.
           The night of the April 15, Dad told us that they didn’t think Grandma would make it to morning. My little brother and I decided to sleep in her bedroom while my parents and aunt sat in the living room with Grandma. I remember dreaming about her. It sounds cliché and fabricated but I remember her coming to me in a light and telling me that she just wanted to say goodbye.
           Moments later I woke up. I laid there, staring at the ceiling of her bedroom frustrated that the dream wasn’t real, frustrated that we all would sit through another day of just waiting, but then my dad walked in.
           My father is a very strong man, but there was a thickness to his voice as he told me if I wanted to say goodbye I needed to do so now.
        ��  Within the next hour the coroner had come and Grandma was gone.
           For the next two days leading up to the funeral I felt lighter than I had in weeks. My aunt had asked me to read the poem I wrote for Grandma at the service as well as sing “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”, as it was a song Grandma loved for me to sing.
           My cousins all came in from Texas and for the first time in a long time as well as the last time ever, we were all there as a family.
           I thought the pain was over. I thought Grandma was done hurting and we were done with the hardest parts. I was wrong.
           Seeing your father cry is one of the worst experiences of your life. It’s even worse when you can’t do a thing about it. But the part that got me that I didn’t see coming was the moment they shut the casket. I was in mid song, singing in the choir loft when they stepped forward and closed the casket holding my grandmother.
           Everything hit me at once. Not only was she gone and she was never coming back, but I would never see her again. That the last time I would ever look at her was the flighting moments I caught before the men closed her in a wooden box that would be lowered into the ground.
Now, any funeral I go to, I make sure that I’m not looking at the casket when it closes.
It’s been almost a decade since she has passed and I still find myself mourning her at times as though the experience is fresh. I wear the ring she left me everyday as a reminder that she is with me and I always find myself talking about her if given the opportunity.
Nearly ten years, and I will still happily retell the stories she told me growing up about my dad and his siblings, about the rooster that turned blue and died after annoying her for too long, and the time her mom tried to make homemade underwear. I will tell you how she used to have me lay on a towel and crawl under the bed, then drag me by the feet to get all the dusty bunnies out. I’ll even tell you about all the times she stood up and danced with me because I did well on a spelling test because spelling was the hardest subject for me.
I try not to remember the days where she was in pain, but the days she made me laugh. That’s what she would have wanted me to do. There are hundreds of things in my life that I directly link to my grandma and her memory, and I wish I could take the time to write every one of them.
The part of my heart that broke when she died has been healed by these memories, by the smiles I can still see when I close my eyes and perfume I can almost smell when I really think about it. Losing her did break my family in a lot of ways, but remembering her always seems to bring us closer.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
College Football Season Teeters on the Brink
The idea of playing college sports this fall has felt iffy all along, like assembling a massive and unwieldy Jenga tower of good intentions and questionable hopes.
Now, it is teetering with each bit of news, with this week’s among the most seismic in imperiling having a season at all.
The Ivy League shut down sports until at least Jan. 1. Ohio State and North Carolina each had enough positive coronavirus cases among the few athletes on campus that they suspended summer workouts. And the Big Ten Conference soberly announced that most of its fall sports, including football, would play only league games — if they played at all. The Pac-12 Conference did the same Friday.
One by one the pieces are removed. The tower sways. When will the whole structure come crashing down?
“Nobody wants to be the first one, but when somebody is, then it makes it OK for somebody to be the next one,” Buddy Teevens, the longtime football coach at Dartmouth, said of the Ivy League.
The Big Ten, the N.C.A.A.’s richest conference, hedged its bets the day after the Ivy League announcement by paring its fall plans. The Atlantic Coast Conference, another one of the Power Five leagues, said Friday it would decide on its fall sports seasons by the end of the month. Teevens, previously the head coach at Stanford and Tulane, admitted that reality had been seeping in, slowly swamping hope.
“It’s been kind of like Santa Claus and the Easter bunny,” Teevens said. “You kind of knew they didn’t exist, and then finally you were told.”
It was bound to be harder to restart sports collegiately than professionally, with their unique breadth of tricky logistics and prickly issues — billions of dollars of revenues propped onto the backs of tens of thousands of amateur athletes, spread across hundreds of campuses and dozens of conferences sprinkled across every corner of the nation.
Athletics hold an outsized role in the nightmare facing American universities. Schools everywhere are staggering toward fall, unsure how to do the most basic things like have classes. It is a matter of life, death and budgets.
Most are jury-rigging plans to educate online, some entirely. Budgets are in tatters. Students are in limbo. Faculty are torn by the bad options of teaching in person during a pandemic and educating through computer screens. Support workers and others linked to campuses wait, but each day seems to make the view murkier.
Colleges, and the towns that support and rely on them, are microcosms of the nation’s anxiety and uncertainty. They face a grudge match between health and economics. The safest option is to keep campuses closed. That might mean economic devastation to colleges and their communities. Is there middle ground?
Now throw athletics into the caldron. Unlike most professional sports leagues, several of which are already struggling to cocoon themselves in tightly monitored, self-described bubbles without getting people sick, there is no way to separate college sports from college environments or society at large.
Even small outbreaks could spread like wildfires into a forest.
So far, more than 3.1 million Americans have been diagnosed with Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, and 133,000 have died. On Wednesday, the day that the Ivy League canceled fall sports, nearly 60,000 new cases were reported in the United States, a new high.
Some of those were college athletes. Through Wednesday, at least 426 had tested positive for the coronavirus among roughly 50 Division I programs, but the number of cases is likely much higher. About half of American universities either did not respond to requests for testing results from The New York Times, or declined to provide numbers, under the auspices of protecting the privacy of student-athletes.
Ohio State, in suspending its off-season workout programs this week, did not reveal how many students tested positive. It only said that the shutdown impacted seven sports, including football.
Such news accelerates as the fall sports calendar approaches. And if reasonable people at some of the world’s great universities had not seriously pondered this question before, they are now:
Just why are we doing this?
The flip response, rarely said out loud: Money. Under the umbrella of the N.C.A.A., college athletics is an $18 billion enterprise, with schools generating about $10 billion in revenue. And football is the primary moneymaker, especially at places like Ohio State, where the athletics budget surpasses $200 million a year.
“I don’t want to cast aspersions on motives,” the University of Washington epidemiologist Steve Mooney said of the sports world, “but I don’t know if they have my best interests in mind.”
The ethical side of all this may give college philosophy classes, whenever and however they convene, plenty to consider.
Given budget crunches and coronavirus testing problems, should universities spend hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of a season to routinely test players, coaches and staff?
“Is this a good use of our resources?” said Dawn Comstock, a sports epidemiologist at the Colorado School of Public Health.
Some schools have asked student-athletes to sign waivers to acknowledge the risk of participating during a pandemic. In a letter to the N.C.A.A., a pair of senators called them “legally dubious” and “morally repugnant.”
To paraphrase Jeff Goldblum’s character in “Jurassic Park,” questioning the re-creation of dinosaurs: College sports have been so preoccupied with whether or not they could return in the fall that they did not stop to think if they should.
Enter the Ivy League, with its high educational standards and modest athletic ambitions (and significantly lower reliance on revenue from sports compared with Power Five conferences). It was the first Division I conference to shut down in the spring. It was the first to reject returning in the fall.
“I think other conferences around the country are going to follow,” Columbia Athletic Director Peter Pilling said.
Not without a fight. The more money at stake, the more contortions that universities may perform to make sports happen.
That is why much of the scrutiny involves football. With its enormous rosters and sweat-swapping action as a contact sport, football games might seem like a bad idea while fighting a contagious virus.
But football is the cash cow that feeds most other athletic programs. Losing just one season — and the television revenue it generates, which can be tens of millions of dollars at major programs — could be devastating to nonrevenue sports, many of which routinely fight for their existence.
Ohio State, for example, has 36 other sports, mostly financed by football. Earlier this week, rich and mighty Stanford cut 11 sports, blaming cascading budgets.
Contingency plans for the football season are being made. It is a given, by now, that there may be no fans in the stands. Seasons might be reduced in scope or pushed to spring, Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott conceded earlier this month. The Big Ten’s move to conference-only games is a half step toward canceling.
The hope is to salvage something. But even if seasons start, outbreaks could end them suddenly, just as they did basketball tournaments and spring sports.
The N.C.A.A., which gave Americans a splash-in-the-face wake-up call when it called off its basketball tournaments last March, may not react with such sweeping gusto this time.
“As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact college sports nationally, the N.C.A.A. supports its members as they make important decisions based on their specific circumstances and in the best interest of college athletes’ health and well-being,” it said in a statement on Thursday.
But could the Pac-12 shutter while the Big Ten plays on? Or will one major conference’s decision start the domino chain?
Most expect answers by the end of July.
“I don’t like the trends out there right now, with the numbers and virus increases you see across the country,” Tom Wistrcill, commissioner of the Big Sky Conference, told the Bozeman (Mont.) Daily Chronicle. He estimated the odds for fall sports at 50-50.
Such a half-empty analysis would have seemed unlikely back in March. Leagues like the N.B.A. and Major League Baseball, along with most Americans, considered the virus a passing storm to wait out.
Sports did their part. They sheltered in place. No one can blame the sports world for the broad outbreak or the continued surges through the summer. Not yet.
Billy Witz and Lauryn Higgins contributed reporting.
The post College Football Season Teeters on the Brink appeared first on Shri Times.
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mastcomm · 4 years
Coronavirus Live Updates: Deaths in China Rise, With No Sign of Slowdown
As deaths approach 500, no sign of a slowdown in China.
The death toll from the monthlong coronavirus outbreak has continued to climb in China, rising to 490. New cases have surged by double-digit percentages in the past 11 days, with no sign of a slowdown.
More people have now died in this epidemic than in the severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, outbreak of 2002-3 in mainland China. During that outbreak, 349 people died in the mainland.
The new figures from China’s Health Commission on Wednesday showed that 65 people died on Tuesday and that 3,887 more people had been infected. So far, 24,324 people are known to have been infected.
Health experts say the death toll is likely to rise because of the large number of infections. The mortality rate of the coronavirus, about 2 percent so far, appears to be far lower than SARS, which has a mortality rate of about 10 percent.
Experts warn they still lack enough data to say definitively how lethal the new coronavirus is. Many residents in Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak and the capital of Hubei Province, believe the death toll is much higher than the official tally because people with flulike symptoms are being turned away by overstretched hospitals. The health care system in Wuhan is so overwhelmed that many cases have not been diagnosed because of a shortage of testing kits.
The number of people in China recovering from the virus is also rising, suggesting that the treatment plan is working. On Tuesday, 262 people left hospitals nationwide. The number of suspected cases has dropped for two days in a row. Officials said they were tracking 3,971 suspected cases, compared with 5,173 cases the day before.
On Tuesday, health officials released details of the deaths so far, saying that two-thirds of them were men. More than 80 percent were over 60 years old, and they typically had pre-existing health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases or diabetes.
Hubei Province has been hardest hit by the virus, and is home to the bulk of deaths (479) and infections (16,678). Wuhan in particular has borne the brunt of the deaths and infections.
The government said it has put 252,154 people under surveillance.
Looking for the basics? Start here.
What is a coronavirus, and how dangerous is it? Read up on the basics, including its symptoms and how it is transmitted.
How bad could the outbreak be? Here are the six key factors that will determine whether it can be contained.
Where has the virus spread? You can track its movement with this map.
How is the United States being affected? There were 11 confirmed cases as of Tuesday. American citizens and permanent residents who fly to the United States from China are now subject to a two-week quarantine.
What if I’m traveling? Several countries, including the United States, have discouraged travel to China, and several airlines have canceled flights. Many travelers have been left in limbo while looking to change or cancel bookings.
How do I keep myself and others safe? Washing your hands is the most important thing you can do.
A second evacuation of Americans from Wuhan has begun.
The United States has begun its second airlift of American citizens out of China.
“Two planes have departed Wuhan en route to the United States,” the State Department said in a statement Wednesday night.
Little information was immediately available on the planes’ destination.
But it was believed that like the first Americans evacuated from Wuhan, the passengers will be taken to a military base and directed to remain there pending medical tests.
The first evacuees were flown from Wuhan on Jan. 29, and their plane stopped in Anchorage to refuel and for the passengers to be given initial screenings. The Boeing 747 then continued on to March Air Reserve Base in Riverside, Calif.
After traveling to China, some Americans are staying indoors.
As United States officials impose new restrictions on travelers from China, many people who have returned to the country in recent days have hunkered down in their homes to make sure they were not carrying or spreading the disease.
Some were checking in regularly with local public health departments, taking their temperatures at regular intervals and receiving deliveries of food and water. Others were not conferring with the authorities, but choosing on their own to stay indoors, away from work, away from friends and, in some cases, away from everyone.
All were counting down the days since they left China, waiting anxiously to see if symptoms develop — and whether they can get their lives back to normal.
“It’s pretty scary,” said a woman in Massachusetts whose husband and 18-month-old son have been holed up in the family’s basement since returning from China last week.
The woman, a medical researcher who asked not to be named, said her family’s self-imposed quarantine was a necessary step to protect others, especially since she feared her family had traveled on the same flight as a man who was later diagnosed with coronavirus.
“If people are responsible people,” she said, “they are willing to do this.”
10 passengers on a cruise ship in Japan tested positive for the virus.
Ten passengers on a cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama, Japan, have tested positive for the coronavirus, Japan’s health minister said on Wednesday.
The ship, carrying about 3,700 people, arrived in Yokohama on Tuesday, but the authorities did not allow anyone off. An 80-year-old Hong Kong resident who had disembarked earlier in his home city was found to be infected.
In all, 273 passengers were tested for the virus after everyone on board underwent an initial health screening. Twenty-one people were cleared, and officials were awaiting the other results.
The passengers who tested positive were being transported by a Japanese Coast Guard ship to a hospital. The other passengers are to remain quarantined on board the Princess Cruises ship, the Diamond Princess.
Also on Wednesday, the American military, which has a large presence in Japan, said that anyone under its jurisdiction who was returning to the country from China would undergo a 14-day quarantine.
Hyundai suspended production at South Korea car factories.
Hyundai, the world’s fifth-largest carmaker, has said that it was suspending production lines at its car factories in South Korea, one of the first major manufacturers to face severe supply chain issues because of the coronavirus.
Hyundai, which relies on auto parts from China, said in a statement on Tuesday that it had “decided to suspend its production lines from operating at its plants in Korea.”
“The decision is due to disruptions in the supply of parts resulting from the coronavirus outbreak in China,” it added.
Many auto plants in China have shut down because of the virus, including factories run by Hyundai, Tesla, Ford and Nissan. Hyundai plants in South Korea would be the first to shut down lines outside China.
“The company is reviewing various measures to minimize the disruption of its operations, including seeking alternative suppliers in other regions,” a Hyundai spokesman said in an email.
Hyundai has a worldwide network of factories, including plants in Russia, Turkey, the Czech Republic and Montgomery, Ala., which can probably make up for lost production in South Korea.
But the shutdown of some production at its South Korean plants may signal further disruptions at manufacturers that depend on parts from China. The longer that Chinese factories remain shut, the greater the risk of shortages of key components.
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