#but the site glitched and i had to add it again to my cart
multi-fandomms · 2 years
the amount of stress i went through pre ordering skz’s new albums …..
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textiles · 4 years
The long of it, or how I’m doing I’ve had a little breathing problem since the car crash of May ‘18, some scarification of the lungs, but I could power through. This past Summer we discovered that I had a hypersensitivity to disinfectant fumes, because the staff was cleaning visitor tabs with lysol spray in the call center, but we added some fans, and moved them to the far side of the call center and it was fine. In October we moved the call center into a much smaller room without very good air circulation (just an outtake vent behind the door. Part of the call center that wasn’t used for phones was used for storage, including hand sanitizer.  In December Engineering turned on the heater for the museum, and the outtake vent started spewing dry air into the cc. At this point I started to have more difficulty breathing when moving around. As January starts this has worsened some and I begin to look for patterns. It’s worse at work, virtually non-existent on my days off. I also start looking for new apartments, as I know my current landlady will want to start remodeling in the Spring. February comes and I waste a couple weekends completely attempting to make my own shirts and pants, as our dept. is changing dress code, and Big & Tall stores no longer carry Big and Tall clothes. I could also use new shoes, but the nearest place that carries my size is in Austin. Lack of progress on that front, combined with lack of progress apt hunting, and the increasing amount of time I’m short of breath leave me in a sorry state physically, and I begin to notice that my legs are swelling. At the end of Feb. I’ve looked at the options and the one that fits my symptoms is fluid retention. Thankfully the main treatment for that is drink more water, so I add it to my shopping list for Friday.  Also I get notification from Landlady that, yes indeed, it’s new apt time, and they need me out by the end of May, 90 day notice, should be doable right? That Thursday, while at work we get an email that the water is down in the building. Bringing up news reports, it seems the water is down throughout half of Houston. So while I’m at work, people go out and buy up all the water at grocery stores.  There’s a boil water notice until Saturday late afternoon, So I content myself with looking at apt listings, doing some light cleaning to make packing easier, and then start a little packing. But then I run into the Fluid retention, and activity becomes very difficult. The next week passes, I can see my symptoms getting worse, but water still hasn’t made it back on the shelves even that Friday. I redouble my apt seeking, hoping against hope to have a place by this weekend, so that at least one thing is accomplished.  Then, well this past week happened. A series of unfortunate events and badly timed announcements, and on Thursday again I can only watch as the hordes rush forth and buy up all the foodstuffs.  This Friday would have been my usual “Buy for a few weeks” day, which still isn’t much, like $40 instead of $20. I’m exhausted and inflexible, so Friday morning I go to grocery delivery site, and find their earliest time available for delivery is Sunday Afternoon. I need water now though, it’s literally the only thing that will help cure me. So I find a place nearby that has some, and slide on some sandals and blob out the door.  The first thing I notice is that Downtown Houston is PACKED with people, which concerns me. I get to the store and they’ve shut down half their parking to get their facade powerwashed, so I head to their underground parking, which appears full at first. Mainly it appears full because a slew of drivers have parked in two spots. I find one little spot, and struggle to get out without dinging the car that is definitely also in my sport. My goal, get a cart, get water, get anything that’s on my list that they have in stock, and get out. The elevator opens into bedlam. I took 20 minutes to get a cart, I grabbed two packages of water, and then kept being redirected away from where I was headed by more aggressive shoppers. After an additional 20 minutes I’ve added some Gatorade for electrolytes, some poptarts for breakfast, and a box of wheat thins for snacking. by this point I’m wheezing, and this little old lady points me out and starts yelling that I’ve got the coronavirus. She starts trying to find a manager to kick me out of the store so I move over to the cashiers. I injure myself getting back into the car, manage to stumble into the house and basically collapse, pulling out a water to start drinking. Realizing that I’m still missing a lot of the elements of food, I go back to grocery delivery, Their first delivery time is now Monday afternoon, and start to place my order. I hit a glitch that won’t let me add anything else to the order, but proceed with that, because I can go to a different service to get the rest, which I do, their delivery time is an hour before on Monday, so Monday is just Grocery day. Friday night I don’t realize that my bed has slipped out of position to a way that I can’t find a position that isn’t bearing down on my hip nerves, So Saturday is very slow with huge bulging thighs, basically blocking each others movement.  Sunday morning I’ve corrected the bed, and the water has started doing it’s thing, but it’s caused two unforseen issues. Issue 1. Thigh Weeping. and issue 2, is best left unsaid. Monday, finally my food is arriving, then just after the “Edit this order” option expires I get a message that the first carrier has swapped out some things, and that every source of protein except for eggs is out of stock. Also swapping the Butter for Cooking spray, which is useful I guess? The second delivery does the exact same thing, except they at least offer to remove the substitiutions.  So I’ve ended up with Grapes, Two sets of Hot Dog Buns (no Hot Dogs) Some more Gatorade, Eggs, cooking spray, milk, and 9 cans of tomato sauce (pasta was out of stock) Fun
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lunaschild2016 · 6 years
Worth Fighting For: Chapter 82 - Wicked Game
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Rating M ( Language, Violence, There will be smut, Angst, Tragedy, Romance, Fluff)
@kenzieam  @pathybo  @jaihardy @every-jai@ericdauntless@beautifulramblingbrains @bookgirlthings@jojuarez26@oddsnendsfanfics @offroadinjandals@singingpeople@iammarylastar @irasancti @captstefanbrandt@clublulu333@fuckthatfeeling @tigpooh67 @ex-bookjunky  @jughead-wuz-here wuz-here@badassbaker@beanzjellly@beltz2016@meganbee15@affabletimelady@scorpio2009@gylisaa@geekybeyondallreason@violetsonthelam@kyloswarstars@emmysrandomthoughts @kgurew @beltzboys2015-blog@slytherin-princess-25273@whatwouldbuffydo666@jaiboomer11@holamor@wealwayskeepfighting @original46
**I promise I have put the read more option in but it has been glitching. If I have forgotten someone or you want to be removed please message me!**
Chapter 82 - Wicked Game
 “They are moving Marcus Eaton to long-term care,” Max said from the other side of the conference table. The statement draws a variety of reactions from the other leaders around us. Most of them are scowls of disgust and I can hear Victoria muttering about it just being a waste of resources.
 “I thought they said his injuries were mostly healed? Besides the liver damage, but they determined that was due to his years of drinking.” Raze had his arms crossed over his chest and looked to be deep in thought.
 Max grunts his agreement and looks away from the tablet in his hand. “As far as the doctors can tell, his injuries from the attack have healed. The swelling on his brain from the fall he had and the other injuries from the attack, have gone down or healed enough that they removed him from the medically induced coma. He still isn’t waking from it and it has been two weeks.”
 “So, he should be waking up but isn’t and they don’t know why?” James asks slowly with a scowl.
 “Correct. Which is why he is being moved to long-term. He still needs medical attention but not as intensive as it was before. They believe that trauma is the reason for him still being in the coma and they say he could wake up at any time, or never again. Until then I still want to keep a guard posted to the area.”
 I nod in agreement to the guard recommendation and refrain from adding to Victoria's muttered sentiment that he could be monitored just as easily from a prison cell; better yet they could execute him and not deal with it at all anymore.
 I would add that to the suggestions being tossed out there by the others, but I get why Max isn’t pushing for it. There are still so many unanswered questions and if there is a chance that Marcus will pull through to answer for them, he wants to keep it.
 Two months from the trial and things are still turning up. Max and Raze haven’t come out and told me about the investigation into Peter’s dad and his connection to Marcus, but Zach let me in on it. Those two bastards have a lot to answer for, but it is definitely pointing to things being corrupted on much deeper levels in our city.
 I’ve been assigned, along with Chase, to investigate the factionless activity as well as assist Abnegation with cleaning house and securing the sites where the cities goods are stored and produced.
 A week after the trial, when it was announced citywide that Marcus was no longer leader of the government and was in critical condition, a raid on the warehouses was made. No one could say if it happened specifically during that week or even before then, because it seems that there was no real security assigned. There were no regular inspections of the warehouses or inventories done. The ones that were performed all had been signed off on by Marcus himself, but it is apparent there was something off about those few inventories.
 I have been charged with putting together teams to go through those places with a fine-tooth comb and do an inventory of everything. At the same time, we will be shoring up security on the actual structure of the buildings while at the same time have a better security presence there. Before now, we were not allowed to have Dauntless there in an official security position. We could have Dauntless laborers there, but they were there to do the heavy lifting and that was all.
 Factionless activity has become almost nonexistent. To the point, you would think there are no factionless left in the city. We know that isn’t true, but they seem to have places to hole up. It wouldn’t be concerning, given it is winter and there have been several days’ worth of snow that have built up, but the radio silence is nerve-wracking and has me on edge. It feels the calm before the storm and I can’t put my finger on why that is.
 The other leaders seem to think that they are running scared, knowing that Marcus had been lenient on them and allowed them to get away with so much. Now that he is gone, they are afraid that the new government head will allow much stricter treatment and policing. I know that Max has been in talks with Andrew about getting this in place as soon as possible so it could be what has factionless behaving.
 As if all of that wasn’t enough to have on my plate, I still had Erudite. I still had Jeanine breathing down my neck. Max was stonewalling her on hearing out any more to do with Divergents. Without him being on board and seeing them as a real threat, she couldn’t work him on the next part of her plan. The plan to pin Abnegation as the source of divergents and the real threat to the city. A threat that needs to be routed out completely then the city could come together with a stronger and better government. One ran by Jeanine and Erudite of course.
 Max wasn’t hearing it though and while I was glad as hell about that, it was making my life hell. Jeanine was demanding I start finding ways to change his mind, even if I had to make things happen myself. Not to mention that she wasn’t about to let go of the idea that Kat and Tris were the keys to the divergence solution.
 It was hard to play off my relationship to Kat as a means to keep her close, a way to keep my eye on her and get proof of her divergence. Damon’s constant digs at me and the relationship with Kat had me on edge, but I wasn’t about to make the same mistake I had before and take that out on Kat. The first time I had to meet with my brother and Jeanine, I could tell she was scared. She tried to hide it from me, tried to be supportive and strong for me, but I could tell that she was expecting the worst. For me to come back and a repeat of that fight to happen.
 I can admit it had been close. I rode the train for a bit longer then hopped off and tried to walk off some of the bad feelings I had when leaving that meeting. I still couldn’t talk right away when I finally did make it back. I was too afraid to. Afraid I would say something in the wrong tone, not even meaning to or knowing I was doing it, and it would send her into a panic. I could feel her relief when I held her, even if I didn’t talk.
 I could also feel that something else happened that night. Something shifted for us and I think it was trust. Whatever trust I had lost, was back now. She hadn’t said as much so I wasn’t for sure, but I felt it in the way she was resistant to pull away when we kissed. How she hesitated or looked unsure when I would walk her back to her apartment after a date. I was barely holding on myself but as much as I wanted to take her back to the apartment with me, I didn’t. I didn’t even hint at it or ask. I was the one that had to cool things off and Kat was the one that was pushing further. It was getting harder and harder for me to do, but I was determined that it wasn’t going to happen until she said the words. Until she let me know she was ready, and not when we were in the middle of making out, because that girl would say anything in the heat of moment. I couldn’t risk she would regret it once the moment had passed.
 The meeting continues on, assignments being handed out and updates on the status of all the new members.
 My week is shaping up to be a shitty one. The bright spot for me is I know that I will have a date with Kat at the end of it and no matter what is in store, it is worth the crap I have to wade through to get there at the end.
 I close the door to my apartment then begin the process of unloading my pockets and stripping my boots and jacket off. The tiredness I was feeling as I dragged my ass back into the compound had quickly worn off once I realized what I had going on in just a few hours. My blood is buzzing with anticipation of it.
 After two months of getting together everywhere but the apartment, Kat and I are finally going to be alone here, and it had all been her idea.
 From the day she had pretty much demanded this dinner, I have been in planning and fantasy mode. The disaster of our first date was clear in my mind though. I had learned well from it and every date with her since. I should have known and remembered her pleasure that night on the roof when we had stopped fighting what is between us.
 Looking back, it had been ridiculously simple, a night under the full moon and watching the sunrise with coffee. At the time I had considered it sappy as hell, and maybe to some of the other guys in Dauntless, it would be too. The thing is, I was a hell of a lot happier that night than some of those unlucky bastards that are being carted off to one place or another, spending insane amounts of points and working hard just to show their girls a good time.
 Every date since then has been just the same. Simple things that made not only her happy but me as well.
 I kept that in mind and had decided to just keep it simple. The day before I stocked up the kitchen for whatever we might be in the mood to eat for dinner. I also spent the evening after I got home from work cleaning the apartment from top to bottom. I had been so eager to get things ready, that I now realize I have nothing to do but jump in the shower and get dressed. Then find something to do to kill time until I go to get her.
 Once I have my boots off and in their place by the door, I straighten out and walk further into the apartment. It takes a second, but I realize something is off.
 I hear water running.
 There have been a few water pipe breaks throughout the compound with the freezing temperatures. It was usually the places that are farther from the surface, deeper into the rock that makes up the compound. Though it is usually lower in the compound it has happened higher up.
 “Goddammit.” I mutter angrily as I take big strides towards the noise, praying that it isn’t a busted pipe but figuring that it is just my luck it will be.
 It’s probably my punishment for all the dirty shit I have been fantasizing will happen tonight with Kat. She didn’t come right out and say anything was going to happen between us but with her pushing things further and the obvious frustration she has at the end of our dates, I can imagine that it is bound to happen.
 I get closer and the sound of water gets stronger. My scowl deepens so I pick up my steps. Another sound hits my ears just before I get to the door of the bathroom.
 A moan. Soft and faint but one I would know fucking anywhere.
 My feet slide slightly once they hit the tile of the bathroom and I almost trip over them when I try to restart the walk I had been in the middle of trying to suddenly stop. My mind shuts down and my eyes go wide while I take in the sight before me.
 My shower was a luxury I indulged when renovating the apartment. It had been a shitty one before with hardly any water pressure and was small as hell. I could barely fit into the tiny shower stall and it was impossible to move without banging my elbows against the dingy tiled wall.
 I solved that by blowing out the small room that was supposed to be a second bedroom and made it part of the bathroom. That allowed me to make myself a large shower, completely glassed in and with enough pressure coming out of the wall and ceiling shower heads to clean even the filthiest factionless out there. Because the glass went from floor to ceiling it also allowed it to steam up really good, which was the main reason I went with that design.
 I love steam baths.  
 I hadn’t cared a bit about how it looked and if it was pretty or not, so I went with grey slate over the entire thing. Even the bench I had made inside of it was covered in the same grey slate. All I cared about was the functions that I wanted to indulge in, my one true frivolous thing I allowed myself.
 Later, this damn shower became the best part of my fucking day. When I got Kat to myself, with my hands all over her and the rest of Dauntless, along with all the crap going on in our lives, went away.
 There during the height of initiation and when we barely had time to see each other; this was my refuge and where I found peace.
 A soft moan sounds again, bringing my mind back to the here and now. Kat stands under the rain shower head with her back slightly to me. Her face is turned up to the water and her eyes are closed in a blissful expression.
 My heart speeds up so much I can feel the blood pumping through my veins. I don’t speak or move, fearing this is an illusion and anything will make it disappear. I lick my lips in a mouth gone dry and let myself absorb everything.
 She doesn’t know I am here, probably wasn’t expecting me, and it makes me feel like a perv standing here watching her like I am with my hand hovering near where my dick is trying to pitch a tent in my pants.
 Kat lowers her head, reaches out her hands and cups them to gather water, then brings them to let the water fall over her breasts. A groan tears through me at that and I shuffle slightly.
 A soft chuckle comes from her and she looks over her shoulder at me, that devious smile and sparkle in her eyes. I narrow my eyes at her but don’t speak. She bites her lower lip and turns more fully to face me, her hands stroking up her body starting from her thighs up to her breasts. She cups them in her hand, her head falling back a little and watching me through eyes glazed over with lust.
 Even as the lust ramps up in me I still try to hold on to that pledge that we won’t go there until she says the words. Despite the fact that all the blood in my body seems to be pulsing in my cock, my brain has a few cells firing.
 When I heard water running there hadn’t been a thought that it would be anyone taking a shower in my apartment. The only person that would even do something like that would be Kat and I had just had a message from her when I was rolling back into the compound. One that said she would see me later that night.
 No, she said she would see me as planned.
 I watch her taking each of her hardened nipples between fingers before tweaking them all while watching and teasing me with that damn smile on her face.
 As planned, but it wasn’t the plan we had talked about before, it was one she came up with on her own. She planned this and timed it, so I would find her like this when I got home.
 A growl rumbles through my chest when her grin gets wider while moving one hand down between her legs slowly and I drop my pants then rip my shirt and vest off.
 Fuck it. That’s good enough for me. Who needs words when actions speak louder.
 Kat pulls back from our kiss with a sigh and lays her head on my chest. Her hair is still slightly damp from our shower that ended before either of us bothered with any kind of soap. I let my head fall back onto the pillow of the bed but don’t release her hair from my grasp.
 She hums in contentment as I use gentle pressure from my fingers to massage her scalp but otherwise it is quiet. I look out the window of my bedroom and see that the sun is just starting to set. The red of the dying light melting into the various shades of darker colors that will soon be inky black.
 I turn my head and look at the digital clock on one of the nightstands and see that it is just about dinner time.
 “You hungry?” I murmur the question into her hair as I lift my head and press a kiss to the top of hers.
 “Mmm,” She sighs and runs her hand over my chest, then raises her head and looks at me with a smile. “I could eat.”
 Despite her words and the rumble from her stomach that followed them, she made no move to get up from where we are sprawled out on the bed. She just turns her face down and brushes her nose against my skin.
 I jerk and let out a startled gust of breath when her teeth graze across my nipple. “Shit.” I exclaim and go to pull her up and away while she giggles.
 She doesn’t resist as I roll us so that I am covering her with my body and claiming her mouth in a kiss. I pull back after a few minutes and marvel that even with how spent we both are, my dick is still trying to rise to the occasion.
 I pull away and give her a playful smack on the ass when she follows me up to her knees on the bed. Our discarded clothes are still on the bathroom floor, so I pull out my boxers and gather up the rest of the crap, then go to toss them in the laundry hamper. When I open it up I see that Kat’s clothes are sitting in there already.
 I bite my lip and let my shit drop then head out of the bathroom. She has already vacated the bed and I hear rustling from the kitchen area, so I head out there. I stifle the groan when I find her bent over with her head in the fridge and my shirt she is wearing riding up and exposing her being naked beneath.
 “Why don’t you get a shower and I can take care of dinner.” I offer with a little more force than I meant to.
 She pulls her head out of the fridge but has her hands full of things wearing a grin. “Why bother taking one now?” She shrugs and puts her items on the counter then walks over to wrap her arms around my neck.
 My hands go to her waist and I pull her flush against my body before leaning down and brushing my lips against hers.
 “If I remember correctly, someone is on a kitchen strike again.” I murmur against her lips.
 “Exceptions can be made. Besides, I didn’t say I was going to do anything more than assist.” She sasses back to me before she kisses me.
 We spend the next few minutes doing absolutely no cooking but a lot of kissing. Ending with her slightly perched on the counter and her legs wrapped around my waist. We finally break away after our stomach give synchronized grumbles.
 Kat is once again on solid ground but standing beside me as I survey the items she has pulled out. My lips are tugging at the sides at her predictable choices and I try to give her a scowl but really, I could give a shit less that she has gone with. I wouldn’t have gotten the shit, but I knew how much she loved it.
 Lynn is right, I am whipped when it comes to Kat.
 “What?” She asks with a shrug and wide eyes. “If you didn’t want to make that you shouldn’t have gotten the stuff for it. You had to know I was going to go for it.” She says simply and looks away from me with a sniff as she takes a cookie sheet from the cabinet and starts arranging the chicken nuggets on it.
 I shake my head, not even bothering to argue, then start to work on the mac and cheese and mashed potatoes.  
 We fall into talking about work as we stand beside each other in the kitchen working on dinner. Preparation of the simple dinner doesn’t take long and I am running through things in my mind to drag the process, along with our night, out. It is on my mind to get her to stay the night, but I don’t know if that would be pressing things too far.
 I don’t want to fuck things up when they have been going well so far.
 Kat starts to set the table for us, pouring drinks and getting cutlery out while I put the finishing touches to the scratch made mac and cheese.
 “I was thinking we could watch the first couple of movies in that series Lynn suggested. I didn’t know if you had it, but Lynn had to go with Max to Erudite a few days ago and picked the entire series up. I brought them and a few others with me.”
 Kat says from where she is moving around in the dining area. I raise an eyebrow and smirk but inside I can feel nothing but pleased that she is suggesting this.
 “The Jigsaw series?” I ask as that occurs to me and I frown searching my memory if there are any fucking clowns in that shit.
 “Yeah, that’s the one but I brought a few others if we aren’t in the mood for gore.”
 I snort and shake my head. “Gore isn’t a problem. I was more worried about there being a clown in there that I don’t remember.”
 I can see her shudder from the kitchen and she let out a sigh. “Well, if there is one I guess it will be a good thing that I will have you to keep me from waking up ready to attack something in my sleep tonight.”
 I nod absentmindedly, carrying the bowls of food over to the table when it hits me what she said. I set the bowls down and clear my throat, praying I sound casual and that I am not grinning like the lunatic I am feeling like at the moment.
 “So, you are planning on staying the night?”
 She was just sliding into her chair and looks up at me with a frown, then blushes and looks uncertain. “Is that okay? I mean I know we didn’t talk about it or plan for that but I just…”
 I stop her by leaning down and kissing her soundly. Happiness coursing through me and pouring into the kiss. Never breaking the kiss, I get seated and scoot her closer to me so that she isn’t quite in my lap but close enough.
 “It’s more than fucking okay, angel. It’s perfect.” I reply in a rasp when we finally end the kiss only to lazily continue the kiss and brushing of our lips against each other.
 The rest of the night is perfect.
 Even with me vetoing the Jigsaw movie because the main villain is way too close to one for my liking. Instead we went with the Alien series even though Kat protested and said she was up to trying the first one.
 I wasn’t.
 I had no desire to roll the dice on what it might trigger for her.
 By the time the third movie was rolling on the vid screen we were both more than half asleep and decided to call it a night. Getting ready for bed was simple since neither of us bothered to get dressed after our earlier activities. She was still wearing my shirt and I was still in my boxers.
 Her clothes that I had gotten with my brothers so long ago still stayed in the apartment along with the toiletries and toothbrush, so she had things to wear to bed and tomorrow already. We brush our teeth beside each other but didn’t bother to put on nightclothes. In fact, I watched with a satisfied smile as she lifted my shirt off of her and got into bed completely naked.
 I love that she still blushes even now, especially when it combines with her hungry look as I drop my boxers. When her body is tangled with mine as we are exhausted after another round and the hunger we have for each other is taken care of, I can’t help my own contented sigh. I am already dreading tomorrow night because I know there is a chance she won’t want to do this again.
 “Eric,” Kat whispers into the night and her breath tickling my skin. “I’m not moving in,” she pauses in speaking as if weighing her words and my reaction. I tense up and grit my teeth wanting to protest this but restrain myself enough to let her continue. “But I wouldn’t mind doing this again. I really liked tonight.”
 I tighten my arms around her and brush my lips against her forehead as I let out a breath of relief mixed with disappointment. “I did too, kitten.” I stop and collect myself to answer her. “I can live with that arrangement,” I answer with a small shrug of my shoulders.
 For now.
 I finish that sentence in my mind and wonder how far I can push it. Was it technically moving in if she slept over every night?
 Nope, but I plan on finding out if she feels that way.
 I sat with Chase and Raze around a table in control. Files spread out among us and all of us wearing identical scowls.
 It has been five months since the investigation of Marcus Eaton resulted in him being ousted. Something that didn’t matter in the end since he was attacked and lapsed into a coma that he still hasn’t woken from.
 Since then the factionless activity that we are used to dropped to zero. There were still factionless around, but they were much fewer than usual. It was a hard winter with heavy snowfall and storms that lasted for days on end it seemed. A drop in activity was normal for this time of year anyways and especially during weather like we have had. Usually, there are a good number of factionless that seek out shelter at the volunteer center but this year the numbers were far fewer than years past.
 Then there are all the results pouring in about and the state of their security from the warehouses and factories that provide all the goods for the city. Security breaches, security risks, and major discrepancies of both the inventory and projected output riddle the reports in front of us.
 The information is so conflicting but also extremely worrying and it is leaving us at a crossroads.
 “I don’t see any other way. We need to get more information and to do that we need someone inside the factionless. Interrogating them isn’t getting us anywhere.” Chase repeats the conclusion we had all reached a while ago but had been trying to avoid following through with.
 I sigh and rub the back of my neck. “Well, he isn’t going to arrange this if I ask him to, and we decided not to get Kat involved in this part of the investigation because she is already working overtime with the shit on Candor.” I grumble and squint my eyes as my mind works to come up with someone, anyone other than Four, to have to go to for this next favor.
 “Come on, you guys aren’t nearly as bad as you used to be.” Zach cajoles me with a growing smirk on his face. “Who would have thought you would be having Four over for dinner at your apartment? I still can’t believe it and I know it happened.”
 I glare at him and shift uncomfortably in my seat. “It doesn’t make us friends or anything and you should know that since you were there as well. Did it look like we wanted to be at that table together?”
 “Nah, honestly it looked like the two of you were trying to hold in massive shits.” Zach says in laughter, recalling the tense ‘family’ dinner Kat had insisted on holding when she had learned that it was Christmas Eve, the first one the two sisters could celebrate openly.
 I hadn’t minded that they wanted to celebrate by having dinner together, but I had thought more along the lines of it being us all sitting together at a table in the dining hall.
 They wanted to do it right and that meant cooking everything themselves. That also meant that they needed a place big enough to have everyone; and out of everyone’s apartments mine had fit the bill.
 The only good thing to come out of that was that I got some major bargaining leverage with Kat to agree to it, and I had control over certain aspects.
 Like vetoing any fucking gaudy and obnoxious decorations, telling everyone there wouldn’t be any stupid Santa based games, and I would throw anyone out on their asses at the drop of the hat if they were doing something I didn’t like.
 The downside was that there was way more people in my personal space than I felt even remotely comfortable with. I got saddled with making the turkey and roast. And I hadn’t been able to get away from decorations or party games completely.
 Mar had gone to Jester and Cass and came back with a wood cut out in the shape of a Christmas tree with actual lights and decorations hanging from ‘branches’ made from hooks and other things to attach them to.
 The whole night was too festive for my liking, but Kat had been beaming more than the damn tree.
 So, I did my best to not be a complete dick that night and let her have her holiday. My compromise was that the next day, Christmas day, would be just us with a late breakfast with Chase and Zach, who also brought Peter. After that it had just been the two of us though Zach had left us a number of holiday treats and a bunch of holiday movies to binge through. That night we both managed to come up with gifts to exchange, surprising each other since we hadn’t talked about that before.
 I had gifted Kat one of the newest Erudite wrist communicators that had a touch screen and several functions, like being able to store music on it as well as being able to message and get calls to and from on it. Along with that, I had gifted her wireless earbuds. I put in an order for one early on and had hoped to have it for her as a gift for finishing initiation. She loved it and being able to now listen to music while working out without having to worry about carrying around her phone and plugging in the normal earphones.
 She loved it for that purpose, while I loved it because now I had a way to track her ass down should anything ever happen to her. It had a built in GPS program that Chase got set up directly after we got it that only we had access to. We also removed all the other programs that Erudite liked to bury in their tech.
 Kat’s gift had been a surprise and a reminder of that night on the roof when I had suggested I take her camping after she finished initiation. During a trip to Amity with Raze she had picked up some fishing gear that included a fishing rod sturdy enough to handle larger catches, tackle box, a set of knives designed for cleaning and butchering the catches, and a book that she had printed off from Erudite about fishing and the basics. The book was a smart-ass addition to the gift as it was called Fishing For Dummies.
 I had a plan of keeping that date we made on the roof that night, but it would have to wait until it warmed up a lot more.
 Chase and Zach were shuffling papers around, ready for me to acknowledge the inevitable. That I would need to approach Four and arrange for a meet up with Amar. I knew this had more to do with my friendship with Amar and how much his ‘death’ had affected me.
“Eric,” Chase finally spoke up and called my attention to him. “We need to start to get him used to working with you. You know the recent developments in Erudite and that the plan has just been put on hold as far as they are concerned, not canceled. We need more than just the three of us working to stop this. We need him and anyone he can get to help protect Kat and Tris if it comes down to it.”
 I nod with my jaw tight. “Fine. I’ll approach him after New Year’s about meeting up with Amar. One of you are going to need to be there though, because if it is just the two of us…” I trail off and left the rest unsaid.
 Even knowing what is on the table and even with our sort of truce we have going on, I can’t predict how the two of us alone will go over. Especially with the subject Amar on the table.
 Zach nods in agreement, looking as if he has a solution. “We can all go, but it would help to get Zeke there as well. We are going to need to bring him in on this anyways as well, and the sooner the better. Besides already being cleared on the investigation he also knows about a lot of the crap we have been uncovering.”
 “Alright. That sounds like a better approach. Will you set it up with Zeke for him to bring him by the apartment? We know that is a secure place at least.”
 Chase looks surprised for a moment but then lets out a laugh. “Hey. We could say we are having a ‘guys night’ and doing poker or something like that.” He shrugs at my dubious look. “It will look like you two are actually trying to get along but also won’t raise suspicions. It will also give you something to tell Kat. Suggest her and the girls do their night together then.”
 That was something to think about. Most nights Kat was with me at the apartment. She hadn’t technically moved in and I hadn’t pushed that, but she didn’t fight hard when I would convince her to spend the night most nights. The one hard no for her was the nights she sets aside for spending with her sister alone but then also the night all the girls got together. On those nights I usually end up with Chase and Zach anyways, so it wouldn’t be that far of a stretch.
 No way would anyone believe I was the one to come up with that though.
 “Yeah, I am going to have to say you deal with that ploy, Chase. No one is going to go for me suggesting that shit.” I reply flatly.
 “Done.” He agrees with a smirk and way to quickly for my liking letting me know he isn’t planning on it just being a cover but to actually have a poker night.
 I shake my head and decide to pick another battle that is worth my time.
 “Whatever. We got other issues to discuss. What are we going to do about that new simulation serum Erudite is close to perfecting?”
 My brothers get serious and take on grave looks as we address the latest divergent hunting scheme Jeanine and my brother have cooked up.
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chippedteakettle · 5 years
Ticket Rant
I spent the last almost 5 hours trying desperately to get tickets for all 3 US show stops and I watched each one disappear before my eyes.... I had the tickets in MY CART over 30 times and EACH TIME the Ticketmaster site glitched and crashed when the ONLY remaining step would have been to add my security code and select place order. This happened over and over and OVER again. Then it started crashing on the goshdang seat selection screen for Cali to the point that I watched the dots that represented seats vanish as my cursor approached them like they were the avengers after the god dang mother effing thanos snap. I am tired. I am exhausted. Stressed out. Dealing with a cold. Rent is due. And the base price for tickets that were all ready jumping $75 each for 2 to almost $200 with “processing fees” are now being resold for over $225 EACH.... floor seats (that I couldn’t afford then) STARTED at that and are currently being resold for over $1,000. To know that this system was already so broken to begin with and now people are taking advantage of our tired frustration?
I have never felt so fundamentally discouraged and vindictively undercut in my entire life. This disappointment feels excruciating. To know you did all you could, that friends and your boyfriend and your boyfriends friends all tried and ALL of you failed??? I feel like someone just took a sledgehammer to my lungs. To know that there are BTS stans on this platform who are so mean and so incredibly, viscously nasty to people and they got floor seats with soundcheck access???? To know that there are girls who wanted this so badly and they didn’t even get a chance to try for tickets because the show was so far away from them?
In all my time as an army, I have never encountered anything that made me this accutely sad. My soul is wrecked and my heart is broken. I am beyond despondent.
But my boys did it. They are so so incredibly loved that they did it. They have wrecked the American ticketing system just by being them. They have worked SO hard for so long, and now with the flick of a wrist, they are selling out venues that seat thousands upon thousands of people and there’s not enough room for anyone else. The fact that big hit hasn’t figured out that even a multi city 50 stop American tour wouldn’t be enough to give every American army access to their shows is staggering to me. Our boys are a force.
But they already do SO MUCH that I could never ask that of them. They already tour so much and perform and interview and work and write and practice and do so much..... there is no time or way for them to do that. At the end of the day, they’re only people. They’re only 7 boys. It doesn’t make any sense for them to do all they do NOW let alone add more. As much as I wish their annual touring was just condensed into one TRULY world tour, not less than 20 shows outside of Asia, I will always adore them. I barely understand how I keep up with a life on a much smaller scale and have trouble finding room to breathe, so I know sweet yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon, Jin, taehyung, Hoseok and jungkook need room to breathe.
You’ve made it my sweet sweet boys. I just wish I could see it.
I’d also like to clarify that I am not mad at BTS or even big hit or Ticketmaster (although I find it wildly dumb that if BTS fans frequently crash a fricken VLive stream that we put ALL the access for ticket sales on a single site??). I love BTS and the label that gave us the opportunity to get to know and enjoy the work of such incredible artists. I am mad at the planning and logistics of this tour and I am mad at the people who snatched tickets up with the foul motives of reselling something for dirty money with unclean hands after snatching something precious away from people whose whole worlds would’ve been changed by this experience. I am angry at effort not being rewarded and greed running rampant and unchecked.
But I will never - NEVER- be angry of our boys. I couldn’t be more proud of them. Sweet 7, you’re doing it. Take care of yourselves and thank you for letting let us love you, even if it’s from afar.
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breakingmllc · 4 years
Best Bunny Dad Ever Vintage T Shirt
Well with 77 million followers it is unlikely that you will see my post if I send it just once so here it is again I will attach a Best Bunny Dad Ever Vintage T Shirt different picture of the orphans each time I post it since it only allows one dear hailey and justin my prayer before I started typing this is that through my words your hearts will be touched I am merely a servant of jesus christ attempting to do the work I have been called to do when I say I I actually mean we my husband and I are on this journey together working as one to fulfill our mission here on earth in the eyes of god we have recently come back from the dominican republic with our three year old son noah ray we formed our own non profit here in nevada in 2015 called we are the missing peace of the dominican republic our mission is to empower the impoverished and orphaned youth of the dominican republic through athletics and education while spreading the love of jesus christ our goal is to partner with organizations in the dominican republic who share our mission god surely had a plan for us he led us straight to orfanato ninos de cristo a christian orphanage in la romana they have been blessed in many ways throughout the years that they have been open but they have not been able to find any form of sustainable income or cash flow that allows them to never have to turn away a child they depend strictly on donations they receive children from all over the country some have been abused sexually and physically and some have been completely abandoned by their parents the most recent situation is there are three siblings who have a mother dying of cancer and the father just had a stroke the children have nowhere to go but the orphanage is struggling to figure out how to take them they have 80 children who need constant care there are children who are now teenagers who have been there since birth this is their home but the stress of not knowing if there will be food to feed these 80 mouths is overwhelming I believe god led me to you both for a reason I recently read what you wrote to hailey when you got married and it absolutely touched my heart we all have the same purpose in life it s merely to live our lives for christ and love others just as christ loves us I m not asking for money I am asking for your support in organizing a golf tournament art gala at casa de campo in la romana where the talented youth of the orphanage can display and auction off their artwork and jewelry I believe that a yearly event like this has the potential to bring in the cash flow they need to never have to turn away a child while we were there I saw that daddy yankee and bad bunny will be performing at altos de chavon in casa de campo on 11 3 I thought this might be an extra reason for you both to come down to la romana and visit orfanato ninos de cristo I can give you the contact information of the people at the orphanage the boys and the girls have two different facilities both of which are located only a few miles from casa de campo from the bottom of my heart thank you both for taking the time to read this please enjoy the pictures I have included the little curly haired boy is our son noah ray god bless both of you alex and melissa gonzalez henderson nevada. Salve a tutti sono una make up artist con attestato rilasciato dall accademia di trucco studio 13 di roma offro servizi professionali nella capitale e in tutta italia trucco sposa trucco correttivo trucco giorno sera trucco anti età trucco moda trucco uomo trucco d epoca camouflage trucco televisivo trucco fotografico trucco teatrale no tf per contattarmi lascio il mio indirizzo di posta elettronica smeraldabarbagallomakeupartist gmail com per prendere visione dei miei lavori lascio il link alla mia pagina facebook. Remember to use code october special to take 10 off your order of anything on the site including audiobook downloads you have to enter your code at checkout we can’t manually add it after you process your order so type carefully Best Bunny Dad Ever Vintage T Shirt
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pretendend · 7 years
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I had been waiting months for these @reebokclassics @alienanthology to release. I set an alarm for 8:45am to get ready to start pressing the refresh and add to cart buttons at 9am sharp. They sold out in under a minute and the captcha kept freezing my phone and the two browsers I had open on the proper computer were glitching too. Apparently there was a lot of traffic on their site from people trying to get these kicks. I tried for half an hour straight and they kept adding a few sizes back to the site 6.5's, 12's, 10's and all the ones that weren't my size. So after 35 minutes of torturing myself with the refresh button, I gave up. JK, I waited half an hour and started pressing the refresh button on my phone again just for shits and giggles and BAM! Finally scored a set of 11's. I definitely don't miss being a huge sneaker head due to waiting in early morning lines and moments like these online but I sure am stoked I got these. #sneaker #fashion #aliens #xenomorph #waylandyutani #ripley #final #battle #kicks #footfetishnation #$$$ #reebok #reebokclassic #moviestuff (at San Francisco, California)
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striptaese · 7 years
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A sober fanaccount of SWCV HK: 
We were at the venue at 10.30am which turned out to be a good thing. Merch booth opened at 12, and when we were there, the line was about 4 rows strong. By the time 12pm comes around, that queue has increased to about 4 times the length. My friend stood in the queue while I went looking for fansite giveaways of slogans, fans, headbands, etc. It took a surprising long time to get the stuff because so many fan sites were giving stuff out. By the time 11.55am came around, I ran back to the merch booth, and I was still not done getting the fansite giveaways. The merch booth line took forever to move. We were about at the 3rd row in the queue of maybe 10m long, and it took us till 1.10pm to finally get our stuff. 
We then went to collect our official slogan and fan for the support event, together with some small cute cards. Only standing tickets had to personally collect them. Those with seated tickets had their stuff already on their seats for them. We went back to the fansite give away area and… it was raining. Of course, rainee has brought the rain again. Nonetheless, we collected more stuff, and by 2.20pm or so, we decided to go as the standing waiting area was already open. We bought a subway sandwich each (I still have the cookie, I forgot about it) and sat at the waiting area. By then, our feet were already starting to hurt since we’ve been standing for some 4-5 hours already, so the break was great. I packed all my stuff neatly, and then we waited. Originally, the admission was supposed to start at 4, but people were coming in late and they kept dragging it back (which to be honest isn’t too fair for those of us who came early because those who were late were meant to go at the back of everyone else but instead they get to follow their original standing queue and head to the front instead). Admission for the first block started at close to 4.30pm.
Our queue number wasn’t too good, so we decided to hang around the back of the pit instead where the carts would come around after. They played the coexatrium video intermittently, and everytime a SHINee member comes up, everyone screams LOL. Runaway, the song that was played before the official start of the con, had literally 3 glitches where the song just stopped for a few moments. I was actually worried that the sounds for the performance would have issues after that, but it all turned out fine.
Key seemed to have had some issues with his mic at the start though. He kept adjusting something on his back and he literally just walked off the stage mid song, then came out moments later. The next song was slightly delayed, like few moments of silence, then when the lights were on and the music started, Key was not on stage with them (my heart ;;;) but he walked back out on stage before the lyrics started and all was fine. 
 When Onew introduced himself, he did it in Korean. Then, Taemin looked at him then seemed to have a short conversation with him off mic like hyung, you forgot, you need to add something else, and eventually Onew introduces himself in mandarin as well and the maknae is pacified. 
 Taemin was being super extra. He kept teasing the fans, leaning over, taking off his jacket, and squating at the edge of the stage, doing body waves etc. He was so soft and was just a happy beb uwu 
 Taemin came out late for rdd because he had to change after sayonara hitori and it seemed like he had some issues with his in ears too. When he came out running mid song, the red hoodie he was wearing just wouldn’t zip up. (He was basically bare all the way down to the bottom of his ribs. He tried several times to zip it back up until finally during Minho’s solo dance and the lights were off him, he must have pulled it up. When the lights came back on, the zipper was finally zipped to cover his chest. *cue me pointing and laughing as he struggles with the zipper* 
 Onew’s vocals for Please Don’t Go was especially strong that night??? At one point he was belting so hard I just dropped my jaw and went ‘Woah…’ all wide eyed. 
 Also, the Keymera power is real. He changed gazes with the cameras the moment they switched like how even. 
 Taemin removed his entire mic pack and inears towards the end of everybody, and threw it to the side
 Shawols started chanting for SHINee (encore) before they were even off the stage 😂😂😂. They ended everybody in the front stage, and had to walk to the back. So when we started chanting for SHINee, they were still walking on stage. When they went in, we starting singing happy birthday. 
 When they saw the banner event for an encore, Jinki bowed to us.
Story time of how yours truly lost both her lightsticks she literally just bought from the merch the very same morning.
So… the carts during So Amazing… yea… Minho came by us first, then Jongyu came next. Key and Taemin came from the other side. I looked into a video I took on my phone. I still had my lightsticks when Jongyu were approaching. Somewhere between that and TaeKey leaving, both the lightsticks are gone from my hands and I didn’t even notice to be honest. I just… went back to my spot and continued cheering like crazy until one Shawol from behind tapped my shoulder and passed a lightstick to me and I was like OH WHERE DID YOU GO?! Then I realized my second lightstick wasn’t there as well, so I walked back to where I was when the carts were passing, and another Shawol passed me my other lightstick. I have magic hands too, what are lightsticks when SHINee is like 2 meters in front of you. (I feel kinda bad, I’m such a nuisance to the other Shawols 🙈🙈🙈) 
When we sang happy birthday again to them whilst they were on stage, Jonghyun guided us to end off like a music teacher once again. 
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