#callum would make a better assassin than rayla
tategaminu · 7 months
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jelzorz · 10 months
When Rayla says her parents, Ezran imagines a mom and a dad, or maybe mom and a mom, or a dad and a dad. He imagines they're people that look like her and sound like her, people who share her sense of humour and took care of Zym when he was an egg at the Storm Spire. He imagines people he would like.
He does not imagine that one of them is the elf that killed his father.
The thought by itself makes him mad. King Harrow was a good king, a just king, and a loving dad who was only doing his best. He didn't have to be assassinated. He didn't have to die. He shouldn't have died, and yeah, his dad did bad things too, but he recognised that, didn't he? His last letter to him and Callum told them that they were free, that they didn't have to continue on this stupid path and this stupid war, that their decisions were theirs and theirs alone. Rayla was fifteen when it all happened, still a child by most standards, raised to be an assassin and sent on a mission to kill him, and she still made the decision not to for a chance at peace. Runaan knew about the egg, they showed it to him and everything, and he still—
Ezran scowls.
It's a whole mess. It gives him feelings he doesn't want and anger he doesn't know what to do with. Rayla keeps the coins with her at all times, and there are moments he just wants to toss them into the ocean or melt them down into something else but how can he do that without hurting her? Without causing her the same pain Runaan caused him?
And when Callum had offered to help—
Ez doesn't like thinking about it. He'd been so angry. He said things he shouldn't have. He and Callum fought like they've never fought before, and at the end of it all...
He's sitting at the edge of a boardwalk now, feet dangling over the edge, the leather of his boots dark with water as he skims his toes over the surface of the sea. He's never hated someone like this before. He's never felt rage or sadness or grief so big.
"You okay?"
Ez sniffles and doesn't look up, even as Rayla drops into the spot next to him and leans her elbows on her knees.
"Fine," he mutters. "What—um—what's up?"
Rayla pauses, her lips pursed, her eyes searching and sad. She was there. She saw the fight. Ez feels like he should apologize but there's a part of him that doesn't want to. Why should he? Is it so wrong for him to hate the elf that killed his dad?
"You don't have to be fine," she says at last. "I know there isn't... really much I can say. Runaan... was like a dad to me but—"
"Don't excuse him," he snaps. His throat hurts. He curls his hands into fists. "Don't."
"I wasn't going to."
"Weren't you?" Ez scowls at her, his anger getting the better of him, growing bigger than he can control. "But what? But it wasn't his fault? But he was just following orders? You had the same orders and you didn't follow through. You were fifteen! You could have lost your hand! What the hell was his excuse?"
"Don't Ezran me! He killed my dad! And you and Callum want—" He stops. He swallows. He's crying again, he thinks, but he doesn't care. "I don't care that he was like a dad to you," he snarls. "He killed mine! He killed mine knowing that he didn't have to! And he gets to come out of the coin? He gets to live and my dad doesn't?"
"I'm sorry, Ez—"
"Stop it! Don't act like that means anything! Sorry's not going to bring him back!"
Rayla says nothing to that. She fiddles with her fingers, head bowed, her hair over her eyes, and in the pause, Ezran sees it—the shake in her shoulders, the tears on her cheeks. His anger falters. He hadn't meant—
"I'm sorry," he mutters at last, but Rayla shakes her head.
"You're allowed to be angry," she says. "You're right to be. Sometimes being angry is part of the grief." She sniffles. "I don't blame you for not wanting us to do it. I wouldn't want to, if I were you."
"But you're still going to."
Rayla doesn't answer.
Ezran looks away. The silence between them hurts, but he leans against her anyway, not because it's okay, but because she's basically his sister, and grief and anger and big feelings are easier when they're shared. Her arm curls around his back, a promise that she's there for him no matter what happens, no matter what he feels, and they sit together, and cry together, until it feels like there's nothing left.
"I wish things were different," whispers Rayla.
Ez sniffles. "Yeah," he mutters. "Me too."
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raayllum · 9 months
insp by @jelzorz’s HC of ezran having a network of little spy animals in katolis and well, this drabble bunny of how it got started wouldn’t leave me alone
His brother has always been clever, able to look at things from a variety of angles, and while Callum’s ideas can sometimes be extreme or exasperating, they are almost always worth considering. But this...
“An animal spy network?” Ezran says, arching a brow. “Really?”
“You can never be too safe,” Rayla adds from her new seat on the council.
“And it would save the crownguard time on patrol,” Callum says, standing in front of his more familiar chair. “Our guards are good, but they’re not infallible.” 
“His Highness has a point, Your Majesty,” Marcos says quietly, shuffling uncertainly. He’s here at Callum’s request, but he’s always a little nervous when he’s around—“The castle would’ve never known of the oncoming attack if Princess—” Rayla clears her throat. “Lady Rayla hadn’t let me go.”
“The animals of the kingdom already know you and love you,” Callum says pointedly. “We might as well use it.”
Ezran scowls. “And how exactly will they know how to identify ‘threats’? “Anyone whose an elf? Anyone who looks out of place or different?”
“Anyone travelling through the Dark Grove behind the castle at night with weapons,” Callum says flatly. “You’re making it more than it is, Ez.”
“And you’re being paranoid and wasting my time—”
Opeli slides in, voice soft. “King Ezran, with all due respect, you are being a tad unfair to Prince Callum. I understand that you are hesitant and worried about the possibility of using the animals in some manner, but all rulers must consider the benefits of espionage and security, no matter how underhanded it feels.”
The truth lurks underneath — that everyone is still scared from the latest assassination attempt a month ago, an extremist from Del Bar that had made it as far as the castle before getting apprehended thanks to the enchantments Callum had wrapped around their home. Callum had wanted the man executed, in his fury. 
Ezran had pointed out who he’d married, who he’d set free from coins despite Ezran’s misgivings years ago, and sent the man back to Del Bar begrudgingly in chains. 
“Yes well, Callum’s very good at being that,” he mutters.
Hurt flashes across his high mage’s face for a second, but Ezran doesn’t let it deter him. Callum says jerkface things all the time. Ezran can let something slip just once.
(Later, Rayla cajoles them into talking, and Callum admits he’s scared, and Ezran agrees they can consider a network for the animals intelligent and willing enough to participate.
“I just don’t want to lose you,” Callum says.
Ezran looks at his brother, and their portrait next to their father and Viren, lined up side by side. Sometimes, he wonders if Soren sees the shadow of his father in Callum’s face — in his posture, in his ways — too, or if it’s only Ezran’s imagined ghost. Only his tangible fear, too. 
Realistically, he knows that he needs this counter balance.
Someone has to be like Opeli, and consider the angles that Ezran cannot or doesn’t want to. Someone has to keep him and Rayla from constantly throwing themselves into the latest crisis. Someone has to watch their backs, keep a skeptic eye on the lookout, talk around double meanings, know what magic to use and when. 
Callum is a much better man than Viren, in every way imaginable — except for one — I will do anything to protect the king; I hope you will understand — and worst of all, Ezran doesn’t even think Callum knows it. 
Ezran hugs his brother. “I don’t want to lose you, either.”)
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Why is the worldbuilding in ATLA more cohesive than in TDP?
because the writers actually remember it as a context for its story and characters.
........... ok more elaboration.
the worldbuilding in ATLA and TDP is very similar in the respect that they have color-coded elements where each "nation" has each element. in both series the color-coding exists to make each group obviously and immediately different.
in ATLA the cultures deeply matter to the characters and story. as early as the first episode you see hints about the culture of the water tribe from katara and sokka. you know sokka has put this immense pressure on himself to be a Warrior and his sexism is partially an outgrowth of that. katara is fascinated by waterbending and her culture but there are no resources for her to learn because of the war, and you immediately get the idea she's also hoisted on a "mom role" from a very early age. all of this reinforces the patriarchal standards of water tribe culture and also the fact that they're impoverished thanks to the war. the characters would not be the same if you transported them to a different setting.
like some of the dialogue can be clunky and the entire conceit of the world is obviously kiddish ("fire nation" "water tribe" "earth kingdom" "air nomads" is not going to win any realism of the year awards.) but it's a very effective introduction to these characters and ties them explicitly to the setting.
in tdp it matters fuck-all. rayla is a moonshadow elf and the effects of their honor culture are clear on her. out of all the characters i'd say her, runaan, and ethari are probably the most developed in the aspect of "the setting should inform the characters." yes runaan and ethari are shitty parents but honestly like what would you expect from an honor culture society where one party is an assassin who allowed rayla to become one thanks to her guilt complex, even when ethari expressed doubts?
this is basically thrown away to tell her "oh dw all your parents (dads + bio parents) are all Good and Did Nothing Wrong." they also scrub away all of her flaws that she exhibited in the first season, or really anything that might make her seem like a "bad person." the moonshadow elves are just scrubbed to be Vaguely Good Guys With No Problems And Whose Choice to Ghost a Teenager Must be Respected (finger wag from the writers.) this could have been genuinely compelling drama for rayla. the setup is there. but they just forget about this stuff i guess.
how about callum and ezran? how does the culture of katolis or indeed any of the human kingdoms rub off on them? does their culture actually inform anything they do? i mean besides the fact that the human kingdoms aren't magical because of dark mage lords eating magic or whatever, which, by the way, the idea of dark mage lords doing this is like. in supplementary material and there is 0 indication of it happening in the actual show. do they have a particular culture or perspective at all? does even something as simple as the fact that they are princes and might have some differences with the common people ever come up? no. they're just bland POV characters who are high-minded to a kind of absurd degree. their context is very clearly supposed to be "Normal." which isn't a context at all because nobody's context is actually Normal. it should be normal to the character, but a grave mistake for the writer to treat it as such.
with the elves it's a little better but still not great. they have at least thematic set-up but moonshadow elf culture is the best of them, which isn't saying a whole lot. what exactly is the relationship between the dragons and the elves for example? who knows!
the writers frequently forget that their characters are situated in a particular situation in a particular world. i mean my favorite example to throw around is the time one of the writers said (on twitter) that khessa's comment to janai ("have fun with your pet") was meant to be a tease about their relationship. and that's insane to me. "have fun with your pet" does not work as a cheeky little tease when you are talking about a pow who's afraid for her life and you are a cruel monarch that tortures people for funsies? like this is khessa endorsing SA if you decide to take the show's context with any level of seriousness. this isn't a coffee shop au? this isn't a high school au? this is supposed to be a high fantasy with actual stakes that addresses Deep Themes? the context to a situation that these hacks themselves wrote should matter?
etc. etc. xadia does not feel like a real place because the setting is completely disconnected from the characters, and only matters to the story insofar as "wow look at this Cool Place you will find your Macguffin in!" It's just about worse in every way even if on the surface it may appear to contain """nuance."""
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Happy birthday, @mandaloriandragontrainer!!! I know you were as crazy for both this comic and the famous stargazing clip as I was, so I figured I’d combine the two for you in this little fic.
Rayla fell asleep very slowly. Callum felt her shoulder rising and falling against his in time with her breaths, a very, very little bit slower each time, until after the better part of an hour, it evened out into a steady rhythm. Almost in spite of himself, he found himself smiling as he gazed at her closed eyes, her soft expression. They both knew she was never meant to be an assassin, and that was never more plain than when she was asleep. 
But though she wasn’t a killer, she was a fighter, and he didn’t like the idea of her going to sleep without her bow in reach when there were unknown threats lurking in the trees. He couldn’t believe she’d dropped off without it nearby. 
It’s almost like she was more focused on being with you than being armed, the hopeful voice of fourteen-year-old Callum whispered in his mind, and he swallowed hard.
Very, very carefully, he moved her off of his shoulder and propped her up against the rock behind them. He was about seventy percent sure it would wake her up, but she slept on. Evidently being half-alert at all times could wear out even the staunchest of warriors. Callum slid out of his bedroll and crept around her to where she’d left the bow on the other side of the rock. But just as his fingers brushed it, his foot caught something, and then he was diving headfirst at the ground, and the only thing to break his fall was the weapon in his hands, and this was how he was going to die, wasn’t it, and Rayla was going to be laughing too hard to mourn him— 
But instead of cracking against the ground, his head fell into something that was almost like a cushion. Had Rayla kicked his bedroll over? No— it was much too rough…
He lifted his head to meet Bait’s deadpan stare. “Whew,” he gasped. “Thanks, buddy.”
Bait gave an exasperated croak and hopped off to rejoin Stella.
Callum glanced down to to ascertain the object that had almost led to his demise: Rayla’s bag, knocked over on the ground, spilling provisions and… were those pieces of parchment?
Callum crawled over, taking in the white sheets scattered across the grass. A dozen at least. Curiosity burned behind his eyes, but the thought of someone going through his sketchbook without him knowing and the immediate rush of mortification that followed fortified his determination to gather up the scrolls without looking at him. He took a fistful of them and stuffed them into the pack, glancing down to see if there were any he’d missed. Five more were still scattered, and as he reached for the nearest one, his eyes fell on two words at the top. Dear Callum.
Rayla’s handwriting.
A rush of cold swept through him, and he scrambled back instinctively, as though he could shield himself from the words and the biting, visceral terror of the memory they evoked. Another letter? Was that what this was about? Had she been stargazing with him, cozying up to him, to give him a last good memory of her? If he had gone to sleep first, would he have woken up with a cold space beside him and a piece of paper in her place? His resolve forgotten, he unfolded the paper—
Dear Callum,
I’m sorry. I guess I should lead with that.
The sentence that followed was scribbled out, illegible, and the rest of the parchment was blank.
Brows furrowing, Callum picked up the parchment beside it. 
Dear Callum,
If you’re reading this, that means you’re safe. That, more than anything else, was what I wanted when I left, so I don’t have the right to be anything but glad. And I am. But I’m also in so much pain, because Callum, I know I never should have left. I shouldn’t have left you alone.
There was another scratched-out sentence, and then nothing, but it was still enough to make Callum’s breath hitch. He stared at the parchment, ran his fingers over the ink, unable to believe it was real. Then his hands were scrambling across the ground, reaching for the next letter.
Dear Callum, 
You haven’t heard from me since I wrote you to say goodbye, but I never stopped writing to you. Every single day in the last two years, I’ve seen or felt or experienced something I wanted to tell you about. Until, last night, I realized how stupid it was to put them into letters when I could just go tell you myself. I hope you’ve been waiting for me, but I know I have no right to ask that. I’m sorry.
Dear Callum,
I love you. Those are the words I used to end our goodbye, and those are the words I want to begin our hello. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Dear Callum,
I’ve written twelve of these now, and none of them have been right. None of them have been long. None of them have been finished. I thought that maybe this one would, because I began it so honestly, but the others have been the truth, too. I guess maybe my problem this whole time is that I’ve been so much of a coward I can only talk to you through paper and not face-to-face. So I’ll just say this: I’m coming to you tomorrow. I’ll take these letters with me, and hopefully by the time I reach you, I will have pieced them together into the right thing to say in person. 
Callum’s cheeks were wet when he finally pulled his eyes away, but he couldn’t remember when he started crying. Carefully, gingerly, he tucked the letters back into Rayla’s bag with all the care they’d been written with. He sucked in a deep, shaky breath, and raised his eyes to her sleeping form. 
She had felt it, just as deeply as him, all this time. She hadn’t written him another goodbye— she’d written him the opposite.
Those are the words I want to begin our hello. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Very, very slowly, he moved. Placed the bow next to her against the rock. Slid into his bedroll beside her. Moved her head to rest against his once more. Kissed her forehead. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he whispered.
Again he expected it to wake her, and again she slept on. But that didn’t matter. As soon as her eyes opened, he would tell her for real. 
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bendarius · 2 years
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see, its working, right? don't you feel a little better?
(my jwcc tdp au; rayllum!benrius redraws 1/?)
i have many thoughts about this okay but long story short here are the roles (modified to an extent)
callum!darius: Adopted son post-parent death into Brooklynn's family along with his brother, Brand, who was Brooklynn's regent until he was "assassinated". Has a love for dragons and magic, loves learning, feels misplaced as royalty at times. Has a better relationship with Kenji than Callum w Soren at the start; like brothers.
rayla!ben: Moonshadow elf who wants to redeem his fearful past, tired of feeling incompetent as a kid due to his culture. Adopted into Yaz's family (her and her mother) after his mothers never came back from Dragon Guard. Joins Yaz as an assassin and she takes him under her wing. Think S3 Ben, impulsive, risky, but does the right thing in the end.
soren!kenji: Do I even need to explain this one....goes along with viren!daniel
claudia!sammy: Since her and Kenji both betrayed the group in jwcc, I thought it fitting. She's less blunt than Claudia, and was taken in as a child by Daniel when her family's farm was torched by a dragon, leaving her the only survivor. She ultimately releases Yaz from her restraints (think "just go.", but still stays by Daniel's side. Darius tries his best to learn the basics of magic without touching dark magic, and she views him very fondly; like family, so that's their relationship
runaan!yaz: She's just in the role to be Ben's mentor/sister-figure, and prides herself on being one of the fastest and strongest assassins. Since Runaan doesn't really have a story role after he gets captured, I'd think she hangs around Sammy after she gets released to try and convince her to switch sides/understand her.
ezran!brooklynn: Can understand animals, more adventurous and silly. Heir to the crown, but really doesn't want the responsibility (learns it through the journey though). Adopted sister of Brand and Darius; Darius and her are best friends and very close, even if they bicker a little over differing opinions. More sassy (think Nyx) than Ezran's personality.
zym!bumpy: Because Bumpy is needed ok
bait is bait...
and for the minor roles
harrow!brand: I was thinking of making the Bowmans the OG family, but I wanted Brooklynn to be the one to take the throne, and it would require too much hierarchy bending to get to that point. So, they're pretty much a trio of sibs, essentially orphans.
amaya!roxy and gren!dave: I was really thinking about amaya!mae, but as I couldn't fit the Bowmans as royalty, ultimately Roxy and Dave work as a pair.
lujanne!mae: This fits really well okay she mentors both Callum and Rayla and extends it perfectly to Darius and Ben. She's just here for some goofy fun
that's all for now heh other than the roles it should play out as canon, 4/6 of the camp fam view each other as family/extended family already so the betrayals are gonna...haha
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zuppizup · 1 year
Purgatory: Chapter 34 - Welcome
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Summary: Almost three years ago, assassins came for Harrow. Callum was cornered, at her mercy and then… she let him go.The elf. He never even knew her name. She might be long dead, but Callum was determined to do as Harrow suggested. To reject the narrative of strength and instead embrace the narrative of love. To make a better future for all, humans and elves alike. But when he and Ezran stumble upon something hidden in Viren’s secret chambers, Callum realises he might actually be able to make up for the mistakes of the past. To make a real change, right here, right now. To free them both from their haunted past.
Pairing: Rayla/Callum
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
AO3 Link: Purgatory
Rayla stepped a little closer to them, gesturing to Callum. “Mum, Dad, this is Callum.” She sniffed, wiping her eyes quickly. “He saved me.” It came out quiet, barely above a whisper.
Callum felt his own eyes water and his throat become tight. He did not at all feel like what Rayla said was accurate, but he felt too emotional to raise an objection. The entire situation was so much more complicated than how simply Rayla had explained it. He wanted to reach for her hand, but he wasn’t exactly sure how her parents would react to that. They had a lot to deal with right now and he didn’t want to divert attention from Rayla and her needs.
Read More On AO3 – Purgatory: Welcome
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quodekash · 1 year
An Analysis of Soren (and maybe other stuff too)
(sorry for bad photo quality that will inevitably come up)
I feel like people have said/thought that it took his father betraying everything and all the stuff that happened to him in seasons 1-3 for soren to properly be a good person (if no one’s thought or said that ever… I’m here to prove it wrong anyway). But I would like to say that soren has always always ALWAYS been a good person. He just didn’t realise he was on the wrong team.
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(ID: A photo of a paused moment in The Dragon Prince. Subtitles say “They’re here” (assassins are here to kill the king). Callum is in the middle of the image, and behind him is Soren, who is holding his shoulder defensively. End ID.)
Assassins came to kill the king, and his immediate reaction? Protect the only person in this room who can’t defend himself in a fight. And I know Soren’s a crownguard so it’s like part of his job, but Callum’s not blood royalty (as Soren often points out) and he still protects him. And I have a feeling he’d do that for anyone at all, he’d see danger, assess the people in the room, and immediately defend those who can’t defend themselves.
soren always felt like his dad didn’t treat him right (one day I’ll make an entire post on this alone cos there’s so much to talk about there), but he probably thought neglect was normal, or made excuses for V*ren.
Soren is kind to everyone, no matter their gender, race, age, social status, whatever. Yeah, he bullies Callum but, as he says, Callum had a good dad and Soren never did (again, I’ll talk about this another time), so Soren projected it on to Callum, which is no one’s fault (except for V*ren). Yeah, he hates Rayla and elves when they first meet, but that’s bc a) he’s been taught all his life that elves are the enemy, b) he thought rayla had kidnapped Ez and Callum, c) they killed his king, and d) he just didn’t know any better. And yeah he annoys his sister a lot but that’s his job and he shows how much he ultimately cares about her (he was ready to flipping k!ll Callum cos he thought he’d hurt Claudia)
he is kind, and good, and noble, and doesn’t get enough credit for it, isn’t appreciated for his pure and lovely heart.
That was the… “Soren is a good person” segment. Now we’re on to the “holy bajoolies Soren is impressive” segment.
and it’s something that I’ve never properly understood. He’s literally a crownguard at 18. He’s above all the guards in Katolis, yet he’s barely an adult. Everyone else would surely be like 25-40 (idk if that’s historically accurate, don’t quote me on that) with years more experience and stuff than Soren has, and he’s higher up than all of them (note: and he still treats them all the same way he treats everyone else: with kindness).
But why is he crownguard? Is it because his dad is influential to the king? Maybe, but he’s a very very skilled swordsman, and it seems like the other guards genuinely respect him. And I can’t see Harrow showing any kind of favouritism, (remember the Lady Justice dream). So that means he genuinely earned that place somehow, and there probably would’ve been more than physical tests but also mental tests to make sure he’s smart enough to like know who to trust and when to expect an attack at unexpected times and everything else being crownguard would entail. Which means Soren is not only more talented and brave and skilled than anyone gives him credit for, but he’s also so much smarter than anyone ever acknowledges.
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(ID: Soren from The Dragon Prince. Text says “Soren” and underneath in smaller text, “youngest crownguard in history”. End ID.)
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jamieedlund · 1 year
Y’know, when people who want Callum to be effeminate and submissive then get mad at canon for “ruining” him by not having him be this way, it really does warm my heart.
Alright so let me break this down into segments even though, it also warms my heart to see someone with so much time on their hand that they wasted their life creating an alt account just to leave this absolutely spiteful piece of a question - instead of using it for much more valuable things 💗 I doubt you will ever even read this and even if you do, comprehend the sheer ignorance of your very line of thinking. However, I have a bad habit of giving people a chance to learn so here is my final answer to you, and to anyone else who also would love to come to me with this mentality. All similar opinions will be blocked and thoroughly ignored so please read up if you unfortunately do feel this way 💗
First of all, here is the definition of effeminate
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Frankly, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS. In fact this is a pretty damn amazing quality and I do not see any problem whatsoever with this attribute. To behave in a non-traditionally masculine way has always been demonized by small-minded and incredibly bigotry people, which your phrasing clearly indicated that you ARE and I will now quote it:
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Alright...so are you trying to tell me that along with me portraying him as a man who does not behave in a traditionally masculine way is somehow regarded as "inappropriate" (according to the definition above) AND SUBMISSIVE ? ? ? I think this one should speak for itself about what kind of person you are.
Which I dare you, no I double dare you. Give me an example, of my work, not anyone else, MY WORK, that has ever portrayed Callum as "submissive". Because-
Being affectionate, kind and feeling confident in his skin enough to smile and get comfortable around other isn't submissive
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Being able to express his emotions freely and un-restrainedly isn't submissive
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Learning how to better protect himself whilst also simultaneously being able to appreciate the beauty of the person who's teaching him isn't submissive
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Being able to fight, does magic freely because he's been focusing on it for TWO DAMN YEARS STRAIGHT and CARING FOR ANY OF HIS FRIEND OTHER THAN RAYLA
it's called being a decent and admirable human being.
All of which, by the way, are all completely normal things for a teenager to be experiencing.
And in addition-
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Being obedient to your mentor because you love and respect this person does not = submissive. It's called being a respectful human being.
Y'know what is submissive? ? ? Let's take a gander at the so-call canon Callum that you o so worship shall we?
Running away from the most important decision of your damn life: not standing ground and fight for your dad's sake till the very end because if you don't try your best now your brother will really be an orphan, instead, opted to run away and not facing the literal assassins whom, later is known to you, to really did killed your dad. (aka submitting to your oppressor and ran away)
Not confronting your oppressors (aka the woman who literally sent assassins to murdered your dad. And no, ONE FUCKING HARMLESS JOKE ABOUT HER EATING HUMAN ISN'T HIM FIGHTING BACK, IT LITERALLY WAS JUST HIM MAKING A JOKE whilst staying submissive and passive to his oppressors the entire season b r u h ) Being submissive to the BOTH systems that both have wronged and robbed from him his family - his dad (aka the human side) made a shitty kingdom ruling choice and in turn his mom died for his kingdom -> aka it's ALSO Harrow's fault. It was then AGAIN harrow's fault to throw away his life and shackling his VERY YOUNG BROTHER to the throne RIGHT AFTER HAVING A FIGHT WITH HIS HIGHEST RANKING OFFICIAL (viren) Him letting this all go just shows a submissive and docile attitude TO THE VERY PEOPLE WHO WRONGED HIM, WHICH IS FUCKED. Being submissive to LETTING SAID OPPRESSOR into your FAMILY'S GRAVE YARD- - - which said oppressor's spouse has mercilessly killed YOUR OWN MOTHER---
Now, i mention this not to spite any raylum lovers because I sincerely believe that romance is subjective, what is romantic to some isn't to others and no one can really bash someone for liking any ships, so I certainly do not say this as something malice:
A compliment isn't = to romantic intent. It CAN be, but we can all objectively see in the case of Callum, he really did just meant it as a friend complimenting another friend. So then is it not submissive to cave to the idea of romance half a day after being surprisingly kissed and then told off in a passively aggressive way to forget about it? ? ?
Is it not then considered "submissive" to surrender to the idea of "if my compliment and admiration to this person isn't love, then there is definitely something wrong with me?" Which is so wrong in so many ways and I think this is important to remember: YOU CAN LIKE SOMEONE WITHOUT HAVING ANY ROMANTIC FEELINGS TOWARDS SAID PERSON.
With all of this being said, you being someone who considers the qualities I portrayed Callum as "submissive" should already say a lot about what kind of person you are, not that I think you will have the mental capacity to understand what is being presented to you, especially if this
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is your standard of being "dominant" and "traditionally manly" lol (just using the opposite of your phrasing "effeminate" and "submissive", you know what antonyms are right? 💗) A coward with a sock puppet account and for what? Some idiot like me who portrayed a cartoon boy as dependable, affectionate and is actually a good person? ? ?
Speaks for itself.
I think you might love this show, and you should use that energy to be around people who appreciate and think like you, not spreading hatred and ignorant view point because I never went out of my way to target/harass anyone. I make art and that's pretty much it. I believe people can learn and can change, and I believe there is good in people, so I will always give them a chance. This is pathetic, please do better. If you or someone else reply to this rudely they will be blocked and ignored, however, I'd preferred it if you read, understood and move on.
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zenthejackal · 1 year
Dragon Prince: Rayllum Rants
Okay, so I went through Book 4, saw some posts on what others thought, and I’m honestly feeling a little mixed.
I think I’m gonna focus on the negative BECAUSE I hold this ship and the series on such a high pedestal. It sounds silly to a lot of people (and you’re welcome to laugh), but both of them feel extraordinarily special to me and I want to be sure that neither lower themselves to anything less-than-amazing! ...Okay, first rant done.
Now for the big part. I’m thrilled that Rayla came back to Callum! But I cannot ignore the holes in the circumstance. She just came back? Empty-handed? And the way she acted was like she expected everything to be like it was before.
I have a strong feeling as to why she’s like this: it’s how she was raised. In Bloodmoon Huntress (no spoilers, promise), it shows how Rayla understands sacrifice between people who love each other and are duty-bound, namely herself and her parents, and Runaan and Ethari. She saw both examples as honorable and right, even if it was hard to grasp/accept at first: making hard decisions for the greater good of those you love. Now, she’s done the same, searching for Viren to protect the world, and wanting to come back to her love. She KNOWS she hurt Callum, but she may also feel justified.
Callum, on the other hand, has always been on the other side of that form of love. His mother and step-father were both taken from him because of their duty. Sarai went on a mission she didn’t approve of because she ultimately believed in her husband, and ended up losing her life, abandoning Callum in the process. Harrow, consumed with sorrow and hatred, retaliated and killed Avizandum, and later paid the price with his own life, leaving Callum alone with his brother. Everyone that he loves very much ends up leaving him. Then he met Rayla, fell in love with her, and lost her to a mission she took to protect him. At this point, the only one he has a deep connection to is Ezran, and he is worried that he might be taken away as well.
Now back to the season: Rayla mentioned that her search for Viren was out of revenge. Both Through the Moon and Dear Callum deny this (the former less so). Yes, Viren is guilty of starting these recent battles and catastrophes, including the loss of Rayla’s loved ones (fellow assassins included), but her justification to Callum was that she left out of love. She cannot imagine losing Callum like she has already with her other loved ones. Vengeance wasn’t on her mind, it was love. But maybe her seeing Callum act so distant to her is making her think/believe that she did it out of revenge..?
The last thing I wanna bring up is: Rayla... I need you... to kill me. I really focused on the last part of their exchange: “I’m scared, Rayla. What if I’m on a path of darkness?” “Then take another path, dummy!” The reason this rubbed me the wrong was one side isn’t seeing the other’s view, namely Rayla. Callum’s path is magic. Not namely dark magic, just pure magic. It’s what completes him, makes him feel like himself, that he’s important to himself. It’s why he can’t bring himself to lose his cube: it helps him better understand magic. To give up that path would be heartbreaking, especially with all the pain he already went through to get it in the first place. I know this suicide request will come up later (it’s haunting us already), but I really want this part to come up later.
What happened this season was that Rayla wants to resume her relationship with Callum where she left off, but Callum is torn in all directions emotionally, so he gives her the cold shoulder as a sort of hint as to what he’s feeling. Rayla, for her part, tries to get Callum to open up to her, to get her to talk to him, let everything out so they can move on (I counted 3-4 times). But I think that Callum is so mixed-up, he doesn’t know how he really feels or where to start. And more importantly, he knows things CAN’T go back to how they were. They both still love each other (that much is still obvious), but they’ve still changed. Both changed the instant Rayla took off to look for Viren 2 years ago, and they kept changing throughout those 2 years.
Now, there is hope: this isn’t bad. Change is difficult, but usually worthwhile. Book 3 had them acting very lovey-dovey, the beginning stage of any new romance. They don’t have to lose all of that, but they could move forward to a more intimate romance. Thinking about a new future with each other, maybe even as a family (don’t deny that you haven’t seen the fanfics and artwork)!
The main takeaway from this: THESE IDIOTS NEED TO HAVE BIG FEELINGS TIME!! FOR A WHOLE DAY, AT LEAST!! JUST THE TWO OF THEM!! Both sides need to leave everything bare in front of the other. Despite all that’s happened between them, I know they trust each other enough for that to happen. What I DON’T want is for one of them to be completely in the wrong. So far, it feels like Callum is the one who’s always been called the “dummy” when Rayla’s made reckless mistakes before, yet she never seems to be admonished for it. Example: going back to save Pyrrah the Sun dragon despite it being suicide, which has Callum uses dark magic to protect her and frees the dragon, yet gets called out by her for using what’s forbidden and wrong. Both sides are wrong here: Rayla for leaving in the first place and not apologizing, and Callum for holding all his emotions in and shutting her out.
This season gave me a lot of angst, but the silver lining is I think that was the point. Book 4 was the “Welcome back!” season to re-introduce everything that’s happened/changed over 2 years (feels like 3 for some reason). The next season will hopefully give us deeper insight as to what confuses us right now. Remember: Wonderstorm didn’t know that they’d get permission to do all 7 seasons at first. They got their green light after Book 3, so now they have “breathing room” to better pace the rest of the story. The best summary I can give concerning Rayllum this season comes from a wise man we all know and love: “Sometimes life is like a dark tunnel. You may not always see the light at the end of the tunnel. But if you keep moving, you will come to a better place.”
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prinxesspxppy · 1 year
Begging and crying and SCREAMING for rayllum to
Be cannon,,, they have ZERO chemistry and honestly,,, Callum acts nothing like the show describes him as,, wondering if this is character assassination or me deciding I know Callum better than the writers.
I hate Rayllum and I think Rayla would be so much better with Sorren they make such a funny duo and rayllum feels so,, forced…
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maguiretriping · 3 years
Controversial Opinion: Rayla doesn’t really respect Callum
I know I’m gonna get destroyed for saying this, so here me out: I do love Rayla. I think she’s an amazing, well written character. On top of that, I do believe that she truly loves Callum. He very quickly became one of the most important people in her life, who she can open up to and be vulnerable around...
...it’s just that she kinda looks down on him too.
And I actually think this is completely intentional on the part of the showrunners, because her attitude towards Callum reflects her attitude towards humans generally. From the very beginning, we see that she does empathize and sees value in humans, enough that she becomes the first assassin in centuries to disobey a direct order and let not one, but two human targets live.
Yet while Rayla displays compassion towards humans, she also displays a condescending attitude too. As Human Rayla, she mocks humans on a number of stereotypes (including violence, hypocrisy, and complaining), but then also mocks them for things completely outside of their control, such as their “sub-century life expectancy.”  While this is done for comedic effect, in Rayla’s interactions with Callum we see that she does genuinely look down on humans, even him.
Before she realizes she loves him, Rayla often gave put-downs to Callum. In 2x04, she doesn’t seem terribly bothered that Callum is potentially risking his “stupid human life” to venture into the storm, and only objects when he takes Zym with him. When talking about entering Xadia, Rayla diminishes Callum by saying “It’ll be safe and easy, even for you,” instead of, you know, pointing out that Callum is more capable than he gives himself credit for, in a moment when he was feeling especially insecure and unsure of himself.
Heck, any time that Callum talks about his insecurities and self-loathing (”I’ve always been bad at everything”/ “I can’t do anything”), Rayla never seems to directly challenge this (the way Ellis does), or even suggest that he’s being too hard on himself and point out that it realistically takes time and effort to get good at something.
On the contrary, she affirms Callum’s self-doubt (”It’s okay, Callum”) and then feeds into it by insisting she go deal with conflicts on her own. Compare that to how both Ezran and Callum handle Rayla’s insecurities--they flat out reject that Rayla has any reason to doubt herself, and insist she’s awesome and heroic. Rayla isn’t bad at providing comfort, so it’s not that big of a stretch to conclude that the reason she doesn’t reject what Callum says here is because she does agree with him.
By s3, Rayla only marginally improves in her attitude toward Callum, entrusting him with more physically demanding tasks (incidentally, after he connects to an Arcanum and therefore has more value in Rayla’s eyes). But even so, compared to Callum’s fawning over Rayla for being a hero and “the most amazing person I’ve ever met,” her praise of him appears shockingly minor and muted.
She applauds him for meeting the astonishingly low bar of not having her killed, leaving his home and family, and sacrificing a stone he’s only been attached to for a week in exchange for saving a life. Essentially the bare minimum required of being on the journey to return Zym home. If this isn’t the soft bigotry of low expectations, I don’t know what is.
By Through the Moon, it becomes quite obvious that even though Rayla may value Callum, she doesn’t really value him enough to respect his decisions, and subtly insists that she gets to be the one to decide all the important stuff for the two of them.
I’m, of course, referring to the decision to go after Viren. On the one hand, Rayla decides, completely on her own, that she needs to up and leave him for an indefinite period of time to go deal with a large threat. Yet, when Callum insists on doing the exact same thing, she completely rejects this. Apparently, while she can make such choices, he doesn’t get to choose the way she can.
On top of this, Rayla decided that reasoning with Callum was just a waste of time, and so decided to just trick him and leave without him, all while expecting to return to him after the mission is over (according to Aaron) as though nothing terrible had happened. Rather than making her case and then respecting whatever Callum decides, Rayla decides that her personal wish for him to be safe overrides whatever Callum wants to do. While Callum is by no means perfect toward Rayla, he’s never tried to undermine her in this way.
Throughout their time together, Callum has become much more capable, yet Rayla frequently treats him like he's not as capable at all. Ironically enough, the reason why Callum struggled with so many things before is because no one--including Rayla--was interested enough to properly train him in anything, hence why everything he excels at, he taught himself how to do. We can understand why someone like Lujanne might dismiss training a human like Callum even after he connects to a Primal Source, but Rayla ought to know better.
Again, I think much of this is intentional by the writers. I’m pretty sure that Rayla has a long way to go before she learns how to respect Callum--and humans in general--properly. Fittingly, Callum remains in Katolis where he can resume learning swordplay, and is connected to an Arcanum whose mages are known for being acrobatic and capable of magically enhanced speed. It’s possible, if not likely, that Callum winds up becoming a better fighter than Rayla while she’s away, and their reunion will end up driving home how mistaken she was in underestimating Callum.
But that would be a story for another time.
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jelzorz · 9 months
It's a little pathetic. Rayla will not defend herself in that regard. She's eighteen, for heaven's sake, and she'd grown up training to be an assassin, had defended Zym from the most dangerous dark mage in the world, had leapt off the the Pinnacle to what should have been her death, and this! This is what gets her. This is where she lets the world down: in a dinghy, in the middle of the Sea of the Castout, because she's too scared of the water to help save it.
What a disgrace.
Callum and Ezran have been under for about ten minutes now, and she's spent the whole time watching the surface of the ocean, daring herself to jump in after them. Bait and the baitlings and Soren and Zym watch her in varying degrees of apprehension. Stella chitters encouragingly but the dinghy bobs, and Rayla holds tighter still.
Soren nudges her gently. "You good?"
"Do I look good?" she snaps, and then the dinghy lurches and Rayla whimpers, her fingers curling into the wood. "Sorry," she mutters. "I just—I need a minute."
"You can have all the minutes you want," says Soren. "There's no shame in it. It's okay to be scared."
"I'm not—"
"Yeah, you are."
"You're not helping."
"Neither is pretending you're not scared." Soren gives her a look. It's supposed to be stern, she thinks, but it's offset by the baitlings climbing over his arms. "Look, Rayla. I dunno who you think you're kidding, but like. There's no judgement here. It's okay."
"Oh, like you would know."
Soren gives her a look, and Rayla shuts her mouth immediately, more ashamed of herself for her callousness than for her fear of water. "Sorry," she says again. The sea lurches, and she pushes herself away from the edge of the dinghy, afraid, for a moment, that the ocean isn't pleased with her either and might just pluck her out of the rowboat itself. "I didn't mean it like that."
"How did you mean it?"
"I just—" Rayla presses her lips shut and buries her face in her hands. "You're you. You're confident and brash and kind of stupid—no offense. You don't know what fear is."
"Good to know you think I'm two-dimensional," says Soren, his voice dry but without malice. "Seriously, Rayla, it's okay. You don't have to be brave all the time."
"Yeah, I do." She huffs and stares up at darkening sky, her throat sore with the things she's too afraid to admit. "I'm a Moonshadow elf," she says at last. "I'm not supposed to show fear. We have this motto thing—I'm already dead—and it's supposed to keep us focussed on mission, and I can't even..." She wrinkles her nose. "Runaan was right about me. I hesitate too much. I don't know what the right thing to do is."
"I mean." Soren chuckles gently and nudges her arm again. "You didn't kill Ezran. You saved Zym. Now, you're beating yourself up about being scared hoping you might get over it. Those don't sound like wrong things to me."
"Hm." Rayla scoffs in spite of herself. "Stop trying to make me feel better. This is pathetic."
"To you, maybe," says Soren. "But I've been there too. I know what it is to be afraid. I'm not gonna blame you for that."
There's a pause. The ocean laps against the wood of the dinghy and one of the baitlings—Jellybug, Rayla thinks—flops out of Soren's hand and onto her lap.
"You're nicer than I thought you were," says Rayla at last.
"Well, thanks," laughs Soren. "And if it's anything to you, I think you Moonshadow elves have it all wrong."
"Why do you say that?"
Soren nudges her a third time and Sneezles tumbles out of his hands too. "Dead people can't help other people, but all you've ever done ever is help. So you can't be dead."
Rayla barks out a laugh, because it makes sense and it doesn't, and it's so ridiculous that she can't help but be comforted by it. She looks over the ocean again and feels it in her chest: she's still scared, but it's because she's alive, and that's okay. "Thanks Soren," she says at last, passing the baitlings back over to him.
Soren grins. "You good?" He asks again.
"Yeah," says Rayla, getting to her feet. The dinghy wobbles but she breathes out the fear and stares down at the sea. "I'm good."
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raayllum · 9 months
The hollowed husk of coral Aaravos’ prison is sealed inside is a red, shadowy labyrinth—Rayla keeps one hand along the wall, Stella on her shoulder watching her back and to try and remember the way they’d come. Claudia’s stupid spell had caved in half the ceiling of the core antechamber and sent them all scattering in different directions, the floor wet enough to be uncomfortable in boots and also not enough to actually offer any help in hearing what’s up ahead, a stitching her side as her ears prick, straining.
If she can just find Callum or Ezran or Soren, then—
A shadow darts ahead on the curve of the wall, and Rayla races toward it. Friend or foe, there’s only one way to go and—
It’s not Callum, the way her heart hopes.
It’s Viren, the way her gut knows.
His face is pale and smooth, not corrupted—another dirty lie—and she gnashes her teeth, drawing her blades on instinct. She has them levied and poised to strike (he doesn’t have his staff—where is his staff?) when he raises his hands, surely to offer up some pitiful excuse or deadly spell, as he says—“I need you to kill me.”
It’s enough to make her stupidly stop short, her blade less than an inch from his throat. She hasn’t even had to shove him up against the wall. “What?”
“Kill me,” he repeats. “We don’t have much time until the magic runs out, and Claudia—”
“Why would you want me to kill you?” Rayla demands, not lowering her swords. This has to be some kind of trick, too. Another lie. Saying what the other person wants to hear so you can slip away. She’d understand better than anyone. 
“Because Aaravos is—worse than death,” Viren says, haltingly. “So kill me, assassin. That’s what you’ve wanted, isn’t it?”
Her hand shakes. Her blade nearly strays. He can’t be serious. She can’t be serious. Her target is here, asking to be killed, no fear in his eyes, and nothing but hate for him in her veins, and she still—
Callum. Her heart turns to face him, while she remains focused on Viren, keeping her eyes locked on the dark mage’s pale, unsmiling face. She hears Callum’s steps slow as he takes in the situation, an angered expression transforming to something more quizzical perhaps: Viren unarmed and non-resistant, Rayla with the prized death she’s wanted all this time, and yet no blood spilt.
Somehow, having the person she swore to kill Viren for in order to protect is what makes the lump rise in her throat. She has to do this. She’s killed animals for hunting. She thought she’d killed Viren before. She can do this. Viren is even asking for it. She has to do this.
Then Viren rolls his eyes, tossing the blade at his throat a disdainful look. “Get on with it, will you? I told you, there’s not much time.” His eyes go to Callum. “Can’t you tell your elf to kill me faster? I won’t put up a fight.”
“She’s not—what on earth are you talking about?” Callum spits.
“Viren wants me to kill him,” she says. “But I—” Certainty has never proved her well. Hesitation less so.
A Moonshadow assassin who—can this be right?—isn’t capable of killing.
Callum’s hand finds her shoulder, a warm weight, tugging her away from the wall, and the only reason she lets him is because it’s Callum and she doesn’t want to cry in front of fucking Viren of all people just because she can’t—
“It’s okay,” Callum says, Viren lightly massaging his throat once she’s let him down from the wall. He unfolds her hand around around her blade, slipping it into his own grasp. “It’s alright, Rayla.” He folds it up and hands it back to her. 
She mops at her eyes with her fingers, sloppy and stained only with tears of her own frustration, her vision clearing enough to see the look that passes between the two high mages.
“You want to die?” Callum checks, a hard look in his eyes. She wonders if he hates Viren too—for taking her away from him, in a way. But it’s colder than that too. He’s still thinking. Sizing up the situation, determining the honesty.
Viren sighs, looking beyond exasperated. “Yes, for gods’ sake. I thought it’d be easier than the first time. But she can’t kill me like this, apparently—”
Callum raises his staff with one hand and nudges her behind him with the other. “That’s alright,” he says darkly. “I can.” 
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What if there's some connection between the spark in Rayla that told Runaan she'd be a great assassin, and Ethari's lotuses? If Runaan and Rayla share something Ethari doesn't, and that's why he believes himself weaker than other elves, so he crafted the lotuses to make up for it?
If there's something to the spark, to that choice of word, and it's connected to Lujanne's use of it when she explained an arcanum to Callum, then maybe some elves have a much stronger spark than others. Maybe they're more sensitive to life around them so they make better healers... Or assassins. Taking the best and brightest Moonshadow elves and teaching them to snuff out the life they can sense is very angsty.
If the spark in Rayla is that she has enough inherent talent to learn to sense heartbeats from afar, like Runaan and other assassins can, she could be an amazing assassin given enough time and training. It could explain why Runaan already calls her the best assassin, even though she's clearly not fully trained yet.
And if Ethari can't learn to sense a heartbeat at a distance, even though his husband regularly leaves home to do dangerous things, I can absolutely see him finding a workaround to ease his own fears for Runaan's safety by crafting the tracking lotuses. Other assassins in the Silvergrove may be able to concentrate at will, or after a bonding ritual before departure, and reassure themselves and others that a certain assassin still lives and breathes at a distance. But Ethari wouldn't want to pester someone else repeatedly for news about his own husband. It could make him look soft and weak, and he wouldn't want that, for various reasons.
However, he's far from the only non-assassin in the village, so if he crafted those lotuses and created a connecting ritual so they would benefit not only him but all the assassins' family members and the whole village with just a glance, then that seems like the kind of thing the Silvergrove would be really into. Giving a gift of truth and life to the community would be one of the best ways for Ethari to fit in there, no matter how strong his spark.
If Runaan and Rayla use natural magic to sense heartbeats, and Ethari taught himself a way to do it with crystals, some pretty metal flowers, a sprinkle of magic, and a bit of elbow grease, then who's the real guy with the spark here?
This headcanon has brought me full circle back to one of the fandom's earliest headcanons for Ethari, because of course it has. Everything's a cycle, in the end, huh?
@random-fandom-ramble @kotikala thoughts?
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nautiscarader · 2 years
Rayllum A.E.J.K.P.R
A - Acrobatics - How bendy can they get in bed? What is their favourite position?
Rayla is the doing most of the work with her body, being a trained almost-assassin. And with that, she likes showing her ass either by riding him reverse cowgirl, or being taken banther-style. Which is like doggy style, except you lean against a tree.
E - Experiment - Are they eager to try new thing. s in bed, or do they prefer more traditional love-making?
Rayla would be the one more likely to ask for something new, especially once she realises thart humans, especially in Katolis do not have many kinky bedroom traditions. She introduces him to various lubes and potiions that enhance pleasure, and with magic on the table, they can go to town. Sometimes literally, as she can become invisible...
J - Jungle - How well groomed is their carpet, etc.? 
Rayla would keep things and neat, and Callum probably be a bit less, but once she complains, the young prince starts taking better care of it to.
K - Kiss - How are they skilled with their mouths? Tongue, or not? And how often do they kiss anything but lips?
Both were pretty new to kissing, and with that, they learned at the same tempo, discovering each other's lips. Rayla let out a moan when in the middle of a kiss Callum brushed her horn, revealing how sensitive it is. And thus, Rayla allowed him a very intimate priviledge: to kiss her horns. it didn't take long for her to be on cloud nine, and son she needed his lips on her neck, her breasts, her sex...
P - Protection/Procreation - How careful are they? Have they had any accidents? How eager are they to start a family?
Rayla knows how dangerous it is for them to have sex on the Full Moon. She also knows how phenomenally good full moon sex is. She tries to resist leting Callum cum inside her, but the need for his seed is to overwhelming. Morning after, with her womb stil full of his seed, she prepares her potions, hoping thry will work post-factum, and they do for a while, and with that the two adventurers are forced to cut their travel.early, and return home with a bit more than they started with.
R - Random - Any random fact about them. 
Rayla loves seeing Callum with messy hair after sex, and f she can do that, she always ruffles it when she rides his face r when he goes down on her. Somehow, lack of his perfectly neat hair makes him look more... mature? Wild? She is not sure, but then again, she ks not thinking when he pounds her.
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