#causing beard to Snap at ted...............
coachbeards · 1 year
can't wait for all the pain beard's not sharing with jane/other people to Poison Him <3
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Call It What You Want (Superstar Chapter 2)
'Cause my baby's fit like a daydream
Walkin' with his head down, I'm the one he's walkin' to
So call it what you want, yeah, call it what you want to 
 Sequel to Superstar where the Reader and Roy Kent have their first date.
Roy Kent x Reader
5.7k words
Warnings: language (because Roy Kent), adults drinking adult drinks
Note: We’re in a parallel universe where Roy & Keeley never date and Keeley is in a healthy relationship with Jamie. Also, this came out a bit longer than I expected but dang it was fun to write!
The tension came to a head during lunch that Friday, our office door closed as we both sat at my desk, eating falafel out of the foil containers Roy had smuggled in past Ted and Beard. As I took a bite, I snuck a glance at Roy, who was gazing at the orange sticky note he’d stuck above my computer the day before:
It had been a week since Roy Kent had discovered the shrine to himself in my childhood bedroom. The following days had been sprinkled with autographs left on any papers that didn’t look too important, teasing pleas for no pictures during work hours, and one particularly mocking offer to save his beard trimmings the next time he shaved. But it was also filled with lingering stares in the hall, chocolate muffins left on my desk each morning, lunches shared in our tiny office, and the occasional smile and wink on the pitch when no one else was looking. A few times, Roy even brushed his fingers against mine when we squeezed by each other in doorways. With each small touch or moment of longing eye contact, I felt myself wondering how long it would take for one of us to break.
To my biggest fan
XOXO Roy Kent
“When’s your mum’s birthday?”
God, would I ever get used to his out of nowhere questions? “Why, d’you want to crash her birthday dinner too?”
A snort flew out of his nose as he turned his attention back to his lunch. “No. Just wanted to make sure you’re not busy tonight before I ask you out.”
Look up the signs of a heart attack when you get home, you might be having one. “Oh, really?” I tried to keep my breathing steady. “You think I’m the kind of girl who has no plans on a Friday night?”
Roy rolled his eyes and stuffed another bit of falafel into his mouth. “I think,” he said between bites, “you’re the kind of girl who’s gonna be really fucking annoying on our date tonight.” He paused to meet my gaze. “Unless you’ve already got plans with David Beckham? Or Lionel Messi?”
Another one of his recurring jokes that week was asking about my interest in other football players. I narrowed my eyes. “Unfortunately Becks was busy tonight,” I played along. “So, I guess I’m all yours.”
“I like the sound of that.”
A heat filled the air as Roy used his foot to roll my chair towards him, opening his knees slightly so I could come close to him. My knees hit the inside of his thighs and our noses practically touched; the back of my neck prickled. This was the closest contact we’d had since our kiss upstairs at my parents’ house. His eyes searched mine, thick eyebrows raised. My heart hammered as I leaned forward-
“Roy? Hey Roy?”
My chair was swiftly kicked back into place before Ted opened the office door, his head bent over his phone. We both quickly turned our attention back to our lunches, as if eating falafel took a lot of effort. By the time Ted looked up, Roy and I looked like we’d just been eating in silence- which was actually completely believable.
Ted’s face lit up when he saw me. “Oh, there you are. Was wondering where you’d gotten to.” He turned his attention to Roy, then paused when he saw the food in our hands. “Aw, you’re already eating.” He snapped his fingers. “I was gonna invite y’all go get some fish ‘n’ chips with me ‘n’ Beard.” He shrugged. “Well, enjoy your…” He studied the bowls a moment. “Meat? Whatever it is, looks tasty.” With an oblivious wave he turned on his heel and left, calling out for Coach Beard to follow him.
After a moment of listening to the sound of their receding footprints, followed by blessed silence, Roy finally looked back at me. “Well, he fucking ruined that moment. So, I’ll get you at seven?”
“Yeah.” I cleared my throat. “I’ll text you my address.”
“No need.” Roy grinned. “Don’t forget, you’re an easy stalking target.”
I stuck my tongue out at him, amazed at how comfortable I had grown with Roy “he’s here, he’s there, he’s every fucking where” Kent over the past week. “I turned off my Snapchat location, thanks to you. So be nice or else no address.”
He raised an eyebrow at me. “Fine. Then you can just meet me at the restaurant, and we can miss out on the whole ‘you open the door and my jaw drops when I see you’ moment.”
We narrowed our eyes at each other for a moment before breaking out into matching grins.
“Pick you up at seven,” he repeated.
From the moment I got home from work until the moment I heard a knock on my door, my hands shook and my heart hammered. I was incredibly grateful that Roy had used the word “date” in our conversation that afternoon; if he hadn’t, I probably would have spent hours agonizing over what the evening ahead meant. Even with the confirmation that this was indeed a date, I was a mess as I agonized over the perfect outfit and fought with my hair, desperate to look special compared with what Roy saw each day at work. When the sound of knocking reached my ears at 6:59, the tremble in my hands spread to my whole body.
Relax. You know he likes you. He wouldn’t have kissed you and asked you out and tried to kiss you again if he didn’t.
An involuntary gulp escaped when I opened the door and saw Roy standing in front of me. He looked really good in his fitted black slacks and black button-down shirt. He looked even better when he smiled at me, his brown eyes traveling down my frame slowly.
“Fuck,” he whispered, eyebrows raised. “You look great. Really fucking great.” He held his hand out to me, his eyes sparkling. “Are you ready then?”
We walked out to his car, neither of us saying a word. When we got to the car, he opened the door and helped me in before climbing in on his side. I shifted in my seat and cleared my throat.
“So, what’s the plan, Kent?”
“Figured we’d go sit in our office and eat takeaway,” he answered as he started the car. “Y’know, same shit we do every day.”
“Romantic,” I snarked.
Keeping one hand on the wheel, he took my hand, interlocking our fingers. “Fine, nix that plan then. How about drinks and then a late dinner? Just no fucking work talk please.”
I stared at our hands, wondering if he could feel my pounding pulse through my fingertips. “Sounds great,” I agreed, giving his hand a squeeze.
It was a somewhat quiet drive, but a comfortable one. I’d turned on the radio to some pop station, and Roy drummed out the beat with his fingers, tapping the back of my hand rhythmically. With his attention on the road, I allowed myself the opportunity to unabashedly stare at him. He was still Roy Kent: grizzled, dark, something of a brooding aura surrounding him. But he looked different that he normally did in the office, more like he had that evening at my parents’ house. His shoulders were relaxed against the driver’s seat, and his mouth was curved ever-so-slightly upwards, a shadow of a smile. As if he could feel the heat of my gaze, his eyes shifted off the road and towards me, causing his mouth to curve even further upwards.
“Admiring something?” he asked, clearly amused.
A bit embarrassed to be caught staring, I turned my eyes back to the road. “Just… taking in the sights.”
“The sights,” he repeated, nodding his head. “I’d say to take a picture since it’ll last longer, but I think you’ve got enough fucking pictures hanging at your mum’s house, wouldn’t you agree?”
My embarrassment deepened. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”
Roy gave my hand a squeeze. “Nope. Only because I like seeing you blush so much.”
We finally arrived at the pub, with me refusing to look at Roy’s smug face for the rest of the car ride. He quickly got out of the car and jogged to my side, opening my door, and holding my hand to help me down.
“D’you really need such a massive car?” I teased as his hand settled in the small of my back.
A playful huff came out of Roy’s mouth. “Oi, don’t make fun of a man’s car. Otherwise, you’ll be walking home.”
“Aww, but how will you walk me to my door and kiss me at the end of the night?” I asked with a pretend pout, crossing my arms to give the full bratty effect.
Roy gave a hearty chuckle as we entered the dark pub. “You’re a presumptuous thing, you think you’re getting a kiss on the first date?”
I rolled my eyes as Roy guided me to a secluded corner booth, letting me slide in before following me into the seat. “Oh, I’m sorry, can you only kiss a girl when you’re surrounded pictures by yourself? Because I stopped carrying your photo in my wallet ages ago. Might still have a couple saved on my mobile though, would you like me to check?”
Roy stared at me hard for a moment, his dark eyes practically drilling holes into my brain. “You talk way too fucking much, anyone ever tell you that?”
Before I could come up with some clever response, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I could only squeak weakly in response as my eyes fluttered closed. This kiss was a bit rougher than the one we’d shared a week ago, with my lips parting to mirror Roy’s own slightly open mouth. It ended entirely too soon, with Roy smirking at me.
“That ought to shut you up for a fucking minute,” he chuckled as an older woman in an apron approached, a knowing smile on her face.
“How’re you Roy?” the woman asked casually, although her eyes were on me.
Roy grunted in response, suddenly reverting to his usual monosyllabic self. “Fine. Usual, please.”
The woman hummed and raised her eyebrows at me. “And you sweetheart?”
I quickly ordered my drink, offering up a couple of pleases and thank yous. With drink orders out of the way, I finally let myself look around the pub. It was dimly lit, with a couple televisions above the bar. There was a mostly older crowd, with most other customers having at least a decade on my parents. There were darts on a far wall and a foosball table near another wall. A jukebox in one corner played a Vann Morrison song that I vaguely recognized. The place was a far cry from the loud, crowded, sweaty clubs my mates usually tried to drag me to. If I had to pick between the two, I’d take this pub any day of the week- especially with Roy Kent by my side.
When I turned my attention back to Roy, he was already staring at me, his mouth in a straight line for the first time all night. “Is this alright?” he asked bluntly. “You weren’t expecting champagne and caviar, were you?”
Behind the hard expression on his face, I could see anxiety in his eyes. My mind wandered to the women I’d seen him with in magazines and online… models, influencers, a couple B-list actresses, none sticking around for more than a couple months. I’d even read one blog post about a woman who stole his watch before ending the relationship. It dawned on me that most of the women he dated would probably not be okay with a place like this. Despite the almost-scowl on Roy’s face, I felt myself melt at the realization that he was nervous about what I thought of the place.
“I think,” I said after a moment, “that this place is great.” I laid my hand on his, feeling him relax instantly beneath my touch. “You must come here a lot if you have a usual?”
“Couple of times a month,” he admitted, his facial expression softening. “The old geezers know who I am, but they leave me alone for the most part, sometimes give me shit about Richmond when the team fucks up. Never have to worry about them posting pictures of me on Twitter or some shit. And the barkeep, Rose, she doesn’t always tally up all my beers correctly and undercharges me all the fuckin’ time.” His smile returned. “So at Christmas I like to clear a tab or two, to make up for the free shit I get.” He nodded to himself. “It’s nice to just come here and have a beer, not have to worry about being Roy Kent, y’know?” He squinted at me for a moment. “Alright, now you kiss me, because I’m talking way too fucking much.”
I laughed as the older woman- Rose- returned with our drinks. She smiled at me as she set down my glass. “He must like you,” she mused, her eyes darting to Roy. “Never brings his dates here. ’less you count that pretty-boy soccer player. Went on that bloody reality show. The one they sing that stupid shark song about?”
“Jamie Tartt?” I offered, eyebrows raised. I turned to Roy, whose eyes were practically behind his head. “Do I have competition? Because Jamie Tartt is definitely hotter than me.”
Roy dramatically threw his head back and let out a massive, growling sigh as Rose walked away, her chuckles echoing behind her. “Don’t ever call Tartt hot, I swear I’ll cut my ears off.”
“Relax, van Gogh,” I scoffed. “I won’t get jealous of Jamie if you don’t.”
“Hmmf.” Roy eyed me carefully, taking a sip of his beer. “Who’s hotter, me or Tartt?” he challenged. The tiny upturn at the corner of his mouth assured me that he was teasing.
“Definitely Jamie,” I deadpanned, taking a sip from my own glass. “I’m only here because he and Cristiano Ronaldo didn’t call me back.”
Roy shook his head and smiled, sliding his hand out from under mine and placing his on top. “Just so you know,” he murmured, leaning in close. “Ronaldo’s a fuckin’ prick.”
Before I could laugh, he pressed his lips to mine, mirroring the kiss from earlier, but gentler, slower now, full of affection. My eyes fluttered closed as I kissed him back, the little voice in my head unable to form a coherent sentence.
Roy Kent kissing me it’s Roy Kent he’s here he’s there he’s kissing me Roy Kent
“Fuck.” Roy gazed at his phone. “We were supposed to be at the restaurant a fucking hour ago.” He grimaced as his eyes met mine. “Had a reservation and everything.”
My fingers traced the rim of the glass in front of me as I shook my head. “Roy, it’s fine,” I laughed.
We had spent the last couple of hours- and rounds of drinks- cuddled in our booth, cracking jokes and sharing stories. Roy told me about his sister and his little niece and reluctantly explained his workout routine with Jamie Tartt, while I shared stories about my ridiculous brothers and gave a detailed ranking of Jane Austen’s leading men. The way his arm wrapped around the back of the booth and his hand grazed my shoulder made missing the reservation worth it.
Roy wrinkled his nose. “I should feed you,” he argued. “’d be a shit date if I didn’t.” He glanced at his phone again. “D’you like pizza?”
Twenty minutes later, we were sitting across from each other, sodas in front of us, Roy’s pensive expression tinted red by the neon glow advertising Fresh Pizza.
“Can I tell you somethin’?”
I nodded, sipping my Coke through a straw. “Hmm?”
“This is the most fun I’ve ever had on a date,” he murmured. “And the first time I feel like I’m with someone who’s interested in being with me, not just being seen out some fucking footballer.” He gave a small nod. “So, thanks. Really, thanks.”
Heat rose in my cheeks as his eyes bore into mine. “Honestly, Roy,” I breathed. “Sharing an office with you is the best part of my workday.”
A grin flashed on his face. “Oi, we said no work talk.”
“Oh, shove off,” I mumbled, giving him a soft kick under the table as a young man in a red polo shirt brought us our pizza. I grabbed a slice and began to nibble on it as the teen employee did a double take at Roy before going back behind the counter. “Take a compliment, Kent.”
“Compliment,” he repeated gruffly, grabbing his own slice. “Is that something I’ll have to get used to? Being complimented?”
I tilted my head and swallowed a bite. “What d’you mean?”
He shrugged and took a sip of his Coke. “Gotta know what dating you involves. Spoiler alert, after tomorrow’s game I’m going to ask you if you’d like to go out again sometime.” His eyes darted away. “Hope that’s alright,” he grumbled, that nervous look in his behind his expression again.
I gave another kick under the table, much gentler this time. “You better ask me out again,” I teased. “Because this is the best date I’ve had in a long time.”
“You must’ve been on some fucking shit dates,” he joked, his eyes meeting mine. “Guess I’ve got to make up for that.”
For a moment, we just sat there, smiling at each other under the buzz of the neon light, slices of pizza in our hands. If two months ago someone had told me I would be on a date with Roy Kent, sipping drinks in a small pub, eating pizza in a hole-in-the-wall shop, I would have never believed it. But there I was, unable to look away from the brown eyes I’d spent years dreaming about, making him laugh and smile. And honestly, having the best time I’d had in a while.
The sudden preoccupied look on Roy’s face brought me out of my dreamy bubble. “Oi, there is something we should talk about.” The air suddenly felt heavy.
“Hmm?” Good, stay cool, don’t act nervous.
He took a deep breath, exhaling with a tiny growl. “Don’t take this the wrong way- I feel like a fucking prick saying this out loud-” He groaned, shrugging in defeat. “Would you be okay with, I dunno, not telling anyone about this-” He gestured between us. “-just for a bit?” A grimace now completely covered his bearded face. “It’s not like I’m embarrassed, or like I want to date anyone else-”
“That’s a relief,” I teased. My cheeks turned warm seeing him so flustered; it was endearing. “I thought you were completely ashamed to be seen with me and wanted to see if you had a shot with Jamie Tartt.”
That smile finally returned. “Come on, I’m being fucking serious.” He reached across the table and grasped my free hand. “Look, I really like being with you. I feel less pissed off at work when you’re around. And I want to see you outside of our fucking office. But you’ve seen the muppets we work with. They’ll never leave us the fuck alone once they find out we’re seeing each other. And I’d like to be in, I dunno, a little fucking bubble or something for a bit. Just while we’re getting to know each other and seeing where this goes.” His thumb stroked my hand. “Is that okay?”
The earnestness in his eyes nearly stopped my heart. “Of course,” I assured him, nudging his foot with mine. “I like the idea of being in a bubble with you.”
It was nearly midnight when Roy walked me up to my flat, his arm wrapped around my waist. After pizza we had gone walking around aimlessly, neither of us quite willing to say goodnight to the other. But my gentle reminder to Roy that Richmond had a game the next day was enough for him to sigh dramatically and agree to call it a night.
We paused in front of my door, turning to face each other as I fiddled with my keys nervously. Despite all the hand holding and flirting and shared kisses, I still felt a flutter in my stomach when I saw the fondness in his eyes as he gazed down at me. I couldn’t remember the last time I saw such warmth aimed in my direction; the fact that it was Roy Kent was just a bonus.
“Think I could give you a ride to work tomorrow?” he asked softly, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.
I grinned up at him. “What happened to keeping things quiet at work?”
He shrugged, his hand still lingering beside my face. “Do I sound like a fucking prat if I say I just can’t wait to see you again?”
“Just a little,” I teased, leaning my cheek into the palm of his hand, not caring that he could feel the warmth of my face. “But I like it. Pick me up at 10?”
“How about 9? I’ll buy you tea and a muffin.”
I laughed and pressed myself a smidge closer to him. “Bribery works wonders on me. I’m in.”
A small kiss landed on my forehead. “I love that you’re easily bought.” Another kiss on my cheek. “Guess I should let you head inside before some nosy fucking neighbor sees us.”
“We’d be trending on Twitter within the hour. Roy Kent and Random seen outside flat the night before Richmond game.”
“The fucking press’d definitely blame you if we lost tomorrow.” A kiss on my other cheek. “So, we better say goodnight.”
I nodded, not bothering to hide my smile. “Guess we should.”
His mouth found mine for the millionth time that night, assuring me that this would not be the last time he’d be walking me home. A wide smile filled his face when he finally pulled away. “Good night then.”
“Goodnight, Roy,” I answered, planting one last peck on his lips.
Roy’s car now felt familiar as we rode to the Dog Track. I leaned my chair into a comfortable position and fiddled with the radio until I found a station playing an hour of 90s hits. I ripped off a bit of the giant chocolate muffin that sat on my lap and tossed it into my mouth, reveling in the brief domestic bliss before we had to act professionally in front of everyone.
“Gimme a bite,” Roy mumbled, eyes on the road. I ripped of another piece and popped it into his open mouth. “Thanks,” was his muffled reply as we pulled into the still empty parking lot. “And thanks for riding here with me,” he muttered, clearing his throat. “It was nice.”
A smile crept across my face. “Thanks for offering,” I answered. “We should probably head on in, I’ve got some things to do in the office before everyone comes in.”
The halls were eerily quiet, only a few cleaning crew milling about, offering nods and soft “good mornings”. I flipped on the lights in the changing room and coaching offices, quickly setting to work as Roy leaned on Beard’s desk, watching me with that thoughtful look on his face.
I started my Game Day routine: leaving our report on the opposing team neatly on Ted’s desk, right next to the playbook that I pulled off his bookshelf, updating the league standings on the whiteboard next to Beard’s desk, noting the possible rank changes based on game outcomes, setting up the coffee maker to their specifications so all they had to do was hit the Start button when they walked into the office. Between tasks I paused for the newest addition to my routine: stealing kisses from Roy, taking full advantage of the empty building.
He followed me into our office so I could organize my things; Game Day had quickly become my favorite part of my job. During games, I would stand by the coaches with my tablet, keeping track of different statistics: goals, passes, saves, anything and everything the coaches could analyze later to improve their plans. Ted kept repeating something about me “putting the Excel in excellent” when I first presented my detailed spreadsheet to the coaches, so I knew this was valuable data to them. It was the part of my job I took most seriously.
And I loved that it allowed me to be on the sidelines with Roy all game long.
“Are you going to be able to focus out there today?” Roy teased softly, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me.
“Are you?” I shot back, leaning into him as I tapped away on my tablet, setting up my new spreadsheet. “I’m working, all you’ve been doing is staring at me.”
He laughed and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “Trust me, as soon as those pricks show up, I’ll be my usual grumpy self.”
As if on cue, the sound of Coach Lasso’s voice echoed from down the hall. Roy immediately released me and threw himself into his chair, planting his feet on his desk and pulling out his cell phone; to anyone who just happened in, it looked as though he had been completely ignoring my existence, rather than holding me close. I shook my head and grinned to myself as Ted and Beard entered their office.
“Mornin’!” Ted called, poking his head through our shared door. “Look at you early birds. Y’all are just a couple of peas in a pod.” He pointed at me, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “Thanks again for figuring out the Keurig. You’re a k-cup K-Pop star.”
I smiled and nodded, still unsure about what to do when the man complimented me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Roy smirking behind his phone.
Ted noticed too. “You’re looking downright chipper this morning, Roy. Anything special you wanna share with the class?”
Roy’s smirk faded, his eyes still on his phone. “No.”
“No worries, I’m just happy you’re happy.” Ted was completely unphased; the guy was truly remarkable. He turned back to me. “Say, could I bother you to run some papers up to Rebecca’s office? Get some steps in before we head to the field.”
“Sure,” I agreed, setting down my tablet. “And it’s ‘pitch’, Coach.”
Ted nodded. “Right, right. ‘Pitch’.”
After a few more Lasso-isms, I was on my up to Rebecca’s office, carrying a folder filled with papers. I had shot Roy a wink before I left our office and was awarded the smallest of smiles, which was enough to make me practically skip down the hall, past the players making their way to the changing room. I smiled and waved at each of them, feeling excited to have a small role in this special team.
“Come in,” Rebecca called when I knocked on her door. She and Keeley Jones were sitting on her couch, Keeley adorable as ever in pigtails and a fluffy sweater, Rebecca the picture of class in her dress and heels. The women smiled and waved me in.
“Hey!” Keeley called, jumping up to give me a small hug. “How’re you doing? I tried to call you last night, but you didn’t pick up.” Within two days of me starting work at Richmond, Keeley had decided that we were meant to be friends, an offer I was more than happy to accept. She pouted at me playfully. “Were you out getting some?”
My ears burned. “Yeah, right,” I scoffed. “My phone’s been acting up lately, sorry about that.” I reached around to hand Rebecca the folder. “From Ted,” I told her, trying desperately to avoid the topic Keeley had brought up.
Rebecca opened the folder and glanced at it. “Shit, I should look at this,” she muttered to herself. She nodded towards Keeley. “Why don’t you head to our seats to watch warm up? Just don’t wolf-whistle at the boys too much, hmm? Save some for the game.”
Keeley gave a salute to Rebecca and linked her arm with mine. “Shall we?”
We strolled down the hall, Keeley talking a mile a minute about the party she had tried to invite me to the night before. “There were lots of real fit guys there,” she gushed, knocking her hip into mine. “Some of them were even worth talking to. Come on, what’s your type? I need to know what to look out for.”
I cleared my throat. “I don’t really have a-”
“Oi. You forgot this.”
Roy appeared out of nowhere, holding up my tablet, its case covered in Richmond stickers I’d bought the day I had gotten this job. My cheeks were warm as I accepted it, careful not to touch his hand. I could feel Keeley eyeing me curiously.
“Thanks,” I murmured, avoiding Roy’s eyes; I knew that any contact would tempt me to kiss the man.
He seemed to understand completely. “Keeley,” he greeted, giving a short nod to the blonde. He nodded to me now. “See you out there.” He turned and walked towards the doors that led to the pitch.
Once he turned the corner and was out of view, Keeley squealed and grabbed me by the shoulders. “Fuck, you should ask out Roy!”
My eyes widened. “What?”
She nodded, her pigtails bouncing. “Come on. He’s fit, he has a good job, and if anyone ever messed with you, they’d never find the body.” She wiggled my shoulders, waggling her eyebrows. “And the man looks good shirtless,” she added.
As if there wasn’t a shirtless picture of him tapped inside the closet of my old bedroom. I made a quick mental note to take it down and hide it- maybe burn it- before the next time he came over. Surely, he’d be coming over to my parents’ place again sometime? Maybe not anytime soon, but eventually, right?
Whoa there, relax. Don’t get so ahead of yourself.
“Come off it, Keels,” I scoffed. “I’m not asking out Roy Kent.” Well, you’re not lying. He asked you out, after all. “We work together. We share an office for God’s sake. And besides, he’s Roy fucking Kent.” I laughed and shook my head, trying to be really convincing. “In case you didn’t notice, I’m not his usual type.”
A smile spread across Keeley’s face. “Well, all I know is that last time he and Jamie were working out, he told Jamie he was sick of dating just to date. He’s sick of models and shit. He told Jamie he wanted something real.” She shrugged. “I dunno. You seem like the kind of girl who could be something real.”
I did my best to hide the pleasure on my face as Keeley confirmed what Roy had told me last night. Instead, I cleared my throat and turned my attention to my tablet. “Well, good for Roy. But I should be going, I’ve got to get to the pitch.”
“Yeah, gotta go stand next to Roy for the next few hours.” Keeley winked at me. “Don’t think I don’t notice the blush on your face whenever he’s around. You’re not as clever as you think. I’ll get you two together eventually.”
Little does she know, the little voice in my head chucked. “Sure, Keeley,” I humored. “I’ll see you later.” I planted a kiss on her cheek, reminding myself to try to match the affection she brought to a friendship, and waved as I walked away in the direction Roy had disappeared in.
I should have been more surprised when I turned a corner and found him leaning against the wall, scrolling on his phone. He smirked when he saw me.
“Did you wait to me?” I asked, not bothering to hide the smile on my face.
He shrugged, tucking his phone into his pocket. “Maybe.”
“Very sweet of you,” I hummed, shoving his shoulder with mine as he fell into step beside me. “But you should probably be a little bit less obvious at work. Keeley was just telling me about her new goal.”
“And what would that be?”
“To play matchmaker for us,” I answered casually. “Which means our chemistry is obvious.”
Roy let out a scoff of a laugh just before we reached the pitch entrance. “Let her try. I’d kind of love to see what kind of scheme she cooks up.” He sobered up as we walked onto the green, where the Greyhounds were beginning their warmup. From the stands closet to the pitch, I could already hear Keeley whooping and hollering. She’d definitely have something to say about seeing me and Roy walking to the dugout together, but I’d come up with my excuses later.
I took my position between Ted and Beard, showing them the stats from our previous match and reminding them about the adjustments they’d discussed based on it. Ted said something about me being just like Q from James Bond, a reference I actually understood. I smiled at the praise and took a seat, not needing to do much now until the match started. Instead, I took advantage of the cover around the dugout to brazenly stare at Roy, grinning to myself every time he yelled “Whistle!” at the top of his lungs.
As if he could feel my gaze, he turned his head subtly, a half smirk on his face when our eyes met. He shook his head at me and pulled out his phone. A moment later, my own mobile vibrated. I glanced at the glowing screen.
You’re going to make hiding this really fucking difficult, aren’t you?
Of course. Making your life harder is half the fun.
My phone vibrated again. Fine. Whatever. Grab a bite after the game?
My grin widened as I began to type back.
Only if I can get an autograph.
Roy turned his head again, that upturn of his mouth barely visible. I relaxed into my seat, tapping away at my tablet. For the first time in my life, I could hardly wait for a Richmond game to be over.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
I love your writing! Can I request a Jamie tartt x reader where the reader is a famous actor or musician and it’s like the team meeting them or the media finding out? Thank you!!
I loved this! Thanks for requesting!
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you know, you’ll always know me
“Jamie Tartt has been spotted around Manchester with lead singer and songwriter from band Room 17,” Isaac reads aloud. He snaps the paper shut and looks at Jamie. “Oi, when did you have time to go to Manchester?”
Jamie shrugs. “I dunno, mate, two nights ago?”
There’s a clamor of disbelief from the team throughout the locker room. 
Colin’s voice cuts through the din. “Mate, that’s a four-hour drive. You drove eight hours to hookup with a famous singer?”
Jamie grins. “No.”
Isaac: “Elaborate.”
Jamie replies, “Nope,” popping the “p” sound at the end. 
The boys chorus, “Aye, c’mon man, what the fuck,” right as Ted and Beard walk in. 
“What’s all the hubbub?” Ted asks. “Usually that level of resignation is reserved for one of my many, specially-tailored puns.”
“Jamie hooked up with someone famous,” Sam answers. 
Beard looks at Jamie. “Saw the papers. You’re way out of her league.”
Jamie puts his hands up. “That’s not what she said Tuesday night.”
“So you did hook up with her!” 
“Look-” Jamie replies, “she said I ain’t allowed to talk about it in the locker room and I ain’t allowed to tell just anybody. She likes things private and I don’t blame her because you lot are a load of animals.”
Ted makes a mock offended face while Beard shrugs like yeah, that’s true.
Will looks up, thoughtful expression on his face. “Jamie, she said no locker room talk?”
Jamie says, “Yeah, why?”
“I mean, we could just, I dunno, go… somewhere else?”
“Will, you fucking genius,” Colin says, and Isaac gets up to go shake Will’s hand while saying, “Everyone, boot room, now!”
Less than a minute later, everyone is crowded into the boot room. Including Trent, Rebecca, and Higgins, who are never ones to miss a good story. Roy is the only one not present, with a short “fuck off!” at Ted’s extended invitation. 
They’re all huddled around Jamie, whispering quietly amongst themselves until Isaac holds up a hand. 
“Alright! Jamie’s going to tell us how he managed to pull the lead singer from Room 17, and then he’s going to apologize to,” Isaac checks a note on his phone and reads, “Dani, Sam, Richard, and Jan Maas because he knew they had a crush on her, and then to Colin because that’s his favorite band and you didn’t say shit to him.”
“Eh? That ain’t fair! We all had equal opportunity, I’m just the only one who took it,” Jamie replies indignantly. 
There’s a “WHAT,” in unison from at least half the team followed by more clamoring. 
“Oi, oi!” Jamie says. “Pipe down, and I’ll tell ya.
It was when we went to that club last month. I was gettin’ drinks for me and Dani, and there was this absolutely gorgeous girl sitting at the bar, scribbling somethin’ on a napkin. I was gonna introduce meself, but right as I went to say hey, she stood up and knocked both drinks out of me hand. One got on me and the other got on her napkin and I said ‘sorry about your napkin,’ and she said ‘nah it’s shit anyway. Sorry about your shirt,’ so I said, ‘it looks better on the floor.’ Guess she liked that, ‘cause that’s where it ended up.”
“That was a month ago, Jamie,” Sam interjects. “How did you end up in the papers this morning?”
Jamie grins and sticks out his tongue. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Isaac smacks the back of his head and Jamie yelps. “Ok, ok, I’ll tell ya!”
The team crowds closer. Rebecca is farther in the back, and she’s seemed strangely uninterested this whole time, typing on her phone. 
“So. Turns out, she’s fit and funny, and she starts telling me she writes her own songs. And she say it ain’t a big deal, just something she does for fun, and I say I play football and it is a big deal, but she already knew who I was. Anyway, didn’t figure out who she was till after I asked her on a proper date, and I guess she thought that was cute or some shit. We’ve been sneakin around ever since.” Here Jamie smiles angelically. “I am cute or some shit.”
Ted, Beard, and Trent nod in assent and just before the team can bombard Jamie with questions, his phone dings then rings. Rebecca finally looks up from her phone in the back as Jamie checks his. 
You’re calling him, so he makes a pipe down motion and answers.
“Hello Jamie Tartt,” you say. “What are you doing right now?”
“Hey babe!” he replies, team saying silent oohs and making kissy faces. “Not much, just with the lads. Did you see the papers?”
You laugh. “Yes, I saw the papers. I suppose it was only a matter of time before it got out, and I know I’m a little late to the party, but you can tell the team now.”
You can hear Jamie’s smile through the phone as he says, “Thanks babe. Y’know they’re like my family.”
Even though he can’t see you, you nod. “I do know. That’s why I’m not upset that you’re in the boot room right now and have already told them everything.”
Jamie is stunned into silence as the team whispers, “what did she say, what did she say?”
“You can put me on speaker,” you say.
Jamie does and then asks, “How the fuck did you know where I was and what I was doing? Are you psychic?”
Jamie looks up around the room and Rebecca of all people catches his eye and winks as you say, “Oh, well, Rebecca Welton and I have been close for ages. She started texted me the moment she heard you were going to the boot room. She’s known about you and me since the first night.”
The room erupts into “WHATs,” and “Holy shits,” while Jamie goes to speak again. 
“Babe,” he tries, but you can’t hear him above the noise. He pushes his way through the throng and out the boot room, Rebecca patting him on the shoulder as he goes past her. 
“Babe,” he says again, “you sure you ain’t mad?”
Now he can hear your smile through the phone. “Yes, I’m absolutely positive. You could have told them sooner. And I think it’s funny that you went to the boot room to talk about it. Rebecca says it smells worse than shit.”
Jamie sighs. “Good. Good, yeah. I’m glad.”
“Actually,” you continue, “this got me out of my writing slump. I’ve been writing like crazy every time you leave. Got half an album in the works already.”
“Fuckin mental.” Jamie shakes his head. He’s great at football, sure, but your musical talent is something else.
“Jamie?” you ask hesitantly. “I- you know I- I mean-”
He cuts you off mid sentence with, “I love you.”
You’re holding your phone with both hands now. “How did you know what I was going to say?”
Jamie shrugs, then remembers you can’t see it. “Just your voice, I guess. Didn’t want you to feel awkward about it. Know we haven’t said it yet, but I do. And now that it’s out, maybe you can come down to Richmond for a proper football game, meet the lads.“
“I’d like that,” you smile. “Oh shit- my food’s burning. I’ve gotta go. I love you!”
“Love you too,” he replies. He hands up, slides his phone back into his pocket, and turns to see the entire Richmond team crowded around the boot room door, faces pressed to the glass. Jamie rolls his eyes, flips them off, and walks away, laughing. You’re going to love them. 
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peterpparkrr · 1 year
Banter (Ch. 4)
Series: Banter
Pairing: Roy Kent x f!Reader
Summary: Sam has his restaurant’s soft open. You and Roy spend the night together. No! Not like that!
A/N: I cried twice during this week's episode, how are you guys doing?
(Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) // (Ch. 5)
series masterlist
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"Keeley..." You singsong as you walk up to where she and Rebecca are staking a claim in front of the bartender.
"What did you say to Roy?" You ask her as you lean your face toward hers, making an effort to keep your voice low seeing as the man in question is only on the other side of this relatively small restaurant.
"I'm not sure I know what you mean," Keeley replies with such a convincing tone of innocence that you’d almost believe her if it weren’t for the fact that Roy Kent was staring at you with such unabashed intensity that you felt like you might combust.
"He's...looking at me," You whisper-hiss in her direction. Causing both women to look over your shoulder to where Roy is sitting with Jamie Tartt, Jamie going on about something while Roy continues to stare in your direction.
“God, he really is intense, isn’t he?” Rebecca comments as she turns back to you, sipping her drink. 
You purse your lips to keep yourself from snapping at your newfound friend. 
You know this is amusing to Keeley and Rebecca, everything about your love life is amusing to these women, but you’re having a hard time laughing about it when everyone else knows just as much about your business as you do. And how it sometimes feels like they know stuff you don’t know. 
“I need to know why all of that intensity is aimed in my direction, and Keeley’s my best bet,” You reply as you stare at your best friend expectantly. 
“Nothing! I just encouraged him to explore the relationship- friendship between you two!” Keeley defends.
“Go say hi to your new friend,” She adds as she prods at your side.
You sigh but move to say hello to him anyway.
Jamie has disappeared off to somewhere else by the time you move to this side of the room.
"Hi... friend," You greet Roy as you come up to him with an awkward smile, your hand coming up in a half-wave, half-fist bump that just makes it look like you greet people by punching the air.
"Right," Roy replies gruffly as he frowns down at you. 
"This place is nice, I'm impressed," You comment as you glance around the space.
When Keeley had invited you and explained that one of the AFC Richmond players had started a restaurant you kind of expected it to be like most celebrity-owned establishments, completely detached from that person other than the use of their name to get people in the door. With little care for anything other than making money.
But you were pleasantly surprised, Sam clearly had a lot of oversight here as owner, he was helping deliver plates to people’s tables, checking in with the chef, and making the rounds to ensure everyone was having a good time. 
Not to mention the fact that the food looked absolutely amazing.
Sam cared a lot about sharing his culture and food. And it showed.
"Maybe Sam should quit and become a full-time restaurateur,” You comment as the man in question sneaks around the two of you with two plates in his hands.
"Don't you fucking dare put that idea in his head," Roy replies. “The team needs him.”
"You'd figure it out,” You say with a wave of your hand. “Ted and Beard are both pretty smart guys," You add with a small smile.
"And you too, I guess," You add with a sigh, smiling at Roy as he takes your teasing remarkably well given your past. 
"How have you been?" Roy asks you.
"Oh, um, good," You reply with a nod. “You?” 
“Shit,” Roy replies.
“Oh… um…” You stammer as you glance at his expression nervously. Only to see him staring back at you as straight-faced as always but with a glimmer of something behind his eyes that has your short-lived anxiety quickly morphing into relief and amusement. 
“You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?” You reply as you hit his upper arm with your palm. 
“Yeah, glad you finally noticed,” Roy replies.
You smile up at him for a moment before a server with another platter of delicious-looking food walks past you. 
“Watching all of this food come out is making me extremely jealous, do you want to order some food to share?” You ask as you gesture toward an open table in the corner.
“Yeah,” Roy replies. 
As you move to sit down you miss the look that Roy and Keeley share.
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As it turns out, talking to Roy is easy.
You’d initially been a little worried that with your nervous energy and hatred of long pauses that trying to make conversation would be like pulling teeth, but once the two of you get going you can’t stop. 
“What do you mean?!” You shout as Roy finishes telling you the story of how his ex-girlfriend stole his Rolex and sold it for drug money.
“I said what I said,” Roy replies.
You burst into laughter at the whole story. 
“Uh oh,” You mutter as you see Sam out of the corner of your eye start to put chairs up on the tables. 
And then you glance around to realize everyone else is gone except for Sam and his employees.
Keeley and Rebecca had bid you goodnight a little while ago but everyone else had still been here then.
“I think Sam is trying to very politely tells us to fuck off,” Roy replies as you pull your phone out of your bag to realize how late it’s gotten. 
And get a glimpse at a series of texts from Keeley almost exclusively consisting of emojis including but not limited to the peach, eggplant, and explosion emojis.
“Do you want to go get a drink? There’s a pub down the road that makes good cocktails,” You ask Roy when you turn back to him. 
“Yeah,” Roy replies as he moves to stand up.
“Thanks for tonight, Sam, this place is seriously amazing, it’s going to be a huge success, I can already tell,” You tell Sam with a smile as you and Roy make your way to the door.
“Good food,” Roy adds from beside you.
“Thank you so much for coming,” Sam replies with a grin. “And I hope you’ll stop in again soon.”
“Oh, we will,” You reply without even thinking about it before you head out with one last wave.
We. You said we. Putting you and Roy into a shared unit without even thinking about it. 
And you didn’t hate it.
As your brain spirals Roy switches over the walk on your other side, his hand ghosting the small of your back as he places himself between you and the road. A move that you’ve only read about in books. Or heard about on TikTok from people who apparently have better boyfriends than you’ve ever had.
The spiral pops an embarrassing story of your own into your brain.
“I once had a boyfriend who was stealing money from my wallet and when I caught him he claimed it was a ‘boyfriend tax’,” You blurted out as you glanced over at Roy. Filling the silence with your rambling.
“Your terrible ex story reminded me,” You add. 
Roy looks down at you and stops dead in his tracks as he turns to face you more completely. You stop walking too and take a step back to glance back at him.  
“What was his name?” Roy asks. 
“Br– wait, I’m not telling you that,” You stop yourself when you realize what he means. “I can’t let you go to jail for murder.”
“You don’t know that it was going to be murder,” Roy replies.
You laugh.
“C’mon,” You say as you loop your arm around Roy’s and pull him along to come with you. “Let’s go get that drink. Maybe I’ll tell you his name after I’ve had a few.”
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After the change in locations you’re ready for the mood to shift and for you to down a quick drink and bug out as whatever weird truce you and Roy have going on fizzles. But the conversation continues to flow even better as the two of you share a few more drinks.
Once it becomes truly too late that even the bar crowd is starting to think Roy offers to walk you home.
"Thanks for walking me home," You tell Roy when you reach the door to your flat. "I'd ask you to come in but it's probably way past your bedtime with practice tomorrow."
"Yeah," Roy replies.
"Tonight was fun, I'm glad we were able to break the ice," You say as you glance down at Roy’s lips. Waiting for him to look at you and do the same. 
But his eyes don’t move from the top half of your face.
"Me too.”
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow- today technically," You add.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)," Roy says with a small smile.
"Goodnight," You reply.
And then Roy turns on his heels and walks down the hallway.
You watch him disappear down the staircase before you turn and shove your key into your door.
"Goodnight," You mutter to yourself as you push open your door. "What the fuck?!" 
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believesthings · 1 year
Different Kind of Touch// Ted Lasso x Reader
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Summary: After seeing your boyfriend, Ted Lasso, roll out his new “Led Tasso” method at training, you have an unexpected response and you’re surprised to come home one day to find that your boyfriend has decided to bring this new method into the bedroom. 
A/N: I haven’t written smut in like 7 years but I really wanted to write this. (and just like our man Ted says “training makes perfect”) so I figured there was no better way to get comfortable with writing smut again except to just dive into it. Also shoutout to @calzone-d​, since her message of encouragement is what pushed me to complete this. Full disclosure, you might have to suspend some disbelief for this piece. It’s hard for me to say what would be in character for “Led Tasso” since we only have one scene of him in the show. But what is fanfiction but the deepest desires of our imaginations? 
Warnings: Smut, Panty gagging, fingering 
It was a complete coincidence that you showed up to training the same day that Ted decided to unveil his Led Tasso method. You and Ted had both been so busy lately and you wanted to surprise him at work. You didn’t see him down in his office when you arrived, however, Beard was there with a signature football book propped open, absorbing the tactics like a sponge. 
“Hey Beard. Where’s Ted?” 
“Getting ready for training.” 
Nate chimes in - “Apparently, we’re using Led Tasso today.” 
Looking between the two men you ask, “What the hell is Led Tasso?” 
“The last resort, apparently.” 
Sitting a couple rows behind Dr. Sharon, you see your boyfriend come out onto the pitch, grumbling and throwing a cup up at the stands. He flips over the drink table and it certainly startles you, it’s pretty rare to see aggression from Ted even if this is still pretty goofy.
Watching the team lean down and touch their toes - and then touch each other’s toes, you couldn’t help but laugh. 
Even though the whole thing was certainly absurd, it was definitely doing something for you. 
Watching him flip over a table, telling Collin off for running his mouth, and when he picked up the ball and started talking about the ‘air hole nub,’ you were embarrassingly close to squirming in your seat; the whole thing reminding you all too well what it felt like to have his own fingers on you. 
Beard snaps him back to reality and there is again - sweet Ted. He waves up at you, “Hey there Darlin’! I wasn’t expecting to see you today.” 
“I know - I was a surprise. I figured we could have lunch together today.” 
“What a sweet surprise you are. Course we can have lunch together, come on.” 
Making your way down to him, he wraps his arm around you and presses a kiss to your temple. 
“So, Led Tasso, huh?” 
“Yeah, you know like we were tellin’ the doc, sometimes you just gotta try different methods, you know? You never know what will help.” 
“You’re the best coach I’ve ever seen, Ted. Keep doing your thing and I’m sure it’ll all work out.” 
“What is all this?” 
Ted looks up at you, smiling. “Well, I figured we’ve both been so busy lately it was time for us to have some much needed time together, alone.” 
Candles and soft lighting decorated the room, a very romantic atmosphere. However, you could also see a stash of towels on the bed which said to you - your needs were going to be thoroughly taken care of tonight. You were already practically squirming in anticipation of what was to come. 
Ted makes his way over, taking your face in his hands and kisses you. “I won’t lie to you, darling. I’ve been craving your body all day. I could barely focus on training cause I was thinking about you so much. Beard had to snap me back to reality a few times.” 
He pulls back, drinking you in. “You are an absolute vision, you know.” 
His hands roam down grabbing you by the waist as he makes his way down and starts kissing your neck. Murmuring against your skin, “You’re wearing too many clothes.” 
Rolling your eyes and chuckling lightly at him, you reply, “I’m wearing shorts, Ted.” 
“Well, they’re in the way.” 
“They do come off, you know.” 
He lifts his head up and locks his eyes with yours. “Can I take your clothes off, sweetheart?” 
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
Lifting your shirt up over your head and throwing it to the side, he wastes no time pressing kisses on your now exposed skin. His lips and hands making their way leisurely down your body until he reaches your hips. He pulls your shorts down and you kick them out of the way as you step out of them. 
“Would you do me a favor and kneel on those towels for me, love?” 
You drop a knowing gaze to the bulge in his pants and he chuckles at you. “Oh, believe me darlin’ I wouldn’t be opposed to you taking care of me like that, but tonight is about putting your pleasure first.” 
Which was funny to you, because with Ted every night was about putting your pleasure first. 
“Here let me lie down behind you.” You settle down on the towels and he pulls you back into his chest. “Just like that. Can you close your eyes for me?” He whispers in your ear. 
You let out a sigh as you feel Ted’s large hands roaming over your body. “I want you to clear your head and focus on my touch, okay?” 
Nodding your head, he whispers again, “good girl.” 
You let out a whimper at the clenching you can feel in your core at his words. 
He cups your breasts in his hands and rubs his thumbs over your nipples, feeling them harden under his touch.  “I love the little noises you make.” he says as he starts kissing your neck. 
“Can you spread your legs open for me, baby?” 
You comply, opening your legs and raising up off the towel as Ted slides your panties down and places them off to the side. 
“There you go. Just like that.” You begin squirming against him and he presses his hands against your thighs, holding you still. “Shh, keep your eyes closed.” He runs one hand  up and down your inner thighs while the other hand reaches up and gently grabs your neck. He’s back in your ear again, “I’m going to take care of you, darlin’.” 
Of course he was. He always did. 
“Now, a little birdie told me that you uh-” He clears his throat, “you really enjoyed the show you got out on the pitch the other day, that a certain someone really grabbed your attention.”
Since you’ve only made one recent trip to Ted’s work, it didn’t take long for you to figure out what Ted was talking about. His alter ego, Led Tasso. 
Your eyes shoot open and come face to face with his own hazel irises gazing back at you. “How did you - “ A little birdie told me. “Oh, I’m going to kill him.” 
“Now honey, there’s no need to go gettin’ mad at Beard. I could tell when I saw you that day that training obviously had an effect on you. You looked more nervous than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. All beard said was that you mentioned that it was doing something for you. But I had mostly figured that out on my own, he just gave me the verbal confirmation I needed to be sure.” 
“You don’t need to be embarrassed, you know. You should always tell me what you like.” He goes back to kissing your neck. 
“I want to know everything.” 
“Everything that gives you chills.”
“Everything that flusters you.” 
His voice seems to drop an octave when he says, “Everything that makes you wet.” 
“Ted-” You whimper out. 
“Do you trust me, baby?” 
“Of course I trust you Ted. Always.” 
He gives you a soft kiss on the lips. “Just relax. I’ll be right back, okay?” 
Before you can even fully process it, he’s getting up and stepping into the bathroom. You lie back and try to catch your bearings. Ted had barely even begun touching you and you were already about to lose your mind. You and Ted had played with  Dom/Sub dynamics before but Ted bringing out this persona in the bedroom was a whole different ballpark. 
When he emerges back into the room, the atmosphere shifts. Even though he looks like your Ted, you can feel the difference almost instantly. 
“Close your eyes.” 
It’s direct, his voice taking on an authority that your body seems to naturally respond to. 
Once your eyelids have dropped, you can feel two of his fingers tracing along your bottom lip. “Open your mouth for me.” 
Feeling his digits press against your tongue, you gently close your mouth. 
The anticipation you’ve been feeling seems to go off like a rocket. You get to work on the task at hand, wasting no time in swirling your tongue around his fingers. 
“There you go, don’t hold back now. Gotta make sure they’re ready for where I’m gonna touch you next, yeah?” 
You moan against his fingers at the thought of him finally giving you what you need. 
“Oh, you like that?” 
Nodding your head as he pops his fingers out of your mouth you can hear a slight tsk tsk tsk coming from above you. 
“Use your words. We’re not moving on til you do.” 
Your voice slightly cracks as you answer him, “Y-yes coach.” 
There’s a brief pause and you wonder if you’ve already done something wrong. But he ends it quickly. “Good girl.” 
He gently cups your pussy and you can feel his fingers caressing your folds and working their way towards your, now, incredibly sensitive clit. 
But he doesn’t touch you there yet. 
“Look at you. Your breathin’ is getting  nice and heavy. I love teasin’ ya. Love hearing you making all those needy little noises.” 
Your breath catches in your throat as you feel his fingers finally dip down and draw little circles on your clit. Finally giving you the touch you crave. 
“This is the best part, isn’t it? I love getting all these little reactions out of you., making you melt with my touch, making you shake, turning you into a desperate mess. Making you beg for release. Do you want more?” 
Gasping out an answer, “Yes, please.” 
His other hand joins in as he gently slides in two fingers, while his other hand keeps playing with your clit. 
The feeling was more intense than you anticipated and you let your eyes roll back while you moan out for him. 
“Now, you gotta be quiet for me.” 
You whimper in protest at this and he draws his fingers away. 
“I asked you to be quiet.” 
“No, please -” You whine. 
He chuckles lowly at you, “Now, I think I might have been wrong about you. A good girl would follow directions like she was told. I guess you’re more of a naughty girl than I thought. Looks like I’ll have to help keep you quiet since you can’t do it yourself.” 
He reaches over and grabs your panties. 
“Open your mouth.” 
He’s hovering over you, stuffing your panties in your mouth, nice and tight. 
“There you go, now you can moan and whimper all you want. Let’s see how quiet you can stay if I just add another finger…” 
A third finger slides its way into you and you begin moaning against the fabric in your mouth. You could feel your own wetness on your panties against your lips and you would be lying if you said it didn’t serve to just turn you on even more. 
Your moaning only gets louder once you feel him increase the pace. 
“That’s how you want it, huh? You want me to go a little harder, a little deeper?” He leans down and starts kissing on your neck again and lightly biting on your skin. 
“I knew I was right about you. You are a naughty girl. Don’t you dare think about closing your legs. Need you to keep them wide open so I can properly give you my fingers, isn’t that right?” 
He doesn’t say anything but you can feel him begin to slow his fingers and it’s becoming apparent to you that he’s waiting on a response from you before he’ll pick up his pace again. 
You muffle out a “mmhm” against the fabric of your panties. 
 “You feel so good. So wet. I can’t wait to sink into that perfect pussy later. But right now, it’s not about me, is it? Right now it’s about making you cum as hard as you can. But you don’t do it until I say so, okay?” 
He curls his finger in just the right spot and your hips buck up against him. 
“I’ll even give you a little countdown. What do you think? I’ll only count from five - I won’t torture you too much. You’re too much of a greedy girl to be able to handle much more, aren’t you?” 
You were so desperate for release and you didn’t care how much it showed at this point. Moaning and writhing at how close you were to falling apart. Tears were pricking the edges of your eyes as you looked up at him. He wasn’t speaking and you couldn’t read him well enough under this persona to tell where his head was. You didn’t think you could hold on much longer and you prayed he would start counting down soon. 
He keeps his eyes on you and you can make out the light smirk forming on his face. “Alright - I’ll go easy on ya.” 
Oh, thank god. 
You could feel it building. 
Almost there…
So close
“God you’re so beautiful when you’re desperate.” 
Jesus Christ. You were so close. So much for going easy. Just one more number and you could have relief.
He removes his fingers from your pussy and  lazily circles your clit while he sucks on your neck. 
You groan against the gag in your mouth at the loss of contact. 
“Alright, I’ll have mercy on you.” 
“One”  he says as he plunges his fingers back into you and your eyes roll back at the feeling. 
“There you go, that’s it.” He talks you through your orgasm as you feel the wetness soaking his fingers and the towels beneath you, thank god he had the foresight to lay them out. 
He removes his fingers and reaches up to take the gag out of your mouth, you grab his fingers, licking your own arousal off of him. You remove his fingers from your mouth with a pop and sit up on the bed, facing yourself in front of your boyfriend. 
You clap your hands in front of him two times just like you saw from Beard on the pitch and just like magic, your sweet Ted is back - and a little flustered. 
“Hey there darlin’ you ok?” 
You nod at him, still trying to get your bearings and fully come down from your high. 
He gets up and goes into the other room. When he returns, he holds a glass of water out to you which you gladly accept. You take slow sips while Ted peppers you with soft kisses. “What do you think about running a bath and getting cleaned up?” 
He holds his hand out to you as you attempt to stand but your legs are shakier than you expect. “I got ya, darlin’” 
He lifts you up and carries you into  the bathroom, sitting you down gently on the side of the tub while he gets the water ready. 
“Thank you for tonight, Ted. That was one of the hottest things I’ve experienced.” 
“Thank you, honey. For trusting me to do all that. I thought it was pretty incredible myself.” 
You step into the bath and lie back against his chest. 
“Still feeling a little dizzy sweetheart? That’s okay. We can take all the time we need to relax.” 
“Love you, Ted.” 
He presses a kiss against your shoulder blade. “I love you too.” 
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hopefulromances · 11 months
Long Time Coming I Chapter Six I More Than A Crush
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Summary: Being hired as the first female assistant coach in the league was a challenge of it itself. Being a football protigy and University Football Legend was easy enough. Coaching Jamie Tartt was a challenge all on its own.
Word Count: 3.3k
Warning: Drinking/getting drunk, a little bit of angst?
A/N: Thanks for 100 Followers yall! Tell me what you love most about this series so far!
Prologue One Two Three Four Five
A week passed and the team seemed to move on from Man City. Back to normal practices and games. Everyone moved on. But not me. I was still sat on the bus next to Jamie, who had requested me to sit next to him, feeling my head lull as I started to fall asleep. I was still laying my head on his shoulder at some point and his head laying on mine. I could still feel our legs tangled in the seat and our hands almost intertwining between us. I couldn’t have imagined all of that. Could I?
Oh, right. I’m standing on the pitch passing the ball back and forth between Jamie and myself. I blinked myself back to the present and saw that Jamie was waiting for me to pass him the ball.
            “Got your head in the clouds today, ain’t ya,” he jabbed, his cocky smirk adorning his face.
I tried to force out a laugh kicking the ball back his way. “’Spose I do.”
Jamie seemed to notice my vacant mood and took the ball, kicking it around in a few tricks before responding.
            “How as your date with that bantr bloke? Ryan or whatever?”
Oh, right. That too. It was Keely’s idea, of course. After returning from Man City, you had told her everything and how you were hopelessly, horribly, terribly infatuated with Jamie. And while she maintained that you should tell him, she also offered the idea of going on bantr dates to get him off my mind. What’s where Brian had come in.
            “Brian? Oh yeah, he was great!” That was a lie. Brian was dull. Barely asking me a question the entire night and when he found out I worked for Richmond, he suddenly needed perked up and told me all about his long history with football. Suddenly, he thought that coming to a game would be a great second date. Suddenly, he was wondering if I could get him in for free. So no, Brian was not great. “I’m going out with this other guy… Ethan, tonight though.”
Jamie raised his eyebrows at me before shooting the ball back towards me. “Ethan, huh?”
            “Yeah… Ethan.” I kicked the ball back towards him, chewing on my cheek. “He’s an accountant, I think.”
            “An accountant,” Jamie cringed. “What the fuck are you doing goin’ out with an accountant?”
I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “He seems nice! That’s all!”
Jamie kicked the ball up in his hands, starting to walk over to me. “Nice? That’s all?”
            “Look, Jamie, I don’t exactly have a lot of choices.,” I pointed out, yanking the ball out of his hands.
“I just thought you could do better than ‘nice’ is all.” He held up his hands in submission. As we started out walk back inside, Jamie stared at the ground, his feet kicking the dirt as we went. “Where are you goin’?”
“Color Factor? It’s a dancing club not too far from here,” I told him. I wasn’t usually one to go dancing on a first date, but I thought it would be better to not actually be able to hear him talk. Afraid of a repeat from the night before.
“An accountant is taking you to a dance club?!” Jamie asked, stopping outside the door.
We finally made it into the locker room as the other lads were beginning to show up. I headed to my desk in the corner of the coach’s room. Ted and Beard were having an intense staring contest when I entered. I snapped my fingers, in front of Beard’s face causing him to blink.
            “DAMMIT! (Y/N)!” He shouted, smacking his desk.
            “I could see the dust settling on your pupils,” I told him, slouching down into my chair.
Ted checked his watch with a large smile. “That was a new record for me! Thank you for the assist, (Y/N).”
It was nice having Ted and Beard as friends. It was different from my relationship with the boys or even with Roy. Sure, they were older, but they respected me in a way I hadn’t experienced before. They didn’t care that I was younger or that I was a girl, to them I was just their equal.
            “So! Tell us about Brian,” Ted asked, putting his head in his hands and blinking cutely.
 “He was fine, the conversation was a bit one sided,” I admitted, shrugging. “When I mentioned I worked here he started asking for tickets.” Beard blew a raspberry and gave me a big thumbs down. “My thoughts exactly.”
“Well, that’s too bad,” Ted sympathized, giving me his best frowny face.
I gave him a flat smile in return. Training went well. It was good to be back in our routine, prepping for our normal competitors. Now that we had broken our tie streak, we had been doing pretty well. With Roy on our staff, it really felt like we had our groove going.
What wasn’t grooving though, was Nate’s sudden confidence boost. If confidence was what you could call it. Some might call it arrogance, but I was not one to judge. Ted paired us together today to work with the lads. The starting mids and forwards. So, Jamie, Danny, Colin, and Richard to name a few.
We set up a few drills for them to preform to strengthen their endurance as well as their aim while moving. It was a maneuver where they had to move to the left while shooting to the right. Nothing too terribly difficult but it required a good amount of coordination and precision. After another stumble by Richard, I blew my whistle signaling them to stop. I was about to turn to Nate to say something, but he stepped forward before we could confer.
            “Richard! Have you lost your ability to run at high speeds?” He shouted, approaching the boys. “Has your right leg fallen off and grown back as a second left food?”
            “No, my legs are gorgeous, as always,” Richard retorted, kicking his foot in the grass.
            “Well, you could have had me fooled,” Nate spat back. “This is simple football, next time I see you stumble you’ll be running laps for the rest of practice.”
Richard frowned, his face darkening in disappointment. The rest of the boys looked uncomfortable as well. None of them were achieving well in the practice and the thought of being bereted for learning a new skill is never good. I knew I had to step in.
            “Alright, Nate.” I placed my hand on his shoulder and pulled him back lightly. “Richard, you’re second guessing yourself before you make the pass. It’s causing your footing to be misplaced.” I began to show him the footing myself, step, cross, step, kick. Richard watched intently. “You need to really land that step before the kick, that’s where the power comes from.”
I looked over the group of boys, looking for any signs of questioning among them. They all stared unwavering at me, really listening to what I was saying. My eyes eventually landed on Jamie. He, of course, was having no issue with the exercise. Though, that may be, in part, due to me showing it to him during one of our early morning practices together. But, in this instance, I helped for a teaching moment.
            “Jamie!” I called out to him. “Why don’t you show them your technique.”
            “I think you should do it,” He responded quickly, quirking his eyebrow at me. “You’re the expert.”
I opened my mouth to shoot back a quick response but quickly closed my mouth into a straight line. He knew I was dying to show off my football abilities. He knew I was capable. He knew I was the best one to show them. I heard a scoff to my left and knew it was the unbelieving thoughts of Nate coming out. Jamie shot him a quick glance before locking his eyes with me again, and quirking his slitted eyebrow at me, challenging.
I stepped forward and took control of the ball in my dribble. Passed the ball over to Jamie to assist and started to jog right before quickly changing direction and heading left. Jamie passed the ball heading towards the right of the field. As it came towards me, I focused on my footing. Step, Step, Cross, step and… kick! I sent the ball through the air without missing a step, sending it flying towards the right side of the goal and landing with a swish. The boys behind me rushed me with cries of celebration. As if I had just scored the winning goal of a match. I couldn’t help the giddy laugh that left me as they jumped on me.
Through the celebration huddle, however, I saw Nate, unmoving from his spot near the sidelines of the field. The scathing look of underlying anger was enough to send anyone running. I started to frown but then Jamie’s face filled my view. His smiled was so blinding I almost had to look away. But I couldn’t. ‘I told you so’ was written all over his smug face as he clapped along with the lads. Man, I loved it here.
I felt good going into my date. I was riding the confidence wave from the day into the club. I was early, of course, as I always am, and I went up to the bar to wait for him to arrive. It was still pretty early in the night so not many people were there yet. I sent a quick text to Keely letting her know I had arrived and was okay. She sent me a quick reply letting me know she knew I looked gorgeous and that it was going to be great!
            “Can I get you something?” The bartend behind me asked, washing a cup.
            “Oh! No thank you, I’m waiting on someone!” I explained to him taking a seat on one of the stools. He nodded and walked off.
But then 8 o’clock came around and he didn’t show. Then 8:10, and 8:30 and no word. I refreshed my messages on the app, looking for any sign of why he wasn’t here yet but there was nothing. Every now and then the bartend would come back to ask me if I wanted to order anything, but I insisted on waiting.
Eventually I sent him a message asking him if everything was alright. Read, no reply. Fuck.
Around 9, the bartender placed a drink in front of me.
            “What is this?” I pulled the drink towards me, not really waiting for an answer.
            “It’s on the house,” he told me, a sympathetic look on his face. “Sorry about your dude.”
Ah! Love a good sympathy drink. But at this point, I was too frustrated to care and took a long sip of the drink. The club was becoming more packed with people and the music was turning up. I took one last look at my phone, begging for him to say something, but nothing ever came so I decided it was time to go.
I downed the rest of my drink, thanked the bartender, and hopped off my stool. I had almost made it out when I heard a voice call my name from behind me. It was so loud so I couldn’t quite make out the owner of the voice, so I looked around trying to see where it was coming from.
Out of crowd, Jamie fucking Tartt appeared. He had his hair down and was wearing a Hawaiian shirt on that was open to about halfway down his chest and God did he look amazing. I hate to fight to make sure my eyes didn’t roam down his body as he approached me.
            “Jamie? What are you doing here?”
 “You mentioned it earlier, so I wanted to check it out.” He shrugged, bringing his beer bottle to his lip. “You look fit, where’s the bloke you’re with?”
            “Oh!” I looked around like I was trying to find him. “He’s… uh, oh right! He didn’t show up so I- “
            “He what?” Jamie practically spit out his drink at me. “He didn’t come?”
I tried to play it off like I was cool, but I could feel the embarrassment heating up in my cheeks. Jamie was the one person I didn’t want to see right now. He looked so fucking good, and it was making it very hard for me to focus on anything except his gorgeous face.
            “Yeah, uh… it’s been like… an hour,” I told him, trying to sound unbothered. “So, I was just heading out.
            “Well, that’s stupid of him,” Jamie snorted.
I waved him off. “No! It’s fine! I’m fine. It’s all fine! I’m just gonna go home. I need to get rest anyways… got training tomorrow, ya know? Shouldn’t have even come in the first place. I mean like! Ahh! It’s so crazy, are you hot, it’s really hot in here?”
Jamie stared at me while I rambled until I eventually tapered off into an uncomfortable silence.
            “You should come with us,” Jamie finally said.
            “Yeah, I’m here with Isaac, Colin… uh, I think Dani is here as well.” He turned and pointed into the dance floor where, somewhere, the rest of the lads were. “They’d love to have you join us.”
            “I don’t know, Jamie… I’m not… I’m not sure if I’m feeling up to it,” I admitted, looking towards the door.
            “Please.” He reached out to turn me back to face him. “You look fit as fuck and you deserve to come have some fun with us.” Now my face was flush for sure. If it wasn’t the heat, it was the fact that Jamie was touching me and calling me fit. I bit my lip as I weighed my options.
His hand slide down to my hand as he started to pull me into the crowd.  “Look, if you stay and, somehow, you don’t have fun, you can blame me later, alright?”
I let him pull me, finding a smile coming back over my face. He looked so excited as his hand gripped mine, pulling me through the throngs of people. I felt myself getting swept away in him and for a second I let myself. I squeezed his hand.
            “Fine, fine, let’s do it.”
He cheered and turned around, not letting go of my hand and started leading me through the crowd. Eventually, we came into a smaller opening where Isaac and Colin were dancing. Dani wasn’t too far away, two women dancing quite close to him.
            “Lads!” He called out, pull me up to stand next to him. “Look who I found!”
The boys cheered when they saw me. Raising their beers and various other drinks towards me.
            “(Y/N)!” Colin cried, coming forward to hug me. Jamie finally let go of my hand to let me go to him and suddenly, I felt very cold. “So, glad to see you here!”
Luckily, they didn’t ask too many questions about what I was doing there, and Jamie didn’t give anything away. In face Jamie stayed by my side practically the whole night. Just for tonight, I decided to let him be mine. All his attention was on me as we dance with each other. Finding myself getting pressed closer and closer to him as more people entered the dance floor.
Throughout the night, the boys made sure I had a good time, suppling me with drinks and not allowing me to pay. But Jamie kept special attention to me. He constantly was making sure I was okay and warded off anyone who tried to approach me.
His eyes being on me felt so surreal. Like somehow, all those emotions that had bubbled over last week were being cleared up in his gaze. At some point, someone bumped me into him, I found myself falling into him.
            “Woah!” He helped me steady myself, his hands falling on my waist mine on his chest. I looked up at him, my mouth suddenly going dry. “You alright?”
I couldn’t speak so I just nodded and pulled my hands from his chest. But his lingered on my waist as he started to sway to the music. My eyes were big as I looked up at him and he looked down at me. He was so close to me; it would be so easy for me to lean up and kiss him. The liquor in my system definitely was egging me on as my hands landed on his biceps, God had they always been so solid? My eyes darted down to his lips and a smirk came over his face. For an instant we were leaning into each other, and the music was fading away.
When suddenly, a hand was on my shoulder yanking me away from Jamie.
            “(Y/N)! I love this song!”
I was going to kill Colin. But he didn’t seem to notice my glare as he started dancing to the song that was playing. I looked back at Jamie, who wouldn’t look anywhere near me, and felt my heart sink.
Maybe we really weren’t meant to be.
The night was pretty much over after that. Jamie ended up driving all of us home and we piled into his car. I ended up in the back with Colin’s head on my shoulder as he took us throughout the city dropping us off.
Finally, though it was just the two of us.
            “I’m sorry, by the way, about Ethan.”
Oh, that! I had forgotten about that.
            “It’s whatever.” I shrugged, slumping down in my seat, suddenly very intrigued with the window buttons. “Nothing I’m not used to.”
Jamie chewed on his thumb as he considered my words. “What’s that mean?”
            “I mean,” I let out a long breath. “I’m just like that, I guess. Not people’s type?” When Jamie didn’t say anything, I continued. “Brian just liked me for my job, Ethan probably showed up got one look at me and left and you-" I caught myself, almost saying too much to the wrong person. I was surprised at my own candor, chalking it up to the alcohol in my system. “I’m just saying people don’t like me like that. That’s how it’s always been.”
It was silent for a while after that, and I felt myself falling asleep to the steady rumble of the road. Eventually we pulled up outside my apartment building.  I sat up in my chair, rubbing my eyes.
            “I think that’s stupid,” Jamie finally spoke.
            “I think that’s stupid,” he repeated, looking over at me. “That you think that.”
I frowned. I hadn’t meant to upset him. I had just learned to lower my expectations when it came to romance to save myself a lot of pain.
            “Jamie, it’s nothing personal.” I found myself unable to meet his eyes. “I just know what to expect now.”
            “Well, I think you deserve fucking lightening.”
I snapped my head back over to him. He was looking at me earnestly, a soft frown lining his cheeks. Suddenly, I was much more sober and knew that if I didn’t leave now I wouldn’t be leaving the car at all.
            “Thank you, Jamie,” I decided on, speaking softly. “Thank you for everything… tonight.” I let myself sit in his car for a moment longer before tearing my face away from him. “I’ll um… I’ll see you tomorrow morning, right?”
That made Jamie smile. “I’d like to see you try and beat me hung over.”
            “I’ve done it before,” I laughed, opening the car door. “Don’t count me out!”
            “I never do,” he replied, sincerely.
That dumb butterfly began fluttering up in my stomach again.
            “Goodnight, Jamie.”
            “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
And with that, I closed the door and watched as he drove off down the street.
Taglist: @heletsmelovehim @higherthanheroes @ajax-petropolus-wife @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @optimisticsandwichgladiator @kno-way-home @sleepy-time
as always, send me an ask, leave a comment, let me know what you think!
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silentsneezes · 11 months
Please write something for t/ed l/asso! I started watching a few weeks ago and would love to see you write something for it!
thank you for the request! sorry it took so long, i hope you enjoy it :)
snzr: jamie tartt
cause: illness/cold
Jamie keeps his head down as he enters the Richmond locker room, shivering under his hoodie and slumping into a seat next to Dani. He nods to a few people as they greet him, wincing as his head swims with the movement.
The footballer had woken up feeling like utter shit, but he downed some dayquil and forced himself to go to training. Last time he’d tried to skip training Ted had yelled at him - although Jamie was faking an injury, so it was warranted - and Jamie isn’t eager to repeat that.
Jamie’s trying desperately to improve his image, and if he has to suffer through a cold for a few hours to do so then so be it. He shivers again as he pulls off his hoodie, replacing it with a jersey that reads, “Tartt,” in bold letters.
Jamie rubs his nose softly, but stops when he notices Roy watching him with his usual scowl. He flashes the older player a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, and Roy grunts in response.
“Morning Gentlemen,” Ted’s chipper voice rings in Jamie’s ears as the coach starts explaining the training plan, “I hope yall had a hearty breakfast, cause we’re trying something different today. Beard, take it away.”
Jamie tries to listen as Beard dives into the training plan, breaking down the agenda for the day. Jamie’s fever muddled brain can barely process what Beard’s saying, and he finds himself zoning out as a faint buzzing sensation forms in the back of his sinuses.
The sick footballer presses a finger to the base of his nose, sniffing quietly and internally cursing as his nostrils flare delicately. His breath hitches as the itch grows in intensity.
Jamie holds a fist under his nose and snaps to the side with two nearly silent stifles, “heh…n’Gxst-gxnt!”
He glances around, feeling grateful that none of his teammates seemed to have noticed. He sniffs softly and turns his attention back to Beard as he says, “Grab your bags and head to the bus. We’ll take off in five.”
Jamie blinks confusedly, wishing he’d tried a little harder to focus on Beard’s explanation. Sighing, Jamie grabs his backpack and stands up, swaying as spots momentarily cloud his vision. Luckily he recovers quickly and follows his teammates to the bus.
As the footballers crowd into the bus, Jamie makes his way to the back of the vehicle, hoping to sit by himself. He internally groans as Roy takes a seat next to him. Usually, he’d be excited that the older coach /wants/ to be in his presence, but Jamie doubts he can hide his cold for long and Roy’s the last person he wants knowing he’s sick.
“What?” Jamie asks as Roy stares at him, scrutinizing his appearance. Roy shrugs, “You look tired,” he comments simply.
“You look old,” Jamie retorts without thinking. He runs a hand through his unusually disheveled hair and sniffles softly, hoping his relentless runny nose will let up.
“hheh,” Jamie’s breath hitches as his eyebrows knit together, nose twitching as the sneeze teases him. He ignores Roy’s gaze and presses a finger against the base of his nose, ducking down with a poorly stifled sneeze, “hhH’NGXcht!”
“Bless you,” Roy growls, looking at the sickly footballer next to him and fully taking in his appearance; he looks awful. He’s clammy, his eyes are glazed with fever and have dark circles beneath them. Not to mention his bright pink nose, which seems to be torturing Jamie with another sneeze.
Roy sighs, clearly this is going to be a long practice, especially if Jamie won’t admit he’s sick, and he obviously won’t.
Jamie rests his head against the window, eyes falling shut almost immediately. Roy frowns, Jamie seems entirely exhausted. Despite his exhaustion, Jamie can’t seem to fall asleep; He shifts in his seat, groaning as his nostrils twitch
“hehh…” Jamie’s breath hitches softly. He turns towards the window and shrinks into his strong frame. Roy watches as his shoulders shutter with a silent suppressed sneeze.
“Bless you,” Roy grunts as he fishes in his pockets for a napkin.
“Than’gs,” Jamie cringes at the congestion in his voice, groaning internally and sniffling damply. He gives Roy a small nod as the older athlete presses a napkin into his palm.
“Okay, enough of this bullshit,” Roy curses, giving up on being patient, “Stop acting like you’re fine because you’re not,” he pauses to glare Jamie down as he opens his mouth to argue. After a few seconds, Jamie deflates, “Alright, fine,” he rolls his eyes, “I woke up feeling like shit, but I thought it’d be fine to go to practice,” Jamie admits grumpily.
“Idiot,” Roy mumbles under his breath, more out of concern for Jamie than anything else, “Did you take your temperature?”
Jamie shakes his head sheepishly, “couldn’t find my thermometer,” he says defensively.
Roy reaches out to feel Jamie’s forehead, but Jamie dodges to the side, “what are you doin?” he asks, accent strong.
“Trying to gauge your temperature, you prick,” Roy growls, placing his hand on Jamie’s forehead and frowning, “Jesus you’re hot.”
“Yeh, I know,” Jamie retorts, smirking and shivering feverishly.
“Not like that you twat. Did you take a fever reducer?” Roy rolls his eyes, but he can’t completely mask his concern for the younger footballer. Jamie shakes his head, resulting in a sigh from Roy.
Before Roy can get on Jamie’s case, the bus comes to a stop and Ted announces, “Alright boys! We’re here.”
The End (for now)!
lmk if anyone’s interested in me continuing this story^ i might make a part two (more requests/prompts are also welcome)
sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors. i hope the characters were well written; that was my first time writing for ted lasso!
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This was brought to you by denial and sleep deprivation:
“Okay. I'm sorry, you know. I've been dreading this. Talking to you. Abandoning you.”
It struck Ted as strange that after decades of friendship, Beard could ever truly think he was abandoning him. Still, he looked back at Beard with soft understanding.
“What? No, no, no, hold on, Coach. You ain't abandoning me, okay? You're just following your heart. I get it.” Ted paused, eyes glassy and fixed on the frayed carpet of the cabin. “And, yeah, you should go. But look, man, I don't think they're gonna let you off this plane with that door already shut.”
“I have a plan.”
“Of course you do. Okay,” he sighed. “What do you need me to do?”
With one swift movement, Beard doused himself in water.
“Whatever's about to happen, that's a great start.” 
“I love you, Ted.”
“I love you too, Willis.” 
Beard stood bolt upright, reached into the overhead compartment for his suitcase and brought it down with an almighty slam. Then, he shrieked.
Ted glanced over at the other passengers, who were now in a state of complete panic. In that split second, Beard had already been apprehended by airport security and dragged kicking and screaming down the aisle.
“Oh, boy.”
Outside, the rare afternoon sunshine warmed Rebecca’s face. She stopped walking, tilted her chin towards the sky and breathed deeply. It was only when she noticed an elderly couple exiting a taxi that she felt her heart begin to race. Her palms were clammy. It was happening again. Lifting one hand to her chest, she moved back from the bustling crowd to regain her composure. 
A familiar sound caught her attention - the bright, bubbly giggle of a young girl. Rebecca watched her run, carefree and careless, across the tarmac before landing flat on her face - right at Rebecca’s feet.
Bending down, Rebecca reached out a hand, stroking the girl’s hair as she helped her up. 
“Oh, little love, are you alright?”
The girl dusted herself off, raised her arms and roared. Then, she was gone.
Rebecca’s phone rang, snapping her out of her daze. Her fingers twitched - she was trying to get into the habit of ignoring calls. Too much of her life had been wasted on being at someone’s beck and call. This was the new Rebecca. The new Rebecca said no to things. Shaking off the urge to answer, she turned back towards the airport entrance and heaved a sigh.
“Just do it. Just fucking do it.”
Ted sat hunched over his phone, tapping out a text to let Michelle know that his flight had been delayed - of course, he spared her the full explanation - so he didn’t notice Rebecca approaching the terminal until the very last moment. His head jerked in a double take, his whole body relaxing as soon as their eyes met. 
“Now what the heck are you doing here?”
“I just bought a ticket to get through security so I could come and say a proper goodbye.”
“Ah. Classic rom-com leave-cute tactic.” Ted chuckled. “Hmm. Love it.” A pause. “Okay. Hold on. You bought yourself a first-class ticket for a flight you ain't ever gonna take?”
“It was just force of habit.” Rebecca shook her head, but the glint in her eyes betrayed her attempt at nonchalance.
“Oh, yeah. Sure.” Ted raised his eyebrows comically, causing Rebecca to stifle a smile. “Uh, I see you're sticking around though, huh?”
Rebecca sighed. “Well, Ted, you're going home to your family and... I actually want to stay with mine.” It was at that moment she realized that Ted was clutching his suitcase. “Hang on, what are you doing here? Did they cancel your flight?” 
“No ma’am. Somebody threatened to set off a B-O-M-B.”
“Oh my God. Are you alright?”
“Oh I’m fine, it ain’t me you have to worry about.”
In the distance, two airport security officers escorted a cantankerous Willis Beard from the interrogation room. Ted & Rebecca shared an amused look. Then -
“Speaking of B-O-M-B-S,” Rebecca shifted her feet and cleared her throat, “I was really hoping you’d stay.” 
Ted nodded slowly. “Hmm. I was really hoping I’d stay too. But I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is, I love Richmond. I love the way everybody just helps each other, no questions asked…the way they apologize to a lamppost or a phone box when they bump into it…but right now, the thing that would help me is going home.”
“You’ll always have a home here, Ted.”
“I know. Y’know, sometimes I wonder…”
“Well... if I hadn't been asked to coach soccer in England and you hadn't taken over the football club, and you and I had just, well, met…”
“I know.”
...flight 822 to Kansas City.
“I gotta go.”
“Goodbye, Ted.”
“Goodbye, Rebecca.”
“Have a safe flight.”
Instead of clamoring to hide her emotions, Rebecca let the tears she’d been holding back fall hot and fast as Ted walked away. He cast her a glance from the gate, his face falling as he watched her swipe her eyes furiously. Fumbling in his pocket, he pulled out a tissue and stretched as far as he could to pass it to her.
“Here ya go, boss. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened, right?”
Rebecca sniffled, raising a hand in acknowledgement, but rolling her eyes at his inability to leave a tender moment alone.
Ted turned back to her one last time. 
“Oh, hey, Rebecca? If you ever feel like buying a ticket you actually do wanna use, it’d be real nice to see ya in Kansas sometime.”
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now that I'm thinking about this, I'm having thoughts:
Cause I think Ted has always cared about winning, but used that line as a safety blanket against feeling like he's failing when his team, with his coaching, were losing
I mean, if all Ted wanted was to help kids become better versions of themselves, he could've become a councilor or peewee coach, but he didn't.
He worked hard to become a college level head football coach who then accepted the job of premier league gaffer in a country where soccer is basically their NFL football. He's never been hired as a coach to not win games, and he's always known that.
But it's easier to take that leap into the unknown (agreeing to coach a soccer team in England; Giving Michelle space to fix his marriage) if he can convince himself that it doesn't matter in the end if he wins or loses, especially if he's just biding time til Michelle asks him to come back
But, THESIS ALERT lol, the team ultimately loses when he just coasts along with whatever strategies and plans others (Beard, Roy, Rebecca) want him to do
Which Beard knows. Ted, as opposed to Beard or Roy or Rebecca, sees the forest for the trees when it comes to understanding what the team needs to succeed
So Beard's there to snap Ted out of that "winning doesn't matter" mentality he'd gotten stuck hiding behind and then later he's there to open up Ted's creativity with the (probably very mild lol) mushroom tea
'Cause when Ted gets out of his own way and he steps up and actually acts as head coach (benches Jamie; asks the team if they want to continue the false 9; shifts them to total football) the team wins.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 10 months
So Long... As You Love Me?
Ted Lasso / Rebecca Welton
No. 14 - When Rebecca falls hard and tells him (or Ted figures it out a different way), Ted doesn't want to ruin their friendship. Rebecca suffers, Ted maintains he's not in love until there's a moment.
A 3.11/2 retelling - Rebecca does have a truthbomb but Ted is still reeling from his mom’s visit - should he stay or should he go?
"Do you know what time it is?" Rebecca asked confidently. 
"Uh, 9:30. Or half nine as you folks say over here for some goofy-ass reason." 
"Mm-hmm. That's just to annoy Americans." She admitted. 
"No, this is that time of year when I come down here and reveal something to you." 
"Oh, snap! That's right. Okay. Well, here we go. Uh, you know what? Maybe I should guess this year. No, no, no, that's silly. Yeah. No, you just go ahead and tell me. Go on, let 'er rip." Ted pretended to brace himself. 
"I… shit. I knew I shouldn't have listened to Sassy."
"What's Sassy Smurf got to do with your truthbomb, boss?"
"Girl talk. She told me why she really turned you down when you asked her out. She said it was because you liked me, which I told her was absurd of course, but then she got it into her head that I like you which I again, told her was ridiculous but… well…" Rebecca had near paced a hole in the floor, "I think she's right. No. No, I know she's right. I like you, Ted. I love you, actually… That's it. That's my truthbomb."
"Well holy smokes, boss. That's uh, that's pretty unexpected."
"Yes, indeed. Surprise!" She waved her jazz hands with a self-conscious smile.
"I guess I actually have one for you too, boss… I'm gonna go home at the end of the season."
"For a holiday? Because the end of the season is next week, Ted?"
"For good."
"Oh." She breathed, and then remembered her own yet to be acknowledged truthbomb, "Oh ." Shame and anxiety washed over her, she felt exposed and unmoored. She fumbled for the door, brushing past him.
"Wait, we should talk about what you said?" He tried to stop her, 
"No no. No need, Ted. No need at all. Fully umm… respect your decision. You have my total support." She stuttered numbly, barely registering her own words. 
"Boss… it ain't that I don't -, I mean, I don't want you to think that I don't have feelings for you. Heck in another world, Rebecca I would never have waited this long. I'm sorry, I just -, I can't. I can't do this right now." The rejection took Rebecca's breath away. She'd sensed it was coming in his change of subject, but to hear his resignation at the same time? To be rejected as a friend as well as a life partner? The thought of not having him in her life at all hurt like no pain she'd experienced before. More than the pain caused by her father, by Rupert. None of it compared to the intensity of the pain of losing her soulmate. The love of her life that she'd waited so long for. Who didn't feel the same way. It was too much. The fences go back under construction, higher and stronger than ever before and Rebecca protects herself, she puts on her game face.
"Totally agree, Ted. No idea what I was thinking. Just being silly old Rebecca. I'll just go and get on with the day." She pushed past him and through the locker room without even glancing at Will. 
They spend the remainder of the week in a not-quite-talking limbo. Deliberately keeping each other at arms length - Ted unable to move past his mother's declaration that Henry needs him, and Rebecca unwilling to discuss both her own truthbomb, and the impact of Ted's. Preparations for the final game go on as planned, the team also dealing with the stress of losing Ted and Beard regardless of the final results on Sunday. Uncertainty reigns on Nelson Road. It sets Rebecca on edge and unnerves her in a way she hasn't felt since she spent every waking hour treading on eggshells around Rupert. She feels the same trepidation. It eats into her sleeping pattern, her appetite and her day to day conduct. She stays late at night and arrives early in the morning. She avoids Higgins and Keeley's desperation to discuss Ted's departure and buries her head fully in the sandy soil underneath the beautifully maintained Nelson Road pitch. In her periphery, she can see that Ted battles his own demons. She can see that he's struggling with his decision to leave, torn between Henry in Kansas and his found family in Richmond. The team alternate between teasing him for leaving them, and actively berating him for it, their emotions uncontrolled and overwhelming. For those who don't have families locally with them, or even in the same country, he's a father figure - the closest thing they have to a parent. They're still so young really. The week progresses and Rebecca moves from replacement discussions to considering selling the club. Although the rejection by Ted burns, she quickly realises that she'd still follow him anywhere if he'd only say the word. But he won't. He can't, and she can't force his hand - she would never take a father away from his son. Following lunch with her mother, she tries one last attempt. Goes to the mattresses as they say. Offers of obscene amounts of money, schools for Henry, anything she can think of to sway him. She doesn't speak again of her love though. It's too much, if she starts she's afraid she'll never stop. She keeps it strictly professional, if that's what he wants, that's what he'll get. 
The morning of the match dawns. They're literally an hour from taking to the pitch when Roy asks to join the Diamond Dogs. The words ring in Ted's ears, 
" Change isn't about trying to be perfect."
"Perfection sucks. Perfect is boring."
"Oi, what the fuck is up with you? And don't say it's the leaving blues, you've been weird all week." Roy asked Ted. 
"Rebecca's in love with me." All eyes turn to him. 
"What. The. Fuck?" Roy recovers first. 
"How long did you sit on that little nugget?" Trent asked. 
"And you didn't tell moi?" Beard looks visibly hurt.
"She told me last week, she told me and my only response was to tell her I was leaving."
"You're a twat. You really are, an incredible person like that tells you she loves you and you tell her you've booked a flight home?" Roy is first to Rebecca's defence. 
"I've seen you do dumb shit, Ted, but that really takes top prize, man." 
"How did she take it?" Nate asked. 
"About as well as you'd expect," he admits, sadly. "I think I might be an idiot?" There are hefty nods of agreement all round. "I think I might not want to leave?"
"Oh thank god!" Nate breathes. 
"It's not too late to back out, buddy." Beard reassures him. 
"What about Henry?"
"Speaking from personal experience, I know my daughter is far happier and more settled now that I'm honest and open about who I am. Living a lie will only cause pain for everyone involved." 
"Thanks Trent, I appreciate your honesty. Rebecca offered to help me relocate Henry and Michelle if that's what I wanted. I turned her down."
"Sounds like you need to have a talk to Michelle and figure out how to move forward as a family unit rather than a married couple. You just accepted the terms of the divorce because it was easier than the pain of dealing with it. Time to put on your big boy pants, Coach." Beard told him. 
"We need to deal with this match first, fellas. Let's go. Dogs dismissed."
The match is hard work. With fraught emotions, the Greyhounds are down 2 - 0 at halftime. Rebecca slipped into the locker room during Ted's talk. 
"We don't wanna know the future. No, no, we wanna be here right now. And look, I-I know we're down a couple goals. But I'm telling you, man, if y'all play hard, play smart, play together and just, you know... Just do what y'all do, and we'll go out with the peace of mind knowing we did our best. Right? That we tried. Yeah?" The players murmur arpund him. 
"All right. Anybody else have something to say?" 
"Yeah, Sam, what you got?" The young man stood and retrieved a small piece of yellow paper from behind his Nigeria team photo. Jamie was right behind him, taking a piece out from the book he'd supposedly thrown away.  Isaac's was battered - kept in the band of his captain's armband, the whole team stood and added their contribution, some embracing each other as they did so. From the doorway beside Trent, Rebecca watched with tears in her eyes. With a shrug of acknowledgement, the team set to work assembling the jigsaw. They stood back slightly puzzled as they appeared to find one piece missing.
"Ahem." Rebecca cleared her throat. From her bag, she pulled out a little green army figure, 
"Oh!" Jamie grinned, tucked between the plasticky legs was a scrap of yellow paper. Rebecca freed it and added it to the missing space. 
"And there it is. Number four. Yeah? All right, let's bring it in." Rebecca stepped forward, tucked in between Isaac and Colin, the Captain giving her hand a little squeeze as she added it to the pile. "I know folks like to say, "There's no place like home." That's true, you know. Man, there ain't a whole lot of places like AFC Richmond either. Captain?" Rebecca felt Isaac shudder beside her, 
"Richmond on three. One, two, three…" "Richmond!" The team shouted in unison. They dispersed and filtered out in small groups. As the crowd cleared, Ted caught Rebecca's eye. She gave him a sad smile and followed Jamie out. He's still left dumbstruck as Beard hustles him back out to the dugout. Seeing her with a piece of the sign, tucked in the legs of her little green soldier figurine no less, it was like he'd been struck by lightning. He's still a little dazed out on the pitch. By the time Isaac is stepping up to take a penalty, he knows . It's an awakening - he suddenly sees and feels everything as it should be. You can hear a pin drop in the stadium but from high in the stands, he hears one clear roar for the Richmond captain. 
"C'mon Isaaaaaaaaaaac!!" She bellows. He tries to imagine what other gaffers, coaches and owners might think of a total novice stepping up to take his first penalty at such a crucial moment in such a crucial game, but Rebecca shows nothing but love and support for her boys - as usual. His heart bursts. There's no place like home - it's true. And he knows where his home is. He hears it in her voice. The rest of the game is, admittedly, a bit of a blur. It's only when they're 2 - 2 and looking for one final piece of magic that he drags himself back into the game. With some obscure gesticulating to Jamie and Sam, they come up with a plan. Sam's goal is beautiful and even over the sound of 70,000 people, he's certain he can still hear Rebecca. When the final whistle blows, the crowd pour onto the pitch. The result is in from Manchester - they've taken the league, but no one seems to care. He pushes through the crowd, accepting handshakes and shoulder grabs on the way up the steps. Up and up into the nosebleeds, all the way to the owner's box where Rebecca is flanked by Keeley and Sassy.
"We didn't win the whole fucking thing, boss. I'm so sorry." She shakes her head, tears streaming down her cheeks, 
"It's OK, Ted. This is perfect, this is enough."
"No, it ain't. I made you a promise. If it's OK with you, I'd like to rescind my resignation? I need a do-over next year. I made a promise to the woman I love, and I can't let her down." Keeley gasps beside her, the cameras have picked up on Ted and though it's without sound, the images are being broadcast on live TV. She drops back down into her seat as Leslie pulls Ted up and over the little wall that separates the box from the main grandstand. Ted thanks Sassy with a little nod as she moves to let him take her seat. "I'm sorry, Becca. I'm so sorry it took me so long to figure it out. There's no place like home, right? This is my home. It's you, it's always been you." On the pitch, the team are still huddling together, but they're looking to the big screens. Rebecca can only nod as she drags Ted closer and presses her face into the crook of his neck. When she finally pulls away, the team and remaining crowd are hushed - waiting, just waiting… he cups her cheek and she smiles, the camera capturing her serene smile as Ted finally leans in to kiss her. Nelson Road is rapture.
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fanficfanattic · 8 months
Palate cleanser:
Roy and Jamie aren’t doing anything illicit in Roy’s office. The team knows it. That isn’t the problem.
No one had told Isaac he was supposed to be Dani today. But he still crossed himself and prayed in Spanish before swinging the door to Roy’s office open.
As he suspected, Jamie was on his knees, braced forward with one hand while the other tried to slap at one of Roy’s. Roy was also on his knees, one hand down the back of Jamie’s trousers, and the other slapping back at the one Jamie was using to slap at him. Both heads snapped up to see Isaac in the doorframe with the team behind him looking suspiciously at anywhere else but the office.
Roy growled, which was loud as hell in his ear based on Jamie’s wince. It also left Jamie as the one to helm the conversation.
“Uhh, it’s not what it looks like?”
Isaac stared at him silently for nearly a full minute, letting the tension build, before finally answering.
“It looks like you tried to force Coach into leaving work by locking his keyboard, mouse, and laptop in his desk. Then when he tried to take the key back, you dropped it into your trousers thinking he’d never call your bluff. And now he’s trying to dig it out from around your knee.”
“Oh, well, then it’s exactly what it looks like, yeah.”
Which, okay, neither Jamie or Roy had ever been accused of being quiet, so they shouldn’t look so surprised.
“It’s just…” and at Isaac’s continued talking, Roy took his hands off of Jamie and sighed. “I’m the captain. So I have a duty to the coaching staff, right?”
Jamie nodded yes for both of them. He hadn’t otherwise moved from his semi-prone position.
“But as captain I also have a duty to my players, right?” And he let Jamie nod again, since he could see Roy listening.
“So on behalf of both sides of this coin, I need you two to do me a favor:
Get dressed up, eat at a nice restaurant, go back to either of yours, and make sweet syrupy love to each other. Then, for the rest of your lives, anytime either of you get one of your crazy-ass whims, go do that shit in the privacy of your own home.
Cause neither of you have ever been normal about the other but it’s gotten like extra hard to bear witness to” and Isaac gestures to embody all of their half wrestled on the ground selves “whatever the fuck it is you two’ve been doing.”
He pivots, silently closes the door, and shakes his head as Jamie calls out “Cheers, mate” and then yelps. Roy obviously slapped him on his ass. Again. Cause it was a day that ended in y.
He nods to Nate and Beard as he passes the open door of where they’d been hiding in the boot room. Both give him a thankful thumbs up.
The rest of the team are meeting at Ola’s to buy him drinks for his bravery. When Jamie tries to call over to get a reservation, Simi doesn’t even consult with Sam before telling him that she isn’t allowing him and Roy anywhere near her kitchen together until they’ve gone 3 months without being freaks.
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becoach-a · 1 year
like beard is a stubborn know it all who represses most emotions that he eventually explodes . he held in his negative feelings towards ted not listening to him AND having to witness Jane play chess w another plan……and that caused him to snap and yell at ted. he’s not honest with his emotions and he’ll let people walk over him. he’s flawed.
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bearchived · 1 year
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remembering  when  after  ted  snapped  at  jamie,  beard’s  just.  got  his  eyes  FOCUSED  on  him.  nate’s  taking  a  moment  to  appreciate  the  scene  caused,  bc  he  thinks  jamie  deserved  it....but  beard  is  not  caring  abt  that.  he  cares  about  ted.
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
1/2And here is 4x07: ‘Okay, i decided. It will be a scare. That will result into him having some wake up call and confess his love for Blondie. But Bri Bri will be absolutely fine.’ He pressed play and the episode starts with the mri scans/doctor check up ‘OH COME ON! He cant catch a fucking break! He can’t have cancer. No. It’s a scare. NO HE WILL NOT DIE! NO’ Vic’s funeral is up ‘Brian is here. Of course he is. Going to a funeral after finding out you MIGHT have cancer is fucked up. (The scene with Brian/Jen/Justin happens) No Brian, no. DAMN IT JUSTIN DOESNT KNOW ABOUT THE SCARE YET. Damn it, Jen. Fucking hell, they don’t know yet’ the Britin picnic is up!!! ‘Awww LOOK AT THEM! CUTE AND (Brian reads his fortune cookie “a surprise awaits you”) well that’s just fucked up while he waits to find out if he has cancer or not. *pauses tv* THE MAN YOU LOVE! HE SAID THE MAN YOU LOVE! AND BRIAN DIDNT RUN FOR THE HILLS! Oh i am so totally right about Brian having a wake up call because of his scare and confessing his love. *plays ep again* oh Justin is a writer! Awww that was cut- YOU MISSED THE CUTE PART! Look *rewinds ep and hold my face to show me the part where Justin lays on Brians lap and they kiss* ADORABLE! Oh they are about to have sexy time. Brian, are we getting old? You wouldve jumped at the opportunity to fuck anywhere but the bed. Nevermind floor sex it is. (Brian stops Justin from having sex) oh no. HE JUST FAKE TIRED! Oh shit, he is scared that Justin will feel the lump.’ The scene where Debbie blast Christmas music and Emmett wakes up all dramatic ‘is that how it was when i woke you up at 5 am with that Sandstorm song? My bad..whats going on with Debbie? Christmas for Vic. Okay. Grief makes you do weird shit and that’s okay.’ ‘Shit. I was worried this Ted and Blake thing was moving too fast. Fuck. Damn it, i was hoping they’d finally be happy’ ‘you know what would be even better than Brian having his little father son moment? If Justin was there. No Brian, you ARE going to grow old! With Blondie. Because I said so. (Brian says teletubbies could make gus gay and this fucker looks at me and points and goes ‘YOU WERE OBSESSED WITH THEM’) fuck you lindsay, he is actually a GREAT father. Wait lindsay you are onto something here, he would look spectacular as one of those half silver foxes with a bit of beard. *looks at me and snaps his fingers trying to remember something* who was that guy that just wanted to work and fuck and then he fell in love…come on be useful..he was hot. Still is. GEORGE CLOONEY! Yes! That! Yup. Same person. Kinda. Im onto something.’ ‘Ben, my man. Don’t take this the wrong way but if you say “you dont have it” to mike, one more time. I am jumping through this tv.’ ‘NO TED. Please don’t do anything stupid. Please tell me you’re at the club to hang out. Not to get high. Please no. No. (Shows Justin and Emmett) GOOD BOY TED!’ ‘I need Brian to come clean to Justin. Too old? What the fuck kind of line is that? Baby, if he fucked you when you got that atrocious buzzcut, why would the hair be a problem now? (Brian comes home to the guys) wait what? Okay Justin. Look at you, you little kinky shit! I like this Justin. But damn it, would it kill them to talk to each other? Brian, come on. It’s just a scare so just tell him’ Emmett and Ted scene is up! ‘EMMETT! My babies! I miss this ted and emmett so much, give me my babies back!’ Brian and Michael scene is up ‘brian can’t escape death talk or balls. Fucking hell. Can everyone stop talking so that he gets his head out of his ass and tell blondie about it. Unless if this is his wake up call. Don’t worry Bri Bri, you will be okay, its just a scare. Cause I said so. And i control the story!’
I LOVE how excited he is about Ted and Emmett being friends again. And his reaction to Ben being such a fucking baby about his book especially in the face of Mikey's success with Rage.
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abubblingcandle · 10 months
2 and 4 for the ask meme and the leverage AU!
Ooo thank you!
2: What scene did you first put down?
The first chapter of The Richmond Job was written with Ted and Beard's scenes first and then I filled in the gaps with the Ted recruitment scenes. I wrote Jamie's first, then Roy, then Keeley, then Rebecca :)
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
It probably has to be Jamie threatening Ted when Ted is trying to recruit him in Ch1 - “Now are you going to tell me why you were staring so much just a moment ago. I know that’s a lot of good looking to look at but no offence you ain’t my type and I do not think I’m yours. So either my gaydar is massively misfiring mate or you’re looking for something else. And if you are looking for something else then you should really know that I will not hesitate to snap your back right here if I don’t like what you have to say. You get me?”
Although I have just written a little snippet for a later chapter and managed to get the "I forgot how skitterish elderly people could be cause of the war." line into the fic 🤣
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thatbritishactor · 2 years
as CEO of the “billy russo brainrot” fan club, I’d like you to take a moment and imagine what it would be like to be watching a movie or tv show with Billy and him getting insanely jealous because you make one off handed comment about finding the actor hot and so he’s forced to remind you that he’s the only one you should have eyes for 😮‍💨🤤 thanks for coming to my TED talk 😘- @blissfullybarnes
OMG, CEO of the billy russo brainrot fanclub LMAO love this. Are you the CEO? or am I? explain this to me, i’m dumb.
Also I love this request, AND it’s basically my life with my boyfriend, cause every time we watch a movie with Ben in it, he usually tells me “I can smell your pussy from here”, (he’s petty about it). So i didn’t have to go very far to find inspiration!
Billy Russo x Reader
Warning: 18+, implied SMUT, swearing
Words: 1068.
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You've been trying to convince Billy to watch Dune for weeks now. You missed it while it was out in theaters, and you've been pestering him with it ever since it came out in VOD. Billy finds it hard to focus on a movie, and the ones he likes aren't exactly your cup of tea. He's a fan of action movies, blockbusters you find boring. You're a sucker for science fiction and fantasy.
"Pretty please?" You beg him, making your best puppy eyes at him. He rolls his eyes, settling back on the couch.
"Alright but I get to pick the next movie we watch "
You grin victoriously and click on the movie on the VOD service. Billy mumbles under his breath, and you settle on the couch, snuggling against him. You fold your legs under you, and rest your head on his chest, a hand resting on his stomach. You can feel his heart steadily beating, and the comforting smell of his cologne. You absentmindedly play with the ends of his grey sweater, and he slides an arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to him. He places a gentle kiss on your head, and you smile. You hear him sigh when the movie begins, with the ominous voices and the words appearing on the screen “Dreams are messages from the deep.”
“Is this going to be some kind of philosophical movie?” he complains, and you gently slap his chest.
“Give it a chance” you scold him, and he squeezes you closer to him. You glance up and find him smirking, and you can tell that he’s gonna be pissy just to mess with you.
You find the movie beautiful. The music transports you, the sets are incredible, and the costumes are beautiful. Billy shuts up when the Fremen are shown, and you can tell that he enjoys the fact that they’re warriors. You briefly wonder if the planet Dune will remind him of his time in the middle east, when the movie introduces you to the character of Duke Leto, played by Oscar Isaac. You suck in a breath when you see him, finding him immediately attractive. Something about the gray hair, the thick beard and the dark eyes does something to you. You eye him appreciatively, smiling to yourself.
“What is it?” Billy asks, and you nod against his chest.
“Nothing” you lie. You’ve been through this before: every time you find an actor attractive, Billy throws a tantrum. You briefly think to yourself that Thimothée Chalamet is easy on the eyes too, quickly dismissing the thought.
The movie keeps going, and when a scene comes up with the Duke talking to Paul about their duties, both standing on a cliff, wearing dark coats, you inadvertently let a dreamy sigh out.
“Okay, what is it?” Billy snaps, and he grabs the remote to put the movie on pause.
“Nothing” you blurt out, and Billy straightens on the couch, releasing you and forcing you to meet his eyes. “I can hear you sighing like a schoolgirl here, tell me who does it for you like that.”
You lower your eyes, feeling ashamed, and Billy places a hand beneath your chin and gently angles your face, so you look up. You meet his obsidian irises and feel a bit warmer.
“Is it the boy of his dad?” he asks, and you can spot a fickle of anger in his dark gaze. Your stomach flips because angry Billy makes you feel all kinds of things.
“His dad” you admit, and you can’t help but crack a guilty smile.
“Fuckin’ knew it” he grits “It’s this Oscar dude, you were the same when we watched that boring musician movie”
“Billy!” You try and grab his shoulder, but he jerks your hands away.
“What is it about him?” he asks.
“Billy, I can’t believe that you’re jealous of an actor I’ll never meet” you try and argue with him, but you can tell that it’s only aggravating him.
“I’m not jealous” he protests; you scoff.
“Then what is it?”
Billy looks back at you. “I just don’t like that you find another man attractive, isn’t that normal?”
Now he makes more sense. You try and get closer to him, to grab his hand, but he turns away from you. Oh, he’s gonna be difficult about it.
“Billy, I don’t find him that attractive” you argue “You’re way hotter than him, and you’re real.”
“Then why are you thirsting like that?”
You giggle. “Because, I don’t know, I guess I like the character? Besides, you look a lot alike. Maybe I can picture what you’re gonna look like when you get older? With the gray hair and everything? It’s kinda turning me on” you shrug. Billy’s head jerks to the side, and he locks eyes with you.
“Is it the daddy vibe?” he asks, and something about his voice makes you quiver. It’s smooth, controlled, but you can spot a hint of anger beneath it all.
“What?” you ask dumbly, and something shifts in Billy’s demeanor. He keeps staring at you, his dark eyes fixed on your face, and he slowly moves, sliding a hand on your thigh.
“Are you picturing this guy when you pleasure yourself?” his voice is cold and commanding, and your heartbeat accelerates.
“N… no” you stammer, and Billy’s hand travels from your thigh to your belly, then your breasts sliding under your shirt.
“No? You’re not being a little slut in your fantasies?” You feel yourself getting wet with his words, and your breath shudders a bit when he kneels in front of you, spreading your legs apart.
“Billy, what are you…” you ask, but he shuts you up, removing your shorts in a harsh move, and tossing them to the side.
“Is this for me?” he asks, commenting on your wetness, his eyes not leaving yours, sliding a hand under your panties, and slowly circling your clit.
You moan, feeling his thumb caress your folds, and you place your hands on his shoulders.
“Yes, who?”
“Yes, Billy.”
“That’s right.” He says, and he clenches his jaw, the muscle jumping. “You’re mine” he adds, the words ominous and final.
He slides your panties off and buries his face between your legs, making you squeal. You grab his hair, moaning loudly, all thoughts of Oscar Isaac gone, Billy’s tongue making you forget your own name.
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