#charlotte phelps
hungriestheidi · 4 months
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among women by marie ponsot
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artisticlegshake · 10 months
Anthony Dessables - DANCE UNLIMITED
Jayden Lau - VLAD’S
Mekhi Johnson - DWDE
Sebastien Leroux - ECOLE DE DANSE
Chance Phelps - POWERDANCE
Lamonte Sadler - CHARLOTTE PAA
Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl - STARS
Louis Sloot - WOODBURY
Trent Grappe - DANCEZONE
Davyd Williams - P21
Cynsear Epting - DANCE UNLIMITED
Sam Fine - STARS
Even Guffey - WOODBURY
Joshuah Rivera - THE DANCER’S EDGE
Kaden Golding - EDX
Edon Hartzy - STARS
James Streit - EVOLVE
Christopher Pismarov - DYNAMIC
Andres Jimenez - ARTISTIC EDGE
*Top 12 in bold!
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coreymbrasil · 11 months
Corey Mylchrrest concede entrevista a Numéro Netherlands.
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‘Em Conversa com Corey Mylchreest’
Entrevista NNMag pela Jana Letonja
[Tradução de Corey Mylchreest Brasil]
Corey Mylchreest é um dos atores mais promissores do Reino Unido, que pode ser visto como o jovem Rei George em 'Rainha Charlotte: Uma História Bridgerton' – a prequela da série de sucesso da Netflix, 'Bridgerton', que foi lançada em maio. Em 2023, também veremos Corey em 'Fantastic Friends', o programa de viagens apresentado por James e Oliver Phelps.
NN: Corey, pudemos te ver como o jovem Rei George em ‘Rainha Charlotte: Uma História Bridgerton’, a prequela da série de sucesso da Netflix, ‘Bridgerton’. Como foi ser escalado para uma série que segue o sucesso de 'Bridgerton'?
CM: A experiência no total foi uma alegria absoluta. Eu conheci pessoas e continuarei amigo delas, espero que por toda a vida. Em termos de ser de 'Bridgerton', foi ótimo saber que as pessoas provavelmente assistiriam e então veio um estresse imediato que imagino que muitas pessoas têm com seus projetos nos quais colocam seu coração e alma; Não sabíamos o quanto seria assistido, mas sabíamos que iriam assistir. Mas, para ser honesto, eu pessoalmente não senti tanta pressão porque realmente parece que é algo próprio, é um pouco mais sombrio e passa mais tempo com menos personagens, então há mais tempo para estudar o personagem em si, o que como ator é sempre muito emocionante. E George não parece realmente seguir esse tipo de arquétipo de liderança romântica masculina; Então, como ator, é um personagem brilhante de se interpretar. Ao todo, foram alguns dos melhores meses da minha vida na verdade.
NN: A série conta a história da ascensão da Rainha Charlotte e sua história de amor com o Rei George. Como você descreveria a história de amor deles que nós vimos se desenvolver de episódio a episódio?
CM: Eu acho que um dos grandes presentes da série é que tem aquele lindo encontro e então eles se casam instantaneamente. Não há perda de tempo, eles ficam imediatamente juntos, então toda a série é uma exploração desse relacionamento; E ainda assim você também consegue vê-los se conhecendo, o que é uma coisa bem rara. Acho que em geral a história de amor, a história romântica é uma história de nascimento de amor incondicional, é tudo uma questão de aceitação tanto de si mesmo quanto do outro e eu acho que George e Charlotte estão tão desesperados por esse tipo de amor porque não é algo necessariamente que eles tenham experimentado, ambos são vítimas de diferentes tipos de opressão: Charlotte vive na opressão social muito mais sistêmica e George está definitivamente expereciando a opressão de sua família e da Coroa e os dois estão desesperados tentando se livrar de ambas as coisas.
George conhece a Charlotte e ele é esse homem que insiste em não ser a majestade dela, ele é apenas o George e o George conhece a Charlotte como essa pessoa que está tão desesperada em ser livre — tudo o que ela está pensando é "estou com este vestido de noiva, estou em um país ao qual não pertenço e vou pular este muro" e eu sempre acho isso muito engraçado, é indicativo de como ela está desesperada, o que diabos ela vai fazer depois de pular aquele muro?! Ela só vai estar em um campo onde não iria conseguir comida ou não iria conseguir voltar, então há algo muito bonito em como os dois estão tentando se livrar da opressão e de seus deveres. Eles se encontram naquele mesmo momento; Acho que isso é algo que, mesmo inconscientemente, ambos veem um no outro, é a primeira vez que eles são vistos como pessoas e estão vendo alguém que quer fazer o mesmo. Eles não estão jogando nenhum jogo naquele momento e embora eles tenham dificuldades ao longo do caminho, acho que essa é a centelha inicial e essa é a alma dos dois juntos. Eles têm seus obstáculos ao longo do caminho, mas trata-se de aceitar suas próprias falhas ou nem mesmo vê-las como falhas. Nada é perfeito, mas há tanta beleza naquela imperfeição que no final das contas, se você baixar a guarda, e se for a pessoa certa, ela vai te amar por inteiro.
NN: O Rei George está lidando com uma doença mental e podemos vê-lo passar por alguns tratamentos extenuantes. Quão desafiador foi filmar essas cenas?
CM: É mais difícil se você não fizer sua preparação como ator. Não me lembro quem foi, mas acho que um professor de teatro me disse que é como um navio zarpando e se você estiver cinco graus fora, serão 300 quilômetros pelos quais você perderá seu objetivo. Falei com um especialista, li o roteiro e fiz minha própria pesquisa, tive uma ideia do que queria e então me senti livre no momento em que estávamos filmando para me comprometer totalmente. Às vezes você se sente presente como ator e às vezes é uma luta tentar e você tem que dar as boas-vindas a tudo. Foi difícil mas achei que a música muito útil; Eu tenho o livro do personagem inteiro que ainda está lá por algum motivo que mais se parece com rabiscos de um homem louco.
Tom Verica foi fundamental nisso tudo porque eu acho que como ator, se você tem que estar naquele lugar, você está sacrificando um pouco de controle para chegar a esse lugar, pois é muito emocionante, muito frenético e também fisicamente desafiador. Você tem que se jogar e o que isso requer é uma visão objetiva e alguém que possa moldar aquele momento em coisas diferentes. É muito difícil para um ator estar naquele espaço específico, se comprometer 100% e também ter uma visão objetiva de como tudo está e é aí que entra o Tom; Eu simplesmente me entregava e então ele me guiava para fazer algo maior ou menor ou diferente ou menos doloroso ou mais revigorado, mais obsessivo ou elétrico. Esta é a coisa mais brilhante sobre o Tom, e ele é um ator excepcional por si só. Ele me dava conselhos brilhantes e então eu era capaz de mergulhar completamente e confiar que ele me apoiava como ator e por trás da história, ele tinha tudo certinho no lugar.; Eu diria que a doença de George é um amálgama de toda aquela pesquisa e fala com esse especialista e compromisso com seu diploma.
NN: ‘Rainha Charlotte’ se passa no século XVII (17). Pelo o que você filmou no set, o que você diria que é a sua coisa favorita daquela época?
CM: Sendo bem chato, eu diria que é a falta de celular. Ninguém tinha essas coisas e as pessoas podiam ser bem presentes. Embora seja o George, eu diria que ele não queria estar tão presente na maior parte do tempo.
Eu tenho uma irmãzinha e quando as crianças têm cerca de cinco a sete anos, sua compreensão do mundo está se desenvolvendo, mas a magia ainda existe, ainda há um pouco de mistério. Eu sinto que nesse tipo de período, ou talvez voltando até algumas décadas, a ciência começou a se inclinar para frente, mas em alguns lugares a magia ainda existia. Nós não entendemos tudo; Não que entendamos tudo agora, mas estamos mais perto (de entender), há um mistério romântico nesse período de tempo que eu gosto bastante.
NN: Antes de conseguir o papel de Rei George, você desempenhou um papel fundamental em 'The Sandman' da Netflix. A série segue Dream, que escapa da prisão de um mago mortal e parte em uma jornada para recuperar seus pertences perdidos. No conte mais sobre sua experiência neste programa, que foi um de seus primeiros papéis na TV.
CM: Essa foi minha primeira série! Eu não diria que minha função foi integral, mas foi muito útil e sou muito grato a todos que me deram essa oportunidade. Pode não parecer na tela, mas foi um grande dia, foi uma grande filmagem! Fiquei lá apenas um dia, mas estávamos filmando na mansão de Ian Fleming, o cara que escreveu os romances de James Bond. É um lugar enorme, havia cerca de cem figurantes, todos estavam vestidos com trajes de baile e smokings dos anos 20 e tínhamos esses carros antigos que foram restaurados apenas para aquele episódio.
Tinha guindastes enormes que faziam a ação da câmera, tinham luzes enormes que meio que ecoavam a luz do luar e acho que para mim, saindo da escola de teatro onde eu estava acostumado a atuar quase como em uma cela sem nada onde você tem que imaginar tudo, em que o par de fones de ouvido é uma arma e seu celular poderia ser um bebê, de repente tudo era real e você poderia reagir ao mundo de forma brilhante e foi uma sobrecarga incrivelmente desesperadora. Eu estava muito nervoso no meu primeiro dia de 'Rainha Charlotte', mas teria ficado ainda mais nervoso se não tivesse feito o que fiz naquele dia. Foi um verdadeiro batismo de fogo, tanto meu primeiro dia em 'Rainha Charlotte' e aquele dia em 'The Sandman'. Sou muito grato porque me deu uma pequena janela de como é a vida no set, especialmente em um grande dia.
NN: Você se formou como Bacharel em Artes em Atuação pela Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. O que fez você se apaixonar por atuar em primeiro lugar?
CM: Quando eu comecei, eu realmente não sabia. Houve um dia em que havia algo no meu coração que me dizia que precisava fazer isso. Tive um professor brilhante na escola de teatro e ele era uma das pessoas mais apaixonadas por arte que eu já conheci, foi realmente transformador em termos de trabalho, mas também mudou minha vida, ele me ensinou a meditar quando percebeu que eu estava lutando com algumas coisas pessoais.
Me lembro de um dia, havia uns nove de nós na classe e ele disse: “Vou dar uma volta e quero perguntar a cada um de vocês por que você faz isso (curso de atuação)? Por que você quer atuar?” as pessoas, inclusive eu, diziam “eu quero contar histórias, eu quero ver o efeito do que fazemos no rosto de alguém, em uma audiência ao vivo” e ele simplesmente dizia: “Não é por isso que você quer fazer isso. Próximo, próximo, próximo!” e então respondi algo sobre amar (atuação) desde cedo e que era a única vez que me sentia confiante fazendo e ele disse “Não. O que mais?” e eu lembro que (aquela pergunta) ficou na minha cabeça durante toda a aula e eu chorei porque simplesmente não sabia o que me faz querer ser ator, mas (a atuação) é a única coisa que me faz sentir como se estivesse respirando, é a única coisa que me faz querer acordar, é a única coisa que me faz sentir como se meu coração batesse. Eu não consigo explicar o sentimento para você, eu só sinto que é o que eu preciso fazer e ele me disse que estava certo, bastava apenas isso (esse sentimento). Acho que é o brilho de ensinar e revigorar apenas o suficiente dentro de você para que você descubra algo dentro de si. E mesmo naquele momento, tudo o que descobri foi que não precisava saber o por que que queria atuar, só precisava fazer.
NN: Qual foi a experiência mais memorável do seu tempo na RADA?
CM: Eu diria que há esse outro professor brilhante que também é um ator brilhante por mérito próprio [...] No meu primeiro ano na escola de teatro, na RADA, ele estava apenas começando, foi a primeira vez que ele deu uma lição e nós tínhamos essas coisa chamada de exercício de objetos, acho que muitos atores que treinaram saberão o que é isso; Basicamente, você finge que está em uma sala e precisa fazer três coisas (parecerem ações genuínas) seja arrumar sua cama, fazer você parecer que vale um milhão de dólares, limpar o quarto, tanto faz, basta apenas três coisas práticas, e é tudo uma questão de entrar na mentalidade de atuar em ação, não é fingimento, não é sentimento, não é emoção, não é pensamento, é apenas uma ação; E o que eu fiz foi atuar que eu estava voltando de uma noitada, tinha me envolvido em uma briga e estava fazendo feijão para mim; Eu abri a lata de feijão e acho que estava escovando os dentes ao mesmo tempo, desci para pegar o feijão cozido e ouvi todos na sala ofegar e eu pensei “nossa, não pensei que tinha feito isso tão bem” e então eu olhei para baixo, tinha uma poça de sangue enorme no chão e tinha sangue escorrendo pela minha mão... Tinha tanto sangue que eu não sabia o que tinha acontecido, mas não conseguia ver nada; Usei a garrafa de água que eu estava usando para escovar os dentes, para jogar a água (na mão) e vi o osso do meu dedo que imediamente formou outra poça de sangue.
No meu primeiro ano como ator, eu estava tão obcecado que eu queria ser o melhor ator do mundo. Eu queria ser um ator intenso, queria fazer tudo então eu pensei “vou continuar” e o professor dizia “não cara, você tem que parar e ir para o hospital” e então fui e levei alguns pontos, quando voltei encontrei todo mundo no bar e essa foi a minha grande lição; O professor me chamou de lado uma semana depois e disse que eu preciso parar de tentar ser um ator que precisa sentir dor, ‘isso é para ser divertido, você deve amar (o que faz), você deve ser apaixonado pelo o que faz; Não precisa se colocar em agonia todas as vezes.’
NN: Quando você se formou, você foi escalado para produções ao ar livre com as peças de Shakespeare: 'Romeu e Julieta' e 'Sonho de uma noite de verão'; Como foi estar em um palco ao ar livre e experimentar as reações do público ao vivo?
CM: Foi realmente adorável, há algo realmente especial no teatro e isso (a peça) foi no meio do Covid, então estávamos desesperados por qualquer trabalho. Lembro que estávamos fazendo 'Sonho de uma noite de verão' que se passa em uma floresta, é muito raro no teatro você conseguir fazer algo tão envolvente quanto fazer uma peça que se passa em uma floresta, em uma floresta, esso é algo que normalmente aconteceria na tela então foi ótimo de fazer.
Eu estava interpretando Demétrio, que é um dos quatro amantes, todos os quatro amantes foram enfeitiçados por Puck e adormeceram e era assim durante todo o intervalo, o intervalo de meia hora, dormimos no palco. Na primeira vez, eu estava muito nervoso para realmente adormecer, mas quando começamos a correr e estávamos fazendo dois shows por dia, comecei a adormecer de verdade. O segundo ato começou com trombetas, então eu sempre acordava. Nos primeiros dias, me lembro de ouvir algumas crianças na primeira fila discutindo se achavam se eu estava dormindo ou não; Não me lembro exatamente o que elas disseram, mas discutiram por meia hora sobre diferentes movimentos no meu rosto e nos meus dedos; Eu simplesmente amo pensar que elas estejam tão engajados durante o intervalo... Você sabe que elas provavelmente estavam se divertindo durante a peça, pequenos detalhes como esse fazem você perceber o que está realmente fazendo; Existem coisas brilhantes sobre atuar, dar a alguém algum escapismo ou algum entretenimento ou uma visão diferente de algo é sempre muito bom.
NN: O que você mais espera para o futuro da sua carreira de ator?
CM: Tem sido uma das melhores coisas até agora e eu realmente espero que continue, trabalhando e conhecendo pessoas realmente incríveis, brilhantes e lindas. Existem muitos cineastas e atores que eu amo e que não conheço e estou mais perto de trabalhar com eles do que nunca ou talvez do que jamais estarei, é algo realmente empolgante.
NN: Este ano também veremos você em 'Fantastic Friends', que é uma série de viagens de aventura, um show de desafios com infusão de magia e uma celebração da amizade. O que você pode compartilhar conosco sobre isso neste momento?
CM: Sem revelar muito, eu diria que haverá muita competição. Haverá alguns escorregões e deslizamentos e algumas quedas de algumas pessoas que não aconteceram de propósito. Pode haver ou não pinguins; Há algumas limpezas realmente ruins! Também acho que insultamos toda a comunidade do surfe... Foi incrível e divertido de filmar. James e Oliver Phelps são maravilhosos como pessoas, mas toda a equipe foi adorável; Nós nos divertimos muito e eu realmente espero que as pessoas se divirtam assistindo.
Corey Mylchreest x Numèro Netherlands
fotógrafo: KOSMAS PAVLOS
maquiagem: LIZ DAXAUER
digital imaging: ALEXANDRA HENDL
assistente/foto: LUKE JOHNSON
assistente do estilista: REZA ZHIANI
designer da capa: ARTHUR ROELOFFZEN
agradecimento especial ao Tapestry London
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 3/5
Book Blurb: Tradition meets People Like Us in this timely and haunting YA contemporary standalone that tackles the contagious nature of toxic masculinity at an elite New England boarding school clinging to its past, and the sexual assault that changes everything.
WHO WILL YOU BE AT LYCROFT PHELPS?This is the question all Lycroft applicants want to be asked. It means they’ve been accepted to one of the most prestigious private high schools in the nation.Over 150 years is plenty of time for traditions to bake into the campus’s bricks and ivy. Ceremonies. Athletic rivalries. Secret societies. Pranks taken too far. But navigating it all will make Charlotte (perfect, straight-A student), Max (scholarship kid and STEM whiz), and Quinn (artist, dreamer, Lycroft legacy) question all they thought they knew about themselves…and the school.Especially when Quinn’s sexual assault becomes public and implicates one of the top-tier athletes on campus.Told in alternating perspectives, this gripping, fast-paced narrative is perfect for readers looking for their next empowering #MeToo read.
A girl with a plan for revenge after a horrible assault, a boy recruited into a group that will reveal darker secrets, and another girl who will have to ask herself if she can truly trust her boyfriend when more questions begin to show up, what they all have in common. is that they go to Lycroft Phelps, one of the most prestigious private high schools in the nation. Charlotte is a perfect straight A student, she’s in ballet, and dating her dream guy Seb.... but for some reason there are so many questions about his behavior that keep showing up. Max is a scholarship student and a STEM whiz, he’s unassuming but then he is recruited into the rowing team... and soon finds himself changing himself and discovering a much darker and toxic side to this new group. Quinn is an artist and a dreamer, she’s a Lycroft legacy... but she’s been different ever since she was sexually assaulted by one of the popular row kids... and now she’s out for blood... specifically his. Quinn wants to make him pay, she just wants him to feel the way she did... but the further she descends into her plans the more Max and Charlotte get closer to the truth of what happened to her and how that impacts them. The story is told from their alternating POVS as well as the administration’s POV. I liked Quinn’s POV the most because it was just so raw and emotional but Max’s POV just kind of felt not as important to the story and his whole “ turn into a jerk and then redemption” arc wasn’t that great. Overall it’s a story about sexual assault in academic setting and healing and surviving. 
*Thanks Netgalley and HarperCollins Children's Books, Quill Tree Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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lesbiancassius · 2 years
im in love with lucy phelps sebastian and also anna crichlow brutus and charlotte bate cassius. 
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almanach2023 · 1 year
Aujourd'hui, mardi 14 mars, nous fêtons Sainte Mathilde.
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SAINT DU JOUR . Mathilde . Du germanique maht, "force", "pouvoir", -hild, "combat". . Sainte-Mathilde (890-968) Epouse du roi de Germanie Henri l'Oiseleur dont elle a trois enfants. Elle est très généreuse et fonde plusieurs abbayes bénédictines. Veuve en 936, elle a beaucoup à souffrir de la part de ses fils. Otton 1er (qui fonde à Rome en 962, le « Saint Empire romain germanique » qui durera jusqu'en 1806) et Henri qui la privent de la plupart de ses biens. Elle meurt, réconciliée avec ses fils, au monastère de Quedlinburg près de Magdebourg. . Les Mathilde sont réputées pour leur forte personnalité. Leur fermeté douce est sans appel, leur volonté d'indépendance s'affirme dès l'enfance. Et elles savent séduire. Ces personnages ont par ailleurs un sens particulièrement développé du clan, de l'amitié, de la fidélité. . Prénoms dérivés : Machtild, Mathiilda, Matilda, Mattie, Matty... Nous fêtons également les : Acepsimas - Eustate - Mahault - Mahaut - Matelda - Mathéna - Mathia - Mathie - Mathilde - Matilda - Matilde - Maud - Mechtilde - Mektild - Mektilda - Thilda - Thilde - Tilda - Tilde Toutes les infos sur les Saints du jour https://tinyurl.com/wkzm328 FETE DU JOUR Quels sont les fêtes à souhaiter aujourd'hui ? [ Bonne fête ] . Mathilde Seigner, comédienne française . Mathilde Johansson (née le 28 avril 1985 à Göteborg, Suède) est une joueuse de tennis française, professionnelle depuis le début des années 2000. Ils nous ont quittés un 14 mars : 14 mars 2010 : Peter Graves, né Peter Aurness, acteur et réalisateur américain. Il est surtout célèbre pour avoir interprété Jim Phelps, le cerveau des opérations dans la série Mission Impossible. (18 mars 1926) 14 mars 2009 : Alain Bashung, auteur-compositeur-interprète français (1er décembre 1947) 14 mars 2007 : Gareth Hunt, acteur britannique, neveu de l'actrice Martita Hunt. Il est principalement connu pour avoir tenu le rôle de Mike Gambit dans la série télévisée Chapeau melon et bottes de cuir (7 février 1942) 14 mars 2003 : Jean-Luc Lagardère, industriel et patron de presse français (10 février 1928) 14 mars 2000 : C. Jérôme, né Claude Dhotel, chanteur français (21 décembre 1946) 14 mars 1992 : Jean Poiret, né Jean Gustave Poiré, acteur, réalisateur, auteur, metteur en scène et scénariste français (17 août 1926) 14 mars 1983 : Maurice Ronet, né Maurice Robinet, acteur et réalisateur français (13 avril 1927) Ils sont nés le 14 mars : 14 mars 1986 : Jamie Bell, acteur anglais 14 mars 1983 : Vitaa, née Charlotte Gonin, chanteuse française de R'n'B 14 mars 1979 : Chris Klein, acteur 14 mars 1979 : Nicolas Anelka, footballeur 14 mars 1975 : Abd al Malik, rappeur et slammeur français 14 mars 1959 : Patrick Dupond, danseur 14 mars 1958 : Albert de Monaco, prince Toutes les naissances du jour https://tinyurl.com/msmk5e22 Fêtes, Célébrations, événements du jour 14 mars : Journée internationale des mathématiques (40 C/27) (UNESCO) 14 mars : Semaine internationale de la courtoisie au volant (JM) 14 mars : Journée internationale d'action pour les rivières (JM) 14 mars : Semaine nationale de lutte contre le cancer (JM) 14 mars : journée nationale de la chips (US)
CITATION DU JOUR Citation du jour : Qui n'empêche pas le mal le favorise. Cicéron. Citation du jour : La vie est une suite de tests. Renaud Demaret Toutes les citations du jour https://tinyurl.com/payaj4pz Petite histoire... digne d'un caramel... P'tite #blague du #mardi Qu'est-ce que chante une éponge ? Dur dur d'être imbibée !!!!! P'tite #blague du #mardi Un prêtre sonne chez les parents du petit Jérémy, qui ouvre la porte. Le prêtre dit : Je t'apporte clarté et lumière Jérémy appelle sa mère : Maman, c'est l'EDF ! Petit clin d'oeil sur le jardin : C'est peut-être le moment... D'aménager une nouvelle rocaille. De terminer la taille des rosiers buissons. D'arroser, par temps sec les arbres plantés l'hiver. Nous sommes le 73ème jour de l'année il reste 292 jours avant le 31 décembre. Semaine 11. Beau mardi à tous. Source : https://www.almanach-jour.com/almanach/index.php
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Disapparate Alia Re- George Weasley x OC
George Weasley x Corinne Alistair
Description: Oliver Phelps and Ashley Morrison are actors working on the set of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. One night when Oliver finds a bookcase full of wands that he’s never seen before, he discovers their reality may not be what it really seems. 
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: I know the key is convoluted and I'm sorry
Key: All HP actors play as their characters in real life. Ashley=Corinne, Stella=Mallorie, Wendy=Sophia, Mariah=Adora, Delilah=Cassandra, Kylie=Rayna, Sarah=Cecily, Tina=Calypsa, Quinn=Charlotte, Tara=Gaia, Lainey=Violetta
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“And CUT! Good job you guys,” the director, David Yates called through the megaphone. The actors got out of their final position and smiled as the crew clapped. They were in the process of shooting Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 and it was time to wrap up for the day. Daniel (Radcliffe), who had been standing closest to Ashley, wrapped an arm around her shoulder as the main cast gathered around to watch the rollback of what they just shot.
After one more goodbye, everyone made their way back to their trailers. As Ashely finished getting dressed into her normal clothes, there was a knock on her door. Oliver popped his head in once she called for him to enter.
“Hey Ashley, a few of us were going to head to that restaurant down the street to grab dinner. You want to join?” He asked, opening the door fully. The girl’s stomach grumbled at the thought of food, making the two of them laugh.
“I’ll take that as a yes, then?” He asked, making her smile and nod. He held out his hand, which the girl promptly took, and led her out to the back where their cars were. It was rainy outside, but the others were waiting under an awning for Oliver and Ashley to join. 
“It’s about time,” Evanna teased when the two reached them. The others laughed and they all began making their way to their cars. It was James, Oliver, Ashley, Stella, Rupert, Matthew, Emma, Evanna, Tina and Kylie going out.
“It’s not my fault this one took forever trying to find the back door,” Ashley responded, nudging Oliver with her elbow. The boy rolled his eyes in response.
“Maybe I wouldn’t have been so distracted if your stomach didn’t grumble every two seconds.” Ashley was about to respond, but was stopped.
“Oh yeah, that’s right!” Rupert exclaimed in realization. “You didn’t eat lunch today. You’re probably starving by now, huh?” Oliver looked at the girl still under his arm with wide eyes and a more serious look on his face.
“You haven’t eaten today?” He asked, shocked. Ashley blushed and shook her head shyly in response. 
“I used it to help Tom (Felton) go over his lines for a few scenes. He’s been having trouble remembering a few this time around.” 
“Ashley!” He exclaimed in disbelief, making her laugh. “You can’t do that! Especially with our profession.” Ashley shook her head.
“I’m sorry! But I’m getting food now. That counts for something, right?” Oliver considered this, then sighed. 
“I guess. But no more days like that, understand?” 
“Yes, mum,” the girl responded sarcastically. The others laughed at their fake bickering and James shook his head amusedly. 
“Are you sure you guys aren’t dating already?” He joked, making Ashley blush. Their relationship hadn’t been really defined. It consisted mostly of them flirting and sometimes going out on what could be considered a date. Nothing was set in stone, but it was obvious that neither of them chose to date around because of each other.
“We’ll see how the rest of the night goes,” Ashley responded teasingly. Oliver rolled his eyes playfully before getting into his car. In Oliver’s car was him, Ashley, Quinn and Matthew. James took Stella, Rupert and Kylie. Finally, Emma took Evanna and Tina. 
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The rest of the evening was spent full of laughter at the restaurant. A couple of fans stopped by to get some pictures with them, but other than that, it was relatively tamel. Afterwards, everyone began walking back to their designated cars. 
“Oh bloody hell,” Oliver muttered as he opened the back door to set the leftovers down. That made Ashley stop trying to climb into the car and look at him. 
“What is it?” She asked. He pulled out his prop wand from the seat with a sigh.
“I forgot to put my wand back before we left. Hopefully there’s still someone there, I don’t want to have to watch over it until tomorrow.” He heard Quinn and Matthew complain about not wanting to go back to the studio tonight.
“Why don’t you guys ride back with Emma or James?” Oliver suggested. Matthew and Quinn agreed immediately then Quinn got in Emma’s car while Matt got in James’s car. Meanwhile, Ashley seemed hesitant to do so, not wanting to leave him alone.
“Seriously, I’ll be okay. I know you’re tired Ash, you’ve had a long day,” he muttered gently, taking her hand. She gave him a small smile before finally agreeing. He led her to Emma’s car and opened the passenger door for her. Ashley climbed into Emma’s car and rolled down the passenger seat window.
“You’re sure you don’t want us to go with you?” Emma questioned as she buckled up. 
“No I’ll be fine, I’m a man,” he responded, puffing up his chest dramatically. The girls laughed in response and Ashley shook her head. 
“Alright, be safe though. I’ll see you tomorrow babes,” she spoke. Oliver waved as they drove off back to their hotel then sighed once more. He really didn’t want to go all the way back to the set, but he didn’t have much of a choice. 
The ride back was relatively short. Thankfully, there was still a costume person still there. They tossed him the keys and told him to lock up when he was done since they were just about to leave. He wished them a goodnight then walked inside, heading to the prop space. It was easy to find, so he set his prop wand down then prepared to leave. 
Just as he did so, something caught his eye. There was a room by the prop space with the light on. This confused him because as far as he was told there was no one else there. He shrugged it off, figuring someone left it on by accident, and went to go turn it off. When he entered the room though, his confusion only grew. The light was already off, but there was light emitting from a-
Was that bookcase here before? It was a large mahogany bookcase, hiding something bright behind the two doors attached to it. He walked over to it with great caution, noting that the light grew dimmer the closer he got to it, and opened the doors in the same manner. The light was gone completely, leaving him in darkness once more. He turned on a nearby lamp in order to look at the contents of the bookcase. Inside was….more wands? Oliver’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. There were wands standing upright in their stands with names engraved in the stands holding them up. His eyes quickly spotted one near the middle of the shelves labelled George F. Weasley. 
It looked just like his prop wand, but still different. It was more realistic, though he couldn’t exactly say why. He reached a cautious hand out to it. A small voice in the back of his mind told him not to, but it was drowned out by a much louder voice yelling at him to do it. So, without a second thought, he grabbed the wand. Visions suddenly flooded his mind. 
They were backed into a corner of the castle. “Them” being The Weasleys, their girlfriends/wives, Harry, Anastasia, Neville, Charlotte, Luna, Calypsa and Hermione. Death Eaters surrounded them on the sides that a wall wasn’t. 
“Children, get behind us,” Arthur spoke firmly to the others behind him. Molly, Sirius, Gaia, Remus and Violetta stood beside him defensively on the battlefield. Their wands had been thrown to the side previously before they found themselves trapped, so that was out of the question. George’s hand was quick to find Corinne’s.
“Oh Weasley, nothing could protect them from where you’re about to go. No one can,” The Dark Lord spoke with a hint of malice in his smug voice. A chill shot up Corinne’s back at his words and, despite trying to stop it, she teared up. She was afraid. Everyone was in fact, though the adults protecting them tried not to show it. No one could say for sure what was about to happen to them. George seemed to feel the fear basically radiating off of her. 
“It’s okay Rinne, we’ll be okay,” he whispered, leaning down a little so she could hear. She couldn’t even look at him while nodding, but he understood. 
“I love you George,” she finally whispered as Voldemort  and the Death Eaters behind him lifted their wands in unison.
“I-” George started to respond before the Death Eaters and Voldemort began yelling.
“Disapparate Alia Re!”Their voices melted together as one. George wrapped his arm around his girlfriend and pressed her body against his, closing his eyes tightly as a dark blue light shot from all their wands, aimed straight towards the group. As soon as it hit them, George was knocked out.
He woke up abruptly when there was a knock on his door. Corinne walked in with a smile as he sat up with a yawn.
“Hey sleepyhead, David wants us on set for Scene 1 blocking.” He groaned lazily and fell back down on the couch in his trailer. 
“Come on Oliver, let’s go.” Oliver? That’s not right, he’s Geo- no. He was Oliver Phelps, actor famous for starring as George Weasley  in the Harry Potter franchise thus far. 
“Alright, let me get dressed Ashley.” She was Ashley Briar, actress playing Corinne Alastair since Chamber of Secrets. 
Oliver stumbled back, overwhelmed as realization hit him. These weren’t visions, they were memories. And he wasn’t Oliver Phelps, he was George Weasley. His castmates were not what they thought they were. 
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Ashley noticed how much Oliver seemed off the next day. Everyone did. James tried to ask his brother what was going on, but Oliver didn’t say anything. When lunchtime rolled around, the studio was nearly empty. The only two people there were Ashley and Oliver. The latter hadn’t left his trailer since his last scene for the time being was done. Ashley finally decided she would go figure out what was going one. She walked up to his trailer and knocked on the door with purpose. Oliver opened the door so suddenly it genuinely surprised the girl. She didn’t take long to get over it though after he spoke. 
“Oh, hey Ashley,” he greeted awkwardly. She didn’t return his words, instead crossing her arms with a firm look etched on her face.
“What’s going on with you? You’ve been acting weird since you got back from the studio last night, we’re getting worried. Oliver looked like a deer caught in headlights and he tried to come up with an excuse. 
“Don’t lie to me either, I know you better than that,” she added. Oliver sighed hesitantly and hung his head. His anxiousness made the girl’s eyes soften. 
“Hey,” she called soothingly. “You can talk to me about anything.” He seemed to ponder her words then nodded his head, inviting her in. they sat on the couch silently, Ashley watching as he thought about what to say. His gaze was on the floor, but he could still feel her eyes on him intently.
“What’s wrong Oliver?” She finally asked. He mumbled something under his breath that she couldn’t quite hear.
“What?” She asked, confused. Oliver looked at her with an earnest look on his face. 
“That’s not my name,” he repeated loud enough for her to hear. “My name is George Weasley, son of Arthur and Molly.” Ashely stared at him for a minute then giggled. 
“Ooh nice job Oli, your acting’s improved quite a bit,” she teased with a playful smile. That smile quickly vanished when Oliver stood.
“I’m not joking! My real name is George Weasley! Corinne the world that we’re in is not ours, The Dark Lord sent us here so he could take over the Wizarding World.” Ashely was starting to get as frustrated as George looked. 
“I can take a joke, but this is starting to get ridiculous,” she responded simply, shaking her head and standing. She began to walk to the door, but George grabbed her wrist.
“Cor-” she cut him off before he could finish. 
“I’m not Corinne!” She yelled, yanking her arm away. “I know you want this whole movie to be real, but it’s not! It’s just someone’s imagination coming to play,” she snapped before opening the door and walking out. Just two seconds later George jumped over the steps of his trail to catch up to her.
“Think about it! What were you doing the day before you woke me up to start blocking for Scene 1?” He asked, resting his hands on her shoulders when she turned to face him. “Name one thing you did before going to wake me up,” he demanded. She began to answer as if it was obvious, but froze. She couldn’t remember. In fact, she couldn’t think of anything she did prior to starting the filming process. She couldn’t name a single family member or friend aside from those in the cast. 
“I-I don’t know,” she trailed off in a whisper. Her shoulders slumped in defeat, but Oliver’s features stayed serious. 
“I need to show you something,” he informed her carefully, beginning to lead her back to that fated room where the bookcase was. He opened the doors and watched her examine the wands, quickly finding hers. Her eyes went to him when he leaned forward, grabbing the wand that was labeled Corinne S. Alastair. 
“Just take this,” he muttered, holding it out for her. She hesitated before reaching her hand out, taking the wand from his grip. George stared at her, watching her eyes become wide as memories came back at an overwhelming pace. His arms quickly went around her when she stumbled back like he’d done. Her gaze went to the ground then up to his eyes.
“George?” She whispered hopefully. George laughed and nodded happily when she hugged him tightly. They sat there for at least ten minutes just holding each other. 
“So what happens now?” She asked when they pulled away. 
“Well, we convince the others about all of this. I doubt it’ll be easy considering how you reacted,” George responded, sounding exhausted. Corinne gave him an indignant look.
“Okay, or,” she started slowly. “We just switch out the prop wands with the real ones so they all get their memories back at the same time,” she suggested. George blushed at how obvious that answer must have been to her. 
“This is why I compare you to Hermione,” he responded with a smile and kissed her cheek after. Corinne giggled and shook her head at his antics.
“Alright, let’s get to work before everyone else comes back,” she instructed, beginning to grab wands and memorizing the names. 
The process took close to ten minutes so they could make sure everyone had their correct wands. They finished just in time for the others to walk in and head to the prop table.
“And what were you two up to?” Tara asked teasingly as she and Gary (Oldman) walked up to the couple. 
“Nothing,” they spoke at the same time. Gary laughed at their nervous looks.
“Sure,” he teased. “Now can you guys move? I’d like to get my wand,” he requested sarcastically. Corinne and George glanced at each other and moved to the side as the others walked over to grab their wands. 
If the situation were different, the couple would have laughed at the shock everyone seemed to go through at the same time. Fred was the first of them to snap out of it. He looked at George and Corinne.
“Oh Merlin,” he laughed before hugging them tightly. One by one they all began snapping out of their last memory of the battle and embracing each other. The Weasleys had a group hug that later involved the rest of them.
Then, George and Corinne sat everyone down and explained what happened. Only a few others remembered the incantation that was spoken. It took a small while for everyone to understand, but they eventually got it. 
“Disapparate Alia Re,” Anastasia mumbled, causing everyone to look at her. “I remember hearing that. Before the battle, I mean. It was in a book of Deep Dark Magic my mother acquired. I looked it up later, it means ‘Disappear to a Different Reality.’ Didn’t think she’d actually use it on anyone.” Sirius hummed thoughtfully and sat back, wrapping an arm around Gaia, who was beside him. 
“Yes, well Bella has never been one to follow rules in that sense,” he responded scornfully. The others around him nodded.
“So, how do we get home then?” Rayna asked nervously. Hermione turned back to Anastasia curiously. 
“Did you see if there was a countercurse to the spell in your mother’s book?” Anastasia thought for a moment.
“Yes, but I can’t remember it,” she admitted softly. Corinne rubbed her back soothingly then looked around at the group.
“What if we use the Legilimency Spell? One of us can just go through her memories and figure out what the page says,” she suggested, making Hermione smile brightly.
“That’s brilliant Rinne!” He exclaimed before looking at Harry. “Why don’t you do it? You have the most experience with it, plus she’s your girlfriend mate.” Harry looked at Anastasia for permission, asking if it was okay. When she nodded, he stood and grabbed his wand.
“Just try to relax. Corinne and Mallorie will be right beside you.” He gave the girls a look that prompted them to sit on both sides of her. The twins sat on the other side of each girl. Once she was ready, Harry took a deep breath then performed the spell. Everyone watched with bated breath while he found the memory.
“Apparate Primigeniam,” he began reciting as he watched the memory. “Using this counterspell will bring the subject back to its ‘Original Reality.’ The incantation is the title. Use carefully.” Just a second later Anastasia was snapped out of her trance after Harry left her memories. His hand dropped to his side and he exhaled softly. 
“Since it took multiple people to take us here, why don’t we try pointing at ourselves in a mirror so it bounces back to us,” Corinne suggested. George hummed in thought then looked at his father in question.
“It just might work,” Arthur replied with a shrug. “How about the Mirror of Erised?” The group nodded and made their way to the prop quickly. Once they were situated in front of it, Corinne looked at the group.
“Now remember everyone: speak clearly and use diction when reciting the incantation. Think of it as if you’re using the Floo Network,” she explained, prompting everyone to nod in understanding. With a final nod, she looked to the mirror. Everyone raised their wands in unison, pointing at the mirror. 
“Apparate Primigeniam!” They shouted as one, causing a burst of dark blue light to shoot out of their wands. The spells hit the mirror then bounced back to hit the group. 
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Corinne awoke with a gasp on the battlefield. It looked like only a few minutes passed since they were last there. The only difference was that the Death Eaters were now elsewhere, duelling others. 
“Where to next, brainiac?” Fred joked once they all stood. Corinne gave him a determined smile before looking at Harry. 
“We finish this battle once and for all,” she stated firmly. Harry gave her the same smile before running off to find Voldemort. The rest of the group followed him, protecting him from any attacks sent their way. They were a force to be reckoned with, and nothing could stop them now. 
That proved to be true as Corinne watched Voldemort slowly disintegrate into a million pieces of ash. Voldemort was finally dead. At first, no one moved from their spots, everyone just stared at where the Dark Lord previously stood. Then, Anastasia began cheering. Others slowly joined in, then everyone began to celebrate. It was finally over! 
The first thing Corinne did was try to find George in the crowd. It was particularly difficult considering how large and packed the group was. She finally found him near the back, hugging Percy tightly while Cassandra laughed at them. Wordlessly, Corinne smiled and sprinted to the trio. Cassandra caught her in a hug, the two of them laughing in joy. The brothers pulled away to embrace their girlfriends. 
“It’s over,” George muttered breathlessly into Corinne’s ear, making her smile widen if that was even possible at this point. She pulled away enough to look into his eyes.
“It sure is,” she started before giving him a teasing smile. “Oliver,” she finished. The boy laughed in response then pulled her into a very kiss. Nothing could have been better than this.
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theladyactress · 3 years
Anna Cora Mowatt and Pauline at the Marylebone
Anna Cora Mowatt and Pauline at the Marylebone
Part XIII: Love Like Christmas, Easter in mid-19th century England was a prime theatre-going holiday. Playhouses scheduled lavish extravaganzas to tempt patrons and out-of-town visitors. “The Lady of Lyons” was staged at the Marylebone Theatre in London on number of dates before and after the Easter Holidays in the spring of 1849 as part of a calendar packed with special events, including the…
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larryland · 3 years
REVIEW: "The Mousetrap" at The Theater Barn
REVIEW: “The Mousetrap” at The Theater Barn
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conflicted-crowd · 2 years
Muses and Faceclaims
Will give bios upon request
Harry Potter
Harry Potter - Daniel Radcliffe
Hermione Granger - Emma Watson
Molly Weasley - Julie Walters
Ginny Weasley - Bonnie Wright
Fred Weasley - James Phelps
Charlie Weasley - Sam Heughan
Draco Lucius Malfoy - Tom Felton
Newt Scamander - Eddie Redmayne
Severus Snape - Alan Rickman
Alexander Snape - Finn Wittrock
Victor Simon Napoleon Silverwick - Julian Morris
Donavon Andrews - Domhnall Gleeson
Nathan Christopher Wells - Luke Newberry
Scarlet Wells - Julianne Moore
Oliver Cullen - Timothée Chalamet
Jasper Hale - Jackson Rathbone
Carlisle Cullen - Peter Facinelli
Edward Cullen - Robert Patterson
Alice Cullen - Ashley Greene
Emmett Cullen - Kellan Lutz
Rosalie Hale - Nikki Reed
Aro - Michael Sheen
Seth Clearwater - Booboo Stewart
Leah Clearwater - Julia Jones
Percy Jackson
Thomas Ryan Soleil - Calum Worthy
Theodore "Teddy" Castellan - Jake Abel
Charlotte Sienna Miles - Megan Fox
Ares - Dave Navarro
Hades - Richard Madden
Persephone - Isla Fisher
Orpheus - Reeve Carney
Star Wars
Zade Kalliday - Mattias Inwood
The Umbrella Academy
Allison Hargreeves - Emmy Raver-Lampman
Prince Eric - Diego Boneta
Flynn Rider - Jake Gyllenhaal
Pascal - Asa Butterfield
Pitch Black - Benedict Cumberbatch
Jack Frost (younger) - Lucky Blue Smith
Jack Frost (older) - Martin Short
Scott - John McCrea
Harry Hook - Timothy Doherty
Belle - Samantha Barks
Mirabel Madrigal - Morena Baccarin
Bruno Madrigal - Jesus Luz
Camilo Madrigal - Tre Samuels
In the Heights
Usnavi - Anthony Ramos
Dark Shadows
Barnabas Collins - Johnny Depp
Oswald Cobblepot - Robin Lord Taylor
Jervis Tetch - Benedict Samuel
Peter "Puck" Davies - Peter Mark Kendall
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Wallace Wells - Kieran Culkin
Schitts Creek
David Rose - Dan Levy
Patrick Brewer - Noah Reid
Ted Mullens - Dustin Mulligan
Santa Clarita Diet
Joel Hammond - Timothy Olyphant
Something Rotten!
William Shakespeare - Christian Borle
Cabin Pressure
Martin Crieff - Benedict Cumberbatch
Arthur Shappey - John Finemore
Brooklyn 99
Raymond Holt - Andre Braugher
Dear Evan Hansen
Evan Hansen - Ben Platt
Be More Chill
Michael Mell - George Salazar
Shadow and Bone
Matthias Helvar - Calahan Skogman
Fedyor Kaminsky - Julian Kostov
Genya Safin - Daisy Head
Spencer Shay - Jerry Trainor
Freddie Benson - Nathan Kress
Zahid Raja - Nikki Dodani
Casey Gardner - Brigette Lundy-Paine
Sherlock Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch
Samantha Barnes - Katharine McPhee
Vision - Paul Bettany
Anthony Bridgerton - Jonathon Bradley
Good Omens
Anthony Crowley - David Tennant
Joe Goldberg - Penn Badgely
Lord of the Rings
Legolas - Orlando Bloom
Pippin Took - Billy Boyd
Samwise Gamgee - Sean Astin
Faelyn Haemir - Andrew Garfield
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Lucifer Morningstar - Luke Cook
Hilda Spellman - Lucy Davis
Sabrina Spellman Morningstar- Kiernan Shipka
Prudence Blackwood - Tati Gabrielle
Jesse Scratch - Jay Hayden
Devin Ryder - Tyler Posey
Jordan Undergrove - Adam Brody
Elysia - Zoey Deutch
Jason Dean (JD) - Christian Slater Les Miserables
Marius Pontmercy - Eddie Redmayne
Monica Geller - Courtney Cox
Ross Geller - David Schwimmer
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner - Thomas Gibson
Derek Morgan - Shemar Moore
Legend of the Seeker
Seraphina Renae - Amy Adams
Darken Rahl - Craig Parker
Rosetta Anastasia Glennwood - Dianna Agron
James Glennwood - James Spader
Sophia Ella McKenzie - Lily James
Isaiah Michael Smith - David Corenswet
Victoria Marie Julietta Harrington - Anne Hathaway
Greyson Richard Michaels - Nick Robinson
Damien Ryder Flare - Joel McHale
Travis Wright - Andrew Rannells
Daniel Storm - Cillian Murphy
Antonio Frances - Cheyenne Jackson
Jamie Taylor - Ross Lynch
Dean Taylor - Harry Connick Jr
Spencer Taylor - Evan Peters
Parker Eaton - Jonathan Groff
Tyler Eaton - Ben Platt
Warren Hall - Jordan Bridges
Xavier Collins - Tom Payne
Henry Sparks - Freddie Highmore
Axel Simmons - Chris McNally
Levi Haynes - Louis Partridge
Andrew Bentley - Aneurin Barnard
Prince Clifton Whitehall - Andrew Scott
Prince Carson Whitehall - Andrew Scott
Lane Dallaway - Ben Levi Ross
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an-indecisive-mess · 2 years
The D-Team
So, remember a while ago when I wanted your opinions about a little project I was working on?
Well, I thought about it, and I decided to post stuff about it on here.
So, here you have the first little information about my story: The D-Team.
Demigods of the Xenia Academy
Zeus Dorm:
Princess Aldara “Ally Ross” (Technically Daughter of Heracles, but Rooms There)
Chase Landers
Gabriel Blanchard
Poseidon Dorm:
Matt Bloome
Hades Dorm:
Ashlyn Montez
Phineas Sherman
Raven Romanov (Adopted/Cursed Mortal/Expelled From the School)
Demeter Dorm:
Amelia-Jane “AJ” Able
Carla Beckett
Fallon Madison
Felicity Hamilton
Otto Malone
Susan Trescott
Violet Bates
Athena Dorm:
Celia Hannigan (Cyclops)
Courtney Carrington
Donnie Eversole
James “Jamie” Baxter
Mac O’Malley
Maria Turner
Mike Wolfe
Randall “Randy” Goralink
Ron Baxter
Tara West
Ares Dorm:
Arenia “Rani” Constopolis
Hannah Peters
Javier Cortez
Johnny Switt
Nadia Swift
Rosie James
Tito Martinez
Nemesis Dorm:
Bruce Matthews
Jackson Cole
Nancy St. James
Oliver Cole
Reggie Griswold
Rhonda Edwards
Sonia Vega
Hermes Dorm:
Brynn Weavers
Deborah “Debbie” Oliver
Donna Willick
Ezekiel “Zeke” Rios-Gummer
George Shay
Jerome Conner
Lance Danforth
Mira Hudson
Omar Harris
Selena Burgin
Aphrodite Dorm:
Annabelle Rhodes
Belladonna Rhodes
Britney Jacobs
Carrie O’Connell
Crystal Kingsley
Heather Lewis
Kimberly Ricci
Naomi Alexander
Rachel Bates
Taylor Greene
Timothy Saccomanno
Hephaestus Dorm:
Charlotte “Charlie” Boggs
Jack Showalter
Jason Phelps
Leslie McKessie
Oscar Martin
Ramona Cameron
Rudy Beuaguard
Scott “Scooter” Sullivan
Winnifred “Wheezy” Redfield
Persephone Dorm:
Alani Akamu
Waiola Akamu
Apollo Dorm:
Arnie Blumburg
Brock Detwiller
Chet Lexington
Claire Litman
Niquie Santiago
Percy Valentine
Sawyer Hirano
Sunny Proctor
Terry Sinclair
Zack Shapiro
Hecate Dorm:
Annika Tanner
Emilie Banks
Hector Montoya
Helga Bernard
Henry Walters
Milo LeSal
Sabrina Lecowski
Simon Morris
Sophie Bennett
Spencer Henderson
Stella Karabostos
Tristan Jacob “TJ” Wheeler
Wiley Jones
Zelda Shade
Iris Dorm:
Adrian Moone
Anaisha “Aisha” Tjinder
Charles “Chowder” Fletcher
Daphne Knight
Deliah Cheng
Joey Miller
Kamari Mustafa
Sylvester Russo
Morpheus Dorm:
Chris Austin
Freddy Blake
Joseph Crane
Leo Schmidt
Luna Casey
Sandy Babcock
Steven Puckett
Tom Downe
Dionysius Dorm:
Amy Bishop
Arthur “Art” Harris
Chyna Ferguson
Finnegan “Finn” Peters
Hugo Maybank
Luis Rameriez
Pearl Heyward
Penelope “Pennie” Knox
Winston Daniels
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aic-american · 3 years
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Side Chair, Artist unknown, 1805, Art Institute of Chicago: American Art
Restricted gift of Susan Bennett, Marshall Field, Mrs. Edna Graham, the Oak Park-River Forest Association of the Women's Board, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schwartz, Jeffrey Shedd, and Martha and William Steen; Jay W. McGreevy Endowment; Susan Bennett in memory of Philipp Brockington; Miss Charlotte Olson, and gift of Dr. and Mrs. Dudley Phelps Sanford through Exchange Size: 83.8 × 48.3 × 43.2 cm (33 × 19 × 17 in.) Medium: Mahogany, ash, cherry, and white pine
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orangeflavoryawp · 3 years
What are your favorite books you go back and re-read?
There have been a few that have impacted me through the years but the two that I consistently return to actually aren’t narrative novels in the traditional sense you would expect.
One, ‘Staying Alive: Real Poems for Unreal Times’, edited by Neil Astley,  is actually an anthology of poetry, and my constant companion in the almost 20 years since it was first published.  The second, ‘Ishmael’, written by Daniel Quinn, is an exploration of man’s place in the world, our impact on the earth and life upon it, and the meaning of life, all in the context of a conversation that takes place between a man and a gorilla.  Yes, you read that right.
These two books have shaped much of how I view the world, and my place in it.  How I connect with the world and others.  How I find meaning in this life.  I cannot recommend them enough.  I’ve quite literally bought copies of ‘Ishmael’ to foist upon my friends like ‘READ THIS NOW’, haha.
Other books that have stuck with me through the years:
- ‘The Bonesetter’s Daughter’ by Amy Tan (and basically anything by Amy Tan, but especially this one) - ‘Trumpet’ by Jackie Kay - ‘Haunted’ by Chuck Palahniuk - ‘The God of Small Things’ by Arundhati Roy - ‘The Things They Carried’ by Tim O’Brien - ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ by Margaret Atwood - ‘White Teeth’ by Zadie Smith - ‘, said the shotgun to the head’ by Saul Williams - ‘Doctor Zay’ by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps - ‘The Awakening’ by Kate Chopin - ‘Auschwitz and After’ by Charlotte Delbo
And these series I read when I was younger but think about all the time:
- ‘The Enchanted Forest Chronicles’ by Patricia Wrede - ‘Broken Sky’ by Chris Wooding - ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins Okay but seriously, go read ‘Ishmael’.  Your world will never be the same.
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weirdletter · 4 years
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Weird Women. Classic Supernatural Fiction by Groundbreaking Female Writers: 1852-1923, edited by Lisa Morton and Leslie S. Klinger, Pegasus Books, 2020. Info: pegasusbooks.com.
From two acclaimed experts in the genre, a brand-new volume of supernatural stories showcasing the forgotten female horror writers from 1852–1923. While the nineteen-year-old Mary Shelley may be hailed as the first modern writer of horror, the success of her immortal Frankenstein undoubtedly inspired dozens of female authors who wrote their own evocative, chilling tales. Weird Women, edited by award-winning anthologists Lisa Morton and Leslie S. Klinger, collects some of the finest tales of terror by authors as legendary as Louisa May Alcott, Frances Hodgson Burnett, and Charlotte Gilman-Perkins, alongside works of writers who were the bestsellers and critical favorites of their time—Marie Corelli, Ellen Glasgow, Charlotte Riddell—and lesser known authors who are deserving of contemporary recognition. As railroads, industry, cities, and technology flourished in the mid-nineteenth century, so did stories exploring the horrors they unleashed. This anthology includes ghost stories and tales of haunted houses, as well as mad scientists, werewolves, ancient curses, mummies, psychological terrors, demonic dimensions, and even weird westerns. Curated by Klinger and Morton with an aim to presenting work that has languished in the shadows, all of these exceptional supernatural stories are sure to surprise, delight, and frighten today’s readers.
Contents: Introduction by Lisa Morton and Leslie S. Klinger “The Old Nurse’s Story” (1852) by Elizabeth Gaskell “The Moonstone Mass” (1868) by Harriet Spofford “Lost in a Pyramid, or the Mummy’s Curse” (1869) by Louisa May Alcott “What Was the Matter?” (1869) by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps “Nut Bush Farm” (1882) by Mrs. J. H. (Charlotte) Riddell “The Gray Man” (1886) by Sarah Orne Jewett “In a Far-Off World” (1889) by Olive Schreiner “The Giant Wistaria” (1891) by Charlotte Perkins Gilman “The Lady with the Carnations” (1895) by Marie Corelli “The Were-Wolf” (1896) by Clemence Housman “An Itinerant House” (1897) by Emma Frances Dawson “Transmigration” (1900) by Dora Sigerson Shorter “The Wind in the Rose-Bush” (1902) by Mary E. Wilkins-Freeman “The Banshee’s Halloween” (1903) by Herminie Templeton Kavanagh “In the Closed Room” (1904) by Frances Hodgson Burnett “The Dream Baby” (1904) by Olivia Howard Dunbar “The Third Drug” (1908) by Edith Nesbit “The Pocket-Hunter’s Story” (1909) by Mary Austin “Twilight” (1912) by Marjorie Bowen “The Swine-Gods” (1917) by Regina Miriam Bloch “Jordan’s End” (1923) by Ellen Glasgow Acknowledgments About the Authors
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Happy Ending AU timeline
Second verse nearly same as the first
1663, Citlali Grey spoke a prophecy bringing some members of the tribe together, forming the Devourers of God. When colonists arrived in Nockfell, a ceremonial marriage between Citlali and colonist Wesley Rosenberg united the groups, allowing the cult to grow.
Citlali’s final prophecy warned the Devourers of the Child of the Abomination, the one who would stand against them, and his resurrection by Asintmah.
??? Alyson Rosenberg is born
1887 Alyson Rosenberg sells her family's land to the Addison family and they build Addison apartments over a temple the cult makes their home
1905 Terrence Addison is born and offered to be the entry point of The Endless One, secretly being fed human flesh from an early age. Ignorant to his parents’ actions, Terrence grew to idolize his father and had dreams of opening a tea shop.
1917-1932, Terrence's soul is destroyed by The Endless One and his parents are murdered. His appearance starts to change, he's locked in his room by the Council to conceal their secret, while also drawing power from the entity.
1935 Abigail Pillsbury (Mrs. Packerton) is born
1944 Luke Holmes is born
1945 Herman Sanderson, Emilie Brooks (Travis mom) and Ray Morrison are born
1946 Kenneth Phelps and Janis Jones (Todd's mom) are born
1947 Henry Fisher and Alexander Fuller are born
1948 Diane Miller (Sal's mom), Stacy, Greg, and Charlotte Jamison (Juniper's mom) are born
1951 Charley Mansfield and Sandy are born
1952 Mrs. Gibson is born
1954 David is born
1956 Lisa Garcia is born
1969 Robert Silva is born
1973 Neil Graham is born
1974 the college trio from 301 is born
1975 Juniper Fuller, Ashley Campbell and Todd Morrison are born
1976 Carlton Fuller, Larry Johnson, Angel Delacroix, Sal Fisher and Travis Phelps are born
1977 Chug Cohen and Maple are born
1980 Megan Holmes is born and Lisa delivers her stillborn daughter
1982 Larry accidentally kills Mrs. Gibson's rabbit with firecrackers and is sent to juvi for 2 months
1983 Jim Johnson vanishes
1984 Jim is killed by the cult and the Johnson's move in with Larry's grandma, Kenneth shoots Diane and Sal
1985 the Johnson's return to Addison apartments
1987 the Holmes family murder-suicide
1991 Charlotte Fuller hangs herself and Maple gives Juniper an undercut
1992 chapters 1 and 2, the spirit of Alyson Rosenberg is freed? The red eyed demon is destroyed fully by Todd’s invention and the cult disbands
1993 chapter 3
1995 Lisa marries Henry, the kids graduate
1996 Juniper & Larry get married and share the basement, Soda Cohen is born
1997 Neil and Todd get married
1998 Sal and Travis get married
1999 the group destroys both temples and blow up the Phelps ministry, Juniper and Larry have a son named James Henry Johnson
2004 Sal and Travis get their own house
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alvearesss · 3 years
Tagged by @vilcade, twice at least but I will do it in this post alone
Ajin - Sato
Nier Gestalt - Kaine
Nier Automata - A2
LA Noire - Cole Phelps
Babylon Berlin - Charlotte Ritter
Baccano - Claire Stanfield
To Kill a Mockingbird - Atticus Finch
Addams Family - Wednesday Addams
(Bestie, you get an great 5+ kudos if you get these two right)
Egg: fried
Steak: never
Milk: usually warm
Alcohol: sangria, wine, and champagne
Warm drink: coffee, tea, and hot cocoa
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