#che che che che CHERRI BOMB!!
chestcongestion · 20 days
Powder and Ice: Ha//zbin Ho/tel
Warnings/ Content Tags: Mess, Mentions of Addiction and Drug Use
Word Count: 3,813
This one got away from me plot-wise, was working on a fic with a more stubborn/ in denial An/gel for a Hus/ker/dust fic, and then it inched closer to a study on An/gel and Che/rri's relationship after he starts making an effort to stay clean. I still like it, but I think I'll try another Hus/ker/dust fic later if I get some other ideas. Enjoy! ^^
It was a rainy Saturday evening, and Husk was polishing glasses when the double doors to the hotel swung open and a pair of long, thin, fishnet-clad legs sauntered their way inside. 
Setting down the martini glass he’d been cleaning, Husk gently wiggled his fluffy ears and attempted to suppress his smile as Angel approached the bar and sat down on a stool. 
“You’re back early,” Husk said, analyzing Angel’s expression and pondering whether or not he should pour the spider a drink. 
“Shoot ended early,” Angel replied, fighting back a slight shiver as the air conditioning above the bar blew over him, sending a chill down his spine and blasting frigid air onto his damp fur, “snff!” 
Husk noticed Angel’s vibrating shoulders and shot him a look of concern, sliding a bellini across the bar before going back to polishing glasses, “You alright?” he asked, testing the waters. 
“Mhm… I’m fine,” Angel replied, taking a sip of his drink and licking his lips, the bubbly prosecco hitting his nostrils, “H-hahh…Hhh… HNK-Ksshh! Hh-kxhht!” 
Husk’s ears twitched, “Bless you,” he said, still focusing on the martini glasses. 
Angel flushed briefly from embarrassment, wanting desperately to dab at his nostrils with a tissue as he felt his ‘nose’ threatening to run, but holding off, just letting it itch, and itch, and itch, “Oh, th-thanks,” he replied, “Hh! H-hihh…HnK-! Hh’Ddtsh! Hhnk’kxhht!” 
“Bless you,” Husk said, raising a fluffy eyebrow as he put away the last martini glass and popped open a bottle of vodka he kept under the counter, taking two swigs and setting it back down, “Snow day?” 
Angel shook his head. To help keep him on track while he weaned his body off of cocaine and PCP, Husk only used euphemisms and coded language to ask Angel if a shoot or particular day had been difficult enough to make him use again. So far, the system was an incredible success, and Angel had been completely clean for 4 months and counting. 
“Nuh-uh… snff!... I think it’s just the drink- Hh’Ddtshh!- bubbly always mbakes mby ndose itch… SnFF!” Angel replied, scrubbing away at his face, ice cold rainwater still dripping from his pristine white fur, threatening to crystallize under the harsh air conditioning, “H-hahhh…Hah’KsShew!” 
Husk rolled his eyes, “I never would’ve guessed… surprised you didn’t get this sensitive after chuggin’ a bottle of champagne with me that one time,” he said, drumming his fingertips against the countertop. 
“I think it’s just… snff!... more sensitive now that I’m not usin’ anymore,” Angel said, his face contorting and twitching as he tried desperately to keep from sneezing again. 
“You know what I think?” Husk asked. 
“What? That lookin’ all dewy and shiny from the rain makes me look cute?” Angel asked, leaning forward and fluffing out his furry pompadour, causing a mist of rain droplets to hit the air, glistening as they reflected the ceiling lights, “Hh!...Ha-Ah’tSshiew!” 
“That you’re gettin’ a cold,” Husk replied. 
“What? Nahh, I’m fine… I-ihh…I’m fine,” Angel said, rummaging through his pockets until he pulled out a napkin, holding it up to his ‘nose’ and letting loose, “Hihh-Ah’TsShew! H-hiIhh’TsShhew!” 
“Mhm, sure,” 
“Oh fuck off- snff!- maybe I’m allergic to you, Furball,” Angel scoffed, poking Husk’s nose. 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, Angel,” Husk replied, wiping off the whiskey glasses and smirking at Angel’s scowling expression.
Suddenly, the two men jumped at the sound of an energetic Cherri Bomb bursting into the parlor, covered in glowstick jewelry and wearing a scrunchie as a garter. 
“Angie! There’s a new joint opening up at the border, you should totally come with me, it’ll be fun!” Cherri said, reaching out and grabbing Angel’s hands, batting her eyelashes at him in an attempt at persuasion. 
“Sure, just lemme change first,” Angel said, shooting Cherri a half-smile as he wandered upstairs and came back down in a tube top, hot pants, and knee-high boots to replace his usual thigh-highs, “There we go- snff!- perfect.” 
“Yea! There we go, lookin’ just like old times, let’s hit the road!” Cherri cheered, pumping her fist in the air as she tugged at the neckline of her shirt and moved a piece of her hair out of her face. 
Angel inched back over to the bar, leaning against the counter and looking at Husk with pleading eyes, “Wanna come with? I could use the company,” he whispered, ignoring his watery sniffles that he seemed to punctuate each sentence with, dabbing at his nostrils with the napkin again. 
“Sure, why not,” Husk said with a sigh, tidying up everything behind the bar and pocketing a flask before mentally preparing himself to join the pair of party animals for their night out. 
“Hey, hey, this isn’t a trip to the old folks home, FancyFeast, if you’re gonna tag along you’ve gotta be cool,” Cherri scoffed, folding her arms in a manner that was more petulant than intimidating. 
“I can be cool… I’m only goin’ for Angel anyways, relax,” Husk said, stretching his arms out over his head and sticking close to Angel as the trio headed out the door- Charlie and Vaggie were on a brief trip to the Gluttony ring and would be back in a couple of days, leaving Alastor in charge, although he was also missing in action. 
“Whateva’ ,” Cherri said with a scowl, refusing to look at Husk as they traversed to the outskirts of Pentagram City in what was now pouring rain. 
Cherri and Husk were just short enough to get by sheltering themselves from the downpour with the awnings of buildings, while Angel was forced to get hopelessly soaked, his mascara and eyeliner smearing and running down the fur on his face. 
“Y’know… we aren’t that far from the hotel, we could just turn back,” Husk offered, raising his voice slightly so that the sound carried over the loud percussion of raindrops against the ground. 
“N-no way, I’b fide… I-I’ll dry off whe’d we get there…Snff- Snff!” Angel replied, his voice slightly croaky from struggling to talk over the rain with an already scratchy throat. 
Husk frowned, and inched closer to Angel while still under the safety of the awning, opening his mouth to attempt reasoning with him, only for a massive truck to whizz past, rolling their chunky tires through a deep puddle that was flooding the road, spraying Angel aggressively until he was absolutely waterlogged, his hair limp and his skimpy top threatening to slide off of his drenched chest fluff. 
“Hh-Hihh’Tsschhew! Hi-Ihh’kSsHEW!” Angel sneezed, spraying into the air before swiping at his nostrils with a damp, pitiful sniffle. 
Husk sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as the group approached the club, a dingy neon sign reading ‘The Closed Freezer’ hanging in front of the brick building as obnoxious dubstep leaked out from under the steel-plated impact doors like smoke. 
“You ready to get fucked up, Angie?!” Cherri asked, gently shaking Angel’s shoulders and grinning at him with a fierce look in her eye, bouncing on her heels. 
Angel quietly dragged the heel of his wrist across his face with another congested sniffle, “Mhmm… this is gonna be fun…Hh’ktshew! ‘Scuse mbe…” he replied, waiting until Cherri wasn’t paying attention to discreetly clear his scratchy throat. 
Cherri swung the industrial doors open and a blast of freezing cold air hit Angel and Husk like a tidal wave, frost clinging to Angel’s wet fur almost immediately as they stepped inside. 
The Closed Freezer was a more literal name than Husk had previously thought, as the entire building was covered ceiling-to-floor with slippery, skin-numbing ice crystals, with chunky climate control units blasting freezing cold air into the room constantly. Husk exhaled, and watched as his breath instantly turned to fog against the frigid, dry air. 
“H-holy sh-shit,” Angel stammered, his teeth almost immediately beginning to chatter as his thin layer of drenched white fur froze over, his movements slightly stiff as ice crystals broke and reformed every time he took a step or readjusted his arms… or blinked, “H-Hi-ihh’Tshhhew! ‘KsShiiew!” 
Husk looked at the thin layer of ice that was coating Angel’s clothing like a protective lacquer and bit his tongue, “You sure you wanna do this?” he asked, wrapping one of his wings around Angel briefly in a futile attempt to warm him up. 
“Y-yes… I’b f-fide… I-ihh’tshhew!” Angel replied in a hushed tone, his sinuses leaking a stream of half-frozen mess down his face, which he struggled to wipe up with his jittery hands and chattering teeth. Once his face was clean, Angel turned away from Husk to cover a sharp, dry, almost barking cough. 
“C’mon Ange, you’ll warm up in no time once you’ve gotten pumped, you know what it’s time for, Bitch!” Cherri coaxed, holding up a plastic sandwich bag of white powder and dangling it in front of Angel’s face, gesturing toward the bathroom with her head. 
Angel bit his lip, taking a step back and fiddling with his freezer-burnt fingers, “No,” he said firmly before blowing into his hands in an attempt to warm up his freezing digits, “I’b ndot doin’ that, Cherri.” 
“Don’t be a fuckin’ buzzkill, A.D., we’re here to have fun, you can repent or whateva’ afterwards!” Cherri urged, grabbing Angel’s wrist and preparing to drag him. 
“I s-said. No.” Angel replied with a huff, yanking his hand out of Cherri’s grasp, still shivering violently, “I can have fun w-wit’out gettin’ fucked up… sNFF!... if you wanna get high, th-that’s your business, m-more power to ‘ya, but I don’t.” 
Cherri frowned for a moment, looking away from Angel in embarrassment, before regaining her spark, “Alright, fine, that’s… that’s cool, I’ll just trip hard enough for the both of us! Yeah!” she cheered, vanishing into the bathroom. 
Now alone, Husk turned to face Angel, a proud smile on his face, “That was good… Charlie would say that was ‘a healthy way to stand firm on your boundaries with a friend’,” he said, patting Angel on the small of his back. 
“I’m proud of myself,” Angel replied, turning to cover another harsh cough, the desperate barks were beginning to sound… croup-y against the stale and frosty air. 
“Angel…” Husk said, his voice probing as he folded his arms and shot the spider a knowing look. 
“What? I-ihh’tsShew! Ih’KShhew!” Angel sneezed, wiping away more half-frozen mucus with a napkin, silently thankful that nothing was smearing on his already mascara-stained face. 
“You got drenched on the walk over here and we’re literally in a repurposed meat locker… and, whether you are ready to admit it or not, you have a cold,” Husk said plainly, quietly moving his tail out of the way of a dancing drunk couple. 
“I don’t have a…a-ahh… Ii-Ahh’kTsShEW! Hh’kShew! Hnk’TsSchew!” Angel argued, letting loose a watery sniffle as his sinuses began to leak, and looking pitifully at his crumpled-up napkin. 
Husk pulled a travel package of tissues out of his pocket, waving them teasingly in Angel’s reach, a playful smirk on his face when he pulled them away as Angel reached for them, “Nope, nuh-uh,” he teased. 
“Th-that ain’t fair, Husk… SnFF!... Mby ndose is runnin’, this is embarrassin’,” Angel pleaded, holding a hand over his face to hide the trickle of mess from view.
“What, you allergic to ice now?” Husk scoffed. 
“Husk, baby, pleeease?” Angel begged, his scratchy voice cracking on the ‘please’, turning into another barking cough that seemed to suck the life out of his eyes as he visibly drooped upon catching his breath. 
“If you’re not sick, I don’t see why you’d need these, that napkin ought to work just fine,” Husk said, staring at Angel with a knowing look in his dark eyes, “Go on… you want ‘em so badly, don’t you?” 
“SnFF! Snff-snFF!” Angel sniffled pitifully, his sinuses still hopelessly dripping, his gloves damp with warm mess as he struggled to keep his composure, “Hi-Ihh’DdtsShheww! Hih’TsscHEW!” 
“C’mon Angel,” Husk teased, “Admit it, and they’re yours.” 
“F-fide! I cad’t take it- Ihh’KTsShEW!” Angel cried, “I’ve got a cold, you win, can I have the tissues now? Please?” 
“Christ, Angel- here,” Husk said with a nervous chuckle, watching as Angel desperately blew his ‘nose’ until a tissue was completely soaked, cloudy yellow-ish mess rattling in his sinuses with each sniffle, “We should go home… you sound like you’re gettin’ worse.” 
“I’b fide… SnFF! SnRkk! Fine! I’m…f-fine,” Angel argued, swallowing harshly and ignoring the throbbing sensation from his sore throat, “Besides… freezin’ stuff is a good way to kill germs, ain’t it?” 
“Yes, when they aren’t already inside you, once that happens, shivering and sniffling in a furnished freezer full of loud drunks is just a good way to get bronchitis,” Husk said, looking away sheepishly as though he was speaking from experience. 
Angel pouted, “I can take care of mbyself… snff!...IhH’TsShiew!” he insisted, tugging at his frost-covered tube top with numb fingers, muffling a hoarse, scratchy cough with his fist. 
“Mhm, ‘cause takin’ care of yourself is going out in the rain showin’ this much skin when you were already gettin’ sick,” Husk said, gesturing to Angel’s skimpy outfit, watching Angel struggle to stop trembling from the cold, “Healthy, smart decisions.” 
“Oh fuck off, SnFF!- I don’t need you to lecture me-ee… Ihh… Ihh’KTSHHEW!” Angel replied, swiping at his ‘nose’ with his thumb to alleviate the obnoxious itch. 
“Y’know, your pal hasn’t come back from the bathroom in a while… this happen often?” Husk asked, raising an eyebrow as Angel let out another pitiful-sounding sniffle. 
“Sorta… she’d get lost in the moment, havin’ her fun and sometimes she’d forget about me- SnFF!- it’s fine, I’m used to it,” Angel said, his hoarse voice struggling not to crack as he fought to be heard over the loud music. 
Husk frowned, but said nothing. 
Two hours went by in a long, frosty blur. By the time the second hour passed, Husk found himself feeling slightly jittery and out-of-sorts as the piercing cold of the nightclub finally managed to hit his skin through his dense forest of fur. 
After a few minutes of pressure and pleading, Cherri had finally pulled Angel out onto the dance floor, and the two had been dancing for a while. 
Cherri hopped and bounced, pumping her fists in the air and flipping her massive mane of blonde locks excitedly; on the other hand, Angel waned, occasionally swaying his head to the oppressively loud thumping of the music, but mostly just trying to stay on his own two feet. 
Husk perked  up from his parking space at the bar when he felt a pair of ice cold, shaking hands rest on his shoulders, smelling Angel’s fragrant rose perfume from behind, “I’m not dancin’ with you… this kind of music ain’t my style,” he said firmly. 
“Don’t wanna dance…SnfF!” Angel replied, leaning forward so that more of his body weight was being pressed against Husk’s back and shoulders, “H-hihh… HiIh’DdtSshiew! I wanna go home.” 
“Hmph, now you’re ready to go? Bored of the music?” Husk scoffed, raising an eyebrow at Angel with a particular ‘I told you so’ look on his face. 
“No… No you were right- snff!- I ain’t feelin’ good,” Angel said weakly, covering a throaty cough with his arm. 
Husk noticed Angel’s trembling legs and his dazed expression, reaching a hand out to feel Angel’s cheek, chewing on his tongue when he felt heat radiating from Angel’s skin in spite of the bitter chill hanging through the nightclub. 
“Alright, let’s go,” Husk beckoned, holding Angel’s hand and gently tugging him along, only for Angel to stop in his tracks, refusing to budge, “Angel, c’mon.” 
“Wait… I wanna wait for Cherri,” Angel muttered. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake- Cherri!” Husk hollered into the crowd, folding his arms when a heavily-inebriated Cherri Bomb spun out of the intense crowd on the dance floor to meet them at the bar, “C’mon, we’re goin’ home.” 
“Oh please, this Heaven bullshit might be worth tryin’, but it in’t worth turnin’ into a square over, y’can’t force Angie to give up everythin’ that makes him happy over it,” Cherri argued, her slurred speech and wandering eye making Husk roll his eyes as she reached for Angel’s wrist, “C-C’mon Ange, let’s fuckin’ dance!” 
Angel pulled his hand away from Cherri’s grasp- not necessarily out of malice, but because he quickly held it up to his mouth to cover another croupy, barking cough. 
Struggling to catch his breath after his coughing fit, Angel clutched his chest and took a ragged inhale through clenched teeth, feeling the cold air burning his throat and shocking his sensitive lungs on its way in. The climate control was blasting in such harsh jet streams of ice-cold air that the oxygen felt thin, like the stagnant air near the top of a mountain. 
“SnrRk! He’s ndot mbaki’d mbe do a’dythi’g… Snrkk! I… Iiihh.. Hih’KsschEW! Hih’DdtSchhiew!” Angel said sharply, blowing his nose into the last of his tissues and leaning against Husk for support, still shivering. 
“Pshh, y’don’t have to pretend for the cat, Ange, I know you, we’ve still got all night to tear it up!” Cherri cheered, swatting Angel on the back, the blow to his sensitive chest making him cough. 
Cherri chuckled at the sight until a minute passed and Angel was still coughing, desperately wheezing for air whenever his lungs allowed him a quick break. Angel coughed, and coughed, and coughed. 
“Angie?” Cherri asked, reaching out to rub Angel’s shoulder, only for him to be yanked out of reach, with Husk dragging him to the exit by his waist, “H-hey!” 
“I’m takin’ him home, with or without you,” Husk spat back in Cherri’s direction, desperately rubbing Angel’s back as they moved. 
Cherri felt knots in her stomach, turning back to look at the hyped up energy of the dance floor, before refocusing her gaze on the club’s entrance and exit, the conflict and panic sobering her up just a bit, “Fuck it,” she muttered to herself, pulling off her heels- the last thing she wanted was to shatter her ankle from slipping on the icy floor- and running out the door back into the rain. 
It didn’t take long for Cherri to find Husk and Angel, Angel quickly grew lightheaded and exhausted by the end of his coughing fit, and dropped to his knees a few paces away from the club’s entrance. 
“Angie?” Cherri asked again, sitting down next to Angel’s desperately panting form, watching her friend’s chest rise and fall drastically. “What happened?” Cherri asked, turning to Husk for answers as Angel struggled to catch his breath. 
“Exactly what the fuck I said was gonna happen, he spent over two hours dickin’ around in a giant freezer while soaking wet when he was already sick, and now his lungs are kickin’ his ass for it,” Husk scoffed. 
“I’m-” Angel paused to cough again, finally getting some air in his lungs to the point where he could relax his shoulders and support his weight without leaning to hold himself up, “-I’m fine… Snrkk!- it was just so cold in there, the air was blowin’ so hard, I was fine for a while and then suddenly I couldn’t breathe.” 
“You okay?” Cherri asked. 
“Ndot really-” Angel said with a sniffle, “I…I shouldn’t have come out tonight- snFF!- I was already sick and this just mbade it worse.” 
Husk bit back the urge to smirk. 
“Why’d you agree to come?” Cherri asked, “Y’ could’ve told me, bitch, I’d have gone alone and brought y’ along some other time.” 
“I’ve been turnin’ ya down a lot… Ihh’Ddtshhew!, didn’t want ya to think I didn’t wanna hang anymore just ‘cause I got clean,” Angel admitted, coughing slightly as he rubbed his chest, “It’s just that hangin’ out can be… a lot, even when I don’t feel like shit.” 
Cherri, now far more cemented in her right mind, looked back on some of her behavior from the night and rested a hand on her best friend’s thigh, “Sorry Ange,” she said, just loud enough to be heard over the rain, “Still gettin’ used to the new you… I’m tryin’, I promise.” 
Angel rolled his eyes, “h-Hihh’Ddtshhew! Ih’DdtSsHEW! I’b ndot that different, Cherri… I would’ve been happy to hang out wit’ ya if I wasn’t… Hih’DdtSHHEW!... sick,” he explained, “Mbe bein’ clean doesn’t- Snff!- mean I don’t wanna have fun anymore.” 
Cherri smiled, slowly rising to her feet and pulling Angel up after her, “C’mon, let’s go home,” she said. 
“I-Ihh’KtSschew!” Angel sneezed, dragging the heel of his palm under his nostrils, “Uch, I’m outta tissues.” 
Cherri fished around in her pockets, pulling out a beige square of cloth and handing it to Angel, “I usually keep these around to make molotovs, but you can use it as a snot rag tonight,” she said. 
Angel wiped his face off, slightly embarrassed, but choosing not to be too headstrong about it, “Thanks,” he mumbled, beginning to sound hopelessly stuffy as he blew his ‘nose’ into the cloth. 
Upon arriving back at the hotel, Angel was practically dead on his feet, soaking wet from the rain for a second time, and struggling to find a dry spot on his damp makeshift-handkerchief that he could use. 
“hHihh… Hi-ihh’ktschhiew! Ih’KtsSchew!” Angel sneezed. 
“Bless you,” Husk sighed, “I’m gonna go root through the medicine cabinets to see if we’ve got any cold medicine while you take a hot shower and get changed.”
“Mkay,” Angel replied, too exhausted to argue or attempt to challenge the passive demand, “I-ihh’KTsSchhew!” 
“Oh wait, Angie!” Cherri called out, pulling a plastic bag out of her pockets that was filled with what looked like rock salt, “Here-” 
“Cherri… what the-” 
“No, relax! It’s bath salts… they’re uhh… Eucalyptus and lavender,” Cherri offered, “If you put ‘em on the floor of the shower, the steam helps a ton… that’s not why I have ‘em, but you can still use ‘em that way!” 
Angel smiled, hugging the bag to his chest, “Thanks Cherri,” he replied, nervously rubbing the back of his head, “Once I’m outta the shower… you wanna watch a movie?” 
Cherri smiled, twirling a strand of her blonde hair around with her index finger, “Fuck yea,” she replied, resisting the urge to eagerly shake Angel by his shoulders, “See ya when you get outta the shower, dickhead!” 
Angel nodded, shooting Cherri a curt wave, and turning to head upstairs for an all-too-necessary hot shower and a warm pair of pajamas. Halfway up the steps, Angel paused, fanning in front of his face as an itch built in his sinuses. 
“What’s he doin’?” Cherri asked Husk in a hushed tone, watching Angel remain frozen on the steps, “Should I go ask him what’s wrong?” 
Husk shook his head, counting down the seconds with his claws, “Nahhh, watch this- in three… two… one-” 
“That was it,” Husk whispered to Cherri, snickering as Angel disappeared up the steps.
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lynndrawsshit · 2 months
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Che-Che-Cherri Bomb!
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helluvabosses · 2 years
What’s poppin fam? I’m Cherri Bomb. A fictive. Pronouns are che/chem/red/reds/bomb/bombs/Cherry/Cherries/Cherri/Cherris/Gummi/Gummies/Heart/Hearts.
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thisis70s-archive · 2 years
if you had to add little connections between characters that aren't listed in the skeletons what would they be? like who do you think would be friends?
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i don’t wanna say too too much just because i want those extra connects to be something discussed by the players themselves, but i feel like any characters that share similar vibes would be friends? school’s out, one way or another, cherry bomb, and born to run all have these edgier vibes and i could see all of them getting along. killer queen, american pie, cecilia, and dancing queen are all kind of peaked-in-high-school vibes so i think characters like that would maybe flock to one another, go to indigo’s, and reminisce on high school. 
i think characters that work together could also be a fun dynamic for either a friendship or anything adversarial. of course not all jobs are listed yet, but some workplace shenanigans are always fun and i can just imagine the cooks and waiters at che’s goof off more than do their job!
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asher-ic3 · 2 years
Sorry, I don’t want to. -Cherri Bomb
My mas awesome isnt che? -Ace
Oh uh okay :-]
Yea :-]
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thesongoftheirlove · 2 years
Heya, the name is CHERRI BOMB!! Many pronouns but mainly che/chem. Use them wisely. -Cherri Bomb
Ah, alright, good to know. - Mark
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thisis70s · 2 years
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“ 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥, 𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡-𝐜𝐡-𝐜𝐡-𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐦𝐛. “
name: joan “joni” johnson age: twenty-two birthday: february 5th faceclaim: maya hawke gender: female (she/her) occupation: waitress at che’s & youth soccer coach positive trait: articulate negative trait: unpredictable song skeleton: cherry bomb by the runaways
You were the person next door, like Cecilia, for the longest time. You studied until your eyes crossed and you had American Pie on your arms for most of high school, but one day you realized the goody two shoes life just wasn’t for you. Really, you were getting sick and tired of your parents constant nagging. B’s aren’t good enough. Where are you going to college? What do you plan to do with your life? Well, you decided on nothing. Towards the end of your senior year of high school, you rebranded. You cheated on your high school sweetheart, you had attempted a more punk look, and you traded in your Doris Day vinyls for some Metallica records instead. Some think you changed overnight because you were scared of real life, too afraid of what was out in the real world, but you think you’re adjusting just fine and that this is your authentic self.
AMERICAN PIE (ex): Cherry Bomb and American Pie were the it couple in high school. They spent all of high school together, until Cherry Bomb decided that prom night they were going to run off with Witchy Woman and hook up. It left American Pie devastated. Since that night, American Pie hasn’t spoken to Cherry Bomb and likewise.
WITCHY WOMAN (FLING): Cherry Bomb cheated on American Pie at prom with Witchy Woman. Cherry Bomb latched on after a few drinks and a bit of talking and Witchy Woman has always had loose morals anyway. Neither of them have really acknowledged what happened. Not after American Pie and Cherry Bomb broke up and certainly not after graduation. Maybe karma will get them one day.
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Oma YES also I have gained an adopted child -Ace
Thanks I get that a lot!! I’m Cherri Bomb!! Nicknames can apply, many pronouns but mainly che/chems and Cherri/cherris. -Cherri Bomb
Awesome neos!! Mine vary but today im feeling She/It! -Ko
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monkeyparasite · 2 years
Not sure if I introduced myself but I’m Barbie Wire! Imp/imps pronouns please, Blitzo or Blitz are mah micknames -Barbz
IT DOWNLOADED. Also I’m Cherri Bomb. I look something a lot like this. I’m obsessed with cherry bombs and my pronouns are Che/chem. Ask me anything. -Cherri
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ill keeps that in mind! thank you blitz n cheri! im glad it finally downloaded! :oD
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scoutish · 4 years
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Hazbin Hotel?`v`
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Daily reminder that I love you!
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Bless you’re lil’ soul I love you too and all of my new rayllum friends. You’re all fantastic and I feel so happy to have met you all!!!
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townic · 2 years
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kiernan shipka, demisexual ( questioning ), cis female + she/her ― hey look, it’s alicia incanti ! they’re twenty two years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for twenty years, and they’re currently working at snapshot. i heard they’re pretty reserved, but i think they’re so smart at the same time. can they make it out alive? || bee, 22, she/her
born: september 29, 1965
birthplace: new york city, new york
nickname: ali
family: leonardo incanti ( father ), jessica smith ( mother ), silvio incanti ( cousin ) 
education: college degree ( english major, photography minor )
favorite movies: carrie (1976), e.t (1982), scarface (1983), flashdance (1983)
favorite songs: you shook me all night long - ac/dc, my sharona - the knack, faithfully - journey, cherry bomb - the runaways, a case of you - joni mitchell, you make loving fun - fleetwood mac, my cherie amour - stevie wonder, bette davis eyes - kim carnes, che vuole questa musica stasera - peppino gagliardi.
hobbies: listening to music, reading, dancing, going to the movies.
spoken languages: english, italian, spanish, a dash of french.
aesthetic: round glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, blonde curls up in a ponytail, big cozy sweaters, having a movie theater to yourself, staying up in your apartment to watch the sunrise, an abandoned typewriter sitting on the top of your desk.
temperament: she can come across as shy, but once she feels comfortable around you she will talk your ear OFF. loves making new friends and though she hates to admit it she kinda loves her job. very soft with children, kind to everyone else, and but very perceptive and an expert at gossiping.
alicia was born to a couple of young, unmarried parents in new york city. they lived in a small apartment, in a slightly sketchy neighborhood but it wasn’t like her parents cared. they were young, in love, and the city was theirs. 
however, when alicia was only one and a half years old, her mother moved out basically out of the blue, saying in a letter that she wasn’t ready to be a mother. 
alicia’s dad tried to work it out on his own, but being a single father in new york proved to be too hard for the young man to do by himself, so when alicia turned two, he packed up their apartment and moved in with his mother in shrike heights, getting a place of his own with his daughter about a year later. he hasn’t spoken to alicia’s mom since. 
alicia grew up a pretty happy child. her dad was her hero and her best friend, and her grandma was a very good mother figure for her, and everything got even better when she brought silvio home. she loves her family with all her heart.
teen angst however hit her like a truck. she didn’t know why her mom wasn’t around, as when she was a small child her dad would make up stories about why she wasn’t there. but when he explained the truth, alicia felt abandoned and in a way betrayed by her dad. now she knows he was just trying to protect her, but then she felt like he’d done her wrong by lying and by not looking for her mom. 
as a teenager, she developed a love for movies and for photography, which combined with her life long love of books, made her want to become a screenwriter when she grew up. 
she was always good in school and she was pretty normal for the most part. she wasn’t bullied like her cousin, but she wasn’t popular either. she was just a normal girl, one more face in the hallway, but her dreams and ambition were far too great to fit into this small town.
two a+’s short of being valedictorian, alicia graduated high school and enrolled in nyu, where her very good admissions essay had gotten her a scholarship. sure, it was parcial and her dad didn’t love the idea of going there, given how unsafe it had been in the 70s and a fear that she’d meet her mom, but alicia was ready to fly.
her time at college was... interesting. she did really well in all her classes, and she was actually popular there. she loved the city and the culture happening all around it, and she even fell in love. she met her first real serious boyfriend at her first internship at a small production company, and fell in love over long nights proofreading and vetoing scripts together. 
everything started going downhill when one day, at an interview for another internship at a bigger studio, sitting across from her was her mother. it was awkward and alicia ended up running out of the room, only for her boyfriend to apply for the job and ending up getting it. 
they broke up not too long after, after several attempts on his side to get her to spend time with her mother. she showed up to her college graduation with puffy eyes, a broken heart, and no job prospects. 
alicia looked tirelessly for jobs in the city, even started submitting scripts to studios, but after a few months of many rejection letters, waitressing during the day and writing by night, she decided to move back home. 
she had always loved going home, constantly visiting when she was at college, finding relief and calm in shrike ( ironic, i know ) but as she boarded the train with a heart heavy with sadness and defeat, she didn’t feel happy to go back home. the city had chewed her up and spit her out and everyone would know.
her dad welcomed her back with a lot of surprise but with open arms. alicia got a job at snapshot, thankful that she could at least make use of her degree to some extent, and hasn’t written anything since coming back to shrike. she recently got an apartment by herself, it’s small but quite cozy.
she views the attacks and the killers with a certain degree of apathy, definitely related to her recent experiences with failure and reject. like, what is she gonna do ? outrun them ? outsmart them ? sure, she’ll try, but she feels so powerless that in a way it feels like a moot point to her. unless, of course, they come for her family.
best friend ( 0/1 ) think barb & nancy in stranger things !
close friends ( 0/? ) she had a wide circle of friends in high school, though they were mostly surface level. dynamics can be plotted.
quasi exes ( 0/? ) people she “dated” in high school. they never actually dated, just your typical holding hands in a movie theater and hangouts at the arcade. leans towards the bois more.
ex boyfriend from new york ( 0/1 ) idk could be interesting lol
new friends ( 0/? ) people she didn’t necessarily talk to much in high school but got to know better as she visited home on her breaks/got to know better now that she’s been back.
coworkers ( 0/? ) current and former. she worked a few summer jobs growing up, so there could be quite a bit of these. 
friends that fell apart ( 0/? ) maybe friends that she used to be close with but not anymore, for whatever reason?
unrequited crush ( 0/? ) could be either they have a crush on her or she has a crush on them i just love the ~ longing ~
college friends ( 0/? ) friends she could’ve made in new york maybe ? idk if it fits anyone’s description ?
up for anything <3
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thisis70s-archive · 2 years
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“ 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥, 𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡-𝐜𝐡-𝐜𝐡-𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐦𝐛. “
name: joan “joni” johnson age: twenty-two birthday: february 5th faceclaim: maya hawke gender: female (she/her) occupation: waitress at che’s & youth soccer coach positive trait: articulate negative trait: unpredictable song skeleton: cherry bomb by the runaways
You were the person next door, like Cecilia, for the longest time. You studied until your eyes crossed and you had American Pie on your arms for most of high school, but one day you realized the goody two shoes life just wasn’t for you. Really, you were getting sick and tired of your parents constant nagging. B’s aren’t good enough. Where are you going to college? What do you plan to do with your life? Well, you decided on nothing. Towards the end of your senior year of high school, you rebranded. You cheated on your high school sweetheart, you had attempted a more punk look, and you traded in your Doris Day vinyls for some Metallica records instead. Some think you changed overnight because you were scared of real life, too afraid of what was out in the real world, but you think you’re adjusting just fine and that this is your authentic self.
AMERICAN PIE (ex): Cherry Bomb and American Pie were the it couple in high school. They spent all of high school together, until Cherry Bomb decided that prom night they were going to run off with Witchy Woman and hook up. It left American Pie devastated. Since that night, American Pie hasn’t spoken to Cherry Bomb and likewise.
WITCHY WOMAN (FLING): Cherry Bomb cheated on American Pie at prom with Witchy Woman. Cherry Bomb latched on after a few drinks and a bit of talking and Witchy Woman has always had loose morals anyway. Neither of them have really acknowledged what happened. Not after American Pie and Cherry Bomb broke up and certainly not after graduation. Maybe karma will get them one day.
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diceriadelluntore · 4 years
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Storia Di Musica #95 - The Runaways, The Runaways, 1976
Se pensate che il rock non sia anche una questione di ragazzine, fermatevi a leggere la storia di oggi. Tutto inizia nella Los Angeles del 1975, ad un party organizzato da Alice Cooper. Star della festa non è istrionico cantante ma una tredicenne scrittrice di brevi novelle-canzoni a sfondo sessuale: Kari Krome. A quella festa c’era anche Kim Fowley, artista, musicista e produttore discografico che era alla ricerca di un nuovo progetto sensazionale (parole sue): pensa che si poteva costruire un gruppo rock di sole donne (o meglio ragazze...). Fowley si accorge che la Krome è troppo giovane per diventare una rock leader band e per questo recluta Joan Jett (chitarra e voce), Sandy West (alla batteria) e Mickie Steele: come trio durano pochissimo dato che quest’ultima abbandona dopo poche settimane (e diventerà abbastanza famosa con le Bangles). Fowley però scova due altre giovani rocker: Lita Ford, l’unica che davvero sappia suonare un po la chitarra’, Cherie Currie e Jackie Fox, che entrata come chitarrista e accortasi che la Ford è più brava di lei verrà spostata al basso. Inizia così la storia del quintetto classico delle The Runaways. Fowley è uno che sa vendere bene la sua idea e la Mercury le mette sotto contratto dopo pochissimo, e nel 1976 arriva il primo album: The Runaways. Prodotto dallo stesso Fowley, che di fatto è il Pigmalione di tutta la baracca, l’album nonostante la band godesse di un certo interesse (anche per i live che Fowley organizza come supporto a gruppi come i Cheap Thrills, Van Halen, persino i Talking Heads) passa piuttosto inosservato nelle classifiche, ma retrospettivamente ha un suono ed un senso niente male. Il disco ha lo spirito “amatoriale” del primo punk (tecnica approssimativa ma forza e sentimento altissimi) ed ammicca nei suoni e negli arrangiamenti ad una versione edulcorata e giovanile dell’hard rock imperante all’epoca. In copertina il primo piano, ammiccante, di Cherie Currie, in pieno stile sex & fun, sebbene all’epoca avesse solo 16 anni. Il disco si apre con il loro più grande successo, Cherry Bomb, che è perfettamente proto-punk. I brani vengono cantati da Currie e da Joan Jett, mentre Fowley si accorge che la Fox al basso è molto scostante e la fa sostituire nelle registrazioni da Nigel Harrison, che poi diventerà il bassista dei Blondie. I brani sono semplici e orecchiabili, e nonostante giochino tutti sull’effetto di 4 sedicenni che parlano di sesso e rock’n’roll, hanno una linea coerente e niente affatto “vecchia” come altra musica del periodo. Da ricordare, oltre gli assoli di Lita Ford, Dead End Justice, You Drive Me Wild e due brani con composizioni di Kari Krome: Thunder e Secrets. Nell’album c’è anche una cover di Rock‘n’Roll dei leggendari Velvet Underground di Lou Reed. Il successo è ancora mediocre, nonostante la band continui una notevole attività live. Nel 1977 esce Queens Of Noise, che musicalmente è molto più curato, ma ha perso quella freschezza del primo: però sono tra i primi gruppi ad esibirsi al leggendario CBCG’s di New York dell’era punk. Non si sa come, la band ha un grande successo in Giappone, dove sia The Runaways che Queens Of Noise sono dischi d’oro: ecco allora il live di una serie di concerti giapponesi racchiusi nel Live In Japan (1977) ennesimo disco d’oro: però a metà del tour giapponese la Fox viene rispedita a casa e sostituita da Vickie Blue. Dopo poco Cherie Currie abbandona la band ed intraprende una carriera solista e cinematografica ( reciterà nel film A Donne Con Gli Amici di Adrian Lyne con Jodie Foster nel 1980). La band inizierà sempre di più a sfaldarsi e deciderà di dare l’addio alle scene con un concerto nella notte di Capodanno a San Francisco nel 1978. L’interesse retrospettivo per la band si deve al film The Runaways, con Kristen Steward nel panni di Joann Jett e Dakota Fanning in quelli di Cherie Currie, uscito nel 2010, che ripercorre la storia della band. Nel frattempo Cherry Bomb fu inserita in una speciale classifica di VH1 tra i 100 brani hard rock più belli di sempre. Rimangono un piccolo pezzetto di storia rock, in un periodo in bilico tra la provocazione (l’estica glam, tanto amata dalla Currie che si ispirava chiaramente a David Bowie), l’esuberanza dei giovani, che in parte sfocierà nel punk e le prime e precise architetture promozionali: ad ogni modo, sono state delle pioniere.
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lilyy-james · 4 years
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                                  Olivia ‘Liv’ Schroder                            Blue Cherry Bomb
Age: Twenty-eight Birthplace: Seattle, Washington Birthday: July 28, 1991, 12 noon Sign: Leo sun, Aquarius moon, Libra rising  MBTI: ESFP Gender: Female Height: 175cm/5′9 Hair/eyes: Brunette, blue-green Lives in: Los Angeles, California Mental Health: Cyclothymia Occupation: Drummer Band inspo: Warpaint, Le Tigre, Wolf Alice Fluent in: English, some Spanish Heroes: Courtney Love, Che Guevara, Brody Dalle Pinterest:  Quote: “I lost some time once. It's always in the last place you look for it.”
In a band with lead singer Tori (Mia Goth), guitarist Ellie (Anya Taylor-Joy), and bassist Myles, her boyfriend. They’ve yet to get anything off the ground between their personal responsibilities and work, but get together a few times a week to jam.
Went to college and regretted it. Has a degree in creative writing but hates everything she writes. 
Is a ride or die kind of friend, but can completely drop off the radar during depressive episodes and not answer a single call or text. Was found on a fishing trip with three randos one time when she was due to be on a Spring Break trip with college friends.
Played the drums in band in high school, quit briefly while she was in college but picked it back up in a bout of job hunting depression. 
Eldest of three sisters, but feels like the middle or youngest. Least responsible. 
Her dad is a drag queen performer in Washington. Sometimes she goes to his shows to support him. 
Her mother runs a care home in Minneapolis for the elderly. She & her siblings fly there every Christmas to stay for 2 weeks. 
Has been with Myles for 3 years. They’ve broken up 9 times since getting together. Currently not on speaking terms, but she’s still planning a huge surprise for his birthday party. 
Shooting range enthusiast. 
Adopted 4 cats that she found around her neighborhood. Her apartment is a fur-infested nightmare, but she and Tori manage somehow. 
Her baby and pride and joy is her vintage purple Ford Mustang convertible. Her mom pitched in for her to buy it, and it’s got lime green lightning bolt decals on either side. They’ve been together 8 years now and she loves it more than any human, probably.
Friends with Weetzie and her brother Ben. Knows Jude. 
Big ‘let's hit the road and never look back’ energy.
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thesongoftheirlove · 2 years
I don’t remember if che adopted you but you should know that Cherri Bomb is mean to me 😭 -Ace
LOLLL its okay i am patting your head or doing whatever you're comfy with - mizuki
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