antomec · 6 years
✌: You’re awesome
✖: I would give you the greatest hug
♧: I wish we were friends in real life
™: You’re a cinnamon roll
friendo, the only reason we aren’t seeing each other on a daily basis is because we’re in different hemispheres, and why does everyone keep saying i’m a cinnamon roll?? thank you so much???
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Cana : I wanted to make fun of stupid people while I get drunk.
Cana : My two true passions.
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rain-on-me · 7 years
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@cheschire-kaat I hope this is okay~*
weird things happened to the ask so i had to delete it and post like this 
any likes or reblogs are appreciated<3
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kiliinstinct · 6 years
cheschire-kaat replied to your post “I’m going to get flak for this- but I feel like the only person who...”
If anyone comes after you bc you're stating an opinion i'll show them my fists
// Omg Kaat no-  at least get some brass knuckles first. 
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raijindork · 7 years
❤ + Lelu plzzzz (sfw)
Well, you didn’t give a number so I’ll just do all of them haha. (Thank you though!) 
Dating headcanon:Most of their dates are probably simple and impromptu. They rarely plan actual romantic dates and such. As far as them actually dating goes… It was probably something they both thought was a good idea, but they would’ve spent a long time just kind of being awkward around each other because they weren’t entirely sure what they were at first. Dinner headcanon:Levy likes to take Lucy to little restaurants and cafes with history or that no one knows about. They don’t go to fancy places unless it’s for something special or important. 
Arguments headcanon:…They totally argue over books and plots and character motivations. 
Playful/silly headcanon:Lucy likes to tease Levy about lots of small things just to make Levy pout tbh. Like her hair when she wakes up in the morning. 
Night in headcanon:Reading to each other while curled up on the lounge, or they just read their own books while one of them is usually resting on the other’s lap. Night out headcanon:Usually just museums or plays, but they often visit the observatory and Lucy ends up teaching Levy about all the different constellations. 
Kissing headcanon:Gentle forehead kisses whenever they pass each other, and sleepy, featherlight kisses before either one is completely awake in the morning or before they go to bed. Sleeping headcanon:Levy usually sprawls out on the bed and takes up all the room. Lucy likes to sleep in as little clothing as possible, even in the winter, but it works out because Levy always migrates towards Lucy and they wake up tangled up together, and Lucy is more than warm enough when that happens. How friends/family of the couple react:No one is really surprised much when they start dating. Although there are a few people who are just a little shocked, because they always figured that they’d end up with other people in the guild… Other than that, everyone totally accepted the Book Nerds as an item. 
Heartbreak headcanon:Oh boy… If they break up, it’s probably a mutual decision. Lucy copes by writing and going on lots of time-consuming jobs with Team Natsu, and Levy just dives into her research and organises her library like fifty times. It probably sucks for a while too, because they were such close friends before, and then once they’re not together anymore they don’t really know how to be around each other at all without it hurting too much. Eventually though, they probably decide it’s not worth them trying to avoid each other, and find a way to at least be friends again. 
SFW/NSFW Headcanon Asks
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moonwreathe · 7 years
5, 6, 9
Fairy Tail Meme
5. Your brotp?
Okay, definitely Gratsu. I die. Jellal and Cobra, Jellal and Laxus, Jellal and Meredy… I can go all day.
6. [X]
9. What do you love about fairy tail?
I adore the characters. Regardless of plot, I just love so many of the characters to death. 
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ys-voya · 7 years
I see your requests are open! Could you perhaps draw Jellal? (also feel free to incorporate your headcanons about him if you want! :3)
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teekayeh · 7 years
Can you please draw Jellal I love you
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That I can! I hope you like it!  ❤
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sassyhazelowl · 7 years
Brutally honest opinion: Jeltear + Jeredy + Jerik
Okay, buckled up, here we go...
The main two things that strike me about this ship are that these two are exceedingly similar (in personality, in experience, in schooling, in magic... I’m not sure if this was intentional) and that they have a ridiculous amount of sexual (not romantic b/c someone’s going to bitch about this not being able to differentiate) chemistry/tension.
So... those are the positives, both of which are actually extremely positive. This was one of my first ships in the series while they were bad guys because it was attractive. But... there are a lot of big negatives too. Considering how dirty people tend to do each other in FT as a whole, they’re not actually dire, but definitely not great by any means. And considering how dirty canon did Ultear, it’s not a ship most people would want to hop on. 
The main problem I see here is we don’t really know the details of the ToH. We can speculated and inference but Mashima gave a bare bones set up that barely avoiding contradicting itself when you pick it apart and apply critical thinking. So we’re stuck with Unreliable Narrator Ultear, manipulator extraordinaire, to explain things. I believe very little that come out of her mouth on principle, and I’d rather have had Jellal say things later in the GMG because he’s a trustworthy character. These details are super important for if this ship could work or not, and they’re not given concretely, so they’re easy to twist (by both pro and antis).
The negatives though... I call this the Ball’n’Chain ship for good reason. It’s not a happy or healthy ship by any means, which is fine. I, personally, ship it, more in the ToH arc but a bit afterward too. But I like complicated and tricky. And I’m a big fan of sexy. It’s still one of my favorite ships for both Jellal and Ultear both.
I’ve mentioned this before, and I seem to be one of the few people who are consistent about ships, but I don’t like this sort of set up. Anything where Person B was a child under Person A’s care then grew into a young adult to get into a romantic relationship doesn’t sit right with me for a lot of reasons.  And none of them are pedophilia, before someone brings that up; pedophilia is sexual attraction to children 13 and under not an adult x minor. So personally I ship it as family only unless it’s in AU fanfiction.
As a ship, I understand why it has fans. They spend all their time together and seem to have a good enough relationship Meredy can tease Jellal and Jellal trusts her to do guild things unsupervised. From what I’ve seen, shipper treat this ship the way I ship Ly//redy (which make sense; Lyon and Jellal have big similarities). Other than what’s mentioned above (which isn’t bad in and of itself) I don’t really see any huge problems. 
I haven’t really considered this ship much simply because it goes against personal HC’s of mine about Jellal. 
It has the same problems as a lot of FT ships: Person A beat the shit out of Person B. Also, going back to the ToH, this is one of those fuzzy details. The OS ended up in Brain’s clutches somehow, and Jellal was in charge at the time, so it’s entirely possible he sold or traded them in return for training (Brain trained Jellal).
Putting poor past interactions aside, I’m not sold on their personalities meshing well together tbh. Erik, from what we’ve seen of him is pretty snarky, while Jellal’s sense of humor is hit or miss and rather dry. And the aesthetics don’t do much for me. It’s certainly a possible ship, just not one I’m super into.
Send Me a Ship
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antomec · 7 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANNE-SOPHIE!! ( @mystificd/ @cheschire-kaat)
I’m still at camp, so I scheduled this post beforehand. I can’t believe you’re sixteen already!
Anyways, this is a little birthday gift from me. I hope you like it! (Tagging @iwillbethelionhearted because she helped me stay motivated so much. Thank you so much, girl!)
Pairing: Jerza ofc what else would you expect on your birthday 
Summary: In which Jellal can’t believe that a girl as pretty as the flowers she works with would actually speak to him, let alone look at him. Features neck pain, an overworked college student, and nosy co-workers. Jellal can’t ask for much more.
“Okay,” says Natsu. “You’ll hurt your neck if you crane it any further.”
Jellal whips his head back. He hadn’t realised that Natsu had noticed him. At Natsu's smirk, Jellal grins sheepishly.
"So, who is this chick?" Natsu asks crudely.
Jellal sputters. "Natsu!" he chides.
"What? Must be a looker if she's caught your fancy." Natsu grabs a towel and wipes down the counter. He stacks up all the cups on his end and adds, "Need any help with her?"
As Jellal chokes on air, Natsu takes off his apron and folds it up. "Time's up. I'm calling it a day, 'cause I unlike some people, have got a date." He claps Jellal on the back and blows through the door with a cheery wave.
Jellal is glad that his friend has left the coffee shop. A second more and Jellal would have certainly been left questioning his own existence.
"Excuse me!"
Stirred out of his stupor, Jellal looks down at the girl who isn't even half his height on the other side of the counter. She has blue hair – he can't really call it odd because he had the same shade of hair and he cursed his blueberry mop every single morning – and he gently tells her little baby-face, "You sure you're in the right place?"
The little girl scoffs at him, and snaps, "I'm nineteen – even though I don't look it. And I have three essays to hand over by the crack of dawn. Just give me something that will wake me up."
Jellal stares wide-eyed before shooing her off to a corner of the shop. "Just sit here and I'll make you something nice. Okay?"
The girl nearly screams, "I don't want nice, I want the blood of my professors!"
"Yeah, that's nice," Jellal mutters.
He starts on her order, only slightly reaching over to glance at the florist across the street.
The door to the shop opens and all Jellal can see is red.
The pretty girl from the florist is here.
All he sees is red because the pretty girl's carrying a bouquet of red roses and her hair is the brightest scarlet he's ever seen in his life.
She looks around, noticing the few customers scattered around and seeing him behind the counter, walk up to him. "Hello," she says.
Jellal is nearly dead at this point. It takes every inch of his willpower to not crumple to the ground. "Hello," he answers. And by sheer luck, he remembers his training, and asks her, "Would you like to order something?"
The girl smiles at him – dead, definitely dead – and tells him, "Ah, no, I'm here on a delivery from Florate. Somebody ordered a dozen roses to be delivered to Crème Sorciere." She looks at the tag and reads, "Addressed to a Mr. Gray? Oh, don’t worry, it's already paid for."
Something clicks in the back of Jellal's mind. He doesn't know what it is, but he's sure that it'll come back to bite him in the ass later.
"Oh, then it's probably for my co-worker. Gray is his boyfriend. I'll take it."
She hands the bouquet over and they briefly touch hands. She smiles once more at him as she leaves.
Jellal quietly dissociates.
When Natsu arrives for his shift, he immediately asks, "Did the red-haired chick come by?"
And finally, Jellal understands. Natsu had sent her.
"Yes, she did, thank you very much. The roses are in the back. Tell Gray I said hi – I'm leaving." Jellal just wants to get out of there. It suddenly feels like he’s suffocating.
"Oh, come on, Jellal, don't be so pissy. You finally got to meet her!"
"Yeah, and I didn't even ask her name!" Jellal yells as he walks out of Crème Sorciere.
Jellal wallows in self-pity the next day at his shift. He still stares at the florist, hoping to spy the pretty red-haired girl. He can't get her out of his mind, and though he knows that it's stupid pining over a girl that he barely knows, he just can't stop wondering about the possibilities.
"Good afternoon, Jellal!" A cheery voice shakes him out of his moodiness. He glances up to see another pink haired co-worker – as if one wasn't enough – and tells her while looking at the clock, "You're late again, Meredy. This is the third time this week."
Meredy bounces on the balls of her feet. "I know, I know, but my cat wasn't feeling well, so I had to take her to the vet."
Jellal nods at her excuse and throws her apron across the counter. "Get dressed already," he barks.
As Meredy passes him, she softly whispers, "Heard about your new girlfriend."
Meredy chuckles at Jellal's nonsensical sputtering.
A week later, when Jellal steps in for his shift at the coffee shop, he is – to say the least – shocked to see the redhead sitting in a corner. He's shocked enough to turn right around and walk out.
He doesn't get more than a few steps away from the shop before his brain kicks in and starts yelling at him. If he went back in, he could talk to her!
He doesn't waste another second. When he crashes into the shop door, he sees Meredy and Natsu both smirking at him. Oh fuck, they saw me turn tail and run.
He reins his desire to even glance at the girl and marches stiffly behind the counter and to the backroom to change. When he comes out, he sees his co-workers outright laughing at him. He tries to ignore them and instead fixes his eyes on her.
Her hair is still bright as ever, and she's currently munching on one of their most-requested slices of strawberry cake. She's red all over, Jellal thinks.
Natus nudges him, and Jellal looks over. A plate of the very same cake that the girl is eating is pushed into his hands, Natsu winking at him. "She asked for it a little while ago. Now, go on," he adds, shooing Jellal away.
Jellal gulps down his fear and sets out. When he gets to her, he says, "Hi again."
"Oh hello!" Thank the guy above, she seems to recognise him, at least. "You have my cake!" Oh, sweet Jesus, she had frosting on her chin.
He gestures to her chin. "You have a little...something."
She wipes the other side of her chin and asks, "Did I get it?"
Jellal tells himself to be brave. And then he gently raises his hand and wipes the smudge of frosting off.
He can feel himself blushing. He hopes it isn't too obvious. He hears Natsu whistle, which is also when he realises that his face is quite probably the colour of the pretty girl's hair.
He tries to shake it off and says, "Welcome to Crème Sorciere. I’m Jellal."
She giggles. "Yeah, I figured," she answers, pointing to his nameplate.
Stupid, stupid Jellal. He could kick himself right now.
"I'm Erza," she says, and Jellal finally has a name to accompany her face.
And Jellal doesn't know what possessed him to say it, but he blurts out, "Your hair is the best thing I've ever seen," and immediately regrets it.
Erza is taken aback, but she handles it gracefully and laughs. Jellal can feel himself going red again.
She thanks him, and Jellal bows his head in embarrassment. "This cake is heavenly. Do you make it yourselves?" Erza has this curious glint in her eye, and Jellal finds it all too fascinating.
"Ah, no, all our confectionaries are made by Minerva. She comes in early so you might not have actually seen her." Minerva was a tall woman with a penchant for baking – and she didn't let them forget it. Jellal still had bruises from when he was on the other side of her rolling pin.
He shakes the memory away and gets himself back on track. He catches something moving out of the corner of his eye. When he turns around, he sees Natsu gesturing wildly at Erza and him, and pointing towards the door. Jellal gets the gist, and luckily Erza gets up at just the right moment. "My break is nearly over, so I need to be getting back pretty soon. I just need to pay for this, and I'll be on my way." She starts toward the counter, but Jellal stops her.
"It's on the house." he declares. From behind him he can hear Natsu grumble and Meredy cutting him off, but Jellal determinedly pushes on. "In exchange for letting me walk you back."
Jellal gives himself a hundred on this exam. He doesn’t understand how she could have finished her second slice of cake so fast. Erza really loved cake, huh.
(Jellal mentally notes to ask Minerva to bake an extra batch tomorrow.)
Erza smiles at him. "I might just take you up on that offer," she says. "Now, come on," she adds and walks briskly to the door.
Jellal skips in joy and nearly falls over.
Later, when Jellal comes back into the coffee shop, Natsu and Meredy nearly pounce on him for the details. When Jellal grins and exclaims, "I got a date!" Meredy bursts into tears and Natsu thumps him on the back. 
Jellal spends at least an hour picking out his clothes. In retrospect, he knows that it shouldn't have bothered him as much, but he wants a second date so badly that he's willing to do anything.
Erza has an early shift at Florate so they’d agreed that Jellal would come by to pick her up in time. Except when he arrived at the shop, flowers of every shape, size and colour blocked his way.
"Erza?" He yells over the mountain of petals on the floor. "Are you in here?"
He hears someone answering but it's too muffled for him to make it out until finally, he sees a lone figure emerge from between the bundles of lilacs and tulips.
"Jellal, I am so sorry to say this but-"
Jellal cuts in. "Let me guess, there aren't enough employees so you have to cover another shift?"
"So I can't make it to our date," she finishes, nodding.
"I don't mind. I could help if you want, actually." Jellal claps himself on the back for his genius plan. "My shift at the coffeehouse is in the afternoon, so we have plenty of time."
Erza throws her hands in the air. “Seriously? You mean it? You're in luck because all I have to do today is deliver.”
Jellal blinks. “Great, let's get going.”
“Just let me get Gajeel to load up all the deliveries in the van. You can wait out front.”
Erza waves at him away and Jellal thinks that maybe there's still a chance for him to win her over.
Erza is an insane driver.
Jellal clutches his seat, brings his knees together and screams, "Slow down!", to which Erza laughs maniacally.
"I'll drive and you deliver,” Erza says. “Just tell them you're from Florate and hand the deliveries over once they sign for it." She bends a curve so sharply that Jellal hits his head against the window. “Thankfully, we make all our customers pay in advance so we don’t have to waste time. And so that they don’t skimp out,” she adds, and Jellal doesn't think it's possible but she makes the little van go even faster.
Jellal looks over at her. Her red hair streams behind her in a long ponytail, and she's wearing a white button-down along with a skirt. Honestly, Jellal's never seen a sight more adorable.
Now if only he could do something about her driving.
The first stop they make is to an apartment not far from where they work. Erza finds the delivery and pushes it into his hands. Jellal thinks the apartment looks familiar but it's only when the recipient opens her door that he realises why.
"Jellal? Why are you delivering flowers? Did you quit Crème Sorciere?”
Jellal jumps back, the old memory of Minerva and her rolling pin bubbling up. "Ah, no, I'm on a date, but she has a couple of deliveries to work through."
"Oh, are you going out with Erza?"
Surprised, Jellal nods. Remembering why exactly he was in front of her in the first place he quickly pushes the bouquet into her hands. Jellal squeaks out "Delivery from Mr. Gajeel, thank you for purchasing from Florate!", and hightails it out of there. He doesn't turn around to see Minerva's grin.
He jumps into Erza’s minivan pulls his seat belt taut and tells her, ”Pedal to the metal, Erza!” Erza obliges all too gladly.
In retrospect, Jellal wonders if he could have phrased that differently.
If there's one thing that Jellal’s learned, it’s that the customers of Florate are an eclectic bunch.
They had to deliver to a painter, a mother of two toddlers, and a little girl all who lived in the same building. Not to mention he also had to deliver to that girl – who still had the most adorable baby-face ever – who once came in asking for their strongest drink and the blood of her professors. Her name is Wendy, Erza tells him, and she's a regular customer at Florate.
As they visit each place, Erza tells him more about her work and about each customer. Jellal is surprised to learn that even though she hasn't been working at Florate for long, she still had experience by way of a botanical degree. When she speaks, Jellal can feel that she loves her work, however tiring it may be, and Jellal can't help but fall for her a bit more.
He learns that strawberry cake is her favourite and that she looks forward to coming back to Crème Sorciere for more. Jellal chuckles at this, remembering her mad glint when she finished off the two slices of cake she had ordered that day.
At Erza’s urging, Jellal talks a bit about himself too. Of how he needed the part-time job at the coffeehouse to support himself, and that he was studying at the nearby university for an astronomy degree. He speaks about his co-workers lovingly, because even though they drove him up the wall sometimes they were still some of the most caring people he knew.
And before he knows it, they’ve finished all the deliveries.
Erza calls her workplace to inform them she’s done with her deliveries. Erza takes him to a park for the rest of their date, and when Jellal spies an ice-cream truck, Erza pulls him along to buy some. They sit on a park bench licking their ice-cream cones and start to spin stories for everyone they see.
“Look,” Jellal points to an old man with a kitten in a basket. “He was on his way to adopt a puppy for his grandkid, but he saw the kitty and fell in love with it instead.”
Erza looks at him with wide eyes. “Wow, that was great.”
Jellal blushes a bit and says, “Thanks. Your turn.”
Erza looks around for a while before she finds her target. “There,” she says pointing, “That little girl with her parents.” Jellal looks over and sees the happy family playing. He recognises them as the trio that often comes into the coffee shop. “The little girl wanted to go to the zoo, but the zoo is closed today, so her parents compromised with a trip to the park.”
Jellal looks at her with awe. “That was nice,” he says.
Erza looks up at him and grins. ”Thanks,” she answers. She has ice-cream on the corner of her mouth.
And Jellal knows that he is most probably going to get punched in the gut for it – perhaps working with Natsu has turned him masochistic – but he bends down, wipes her chin, and softly presses his mouth to hers. He pulls back after a moment, short enough that it doesn’t seem awkward but also long enough to let her know that it wasn’t an accident.
Erza is wide-eyed, and Jellal dejectedly wonders if he crossed a line before Erza pulls him down and kisses him like she means it.
When they let go of each other, Erza is smiling and Jellal is still not over the fact that just maybe, she could actually have feelings for him. Everything is surreal to him.
And when Jellal grins at her and asks her for another date, Erza’s laughter feels like something even the stars couldn’t replicate.
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You're the most beautiful broom in a broom closet of brooms.
Max Alors to his broom
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kenjocatze · 7 years
Jerza or Miraxus?
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raijindork · 7 years
"Where are your pants" for Gray x Jellal (Grellal) please? o3o
I’M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I kept forgetting about it. Anyway, I hope it’s not too horrible! ;-; I also have no idea how many words it is. Probably around 300-400. 
Jellal didn’t visit Fairy Tail often for multiple reasons. He rarely visited Magnolia for starters. And even when he was in Magnolia with the rest of Crime Sorciere, he simply didn’t have a reason to visit the Fairy guild anyway. That, and he didn’t actually like visiting the guild if he had to be perfectly honest. It was always so… chaotic.
That time though, Meredy had expressed her desire to catch up with Juvia, so there Jellal was, sitting in the middle of Fairy Tail’s guild hall, and wishing he could literally be anywhere else. It was so noisy there. He’d already had to duck from having a chair go flying over his head, and then there’d been these weird little… totem things zooming around him and chanting something menacing. Was it too much to ask for a little peace or civility? 
Apparently so, when it came to Fairy Tail. 
It was really no surprise to Jellal that Erik and Macbeth had already disappeared, no doubt to somewhere quiet (Jellal kind of envied them in that moment). 
The white-haired woman tending the bar smiled apologetically to him as she fetched him another glass of water. “You chose a bad day to visit,” Mira said. “The guild isn’t usually this bad.” 
Jellal took a sip of his drink. I doubt that, he thought. But he nodded in thanks before responding, “Just my luck then.” 
Another mage came up to the bar just beside where he was sitting, and Jellal spared a glance in that direction. He quickly recognised him to be Gray, and turned back to his glass of water in front of him before his head snapped back around and he looked to Gray again. 
He might not have spared the Ice Make mage a second glance had he been wearing a shirt. Jellal’s brow furrowed as he kept slowly looking down. His arms and torso were completely bare, the scar on his hip completely visible. But to Jellal’s confusion, his legs and feet were also bare, save from the thin fabric of his black boxer-shorts. 
 He’d heard stories about Gray and his stripping habit, but Jellal had thought they were merely stories. He cleared his throat and looked back up to Gray’s expressionless face, waiting for his drink to be served by Mira. “Where… Where are your pants?” Jellal asked finally. 
Gray finally glanced down to the hooded-mage. He’d known Crime Sorciere were visiting, because he’d already seen Meredy with Juvia. “Hm?” 
“Your pants,” Jellal repeated. He nodded downwards. “You’re not wearing any pants.” 
Gray looked down at himself, and he rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated groan as he quickly stormed away from the bar. “God-fucking-damnit.” 
Jellal could only watch in mild amusement as Gray went off to find his discarded clothes. 
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cardsandlightning · 7 years
A nickname for Meredy? Hmmm... what about Bubblegum?
Meredy: Bubblegum?Cana: Cause of the hair.Meredy: Oh, *Touches her hair* well... that is kind of cute!Laxus: Blueberry and Bumblegum. We’re getting quite the group right here.
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riverjay · 7 years
Your art style is adorable omfg. Idk if you ship them but, since you take suggestions, would you be open to draw some Jerza?
Thank you so much ^///^ it’s actually not my art style though- I’m just practicing with it :o I’m not too sure on what my “style” really is so I just adopt styles I like and use them ;; 
Ahh you have no idea how much this ask brightened my mood- Jerza is actually my otp and I only ship a few things properly, so a jerza request is always ALWAYS welcome! I actually have a bunch of Jerza comics in progress for jerza week I’m so excited but they aren’t in disney style bc that would be tiiime consuming! But since you like the disney style I would be delighted to draw you some jerza
ps. sorry for rambling a bit (๏д๏)
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