king-hime · 2 years
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New character I adopted from Shlimaz on FA! Her name is Cicily~
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likurg-ever · 1 year
Rubric "Remembering the Planet's favorite places". Taormina, Sicily, Italy.
Yesterday was the feast of Taormina, video from there. There was a lot of Tarantella, Nero d'Avola was flowing like a river ... Well, I would fall for a good barrel of Nerello Mascalese, at a table on this street along which the procession moves, I first tried it almost 20 years ago.
The small ancient town of Taormina is undoubtedly one of the main pearls not only of Sicily, but of all of Italy. Located on Mount Tauro, ancient streets diverge along the slopes of Monte Tauro, and the views are breathtaking: on the one hand - on the Ionian Sea in front of the entrance to the Strait of Messina, and on the other - on Etna, the highest active volcano in Europe.
Congratulations, Taormina.
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sheepsoda · 1 year
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Giving @thwackk the sloppiest rn for puddle 😩😩
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gnomeishappy · 1 year
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decadebydecade · 1 year
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Year 1303
This was the year of some happy times and some sad times. It was the year the first children born were aging up. Arthur and Winifred Mannering had their birthdays. However, Arthur passed away from malnourishment. Leif and Godwin Payne also had their birthdays. Heartbreak also came to the Payne household when Godwin passed away from malnourishment as well. Here’s to hoping for better years in the future.
Yearly Events:
Birthdays: Winifred Mannering Leif Payne
Deaths: Arthur Mannering (malnourishment) Godwin Payne (malnourishment)
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dragontamerraihan · 1 year
I think about medieval people all the time Whenever I make soup I fantasize about sharing it with my distant ancestors
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lostjulys · 2 years
have been thinking lots about wildflowers lately. and trees. and plants. apple blossom, bird's-foot trefoil, elderberry, rosehip, wayfaring-tree, heather, knapweed, catkin, cowslip. beech, ash, acorn, chestnut. sloe and bryony and crab-apple.
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kithj · 7 months
compiled a list of some of my favorite text-based games & VNs that are specifically wlw:
another round - You play as Maddie, a woman in love with a woman named Agnes. Actually, she hates her. Actually, it's complicated. You definitely broke things off with her. And you don't regret it. At least once. Yes. At least once per day, you don't regret ending it with Agnes. Except tonight. You definitely regret it tonight.
such, such were the joys - It is the year 19xx in England. You are returning to the town of Grayling after your first year at university to meet your old school friends: Cicily Thomas, Fatima Khan, and Susheela Rajaram. As the only Indian girls at Grayling Towers, the four of you quickly became close friends, but you haven't seen each other in a year. You're not sure what has changed since then, but this is your chance to find out.
florence - Florence lies in bed, cold and still. You watch over her and wait.
perseids, or, all this will go on forever - Four trans girlfriends go on a road trip to a dark sky park, to see the perseid meteor shower. 
winter - an interactive fiction about sex, trans insecurity, and a girl with a skull for a face.
butterfly soup 1 & 2 (VN) - A visual novel about gay Asian girls playing baseball and falling in love.
birdland - At night 14-year-old Bridget Leaside dreams of fantastic lands full of strange bird people. By day she's a miserable anxious summer camper, trying very hard not to think about her feelings for the mysterious girl detective in Cabin 22. And when her dream life starts bleeding into reality, things are going to get weird for her in a whole bunch of ways...
a summer's end: hong kong 1986 (VN) - Follow the story of Michelle and Sam, and how their chance meeting evolves into a deeper romantic relationship. Set in vibrant Hong Kong in the year 1986, it is an original story about love, family, and culture.
one day hike - You go on a hike in a familiar wood.
a year of springs (VN) - experience the stories of haru, erika, and manami in A YEAR OF SPRINGS, a visual novel trilogy about a trio of friends navigating their feelings of love, connection, and just wanting to belong.
pageant - Your name is Qiuyi (Karen?) Zhao, and you’ve just been signed up by your parents for a beauty pageant. You’re not ready, not even close, but you don’t have a choice. But perhaps you can make the best of it.
new year's eve, 2019 (sequel to pageant) - You are Karen Zhao, a senior in college who is home for winter break, and seeing your old high school friends for the first time in years. You are not ready, not even close, but perhaps you could make the best of it.
the revenant's lament - Way out west, in the most lonesome of reaches, strange things are afoot. Cowboys around campfires tell ghost stories and tall tales, speak of impossible, supernatural things. They say the devil walks amongst men. They say he'll grant you impossible wishes at the cost of your eternal soul. They say he can bring dead men back to life.
venus meets venus - Two women meet in a bar. This is not a love story.
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dreamingofep · 1 year
Strangers in the Crowd
(Elvis/Austin!Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Request: No, just another one of my delusional fantasies.
Prompt: You and your best friend are on are annual girls trip and go to see Elvis at the International. Little did you know this would be a show you’ll never forget. [Fem!Reader ]
TW: Smuttt, cussing, fingering (f. receiving) teasing/tension, virgin reader, unprotected p in v, oral.
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)
Word Count: 8.1k
A/N: Hi lovlies. Hope you enjoy this new fic! I LOVE 70s Elvis in Vegas and couldn’t help but wonder if he would have a little fling with someone in his audience. Im incapable of writing a short fic I guess so sorry that it’s so long hahaha. Feel free to message me or comment what you think! Thanks for all the love. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or goofs.
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The Vegas lights blinded you with all their glittery and colorful beauty. You had never been here before and this small little city in the desert excited you. You and your best friend were on your annual girls trip and this year you decided to go all out and do a three-day trip here. You and Cicily were also celebrating your 25th birthday together as it was only 3 days apart from one another. You both had never left Austin and were so excited to make a road trip to Vegas.
You both were fresh out of breakups and were ready to have some fun. Your ex was a selfish asshole and only wanted to use you for your body. You never let him get that far and couldn’t stand how he would treat you regardless. It only lasted a month but you knew a girls trip was in order a forget all about any college boy problems.
On the first day there, you both hit the shops and bought some new outfits and a really special one to go and see Elvis Presley at the International Hotel tonight. You both were so excited to see him live. You had heard all the rave reviews of his latest Vegas engagement and Cicily had a cousin who worked for the hotel who could get you two some tickets to the midnight show. They were booths in the middle of the showroom so you thought it would be a pretty good seat to see everything.
You both wait in line to get into the theater and the excited hum of the room made you so anxious in the best of ways. You’ve never seen him live and tonight was the time.
You both get ushered to your booth and you order drinks for yourselves. Two cosmopolitans were your drinks of choice and the buzz in the air was electric. Everyone was rushing to their seats with hound dogs and pictures of Elvis in their hands. A lot of the girls were giddy with excitement and you couldn’t help but look the same. You glance over at Cicily and it looks like she’s on the brink of screaming.
The house lights go down and applause breaks out as the golden curtain starts to rise. The lights dance on the shimmering fabric and it is mesmerizing. The band starts to play and you get chills running down your arms. The bass is loud and heavy and feels like it's rattling in your chest.
Then you see it. This tall, ethereal-looking man steps from the wings of the stage and captures the audience in the palm of his hand. The most contagious-looking smile forms across his face and he shakes his head and looks down at the floor, then back up. You’re smiling like an idiot and screaming with the rest of the crowd. His tan skin gleamed underneath the white jumpsuit he had on with mesh chains connecting on each side of the low cut V. You look over at Cicily and she has tears in her eyes she’s so happy.
You have to pinch yourself… you’re in the same room as Elvis Presley.
The Elvis Presley.
The King of Rock and Roll.
The man that caused riots in the 50s and now fourteen years later, he’s back for more.
His long legs get him to the microphone quickly as one of his band members helps him put his guitar strap on around his neck. He still has an ear-to-ear grin on his face and pulls the microphone stand to him as he stretches out his right leg as the left is shaking in place.
“We’ll that’s all right mama…that’s all right with you…”
The sound of his voice filling the large showroom is causing everyone to thrill with excitement and clap along to the beat of the song. He is filled with nervous energy but it is only fueling him further.
You hug her tight as both of your eyes are glued to the stage.
She nudges you as he is talking to the audience, “Isn’t he something?! Oh my god, he’s just on fire up there!”
You nod your head as you look back at the stage. He starts stuttering and making fun of himself and folding over and laughing. And good lord his laugh is the most contagious thing you’ve ever heard. You feel a grin form across your face as you listen to him stutter and giggle at himself. He still has that boyish charm but the sexual charisma drips off of him like thick sweet honey.
And what you would give to have a taste…
Cicily bumps your shoulder and breaks you out of your daydream.
“Did you know that he walks through the crowd and kisses the girls? My cousin says he does It every show,” she says giddily. You can’t help but giggle and blush at the idea of his lips touching yours. Lord, it makes you weak just thinking about it.
“My first movie ladies and gentlemen was Love Me Tender, I’d like to sing it for you,” you hear his smooth baritone voice fill the speakers and turn your attention to the stage again. He starts the song off slowly, kissing a few girls that are by the stage. Then he goes down the steps of the stage and says hello to more people.
The crowd starts to gather around him as he tries to make his way through the showroom. He places soft kisses on the women coming up to him or anyone else he sees in his eye-line.
He starts getting closer to your booth and a huge surge of nerves fills your entire body.
Could there be a chance?
Would he see you?
Would he give you a kiss?
Screams fill the air as he gets closer to your booth and you feel your heart drop into your stomach. He was distractingly beautiful the closer he was to you. All you could do was stare at the way he commanded the room and how he took the time to look at everyone with a smile.
Suddenly, your eyes meet and you gasp at those electric blue eyes. They pierce into you and hold you there. You feel like time had slowed down for you two. In this brief moment, it was just you two and not the other thousands of people screaming his name fighting to get his attention. He gently pushes through the few people in front of him and stands right before you.
A small smirk forms on the corners of his mouth and he places his hand on your cheek. Blood rushes to them and you move in closer to him.
“Come here, lil’ mama,” he says and leans in to kiss you.
His lips meet yours and you move your hand to his face too. The softness of his lips feels perfect on yours and he pulls away and has a gorgeous smile on his face. Before turning away, he winks and moves into the crowd almost consuming him. Your whole body is in shock. There are no words that can form in your head other than, “holy shit.”
You place both of your hands over your mouth to cover your complete shock. Cicily tugs at your arm and is screaming over and over at you, “what just happened!? Oh my god was that real!?”
You are at a loss for words. Nothing could make this trip more perfect than what just happened. Elvis makes his way back onto the stage to finish the song. The crowd starts to sit back down and you are buzzing with excitement still. Never in a million years did you think this would happen.
“Am I dreaming!? Holy shit… that was amazing…” you trail off in a daze.
“Was it like you dreamed it?”
“Even better, god what I would give for another…” you stop yourself as Cicily grabs your hand with a sly look on her face.
“You don’t have enough balls to go get another…” she giggles.
You look back up to the stage and he’s taking a second to drink some water. Every angle of this man is perfect and the way that jumpsuit looks astonishing on him just makes your mouth water. The feeling of his plump lips replays over and over and over again in your head and you start to blush just thinking about having another kiss from him.
“You wanna put money on that?”
You get up from the booth and make your way to the front tables. You squeeze through the people’s chairs and get to the ledge of the stage. Elvis turns around and sets down his water on the table next to one of the guitar players as he sees you leaning your arms on the stage and looking up at him. You rest your chin on your arms and give him your most pleading eyes.
“Well now, what do we have here,” he chuckles into the microphone.
You smile a big smile at him and motion him to come closer to you with your finger.
He slowly moves closer, taking his sweet time, almost teasing you.
“You want another kiss so you can sit down, is that the idea?” he teases, his feet right near your arms.
You nod your head yes and can’t help but bite your lip. You feel this rush of boldness and reach out and touch his calf. He gets a grin from this gesture and kneels down on one knee for you.
“Well come here baby,” he coos into the microphone. The crowd goes crazy and you feel your heart racing out of your chest. You get on your tippy toes as you try to reach him. He pulls the microphone away from his mouth and places his hand on your face yet again. He gives you a sly grin and shakes his head.
“You naughty girl,” he whispers as he leans in for a kiss. Your cheeks flush red at the sound of his words but also how passionate the kiss felt. There was so much energy flowing through him and you loved the way his lips felt on you. You squeeze his calf slightly as he is about to break the kiss. You smile up at him and bite your lip. He shakes his head and goes in for another wet kiss and you can’t help a small airy moan escape your lips.
“Thank you,” you mouthed at him and let go of his leg. You shoot him an ear-to-ear smile and he gets off his knees and stands back up.
“Lord have mercy,” he chuckles back into the mic as the audience continues to egg him on. You feel your head spinning and the loudness of the room only gets worse. You take a deep breath and try to go back to your seat. Other girls were trying to get to the stage too but Elvis wasn’t paying any attention to them. He went back for another drink of water and the band start to play the next song.
You finally reach the booth and Cicily’s mouth is agape and her eyes are blown wide.
“Pay up,” you snicker and hold out your hand.
She continues to have that shocked expression on her face and you burst out into laughter.
“You’re insane! I didn’t think you’d actually do it!” You nod your head at her and look back at the stage.
“Well, when’s the next time that’s gonna happen?! The worst he could have said was no. I have nothing to lose we’re leaving in two days, might as well take some memories with us back home,” you say as you realize everything that has happened in these last 20 minutes. Shock and awe are all you can see and so happy that this has happened.
You turn your attention to him on stage and you could swear he’s looking at you, and only you. There are so many songs that he does that sound incredible. He brings a new life to them and there's so much passion in his voice. He’s up there doing what he loves to do and it shines through.
“Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, you’ve been a fantastic audience,” he says humbly as he goes to drink some water. “There’s a song I did in Blue Hawaii, and I’d like to sing it, especially for you,” the first notes of the song ring out on the piano and the heavy sound of the drums follow as he starts Can’t Help Falling in Love.
It’s one of your favorite songs he’s ever done and it always lifts your spirits. His voice rings out beautifully with the rest of his backup singers and you can feel the tears well up in your eyes.
This last hour and a half was surreal and one you’ll never forget. And to end with this song in particular, you know he’s singing it to you, the fans. His love for the fans was something that no other artist had. That’s what made him so special.
A taller man with brunette hair starts to make his way to your table and you look over at Tasha uncomfortably. He greets you both with a smile and you wait for what he’s doing at your table.
“Hi ladies, I’m Jerry. I work with Elvis,” he said trying to talk over the loudspeakers. “We were wondering if you both wanted to come to the after-party tonight for Elvis?”
You shoot Cicily a look and you swear she has stars in her eyes.
“Yes, we’d love to!” You both say at the same time. Jerry laughs at your excitement.
“Alright sounds good, follow me and I’ll escort you both up,”
Your heart raced with excitement and anticipation for what was going to happen next. A party with Elvis!? This has to be some sort of dream you swear.
You all exit the showroom and head through the lobby. Through the hall of elevators, you get in the last one on the right and Jerry holds the door open for your two and makes sure no one is following you. He inserts a key into the panel that gives access to the penthouse floors.
You get up to the top floors and turn the corner to the first doors where you see two big guys blocking the doors. They nod at Jerry and open the door for him. He lets you two in the doors first where there is a lot of people already in the suite with drinks in their hand. The view of the Vegas strip was in the distance, sparkling with all the luster of stars.
You both get yourself glasses of champagne and find an open sofa seat you both share. Your body fills with nerves getting to be so close to him again.
Suddenly a hush falls over the room and this intense amount of energy makes your arm hair stand up.
Above the crowd stands the tall man in his all-white jumpsuit. His hair was wet with sweat and his tan chest glistened.
You stand up, wanting to be seen in the crowd of people yet again. Everyone starts to congratulate him on a wonderful show. He shakes the hands of anyone who reaches out to him and smiles the most gorgeous-looking smile you had ever seen.
Suddenly, his eyes look up at yours as you are staying back from the rest of the group.
He starts walking over and turns to look over at Cicily. She and Jerry are in the midst of a conversation and watch as he leans in and places a kiss on her lips. You cover your face to hide any sounds that might come out of your mouth and quietly giggle.
No one is going to believe the trip you two are having…
By the time you glance back over at Elvis, he’s standing right in front of you, looming over your small frame as you stare deep into those eyes.
“Well, what a great surprise seeing you here. Did you come back for more?’ He teases as he brushes your hair behind your ear. You can’t help but blush at his words and want to play his little game.
“Oh I don’t know about all that, it seems you have enough girls in this suite to keep you busy for a few hours. I don’t think you’ll have time for me,” you say coyly. You normally never act so cocky and sure of yourself, but something about this man made you crazy being so close to him.
“The only one I see that I want to pay any attention to is right in front of me darlin'. What’s your name?”
“Y/n, nothing special.”
“Oh no, I like the sound of that. It suits you. Beautiful and sexy,” he teases.
Your breathing hitches and you have no idea what to say to him. Almost as reading you thought, he leans down and kisses you right on the lips. This time it's different. He’s not putting on an act. There’s no audience necessary that is egging him on to kiss you. He places his hand on the small of your back and slowly pushes you into his strong frame.
You sigh into him loving the feeling of your body touching his. You put your hands on his chest, feeling his soft chest hair on your fingertips.
“Do you need anything darlin’? I need to go take a shower and I’ll come back out to the party.”
“Some more kisses, but I’ll be fine for a little,” you blush and shoot him a sly grin up at him.
“Oh I was right, I do have a naughty girl,” he grins devilishly, “Go enjoy the party. I promise I’ll come find ya.” He winks and starts to walk off to the next room attached to this suite. Your heart flutters at the slightest thing he does. You’ll be lucky to make it back home alive in one piece by the time this night ends.
You look over at Cicily again and she’s still all eyes for Jerry and you smile to yourself.
You try to mingle in with the rest of the guests but your mind keeps wondering when Elvis is coming back out. You wanted to talk to him more, be next to him, and most importantly, you want him to kiss you more.
Minutes go by and you see Elvis through the crowd dressed in a blue button-up, making his electric eyes pop even more, and a pair of black slacks. This man dressed to the nines no matter the occasion and the confidence just dripped off of him. He made his rounds throughout the room making small talk to anyone who came up to him.
Your heart was racing the entire time watching him, just waiting for your turn next. You were sitting on the sofa next to the windows, taking in this breathtaking view when you felt that familiar chill run down your body. You turn to look up at Elvis looking at you. His eyes tracing every inch of your body, looking at you ravenously.
“You like what you see hmm?” You say sheepishly.
He kneels down on one knee in front of you, just as he did on the stage, and leans in to whisper.
“I think I found what was missing to make this a perfect view.”
You feel your cheeks begin to redden. “Oh? You think so?”
“I do honey. I’d love to take you right up against that window and make the whole town watch.”
Your heart stops at the sound of his words. You feel your wetness pool at the sound of his words and you cross your legs, your pussy starting to have this needy feeling.
“Why don’t we go into the other room so we can talk more privately,” he says.
You two sneak into the connecting room and he closes the door behind you two. It’s another large living room type of setup with a bar and a piano by the window. You get lost in the beauty of the interior and the gold accents everywhere. He gently grabs your hand and takes you out of the front door and into the room across the hall. When he opens the door, the scent of him fills your nose and makes your mouth water. You hadn’t been around him very long, but the way you love the way he smells is so comforting but also so intoxicating.
There’s a large king-sized bed that consumed the middle of the room, and another grand-sized piano by the window.
You feel his hands wrap around your waist and he turns you to face him.
“That little stunt you pulled out there was a bold one. What made you think to do that?”
“Hmm, I just liked our first kiss so much, I needed another. Couldn’t sit down until I got it,” you say bluntly.
“I’m so glad you did. You were the one that stood out the most to me tonight honey. I couldn’t get enough.” The tension in the room is thick and your body wants him more than anything and it scares you.
You reach up and grab the collar of his shirt, making him get closer to you as you plant a long wet kiss. You feel a low grumble in his chest as you slip your tongue into his mouth. You gasp at the sensations running through your body. You feel the wetness in your panties pool more and you are unsure what to do about it. He carefully slides his hand down the arch of your back and pushes your torso into his. You gasp at the feeling of his erection starting to form. Part of you wants to ravage him right there, but the other part of you is timid and shy. A bolt of nerves raced through your body as it hits you he might want a bit more than just kissing tonight…
But you love the feeling of him against you. The way his hands grope and squeeze your body makes you a complete mess. His hands drift up, as he slides the straps of your dress off your shoulders. Your breathing quickens and you stare up at him, unsure of what to do next.
His fingertips lightly brush the top of your breast and you gasp at the sensation.
“You look so beautiful, mama. Can I see the rest of ya?” He asks so innocently. The boyish smile he has as he looks over your body. Like it’s the first time he’s ever seen a woman this close.
His gaze is intimidating. You really don’t know what he expects of you but he’s Elvis Presley. He’s surely been with countless women and his expectations are astronomically high when it comes to sex.
Nerves continue to wrack your body almost causing you to shake. Your voice is quiet and unsure, “Elvis, I don’t know. I don’t think you want to do this with me….” The concern lights up his eyes.
“Honey, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. You don’t have to do anything. But what did you mean by that? Why wouldn’t I want to do anything with you? You’re gorgeous baby,” he says with a smile.
“I umm… I know I’m not what you’re used to. I’m not sure about…” you trail off, your cheeks burning red.
His eyebrows squint together in concern.
“Baby, you don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll take real good care of you I promise. I want to give you more,” he places a soft kiss on your lips and you feel your body aches for him to do everything he’s promising you.
But you break the kiss and muster up the courage.
“Elvis I, umm, I’m a virgin. I’ve never been with a man. Ever. I have no idea how to please you and I don’t want this to be something that’s terrible for you. You’re better off finding another girl in that room to have fun with tonight,” your voice soft and weak. You feel so embarrassed about what you had to confess and the insecurities are running off of you like water.
He looks at you stoically, trying to find the right thing to say. He goes to sit on the edge of the bed and reaches out his hand for yours. You cautiously move toward him and he looks deep into your eyes.
“Darlin’ that’s nothing to be ashamed of. You have no reason to feel bad about it. Not with me at least. If you’re not ready to do anything, that’s fine,” he says softly and thinks for a bit. “Can I ask why it’s never happened? I just thought a gorgeous girl like you, you’d have men throwing themselves at ya,” he quips cutely.
You chuckle at his cheeky comment, “No one’s been worth it. I just didn’t feel the same when it came to having sex with someone and wasn’t just going to do it because they wanted it.”
“I understand darlin’. I’m sorry you’ve felt like that with a man,” he says softly.
Your head spins as this whole situation feels unreal. You have this undeniable need to have him which is crazy to you considering you have never had a man.
“But you’re different, I can tell. I want you, so bad Elvis. Every part of me wants you but I don’t know what you expect of me.”
“You don’t need to do anything darlin’. I’ll take care of you and make you feel so good. I can teach you things, if you want…”
“Yes, teach me… teach me how to make you feel good too. What do you like, please tell me,” you plead.
His eyes start to look aflame, he bites his bottom lip and places a tiny kiss on your cheek down to your neck.
“Mmm, okay dear,” he whispers in your ear.
You take a sharp breath in, loving the way his lips ignite you and all the new sensations that come with it.
“Can I teach you how to suck me off? Would you like me in your mouth?” He asks with lust rolling off his words causing your pussy to clench.
You slowly nod your head yes and he goes on to kiss you again on the lips, slipping his tongue in and groaning.
The idea of his cock in you has you filled with anticipation and need. You had only ever grinded on a few guys in the past over their pants but this was different. Something about Elvis’ commanding presence told you that he was going to fuck you senseless and you were going to love it.
He carefully placed one of your hands on his upper thigh where you can feel his forming erection run down his leg.
You gasp at the feeling and how large he is.
“See whatcha doin’ to me, making me so hard. This is gonna be inside you making you feel so good.” He moans as he feels you start to rub the length of him. The friction of his pants against it is driving him crazy. He trails kisses up and down your neck, nipping at times the soft sensitive flesh making you moan.
He leans you back, so he can get better access to your breasts. He kisses and sucks at them, making popping sounds each time he lets go. You feel the rush of wetness go into your panties and the throbbing sensation overtaking your core.
You carefully pull down the fabric of the top of your dress, exposing yourself to him. He groans when he sees what you’re doing and takes his large hands and places them firmly on you. You watch as he squeezes them, applying little pressure at first, then squeezes them harder causing you to moan and your head to fall back. He lifts one of your breasts and puts your nipple in his mouth, sucking and licking the sensitive bud.
You gasp, shocked by the way he uses his mouth on you. The more he sucks and licks them, the worse the throbbing becomes in between your legs. You can’t help but push his head more into your breasts wanting him to ravage them more.
You rub his fully formed erection and try to get his pants off of him but he stops you.
“Oh are you ready baby? You want this?” He quips.
You nod your head, “yes, tell me what you like. I want to make you feel good,” you beg.
“Take off your dress for me, let me see you.” You pull down the rest of your dress and stand before him just in your panties. One by one, you undo the buttons on his shirt as you feel his eyes take in the sight before him.
Your hands shake slightly as you get to unbutton his pants and slowly pull down the zipper. You slide down the waist band of his slacks and to your surprise he’s not wearing any underwear, you watch as his large cock spring free from his pants.
You stare and bite your lip. You had no idea what to expect, but you were not expecting this. His cock was longer, and thicker than you expected and the way his veins running along his shaft made your mouth water by just looking at it. Your hands trail down his chest and graze over his length. He hisses at the contact and squeezes your arm.
You’ve never seen a man naked before, but you know this was as perfect as they come.
“Get on your knees for me baby,” he says gently as he sits back down on the bed, spreading his legs wide, looking like the definition of temptation. You kneel in between his legs, wanting to touch all of him so badly but wait for his instructions.
He picks up your hand and wraps it around his shaft. The length of him is warm and there is a clear fluid coming out of the head. He grabs your other hand and has you cup his rather large, heavy-hanging balls.
“What I’d like you to do for me, is just rub me in your hand, back and forth, then lick the head of my cock. Nice and slow like this,” he moves his hand on top of yours and you watch as his foreskin almost envelops his red, leaking head, and pull it back to see more of his protruding veins in his shaft. He has you gently squeeze his balls in your hand, causing his hips to move and dry hump into you. After a few strokes, he lets go of your hands and watches you. You love the small, airy sounds he makes as you put a little more pressure on it. His hips gently roll as he enjoys your hand working his cock.
“Now open your mouth for me, honey. Nice and wide and let me feel you.” You keep stoking him and do as he says. You open your mouth and he slowly guides the tip of his cock into your mouth. The hot heat touches your tongue and you moan. You wrap your lips around his head and suck.
A deep guttural growl comes out of him and you start to suck. This unbeknownst primal instinct takes over you and the smell of him fills your nose making you moan with him in your mouth.
“Oh yes, just like that mama. Just like that. Use your tongue a bit too. Lick and suck on me.” He groans out. You look up at his face looking so pleasured by this. His mouth is open in awe and watching you intently as you suck and stroke his cock.
You start to use your tongue licking and swirling around his head while sucking him.
You get more excited and decide to put more of him inside your mouth, doing the same motions he told you to. He gasps as you take more of him hungrily. You keep watching him as his eyes pop open and he lets out a loud moan. You test out what gets him going the most. You suck his tip, swirling your tongue around his swollen head, and squeeze his balls more making him buck his hips off the bed.
“Oh mama yes, that’s so good. Let me move in and out of your mouth now,” he moans hungrily and grabs a fist full of hair in his hand. You love the way he’s sounding. The way he’s getting off because of you is the most addicting sound and you want to take in more of his cock.
You place your hands on the tops of his thighs and he pushes his hips slightly, having you take in more of his length. You feel his head hit the back of your throat and you sputter and gag around him. He pulls his cock from your throat, making sure you’re okay, and watch as you claw at his thighs, ready for more.
You nod your head at him and take more of him in your mouth. You never thought giving head would be a thing you’d like, but watching him enjoy it so much was one of the hottest things you’ve ever experienced.
He continues to moan and tighten the grip on your hair. You move with him and he fills your mouth with his hot length. You try to relax your throat to not gag on him as much but he continues to plunge his cock down your throat, letting you breathe, then putting it back down your throat. He pulls out of you, pulling you from your hair and you let out a soft cry.
“Oh, honey you did so good. Making me feel so good. I could fuck that throat all night, but I need to take care of you now,” he teases and helps you get off your knees. He picks you up and places you on the bed with the pillows underneath your head and back.
He looks like he’s about to eat you alive and you wait patiently.
“How’s my honey doing? Are you feeling okay?” He says as he opens your legs wide for him. Your heart beats wildly out of your chest and feel more wetness pool.
“I need you. I’m throbbing and it won’t go away.” You plead and try to close your legs, hoping some sort of friction would help.
But he doesn’t let you and continues to keep them open, both of his hands on your knees. Looking at your soaked panties, he starts to trail his hand down to your panty line.
“I’m gonna touch you, honey. Making sure you’re all ready for me.” He growls when he feels the wetness that has seeped through the lace fabric. You jump at the friction and he tears them off in one quick motion.
His eyes grow wide as he looks at the wetness leaking out of you. He takes two fingers and slowly rubs your clit, causing an electric shock through your body.
“Oh fuck! What are you…,” your question fades as you moan loudly instead. He runs those two fingers up and down your folds, spreading your wetness and driving you mad. You arch your back and push into his fingers causing a mess in between your legs.
He smiles at the state you’re in, needy and horny, just how he wants you to stay.
“Have you ever played with yourself, honey? You ever put your fingers inside yourself?” He asks innocently.
You blush and have to look away, “I’ve played with myself a few times but umm, I’ve never put my fingers inside myself.” You say shyly. The idea never really popped into your head til now. Wanting Elvis’ fingers inside you sounded like a sin that was so delicious. You were so attracted to the idea.
“Hmm, I see baby. Have you ever made yourself cum?”
Your face turns another shade of red and quickly shake your head no, not wanting to see the reaction on his face.
“Well, I’ll teach you, honey. Make you feel so good. You are very needy tonight… you need something to fill you. Let me finger you and get you ready to take my cock,” he coos. You whine and try to move his hand down lower where the throbbing is growing.
He slowly takes his index finger and puts it in your weeping hole. You had never been penetrated by someone and the feeling of his long finger inside you is overwhelming. His long, slender finger reaches deep inside you while staying firmly taught around him. You buck your hips up into him and cry out.
“Mmm fuck you’re so tight for me baby. I don’t know if you’re ready for my cock.” He teases.
“Make me ready… I want you to fuck me with more than just your fingers,” you beg and buck your hips into him more.
“Oh you fucking naughty girl,” he moans as he pumps his finger in and out of you watching as you are writhing on the bed. You can’t control the sounds that are coming out of your mouth and love the way he’s reaching parts of you that had never been explored. He curls and prods them to your never before touched walls and you swear you’re going to pass out. He enters another finger and you feel this coil in your belly tighten exponentially. He starts to move them faster and curls his fingers up into your walls. Your vision goes blurry for a second, being consumed by the pleasure he is giving you with his skilled fingers. Your walls begin to flutter and he smirks at this, pumping them faster.
“Oh, I love the way this pussy feels. Do you think you’re ready for me? Ready to take all this cock inside ya?” You realize he loves to tease as he says this and look down as he has his cock in his hand, slowly jerking it off while looking down hungrily at your leaking cunt.
You squeeze your eyes shut and let out a frustrated cry.
“Please Elvis,” he pulls his fingers out of you and places them in his mouth, moaning when he tastes your sweet honey. He licks them clean and grabs the back of your thighs to adjust your body. He has you wrap your legs around his waist and you cling onto his shoulders. He jerks his cock in his hand and teases your entrance with just the tip. Every last nerve in your body is on edge and you claw at his arms in anticipation.
“Just relax mama. I’ve got you. It might hurt a little since your cherry hasn’t been popped but I promise it’s gonna feel so good after.” He coos and places sultry kisses on your lips. You moan, ready for him to give you anything he wants.
He’s gentle, and slowly pushes the first few inches of his cock inside you. The way he is stretching you causes you to gasp. He’s so much bigger than you expected and your body doesn’t know what to do.
You cry out his name as he sets this slow, but insistent pace. He grabs one of your breasts in his large hand and squeezes and pinches your nipples in between your fingers. You moan more with the mix of pain and pleasure coursing through your body.
He put more inside you and you feel this sharp pain inside you and you wince. Tears well in your eyes as you try to take him. You cry out as he moves in and out of you carefully. He sees the pain you’re in and holds you tighter.
“Doing so good baby,” he caresses you.
He keeps you there locked with him, caressing your face and looking at you as if you were the only thing that mattered. Everything about this felt so natural. The nerves that were filling your body moments ago were slowly dissipating and you were just enjoying the moment with him inside you. He thrusts his hips, putting the last few inches inside you and you let out a loud moan. He keeps still as he enjoys seeing you like the way he’s making you feel.
“Such a good girl for me baby. Doing so good. Your cherry popped. It’s gonna feel so good now,” he says as you look down at his long length moving in and out of you. You see some light spotting of your blood around his shaft but the pleasure starts to build the more he’s moving. You watch as he rubs your clit and pushes the rest of his cock inside you again. You feel his balls hit your ass and he doesn’t move as he lets you adjust to the size of him.
“Oh fuck Elvis, you’re killing me holy fuck.” You cry out, gasping for breath.
“Mmm, yea baby? You like how this big cock fills you up?”
You claw at his back, needing him to move and help this never-ending pulsating in your core.
“God, yes I love it. Please give me more,” he nods his head and smiles down at you.
He begins to move his hips and the pain has disappeared. Nothing but pleasure is running through your veins. He moves with more rhythm as he bucks and swirls his hips into you. He places his thumb over your clit and starts to work at it.
Your eyes roll back and let the feeling of what he’s giving you take over your body.
“So goddamn tight for me baby. Taking this cock so well,” he grunts over you as he starts to fuck you faster.
You can’t stop the noises that are coming out of you, loving every second of how he’s fucking you and making you come apart on his cock. The sounds of your skin slapping against his and the wet noises coming from your pussy were driving you both crazy.
Your walls flutter and your whole body tenses. There’s panic in your eyes and Elvis knows it by the look on your face.
“It’s okay darlin I got you. You’re gonna come for me,” he commands and looks deep in your eyes. “I feel you ready to come apart all over me.”
Your whole body tenses and the heat of the orgasm washes over you over and over again. You scream out his name as your walls squeeze his girth. Your nails leave red marks down his back and he only fucks you harder. He lets out a deep, primal growl as he fucks you through your orgasm. You relish in the way this feels and can’t believe you’ve never even given yourself this feeling!
“Mmm fuck, such a good girl. Your pussy feels so good. Keep coming for me,” he pleads as his thumb works faster on your clit.
Your body feels like it’s never felt before. Feeling so light yet so on edge with the way his cock is filling you up and stretching you out. You watch as he lifts your hips up and continues to pound into you.
Taking this new position makes it feel completely different and love the way he’s hitting this particular part inside of you that makes you feel like you can cum all over again on him.
By the look on his face, he is loving every second of this. The way he bites his lower lip and the way sweat has formed on the sides of his temples. You watch as you see the veins on his neck pop out as he fucks you to the hilt.
His rhythm starts to become more sporadic and his eyebrows furrow as he tries to hold on a bit longer. You love the way he’s taking you and can’t get enough of how he fills you up. Your coil in your belly tightens gets again and you let your second orgasm take over your entire body. He groans loudly as you cum on him, squeezing the base of his cock.
“Ah hell, mama. I love it when you cum on me. I’m so close. Where’d you want me to cum?” He agonizingly says through his teeth.
Your brain races, fuzzy from your high of orgasm and unsure what to say. This has never happened before for you and weren't sure exactly what an orgasm would be like for him.
“I want you back in my mouth please Elvis,” you whine breathlessly.
He pulls out of you quickly and you groan at feeling so empty. Your arousal pools out of you and onto the comforter.
He re-adjusts your body by lifting you up underneath your arms and sits you up. He stands up on his knees and puts his cock in front of your lips. He takes his hand and jerks himself in front of you, placing his free hand on the back of your head.
“Open that mouth for me, baby, I’m gonna fill this mouth up,” your heart beats uncontrollably and you grab the back of his thighs, preparing yourself for whatever he is going to give you.
He leans his head back and his mouth opens as you feel hot, salty spurts of his cum land on your tongue and the back of your throat. He places more of his cock in your mouth and you lick the base of it, causing him to moan your name loudly.
“Oh fuck, oh god mama yes take this cock baby,” he groans in ecstasy. Your mouth fills with his cum and waits for him to come down from his high. You had never had this happen before so you don’t know what to do with his load.
He pulls out of your mouth, breathless from it all, and watches you with your mouth open for him, seeing the milky white substance coating your mouth.
“Such a good girl baby. Time to swallow,” he taps your chin and you close your mouth. You look up at him and swallow in one big gulp. The taste of his salty, thick load coated your throat and you have to swallow a few times to fully clear your throat.
He looks down at you pleased, looking at how you’re breathless too and your mascara running down your face.
“Mmm, such a hungry slut you are,” you groan, leaning down to kiss you. You moan into his mouth as he nips your bottom lip.
“Did you like that baby? Did I make you feel good?” He caresses your face, wiping the black streaks from your face.
“That was… incredible… I had no idea what to expect but it wasn’t that,” you say exasperated.
He has that cocky grin on his face you’ve seen so many times in pictures come to life and you wanted to wipe it right off of him.
“We’ll good darlin', that’s what I wanted for your first time,” he says tenderly and places a few soft kisses on your lips.
He gets off the bed and goes to grab you a towel. He gently rubs the wetness and blood off of you and himself. The way he is so tender yet so dominating throws you for a loop but you just sit back and enjoy the moment.
“Did you want to go back to the party? We can stay here, it’s completely up to you,” he asks as he hands you your dress.
“I wouldn’t mind going back to the party and having some food. I’m kinda hungry,” you say cutely. You start to get up off the bed and it suddenly hits you. Elvis ripped your panties off of you… you’re going to have to walk back into that party without any on.
“Elvis, how am I supposed to go back out there without any panties on! You completely ruined them!” You snicker.
He laughs at your disgruntled state.
“Correction darlin’, you ruined your panties, I just took them off of ya to help that needy pussy of yours,” he teases. “And besides, I like you better without them. You’ll just have to behave and not soak through your dress for the rest of the night,” he sneers as he grabs you by his hips and pushes you into him. A small groan escapes you and smile up at him.
“You wanna put money on that?” you wink at him.
Tagging 💖
@powerofelvis @plasticfantasticl0ver @burninlovebutlerr @ab4eva @cryingabtab @returntoelvis @kendralavon7 @peaceloveelvis @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @woundmetender @thatbanditqueen @kaitaesupremacy @eliseinmemphis @alyssaraen @18lkpeters @lookingforrainbows @presleysdarling @marriedtopresley @presleyenterprise @missmaywemeetagain @succsessions @yagirlalexx
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cucela · 5 hours
Sen alismissin cicili bicili motive atan hatunlarin stlerine, ben pezevenk sortumla aileyiz diyip kolera paylasinca sasirdin tabi
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kelebeginisigi · 11 days
Ayy bu yaz cicili bicili giyinmek istiyorum o yüzden birkac tane etek buldum inşallah yorumları iyidir ( düdük gibi olmam )
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sheepsoda · 1 year
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eve-to-adam · 5 months
Historians: In surviving contemporary documents one can find ‘Cicelie’, ‘Cicely’, ‘Cicili’, ‘Cicilia’, ‘Cecil’, ‘Cecilia’ and ‘Cecille’.
York, dead drunk: Sesily. 🥴😚
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decadebydecade · 1 year
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Year 1301
After seeing her twin sister get married, Mirabel met Arne, who was a merchant selling some things over in the town. They got married soon after. John and Cicily found themselves pregnant not too long after their wedding. Cicily gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Arthur and Winifred Mannering. Unfortunately, childbirth was rough on Cicily and she passed away in the process. Some may seem like it was too soon, but a few months later John met a lady named Petra Gregory. They were married and Petra moved in and found her place on the farm.
Yearly Events:
Births: Arthur & Winifred Mannering
Deaths: Cicily Fletcher-Mannering (birth complications)
Marriages: John Mannering & Petra Gregory
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askolar · 24 days
off kendimee bir sürüü cicili bicili topuklu ayakkabılar almak istiyorum amaa hesabım bana koca bir nah çekiyor
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maxielynch · 4 months
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cicili bicili tehlikeli
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