#clara dashwood
curiousb · 3 months
The Bertram Family Album: Volume XII
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Theophilus, stop stalking your dad and step-mum while they're having a romantic moment, and go and find something else to do!
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Theophilus takes my advice, and the next day - a Saturday - hits the town with best pal Alexander.
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And then things take a rather unexpectedly romantic turn (chaperoned by Sister Agnes Crumplebottom)...
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Their Watcher eventually remembers that there's no ACR controller on this community lot...
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...and that Theophilus is never going to get that first kiss he craves unless the boys are given a nudge in the right direction.
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Teenage romance safely underway, it's then time to hit the mall, where sensible, almost-middle-aged couple Clara and Daniel are acting very suspiciously. Townie Sarah McCarthy has the decency to look the other way...
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...but not so Sister Agnes!
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She's not going to tolerate that kind of licentiousness on her watch!
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Meanwhile, there's gaming to be done...
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...when the grown-ups don't hog the machines!
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Jane Austen Charted #17
Female Names across 6 Novels and Lady Susan
No female name occurs in all 6 novels! The names that cross the most novels are Sarah/Sally (not Emma), Anne/Anna (Not MP), and Elizabeth (not NA). We are told Sally can be a nickname for Sarah in Northanger Abbey. Sarah/Sally is commonly used for servants, though in NA it is the name of Catherine’s younger sister.
The two most common female names are Anne/Anna and Mary, tied at 9 occurrences. Next is Elizabeth (Betty, Betsey, Eliza) with 8 occurrences, Sarah/Sally with 7, and then Fanny/Frances with 5.
All female names that occur at least twice:
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Unique female names:
Alice, Annamaria, Bridget, Clara, Emily, Flora, Georgiana, Hannah, Janet, Jemima, Julia, Lydia, Marianne, Martha, Nanny (Nancy?)*, Patty, Rebecca, Selina, and Frederica.
Major Characters with unique names:
Lydia Bennet, Marianne Dashwood, and Frederica Vernon
Eleanor Tilney and Elinor Dashwood are unique if you count spelling differences.
*Nanny is what Mrs. Norris calls her servant, likely a housekeeper
Source and as ever many thanks to Project Gutenberg
Edit: Missed S&S for Anne, though my total was right.
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scaledndicy · 1 year
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Acolhemos orgulhosamente AMBROSE DASHWOOD em nosso corpo estudantil! Ele é um DRAGÃO matriculado na Casa OPHELIA aos 22 anos. Ele pode passar a impressão de ser AMIGÁVEL e ARDILOSO, e talvez você o confunda com o padrão LUKE EISNER, mas garantimos que é apenas uma coincidência.
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⊰ ❄️ ⊱  𝐵𝐴𝑆𝐼𝐶𝑆.
Nome completo: Ambrose Olivier Dashwood Apelido: Rosie (por Cornelia) Idade: Vinte e dois anos Data de nascimento: 02/02/2000 Espécie: Dragão de gelo Escola: Casa Ophelia Especialização: Indefinida Extracurriculares: Esgrima, Canoagem e Clube de Séance FC: Luke Eisner
Identidade de gênero: Homem cis Pronomes: Ele/dele Orientação sexual: Bissexual
Qualidades: Amigável, cordial, aplicado Defeitos: Ardiloso, insurgente, egoísta Signo: Aquário Alinhamento moral: Neutral Evil
Gosta: Frio, casacos de pele, roupas claras, chocolate quente, aprender, poemas, romances clássicos, trilhas sonoras de filmes, liberdade, política Não gosta: Calor, roupas escuras, usar o cabelo curto, música eletrônica, estar em casa, pessoas egocêntricas (como o grande hipócrita que é), redes sociais, conservadorismo, hierarquias, Ciências Exatas
Inspirações: Niklaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals), Theodore “Laurie” Laurence (Little Women), Oliver Fairmont (First Kill), Ronan Lynch (A Saga dos Corvos) e o jogo Dungeons & Dragons
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⊰ ❄️ ⊱   𝐵𝐼𝑂𝐺𝑅𝐴𝑃𝐻𝑌.
“Tradição” era uma palavra que os Dashwood gostavam de usar. Era sua maneira de justificar pensamentos antiquados e reducionistas e perpetuar seu legado como a família de dragões mais poderosa e importante desse hemisfério — ao menos, de acordo com a visão de Ambrose. O irmão gêmeo gentil e sensível, rapidamente transformado na ovelha negra da família por faltar-lhe o pulso firme de seus pais e antepassados, não é o que normalmente se imagina quando a palavra “dragão” vem à mente, mas ele prefere assim. À primeira vista, o rapaz é um aluno exímio e uma ótima companhia, sempre com um sorriso a oferecer e palavras bondosas a proferir, na cadência perfeita de alguém crescido em um lar de manipuladores pomposos. Contudo, ingênuo é aquele que deposita sua confiança em Ambrose, pois, ao fim do dia, ainda é o sangue gélido dos Dashwood que corre em suas veias, e um dragão só consegue fugir de suas origens até certo ponto. 
O garoto nunca foi de se importar com toda a burocracia envolvida em fazer parte de sua família, da imagem fria e superior à tendência a casar seus filhos apenas com criaturas da mesma espécie, beirando à intolerância com outros tipos de excluídos e, principalmente, com padrões. Isso tornou-o uma figura conhecida nos corredores de Nevermore, mas encarada com desdém em casa, onde sua irmã gêmea reinava como a encarnação dos valores defendidos por seus pais e parentes. No entanto, diferente da irmã mais nova — com quem dividia a faísca de rebeldia diante dos costumes familiares —, sua sensibilidade pouco tinha a ver com valores altruístas e ingenuidade; Ambrose era regido por seus sentimentos, sim, e estes eram guiados pela vontade de fazer o que quisesse, quando e com quem quisesse, sem que lhe ditassem o que era certo ou errado. De tudo sobre os Dashwood que desprezava, uma característica em particular precisava admitir ter herdado: jamais aceitaria que as coisas não acontecessem da maneira como desejava. 
O problema era que, se Ambrose era um poço de teimosia, os Dashwood eram um oceano. E quando a irmã gêmea do jovem dragão, Cornelia, descobriu seu caso amoroso com um rapaz padrão de Jericho, ela escolheu delatá-lo aos pais para que o relacionamento fosse impedido. “Para seu próprio bem”, foi como justificou-se a Ambrose, que relutantemente foi tirado da Nevermore University e enviado para um instituto similar na Europa por dois anos. Dashwood nenhum namoraria um padrão, muito menos após a família saber que o mesmo descendia de caçadores de excluídos que já tinham manchado as mãos com o sangue de sua linhagem. 
Para o resto de seu clã e os amigos que ficaram, Ambrose abandonara Nevermore por escolha própria, para perseguir estudos de interesse pessoal em outro país; já entre as quatro paredes de seu lar, a confiança entre os pais e ele — e, mais que isso, entre Cornelia e Ambrose — não mais existia. Foi somente com muita insistência que, após dois anos, convencera-os a deixá-lo retornar à universidade, mas sob regras muito claras: se fizesse qualquer peripécia como a da última vez, podia dar adeus ao sobrenome. Infelizmente, o ex-namorado não estava mais em Jericho quando procurou por ele, mas as ambições de Ambrose tornaram-se maiores do que um simples romance proibido; bastava suportar as exigências da família enquanto precisava de seu dinheiro para bancar a graduação e, então, poderia dar aos pais o gosto que tanto ansiavam de deserdá-lo, porque preferia ser um ninguém a passar o resto de sua vida preso por suas amarras.
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⊰ ❄️ ⊱   𝑆𝑃𝐸𝐶𝐼𝐸𝑆.
A família Dashwood acredita que os dragões nasceram a partir da árvore de freixo, origem do sobrenome que há décadas é tão respeitado na comunidade draconiana. Como uma linhagem de dragões de gelo, suas habilidades e fisiologia estão conectadas a ele, como seu sopro congelante e pele naturalmente fria ao toque. Além disso, como todo dragão, os Dashwood possuem uma forma transformada, em que a pele dá espaço a escamas, as unhas alongam-se em garras e as costas criam fendas de onde sai um par de asas. Embora não tenha a aparência amplamente disseminada de monstruosidades enormes e que relembram lagartos ou serpentes, a forma humanoide, mas draconiana de um dragão é mais poderosa que sua forma humana e é de intimidar os fracos de coração. 
Tratando-se de Ambrose, sua forma transformada possui escamas que evoluem do branco na cabeça e torso até um degradê azul claro nos braços e pernas, além de pequenos detalhes azuis no contorno do rosto. Os olhos, que em sua forma humana já carregam uma coloração azul-gélida de chamar atenção, tornam-se ainda mais singulares com o formato vertical das pupilas, assemelhando-se às de uma cobra. Por fim, o cabelo loiro claro torna-se quase esbranquiçado, como a cor da neve. 
Junto às características de sua espécie, Ambrose tem uma pele extremamente resistente, como se fosse protegido por espessas escamas a todo momento. Esse dom torna praticamente impossível machucá-lo ou perfurá-lo, mesmo em sua forma humana, salvo por materiais mais resistentes ou caso seja ferido de dentro para fora. Ele é, todavia, conhecido por poucos, já que o rapaz nunca se envolve em conflitos físicos: como um aspirante a poeta e aprendiz das palavras, não tem apetite algum por atos impulsivos de violência.
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⊰ ❄️ ⊱   𝑇𝑅𝐼𝑉𝐼𝐴.
Ambrose é irmão gêmeo de Cornelia Dashwood, aluna da Casa Nimue. Eles também têm uma irmã mais nova, que está no ensino médio em Nevermore;
Ele possui uma preferência por fazer amizade com os mais calados ou que, num geral, não são muito populares, pois acha que pessoas assim são mais verdadeiras. Isso só se fortaleceu após seu retorno a Nevermore, já que ele próprio está se sentindo um pouco deslocado na universidade;
Ele ama romances clássicos e é um grande fã de Jane Austen. Além disso, tem uma coleção de livros no dormitório e guarda uma pilha de cadernos debaixo da cama, lotados de poemas e contos que ele mesmo escreveu;
Seus pais nunca o permitiram ter um animal de estimação, mas Ambrose adoraria ter uma cobra;
Ele é cheio de conhecimentos diversos por ter recebido todo tipo de aula e tutelagem ao longo dos anos. Isso inclui ser fluente em alemão e francês e saber tocar piano, violão e violoncelo (o primeiro é seu favorito);
Ele escolheu entrar no Clube de Séance por possuir um interesse especial pelo oculto e pelo pós-vida;
Não é incomum ver seu cabelo com uma trancinha de vez em quando, obra de sua irmã mais nova (mas ele gosta, então não reclama);
Ele não tem talento algum para as redes sociais, postando uma vez a cada século. Geralmente, só atualiza com frequência seus aplicativos de leitura.
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Todas as conexões servem para qualquer gênero, a menos que especificado!
𝐼. MEU AMIGO DA ESCOLA É UM DRAGÃO (male + ophelia, 0/1) — Ambrose pertence à Casa Ophelia e precisa de um colega de quarto, então, caso seu personagem seja da Ophelia e ainda não tenha com quem dividir dormitório, pode chegar! Eles podem ser colegas desde a época do ensino médio, terem dividido o quarto antes de Ambrose passar dois anos fora ou só terem se conhecido agora mesmo.
𝐼𝐼. SÃO SEMPRE VOCÊS TRÊS (0/2) — Esses dois personagens são os amigos mais próximos de Ambrose, os excluídos entre excluídos. Eles se aproximaram após a volta de Ambrose a Nevermore e, desde então, se acompanham em todas as empreitadas que algum deles planeja.
𝐼𝐼𝐼. MÁGOAS DO PASSADO (0/1) — Seu personagem era amigo de Ambrose no passado e nunca entendeu sua saída repentina de Nevermore, já que o dragão nunca explicou-a a ninguém. Hoje, o clima entre os dois é sempre pesado, com aquele gostinho de rancor e abandono que não sai da língua, mas Ambrose gostaria de reatar a amizade.
𝐼𝒱. MEU CARO APRENDIZ (professores, 0/1) — Por algum motivo, seu personagem (um professor) gosta da companhia de Ambrose, mesmo que amizades entre professores e alunos não sejam muito comuns. A relação é completamente platônica, como se Ambrose visse nele um irmão mais velho.
𝒱. COMO TREINAR O SEU DRAGÃO (0/1) — Seu personagem é especificamente interessado em dragões e quer se aproximar de Ambrose para estudá-lo.
𝒱𝐼. NÃO PODE SENTAR COM A GENTE (0/1) — Embora Ambrose seja de uma família muito tradicional e respeitada entre os excluídos, ele sempre teve uma veia de rebeldia. Seu personagem aturava isso em nome de uma amizade com alguém influente, mas, depois que Ambrose saiu de Nevermore e voltou dois anos depois, ele chutou o balde e agora trata o dragão como um grande loser. Ambrose não se importa, pois prefere fazer amizade com os “perdedores” do que andar com alguém por status, mas isso não o impede de trocar farpas com seu personagem quando provocado.
𝒱𝐼𝐼. COMO NO JARDIM DE INFÂNCIA (female, 0/1) — Sua personagem também vem de uma longa linhagem de excluídos e, quando criança, seus pais a apresentaram a Ambrose, na expectativa de unir suas famílias. Os dois tiveram o clássico “namoro de infância”, mas, com o passar dos anos, tornaram-se apenas grandes amigos, até entrando em Nevermore juntos.
Outras ideias: ex-crushes, ex-ficantes e ex-namoros; colegas da Ophelia que fazem trabalhos juntos; rivais acadêmicos; amigos de família; amigos de infância/adolescência; amigos de extracurriculares; professor que quer orientá-lo.
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nvtm1 · 2 years
aka  every  production  and  credit  jordan  has  held  since  her  first  community  theatre  show  at  age  five.  credits  are  broken  down  by  age  and  run  from  childhood  through  her  senior  year  of  college.
the  sound  of  music  ( gretl  von  trapp ),  the  capstone  community  theatre annie  ( orphan ),  the  capstone  community  theatre the  secret  garden  ( mary ),  the  capstone  community  theatre the  nutcracker  ( dancer ),  west  grove  dance  company les  miserables  ( young  eponine ),  the  capstone  community  theatre mary  poppins  ( jane ),  the  capstone  community  theatre
gypsy  ( baby  june ),  the  capstone  community  theatre the  music  man  ( gracie  shinn ),  the  capstone  community  theatre the  nutcracker  ( clara ),  west  grove  dance  company into  the  woods  ( little  red  riding  hood ),  the  capstone  theatre  company the  wizard  of  oz  ( dorothy  gale ),  the  capstone  theatre  company
sense  and  sensibility  ( marianne  dashwood ),  brentwood  high  school  drama  club shrek:  the  musical  ( teenage  fiona ),  the  capstone  community  theatre newsies  ( newsie / ensemble ),  the  capstone  community  theatre
the  crucible  ( abigail  williams ),  brentwood  high  school  drama  club clue  ( miss  scarlet ),  the  capstone  community  theatre grease  ( cha  cha  digregorio ),  the  capstone  community  theatre
cinderella  ( ensemble,  understudy:  cinderella ),  eastmoor  drama  club high  school  musical  ( sharpay  evans ),  outside  the  box  community  theatre heathers  the  musical:  teen  edition  ( heather  chandler ),  eastmoor  drama  club
hairspray  ( penny  pingleton );  eastmoor  drama  club the  sound  of  music  ( liesl  von  trapp );  outside  the  box  community  theatre little  shop  of  horrors  ( audrey );  eastmoor  drama  club
the  rocky  horror  show  ( janet  weiss );  rothfield  university  drama  department a  midsummer  night’s  dream  ( first  fairy);  rothfield university  drama  department the  phantom  of  the  opera  ( principal  ballerina );  rothfield  university  drama  department
legally  blonde  ( paulette );  rothfield  university  drama  department pride  and  prejudice  ( lydia  bennett );  rothfield  university  drama  department ragtime  ( evlyn  nesbit );  rothfield  university  drama  department *  jordan  ultimately  did  not  perform  the  ragtime  shows  due  to  her  recovery  from  injuries  in  the  rothfield  massacre
mamma  mia  ( sophie );  rothfield  university  drama  department little  women  ( jo  march );  rothfield  university  drama  department heathers  the  musical  ( veronica  sawyer );  rothfield  university  drama  department
grease  ( betty  rizzo );  rothfield  university  drama  department the  glass  menagerie  ( laura  wingfield );  the  rothfield  university  drama  department west  side  story  ( maria );  rothfield  university  drama  department
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misscrawfords · 5 years
rorotheslytherclaw replied to your post: I think one of the things that really bugs me...
Omg her telling a random stranger everything frustrated me so much too! This woman could tell literally anyone and Georgiana would be disgraced I just read a fanfic where the main characters were kidnapped and it was all “noone can find out or she will be ruined!” Like how can a fanfic writer get this better than someone who writes for major tv networks…Also I agree about the character flaws, she does seem to become whatever the plot requires her to be. They can’t decide whether she’s a Catherine Moorland or an Elizabeth Bennet… i mean im still gonna watch it tho its hot trash and i enjoy but come on, I’ve read fanfics with better character consistency.
Fanfic writers very frequently get things better than fully paid, well-known professional writers... It’s infuriating!
I don’t think she’s half of Catherine or Elizabeth because she has no consistency. And tbh I wouldn’t care about any of it but her own lack of awareness of literally anything about the world she lives in means I can’t even respect her as a character any more. Catherine was naive about some things but she knew how to be polite and behave at a ball! In fact, it was her native understanding of what was appropriate and what was not that stood her in good stead when other people (the Thorpes) actually behaved badly. If Charlotte is like anyone, it’s Marianne Dashwood. Well-meaning but highly inappropriate in public places.
have to say I agree with you, OP. Naivety is one thing, but the utter foolishness of running away to London(!!!) with no money or contacts made me groan in disbelief. Then the word vomit to Lady Susan at the party happened, and no matter how sympathetic a character they intend Susan to be, I had to cringe, once again, at Charlotte's utter lack of discretion.
I’ve seen a lot of people saying how relatable Charlotte is for this and I get the word vomit to a stranger but it’s just so psychologically unrealistic that she would drop Sidney’s full name into it at a party to which he’s attending and this woman might know him! She might be his long lost love, Eliza! (I really wanted that to happen.) She might be his childhood BFF! His cousin! Like, really? If I have complicated feelings for a guy and I desperately need to talk about it, I don’t tell everyone who I mean! It just makes it soooo obvious it was not written by anyone who knows anything about female psychology! And I can’t believe she just ruined Georgiana’s reputation. “Oh yeah my friend Georgiana Lambe, you know her? She just got abducted!” Like, whoops, there go Georgiana’s chances in one fell swoop. Silly, silly Charlotte. But of course there are never any consequences for actions in this show.
Maybe they don't see so much real harm in Charlotte telling Mrs Susan everything because Mrs Susan either is a perfect stranger and has no interest in ruining someone's reputation or that she is to play a bigger role in everything, or she's genuinely kind and because of Charlotte's openness she feels that it's forgivable for such a spirited young woman. Running to London without money. I agree, it's absolutely crazy. But I can understand that impulse though.😘😘😘
She is clever but too hasty in judgment, she will correct that. Now that she finally understood the nature of her feelings, the source of her anger and anxiety, basically, that's she understood she's in love, it will open her eyes. And she will see better where she belongs. Till now she could not realize that she was challenging herself in challenging  others. But the picture of the old vision crumbled, and suffering can erase the prejudice and her illusions and teach her where she really belongs.
I think that she was so frustrated at the beginning of the episode because of her prejudice, it's so blind, that prejudice. And following it she acted too hastily and was so harsh. Ignorance was present, she was deaf to Sidney, and then everything turned out to be different. Sidney is the man that knows what is to love, suffer, really save someone. Everything's upside down. And it's more or less okay that she at first rejects that invitation... I think that she will analyze everything and everything will be fine💕💕💕Sorry for being so talkative 😙😅
Never apologise for being enthusiastic! I hope you are right in your evaluation of Charlotte’s character development here. Perhaps she has to go backwards to go forwards. I guess my main problem is with the inconsistent world building around her, because she is not facing any consequences - she doesn’t seem to realise how inappropriate some of the things she does are, though I grant you she does seem to realise some of them. And nobody around her is calling her out on them. She’s a complete and utter liability to the Parkers and I don’t really know why they don’t send her back to Willingden - apart from the fact that they can’t because she’s the heroine. But that’s a bad reason within the text.  *shrug* I guess we’ll see, but I’ve lost a lot of respect for the writing this episode. A lot.
^^ I find my views align with this, as well. I’m willing to bet that Lady Susan will be the one to rally the troops to save the day and be the one to help put Sanditon on the map...
Perhaps? I mean, she’s just a random stranger who finds Charlotte sympathetic and amusing instead of way out of order so I don’t know where she’s going to go.
You're right. Even at the beginning I thought Charlotte was at the very least pragmatic but her lack of knowledge about the ways of society is both unconvincing and doing an injustice to her as a character
It’s the lack of social knowledge that bothers me. Like, in a way I can accept it in Sanditon because that place is frankly a backwater (no matter what Tom says) but in London there is no way in hell anyone’s going to be charmed by Charlotte on any level. It’s completely unbelievable.
Mess, mess. And I thought the show had found its footing, even as simply entertaining, campy playing with tropes and cliches. Plus, I'm really hating Clara's characterisation at this point.
Yes, this! I genuinely enjoyed and was excited about episodes 4 & 5. I’ve been writing fanfiction! But this episode has really soured my enjoyment. The more I think about it, the more annoyed I become. I even went on a massive rant about it on Facebook! And that’s even before we get to Edward and Clara having sex on a cold stone floor with a snake mosaic...
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Rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Cassian Andor (Rogue One)
Steve Rogers (Marvel)
Diana Prince (Movies) & Clark Kent (Comics)
Cisco Ramon (Arrowverse)
Susan Pevensie (Narnia)
Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games)
Clara Clayton (BTTF)
Takeshi Kovacs (Altered Carbon)
Elinor Dashwood (Sense & Sensibility - Jane Austen books)
Remus Lupin / Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Tagged By: @amyriadofmuses Tagging: anyone who wants to
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ao3feed-janeausten · 3 years
Jane Austen and the Seven Deadly Sins
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3uVpNMI
by scrimshaw
The story of Snow White retold from the pages of Jane Austen's works, with a challenge to incorporate alternative or rare point of view characters. I also aim for the soul of wit: brevity (results may vary).
Words: 1900, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: AUSTEN Jane - Works, Persuasion - Jane Austen, Lesley Castle - Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen, Sanditon - Jane Austen, Emma - Jane Austen, Lady Susan - Jane Austen
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Elizabeth Elliot, Penelope Clay, Susan Lesley, William Fitzgerald (Lesley Castle), Original Female Character(s), Mrs. Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility), Anne Steele, Lucy Steele (Sense and Sensibility), Mr. Hurst (Pride and Prejudice), General Tilney (Northanger Abbey), Mary Parker (Sanditon), Charlotte Heywood, Lady Denham (Sanditon), Clara Brereton, Frank Churchill, Child - Character
Relationships: Louisa Hurst/Mr. Hurst, Mary Parker/Tom Parker (Sanditon), Frank Churchill/Jane Fairfax, Reginald De Courcy/Frederica Vernon, Lady Susan Vernon/James Martin
Additional Tags: Fairy Tale Elements, Fairy Tale Retellings, Snow White Elements, Seven Deadly Sins, Intrigue, Family, Regret, Eventual Romance, Servants, Drama, POV Minor Character, Epistolary, Fear of Discovery, Angst, Children, Weddings, Humor, Just Desserts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3uVpNMI
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minervamylove · 7 years
get to know the blogger
tagged in an indirect manner by @leviohhsa. Not tagging people but if you want to do this you can put me as the blog that tagged you! 
name: Lily 
zodiac: leo 
height: 5′6″
last thing googled: the conversion rate between USD and Icelandic krona
favorite artist: Florence + the Machine
song stuck in my head: Vienna by Billy Joel
last movie i saw: You Get Me, the netflix original (don’t watch it; it sucks)
do i have any other blogs: nope
what did your last relationship teach you: that love changes, but that doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing
religious or spiritual: neither really? any of my worshipful tendencies are pretty much grounded in people that i care about
favorite color: purple
average hours of sleep: 7 or 8ish 
lucky numbers: 13 and 28
favorite characters: river song, minerva mcgonagall, albus dumbledore, clara oswald, the doctor, missy, captain kathryn janeway, eliot waugh, aelin galathynius, harry potter, remus lupin, blue sargent, richard campbell gansey iii, elinor loredan, rupert giles, elinor dashwood, fitzwilliam darcy, carol aird (don't @ me i love lots of characters okay?? i’m sure i’ll think of more in three seconds) 
how many blankets do i sleep with: 1 duvet 
dream job: ya and middle grade author 
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curiousb · 7 months
The Dashwood Family Album: Volume XIV
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Daniel is a proud family man, and a very hands-on dad.
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George does his share of childcare too.
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While Clara has some well-earned 'me time'.
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I'm glad she's feeling refreshed, as there are now two toddlers to run around after.
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Alice's toddler stats:
~ Aquarius 5 / 3 / 5 / 10 / 9
~ Excitable / Sailor
~ OTH: Cuisine
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George and Alice bond very quickly - but then everyone loves big-hearted George!
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Mmmm, mush!
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The tots are both very creative.
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Whatever it is, I didn't do it!
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John is the first to hear the news that another Dashwood is on the way already!
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That's OK - daddy still has plenty of time for him.
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And Clara is taking this pregnancy in her stride.
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Although George takes no chances, and stays firmly by her side whenever Daniel is not at home.
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Bonding with another expectant mum - Marianne - over the concerns of parenthood.
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And finally, they have another son, with the sparkling blue eyes of his grandmother Elinor - welcome, Harry Dashwood!
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piketrickfeet · 7 years
just curious, which characters r u protective of?
juliet burke, elizabeth keen, tony stark, clara oswald, rory williams, emma swan, stiles stilinski, ethan choi, sarah reese, sylvie brett, gwen, kenzi, anne shirley, marianne dashwood, felicity smoak, maya hart, sara sidle, parker, cassandra cillian, ezekiel jones, mike ross, ginny weasley, patterson, joan watson, sara lance, and probably more lol 
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vonschweet · 6 years
About 20+ under the read more.
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fc: joe keery fr: meet the robinsons sh: raina corona fam: wilbur robinson (cousin) oth: lena dear (ex)
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fc: lili reinhart fr: bambi sh: benji woods fam: arthur pendry (cousin) oth: nicholas wilde (ex), dashiel parr (ex)
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fc: lisa teige fr: anastasia sh: dashiel parr fam: na oth: dashiel parr (best friend), abigail v. (best friend)
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fc: vanessa morgan fr: wreck it ralph sh: nicholas wilde fam: peter pan & the lost boys (brothers) oth: robert hood (ex), todd tweed (ex), tessa belle (dreamteam)
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fc: jack falahee fr: robin hood sh: lena dear fam: nicholas wilde (brother), todd tweed (brother) oth: vanya schmidt (ex)
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fc: alberto rosende fr: the aristocats sh: ariel triton fam: maria bonfamille (sister), thomas bonfamille (brother) oth: vanessa triton (ex fiancee)
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fc: maia mitchell fr: hercules sh: peter pan fam: na oth: hades king (boss)
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fc: calum hood fr: httyd sh: sophie white fam: na oth: quincy beaumont (best friend), benji woods (best friend), lena dear (nurse)
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fc: ross butler fr: the hunchback of notre dame sh: maria bonfamille fam: abigail vanderbilt (sister) oth: hyke haddock (best friend), benji woods (best friend)
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fc: caitlin stasey fr: sleeping beauty sh: adam roux fam: na oth: na
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fc: hailee steinfeld fr: ducktales sh: matthew hadder fam: quincy beaumont (brother) oth: na
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fc: josefine f. pettersen fr: cinderella sh: belle french fam: arthur pendry (cousin) oth: na
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fc: tarjei sandvik moe fr: the sword in the stone sh: alice kingsley fam: ella bennet (cousin), faline dashwood (cousin) oth: na.
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fc: lily collins fr: the incredibles sh: hades king fam: dashiel parr (brother) oth: emily yard (best friend)
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fc: matthew daddario fr: the fox and the hound sh: milo thatch fam: nicholas wilde (brother), robert hood (brother) oth: vanya schmidt (ex)
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fc: dylan o’brien fr: winnie the pooh sh: briar rose fam: na oth: na
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fc: dylan sprayberry fr: 101 dalmatians sh: wendy darling fam: penelope dear (sister), lucas dear (brother), lena dear (sister) oth: na
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fc: katherine langford fr: 101 dalmatians sh: thomas bonfamille fam: landon dear (brother), lucas dear (brother), lena dear (sister) oth: na
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fc: alisha boe fr: atlantis – tle sh: lucas dear fam: na oth: milo thatch (ex fling)
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fc: bill skarsgard fr: nightmare before christmas sh: emily yard fam: na oth: na
AL DEAN ( 25 )
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fc: rami malek fr: aladdin sh: jasmine afar fam: na oth: na
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fc: emeraude toubia fr: the little mermaid sh: audrey ramirez fam: ariel triton (distant cousin) oth: bernardo bonfamille (ex fiancee)
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fc: robbie kay fr: toy story sh: tessa belle fam: na oth: na
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fc: grant gustin fr: lady and the tramp sh:  fam: na oth: honey lemon (ex fling), lena dear (ex fling)
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fc: andrew garfield fr: meet the robinsons sh: honey lemon fam: wilbur robinson (nephew) oth: honey lemon (science friend), kiara lyon (ex fling)
MAX GOOF ( 28 )
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fc: sidharth malhotra fr: a goofy movie sh: malia damoon fam: clara goof (daughter) oth: na
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fc: lee jong suk fr: alice in wonderland sh: nani calleiha fam: na oth: na
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fc: tyler posey fr: coco sh: ruby liah  fam: na oth: na
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fc: miles heizer fr: rotg sh: francesca robinson fam: perny kross (half-sister), tessa bell (half-sister) oth: na
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fc: elle fanning fr: frozen sh: noah fisher fam: anna arryn (sister), raina corona (half-sister) oth: na
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fc: willa fitzgerald fr: the princess and the frog sh: henry turner fam: na oth: na
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fc: keiynan lonsdale fr: the lion king 2 sh: kiara lyon fam: na oth: na
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fc: richard madden fr: the little mermaid sh: elodie blake fam: hans westerguard (cousin) oth: na
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fc: dane dehaan fr: frozen sh: chantal fam: eric andersen (cousin) oth: na
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fc: shawn mendes fr: toy story sh: jessica mane fam: na oth: na
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fc: asa butterfield fr: hercules sh: dana alders  fam: na oth: hades king (boss)
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fc: britt roberson fr: how to train your dragon sh: harrison suez fam: na oth: na
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fc: tyler blackburn fr: treasure planet sh: jessica rabbit? fam: na oth: na
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fc: liana liberato fr: frozen sh: james hook fam: elsa arryn (sister), raina corona (half-sister) oth: na
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fc: dove cameron fr: the secret of the wings  sh: flynn rider fam: tessa bell (sister), jack frost (half-brother) oth: na
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fc: haley lu richardson fr: tarzan sh: dimitri fam: na oth: na
0 notes
curiousb · 4 months
The Dashwood Family Album: Volume XVIII
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Despite finding a loyal companion in Lulu, there's still a void in Robert's life, and he can't resist calling up someone whose name has been in his address book for a while now - Miles.
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Once Miles stops coughing for more than a few minutes straight...
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...a good time is had by all. I just hope that Robert doesn't get his hopes up too high - like he did previously with Benjamin - as Miles has never shown any interest in settling down with anyone.
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Meanwhile, outside, Gordon King is relieving Edward of his beloved car restoration project.
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Edward is forced to take up another hobby, instead of tinkering with his jalopy. Lulu is very impressed with his energy levels - and all that - but does wish that he would do his work-out elsewhere, and stop blocking the landing! How is she supposed to chase her own tail with all this going on?
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Another day, another family gathering - this time Edward and Elinor are getting to know their grandson John a bit better, and appreciating his zest for life. (I do wish this silly game would let toddlers be invited along with their family.)
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Edward also takes the chance to recapture his youth - joining oldest daughter Clara for a rendition of their old school cheer.
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Love is...twirling your wife in the kitchen, after many happy years together.
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curiousb · 2 years
The Wickham Family Album: Volume IV
(Repost due to tumblr shenanigans.)
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Cousins Miles and Benjamin have always got along well, and neither has any serious commitments, so it makes sense that after graduation they would find the perfect bachelor pad together.
Miles’s stats:
~ Gemini 5 / 7 / 5 / 6 / 6
~ Avant Garde / Bookworm / Dramatic / Schmoozer / Snob
~ OTH: Film & Literature
~ Favourite Colour(s): Yellow
~ Aspiration: Romance / Knowledge
~ Turn-ons/off: +Artistic / +Reserved / -Laid Back
~ Major: Physics (2.6)
~ LTW: Become Education Minister (it might seem an odd choice, but Miles is very passionate about Film & Literature, with very robust views on the subject, and a strong drive to pass on his enthusiasm and insight to others)
Benjamin’s stats:
~ Scorpio 9 / 6 / 6 / 7 / 8
~ Animal Lover / Easily Impressed / Perfectionist / Avant Garde / Kind
~ OTH: Arts & Crafts
~ Favourite Colour(s): Orange / Green
~ Aspiration: Knowledge / Popularity
~ Turn-ons/off: +Artistic / +Well-liked / -Indoorsy
~ Major: Art (3.1)
~ LTW: Paint a Masterpiece (thanks to @lamare-sims​ again!)
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Miles gets on the phone to Anna straight away, to invite her to inaugurate the new bed.
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Benjamin has a guest too - umm, Beth, I thought that you and Bertram were very much an item now?! Perhaps she simply couldn’t resist the opportunity to hook up with her first crush when it presented itself?
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Look, you’ve only just graduated and you don’t even have jobs yet - how can you need a holiday already?
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Umm, share and share alike, I guess?
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Miles is having a bit less fun, outside.
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I’m sure it isn’t anything that you haven’t see before, Benjamin!
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Benjamin earns his keep by doing most of the cooking, and he’s becoming quite proficient at it.
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A hot tub is an essential investment for any self-respecting aspiring playboys. (Anna seems to be ruining the mood by reminding everyone that life is short.)
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And it certainly sees a lot of action...
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from some rather unexpected quarters too!
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I’m guessing it’s never been quite like that with fiancé Crawford!
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Yes, their free-and-easy lifestyle is proving to be everything that the guys hoped it would be.
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Except that deep down, Benjamin can’t help feeling a slight sense of unease - is this the real him? Or maybe his disastrous relationship with Clara has affected him more than he realised, and made him too wary of commitment?
Maybe it’s time to rethink his priorities in life...
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And with that, Benjamin’s Aspiration is changed from Knowledge / Romance to Knowledge / Popularity, which it always should have been, but I made a mistake when I first assigned his Aspiration as a teen. Sorry, Benjamin!
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curiousb · 26 days
The Dashwood Family Album: Volume XXIV
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With expectant dad Robert having the sprawling family home to himself (apart from Lulu of course), and his sister Clara and brother-in-law Daniel rapidly running out of room for their offspring in their current residence, it only makes sense for Clara and family to move in.
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Lulu is especially happy to have George as a live-in playmate.
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Uncle Robert helps Matilda to decide what she'd like for lunch.
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Hmm, he's feeling a bit odd this afternoon though.
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With nephew and niece John and Alice to cheer him on, he gives birth to his daughter, Helena. She has her grandfather George Wickham's green eyes (and a weirdly alien-looking nose?).
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John and Alice are delighted to welcome their new cousin to the family.
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Meanwhile, Clara and Daniel have been rather distracted by Matilda's birthday.
~ Gemini  3 / 4 / 9 / 6 / 10
~ Adventurous / Athletic
~ OTH: Fitness
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The kitchen is baby-care central! With piano accompaniment by John.
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Amidst all the happenings downstairs, middle child Harry is left to age up all alone. 😢
~ Sagittarius 4 / 6 / 5 / 5 / 10
~ Kind / Night Owl / Friendly
~ OTH: Nature
~ Favourite Colour(s): Yellow
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curiousb · 28 days
The Dashwood Family Album: Volume XXII
We're dropping in on the household of Keziah's older sister Clara today, for some scenes of cosy domesticity.
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There's always plenty of fun to be had in the bathroom.
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Although I think this is a rather more hygienic pastime for youngest child Harry.
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I love how the activity table allows kids of all ages to play together - John's schoolmate Isabel is joining him and his sister Alice this afternoon for a friendly colouring session.
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Not to be outdone by her younger sister, Clara decides to add a fourth youngster to her own brood too.
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Harry doesn't seem to think this is a wise move, and neither do I, given the modest proportions of their house!
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But big brother John leaps into action, getting the bathroom spic and span in readiness for the new arrival.
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And here she is - welcome to the neighbourhood, Matilda! She has her dad Daniel's soft blue eyes.
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curiousb · 8 months
The Dashwood Family Album: Volume VIII
George has a busy schedule.
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Rolling in puddles,
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surveilling the neighbourhood for suspicious characters,
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and entertaining guests.
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Clara is also making a point of getting to know her mum-in-law Jane.
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When she's not presiding over son John's first birthday.
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That hair gives toddlers such a massive forehead! :D
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George is a very willing babysitter.
John's toddler stats:
~ Sagittarius 4 / 6 / 7 / 9 / 9
~ Excitable / Athletic
~ OTH: Sport
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While of course it would be lovely for John to have a sibling, Clara really does not like this part of the process.
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Meanwhile, John is making great strides in learning to toddle around on his own two feet,
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relishing not having to share his toys,
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and enjoying being the centre of attention with everyone.
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But that's all set to change when sister Alice arrives!
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