#helena dashwood
curiousb · 22 days
The Wickham Family Album: Volume XV
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I don't think anyone would have predicted that this day would ever come, but here we are - Miles and Robert's wedding day!
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I'm not sure what's got into Miles's brother Simon...
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...but he soon cheers up, once he gets a glass of champagne in his hand. Maybe he's grumpy because he's not actually wearing his own suit?
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Their dad George doesn't need anything to improve his mood.
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The newlyweds sneak off to do a bit more snogging in private.
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While Simon divests himself of The Wrong Suit, to take a dip in the hot tub.
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Lulu has been dutifully babysitting during the party.
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The lovebirds are subjected to some strong wolfish disapproval, for leaving the toddlers to fend for themselves while they continue their wedding celebrations late into the evening. But they're too caught up in each other to notice.
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Now look here, guys! Squeezing two kids into Miles's former bachelor pad was probably just about doable, but three is really not going to work!
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No no, you boys just carry on enjoying your honeymoon period, and I'll sort out your housing crisis for you...
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Knightley isn’t the Secret Villain of Emma
The book Jane Austen, the Secret Radical by Helena Kelly has been haunting me despite the fact that I’ve never read it and I probably won’t because everything I hear is wild. Theories from that book come up in discussions a lot.
Anyway, I would like to address the author’s theory that Mr. Knightley is actually the villain of the novel, marrying Emma just to he can enclose land and become more powerful/wealthy. Also, he caused the turkey theft by making people poorer. There is a argument against this theory here and, by the excellent John Mullen: here.
So firstly, this goes against everything we know about Mr. Knightley’s character. He shows concern for everyone, especially the poor, and he respects people of the lower class, such as Robert Martin. We see many examples of this, the Bates being a prime example. He sends his last apples to Miss Bates and offers his own carriage for the Bates and Jane Fairfax to go to the Coles. (This also proves he can use his carriage if he wants to). The most dramatic point of the book is him scolding Emma for being unkind to someone poorer than herself!
Secondly, there are still common fields, it’s right in the book: if one is blown over in the bleak part of the common field there will be the other at hand. I dare say we shall be all safe at Hartfield before midnight (Ch 15).
Thirdly, I don’t see how this is evidence at all of Knightley having evil plots:
“True, true,” cried Mr. Knightley, with most ready interposition—“very true. That’s a consideration indeed.—But John, as to what I was telling you of my idea of moving the path to Langham, of turning it more to the right that it may not cut through the home meadows, I cannot conceive any difficulty. I should not attempt it, if it were to be the means of inconvenience to the Highbury people, but if you call to mind exactly the present line of the path.... The only way of proving it, however, will be to turn to our maps. I shall see you at the Abbey to-morrow morning I hope, and then we will look them over, and you shall give me your opinion.” (Ch 11)
Knightley is talking to his own brother, among family. We have absolutely no reason to believe he is lying. In his annotated Emma, David M. Shapard points to this same passage as an example of Mr. Knightley’s thoughtfulness to the local people. If anything, this makes him an ideal, not a villain.
Fourthly, like, theft happens people. In every society all the time. Poultry are smallish and stupid and easy to steal. And to blame Knightley for poverty when even Jesus admitted that poverty will literally always exist? One man can only do so much!
Finally, Jane Austen does mention enclosure in her novels, indicating she’s not scared to bring it up, and which character does it? John freaking Dashwood. When telling his sister why he is so poor, John says, “The enclosure of Norland Common, now carrying on, is a most serious drain [to his finances].” (Ch 33, Sense & Sensibility) Of course he’s not poor; he also does not engage in charity at all, not even when he makes a deathbed promise to his father. If you read both of these novels and somehow took away that Knightley is another John Dashwood than... I mean honestly I don’t even know what to say.
But it’s also unclear in S&S if Austen though enclosure was a bad thing. Henry Dashwood, the girl’s father, seems to me to be presented as a good man, and he might well to have been planning enclosure as well:  
Mr. Dashwood’s disappointment was, at first, severe; but his temper was cheerful and sanguine; and he might reasonably hope to live many years, and by living economically, lay by a considerable sum from the produce of an estate already large, and capable of almost immediate improvement.
Which leads me to believe that the real crime of John Dashwood was to complain to his impoverished sisters, not necessarily the enclosure itself. He’s claiming poverty while doing something to make himself more wealthy.
Either way, however Jane Austen actually viewed enclosure, I don't know how you can read Emma and decide that the thoughtful, caring, polite, and truth-telling Mr. Knightley, who gives up his actual home to live with Emma and her father, is somehow the villain.
Additional Note: I am pretty disinclined to believe anything in the book Secret Radical because of her argument that Fanny bought a knife for Betsey to protect her from the abuse of Mr. Price. Which is.. just insane. I really doubt either Susan (14) or Betsey (5) could fight off a former Marine Officer with a pen knife, even if that was how child abuse worked... but also none of the Price children ever act like they are afraid of their father. He yells at the boys once to zero effect and then they come and make noise right in front of him... Anyway, I'm just addressing the Knightley thing because it comes up a lot online now.
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kevrocksicehouse · 3 years
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Emma Thompson, feminist hero in pre-feminist clothes is 62 today. A few of her period pieces:
Margaret Schlegel in Howards End. D: James Ivory (1992). In a visually sumptuous movie of E. M. Forster’s novel that lusciously celebrates the aesthetic surface of country-manor turn-of-the-century Britain while examining the classism and hypocrisy behind the houses and gardens we’re appreciating, Thompson plays a modernist woman from a cultivated background who marries a much more conservative landowner (Anthony Hopkins) and tries for as long as she can to bridge his values to hers. When what amounts to a shrug of his shoulders ruins the life of an acquaintance and later touches her much more tempestuous sister (Helena Bonham Carter) we see on Thompson’s face just how much her husband doesn’t see, and that the very open-mindedness which has let her forgive the sins of his past must also forgive him for his blindness in the present. It’s a tragedy of manners.
Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing. D: Kenneth Branagh (1993). In a beautifully filmed and exuberantly funny version of one of Shakespeare’s best comedies, Thompson conducts a “merry war” of insulting repartee (“Is it possible that disdain should die while she hath such meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick?”) with a confirmed bachelor played by her husband at the time, Branagh (his reply, “I would my horse had the speed of your tongue, and so good a continuer.”) In true romcom fashion their best friends (Kate Beckinsale, Robert Sean Leonard, and Denzel Washington) try to trick them into falling in love, even as a cruel trick by villain Keanu Reeves almost sunders Beckinsale and Leonard’s union. Thompson’s formidable comic talents have rarely gotten a better showcase.
Elinor Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility. D: Ang Lee (1995).  Thompson won an Oscar for adapting Jane Austen’s novel about the romantic aspiration of a pair of sisters who, because of the miserliness of their family’s (male) heir, (detailed in a Dickensian pre-credits scene) find themselves in straitened circumstances. Even though she was sixteen years older than Austen’s Elinor, her casting both brought home the economic reality of her spinsterhood and gave her relationship with her more romantic younger sister Marianne (Kate Winslet) an almost maternal edge. Thompson, as in so many films is the sane center of the movie (its “sense”) so when Winslet’s betrayal by a suitor mirrors an earlier disappointment in her own recent past and she exclaims “Believe me, Marianne, had I not been bound to silence I could have provided proof enough of a broken heart, even for you,” Thompson lets loose the flood of emotion let loose by the crumbling of her restraint. The novel wasn’t Austen’s best but in Thompson’s and Lee’s hands it becomes her most heartfelt.
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its-sixxers · 4 years
Top 10 Female Characters
Rules: Name your top 10 favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people. tagged by: @marvilus73​ thank uuuu
tagging: @benny-gecko-official​ @courier-sux​ @randomwordsandstormydays​ @radbeetle​ @vaulties​ @nukasoda​ @falloutglow​ @valkyriejack​ @corvegaassemblyplant​ @eeveevie​ woof that’s a lotta people u dont gotta do i just obey the tumblr tag gods sometimes
It’s a VERY good thing that this was for different fandoms because 3 of them were going to be from A Song of Ice and Fire because I am the worst. All of these women have inspired parts of my OCs, see if you can spot the fascinating ways I am a hack fraud under a read more cuz long
Samus Aran (Metroid)
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My first videogame love. I will die for her. Really the first example of a lady kicking ass that I can remember, and also gave me my fascination for the mysterious person in armor trope. Seeing a female character who wasn’t sexualized (until the zero suit, anyway) was a game changer.
Sansa Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire)
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I’m in the camp where I prefer book Sansa to show Sansa, but in general I just really love what she represents - or at least the potential of it. A woman constrained by the binds of her society and suffering for it, but learning to play it to her advantage and turn the tables on motherfuckers and make them forever regret underestimating her. Strong in a way that doesn’t require physical power or violence. She’s a very different archetype and I love her for it. (I also enjoy her dynamic with Sandor even though it screams problematic). MY QUEEN IN DA NORF
Honorary mentions also go to Brienne of Tarth and Olenna Tyrell from the series. :V
Sarah Connor (Terminator)
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I prefer the first movie to the second and Sarah's a big reason for that. I love seeing an ordinary woman faced with horrifying circumstances and fuckin' killing it. T2 Sarah is very fucked up (and I appreciate that she's realistically fucked up from what she's been through) and I love her too but sweet baby angel T1 Sarah is my fave. I pretend the other movies don’t exist lol sue me
Maiev Shadowsong (Warcraft)
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In a total reverse from Sarah Connor, I love Maiev because she's an absolute asshole, but also because she's right. Mostly. A woman incredibly devoted to her duty, who has witnessed a lot of terror and horror, arguably betrayed by her leader and still trying to do what's best for her people. Love her to bits. Tyrande who?
Red (Transistor)
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This game stuck with me after I finished it and has still stuck with me. Just having a relatively mute protagonist (save for her singing) in crazy circumstances with her dead boyfriend's soul in a sword she uses to whoop ass. Idk. I just think she's neat.
Furiosa (Mad Max: Fury Road)
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She's fury and love, power and tenderness. She's every shade of woman - she’s a human and there’s absolutely no male gaze regarding her (to the point of angering manchildren, legend). If every female character was like Furiosa I could die happy. I can't sufficiently express how amazing she and the rest of the female cast in the movie are but I've seen it three times in theatres if that tells you anything.
Margaret (The Crown)
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Her character is based on an actual real life person, but dramatized. This is going to be a smidge weird but idc. I identify a lot with Margaret - her pains in love, her aimlessness, feeling ignored or misunderstood, a complicated but loving relationship with her sister. Taking to abusing alcohol to deal with it and everyone just kind of turning a blind eye. The mix of very high highs and very low lows. Trying to be happy and things never seeming to work out. The absolute tragedy of her life just being absolute garbage - partially of her own making. She's great, Vanessa Kirby and Helena Bonham Carter do a great job portraying her.
Elinor Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility)
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For the Austenverse this spot was a tie between Elinor and Anne Elliot from Persuasion. Both are characters I've grown to love more and more as I've gotten older and can identify with them more. They're up there in age, they're the obligatory responsible adult in their families trying to fuckn' make do on this bitch of an earth. They have great pains and anxiety regarding love a nd their age and broken hopes and just hnnnh feels. Emma Thompson is my favorite rendition of her.
Lady Sarah Churchill (The Favorite)
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Baddest bitch on the block. Emphasis on bitch. Like Sansa, her world is a sexist and misogynist one where women aren't percieved as a threat - they're barely percieved as players at all - but Sarah is smart as hell and has managed to seat herself in a position of extreme power at the Queen's side. At the cost of emotionally manipulating the Queen for her own selfish needs. (wtf) She's a villian I really like and seeing her and Abigail's power struggles is depressing but entertaining. Also her fashion sense is bomb dot com.
Megara (Disney)
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Alongside Esmeralda (another favorite, tho problematic) the only Disney heroine from my childhood that seems to be an actual adult. She's sassy, her hips don't lie, and she loves herself a himbo. Relateable.
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misthqs · 4 years
anonymous said: member’s mw?
han solo, jaina solo, jacen solo, anakin solo, darth maul, rose tico, jannah, ahsoka tano, the mandalorian, shara bey, kes dameron, breha organa, bail organa, satine kryze, bo-katan kryze, shmi Skywalker ( star wars ) , thor odinson, clint barton, sharon carter, sam wilson, shuri, valkyrie, carol danvers, kitty pryde, lorna dane, wanda maximoff, ororo munroe, satana hellstrom, vanessa carlysle, eddie brock ( marvel ) , pam isley, selina kyle, dinah lance, helena bertinelli, courtney whitmore, beth chapel, lucifer morningstar, dick grayson, jason todd, bruce wayne, barbara gordon, mera, arthur curry, clark kent ( dc ) , bonnie bennett, lizzie saltzman, alaric saltzman, klaus mikaelson, rebekah mikaelson, lexi branson, hayley marshall, tyler lockwood, jenna sommers, josette laughlin, amara , kol mikaelson,elijah mikaelson, finn mikaelson, freya mikaelson, marcel gerard, camille o’connell, matt donovan, vicki donovan , greta martin, penelope park ( tvd ) , daenerys targaryen, sansa stark, margaery tyrell, cersei lannister, arianne martell, jaime lannister, tyrion lannister, robb stark, myrcella baratheon, theon greyjoy, the sand snakes, ellaria sand, jenye westerling, jenye poole, catelyn stark ( got ) , raymmond chestnut ( the umbrella academy ) , mai & azula ( atla ) , literally anyone ( final fantasy ) , andromeda tonks, narcissa malfoy, frank + alice longbottom, neville longbottom, minerva mcgonagall, ginny weasley, ron weasley, molly weasley, cedric diggory, dorcas meadows, mary macdonald, oliver wood, marcus flint, lily evans, cho chang, fleur delacour ( harry potter ) , cordelia chase, angel, spike, xander harris, willow rosenberg, tara maclay, harmony kendall, dawn summers, darla, drusilla, rupert giles, fred burkle ( buffyverse ) , nate archibald, serena van der woodsen, lily bass/rhodes/van der woodsen, eric van der woodsen ( gossip girl ), malia tate, scott mccall, isaac lahey ( tw ), lizzie bennett, lydia bennett, ALL the bennett sisters tbh ( pride and prejudice ), elinor dashwood, marianne dashwood ( sense and sensibility ). 
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karthaeuser65 · 7 years
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Alan Rickman & Amanda Ooms as Franz Anton Mesmer & Maria Theresa Paradies in “Mesmer”, Alan Rickman & Sigourney Weaver as Alex Hughes & Linda in “Snow Cake”, Alan Rickman & Sharleen Spiteri in the music video by Texas entitled "In Demand", Alan Rickman & Rachel Hurd-Wood as Antoine & Laura Richis in “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”, with  Geraldine Somerville as Severus Snape & Lily Potter in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2″, Alan Rickman & Helena Bonham Carter as Severus Snape & Bellatrix Lestrange in “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince“, with Lindy Booth as Eli Michaelson & Beth Chapman in “Nobel Son”, Alan Rickman & Kate Winslet as Colonel Brandon & Marianne  Dashwood in “Sense and Sensibility”, Alan Rickman & Emma Thompson as Harry & Karen in “Love Actually”                                                 
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thecommunityarchive · 5 years
March 4th – 30th, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham Live in Nottingham with Ethan Assouline, Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann, David Bernstein, Tenant of Culture, Cyrus Goberville, Philippe Hallais and Ruby Hoette
November 9th – 11th, Le Reilhac, Paris ’Photos Authentiques, Romantiques, Magnifiques’ with David Brandon Geeting, Xiaopeng Yuan, Nico Krijno, Charles Negre, Melchior Tersen, Nick Sethi, Kamilya Kuspanova and Marie Déhé
October 13th – 20th, DOC, Paris Umwelt Monde with The Community (Paris), TG (Nottingham), Mercy Pictures (Auckland), Unsere Umwelt (Basel), Guimarães (Vienna) and Sydney (Sydney). The Community with Tenant of Culture, Justin Cole Smith and Alexander Kelvy
September 26th, Palais de Tokyo Terrace, Paris Gauntlett Cheng 'Eternal Spring' Performance + Terrace Takeover
July 21st, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #09 : Black Zone Myth Chant (Editions Gravats)
July 11th – 28th, The Community, Paris Final exhibition: « Inside the house » with Cali Thornhill Dewitt, David Luraschi, Félicia Atkinson, Ieva Kabasinskaite + “the names of the core team”, Julie Béna, Julien Carreyn + Ernesto Sartori, Julien Lacroix, Laurent-David Garnier, Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann + Anna Athéna Simon, Niklas Hallman, Pieter van der Schaaf & Stéphanie Lagarde, Shauna Toohey & Misha Hollenbach, The Community, Thomas Jeppe + Cyrus Goberville + Black Zone Myth Chant, Léa Domingues + Aapo Nikkanen, (But chérie, today we’re not full – More to be announced!)
June 22nd – 24th, The Community, Paris Double Date with Wigs (Perruques) by Tomihiro Kono and “I’m having a dinner with a friend” by Haruka Spring and Shauna T. June 20th – July 29th, rue de la République, Marseille Installation by The Community for Koché at Le Sud Bébé
June 9th – July 1st, Averard Hotel, London European, Foreign and Domestic with Louis & Marie Amar, Amy & Oliver Thomas-Irvine, Michael Iveson, Jack Brindley, Marc Einsiedel & Felix Jung, The Community, Ittah-Yoda and Ophelia Finke ∩ JJ Lincoln
May 30th, The Community, Paris octopus notes 8 Launch
May 25th, The Community, Paris Launch and book signing: Khichdi (Kitchari) by Nick Sethi (Dashwood Books)
May 12th – June 10th, The Community, Paris Autour de ma chambre with Christiane Blattmann, Women’s History Museum and Femke Dekkers
April 28th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #08 : Dominick Fernow (Hospital Productions)
April 20th – May 19th, COHERENT, Brussels I spy with my little eye with Brendan Fowler, David Luraschi and Niklas Hallman
April 18th, The Community, Paris I will set a stage for you by Ana Iwataki and Marion Vasseur Raluy – based on a project for Art Viewer
April 12th – May 6th, The Community, Paris Angela (An American Hero, Chapitre 2) by Ethan Assouline and Philippe Hallais
April 5th – 7th, The Community, Paris The Community : Living Room with Thami Schweichler (Makers Unite), Ruby Hoette (Goldsmiths University), Julien Pujol and Soft as Snow (Houndstooth)
March 17th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #07 : ssaliva (Collapsing Market)
February 16th, Cotton Club, Paris Ystävänpäivä Party Celebrating Our 500 Days
January 24th – March 18th, The Community, Paris Same Same but Different #04
January 18th – 23rd, The Community, Paris The Community with Producing Love featuring Camper Lab, Chin Mens Intl. and Neith Nyer
January 6th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #06 : Félicia Atkinson (Shelter Press)
December 16th – January 14th, 2018, The Community, Paris How do you do? with David Bernstein, Paul Gagner and Hermanni Saarinen
November 10th – 12th, The Community, Paris The Community : ISLAND with Osamu Yokonami, Daniel Shea, Camille Vivier, Thomas Albdorf, Durimel, Nico Krijno, Charles Negre
October 27th – November 26th, The Community, Paris MILKY WAY with Felicia Atkinson, Giovanna Flores, Elina Laitinen, Cécile Nogues, Adéla Souckova and Sophia Taillet
October 4th, The Community, Paris Gallery 909 SS18 “Empty Zones” Installation via The Community
September 29th – October 4th, The Community, Paris The Community with Novembre Magazine featuring Camper Lab, Ground Zero, MARIEYAT and Neith Nyer
September 27th, The Community, Paris Utopia III “Energy Is Fluid" Launch by P.A.M.
September 23rd, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #05 : Philippe Hallais (Modern Love)
September 22nd, The Community, Paris SS18 FEM(M)I by Anne Karine Thorbjørnsen
July 9th, The Community, Paris Dining with Humpty Dumpty Launch and Reading by Reba Maybury with Rottingdean Bazaar 
July 1st – July 30th, The Community, Paris Automated Curation with core.pan, Miša Skalskis, Simone Niquille, Matti Liimatainen, Caroline Pretterebner, Aaron Alexander Arnoldt, and Wille Hyvönen & Sakari Vaelma
June 26th, Maison Louis Carré, Paris The Community with Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann at Maison Louis Carré
June 23rd – 28th, The Community, Paris The Community with Novembre Magazine featuring Chin Mens, Neith Nyer, Ground Zero and Camper Lab
June 22nd, The Community, Paris The Community with SomeWare (Brendan Fowler + Cali Thornhill DeWitt) and Odwalla1221 (Chloé Elizabeth Maratta & Flannery Silva)
June 13th – 18th, Basel  Umwelt Mode with The Community (Paris), MAVRA (Berlin), TG (Nottingham), and UNSERE UMWELT (Basel). The Community with Aamu Salo, Brendan Fowler, Hanne Jurmu and Thompson Street Studio. Umwelt Mode curated by Thomas Jeppe and Benedikt Wyss
May 20th – June 21st, The Community, Paris RUN HOME Collection III with Susan Cianciolo and Kiva Motnyk
May 9th, The Community, Paris Collection revue 5 launch
April 6th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #04 : Ron Morelli (Hospital Productions)
March 25th – May 9th, The Community, Paris A Waiting Room with Susan Cianciolo & Kiva Motnyk (Thompson Street Studio, Run Home Collection), Corinna Helenelund, Lola Mercier, Sara de la Villejegu and Henry Roy
March 3rd – 8th, The Community, Paris Paris Fashion Week Installation with Novembre Magazine : Gauntlett Cheng, Helena Manzano, Neith Nyer, Nhu Duong and BARRAGÁN
February 23rd – 26th, LACMA, Los Angeles LA Art Book Fair
January 29th – February 26th, The Community, Paris Same Same But Different
January 21st, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #03 : Pan Daijing
January 20th – 24th, The Community, Paris Paris Fashion Week Installation with Novembre Magazine : Chin Mens and Neith Nyer
December 8th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #02 : Carla dal Forno (Blackest Ever Black)
December 3rd – January 13th, 2017, The Community, Paris The Adventures of You with Jaakko Pallasvuo, Arnar Ásgeirsson, Hanne Jurmu & Anton Vartiainen, and The Community and Lance the Psychic & jasonknudsen414
November 26th, The Community, Paris mummy has the bends again (is the bends the one where you go down deep underwater for a long time and when you surface, you feel funny?), Paris launch of HEROES – Fanfiction, by CENTRE FOR STYLE and 3-ply
November 12th – 16th, The Community, Paris Facing-the-World with Nico Krijno, Yelena Yemchuk, Marton Perlaki, HART+LËSHKINA, Mark Peckmezian, Ye Rin Mok, Camille Vivier, Estelle Hanania, Osma Harvilahti, Sasha Kurmaz, Bea de Giacomo, Birthe Piontek, Jody Rogac, Matthew Leifheit, David Luraschi, Heikki Kaski, Louise Desnos, Charlie Engman.
November 4th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #01 : Bill Kouligas (PAN)
September 29th – November 11th, The Community, Paris BEING-IN-THE-WORLD with Sandra Vaka Olsen, Hadrien Gerenton, François Patoue, Aapo Nikkanen, Gyohei Zaitsu, Lauri Soini, Maria Korkeila, ensaemble, Vivi Raila, NINJAT, NOT, Yashka, Elina Laitinen, Sia Rosenberg, The Art Markets, Khaos Publishing, Jean Boite Éditions and Thompson Street Studio
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agrippinaes · 5 years
books i read in 2018
this year reading wise has been very odd for me. on one hand, i was finishing off my postgrad studies, including my dissertation, so i felt like i had very little time to read. that said, i found i was able to very quickly and easily read ebooks, specifically romance ones. because of this i actually managed to read a total of 106 books in 2018, which is far more than i expected to be able to given everything i had going on this year.
in terms of the actual books themselves, there’s not a lot of variety here - i read a few mysteries and thrillers and some other books, but the vast majority that i read were romance novels, particularly regency era ones. as for the goodreads challenge, i set myself a goal of reading 1 book, which i had managed to do on the 1st of january 2018. i will be doing the same thing this year. doing this relieved so much pressure on me. when i went into any kind of reading slump, i never felt guilty about it because i had already met my target. 
i hope that in 2019, without the additional academic pressure, i will be able to read a similar amount this year but with greater variety in terms of genre. i would like to get back out of my comfort zones as i did when i first started doing the goodread challenges.
books i really enjoyed this year were most of the ones i read by tessa dare, who i found to be really easy and engaging to read. i also loved everything i read by lynn messina, who was very similar in tone and content to tessa dare. both of them have some really lovely regency romances that were very fun to read, and i would recommend if that’s your thing. on the more modern end of the romance scale, i really enjoyed mariana zapata’s books this year too. 
so here are the books i read in 2018. my favourites are in bold, with my absolute favourite italicised as well, rereads ware in italics, and any with an * beside them were read for academic purposes.
her cherry by penelope bloom
his banana by penelope bloom
blood harvest by sharon bolton
managed by kristen callihan
wrong number, right guy by elle casey
hallowe’en party by agatha christie
at last the rogue returns by adele clee
what every lord wants by adele clee
a wicked wager by adele clee
a curse of the heart by adele clee
a simple case of seduction by adele clee
ragdoll by daniel cole
do you want to start a scandal? by tessa dare
a lady by midnight by tessa dare
when a scot ties the knot by tessa dare
the governess game by tessa dare
the duchess deal by tessa dare
a week to be wicked by tessa dare
any duchess will do by tessa dare
one dance with a duke by tessa dare
goddess of the hunt by tessa dare
how to catch a wild viscount by tessa dare
say yes to the marquess by tessa dare
once upon a winter’s eve by tessa dare
a night to surrender by tessa dare
lord dashwood missed out by tessa dare
a cold case in amsterdam by anja de jager
an almond for a parrot by wray delaney
the autumn duchess by jillian eaton
the winter duchess by jillian eaton
the spring duchess by jillian eaton
the summer duchess by jillian eaton
lethal white by robert galbraith
anything you can do by r. s. grey
the allure of dean harper by r. s. grey
not so nice guy by r. s. grey
the design by r. s. grey
the fortunate ones by r. s. grey
the foxe and the hound by r. s. grey
a discovery of witches by deborah harkness
shadow of night by deborah harkness
the binding song by elodie harper
when a rogue loves a woman by samantha holt
you’re the rogue that i want by samantha holt
pucked by helena hunting
forever pucked by helena hunting
pretend you’re safe by alexandra ivy
the girls by lisa jewell
then she was gone by lisa jewell
the devil in winter by lisa kleypas
secrets of a summer night by lisa kleypas
an unwanted guest by shari lapena
the rogue returns by leigh lavalle
the misbehaving marquess by leigh lavalle
persuading patience by emma v. leech
the last man in london by emma v. leech
crank by adriana locke
swink by adriana locke
a brazen curiosity by lynn messina
a scandalous deception by lynn messina
an infamous betrayal by lynn messina
the harlow hoyden by lynn messina
the other harlow girl by lynn messina
the fellingham minx by lynn messina
miss fellingham’s rebellion by lynn messina
the impertinent miss templeton by lynn messina
the bolingbroke chit by lynn messina
anne of green gables by l. m. montgomery
the gods of love by nicola mostyn
the ritual by adam nevill
alaska wild by helena newbury
jock row by sara ney
act like it by lucy parker
my best friend’s ex by meghan quinn
twisted twosome by meghan quinn
the missing girl by jenny quintana
riddle of the runes by janina ramirez
beauty and the moustache by penny reid
kissing tolstoy by penny reid
dr strange beard by penny reid
hell bay by kate rhodes
the cure of souls by phil rickman
harry potter and the philosopher’s stone by j. k. rowling
harry potter and the chamber of secrets by j. k. rowling
harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban by j.k. rowling
the darker side of travel: the theory and practice of dark tourism by richard sharpley and philip r. stone*
still not over you by nicole snow
positively pricked by sabrina stark
one good crash by sabrina stark
a spoonful of murder by robin stevens
a costwold killing by rebecca tope
the death of mrs westaway by ruth ware
going nowhere fast by kati wilde
high moon by kati wilde
a lady’s guide to kiss a rake by tanya wilde
an earl’s guide to catch a lady by tanya wilde
an earl in wolf’s clothing by emily windsor
let sleeping dukes lie by emily windsor
captivated by the viscount by emily windsor
my captive earl by emily windsor
a very british murder by lucy worsley*
wait for it by mariana zapata
the wall of winnipeg and me by mariana zapata
under locke by mariana zapata
rhythm, chord and malykhin by mariana zapata
from lukov with love by mariana zapata
0 notes
curiousb · 23 days
The Wickham Family Album: Volume XIV
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Time to age up those babies!
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Amanda goes first. And she's officially a cutie. (Alien nose begone!)
~ Gemini  3 / 6 / 3 / 3 / 5
~ Night Owl / Hates The Outdoors
~ OTH: Games
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Then Helena. (Also a cutie.)
~ Cancer 9 / 7 / 4 / 4 / 5
~ Coward / Perfectionist
~ OTH: Games
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Getting to know Lulu.
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With Miles being such a literature fiend, there was no way that the girls wouldn't be introduced to books from a very early age.
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Huggle break!
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You've got this, Miles!
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curiousb · 24 days
The Wickham Family Album: Volume XIII
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Being unexpectedly expectant has wrought rather a change in Miles. He really doesn't want to go through fatherhood alone, so there's only one thing to do...
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And Robert doesn’t hesitate to leap at the opportunity that Miles's sudden change of heart brings.
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He and baby Helena move in straight away. It's only a small bungalow, but they think they can make it work as a family home.
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And of course, wherever Robert goes, Lulu goes too.
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And not before time!
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It's another girl (and effectively Helena's twin sister) - hello, Amanda! (Is it just me, or does her nose look a bit alien too?)
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Despite his reservations, I think Miles is going to be a super dad.
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To both of their daughters.
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curiousb · 27 days
The Dashwood Family Album: Volume XXIV
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With expectant dad Robert having the sprawling family home to himself (apart from Lulu of course), and his sister Clara and brother-in-law Daniel rapidly running out of room for their offspring in their current residence, it only makes sense for Clara and family to move in.
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Lulu is especially happy to have George as a live-in playmate.
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Uncle Robert helps Matilda to decide what she'd like for lunch.
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Hmm, he's feeling a bit odd this afternoon though.
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With nephew and niece John and Alice to cheer him on, he gives birth to his daughter, Helena. She has her grandfather George Wickham's green eyes (and a weirdly alien-looking nose?).
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John and Alice are delighted to welcome their new cousin to the family.
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Meanwhile, Clara and Daniel have been rather distracted by Matilda's birthday.
~ Gemini  3 / 4 / 9 / 6 / 10
~ Adventurous / Athletic
~ OTH: Fitness
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The kitchen is baby-care central! With piano accompaniment by John.
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Amidst all the happenings downstairs, middle child Harry is left to age up all alone. 😢
~ Sagittarius 4 / 6 / 5 / 5 / 10
~ Kind / Night Owl / Friendly
~ OTH: Nature
~ Favourite Colour(s): Yellow
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