philoursmars · 4 months
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Marseille, Musée Regards de Provence. Une expo sur Jean-Pierre Blanche. Encore des paysages, souvent nocturnes, de Camargue et de Crau.
"Les Grandes Salines"
"Nuit en Camargue"
"Paysage lunaire"
"La Crau"
"L'appel du large"
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var-83-tv · 1 month
Carnaval à La Crau 🎉🤡🎶-Ville de La Crau
Retour sur les meilleur moment du weekend du SAMEDI Carnaval à La Crau 🎉🤡🎶-Ville de La Crau Ça y est l'hiver est terminée 𝗮𝘂 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗰 𝗱𝘂 𝗕𝗲́𝗮𝗹 Tout le monde était réuni pour insister à cette magnifique parade
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borntoloos · 1 year
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chateau-aemkei · 2 years
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-La Crau Seen from Montmajour-
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classicalcanvas · 1 year
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Title: Harvest at La Crau, with Montmajour in the Background
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Date: 1888
Style: Post-Impressionism
Genre: Landscape
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dayoud · 6 months
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Série que la France est belle. Chateau de Crau. Ardèche. été 2023. Dayoud.
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auroraborealis22 · 10 months
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Peach Blossoms in the Crau | Vincent van Gogh
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satinea · 7 months
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Sous les feux que juin verse,
Comme l’éclair, Mireille court, et court, et court !
De soleil en soleil et de vent en vent, elle voit
Une plaine immense : des savanes
Qui n’ont à l'œil ni fin ni terme ;
De loin en loin, et pour toute végétation,
De rares tamaris ... et la mer qui paraît...
Des tamaris, des prêles,
Des salicornes, des arroches, des soudes,
Amères prairies des plages marines,
Où errent les taureaux noirs
Et les chevaux blancs : joyeux,
Ils peuvent là librement suivre
La brise de mer tout imprégnée d’embrun.
La voûte bleue où plane le soleil
S’épanouissait , profonde , brillante,
Couronnant les marais de son vaste contour ;
Dans le lointain clair
Parfois un goéland vole ;
Parfois un grand oiseau projette son ombre,
Ermite aux longues jambes des étangs d’alentour.
C’est un chevalier aux pieds rouges ;
Ou un bihoreau qui regarde, farouche,
Et dresse fièrement sa noble aigrette,
Faite de trois longues plumes blanches...
Déjà cependant la chaleur énerve :
Pour s’alléger, de ses hanches
La jeune fille dégage les bouts de son fichu.
Et la chaleur, de plus en plus vive,
De plus en plus devient ardente ;
Et du soleil qui monte au zénith du ciel pur,
Du grand soleil les rayons et le hâle
Pleuvent à verse comme une giboulée :
Tel un lion, dans la faim qui le tourmente,
Dévore du regard les déserts abyssins!
Sous un hêtre, qu’il ferait bon s’étendre!
Le blond rayonnement du soleil qui scintille
Simule des essaims, des essaims furieux,
Essaims de guêpes, qui volent,
Montent, descendent et tremblotent
Comme des lames qui s’aiguisent.
La pèlerine d’amour que la lassitude brise
Et que la chaleur essouffle,
De sa casaque ronde et pleine
A ôté l’épingle ; et son sein agité
Comme deux ondes jumelles
Dans une limpide fontaine,
Ressemble à ces campanules
Qui, au rivage de la mer, étalent en été leur blancheur.
Mais peu à peu devant sa vue
Le pays perd sa tristesse ;
Et voici peu à peu qu’au loin se meut
Et resplendit un grand lac d’eau :
Les phillyreas, les pourpiers,
Autour de la lande qui se liquéfie,
Grandissent, et se font un mol chapeau d’ombre.
C’était une vue céleste,
Un rêve frais de Terre-Promise !
Le long de l’eau bleue, une ville bientôt
Au loin s’élève, avec ses boulevards,
Sa muraille forte qui la ceint,
Ses fontaines, ses églises, ses toitures,
Ses clochers allongés qui croissent au soleil.
Des bâtiments et des pinelles,
Avec leurs voiles blanches,
Entraient dans la darse ; et le vent, qui était doux,
Faisait jouer sur les pommettes
Les banderoles et les flammes.
Mireille, avec sa main légère,
Essuya de son front les gouttes abondantes ;
Et à pareille vue
Elle pensa, mon Dieu ! crier miracle !
Et de courir, et de courir, croyant que là était
La tombe sainte des Maries.
Mais plus elle court, plus change
L’illusion qui l’éblouit,
Et plus le clair tableau s’éloigne et se fait suivre.
Œuvre vaine, subtile, ailée,
Le Fantastique l’avait filée
Avec un rayon de soleil, teinte avec les couleurs
Des nuages : sa trame faible
Finit par trembler, devient trouble,
Et se dissipe comme un brouillard.
Mireille reste seule et ébahie, à la chaleur...
Et en avant dans les monceaux de sable,
Brûlants, mouvants, odieux !
Et en avant dans la grande sansouire, à la croûte de sel
Que le soleil boursoufle et lustre,
Et qui craque, et éblouit !
Et en avant dans les hautes herbes paludéennes,
Les roseaux, les souchets, asile des cousins !
Avec Vincent dans la pensée,
Cependant, depuis longtemps
Elle côtoyait toujours la plage reculée du Vaccarès;
Déjà, déjà des grandes Saintes
Elle voyait l’église blonde,
Dans la mer lointaine et clapoteuse,
Croître, comme un vaisseau qui cingle vers le rivage.
De l’implacable soleil
Tout à coup la brûlante échappée
Lui lance dans le front ses aiguillons : la voilà,
Infortunée! qui s’affaisse,
Et qui, le long de la mer sereine,
Tombe, frappée à mort, sur le sable.
Ô Crau, ta fleur est tombée!... ô jeunes hommes, pleurez-la !...
📷 Sur le Vaccarès
Un extrait du chant X de Mirèio (Mireille), de Frédéric Mistral. Mireille s'est enfuie de chez elle pour implorer les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer d'infléchir la décision de son père qui refuse de la voir mariée au vannier Vincent, ce qui équivaut pour lui à une inacceptable mésalliance. Elle traverse la Camargue écrasée de soleil et est frappée d'insolation sur les rives de l'étang de Vaccarès...
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kawaiimiraclewitch · 5 months
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Evangelion 3.0+1.11 Thrice Upon a Time has been announced for an official Australian release by Crunchyroll Australia
Considering that the first three Rebuilds were released back when CRAus was known as Madman Anime, and Crunchyroll are currently owned by Sony who merged it with Funimation (who khara didn't particularly get along well with at the time of the merger) I genuinely thought an official release down here would never happen, and I'd have to import the All the Anime BD release from the UK.
It'll be amazing to finally have a complete - matching! - set of Rebuild DVDs, considering the original release of 3.33 happened around the same time I first got into anime - meaning that Madman's streaming service AnimeLab advertised the release a lot - and thus quickly piqued my interest in the series
Pre-order links will be in a reblog bc I want this to get exposure for other Aussie/Aotorean EVA fans who've been waiting for the official physical release for our area
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pazzesco · 7 months
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Noon – Rest from Work, Vincent van Gogh, 1890
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Farmhouse in a Wheat Field, Oil on Canvas, Vincent van Gogh, 1888.
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The Sower, Oil on Canvas, Vincent van Gogh, 1888
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Vincent van Gogh - Harvest at La Crau, with Montmajour in the Background, 1888
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ahmetcumhur-blog · 1 year
Provence'lı bir kız anıyorum.
Gençliğimin aşklarında.
Crau ovasında, denize doğru buğdaylarda,
Büyük Homeros'un alçak gönüllü öğrencisi olarak,
Onu izleme istiyorum. Sadece
Köylü bir kız olduğundan
Crau'nun dışında çok az bahsetmişler ondan.
Alnı,yalnız gençliği ile göz kamaştırıcı
Ne altın tacı, ne Şam kaftanı vardı,
Fakat istiyorum ki onun şanı yükselsin
Tıpkı bir kraliçeninki gibi
Ve hor görülen güzel dilimiz onu okşasın
Ey çobanlar ve çiftçiler, çünkü şiirimi yalnız size söylüyorum.
Sen, vatanımın yüce Tanrısı,
Ki çobanlar arasında doğmuşsun,
Sözümü ateşle doldur, güç ver bana!
Biliyorsun: Yeşillik içinde
Güneşte ve jalede
İncirler olgunlaşınca
Tamamını toplamak için meyvelerin
Kurt gibi aç olan gelir.
Fakat budaklarını kestiği ağaçta
Hırslı insana elini atmak fırsatı vermeyen
Sen mutlaka yükseklere bir dal koydun.
Körpe güzel bir filizdir o
Misk kokan ve bakire bir fidedir.
Altın sikke gibi olgun bir meyvedir,
Göklerin kuşları doymak için ona konar.
Ben şu küçücük dalı görürüm
İçimi kıpırdatır onu tazeliği!
Görürüm: Sabah rüzgârında
Gökte sallanmakta olduğunu
ölümsüz yapraklarının ve meyvelerinin...
Ey, Güzel Allah'ım, ey Dost.
Provence dilimizin kanatlarının üstünde
Kuşların dalını koparmak fırsatı ver bana!
Frederic Mistral
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Artist, by Solly Smook
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cabeswvter · 1 year
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Vincent van Gogh
Peach Blossoms in the Crau
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renxholics · 1 year
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searching for something specific? you may find what you are trying to find here. there are some things that will pop up and will not pop up when you use the search function, though. please keep that in mind. [requests open]
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things to include while searching:
format, snippet, headcanon, fic, etc. snippets are one detailed scenario paragraph, headcanons are about three to five detailed paragraphs, fics are seven to eleven detailed paragraphs. snippets are like a one paragraph fic, headcanons are actual headcanons :
characters, varies per format. up to seven per snippet, five per headcanons, two per fic. the exception to this is if you request a group like first years, dorm leaders, staff, et cetera. this does not apply to fics, keep the fics focus on two characters at most :
type, fluff, mildly suggestive, angst, etc. fluff is just soft cuteness, mildly suggestive is not anything explicit but it may be a little bit more descriptive about the romance, angst is for when you feel like having your heart broken. you may mix around and ask for fluff to angst, angst to fluff, etc :
romantic or platonic, things will be written as romantic unless specified otherwise. if one of the requested characters is staff, the reader is assumed to be an adult and likely a faculty member, it is especially important to specify with those characters :
acceptable things to search include the following:
i will write poly, but only in headcanons or fics. snippets are a bit too short for me to include three people at once. do not mistake poly for love triangles, if you request poly i assume all characters are dating, including the boys, and in a happy relationship with no jealousy : unsure what it means?
media!reader. if im unaware of the franchise i can research it, but i’m pretty happy to do raiden!reader or something like that, game, movie, show similar reader and how the boys would be with them :
aus, i’m really down to write those! there’s my CRAU series i had a few months back i created where you are the game and they are the players i’d love to continue if anyones interested. if there are any other aus, feel free to suggest! ex an au where you’re the magic one and they’re magicless, au where they get sent to earth thanks to the mirror, etc. :
just general headcanons. if you don’t want a reader and just want general headcanons about Leona and how he plays with his nephew and secretly cares about Cheka i am willing to write for that :
all main characters from twisted wonderland that have sprites. if you wanna request neige, che’nya, rollo, crewel, trein, even the ghosts, grim, najma, etc. then go ahead. if they are mentioned and don’t have a sprite, rielle i will not write romantic or platonic, but may throw the name around somewhere in passing like the twins mentioning him, etc. :
a lot of things are essentially requestable, as long as they don’t go against what’s written down brow. if you’re unsure, send an ask or dm :
unacceptable things to search include the following:
anything that goes against my discover page. [byf/dni] make sure to read carefully before interacting :
nothing related to piss, scat, religion, or physical description, things such as ethnicity!reader, height!reader, weight!reader, etc. it’s not a matter of whether or not i am one of these things, it’s a matter of inclusivity. i try to leave physical descriptions out of my work, if you do not agree then find somewhere else to read free works :
the reader to have a gender. i absolutely will not write for fem readers or male readers, i will only write gender neutral with they/them pronouns. i respect you, just as i respect people with other pronouns, neopronouns, etc. not everyone is male or female. if you use a gendered term to describe the reader in your request, i may consider just deleting :
nothing related to ableism will be permitted. i refuse to write for any physical disabilities, or mental disabilities i do not have or relate to. it’s not a matter of research, it’s a matter of even if i know someone with it or read, i still have never personally experienced that pain and do not wish to romanticize it in any aspect, way, or form. i know asl, it does not mean i represent deaf people. just to clarify, any illnesses such as a cold or unspecified made up illness, along with injuries like broken arms or strained back are perfectly okay and permitted :
something that specifically looks like it were requested to another person. same spelling in ask, typos, etc. if it were requested to a different person within the past week that i manage to notice, i will not do it for awhile, or in general. this also includes another author’s original idea, please, please respect authors, i do not like people requesting something to me or seeing my original works then sending it to someone else, and i do not want to do that to someone else. it feels terrible. i also do not like the thought i may be stealing an idea from another person. if you’re a mass blog requester of the same request, do not include me :
i will not do anything that i deem makes me feel uncomfortable, or breaks my rules, thank you :
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𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐒𝐄. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇.
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lockoutkey · 2 years
seeing you on my dash again makes me joke that i accidentally summoned you because i was thinking about redrawing the cryptid roomies drawing i did for you and then the next day i saw you on my dash for the first time in forever
i didn’t even see that but i think you did a pummoning post for me. key to bringing me back pog art. god imagine if i actually wrote more of crau haha haha
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kikenhanna17world · 2 years
Vincent van Gogh.Post-Impressionist.
Title: Harvest at La Crau, with Montmajour in the Background, 1888
Place of Creation: Arles-sur-tech, France
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