#cw nazi mention
notaplaceofhonour · 8 hours
It’s maddening to find out that the scholar who first developed the idea that “Zionism is Settler Colonialism”, Fayez Sayegh, was a member of the Syrian Nazi Party during and immediately after the Holocaust, was an active participant in the Red Scare, using it to demonize Israel as a manifestation of a Global Communist Threat™️ through the height of the Cold War (true to his Nazi roots, accusing Israel of Judeo-Bolshevism) before switching to a Colonialism narrative when Post-Colonialism came in vogue in the 60s. And yet, the people I hear parroting the talking points of this anti-Communist, Ultranationalist Fascist-turned-scholar are the people who are constantly talking about how Liberal Progressives aren’t Communist enough and actually enemies because “Liberals will always side with Fascists”. Maddening.
If you’ve ever noticed how the “Zionism = Settler Colonialism” narrative eerily shares the core components of the far right’s Replacement Theory (that there are 1. Jews 2. conspiring to invade a given place and 3. replace the population with Jews), this is why; it’s because the idea that Zionism is Settler Colonialism came from a literal Nazi.
It is very literally Nazi propaganda.
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jewish-culture-is · 11 days
Jewish culture is being sent a swastika by a teenage neonazi and when venting about how triggering and shaken I was, being told by “friends” that I was overreacting and also talking about “inappropriate subjects”. I don’t see how it could be both. For an environment full of people who claim that “all trauma is valid” and that “bigotry is unacceptable”, Jewish culture is seeing firsthand that Jews really don’t count. Simone Biles would be impressed at the level of cognitive gymnastics that I see in leftist antisemitic spaces these days, they should really try out for the Olympics
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jewreallythinkthat · 2 months
Ok so ... Today's absolutely fucking batshit post that I had to read with my own two eyes
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We all know Mohamed Hadid is a foaming at the mouth antisemite but this is a new level.
Let's start with the caption:
1. The implication all Jews are American? Insane, untrue, erasing all Jewish history in Israel which dates back to before the Arabization of the middle east.
2. No one has a single percent of Semite in them because Semite is not a race, it's an obsolete term for a family of languages (including both Hebrew and Arabic) however I need to specify that "Antisemitism" was coined as a term specifically about Jew hate. That's what it means, it's actually nothing to do with the language Hebrew at all, it was an attempt to sciencify "judenhass" and make it sound acceptable.
Now to the post itself:
3. If you demand an end to colonialism, boy have I got something to explain about why the official language of Morocco, a country the width of a continent away from the Arabian Peninsula is Moroccan Arabic... Or to be honest, the reason that Arabs are the main demographic anywhere outside the Arabian Peninsula where they originally came from. I understand that peoples migrate but that involves moving from one place to another, not expanding our and literally colonising everything around you. The Arab conquests of the MENA region are a well documented part of history...
4. Demanding a ceasefire is all well and good but we are all aware that we will never be going back to the status quo of before - which frankly is all a ceasefire with no actual work done to rebuild and move towards peace will do. A ceasefire neccestiates thought on what happens next. This is not to say people shouldn't be advocating for an cease to the fighting, they should, this all needs to end. What people have to also do is also be discussing what happens next. The old status quo was unsustainable, and with the mounting evidence that Gazans who worked in Israel helped with the planning of Black Saturday, we will never again see the relations between the people in southern Israel and those in Gaza go "back to normal".
I would love a ceasefire but we need to talk about what happens next in the same conversation. To ignore that is at best naïve and at worst, willfully ignorant because just stopping and Israel withdrawing will do nothing to help rebuild because we all know that everyone will lose interest if that happens, as has happened over and over again.
5. It's well known that Jews are indigenous to Israel and the ancient kingdom of Judea. It's literally in the etymology of the world. Now, obviously multiple groups can be indiginous to one area, but length of time residing there is not a marker of indiginunity, it's literally a childlike playground tactic. Straight up rewriting history... We all know how bad that is.
Mohamed Hadid has over a million followers. His daughters have a total of 130 million. They can post misinformation and almost ten times the number of Jews who exist in the world will see it. This is so dangerous and frankly this level of deranged lying on the internet does not nothing to help end the war, it just puts Jews outside of Israel more at risk. We are being murdered in the streets, in our places of work and everyone is cheering it on.
The irony of people applauding the murder of Jews calling us neo-nazis is not lost on me and it's unreal that we aren't even allowed to stand up to it. Let's be very blunt here, if you are justifying the slaughter of Jews, who's the real nazi?
An additional Edit:
There will never be a ceasefire without release of the hostages and bodies kidnapped into Gaza. Like it's so stupid to think otherwise. Especially with Hamas currently refusing to give a list of who is still alive (they said they couldn't give a list until they knew the terms of a ceasefire which clearly means they COULD do it, but they are choosing not to)
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blushingtendertiel · 9 months
Since we are NOT going to call them SS (because it's an acronym for nazi militia) I was wondering what the public consensus was on the other possibilities bc there are so many! My favorite is SandS but I also like sandie and shark!!
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kitkatabasis · 2 months
Well, it seems this video is relevant as ever:
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(Although of course it's not just the porn they're trying to get rid of now. And, frankly, never was...)
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hey jumblr, yall have seen that post going around about that Goy who accidentally protested with a Nazi, right?
so, i just had a conversation with a Nazi, and Goyim have no excuse. in less than five minutes, this guy was using very blatant antisemitic dogwhistles in a conversation about class solidarity unrelated to the israel/palestine conflict, and, like, how the Fuck did this person do an Entire protest with a Nazi without realising?
i guess the goyim Dont know
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Im scouring the website for characters to bookmark and have seen too many soviet-themed OCs :/ it really hurts as someone from eastern europe to be reminded that nobody cares about the genocide and persecution WE went through at the hands of the soviet union. Why are nazi OCs (rightfully) vilified and banned but cute soviet anime chibi chars allowed and nobody seems to care??
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crobones · 2 months
honestly I don't know how to describe the subtle intensity with which this movie essentially dehumanizes Nazis in a way no over-sensationalized WWII movie has ever achieved. those movies point out things we already know - Nazis are the bad guys. Zone of Interest shows a different level understanding that they weren't all just villains and henchman that set out commit explicit violence, only to be shot and killed by the good guys. The horror with which a family displaces a Jewish family and can simply exist next to a concentration camp without the bat of an eye is genuinely terrifying. A company approaching the Nazis with an offer on how to best design the camp for the most efficiency, like Jews were inventory to manage. Nazis talking about using the survivors as workers for the field and being worried that if too many were killed, a business built on corpses wouldn't flourish.
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itznarcotic · 1 year
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permian-tropos · 11 months
metropolis, an essay
today in the new york metropolitan area, the sky is getting chalky overhead again, due to wildfire smoke spreading from canada. while the west coast has been pummeled by wildfire smoke year after year, the east coast finally gets its fair share of the most aesthetically consonant part of the climate crisis—where the sky turns scary apocalyptic colors and the air tastes like ash. two things are on my mind: that the wealth hoarders who used their power to delay critical action against climate change deserve rage, and that the rising ride of global fascism is poised to co-opt that rage and then drive us all into hell. 
I’m gonna write a little essay about it, most of the facts off the top of my head, I hope my memory is correct about everything. it’s about the most impactful movie of my life, that is also my ideological nemesis.
one of the first films I ever watched (first time I was like, two years old) that stuck in my mind was fritz lang’s metropolis, and I’ve revisited it over and over throughout the years and I have a tendency to shove it and my analysis of it down people’s throats every chance I get. because it is gorgeous and striking and very worth watching—if you have the extremely important context that the co-writer of the film, fritz lang’s wife thea von harbou, joined the nazi party, while fritz lang divorced her and fled germany, evading the nazis’ attempts to recruit him into their propaganda machine.
metropolis is very dear to my heart because visually it was extremely inspired by new york city, and I cannot help but think of the german expressionist haze over the skyscrapers when I see pictures of downtown manhattan consumed by wildfire smoke. 
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it is a nazi film that was directed by a man seemingly who did not realize he was making a nazi film, because it didn’t aggressively scapegoat anyone or promote german nationalism or call for militarism and conquest. that is why I perversely love this film; it so aptly demonstrates fascism sneakily corrupting a socialistic message long before people have been tricked into racial hatred. it shows you the seed of bad ideology.
metropolis tells the story of a deeply unequal society of upper and lower classes, where the proletariat labors in a hellscape under the city while those on the surface enjoy high culture and luxury while managing those below. 
I’m not going to discuss the main character of the film much but he is a rich ass boy whose call to adventure is that he goes down and sees how badly the workers are treated and compares their toil to victims being sacrificed to a barbaric god (european capitalists be like: what are we a bunch of indigenous people? but okay sure, mechanistic rather than religiously-motivated human sacrifice is normalized in capitalist society, is a point I’ll gladly make) 
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blaaaaaaarghh look at that guy. it’s moloch!! the devil himself. eating the shit out of the working class. 
there are two characters who propose solutions to the workers, and fittingly one is the doppelganger of the other. the saintly maria promises the workers that a savior will come to resolve the class contradictions between the “head” (upper class, management) and the “hands” (laborers). he will be the “heart” and this sounds nice but you have to remember this is nazi shit so what I see is that this abstract idea of a city/state/nation’s “heart” is the seed of fascism
not to mention, that people have been sorted into “head” and “hands” is treated as a fact of nature. the proletariat will always be the dumb brutish power and those who manage them will always be the brains behind society. the only way to resolve the contradiction is to... <3 bring them together in love and peace and harmony <3 
and QUITE INTERESTINGLY TO ME, there is a total omission of any sort of enforcement of class inequality by a police force. there is like, one character who is a bit of a henchman/secret police hired by the protagonist’s father, the city ruler, but other than that, no cops are putting the working class in their place. state brutality is not needed to convince the proles to stay in their place. just their intrinsic understanding of their place in the world
fascist propaganda pretends that the world runs the way it does on natural inherent distinctions between human beings, and that no enforcement is needed, while it actually is the most cop ass ideology of all time. 
so what is the “heart” that unites the national bourgeois ruling class and the proletariat without eliminating the class distinctions between them and simply causing them to be equal human beings...? if you remember this is a nazi film you may guess the real answer (hating scapegoated minorities), but the film skillfully avoids specificity because it was co-written by a nazi and a possibly unsuspecting non-nazi. there are no villainous subhuman groups in the film. just... well... a nonhuman villain and the single bad guy who creates her. 
presenting the alternative to maria’s pacifism is the glorious ~robot maria~ who is famous for inspiring george lucas in his design of c-3po and doctor who in its design of the cybermen. 
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don’t worry, those beams of light give her a pretty face so she can pass as an adult human female and trick those gullible workers and bougies alike into wanting to have fuck with her  
she is essentially a golem, created by a rather jewish-coded villain (I recall the doors in his lair have stars on them, albeit five pointed, not six), who wants to undermine society by inciting it into violent revolution. but he’s not literally jewish, so that could fly under the radar. he’s just a mean and nasty magician-scientist with a grudge against the city’s ruler and lust for his dead wife. but instead of recreating the dead wife, the city’s ruler commands him to make the robot into maria so she can be discredited to the workers because even her liberal ass bullshit is too much for him.
the inventor lets his robot loose on the underworld and she riles the workers into a frenzy and calls upon them to smash their machines, rise up to the surface, and destroy the city. in the meantime she also puts on a hot sexy dress and dazzles the bourgeois with cabaret or whatever basically it’s decadence the movie is portraying decadent degenerate lust as distracting the bougies from what’s going on below
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this is the cultural marxist agenda: sexy ladee. but of course the movie itself IS this very spectacle embodied, you get to look at this sexy robot while shaking your head and going I don’t agree with that
anyway the workers, because they are very stupid, make a critical mistake in their revolution: they forget about their children and leave them behind in the underground as it is being flooded because they’ve destroyed the critical infrastructure keeping it un-flooded. 
because the working class would never rise up for the sake of their children’s future! no they don’t care about that they’re just yknow selfishly trying to escape a horrific life of toil in a literal hell, because an evil robot tricked them into being angry and also noticing there are no fucking cops in this city so who’s stopping them from revolting 
anyway thanks to the brave actions of rich boy and pacifist liberal maria, the future of white working class children is secured. rich boy is declared to be that savior and “heart” of metropolis (oh yeah and that big machine they smashed earlier was called the heart machine).  
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I feel like I’ve made my point clear enough throughout this essay, but in conclusion: metropolis promises to resolve class contradictions by simply granting an idea of a nation or of some nebulous “heart” to the bourgeois and proletariat alike. it does not ask society to be restructured, it does not question the unequal state of things, it simply says: we need a savior to make people feel unified. 
and so it presents the nazi vision without once promoting genocide or imperialism. once you’ve been coaxed into ignoring the role that state oppression plays in maintaining class, once you’ve been convinced through lies of omission that the working class is made of humans who are inherently workers and the owner/ruler/manager class is full of inherent brainlords who were born to manage and dictate, you will start to be pulled down the road to fascism. 
and it’s still a beautiful movie. I never forget that, I never try to pretend it is ugly or does not move me. I’m just aware of the games it’s playing and how its message eventually leads into the genocide of my ancestors. 
finally: we stan robot maria, who is mother af, and is trans jewish golem coded to me, and also right
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jewish-culture-is · 3 months
Jewish culture is giving up. The whole world hates us, and it’s always going to hate us. The people we thought were our allies, progressive people who say they stand for human rights, are Nazis with a leftist coat of paint. Jewish culture is screaming and crying and being stabbed in the back too many times to count and just giving up on things ever being better
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challahbeloved · 1 year
After seeing other people’s lovely antique and/or unique chanukiot, I’ve gone on a quest to local antique shops in hopes of finding one for myself. I do not live in a Jewish area at all, but there’s many antique shops. Here are my findings:
Shop 1: Nothing Jewish. Instead, they had a full case of literal Nazi items. So, off to an awful start.
Shop 2: Two brass chanukiot!!! Plus several candleholder pairs that would be great for Shabbos candles.
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Shop 3: Several candleholder pairs, but I had to leave a minute after entering because a guy was coughing and blowing his nose a bunch. Too bad, one set was black glass. Perfect for a koshergoth aesthetic.
Shop 4: Several candleholders. And! A cross-stitch artwork of a table with tefillin, a tallit, and books!
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Shop 5: A lot of new things. And currently more of a xmas gift shop
Shop 6: Lots to look at carefully because it was packed with stuff. Bought a set of ceramic candleholders for Shabbos candles.
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palin-tropos · 1 year
an opinion I hold that may be a bit controversial or that may spark some defensiveness is that disco elysium doesn’t completely impress me in its discussions of fascism. or at least I wouldn’t say it’s a game with as much to say about fascism as it says about communism and liberal centrism.
I like where it starts to go. I like how disdainful it is of fascism, I like how wet and pathetic fascist harry is, I like the discussion of fascism as psychological malaise, self-repression, meaningless longing for a romanticized past, etc. all of that is very good! I also like that kim as a character has been affected his whole life by racism, in obvious but also subtle ways.
the fascist characters in the game are amusing and satisfying in how their vileness is openly mocked, and I’m actually quite weirdly fond of them. measurehead and gary in particular, kicking one in the head and making the other snivel and grovel at your feet, really satisfies my id. but they don’t feel like huge threats. fascism never truly does, except for the krenel mercs, who get called fascists and certainly are violently racist and colonial, but they are also enforcers of the status quo, of the liberal world order. which is political commentary in its own right, and it’s making a good point, but there’s something missing.
the game does not seem to want to engage with anything approaching nazism or neo-nazism. in fact, it feels like there never was an equivalent of nazism for there to be such a thing as neo-nazism, unless that’s just worldbuilding I never ran into. there’s traditionalism, monarchism, eugenicism. etc. the suzerainty, a more... mercantilist? I suppose... empire, is described as fascist.
something I told my game buddy more than once in my playthrough is that this feels like a world where there was never anything like the holocaust—or more sinisterly, if there was something like the holocaust, it has been swept under the rug. never dealt with directly.
the antecentennial revolution, in elysium, is the equivalent catastrophic world war that was so scarring that people accepted the peace that came with the moralintern. in our world, the equivalent of the “moralintern”, the UN, very much exists in the shadow, specifically, of wwii, the nazis, and the holocaust, using the atrocities of fascism as the blueprint for “here is what we are going to protect the world from”. not that it does a good job at stopping genocide! it sucks at that. but that’s important historical context.
and so the setting of disco elysium leaves me with a undercurrent of deep deep dread (obligatory “as the descendant of holocaust-affected jewish people” disclaimer) because it feels like they haven’t yet seen the worst of fascism, or haven’t acknowledged it, and it doesn’t adequately address the apocalyptic death cult, the full scale industrialization of killing, that fascism truly is, because it’s not gotten to that stage
this is just about the game by the way. not the entire setting, not anything that might be discussed in Sacred and Terrible Air (in fact some things I’ve heard about its plot suggest that my instinct of dread is well founded)
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Nazi dumbfuck
Hey since you're on anon i cant dm you this-- please let me know what I reblogged or said or anything like that or if I have been misinformed about something!!/gen
I sometimes skim posts and miss important parts!!
(I know that this is not an excuse if i have done something bigoted, I just genuinely do not know what you are referring to or if you've got the right guy)
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There's no nuance when it comes to Nazis, no devil's advocate, no middle ground.
You're either against them or you're a scum-sucking boot licker who does more good for the world as fertilizer.
Remember, kids, the only "good" Nazi is a dead one.
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The Nazi user is “Sheina” and their Twitter and deviantart is all you need to see how clear the nazism is. Several of their characters on artfight have designs inspired by Nazi uniforms, but on Twitter they literally have the wolfsangel Nazi symbol in their name. And on deviantart they have drawings of Nazis doing the salute and art including the actual swastika.
And this was something I accidentally stumbled upon in the character search at the beginning of July! I had found their character wearing a Nazi uniform and was extremely appalled. I’m so uncomfortable that they have been allowed to actively participate in artfight.
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