#das doppelte lottchen
adaptationsdaily · 2 years
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THE PARENT TRAP (1961) dir. David Swift
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lilolilyr · 8 months
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I'd rather continue my Das Doppelte Lottchen Liveblog on my own post so here goes :D
(movie-titlecards post - YouTube movie link for if you also want to watch it - my last liveblog about the 1961 and 2017 films - farnwedel's review of the 2017 film)
Ok first impressions, well, it's old xD not just the grainy black and white, but all the mannerisms, the speech of the characters, the old timey narrator... I can see how it's not everyone's cup of tea! But I honestly don't mind it
It seems to stick very close to the book so far, scene by scene, which while nice that they didn't completely change random shit like in the American versions, you can also tell that in the 50s there maybe wasn't as much knowledge on how to adapt a book to film? It just seems a bit stilted at times, but not too bad
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jinx-you-owe-me · 8 months
just rewatched Das doppelte Lottchen (2017) and can we all agree that Mo, the best friend of Luises dad, who travels with them everywhere and basically lives with them. that that is gay
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like. just a little bit
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niannianyabao · 9 months
It’s always bothered me that all of the Parent Trap movies are contemporary to their own production rather than period pieces. Das Doppelte Lottchen was published in 1949, and while I’m sure that even then separating infant twins was not the norm, the whole concept of divorce was much less socially acceptable. It was the sort of thing people didn’t talk about, so there was more space for them to do objectively crazy things in response to it. Not to mention that the idea of children having minds and inner lives of their own and thus, a right to know their siblings and parents is also relatively recent. It makes much more sense that people would think this was a semi-normal thing to do if you set it in that period than in late 90s America.
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wortwabe · 3 months
Einmal live dabei sein...
das denkt man sich ja immer mal wieder, wenn man Sportevents im TV sieht – vorausgesetzt, man hat eine Affinität zu diesem Sport. Der Zufall wollte es, dass ein Geburtstagsgeschenk zum runden Geburtstag meines Lieblingsmenschen Tribünenkarten für den Abfahrtslauf auf der “Streif” in Kitzbühel waren. Wir sind beide begeisterte Skifahrer, haben es im Kleinkindalter schon gelernt. Die “Streif” gilt…
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lorenzlund · 1 year
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Zwei Kanzler gleichzeitig waren es auf Dauer auch!! Ich bin wieder nach Berlin zurueckgekehrt! Raiter, Maximilian
Ich muss dieses Schau-Spieler Double dass da immer offensichtlich nur mich jedes Mal erneut dadurch gibt oder spielt im Kanzleramt, und einsame Entscheidungen trifft, immer wieder, die keiner wirklich versteht, vor allem das Volk nicht, jetzt doch vielleicht einmal zurueckpfeifen! Es geht alles bestaendig viel zu weit, was er da macht!
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'Wer hat den Wagen zugelassen?? Der ist nicht länger mehr wirklich verkehrstüchtig! Das erkennt man doch!! Zieht ihn besser aus dem Verkehr!!" "Das ist ein Oldie und kein Neuwagen!"
das K(f)z: *fart, kraeftiger + Zeug.
'Bienenersatzverkehr für oder anstelle von bisherigen nur Busen'. Der Schienenersatzverkehr mit Bussen. (Für alle männliche Hummeln).
'Arbeiten an der beständig nur der falschen Stelle oder Stellen befreit von allen bisherigen Sorgen! Und andere gleich mit, die sie mit euch hatten, oder beständig glaubten auch zu haben!!' ('Arbeit macht frei!') ('Kraft durch Freude/*'mit dem bi-veranlagten Boy'). Das selbst: 'Com-centres'-(Mitten)-Aktions Lager' für andere. 'Freisein, wirkliche Freiheit, ist doch nur ein anderes Wort für wenn wir selber länger schon nicht das Geringste mehr auch verlieren können als Männer, weil auch wir es inzwischen gar nicht mehr besitzen'
'Ein Freund, ein von jetzt an guter Freund' (beste Stücke von Männern), Wer ist der beste Freund des Mannes? 'Und wenn dein Schatz dich auch von da an nicht mehr liebt!!" '... ein guter Freund, so ein richtig guter Freund, ist das Schönste was es gibt auf der Welt!"
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Weg/Ab + es ist seins! Das sogar auch 'Abseits' des Fussballs oder die Abseitsregel in ihm als Sport. Auch Frauen verfuegen bekanntlich ueber Regeln eigene! 'Sport ist Mord!'
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Wie das Land danach wohl aussieht! Landschaftspfleger bei der Arbeit beobachtet
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Fuer ein sauberes Potsdam! (so lautete nur einer von den Schriftzuegen). Baumfaeller in Potsdam waehrend der Arbeit.
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Haltebalken roter.
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Der SV. *Ass Pfau Werder Bremen. Männlicher Pfau. 'SEV'. Fussballclub 'B-ayer 'n Munich' *'n : in, the club (der Holzprügel), (american) baseball club *base- : bi-ass, 'Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Schläger Band (oder Gang)', hart (sein), hartes Holz. Und der 'Homo' hat nun oder kann deswegen nur davonlaufen : Home run!! Der 'Spieler' unter Männern. Ballspiele. Die Ersatzdroge. 'Spielen macht süchtig!'
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'Schaft durch(sticht) Boy be' *Kraft durch Freude. das Kfz oder auch: Kraft(voller) Fart Zeug. Es gehoert Maennern. (Zumindest in der Regel wird es einem von ihnen gehoeren dann!).
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Erstmals selber in Armee-Hose (und Stiefeln) waehrend des Fotografierens.
Forza Italia Silvio Baer(en)lus(t) (auf) Po nie(!) der Bello Italia. Bella ... (Der) Bello: Wau Wau Wau! Der Bello, hier der aus Italien, tifft dabei auf seine Feinde frueh morgens auf dem Bergpass. Er muss sich nun wehmuetig von seinen Freunden anderen Hunden deswegen verabschieden! Wahrscheinlich fuer immer! So heisst es ueber ihn im Lied!
'Mariner Marina ... Dein Chic und Charme der gefaellt!!'
*Niemals aber sang einer das Lied wehmuetiger als Hannes der Bader in seiner deutschen Uebersetzung oder mit noch mehr Wehmut in der Stimme als er! Er beruehrte damit auch die Herzen von Deutschen! Jedoch bei Bader fehlte die Aftershow im Anschluss von anderen Saengern fuer einen auserwaehlten Zirkel besonders treuer und vielleicht auch als besonders hartnaeckig geltende Fans! Er war dafuer nicht bekannt!
Sicherlich leiden auch italienische Schueler unter Jobbing an ihren Schulen sehr stark dann immer wieder auch? Bei uns in den 70 ern gab es das so noch nicht! Mir wurden schlicht keine angeboten!
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Sin (by) Po nie. Der Sin Po nie ticker. Klassik for Classics. Classic boy ist der alteingesessene Weisse Europas zusammen mit dem girl das auch ihm gehoert. *Immer mehr fehlen gerade auch die deutschen Namen unter den auftretenden Stars, bei sowohl Solisten wie Dirigenten! Es faellt schlicht auf! (Nur das Ausland scheint sie selber noch in hinreichender Zahl zu besitzen diese wichtigen auch Klassikgroessen, so dass diese vor dem eigenem Publikum auch auftreten koennten, oder einheimischen Deutschen! Kein geringer Vorwurf! Das Ausland auf deutschen Konzertboeden ist dabei mehr und mehr allein, es bleibt gaenzlich fuer sich!! Das ist sehr ungewoehnlich, Deutschland, seine Musiker, aber selbst die Dirigenten, Tenoere auch, gehoerte traditionell immer schon zu den sehr grossen auch noch anderen weltweiten Musiknationen selber mit auch, das war so auch nie anders!
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rwpohl · 2 years
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mensch-tagedieb · 3 months
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chaos-has-theories · 2 years
Really getting some Erich Kästner vibes from Nona the Ninth. Is that just me?
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thestruggleitself · 3 months
would you believe 🧠 me if said 💬 i tried to acquire a das doppelte lottchen type of custody agreement 🤷
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lilolilyr · 8 months
Tagged by @banashee to post 10 of my favorite comfort movies and then tag 10 people, thanks! <3 just had a look at yours again after writing mine, we agree on LotR :D and adsfg I really need to watch Rocky Horror one of these days (I've seen it live before, but never the movie I think?? Oupsie xD fast ne Bildungslücke!)
1. Lord of the Rings (whole trilogy but if I have to choose one then Return of the King)
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Comfort movie: battles and darkness and Winning
2. Racing Stripes
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(The film's in colour but it looks like this is the only gif I can find when I type in the title lmao)
One of a handful of taped movie me and my sister watched on repeat as a kid. Big nostalgia
3. Chestnut: Hero of Central Park
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I can't find a gif for that one at all, but it's another cute kids movie I used to watch A Lot and still sometimes return to for the comfort of nostalgia and safety
4. Monte Carlo
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I love all those silly switcharoo films, also the princess switch and its sequels etc, but Monte Carlo was the first one I watched and I still love to watch it for some mindless destress entertainment xD
Ummmm okay what else we got, I can't actually easily think of comfort!movies, I've got a whole bunch of comfort TV shows that come to mind, and movies I love but that aren't exactly /comfort/... *Goes through my Ao3 fandom list* no nothing clicks nothing clicks... Oh!
5. Pitch Perfect
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Just the first one tbh, I mean the others are fun too but this one's a comfort film for me!
6. murder, she said
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I adore Miss Marple, and this version of Miss Marple specifically! I've watched this one so many times :)
7. The Parent Trap
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It's cute. Okay? It's cute xD and I've probably watched this version at least as often as the German one I'll add next, probably bc this one was on TV more often? Idk, I couldn't actually say which one I like more
8. Charlie & Louise
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Again no gifs on here, but I adore this film! Also as you can maybe tell I'm actually running out of ideas and the Real comfort would be reading the book version of Das Doppelte Lottchen that both this and the parent trap are loosely based on xD my mom still has an old hardcover version and I've always adored that book, wished I had a twin whenever I read it as a kid!
9. Pride and Prejudice
Alright so th Colin Firth series version is better and the YouTube Lizzie's diaries or what it is is the best anyway but we're doing movies here and the Keira Knightley version Is definitely a comfort film for me so here goes
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Ok so there are Definitely pride and prejudice gifs somewhere on tumblr. It just won't show them in the search results for sommme reason. Seems to be because it has the word 'pride' in it, because whenever I type that it switches to the 'create your own gif' error image. @staff what's up with that? Latent homophobia again?
10. Kyss Mig
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First wlw film I ever watched, I still remember watching it (on mute, with English subtitles, there's no German or English dub anyway) in my parents' living room when I was 12 or so, with the computer display turned away from everyone else, actually pretending to be on tumblr (the rule was we had to be at least in the same room for evening family time even if I was uninterested in whatever movie or sports the others were watching but I was allowed to be on tumblr) and trying not to show any reaction to the screen bc at the time I had no idea what my parents' stance regarding LGBT ppl was (parents, tell your kids when you're okay with them being gay, bc they might be and they won't just Know that you're okay with that!), and idk I've had friends tell me it's not their fav film and maybe it's mainly the nostalgia for me but I still absolutely adore this movie and have rewatched it many times
Tagging my mutuals, friends and collaborators <3 @toboldlynerd @lavendelhummel @squishmittenficfan @purlturtle @mimi-mindless @asstraightasau-turn @katieswain123 @verajasmijnart @artax-risen @bookgirlfan only if you want to do it of course! :) & pls lmk if you'd rather I didn't tag you in the future!
Edit: looking at old posts in my 'movie tag' and 'comfort movies' tags now like omg! Of course! Mr&Mrs Smith, Lara Croft, Mean Girls, Carol..... Also I only just thought of Miss Congeniality! Adsfghjkl I really have 0 memory sometimes!
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jinx-you-owe-me · 8 months
it kind of bothers me that „Das doppelte Lottchen“ has been turned into „The Parent Trap“ and it’s all about reuniting the parents. that was not the point of the book?? they didn’t switch places just to get their parents back together
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The Parent Trap (1998, Nancy Meyers)
The Parent Trap is a 1998 Disney film starring Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richardson, and Lindsay Lohan in her first film appearance.
It is a remake of The Parent Trap (1961) with Hayley Mills and, like the original, is based on the German novel Lisa and Lottie (Das Doppelte Lottchen, 1949) by Erich Kästner.
Hallie Parker is a 12-year-old girl who grew up in Napa Valley, California, with her father, Nick Parker, a wealthy vineyard owner. Annie James, on the other hand, lives in London with her mother Elizabeth James, known as Lizzie, an established wedding dress designer. The two girls are actually twins, separated at birth immediately after the divorce of their parents who decided to each take custody of one of their daughters. Neither of them knows of the other's existence until, by coincidence, 12 years after their birth, they find themselves attending the same summer camp in Maine, both being surprised by their extraordinary physical resemblance.
Their plan, however, seems to collapse when Annie, as Hallie, learns that her father is about to marry a young woman, Meredith Blake, who, however, seems only interested in the man's money and intends to send Hallie to a boarding school immediately after the wedding. The girls, after being discovered about the role swap, mange to get their parents to meet and have dinner on a yacht; the following day they go on a trip to the mountains, where, as planned, Lizzie, Nick, Hallie and Annie were supposed to go. Back home, Nick prepares a candlelit dinner for Lizzie in his villa, but later the two decide to return to their previous lives by dividing the twins, but Annie and Lizzie, arriving home, find a surprise: Hallie and Nick arrived before them thanks to a concord that takes half the time.
Filming for the film took place from July 15, 1997 to December 17, 1997.
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mothmans-cumrag · 6 months
Ok was anyone gonna tell me that the reason why the plot of The Parent Trap sounded so familiar is that it is indeed just an adaption of Erich Kästner's novel Das Doppelte Lottchen from 1942 or was I just supposed to find that out via a Good Omens AU myself?
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bubblegumflavor · 8 months
Wednesday is my day for fanfiction and fanart and I hate how much fun I have collecting ideas for a TKK x Outsiders crossover I plot for a while now instead of focussing only on my running fics, but I can't write 3 stories at once so I'm only making moodboards and stuff and note plot ideas for now. It will be set in the 90s, (don't wanna reveal the setting further, yet, but it will be something rooted in my own teenage years so it feels special to me X3) Also it will be inspired by "Das Doppelte Lottchen" again. (A favorite childhood story of mine, written by Erich Kästner) I already did that years ago for other twins but I love the lost twin trope too much, I actually use that too in my original Manga XD, so I can't wait to write that for Daniel and Johnny C.! =D I gathered a few different ideas and settings for them, but this one will be the one I'm gonna write. It won't be the main plot and much different from the one I wrote for a different fandom but it fits in nicely. I mostly can't wait to draw art for that idea and setting I have in mind.. X3 But since I grew up in Germany and my setting is L.A. I want to do some more research of that time and scene in the USA before writing.
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schyrsivochter · 10 months
as someone who read and loved Das doppelte Lottchen as a kid it's so weird to realise how many English-speaking people only know The Parent Trap and not the novel it was based on
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