#david dochovny
bubbleonice · 10 months
I can’t log back on to my old account, but I can still visit it with this. So I am going to repost some of my most read posts. Just to give you all an idea about what I do and what I offer here. Keep in mind the following readings I am posting are old and not recent, so energies and things that occur may have changed since then.
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thepopculturecafe · 9 years
The X-Files Updated Trailer
The X-Files Updated Trailer
Well boys and girls we finally get a longer and more in depth trailer for the up coming X-Files series. Yes I know it is only 6 episodes but if you we lived in England that is a season.
I have to say it is fun and exciting to see Gillian Anderson and David Dochovny back together again. In a world that now is some more connected then it was when the original series aired. The trailer lets us know…
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Baseball from the cow's perspective
Baseball from the cow’s perspective
Picked up an audio copy of Holy Cow: A Novel by David Duchovny, a kinder, gentler answer to Orwell’s Animal Farm (as opposed to a book about Phil Rizzuto). I won’t go into a whole lot of detail about the overall premise. Suffice it to say it’s told — quite entertainingly — from a the cow’s point of view and includes the following passage where she learns about the inherent evil of humankind. Then…
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