dgkhl · 1 year
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যে সব চিকিৎসা সেবা দিচ্ছেনঃ
★ এপেনডিক্স, হার্নিয়া, একশিরা,পিত্তথলি ও পাইলসের চিকিৎসা। ★ ল্যাপারোস্কোপির মাধ্যমে পেট না কেটে এপেনডিক্স, হার্নিয়া ও পিত্তথলির পাথর অপসারন। ★ অত্যাধুনিক পদ্ধতিতে পাইলস চিকিৎসা।। ★ ডায়াবেটিক জনিত পায়ের ঘা/ক্ষতের চিকিৎসা। ★ এছাড়া সকল ধরনের জেনারেল ও কলোরেক্টাল সার্জারী। রোগীদের সাথে হাসিমুখে বন্ধুত্বপুর্ন ব্যবহার ও কাউন্সিলিং করে চিকিৎসা ব্যবস্থাপনা বুঝিয়ে দেন।
চেম্বারঃ ধানমন্ডি জেনারেল এন্ড কিডনী হাসপাতাল লিঃ ৩য় তলা, সিটি টাওয়ার, ৪৪/৭ পান্থপথ, ঢাকা-১২০৫। মোবাঃ ০১৮১৯১৪৮২০০, ০১৭৩২-৭২৯৩৯২
এ্যপয়েন্টমেন্ট নিতে কল করুন: 01732-729392
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eliasdrid · 1 year
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Dana and Nine sketch from last night, with color
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channelrat · 2 years
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g--on--e · 2 years
idk who it's gonna be but Macks panic ;dgkh;dfjg
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medconweb · 5 years
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DGKH: Ausweitung der Meldepflicht für invasive Methicillin resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)-Infektionen auf alle invasiven Staphylococcus aureus Infektionen – unabhängig von der Resistenz des Erregers Der Vorstand der DGKH fordert, die Meldepflicht für den Nachweis von Methicillin resistenten Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Blutkulturen und Liquor auf den Nachweis von allen Staphylococcus aureus – unabhängig von der Resistenz des Erregers – auszuweiten.
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un po' di sciroppo per la gola ad aiello non farebbe male eh
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jyudles · 5 years
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guardian angel 
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neptunian-aphonia · 4 years
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nice lil sketches of the newest addition to the muse list: qanosh! and he clothes :>
some biology notes, for those interested:
qanosh’s species are colloquially known as belters, due to their planet belonging to a solar system in the Orion’s Belt constellation
pretty much all their fingers but their middle two have ball and socket joints, giving a ridiculous range of flexibility.
they’re arboreal, and ambush predators, for the most part! though their trees are so big branches could often be comparable to roads. nonetheless, this leads to them being able to move in quick bursts, but they aren’t built for pursuing over long distances. them legs’re made fer climbin’ not gallopin’.
the nasal cavity of a belter is not an external set of nostrils, but instead a spot in the roof of the mouth that both sends out and receives scents and pheromones. these pheromones are used in their language to define the tones and pronunciation of words, which is why when qanosh speaks Human, he can tend to sound flat. this also means they can, with a bit of practice, pick up the rudimentary scents humans often give off with emotional responses. though it isn’t an airtight way to read their emotional state/tell if they’re lying, of course.
belters do not perceive the common light wavelengths as we think of them. instead, they see lifeforms and the energy they give off, typically believed to be detection of the electrical pulses of a creature’s nervous system, or something along those lines anyway. different lifeforms can tend to give off different colors; in a place like a human city or dungeon cell it is seen as very dark, drab, and gray. it is a common misconception that this way of sight allows the belters to see lifeforms THROUGH objects, which is not true.
belter eyes look ‘blank’ and ‘glow’ at most angles because they have structures similar to tapetum lucidum (what create things such as a cat or a dog’s “eye glow”), as well as several protective lenses to guard these sensitive layers against bright light.
to make up for their odd sight, the ears of a belter is not so much an ear as a complex, inwards formation that can detect tiny oscillations when a sound wave hits and bounces off an object. they will instinctively recognize the differences in the miniscule vibrations, and be able to tell what that object is from the “sound” of it. However, they do not have “super hearing.” rather, their ears are specifically specialized to hear these tiny vibrations, but in other regards more or less hear the same as a human- though they can hear frequencies somewhat lower than the range of a human’s.
their blood is iridium-based, as compared to the human iron-based blood; as such, their blood is capable of binding to both oxygen and hydrogen, and can subsist off of atmospheres composing mostly of either without the other, after spending some time adjusting. 
because of the, comparatively, lessened effectiveness of iridium versus iron, their respiratory system has evolved to something more convoluted to better transport it to make up for it-- being a complex set of “air tubes,” with their analog to the lungs serving more as central air pumps to move it all around-- in conjunction with a set of twin hearts for ease o’ pumpin’.
this weird lung situation had them develop armored “rib plates” that sacrifice flexibility for protection, as they don’t need their chests to expand the way humans do. this creates a bit of a universal barrel chest and snatched waist look, though of course like any other animal/species they’ve got diversity in their body types.
a caveat to having iridium based blood is that iridium is photosensitive. on their home, this isn’t too much of a problem, as the belters evolved to have dark, UV-resistant skin and live under extremely dense canopies. however, when on planets such as Earth, with a source of unblocked bright light, or on space stations with constant sources of artificial light, the iridium in their blood will start to decay after prolonged exposure. which leads to a condition a bit like if anemia and sepsis had an ungodly child. to combat this, they have developed protective suits and very nice sunscreen.
a plus to this light sensitive blood nonsense: it changes colors when it decays! lmao
in the veins their blood is bright ass yellow, and outside it is a vibrant orange. as it decays, it will go from a duller orange, to green, and finally to a deep bluish-black.
in general, the belter homeworld is bombarded constantly by heavy UVs (having two suns: a blue star in similar size to our own and a red dwarf, which is the main source of all them ‘youvees’) so their skin tones are always dark; though in the time since they became space faring, paler tones that’re technically disadvantageous mutations have popped up.
this also caused them to develop a three stomach situation, so they can filter out UV radiation from prey and squeeze out every nutrient they can get.
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wheezingmadej · 5 years
i cant believe i still have a christmas shane icon on this acc,,, it’s forever christmas on this blog yall
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ratcandy · 3 years
Aw hell, I had a dream that you’d finally accepted your title as Zote kinnie just before I fell asleep last night. I was hella suspicious and p sure it was a dream, but I was also really hoping it wasn’t.
You also declared your middle name as Juan for some reason. So your name/title was Clam Zote kinnie Juan (no last name for your sonna yet).
whenever i see/hear juan i can only think of this image
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agentemo · 4 years
okay what is your favorite frerard meme and your favorite petekey meme. my favorite petekey meme is the "wow pete's still writing about mikey in 20xx" and the brain olympics of "this song is about mikey because..." my favorite frerard meme is the unholyverse one where it's like "i cant stop now gerard's about to leave the priesthood for frank"
that’s definitely my favorite petekey meme akldgha;dgkh;adlg like of course every song is about mikey. have you seen him? DAMN. fob got their first number one album off of songs about mikey! they had to keep it goin!!!
as for the other thing, i’m not sure what you’re referring to? but my favorite frerard meme is probablyyyyy..... okay listen this isn’t exactly a meme but the monday after the roseland show, in which gerard straddled frank and frank was like “well our crotches must touch now” and lifted his hips, my best friend akldjhahdlkgh did the same to me in gym class..... we spent all day at the venue, watched this happen before our very eyes, and she decided we needed to homoeroticise our relationship
i was lying on the gym floor like frank was (unintentionally) and she was like “oh this looks familiar” and came over to me and i was like “oh we’re doing this” and my hips went up and lemme tell you... it felt very gay
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drekingreen · 4 years
Krankenhaushygieniker für sofortige Öffnung von Kitas
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blognachrichten · 6 years
40.000 Todesfälle in Krankenhäusern – durch Infektionen
40.000 Todesfälle in Krankenhäusern – durch Infektionen Schlimme Zustände in den Krankenhäusern unseres Landes. Offiziell sollen in Deutschland etwa 20.000 Menschen in den Kliniken an Krankenhausinfektionen sterben. Die „Deutsche Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene“ (DGKH) hat laut „Westdeutscher Allgemeiner Zeitung“ allerdings angegeben, die Zahl liege mit 40.000 Sterbefällen 100 % höher. Dieser Umstand wird in Deutschland auch […] http://bit.ly/2ND7S8B
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cawsmic · 7 years
give me asks im so bored bleh
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medconweb · 4 years
Luftqualität im OP-Saal: Postoperative Wundinfektionen, RLT-Anlagen und Disziplin
Stellungnahme des Vorstands der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene (DGKH) In den letzten Jahren wird fortwährend über den infektionspräventiven Wert von laminar airflow (LAF=Turbulenz-arme Verdrängungsströmung) im Operationssaal diskutiert. Einige Publikationen, z.B. von der WHO, fordern, keine LAF-Decken in Operationssälen mehr einzubauen. Die Stellungnahme setzt sich kritisch mit dieser Position auseinander und begründet den Einsatz von LAF-Decken auf unterschiedliche Weise: Viele der zitierten Artikel zu LAF sind bezüglich der Datenqualität nicht verlässlich. Die verbleibenden Studien, die zur Beantwortung der Frage herangezogen werden können, ergeben für LAF unterschiedliche Ergebnisse. Die Größe der LAF-Decken ist in vielen Studien nicht angegeben bzw. im Vergleich zu den tatsächlichen technischen Anforderungen meist zu klein. LAF kann in verschiedenen Ländern sehr unterschiedliche Techniken beinhalten (z.B. USA im Vergleich zu Deutschland), so dass die Ergebnisse von Studien, die das nicht erfassen, nicht vergleichbar sind. LAF hat positive Auswirkungen hinsichtlich der Reduktion von Partikeln und Mikroorganismen in der Luft im Bereich des OP-Felds, verbunden mit einem erhöhten Luftvolumenstrom. Daraus kann zugleich eine Reduktion kanzerogenen Substanzen in der Luft abgeleitet werden und damit ein besserer Arbeitsschutz. In der Konsequenz wird empfohlen, in Abhängigkeit von den beabsichtigten Operationen auch in Zukunft LAF-Decken zu bauen. Der Artikel gibt zugleich einen Überblick darüber, welche Ursachen für postoperative Wundinfektionen in Frage kommen und weist auf die Bedeutung der Disziplin im OP hin. Quelle: Krankenhaushygiene (PDF, 246KB) Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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sandflakedraws · 6 years
you: *is sad* us: *vehemently knock down your door with a can of sad-b-gone and blankets* SAY NO MORE
dgkh that’s . bascially it. yeah....
it means a big lot . a real Big Lot. i’m gonna hang onto these .. look at em again when The Sads act up.
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