#die hamletmaschine
rwpohl · 20 days
the lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring, peter jackson 2001
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fabiansteinhauer · 9 months
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To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.
Zu den verschwundenen Objekten aus der Kindheit gehörte ein Spiel, das dem Kind geschenkt wurde, als es anfing, sich auf sein Skelett zu reduzieren. Das Kind erbrach alles. Es magerte ab, bis man durch die Haut die Zähne und die Knochen sehen und sonst nichts sehen konnte. Die Eltern hatten Angst, dass es stirbt und brachten das Kind ins Krankenhaus. Um es dort in trister Lage zu unterhalten, gab es als Geschenk das erwähnte Spiel.
Das Kind freute sich, es konnte auch nicht wissen, dass von nun an diese Freude sich mit der Lage assoziieren würde, in der sie aufkam, also einer Lage, die alles andere als freundlich war. Das Spiel war in einem Karton, es bestand aus einer Tafel, der man eine Pappe auflegen konnte, auf der in unsortierter Reihenfolge mehrere Geschichten erzählt wurde. Ungefährt 10 Pappen, auf allen fanden sich in unsortierter Reihenfolge kurze Geschichten. Die Aufgabe bestand darin, die Bilder in der Reihenfolge der Geschichte zu sortieren. Die Bilder waren aber nicht zu bewegen, man musste sie anders sortieren. Dazu hatte das Kind zwei verkabelte Stecker in der Hand, einen roten und einen gelben, deren andere Enden in den Karton hineinliefen, der war eine black box.
Immer, wenn man mit den zwei Steckern zwei der Bilder (an einer speziell markierten, silberfarbenen und stromleitenden Stelle) berührte, die im Laufe der Geschichte im direkten Verhältnis zwischen vorher/ nachher standen, leuchtete eine Lampe auf. Auf den Blättern wurden drei oder vier Geschichten erzählt, jeder der Geschichte wurde in Paare zerlegt, die das Verhältnis zwischen vorher/ nachher markierten. Mehr nicht, weniger aber auch nicht. Das Kind wurde trainiert, zu sequenzieren und Paare aus vorher/nachher zu bilden, in einer Situation, die nicht freundlich war, aber über dieses Geschenk von nun an von dem Kind mit Freude assoziiert wurde. Glücklicherweise überlebte das Kind, gesundete und erwies sich auf einzelnen Gebieten durchaus als talentiert.
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annihil8r · 1 month
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calibansisland · 9 months
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Heiner Müller, Hamlet/Maschine (Deutsches Theater Berlin, 1990). Stills from: Die Zeit ist aus den Fugen. Heiner Müller, die Hamletmaschine und der Mauerfall (Christoph Rüter).
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valgue · 1 year
i could post “yesterday i stopped killing myself” and yoy all would eat it up without knowing its a line from heiner mullers 1977 postmodernist drama die hamletmaschine
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hotniatheron · 2 years
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Die Hamletmaschine // Mad Max: Fury Road
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virtue-boy · 3 months
Hamletmachine (German: Die Hamletmaschine) is a postmodernist drama by German playwright and theatre director Heiner Müller. Written in 1977, the play is loosely based on Hamlet by William Shakespeare. The play originated in relation to a translation of Shakespeare's Hamlet that Müller undertook. Some critics claim the play problematizes the role of intellectuals during the East German Communism era; others argue that the play should be understood in relation to wider post-modern concepts. A characteristic of the play is that it is not centered on a conventional plot, but partially connects through sequences of monologues, where the protagonist leaves his role and reflects on being an actor.
Hamletmachine PDF
Opheliamachine is a postmodernist drama by the Polish-born American playwright and dramaturg, Magda Romanska. Written in the span of ten years, from 2002 to 2012, the play is a response to and polemic with the German playwright Heiner Mueller's Hamletmachine (in German, Die Hamletmaschine). Like Hamletmachine, Opheliamachine is loosely based on Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. The play originated in relation to Romanska's doctoral dissertation on the representation of death and femininity.
In Hamletmachine, Mueller deconstructs the impossible position of an Eastern European intellectual at the peak of the Cold War as well as the seemingly disappearing agency of the author. Likewise, Opheliamachine captures "the current historical moment with all its entrapments: the dissolution of national and gender identities, the loss of agency and the solipsism of contemporary lives in an increasingly fragmented—if connected—world, the brutal, animal-like quality of modern relationships, the collapse of a social order and its distinction, the chaos and violence that follows."[1] (translated from Italian)
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pirukifibaq · 2 years
Soliloquio de hamlet pdf file
 SOLILOQUIO DE HAMLET PDF FILE >>Download (Herunterladen) vk.cc/c7jKeU
  SOLILOQUIO DE HAMLET PDF FILE >> Online Lesen bit.do/fSmfG
           FERNANDO PESSOA. Die orthonyme Lyrik 34. Das lyrische Werk des Álvaro de Campos 36. Ricardo Reis: Oden / Odas de Ricardo Reis 39. Alberto Caeiro. ATKINSON, G., Les Nouveaux horizons de la Renaissance. Paris, Droz. HUDSON-WILLIAMS, T., A Short Introduction to the study of Comparative. Grammar. mung des Dramas geht es in erster Linie darum zu zeigen, dass das ‚wahre' the possibility of a semiotic analysis of the signifiying structures which Some Images of Monody in the Early Baroque, in: Con che soa- vità. Studies in Italian Opera, Song, sein sensibler Zweifler und Zauderer Hamlet der neuen. SOLILOQUIO DE HAMLET. “Ser o no ser, esa es la cuestión, si es mejor para el alma, soportar los golpes y dardos de la ultrajante fortuna o revelarse contra von C Consolini · 2018 — terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4 .0 International license. In der Hamletmaschine wird damit auch die Unterdrückung der Frau zum. 262 Literature of the Renaissance in 1968. E355. Cheney, David R. "The Cock Crowing at Christmas in Hamlet." N&Q, 213, 136-7. E3 56. Clayton, Thomas.
https://www.tumblr.com/pirukifibaq/698088216935432192/high-commitment-high-performance-pdf-file, https://www.tumblr.com/pirukifibaq/698088216935432192/high-commitment-high-performance-pdf-file, https://www.tumblr.com/pirukifibaq/698088216935432192/high-commitment-high-performance-pdf-file, https://www.tumblr.com/pirukifibaq/698088216935432192/high-commitment-high-performance-pdf-file, https://www.tumblr.com/pirukifibaq/698088216935432192/high-commitment-high-performance-pdf-file.
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marcusfrostforever · 4 years
À ma maman/ Greta
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           ...alle Texte sind schon da...                                           
Aus: Heiner Müller: „Die Hamletmaschine”
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anderspascal · 6 years
Ich war Hamlet. Ich stand an der Küste und redete mit der Brandung BLABLA, im Rücken die Ruinen von Europa. Die Glocken läuteten das Staatsbegräbnis ein, Mörder und Witwe ein Paar, im Stechschritt hinter dem Sarg des hohen Kadavers die Räte, heulend in schlecht bezahlter Trauer WER IST DIE LEICH IM LEICHENWAGEN / UM WEN HÖRT MAN VIEL SCHREIN UND KLAGEN / DIE LEICH IST EINES GROSSEN / GEBERS VON ALMOSEN das Spalier der Bevölkerung, Werk seiner Staatskunst ER WAR EIN MANN NAHM ALLES NUR VON ALLEN. Ich stoppte den Leichenzug, stemmte den Sarg mit dem Schwert auf, dabei brach die Klinge, mit dem stumpfen Rest gelang es, und verteilte den toten Erzeuger FLEISCH UND FLEISCH GESELLT SICH GERN an die umstehenden Elendsgestalten. Die Trauer ging in Jubel über, der Jubel in Schmatzen, auf dem leeren Sarg besprang der Mörder die Witwe SOLL ICH DIR HINAUFHELFEN ONKEL MACH DIE BEINE AUF MAMA. Ich legte mich auf den Boden und hörte die Welt ihre Runden drehen im Gleichschritt der Verwesung.
Heiner Müller, Die Hamletmaschine, 1977
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junonefre · 4 years
byłem hamletem stałem na brzegu rozmawiałem z morzem plepleplepleple
Die Hamletmaschine,  Heiner Müller
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rwpohl · 3 years
April, April!
Wāhrend meiner aktuellen Recherchen bin ich wieder mit merkwürdigen Datenverlusten konfrontiert. Bereits letzte Woche waren aus dem Programm Evernote erneut Notizen zu meinem Filmprojekt "Emma's Fault" verschwunden. Am 22.01.21 war eine Arbeitskopie des Fassbinder-Films "Nora Helmer", 1974, von meinem Computer gelöscht. Heute Nacht verschwinden unerklärlich nicht nur wieder dieser Film von meinem Tablet, sondern insgesamt etwa 2 GByte an Videomaterial, Filme und Clips, die ich für meine Recherchen und ein Buchprojekt (das in Teilen eben hier auf dem Blog schon statt findet) analysiere und auswerte. Es fehlen ebenfalls Fotos von der Dresdener Synagoge, die ich gestern Abend für eine Web-Publikation vorbereitet hatte. Die inhaltlichen Kontexte dieser Datenverluste sind eindeutig. Das ist Terror, der sich gegen die Presse- und Meinungsfreiheit richtet und ich bin wirklich nicht zu Scherzen aufgelegt. Corona, Sachsen-Aushalt...
zement: heiner müller, berliner ensemble/ 3sat
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spurloser · 4 years
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"Wenn sie mit Fleischermessern durch eure Schlafzimmer gehen, werdet ihr die Wahrheit wissen." #heinermüller #hamletmaschine #deathstrip #walkingthedog #barf #answer #obelix #mira #zipit #prakz #nov #bwzr #lofker #meathouse #comission #dixons #spurloser #animalslookingatgraffiti (hier: Grenzstreifen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Hn7XhptLB/?igshid=1ltuuebugdpl6
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magistralucis · 4 years
39 with lib oizo? and anyone else in the cast, go wild :3c
39: “I hate you.” - “No, you don’t.”
Now and then, he wonders where he went so wrong to turn out like this. But given the kind of people he’s surrounded by, maybe it’s a miracle that he managed to turn out this good at all. Mike leans back on his chair and tries, for the umpteenth time, to understand what is being asked of him. “Let me try to summarize this again. You have landed your first film production gig.”
“That is correct.” His companion sips from a straw. “You see I’ve come a long way from adverts, copywriting, or amateur productions. Now imagine: Quentin Dupieux the director, Quentin Dupieux in lights! I thought there was more of a congratulations in order.”
“Amateur productions of what exactly.”
Quentin’s eyes glass over. Mike instantly regrets asking. “Christ, just forget about it. So having landed this gig, you have also been put in charge of the casting. You received this news today at six in the morning. And your first reaction, following that news, was to immediately summon me all the way up to Montmartre so that you could tell me you want me to star as an extra in your film.”
Mike stares at him. “Why?”
This should not be a difficult question, if Quentin were a true friend of his. That’s what he thinks, anyway. Quentin takes his sweet time answering and Mike despairs, realizing that his implicit refusal isn’t obvious to the other man; he might actually have to explain this, step by step, digging up the bad memories once more in his wake. As it happens, he ends up not needing to do that, but for several minutes the fear is there.
Mike looks around. Vintage teahouse in a vintage district. It’s dark and it smells of mint and dusty spices and everywhere he looks there are flashes of light glinting off earrings, glasses, flecks of granulated sugar. Diverse clientele. Shisha cafe on the opposite side of the road, blurred from the constant cloud of thin white smoke shielding it from view. Eartha Kitt on the radio.
     Üsküdar'a gider iken bir mendil buldum,     Üsküdar'a gider iken bir mendil buldum...
He has been in so many teahouses like this. He has never once experienced a revelation, or a positive opportunity, of any kind in these places.
Today will be no different.
     Mendilimin içine lokum doldurdum,     Mendilimin içine lokum doldurdum.
Mike continues to stare in his friend’s direction as he drains his glass. For the first time in Quentin’s presence, he becomes acutely aware just how much he wants the remnants of this life gone: no more starring in things, no more modeling, no more showing himself to others. Show’s over, folks, everybody fucking go home. He suffered enough in static images, why anyone wants to see that on a screen he doesn’t know. He’s probably not that bad at acting, if Quentin really pressed, but even then he wouldn’t want his face onscreen. Mike simply cannot deliver what Quentin is asking for, and it baffles him why Quentin thought he could, knowing all that he’s been through.
“I could answer you in any manner of explanation.” Comes the reply, at long last; Quentin pushes his glass aside and leans forwards, linking his fingers together. Mike raises his eyebrows. “That I asked you because you are a remarkably handsome lad, exactly in the style that’s in vogue nowadays. That I asked you because you are a friend, and therefore more reliable than ninety percent of anyone else I know. That I asked because you manifest the exact kind of misery I’m looking for in this film, and you’re not likely to carry it for much longer.”
Seeing Mike wants to protest, Quentin holds up his hand. “You’ve had a strange life, Lévy. I know too well what happened to you in the revolution, and I know that’s partly why you left the modeling life. Not to mention the fiancé. Is he your fiancé yet?” Mike splutters, his cheeks reddening rapidly. “No? I see. I imagine he doesn’t know about that part of your life yet... and that’s as good a reason to refuse my offer as any. I wasn’t sure whether you’d talked about it.”
A headache is beginning to pound in Mike’s temples. “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.” Quentin smiles softly, and pats his hand. “You hate something broader than that, and I understand why you would. You ask me why... as I said, I could have given any number of reasons, but none of them really matter when it comes down to it. I think I already knew you wouldn’t say yes.”
“Why did you even bother asking, then?”
Quentin gestures to a passing waiter for the bill. “Honestly? For the sake of the congratulations. You know. The one I was secretly expecting once I gave you the good news.” He puffs himself up proudly. “From you, though, I’m willing to grant that your lukewarm demeanor is more of a compliment than any congratulations you could give me. This was no life for you; good to see you’re sticking to it.”
Mike doesn’t know what to say. But he now thinks Quentin understood something of the misgivings he was having earlier, of the influence his old acquaintances had on him while he was still part of the modeling life. He doesn’t know what to feel about being validated by Quentin of all people, but he’ll take it, even if he’ll never speak up about it.
“Franck knows about some things from back then.” He says instead. He is always so quiet and uncertain when he speaks of his future, anxious not to shatter it as he has done almost every other aspect of his life. “I told him about the... when I was hiding out at the cabin. Me quitting as a model, though not really... like, why, past me just having had enough. But one day I will. He deserves honesty from me.”
“I see.”
A smile drifts to his lips. “Perhaps I will ask you to film our wedding.”
Quentin laughs. “I look forward to it. I will make it gorgeous, cross my heart and hope to die; not only am I excellent with things I’ve made up in my depraved imagination, I am also very good at filming things which happen outside of my will.” He pulls out a homebrew CD from his bag. “As you can see from this amateur production.”
“What the fuck. The fuck is that. Get that out of my face.”
“Amateur theatrical productions, Lévy. What did you think I meant earlier?” A wicked smile spreads across Quentin’s face. “This was from the Jacques Lecoq last winter, the students weren’t half bad, actually. Ever heard of Hamletmaschine?”
Mike groans and stands up, pushing forwards his tip. Twenty percent, out of conscious generosity to make up for all the years he wasn’t. “Please, for the love of God, just kill me.”
It’s a good thing they’re friends.
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korrektheiten · 2 years
„Cicero“-Gründer empfiehlt Soldaten: Jeden impfen, der des Weges kommtCOMPACT+ 
Compact: Zur Durchsetzung der Corona-Maßnahmen setzt Cicero-Gründer Wolfram Weimer auf militärische Autorität. Die neue Lust an der Unterwerfung treibt Mainstream-Schreiber in faschistoide Fantasien. Es ist wieder da: Das Glück der Unterwerfung, vor dem Heiner Müller in der „Hamletmaschine“ (1977) warnte. Seit 20 Jahren wächst es unaufhörlich in Geisteswissenschaften und Publizistik. Zu den mental Schwachen mit Sehnsucht [...] Der Beitrag „Cicero“-Gründer empfiehlt Soldaten: Jeden impfen, der des Weges kommtCOMPACT+  erschien zuerst auf COMPACT. http://dlvr.it/SDw1kr
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marciocunhamusic · 2 years
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@neubautenorg - Heiner Müller - Die Hamletmaschine #vinyl #vinylcollection #records #vinylcollector #music #vinylcommunity #vinyljunkie #vinyladdict #recordcollection #vinylrecords #nowspinning #instavinyl #vinylporn #recordcollector #rpm #record #vinyloftheday #lp #nowplaying #vinylcollectionpost #vinyligclub #vinylgram #roughguide #vinyllover #turntable #vinyllove #einstuerzendeneubauten #diehamletmaschine #compactdisc #cd https://www.instagram.com/p/CGskqs2HyB5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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