#do I have an ask tag
catgirlcourtjester · 1 month
chicken wing
chicken wing
hotdog and bologna
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bassproshopspyramid · 1 month
a doodle doo…
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glitch-1983 · 5 months
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thoughts on this image?
Vaguely reminds me of Undertale???
I love
Why so distressed
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cool-as-steel · 1 year
ahoy! do you happen to have any fic recs? for the original TI book that is
why yes, I do! (arranged in publication order, for lack of any better way of offering them)
A Man of Substance by the_alchemist (John Silver/Mrs. Silver, G) - based in the small but intriguing mentions of Silver's marriage that we get in canon, this story imagines how that might have come about.
Middle Watch by Verecunda (Livesey/Trelawney, G) - imagining up a missing scene on the island in brilliantly RLS-reminiscent style.
A Most Ardent Suit by George_Sand_II (Livesey/Trelawney, G) - a continuation of the previous fic, a collection of very well-drawn scenes of eighteenth century courtship.
oh, you're my place to go by soundsandsweetairs (Livesey/Trelawney, G) - struggle, stress, and a little bit of sweetness aboard ship.
keep your fires bright by chiroptera_in_the_cupola (G) - something to be said about stories and the men who tell them.
threads are coming loose by chiroptera_in_the_cupola (Livesey & Smollett, G) - an immediately post-canon character study of the captain and the doctor.
and we march on, hand in hand by harpernovakaine (Livesey/Trelawney, T) - a bit of both past and future for the doctor, and a fantastic portrait of the relationship in between.
make my bed where the bodies lie by chiroptera_in_the_cupola (T) - a post-canon check-in with the marooned mutineers! they are not doing very well!
and then, if you'd like to go really classic, there's always The Persons of the Tale, a little metanarrativical story written by Robert Louis Stevenson himself! this is not precisely fic, but it's definitely one of my go-to recommendations for anyone who's interested in the book!
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mechanicalchemical · 8 months
hollow knight. you thought i would ask fish game? wrong. bug game.
this is really funny bc i barely touch hk anymore but ill still try
favorite character - if it was 2021 i could tell u <3 the first one that came to my mind was Grimmchild but i have more overall favs like uuuhh Marmu and Ogrim and Grimm and Brumm and Quirrel thats all i can remember off the top of my head
second favorite - im gonna be real idk i develop a pool of favs and then just dont have second favorites
least favorite - off the top of my head u would have to hold me at gunpoint to try to remember anyone other than Pale King or Zote
character im most like - i havent played since like. 2021. i dont know <3 i dont think im good at this question specifically
favorite pairing - idk if i had one in the first place. shoutout to Sheo and Nailsmith tho
least favorite pairing - idk <3
favorite moment - thats tough actually but i enjoyed entering greenpath for the first time and that one spot in city of tears where the music really swells or something and the flashback(?) scene right before/after getting the uuuh void badge whatever it is yknow the scene w small Hallow looking over at u that whole thing
rating out of 10 - 8/10 :3 it's neat but in my humble opinion theres too much like. doom and gloom. not everything needs a happy ending and i know that but theres not much of a balance at least thats what i remember even if it's a sad post(?) apocalyptic thing. doesnt mean it's bad. i know theres some happy and goofy moments but to me the balance is like a pillow vs 3 cinder blocks yknow
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counterphobes · 1 year
Lol @ your description. I don't think you can tell when someone is wrong because isfps are idiots. I've never met a smart isfp in my life.
And I bet you type as some Xntx, thinking it feeds your superiority complex but you're still wanking it alone with a cumsock so old that if a woman let you near her the wasted cum would be a 10yo
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voice-of-dissent · 2 years
Sprigatito's final Evolution is Bipedal, but not on its back legs. It stands on its FRONT legs.
I'm trying to visualize this, it'll be basically in a perpetual handstand with it's tail where you think it's head should be and its head is like between its legs. it needs shorts that say "my eyes are down here"
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beebfreeb · 11 days
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samgiddings · 5 months
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@staff @support @engineering @music @books
Have you ever considered this is a really stupid layout to have when there’s no way to easily get your account back if you accidentally hit the wrong button???
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catgirlcourtjester · 6 months
big joon🤝big joon
big joon!!!!!
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bestie can you explain why ray cohn's panel said that please i'm so curious
of course! warnings for 1950s–1980s period typical homophobia, and also: you’ll fucking hate this guy.
roy cohn was an american lawyer, and he first became famous for two things: the rosenberg trial, and mccarthyism (also known as the second red scare).
julius and ethel rosenberg were an american couple who were both executed for espionage after providing military secrets to the ussr. i’m not super familiar with the case, but as i understand it: the consensus today is that julius was guilty, ethel probably wasn’t, but the trial was so full of garbage that, legally, they never should have been executed. "guilty but framed" is a phrase i’ve heard about it a couple times.
roy cohn was super proud about the rosenberg trial, claiming that he was responsible for getting the judge and the assistant u.s. attorney appointed to the case, and that the judge gave them the death penalty based on cohn’s personal recommendation.
because of cohn’s prominence in the rosenberg trial, senator joseph mccarthy chose cohn as his chief counsel. cohn worked for the "permanent subcommittee on investigations" (which mccarthy was the head of), and was known for his "aggressive" questioning of suspected communists in american government — basically, they interrogated hundreds of people working for the military and other parts of the government, and drummed up as much anti-communist sentiment as america as possible (that sentiment is why everyone in america is so Like That about unions).
one of the tactics that mccarthy and cohn used was weaponizing americans’ homophobia. they said that communists were convincing closeted gay people in the government to share top secret information in return for not being outed. this is the start of the lavender scare. homosexuals, they said, were a danger to national security. this eventually made then-president eisenhower sign an executive order to ban homosexuals from working for the federal government. we’ll come back to this.
eventually, mccarthy’s claiming that the department of defence was full of communists and also threatening the army when they drafted one of his consultants, g. david schine, led to senate hearings in 1954 that ruined mccarthy’s public image, and cohn was asked to resign.
he went into private practice in new york, where his clients included a bunch of mafia dudes and the star of home alone 2: donald trump. (other famous assholes that were cohn’s clients/friends include alan dershowitz, rupert murdoch, and roger stone. none of those dudes are dead but they all really should be.) he also befriended archbishop francis spellman of new york city, and represented the archdiocese of new york in court. during the debate over the passage of new york’s first gay rights bill, he shared the archdiocese’s opinion and said "homosexual teachers are a grave threat to our children"
cohn was known for being fiercely loyal, and also being accused of a ton of crimes himself (his section on his wikipedia page lists theft, obstruction, extortion, tax evasion, bribery, blackmail, fraud, perjury, and witness tampering. none of which are particularly cool crimes, because he’s a coward.)
he eventually wormed his ass back into politics, becoming an informal advisor to presidents tricky dick nixon and ronald reagan, two guys who are currently burning in hell, competing to figure out which of them is more racist. he was a very good friend to first lady nancy reagan and former cia director william casey, as well as a ton of lobbyists and some morally corrupt "journalists", but he said his very best friend was donald trump. cohn got charged with a few crimes on account of him committing a metric fuckton of crimes, and he ended up being disbarred shortly before his death.
(speaking of those crimes that got him disbarred, one of the things that is mentioned a couple times is that cohn entered the hospital room of one of his clients, a dude who was in a coma and dying, and attempted to make himself a beneficiary of the man’s will. to quote wikipedia, "the resulting marks were determined in court to be indecipherable and in no way a valid signature.")
now, the thing i have done my best to not mention in this post? is that roy cohn himself was infamously gay. he denied it until his dying breath, of course, but he was really bad at hiding it. it was one of those things that everybody knew and nobody spoke about.
we know some of the men he dated and slept with — his assistant russell eldridge, who died from aids in 1984, was one of his boyfriends. the chauffeur of that mccarthy consultant that got drafted, g. david schine, said that schine and cohn did the dirty in the back of his limo, which is just really rude to the chauffeur no matter what your sexuality is. this came up during hearings, and cohn said he and schine were not "closer than to the ordinary friend". that archbishop i mentioned, francis spellman, was rumoured to be gay, which was a big controversy in the church at the time. and cohn’s partner for the last two years of his life was a man named peter fraser.
again, cohn’s sexuality was the kind of thing that was known, you just couldn’t say in public. the lawyer for the army in the hearings asked if a photograph "came from a pixie", and then he defined "pixie" as "a close relative of a fairy". ("pixie" was a type of camera, and "fairy" is a somewhat outdated insult for gay men). cohn’s associate roger stone said of him: "roy was not gay. he was a man who liked having sex with men."
in 1984, roy cohn was diagnosed with aids. he kept the condition a secret and received experimental treatment — he was part of clinical trials for azt, the first anti-hiv drug. he died of complications from aids on august 2, 1986, insisting to his dying day that the cause was liver cancer. when he died, the irs (internal revenue service/basically the tax cops) seized nearly everything he owned. one of the things they didn’t take was a pair of diamond cufflinks, which were a gift from donald trump. roger stone said that cohn’s "absolute goal was to die completely broke and owing millions to the irs. he succeeded in that."
michael kruse wrote for politico: "he was preening and combative, look-at-me lavish and loud. it was an act. the truth was he hated what he was—a lawyer who hated lawyers, a jewish person who hated jewish people, and a gay person, fiercely closeted if haphazardly hidden, who hated gay people".
cohn is a character in a couple of tony kushner’s plays — most famously angels in america, where he is "a closeted, power-hungry hypocrite haunted by the ghost of ethel rosenberg as he denies dying of aids.", but he also appears in g. david schine in hell (where, from a brief look at the show’s wikipedia page, i think he might be in drag?). kushner actually said that seeing his description on the aids quilt is what inspired him to look into cohn.
roy cohn:
lawyer and patriot
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bully, coward, victim.
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daisywords · 7 months
One of my biggest nitpicks in fiction concerns the feeding of babies. Mothers dying during/shortly after childbirth or the baby being separated form the mother shortly after birth is pretty common in fiction. It is/was also common enough in real life, which is why I think a lot of writers/readers don't think too hard about this. however. Historically, the only reason the vast majority of babies survived being separated from their mother was because there was at least one other woman around to breastfeed them. Before modern formula, yes, people did use other substitutes, but they were rarely, if ever, nutritionally sufficient.
Newborns can't eat adult food. They can't really survive on animal milk. If your story takes place in a world before/without formula, a baby separated from its mother is going to either be nursed by someone else, or starve.
It doesn't have to be a huge plot point, but idk at least don't explicitly describe the situation as excluding the possibility of a wetnurse. "The father or the great grandmother or the neighbor man or the older sibling took and raised the baby completely alone in a cave for a year." Nope. That baby is dead I'm sorry. "The baby was kidnapped shortly after birth by a wizard and hidden away in a secret tower" um quick question was the wizard lactating? "The mother refused to see or touch her child after birth so the baby was left to the care of the ailing grandfather" the grandfather who made the necessary arrangements with women in the neighborhood, right? right? OR THAT GREAT OFFENDER "A newborn baby was left on the doorstep and they brought it in and took care of it no issues" What Are You Going to Feed That Baby. Hello?
Like. It's not impossible, but arrangements are going to have to be made. There are some logistics.
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cool-as-steel · 1 year
kindly consider:
Jim Howick as Dr Livesey and Pew, Mathew Baynton as the Squire and Billy Bones, Ben Willbond as Smolett, Simon Farnaby as Silver, Larry Rickard as Ben Gunn and Israel Hands, Martha Howe-Douglas as Mrs Hawkins and Abraham Grey
oh, these are all such good casting ideas! Mine are somewhat different, but I can certainly see your logic here, and you've opened up some very interesting lines of thought.
I'd started out assuming that you were going for a Livesey characterization that's a little closer to the mad scientist we get in the Muppets version, but thinking on it further, I think he could definitely pull off both Livesey's dry and dangerous side and the parmesan situation without it seeming incongruous.
Interesting choice as regards Trelawney - I'd never think of that in a million years, but it could work! and with your Howick!Livesey, you still maintain that difference in shape language that I think any good version of the gentlemen needs.
I have no commentary at all on the next three except phrases such as 'PERFECT' and '10/10' and 'NO NOTES'. Simon Farnaby is amazing at finding the exact line between slimy and endearing in almost every role I've seen him in, and Larry Rickard is an absolute chameleon of a man, who I'm sure could definitely pull off whatever would be needed to make the double-casting function even though both roles mostly interact with Jim. And even outside of the fiction where the group adaptation we're pitching here exists, Ben Willbond would be my instantaneous choice for Smollett if I was casting any sort of Treasure Island adaptation.
I do also think that Martha Howe-Douglas would be an interesting choice as Smollett (some time ago I saw a recording of a play where they'd cast a woman as Smollett, and while it wasn't done especially well, the idea has a lot of interesting potential to play with) but I think your choice of Gray is quite inspired!
thank you, pondering this was great fun!
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kottkrig · 14 days
People liking your personal OCs is still such a crazy feeling, I've been doing this for years and ppl asking about them still fills my entire heart with warmth and idk how to handle it
You enjoy this fictional guy I made up for fun?? Whose only content is random artwork or writing made by me and a handful of other artists at most? They have no show/book/game with a large fandom, it's just one person with an art blog?? I love u
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voltaical-art · 2 months
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do you guys ever think about how Wyll is introduced as an archetypal fantasy hero, but then it turns out he’s a warlock, who made a pact with a devil. Do you ever think about how Ansur is described as this fantastical dragon of myth, but then when you find him, he’s turned into an undead monstrosity. Do you think about how when Wyll does the right thing, he is punished to become more monstrous. Do you think about how as Wyll’s warlock powers grow, his spells get more horrific. Do you think about how Ansur was killed by his closest friend. Do think about how Wyll was cast out by the most important person in his life. do you guys ever think about Ansur and Wyll.
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tennybird · 10 months
psst! if you can't play sky on your phone, it's available to wishlist rn on steam and is releasing soon!
oh shit nice!!! thank you, I had no idea :O
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