#look through the tags and see how many people have accidentally deleted their blogs before you decide to be a smartass
samgiddings · 5 months
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@staff @support @engineering @music @books
Have you ever considered this is a really stupid layout to have when there’s no way to easily get your account back if you accidentally hit the wrong button???
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chacusha · 1 year
Why I don't tag dive on Tumblr anymore
This is something I haven't really talked about, but a while ago, someone liked some version of this post:
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And it made me remember that I have unfortunately completely given up on going through the Quodo tag on Tumblr in order to find all the awesome posts that were made before I joined the fandom in ~2020ish. Not because I lost interest in that project but because Tumblr basically made it physically impossible for me to do...
Also for reasons peculiar to my own completionist psychology, I have ALSO basically given up on going through recent posts in the Quodo tag too (meaning all the posts that have been posted in that tag since my last reblogging spree, whenever that was).
Let me explain the reason for both of these things.
So the good news is that Tumblr does allow you to chronologically browse tags. This is not the default setting, unfortunately -- the default setting is "Popular" (which as far as I can tell seems to be some kind of weighted average of recency and number of notes, but IDK, it is a mystery), because Tumblr is an enemy of reason and all that is good in the world. But it IS possible! However, the bad news: for reasons I don't really understand, Tumblr will not paginate the chronological tag search.
If you take a look at a chronological tag search (e.g.: https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/quodo?sort=recent) and try hitting next a few times, you'll notice something: the URL doesn't change. It remains static even though the contents of the page change. What seems to be happening here is that, when you hit the "Next" button, Tumblr is (I'm guessing) using JavaScript in order to load a new set of posts and is changing the contents of the page on the fly. Therefore, what posts are currently showing are entirely dependent on how many times you've hit the "Next" button on your current browsing session.
You'll notice that this is NOT the way that dashboards or browsing through people's blogs works. For example, if you hit next a few times on your dashboard (I hope you have turned off infinite scroll!), you'll get URLs like these:
https://www.tumblr.com/?max_post_id=714110213039489024 (this for me shows posts from people I'm following that were posted recently, April 9, 2023)
https://www.tumblr.com/?max_post_id=71411021303948902 (deleted a digit; this now shows posts from Feb 2020)
Note that if you copy and paste these into your browser a day or two (or a week) later, you should see the exact same set of posts that you see now, as long as you have not followed/unfollowed anyone since you last loaded the page.
Or on blogs that have custom layouts turned on, you can easily jump back to older posts by doing things like this:
https://chacusha.tumblr.com/page/2 (this shows the 11th-20th most recent posts on my blog)
https://chacusha.tumblr.com/page/40 (this shows much older posts on my blog)
Here, the content of these particular pages WILL change as I post more posts to my blog, but there is at least some way to rapidly jump past many pages I know I've already seen. (There are also more powerful and quick ways of finding old posts using a user's archive e.g. https://chacusha.tumblr.com/archive)
As far as I can tell, nothing like this functionality exists for tag searches. Which is incredibly frustrating for trying to find older posts!! Given that I was at around 2018 or 2019 in my last tag search, the number of times I would need to manually hit the "Next" button just to find my previous place in the Quodo tag is ridiculous. And the more time that passes, the harder it gets!
Oh yeah, and to make this worse, anytime you reload the page (you restart your browser, you restart your computer, or you accidentally close the tab and recover it), your progress is reset! That's right: you have to click "Next" that many times again to find your old place in the tag again!
Let's make it even worse: Because of that way of loading and replacing content on a single page rather than just requesting a fresh new page from the server, you end up in a situation where your Tumblr tab is now using an insane amount of memory the more times you've hit the "Next" button. And unfortunately, one weird property of my laptop (my main computer) is that, if it is not connected to a power supply, it will sometimes do a random emergency shut down if it's running a program that is consuming too much memory and CPU. Which Firefox is now doing, thanks to that Tumblr tab!
So basically, after trying many, many times to find the furthest place I reached in the Quodo tag only for my computer to shut down, or for Firefox to start getting too sluggish for me to use anymore (thanks to Tumblr 😊), I just gave up: it is literally impossible for me to reach things posted in the Quodo tag prior to ~2019. Which sucks because I really would like to see things like people's older Quodo art (it's easier for me to find old Quodo fic as long as it has been posted to AO3 because... AO3 is actually designed to work as a functional archive and it sets up its search/browse functions in light of this fact...).
So that is the reason behind the first thing I mentioned -- it is physically impossible for me to reach older Quodo posts now. In some sense, I guess the fact that Tumblr naturally hides older posts from view is nice from a privacy point of view. But from the point of view of a content creator, I find this lack of functionality disturbing. I don't post things like art or fic or meta on Tumblr just for it to only be viewable within one or maybe two years from my posting it. My intent when posting it is for it to be accessible to people years later if they're interested. But Tumblr doesn't let me do this, unless people find my blog and use my blog's archive features to find the content they want (and I better HOPE I've tagged consistently and correctly, which it is hard to do 100% of the time). I really don't like this model of social media posts as ephemeral.
So what about the second point? Knowing that there is no way for me to go back months or years in the Quodo tag without manually clicking dozens of times through posts I've already seen and slowing my computer to a crawl and possibly triggering an unexpected restart has kind of made this activity unpleasant and demoralizing for me. Also, because of my long Tumblr hiatuses, I did and still do frequently fall significantly behind in the Quodo tag. And because I'm a completionist (yes, I am the kind of person who will browse through my dashboard until I hit the last post I saw the last time I logged into Tumblr), the idea of checking out the Quodo tag periodically but in a way I know is very spotty and incomplete kind of annoys me. Deciding not to use the Quodo tag at all and instead relying on other Quodo blogs I watch to reblog stuff from the tag and then reblogging THEM also doesn't work for me because, again, the fact that posts are chronologically out of order and now I've seen and reblogged SOME of the Quodo tag but not other posts is just confusing and one extra thing to keep track of. My brain does not like that at all.
So basically, that's my sob story about how I gave up on the project of deep diving into the Quodo tag and why I've largely given up on reblogging Quodo posts from the tag at all. Now that I've written this post up, I realize I am being a bit too neurotic and perfectionistic about this and maybe I should go back to casually reblogging posts whenever I decide to peruse the tag and just accept that there are great posts that exist out there but now are completely "unrecoverable" for me.
The summary is: Tumblr is great for a random stream of content detached from time, but is terrible for archiving content in a systematic, comprehensive sort of way. My brain and my blog is much more that of an archivist than a streamer, so this really doesn't work for me. This is one of the many reasons contributing to my frequent Tumblr hiatuses, which I haven't really talked about before.
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thefirstknife · 3 years
you have a personal vendetta against other blogs bc you keep tagging them asking why they're not talking about this or that issue. essentially, you're policing them about what they should or shouldn't post about. for the record, this isn't a jem defense ask, and you dismissing criticism about your behavior by saying "you sound like someone who only reads jem's blog" is incredibly disrespectful yikes.
I only ever tagged Jem, once. I replied once before to an already existing post, but that's about it. No clue which other blogs you're talking about as being tagged out of the blue by me.
I wondered about Jem in particular because she vagued about the drama and called everyone performative activists who are dogpiling an artist for woke points and I found that very strange because I've seen Jem telling people they're ableist and sexist if they're talking about a theory about Osiris.
No idea how to make this as clear as possible, but I'll give it a try, under the cut because long:
Jem said that certain fandom behaviour is ableist and sexist, which means that Jem understands that fandom behaviour about certain characters can be harmful. She posted about this, called people out as being sexist and ableist and also noted that if Bungie goes with that theory, she will support dogpiling the devs about being sexist and ableist.
Yesterday we discovered whitewashed art and pointed it out, but there's been an incredible amount of backlash saying we're all armchair activists posting for woke points by calling out whitewashing.
What's the difference? Why is Jem acting like her takes are legitimate activism, but other takes are just "hashtage woke"? Why is calling out whitewashing not a legitimate fandom issue to her?
Whitewashing is a legitimate issue in fandom and online spaces in general. It should be pointed out. It should also be noted that it can happen accidentally and that we should give the artist the benefit of the doubt to fix the mistake. Which I've done and I'm still willing to do.
You're absolutely only taking this from Jem's side and her post, which she thought I wouldn't be able to see due to me being blocked, but I can see it. Which is why I can tell that you're coming from her post.
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This incident is documented here. As stated, Jem used a derogatory term. Jem was notified about using a derogatory term by another user, she DELETED their warning and made a separate post to apologise for using a derogatory term. I find that pretty hashtag woke (to use Jem's terminology) to appear better in other people's eyes instead of replying directly to the user who pointed a derogatory term out and apologising directly.
Pot calling the kettle black (instead I do actually apologise to people directly, I don't delete their replies to make myself look better). I'm glad she apologised for using the term, that's good no matter what and I respect it. I don't respect framing the apology in this way. I don't respect deleting a comment from the person who pointed the derogatory term out, ignoring that person and making a separate post without crediting someone who called you out.
It doesn't help that the same person is the one who pointed out whitewashing and has been getting transphobic attacks from the very people who are reblogging and supporting Jem's post. Basically, Jem evidently does not want to be called out on her mistakes and does not want to acknowledge them.
I also want to address the following:
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Nice gatekeeping language with the "ever since you got here." It seems to me that before I got here, some people in the fandom were never challenged on their posts, or they were and they were promptly dogpiled and blocked. Since the incident I linked above, numerous people came out and said that Jem has been a menace in the Destiny community for a very long time.
I am so eager to find out which blogs I've been digging through looking for dirt and ripping out context. Because the only ones I've ever addressed are people are actively engaging in bigotry in the fandom. Bigotry that makes other people unwilling to engage with the fandom, talk and socialise. Bigotry is making the fandom space unsafe for a large amount of marginalised groups in our community. I will KEEP pointing out bigotry in the fandom. I don't even have to dig, because some people in the fandom keep their dirt on the surface, but if I have to dig to prove that there's bigoted ulterior motives, I will.
I want marginalised groups and minors to feel safe in the community. I want bigots to feel unsafe. Not the other way around. Call it performative all you want.
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Already addressed this pile of crap. Jem swung here but ultimately missed by a mile. She gave it a try, but unfortunately she doesn't really understand these things very well, which isn't a surprise considering she picks which battles to take by throwing darts on a board and considering she doesn't care who supports her as long as it's support. Post where I explain mentioning anxiety and original post where I mention it. Please try to read through these on your own and engage critical thinking and then compare it to whatever the hell Jem has going on in this paragraph.
The only liar and truth-twister here is Jem. And according to other people in the community, it's nothing new.
Since people aren't clicking links: I got anon hate telling me to do real life activism instead of posting on my Destiny blog. I explained that this is a tumblr blog about Destiny so you can't tell whether or not I'm doing real life activism based on my tumblr blog. I jokingly added that due to having anxiety, I am capable of caring about multiple issues at once. I did not use it as an excuse in any capacity, but Jem has nothing else to attack me for so she had to scrap the bottom of the barrel to find something.
Please read something other than her horrid takes.
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Another tragic miss from Jem, who has worse accuracy than me in Trials. I have so many friends to vent to and I've been venting to them this entire time. They're all sending their regards.
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This is like a billionth time that I'm saying that I don't support anon hate and that I do not have physical control over other people's devices and tumblr blogs so I can't stop them from sending anon hate. I said it multiple times: don't send anon hate in my name.
I am not sure how Jem wants me to enforce this. But I also received anon hate and so have other people who participated in this discourse so, pot kettle.
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Jem is heavily projecting her own reasons for causing drama and thinks that everyone does it for the same reasons as she does. Weird slip.
Anyway, you can tell Jem that I've seen it and that I say: Bye!
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lifesabe-ch · 4 years
this means war - billy r. and frank c. (part 6)
summary: this is a spin off from a movie (can anyone find the title? ;) starring Billy Russo and Frank Castle. In this AU, Billy isn’t a psycho, Frank’s family is alive, and they both really like coffee. And, y’know, Y/N.
pairings: Frank Castle x Reader, Billy Russo x Reader (actually both of them, i promise)
warnings: fragile male ego and sass
a/n: hi i’m admin A, aka @pitaparka, and this is my first post on this blog! we’ve been co-writing this for a while so it just seemed logical for me to hop on here as an admin! I probably won’t be doing any individual writing here (i write independently on my above blog, so if you like this blog, you should check that one out too ;), but if we’re doing any co-writing, it’ll probably be here. that’s all for now. later!
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Billy accidentally locked the door to his apartment trying to get in from work. Which was concerning, considering he locked it this morning. If he could bet money on whether or not Frank was sitting on his couch—
He would have been wrong. Frank was sitting at his breakfast counter. Eating pizza.
Billy sighed loudly, “Did you at least save me some?”
Frank doesn’t even look over his shoulder as he slides the pizza box over to the empty seat next to him. 
Billy drops his keys on the counter, tosses his suit jacket there too, and loosens his tie before sitting down next to Frank.
“Mushroom and sausage,” he says, his eyes trained on the news playing on Billy’s television. 
They sit there silently eating pizza together. 
“I saw Y/N today.” Billy says. He can almost see Frank’s ears perk up.
“At work?” 
“No. The coffee shop. I dropped by, you know, to see her.” 
Frank nodded. 
Grinning, Billy nodded, “We’re going on date. Our first date, already.” He gets up from the breakfast bar to wipe off his hands. 
Quirking a brow, Frank chuckled, “Good for you man. Good for you.”
“Yeah. How are you two doing?” 
“We already had a date.” 
Watching as the grin immediately fell from Billy’s face, he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“What? When?” 
“Last night.”
“No… you went on my date?”
“Your date?” Frank scoffed, sipping the beer he had in his hand, as he watched Billy pace. “It was my date, asshole. One too many hits to the head today?”
“I—You… That was my date!” Billy says, leaning on the breakfast bar.
“So why weren’t you on it?”  
 “W-what?” Billy asked. He takes a second to process it. “I was… at a meeting.”
“Sure. At eight o’clock at night?”
“Yes, at eight o’clock at night.” 
Frank shot him a look.
 “Some people have businesses.” He defends. 
Frank scoffed, “You have one business, Billy.”
“And you’re getting into my business, so watch it.”
“Yeah? What’re you gonna do about it, Russo? You gonna—”
“We need some rules.”
“Huh?” Frank asks. He gives Billy a look like Billy’s seen many times before. It basically slaps him upside the head and asks him how much he’s had to drink already. He retreats to the fridge to grab a beer. Get an early start on the night ahead of him. 
“What the hell are you on about, man?” Frank asks. He leans over the box and grabs another slice of pizza. 
“I don’t think we should tell her that we know each other.” Billy says. Frank looks at him. 
“What, like, stay out of each other’s way?” Frank takes the remote and turns the volume down on the TV.
“Yeah. Just let her decide.” 
“We’re already letting her decide,” Frank clarifies.
“No, I mean… no interruptions.”
Billy watches as Frank contemplates this whole thing. 
“Billy, you know you’re like a brother to me, man.” 
He rolls his eyes, “Don’t do this—”
“No no no, I mean, I don’t want this… whatever this is to mess us up, okay?”
“Listen,” Billy starts, “have we ever let a girl come between us before?”
“We’ve never liked the same girl before.”
“I’m just saying…  If things get too tense, we can both back off, okay?”
Frank shakes his head. He lets out a sigh. 
“So we’re not getting in each other’s way.”
“No, Billy, we aren’t.”
“That pretty much settles it?”
Frank closed the pizza box, signifying the end of the conversation. 
“How was my date?” Billy asked, taking a drink from his beer.
“You mean my date.” Frank clarified, turning up the TV a little bit. 
“Well, I was the one who asked her. And I picked the restaurant. And the time.” 
“The restaurant? What restaurant?”
Billy stared at Frank in confusion. “Did you not… wait, where did you go?” 
“We went to Tina's Place. Off of 60th. The midnight one.”
“Oh. Why?” Billy picks at the label on his beer bottle that’s already starting to peel with condensation. 
“Because we were at the bar down the street.”
“You picked her up at a bar?”
“What does it matter, Russo? You’re losing anyway.”
“Frank, you’re this close to getting kicked out of my apartment.  Did you do anything?”
“No, Bill, we sat there and we stared at each other. All night.”
“You know what I’m asking.” Billy deadpanned.  
“We kissed.” 
“And nothin’.” Frank huffed. 
“You went on my date and all you did was kiss?” Billy asked, incredulously. 
“More than you did,” Frank muttered, loud enough for Billy to understand the mischievous grin on his features. 
“Just wait until I get to go on my date, Frankie.” Bill declared, moving to toss the empty pizza box in the trash.
“If you even make it. Maybe I’ll get to go on that one too,” Frank said, chuckling. He gets up and grabs his phone off the kitchen counter. He doesn’t even check it before he slips it into his pocket and makes his way to the door.
“Oh I’m going on this date, Frank. It’s gonna be the best damn date of her life. She’s not even gonna remember who you are.”
“Whatever you say. I’ll see ya tomorrow, Billy,” Frank yells over his shoulder on his way out.
Billy sat, only the company of the TV to keep his apartment from complete silence. As much as he hated coming home to other people in his house, he didn't mind Frank all that much. Especially when he cleaned up after himself. Billy let his own beer bottle clank softly into the trash. He got to work on the dishes that were starting to pile up in his sink. He hated a messy apartment. 
With most of his household chores done, he broods on the couch over Frank’s dinner. His dinner, really. A missed opportunity. He wasn’t upset with her. He wasn’t even upset with Frank. He was more upset with himself, getting caught up like that. He fiddled with the remote. 
“Dinner. Saturday night. Eight o’clock.”
This was shaping up to be just like the situation he got himself in. He needed to do something else. Something drastic. If this was a race, Frank was winning. But that’s okay. Only for now. Slow and steady, Billy. Slow and steady.
He takes out his phone and sends a text. 
Hey, you free Saturday morning instead?
He doesn’t know what to do, so he stares at his phone. He imagines her, rolling her eyes and ignoring him. He cycles through some apps before he gets the notification from her.
uhhhh why?
Billy is awestruck. Why? He doesn’t know how to respond. Everything he comes up with sounds wrong. That’s not how he expected her to respond. 
“Because I want to take you for breakfast instead.” He types, but deletes it. That sounds too forward, like he has plans late on he doesn’t want to cancel for her.
“I just want to see you sooner.” Ugh. That’s the wrong side of creepy, not sweet.
He panics. He’s been typing and deleting for almost a minute. 
Why not?
 He sends.
I’m a coffee man, you know that
He sends again. He stares, and his messages pop up as having been read by her. He lets his fingers do a little dance over the keyboard, waiting to type out a reply.
you got me there
 She sends, and Billy smiles at his phone.
He sends back, and at the same time, she sends him,
still my place?
Billy ponders for a second. The ball is in his court.
Yeah. 9:30 sound good? He asks.
She shoots back immediately. He locks his phone and tosses it to the side, running his hands over his gelled hair. All is right in the world. But he needed to shower. Just then, he gets one more text. 
He thinks it’s Y/N, but it’s not. It’s Frank.
i left my hat at ur house
Billy ignores the message. 
“Even when he’s not here, he’s here,” Billy mumbles to himself. He sees Frank’s blue baseball cap sitting lonely under the chair where Frank sat. He ignores that too, in favor of a hot, steamy shower before bed. Frank will come get it eventually. Just not tonight.
tag list (respond to post or send ask to be added!):
@full-of-sins-not-tragedies, @harrysthiccthighss, @constellation---me, @editboutique, @achesiresmile, @ghastlygray, @muddleofmarvel​ , @starxdame​
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btxtreads · 4 years
extra long tag game (aka a tmi that no one particularly cares for)
tagged by @txthearteu​
tagging @markhyucknorenminchenji​ @qtsoobin​ @beomberry​ @txtdiaries​ and other people who wanna do it idk
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tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
of course, none other than king943 hSJADJSAJHAS. He’s a little secret I’ll let you all in on: the first person I actually noticed in TXT was,,,,,,, Kang Taehyun hSDHJAHJSDAHSA but he wasn’t my bias. I just thought he was cute (also amused me bc my BTS bias was Taehyung and I found a guy named Taehyun cute), but I didn’t stan them then. I started stanning when I saw ONE DREAM.TXT where they talked to BTS and found them really cute and endearing. Looking into them, they were wild, and chaotic and so fun and also i got rEAAAALLY attached to Soobin. So here I am. There u go, my stanning story.
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rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
becoming a famous actress or singer hJSHADJSA
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
Went to a theme park. I miss going to theme parks 🥺
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
hmmm most of the time i just go out with just my phone and money unless I need to bring a bag due to safety concerns/more items needed. So I’d say nothing unconventional.
favourite type of plushies and why?
God do I seem boring hsahsajjsa but i wasn’t too big on plushies. I had a gigantic teddy bear named Justin when I was a kid (it’s a bear with shades that my brother gave me) and I used to buy plushies whenever I’m in disneyland, it’s all in my sister’s reading lounge. The only plushie in my room now is a Mollang doll wearing like a blue shirt/dress, it’s my favorite rn It’s squishyyyy
favourite song right now?
right now, it’s Work It by Sabrina Carpenter.
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
Dancing (i literally suck. i have no idea how. no joke), Vocal Lessons (had some lessons briefly for like a year but i stopped and want to take some again), music production, acting, hosting
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
ok okok so one time in our class groupchat we were talking about class elections for officers. There were muse votes and some people were saying they want me to be the muse but i didnt want to bc i was busy with work. Then they started saying that they want me to be the muse and this guy that i rejected be the escort. while this is happening, i was simping hard for soobin in another chat. anyways, i got everything mixed up and accidentally sent the soobin simp stuff to the class chat and everyone thought i was simping for the classmate i rejected i was so asHAMED.
headphones or speakers? why?
speakers! idk i just like blastic the music loud.
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
anything with cheese
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify since its free for me askjjksad someone pays for my subscription lmaooo
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questions from cj to me:
android or apple? why?
APPLE because im loyal 😌 and i guess im just used to it so its easier to use for me + all my gadgets at home are mac
words of affirmation or physical affection? why?
I think there should be a good balance of both. The words will have the ability to give you this sense of comfort and satisfaction and you know just overall a peace of mind when you hear the right words??? and physical affection bc sometimes it’s just better to get a hug or a kiss isntead of talking yk? actions speak louder than words sometimes
bean bag or rocking chair? why?
Honestly, this would depend. If I’m reading a book and feeling very vintage with a hot cup of coffee, definitely a rocking chair. If I’m watching TV and basically just chilling I’d go for Bean Bag. I like maintaining the atmosphere.
do you view a half-filled glass as half-full or half-empty or an in-between? why? (go as deep as you can)
I view it as in-between, because there’s always room for improvement. There’s always things to change, and consider, and make better. There’s no such thing as perfect.
If someone were to grant your wish right now, what would it be and why?
Please stop corona right now and let everyone go back to their daily lives and please let me attend a TXT concert bls im begging on my kNEES
if someone were to give you anything you want right now, what would it be and why? (something that can be held)
Give me Soobin I just want to give him a hug. this is valid i can hold him
favorite season and why
Winter! Even if I’ve never experienced snow or winter before, the whole idea of snow is just really fun and endearing to me. One of my bucketlists is to see snow in real life. I think it has to do with the fact that I’ve always been this person to prefer the cold over heat.
what made you enter tumblr?
I’ve always been here! Just not in kpop tumblr. I’ve since deleted my old accounts and shame  but i came back to write. It’s always been so stress-relieving to me, to write without any expectations on my back because I’m thinking about grades or a competition. Also Soobin simping is a daily thing and I gotta release it somewhere man
are you happy with where you are in life right now? why or why not?
Yes. I may not be the richest or the prettiest, or smartest or whatever, but I have a good family that loves me. I have good friends that support me and I have TXT and BTS to help me cope when things get overwhelming. I have a job that gives me a little bit of income (it’s not too common for college students here to get jobs like in the US, most of them just focus on acads) and all the means to continue my education amidst the pandemic. So really, I’m grateful for where I am now.
to see the boys in real life but for it to happen only once in your lifetime, or to meet the boys via online fan meeting as many times as you can in your lifetime? why?
Why do you have to do me dirty cj,,,,, prolly online. I may not get to hug them or anything but I get to talk to them still. As may times as I want to. And as a girl whose sanity literally just depends on Soobin giggles rn it’ll be very therapeutic to me to see them and talk to them as much as I could, even just through a screen.
Cinema or Netflix? Why?
Fire or Rain? Why?
What’s the worst experience you’ve had as a KPOP stan?
How do you handle stress?
Favorite Disney Princess and why?
Which fictional character do you say you relate the most to?
How did you get into KPOP?
What kind of merch you got 👀
Would you date a KPOP idol? What would you do if you do date one? (doesnt have to be your bias, just wanna see what y’all would do)
Would you rather be with someone you love but doesn’t love you back or be with someone that loves yu but you don’t love them back? (Or, as the Filipinos would say, Mahal ko o Mahal Ako)
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rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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name: -
nickname: rina
birthday: - 
zodiac: gemini
nationality: filipino
languages: english, filipino 
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5′2 like 2 years ago, i probably grew like an inch or two 
inspiration for muse: --
meaning behind my url: bts and txt fanfics to read hasjhsahj
blog established: ,,,,, i cant remember askjjksdjkdsa but the blog is only a few months old!
followers: 384!!! love yall 
favourite animals: b u n n y y y y y
favourite colour: black, blue, purple
favourite fictional characters: Percy Jackson, Jaron from Ascendance Trilogy, Chimmy!!! hihi
favourite flower: white roses
favourite scent: coffee
favourite season: winter
average hours of sleep: 3-5 or 8-10.
cats or dogs: dogs because cats scare me
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee!!! especially if it’s iced and sweet
current time: 12:21 AM
dream trip: California. Look I have the visa, pls miss rona. just leave so cali can just let me IN
dream job: actress or singer
hobbies: writing, reading, watching crackvids
hogwarts house: gryffindor
last movie watched: Work It (bc it has sabrina carpenter ahshsahsa i have low standards when we talk about Sabrina)
last song listened to: Helpless - Hamilton OBC
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): if given the chance again, I would go on a date in high school. Also try to exert more effort in my appearance back then i looked like an honest to god M E S S (tbh i still do but now i have eyebrow liner on) hsajhsajhh
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10 things I can’t stop listening to (at the moment)
Run Away - TXT
Work It - Sabrina Carpenter
Euphoria - BTS
Song Cry - Yeonjun
Helpless - Hamilton OBC
Satisfied - Hamilton OBC
Journey to the past - Anastasia OBC
Lost in the Woods - Frozen OST
Perfect Song - Sabrina Carpenter
Friends - BTS
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saint-patrice · 4 years
In light of this post, about different types of ways you may feel about your favourite hockey players, getting an awful lot more notes than expected, I thought it would be fun to have a more detailed look into what kind of responses people were giving! I accidentally deleted the damn thing a few months ago and it took me a while to find it again, but on the plus side it accrued a lot more notes during that time - I have responses from 150 people, covering 119 different hockeys! This is pretty long, so all the good stuff is below the cut :)
So, as I said, there were responses from 150 different people (thank you all) - 119 individual names were mentioned for a total of 429 answers, accounting for 25 NHL teams. I’m going to link the Google Sheet at the end of the post, but first I thought I’d go through some of it :)
There is obviously going to be some bias towards the teams I am about on my blog since that’s where the post originated from, but with that many responses, the results are pretty varied. Anyway,
First are some of the most common players assigned to option one, which, as per the post, was “he’s perfect and i will not hear otherwise. i look at him like he hung the moon, because quite frankly, he probably did. he is the lord’s perfect creation and i would happily die defending his honor.” 
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As you can see Jamie Benn is the pretty clear winner, and very satisfyingly so, as he has the same number of votes as his jersey number. From what I’ve seen, Stars fans are very passionate about their captain and I love that! I don’t think there’s really any surprise appearances on here, although I wasn’t expecting Crosby’s name to crop up this much, maybe that’s just because I’m not necessarily a Pens fan. These are just the most common answers. People’s opinions were far more varied on this than the other option; on a quick count, I tallied 75 individual players being named for this one! As a result, most players that were mentioned in this category only appeared once or twice, like Ben Bishop or Seth Jones (both good choices). There does appear to be a considerable bias towards Canadians, with (if I’m right) 10 appearing on this graph. The rest of the players are European, so not much love for the Americans…interesting.
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Category 2: “this little bastard creature. how dare he. how dare he make me love him. he’s a gremlin that’s crawled up from the depths of hell and i hate him with all my heart even though i love him. he’s the literal worst man alive.”
 People were much more in agreement on this option - even as I was typing up the answers it was clear that TK and Seguin were almost unanimous across hockeyblr. It doesn’t seem to matter which team you support, you probably hold a little bit of rage for one of them anyway. 
I think Nolan Patrick making a pretty even appearance on both lists is interesting, and I can’t say that EJ or Jimmy Vesey were names I expected to see mentioned here. Matthew Tkachuk’s Friendship Tour runs rife even on Tumblr, it would appear. Most people probably would have predicted a lot of these names for this one.
(This post is from a fair few months ago, and from a quick scroll through the tags it does appear that most mentions of AMatthews are from before the allegations surfaced in September. Just something to note.)
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This is where things get interesting - I noticed some players were appearing numerous times for both categories, so I thought I’d pick out some of the most common ones, and see how opinions were split. Of the 38 times Travis Konecny was mentioned, only 2 people thought he belonged to category 1 (represented by the green bar), so I hope those people are out there living their truths. Seguin showed a similar pattern, whilst Barzal, Patrick, and Tom Wilson had opinions split close to 50/50. Surprisingly, Marchand was deemed more “perfect” than “gremlin” but that may be the result of this post being circulated a fair amount among Bruins blogs. That being said, and we’ll get onto it in a second, it does appear that hockey fans on Tumblr were fairly evenly represented in this, so maybe not.
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This is a summary of how the number of players mentioned were distributed by team. There’s some more info in the Google Sheet about how many players represented each team - e.g. the Capitals, despite only making up 7% of answers, had the most players mentioned at 14! This chart is interesting, and in my experience a reasonable portrayal of hockeyblr, although a few teams are probably a little under-represented. That being said, it is probably more reflective of hockeyblr on the whole rather than on a team-by-team basis. Players who tend to be pretty popular, or at least subversive, regardless of your allegiance - Konecny, Seguin, Marner - have definitely influenced this.
The Hurricanes, Red Wings, Kings, and Lighting have been omitted from the above chart as their players were only named once or twice, and so amounted to 0% in the grand scheme of things. No players from Ducks, Oilers, Panthers, Canadiens, Senators, and Winnipeg were mentioned at all. The Ducks and Senators weren’t really too shocking, but I did expect to see a player or two from the others in there. I would assume this is a result of those fanbases not being all that big on here. 
That’s all I’m going to get into here, but the whole workbook can be found of Google Sheets through this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cUFz4eSM_j-Ipjz7lhsAkaXqpw5M_08NcYiWBM1Zxec/edit?usp=sharing
It has all of the tables I made the graphs/charts from, as well as the whole list of the responses, some of which gave me a good laugh. And like I said, there’s some info on how teams were portrayed which might be of interest. It’s certainly not an exhibition on how you should be presenting your data, but it gets the point across :)
Thank you again for the awesome response to that dumbass post, and thank you to anyone who has read this far! I spent way too long on this so I really really appreciate it. That being said, it was good fun, so please feel free to let me know if you enjoyed reading this :^)
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a-marlene-s · 5 years
In Au Chat noir discovers the anti-Lila site. He sees numerous people were harmed by her lies. Hears about marinette’s involvement
(I nearly had this done, but I accidentally pressed the back button and deleting everything.)
Hm... I have many ideas onto when both Chat Noir and Adrien are told about the blog. I have some ideas and depending on how much salt they deserve.
I am going to write two different reactions of the same character finding out about the Blog.
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When Chat Noir found out about the Blog...
Chat Noir found out about the Blog by Ladyblog. They just finished patrol for the night and Chat Noir found Ladybug sitting on the edge of a rooftop, looking at her yo-yo. He decided to sneak up behind her to see what she’s looking at.
What he saw, caused his stomach to drop. Looking at the yo-yo, he could see that Ladybug was surfing the web and ended up on a blog.... a blog that was dedicated against Lila Rossi. 
An Anti-Lila Blog.
Why is Ladybug looking through it? Perhaps she came across it and is planning on asking the creator of the blog to take it down.
That was until Chat saw Ladybug put a link on the chat portion of the blog, that leads back to the Ladyblog where Alya interviewed Lila. 
Ladybug tensed, she took in a deep breath wondering if she should shut her yo-yo or just let him see the blog. Maybe she could finally get him to see reason on Lila. “Hm?”
“What are you looking at?” Chat asked uneasily, avoiding eye contact with Ladybug. 
“A blog. I found a blog of Lila’s exploits.” Ladybug stated evenly. “She left behind quite a trail of destruction in her wake.”
“What makes you believe everything on that blog is true?” Chat Noir asked he kept his gaze on the yo-yo. He did not like what he could see from his angle. “I’m sure everything was taken out of proportion.”
“Chat, you and I both know she is spreading lies that are doing harm to people.” Ladybug explained, she stood up and took a step closer to Chat Noir. “There are a lot of people she has hurt, and it is a matter of time before she hurts everyone she has made in contact with here.”
Ladybug showed Chat Noir the blog and what he saw, caused him to pale massively. Oh, nothing was taken out of proportion. There were stories of people’s own dealings with Lila that made his stomach drop. Tentatively taking the yo-yo, he began to scroll through the blog. He had ended up in a forum of the blog where everyone there could freely communicate with each other. 
Searching through it, he found one’s user’s story to be extremely familiar to him. One that is currently being written as they speak. “How did you find out about this blog?”
“I found it on my own.” Not a lie, she did find it on her own. 
“Did someone tell you about it? Do you know the creator?” Chat Noir kept questioning her, he shut the yo-yo so that he could no longer look at it. 
“I found it when I was browsing the Ladyblog. The creator of the blog lives somewhere in the United States of America and has been a victim of Lila’s... and the only one so far, to beat her in her own game.” Ladybug said, taking her yo-yo back and placing it back on her person. 
“You already tired exposing Lila once, Milady. That did not turn out great. We don’t want her to get akumitized like last time. We should let things run its course.” Chat Noir pleaded with her. “Her lies are not hurting no one here. We sh-”
“Not...hurting anyone?” Ladybug’s voice caused Chat to take a step back. She looked out into the city before she took in a deep breath. “Do you remember Marinette? Your thoughts of not hurting anyone and not wanting to hurt Lila’s feelings nearly caused her to get akumitized. Because of Lila’s lies, Marinette was nearly akumitized. And you say her lies are not hurting anyone! Are you saying Marinette is no one?”
“No! That’s not what meant, it’s just that...” Chat twiddled his thumbs together, trying to come up with something to say. “I know Marinette, she’s strong enough to hold her own. She just needs to stop trying to antag-” 
“Stop. Just stop.” Ladybug waved him off. She turned around and pulled out her yo-yo once again. There was no point in arguing with Chat, his words are just like his. Remembering what her online friends have told her about Adrien’s actions, or lack of action. “You’re blaming Marinette for Lila’s actions? For her lies. Fine. Just... fine.”
When Adrien found out about the Blog...
Marinette and her one lone ally in taking down the known Liar and begrudgingly agreed to include Adrien in their plans. She understood why they did not want to include Adrien, but they needed more people to take Lila down.
Marinette immediately regretted her asking Adrien for help. 
“This... you created this? You are better than this, Marinette.”  Adrien shook his head at Marinette with obvious disgust written on his face. “Creating this site, only makes you just like her.”
Marinette knew, right then, she could no longer consider Adrien as a friend. Every time she attempted to stand up for herself, he would bring her back down and compared her to the actual villain to this story. Her actual friends are right about him, he has no clue how the world works. 
Shoulders shaking, eyes welling up with tears and Marinette decided she had enough. “You are just like all th-no! It’s my turn to talk!” 
Marinette’s outburst caused Adrien to take a step back, eyes wide open in shock.
“I found this blog! I found it! If you had paid attention, there’s a timeline of when it is first documented Lila decided to lie her way through life!” Marinette voice wobbled, but she continued on. “I tried to tell you more proof of her lies, and you have the gall to blame this on me. They are right about you, you are no friend of mine.”
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I had some trouble writing this, but this would give you an idea what’s in Adrien’s future. 
Headcanon Tag List: @kuroko26, @souleateralicestein, @amynchan
This is the HeadCanon Tag List to the La Red Au. If anyone is interested in being tagged for the Headcanon’s for La Red, please message me. It’s easier to keep track of everything there. 
Plus~ Join the discord, I post updates and links of La Red which includes Headcanons. Discord: La Red
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moquall · 5 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy : SECRETUM~秘密~ (Part 2 / 2)
Please read Part 1 first before you read this.
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P.S : This part will cover Act 4 till Epilogue also my thoughts for this live reading so it will be longer. For those who have read Part 1 i accidentally delete, please read my new Part 1 because i add Act 3 there. just click “dissidia secretum” tag in my blog. (inserting an url here sometimes will hide this post from search result ==“) and sorry it took so long to post this.
Summary from part 1 :
Under Materia’s order, Cloud, Squall and Tidus went to investigate a mysterious light that fell into dissidia world but what they found is a man with no memories. Together with this man, they continue their journey but it turned out to be something unexpected. 
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Cloud and Sephiroth are in the Floating Continent, surrounded by a thick fog. He keep attacking Sephiroth to buy him some time because Sephiroth will chase Squall and John if he isn’t willing to fight
Cloud : He is not our enemy ! Sephiroth : You were deceived. (Sephiroth keep attacking Cloud) I won’t let you escape. Cloud : That’s my line ! Don’t think you can catch me easily ! Sephiroth : Alright. Nothing change if we move place.
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Cloud escaped into Cornelia Plains and hide on the tree like John did before. He is surprised Sephiroth didn’t realize at all but just when Cloud attack him, Sephiroth dodge it.
Cloud : What’s your purpose ? Why are you after John ? Sephiroth : Didn’t you heard it from the goddess ? That man is hiding a powerful resources. Cloud : John is hiding it ? Sephiroth : You sure don’t know anything, huh ? That train crashed here because it’s after the man’s power. Just like me. Cloud : Then it’s obvious. Whoever John is, I will not hand him over to you Sephiroth : Oh.. Cloud : We are a team ! It’s time ! finish him !
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"The wind suddenly blew and it was a coincidence. But Sephiroth responded to my instruction as i was determined because i have a friend."
Sephiroth : You insolent ! Cloud : I am not alone afterall. You’re the one who proved it ! Sephiroth : Foolish ! Cloud : Let’s go ! Sephiroth !!
Meanwhile, Tidus is inside Phantom Train. He is surprised it’s different then the one he knew (The Sending) and it makes him trembling. He tried to call “the old man he know” and something that looked like a pyreflies transform into the man with sunglasses and appear in front of him. Tidus asked Auron if he board this train but answered he heard that the phantom train derailed and he saw Tidus when he tried to send his thoughts. (Okay i don't know the right translation for this one. I'll explain later)
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seriously, didn’t expect to see Auron as ‘cameo’ in this live reading and Ishikawa-san wear sunglasses  *badass*
Tidus think Phantom Train carries the dead like The Sending in Spira. Auron asked him to persuade the souls for not leaving the train because the souls boarded this train is in unstable state. If they held a grudge and leave the train , they will turns into a monster. Why the souls wanted to leave the train so badly because normally, the dead boarded the phantom train must accept their death but this time, one of the souls escaped carrying a the treasure that will revive the dead and the souls think if they have it, they will be revived.
Tidus realized John is probably the one Auron mentioned since he lost his memories and is looking for summon but doesn’t know if John really has the treasure. Auron added no one knows if the treasure is really exist and even if they have it, doesn’t mean it will grant their wish to be revived. The commotion is getting worse so Auron told him they can’t ignored this.
Tidus : If they wait here, The Phantom Train will depart, right ? Auron : Right. but it’ll take some time. Tidus : Okay. I’ll do it. Auron : Speak as you like. They hear your voice. I’ll stop them if someone trying to talk with you. Tidus : O...Okay.
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“Listen to me ! Please don’t be panic ! We don’t know if the treasure is really exist or not but if you force yourself searching for it, turn into a monster and start rampaging, It means the end for you. Maybe it’s fine if you turn into monster only in this world but what will happen to you if you return to your own world as it is ? It sounds selfish if you said it’s better if you leave yourself here but you want your living family and friends to do whatever they want and keep smiling but because of your fault, it’ll hurt them more. Leave the one who escaped this train to me . Everyone.. Let’s finish your story for once ! I don’t know anything about the Phantom Train but there was a similar ritual like this in the world I knew. I am a little scared but I think it’s important. If they end it, I don’t know when but I’m sure someday you’ll meet them again in the real world . I’ll prove it to you soon so just wait and see !"
After his speech, Auron gave an applause and praise him for his wonderful speech. Tidus decided to go back to his friend and bring John here before he turn into monster while Auron stayed at the train to make sure nothing bad happened. Tidus ran and leave the train while seeing him off, Auron laughed “I got a great story to share.“
It started with John’s monologue
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“All of sudden, the voices of lament resounded in my head. it was painful and feels like my head is going to explode. But that voices were a part of my memories. A long time ago, I couldn’t protect the woman I love. She lost her memories due to an accident and I was rejected because I made her parents sad. But a year after I left, the village was attacked by enemy country and killed her. It seems she regain her memories and call my name before she died. I don’t care what people say but I shouldn’t leave her that time. I want to meet and talk with her once again. With that determination, I keep continue searching for a legendary treasure that will bring the dead back to life. The treasure was hidden in a cave which is under enemy country’s control. I keep walking through trackless path, avoid myself from the monster, I don’t know how many times I was about to die. I clunged into the rock that seemed to collapse and climb it. At last.. I finally found a glowing stone. That’s right, It’s not over ! I found what I’m looking for. And now, It’s time to wake up from this weird dream !”
Meanwhile, after running away from Sephiroth, Squall is walking while carrying unconscious John on his back. It reminds him with “that time”
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“I’m tired. He is heavy.. It’s just like that time. I carried her and walking, keep walking, worried.
Rinoa, Wait for me..”
Squall didn’t realize John is awake until he heard his laugh.
John : hehehe.. Squall : HAH ?! John : Hehe.. Sorry for letting you carry an unpretty guy, Squall. Squall : When did you wake up ? John : Who knows~. Joking aside, Sorry for troubling you. I’m Okay. (John get off from Squall) Squall : ...Let’s go back. John : Yeah..
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Cloud : Ukh.. It’s not over Sephiroth : It’s enough.. Cloud : What ? Sephiroth : The treasure has arrived.. (John and Squall return to aid Cloud) John : Sorry to kept you waiting ! Cloud : John ! Squall ! Squall : I’ll back you up ! John : Me too ! Cloud : No, you can’t, John !! John : Eh ? Woahh !! (Sephiroth attack John) Sephiroth : Useless effort... Squall : Do not underestimate us !! Cloud : John, step back ! John : So you wanted the legendary treasure, huh ? Sephiroth : Oh.. John : I see.. Sephiroth : Give it to me.  (Squall and Cloud keep attacking Sephiroth) That’s too bad. Tidus : TAKE THIS ! (Tidus attacked Sephiroth but he dodge it) I made it !! John, you have the treasure, right ? John : Maybe yes ? Tidus : Are you sure ? You sure you have it ?  Woaahh !! (Sephiroth suddenly attack Tidus)   Squall : Stay focus !!! John : Okay. Leave the rest to me. Cloud : What’s happened with you ? John : All i must do is give this man the treasure, right ? Tidus : John.. John : Come on, niisan. Sephiroth : It’s over.. Tidus : Watch out ! John : FLAME OF REBIRTH, PHOENIX !!
John summoned the immortal bird, Phoenix. The summonstone on John’s chest shined brightly and Sephiroth saw the summonstone was damaged, and left the scene, completely gave up the summon. And Tidus's monologue start.
"The Summon, Phoenix's summonstone. It was the treasure's true form. The fire bird flying while scattering its warm light. It's the first time i saw this but i feel relieved. Phoenix flew toward the Phantom Train and the train, now bathed in flames and sparkling, flew to the sky while carrying a lot of souls. for them to be reincarnate someday”
Cloud asked when did John found the summonstone and John answered he had the stone but completely forgot about it which prove he regained his memories. Tidus realize John should board the train before he turn into monster but since the phoenix save him, he was revived. They see the summonstone filled with cracks. Squall assumed they can’t use it and Tidus thought Materia will complain. Cloud suggest to report and tell Materia the truth and the four returned to Materia’s tower.
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John : Thank you, I owe you a lot. Squall : Yeah, you caused a lot of trouble. John : (chuckle) What a cocky. Cloud : Thanks for your help. It will be tough if you didn’t summon Phoenix. John : No problem. But I will be dead for sure, if you didn’t help me that time. Tidus : Well.. It’s fun going on a journey with you, John. John : Yup ! Well, see y- Squall : Wait ! At least tell us your name. John : Haha.. Sorry. I got used with the name “John” so I think it’s okay if you keep call me with that name. Tidus : Right ? Since you got your memories back, we haven’t heard your real name. By the way, you are a thief, aren’t you ? John : T-H-I-E-F ? call me Treasure Hunter” . My name is Locke. LOCKE COLE !
there are something I haven’t mentioned yet and I think it’s important.
In case, you missed. The gods didn’t summon Locke. He escaped the Phantom Train while the train was in the rift and he fell to World B. Since he is in this train, I think he died after he got the magicite in Phoenix Cave and before reunite with others in FFVI. Phoenix revived him but i dont know why he lost his memories. Squall, Tidus and Cloud found him. That’s where Locke’s journey in dissidia NT started.
Kujiraoka said on June 2018’s livestream that Secretum happened after the last battle.
It was mentioned on the script which is included in premium edition also famitsu interview with Kujiraoka, that the man in black cloak is actually SEPHIROTH’S CLONE. Kinda makes sense since I wondered how did Sephiroth ended up in Phantom Train. Also the tone Morikawa-san use when he act as Sephiroth's copy is different than the usual Sephiroth.
There is a small chance Phoenix appear as summon in NT since the summonstone filled with cracks. This is also Kujiraoka’s answer from the interview.
IMO I don’t think Auron will come to NT which is SaaaaaaD because first, he was in the phantom train and the train leave World B after that. Second, Auron has same Japanese VA with Squall (also Cait Sith from VII and Qator from Type-0) so even if he comes to NT, maybe not in next season pass. (if the datamine "leak" is true). Not sure about that though.
And some things I don’t really understand :
How Sephiroth know about Phoenix, and what Sephiroth is going to do with it.(At first i thought just like Materia with the weather trio, he knew it from Spiritus but i doubt it since most of Spiritus's warriors are like "i don't care with this war. I have my own ambition.")
It’s about Sephiroth’s copy. Why his copy is in the Phantom Train ? Did Sephiroth control it ? or what ?
Okay actually I don’t really understand how Auron ended  up in Phantom Train. Here is the dialogue.
Tidus : アンタも、この列車に乗ってたのか?(You board this train too ?) Auron : いや、魔列車が脱線したと聞いてな、厄介事かと思念を飛ばしたら、お前の姿が見えたということだ。(No, I heard the Phantom Train derailed. I thought something bad happened and I saw you when i tried to send my thoughts. Tidus : 魔列車ね…(Phantom Train, huh…)
According to my Japanese friend, 思念を飛ばす is something like telepathy. Like, communicating with someone but we only hear their voice and we can't see their real form. The sfx when Auron greet Tidus sounds like he is transforming from pyreflies to his physical form. I understand this idiom but doesn't know how to translate this one to English. anyone here have an idea for the right translation ?
Also for Squall’s “Whatever” , He is actually said 「別に/Betsu ni」. It’s one of his catchphrase along with 「悪かったな../Warukatta na」in the Japanese version of FFVIII. Even though the translation of “Betsu ni” doesn’t always mean “Whatever” in English, I decided to translated it all to “Whatever”.
In this live reading, I got to see a different side from the characters. I was surprised to see Squall yelled “Johhhhnnnnnnnn!!!” when Locke asked him for nickname also being such a “jerk” to protect his friend. Cloud stopped the quarrel between Squall and Tidus also Squall and Locke is something I never see before. Even though we all know Cloud and Squall are both the 'silent' type, Squall interact a lot with Tidus and Locke but Cloud is the calm, helpful also “the neutral one” in this live reading and he care and trust his friend. Maybe people will think it’s kind of OOC and tbh that's what I thought at first but I think it as “different or new side” we didn’t get to see after the ending of their game.
I personally love seeing how they interact with each other, especially the four and it kinda remind me a little with Braska (Cloud), Auron (Squall) and Jecht (Tidus and Locke). I don’t say they have same personality, It’s just their interaction and role here reminds me with ossan trio from FFX.
But I'm dissapointed because Cloud, doesn't interact much like Squall and Tidus. His spotlight is during his battle with Sephiroth even though I have had enough seeing this two fight ==" . (sorry to FFVII fans especially Cloud or Sephiroth’s fans :p ). And even though secretum story is about Locke, Auron came as 'guest' was a big surprise. Kudos for Ishikawa-san to play as two character at the same time.
Didn't expect it's too long. Good story with favorite casts, favorite seiyuu, some things that will bring your memories back to series related and what i love is they used the original tracks for the BGM in most of the scene like Vivi's theme during Tidus and Locke's scene in Alexandria, Blue Fields during Squall's monologue, Forever Rachel during Locke's monologue in Act 6, etc. The aftertalk is full of laugh. The casts teased Producer Hazama (who was the host for this event) a lot. Nomura also came and as usual, as the voice from heaven (XD). They even talk a bit about Kingdom Hearts.
I’m glad to see Locke, Rinoa and Yuna scene in Dissidia NT have some reference to secretum, at least in the Japanese version. 
It’s the first Final Fantasy live reading and I hope they hold another in the future. Even Ishikawa-san wished Square Enix will hold another dissidia live reading but with all casts and PLEASE COUNT ME IN FOR FULL CASTS OF DISSIDIA LIVE READING.
Let me know your thoughts about this live reading.
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Betting on the Bullseye (Part 2)
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Summary: Emma Swan loses a bet that means she has to ask her celebrity crush to be her date to her office's annual fundraising gala. Killian Jones is that celebrity crush. She expects all kinds of humiliation and for her dignity to be completely lost. What she doesn't expect is for him to say yes.
Rating: Mature:
A/N: Hey, hey, hey! This is back with more words, very few of which are Christmas-related like the original. We’re slowing down a bit - but still going pretty fast in my feeble attempt to keep this in five (it was four lol) parts - moving into a bit more realism (if you can call it that), and seeing what happens after that video bet date. Double line break means change in POV.
Entire story found on ao3: beginning | current
Tumblr: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tag list: @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @kmomof4 @wellhellotragic @ekr032-blog-blog @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615  @mayquita @captainsjedi @captswanis4vr @teamhook @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @branlovesouat @dreadpirateemma 
Killian flies back to Los Angeles before noon, but he leaves her apartment at a little past nine, his dress shirt ruffled almost as much as his hair, the black strands sticking up in a million directions.
It’s, well, it’s awkward.
Really, really awkward.
After texting Ruby back, promising to call her later to give all of the details – or really to take away from all of the details that Ruby has most likely crafted in that mind of hers – she gently shook Killian awake, shaking him until his eyelids fluttered open to reveal tired blue eyes that blew wide when he saw her. For a moment, she thought he was shocked, like he had no idea where he was, and maybe he didn’t. If she woke up in a strange place with someone she barely knew – okay, so maybe she has a little experience in that area – she’d likely scream or get the hell out of there. But Killian had simply rubbed his eyes before mumbling a g’morning, love to her.
He hadn’t had much time to talk, none really, jumping around her messy shack of an apartment putting his shoes on and using her mouthwash as an impromptu replacement for a toothbrush while she made him a cup of coffee. She’d meant to tell him about the photos Ruby had sent her, the ones that had caused her heart to race for more reasons than one, but they slipped her mind as he practically ran out the door with a smile and the smallest of waves accompanied by words she barely remembers.
And with her favorite travel mug.
It had swans on it.
A heavy weight settled in her stomach, something entirely unfamiliar, and all she could think about was how stupid she was. What the hell was she doing kissing Killian Jones? A man who lives across the country from her, a man who she barely knows and will never see again, and a man who has a face that the world recognizes. There are damn pictures of them. And maybe the video of her asking him out on a date won’t haunt her forever, but paparazzi pictures of them kissing sure as hell will.
Killian’s a good guy. She knows this. Something in her gut tells her that he wasn’t acting last night, so there’s no way he simply kissed her out of obligation or to tease her, right? He had to mean it. There had to be…feelings involved.
Maybe it was just a one-time (or two-time) thing.
After all, how can you really have feelings for someone after one night?
You can’t, or maybe you can, but she shouldn’t feel like an anchor has rooted itself in her stomach.
In all honesty, she feels a bit used, which is ridiculous. If anything, she used Killian. Well, no. She didn’t use him. She lost a bet and asked him to be her date. But then she used that date and his high profile to help raise money for charity. So she used him for charity? Does that even count? Does any of this count?
Fuck, she has no idea what’s going on or how to feel. Confusion is pretty much all she understands right now…and she barely understands that.
Killian Jones isn’t exactly high on her list right now when he’d been at the very top less than ten hours ago.
She doesn’t even have a way to contact him besides his agent’s number. Would he even want that? Would she even want that? Was it just that one-time thing that she tricked herself into thinking otherwise? Does he go around kissing all of the girls he goes on video bet dates with? God, even in her head that sounds absolutely ridiculous.
Sighing, she tries to forget about it, stripping out of her jumpsuit and hopping into the shower, letting the hot water wash over her, her mascara dripping down her face and her foundation smearing as she wipes it on the towel, having foolishly grabbed a white one instead of the dark blue ones where the stains are easier to hide or wash away. It looks like a clown fell into the towel, and that alone causes her to giggle, her body lightening the slightest bit. She’s being overdramatic and frankly a bit ridiculous, and even though it nags at her for the rest of her shower, it’s nagging from somewhere in the back.
It was a date that’s not going to have a follow-up. She’s had more of those than she can count, and even if this date was a business deal and with Killian Jones, he’s still just a guy. She wouldn’t get this worked up for anyone else. She hasn’t in a long time, and she doesn’t plan on it happening anytime soon.
Emma goes about her day as normal, puttering around the apartment cleaning and completely and totally ignoring her phone even as it occasionally vibrates from its perch on the kitchen counter.
It’s a little past eight in the evening when she caves in her goal of not looking at her phone, and it’s really only because she’s on her second glass of wine. Nevertheless, she settles on a barstool, one hand holding her wine, the liquid sloshing around, and the other thumbing through her phone.
There are a few texts from Ruby, most of them more details from Ruby’s night outside of the time she spent with she and Killian – apparently, she met a super nice girl at the gala and has a date with her Friday night. The other notifications are mostly from her boss, emails and financial details about how successful they were last night. She responds to those first, making sure that everything she types is as professional as possible, before going through the rest of her phone. She has a few missed calls, numbers that look like scam or telemarketers, and she quickly deletes those. After all of those little red notifications go away, she moves to the couch, flopping down and holding her phone above her chest as she scrolls through Instagram.
Everything’s normal, just her usual friends and people she met, like, once in college that somehow found her and decided she was worth a follow so she followed them back, until she gets to a picture of a coffee mug…with swans on it…sitting on the tray table of an airplane seat along with a stack of papers with a blacked-out title that looks like some kind of thick script.
KillianJonesOfficial: Boston > L.A. with a souvenir not sold in stores and a little light reading over a secret project I can’t wait to share with you guys!
She can’t help the smile that blooms on her face, her body doing a little dance even though she’s still a little pissed that he stole her mug and at the whole way that he kind of ditched her this morning. But her alcohol tolerance is lower than it used to be, and her glasses of wine were a little bit on the larger side. She likes the photo, scrolling down and commenting even though she knows that he won’t see it.
Yeah, so she’s definitely a lightweight and the tiniest bit inebriated.
Emma710Swan: Hey thief, I want my mug back. It’s apparently not sold in stores, so I don’t know what I’m going to do to get another one.
She doesn’t think anything of her comment until she wakes up the next morning with so many notifications on her home screen that her phone doesn’t even show them all. They’re all from Instagram, and when she logs on, she sees that she has hundreds of replies to her comment on Killian’s post as well as thousands of follower requests. She doesn’t…she doesn’t know what to do with all of this information, especially when she accidentally clicks on the popular page and sees all of those paparazzi photos of she and Killian plastered across her screen. She knew they existed, wasn’t really thatbothered by it, but suddenly she’s facing the reality of this whole thing.
Her life is public knowledge now, pictures of her kissing someone far too famous for anyone’s well-being all across the internet. She can’t stop looking, continuously scrolling and seeing more pictures from the gala everywhere, different filters and captions and all things she wasn’t prepared to see.
“Oh God,” she mumbles when a few hateful messages pop up. She can’t look at those, no matter how much she wants to, and she throws her phone across the bed, letting it bounce on the mattress until it falls to the floor. “This is so, so not good.”
Her office phone rings, the shrill sound something she’s tired of hearing over the past few days as it’s been going off non-stop. She’s had to become a hermit in her own life, something she never thought would happen after simply kissing a guy. Okay, so she’s boarded herself away after going on dates before, but that’s because she’s either been heartbroken or too pissed off to want to do anything. But this was one date, a thing that was really more of a business arrangement that happened to end up with her actually having a good time, and it’s wreaking more havoc on her life than any of the heartbreaks in her past.
Well, Neal was pretty fucked up, but she tries to push that to the back of her mind, somewhere under piles of much better things that didn’t break her so damn much.
She hasn’t even heard from Killian again, and maybe that’s what’s making her feel so bitter still. Was it all some kind of game to him? Why the hell does she still care? She needs to get over it.  
“What?” she groans into the phone, her tone so harsh that she cringes knowing it’s probably her boss calling with the luck that she has.
That’s not her boss. That’s Killian.
All she’s wanted was for him to call, and now it’s taking every ounce of strength in her body not to hang up on him. Maybe it’s curiosity that keeps her from hanging up, or maybe it’s a bit of hope that she hasn’t been going crazy the past few days for nothing.
“What do you want, Killian?”
“Love, I’ve been trying to call you for days, but you haven’t answered your cell phone. Or your office phone.”
“But what do you want?” she hisses, propping her phone between her cheek and her shoulders as she crosses her arms over her chest. Logically, she knows that some of this mania is her fault. She kissed him back, she invited him into the apartment, and she commented on his Instagram. But she also didn’t know that there would paparazzi stalking outside of her apartment (because wow, super creepy and invasive on so many levels) or that commenting on his Instagram would cause such mania. She didn’t even realize that anyone would see it or that it’d create such a frenzy. How the hell can a couple of pictures and an Instagram comment make her life this insane? How do people live like this?
Killian didn’t know those things either, though. His only fault has really been the way he left things between them…and he’s apparently tried to call. Damn. She has no idea what to do or how to deal with any of these things. Listening to Killian would probably be a good start.
“Well, I wanted to talk about the pictures of us, and then all of the media abuse you’ve likely been facing if what I’ve heard is correct or if my Instagram is any indication. And I also just wanted to talk to you. I had a good time on Saturday, love, and my poor goodbye on Sunday beside, I was hoping maybe I could continue to get to know you.”
Oh fuck. Oh damn. Oh hell. She can’t think of a single word that’s not “oh” or a curse that she encourages the kids at the shelter not to use.
“Killian, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Did you…do you not feel the same?”
He sounds so broken, his accent going more high pitched and cracking on words that it shouldn’t. She doesn’t know what she wants or how she feels.
“No, I did. I do. It’s just,” she sighs, running her hands through her hair and completely ruining her braid, “I’m a nobody. And I don’t mean that in a bad way or a self-pitying way. But I’m someone who can go to the grocery store and buy a tub of ice cream, and no one knows about it but me and the guy assisting with self-checkout. I live in a shitty apartment because I like it that way, and when I go out with my friends, no one notices. After one night with you, though, there are pictures of me online, people outside of my apartment, death threats online, and people calling into the office who have no interest in actually working with the shelter.”
He’s silent on the other line for a moment too long, making her think that she’s lost him until he shudders. “Shit, love. I’m sorry. I knew it was bad, but I was hoping you hadn’t actually experienced everything that I feared.”
“Well, I have. And your less than spectacular exit on Sunday hasn’t exactly made me feel great. It honestly made me feel kind of cheap. Killian, Saturday night was fun, something that I didn’t expect after, you know, only asking you out on a super embarrassing bet. I thought it’d be like a business arrangement, but then we ended up having a good time. I don’t know if you were acting or – ”
“I wasn’t acting.”
“Or what,” she continues, trying to talk through his words and calm the erratic beating of her heart, “but I’m just not sure that I can allow my life to be in upheaval over some guy I barely know. I’ve been through that enough.”
“I get that, Swan, and if you don’t want to give me a chance, I’ll move on and leave you be. But I’d at least like to get to know you.”
“How would that even work? You live across the country. I’m busy. You’re busy.”
“Phone, texts, facetime. You get to know me as a friend from far away, and then if you decide you’d like to see me again, I’m on a plane. If not, well, then we never have to see each other again. And I’ll make a statement to try to clear up some of this mess, okay? Just give me a shot?”
She doesn’t know why, but she gives him her personal number and says yes.
Her day continues to be absolutely insane, the phone calls never stopping and all of her coworkers but Ruby giving judgmental, disdainful looks. She’s putting everyone through hell with the calls they’re getting, and it’s like every thankful hug and word she got on Saturday for helping to bring in the money they’ll be using to help fund their Christmas has been taken back. The only real solace she has is Ruby, who goes out and buys her a cheeseburger and fries for lunch so that she doesn’t have to leave the office. It’s like she’s back in middle school. She’s twenty-eight years old and living in middle school.
“They’re just frustrated, Ems,” Ruby consoles, swiping her own fries in a strawberry milkshake that it’s far too cold to be drinking, “and maybe a little jealous. I mean, come on. You kissed Killian Jones Saturday night, and Kathryn’s boyfriend got drunk and threw up.”
“It was just a kiss.”
“Okay sure, honey. Whatever you tell yourself.”
She takes a bite of her cheeseburger, letting her junk food help her deal with everything. “He called me today. Said he wants to get to know me more.”
“Shit. What’d you say?”
“I mean, I complained about the last few days because I feel like I’m in a fishbowl, but,” she shrugs her shoulders and grimaces, “I said yes. I’m crazy, and I said yes.”
“So what you’re telling me is that you’re dating Killian Jones.”
“I’m getting to know Killian Jones. And it’s a secret.”
Just then Ruby’s phone chimes, and she smirks before her brows furrow together and her fingers scroll down the screen. “Your secret lover boy is talking about you on Instagram.”
“What?” She practically jumps around her desk, leaving her food and sticking her hands out until she gets Ruby’s phone. Sure enough, there’s a photo of the two of them from the gala, laughing at their table at dinner.
KillianJonesOfficial: Hi, friends! I don’t usually like to get serious on here, especially when it comes to something that should have been lighthearted. Emma Swan asked me out on a date through a video, and I agreed because I wanted to support Boston Children’s Shelter. Miss Swan and I had a wonderful time supporting several charities, and the end of our night was documented by photographers. I won’t deny any of that or what the pictures show, but Miss Swan and I are simply friends. If you all could be so kind, I’d appreciate it if everyone stopped invading her private life and her work life. She didn’t ask for her life to be invaded, and I think we would all be better served spending our time doing things that matter. It’s still early in the holiday season, and there’s much giving to be done! Thank you!
“Well, damn,” Ruby whistles, causing Emma to look up from the phone, her cheeks so hot that if someone touched them, she’s sure they could burn flesh, “you’ve got it bad.”
“I know, I know. Emma Swan doesn’t fall for a man in one night. She’s got walls and is guarded and all that jazz, but girl, if the smile on your face says anything, you’ve got it bad.”
Emma Swan: Okay, what question am I on?
Emma Swan: And this doesn’t count as a question, bud.
He laughs before scrolling through his phone, trying to find her question number, but they haven’t really been following the rules of twenty questions anyways. They’ve each got to be on at least seventy now with follow up questions. It’s been going on like this for nearly three weeks. They send texts back and forth, the occasional call when he’s on a break from filming reshoots of his last movie and doesn’t have time to be texting, but it’s mostly them getting to know each other in the simplest of ways. It had been awkward when he’d first texted her, the conversations stilted like they had been when he picked her up at her apartment, and he’d foolishly suggested they play twenty questions.
He’s thirty-two years old, and he’s playing twenty questions with the girl he likes.
Killian Jones: I don’t think it matters, but I think you’re technically on questions seventeen, love.
Emma Swan: What size t-shirt do you wear?
He snorts, laughter rumbling through his stomach, before rolls over on the couch, propping his chin up on Liam’s throw pillow…okay, so it’s Elsa’s throw pillow. He’s absolutely positive that Liam didn’t pick this out.
Killian Jones: Large. Why do you ask?
Killian Jones: And that doesn’t count as a question.
Emma Swan: Because I’m sending you a late Christmas gift that I just found while shopping.
Killian Jones: You’re shopping on Christmas Eve?
Killian Jones: Are you mad, Swan?
Emma Swan: Not crazy. Just been a little distracted lately and needed one more present for Leo.
“Oi, little brother, get off your phone and come help in the kitchen.”
“I’m a guest, Liam. You and Elsa are supposed to do all of the cooking. And it’s younger brother.”
“Okay, then come play with your nephew then. Who are you talking to anyways?”
“No one,” he answers a little too quickly, and Liam catches onto it almost immediately, his eyebrows moving across his forehead while his lips tick up on one side.
“Do you have a girl, Killian?” Liam prods, standing over the couch and staring down at Killian. “Are you talking to a girl?”
“I’m talking to a friend who happens to be a girl. But not a girlfriend.”
“But you like her.”
“She’s a friend, and don’t you dare tell Elsa. She’ll get those big sentimental eyes, and then she’ll ask for details.”
“So there are details to be asked about then?”
“So you needed help in the kitchen then?” He gets up from the couch, stuffing his phone in his back pocket and sauntering into the kitchen, completely ignoring the way Liam is smirking behind him and heading straight to grab Aiden out of his highchair, tickling his stomach and asking Elsa what they’re having for Christmas Eve dinner.
He doesn’t check his phone for the next few hours, spending time with his family, the volume in the house only increasing when Elsa’s sister Anna and her husband Kris show up. It’s only the six of them, but it’s the loudest, most full Christmas Eve they’ve ever had. He’s only had Liam since their mum died when he was ten, and as much as he loves their Christmases together, he’s thrilled that their family is growing, even if it’s by no help of his own.
His nephew is the light of his life, though, the little eight-month old his best bud even if all he really does his giggle and smile at him with his little gummy smile, and he most definitely did all of his Christmas shopping for him ahead of time, unlike a certain woman did for her friend’s kid.
When he crawls into bed that night, Liam’s guest room a little too quiet without the box fan he usually sleeps with at home, and so knowing he can’t sleep, he pulls out his phone only to see several messages from Emma. The last one is dated just a few minutes ago, and even though it’s one in the morning in Boston, he takes a chance and presses the call button next to her name.
“Hello,” she mumbles before yawning, and he can’t help but smile. “Killian?”
“Aye. Did I wake you, love?”
“No, no. I was just getting in bed after finishing wrapping the rest of the presents. What are you doing?”
“The same thing.”
“Wrapping presents?”
“No, getting in bed.”
“Scandalous, Jones.”
“You know it, love.”
They end up talking for the next two hours, filling each other in on their Christmas Eve celebrations until Emma really does start yawning more than she actually speaks, the time catching up with her more than it does with him.
“You should sleep. Goodnight, love. And Merry Christmas.”
“I can stay awake.”
“Emma,” he prods, curling up into bed himself and pulling the comforter further over his body. “Go to bed.”
“Okay,” she yawns, her voice gradually getting quieter, and he can hear her comforter rustling too. “Merry Christmas, Killian.”
Filming on the television show he’s decided to pick up begins at the end of January. It’s a mini series, so he’s only contractually obligated to it for fifteen weeks instead of up to ten years. It’s a historical drama, one where he gets to play a hero with a tainted past who battles his demons while also battling with his adversaries. It’s been in the works for years, and as he gets fitted for his costumes, a sense of giddy anticipation fills him, even as he’s basically fitted into a corset and leather pants. Well, that’s only for one episode. The rest of the time he’s in linens and suits of men in the 1800s.  
The only downside to it is that as the weeks have passed, he’s grown closer to Emma, their texts still frequent, but their calls even more so. It doesn’t necessarily sound like a downside, but to him, that’s how he feels. He just hasn’t seen her more than in pictures and one or two video chats. He’s known her for two months now, not long in the grand scheme of things, but they’ve talked nearly every day. Their twenty questions game has long since stopped, the words flowing more naturally as they simply chat about their days or whatever is on their minds. She’s gotten into sending him memes and videos she finds online, and he’s taken the time to find things to send her as well.
Through every little conversation they have, he learns a bit more about it. For awhile, he thought that they could be friends, that he could live just talking to her like this if that’s what she ends up wanting, but he likes her. He likes her, and he has no idea how she feels about him. Yeah, they kissed, and sometimes he finds himself touching his lips at the memory of that kiss, but that was just after one night. What if she doesn’t feel the same way now? He knows that they’re friends, but what if she never decides that she wants to see him again? What if it stays as some kind of virtual relationship?
If that’s what she wants, he won’t try to force her into something else. Whatever they become, it’s up to her as much as him.
He just doesn’t know what the hell she wants, and all he wants is to see her, to hear her laugh in person and possibly even give her a hug. He’s not even aiming for a kiss at this point. How can he miss someone he’s only met once?
Once his fitting is finished, he changes back into jeans and a flannel shirt for rehearsals, shooting for the first episode not really beginning until tomorrow after they get through this final day of practice.
It’s the end of February, the first half of the series is nearly finished, when he gets a call from Emma. They haven’t really been able to talk the past few days, the time difference and his work hours causing them to only exchange a few texts, so when her name and a picture from the gala pop up on his screen, he nearly breaks his phone, catching it in the air before it hits the marble of his kitchen counter.
“Hi, Swan” he breathes, his lips twitching upward.
He’s got to look like an idiot smiling to himself, but he lives alone. No one will ever know. Well, Liam and his damn older brother tendencies might now. He’s been on him like a hawk ever since Christmas Eve, especially because Killian refuses to tell him anything. His brother is nosy, but it’s only because he cares. Killian’s been hurt enough by women, not to mention how much he resents his father for leaving them and their sick mother, and Liam’s taken it up on himself to be his protector. He means well, but after Milah and how broken he’d been, Liam’s taken it to the next level. He knows that women will take advantage of him for his fame in the same way that people who try to be his friend will. It’s why he’s been single for awhile, and he keeps his mates to Liam, Robin, and Will, people he’s known and trusted for years.
But he knows that Emma is different. She’s obviously a fan, something he somehow forgets about most of the time, and while he’s never considered dating a fan before, he would with Emma.
He also knows that Liam would be up his arse about it.
The fact that Liam never mentioned the photos of he and Emma outside of her front door is a bloody miracle. Liam either never saw them or chose not to talk about it. God does he hope it was the first one.
“Um, hi. Why do you sound out of breath?”
“Because you take my breath away, love.”
“Oh wow, I can’t tell if that was good or bad.”
“It was good, darling.” He walks from his kitchen to his living room, settling down into his favorite recliner and stretching out. “How are you?”
“Oh, I’m fine. I’m on my way home from the gym. Did you not have filming today?”
“Day off, and I haven’t changed out of my pajamas. It’s bloody wonderful.”
“Lazy ass.”
“Smart arse.”
“Anyways,” she continues, several horns beeping behind her. He checks his watch and realizes that it’s eight in the evening in Boston. She must have had a late day at work. “I’m calling because I have some news.”
His heart rate picks up, and something lodges in his chest. She sounds happy, but he doesn’t know what her news could be. All he can think is that she’s begun dating someone, which she has every right to, but it would break his heart a little bit.
“What news?”
“So apparently, I haven’t taken enough vacations days, and I’ll lose them if I don’t use them by the end of the quarter, which is the end of March. So I was thinking, if it’s okay with you, that I might finally take you up on that offer of us seeing each other again. I know you said you’d be the one hopping on a plane, but I’d kind of like to see California.”
It's…this is…damn. This is everything he’s wanted for the past few months, and he can’t believe it’s happening. He’s going to see Emma, and it’s not going to be through a video screen.
“Swan, I’d be thrilled. You can stay with me. I mean, if you’re okay with that. You don’t have to stay with me if you’d rather stay somewhere else. And I can show you around all of the good places or the tourist traps. It doesn’t matter. Oh fuck.”
“I’m filming all through March.”
“I know,” she sighs before cursing out someone under her breath, “but maybe we could hang out between filming. I don’t want to impose, so it’s fine if this is a bad time. I’ll just lounge around my apartment for a week if it is. It’ll be great. Just an entire week of laziness.”
“Emma, no,” he practically begs, hoping that she can’t hear his heart beating through the telephone and the miles between them. “Tell me the dates, and you can come. We’ll make it work.”
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aspec-stories-blog · 5 years
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Discrimination or hate towards any members of the LGBTQIA+ community
Explicit* childbirth
Explicit* corrective rape (or explicit rape of any kind)
Explicit* disordered eating
Explicit* experience of conversion therapy
Explicit* gun violence
Explicit* self-harm
Explicit* sexual activity (specifically NSFW content, e.g. no porn, smut, or lemons)
Explicit* sexual assault
Explicit* suicide
Explicit* use of hard drugs and/or illicit substances (with the exception of marijuana and alcohol, though we may choose not to allow them if we feel that your representation of their use is inappropriate for this blog. We will contact you directly if that is the case.)
Explicit* verbal or physical abuse
Extreme body horror (i.e. we define body horror as “altering a character’s body in grotesque or seemingly painful ways.” This does NOT include disabled bodies, burn victims, amputees, or people with scars. It is meant for situations that are out of the ordinary.  Please use your discretion—we’ll contact you directly if we feel that you have included body horror that is too disturbing to publish on this blog.)
Hardcore gore (i.e. gore may be included in submissions, but please use your discretion—we’ll contact you directly if we feel that you have included too much or that it is too disturbing to publish on this blog.)
Inappropriate treatment of minors in general (i.e. please use your discretion when writing about characters who are minors, including characters who are canonically minors who you have aged-up for the sake of your story. We’ll contact you directly if we think that your treatment of underage characters is problematic in any way.)
Hateful slurs
Racial slurs, specifically
Unaddressed discrimination of any kind (i.e. while discrimination may be included as part of a character’s experience, it should not go unaddressed within the story. We will contact you directly if we feel that any discrimination represented in your submission is poorly addressed or otherwise inappropriate for this blog.)
Unnecessary violence (i.e. violence that seems unnecessarily cruel or seems as though it serves no purpose to the story being told)
We doubt that most of these topics are things y’all would want to write about, anyways, but we want to share this list to let you know that we’re watching out for you! If you think that anything else should be added to this list of off-limits topics, please message us or send us an ask!
If your submission includes any of the above topics, we will NOT post it to the blog. We’ll contact you at the URL that you submitted from to let you know that we’ve decided not to publish your work. Depending on the situation, if you are willing to edit out the off-limits content we may consider reviewing your submission again for posting.
If you feel that a submission that we have already posted on the blog violates our policy of off-limits topics, please send us a direct message and we’ll address it as soon as we possibly can.
*To clarify on the starred topics: When we say “explicit” we mean “writing (or art) that shows said topic happening within the submission.” Topics such as abuse, self-harm, etc. may exist within your writing, but only indirectly or in mention. For example: we will not allow an explicitly shown or described (NSFW) sex scene, but if characters are talking about their relationships with sex without getting into NSFW detail that’s totally fine (we’ll just tag it as a content warning). Please contact us if you have any questions about this!
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How do I submit something?
If you have something you’d like to have posted on Aspec Stories, read through this list to find out how to best share it with us:
Is it a poem, short story, longer written work, visual art, character blurb, or something of that nature? Send it to us via our “Submit something!” page, please!
Is it a writing prompt, writing tip, some form of media recommendation, message of positivity, or something similar? Also send these to us via the “Submit something!” page!
Do you have a question or comment for us about the blog or one of our posts? Send it to us via the “Ask something!” page, or send us a direct message! We’ll be happy to hear from you!
Want to introduce yourself to the blog’s community? Visit the “A couple more notes on submissions” section of this page!
When in doubt, send it to us as a submission via our “Submit something!” page! Most of the things we post will be user-submitted, and sending us content via our “Submit something!” page is the best way for us to give you credit for your work.
Other than that, please make sure you’re following our policies for topics that we do and do not allow on the blog. Then just follow the final requests that we’ve included on the “Submit something!” page, and click the submit button! We’re excited to see what you send us!
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How can I have my submission posted anonymously?
Step one: please don’t submit writing to us via anonymous asks!! Please!! That could get very confusing for us mods, especially if your work is long and you send it to us as multiple anonymous asks. We might actually cry if that happens. Especially if tumblr eats part of your work. Or you send us 20 asks and we’re not sure what order they’re meant to go in. Please… please don’t make us cry.
Instead, just include this note in one of the first lines of your submission (under the title but before the body of your work): “post as anon”. Easy! When we see that note, we’ll copy and paste the contents of your submission into a brand new post, then tag it as “author: anon”. We (the mods) will still see the URL you submit from in our inbox, but when we post your submission to the blog it will be completely anonymous. And please don’t feel weird about us knowing your URL! We won’t share it with anyone and we won’t contact you unless we need to (like if your submission includes an off-limits topic). And honestly, we probably won’t remember it after 5 minutes. No worries—we promise!
If you’d like us to post your submission anonymously but use a pseudonym instead of “anon”, write the note like this: “post as anon, author: [pseudonym]” (for example: “post as anon, author: Doodleoo McGee”). We’ll do all the same things to post it anonymously, but just use the “author: [pseudonym]” tag in place of our default “author: anon” tag (which will make it easier for you to find later).
**Note that if you use a pseudonym that another person has already claimed, we’ll contact you to ask for a new one. If we don’t hear back from you in a few days, we’ll just add some numbers to the end of your original pseudonym and call it good.
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A couple more notes on submissions
There are a few things about specific types of submissions that we want to clarify!
Our weekly prompts
Each week (on Aspec Saturday), we’ll post a new prompt that’s meant to help people come up with ideas for submissions. Your submissions don’t HAVE to be related to these prompts—they’re just for extra inspiration! But, to help keep things organized, we’ll be tagging all submissions that we think are in response to the weekly prompts with an extra tag: “weekly prompt # (Month Year)”. All other submissions (unrelated to the weekly writing prompts) will be tagged as “general submission”. Please visit the “Our tags” page for more info about our tagging system!
Submitting your own writing prompts
You are more than welcome to submit writing prompts for us to share! Usually we’ll just post these as regular submissions with the tag “general submission”. If anyone submits something in response to your prompt, it will also be tagged as a “general submission” (otherwise it would get really tricky to keep track of everything).
If we think that your prompt would be a cool one to use as one of our weekly writing prompts, we’ll contact you and ask if we can save your prompt for an upcoming week. If you’d rather we just post it as a regular submission we will, but if you’re ok with us using the prompt, we’ll post it on one of our Aspec Saturdays! All credit for the writing prompt will go to you as you’ve specified!
Submitting visual works
This blog will mostly be for sharing writing, but if you’re inspired to create some aspec art, please send it our way! Keep in mind that all the submission and community guidelines apply to visual art submissions just as they do to written ones.
Since we’re working to make this an accessible blog, all the images we post will include written image descriptions. We’re prepared to write these descriptions ourselves, but we would be very appreciative if you took the time to describe your own art! If you’ve never described an image before, it’s easy to get the hang of and very very helpful for people who are blind or visually impaired. And especially if you regularly post artwork online, this would be a good skill to learn!
Here are some resources to help you get started with writing image descriptions, from another accessible tumblr blog: [link]
Community intros
We’re hoping to gather a community of aspec writers, readers, and artists together with this blog. If you’d like to introduce yourself to the other members of the community—at any time—just send us an ask with a little bit about yourself that you’d like us to share!
If it’s NOT an anon ask, we’ll tag it with “author: [your URL]” and “community intro!”
If it IS an anon ask, we’ll tag it with “author: anon” and “community intro!”
We look forward to meeting you!!
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looney-joonie · 5 years
50 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @bts-blackpink-bitch about 10 years ago (1 week) and I am finally ready to answer them lol
1. What takes up too much of your time?
Daydreaming about fic possibilities and what I could do with my life if I had the ability to create art.
2. What makes your day better?
Two things: my fiance and laughing.
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today?
My cat laid on top of me and purred really loud!
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
One that I have yet to put into writing.
5. Are you good at giving advice?
It depends. I’m pretty good at it in general, but each situation is unique and anyone who takes my advice knows that I have a disclaimer stating that I am not responsible for anything that happens if my advice is applied...just as a precaution lol
6. Do you have any mental illness?
No clue.
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
Yes and it’s terrifying!! I mean, one time I was able to make my head shake, but my fiance ignored my movement because I move in my sleep...so he thought I was asleep...
8. What musician inspired you the most?
I don’t really have just one
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
10. What’s your dream date?
My dream date is my fiance. HAHA! (It’s true..) 😂
But no, my dream date is being picked up at hotel in a big city <me wearing a very nice dress, my date wearing a tux or suit> and us going out for a ‘night on the town’. We would dine at a 5-star restaurant and then walk around downtown until we came to a romantic place. My date would then ask me to dance even there’s no music because ‘the music is in our hearts'. And then he would take me back to my room and leave me at the door with a searing kiss.
*sigh* I love my fiance, but he would ruin my dream date because he can’t keep a beat to save his life. I’m sure he’d be able to make up for it somehow 😂
11. What do others notice about you?
They tend to notice I have a huge ass. They never really mention anything else that they notice...IF they notice anything else.
12. What is an annoying habit you have?
UM - ALL OF THEM?? I mean, I have so many that it’s hard to name them. Just ask the people around me and they’ll make long lists without saying the same thing as the other. #iannoyeveryone
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
No, but that’s a good thing.
14. How many exes do you have?
Five...and yet, they never took me on a date. #losers😒
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
My largest one has over 600 songs on it...so many genres, so little time.
16. What instruments can you play?
I played the clarinet when I was in high school and the piano before that.
17. What do you have the most pictures of?
Blurry shit because my phone screen gets turned on and then I’m too lazy to delete the pictures. 😬
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
I’m not sure. I’ve always loved traveling, but have never been super passionate about just one place?
19. What is your zodiac?
20. Do you relate to it?
Yup. I’m #twinning everyday.
21. What is happiness to you?
Happiness to me is being able to toss away all of my negative thoughts, just for a moment, and focus on something beautiful. It could be the feel of a cool breeze on a warm day. The fluffy white clouds against a light blue sky or speaking the compliments I think instead of just keeping them so myself. 
Happiness is something you continuously work towards...and sometimes you have to accept that being content in the moment is the best you’ll get for now. I purposely stop to ‘smell the roses’ and enjoy the little things because everything I know and love is in a balanced state. I want to enjoy the moments I have now so that, when things have shifted and there’s the sense of unbalance, I can look back and draw on those moments. Those little moments are so important to be able to recall so that you can continue to work towards happiness in times of sadness. (Sorry for the mini...rant?)
22. Are you going through anything right now?
Yes. I won’t get too detailed, but back in February I went on emergency hiatus because my dad has CIDP (emergency hiatus post here). He hasn’t had a treatment since February, so his ability to walk and do other things has gradually become much worse. It’s not something that many people have to live with for a long time...which is why I had my happiness rant above. Plus I’ve been trying to get a better job since I graduated from college in December 2018, but practically nobody is hiring. So that’s great.
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made?
There really is no ‘worst decision’ for me. I am who I am today because of all the decisions I have made both good and bad. So, for me to point out my ‘worst decision’ would be to say I have regrets. Which I don’t because I don’t have time for ‘what ifs’ and regrets. I only have time for helping myself and others to better themselves.
24. What’s your favorite store?
Gift shops.
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
I strongly believe in keeping my political opinions to myself.
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
Mentally, yeah. But I’m forgetful, so it’s ever-changing.
27. Do you have a favorite album?
Yes. Comedown Machine by The Strokes. I bought it because it looked cool and I love every single song.
28. What do you want for your birthday?
I really want to have a full-time job! I also want these BTS Hanahaki Series pins by Wiblash on Instagram!!
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
People think that I cower at anyone who seems to be an authoritative figure as well as be a ‘yes-man’
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
Everyone has thought I look like I’m either younger or WAY older than I actually am. Everyone also assumes I have kids. And I mean EVERYONE. 😠
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
On my nightstand to prevent an accidental fire.
32. What word do you say the most?
I say um, well, and like a lot because they make it easier to drag my sentences out when I lose my train of thought.
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
It’s kind of..besides the point now that I’m getting married, but at one point I ‘dated’ a guy who was almost 10 years older than me. I DODGED A BULLET WITH THAT GUY!! With my experience, I probably wouldn’t pick someone more than 5 years older than me.
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
I’ve always liked my guys to be slightly younger than me ( my fiance is about 9 months younger than me) and all my exs except the one mentioned in the above question were either the same age as me or a little younger. I wouldn’t date anyone born after 2000. Still doesn’t matter much since I’m getting married.😂
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
Retail. But that’s only because I’ve been in customer service so long that I have a lot of mannerisms that I have accidentally brought over into my personal life.
36. What’s your favorite music genre?
I don’t have one.
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
TL;DWR - Too Long; Don’t Wanna Research.
38. What is your current favorite song?
Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard
39. How long have you had this blog for?
01/07/2019 1:55:37 AM (thanks @memories)
40. What are you excited for?
The BTS concert on May 12th!!!! And for my ATEEZ project 'When Life Gives You Lemonade' teaser to be revealed on May 15th!!
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
Both. Once I’m started, I can talk for hours, but I love listening to people talk too soooooo...
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
43. What do you want for Christmas?
DLCs for some software that I have.
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
Um...College Algebra and English were my best subjects.
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
About a 9.8?
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
I can see myself being an author and a mom. 😊
47. When did you get your first heartbreak?
First grade when I...liked this boy so much that I would kiss his cheek at least once every time we had gym class. Then he changed schools... (I found out later that it wasn’t my fault and that he had a slight crush on me then)
48. What age do you want to get married?
23. My wedding is planned for right before my 28th birthday, so ya’ll see how well that panned out.
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
50. What do you crave right now?
MORE TIME TO WORK ON MY ATEEZ PROJECT!!!!!! Gosh...there’s just not enough time in the day..............................................😑
I’m tagging @angstchim @ughdesighhns @parkseonghwa @gothicmingi @requestfairy @mhysaunburnt @yurakwonhoseok @today-we-will-survive @supersailorjoonie once again! If ya’ll get tired of it, let me knowwwwwww......😅
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Hey hey hey, I tried answering a question I got from an anon however I accidentally deleted it! My phone is weird so this is me answering you through a post. My apologies!
They asked for suggestions as someone who was new to omegaverse, they had never heard of packverse or shapeshifters before my blog.
My reply:
It depends I suppose, I don't know what you're looking for and everyone has different tastes and therefore everyone has different verses.
My suggestion is if you read fanfiction, simply include the omegaverse tag next time you go read something.
If you don't read, follow blogs who give out a lot of headcanons and information on their own or multiple verses (Don't know how new you are, so I'll just say omegaverse is different for everyone since there are so many ways to do omegaverse. Because of this, everyone has their own "verse" with aspects of omegaverse they've chosen to accept).
I plan on creating more Lessons over time, its supposed to be aimed towards people who are just learning about omegaverse so feel free to check those out when more come out! There are blogs dedicated to headcanons though, again I suggest following them and seeing what they post and share. Omegaverse is so big that I can't sit here and tell you everything, a lot of it is self teaching but it's fun to do!
Update: sorry forgot this! As for packverse and wolf shapeshifters, it's an extremely long story and if enough interest comes in I might make a lesson on it. However to cut to the basics - packverse in omegaverse typically goes hand-in-hand with shapeshifters for me at least.
You have your typical abo dynamics which are capable of shifting into wolves. Like wolf man from Twilight or whatever, Jacob? Idk.
As wolves (and as humans) they have pack dynamics (which is packverse) that act similarly to wolf packs however also not. If you paired packverse next to real wolf dynamics you'd find a lot of inconsistencies such as a high number of alphas and omegas or that there isn't one breeding pair of alphas. In omegaverse its usually omegaxalpha not alphaxalpha.
Its a lot easier to understand if you already understand wolf pack dynamics in real life. Again I will go inti greater detail if I do a lesson on it. Its really interesting and makes for a lot of angst and drama if you're into that kind of thing (I'm a slut for it.)
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Facts and Figure, How to use Pinterest for Shopify store? Ultimate Guide
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The ultimate guides on How to use Pinterest for Shopify store? The social media platform is the best way to get your eCommerce brand to people in a very effective way. How much does it cost to advertise on Pinterest?There is no denying that Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, etc. play an essential role in the marketing budget. This is why many online stores plan marketing strategies using one or more of these social media platforms. How to Identify Pinterest Advertisements?Pinterest is also a social media platform used in marketing strategies for stores like Shopify.The ultimate Pinterest analytics guideHow to Get Pinterest Audience Insights:How you can auto-publish pins from your RSS feed?How to change cover photo on Pinterest board?This social media platform is slowly gaining traffic and is now in the top 5 social media platforms. The Pinterest platform is exceeding up to 335 million active users. Facebook is still on the first number, with 2.5 billion users. Pinterest marketing strategies is growing day by day among eCommerce brand marketers. What Important for Pinterest social media marketing:
How does Pinterest marketing work for Shopify?
Can you connect your Shopify and Pinterest, and how can you use the Shopify Pinterest app? I will answer all these questions in this article. So, stay tuned with me. First, we learn about Shopify and the reason for its popularity. How to use Pinterest to promote your blog?What Is Shopify store And Why Is It So Popular? Shopify is an eCommerce platform used for building online retail businesses. Many businesses are moving to the world of hosted eCommerce platforms, and Shopify provides them with one of the best media.  How to use Pinterest for Shopify store: Shopify has been opted by many entrepreneurs and startups worldwide to expand or migrate their businesses to the web. Let's check the reason for its popularity when there are so many other options available? Well, you need to read further to get the answer. Let's look at Shopify's features, which make it one of the most desired eCommerce platforms. The ultimate Pinterest analytics guide?How to change email address on Pinterest account?how to change cover photo on Pinterest board?How much does it advertise on Pinterest cost?How does Pinterest SEO work?How to use Pinterest for Etsy?How to open Pinterest Account?
Reason For popularity:
- It's affordable.- It lets you create attractive stores. - Don't worry about web hosting.- They provide commendable technical support.- It's secure.
Benefits of selling on Pinterest with Shopify:
Pinterest is about four times more effective at generating sales than other social media networks. If you are doing e-commerce or drop shipping business for a while now, most marketers would recommend Facebook ads, but nowadays, for Facebook ads, it's too much competition there. So Facebook ads became too expensive, especially for beginners in the business.  How to add affiliate links to Pinterest?And if you compare Pinterest and Instagram, you will see that every Pinterest pin is clickable and connected to your Shopify store or directly to the product pins Shopify. Just this fact makes Pinterest for Shopify so much more potent as a traffic source compared to Instagram; here, you can have a maximum of one link to the store in your bio. Now I tell you another reason why you should be on Pinterest is because of the half-life of being it's so much longer than average post duration on other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. The ultimate Pinterest analytics guideHow to Get Pinterest Audience Insights:How you can auto-publish pins from your RSS feed?How to change cover photo on Pinterest board?For instance, if you get traffic from your post on these platforms, it will last for a few hours or a full one day; Pinterest can bring you traffic for many months. And for some beans, even for years, Pinterest tends to revive old viral pins; this applies to seasonal products.Pinterest is the second-largest social media platform that leads to the most traffic to any online store. Your Shopify Pinterest app will be the cause of most generating traffic sources. Of course, Facebook is number one, but I recommend you to change your social strategy. I think you should use the Shopify Pinterest app to make Pinterest Shopify integration easier. It is because Pinterest is all about bringing businesses of all sizes and enthusiastic users to your platform. At the same time, Facebook hides organic posts and asks to pay ad space to show them. Pinterest offers a high order value.
How to verify Your Shopify store Pinterest:
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Pinterest for Shopify storeI get a lot of questions related to Shopify and Pinterest. Yes, you can ask. And it would help if you verified your Shopify store on Pinterest. And it's straightforward Pinterest work together to make this Pinterest Shopify integration seamless on the user side. To verify your domain on Pinterest, you will need to follow these simple steps provided by an official Shopify site, which helps you to verify your store on any third party, which may include Pinterest and Google webmaster tools.- You will go back to your settings over here, and you will get a claim tab there. - From here, you will put some domain.com and will plead a claim.- You need to select add HTML tag, and it will show you a meta tag, which you have to paste into your head section of the site.- Now let's go back to the info which is provided by Pinterest on Shopify help center. - So the first step you have to do is go to Shopify admin, and from there, your go-to online store, and then choose themes, the option themes.- You will find the theme here.- You have to add it and then click actions.- Choose added code.- And then, in the layout section, you have to click the theme—liquid fie in Shopify to open the file in the online code editor. The thing you have to do is that you need to copy them.- Meta-tags showing on your Pinterest account and based it on a blank line directly below the opening had a tag. And then you need to click save.Make sure you are not going to delete anything, even not accidentally. Because if you save these changes with the things you erased accidentally, things would be getting more complicated, so it will be tough to fix it. Your store will be verified within 24 hours by Pinterest, probably even faster. So you will be able to use rich pins in our case, we're talking about e-commerce sites. So it's product bins. Shopify Pinterest app made this integration easy on the smalls on the user side; Shopify is not the only platform to make product bins available.How to sell on Pinterest with Shopify:After the announcement of Pinterest buyable pins, a new opportunity has come for Pinterest, a business holder that has created a brand new market. The best selling method through Pinterest Shopify is the Pinterest Shopify app. Shopping ads, online store links, and Pinterest launches topped the list. Read the article to know how to sell from Shopify on Pinterest.How can you sell on Pinterest with the Shopify Pinterest app? Both Shopify and Pinterest profiles will require in this action. Therefore, you have to create a Shopify account. You'll be able to study Shopify from our perspective. Here you will find a free trial to check out whether you need this platform before paying for love or money.As for Pinterest, I recommend you to make a Business Account. It's free of cost, and you'll be able to link it to your Shopify account if needed. Additionally, the Pinterest Business Account integrates seamlessly with Shopify. It allows you to configure payment history options and advertising settings for automatically generating Pinterest ads Shopify from your store to visit on Pinterest.Once you have created both accounts, log into your Shopify account. Move to the dashboard of your Shopify account. You have to locate the Sales Channels header, which you will find on the left menu. It shows you an inventory of all sales channels activates on your website. for example, you'll see media like Online Stores such as Amazon or Facebook. Our main objective is to feature Pinterest on its list.After the announcement of Pinterest buyable pins, a new opportunity has come for Pinterest business holders, which have created a brand new market. The best selling method through Pinterest Shopify is the Pinterest Shopify app. Shopping ads, online store links, and Pinterest launches topped the list. Please read the article to know how to sell from Shopify on Pinterest. I think you should check the Pinterest infographic because it tells you about Pinterest for Shopify store. It also gives you guidance on Pinterest custom areas and how you can grow your Pinterest for Shopify business.How to generate sales on Shopify and Pinterest?Here are some steps to create sales on Pinterest. But Before discussing it, we have to knowledge about the requirements for Shopify. Let us discuss it first. Title, description, image, price, product type, and availability must be required for your product page.How to connect Shopify to Pinterest?Pinterest is a great social media platform to promote products for e-commerce sites such as Shopify. Pinterest is a great social media platform to use if you have an e-commerce store because it's visual, especially if your audience is female since that's primarily their demographic change in this video. We will show you how you can easily connect Shopify and Pinterest so that your products show up on Pinterest, and people can purchase straight from there. So stay tuned.Click the + button above the sales channel; your Shopify will show a list of Pinterest sales channels that you can add to your store. These will include Facebook, messenger, and google. You can add whatever you want but select Pinterest on Shopify.Search Pinterest by scrolling down and click the + button. Now it will appear on the screen that you are going to link Pinterest to Shopify. You are now able to check all privacy and information. For example, you can learn how Pinterest accesses products and analytics from your Shopify store. I try to be able to connect Shopify to Pinterest process yourself.Click on the Add sales channel button to go further. Pinterest sales channel has been added to your Shopify dashboard. Now it's time to link Pinterest to Shopify and specify the products that need to be sold. We will prefer professional account Shopify Pinterest ads instead of personal account Pinterest Shopify ads in the Pinterest Shopify app. Click on the connect account button. It will take you to the Pinterest app and ask you for Shopify and Pinterest authenticity. This connection to Shopify Pinterest integration allows you to manage Shopify Pinterest product pins and Shopify Pinterest ads every time without permission. Click the access button to proceed. The next page will show you that your Pinterest account is connected to Shopify.Ad settings:You can automatically generate a few accounts under the Ad Settings area. If not, make sure you are following the guidelines provided to you to make these accounts. The first account will be Pinterest Ad Account, which is automatically creating ads, and pins rely on your Shopify products. A Pinterest Tag can automatically generate to get insights from your ad campaigns. It behaves like Facebook ads created by your Pinterest and Shopify accounts.Billing method and accepting terms and conditions on Pinterest:After generating sales on Pinterest, you can also connect billing. The Ad billing option will appear. Click it. The billing method will be stored on Pinterest, which can be used for Shopify. If you create an integration ad, Shopify will use the billing information on Pinterest. There is no need to worry because the ad budget will first get approval from you whether you are in the mode of putting a mess on the advertisement or not. Now we come to our second point, which is related to terms and conditions. So we have to accept them. Try to read these terms and conditions carefully to avoid trouble in the future.Publishing and manage availability:As we move on to Pinterest, the publishing and manage availability options will appear. With the help of this option, it is clear which product is complete before Pinterest's publications. If any product pin title, description image, pricing, product type, or availability is missing, then Pinterest will not synchronize it. “Availabilty” means that the product to be sold is active or not. If you want to see which product is available that you are going to sell on the Pinterest sales channel, please click on manage availability.Product:If you want to view the list of products available on Shopify, click on the product option. You can also click one by one product from here and also take advantage of the filter option. The filter will be essential for the sales channel. Availablity will appear on the top right. Click it. Click on available on Pinterest from here. By doing this, all the products of the Pinterest sales channel will appear on the list. One thing to keep in mind here is that coming to the products sales channel list does not mean that they will be published automatically. It means that they will be published because it is now possible to put ads on them.Stats:90% of weekly users visit the Pinterest site to make purchasing decisions. It may include immediate purchases or planning for purchases. 55% of users log into Pinterest, specifically to find products because Pinterest is full of ideas. That's more than half of the entire user base. And 50% of Pinterest buy something after seeing a promoted pin, meaning a Pinterest ad. Here you will also learn about Pinterest ads Shopify. This article will show you how to use Shopify Pinterest product pins for Shopify Pinterest ads. How to see stats on Shopify dashboard:If you want to see sales on the Pinterest store and how many products people are pinning, follow these steps:- Go to Shopify admin on your Pinterest app Shopify.- Click the order button Select the filter from the drop-down menu.- Select Pinterest and select a sales channel.- Click yes, add the filter.- Select the order number of the order analytics you want to view. On the order page, you will see all your sales flagged. Comprehensive stats can also be viewed on Pinterest with pins and pinners.How to Make the Most of Pinterest Buyable Pins Shopify Feature:Pinterest has added a new feature that most businesses need is called Buyable Pins. It permits firms such as Shopify to sell instantly on one of the most popular social platforms today. Many Pinterest users already use this social network as a shopping list for future purchases. In this way, your potential customers can click on a pin. They can buy the item they wish. So, how can you get in on this Pinterest buyable pins Shopify feature?Right now, Pinterest Buyable Pins Shopify is available on Pinterest. Here are Big-box retailers, and a handful of eCommerce sites such as Etsy, Shopify, and woo-commerce can use them. For some businesses, though, there is a waiting list to join. But Once you are approved, you will be good to go.One way around that waiting list is to be a Pinterest Shopify app retailer. You can easily connect Shopify to Pinterest. If you power your online store through Pinterest for Shopify, then you can add the Pinterest feature right away.For mobile and iPad., Buyable pins are available through the Pinterest App. Here are new price filters also available. Buyable pins are available in blue outline. The traditional buy button features to look for with the Pinterest App in an impressive way. Promoting the Pinterest App for your website or business is another excellent way to increase sales as well.Here are 6 points that will motivate you to create your buyable pins for your Shopify store.1. It is cost-effective for your business.             2. It is just fun and causes job growth within your business. 3. You can help the e-commerce market. 4. You can create your themes and sell themes. 5. It causes to Gain mobile business. 6. It gives Access to retail and e-commerce experts.It is expected that our e-commerce industry will act as a skyrocket in the next few years. Read the full article
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redphienix · 6 years
I think just-oki-doki is one of the most clear and obvious examples of how I attribute guilt to literally everything and allow that to delete and override literally every positive facet involved.
I found an excuse to talk openly in a supportive manner towards creators of all skill levels from the bottom of my heart- and the fact that I fell into a depressed episode (which is still continuing in a way to be honest) and the blog has fallen silent only to “come back” with minimal posts has left me feeling like trash and as if all I’ve accomplished is letting people down.
How in the hell do I justify that?
How is something I did for me (in a way) suddenly up to debate by others?
Also it’s NOT being put up to others- I’ve heard not a single peep in reference to be disappointed in my lack of consistent updates as of late. I’ve been shown nothing but support!
And yet I look at all of this, extend my arm, and wipe it off the table and into the fuckin’ waste bin. All I seem to be able to comprehend emotionally is “I did something good and fucked it up” That’s all I can seem to process despite having a deeper understanding that OBVIOUSLY DEBUNKS THAT.
I KNOW that I did this for me. I KNOW that I took the opportunity to spread awareness of others. I KNOW I did a cool thing BECAUSE I THINK IT’S COOL. And yet none of that means shit to me right now, all I FEEL is disappointed in myself and sad and like no one should respect or care about me in this situation because I’m just a fuckin’ failure towards something that shouldn’t be hard.
I’m sitting here knowing damned well that the likelihood of me ever fully returning to the degree I once was on just-oki-doki is slim. Maybe not none. But slim.
I dedicated hours each day to the thing. Hours, many sometimes, and consistent check ups throuhgout each day. I exhausted myself because I loved it, held passion towards it, and saw the good it could do. And now I think of the effort required, check on my depressed reserves of limited energy I have each day, and I want to cry because how in the fuck could I ever return to that level of activity.
I woke up each day, opened up the #Doki Doki Literature Club tag, and browsed roughly 2-300 posts each morning, sifting through so that I Didn’t. Miss. A. Single. Post. Created. Since. Yesterday. I wrote my commentary for literally every single one of them, and then I repeated this process again. For the #DDLC tag.
This took hours, and I did it every day.
Now I can’t. And I don’t know when or if I ever will be capable of doing it again. And it’s ALL IN MY FUCKING HEAD BECAUSE DEPRESSION SAPS THE LIFE FROM ME.
So instead I sit here feeling disappointed in myself and wary of when others will join in on feeling disappointed in the fuck who tried to do it all, COULD do it all, and just gave it up because he “felt sad” one day.
Some day a new fan will join in and accidentally stumble onto my blog through a reblog chain and they’ll wonder why it’s so barren as of late.
What the fuck is up with me only seeing the worst in a situation, it only perpetuates the worst aspects of the damned thing. If I didn’t attribute guilt at my lack of ability to support new artists to this, or disappointment out the rear- I could probably have returned in force. Like for real. Not this 5 posts a day MAYBE situation I’m in now where I haven’t even gotten through my old drafts from before the hiatus.
I wonder if it’s guilt or shame I feel. Shame is the bad one. It means I base my decisions on my own gain rather than others. I rarely feel like that, so I assume it’s not shame. Guilt is something I feel over everything. It’s why I worry about my family, it’s why I hate myself for how I’m living currently, it’s why I loathe my inability to find a career that interests me or even a job to survive off of- because of the burden I place on others. I worry about them and feel guilty for who I am as a person.
So it’s probably guilt. Like everything. Anyway- I suck and run a blog. Hello.
It’s 10:52pm and I think I should sleep, but instead I’ll probably turn on monhun and watch more of this anime that I’m discovering is entirely problematic but hits some occasional decent moments so I’m overlooking it for now, but remaining aware of it all all the same.
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*deep breath*
Okay, so.
Funny thing I just learned about myself. And I'm not sure how to put it into words. But I'm going to try.
I watched the terroristic storming of the capitol live yesterday. Not exactly watched it live, though; one of my Discord channels has a dedicated politics chat that I was watching and interacting with people in. When I finally registered that some real shit was going down, I started refreshing the main page of C-Span over and over and over again without actually watching the live feed of it. Meanwhile, my roommate flipped through various news channels on his TV in the other room. Then at 5:30pm my time, I tuned in to Extra Politics on Extra Credits's Twitch channel, finished off I think about a pint of ice cream while watching it, and I felt calmer at the end of the stream. But something inside me was and still is... numb? Tired? Broken? I don't know. I watched a historical event last night. I watched what I'm entirely certain is going to mark a change in trajectory for the course of my country's history from that point forward.
This should not be the third one of those I have lived through, let alone the second in less than a year (Rest In Power, Mr. Floyd). I don't count Covid because it's not done yet. We haven't lived through it yet, we're currently living in it, but when we do come out the other side that'll be four major history-altering events in my life. At minimum; god only knows what else there is that I've blocked.
I fully admitted at the start of the chat's coverage of what happened yesterday that I was not going to watch anything live with my own two eyes. I did this because I remember watching 9/11 live as a kid. I knew that I'm not strong enough as an adult to handle what was happening in DC. And what happened yesterday is a new generation's 9/11. We had an entire discussion about it in that politics channel, and it was addressed by Will on Extra Politics. And the thing about these major historical events is that they're traumatizing. And the effects of that trauma aren't always apparent. But I think I found one of mine tonight.
Just now (or rather several minutes ago because this post did not spew forth from my head fully formed and I have had plenty of distractions in between), I reblogged a post about AO3's services temporarily going down due to an issue that AO3 hadn't at the time of the post identified. The post started with the suggestion that AO3 went down because a specific Minecraft RPF fic updated. I specifically reblogged it because I had an extremely visceral reaction to someone spreading lies and misinformation on the internet, and that post contained AO3's notice that they're looking into it but the issue was NOT because of one fic in particular. I had several tags typed out that I ultimately deleted, because instead I decided to write this post.
My visceral reaction to the beginning of that post about AO3 largely revolved around how abso-fucking-lutely sick I am of seeing lies and misinformation spread by people, online or offline. It doesn't matter if it's spread with malicious intent or with the best of intentions, I hate it. I hate it, I'm sick of it, I wish people would goddamn fact check before they open their goddamn mouths. And the reason for my visceral reaction was because the coup that was attempted yesterday was the culmination and result of years of lies and propaganda being spread by bad-faith actors, well-meaning fools, and actual goddamn white supremacists. Even during the attempted coup, 45 continued to spew lies and incited further violence. Nor was he the only one; Twitch removed an emote that was based on a person who was also inciting violence via social media last night.
And I know I'm not immune to lies. I know I'm not all-knowing and can spot misinformation when I see it. I know I've fucked up many times and thus spread lies and misinformation that I so abhor, all unwilling and unknowing. And yet I still get so irrationally angry when I see others doing the same, even over something so inconsequential as my ideal fanfiction site. I've been like this for awhile now; I get mad when people mislabel Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 from the Trans Siberian Orchestra as Carol of the Bells—yes it's the same melody, but we don't call the fucking Alphabet Song the Happy Birthday song just because they share the same melody, do we? I get mad about so many inconsequential things that are just people being wrong.
And there's nothing wrong with being wrong! I know this! I know I know this. Yet somehow I still have an anger response when I see something being spread and spread and spread and I know that it's wrong. There's no malice to being wrong, but I react like there is. And I direct that to myself, too. If I find that I've shared a post that had misinformation, my immediate emotional response is anger at myself for being wrong. For being human. For making a mistake. If I find I've misremembered a fact I shared in conversation, I feel like I'm somehow evil for doing so. My roommate has actually had to talk me down from those feelings before, to convince me that I'm not a bad person for making a mistake.
But my reaction to that post tonight went way beyond the responses I usually have. I wasn't just angry. I was furious. There was a half-formed thought in the back of my head that the OP of that post was just like the white supremacists who spread lies and misinformation to manipulate people. For a retrostpectively terrifying few moments, I saw that person as evil, as part of the problem, as the enemy. And all they did is make a haha funnie joek about a fanfiction being popular enough to crash a website designed to host fanfiction. There was nothing malicious in their intent. For all I know they genuinely believed it was true. Part of me is still convinced that [S] Cascade broke Newgrounds when it dropped, I can understand where the OP was coming from. But for whatever reason all of my anger and sorrow and fear from yesterday coalesced to a point and lazer-focused on the OP of that post.
I'm glad I took a minute to breathe, and didn't reblog that post with the tags I had typed out in anger. I don't think my tags would have done much lasting damage; at worst I would have accidentally made anyone who saw that specific reblog with my tags feel guilty if they'd previously reblogged without AO3's response. But that's still more harm than anyone who would have seen it deserves, and I don't ever want to bring any harm to innocent people. That's not what my blog is about. That's not what I'm about. I'm not here to exact rightous fury and screw anyone caught in the splash damage. I'm here to be a healing presence when and where I can, to spread truth and information as best I can, and to make the people who find my blog and my posts and my tags sit up a little straighter and think "hell yeah, I can do it!"
Or, as was immortalized in quote 1227 of Extra Credits's Twitch quotebot: "I'm here to be wholesome and cause chaos."
Anger and hate isn't the way to do that. I need to do better, but before I can do better, I think I need to heal. I'm going to stop reblogging posts that make me angry, I think. Call that my New Year's Resolution if we have to. I may still reblog things that make me sad, or that have important information that lets others help those who have been hurt or wronged. But I'm going to be more careful about reblogging things that may hurt others on accident. I'll probably still fuck up, and I'd like to apologize in advance for that. But I'm going to try.
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fuck-customers · 7 years
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
I decided to get around to making a full FAQ to add to the sidebar. If I’ve missed anything, let us know.
Why can’t I tell you why you are wrong in the comments?
Because this is a blog that is designed to be a safe space for retail employees to come and vent about their frustrations and asshole customers. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s a petty reason or not. We do not need more customers coming into the comments and giving us more grief. If you come to this blog and act like a customer you will be permanently removed from the blog.
Do you accept fuck coworker and manager submissions?
Yes we do! A while back we tried running a couple of separate blogs on the subjects but they weren’t successful because we continued getting asks and submissions here about coworkers and managers. Instead of just rejecting these we decided to accept them because they are a part of why customer service sucks. Changing the name of the blog isn’t necessary and would hinder the ability of our old and even new followers to find us if we suddenly just changed. We’ve been Fuck Customers for years, and it’s going to stay that way no matter how the blog evolves.
Why is the inbox/submission box closed?
We need to catch up because we’re neck deep in back log.
Can I use fan mail to submit my stories since the inbox is closed?
For the love of God no! This clogs the inbox up so bad and makes the process of catching up so much harder! Please be patient! We can’t reopen in a timely manner if we have to sift through and delete fan mail submissions that had no place being submitted in the first place in that format. Even when the inbox is open we delete those. The faster we can reopen the better. That all depends on our inbox remaining closed and uncluttered by fan mail. I may seem rude saying this, but it has become a serious problem and is hindering progress a LOT.
Why hasn’t my submission posted yet?
See here.
Who are the mods?
Can you tag (insert thing)?
We used to, but with how big the blog has become it is unrealistic to be able to tag absolutely every single thing. We’re going to have to trust that our followers will be able to put trigger warnings before their own asks and submissions. We get up to 100 new asks and submissions a day on top of our personal and professional lives, so keeping up with posting/queuing is top priority.
Do you need anymore mods? Can I be one?
Ultimately this is up to Rodney, but at the moment the answer is no. There is more than enough for the blogs size. You know what they say about too many cooks in the kitchen.
What don’t you post?
Anything racist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. for starters. Anything not on topic to customer service is a big one too. We also don’t accept customers whining about employees. There is a line where it might be acceptable, though, like a case where a customer may see a manager or coworker abusing an employee. But if you’re bitching because someone smashed your bread then you are in the wrong place. Go to yelp. Fan mail is not the proper course of submitting your questions or stories. Use the ask or submission options and if the inbox is closed then check back later. Finally, hate mail. We get a lot of it and it’s a waste of space. Now, sometimes we do post one of any of these simply to drag your ass through the coals. Catch us on a bad day and expect to get roasted. Don’t be an asshole and you’re fine. We also try not to post anything that includes real store names, so try to use a fake one.
Why have I been blocked?
If you said anything offensive in a note towards us or another follower then you will be blocked. That could be death threats, telling someone to kill themselves, racism, homophobia, basically being an asshole. If you’re dumb enough to send hate mail without being anon, whether it’s to us or another follower, you’ll also get blocked. We do not tolerate that shit.
I requested my submission be posted anonymous! Why did it get posted or why wasn’t it posted?
It is your responsibility to submit anon. We post what is given to us in a format that tumblr allows(why we don’t post fan mail btw). If we were to post your submission anonymous we would have to cut and paste. Multiply that by 100 per day and we’d be swamped. If it accidentally gets posted that is on you, but most of the time we just delete it. (To post anon, if it’s short use the ask and check the box to make anon. If it’s too long for an ask you can submit a story anon by signing out of tumblr, using incognito, or a different browser that you are not logged into.)
I found something on here offensive! I’m sending hate mail right now!
You know that is the equivalent of asking to see the manager, right? Just skip the post and move on, you’re holding up the line.
*This does not include reporting posts that were accidentally posted that we would definitely remove. If you’re polite about it that is fine, but if you’re going to yell at us and tell us you’re unfollowing then that’s customer like territory. We get a lot of hate mail when all you need to do is point it out nicely. We also don’t condone sending hate mail to other followers. Maybe what they said was offensive, but sometimes good people don’t realize that their wording wasn’t that great. Sending hate mail isn’t the proper way to get your point across and help them learn from the situation.*
Why can’t I use a company name?
It is a decision that we have made at the blog that protects both you and us. Companies have people whose job it is to scour social media and look for people bad mouthing their store.  and they will either fire or harass the employee (if they can determine their identity.) or in the blogs case sue us for libel. As they have a team of lawyers and we do not we would have little chance to win in a court fight. So it is our choice to not publish company names. 
If I’ve missed any questions that need to be added let us know. These are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Why hasn’t my submission posted?
We get this question a lot so I thought I’d compile a list:
1.) You sent it through fan mail. We do not post anything sent that way since it does not include an option to queue or post it, just reply. We stopped copy pasting submissions a long time ago.
2.) You included a store name. Some of these slip through, but for the most part these get deleted for the safety of your job and this blog. There are actually people whose job it is is to hunt down stories like these and punish those who tell them.
3.) You requested to be anonymous without actually submitting on anon. Again, we do not copy paste submissions.
4.) You said something extremely offensive. Such as racist, ablest, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. Sometimes you might find we will call you out on it, but for the most part these posts are deleted.
5.) You sent hate mail. We will sometimes destroy you in response, but we delete 99% of these.
6.) The subject matter has been talked about to death. After a while we stop beating the dead horse with a stick.
7.) You posted a customer complaint. Yes, we will post good experiences praising an employee, but if you’re here to complain about an employee from a customer point of view then you’re in the wrong place.
8.) Rarely tumblr will eat the post. If your submission hasn’t posted in a month and it does not fit the rules above then resend it.
9.) Also extremely rare we might have accidentally deleted it. Again, if it hasn’t posted in a month and doesn’t fit the first 6 rules resend it. I think this has only happened twice to me personally though.
10.) It’s already queued or still in our inbox waiting to be queued or posted. We get a lot of submissions and asks, so you’ll need to be patient.
11.) Also, if you send a long submission through several asks instead of the submission link then we’ll delete them all. It is difficult to find all the parts.
12.) It isn’t on topic for the blog or any conversation happening on the blog.
13.) Asking to become a mod. We’re not accepting new mods.
14.) Complaints about what has been posted that does not fit the criteria on this list. This is rare, but it happens.
15.) Anything that seems like it’s an advertisement.
16.) Your post did not seem like it was related to customer service in any way. If you did experience at work then you need to make it clear.
17.) We will no longer post any submissions that talk about adding or switching items in people’s food. If you tamper with peoples food you could cause an allergic reaction up to and including death. You have no idea what people are or are not allergic to and if you put in regular milk when they ask for soy because they were rude you could put them in the hospital OR KILL THEM! Don’t do it. If you submit an ask or story that has food tampering in it, it will be deleted immediately.
18.) If we feel you need to be called out for being unreasonable or for just being a dick, don’t be surprised that we do. Sometimes we just want to impart knowledge to help people grow as a person. Sometimes we just want you to know you’re being an asshole. This may be a venting space, but if you’re acting like a customer we’re going to let you know.
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