#dolphin house hurghada
agyptenausfluge · 1 year
Dolphin House Ägypten
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Delfinschwimmen Hurghada Ausflug ?Sie wollten schon immer mal mit Delfinen schwimmen und Delfine hautnah in Hurghada in freier Wildbahn abseits vom Massentourismus erleben? Dann unternehmen Sie einen einmaligen Delfin Ausflug zu den Delfinen im offenen Meer in Hurghada. Das Rote Meer ist ein echter Tummelplatz von freilegenden Delfinen und anderer Meeresbewohner. 
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556amon · 10 months
Witness the adventure of Dolphin house in Hurghada : one of best excursions in Hurghada
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Dolphin house in Hurghada
Hurghada is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Egypt which known for its beautiful beaches and coral reefs.
Dolphin house trip is considered as one of popular excursions in Hurghada. These shows are a great way to see intelligence of that creatures up close. You'll learn about their behavior, their diet and of course their importance to the marine ecosystem.
Dolphin House Hurghada is located in the heart of Hurghada city . It offers a unique and intimate dolphin experience. You can swim with the dolphins in a private Dolphin session also. Dolphin shows typically last for one hour and it is also a great activity for all people in all ages !
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hrghadaholiday · 10 months
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Hurghada Holiday
While in Hurghada, do not miss the chance to join our trip to the famous Dolphin House sites where they happily swim around you. Book with us and let's go!
أثناء وجودك في الغردقة ، لا تفوت فرصة الانضمام إلى رحلتنا إلى مواقع منازل الدلافين الشهيرة حيث يسبحون بسعادة من حولك. احجز معنا ودعنا نذهب!
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landioustravel · 2 days
Schnorchelausflug zum Dolphin House in der Makadi Bay
Schnorchelausflug zum Dolphin House Makadi Bay ist ein beliebter Ausflug aufs Meer, um Delfine in ihrem Lebensraum im Dolphin House in Hurghada, Ägypten, zu beobachten ! Wir empfehlen den Ausflug, weil er den Touristen die Möglichkeit bietet, eine schöne Zeit am Meer zu verbringen und mit Delfinen zu schwimmen. Außerdem können Sie die wunderschönen Korallenriffe und verschiedene Fische…
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almaza-travel2 · 2 months
Sea trips in Hurghada
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In Hurghada, there are numerous sea trips and boat excursions available for visitors to explore the beautiful Red Sea and its surroundings. Here are some popular sea trips you can enjoy in Hurghada:
Snorkeling and Diving Trips: Hurghada is renowned for its vibrant coral reefs and abundant marine life. Join a snorkeling or diving excursion to explore underwater wonders such as colorful coral gardens, tropical fish, and maybe even encounter majestic marine creatures like dolphins and sea turtles.
Giftun Island Excursions: Giftun Island is a protected marine reserve located just off the coast of Hurghada. Day trips to Giftun Island typically include snorkeling stops at pristine coral reefs, swimming in crystal-clear waters, and relaxing on sandy beaches. Some tours also offer a barbecue lunch on the island.
Dolphin Watching Tours: Hurghada is known for its resident dolphin population, particularly in areas like Sataya Reef (Dolphin Reef) and Samadai Reef (Dolphin House). Join a dolphin-watching excursion to spot playful dolphins in their natural habitat and enjoy the thrill of watching them swim alongside the boat.
Glass-Bottom Boat Tours: If you prefer to stay dry while exploring the underwater world, consider taking a glass-bottom boat tour. These boat trips allow you to view the colorful marine life and coral reefs through the glass bottom of the boat, providing a unique perspective without getting wet.
Fishing Trips: Fishing enthusiasts can enjoy deep-sea fishing excursions in the Red Sea waters surrounding Hurghada. Join a fishing trip to try your hand at catching a variety of fish species, including barracuda, tuna, snapper, and more.
Parasailing Adventures: Experience the thrill of parasailing and soar high above the Red Sea waters while enjoying panoramic views of the coastline and surrounding landscapes. Parasailing trips are available at various locations along the Hurghada coastline.
Island-Hopping Tours: Explore other nearby islands and reefs on an island-hopping tour from Hurghada. These trips may include visits to islands like Utopia Island, Abu Minqar Island, and others, offering opportunities for snorkeling, swimming, and beach relaxation.
Submarine Tours: For a truly unique underwater experience, consider taking a submarine tour in Hurghada. Descend below the surface in a comfortable submarine and observe the fascinating marine life and underwater landscapes without getting wet.
Catamaran Cruises: Enjoy a leisurely cruise along the Red Sea coast aboard a catamaran. Catamaran cruises often include stops for snorkeling, swimming, and sunbathing, as well as onboard amenities such as refreshments and entertainment.
Sunset Cruises: End your day in Hurghada with a romantic sunset cruise on the Red Sea. Watch the sun dip below the horizon while enjoying the tranquil atmosphere and breathtaking views from the deck of a boat.
Before booking any sea trips or boat excursions in Hurghada, make sure to research reputable tour operators, check reviews, and inquire about safety measures to ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience on the water.
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almazatravel · 5 months
ausflüge in Hurghada
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ausflüge in Hurghada
Entdecken Sie das Beste von Hurghada: Unvergessliche Ausflüge für Ihren Traumurlaub
Hurghada, am Roten Meer gelegen, ist nicht nur für seine atemberaubenden Strände bekannt, sondern auch für eine Fülle von aufregenden Ausflügen. Hier sind einige der besten Ausflüge, die Ihren Aufenthalt in Hurghada unvergesslich machen:
1. Schnorcheln im Paradies:
Begeben Sie sich auf ein Schnorchelabenteuer und entdecken Sie die farbenfrohe Unterwasserwelt des Roten Meeres. Die Gewässer rund um Hurghada sind für ihre Vielfalt an Korallenriffen und Fischschwärmen bekannt.
2. Bootstour zu den Giftun-Inseln:
Erleben Sie einen Tag voller Entspannung und Spaß auf den Giftun-Inseln. Genießen Sie kristallklares Wasser, Sonnenbaden am Strand und Schnorcheln in einem der schönsten Korallenriffe.
3. Quad-Safari in der Wüste:
Für Abenteuerliebhaber ist eine Quad-Safari durch die Wüste ein Muss. Fahren Sie durch die Sanddünen und erleben Sie die faszinierende Landschaft der ägyptischen Wüste.
4. Luxor-Tagesausflug:
Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, das antike Ägypten zu erkunden, indem Sie einen Tagesausflug nach Luxor unternehmen. Besichtigen Sie berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten wie das Tal der Könige und die Tempelanlagen von Karnak.
5. Unterwasser-Abenteuer im U-Boot:
Tauchen Sie ab, ohne nass zu werden, bei einer U-Boot-Tour. Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Meereswelt und bewundern Sie Korallen, Fische und vielleicht sogar Wracks.
6. Reiten am Strand:
Erleben Sie die Magie eines Strandritts bei Sonnenuntergang. Ein entspannter Ausritt entlang der Küste von Hurghada bietet atemberaubende Aussichten.
7. Ägyptisches Museum und Shoppingtour:
Tauchen Sie in die ägyptische Geschichte im Ägyptischen Museum ein und genießen Sie danach eine Einkaufstour auf den Basaren von Hurghada, um lokale Handwerkskunst zu entdecken.
8. Wüstensafari mit Sternenhimmel:
Unternehmen Sie eine Wüstensafari, die in der Abenddämmerung beginnt und mit einem Blick auf den klaren Sternenhimmel endet. Genießen Sie ein Beduinendinner in der Wüste.
9. Delphin-Haus Schnorcheln:
Schwimmen Sie mit Delfinen in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum. Das Dolphin House ist bekannt für Begegnungen mit verspielten Delfinen und ein unvergessliches Schnorchelerlebnis.
10. Fischfangabenteuer: - Werfen Sie die Angel aus und versuchen Sie Ihr Glück beim Hochseefischen. Die Gewässer um Hurghada sind reich an verschiedenen Fischarten.
Hurghada bietet eine reiche Vielfalt an Aktivitäten, die sicherstellen, dass Ihr Aufenthalt nicht nur entspannend, sondern auch aufregend ist. Ganz gleich, ob Sie die Unterwasserwelt erkunden, durch die Wüste rasen oder die Geschichte Ägyptens erleben möchten, Hurghada hat für jeden Geschmack etwas zu bieten.
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french-maestro12 · 11 months
Séjour vol hôtel Hurghada
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Cher Touriste, Avez-vous déjà eu la chance d’aller à Hurghada pendant votre séjour en Egypte? Si votre réponse est non, Je voudrais vous dire que c’est une grande perte de ne pas profiter de vos vacances à l’une des plus connues stations balncaires surplombantes la Mer Rouge, Hurghada.
Cette station balnéaire est une destination parfaite pour s’amuser de votre temps sur ses plages et pratiquer beaucoup de sports aquatiques. En toute facilité, vous pouvez faire des vols directs à Hurghada depuis de nombreux aéroports européens et du Moyen-Orient parce que cette ville comprends un aéroport international.
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De notre part, Nous vous proposons plusieurs voyages all inclusive à Hurghada pour visiter les beaux sites touristiques comme le musée du sable et d’Aquarium et faire des expériences aventureuses ,telles que promenade en parachute. En réservant ce type des excursions aventureuses à Hurghada, l'équipement de sécurité est régulièrement vérifié pour assurer votre plus grande protection. N’oubliez pas organiser une excursion de nager avec les dauphins. Hurghada comprend des zones naturelles surnommées “dolphin house” parceque les dauphains aiment se regreouper dans ces zones.
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Permettez-moi d’attirer votre attention sur quelque chose important: vous pouvez aussi faire des voyages d’une journée au départ de Hurghada. comment est-ce possible ? Grâce à notre forfait des excursions quotidiennes Hurghada disponibles, Par exemple, vous pouvez faire une visite privée à Louxor depuis Hurghada en véhicule privé . Et puisque la distance entre le Caire et Hurghada dure environ une heure en avion, profitez-en pour visiter les destinations touristiques situées au Caire. Vous pouvez visiter les mosquées archéologiques au Caire comme la mosquée d’Ibn Toulun et la mosquée Al-Rifai.
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Et en ce qui concerne le séjour à Hurghada,vous pouvez réserver votre chamber au club de Marmara. C’est un excellent hôtel pour y rester pendant votre voyage. Il fournit des services hôteliers au plus haut niveau . À travers de votre séjour à Marmara Hurghada , vous pouvez essayer les excursions quotidiennes organisées dans cet hôtel comme les safaris à Hurghada avec une observation des étoiles dans le désert en jeep et les excursions de plongée.
E-mail:- [email protected] Mobile:-+201001422529 Site: www.egyptonlinetours.com
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zakharious-tours · 1 year
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○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Delfin Schnorchel Ausflug 🐬 FREIE PLÄTZE...FREIE PLÄTZE...FREIE PLÄTZE ◇◇◇���◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ AM: 11.03 & 13.03 ---------------------- haben wir noch freie Plätze auf unserem schönen Boot , Schnorcheln... mit Delfinen schwimmen... Sonne genießen und relaxen mit einen rundum sorglos Paket... Ihr kommt an Bord und genießt den Tag ☆ Schnorchelausrüstung ✔ ☆ Frühstück - Mittagessen - Snacks ✔ ☆ Getränke ✔ ☆ Riff - Delfine - zeit zum Schnorcheln ✔ ☆ gute Laune mit der Sonne im Gesicht ✔ Ein all inclusive Ausflug ohne Massentourismus, wir fahren in kleiner Gruppe auf unseren Ausflügen zum Schnorcheln Für den 11.03 & 13.03 haben wir noch wenige Plätze frei ... Lust mit uns an Bord zu kommen? Dann seid schnell bevor die Plätze weg sind ! Kontaktiert uns einfach für euren Schnorchel Traum... https://zakharioustours.com/de/aegypten-ausfluege/hurghada-ausfluege-touren/dolphin-house-hurghada.html ☎️ whatsapp Kontakt +201201231885 📬 email Kontakt [email protected] Ihr könnt uns auch hier auf Instagram eine Nachricht senden Wir freuen uns auf euch Zakharious Tours #love #amazing #instagood #instamood #reels #dolphins #sun #fun #travelblogger #vacation #happy #hurghada #enjoy #Happiness #wanderlust #wandergram #innererfrieden #mentalhealth #holiday https://www.instagram.com/p/CpN9Ro1Dvgh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hurghada tours
Marsa Alam tours from Hurghada tours:
Book now your tourist offer to Marsa Alam from Hurghada tours.
With Hurghada tours, there are many activities that you can do in Marsa Alam such as diving, snorkeling, desert safari, and national parks.
Hurghada tours give you a chance to enjoy Marsa Alam tours to the most attractive sites in Marsa Alam.
In Hurghada tours, Explore the desert with the locals during a safari in Wadi Al-Gemal National Park Just go under the water to see the rare fish.
With Hurghada tours you can snorkel and dive with adorable dolphins at Dolphin House in Marsa Alam.
Take a look at our tours to Marsa Alam at Oasis Hurghada Safari with Hurghada Tours.
You will live the best adventure of your life with Oasis Hurghada Tours, so book your tours now with Oasis Hurghada Tours in Hurghada Tours.
Phone: +201223481575 |+201009657455 |+201286066502
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egyptonlinetours1 · 2 years
Hurghada Red Sea Holiday Package
Hurghada Red Sea Holiday Package
If you are a little bit confused about where to head next in Egypt, our hurghada red sea holidays will help you spot the best! It`s where you will get the chance to choose multiple historical and aesthetic destinations in Egypt; the land of mysteries. Whether you are the old-fashioned type or even the adventurous type, we got you covered! Plan Egypt Tours offers many travel packages, combining Egypt`s striking and extraordinary archaeological spots.
Egypt contains many wonderful cities full of beauty and nature. Its another type of beauty in Egypt . Here you will know the more about Hurghada Red Sea Holiday Package one of top rated Egypt tourist Attractions full of beautiful beaches and attractions .its Locates in south eastern of Egypt and Locates on the western shore of the Red Sea . Experience Hurghada beauty that has a hot desert climate. Hurghada has many attractions Like the Dolphins House where Pepole can Swim with Funny dolphins . Also in Hurghada there are beautiful Bedouin Village where there are many interesting things to do like eating with Bedouin People and amazing Opportunity to explore their Life style and more you will know about All Inclusive Hurghada Holiday packages.
Day # 1: Hurghada, Egypt Upon your arrival you will be met by our Representative, who, will handle your Egypt entry visa, collect your luggage and then you will be transferred to your hotel for check in, dinner and enjoy some free time to relax with a peaceful overnight stay. Day # 2: Hurghada City Tour – Optional Tour Leisurely free time at the hotel to enjoy the sandy beach. City tour of Hurghada to visit the Aquarium Museum in Hurghada, followed by a visit to the Old Mosque and the Orthodox Church of St Mary Church, the fishermen village as well as the port where the small ships being constructed and renovated. back to the hotel for some free time and an enjoyable overnight stay at your hotel in Hurghada Day # 3: Hurghada / Luxor Tours – Optional Tour Free time at leisure at your own at the hotel in Hurghada to enjoy the sandy beach and the sun. Tour to Luxor to visit Karnak Temple, the largest place of worship that was ever built! Its ancient name Ipet-isut means “the most sacred of places." Sail on the Felucca to see the two colossal statues of Amenhotep III (Colossi of Memnon), visiting the Valley of the Kings, where the magnificent tombs were discovered,you will have the chance to visit 3 tombs. visit the impressive temple was dedicated to Queen Hatshipsut the only female pharaoh who rises out of the desert plain in a series of terraces and merges with the sheer limestone cliffs that surround it . transfer back to your hotel in Hurghada Day # 4: Hurghada Safari Tour –Optional Tour Leisurely free time at the hotel to enjoy the sandy beach.unforgettable Jeep /quad bike sunset desert safari tour. Enjoy a unique camel ride and Join the Bedouins for a barbeque dinner including all your beverages, and the enjoy a barbecue dinner that will be served in Bedouins style under an unforgettable starlit sky and romantic candlelight .the trip ending with a Bedouin show, Bedouin dance and folkloric songs. Day # 5: Hurghada / Cairo Tours ­–Optional Tour Free time at leisure at your own at the hotel in Hurghada to enjoy the sandy beach and the sun. Cairo excursion from Hurghada to see the Pyramids and the almighty sphinx. Then you will visit the valley temple, two awesome megalithic temples. Proceed to Egyptian Museum of antiques housing over 120000 objects from different Pharaonic eras especially those of the child king Tutankhamen. Then to Old Cairo to visit the old Coptic churches and the fortress of Babylon where the holy family took a refuge and to Islamic Cairo and Khan El Khalili bazaars and Old Market with free time to walk around and discover the amazing area then back to your hotel in Hurghada Day # 6: Snorkeling Trip by cruise –Optional Tour Free time at leisure at your own at the hotel in Hurghada to enjoy the sandy beach and the sun. A fantastic snorkeling trip. On the Desert Island free time for swimming and play with dolphins, great opportunity for different kind of water sports activities. Lunch on board including water and soft drinks. In the afternoon sail back to the marina and transfer to your hotel for free time at leisure and overnight. Day # 7: Hurghada /Arabian Show ­–Optional Tour Leisurely free time at the hotel to enjoy the sandy beach.Take a fantastic evening tour of Alf Leila WA Leila fantasia show, including sound and Light show, belly dancer, horse show and folkloric songs and oriental show That are the best in Hurghada. Then you will return to your hotel in Hurghada for a relaxing overnight stay Day # 8: Hurghada fly back home Enjoy your Breakfast at the hotel with some leisurely free time and then you will be met by our representative in the hotel lobby for transfer to Hurghada airport for your flight back home.
Price includes
Hurghada Red Sea Holiday Package includes: Meet and greet services by our representative at Hurghada airport Airport transfers by private air-conditioned deluxe vehicle 7 nights accommodation on All Inclusive basis English speaking travel REP during all transfers, stay All service charges and applicable taxes at present
Price excludes
Hurghada Red Sea Holiday Package excludes: International Flights
Egyptian entry visa
Optional Tours
Personal expenses
for more info
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agyptenausfluge · 1 year
Ägypten Delfine Schwimmen
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Erleben Sie einen Unvergesslichen Delfinschwimmen Hurghada Ausflug in Hurghada Dolphin House.  Abseit des Massentourismus Schwimmen und Schnorcheln Sie mit den freien lebenden Delfinen im offenen Meer in Hurghada. Entdecken Sie die Unterwasserwelt und Meeresbewohner des Roten Meeres. Genießen Sie auf unseren Dolphin-Tour Hurghada die 5 Sterne Leistungen an Bord.
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weyouface · 4 years
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Dolphin House Hurghada Trip - Best Hurghada Excursions Egypt VIP Snorkeling Tours
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hrghadaholiday · 1 year
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Hurghada Holiday
It is important to realize that the sea is not our home, but our playground. However, it is home to dolphins, whales, and many other marine creatures. We are guests and we must act accordingly. Come watch the dolphins live.
بيت الدولفينمن المهم أن ندرك أن البحر ليس وطننا ، بل ملعبنا. ومع ذلك ، فهي موطن للدلافين والحيتان والعديد من الكائنات البحرية الأخرى. نحن ضيوف وعلينا التصرف وفقًا لذلك. تعال وشاهد الدلافين تعيش.
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landioustravel · 2 days
Delfinhausausflug ab Sahl Hasheesh
Der Dolphin House-Ausflug von Sahl Hasheesh ist ein beliebter Ausflug auf dem Meer zum Dolphin House in Hurghada, Ägypten! Wir empfehlen den Ausflug, weil er den Touristen die Möglichkeit gibt, gut mit Delfinen im Meer zu schwimmen. Außerdem können wir wunderschöne Korallenriffe und verschiedene Fische beobachten. Während dieser Bootsfahrt haben Sie die einmalige Gelegenheit, mit den schönen…
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almaza-travel2 · 2 months
Excursions in Marsa Alam
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Marsa Alam, located along the Red Sea coast of Egypt, is another fantastic destination for travelers seeking adventure, relaxation, and exploration. Here are some exciting excursions and activities to consider during your time in Marsa Alam:
Diving and Snorkeling: Similar to Hurghada, Marsa Alam boasts spectacular coral reefs and marine life. Numerous dive sites offer opportunities for both beginners and experienced divers to explore the underwater world. Snorkeling trips to locations like Samadai Dolphin House or Abu Dabbab Bay, known for its resident dugongs and sea turtles, are also popular.
Desert Safari: Embark on a desert safari to explore the rugged beauty of the surrounding landscape. Ride a camel or go on a quad biking adventure through the desert dunes. Many tours also include visits to Bedouin villages, where you can experience traditional hospitality and learn about local customs.
Hamata Islands Boat Trip: Take a boat trip to the Hamata Islands, a group of uninhabited islands located south of Marsa Alam. These pristine islands are surrounded by crystal-clear waters, making them perfect for snorkeling, swimming, and relaxing on secluded beaches.
Wadi El Gemal National Park: Discover the natural wonders of Wadi El Gemal National Park, located near Marsa Alam. This protected area is home to diverse ecosystems, including mangrove forests, coastal dunes, and rocky mountains. Guided tours offer opportunities for hiking, birdwatching, and exploring ancient archaeological sites.
Sataya Reef (Dolphin Reef) Trip: Experience the thrill of swimming with wild dolphins at Sataya Reef, also known as Dolphin Reef. This remote reef is frequented by pods of spinner dolphins, offering a unique chance to observe these graceful creatures in their natural habitat.
Abu Simbel Day Trip: While it's a longer excursion, visiting the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Abu Simbel is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Marvel at the colossal statues and intricate carvings of the Great Temple of Ramses II and the Temple of Hathor, relocated to higher ground to avoid flooding during the construction of the Aswan High Dam.
Marsa Alam Marina: Spend a leisurely day at the Marsa Alam Marina, where you can enjoy fresh seafood at waterfront restaurants, stroll along the promenade, and admire views of the yachts and fishing boats in the harbor.
Kite Surfing and Wind Surfing: Marsa Alam's consistent winds make it an ideal destination for kite surfing and wind surfing enthusiasts. Many resorts along the coast offer equipment rental and lessons for beginners looking to try these exhilarating water sports.
Turtle Watching: Visit the beaches of Marsa Alam during nesting season (typically from June to August) for a chance to witness endangered sea turtles laying their eggs. Some hotels and conservation organizations offer guided turtle watching tours to observe these incredible creatures in action.
Relaxation and Wellness: Finally, don't forget to take time to relax and rejuvenate in Marsa Alam. Many resorts offer spa treatments, yoga classes, and wellness activities to help you unwind and recharge amidst the stunning natural surroundings.
Whether you're seeking adrenaline-pumping adventures or tranquil moments by the sea, Marsa Alam has something to offer every type of traveler. As always, make sure to book excursions with reputable tour operators and follow any safety guidelines to ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience.
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almazatravel · 5 months
Hurghada excursions
Hurghada excursions
Hurghada, nestled on the Red Sea coast, is a hub for exciting excursions catering to diverse interests. Whether you crave adrenaline-pumping adventures, tranquil cultural immersions, or breathtaking natural escapades, Hurghada has something for everyone. Here's a glimpse into the smorgasbord of excursions you can experience:
For the Thrill Seekers:
Quad Bike & Bedouin Adventure: Blast through the golden sands on quad bikes, conquering dunes and relishing the exhilaration. Embrace the Bedouin spirit with a sunset camel ride, traditional dinner, and mesmerizing Tanoura dance performances.
Jeep Safari & Snorkeling: Embark on a rugged Jeep safari through the majestic desert, discovering hidden oases and soaking in panoramic vistas. Conclude your adventure with a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear waters, snorkeling amidst vibrant coral reefs and playful fish.
For the Culture Enthusiasts:
El Gouna & Dolphin House Tour: Sail away to the picturesque El Gouna, nicknamed the "Venice of Egypt," and explore its charming canals and lagoons. Witness playful dolphins in their natural habitat at Dolphin House, a captivating experience for all ages.
Luxor Day Trip: Step back in time with a day trip to Luxor, the ancient city of Thebes. Marvel at the awe-inspiring Karnak Temple complex, the majestic Valley of the Kings, and the colossal Colossi of Memnon, transporting you to the glorious era of Pharaonic Egypt.
For the Nature Lovers:
Giftun Island Paradise: Escape to the pristine paradise of Giftun Island, boasting pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life. Relax on the sun-kissed shores, indulge in snorkeling or diving adventures, and create unforgettable memories amidst this idyllic island haven.
Orange Bay & Snorkeling: Immerse yourself in the underwater wonderland of Orange Bay, renowned for its stunning coral gardens and diverse marine life. Snorkel or scuba dive amidst a kaleidoscope of colors, encountering playful fish, graceful stingrays, and even majestic sea turtles.
Remember, this is just a taster of the myriad excursions Hurghada offers. From stargazing in the vast desert to indulging in traditional Hammam rituals, the possibilities are endless. So, pack your bags, embrace the spirit of adventure, and let Hurghada's excursions paint your vacation with unforgettable experiences!
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