#doujin list
akairokara · 5 months
this is such a reach but ive spent over an hour frantically searching so... if you own a zosan doujin called Morning by the artist Makina in the dawn dj circle... please rb this and lmk...
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the cover looks like this
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jali-jali · 6 months
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Hi guys, do you remember this doujinshi? Well, wouldn't you like to know that now the direct sequel is available for COMIFURO 17 tomorrow!
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No, I'm not lying, here are the samples for you all:
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It's in Indonesian because it's going to be sold in Indonesia's Comic Frontier 17 on Sunday, 17 Dec 2023! Find me at Booth Jali-Jali D-21a as shown in the map below:
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What I'll be selling tomorrow:
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See you there! Or say hi if you're stumbled upon my booth by chance! ;D
Will there be English version? Tbh there is already an English version - titled "Sweet Connection", but it's digital only and exclusively for my patrons at Patreon. I owe the completion of this doujinshi to them, because without their supports, this doujin will probably never see the light of day. I did print several for the highest tier though, because physical goods is one of the perks of it and I will deliver!
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jakuwais · 7 months
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Translate this sentence:
A cool lawyer and a nice doctor
✅ Nicely done!
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onthegreatsea · 26 days
them losing the ICO doujins is especially painful to me
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May I request 41? :D
It’s not as good as my mom’s. 
Tooru took them out for lunch that day. Mahiru, being only five, asked for the only thing he understood on the menu his uncle read to him; curry with chunks of carrot and meat, served on fine, white rice. 
His mother laughed when he said it. She taught him how to make it that night, and he slowly, carefully chopped vegetables as she talked of how to soften the meat and when to add the carrots. That memory is one of his favourites. 
It’s not as good as my mom’s.
He’s fifteen now, and doesn’t go out to eat anymore. The apartment is silent save for the bubbling pot on his stove, in which chunks of carrot and meat slowly turn as he stirs, frowning at the brown sludge they’re swimming in. 
He never quite managed to make it taste like hers, no matter how well she taught him. But it’s close enough to make him think of her and the brighter spots in their life, so he cooks it again and again, and eats it alone by the kitchen table, and gives it away to everyone in need of a warm bowl of curry to feel a little less alone. 
Years later, loneliness is but a distant shadow in his mind. He’s taken out for lunch again – he forgot the occasion but doesn’t mind all that much. Kuro is there, too; and Sakuya, and every other friend he ever made in all that time. 
“It’s not as good as Mahiru’s.”
It’s Kuro who says it, to Sakuya who nods sagely in agreement. There’s curry on his plate, with chunks of carrot and meat, served on fine, white rice. 
It’s an offhand remark, met with murmurs of agreement around the table before the conversation moves on. Mahiru allows himself to stay in that little, golden moment for just a second longer. 
It’s comforting, in a way he never felt before. 
#41 “Comfort Food” from this lovely list of prompts 
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
My Top 5 BLs of 2022
5. Choco Milk Shake
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I would say it should have been poly but I can’t say that without including Uncle Coffeeshop, since he and Milk sort of stole the show for me. A fun, heartwarming, sometimes unexpectedly emotionally taxing story, it would be higher but the end sort of fell apart for me for reasons I can’t really explain. Still, highly enjoyable. Overall rating 8/10.
4. Kabe Koji
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Zany fun except for when it really wasn’t, this drama sort of took me by surprise. Episode 7 in particular elevated it for me by giving me a wholly unexpected depiction of what self-loathing and depression does to both the person feeling it and their relationships. I never found Nekoyashiki so relatable as I did in that episode - it hit me right in the gut, because it was uncomfortably familiar. That episode was the one that made me really sit up and take notice of this show - late in the game, sure, but who cares? 
Aside from that, really enjoyed Tsubasa’s everything, Issei’s whole “super sunny but I will also cut you” thing, and Nekoyashiki’s hair. I loved the character but that hair is glorious and deserves a mention. 9/10
3. Old Fashion Cupcake
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Aaaah, that that thumb bite. A gif of that was the entire reason I watched this drama, and I was happy I did. It’s a slick, well-done drama that deals with getting older and feeling like you’re past your prime, office romances, age gap romances, and lovely, epic pining. The thirst in this one is A+. Also I want pretty much every single dessert that they eat. It’s just very well done. 9.5/10.
2. Semantic Error
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Oh, this drama. I love this drama so very much. It is an example of just how good Korea can be - and showcases that yes, actually, it can serve good kiss. Shots are gorgeous, colors are gorgeous - I love the way they play with red and blue and shades of purple and what these colors represent about the relationship between Jaeyoung and Sangwoo. I love the hyungs and what they say about their relationship. Hell, even the names they give each other on their phones says a lot about where they are. The chemistry is excellent and very shallowly, both of the Parks are gorgeous. And it also features this glorious woman:
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who I adore. Honestly everything just came together for this drama, I’ve watched it too many times. 10/10 and would be number one if not for
1. Eternal Yesterday
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If you’ve even glanced at my blog, this one should come as no surprise. I love it, love it, love it. Everything about it was perfect to me - yes, even the story, tragic ending and all. The meditation on grief and loss was painful as hell but excellent, and I really felt like I was going through the grieving process along with Mitsuru. Soundtrack is most excellent, even if currently I am still unable to listen to either the beginning or ending songs without bursting into tears. Mitsuru is exactly my kind of character, too - the reticent, reserved character who opens up to one person and loves so fiercely that it’s almost palpable. And I can never ever get enough of the way Koichi looks at him, or the sweet, tender way they are with each other. The yearning with this one is strong; even when they’re together you can feel the loss coming, and their every embrace is so full of aching tenderness and the knowledge of that loss, even when Mitsuru is doing his best to pretend otherwise. 
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I fully, one hundred percent buy that these two adore each other beyond all reason, and what’s more, that they want each other, too, which is not something I often get out of JBL. Too often one is selling the romance while the other seems reluctant at best, but not here, and I think that’s what makes it work so well. The heart of this drama is really Mitsuru and Koichi’s love for each other, and if they both weren’t pulling it off it would have fallen flat. Japan really went and gave us some of the best chemistry with the saddest premise, huh? Perhaps the biggest tragedy of this drama is that we’ll never get to see these two star in another BL together, this time with a happy ending (frankly, I’ll be very surprised if we see either of them in another BL again, full stop). 10/10 with the highest possible recommendation (if you can stand the pain).
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tillman · 7 months
ok i am fucking devouring a burger and fries . 20 minutes for me to compress this so archive doesnt yell at me and then however long it takes archive to upload. YAY.
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bishonenspit · 5 days
the dark side of checking every search for things i like on every site daily is that i see when people buy one thing on one platform for dirt cheap and then stick it up on another platform for much more expensive later
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tribow · 1 year
Reblog this and put your FAVORITE indie game in the tags. If you're having trouble choosing a favorite, consider choosing the game you wish more people played or talked about.
The indie game market is the epitome of hidden gems. I'm curious to see if I'm even aware about some people's favorite indie games.
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
oh my god i forgot to share my delulu-ass dream where i made a masadai doujin
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r-18g · 8 months
got any noncon doujins to rec?
not off the top of my head, but i'll try to remember to go through my bookmarks later!
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kiri-tired · 2 years
I seem to work better under spite.
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masonsystem · 8 months
ohohoho WAIT? it actually seems possible for me to buy this ayamary doujinshi??
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royaltrios · 1 year
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toskarinfr · 2 months
I must say while it isn't technically wrong nothing could have prepared me for seeing an old album I was looking up listed on a foreign site as "doujin works" right next to SiivaGunner compilations
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labyrynth · 2 years
is there really no filter for bl (or yuri for that matter) on crunchyroll…?
smh i get that they might think it’s being “more inclusive!! gay romance is still romance and shouldn’t be separated!!” except that
1) lumping same sex romance under general romance makes it impossible to actually find, bc het romance outnumbers gay romance by like 20:1, and also
B) bl isn’t necessarily romance in the first place, which only makes it even more difficult to find. the “bl” label just says “the gay is fairly apparent”—nothing else.
e.g. sasaki to miyano, harukaze no etranger, banana fish, and mdzs are all technically bl. they’re also all WILDLY different genres:
-> fluffy high school romance (sasamiya)
-> fairly realistic slice of life couple figuring things out (etranger)
->thriller involving heavy themes of organized crime, gang violence, and csa (banana fish)
-> “the protagonist literally made a guy eat his own legs” a pretty intense fantasy war story and murder mystery (modao)
only maybe two of these could be labeled as “romance,” but all of them are still bl.
in conclusion: i’m giving u my money crunchyroll. gimmie a slash filter. i wanna watch queer anime.
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