#dsmp is kind of a rough fandom to join
tu-es-gegg · 8 months
22 and 1 for the violence ask game? :]
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
People who know me know I've been counting for fuckign forever until I stopped because it became so fucking rediculous, and now that it's all over I don't have to
But I still remember baby, it's been 1049 days since dreamon hunters :')
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Cfundy, people always dumb him down to just wilburs son and it's so fucking annoying. He's a little bitch, he's likes get rich quick schemes, he's a little silly with no qualms about blowing up the community house, he loves to prank it's the way he just is but when characters laugh along with him instead of at him (cause all the furry jokes, those were ESP annoying in 2020 like jesus), he really appreciates it causd fundamentally he feels alone, he is a follower because he craves that approval while at the same time wanting to stand out as boisterous as he is, but fandom somehow didn't understand why Fundy was so interesting and dumbed him down just like canon did, like how did they fuck it up that bad
Also, one little thing here abt QSMP, qmariana in English fics I feel gets mischaracteristed so much. He suffers the same issue from cfundy where fandom just takes other characters words for it instead of looking at what qmariana actually does, for one he is NOT a cheater he is a loyal motherfuckef to a fault like he really does love qslime and Juanaflippa with all of his heart, HE WAS A GOOD FUCKIGN DAD HE DID TAKE CARE OF JUANAFLIPPA WHENEVER HE COULD HE JUST WAS FUCKING BUSY, he just wanted juana not just to be rough like her papa slime but also be a bit kind and soft, to reel it back and not cause that much trouble that's why he kinda objects to juana getting a lighter cause like now she sjust gonna cause trouble for no reason, he is also not the normal one of slimeriana like no they both aren't normal, this is the man who no hesitation will initiate Minecraft gay sex, you have thank qmariana for giving us Clocks by Coldplay related trauma live on stream, he cusses out people a lot, he threatened to blow up the funeral so he and everyone else can join Juanaflippa, he likes to start beef with some of the eggs for no reason just like qQuackity (see example; beefing with Bobby), like I feel English fandom people don't incorporate ccmariana's sense of humour in qmariana even though it's the funniest part abt him (some extent qslime as well for this reason too, people tend to forget he's not just sad but also fuckign insane sometimes)
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linktoo-doodles · 3 years
“I think that's one of the hardest things to do as a creator is change. When you carry a community that's so used to seeing one certain type of content and you switch it up, a lot of people are not going to stay. And that's a harsh reality that a lot of creators many times don't come to the realization to. 
I have been blessed enough to change up my content so many times and have so many people still watching it. I've changed my content a lot and to see people still supporting it, it's really awesome.”
 — Quackity
Happy 5 million, Big Q.
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Hello Sir!
(is Sir okay?? I noticed you went by what I assume to be he/they pronouns so I presume it's okay?? At least compared to Ma'am!! I'm sorry, I sort of have the need to address people formally!!)
Besides that, I was hoping I could request a matchup! (either platonic or romantic, whatever you think would work better)
Fandom: either dsmp or even tftsmp if you're willing!
I'm a cis female, and I go by she/her pronouns (though, he/him and they/them usage for me always makes my brain happily shocked, just like feeling a bit masculine does, soooo)
How Others Would Describe Me
From what I've heard, I seem to be a pretty well-liked person. I get a lot of people calling me things like 'kind', 'optimistic', and 'smart', because generally that is the way I like to present myself to the world. I can get quite loud when I'm happy (like when I'm with my friends. Being with them always makes me happy), but I always end up trying to catch myself and be a but quieter! I'm very much a social person, often overwhelmingly so, and so always find myself desperately trying to join in on my friends' conversations. However, I think my social anxieties offset some of the annoying parts about being social. If someone even stopped responding to me I'd think I messed up and eventually leave them alone :)
Also, everybody knows that I'd never hurt a fly! Despite my size, they know that I'm way too 'kind' (as well as way to much of a skittish scaredy-cat) to hurt someone intentionally!
How I Would Describe Myself
Unfortunately, I don't think as highly about myself. The best way to describe it is like a 'personality-based imposter syndrome'. I always hear people call me 'kind', but it always feels as if I'm forcing myself to be kind so as to not be hated--which is kind of a stink feeling to have. Added onto that is my fear of breaking rules instilled in me by my parents, and I need full, coherent permission to do things and complete instructions or else I panic and overwhelm myself. Fun :) I'm also quite jumpy/skittish-- I quite literally curl up into myself when somebody looks at me after I make a bad joke! I think it's caused by both my childhood friends (they were fun, but they did play rough with me like I was a dude too) and my little brother (he gets VIOLENT when he's mad, I have to watch out to make sure he doesn't drown me! /hj). I was raised with the masculine stereotypes (only girl in a boy friend group), meaning I've been left with an aversion to things like crying in public and showing weakness (things that I, in a twisted sense of irony, often end up doing a lot). My mind runs quite quickly, and I often end up confused. I have a terrible memory, too :)
On another note, I absolutely love listening to music. Even if it's a stupid joke song from a random video I watched, it entertains my mind. Thus, I often need a song playing at any given moment of the day, whether it be in my head or in real life. It keeps the stray thoughts away :) (yes, I have at least three songs stuck in my head every day. It's become somewhat of a guessing game). Listening to music would be the only thing I class as a 'hobby' because I really am that boring. I hope that one day I get good at singing, but unfortunately I'm too awkward to ask to apply for singing lessons.
Also, I have the weirdest, most gen-Z-esque sense of humour ever. It's honestly quite shameful how easily I'll laugh at some things, especially when they're internet-related.
Others seem to like me a lot. I don't, but that's not without reason--I'm generally anxious, insecure, and I feel quite obnoxious at times. I'm very much a people-person, and I tend to make new friends pretty easily. I can be very loud and excitable, but try my best to be a but quieter when I'm in an area where people don't like loud. I'm also very skittish/jumpy, possibly stemming from some childhood stuff. Raised with masculine stereotypes, despite being a girl. Super speedy mind, not as speedy memory. I absolutely love music, it makes the brain worms happy. Also gen-Z humour. :)
Fun Little 'Quirks' Of Mine
- Remember how I said I have a terrible memory? Well, my memory definitely impacts my social abilities. 9 times out of 10, it's because I always forget which interactions I've had with people, meaning that sometimes I end up telling one person a single story about 5 times.
- The way my mind works while speaking is either:
^ I'm thinking about the next thing I'm going to say while still currently speaking--this ends in a lot of situations where either I stumble over my words as my mind tries to compute the next sentence (I've developed somewhat of a stutter, especially when I'm excited and talking fast), or I'm unable to come up with anything else so it just leaves an awkward pause.
^ Blurting out literally anything without a second thought. Whether this is me loudly quoting a stupid video I saw the other day or me randomly singing one line from a song, it's sure to stir some conversation.
- I cannot stay still. I always sway on my feet or bounce around when I'm standing, and I tend to bounce in my seat or do little hand motions when I'm sitting.
^ Sidenote: Walking/running around on tip-toes is really fun! It makes me feel quite light (which isn't something I usually get to feel) and energetic!
- Casual overachiever, due to being raised a gifted kid. I always either barely put in effort and do well, or I end up forcing myself to go way past expectations. Unfortunately, that's what you've got to do when 'nearly' perfect gets you disappointment instead of praise.
Physical Description
I'm a bit taller than average, with an uncomfortably curvy figure (both in 'that' sense and in the sense that my spine curves like an 'S'). However, I'm also a bit chubby, though some (a.k.a. me, my childhood friends, and some especially rude people who've only ever interacted with me to mock me) tend to call me 'fat'. I have QUITE pale skin, with cheeks that apparently get pink very easily. My eyes are a mix of green and hazel, often with occasionally visible eyebags underneath. Apparently, I've had those eyebags since I was a little kid. I have long, dark brown hair that is often left unintentionally hanging over half of my face.
I tend to put very little effort into my appearance, because I don't want people to judge me for 'trying too hard'. That, and I'm not confident enough to even tie my hair back. I always like wearing oversized clothes, especially big hoodies/jerseys that cover up the curves of my body. Unfortunately, I'm never really able to buy more big clothing.
But anyways, I hope you have a lovely day/night, whether you do this request or not!
Sir is OK, thank you for taking the time out of your day to check my pronouns :)
Shadow paires you up with....
(Can be seen as platonic or romantic)
You and Tommy are like twins. You guys are literally conjoined by the hip. You both randomly shout out lyrics to Wilbur So it's song and quotes from the dream smp. He loves when you ramble about the little things in life. Whether it be about some song that has been stuck in your head or how you feel insecure about the way you look.He is always there to comfort you and try to pull your away from overselling yourself. Saying that you shouldn't burn out yet. I feel like he would give you a lot of fidget toys (some of his own). And he doesn't know what to do with you sometimes so he kind of gives you presents. Like some bubbles or something. He gets a lot of those like bff charms as a joke and the two of you love to stream together. He makes fun of your height (no harm meant to it of course) and introduced you to Ranboo half as a joke and half because he thinks the two of you will get along together.
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