#elizabeth blanctorche
adjaher · 7 months
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blackhakumen · 9 months
Mini Fanfic #1131: God of War's Birthday Blowout (King of Fighters)
8:45 p.m. at Blanctorche Family's Mansion's Dining Room........
Shen: (Looks Down at a Plate of Mini Seafood Like Patty Cakes Before Picking One Up For Closer Observation) So this is what a crab cake looks like, huh?
Ash: (Smiles Brightly) Oui!~ Freshly made just for the Birthday Boy himself.
Duo: We've managed to order a couple of crabs on the way here. Most of which held from Shanghai.
Elizabeth: (Crosses her Arms) And I've spent four and a half hours in the kitchen, making extra sure that each of them look and taste eligible enough to eat, so you better not leave a single patty left on either of those plates before the night ends.
Shen: (Shrugs) Hey, if it means I don't have to pay for anything in return, then I ain't complaining. (Takes a Bite off the Crab Cake He's Holding And Tastes It For a Few Seconds Before Nodding) Mm. Well, I'll be damned. (Finishes off the Crab Cake) This ain't half bad. (Starts Eating a Few More Crab Cakes From Out the Plate Before Turning to Elisabeth) You really outdone yourself here, Liz.
Elizabeth: (Simply Nodded) Naturally. Now, stop talking with your mouth full. It's a sign of bad manners.
Shen: There's no one else in here but the four of us, Liz. (Swallows his Food Down With One Gulp) Live a little for once.
Elisabeth: (Glares at Shen) Absolutely not! As long as you are under MY root, you will obey every rule I present to you.
Ash: I'd listen to Betty if I were you. Last time someone disobey a rule of hers, he received thirty whiplashes across the face before getting kicked out.
Elisabeth: (Rolls her Eyes) The riding crop doesn't have a lashe, Ash, and even then, I don't use it for childish antics.
Ash: (Casually Place Both his Hands Behind his Back) Our childhood says otherwise.
Elisabeth: (Gives Ash a Stern Sisterly Glare) That's was and will forever in the past! This is the present and right now, I advise you to take your role as the-
Ash: (Starts Rolling his Eyes) "Heir of the Blanctorche Family's Bloodline more seriously" yes, yes, I'm fully aware of that song and dance many times before. And I am willing to do so riiiiiiight after we celebrate the birth of our dear friend here. (Sits Next to Shen While Poking his Cheeks) How does it feel to be an old man now, Shenny?~
Shen: (Glares at Ash While Slapping his Finger Away From his Cheeks) Will you cut that shit out already? Being thirty isn't that old of an age!
Duo: But isn't as young of an age either. It's more in between if anything.
Ash: (Shrugs) Perhaps. (Forms a Sly, Shit Eating Grin on his Face) But just you wait. One of these days, those bones of yours are gonna give up on you and you'll be old enough to use a cane to walk with.
Shen: (Glares at Ash) Why use it for that, when I can knock your ass out with it instead?
Elisabeth: (Steps in Front of Ash While Giving Shen a Darken Glare on her Face) Hurt him and I will end you myself.
Ash: (Blows a Raspberry at Shen)
Shen: (Let's Out a Laugh) Hoho! Are those fighting words I'm hearing coming out your mouth there, Liz? (Starts Cracking his Knuckles While Givung Elisabeth a Competitive Smirk on his Face) Cause I'm more than happy to oblige to your request.
Elisabeth: And I'm more than happy to put you and foolish in your place. And my name is Elisabeth!
Duo: (Akready Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) This is getting ridiculous. We're supposed to be enjoying ourselves this evening.
Ash: (Makes his Way to Duo Lon's Side) Duo Lon is right. (Starts Pouting at the Duo) Shame on you two for ruin our night tomorrow over your petty arguments~
Shen/Elisabeth: (Growls and Comically Glares at Ah Crimson) YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STARTED THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU TWERP!
Ash: Well, you two are more than welcome to play the blame game all you want. In the meantime, I'm going continue joining the party. (Picks the Crab Cake Up From the Plate and Takes a Bite off of It)
Duo: ('Sigh') Anywho, Shen, is there anything in particular you want to wish for on your birthday this year?
Shen: (Starts Grabbing his Chin While Thinking) Uhhh.......I dunno. Keep living and fight stronger opponents I guess?
Elisabeth: That's more one wish, you imbecile.
Shen: Well, those are the two I can think of right now, so take or leave it!
Duo: For my own sanity and patience, I'll take it as it is. (Raise his Glass Up) Here's hoping you continue to live your fruitful life for many years to come.
Shen: Wait, before we cheers to that, I wanna make a speech first.
Duo: Floor is yours then.
Shen: Thanks. Sooooo uhhh.....(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Truth be told, for as long as I can remember, I don't have any close friends growing up. Or any friends for the matter.
Ash: Friendless you say?
Elisabeth: That's not surprising.
Shen: (Comically Glares at the Duo) Shut it! (Clears his Throat Before Continuing Speaking) As what I was saying, I didn't have friends growing up, so having you guys as one after all these years later, is....kinda like a breath of fresh to me? I mean, don't get me wrong. You guys get on my nerves constantly, 'cept you, Duo Lon, you're the most tolerable of the bunch.
Duo: (Forms a Small Smirk on his Face) Naturally.
Shen: But regardless of all that, I'm glad to have you dorks as my pals. (Smiles Brightly) It makes life less dull around here than usual, ya know? And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Elisabeth: (Genuinely Surprised by the Speech) Wow. That's.....actually really thoughtful of you to say, Shen.
Ash: (Gives Shen a Hug) You really are the biggest softie ever~
Shen: (Casually Moves Ash Off of Him By Touching his Forehead) Watch it, half pint. Nothing about be is soft. I'm just saying it like it is.
Duo: And I applaud you for it. Now only if you try staying out of trouble this time around.
Elisabeth: Impossible.
Ash: He'll probably get himself in a bar fight in the next day or so.
Shen: (Comically Glares at The Duo Again) Have a little more faith in me than that, assholes!!
Duo: My faith in you below 50%.
Shen: (Turns to Duo) No one ask for percentages, smart ass!!
Elisabeth: Mines a ten.
Ash: Negative five~
Shen: STOP IT! ('Groans in Defeat') Whatever. Let's just cheers to our drinks before I get pissed all night (Holds Up Hos Along With the Others) To me being thirty.
Everyone: Cheers!
Happy Late Birthday to Shen Woo
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arundolyn · 5 years
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litchi elizabeth cause they both just. out there
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bison2winquote · 2 years
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- Elisabeth Blanctorche, The King of Fighters XV (SNK)
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elsy-animetronik · 5 years
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Ficha Técnica
Categoría: Manga/Anime.
Fandom: The King of Fighters
Autor: ElsyAnimetronik
Idiomas: Español.
Clasificación: T
Publicado el 18 de Mayo del 2018
Géneros: General.
Pareja: ???
Formato: Long – Fic.
Capítulos: 1
Estado: En pausa.
Información Adicional
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      ♥  Publicado el 18 de Mayo del 2018.
                                  Ao3   Fanfiction  Wattpad  Fanficker's
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thecomicon · 3 years
Mai and Athena Arrive In 'The King Of Fighters Allstar' In Latest Update
Mai and Athena Arrive In ‘The King Of Fighters Allstar’ In Latest Update
Last month, Elizabeth Blanctorche was the newest character to join The King of Fighters Allstar. For February, there will be two additions that originally appeared in The King of Fighters Special Signature – Mai Shiranui and Athena Asamiya. The Special Signature Mai is a Red Element Attack Type character who has a top tier Burn that is effective as both in attack and defense. On the other hand,…
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popularbio321 · 3 years
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adjaher · 7 months
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arundolyn · 5 years
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phonon wizabeth cause whips
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verite28 · 10 years
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20th anniversary of KOF!
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thecomicon · 3 years
Elizabeth Blanctorche Makes Her 'The King Of Fighters All Star' Debut
Elizabeth Blanctorche Makes Her ‘The King Of Fighters All Star’ Debut
During the previous The King of Fighters All Star update, the mobile action role-playing game teamed up with the Seven Knights franchise for a crossover event. In the latest update, a familiar face from The King of Fighters XI will be making her debut as a playable character. The Controller of the White Light, Elizabeth Blanctorche, can now be added to your roster. She is a Green Defensive…
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hestia-ladycrimson · 11 years
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(c) hestia-sama
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arundolyn · 4 years
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i realized postgame leon is literally elizabeth kof minus the whip
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attyca · 13 years
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So I'll do what I did with deviantart and be bad....when I don't have artwork....cosplay :P I spend a lot of time on these things so I guess I might as well use and abuse the images. It'll be a painting night though, so doodles may occur!
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