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atypikal-life · 2 months
Saint Eucher
#Art #Atypikal #Autisme #Bardella #Darmanin #Dopage #Emmenthal #Février #France #Funambulistière #Gruyère #Life #Lifestyle #Lyon #Music #News #Ocean #Photo #Souvenirs #Villefranche #Voyage #Youtube
Réveil plus tôt qu’à l’accoutumée, café lecture, voyage ponctuel avec un exemple de “gens” qui prennent trop de place dans le train “visible avec la photo du jour” et un caramel Macchiato rue Victor Hugo pour laisser le temps à Aurore aux doigts de rose pour apparaître.Une arrivée dans le hall de l’immeuble de bureau avec un collègue de proximité et une seconde d’un autre étage qui a été la…
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Pizza elvetica Come le mie basi.... #emmenthal svizzero....quello fatti da mucche vere al pascolo .... (presso Don Vito's Cats Bar Home) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgmcNSXjUWB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ndostairlyrium · 1 month
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Barbara is about to kill a man
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Another victim of emmenthal
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Solas is pretty sure the thing they're fighting doesn't exists
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...sister Vaughn, are you sure about that?
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tropylium · 2 months
(re) Interestingly in 1991 I did not know I was having pizza for the first time though, because my mom already every now and then made a dish called "pizza" … which was instead a galette or sometimes even a quiche with a filling of pickled bell peppers + sliced fresh tomatos + canned salmon + thyme. also had cheese on top yes but not really even anything identifiable as sauce
and then for ~10 years afterwards I just thought "ok that's what pizza is like when it's made at home" and my first teenage cooking speciality was a "pizza Francescana" (standard Finnish term for one topped with ham and mushroom) done in this form… and also I insisted on this weird heavy double cheese combo of emmenthal + processed cheese squares. Made a pretty decent pie IIRC but, yeah it would take still longer until I gradually figured out that this is very very far from what is a central example of a pizza.
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gregor-samsung · 1 year
“ Venerdì 1° gennaio 1993
Cara Mimmy, BUON ANNO NUOVO! Che questo anno ci porti pace, felicità, amore, e consenta alle famiglie e agli amici di ritrovarsi. Ora ti voglio raccontare come abbiamo salutato l'anno vecchio e accolto quello nuovo. Innanzitutto noi (la mamma, il papà e io) siamo andati da Melica per il suo compleanno. Abbiamo pranzato da lei. Come regalo per il Nuovo Anno, Melica ci ha dato un vasetto di carote in conserva. Poi siamo tornati a casa. La mamma è andata a prendere l'acqua, mentre io e il papà non ci siamo mossi. Quando la mamma è tornata siamo rimasti seduti insieme per un po', abbiamo preparato i panini con la margarina (in ufficio la mamma ha ricevuto per l'inverno un pacchetto di provviste, che conteneva fra l'altro della margarina), la crema fresca e del patè di fegato. Dei panini fantastici! Gnam... Gnam..! Verso le otto abbiamo fatto un pisolino. Poi é arrivata la zia Boda che ci ha rimessi tutti sull'attenti: siamo quindi andati tutti a casa sua, dove abbiamo mangiato del «tacchino» (una scatoletta di carne), e del vero emmenthal. Verso le dieci avevamo nuovamente sonno, e a qualcuno è venuto in mente di accendere la radio, dove c'erano i Surrealisti, un gruppo teatrale della città. Ci siamo svegliati tutti. E così, a poco a poco, è arrivato anche L'ANNO NUOVO. Žika ha aperto una bottiglia di champagne (che aveva tenuto in serbo per celebrare la fine della guerra, ma visto che essa non si vede, ha deciso di aprirla oggi), e ci siamo baciati tutti (la nonna, Žika, Boda, la mamma, il papà, Cici e io). Mancava Nedo, che era andato a festeggiare con gli amici. Mamma e papà mi hanno donato un pettine e una pinza per i capelli, i Bobar mi hanno regalato un uovo musicale (ha un sensore luminoso) e dello Slaim. Hanno regalato alla mamma dell'acetone, mentre noi abbiamo dato loro patate, cipolle, e cavoli bianchi. Wow! E così abbiamo trascorso la serata fino all'1,30 di mattina. Quando siamo tornati a casa eravamo stanchi morti. Non siamo andati a letto prima delle 2,00. Abbiamo dormito come dei ghiri. Ancora una volta, Mimmy, Buon Anno a te e a tutta la gente di Sarajevo. Ti voglio bene, Zlata “
Zlata Filipović, Diario di Zlata. Una bambina racconta Sarajevo (traduzione di Raffaella Cardillo e Maria Teresa Cattaneo), Rizzoli, 1994¹; pp. 102-103.
[Edizione originale: Le journal de Zlata, Fixot et éditions Robert Laffont, S.A., Paris, 1993]
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theehorsepusssy · 2 years
Hey hey Horsepussy. Hi. Andreas here. What a moment for me! I watched your tumblr for years but allways without getting a tumblr for myself. Sorry my English isn’t perfect. I got one now since yesterday. Load up a lot of kinky dirty stuff and nearly each Dick was rejected. Other blogs are full of them. You are a daily Pleasure for me. Really. A Day without Horsepussy isn’t thinkable. You did it for People like me. Pornstars saying the same about her work too. Hehe. I hope your doing great. You looks so good those Days. I appreciate your openly Habit with all your Story’s and Thoughts from the past and now so much. Thank you so much for that. I couldn’t believe that I’m writing you here. After all that Time now in real. Hope I haven’t wasted your time. A heartily Smootch from Lake Zurich Switzerland. Andreas
Thank You Andreas from Lake Zurich! Glad to be a pleasure. I love Swiss cheeses! I just ate about a pound of raclette melted on my triscuits. I miss posting dick or I'd attach a pick of a dick penetrating an emmenthal hole. Kisses! HP
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dunderbread · 1 year
TELL ME ABOUT FRONT IMAGE!!!!! *eats and bites ur ocs* *places them in a little box and shakes them*
Front Image
"Front Image was an American rock band formed in New York City in 1969 [1]. Their original lineup consisted of lead singer Camembert (Bert) LaRue, guitarist and songwriter Emmenthal (Emmet) Riesling, bassist Brie LaRue, and drummer Chester "Cheddar" Donovan. Originally a thesis project by producer Roquefort Lang, the group is often colloquially referred to as "Fromage" due to the band’s name and the fact that each member is coincidentally named after a type of cheese [2]. Their musical style evolved greatly over the course of the band’s career, from psychedelic surf-inspired rock in the late 1960s to harder rock in the 1970s. The group infamously struggled to find commercial success until the release of their 1972 album "Jackal and Hide" and their joint "Victory Lap" tour with British rock group Idle Warship in the summer of 1973 [3]."
Personal Relationships
"Riesling, Donovan and Bert LaRue have been friends since childhood. Says Bert: “It was nice having Emmet and Chester around because I knew I could always rely on them. They were the only two people who I thought saw me for who I really was: a scared kid from California who’d just had to leave half his family behind. We had this thing we’d do where we’d “play band” with Chester’s uncle’s old stuff, and I guess that started evolving into something bigger. By the time I recruited my sister to play bass for us, Emmet was churning out lyrics basically every day. I think we knew we were on to something good, we were all just too scared to realize it” [12].”
“Speculation about the nature of the relationship between Riesling and Bert LaRue was confirmed in 2004, when the pair were married in Massachusetts after it became the first U.S. state to legalize gay marriage [13]. The two had reportedly been close for years beforehand, but were notoriously closed-off when it came to rumors about each other. Says Riesling in a 1982 radio interview: “Everybody wants to snoop all the time, that’s the job of the press is to snoop. When you’re a well known person they think they have access to your entire personal life. Bert and I are close and have a good relationship – what more do you want?” [14]. Prior to the announcement, Bert had publicly come out as gay in 1986, and the two were confirmed to have been living together in an undisclosed location.”
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foodies-channel · 9 months
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🍥 (ate) Assorted Cold Cuts with edible flowers, smoked rolled salmon and pastrami mixed with brie gouda emmenthal cream cheese on a stormy day
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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generaleinverno · 9 months
Summer enjoyers che guardano, impotenti, le proprie macchine diventare Emmenthal:
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Io con il garage:
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Zeus infilza il cielo con tuoni e fulmini, e flagella i SUV dei milanesi con vento di tempesta. Magnifico!
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I was tagged by @gritkitty:
Three ships: Michael/Alex (Roswell), Ed/Stede (OFMD), Ronan/Adam (Raven Cycle)
First ship: That I actually wrote something down for? Jack/Jennifer, Days of Our Lives. My first actual participation in fandom? Michael/Nikita (La Femme Nikita).
Last song: "Cold Missouri Waters" just played on Pandora. I've had to mentally blacklist a couple of songs from Encanto because they were becoming the earworm that would not die.
Last movie: In the theater? Glass Onion. At home, most recently, Violent Night and See How They Run.
Currently reading: Aside from fic, Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo.
Currently watching: Z Nation, Only Murders in the Building, The Afterparty. I need to catch up on Abbott Elementary. Just finished Glow and am miffed about the canceled fourth season. And I'm almost compulsively rewatching Taskmaster episodes, because this is what my brain is like right now?
Currently consuming: Wheat Thins and gouda, Emmenthal, and a cranberry cinnamon chevre.
Currently craving: Chocolate. It's such a cliche.
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 53880 photos (nouveau compte approximatif !)
2014. Marseille au printemps. A la Vieille Charité, une expo très intéressante, “Visages” séparée en plusieurs volets. Ici “Visages de l’Esprit”
- Vladimir Velickovic :  “Poursuite 77″
- Tony Crag : “Mixed Feelings”
- Gilles Barbier : “Emmenthal Head”
- Gilbert Garcin : “Work in Progress”
- René Magritte : “Le Visage du Génie”
- René Magritte : “Le Domaine Enchanté”
- Paul Delvaux : “Toutes les Lumières”
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ilterzouomo · 2 years
Barbie, Milf Princess of the Twilight
Wonderful lady of charming might Of mystic accessories and vintage revolving light A sorceress trapped in a luxury spa Unleash the bucolic adventures that my camper yields Hair in the wind Mould the horizons Shining blue eyes Forest and lakes Yes, I am a Barbie!
Emerald, Emmenthal Fontina, Taleggio Madre stagionata nel tempo
Princess of the twilight! No hole between your cheeks Driving glamour SUVs with fashion, style and steel
Barbie, MILF princess of the twilight The mistress of the moonlight With botox made in China by Mattel Barbie, your boobs of carbon-iron Beguile the Dino-Sauron With Dildo faggins always at your side
Barbie, Barbie, Barbie, Barbie, princess of the twilight Barbie, Barbie, Barbie, Barbie, candles in the Winx! Barbie, Barbie, Barbie, Barbie, princess of the twilight Barbie, Barbie, Barbie, Barbie, Brazzers in the Braz
Raise to the sky, mighty handbags of amber Hail to the gods with your iron lip gloss Seize the bargains of Black Friday in November To reach for the thong made of dental floss Comb with power your mighty hairstyle On my little pony you fly With your poisonous lipstick you'll kill'em all To reach the divine shopping mall Ride the uniporn! Raperonzolo! So trendy you'll fight The fashion gods pantheon will be your guide
Princess of the twilight! No nipples on your tits Polly Pocket wants a Cracker like Cobain once said!
Barbie, MILF princess of the twilight The mistress of the moonlight With botox made in China by Mattel Barbie, your legs enshrine the power To entrap the black lord's tower But not before he buys you a fur coat!
Barbie Mordor, Barbie cobaltum Barbie flamethrower, Barbie papà Barbie napalm, Barbie Rob Halford Barbie Turilli, Barbie turics!
Barbie Dungeon, Barbie and Dragons Barbie Warhammer, Barbie WoW Barbie the Magic, Barbie the Gathering Unholy Warcraft!
Emerald, Emmenthal Cortina d'Ampezzo, Jerry Calà in controtempo
Maraca – Barbie, MILF princess of the twilight The mistress of the moonlight With botox made in China by Mattel Barbie, your boobs of carbon-iron Beguile the Dino-Sauron With Dildo faggins always at your side
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cocteautwinslyrics · 11 days
onto that bread goes mustard mayo a piece of torchon ham between 2 slices of emmenthal and all that goes under the grill. top slice gets more of that mustard mayo mixed with some softened butter and a healthy dose of their house salad mix, finished with some salt. that top slice comes out of the grill to look liike this. its assembled and sliced in two to look like this. their signature grilled ham and cheese salad sandwich, served with a healthy side of chips. this needs to be on your devour list
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tdjrwc2023 · 6 months
67. J+45 à J+49 : RTR
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Le repos des fanas de rugby durera 5 jours.
Nous sommes actuellement dans le train qui pour Toulon, qui pour Bordeaux pour un retour (temporaire pour 4 d'entre nous) à la case départ. Home, sweet home!
Petit-déjeuner classique avec brioches, chocolatines, croissants, pain frais, jus d'oranges, fruits, café et/ou thé, Coca Zéro, etc. What else ? Merci à @FilsdeDocMidol parti à la recherche d'une boulangerie ouverte un dimanche de bon matin. Puis organisation oblige, des sandwichs au pâté ou saucisson ou jambon blanc (25% de sel en moins) ou emmenthal amoureusement préparés par @MichelMorin, accompagnés d'un Côtes de Blaye (merci @DirComm).
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Nous reprendrons le live vendredi 27 octobre. D'ici là, nous aurons le temps de choisir l'équipe que nous supporterons à défaut de l'équipe de France.
Le choix n'est pas si cornélien que cela mais pas encore arrêté. Nous souhaitons unanimement du jeu, du jeu et encore du jeu.
Frustrés les TDJ2023 ? Un peu, beaucoup...mais pour différentes raisons. Nous analysons à froid et reviendrons vers vous.
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(Photo : merci à Rugby World Cup France 2023)
Wayne Barnes (Angleterre) arbitrera la finale. Nous étions nombreux à le plébisciter dès le 8 septembre, sous-entendant que nous ne croyions pas à la qualification de l'équipe anglaise pour la finale du 28 octobre.
Il n'y aura pas d'officiel français lors de la finale et la finale de bronze. What a pity!
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figatellulaque · 7 months
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Krinkle aux courgettes et emmenthal sur pâte filo, crème et œufs. Craquant.
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