#energie rea
lovetrandafiri · 7 months
Femeia independentă
Femeia independentă Un fir de discuții ⬇️
Femeile independente: În general bărbați fug de femeia independentă, spun statisticele și chiar, așa este. Și ne întrebăm de ce? Motivele și răspunsurile la aceasta întrebare sunt multe. Femeile independente, sunt puternice și nu depind de nimeni, în toate punctele de vedere. Multor bărbați nu le plac femeile independente. Asemenea și ei au multe motive, care îi determină să fugă de această…
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landfilloftrash · 2 years
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incorrect quote thanks to @blueberries-are-needed 
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rotting-brains · 3 months
Me after saying DID doesn't affect me too bad as if it doesn't make me completely unable to feel any excitement and joy for reaching the most important goals
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townofcadence · 5 days
25. your character (more of the boi!!)
Munday Topics
Hahaha OKAY--
Gosh, what else to talk about. Okay so Artair is trans! He leans somewhere in a wibbly masculine and nonbinary zone. He figured it out when he was seven or so, when his 'imaginary' friend Chelsea said something. Her, her brother Jerome, and Artair went to the lake in the park to swim and maybe catch frogs.
Jerome commented on not needing a top piece to his swimsuit because he was a boy, and Artair lamented that he wished he was one as well. Chelsea just kind of said 'well why not be one then?' and that was like-- turning the world on it's head for Artair. until then he didn't know that was even a possibility. Honestly he probably thought everyone who was a girl felt that way, any time he had the wish pop up in his brain, so her saying something was very eye-opening lol.
He did the research he could at the time, and brought it to his uncle, who did his best to support him and did his own research to try and understand it better. It took a while for them to make much traction due to the meager offerings Cadence had for anything in that vein, including from a medical standpoint. So they had to talk to doctors and psychs in other towns, some of which were difficult to work with or reluctant due to his age.
They persevered though! and Artair is much happier for it. He chose the name Artair because it was the less anglicized version of Arthur, and his family all had names somewhat dealing with Arthurian legend, so he wanted to keep that motif. He actually pronounced it wrong for a long time, and when he realized the right way to say it, it was already kinda stuck. So he goes by both Ar-taire, and Art-er. legally, he had his name and pronouns changed, and now in town Artair attends a group of several trans folk who all live in Cadence, so they can commiserate with someone who Gets It, or just in general hang out and have a nice time. It's how he met Axel and reconnected with Jace after high-school! They both enjoy it greatly, especially since the two also have a vested interest in supernatural as well, and Axel isn't shy to admit he works with less natural methods in the hopes of helping others.
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oloreaa · 4 months
Weirdest feeling ever
#no i have stuff to do and i have to study but im kinda having an existential crisis so hm#im going to leave taiwan in about two weeks and im so conflicted on how i spent my time here#i have the feeling that i didnt see enough or did enough while i was here and met with friends#but at the same time i know that lots of time i genuinely didnt have the energy for it and its so hard being away from home#esp since i miss my bf and my family like crazy#at the same time i have family and friends in taiwan as well and i also want to spend time with them but the family is so draining#and its just slowly hitting me that many things i do here will be the last time i do#like being at that bus stop or walking down that street or seeing that building#like i know its coming to an end and i will and can probably never return to this specific point again#so im just. just trying to comprehend whats going on vs what i should have done#all the while wishing that i was back already so i can eat my mums food and see my dad in the garden#and my siblings playing video games together and my friends in our city#and i want to be held by my bf so much. these months have felt like an eternity#but i also dont want to leave taiwan bc it was a really nice time here that felt like being in a little bubble#when im back im going to have to work and focus on my bachelors and deal with family#like im really really torn about how i should feel and if there is a way that i can feel#so kinda wanna just bundle up and do nothing but i have my final on friday so i cant#rea rambles
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spineless-lobster · 5 months
My english homework was so horrible I started tearing up what the fuck was that, that’s only supposed to happen with math???? Anyways I’m taking a break lmao
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reki-tenshi · 1 year
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
if any of you guys were in close proximity to me physically right now id probabyl kiss you on the lips. i am literally shaking
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belovedharringrove · 2 years
Top 5 foods? (@jadedgabe)
*cries in picky eater* this is a tough one but thank you for the ask!!
onion rings
fried chicken??
mashed potatoes????
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fursectomy · 2 months
people complaining about fandom discourse and then engaging with it. ohh tumblr users. you never change
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blackvahana · 4 months
I don't think it's That Deep or more so, technically, it's way deeper lmfao but like... I don't disagree with people who aren't Hindu using ("appropriating") third eye stuff because a) it's not just hindu lmfao, chakras aren't just hindu and b) uh a lot of hindu stuff, unless you think only Indians can be hindu which... hoo boy OK that's a lot to unpack.... is about the human race as a whole, God of all people, and human-wide truths or more so the truth that exists behind everything, which includes non Hindus. There isn't a magical third eye truth only to hindu people or people born hindu, because we are all incarnations of truth. I also don't get the whole "Only Shiva has a third eye" type thing, like seeing a post that was like "oh you think you have a third eye? No, its on Shiva's forehead and destroys all when it opens, you don't have that therefore you don't have a third eye" like. bruh. OK. Shiva isn't........ The only referencing of the third eye.... Even if you don't look at chakras and only look at Shiva, everything about him as a symbol or set of symbols is a reference to other things. Moon, river, trident, animal skin, drum, but you want me to believe the third eye has only ever appeared on and as a part of Shiva and only means and can only mean his destruction? The moon means other things in other contexts, snakes too, but if the third eye appears elsewhere, well, it can't, because it's only Shiva's? Bruh
Anyway. That aside... There is something to be said about watching people flimsily talking about their third eyes as an intensely imagined metaphor for and energy construct to be a spiritual anchor for awareness of other worlds, intuition, etc. Like. Yeah, you have a third eye, but it is an energy construct. It's your energy arranged into the shape of an eye to form a body-tool hybrid to allow clearer sight. Fascinating, but man. Empty compared to what I've experienced lately
... "you"... Talking to myself lmfao. Or more so writing down my internal thoughts looking at people posting about it. Not "you" as in the audience
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lovetrandafiri · 1 year
Femeia independenta . In general barbati fug de femeia independenta, spun statisticele si cchiar, asa este. Si ne intrebam de ce? Motivele si raspunsurile la aceasta intrebare sunt multe.
Femeia independentă A thread ⬇️
Femeile independente: Sunt puternice si nu de pind de nimeni, in toate punctele de vedere. Multor barbati nu le plac femeile independente. Asemenea si ei au multe motive, care ii determina sa fuga de aceasta categorie de femei. Primul motiv, care il au barbati cu o conceptie grrsita si dominati de teama ca se vor simti subestimati . Ceea ce este si nu este adevarat . Si o sa va puneti…
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cowlos-reyes · 8 months
I keep telling myself I'll do tag games, I'll do ask games, I'll do. Whatever the fuck. And then I never can.
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these-detestable-hands · 10 months
The worst part about being this mentally ill at my age is that people don't believe me or think I'm exaggerating. Like baby idk how to explain this to you but I do in fact struggle with suicidal thoughts and seeing shadow figures at the ripe old age of not even 18
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nowwitry · 10 months
feels like im playing a game of chicken on my rp dash tbh. 'how' idk!!! :') sit there loudly wishing to thread more + int w more ppl but then i just Dont, maybe make a few standalone ooc/meta posts n run back to my proverbial safe zone.
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futurefind · 11 months
//the sudden realization i could (crudely) fold Sa's 'urban fantasy merc for spn jobs and/or clients' verse as basis for a nasuverse one (just w way more baggage she barely avoids on acct of lookalike mom having worked for The ChurchTM black ups)
The kicker? Nasuverse Sa starts off 'civilian'/Not Believing in MagicTM
"She literally has a magic elemental crafting + bending sword" MHM!!!! :')
(This post brought to you by: idea of urban fantasy merc sa having a black dog spirit puppy adopt her after getting rid of the threat it was trying to guard. She just names it Barghest LOL)
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