#enid is a little jealous
sxphr · 7 months
Bianca: I could've sworn Wednesday adopted a cat like a month ago. Where did it go?
Yoko: Oh, yeah, Enid got too jealous. Wednesday kept walking in and Enid would be in a staring match with the cat.
Divina: It's true, I walked in on it once.
Yoko: Scary Stuff. Wednesday had to give the cat to Eugeune.
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seraphemmes · 1 year
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robin hood - deal casino
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jazzyoranges · 6 months
Wednesday Addams x fem!shapeshifter!reader
Summary: based on this ask!
Words: 1.4k
A/n: this kinda doesn’t have a plot 😭 whoopsies
Warnings: blood, wounds, i swear it’s not angsty R just takes a small tumble lol
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“Did it hurt?”
“What, when I fell from heaven?” You crack a smile at your very hilarious joke, but Wednesday does her version of a huff and an eye-roll
“Apologies, I should have elaborated better.” You wince a little in pain as Wednesday disinfects the open wound on your knee and the smaller cuts around your body
The Addams girl was taking Thing and her pet bird, aka you, for a walk outside Nevermore in the forest that surrounded the academy as she watched you loop around in circles. She’d assume you were training for some competition if she didn’t know your personality enough, but Wednesday ultimately came to the conclusion you just had the bird equivalent of zoomies
You squawked at other birds as you passed them by in their trees, and Wednesday made a mental note to ask you if you could actually talk and understand them. Her hypothesis was that you couldn’t and you were just making animal noises for your own amusement
Either her hypothesis was true and you had no idea what you said, or you knowingly called a bird a slur. The previous was probably true due to the horrified expression on your face as a murder of crows you were “talking” to started chasing you down. You must’ve squawked something real bad for all of them to come after you.
You miss the smirk Wednesday has on her face.
The crows must’ve overwhelmed you pretty bad, because next thing she knew you were hitting every single branch of a tree in human form. Was that intentional? She’d have to ask you about it later. After she made sure you weren’t dead, of course
Wednesday arrived just in time for you to almost slam straight into her head, but a simple side step caused you to eat shit instead. There was a very noticeable and loud thump when your head hit a tree root. Wednesday would’ve been more concerned if you didn’t immediately curl into the fetal position, mumbling about how you’d take a nap right then and there
Either shapeshifters were gods, or you just had a really fucking thick skull. Wednesday internally smiled at the thought.
The Addams girl was well aware of the smelling salts in her backpack for times like these, but she looked at Thing for what he wanted to do to get you up. You could wait… probably.
After some inspection, Thing decided it was best to call Enid to carry you back to their dorm. The wound on your knee would only make you limp and cause more pain.
Wednesday made sure to keep you alive, though. She poked you with a stick here and there and gave you reassurance, which she saw you smile at.
You were prone to accidents. Both of the Addams knew you were fine. Truly, it was just another Tuesday. Wake up, go to class, take girlfriend and Thing on a walk, you break a bone, it was all a part of the schedule
It wasn’t even a shapeshifter thing either, you just refused to die. Which the Addams was ultimately grateful for, but your ability to visit death like a close friend had Wednesday just a little jealous
A groan of pain from the back of your throat brings the shorter girl back to the present
“Why did you turn human in the middle of the sky?”
“Whenever I shift I have to really concentrate on it the entire time, so I guess those crows just really fucked me up and messed with my focus” You sigh
“Is it hard? To keep concentration, I mean.” Wednesday starts to wrap the bigger wound on your knee with a bandage wrap
“I’ve been doing it forever, so it’s kinda easy. Not when you’re getting jumped by crows, though…”
“Could you not just shift a pair of wings for yourself?”
“I was already focusing on having the thick skull of a ram.” You knock on your head for effect. “How do you think I haven’t died yet?”
Oh so it was a shapeshifter thing. She was right about your thick skull, though
“Perhaps you should tell Enid that,” Wednesday gets up from her kneeling position in front of you. “She almost fainted carrying you on the way here and I have reason to believe it isn’t because you’re heavy.”
“Maybe I should get her something as compensation…” You mumble to yourself as Wednesday helps you out of the bathroom, using her as a crutch so you can flop onto her bed
The Addams girl sits beside you, your face buried in her sheets. Both of you fall into a comfortable silence as Wednesday continues to stare at you, her mind coming up with endless questions about your abilities.
If concentration was a constant concern, was Wednesday not giving you not enough credit? To focus on multiple tasks at once, surely it was hard for someone as air-headed as you. But then again, you have been doing this for your entire life. Did your concentration come as easy as breathing? Was it so natural you barely noticed it?
And surely the process hurt, right? Your molecules were repositioning themselves to fit the look of an entirely different being. What was there a difference between you and Weems?
What were your limitations? Wednesday would like to test them. Maybe if she’d ask kindly enough you’d-
“Ask your questions, Wens” You mumble into her soft bedsheets, your voice snapping Wednesday out of her thoughts
“We’re girlfriends. You can read my mind as much as I can read yours”
“And your logical explanation for that, is..?”
“Girlfriend magic.” You hold up your hands while shaking them, and Wednesday immediately recognizes the jazz hands you had quite an addiction to
“Another day, it’s best you rest.”
This makes you turn your head to look at Wednesday, a smile threatening to take over your face
“I don’t understand why people don’t believe me when I say you’re the romantic one” You gush
“Unless you want me to bombard you with questions until morning rises, I’d suggest you stay quiet.”
“Yes ma’am” You pull down Wednesday on her bed, shoving your face into the shorter girls collar.
From that day forward Wednesday asks you one question a day about your abilities, and you make sure to answer them as best as you can. It was something Wednesday appreciated about you.
Answers would span from 15 minutes to almost 2 hours long. There were some days you had to pull out the whiteboard that was collecting dust in the bee shed, writing and drawing out key information
At first it was casual, it really was. But a month later it was almost like class with how the Addams had a book and a half filled with information about you. A class Wednesday could actually get behind.
She’s learned every shapeshifter is different. Some turn into people, some turn into animals, and others can turn into both. So the book and a half was really just information about you, which Wednesday wasn’t exactly opposed to
Meditation seemed to be a pretty big thing to you. Whenever Wednesday was writing, you’d be meditating. At first the Addams questioned if you were compatible being in a room with her loud typewriter, but you insisted the noise was necessary for you to tune out
Another thing Wednesday learned is that you couldn’t exceed four limbs. Which, you made sure to voice your opinion on. The dreams of being a four-legged and two-winged western dragon was impossible, so unfortunately you’d have to make your peace with being a wyvern instead
Small snores came from you curled around Wednesday under a tree as a tiger. She could only focus on how you always somehow resembled your human face
Turning to a new page of her journal, the Addams girl starts to sketch the face of your tiger next to the one of your lion. No matter what form you’d take, Wednesday would be able to recognize it.
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rollingsins · 10 months
say my name
summary: While in bed with Wednesday, you accidentally moan Enid's name.
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!reader
warnings: smut, 18+, jealous!wednesday, fingering, dirty-talk.
word count: 2.2k words.
a/n: :) horny hour, kids.
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Having sex with Wednesday is like a dance. 
A weird, semi-formal gothic dance.
It would start with the lick of her lips. Her eyes, usually wide and emotionless, would narrow slightly. Her pupils would darken. The hair on the back of her neck would stand. 
Then the staring would start. 
Subtle at first, with the quiet tilt of her neck, waiting for you to notice. Then she’d become brazen, open. 
Stare at you unblinking, the slight part of her lips betraying her intent. 
She’d get you things. Water, soda, your favorite book. Like she was trying to court you into bed with her. Rub her hands over your shoulders, weirdly affectionate, so un-Wednesday. Like a black cat in heat. 
She’s doing it now. 
She’d given you a granola bar and a quick kiss to the head before mantling in her spot by her typewriter, just watching. 
“YN,” She’d said, voice low. Lower than usual. The tone she took when it was something she wanted. Something she knew you couldn’t resist. 
“You look very appealing, right now.” 
You’d looked up from your spot on the bed. You’d had your head buried in one of Enid’s dumb romance novels, the kind where everybody seemed to be sans clothes. And you wouldn’t be lying to say the book, combined with the heady look in your girlfriend’s eyes has you more than worked up. 
You cross your legs and bite your lip. 
“I look appealing?” You tease. 
“Alluring.” She corrects.
You tilt your head, smiling slightly. Your belly coils, and all you want to do is pull her onto the bed and on top of you. 
But you can’t resist teasing her a little, first. 
“I look alluring lying on the bed in my sleep shorts?” You ask, blinking. She stands, circling the bed like a lion closing in on its prey. 
“Mmm,” She murmurs, “Very much so.” 
“Huh,” You say, looking back down onto your book. You flip a page, “Well, maybe I should put on some more clothes. I wouldn’t want to allure you away from your writing.” 
Wednesday’s gaze is piercing. 
“That won’t be necessary,” Wednesday says, voice flat. She’s getting closer, hands pressed to either side of the bed, “You won’t be needing your clothes for the next hour or so.” 
“Hour or so?” You say, trying to pretend like her words aren’t sending white hot arousal soaring through you. Instead, you tilt your head, playing dumb, “Are we going to have a bath or something?” 
Wednesday gives you a look, like she knows exactly what you’re trying to do. 
“No,” She says, voice gravelly. She leans down and brushes her lips against the side of your neck, “I would like to partake in intimacy with you.” 
“Oh,” You say, as you tug her a little closer. You thread your fingers through her dark hair, voice hitching as she presses her lips to your neck, “You want to bang, babe? You should have just said.” 
Wednesday frowns. She pulls back slightly, eyebrow raised. Your words lack eloquence, and despite the hungry look in her eyes, she can’t help but correct you. 
“I would like to be intimate with you, yes.” She says and you kiss her. 
A little while into partaking in intimacy, when Wednesday is half-naked on top of you, kissing you desperately, you hear the sharp thud of the door opening. 
And you panic. 
Enid is the first thing that flashes through your mind. You hadn’t locked the door. Again. 
It wasn’t the first time Enid had caught you like this. 
A couple of weeks ago, Enid had pranced in while Wednesday had her head buried between your legs. 
Enid had screamed, you’d screamed, and clamped your legs shut so quickly you’d jutted Wednesday in the face with your knee. 
It had more than ruined the mood. 
Enid couldn’t look the two of you in the eye for weeks. 
She’d scurried out without a word, and promptly relayed the message you and Wednesday were sleeping together to the entire school. 
You didn’t want a repeat. 
You withdraw only slightly from Wednesday’s lips to call out to Enid, warn her.  
Unfortunately for you, it’s that exact moment Wednesday slides her hands into your pants. Your warning call slips into a low moan. 
The entire room stills. Wednesday’s hand freezes. The door creaks, slightly. It isn’t Enid, you can tell by the quiet pitter-patter of Thing’s fingertips on the floorboards. He makes a timely exit. 
“Enid?” Wednesday says, pulling back. She’s frowning, confusion on her face. There’s something behind her eyes, hurt, and your eyes widen as you realize the implication of what you just said. 
“Oh, no- babe - I wasn’t - I thought it was her at the door-” 
Wednesday turns. 
The door is shut, no evidence of it ever being breached. Thing had closed it behind him, the little shit, taking with him your only evidence. She turns back to you. 
“There’s no one there.”
Wednesday withdraws from you. There’s that look in her face, you know it all too well. That look when she’s trying to figure out a puzzle, or a crime, or a string of violent murders. Appraising you like a gothic Veronica Mars. 
“Do you find my roommate attractive, YN?” She asks, watching very carefully for your answer. 
“No.” You groan, fall back onto the mattress. You rack your brain trying to think of ways to get her to believe you. You know her too well - she’s a skeptic by nature. Always inclined to believe the worst. Even in you, her favorite person. You can feel her eyes on you, scanning you like an x-ray. Trying to discern your intentions. 
“If you were… fantasizing about Enid, that is information I should be privy to.” She says after a moment, voice clipped. You sit up, look her in the eyes. They’re guarded, her walls up. You take her hands in yours, try to push through the barrier. 
“Baby, I wasn’t fantasizing about Enid, I swear. I honestly thought she was at the door.”
Wednesday’s lip twitches. She doesn’t quite believe you.
“Why would I be thinking about Enid?” You say, brushing her bangs out of her eyes, “When I have you?”
Wednesday blinks. 
“Enid is arguably more attractive than me. She possesses a rarer color of eye - a deep blue. I find her sunny disposition nauseating but understand it is a far more alluring trait in a partner than my personal brand of nihilism.”
“That’s not true,” You say, reaching for her hand. She withdraws it from you. Her walls are up, and to anyone else she’d look like she was about to kill you. But you see through it. Behind the stark black of her eyes, she’s hurt. 
You’d moaned her roommate's name, for god’s sake. 
“Enid is not more attractive than you,” You say, hurriedly, trying to fix it, “You have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen and I happen to find your personal brand of nihilism very attractive. I thought it was her at the door, babe, that’s all.”  
Wednesday blinks. 
It’s not in her nature to believe you, this you know. But she knows you by now, she’s studied you harder than her favorite cold cases. She swallows, and gives you the benefit of the doubt. 
“Alright.” She says, voice still a little curt, but lets you pull her back down anyway. 
You kiss a little while longer. 
Her lips are addictive. Consuming. You thread your fingers through her hair, loosening the braids she keeps so perfect all the time. When you break away from her mouth to try and pull at the button of her black slacks, she withdraws again. 
“Enid is in a relationship with Ajax,” She says, eyebrows knit. Her eyes are squinted as she watches yours, “And while I find their coupling odd at best, she seems very happy with him.” 
You groan. 
“Baby,” You say, rubbing your eyes, “I wasn’t thinking about her, I promise. I have no interest in Enid.” 
She stares. 
“You only moaned her name because you thought she was trying to come into the room?”  Wednesday asks, eyes narrowed. 
“It sounds dumb when you say it like that,” You mumble, “You just… put your hands in my… and I just-” 
“Moaned her name.” Wednesday says, voice flat. 
You lean up. Press your hands to her face. 
“I don’t want Enid.” You say, looking her right in the eyes, “I only want you.” 
She stares a moment. Wide brown eyes stare back at you, like she’s trying to decipher the look on your face for any hidden clues. She blinks, finding none. 
“You believe me?” 
Wednesday’s quiet a moment, but then she nods. 
“Good,” You say, “Now come here. Please? I was promised some intimacy.” 
Wednesday leans down and reclaims your lips. Her kisses deepen, tinged with urgency. 
You moan out against her as her hands drop down to pull your shorts clean off your legs. She’s usually slower than this; Wednesday, despite her insistence that she wasn’t, had always been a romantic. 
Usually, she’d kiss you until you were so worked up, you’d have to beg her to touch you. She’d whisper words into your ear, grind down on you until you were a wet, sloppy mess. Like jelly in her hands.
But not tonight. 
Before you can so much as call out her name, she’s sliding your panties down your legs and cupping her hand against your sex. 
You’re wet, embarrassingly so, and so she doesn’t have to tease long. A couple of slow circles around your clit before she’s sinking inside you, her long fingers curling to hit you right in that spot you like so much. 
You gasp as she thrusts, hard, thumb pressing heavy against your clit. Her kisses don’t relent, and you spread your legs a little wider to take her deeper. Your belly coils as she fucks you, her breath hot against your lips. You grip her back with your fingers, sucking on her bottom lip as she sets her pace. 
Hard. Rough. Like it would hurt if you weren’t so turned on. 
She’s going to make me cum in all but three minutes, you think, mind whirling. She’s fucking you like she’s going for an Olympic medal, like if she slows down you’ll disappear on the spot. 
She builds you right to the edge, all tongue and fingers and quiet sharp gasps against your lips. 
And then, she’s withdrawing. Her pace slows, only slightly. Her eyes open, and she presses a long kiss to your lips. 
“Say my name,” She murmurs. Her eyes are dark. Her nose brushes against yours. 
You ignore her, words caught in your throat. 
She’s never been this rough before, and it’s making you so wet you can barely think. All you can feel is the tightening of your belly as her fingers thrust into you. The weight of her body against yours. The quiet little noises of pleasure she makes, the feel of her lips against yours. 
You try to draw her back in, quietly willing her to speed up her pace. 
You’re so, so close. 
She nips at your bottom lip, so hard it draws a little blood. Then, she stills her fingers. 
You groan.
“Baby, please-” 
“Say my name.” She demands this time, eyes flashing. 
This is about Enid. You can tell by the way she’s looking at you. Hungry, a little possessive. She’s claiming you. She’s fucking you harder than she ever has to make you hers. 
You swallow as a new wave of arousal courses through you. You half want to protest. Pull her down and murmur sweet nothings in her ear until all thought of Enid is gone. 
But she’s hot like this. Dark eyes, rough fingers. 
You don’t want it to stop. 
She’s satisfied with this, curls her fingers slightly and brushes up against that spot. You moan. 
“That’s right. Wednesday. Not Enid, or Ajax or Yoko or any other student at this god-forsaken school. I’m the one who gets to do this. I’m the only one who makes you cum, understand? I’m the only name that should be on your lips.”
“Wednesday, fuck.” You gasp as her thumb brushes your clit, slowly, teasingly, like she’s trying to punish you. You lean in, try to kiss her, but she retracts, eyes dark and stormy. 
“Who’s making you cum?” She presses, “Tell me.” 
“You, baby,” You gasp, “Only you.” 
“Not baby,” Wednesday growls, “Not sweetheart, not darling, not honey. Wednesday. Say it. Say my name.”
She juts her hand up a final time. You cry out, moan her name once more as your orgasm flashes through you. You clutch at her back, legs locked around her thighs, starry-eyed as she leans down and kisses you desperately though it. 
You sigh, body slumping back into the mattress. 
She comes down with you, tilting her neck slightly to press lazy kisses to your neck. When you open your eyes, she’s watching, fingers still buried deep inside you. 
“I wasn’t moaning her name,” You say, breath ragged, trying to plead your case once more. 
Wednesday hums. 
“No,” She says, and her tone of voice says she finally believes you, “But you were moaning mine.” 
She offers you a small smile - sweet, with only the tiniest hint of a smirk. A smile of victory.
“Do that again,” You say, pulling her back down, “And I’ll moan your name as many times as you want.” 
She leans down, and kisses your neck. Arousal sparks back through you. Her fingers draw, like a pistol ready to be fired.
“Wednesday.” You gasp.
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sleepyangelkami · 8 days
AHH I’m seriously so jealous of your writing😭 can you write something about carls girl never realizing when people are flirting with her and he doesn’t get jelly but can help but get a little protective? ❣️❣️
OBLIVIOUS c.grimes
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 2.1K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - oblivion was your middle name, never seeing the various places flirting came from. but carl noticed. of course he noticed. and with your harmless oblivion, he had to take action into his own hands.
 ☆ WARNINGS - ditzy + oblivious!reader, ron, flirting, protectiveness, (3) use of y/n, petnames, intended lowercase, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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carl wouldn't exactly say he had a 'wide group of friends'.
when they moved into alexandria, carl had already been on the road so long that he'd lost interest in people his age. he preferred the strong fighters he stood by like his father and daryl. he didn't seem to have much time for anyone else.
well, anyone but you.
you were the opposite of them, friendly and kind, oblivious as a bat.
rick adored the fact that even in a world like their own, his son had managed to find love. he'd let you into the family with open arms, seeing nothing but pure intentions behind your pretty smile that had half the town whipped. if only you'd glanced around to notice. you were too busy trying to avoid the poles you almost walked into, though.
but despite his love for his sons loving nature of his own, he worried for him. he was constantly on his back about being a 'normal teenager' he was supposed to grow old surrounded by people, not just wither away when you weren't around.
this was what possessed carl to invite ron over. well, technically he didn't invite him over, rick did, and technically, it was supposed to be ron, mickey and enid. however, enid and ron had just recently broke up and mickey was trying to support her through it (they were stealing whiskey from his dad's liquor cabinet.)
he would have invited you over too, if only ron wasn't so... "hey, man, so where's y/n?"
carl couldn't help but roll his eyes before picking up his console controller. the only good thing about ron coming over was the fact that carl got to absolutely obliterate him in console games. which was sort of embarrassing for ron seeing as carl had spent his childhood fighting off the real things they fought against in pixles. "at home." he answered sourly.
cue the oblivion.
you'd been friends with ron longer than you'd known carl. but that didn't mean anything to him. you were friends with everyone. the only problem was that you were completely oblivious to the fact that he was downright in love with you.
carl wasn't exactly jealous, no, he had more faith in you than that.
however, he'd be lying if he didn't find himself bubbling over every time your name slipped from between his chapped lips. ron barely knew you. you were carl's.
"ah." smacking his lips together annoyingly as he sat against the cushion beneath him, cushioning him from the carpet. yes, ron needed cushioning from the carpet. "she's always been like that, a hermit, that one." as if he'd known you for centuries.
carl barely glanced forward, a look of un-amusement on his face before turning back to the screen.
ron stuffed his face with the chips next to him. "what?" voice all muffled.
carl didn't even get to answer for before his lips so much as parted, a sound was heard from the front of his house. he could make out your girlish giggles before he could hear the door open and close. you were such a soft person but there was nothing soft in the way you tossed the door closed excitedly. "carl!" your voice echoed through the house, stopping his heart momentarily.
there was something so regretful about ron perking up on carl's living room floor. your giggles slowed to a stop and carl saw you standing in the doorway, glancing at ron as your smile faded. "hey, baby." ignoring the look across your face.
you weren't sad ron was here, you were happy carl was hanging out with people. it was more confusion, he hadn't mentioned this. you shrugged it off, thinking perhaps it was a surprise visit. you did like surprises. you didn't so much as think twice, the sound of his voice soothing you and turning your brain to mush.
"hi! hi ron." smile suddenly returning. carl always found it funny, how quickly your expressions could change. but he liked you this way, easy to read. "look what I made!"
you were prancing over to where he stood on the couch within seconds. carl watched as you let wool unravel.
there wasn't much to do around alexandria seeing as you worked in the gardens most days and some days it was much too rainy or muddy so you spent most your time in your room and with carl, of course. sometimes both.
when you'd told carl weeks ago that you'd decided to take up crocheting he looked at you funny, wondering what the hell was a crochet.
you'd read somewhere about it and told him it was basically knitting. then he asked why you couldn't simply knit. he didn't get it, you realised.
nonetheless, he'd been awfully supportive as you came about this new hobby. he watched the pink and white wool against the couch, made yourself with some new stitch you'd learned. there were bows on it too which only made the boy smile. he was sure that if he entered his bedroom now, there'd be at least twenty bows he could spot somewhere around the room that you'd left.
perhaps you were marking your territory.
"wow." he gushed at the piece of fabric. "that's amazing, sweetheart." watching your cheeks go pink.
ron watched from his space on the floor, swallowing the crunchy chips in his mouth. you were close with carl. of course you were he was your boyfriend. but even so, you were close with carl.
always cuddling up to him, getting so close. come to think about it, there wasn't much times he'd seen you both in the same room and not touching. if you weren't, you were usually busy wandering off leaving a distressed carl behind you, holding his hat on his head as he searched for your whereabouts.
a 'thank you' was on the tip of your lips, ready to thank the boy for his constant praise. how could he not? you were making blankets now, that could benefit the whole community. and you'd already given away at least a dozen. "yeah, that's really amazing." ron intervened.
truthfully, you'd almost forgotten he was here.
you'd turned your head to him, little guilt swirling in your veins. you were probably interrupting their 'bro time'. "thanks, ron."
"'course, y/n." the way he said your name had carl's stomach feeling off. "can I see it?"
of course you were much too oblivious to think anything of it, the sweet "sure!" leaving your mouth. carl watched you part from his side, sitting next to ron on the carpet, avoiding the chips that were spilling onto the ground and passing him the blanket.
"wow." his praise seemed sort of... forced but it felt good nonetheless. praise from anyone nowadays felt good. "this is just amazing, you have to teach me some day."
his tone was nothing short of suggestive. luckily for carl, he wasn't the jealous type, at least not with ron anderson. he had enough to be thinking about, like a break in on alexandria and someone mauling you in your sleep. he didn't waste a second thinking of you running off with ron. there wasn't a chance in the galaxy. but that didn't help the knot in his stomach.
not jealousy. but he didn't like the way his hands were straying so close to yours.
you were too ditzy to notice anything of it. but that was the whole thing. you didn't take notice of much, always confused, the perfect target for anyone to prey on.
now, carl didn't exactly think ron was a bad person. however, he wasn't so inclined to leave the both of you alone, he was sure that whether or not you were with carl and whether or not he had been with enid, ron wouldn't hesitate to make a move. and you'd be stuck not knowing what to do, too afraid of hurting someone elses feelings.
"okay." you shrugged your shoulders, missing carl's touch too much to think about teaching ron how to crochet. you often did this, letting your mind stray to the things most important.
like carl, for example. you did it at the worst of times. perhaps you were having an interesting conversation with enid but she spent a little too long getting to the point. before you know it, your mind is on carl or something or other. you moved so fast, never grasping what was said to you. carl always found it sort of adorable. especially when it was you that was telling the stories, venturing off to your side quests along the way.
"yeah?" you didn't nod nor did you answer, your eyes were grazing the blanket and carl could tell you were far away. "how about friday?" this snapped you back, though.
you pondered for a brief moment. you thought nothing of the interaction aside from the fact that you'd have to teach the boy to crochet. you couldn't really teach anyone to do anything, much too side tracked.
you didn't pick up on the way his head moved, his lips quirked and his body leaned into your own, eyes flickering up to carl as his own mouth opened.
"she can't." he answered for you. you were lucky, you knew so much. with carl around, you hardly ever had to think. imagine being so comfortable, to not even have to use your brain. you always joked that he was going to make you lazy. brain dead, even. "we're doing something together."
this you perked up at. "we are?" excitedly turning to the boy as you pondered what it was you could be doing this friday. he often took you outside the walls, leaning against his shoulder and listening to him read the comics he stole on runs. you liked the way he imitated the sounds like 'bang' and 'wack' because he'd always yell just to get you to laugh.
"yeah?" ron's tone suddenly changed from suggestive to not curious but something you couldn't quite put your tongue on. it was as if he'd been challenging the boy. "like what?"
carl tilted his head. he had enough of the boy's childish gimmicks as of now. there were many things he could be doing tonight such as bringing you upstairs and throwing on a dvd for you both or perhaps you could teach him to crochet. but jealous or not, carl had no intentions of leaving you with ron.
"like none of your business." this caught you off guard. carl only really had one tone with you and that was lovesick, filled with admiration. but as he gave ron a kind of glare, you wondered if there was a side to carl that you didn't know.
however, the thought left as soon as it came when you spotted the new cushion covers the grimes' couch had recovered.
ron shook his head, teeth grasping at the inside of his cheek. "I think i'm gonna go." practically daring you to dispute, but your mind wasn't even in the argument.
"i think that's a good idea." carl merely answered, eyes focused on the boy.
ron stood from his place, not bothering to take his wrappers with him. it'd been all you'd noticed, how rude of him. "see you tomorrow, y/n."
"bye." you chirped, still oblivious to the tension in the room.
carl watched as ron stood, glaring at the boy, as if he was trying to get some kind of a reaction out of him. would he really have to fight to the death for him to leave you alone? carl couldn't help but scoff, leaning against the couch without the faintest hint of jealousy in his bones, knowing that as you sat against the carpet, all you cared for was him.
most girls liked the jealousy. carl could think of one thing better than that, though.
as ron left the house, he made sure to shut the door extra loud. carl's glare hardened against the white wood. "carl?" your pretty voice could be heard, sweet as honey.
he shook his head, turning away. "yeah, baby?"
"what are we doing on friday?" confused as to his plans. carl couldn't help but grin at you, shaking his head. even through his tension face off with ron, you hadn't suspected a thing, mind much too innocent to the silence cruelty of others. when he didn't respond, you frowned. "i'm confused."
a laugh puffed from his lips. "you're always confused." you gave him a pathetic attempt of a glare. "come on, dvd?"
"okay!" you chirped, instantly grinning.
forgetting so quickly.
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main masterlist/carl's masterlist
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melrodrigo · 1 year
I really love puppy love omg 😭😭 what about when puppy like reader gets really injured by someone and ends up in the clinic and tries to hide it so that wednesday wont notice? Its up to you if you wanna write it!
ty babe! i’m glad you like it
i might’ve gone a little overboard and wrote more than i thought i would, enjoy!
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Okay. Maybe picking a fight with a 6’2 giant wasn’t your brightest idea.
It started in fencing class, you making your way towards Enid, for a pair exercise. Wednesday wasn’t in class today, opting instead to sneak out and work on the hyde case, she had mentioned briefly.
“Yeah dude, Wednesday is sooo into me. I can feel it. She’s been giving me so many signals.” You hear as you walk past Xavier and his hoard of friends.
You can’t help the sudden tug in your heart, and the small voice in your head that said maybe he was right.
Wednesday had been spending a lot of time with Xavier lately, but she had claimed it was for the hyde case. It didn’t help the swell of jealousy that surged through you whenever you saw them though.
Stupid feelings. Why are you jealous anyway? It’s not like you and Wednesday are together.
A voice cuts you out of your thoughts, “Totally dude, and when you finally hit that, you gotta tell me alll the details alright?”
Your face scrunches in disgust, hands on both sides of your body starting to clench into fists.
“You know I will. I swear, she’s all over me. Next time we’re alone together, it’s on.” Xavier replies, drawing an emphasis on the last word.
Nope, that’s it.
You turn sharply and bring your clenched fists up to your face, resembling the stance of a boxer.
It probably looked a little funny, since you were what, a million feet shorter than him? But you honestly couldn’t have cared less in the moment.
“Don’t you dare talk about her like that.” You hiss, eyes hard and unforgiving.
Xavier stays quiet for a moment, then let’s out a loud laugh.
“And what are you going to do about it, huh? Wednesday’s not here to protect your ass this time.” He drawls, smirk on his crusty thin lips.
He leans in, too close for comfort and whispers, “Wednesday would never give you the light of day. You’re so pathetically in love with her, all of us can see it. But Wednesday’s in love with me.”
He pauses for a moment, like he’s trying to think of something good to say.
“And when we finally fuck, i’ll be sure to send you some photo evidence.”
That does it. You snap, lunging forward and grabbing his hair, pulling harshly.
“Ow! Get off of me!”
It’s hard to remember what happens next, you’re so lost in the fury and rage of it all you can barely register that you’re suddenly on top of him, pummeling his stupid face with all your might.
You grin in satisfaction as you see blood start to make its way from his lips down to his neck.
But your luck doesn’t last very long, and he manages to kick up at a certain weak spot between your legs, leaving you to stumble and hit the floor.
Groaning, you try and get up, but he’s faster. The adrenaline is fading away, and you’re starting to realize that he is in fact a lot stronger, even if you hate to admit it.
You start to lose feeling in the right side of your face, where his knuckles have collided against your skin. Bruises form so fast you almost let out a chuckle, was your skin really that sensitive?
“That’s enough! Xavier get off YN.” The teacher’s voice booms. Could he really not have cut in sooner?
“Enid, take YN to the nurses office.”
You barely register Enid and Ajax rushing over to you, taking you in their arms and dragging you out the classroom.
You smile a toothy grin at them.
“Did I win?” And then everything turns to black.
When you wake up again, Enid’s at your side immediately, looking down at you, worry prominent in her eyes.
“YN! Are you okay?”
You nod, only to find out that it’s extremely difficult to move your head and not feel like you just broke every bone in your body.
“I’m good.” You croak.
You look around the room, relieved to find that Wednesday wasn’t there. You don’t think you could bear the look she would give you, so full of worry and so unlike Wednesday.
“Where’s Wednesday?” You manage out, looking at Enid expectedly.
“She hasn’t come back from Jericho yet.” Enid confirms your suspicions, sounding a little uneasy.
“Xavier’s really got to watch his back, I have no idea what Wednesday’s going to do when she finds out about this, but it’s NOT going to be pretty.” She continues, eyes wide.
At that, your own eyes widen, and you try to shake your head.
“No no, Enid, please don’t tell Wednesday about this. I don’t want her to see me in this shape.” You reach for Enid’s hand, making sure she’s looking at you.
“Please, Enid. You don’t have to lie or anything, just tell her you don’t know where I am. I’ll be good in a couple of days.” You plead.
“Alright, fine.” She mumbles, taking your hand in hers and rubbing the back in comfort.
The next few days are spent in agony. The pain is starting to subside, but you still look like a beat up raisin. Purple and green bruises litter your skin, but the real sense of pain is coming from the distance between you and Wednesday.
You two had grown….very somewhat close the last few months, though the both of you would never admit it.
It was extremely hard trying to avoid Wednesday, and even harder to cover the bruises on your face. One good look and you knew she would’ve figured it out.
So for the past week, you’ve stumbled into bushes, fallen over benches, and hit the corridor walls in an attempt to swerve from Wednesday many times.
Every time she tried to approach you, you’d hang your head low, never meeting her eyes.
It was going well for the most part, until Ms.Thornhill had decided she wanted people to work in pairs.
You crossed your fingers, praying to the lord that you didn’t even worship you wouldn’t be stuck with Wednesday.
But to no avail, your luck once again ran out.
“Wednesday Addams, YN LN.”
You sigh loudly and make your way over to sit next to Wednesday, still avoiding her eye at all costs.
Most of the lesson is spent in silence, both of you lost stirring in your thoughts.
Then, “Why have you been avoiding me?” Wednesday says, hurried, like she couldn’t help it from slipping.
You sigh, for what feels like the millionth time that day, and manage a quiet, “I haven’t been avoiding you Wednesday.”
It comes out so weak, you wouldn’t have even believed yourself.
“Yes you have. I want to know the reason, have I done something wrong? Maybe I said something to hurt your….feelings?” She pauses before the last word, tone turning uncertain.
You frown.
“No of course not Wednesday, I just…” You trail off.
You turn to Wednesday, determined to give the performance of a lifetime, but forget that your face still looks like a bruised peach, and you definitely shouldn’t look her in the face.
You let out a final sigh and pull the head of your hoodie down, feeling small under Wednesdays stare.
Her eyes widen a little at the sight of you, and worry fills them. You can’t help but feel a tinge of happiness at how much she seems to care, letting the emotionless mask slip for a second.
She stands up suddenly, startling you and the 20 other people in the room.
“Ms. Thornhill, may YN and I please be excused?”
Wednesday doesn’t wait for Ms.Thornhill to answer before taking you by the wrist and dragging you out.
She doesn’t say a word until she gets to her dorm, quickly opening the door and throwing you in.
“Wednesday?” You squeak.
She turns and reaches out to touch your face, thumb rubbing just the slightest on your bruises.
A gentleness she didn’t know she possessed took over, still moving her hand in small circles all over your face.
“Who did this to you?” She murmurs, and her voice is filled with such intense worry it makes you want to break down.
Your head falls down on instinct, staring at your shoes like they’re the most interesting piece of art in the world.
Wednesday grips your chin and tilts your face back up, inches away from you.
Then she’s placing her hands on your waist, hands rigid, like she’s nervous.
You look so vulnerable, and she might’ve even say sort of adorable, she can’t help but lean forward and press a kiss to your cheek, on top of the scar.
Your breath hitches in your throat, body stiff.
She continues giving you little pecks all around the bruises, and you relax in her arms.
After a while, she pulls away, and you grab at her on instinct. She lets you, body pressing up to yours once again.
“You never answered my question.” She says.
“Xavier. He said something bad about you, but it doesn’t matter now. This is much better.” You mumble as you dig your face in her uniform.
She tenses up at this.
“He’s going to die a slow, painful death. And not the satisfying kind.” She decides, hand wrapping around your waist protectively.
You hum, “Who cares? I just wanna stay like this.”
The two of you don’t say much after that, content in simply being in each other’s presence.
When you get to class the next day, you bite back a smirk when you see Xavier’s positively beaten up face.
You walk over to him, acting all nonchalant.
“Yeah dude. She’s soooo into you.”
A/N: I kinda really enjoyed writing that, ty anon! Wednesday’s such a sweet softie on the inside.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
can I request jealous Wednesday x fem reader? Wednesday gets jealous of Xavier and the reader so she's more passive aggressive than usual and has the urge to pull pranks on Xavier. But when Wednesday sees reader and Xavier painting the reader chases after her
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Summary: Wednesday is reluctant to accept that she’s jealous of your friendship with Xavier until it all comes ahead.
A/n: Also due to the fact of how fucking long I made this fic, I had to relegate pranks (plural) to a singular prank. I rambled a little bit ngl.
Wednesday hated the gut feeling she’d get whenever she saw you and Xavier within extreme close proximity of one another; As though you were trying to fuse into one being with how pressed against one another you were. It felt like she had a stone stuck in her stomach that refused to dissolve and was starting to cause external as well as internal issues the longer it went unresolved. Normally Wednesday viewed herself above expressing emotions should they not provide beneficial results to her in the long run for the remainder of her stay at Nevermore, or everyday life in general.
However it seemed to Wednesday that you were the peculiar exception to this golden rule she had lived by since the passing of her pet scorpion. She felt fluttery in her chest whenever you laughed, her clothed skin burned with the remnants of your accidental touches and she felt most anticipating when she made plans with you after classes. You’ve managed to brought fourth emotions Wednesday long thought she had killed in order of bettering herself whether you were aware of your effect or not.
She hated it, she hated not being in control of her emotions and by that logic, Wednesday should hate you for being the reason for her lack of self control but she didn’t. Instead she directed all her hatred towards Xavier to the point that castration was a considered punishment but knowing how Nevermore operates; Wednesday knew that short of thing would’ve be allowed to fly without repercussions. ‘A pity really,’ she thought to herself as she maintained eye contact with the back of Xavier’s head as he playfully nudged you with his shoulder, ‘a shame even.’
Enid wished she could see the inner workings of Wednesday’s head but with how brutally she was stabbing the lunch table with her blunt knife, she quickly changed her mind in fear of that knife being directed at her next. “Wednesday, remember what we talked about when we get urge to stab something.” Enid spoke hesitantly as she tried to safely remove the knife away from Wednesday’s hand. When it was brought down harder then the previous times, blade lodged deeply within the table that once Wednesday lets go of the handle, the knife however remained standing straight up. Her eyes never departing from you nor Xavier as they blazed with silent fury. “Keep stabbing until it stops moving.” She replied blankly before standing up.
“Hey! Wednesday! Where are you going-“ Enid tried calling out to her friend when her words got caught up in her throat when her eyes followed the direction she was heading; You and Xavier. “Oh no.” Enid whispered as she rushed after Wednesday in hope of preventing someone’s (read: Xavier’s) death. “I do not want to be caught in the midst of a murder today, I just got these clothes recently and blood would not go well with them.” She rambled under her breath as nervousness got the better of her when she finally managed to catch up with Wednesday who was looking straight at you.
“Oh shit.” you almost jumped out of your chair at the sudden voice beside you had Xavier not caught you by the shoulders to stabilise you. Giving the boy your thanks you looked to your side of the table to see Wednesday and Enid standing there. “Hey Wednesday! Hey Enid, what’s up? Me and Xavier here were just-“ “I need you to come over to my-“ “our” Enid interrupted, flashing a smile when Wednesday looked at her with almost murderous intent before bringing her attention back to you. “Our dorm,” she shot enid a glare, “to look over some studies that were assigned to us last period.”
“We did?” You questioned as you, Xavier and Enid share a look of confusion as all four of you had last period together and to your recollection, there was no tasked assignment. So either you had shit memory or something else was at hand here that you were oblivious towards. Xavier shrugged his shoulders, “beats me and I tend to pay attention in my classes.” You shoved him by the shoulder as you laughed, “you fucking liar, no you don’t you always end up copying my notes or worse!” Xavier chuckled, extending his hand to pat your sympathetically on the shoulder.
“I make it up to you don’t I?” He asked innocently, making you scoff as you swat away his hand. before bringing his attention to Wednesday who by now has her jaw so tightly clenched behind a deadpan face that she swore she felt some teeth crack under the pressure she was putting them under. “Are you sure we got an assessment Wednesday? Me and y/n here have made plans to go beyond and explore the realms of possibilities of which through art later tonight.” Xavier iterated the last part in a tone he knew would get to you, in the end you couldn’t help but snort as you smacked his shoulder. “Stop talking like that, I’ll think I’ll piss myself.” You croaked through your laughter as you leant against Xavier for support.
“Too much information y/n,” Xavier grimaced but he sucked at keeping it up as his lips cracked into a bigger smile, “just too much information.” Whilst you both were distracted with your laughter, Enid could see that Wednesday was gesturing for something lurking under your table with her head and when she went to angled herself better to see what it was and to her surprise; Thing could be seen unlacing Xavier’s shoelaces before tying them back together again in a fashion that would have him take a personal greeting with the floor before scampering off back to where he came.
Now Enid never pegged Wednesday as the prankster type, considering the fact that she had told her time and time again that she was above such childish shenanigans. Yet here she was, having Thing pull pranks on her behalf all because she was jealous. “You’re right,” Wednesday uncharacteristically admitted, “must’ve got my dates incorrect, how foolish of me.” She then shrugs but before she leaves your table; Wednesday looked back over her shoulder, “Xavier.” She said. “Yeah?” He replied, albeit confused. “Watch your step.” Was all she said before walking away, leaving Enid to hastily bid you both goodbye as she rushed to catching up to her before mouthing something neither of you could decipher.
“What did she meant by that?” Xavier asked as he looked at you, watching the back of Wednesday’s head as she faded from view. “No idea but hearing that come from her? It’s probably not a good thing.” You admitted, sensing that something was off with Wednesday but you knew better then to openly confront a hostile animal. She wouldn’t budge an inch. So you decided that it would be best to let her work through whatever it was that she was going through in her own time. “Well that’s real reassuring.” Xavier said glumly before slinging his bag over his shoulder.
“We better get going before we’re late to herbology class.” He adds as he goes to stand up but as he attempts to move out from his seat; Xavier notices a little too late that his shoes were mysteriously tied together, causing him to trip over himself and fall flat on the floor with a yelp. “Oh my god, Xavier are you alright!” You exclaimed as you scrambled to help him up off of the floor, dusting him down of any dirt that might’ve lingered. “I understood what she meant by that now.” Xavier grimaced in pain. You both ended up being late for class by a couple of minutes due to Xavier stopping to unlace his shoes and tying them back up properly before practically sprinting across Nevermore towards your next lesson.
The next time Wednesday walked in on you and Xavier bonding, it wasn’t until nightfall that she came across the sound of laughter filling the air, growing louder and louder the closer she got to the abandoned shed Xavier had tricked out into an art studio. Her blood still boiled with how at ease Xavier seemed whenever he got physical with you and how you never seem to bask in his affection. She despised her Achilles heel which was you and the illogical thoughts you brought up within her head, causing her to loose rational train of thought and sleep as she now wandered the school grounds late at night in hopes for sleep to greet her. However Wednesday found herself stood outside the shed where she could hear yours and Xavier’s conversation loud and clear.
“You messy pup! Your getting paint on everything except the canvas!” Xavier exclaimed though it was in good nature considering how quick he was to laugh. “We’ll maybe if I had more to go on then the bullshit excuse of ‘painting with my heart.’ Then I wouldn’t be such a messy pup then would I?” You replied, reduced to a laughing fit of your own. It was obvious to Wednesday that you were both having fun, so much fun in fact that she believed that she was the last thing on your mind. You rarely visited her and Enid in their dorm anymore, too busy having Xavier occupying your time. Seemingly possessed by the betrayal she was feeling in that moment, Wednesday forcefully opened the door in time to see Xavier stand a breaths width away from you, holding your face in his hands as his thumb rubs away at some remnants of paint.
His gaze seemed a little too intense for Wednesday’s liking as she took into account of the way he looked at you that same exact way she caught herself looking at you; as though you’ve painted the night sky of which you hung the stars from. Your eyes darted to hers as they widened at the realisation of how this looked to other people but before you could open your mouth to say anything. Wednesday had already slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Xavier knew there was something between you and Wednesday and he wanted to help you in expressing your feelings in a way that didn’t suffocate Wednesday. However it seemed that she might’ve misunderstood this as him making a move on you which couldn’t be further from the truth. “Go after her.” Xavier said, stepping away from you.
“She won’t believe me-“ “well then try to make her believe you.” Xavier stopped you before you could admit defeat. “You like this girl don’t you?” He asked, “of course I do Xavier, I like her very, very much.” You admitted, feeling the tears of frustration well up in the corner of your eyes. Xavier smiled softly as he cross the room to open the door, “Then go get her, tiger.” He urges as he gestured towards the silhouette of Wednesday that was slowly fading away from view the further and further away she got. You smiled at Xander, “thank you.” You said to him before bolting out of the art studio and after Wednesday as fast as your legs could carry you.
“You got this!” You heard Xavier exclaim from behind which only pushed you even further forward as you darted past trees, bushes, the archery range until you could vaguely make out Wednesday making her way to the front of the building that lead up to her dorm in Ophelia Hall. “Wednesday!” You called, uncaring of who you woke up in the process, the only thing that mattered to you was setting things straight. “Wednesday wait, I need to talk to you!” You saw Wednesday stop at the doors and you almost felt like collapsing when you finally caught up to her, leaving heavily on the door as you struggled to filling your lungs with the sufficient amount of oxygen.
“What do you want.” Wednesday snapped. She hadn’t meant to stop but something within her told her that she’d be better off hearing you out. “I’m going to cut the bullshit and get to the point,” you said through gasps, coughing briefly before taking a deep breath, “I like you Wednesday Addams. I like you a lot, I’ve been meaning to find ways of telling you how I feel that wouldn’t overwhelm you or make you uncomfortable. So I’ve taken to asking Xavier for advice because he’s and artist and shit as you know.” Wednesday felt a familiar fluttering in her chest as you continued to explain yourself when all she really cared enough to hear was that you liked her and only did what you did as to not force her out of her comfort zone for you.
So instead of letting you continue your long winded explanation, Wednesday merely grabbed ahold of your shirt, pulling you into her lips as she gave you a chaste kiss before shoving you away slightly. Your wide eyed expression had a smile creep up on Wednesday’s face as she quickly composed herself. “I like you too,” she headed you silently cheer to yourself, “however you can start repaying me for sacrificing our time together by joining me on the astrology tower tomorrow night.” Your eyes widened and your smile stretched across your face. “Like a date, a date date?” Wednesday couldn’t help but scoff at your choice of words before replying, “yes, like a date date.”
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tabrisofmars · 7 months
Enid: Okay girls, Wednesday's B-day is just around the corner. Let's say our gift ideas, so nobody picks the same.
Bianca: I found this little guillotine for cutting cigars. She'll probably threaten to cut off our fingers but it is so her.
Divina: I got her this antique desk chair. Supposedly the last owner died in it.
Yoko: I'm getting her the head of her childhood enemy.
Everyone else:
Yoko: You're just jealous I thought of it first.
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priniya · 2 years
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reader gets upset, when xavier pays no attention to her at the raven’s, but when things get complicated, and her best friend is in the center, she lets down her grudge.
notes: xavier thorpe x reader. reader is a witch. best friends to lovers. mentions of alcohol (wine), underage drinking, probably a few curse words, characters might be a little off tho. SPOILERS for wednesday finale! read on your own responsibility. NOT PROOFREAD
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in the depth of your heart, you’ve always known that you’d end up with xavier thorpe, or have a high school love story with him, so there was no surprise for anyone that knew you, that when he finally asked you out to be his date on the upcoming ball, you were on cloud nine. almost as if he knew that you’ve rejected at least four boys that invited you.
suddenly becoming involved and interested in anything that revolved around the dance, looking out for a dress with enid, and wednesday was much more fun than you anticipated, asking yoko to help you out with make-up, and hair. you were ecstatic — happier than you’ve ever been.
it was finally your turn, after so much time of sulking, you got a chance.
at least you thought so. xavier thorpe has been your friends ever since your parents put you together in one crib, during a spontaneous meet-up with his. you were always there for him, hardly ever putting yourself before him. it wasn’t a shock, when you developed a crush, you could say it was expected.
and then, when he put down another of your offer to have at least one dance, you realized what was going on. your best friend wasn’t as happy as you, whenever the topic of the ball was brought up, changing it as soon as possible, he wasn’t keen on dancing, his mind definitely somewhere else. his eyes tracing around wednesday addams.
your heart clutched in your chest as you shifted in your chair, ready to stand up. “maybe you’d stop sulking if you asked her, instead of sitting here.” you rolled your eyes, the happiness far gone on your face. “do it. i’ll be outside if you were looking for me.” he just nodded his head in reply.
sneaking out noiselessly, you managed to climb upstairs to your dorm to quickly find a bottle of wine, you’d hit under your bed earlier. as soon as your dress touched the wooden floor, your eyes filled with tears — how couldn’t you think about it? even for a second? it was so painfully obvious that he was using you to get her jealous.
the bottle emptied pretty rapidly, but it wasn’t the only bottle you had hidden somewhere in your room. sobs, accompanied by the tunes of a song playing from a random, heartbreak playlist, filled the quiet room as you poured another glass of the liquid. you were just a pawn in his game, a small chapter that didn’t matter, not as much as he mattered to you.
you didn’t even think about washing off your makeup, as it only reminded you about the humiliation you faced after putting it on. you didn’t even put the dress back into the wardrobe, nor clean the empty bottles of your favorite wine.
yet, even though you were hurting so much, all you could do is wonder if he looked for you after your sudden disappearance, did he care enough to be at least a little worried, although you wouldn’t like to know the answer, it didn’t matter anyway.
when your roommate finally came back, her white dress soaked in red paint, she didn’t even care that your sheets would get stained, she didn’t even ask about the reason of your current state, she just pulled you into a hug, and didn’t let go for the next hours as you poured out your heart.
“why do i keep doing this? why do i keep running back to him, whenever he gets upset? why does it hurt so much, when i should’ve known it would end up like that.” you cried, head resting on her laps as you sipped the sweet liquid from the bottle. “will it ever be me?” you asked.
on the next day of classes, you weren’t really yourself. you were rarely bothered by anything, always trying to bring a good mood wherever you went, now — you were the complete opposite. earphones plugged in your ears with music blasting so loud that you barely heard your own thoughts, sunglasses resting at the bridge of your nose to hide the puffiness, and redness of your eyes, not even a single word coming out of your mouth.
“earth to y/n.” bianca tapped your shoulders lightly, grabbing your attention. you two weren’t exactly best friends — she was an ex-girlfriend of a boy you were so obviously interested in, yet you managed to hold everything in for the period of their relationship. “what happened between you, and xavier last night?” she asked, a worried expression painted all over her face.
bianca respected you more than anyone that could possibly be a threat to her relationship with thorpe, when they were still together. which was weird for anyone around you, knowing how inseparable the two of you could be, yet you never wanted to be the one to ruin their best friend’s relationship. so when bianca questioned your motives, not believing any of your words until you asked her to use the siren speak on you to learn the truth. that you backed out the second he told you, that you kept your feelings and affection for yourself.
“nothing.” you shrugged. “i was just a pawn to get wednesday’s attention, something i should’ve expected.” you cracked a sad smile, fixing the sunglasses on your nose. the girl seemed to be… shocked, a frown appearing on her face.
“he was unable to stop talking about you, when we were together yet now when he has a chance, he pulls out shit like that?” a sigh escaped from between her lips, arm threw over your shoulder. “i’ll swing by our room tonight, i’ll make sure you’ll be busy with something else.”
you smiled at the girl, accepting the offer, before she got back to her friend group. a notification popped up on the screen of your phone, a humorless laugh leaving your lips immediately.
xav: need 2 talk, my shack in 5?
as a rational human-being you were (with additional psychic abilities), you left him on read, and never stepped into his art studio. well, at first you were convinced to do it, but your legs decided upon going there — so again, you were running back to him whenever he wanted.
“hey.” you spoke out softly. “you said you needed to talk?” you added, the dim lighting of the room making him almost invisible. his head shot to you immediately, determination painted all over his face.
“where were you after you left?” his words sharply cut through the thick tension built around you. you were about to part your lips, and reveal yourself, when he added. “were you in the woods? that’s why you had to run away so fast? because you are the–”
so this is what it was all about — he didn’t want to see you to check if you were fine, he wanted to see you to investigate if you were the hyde that hurt eugene, and killed rowan. you let out a humorless chuckle, turning your back on him, ready to leave, though his hand gripped on your lower arm.
“so you are the hyde.” he stated, eyes burning with fury. “you left to run after eugene, because he found out about your little secret, so you had to cut ties?” his words incredibly pained you, cutting your heart like a knife, proceeded by stabbing.
you let out a long sigh, looking him dead in the eyes. “i was in my dorm, bawling my eyes out while drinking the wine my sister sent me, because my date didn’t even bother to look at me for a second, even though i spent my last savings to buy a dress, so maybe for once, he would look at me and think that i look pretty, that i did it for him.” you felt the tears filling up your eyes, yet you kept going. “i’ve spent the entire night, wondering when my role as a pawn in his game will end. and i’ve come to a conclusion that it won’t happen, there’s always gonna be someone above me in his hierarchy, even though we were friends for more than i can remember.” he let your arm out of the grip, a confused grimace on his lips. “why didn’t you just ask her? oh wait, i know, i’ve already been told why. you did ask her out, but she refused to go, because tyler invited her earlier, so i was just a getaway car as always.”
when he didn’t break the silence after you finished your monologue, you left, running away to the woods to gather your thoughts, and cry for the fifth time that day. you clearly weren’t in a mood to talk to anyone without a sip of wine. you felt invisible, when you found yourself a seat somewhere in the forest. you were sure that your roommate would ask the teachers to give you a sick day, firmly explaining what happened.
xav: yn,,, im sorry, can we talk it through?
you didn’t reply at all, starting to hold a silent grudge against him, for once, placing yourself before anyone else. until the classes were finished, you were walking around the woods, gathering herbs for your potions, trying to calm down.
throughout your whole life, you believed that your mom has linked your souls together at the very young age, so you could be some sort of anchor for each other, whenever something overwhelmed you, nonetheless it was a double-sided sword. he could mess you up to the point, where you had to take a calming potion (and vice versa), or he could be the one to calm you like no one other could.
so when the evening came, you found yourself dressed up in your favorite pjs, which some time ago belonged to your best friend (now it’s yours, of course), standing at the door leading to bianca’s dorm. two bottles of wine, hidden in the depth of your bag.
“i hope you bought more wine, she drank two and a half bottle last night.” your roommate laughed, arm wrapped around your shoulders as you walked into the room.
the time flew by as you emptied at least three bottles, and you were comfortably laying down on divina’s bed, covered in a blanket junpier brought with her. “he accused me of being the monster today.” you spoke out suddenly, changing the topic back to xavier, who endlessly occupied your mind. “and earlier, enid told me he actually asked wednesday to go with him, she just refused.”
“he really has no shame, has he?” bianca rolled her eyes, taking a seat next to you, and gave you the tightest hug it was only possible. “you know, the thing with wednesday will die down soon, and he’ll come back sooner than you think, he always does.” she planted a soft kiss on your forehead to make her words more believable.
“and if he doesn’t, which is doubtful, then you have us, we can find you someone.” divina joined you on the bed, a big smile spread over her face as she watched you let out a light chuckle. “maybe elliott, the werewolf? he’s pretty hot.”
you were cuddling for the rest of the night, sleeping in the most uncomfortable positions that ever existed, surrounded by blankets, and lots of pillows. after that night, full of drunk confessions, words of reassurance, cuddles and lots of wine, you felt confident enough to face xavier.
it happened sooner than you anticipated, you made your way downstairs to see him, waiting and knocking at the door, pale, and shaken up. “hey, looking for someone?” you asked, his large t-shirt hanging loosely on your body.
“yn, can we talk it through? please.” he asked, begged, watching as you walked into the room, and when you didn’t close the door, he took it as a sign to step. “we?” you scoffed. “let me explain myself.”
“i don’t know if i want to hear it.” you smiled at him, before mumbling something under your breath with a hand above a pack of cookies, changing it to a proper meal. “eat it, then we can talk.” you passed the dish to him, crossing your arms afterwards.
there was a thing about xavier that had always extremely infuriated you, ever since you were children. — he was terrible at taking proper care of himself, usually forgetting to have something to eat with him, whenever he went to his art studio. you’d always cast a spell on some of your snacks, you just bought in the city, to change it into something he liked, and then accidentally step by.
“i- i’m sorry that i made the dance miserable for you.” you leaned your back on your desk, eyebrows furrowed as you listened to him speak. “i really wanted to have fun with you, but i felt the presence of the monster there, near wednesday. it frustrated me to the point, where my mind went completely blank, ruining the dance not only for myself, but also for you.”
“and you’ve never been a pawn for me, you’ve always been present in the back of my mind, you are the factor that keep me sane, you’re the only person that brought so much happiness to my life.” he stood up from his seat, and walked towards you. his hands grabbing yours, softly, knuckles caressing it gently. “i’ve always been aware of my feelings for you, my heart has always belonged to you, and it always will, but i’m scared of losing you.”
“then why didn’t you call me, when i didn’t get back? why did you assume i was the monster? xavier, i beg you, stop trying to mess with my feelings, nothing adds up.” your tone was so quiet that the boy had to get even closer to hear it. “all i wanted was you to spend quality time with you, because you ditched me for wednesday a lot, since she got here, and i get that you can do whatever you want, so i was quiet about it, but even at the event you invited me to go with you?” seeing you so vulnerable made xavier’s heart clutch painfully in his chest. it was all, because of him, and he didn’t like a single bit of it.
“i wish everything was different, really. making you cry was the last thing i wanted to do, and you can hate me all you want, i deserve it for treating you like that.” he let out a long sigh. “but i just want you to know that it’s always been you, my head was always filled with your laughter, and memories of you.”
the closeness between you was overwhelming, taking your last senses from you, the same moment, when your best friend closed the gap, kissing you so delicately. feeling his lips on yours was infatuating, and enchanting, nonetheless, you pulled away, his forehead leaned on yours. “no, no, no. you can’t do that right now, not when i’m so angry with you. give me time, please.”
and with that, he stepped back with a simple nod, his eyes didn’t leave your face even for a second. “i’ll give you as much time as you need, i promise.” were the last words he has spoken before leaving your room.
for the next two weeks, three tops, you two barely exchanged a word, everyone around could sense the tension between, but you weren’t ready to talk to him as you still felt the pain from the dance. however, when wednesday announced that xavier was the hyde, you couldn’t believe it. none of these attacks were thorpe’s doing, and you were positive.
“i’ll curse the hell out of you, if you won’t let me see him.” you hissed at one of the cops, before he leaded you to the cell, where they kept your best friend, and seeing him in a state like that was destroying.
“yn?” shocked was painted on his face as you stepped into the room, a worried expression on yours. “it’s not me, i swear. please, someone set me up, please, you have to believe me.” his broken voice rang out in your ears as you nodded.
“hey, calm down and breathe for me, please.” you asked. “i’ll find a way to get you out of here, okay? everything’s gonna be fine, i’ll figure out whose doing it was, and you’ll be clear.” you sent him a reassuring, warm, and soo loving smile that all he could do was reciprocate it. “then, we can go out on a date, but you owe me so much wine, xavier thorpe that i don’t think you’ll be able to pay me back.”
when your time was up, you hang around the city for a while, thinking how could you get xavier out without breaking any laws that would put you there instead. grabbing a quick coffee from the weathervane, before coming back to the castle with xavier being your only thought.
you visited him thrice over the time, promising that if you don’t find the person who set him up, you’ll start breaking laws and free him within a blink.
you were surrounded by a crowd of people during the evacuation, caused by bringing joseph crackstone back to life. you were responsible for the spell that would keep everyone tranquil, and quiet in a place safe enough that the pilgrim’s actions wouldn’t reach.
and then, you noticed the boy you had feelings for, standing further away, making his way towards the crowd of people, and you couldn’t resist — you ran to him, throwing your hands around his neck, pulling him into a hug. when you backed off a few seconds later, your fingers running through his hair as you smiled so widely. “it’s you.” you chuckled lightly.
you remember everything that happened afterwards — mr. galpin handcuffing his son, the funeral the new principal threw for mrs. weens, brewing a potion for wednesday, so her scar from taking an arrow for bianca could heal faster, the end of the school year, and your date with xavier.
some would say you were reckless for not moving on from the blonde boy, some would bash you for giving him another chance, but you valued your friendship, and his presence in your life. so, it wasn’t a surprise for his housemates to see you at his door at one of the last nights of school year, dressed up in the comfiest clothes you had (which were, surprisingly, his).
you both decided that going out to a restaurant was unnecessary, and you could spend some quality time with each other in his room by eating a strawberry shortcake, drinking wine, and watching movies.
it was around first in the morning, when you finished ten things i hate about you, your head rested on his shoulder as you clung to his arm, being already a little tipsy. “i can’t believe you actually hadn’t watched my favorite movie before! julia stiles was so hot, and for what!” you giggled lightly, turning your head towards him.
“waited till i could watch it with you.” he tugged on a smile, and kissed you so sweetly that you felt like dying from the butterflies in your stomach. your fingers grabbed the collar of his shirt as he pulled you even closer, sitting you on his lips. “i love you.” xavier whispered in between the kisses, making your stomach burn on the inside.
it felt like a dream — to be kissed by a boy you pinned over so long, to have his hands on your waist, and hickies made by him on your neck, to be loved by him. even if it was a dream, the last thing you wanted was to wake up.
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leadpoisioning · 1 year
Xavi Doesn’t Know
Tyler Galpin x Fem!Reader
SMUT (18+) ((oral, car sex, phone sex?, jealous!xavier, possessive!tyler))
Word Count: 1,204
Xavier doesn’t know that you and Tyler do it in his car every Sunday, that when you’re shopping Tyler’s really not stopping and it’s a three way call and Xavi doesn’t even know.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Xavier calls out to you, jogging to meet you where you stand in the courtyard. You take a deep breath before turning to the taller boy. Everyone knew Xavier was infatuated with you, ever since you spoke to him during orientation on the first day of freshman year. Unfortunately, he never mustered up the courage to actually do anything about the feelings he had, other than harbor them. You waited, you really did, but eventually his game got tiring and you found someone else.
“Yeah what’s up?” You nod.
“Do you want to hang out in my shed on Sunday? I was thinking we could have a chill day, like we used to.” You cringe at the mention of Sunday. You already had plans.
“Sorry Xavi, I’m already going to a church thing with Wednesday.”
“Oh, okay! No problem, some other time then.” You smile politely and nod, watching as he trudges away. It killed you to lie to him, but he’d hate you if he knew what you were really doing.
“Oh shit baby-“ Tyler gasps bucking up into your mouth. Your hand rests on the center console of his car while you bob your head up and down, messily drooling all over his cock. He screws his eyes shut, focusing on the heavenly feeling of your tongue. His knuckles turn white, gripping the steering wheel as if it might float away. “I’m so close baby, I can’t hold it much longer.” He breathily warns. His noises spur you on, going faster as he gasps harder. Tyler can’t find the words to say anything as his hips stutter, cum shooting up into your mouth. You swallow what you can, and clean his cock with long swipes as his chest heaves. His hand grabs your neck, bringing you to his face for a sloppy kiss. You slide over onto his lap from your seat and kiss him harder.
Meanwhile, Xavier is sat in his wooden chair at his desk. He rolls his eyes and tears out the doodle, throwing the crumpled page to the floor amongst the countless others. He runs a hand through his hair. He hated liking you this much. Too bad Xavi doesn’t know that you do it in Tyler’s car every Sunday.
A few days later he tries again. You and Enid sat next to each other, talking about some assignments.
“Hey, I was thinking we could reschedule that hang out sesh for today if you weren’t busy.” He sheepishly grins. You frown.
“I’m sorry, Enid and I were gonna go shopping in town today.” You and Enid were going into town, except Ajax was coming along as well and you’d be dropped off at Tyler’s house. His mouth draws into a thin line as he nods curtly.
“That’s fine, you two have fun.” He huffs walking off, discouraged but not completely set off.
“Harder, Tyler please-“ You whine, your legs drawing him in by his waist. He obeys, leaning down to kiss you as he does so, swallowing your increasingly loud moans. Your hand curls into his hair, gripping it tightly as he groans into your mouth. His cock feels so nice rutting into your pussy.
“Bet our little friend Xavi can’t fuck you this good.” He snidely remarks, having pulled away from your mouth just to comment in your ear. You shake your head quickly.
“No- only you, only you can fuck me this good-“ You babble, feeling the heat in your stomach grow. Tyler smirks at your quick assurance and dips his hand down to your clit, rewarding you.
“Good girl, that’s right.” He hisses with pleasure as your pussy squeezes his cock. He swirls a finger around your clit faster until your hips are bucking up into his, cumming as he finishes in your pussy. He gives you a few more rolls of his hips, making sure his cum is deep in you, before pulling out.
Xavier carefully moves his hand, making the painting before him come to life. You sat on a blanket in the grass, smiling through the paper. He sighs, slamming the sketchbook shut. He was never going to have that, not if he didn’t man the fuck up and tell you what exactly he wanted. He wasn’t ever completely honest with his intentions, he figured that’s what kept pushing you away. He was going to call you, and instead of tip-toeing around it he was going to ask you out.
“On your hands and knees, baby.” Tyler kisses you before letting you bend over. He gently grabs your ass and presses it back against himself. Your pussy clenching around nothing as he lightly slaps it with his hard cock. Right as he’s about to slide home, your ringtone goes off. Tyler picks up the phone and sees Xavier’s face light up on the screen. Smirking, he clicks answer and tosses the device near your head.
“Hello?” You answer, kind of annoyed about the interruption. Tyler makes it a little more bearable by easing into you.
“(Y/N)! Hey, I really needed to talk to you about something serious. Are you able to talk right now?” You roll your eyes, biting your lip as Tyler slides in and out of your cunt slowly.
“Yeah I’m good, what’s up?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About me and you, us, I mean…” Tyler speeds up his thrusts. “I know why you’ve been avoiding me, and I totally get it! You’ve been wanting me to just be straight up with you.” He states, you’re trying not to moan or laugh into the phone. Tyler wraps a hand around your waist and toys with your clit.
“Xavier, I-“ You quietly muster.
“Wait, I’m not done.” He interrupts.
“Me neither.” Tyler murmurs, you squeeze his cock, making him chuckle softly.
“(Y/N), will you go out with me?” You gasp as Tyler hits a spot deep inside of you, no doubt getting off on this conversation. A three way call and Xavi doesn’t even know. Xavier waits, hearing the gasp and getting excited for your acceptance.
“I’m sorry Xavier, it’s just- ah- you really should’ve told me sooner.” You try your best to sound sorry for him while pleasures fill your senses. The line stays quiet. Tyler reaches for the phone and holds it between his ear and shoulder while he grips your hips for more leverage.
“I’m sorry Thorpe, you snooze; you lose.” He pouts, letting Xavier hear the sinful slaps of his skin against yours before hanging up. When the phone is out of sight, he continues thrusting- harder and deeper than before. You finally let out the pent up moans and push back against his cock. He leans over you to whisper in your ear. “So good for me, denying him while my cock is deep inside your pretty little cunt.” Your breathy moan is all he needs to hear before stilling his hips and filling you up once again while your cum mixes with his, dripping onto his sheets below.
Xavier throws his phone across the dorm room, the device clattering to the ground. He couldn’t believe he was so trusting. Xavi just didn’t know.
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jazzyoranges · 5 months
hey. i really like the fic about shapeshitfing!reader x wednesday. i was wondering if u could do thing and reader being absolute besties and playful with each other which makes wednesday annoyed and sorta jealous.
Best friends
Wednesday Addams x fem!shapeshifter!reader
Words: 1.4k
A/n: lowk shapeshifter!r is so fun to write, thanks for all the requests about her :) hopefully you like reading about her a lot because honestly i’m a little obsessed with this universe
Warnings(?): wednesday being wednesday, ooc wednesday, mentions of knives and blood
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“Why are you adamant on annoying me.” Wednesday opens her door to you, whose rapidly knocking stops when the look on Wednesday’s face doesn’t give much room for explanation. But you love being defiant so you don’t really care
“Thing and I planned to go on a date today!”
The Addams looks behind her to see the appendage with the tiniest little crocheted messenger bag that was worn on his wrist like a bracelet. You can see Wednesday’s forehead wrinkle when Thing saunters over to your feet for you to put him on your shoulder, just as you’ve seen Wednesday do countless times before
“I asked Thing if he had any rings to wear and he said no, so naturally I’m going to treat him on a day out” The appendage taps excitedly on your shoulder, poking at your face to signal he wants to go
“And when did you plan this?”
“After we played tag, you wanna come with us?” You ask with a turn of your head
“Shopping isn’t my strongest suit. I’d only slow you two down.”
“We’ll be off doing hot girl things. I promise I’ll have him home before curfew, Miss Addams” You treat Wednesday like she’s a disapproving mother, when in reality she looks unfazed and honestly a little annoyed. You and Thing wave goodbye, leaving Wednesday with her own thoughts as her roommate is doing god knows what with her friends
Time alone could be good for Wednesday. She’s been around people far more than she preferred. With maybe an hour on her hands before someone interrupts her, Wednesday sits at her desk to write
Her fingers drum against her desk, a habit she picked up from Thing. The appendage you were taking out on a date. For gods sake, he was a hand! You asked a singular appendage out on a date. Not even a full human. A fucking hand. A hand that didn’t have a voice, yet you were still infatuated with him nonetheless
And maybe Wednesday is smart enough to recognize she’s feeling a little peeved over a hand. Maybe Wednesday is smart enough to know Thing does have a voice; a sassy one at that. Maybe Wednesday is coping with the fact you wanted to take Thing out more than someone you actively sought out and saw every day
And maybe you’re the reason why Wednesday had to buy a slightly bigger trash can for the more recent mistakes she’s been making during her writing time
You were a disease. You forced your way into everyone’s life, but somehow you always came out with more friends and acquaintances than you started with. It was annoying how unforgivably social you were.
Your dumb smile with your pearly white teeth. Wednesday’s tapping on her desk got a little faster
Your need to include everyone whether you knew them or not. It was why you were on a date with Thing in the first place
Your everlasting hunger to be around someone. Wednesday knew you didn’t like to be alone
Your voice that Wednesday knew so well.
“Hey, Wens!” Enid makes her presence known with a sing-song tone while placing her jacket on the coat hanger near the door
“Where’s Thing? It’s quiet in here” The blonde immediately notices
“He’s on a date,” There’s a small pause after Wednesday talks “with (Y/n).”
“(Y/n) took Thing on a date?”
“How’s your writing going?” Enid peers over Wednesday’s shoulder to look at her once again, full trash can. Enid notices that happens a lot when you’re on Wednesday’s mind for some reason. The Addams glares at Enid when she makes another mistake, crumbling up the piece of paper while maintaining eye contact with her roommate
A beat of silence.
“…did you seriously get cucked by a hand?”
“Repeat such degenerate nonsense and I’ll be forced to make sure you never will.”
“I dunno, you’re looking a little jealous over there” Wednesday doesn’t have to turn around to hear the wolfish grin in Enid’s voice
“The urge to push a knife through your skull is an insatiable hunger that cannot be fed by anything that isn’t your blood.”
“Do you like this one? See look, the dragon is the ring!” You place the ring on Thing’s middle finger. The appendage shows his approval with another few taps
“Yes, it makes you look tough. You want another one?” He nods. Well, at least makes it look like he’s nodding. You grab a silver ring from the display, putting it on his thumb
“Will Enid like the rings?” Thing signs
“Everyone will love them, especially Enid. You running out on lotion?”
“Nope! How can I repay you?”
You pretend to think for a second
“If you delete Enid’s blackmail on me off of all her devices I’ll take you out again, free of charge” The employee at the front is probably wondering why your back is turned to her while you’re whispering into your hands
Thing holds a thumbs-up and you take the two rings off his fingers and put them on the check out counter along with a few other little trinkets you liked and stuff for your friends
A pink and white bracelet with charms you knew Enid would find cute, scale earrings that twinkled in the sun that Bianca would look stunning in, a bee pin that was too perfect for Eugene, and a black snake that curled into itself as ring for Wednesday
You only assumed Thing gave you a blank stare when the cashier said your price was a bit more than a hundred fifty dollars. Your mom would definitely chastise you for your spending issues, but that was a problem for another day. Your current problem was that you had to get Thing home by curfew like you promised
Thing might not want to take up your invitation on another date anytime soon.
Currently you’re turned into a bird with the appendage hanging on for dear life on your back as you carry the bag of items you bought in your beak. Thing pleaded you just run on the ground like any normal animal, but you promised you’d get him home by curfew. Running would’ve taken too long and your ass would get tired
So instead, you went for the skies without Thing’s approval
He might hate you now, honestly. In your defense, it was too late when he told you he had a fear of falling when you were above tree height
You asked if he wanted to sit in the bill of a pelican instead and you felt him pluck one of your feathers. Lucky for you both, Wednesday and Enid’s room wasn’t too far away
When you land on the balcony of their dorm, Thing hops off your back and apologizes for your now lost feather. You also apologize for not planning correctly and having him on your back with little to no safety
Enid looks a little confused when Thing starts to hug the bird that landed on her balcony, but she eventually figures out it’s you. The blonde looks away for a second and you’re already a cat desperately knocking against their circle window to be let in
You walk in like you own the place, and Wednesday checks the clock if you actually got Thing home by curfew
“With minutes left to spare, too.” Wednesday says. You smile proudly
You jump up onto Enid’s bed, bag still in mouth. You push it over so it’s parallel to the bed, digging your head in until you find what you need. The pink and white bracelet with charms you got from Jericho. Enid makes sure to ruffle your fur so much it starts to stick out until she pats it down. Thing makes sure to tell Enid all about his day
Grabbing your bag, you make your way towards Wednesday, who’s reading a book with a dark cover on her bed
You look through the bag again, but this time with the aforementioned snake ring in your mouth. You keep your tongue away from the ring as much as possible to stop you from getting your saliva on it
Of course you thought about your friends while on a date.
Wednesday reaches out her hand, taking the ring from your mouth. She places it on her left ring finger and it seems to be a snug fit. There’s a wordless thank you in Wednesday’s eyes when she uses the same hand to scratch under your chin, making you purr
The happy expression on your face and the way you lean into her touch makes Wednesday’s heart melt the tiniest bit.
You crawl into Wednesday’s lap as she reads her book. Every now and again you can feel the now cold ring against your skin, sending shivers down your spine
You end up spending the night with Wednesday’s lips against the back of your ear and her hand on your stomach. It wasn’t your fault you were a cuddly cat.
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jenna0rtega27 · 2 months
Hey could you do a g!p Enid x g!p Wednesday and fem reader smut where the Enid and Wednesday get jealous because reader what talking to a boy and not them with lots of after care pls :))
You belong to us
Thank you for asking
Wednesday x Enid x F!Reader/vampire
Summary: Request
Warning: Wednesday g!p, Enid g!p, threesome, smut, blowjob, penetration, jealousy, mention of Xavier, dom!Wednesday, dom!Enid, sub!Reader
Number of words : 2280
3rd person POV: Y/n reads her book lying on her bed. It is currently 7 a.m. and the young vampire is waiting for her two roommates to wake up. Being a vampire, Y/n never sleeps. Her two roommates are Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams. The two girls have been a couple for a few months now. After the murders of Joseph Crackston and Marilyn Thornhill, Wednesday and Enid became a couple after returning to school. Fortunately for them, the school was brand new when they returned.
But unfortunately for Y/n, she has feelings for both girls. But since they are a couple, then she didn't say anything. And she is also the only one who knows their secret. They both have a cock. She caught them fucking in the bathroom. To say she was jealous is an understatement. Seeing them sleep every night in the same bed sticks. Y/n would have liked to be with them. But she knows that will never happen to her.
The young vampire continues reading when she hears someone moaning loudly. She knows without looking that it’s Enid. The young werewolf gets up from her bed.
“Good morning Y/n. » Enid says happily and gives Y/n a kiss on the cheek. Y/n blushes but remains calm so as not to let Enid notice anything. Enid always did her with Y/n. Every morning she received a kiss on the cheek from Enid. And she blushed every time. And strangely, Wednesday didn't seem jealous because she didn't say anything. Or maybe she's making a plan to kill Y/n.
“Good morning Enid. » Y/n responds, smiling slightly and returning to her book.
After 5 minutes of reading, Y/n hears mouth noises. Like two people kissing. She turns her head slightly and sure enough, Enid and Wednesday kiss. They are sideways so Y/n can see everything. Wednesday opens her eyes to make eye contact with Y/n. Y/n holds her breath unable to look at anything other than Wednesday's eyes staring at her. To tease the young vampire, Wednesday adds her tongue to the kiss, still staring at Y/n. Enid moaned slightly. Y/n would love to join them in fucking each other. After a few more seconds, Enid stops herself.
Enid goes to change in the bathroom and Wednesday stays in her place with a smirk on her face. Then, Wednesday also goes to change and comes out 1 minute later.
“Okay, let’s eat before we’re late for class.” » Enid says and Wednesday nods. Enid is about to open the door but notices that Y/n remains in her bed with her book. “Are you coming Y/n?” »
“Oh no go ahead I didn’t do that anyway. » Y/n replies with a small smile.
" All right. » Said Enid and she leaves the room. Wednesday looks at Y/n with an emotionless look.
“If you don't come and eat in 5 minutes, I will kill you in your sleep and feed your flesh to the pigs and use your bones as weapons. » Said Wednesday and leaves the room without letting Y/n say anything.
Y/n huffs and changes. She doesn't want to make Wednesday angry. But she doesn't understand why Wednesday acts like this. Y/n has the impression that the young girl with the black braids cares about the young vampire. But Y/n can't think like that, because Wednesday doesn't like her. She only loves herself and Enid.
Once changed, Y/n leaves the room and heads towards the stairs. Once down the stairs, she walks towards a table. Arriving at a table, someone grabs her forearm, she turns around and finds herself face to face with Xavier Thorpe.
Xavier has always loved Y/n. He's made lots of attempts to go out with Y/n and go on a date with her but he always gets turned down.
Xavier lets go of Y/n’s arm and moves a little closer to her. Y/n rolls her eyes.
“Please Y/n. Let me ask you out on a date. I promise you won't regret it. » Said Xavier with sparkling eyes.
Y/n was once again going to refuse Xavier's request but before she can say it, she sees Wednesday and Enid staring at her in the distance. Enid has the exit claws and looks like she's ready to slit Xavier's throat. And Wednesday has a look that sends chills down your spine. Her arms remain alongside her body and she does not blink. Y/n literally got goosebumps.
" Kiss Me. »
" I beg your pardon? »
“Kiss me Xavier, I accept your date. »
Xavier smiles with pride and places his hands on Y/n's cheeks.
“I promise you won’t regret it.” » Said Xavier and immediately places his lips on Y/n's.
The young vampire closes her eyes and wants to vomit. But before the kiss can go any further, Y/n feels a tug which causes her to withdraw from Xavier's hold. The person pulling her holds her wrist hard which hurts her. Y/n looks up and sees that it’s Wednesday dragging her and sees Enid walking right next to her with her claws still out.
“Ouch Wednesday you’re hurting me!” » Y/n complains but Wednesday puts even more pressure on Y/n's wrist.
“Enid goes to the principal and finds a way to make us miss class. » Orders Wednesday monotonously. Enid nods and leaves for the principal's office.
Arriving at the room, Wednesday closes the door and pushes Y/n onto her bed. She lays Y/n on her back and straddles her thighs.
“For the very first time in my entire life, I felt jealous. I never had that feeling with Enid. » Wednesday said through gritted teeth. “You are ours, do you understand? » Y/n nods not knowing what to say or do. “I said do you understand? » Wednesday repeats with a deeper voice and cupping Y/n's jaw.
" Yes I understood. » Y/n replies and she already feels herself getting wet.
“Me and Enid wanted to fuck you so bad. But we weren't sure so we didn't do anything. But when I saw you watching me kiss Enid, my cock got hard. » Y/n can't believe this is happening today. She's wanted Enid and Wednesday all to herself for so long and now her dream is coming true. “Are you ok for me and Enid to fuck you.” » asks Wednesday. Y/n nods. “I want words Cara Mia. » Wednesday adds, caressing Y/n's cheek with her index finger.
“Yes you can fuck me. » Y/n replies almost in a whisper and looks at Wednesday's lips before returning to her eyes. A smirk appeared on Wednesday's face. She leans down and gently places her lips on the vampire's. Y/n moaned at the coldness of young Addams' lips. She didn't expect them to be cold.
Wednesday takes her hand and puts it in Y/n's pants but without going into her panties and slowly caresses her pussy and can feel all the wetness.
“You’re so wet.” » Wednesday said, pulling away from Y/n's lips and smirking.
Enid enters the room and goes to the bed where the girls are already there.
“Hey don’t start without me.” » Enid said, pouting.
“Come here Cara Mia. » Wednesday said without breaking eye contact with Y/n. Enid immediately walks over to the bed and lies down next to Y/n and Wednesday.
“When I saw Xavier kiss you I wanted to slit his throat with my claws. » Enid says as the anger returns and her claws come out.
“Calm down Cara Mia. Now Y/n is with us and we're going to show her who she belongs to. » Wednesday responds and gently kisses Enid to calm her down while remaining straddling Y/n's thighs.
Enid calms down and smiles wickedly as she pulls away from the kiss. “Yeah we’ll show you who you belong to Y/n L/n.” And you certainly don't belong to this Xavier Thorpe. »
Y/n gulped. She had never seen Enid react like that before. But she was so wet that all she wants is to be fucked.
Wednesday moves off of Y/n's thighs to lay down next to her to leave her in the middle. Enid grabs Y/n’s jaw and turns her to kiss her. Y/n moaned slightly. Compare to Wednesday's, Enid's lips are warm and warm.
Meanwhile, Wednesday places her lips on Y/n's neck and kisses her gently. She runs her hands over Y/n's clothed body. After a few seconds, Wednesday begins to suck on Y/n's neck. The vampire moans and Enid takes the opportunity to enter her tongue into Y/n's mouth.
The goth unbuttons Y/n’s uniform without leaving her neck. Once removed, Wednesday can see Y/n's black bra and it makes her harden at the sight. Y/n has small breasts. Which is perfect for Wednesday.
The girl with black braids takes off Y/n's bra and sees her nipples harden from the cold. She cups one breast and places her lips on the other. She just sucks gently and massages the other one. Y/n continues to moan into Enid's mouth and places her hand on Wednesday's back.
Enid also takes off her uniform and bra. Wednesday does the same thing. Y/n almost drools seeing the two people she loves the most undressing in front of her.
“Do you like what you see? » Enid teases with a smirk.
" Such. » Y/n cups one of Enid's breasts and massages it. Enid moaned slightly.
Wednesday kisses all over Y/n's body as she moves down to find herself between Y/n's legs. She gently removes Y/n's pants and she is now in panties. The goth moans at the wet stain that ends up on the y/h/c girl's panties.
Wednesday sticks her tongue out and licks the fabric. Y/n moans and wraps her legs around Wednesday's head. The girl looks up with a deadly stare.
“You close your legs again, I’ll fuck you until you fall asleep. Understood? » Said Wednesday holding Y/n's legs
“Yes, understood. » Y/n replies, nodding. Seeing Wednesday like this with her is a real spectacle.
Wednesday removes Y/n's panties and without warning, she licks a large stripe from the hole to her clit. She moans at the taste and Y/n moans when Wednesday touches her clit with her warm tongue. Goth continues to make great bands.
Enid takes off her pants and boxers. Y/n moaned seeing how big and thick Enid's cock was.
" Open the mouth. » Enid orders and Y/n does exactly as she is told. She opens her mouth wide and Enid enters his cock in her mouth. Y/n closes her mouth and sucks Enid’s cock. She takes the base of the cock with her hand and continues to suck.
Wednesday stops eating Y/n and takes off her pants and boxers too. She leans over Y/n and positions her cock so it's on Y/n's vagina. She collects the y/h/c girl's juice and slowly enters her. Y/n moaned at Wednesday's size. The goth begins to sink into her slowly so as not to hurt her. And once she’s fully in, she waits for Y/n to adapt to the size. After a few seconds, Y/n moves her hips to tell Wednesday she's ready. Wednesday how to move back and thrust into Y/n.
Y/n moans but continues to suck Enid who manages to move her hips back and forth to help Y/n. She puts her hand in Y/n’s hair to make her move her head.
Wednesday still gets up while fucking Y/n and stands on her hands. With one hand, she cups Enid's jaw and turns her head to kiss her.
Y/n became a complete mess underneath Wednesday.
" I'm near. » Y/n cries with Enid's cock in her mouth and cries at the feeling of getting closer and at the pleasure she is having.
Wednesday pulls away from the kiss and looks at Y/n. “Wait a little longer, Cara Mia. » Wednesday orders and fucks Y/n even faster. She puts one of Y/n’s legs on her shoulder to help her go faster. Y/n moans so loud that some students can definitely hear her.
“You’re ours okay? I never want to see you kiss Xavier or anyone else again because you are ours and no one else's included. » Enid says as she fucks Y/n's mouth faster as she feels herself coming too.
" Yes I understand. I am yours and no one else. » Y/n replies with tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Good girls Cara Mia. You can cum now. » Wednesday continues to fuck Y/n at a crazy speed and adds her fingers making quick circles on her clit to help her come.
Y/n moans and cums on Wednesday's cock. Wednesday slows down but continues to fuck her to help her high. Enid cums in Y/n's mouth which makes them both moan. Y/n swallows and Wednesday also cums inside Y/n which makes everyone moan again.
Wednesday slowly pulls out and Y/n moans emptily. The goth lays down next to Y/n and Enid lays down on the other side of the y/h/c girl.
“Do you want to be our girlfriend Y/n?” » Wednesday asks, stroking Y/n's stomach with her nails. “Yes I want to be your girlfriend. » Y/n replies with a tired smile.
The two girls smile with happiness. “Go to sleep my love, we’ll be there when you wake up. » Enid says and gives Y/n a kiss on the lips.
“Sleep well Cara Mia. I hope you have a pleasant nightmare. » Wednesday adds and gives Y/n a kiss too. The vampire laughs softly at Wednesday's sweet words and falls asleep peacefully between her two girlfriends. And without disappointing Wednesday, Y/n had lots of sweet dreams of her two wonderful girlfriends.
She can't believe that all she had to do was make them jealous.
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videovamptramp · 1 year
i swear i don’t remember who i was before you painted all my nights
wednesday addams x fem!reader
warnings: jealousy bc i’m a slut for jealous wednesday <3, minor unconsensual touching [some guy just puts his hand on ur back but still a warning], mutual pinning, wednesday being a bit of a softy for you
wednesday addams isn’t particularly good at saying how she feels. in fact, it’s very rare that wednesday feels anything at all. sure, she’s not a sociopath, but she doesn’t feel things like most girls her age do. though, when wednesday met you, there was a different feeling she’s never felt before. you showed up to nevermore in the winter; wearing a black oversized jacket, and a black mini dress (that left very little to the imagine), with a pair of black doc martens. you’re hair pushed behind your ears; your bangs— god, she couldn’t take her eyes off you. the first thing that attracted wednesday to you was the fact that you weren’t wearing any color. yet, when she saw you the next day wearing a pair of dark, distressed denim shorts, and a nude long sleeved crop top, it was surprising to herself that she still was attracted to you.
wednesday isn’t used to feeling any sort of attraction to anyone. in fact, she mostly feels nothing above tolerance for everyone around her. yet, as soon as you smiled at her, she knew she was screwed. insecurity was something wednesday rarely ever felt, yet she couldn’t bring herself to approach you. though, she didn’t have to worry about that, because you approached her on the second day of you being here, complimenting her doc martens and her hair. she blurts out a blunt thank you, and the blush coating her cheeks causes you to smile. you immediately take a liking to wednesday; her grumpy attitude, and her all black clothing… she was absolutely beautiful.
it doesn’t take long for you and wednesday to start hanging out nonstop. you’re always either in her and enid’s room (watching her type away on her typewriter), or you’re hanging with her under the large oak tree. the best part is, wednesday doesn’t care about you talking her ear off. she listens to every word you say, and she remembers every detail about you. one day, after you and wednesday had been friends for a month, you lay your head in her lap as she sits under the tree with you in the grass. she looks down at you, catching your wide eyed gaze. you’re staring at her with a look of pure adoration, and wednesday can feel her heart flutter in her chest.
you reach up, and take the hair ties off of her to braids, and wednesday furrows her brows as you sit up slightly in order to undo her braids. your eyes are sparkling as her wavy raven hair falls free, she feels a wave of panic wash over her. she’s never let anyone touch her hair. yet, here she is getting lost in your giant eyes, “your hair is beautiful. you’re beautiful.” you admit, and you blush as you look away. “quanto sei innegabilmente dolce (how undeniably sweet you are).” wednesday says simply, and you feel your stomach flutter with butterflies. “what does that mean?” you ask shyly, and she doesn’t respond, the blood rising to her cheeks.
“what are you two up to?!” enid asks excitedly as she bounces up to you two. wednesday looks up, glaring at her roommate. “ooo your hair looks so pretty!” enid adds, and you smile. “see. i told you.” you wink at wednesday, and her face feels as if it’s on fire. wednesday doesn’t know what might’ve happened if enid hadn’t interrupted that evening, but she wishes she did. you two continue to have moments as the months go on; not enough for you to say something about it, but certainly enough to make the butterflies in your belly repopulate at a rapid pace.
you two seem to develop a routine; every day after school you two would be conjoined at the hip. you were always looking for her everywhere, and no matter where she went, you were by her side. it didn’t take long for people to catch on. enid especially; she would always gush about how cute you two were, and how cute you two would be together. it made you blush ferociously every time. the truth was, you had so many feelings for wednesday, but you had no idea how she felt about you. there were moments where you’d think you’d know, but they were never enough to know for sure.
wednesday sighs in frustration as she watches you stare at yourself in the full length mirror of your shared room with yoko. you have changed your outfit three times, and each time you come out looking more beautiful than the last, yet you still were unsatisfied. “i think maybe i should wear the short shorts instead—“ you try to finish your sentence, but as you turn around wednesday is standing directly behind you. you’re face to face. “why are you changing so many times? you look fine in this.” she says, eyeing the shoulderless romper you’re wearing. it was extremely short, and she had been staring at your backside since you’ve walked out.
“i just… i want to look good at this party, and i don’t feel pretty enough in anything i own.” you confess, and wednesday scowls. “that’s the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard. you look pretty in everything.” she blurts out simply. your cheeks turn the cutest shade of pink that wednesday has ever seen, and her own cheeks heat up. you blink a few times, “y—you think i look pretty?” you ask timidly, and wednesday rolls her eyes. “i think you always look pretty.” she retorts in a truthful manner. you tuck a strand of your perfectly curled hair behind your ear as you glance down at the converse you’re wearing. “i think you always look pretty too, wednesday.” you confess, and she feels something strange in her stomach. as if her organs are about to burst inside of her. you look into her eyes, and it’s like time stops.
yoko bursts through the door, interrupting and causing wednesday to turn her head, shooting daggers at the taller girl with her eyes. “oh you look hot! you should totally wear that brown fur coat you have with that.” yoko says, and you smirk as you reach for the coat that was already on the back of the desk chair. “great minds think alike.” you wink at your roommate and she laughs. “you coming this time wednesday?” yoko questions, and wednesday rolls her eyes. “i would much rather die than go to a place full of intoxicated heathens.” she states, and you flash her the biggest puppy eyes on the planet. “but you have to come! it’s my first party since i moved here, and i want my favorite person there with me.” you pout, and wednesday can feel her heart rate picking up.
she’s your favorite person. there’s a sense of pride that washes over her due to the revelation. “very well. i’ll go. but only because you asked me to, now stop looking at me like that.” she commands, and you immediately light up, smiling widely as you squeal. you pull her into a tight hug that lasts two seconds before you gasp and remember how much wednesday hates physical contact. “i’m sorry! i got too excited.” you apologize as you pull away. wednesday has a serious look on her face, “you may embrace me whenever you’d like. my rules do not apply to you.” she clarifies, and yoko’s eyes go as wide as saucers. “in that case… i want another one right now.” you admit, and wednesday’s cheeks turn crimson red as you wrap your arms around her again. the smell of your girly perfume and mint shampoo filling her senses in the best way. her heart is pounding, and she wonders if you can feel it.
“ugh! can you guys please stop being so disgustingly cute? i want to actually go to the party and see how hot divina looks, not sit here and watch you two flirt.” she comments seriously, and you pull away, a deep scarlet coated flush on your nose and cheek bones. “sorry, ko. i can’t help it, have you seen her?” you ask, gesturing towards wednesday who looked as if she were mentally about to combust. yoko laughs wildly at the shorter girls expression, “i think you broke her.” your roommate determines, and you giggle as you put your coat on. you eye wednesday who’s wearing a large black coat, zipped up and hiding the outfit she was wearing underneath. her fishnets compliment her docs perfectly, and her hair was done in her usual two braids. you couldn’t help but think she looks completely gorgeous as usual.
“we’re ready. come on, cutie.” you declare as you reach for wednesday’s hand, but pause midway. “may i hold your hand, wednesday?” you ask hopefully, and your eyes are optimistic, her heart is staggering. “yes.” she answers, and you interlock your fingers with hers, and her skin sparks at the touch. you begin leading her to the door where yoko was standing, and she gets lost in her thoughts about you as you and yoko begin conversation. “enid just left with ajax after we finished getting ready. she told me to come get you.” yoko explains as you all walk out of the bedroom. “are you excited for your first nevermore party?” yoko inquires eagerly, and you nod enthusiastically, “yes! back in my city our parties always got a little too crazy. i’m hoping that isn’t the case here.” you reveal, and yoko giggles. “you’re partying with a bunch of teenage, supernatural, hormonal beings. it’s bound to get a little crazy.” your roommate reveals, and you laugh.
“well at least i’ll have you there with me.” you tell wednesday, and the blood rises to her face for the dozenth time this evening. “i’m only going because of you.” wednesday grumbles, making you smile widely. “i need you there!” you admit, and wednesday rolls her eyes, feigning annoyance as you all walk away from the school and into the woods. it only takes about ten minutes to get there, and as soon as you do you can hear the music and see a bunch of students from school dancing and mingling. “hey yoko! over here!” divina calls out, and yoko’s face turns osy pink as she looks over at you and wednesday. “i’m gonna go talk to divina. i’ll be back.” the taller girl says, and you smirk, nodding at your friend whilst also knowing she probably won’t be back anytime soon.
wednesday glances around, her upper lip curling up in disdain. she hates parties. though when she looks at you, you’re looking at her with a soft smile. “don’t worry, we can make an escape after drinking a bit of the punch, okay?” you suggest, and wednesday looks at you in confusion. “you want to leave early? why? i thought you wanted to be here.” wednesday states, and you shrug. “i honestly just wanted to see you at a party. i thought it would be fairly entertaining. but i mostly just wanted to hang out with you.” you reveal shyly, and wednesday swears her heart might beat out of her chest. she stares into your eyes, and finds no ounce of dishonesty. she opens her mouth to respond, but enid interrupts before she can get any words out. “hey guys!” the blonde exclaims, and your smile lights up the entire forest, wednesday thinks. “hey e! this is really cute. i love the lights.” you say as you look around at all the hanging lights on trees. “thanks! xavier and ajax helped with the lights!” enid explains, and you smile.
“well it turned out awesome!” you respond just as cheerfully as the blonde. wednesday scowls. your roommates are continuously interrupting potential moments with you for her, and it was starting to frustrate the shorter girl to no end. enid shifts her gaze in order to look at wednesday, smirking at her, “i knew you’d show up! you’ve been secretly dying to see how fun these parties are!“ enid declares, and wednesday flashes her a murderous expression, “i came for y/n.” wednesday says simply, and your heart rate speeds up a bit as she admits it so casually. god, she has you feeling crazy. “you guys are so cute!” enid practically fawns over you two and you look down at your shoes and smile sheepishly.
“use that word associated with me again, and you’ll have to sleep with one eye open.” the raven haired girl states seriously, and you giggle. “you are a cutie though. i’ll go get us some drinks! try not to threaten enid anymore until i come back.” you joke, and before wednesday can follow you, you’re making your way past a hoard of students and towards the portable drink cooler. enid smirks as she watches wednesday’s gaze never leave you. “so, are you finally going to make a move tonight?” enid asks her roommate, causing wednesday to turn around and shoot the slightly taller girl a deadly glower with her eyes.
“what are you going on about now?” wednesday asks, and enid shrugs. “i’m just saying, tonight would be a perfect time to make a move on her. you know… kiss her, or maybe tell her how you feel.” the blonde elaborates, and wednesday sucks in a sharp breath. “how i feel?” she questions uncertainly, and enid flashes her a look that says “are you serious”. wednesday looks over at you, and she sees you’re now speaking to one of the lacrosse players. what she doesn’t realize is the boy drunkenly started speaking to you after seeing how short your romper was. wednesday can’t tell you’re being polite out of nervousness, not because you actually want to speak with this boy.
the look on wednesday’s face is unrecognizable; she usually looks as if she wants to hurt someone, but the way she’s looking at this boy… it genuinely scares enid. “why is he standing so close to her? and why is she laughing at what he’s saying? does she know him?” wednesday begins to ask a number of questions, and enid shakes her head. “that’s jeremy from the lacrosse team. i have second period with him… i don’t think y/n’s ever spoken to him a day in her life.” enid explains, and wednesday’s belly burns as she witnesses him place his hand on your lower back, making her fists clench. enid can see the uncomfortable expression on your face, and you glance over at wednesday, who is too busy burning holes in this guys side profile to notice the look you’re giving her.
“you should go save your girl. now.” enid insists as she pushes wednesday in your direction. wednesday stalks over to you, and your eyes light up at the grumpy girls presence. “if you want to keep that hand i suggest you take it off her. now.” wednesday interrupts you both, and jeremy’s annoying smile falls. he pulls his hand away from you, and looks at wednesday who is giving him the death stare. “what do you want wednesday? isn’t this place a little outside of your scene?” he asks, “wouldn’t you have more fun at the cemetery? or the morgue?” he snickers at his own joke and you feel your blood boil.
“and wouldn’t you have more fun talking to someone who actually wants to talk to you? because if you couldn’t tell, i don’t. i came with wednesday, and i’d like to keep it that way.” you say certainly, and jeremy’s face falls. you see rage flicker in his eyes for a second, before he calms down. “whatever. you’re not even that hot anyways. have fun with your goth girlfriend, bitch.” he hisses as he tries to walk away, but wednesday trips him, causing him to fall on the ground with a loud “oof”.b he tries to stand up but wednesday pushes him down onto his back easily. he looks up at, his face full of shock and confusion, but the small amount of fear in his eyes is what gets wednesday’s blood rushing as a type of anger that she’s never felt hits her like a tsunami. “i’m only going to say this once, and never again, so i suggest you tell your friends and anyone else who will listen… y/n is mine and if i ever see your grubby hands anywhere near her, i will cut them off. where do you think i got thing from?” she asks him, as she towers over him, and his eyes well up with fear as soon she lifts her boot to step on his chest with just enough pressure to keep him down.
“do you understand me, or shall i threaten you in cave man so your tiny brain can comprehend?” she repeats, and you feel your mouth go dry as you stare at her with a look of shock. your blood is scorching, and jeremy nods rapidly before wednesday removes her boot off his chest. as soon as she allows him to get up, he scurries away. your cheeks are on fire, and you notice a crowd of students staring at you both, watching the scene unfold with interest. “wednesday—“ you start but as soon as she notices the way people are staring, she glares at you. “this is exactly why i don’t come to parties.” she hisses and you frown as she begins to walk away.
“wednesday wait!” you try as you rush to catch up with her while she storms away from the crowded area. she walks faster in order to get away from you, and you huff, “you can’t seriously be upset at me about that! i didn’t do anything!“ you exclaim and wednesday comes to a terse halt, nearly causing you to bump into her. she turns around and looks at you, as if she’s seeing right into your soul. you’re stood in place, your arms folded over your chest and the clouds of each of your breaths is the only thing between you two. “exactly, you didn’t do anything! except laugh at his stupid jokes and allow him to touch you!” she expresses angrily, and you offer her a look of disbelief.
“i allowed him to do no such thing! he just touched me, wednesday. i didn’t know how to react so i laughed! it’s a nervous thing!” you raise your voice and she opens her mouth to say something, but before she can, you continue. “and if you would have taken your eyes off him for two seconds, you would have noticed that i was signaling for you the entire time.” you add, and wednesday purses her lips. “i should go back and cut his fingers off.” she tries to sound blunt, trying her hardest to hide the absolute rage she feels, but you can hear it clear as day. you sigh, shaking your head. “it’s okay. i mean, it’s not okay, but if i had you cut off every persons finger who’s touched me without my permission… well, you’d have a whole collection of fingers.” you joke, and wednesday stares at you.
“i want to be the only person on this awful planet who is allowed to touch you. with your permission of course.” wednesday confesses, and time stands still for a moment as wednesday looks at you. “you always have permission. you’re my wednesday.” you tell her gently as you reach for her hand. you play with her fingers, keeping your gaze on her rings and causing her breath to hitch as you do so. “did you mean what you said to jeremy? that i’m yours?” you ask gently as your eyes wander to hers, “yes… i know i’m not very well with emotions, but when i’m around you, i feel as though my wretched heart is trying to claw its way out of my chest and right into your hands. i want you to be mine. mine to touch. mine to kiss. mine to cherish. you deserve be loved properly. i could love you properly.” wednesday’s words cause your heart to palpitate rapidly, and wednesday glances down at your lips for a moment, before meeting your soft eyes again.
“i’m already yours wednesday.” you assure her certainly. she’s searching your face for any signs of dishonesty, and you’re staring back at her intently. “kiss me.” you insist, your hand still playing with hers, and she doesn’t think twice before she leans in and places a soft kiss on your lips. though it’s short, you still feel a burning sensation against your mouth, and your heart is nearly racing out of your chest. “again.” you request, and she kisses you again, this time longer. the butterflies in your belly erupt, as if they’re repopulating inside of you. when she pulls away, her cheeks are crimson red and her eyes are staring into your soul.
“that was… nice.” she states simply, and you smile widely, knowing that was a very good compliment coming from wednesday addams. “it was. we should do it again.” you tease, your cheeks flushing pink, and she stands up straight, interlocking her fingers with yours. “how about now?” she asks you, and you giggle, leaning in and placing a kiss on her cheek. “let’s go back to your room. we can watch frankenstein, and you can kiss me as much as you please.” you suggest, and wednesday can feel all of the puzzle pieces of her heart clicking into place as you begin to lead her in the direction of the boarding school.
a/n: i can’t believe some of you actually liked my last wednesday x fem reader fic 🥺 i’m going to start uploading more on here!!
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carlsdarling · 11 months
Y/N being jealous and stealing Carl away from Enid. Bit more of a plot, then sex. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw, oral, cheating
You've had a crush on Carl for a long time, almost six months to be exact, when Rick found you alone in a vacant building, took you to Alexandria and you met his son. You were immediately fascinated by Carl and felt attracted to him - by his beautiful blue eye, his swift movements, his badass attitude and the lovable character that stood in sharp contrast to it. Over and over you dreamed of seducing him, at night caressing and fingering yourself, moaning his name and burying your head in your pillow so Glenn and Maggie, who had taken you in, wouldn't notice.
You lost your virginity a while ago, and there really wouldn't have been anything wrong with just approaching Carl and checking out if he felt anything for you, too, but there was Enid. His girlfriend. You were so jealous of Enid that you could have screamed with rage whenever you saw the two of them together. When you caught them making out in the paddock, you wanted to snap Enid's neck.
At that moment, you decided that it was not possible to go on like this and that you would fight for what you so desperately wanted, Carl.
One night, when you knew Enid was on guard duty and Carl wasn't, you went to find him at his house. Rick opened the door. "Um, is Carl around?" you asked. In your hand you had a couple of comic books as an alibi.
"Yeah," Rick replied. "He's in his room."
You walked up the stairs and knocked until Carl called, "Come in." He was sitting on the bed, hastily adjusting his bandage when he caught sight of you. You didn't care about his scar, you thought he was gorgeous, sexy and charming even with it. Carl simply had a great charisma, and you were all the more envious of Enid. But now she wasn't here, and this was your chance. "Hi, Y/N," Carl greeted you in surprise.
"Hi," you said in a soft, seductive voice and approached him, letting one spaghetti strap of your white top slip off your shoulder as accidentally.
Carl blushed slightly. "What... what are you doing here?" he asked uncertainly as you sat down close to him so he could smell your perfume and feel your body heat.
"I was feeling lonely," you purred, making big bedroom eyes. "And I thought maybe you could help me." You licked your lips lasciviously.
"Help? With what?" Carl was obviously a bit dumbfounded in this regard, so you gently grasped his chin, turned his head toward you, and kissed him on the lips. They felt soft and a little rough at the same time.
Carl took a startled breath. "What are you going to do?" He seemed embarrassed, but at least he didn't push you away right now. That gave you encouragement.
"I like you, Carl," you confessed, "I like you a lot, actually, and I want to show you."
"But I'm with Enid," he protested demurely. His expression was difficult to interpret.
"And has Enid ever suck you off?"
He turned bright red and shook his head.
"There you go," you would breathe a series of kisses on his neck, making him groan softly. You'd show him you were better than Enid. "I want to do this for you. That and more. You'll like it, I promise. I want to feel you, Carl. I need you. I need you badly, every night I think about you." Again you kissed him, and this time he returned the kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth before hesitantly pulling away from you again.
He obviously had qualms about cheating on Enid, but Carl also couldn't deny that he was already aroused; he was building a visible tent in his jeans, and his breathing was rapid and frantic as his cheeks reddened. He was so cute. "It... it has to stay between you and me, though," he murmured. "You must not tell Enid about this."
"You have my word of honor," you promised, and immediately you were starting to make out and caress each other, until finally your hands slid under Carl's shirt and you stroked his back demanding. He smelled nice, clean and a little bit of fresh sweat.
He slipped the shirt off and tossed it to the floor, and for the first time you saw his lean, lightly muscled torso, the fair skin, the small tufts of underarm hair, and the strip of soft dark hair that ran from his belly button down and disappeared into his boxers. The sight nearly drove you crazy; so you grabbed Carl by the shoulders and made him lie on his back, then undid his belt and also undid the buttons of his jeans to pull them down to his knees. Carl let it happen, his eyes half-closed, and there was a damp stain at his light grey boxers. His cock was at full erection and was clearly visible under the fabric.
You scattered wet kisses around his belly button until Carl began to moan softly, then you grabbed the edges of his boxers and pulled them down as well. His erection really sprang out, his tip glistened with moisture, and your eyes grew wide: Carl was definitely on the bigger side. His pubic hair was dark and slightly curly.
"Wait," he said hoarsely, sitting up and stripping off his jeans and boxers. Carl was now completely naked, whereas you were still clothed. "I want to see you naked too, Y/N," he sighed, fumbling with your top and bra. Without further ado, you took both off, exposing your breasts.
Carl looked at them ravishedly. "God, you're beautiful," he whispered and began to fondle them, making your nipples hard.
"Lick them, please, Carl," you begged, and he gently began to kiss your right nipple, encircling it with his tongue and sucking on it. You cried out in pleasure and were now finally ready for him, wet as sin, but wanted to give him head first.
Tenderly you kissed his length and then took his cock in your mouth. He didn't quite fit, but Carl moaned heavily and curled his fingers in the pillow, lifting his hips as you sucked gently, letting go of him briefly every now and then to kiss the insides of his thighs and his belly. "Please, keep on sucking," he murmured, stroking your head and supporting your movements with his hand until you suddenly let go of him. His cock was wet with your saliva, veins protruding.
Carl was already in a state of complete euphoria, writhing on the bed whimpering softly and begging you to continue. You took off your shorts and panties. "No, I want you to fuck me now, Carl," you whispered in his ear, leaning over him. He grinded his cock against your belly.
"I've never done this before," he confessed, embarrassed.
"Well, I have," you replied plainly. You were only a year older than him, but unlike him, you had already had some experience. "Do you have any condoms?" He nodded over to his nightstand, and you pulled an as-yet-unopened pack out of the drawer. Jealousy flashed through your mind, because surely Carl had made these preparations for his first time with Enid. Well, screw Enid, you thought. Carl took one of the condoms, tore open the wrapper, and placed it precariously on his cock. "Oh, let me do it," you said impatiently, pushing his hand away and putting the condom on him yourself.
He awkwardly tried to lie on top of you, but you beckoned him to stay on his back. "I want to ride you," you said breathless with desire before guiding his cock to your willing pussy. "Be careful at the beginning," you whispered into Carl's ear. "Very gently."
Inches by inches he penetrated you, his whole body tense with excitement. It was wonderful to finally feel him inside of you. Instinctively, he began to make soft thrusts, and you moved your hips synchronously with him. You immediately found a rhythm together, and both of your moans and sighs filled the room. "It's so good," Carl moaned. "You're so tight and hot." His thrusts were getting faster and faster, and he was going into ecstasy, forgetting everything around him. "Y/N, I'm... I'm cumming, I'm..."
"Me too," you said, leaning forward so he could pull you close as he now reared up and shot his load into the condom, moaning heavily. A loud scream escaped you as you also climaxed. You looked lovingly into each other's eyes and shared a long kiss before you dismounted from him.
Carl removed the condom, knotted it, and wrapped it in a Kleenex before dropping it beside the bed, then hugging you tightly. "That was wonderful," he murmured exhaustedly, pressing little kisses to your lips.
"Yes," you replied, "I have patrol in a minute. I have to go," you said regretfully a moment later.
"I don't want you to go," Carl pouted.
You gave him a kiss on the forehead and got ready to leave. "I have to though," you said, gathering up your clothes.
"Um, Y/N..." said Carl shyly. "Can we maybe do this again?"
You jammed your hands into your sides. "Depends," you informed him. "If you pick me and dump Enid, we can do it every day," you offered with a seductive glance in your siren eyes.
The next night, just as you were about to go to bed, Glenn called you to come downstairs. "You got a guest," he said, perplexed. "Carl's out on the veranda."
Carl looked toward you with a smile on his lips as you closed the door behind you. "I just broke up with Enid," he said, embracing you and immediately kissing you passionately. "I want to be with you."
You won.
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Wednesday and Yoko trying to make Enid feel better about her scars…
Enid, crying: Tell the truth.
Wednesday: They’re grotesque.
Enid, crying harder: They’re grotesque!
Yoko: No, no, no, It’s modern.
Enid: Don’t lie!
Yoko: I’m not.
Wednesday: They’re unique. And as your girlfriend, I must say I find them very attractive.
Enid: I look like Freddy Kreuger.
Yoko: You *try’s not to laugh* you don’t look like Freddy Krueger.
Enid: Don’t laugh!
Wednesday: It’s okay.
Enid: It’s not okay. Everyone’s going to laugh at me.
Yoko: No one’s going to laugh at you. The entire school’s afraid of Wednesday. And It’s cool.
Enid: It’s not cool!
Wednesday: It’s edgy.
Enid: Oh fuck off.
Yoko: No it’s chic.
Enid: I’m a freak. It’s unsalvageable.
Yoko: …*elbows Wednesday*
Wednesday: It’s ah… it’s giving anime protagonist with a tortured past!
Enid, smiling: …really?
Wednesday, surprised that actually worked: Yes.
Yoko: Definitely. Honestly I’m a little jealous.
Wednesday: I agree. My individuality complex is drowning in it’s own envy.
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rollingsins · 1 year
disclaimer: this blog is 18+ and contains adult/dark themes in some instances. please proceed with this in mind. 
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all hers: “I’d kill everybody in this town before they’d take you away from me.” Tara says, eyes wild. “I’d kill everybody in the world. You belong to me.” Ghost face!Tara. Smut. Dark themes. 18+
part i
part ii
part iii
part iv
part v
part vi
part vii
part viii
part ix
part x
part xi
part xii
part xiii
part xiv
part xv
part xvi
part xvii
part xviii
part xix
part xx
part xxi
part xxii
part xxiii
part xxiv
part xxv
part xxvi
drabble 1 (anal sex), drabble 2 (R is sick), drabble 3 (clingy!Tara), drabble 4 (jealous reader), drabble 5 (R Dad trying to set R up), drabble 6 (Sam's and R's girls day)
Ghostface!Tara Playlist | Ghostface!Tara sexy-time playlist
The drabble files: Loosely connected drabbles from the all hers universe.
P1 | P2 | P3
Quinn Bailey Must Die: Quinn Bailey is yours and Tara’s, sexed up, horndog roommate. She’s cool at first, you think. Until she sets her sights on Tara. All hers universe, set after the main story. GF!Tara
P1 | P2 | P3
Vada Cavell
secrets that you keep Vada tells her Mom a little too much. Again. An argument ensues. Smut 18+
falling all in you Vada makes a purchase for the two of you. 18+ smut.
captivated Vada’s first time seeing R’s boobs. She’s a little gobsmacked. 18+ smut.
in the name of taylor swift you have to break up with Vada. In the name of Taylor Swift. Fluff drabble: Vada's obsession with R's boobs.
Wednesday Addams
in the interest of spontaneity  Wednesday invites you up for a ‘study session’. Of course, being Wednesday, the invite is literal. Smut, 18+ trust me Reader learns a new spell and decides to test it on Wednesday.  Specifically: Wednesday's strap-on. Smut, 18+ say my name While in bed with Wednesday, you accidentally moan Enid's name. Smut, 18+ drabble: jealous Wednesday
Jenna Ortega / Emma Myers
three’s a crowd: You hadn’t expected this. to fall in love. with not one girl, but two. you hadn’t expected to ruin their friendship. love triangle au.
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten (epilogue)
Florence Pugh
Love Scenes  Florence gets jealous after you film a love scene. Smut. 18+
lights, camera, action You catch Florence’s eye on the set of her latest movie. Smut. 18+
Florence Pugh x Harry Styles x reader
Third wheel Florence gets tired of being the third wheel. Angst.
Friendly Competition Harry and Florence are competitive. A little too competitive, when it comes to you. Smut. 18+
Ghostface!Tara headcanons
Ghostface!Tara NSFW alphabet
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