#enid is so patient
homicydlgoth · 2 months
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this is one of my favorite scenes, particularly because of the subtleties. it’s obvious by wednesday’s body language (look at the softness in her eyes, the way she almost blinks, her conflicted look) that she’s not put off by enid’s attempt to hug her. rather, she steps back merely out of reflex, even hesitating a little (she nearly jerks forward) like she wants to change her mind. and then there’s the moment immediately afterward, where she takes a very intentional step into enid’s space. it’s so clear that she wants to accept enid’s hug, but she doesn’t know how, she isn’t used to it, and she sure as hell isn’t about to ask for it. typical, stubborn wednesday, not knowing how to receive enid’s blatant affection. the attention to detail here is just so perfect, and it’s such a wonderfully done scene that foreshadows the pivotal moment where wednesday finally lets down her walls enough to fall into enid.
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rhinestonecowdoy · 2 years
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Patiently waiting for a soundtrack called The Kiss👀
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marvelfilth · 1 year
Wisdom teeth
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x f!reader
Warnings: ooc! Wednesday, mention of blood
Summary: "I've been successful at keeping this piece of information to myself for the past two months and twelve days, but now it seems that I can't hold back the words from escaping my treacherous mouth. It's almost as if I have no control of what is going through my brain at the moment. I feel like an adolescent cliché."
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She doesn't say anything when you help her to the passenger seat of your car, her eyes stay rooted on the spot above your shoulder, dark and unblinking. She sits dutifully and doesn't complain when you bend to fasten her seatbelt, your warm fingers barely grazing her clothed thigh on accident. You think you heard a slightest hitch of her throat, but that might have been your wishful thinking.
Ever since the brooding brunette first stepped foot on Nevermore grounds you were irrevocably pulled in her orbit, always close enough to be seen by her, but never close enough to reach out and touch, not that you'll ever try, you do need all of your fingers intact. Her menacing aura and Machiavellian tendencies never stopped you from trying to reach out and form some sort of connection, even if it was just making eye contact in dark hallways or receiving nearly unperceivable eye rolls whenever Enid dragged you to their room. Not even once in the months you've known her did she grace you with more than a few words and barely noticeable nods, opting to focus on her novel or, in extreme cases, leaving the room to continue her endless investigations.
So when Enid cornered you in the morning and practically begged you to take Wednesday to the dentist's office, you were torn between crushing Enid in a hug and fleeing to the woods to hide out.
In the end, you couldn't miss the chance to get to know the gothic girl a little bit better.
Wednesday pointedly clears her throat and you jump up, bumping your head against the roof of your car, close the door and make your way to the driver's seat.
You suppose her impatience to get back to school makes sense with how overstuffed her mouth seems at the moment, and once you're finally behind the wheel you reach over the console to gently swab away droplets of blood on her lips.
She stops breathing altogether.
"Are you alright, Wednesday?" You can't help, but ask, your hand awkwardly hovering over the console.
She takes a moment to think and you have to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming when you practically see gears turning in her head as she struggles to formulate a response, her brows crinkled and lips slightly pursed.
"Your archive. Are we going there now?" She asks.
And there's that.
She refused anesthesia, looking eager to go through all the pain, her eyes shining brighter than you've ever seen. The doctor blanched, stuttering while he tried to reason with her, mentioning how agonizing the pain will be and how he'll probably get fired if he agreed to do it.
It made your skin crawl.
You pulled her away before she could threaten the poor man, promising her anything she wanted if listened to the doctor and agreed to anesthesia.
Her eyes flickered to your hand on her shoulder before she looked back at the sweating man, her eyes narrowing slightly.
You held your breath, looking at her with wide eyes, already regretting your offer, but all she asked for was unlimited access to your family archive.
You suppose her request made sense, given your family's history and her unwavering interest in all things unknown, but it still made your heart clench with an unbidden feeling you'd never name out loud.
"No, we're going back to school. I told you I'll take you there over summer, remember?" You patiently reply, subtly eyeing the grumpy brunette.
She huffs, wincing when it causes her pain and turns to look out the window, her eyes slightly hazy.
You take a deep breath and finally pull out from the parking lot, driving in silence and keeping your eyes firmly on the road until you can no longer pretend like you don't feel her heavy gaze on you.
"What is it, Wednesday?"
"Your face."
You blanch, offended. "What about it?"
You don't think you'll be able to withstand her making fun of your looks. She doesn't seem like the type to do that, but you can't be too sure - she is acting rather out of character.
"It's distracting. Turn around." She demands, furrowing her brows.
Your jaw falls open. "Wednesday, I'm driving."
She huffs and crosses her arms. After a minute of contemplation she starts rummaging through your glove compartment.
"Don't," you groan. You won't let her tear you apart for the mess she'll undoubtedly find there, so you reach for your phone. "Why don't you play a game? Or, I don't know, find something to blackmail me with?" You unlock it and toss it on her lap, your hand falling back on the wheel, clutching it in a tight grip.
Your phone lays untouched for a long moment and you have to restrain yourself from looking over at the ravenette. It's the longest you've spent in her company and she most certainly said more words in the past ten minutes than she did in all the time you've known her, and Enid didn't prepare you for conversations.
Your palms start to sweat a little.
She looks down at her lap and picks up your phone with two fingers only to throw it on the backseat. "I'm allergic to technology," she deadpans.
She stays silent for the next few minutes and you relax, thanking every divine being for making this trip somewhat easy for you.
And that's when she turns to look back at you, her expression sour and displeased, like you just said something really dumb. You decide to ignore her for as long as you can, checking your blind spots and fiddling with the radio to seem busy.
She pointedly clears her throat, pulling your attention. You sigh and look at her.
"What now?"
She frowns. "I feel compelled to reveal something you might find… unwelcome." Her mumble comes out distorted and she winces slightly, her hand coming up to cradle her swollen cheek and you swiftly slap it away, sheepishly looking away at her affronted look.
"Don't want you to hurt yourself."
"Usually, slapping ones hand causes them pain," she retorts, fully turning in her seat to face you. "You slapped my hand. That hurt. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but I prefer to inflict pain, not receive it."
You snort, shaking your head at the smaller girl and she pouts. Wednesday Addams, the girl who'd rather jump off a cliff in a river full of piranhas than show an ounce of human emotion, pouts.
But maybe it's not so strange, considering the circumstances.
You adjust in your seat, your right hand landing on your thigh to subtly fiddle with the rough fabric of your jeans. They're light blue, with flowers all over their back pockets and Wednesday absolutely hates them, which is why, you guess, she's currently staring down at your legs like they're her mortal enemies.
The tips of her ears turn red.
"Must you do that?" She hisses, gesturing to your hand on your thigh.
You blink and place it back on the wheel, noting the way her eyes snap up to glare at the road.
"Are you feeling okay?" You ask, because she's starting to look restless. Her fingers clench and unclench on her lap and she keeps glancing at your hand every couple of seconds.
"No." Her eyes snap up to look at the roof of your car, her face a picture of impatience. "Hold my hand."
You gulp, breath catching in your throat and turn to look at the smaller girl just in time to catch her boring holes into your hand and probe lightly at her cheeks. Your mouth opens to stutter a response, but her scathing look makes you shut up.
"This gauze in my mouth feels terrible, I can't possibly endure it a moment longer. Holding your hand will make the feeling bearable." She looks at you expectantly, turning over her hand on her lap, waiting.
You hesitantly reach out and take her hand. She laces your fingers, letting out a quiet sigh as she sags against the weathered leather, turning to look out the window.
You can't believe this is happening.
This Wednesday is not something you're equipped to deal with. Hell, you can barely manage her regular self, which still comes hard at times, especially when you intrude on her writing time. It's not like you mean to do that, but a certain blonde always chooses that exact hour to invite you over, always wearing a mischievous smirk when Wednesday tenses up upon your arrival.
This feels like walking on thin ice at gunpoint with a ticking bomb in your hands.
Her nails dig into your skin hard enough to make you yelp, but you don't pull away, eyeing the stewing girl. She's breathing heavily, her lips opening and closing as she seemingly tries to keep herself from blurting something out.
It's so bizarre you have an urge to pinch yourself, but you don't need that with her nails still digging into your skin.
You focus on the road, afraid to stir the dragon.
Her next words make you jolt so hard the car wavers on the road.
"Every time my eyes land on you my heart skips a beat," she says, like she's complaining about a mystery she couldn't solve.
You grip the steering wheel tighter. "What?"
"One does not typically pay attention to such mundane thing, but I do. Whenever you're in my vicinity I can't help, but be aware of each skipped beat of my heart. The feeling is revolting, and I've had the urge to confess this ever since I woke up." She frowns, and it's quiet for a few minutes as she seemingly gathers her thoughts.
The moment you had in your art shed suddenly comes to mind. You went there after a long day of studying in the library, ready to decompress and finish your latest painting. You didn't expect anyone to be there, which is why you shrieked like a maniac when you flicked the lights on, basking Wednesday's rigid form in warm yellow glow. She stood over your painting, her features stony and unreadable as her fingers traced the outline of a shipwreck on the canvas, the still wet paint smudging her fingers and messing up your precise strokes.
It made the painting even more beautiful.
You dug around your backpack, looking for tissues, taking a step closer when you finally found some. With great hesitance, you reached for her hand, your fingers closing around her delicate wrist. Her lips parted as she inhaled, her pulse erratic under your thumb. She took one look at you, turned on her heel and left, her perfume lingering in the air.
You gulp, when her grip on your hand turns painful. "I've been successful at keeping this piece of information to myself for the past two months and twelve days, but now it seems that I can't hold back the words from escaping my treacherous mouth. It's almost as if I have no control of what is going through my brain at the moment. I feel like an adolescent cliché," she complains through gritted teeth, irritated.
Your face burns the same shade as the red light you've come to stop at. You don't know if you should feel ecstatic or fear for your life, because no matter what happens next, you're sure Wednesday will have your head for witnessing a rare moment of weakness. But your heart always had more power than your head, so you're left with trembling hands and sweaty palms, choking on your breath as you struggle to think of something to say.
"Wednesday, I'm going to have a heart attack," you mumble.
"You're not showing any signs of an impending heart attack, if anything, your symptoms correlate with something Enid usually calls having a crush." She's back to staring intently at you, catching every twitch of the muscles on your face as you try your best to keep your blush at bay. Her hand slides up, enclosing your wrist.
Your heart burns in your chest and you feel the need to correct her, to tell her that what you feel for her is more than some stupid crush. You need to tell her about the way your dark wings tingle when she brushes past you, begging to be released from the confinement of your spine. You need to tell her about the way your heart beats out a special rhythm, hammering against your ribs like a caged animal, desperately leading its owner to the girl who successfully stole it.
You need to tell her how easy it was to fall for her and how hard it got when you realized the extent of your feelings.
You need to tell her something, anything.
You need to tell her everything.
A loud honk jostles you and you look back at the road to keep driving, trying your best to hide your face when a car passes by you, the driver giving you a finger.
"Imbecile," Wednesday mumbles.
"Yeah, what an asshole."
"I meant you. The gesture was entirely appropriate seeing as you failed to pay attention to your surroundings."
"Huh?" You gape. "You're insulting me now?"
"Your observation skills never cease to amaze me," she frowns in thought, "just like your remarkable ability to make my existence less bothersome." The haze in her eyes is gone, replaced by reserve and a hint of fondness.
Your brain short circuits.
You pull over and let your forehead fall against the wheel, still holding it in a death grip.
You would never admit it to anyone, not even on your deathbed, but you swear you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach at her quiet confession.
Your smile is so wide it hurts your cheeks, but you don't care as long as Wednesday keeps looking at you like that, like she's trying her best at keeping away the warmth in her eyes. They flicker to your lips when you lick them, and this time she can't keep her emotions in check, her eyes alight with fiery passion.
You can't help voicing your concern. "I thought you didn't like me that much. I mean, you barely speak to me when Enid drags me to your dorm."
She looks at you for a long moment. Her thumb circles your knuckle. "Enid has a surprisingly perceptive eye. She noticed a certain change in my behavior long before I did and decided to act on it. I simply wasn't prepared."
"Are you prepared now?" You breathe out.
"Are you?"
You let out a relieved laugh, and pull her hand up to your lips, placing a soft kiss on her ice cold knuckle. "Wednesday, I've been pining over you since the day we met."
She lets out a barely noticeable breath and you suddenly realize she's been nervous all this time too, you just failed to pay attention in your anxiety riddled state.
"Good." The corners of her mouth fly up.
Your eyes widen. She has dimples.
She turns away nonchalantly and places your intertwined hands on her lap, looking like she just solved the biggest mystery known to mankind.
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lesbianpepsi · 1 year
'Cause I love, to love, to love you
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem!reader
Summary: Ever since Wednesday had been gifted a phone you decided to steal her phone to play a prank on her. But much to your surprise you see something unexpected on her phone.
Warnings: bad writing, some swearing
Words: 1.833k
A/N: i wrote this on my phone since my laptop is having a mental breakdown on me rn. not proof read since it's 3am and it's exam season lmao. sorryyy. also this is my first 'fic' post here. hope this isn't too bad lmao, enjoy:)
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One of your absolute favourite hobbies, if it even counts as a hobby, is to "borrow" someone's phone for a few minutes and do something to the phone.
Whether it be quickly change their ringtone to something embarrassing, take a ungodly amount of selfies in thirty seconds, or even send yourself a message complimenting yourself or agreeing to do something stupid.
You always found an annoying trick to play. But you always had one that was your absolute favourite. A classic, some might say.
"Borrowing" someone's phone and changing their wallpaper to something incredibly stupid.
If you were lucky the persons phone would already have unattractive selfies they took as a joke, or a friend would send them one of themself that would automatically save to the phone.
You've done that over a thousand times to all of your friends and family members, and to you it never gets old.
Enid has always been the easiest victim because, one, her passcode is literally '2929', two, Enid always has a grip on her phone but in your or hers dorm room that grip instantly weakens and she always leaves her phone around the place.
The hardest victim to play this prank on is your girlfriend, Wednesday Addams.
Although the goth is not often using her actual device, she always makes sure to keep it close to her person.
The rare times you've managed to snag it while she's in the bathroom or during her writing time, if she isn't looking, for the life of you, you cannot guess her passcode.
Hers has to be much more complex than Enid's simple four digit passcode, since you've tried everything you could've thought of as a six digit passcode, yet to no avail.
You've tried birthdays, important dates to Wednesday, her favourite numbers, secret messages using numbers.
Nothing works.
You've been patiently waiting for the day to finally play the harmless prank on your girlfriend for weeks, and on a quiet Saturday night, it finally happened.
Saturday had always been your favourite day, who doesn't think Saturday as the best day?
You especially loved Saturdays since the fact the following day follows is Sunday, a day with also no school. Which meant Wednesday was allowed to come over to your dorm room and stay over for the night.
The school had a rule where sleepovers weren't permitted unless it was on the weekend, something that annoyed you greatly, but it was better than nothing.
This particular Saturday you and Wednesday decided to have a simple day. Both of you wanted to have more of a relaxing day rather than one full of plans for once.
It was ten in the evening and you and Wednesday had just finished the first episode of Criminal Minds, a show that took you a while of begging to get Wednesday to actually agree to watch with you.
With a smile you turned your head to look at her, her head already turned to look at you.
"So, what did you think?" You asked eagerly, hoping the goth actually enjoyed one of your favourite shows.
She gave a blank expression as she answered the question. "It was tolerable at best." You grinned at the response; pride filling in you since in Wednesday language that meant she actually liked it.
"I knew you'd like it!" You had the urge to add 'I told you so' but you opted to leave that out. "Whose your favourite character?"
Wednesday's raises her brows slightly at that. "A favourite character? I've only seen a singular episode and don't have a good enough concept of each character's personality to answer that question." She replied in a monotone voice as she glanced back at the screen before back at you.
You stared at her in silence for a moment before a slight smirk replaced the grin on your face.
"It's Hotch isn't it?" Wednesday gives you an annoyed stare as she crosses her arms over stomach. "Just because you've watched this show a myriad of times doesn't make you a profiler." She grumbled, confirming the answer to your question.
You chuckled as you teasingly nudged your shoulder with hers. "I know. I just know my girlfriend so well."
The corners of Wednesday's lips quirked up for a moment before they returned to their normal straight line. "Don't get too cocky, Y/n."
You chuckle once again as you moved your hand to holds Wednesday's, knowing the simple display of affection was one she didn't mind much.
Your smile only grew when Wednesday didn't hesitate to interlock your hands.
"I wouldn't dream of it. But I do know when we watch season two you will definitely love Emily but say otherwise."
Wednesday let out a scoff at your words. "I only remember agreeing to watch one episode of this show, not an entire season."
You shrugged your shoulders before saying. "Fine, I guess I'll have to watch the next episode alone while you sleep then."
Her dark chocolate brown eyes narrowed the ever slightest at that, as if she was trying to profile you to see if you were lying or not.
You stated back with the same amount of intensity, using it as an excuse to admire your girlfriend's beauty.
Wednesday uncharacteristically broke the eye contact first as she let out an angry huff.
"Only one more episode then." You grin at her words, already knowing that meant there were a lot more episodes ahead of you two.
"But I need to empty my bladder first." She states before she let go of your hand to stab up. Once she was out of the bed and standing she gave you a menacing glare before saying. "Don't start the episode without me."
You nodded your head.
"Go piss girl." You said as you let out a small laugh at your own words, still finding the meme enjoyable.
Wednesday stared blankly at you for a few seconds before she turned around and headed towards the bathroom.
She never understood the joke no matter how many times you told her the meme.
Once you heard the shutting of the door you didn't hesitate to roll over to Wednesday's side and retrieve her phone.
Pressing on the screen her lock screen appeared, her lockscreen wallpaper simply being a black background.
Very Wednesday, you thought to yourself. Was the chances of you actually figuring Wednesday's password slim? Yes. Impossible? No.
You were determined to change the girl's wallpaper to something stupid at least once.
Swiping up the phone presented the password screen to you, the circular numbers taking up the entire screen.
Your thumb hovered over the numbers as you thought of what possibly could her password.
Your first guess was '233267' since under each number was one letter that in order spelt 'Addams'.
Much to your disappointment the phone vibrated as the password emptied, telling you that the password was incorrect.
Knowing you didn't have much time to waste you quickly thought of another password you hadn't tried before.
'782378' This time the letters under the numerals spelt Pubert, the name of Wednesday's youngest brother.
Once again the phone vibrated angrily, taunting you that you got it wrong once again.
You sighed as you glanced over at the bathroom door knowing Wednesday would walk through them any minute.
Accepting your defeat you decided to give one last attempt before giving up. This time you just mimicked Wednesday's blank expression as you entered a six digit passcode you hadn't tried before.
'111111' You rolled your eyes as you entered the final digit expecting to hear the vibration once again, especially due to the fact how simple the password was.
But to your surprise you didn't feel a vibration in your hand. Instead you heard nothing.
Your eyes snapped back towards the screen and to your utter delight and shock you were in Wednesday's phone.
You actually managed to guess her password!
(You decided to ignore the fact it was literally more hackable and easier to guess than Enid's passcode)
A smug smile appeared on your face as you straightened your posture, pushing yourself slightly up as your mind rushed with different things you could change her wallpaper to.
Your eyes glanced at her home screen and you fully expected her home screen to be the same as her lock screen.
But it wasn't.
Her wallpaper was a picture of you two on your first date.
You were not expecting that.
The picture itself was a selfie you took, your face closer to the camera with Wednesday sitting behind you. You had a wide smile on your face while Wednesday had her iconic death stare.
In the background of the photo was the gorgeous forest of Nevermore. It was where you had your first date with Wednesday.
Wednesday had prepared a picnic and mapped out the best spot in the forest where she apparently knew the two of you wouldn't be interrupted. It was truly magical.
The longer you stared at the home screen the harder you found it to go actually change the picture.
Suddenly, you heard the obnoxiously loud taps from behind the bathroom door, indicating Wednesday was going to come out any second.
You glanced at the door before back at her phone. Even if it was a few seconds before Wednesday emerged that was still plenty of time for you to change it.
You smiled slightly to yourself as you shut the phone off and placed it back to its orignal spot before shifting back to your side of the bed.
As expected the bathroom door opened a few moments later and silently Wednesday walked over to the bed and got in.
She skilfully sneaked under the blanket you two were sharing and entered your personal space before she turned her head to look at you.
"Are you going to put the continuing episode on or not?" She asked impatiently with a tilt of her head.
You didn't reply at first. Instead you leaned down to kiss Wednesday's cold lips.
The shorter girl took a second to notice what was happening before you felt her kiss you back, you couldn't help but smile against her lips at the feeling.
The kiss itself was brief but it still managed to take away your breath as Wednesday pulled away.
She looked up at you with the smallest tint of pink tainting her ears, something you so desperately wanted to comment on.
"Although that was pleasurable why did you kiss me?" You shrugged your shoulders weakly as your grabbed Wednesday's hand with your hand. "I just wanted to kiss you." You said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
The rare small smile slowly appeared on Wednesday's face as she turned to look at the TV screen at the foot of your bed. She shifted closer to you as she did so.
You pressed one final kiss to Wednesday's head before you grabbed the remote with your free hand and pressed play for the next episode.
Although your prank was a failure this time you didn't mind.
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
Wednesday Addams x F!Reader
Summary: Wednesday barely found you tolerable. But, now as you were standing there, all dishevelled, sickly. She couldn't help but find you a bit endearing.
Warnings: you're a bit of a grouch when you're sick. swearing.
Note: just a regular sick fic
Word Count: 4.8k+
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This is what death feels like.
You were aching, sweat dripping down your overly warm body; unsure if you were too cold or too hot for a blanket. There was a bug going around the school and it seems you were the latest patient of the virus. You figured you must’ve caught it from Enid when she got it earlier this week.
You should've told Enid to stay away from you with a ten-foot pole.
A groan leaves your lips when you remember the botany assignment you are meant to submit soon was left to be finished on your desk when you got too exhausted from working.
Mentally counting to three before heaving yourself up from your comfortable position and stepping on the hardwood floor; even with socks on you felt a shiver run up your spine.
Being sick sucks.
Just when you manage to sit down at your desk, a loud knock resounding through the room halts any further movements.
You drop your head in frustration, now having to lug yourself up once again to answer the door; internally cursing the person on the other side.
With slow strides and a rough yank to the door handle, you answer grumpily, “What?”
Wednesday Addams was one on the other side of the door, sporting that impassive stare that always manages to irk you. A slight uprise of her brow was the only crack in her deadpan expression as she ran her gaze up and down your figure; feeling slightly insecure under her watchful leer.
Sighing, you lean your weight against the door when she doesn’t answer. “What do you want, Addams?”
“What is wrong with you?” Was her response.
“I’m sick, can’t ‘cha tell?’ You remarked sarcastically, eyes blinking slowly.
“Now, hurry up and tell me what you want so I can be sick in peace..” You roll your eyes impatiently.
“Enid – your cousin, needs your past exam from 2nd-year potions to study for her own. She ask I come get it from you.” Wednesday replies with ease.
You are Enid’s cousin – older by two years. Although your paths don’t cross often, you were around enough because of your connection to Enid. At first, she thought you were going to be exactly like her roommate; all rainbows and sunshine, must run in the family, right?
Instead, you were snippy and quick-witted, never letting Wednesday get the last word. You acted indifferent to her threats, often throwing one back; it was infuriating not being feared.
Wednesday wanted to jab a knife through your jugular but alas, you are off limits. Enid would never forgive her. So she had to learn how to ‘get along’ with you – if that was even possible.
“Damn it. I knew she’d forget to grab it.” Shaking your head in annoyance before pushing your weight off the door to walk further into your room. Wednesday follows suit, letting the door close shut behind her as she surveys her surroundings.
This was her first time inside. Wednesday recalls tales from Enid about your cleanliness and need for order around you, but as she looks around it was anything but.
Clothes were thrown haphazardly on the floor and on the top of the armchair near your bed. She even excuses the overflowing trashcan of tissues and the mess on the floor that followed. Then the goth notes the scattered papers and opened books on your desk.
“Were you studying?” She asks; lips pulled into a tight line as she awaits your answer.
“Huh? Oh yeah… Got a botany assignment due in a couple of days. This semester is kicking my ass and this flu surely isn’t helping.” You chuckle hoarsely; distractedly looking for that exam she came here for.
“You are practically on death’s door.” Wednesday remarks, observing your weak slouching figure.
You are heaving with any sort of effort, moving in slow shuffles instead of your purposeful strides. Your voice got rougher and hoarser the more you talked; the congestion surely wasn’t helping. Even your eyes blinked much slower as if you were unable to focus on what’s in front of you. Wednesday wasn’t sure if she should step closer, afraid you’d suddenly faint on her.
“Gee… Thanks, Addams. You sure know what to say to charm a gal.” You roll your eyes with an exasperated sigh. No luck in the cabinet you just checked. “Where is that damn thing?”
Wednesday’s cheeks tinge red at your response. That was not what she meant to say. “I just mean… you are visibly ill. You should be resting.”
“I would love to do that too. But this scary-looking girl just had to knock on my door asking for something.” Glancing at her with a side-eye; teasing despite your dissolving energy – waving the paper you valiantly searched for.
How foolish of you to waste energy on a pointless taunt.
With an eye roll, Wednesday takes the paper from your extended hand. 
“Now, if you don’t mind.” You gesture to the door with a sarcastic smile, “I’d like to rot in peace.”
Wednesday makes no indication of leaving. On any given day you would have put up a fight, but no, not today. Not when you, woefully, were on death’s door and had an assignment calling your name.
With reluctance, you ignore the unmoving girl and sit down at your desk to continue your work and trusted Wednesday can find her own way out of your room. But before you can sit on the chair, a rough tug on your forearm has you pushed to your bed instead.
“Whoa… too fast.” You stumble, the quick movement making you feel queasy. 
“Lay down,” Wednesday says when she pushes you to sit on the bed.
“Dude, what the hell?” You sneer in an agitated tone, attempting to stand but she merely steps closer – holding a hand out, preventing you from doing so.
“Addams, I need to do my assignment.” Huffing as you stare into the warning glint in her dark orbs. She crosses her arms, unfazed.
“What you need to be doing is resting. Lay down, I will not be repeating myself again.”
A staredown ensues between you and the Addams. Wednesday unsure if you were truly foolish enough to try and disobey her. But eventually, you look away and sigh but not without complaint. 
“Who made you King of the World?” You muttered bitterly as you pulled the covers over your body, getting comfortable in the warm bed.
“Quit acting like a petulant child. You are literally shaking right now.” Wednesday scolds; her tone was harsh but her touches were anything but as she tucks you into bed, making you sure you were agreeable.
She moved around the room to gather any supplies you might need close and placed a cool wet towel on your warm forehead. Any hints of diffidence on Wednesday’s side about being in your space are gone as she nurses you. And, as you lay there, tucked under a pile of blankets, Wednesday finds herself about to tuck an astray strand of hair, but her touch halts. Too soft.
Wednesday scolds herself for thinking of acting on such an urge.
“Since when’d you care about me, Addams?”
“Never. But Enid cares about you, and I care about her – so by extension, I am obligated to help her loved ones.” She responds in a quick, even tone as if she rehearsed it before.
Humming, “Obligated huh?” She nods blankly.
“You make it an obligation to tuck people’s hair back too? You know when you’re out and about helping her loved ones.” Wednesday’s hand stalls in the air, not even realizing she subconsciously tucked your hair back anyway; her efforts of restraint were futile.
The goth stands quickly; pulling away as if she was burned by something hot. Ignoring your words, she replies, “Get some rest. If I find out that you got up to do some work, I will deliver you to death’s door myself.”
“How are you gonna manage that?” You question with a challenging tone, she merely raises a brow at the defiance. “Thing will check in hourly and report back on your status.”
She walks towards the door and opens it, “I am serious, Y/N.” Warning you once again, knowing of your stubborn tendencies and a strong aversion to being told what to do.
“I hear ya’, I hear ya’” You wave off with a nonchalant tone.
Wednesday inhales a slow grounding breath to stop herself from going back over to you; unsure if she wanted to strangle you or…or do something else! To shut you up! Instead, she grips the exam paper she came to your room for and shut the door behind her; walking away.
– – 
“Wednesday! How was it?” Enid asked excitedly, turning so fast in her spot when she opened the door – Wednesday would be shocked if she didn’t have whiplash at the moment. Thing sat next to the werewolf, tapping his finger on the bed repeatedly, signalling the girl to sit down.
“She is dreadfully ill.” Wednesday deadpanned, handing the paper to a grimacing Enid.
“Yikes, Y/N has never been pretty when sick. God, she’s also like, ten times more sarcastic and whiny too.” Enid furrows her brows as she recounts all the times you’ve been sick when growing up together.
Wednesday wanted to disagree. You were not…dreadful to look at. Actually, you looked quite decent standing there wearing your pyjamas. Wednesday felt… privileged …to see you in such a vulnerable state.
The bags under your dead stare and pale clammy skin were not... unattractive to someone like an Addams.
Even as you were fighting her about going back to study, you were kind of…adorable for thinking you can fight Wednesday back in your state – not even in your healthiest form could you win against her. As you lay there buried under the bed covers, you looked so fragile; it was quite alluring – Wednesday shuts that thought away. Instead, she keeps her mouth shut and lets Enid ramble about the times you’ve been a horrible patient.
In the meantime, Wednesday orders Thing to check on you every hour to make sure you truly were resting like you said you would.
– – 
The next time Wednesday visited, it was only a few hours later. Thing was the one who opened the door this time, she stepped in seeing you sat up in bed with your books scattered on your lap, pen in hand – you were wearing glasses, she notes. Wednesday doesn’t know why her heart is palpitating at the sight of you in spectacles, they are a common utility for humans. But on you, it looked… slightly better.
“What are you doing?” She questions with furrowed brows once she got a grip.
“Addams!” You greet, “Doing my assignment, but in bed. So technically, not breaking your rules.” Beaming in mischief, you shrugged your shoulders.
“This is not what I meant and you know it.” Wednesday stomps closer, placing her bag of supplies for you – mostly from Enid, she would like to note – on your bed. "I distinctly remember saying what would happen if you were to leave this bed."
You sigh in defeat, “Look Addams, this is the most I’m willing to compromise. I wasn’t even sure you were serious about sending Thing in here to check on me until I got whacked for leaving for the bathroom.”
Wednesday smirks at the mental image.
“I’m not really sure why you care so much – it’s actually kinda freaking me out. But, I really need to finish this. So if you wanna deliver me to death's door yourself, you're gonna have to wait until this is finished.” You finish off with a huff, pointing to the books in your lap with pouting lips and Wednesday feels remnants of spiders crawling in her stomach.
“Fine…” She concedes very reluctantly, “But you are going to stay here as you do it.” 
Taking a seat on your bed, she says. “As am I.”
You study her wearily with a probing gaze, unsure why she was being so nice to you right now. Even her threats had lost a bit of their edge. It was unsettling but not unwelcome.
“Fine with me.” You say after a couple of seconds, breaking your surveying of Wednesday.
The goth nods, taking her supplies out of her bag, an assortment of snacks, drinks and a book she managed to slip in were among some of the other items. She would never outwardly say that it was one of her favourite books and that she would somewhat like to know what you thought of the plot – but just so she can tell you how her analysis of the book is better.
“Woah! Chocolate popcorn.” Roughly grabbing the packaged snack, staring at it with childlike glee. “This is, like, my favourite. They don’t sell these around here.”
Wednesday knows.
“How’d you get these?” You look up and Wednesday detests how she feels a physical stutter in her chest when you do; all wide-eyed, grinning – you look foolish being so galvanized over a menial item.
“Unimportant… and those are for after you get better, not during. Eating these now will only prolong your condition.” You pout disappointedly but obey nevertheless, putting the snack back down.
She sees your careful glances at the medicine in her hands. “Please don’t make me drink pills.”
You were in clear fear, shaking your head. Wednesday frowns at your genuine dislike for the medicine.
“What is wrong with it? Would you have preferred the liquid version?” She looks down confused at the items in her hand.
“I… can’t swallow pills.” You admit, awkwardly scratching the back of your neck.
Wednesday blinks, “Oh. Well… No worries, I have the liquid version in my room.” She dismisses but you audibly huff, crossing your arms in the process, confusing the Addams.
“I don’t like medicine okay? I don't take it, never have.” You admit with a puff and Wednesday takes a moment to gather her thoughts.
“That is a childish reason.”
“No, it’s not! Lots of people don't like to take medicine when they’re sick.” You defend.
“Most of those people might not be as sick as you.” She reasons but you shrug unperturbed, slipping on your headphones. “You would prolong your illness simply because you don’t like medicine?” Still ignoring the goth’s clinched jaw and flared nostrils.
Realizing that you were going continue your childlike behaviour, Wednesday sighs, standing up to survey your room for the second time today – this time with more attention to detail.
Like the gaming controller thrown absentmindedly on your desk, the wilting plant on your bedside table, or the sweater thrown on the back of your chair. Wednesday walked further into the opposite corner of the room. A make-shift nook of carpet, blankets and pillows was on the floor – barricaded by two large bookshelves. Inside is spacious enough to be comfortable and move around; it had an inviting atmosphere and Wednesday finds herself walking closer to it.
She steps inside the reading sanctuary; the carpet was crumpled, blankets unmade, obvious signs of its frequent use. A hanging light bulb illuminated the small corner. Wednesday runs a tentative finger through the spine of some books, before landing on a cozy familiar – H.P. Lovecraft, she didn't expect you to be a fan. She pulls it out from the rest, and takes a seat on the carpet, keeping a watchful eye on you.
For a while, you two just existed in silence. Only remnants of dull pen scratching against paper, coughing and the timely flip of a page are the only sounds to be heard in the room – it was calming. You were unsure how much time had passed by the time you decided you had done enough work for the night – the familiar aching of a migraine creeping at the back of your skull.
You scanned the room, forgetting the Addams girl was still with you, having fallen trance in your own world – she was sitting in your reading corner. Her body is hidden behind the large bookshelf but you can see a glimpse of her knees tucked close to her chest as her chin rests on top, flipping through the pages as you continue to observe her. She looked kinda cute.
Wednesday was often reading during the times you were around her – unless she was hurling threats at you. Enid said she preferred it over talking to other people. What is often an evasion tactic when out in public, is instead enjoyed as she curls up reading one of your favourite books. Almost looking relaxed, you note.
“I can feel your eyes on me.”
You snorted, closing your books, and throwing them to the side on the floor. Wednesday looks over disapprovingly at the thud. “I’m finished for the night, so you don’t have to worry about me sneaking off to do some work. I tap out.” You cross your arms in an ‘X’ motioning to emphasize.
“Good…” Wednesday answers, returning to her book.
You blink, unsure of what to do, “Um… what now?”
She thinks for a second before standing up, “It is time for medicine.” You groan, wincing in pain from the effort.
“Anything but that please.” You pout, hiding under the covers, hoping she spared you of this torture.
“I can tell your migraine is returning. You were wincing in pain for 15 minutes before you decided to stop studying.” That makes you halt, not realizing she was watching you so intensely.
“Don’t care.” You mumbled from under the covers. “Y/N…I know you’re in pain. Now.” She huffs impatiently, sitting on the edge of your bed.
Your usual fight and resistant attitude was dwindling with every passing moment, you’d really love to tell Wednesday to kick it but you’re half scared and half exhausted. With a defeated exhale, you pull off the covers and sit up; taking the medicine packet from her open palm. When your fingertips touched, Wednesday had to tightly curl her fingers closed when she dropped them back to her side.
You begrudgingly swallow the pill.
With an exasperated gulp, you ask, “Satisfied?”
Even while she was helping you, you were acting like a whiny brat. Just like Enid’s warnings, she recalls.
“Has anyone told you that you become increasingly whinier when you are ill?” Wednesday says matter-of-factly.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re really bossy when you want something?” You retort with an upraise of a brow.
“Yes, actually. A few times.” Wednesday answers honestly. And you’re not even surprised, just laughing and shaking your head.
Tossing the medicine packets and other junk off your bed, you scoot off to the side patting the open spot. Wednesday looks at you blankly. “Come on, do I have to spell it out for ya? Sit beside me, Addams.”
The goth doesn’t respond, just getting up and sitting beside you; thighs and shoulders so close that Wednesday can feel the warmth radiating off your skin. Or maybe she’s just hyperaware of you and your movements.
You lean closer into her space, not quite touching, “Figure if you can ‘nurse’ me back to health, you can also sit through a couple of movies with me?” You asked in such a hopeful tone that Wednesday would never dare say no.
So, Wednesday nods, silently and you were excited – Thing who had taken a nap sprang to grab the remote and pass it to you – before then taking his leave for the evening.
– –
You two get through a couple of movies, some Wednesday liked more than she was willing to admit. You nudge her shoulder, “Told you How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days isn’t that bad, you just have to give it a chance.”
Wednesday rolls her eyes not wanting to admit defeat. “It was…interesting, they had both lied and humiliated each other for professional gain. It was cruel…I think it was tolerable.”
Knowing that was the best you were going to get from the goth, you beam back at her. You supposed you never thought of one of your favourite movies in that way before, but Wednesday is not without interesting opinions. 
You two decide to start another movie, this time Wednesday’s choice. Halfway through the movie, you found yourself burning up uncomfortably; no position was comfortable for you, you think all your fidgeting is annoying Wednesday. It wasn’t until the familiar churn in your stomach was felt that you made a break for the bathroom; legs all stumbling from being tangled in the covers.
You gagged and vomited out all of your dinner; only stopping when your stomach begged for reprieve. You closed the lid of the toilet, flushing it as your shoulders dropped. Suddenly you feel a hand rub comforting circles on your back and another holding your hair up. The touches were so comforting to your overheating body that you let out a groan at her cool skin.
“I would like to say that came out of nowhere, but you were moving around so much it was only a matter of time.”
You just groaned again, letting your head drop to the toilet cover; stomach still feeling weak and queasy. 
Wednesday sighs, her chest uncomfortably clenching at the sight of your weak figure – it was pathetic. “Why did you not just say you felt sick?”
“I thought I was fine.” You grumbled back.
Wednesday rolled her eyes knowing that’s most likely a lie judging by how much you were moving around 30 minutes into the movie. She knew you were trying to hold back whatever queasiness you were feeling.
“Do you think you can stand?” You nod.
Wednesday helps you up, about to lead you back to bed when you push her helping hand away. “Need to brush my teeth.”
“I think bad breath is the least of your concerns. You can barely stand, Y/N.” She tries to usher you back to bed, but you refuse.
“I may be sick, but I am not gross.” You push her back with what little strength you have left, shutting the door in her face; she hears the faucet running.
All Wednesday could do was scoff and cross her arms over her chest as she waits for you. Of course, she would wait for you. You have been whiny, bratty, and grouchy but even still, Wednesday finds it annoying how she still can’t bring it in herself to leave.
The Addams girl would like to blame the churn in her stomach for the same illness that you have but she knows it would be untrue. Wednesday always feels this way around you; ever since she grew to accept that you would be around. Sometimes with Enid at lunch, sometimes in the library, sometimes at her dorm. 
She always, without a doubt, feels the remnants of creepy crawlies all over her body, hair raising, senses more aware; even if she wasn’t talking to you directly or even if you were on the other side of the room. 
Those would be the times Wednesday elects to keep herself busy to avoid talking to you, whenever you two fight it always ends up with one of you storming off. So, sometimes she chooses to bask in the one-sided silence; whether it be a book or her typewriter.
Enid and Thing think it’s pathetic, hence why they tried to send her to pick up an ‘exam’ from you, hoping Wednesday can finally have a… pleasant interaction with you. But now that was all quickly backfiring for the Addams girl as she thinks of ways to torture you after you get better – to even the playing field.
She gets swept up in fantasies of her glossary of torture methods, mentally crossing out the ones she knew would not suit you. But as the bathroom door opens and you stand on the other side with a guilty frown, Wednesday finds all her murderous urges dwindling away.
She stands straighter at your expression, uncrossing her arms.
“I’m sorry.”  Was all you said, looking up at her with glistened eyes. Wednesday’s stare unknowingly softens. 
“I didn’t mean to do that. I become a real grouch when I don’t feel well.” You rub your palm into your eyes, wiping away the tears. Being sick also makes you emotional, she notes.
Wednesday steps forward, bringing a cautious hand to your wrist, bringing your hands down. “I know. I have been trying to tell you that.” She rolls her eyes. 
“Just let me take care of you.” She all but fretted. Finally, you give in and nod; allowing your arm to go limp as Wednesday leads you back to bed, tucking you in.
Just like before, she moves about with familiarity. This time setting a bucket on your bedside – just in case. “If I knew how terrible this sickness would get, I would have made you the Addams special tea.”
“What’s in it?”
“Just the normal medicinal herbs and a drop of liquid from a vile.”
“What’s… in the vile?”
“Its origins are unknown. My mother says it is from an ancestor who took samples of a deadly virus in the old days, though no one is quite sure. All we know is that it works.”
Your nose crinkles at the thought, having heard of the macabre tales of the Addams family and their eccentric ways. “As thoughtful as that is… I don't think I'm there yet.”
Wednesday shrugs, stepping back. “You’re all set. You should sleep, it's quite late.” She looks at you bundled up in bed once again, this time looking worse than before and she feels short-lived feelings of pity. There was a brief moment of silence as no one says anything, unsure of what to do next.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” Wednesday tries to spin around to leave, but you’re grabbing her wrist this time. “Or you can stay…It’d be unfortunate for you to get into trouble for missing curfew just cause you were taking care of me.”
Wednesday raises a brow, asking ‘are you sure?’ choosing to ignore the way her heart dropped to her stomach at your question.
You tighten your hold on her wrist, “I would… like it if you stayed.” You stammered out.
Wednesday nods, removing her boots and sweater then she starts to undo her braids and it makes your brain short-circuit a bit – never having seen her without them. When she gets in beside you she scoots closer than intended – shoulders almost touching. She moves down allowing herself to get down in a comfortable position on your pillows; it smells like you and Wednesday detests that she finds the scent to be so comforting.
You, on the other hand, weren’t really sure where you got that sudden inclination to ask her to stay, but as you look down at her adjusting form in your bed, bundled up under your covers, you knew you made the right choice.
When Wednesday doesn’t feel you moving to lie down, she looks up at you. “Y/N, you need to sleep.”
“The TV is helping me sleep.” You mumble.
“It is making your migraine worse.” Wednesday props herself up on her elbow so you two are face to face. “What is the reason this time?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, playing with the loose thread of the covers to avoid her gaze. “I get night terrors when I’m really sick. Sometimes I just wake up screaming ‘cause I’m so terrified. So I try not to sleep until my fever breaks.”
Wednesday is silent at your revelation. “Would you…like to hold me? While you fall asleep.”
Your eyes widen, not answering. 
As the silence grows Wednesday starts to feel insecure about her question. Then your face softens, “Are you sure?”
“I would not have asked if I was not comfortable.” Your heart skips at her words.
Then Wednesday is turning her back to you, glancing behind her curtain of raven hair as a reassurance that she was serious about her inquiry. Your body is moving closer to her before you can even let yourself think about it, carefully wrapping your arm around her waist. It should be illegal how comforting this feels, at how unearthly it feels to have Wednesday this close.
“You can move closer, I am not fragile,” Wednesday whispers into the quiet night air. She grabs your arm, bringing it closer to her chest as you fall flushed against her; your front to her back.
“Tell anyone about this and I will bury you six feet under alive.” Wednesday threats with firmness.
You chuckle, “I would never tell anyone about this, it’s embarrassing for me.”
“Good. The same for me, as well.”
“Good.” You agreed.
“Great.” She agrees.
There is silence for a while.
“Are…are you…comfortable?” Wednesday breaks the stillness that grew in the room.
“Yes…I am.” You muttered softly; Wednesday fights her body’s reaction to shiver as you whisper the words so close to her ear. Instead, she curls herself into you, hoping her movements disguised the shudder.
“Good. Go to sleep.”
You chuckle, “Goodnight, Wednesday.”
– –
The next day, neither of you mentions how you wake up with Wednesday’s face nuzzled against your neck; hand under your shirt; practically on top of you. You also don’t say anything when she kept coming back every night to ‘help you’ with your night terrors until your fever broke and then a couple more days after that until Enid was practically begging her to come home.
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car1y-quinn · 3 months
Enid: come on wenny I’ve been so patient with you. We’ve been dating for a year and we barely even kiss. I feel like I’m being strung along, sometimes.
Wednesday: well of course, it’s; as the youth say, foreplay. I read that it is very helpful in keeping a healthy relationship. And there is a thrill in the chase!
Enid covering her face, blushing: Yoko!
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lorelaiblair · 2 months
really enjoy the concept of wednesday and enid not knowing how to be in a relationship
their only real examples of lasting romantic relationships come from their parents
enid can’t remember a time when her parents actually loved each other, they were werewolf mates so she knows that they had to of loved each other in the beginning at least. over the course of their relationship something went wrong, love turned into resentment and anger, and silence on her fathers part.
enid was her parent’s daughter. she was determined to never treat the people in her life the way her family treated each other.
she would never treat wednesday the way that her parents treated each other.
wednesday’s home life was nearly the opposite. her parents were absolutely obsessed with each other. it terrified her.
the way that they needed each other, the way that they depended on each other. wednesday addams knew loss, she knew that she couldn’t survive facing it again.
she spent her whole life being independent, doing things on her own and surviving. she didn’t know how to ask for help when she needed it.
the way her parents loved was overwhelming.
the way she loved enid was so overwhelming.
especially when it was new, when she had no idea what she was doing, when they were both so terrified to screw things up.
their love would last. their love would last. it would last, they would make sure of it.
they learned each other, they compromised and promised to always be honest. they loved and they fought and they would take a breath before trying to discuss things calmly.
enid learned that wednesday wasn’t always great at putting her feelings into words, she learned to wait.
wednesday learned that enid did things with her heart, even when they weren’t always logical. she learned to listen.
they never became esther and murray. on days that enid saw her mothers face in the mirror looking back at her wednesday would kiss her face and hold her. telling enid that she was the best thing that woman could ever create.
wednesday became much more like her parents then she could have ever imagined, but with enid by her side she was okay with that. when she wasn’t as okay, enid was still right there, patient and always somehow knowing exactly what wednesday needed.
they lasted. in love, for all of their lives.
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wol-fica · 1 year
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pairings - wednesday x gn!reader
summary - Wednesday comes to you for advice and guidance with her stalker problem, and finally confesses
warnings - kissing, slight make out, fluff, kinda investigation, wednesday is so hot omg
It was a peaceful night at Nevermore Academy, not a sound could be heard, except for up in Apollo Hall. The soft ‘swoosh’ of a broom across wooden floors filled the large space as I did the weekly clean of my dorm. 
I lived alone, well technically not, as I did have a roommate, but they never stayed here or even bothered to show up at the beginning of the semester, so I assumed that the dorm was mine for the taking. Maximus, my dorm parent, had said that he didn’t mind me having it to myself, but I needed to uphold the promise of keeping it in order just in case a new student comes along. 
So here I was, ridding the space of all dust and grime. The faint sound of laughter flowed through my open window, probably coming from down in the quad. There was a late night party for the students who participated in the repair of the school, which was basically everyone. I was invited, but I’d rather be alone with my books than get drunk with the crowd. Everyone was down to do drugs and chug alcohol, which is why I was incredibly surprised to hear a swift knock at my door.
“Coming!” I called, placing the broom back into my supply closet before heading to the door. I opened it, only to be met with someone I would never expect to be at my doorstep. 
Wednesday Addams, gloomy and attractive as always. 
See, Wednesday and I have only interacted twice, so I was confused why she would be here at my door. The first time we met was at Eugene’s shed; I had gone there to get a jar of honey for my baking escapades, and Wednesday was there looming over a book of some sort. I had said hello, but all I received was a look and a nod. 
The second time was with Enid; I was in their dorm helping her decorate a large poster board for her project on giant hawks when Wednesday arrived back from Hummers club. We made eye contact for a solid two-and-a-half seconds before she greeted Enid and went straight to her typewriter. 
So for her to be standing in my doorway, arms full of papers and a black display board while her face looked bland as ever, was quite a shock to me.
“Wednesday, Hi.” I said, probably looking like an idiot.
Her eyes scanned my face before trailing down to the black apron I wore for cleaning. Instantly, my skin went red from embarrassment, and I scrambled to take it off.
“Sorry, I was in the middle of sweeping when you knocked.” 
“That is fine, having a neat room shows me that you are at least cleaner than most.” Wednesday said, her voice a bit less monotonous than usual. “Can I enter?”
“I…of course!” I stammered, stepping aside so she could walk in.
I shut the door behind her, locked it, and turned to see her inspecting my walls. She moved around the room quite fast, her hand tracing along the ancient wood. Once she seemed satisfied, she placed her things on my bed and got to work setting up her display board. 
“Uh, can I help with anything…?” I asked, sliding closer to see what she had.
She shook her head no and grabbed her papers to pin them up on the black panel, which is where I realized they were in fact photos of her. All of them were inconsistent, some with her by herself, others while she was with Enid or Xavier. 
“Wednesday what-” 
She slapped her hand to my mouth, glaring her dark eyes at me. “Be patient, you will see what I'm getting at.”
I obliged, keeping my eyes on Wednesday as she finished pinning the last of her photos. Once she was satisfied, she clasped my hand and pulled me back to see the full product. Red string trailed from each photo to a paper, which led to the center, a dark blurry figure. 
We stared at it for a moment, basking in the silence. In our pause, I registered her hand in mine. Her skin was cold, but not in a repulsive way, it was more refreshing than uncomfortable. I was surprised, especially when her thumb gently traced the back of my hand. 
“So, what am I looking at?” I asked, breaking the silence. 
She went forward to inspect her work more closely, her hand sliding out of mine in the process. An empty feeling filled the air but I ignored it out of respect.
“Wednesday?” I asked again, coming up next to her.
“It seems that I have acquired a stalker.” She murmured, scratching her chin.
“I see that, but why did you come here?” 
“Because I needed a consult.”
“What’s wrong with Enid? Xavier?” 
Wednesday’s dark eyes snapped to mine, a glare clouding her face. She stared at me for a good few seconds before looking back at her board.
“Because of that picture.” She stated, pointing at one of her laying on her colorless bed, “I care for Enid and Xavier greatly, but this makes me paranoid.”
I nod, understanding her view, “How would they get a picture of you in your room?” 
“A good question, but I'm not sure about the answer.”
“I see.”
Silence, again; Wednesday really likes to analyze, so I used this time to admire her. 
One thing about her that I always found interesting about her was her face. While most people would say she is bland and psychotic, I fully disagree. She has always had this effect on me that I couldn’t quite pinpoint until now.  
When we would pass in the hallway, I would get giddy and nervous, but as soon as she was gone those feelings diminished. We sit with each other in Creepy Creatures class, and I always get so scared to mess up on a test or choose dumb answers for homework in fear of repulsing her.
Wednesday’s voice snapped me out of my daydreaming, causing me to look down to her. Her dark, well-trained eyes searched my Y/E/C ones with curiosity.
“What were you doing?” She asked, peering up at me.
“Nothing! Just thinking about stuff.”
She hummed slowly, still staring at me. “Stuff.”
I nodded sheepishly and smiled, giving a tense shrug. 
“Anyways, I had asked if you had any theories on who my despicable stalker could be.”
I thought for a moment, multiple possibilities filling my brain.
“Old family member?” I suggested.
Wednesday studied my face as she seemed to ponder about what I said. “Elaborate.”
I cleared my throat. “Distant relative. Has an issue with your family or you yourself. They want to scare you by taking stalkerish photos of you?”
“No, too easy.”
“How about a current student? Someone who is jealous of you and is trying to distract you from things about to happen?”
She pursed her lip at that one. “Maybe”
“Ooh! Or an old foe!” I said, now being very interested in the issue. “Someone you crossed and maybe have beaten in the past, they are back to scare you!”
I turned to see her slightly grinning at me, her eyes watching my every move. My face heated up and I giggled, scratching the back of my neck.
“Sorry, I love mysteries.”
Wednesday shook her head slightly, giving me an ever so small smirk. “That’s okay, investigating is cute on you.”
“Really?” I said, a blush covering my cheeks.
“Yes, it's terribly annoying.”
She scoffed, shaking her head; her eyes met mine with a fiery glaze. She was studying me again, taking in my features so they would have an imprint in her brain. I learned that Wednesday would do that so she could remember who she saw in a day in case of an unfortunate event happening. 
“You are incredibly naive.” Wednesday said, tracing her fingers across a photo of her and I in botany class.
I cocked my head to the side in confusion. What did that mean? Was I supposed to pick up on something? Did she ask me another question? 
“What do you mean?” I asked with caution.
Her shoulders dropped as her head drooped sadly. Cringing a slight bit, I backed away in fear that I said something wrong. 
“I keep throwing signals in your direction but you are to blind to see my attempts; unless I’m just bad at flirting.”
I looked stupid, very stupid. My mouth was hanging open while my eyes squinted in thought. 
“You…have a thing for me? Like a crush?” 
“Yes, I have gained an attraction to you.” She said, watching for my reaction.
“Are you disappointed?”
“What? No.”
“Then angry.”
“Wednesday, wait.” I said, shushing her before she started assuming the worst.
She stared, her eyes never leaving mine. Our gaze seemed to create a thin spark between us as we had a silent conversation through facial expressions. My thoughts took a pause when I saw her dark orbs flicker down to my lips, her own parting slightly.
“Can…can I kiss you Y/N?” Wednesday asked tentatively whilst rocking on her feet.
I smiled, reaching out to grab her hands.
“Call me Y/N/N.” 
And with that, our lips met in a fiery blaze. Her’s were soft and delicate, yet surprisingly delicious. She tasted sweet like lemonade but with a hint of mint. My hands traveled down to her waist, pulling her closer to me so I could kiss her more properly. 
We broke for air, but she dove right back in with a ferocious demeanor. I felt the prodding of her tongue begging for access into my mouth, which I happily accepted. As soon as she got clearance, she set to work exploring every crevice with curiosity. The way her tongue would slide against mine created a bubbly feeling in my stomach, which only grew when she decided to cup my face.
I pulled back, a string of spit dangled between us. Giggling, I wiped it away and planted a soft peck to her cheek.
“Now I can brag that I made out with Wednesday Addams.” I snickered, burying my nose into her neck.
Suddenly, a sharp jab of a fist collided with my stomach, causing me to clutch it in discomfort.
“Tell anyone and I will rip you off at your mid-section.” She stated before pulling me into her for a tight hug.
i do not give permission for anyone to repost on any platform
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rougecreator1 · 1 month
Hey! Could I request a Wednesday imagine where R is her younger sibling, and Wednesday shocks everyone by being more gentle and patient with them?
Soft Thorns ||
|| Wednesday Addams & nonbinary!sibling reader
|| Warnings: platonic, first time writing for Wednesday's character, brief mentions of blood and reader getting injured (nothing insane)
|| Summary: Reader's on the more clumsy side, Wednesday's there to support Reader when they need it. Wednesday's "soft" side surprises everyone.
Requests open!
Started: April 23rd
Finished: April 23rd
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You and Wednesday were only a couple years apart. Making you 14. Both you and her had started Nevermore at the same time, being paired with Enid for a roommate was definitely an experience the both of you weren't prepared for. She was different than what you were used to, although when you thought about it you and Enid weren't overly different from each other and connected on quite a few things. Building a fast friendship, unlike Wednesday who has tried keeping more so to herself. Only engaging in the occasional conversation with you.
It was after classes, you were struggling to carry all your binders as papers kept slipping. You rushed to snatch them but it was no use and the rest of your binders quickly hit the floor as your grip loosened. Sighing deeply, you stared at the papers in annoyance.
Wednesday, who had been walking slightly ahead because you both left from the same class, stopped and looked back at you. Raising an eyebrow as she watched you struggle.
Wordlessly she took a step towards you and then another until she was in front, crouched down and helping you pick up your papers. She handed all of them to you with a soft look. Well, a look as soft as Wednesday Addams could give. It was like looking at a soft thorn.
Enid had a bounce in her step as she joined the two of you, coming from her own class. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the look on Wednesday's face.
"Oh my Gosh! No way?? Wednesday-!" Before she could say anything else about it, Wednesday had already sent her a glare.
"Never speak of this." Wednesday muttered, you smiled and suppressed a laugh. It certainly wasn't the first time Wednesday had been softer for you. It was just the first time anyone besides you had seen it. You could only assume she was embarrassed, if she even had the ability to feel embarrassed.
Enid quickly nodded her head and the three of you returned to your shared dorm.
The following day, you had been in art class with Wednesday & Enid. Bianca and Xavier sat a distance away from you and were mostly doing their own thing.
You had been working with a modeling knife, trying to get a your piece cut in just the right ways you had envisioned. Wednesday's gaze shifted to the knife in your hand and then to your eyes.
"Be careful." She tells you. Wednesday had always been overprotective of you, it was just in her nature. Especially when you were her younger sibling.
Enid looks up from her own colourful artwork and gives Wednesday a confused look.
"What?" Wednesday stared at Enid, who quickly shook her head.
"Nope, nothing." Enid insists.
"You are a horrible liar." Wednesday responds, though her attention is quickly brought back to you when you gasp. You had made the stupid decision to keep your thumb a little too close to the knife as you worked to shape your clay. Her eyes narrowed at you and she took your had. Examining the cut, which had blood dripping from it." I told you to be careful." She looks at you again.
You give her an awkward smile, having set down your knife as you scratch the back of your neck awkwardly. Looking off to the side. "Yeah, I know... hand slipped."
"You are an idiot." Wednesday continued, getting up and heading to the first aid kit in the class. "I cannot believe we are related." She muttered the last part to herself.
Enid, Bianca and Xavier were all watching her with the same looks of confusion before looking at you. Was Wednesday seriously taking care of you? They couldn't believe it.
Wednesday comes back to your and Enid's table," Hand." She demands, you sigh and extend your hand out to her.
"I'm fine, Wednesday." You assure her as she wipes your cut with a alcohol cloth, making you hiss in response to the sting that shot through your finger.
"Fine?" Wednesday raised an eyebrow at you when she saw your reaction.
"Oh come on, that's a natural reaction!" You huffed, cheeks pink with embarrassment.
"Baby." Wednesday teased you and you rolled your eyes as she wrapped the bandaid around your cut.
Enid leaned back in her chair so she could be closer to Bianca and Xavier," You guys are seeing this too, right?" She whispered.
They both nodded slowly.
"Good, good, cool... just making sure I'm not going insane." Enid continued.
Once Wednesday was satisfied, she let go of your hand and looked at the other three with an annoyed stare.
"Will you stop looking at me as though I have grown three heads?" Wednesday said.
"Sorry, sorry- it's just-" Enid stuttered out an explanation.
Wednesday simply ignored it and returned to her work, making Enid sigh and look at you. You couldn't quite read what her expression was saying.
Though you were quite amused by everyone's reactions to how Wednesday treated you.
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Wednesday x reader - soft for you
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hey can you do Wednesday having a soft spot for gen or fem reader (dating) and trying to wake them up for classes/ an investigation. (Reader isn’t a morning person) just her being sweet and unusually patient with the reader - @daryldixonsw1fe 💜
Wednesday had a rule in the relationship, and it was if you weren’t away an hour before classes were supposed to start she was allowed to barge not your room and wake you up.
So far, she had never had a need to do this, but as it ticked on 8am, she looked at her clock and turned to Enid.
“Is she awake?”
“No, she’s not relying to my messages.”
Wednesday nodded and gathered her things and left her from, making her way halfway across the campus where yours was.
She liked the fact yours was out of the way, away from all the others in a peaceful spot, it was a nice place to escape.
Wednesday pushed her key into your lock and let herself in, closing the door and setting her stuff down in front of it.
“(Y/N)?” She called.
There was no response, but the light snoring told her you were absolutely passed out.
Wednesday walked over and stared at you for a minute before she reached out and poke your cheek.
“Wake up mon amour.” She whispered.
You groaned a little and rolled over to your back, grabbing her hand as you held it down, but you still weren’t awake.
Wednesday sighed, rolling her eyes at you as she climbed on to the bed.
Her knees rested on either side of you as she sat on your legs.
Freeing her arm, she grabbed both your wrists and hauled you up, wrapping her arms around her neck and her hands around your back.
She held you like that, and you head simply just fell on to her shoulder, and you let out a small grunt of disapproval.
“Five more minutes…” you mumbled.
“No, you need to wake up now. Come on.”
Wednesday let you go and you fell back on to the bed with a huff, looking at her with half lidded eyes as you gave her a tired smile.
You moved your hands from the back of her neck to her hands, lacing your fingers together as you tugged her a little.
“mon amour…” she warned softly.
“Just five minutes…?” You yawned out.
Wednesday finally caved, she couldn’t say no to you so she nodded and rolled over.
She laid on her side letting you wiggled into her as your fingers slightly gripped the fabric of her blazer, burying your face into the crook of her neck.
Wednesday said nothing, but she held you lightly.
“Love you…” you yawned.
“Uh huh.”
You smiled a little, placing a small kiss to her shoulder before closing your eyes.
Within seconds you had fallen back asleep and Wednesday looked down at you.
“How can you sleep so fast?” She whispered.
She looked at the clock on your wall.
Technically you didn’t have to started getting ready for another 45 minutes, all you had to do was get changed and sort your stuff out.
So she stayed there with you, laying on her side as she simply just stared at the wall opposite her.
You were warm, like her own personal radiator. Compared to her cold skin, you were always warm, and it was nice sometimes to just lay there and enjoy your warmth.
You moved your head, and she lifted her chin, letting you tuck your head there before she rested it against your head.
Closing her eyes, Wednesday held you a little tighter, playing with the ends of your hair.
This was probably going to be the only peace you both would get for the whole day, so she was going to make the most of it while she could.
As the clock ticked, Wednesday opened her eyes again and gently rolled over, dropping her feet on the floor as he held you in her arms.
“Come on.”
Wednesday stood up, slowly lowering you to the floor making you mumble in disapproval once more.
You opened your eyes and looked up at her a smile on your face as you slowly sat up.
Wednesday was already getting your bag and getting everything ready for you while you grabbed your clothes and started to get ready in the bathroom.
When you were finished you tossed your clothes across the room and turned to Wednesday with a huge smile.
“Hey Wednesday?” You asked.
She turned to face you, and when she saw your open arms, she waisted no time in walking over and letting your wrap your arms around her.
She wasn’t one for PDA, but behind closed doors, when it was just the pair of you, she would allow it. She always had, ever since you were kids she had a soft spot for you.
“We’re going to be late.”
Wednesday pulled away and leant up, carefully connecting your lips in a soft but passionate kiss before she pulled away.
She held out her hand and showed you her pinky, you placed yours on hers and let her claps them together before the pair of you left the room.
Class started in a few minutes, and just as the bell went you both walked through the door of your first lesson, taking your seats.
While you went back to sleep, Wednesday wrote notes in both hers and your books, knowing ever first class you would sleep through it despite the many detentions you got.
Enid saw this and she smiled, gently nudging Ajax and Xavier to looked, and they smiled too.
When Wednesday looked down at you, the softest look she had ever seen crossed her face, and she pulled you blazer a little closer to you before going back to take notes
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lum13 · 1 year
Not so secret
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You didn’t mean it for your relationship to be a secret— people just couldn’t put the two and two together.
Wednesday Addams x fem! Reader
“Oh my god, Yoko, you missed out on so much stuff today in first period.” Enid squeaked, stepping into the vampire’s full view. “I literally couldn’t believe my own eyes. Or- ears, both. My followers will freak out when they hear about this.”
“Enid, your heart is going to burst if you don’t calm down— I can literally feel your heart beating unbelievably fast. What happened?” Yoko stopped in her tracks, looking into the blond’s eyes expectantly. The girl took a second to compose herself from the overwhelming excitement, breathing in, and out, before spilling her words.
“Okay, you know how nevermore don’t usually accept new students mid-term, right? But this new girl barges into the classroom ten minutes late into the class.”
Yoko raised her eyebrows, crossing her arms. “Okay? A new girl mid-term. It’s not the first time it happened.” 
Enid grinned, practically vibrating with excitement as she bounced on her foot.
“But that’s not all— the new girl sat next to Wednesday— the Wednesday Addams..” Yoko nodded, “And during the whole class, the new girl kept calling Wednesday names like love and darling—“ the vampire winced, letting out a worrisome groan.
“So when are we having the funeral?” 
“Oh no— the best part is, Wednesday freaking Addams flirted back!”
“—and I hope we can get along!” Enid watched as you finished your small speech, excitement seeping through her features. She always liked meeting new people— it has always been a part of her personality.
“Thank you, you may take a seat wherever you like.” The teacher smiled at you, before leading you to the seats with a gentle nudge on your back. You quickly scanned the room— before your eyes fixated on a certain raven haired girl. 
You beamed at her, dropping your bag on the desk beside her seat— drawing everyone’s attention.
Uh oh.
Enid gulped, eyeing every movement you made. Watching the two felt like watching a ticking bomb— ready to explode any second. She just hoped she didn’t have to call 911 like last time. 
“What’s your name, pretty girl?” You asked— sending the dark haired girl a playful smile. Panic ran through the class like wildfire as they watched her glaring death at you— Enid whimpered, bringing her hand over her eyes, bracing herself for the chaos that was about to happen. 
A beat of silence continued, before the blond heard her sigh, 
“Wednesday.” The girl responded, rolling her eyes as she did so. Enid gasped audibly— slapping her hand onto her gaping mouth, unable to hide her shock.
“I love your name.” You giggled, “Wednesday is my favorite day of the week, actually. You might just become my favorite person.” 
Enid felt the whole class holding their breath at the pair’s interaction, the tension soaring through the roof. 
Wednesday seemed unfazed, though. Flipping through her textbook, she kept her calm demeanor. 
“Your name is— tolerable, too.” She mumbled under her breath, alarming everyone in the room. 
Only three words struck the classes’ mind: 
What the fuck.
Enid knew Wednesday. Even though she was a bit unpredictable sometimes— she knew well enough to know that Wednesday was not a person to give out compliments to a stranger. Not in a million years did she think it was possible.
That’s why she was in front of your dorm, knocking on the door as she waited patiently for you to answer. 
She heard some muffled shuffles before the door was opened, revealing you— Enid blinked in confusion— with your shirt slightly pulled to your shoulders, cheeks flushing as you leaned onto the wall beside you. You were also panting, she noted.
“Um— how can I help you?” You laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. Enid, however, decided to brush it off. You were probably sleeping, she reasoned.
“Sorry to barge in, but I just had to talk to you after what happened today.” Enid grinned, “You should totally confess to Wednesday.”
A pause. You burst out laughing.
“Oh my, but we just met today, didn’t we?” You chuckled, tucking a strand of your hair back. “Very straightforward, I see.”
“No, no— I’m serious. Wednesday that I know doesn’t let anyone compliment her. They usually end up in a hospital most of the time— only the nurse’s office when lucky. And did we forget about her compliment?? She’s totally in love with you, now kiss.”
You giggled at the seriousness in her voice, clutching your stomach as you did so. 
“I must confess to this Wednesday girl then, hm?” You said between your laughter, making the blond nod her head eagerly.
“Totally, one hundred percent. It’s about time she gets a lover, plus, we can finally go on a double date!” She gushed, pulling her phone out from her pocket, before tapping on the calendar app. “Okay, confess to her, and I’ll make the schedule. Just make sure you do it before Sunday.” 
You hummed, amused by the whole situation. You watched as the blond scrolled through the lists of schedules, probably looking for some empty times.
“Well, um, Ajax is probably waiting for me, so I’m gonna go now. Good luck!” Enid chirped, before dashing off. For a moment you stood there, watching her disappear into the dark void of the hallways.
“You can come out now.” You said, turning around to see your lover sliding out of your bed, brushing the dust off of her clothes.
“I am not going on a double date with Enid.” Wednesday growled, her eyes following you as you approached her now standing figure with a huge grin on your face.
“Wasn’t even planning on it.” You smiled, “I still can't believe you said that you liked my name in class, though. Who knew you were such a softie?”
“I am not, a softie.” She gritted out, sending you into a fit of laughter. “I just found it rather amusing to see how my words affected them.”
“Yeah yeah, sure. Not like you love me or anything, c’mere.” You opened your arms for a soft embrace. Your lover rolled her eyes before stepping in.
“Totally not like you love me.” You repeated, “yup— totally.”
You were gifted a punch in your stomach for that.
-extra scrapped scenes
“Love, that’s not how you treat a nosebleed.” Enid’s mouth fell agape as she watched you pinch the tip of the raven haired girl’s nose, bringing your other hand behind her head— tilting her forward as you smiled softly at her. In fact, the whole class stared at the pair’s interaction with fear.
“..thanks.” Wednesday replied, wiping her bloody nose when the crimson liquid had stopped. Your hand let go of her head, humming in reply as you turned your attention back to your textbook.
Sorry this was so rushed— it’s 3:30 right now and I can’t think straight.
This was not what I wanted it to turn out. Kinda disappointed in myself for this </3
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barblaz-arts · 8 months
Time travel is one of my forever favorite types of fanfiction and seeing comics of it for wenclair really made my day better. I'm so glad you decided to draw it, I'll patiently wait for the next part🥰
I really like that trope too. And Enid and the Addamses are actually so perfect for a Meet the Robinsons AU it's crazy. Next comic, teen Enid gets to actually meet the rest of the timeskip Addamses. Here's a sneakpeek cuz I'm excited
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caitlynscat · 1 year
In Principal Weems office
Weems: I understand that you and Miss Addams are in… a situationship?
Enid: Oh no no we’re together!
Weems: I see….. and how long have you two been…
Enid: In a relationship? Almost a year now!
Weems: And exactly how is it being with Wednesday Addams? Not many students here even like her.
Enid: Oh my god, Miss Weems… I have never been more in love with anyone in my life. No one makes me happier than her. She just gets me. She puts up with me. She’s patient with me. She’s everything to me and honestly I don’t deserve her.
Weems: Okay, Miss Sinclair-
Enid: She’s so protective, so considerate, and so- so…. loving. Miss Weems, everytime I’m with her I feel like it’s a dream I hope to never wake up from. I think…. I think I’m in love with her, Miss Weems.
Weems: Now hang on, Miss Sinclair-
Enid: *starts tearing up* And she’s in love with me! I can’t even imagine not being with her. I wake up next to her every morning and she already makes my day. I’m sorry if I’m sounding crazy but I’m really in love with her. I’m really in love with Wednesday Addams.
Weems: Enid-
Enid: And I want to marry her. God I already have it planned out on how to propose. But I can’t do it yet because we’re going to her home this weekend and I want to talk to her parents who’s really the sweetest couple of-
Weems: ENID!
Weems shouts shutting up Enid. There’s a brief moment of silence. Weems realized she raised her voice without meaning to. But just the mention of The Addams…. especially the parents…. She did not like that. She gets up from her desk to sit in front of Enid.
Enid: *shaking* Miss Weems?
Weems: I apologize Enid, I shouldn’t have yelled. It’s not you, it’s me. I do apologize. It’s just that…. I asked you here because I wanted you to be cautious around her. After all, she is an Addams.
Enid: But we’ve been together for a year. I trust her with my life. Why would you-
Weems: Because, Dear, I don’t want to see your heart broken.
Enid: I’m sorry?
Weems: I just don’t want to see your sweet little heart broken into tiny pieces. You are the most beautiful and brightest girl I’ve ever know and I would hate to see Wednesday crush you. I would hate to see Wednesday drop you the minute things get complicated and get with some…. other person.
Enid: Uhm, principal Weems I don’t know where you’re going-
Weems: Enid just be cautious around her. Do not give your heart to someone who could break it. And maybe leave you with some other guy who she’ll end up marrying and forget that you two were even together. You won’t know how to feel and don’t know if it’s because of you or her. Please, Enid.
Enid: That’s not going to happen Miss Weems because-
Enid: *visibly scared and confused*
Enid: Morticia? Wednesday’s mom?
Weems realizes she has said too much. Maybe she’s gone too far. She’s raised her voice too many times now. Now she’s embarrassed and feels the hole in her heart where that other Addams punched growing bigger again.
Weems: That’s enough. You can go now, Miss Sinclair. I apologize for keeping you here.
Enid collects her things and speed walks to the door. Before she walks out and closes it she stops to turn to the broken, tall woman.
Enid: I’m sorry about what she did. You don’t deserve that. Nobody does. But Wednesday isn’t like that.
Enid leaves.
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jangofettjamz · 7 months
Doctor Wednesday Pt2
Gentle!Wednesday x Selective!Mute!Male!Reader
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Reader is on the Autism spectrum.
Summary: You feel overwhelmed and Wednesday comforts you because you're her favourite person.
Words: 1786
Wednesday POV
"Is he okay?" Enid asked me, worried for Y/Ns condition.
"He'll be fine soon enough, his fever is getting better, though not yet in the normal range. He's still quite congested. I'm constantly checking him over. I haven't left his side." I say to the werewolf. "I won't leave him alone until I'm confident that he's well enough to resume classes."
She smiled at me, deviously. "What?" I ask her, wanting to know what she found so obviously amusing.
"You're so in love, Wednesday it's insane." She laughed as she spoke. I hate to admit it, but Enid is most certainly correct. I am in love with my beautiful Y/N, and I'm not ashamed to admit that, not at all. Though I am ashamed to admit that Enid is proven right.
I let out a sharp exhalation, expressing my annoyance with the werewolf. "You're enjoying the fact that you're right about me, aren't you?" A rhetorical question, but she answers anyway.
"Umm absolutely! You're so in love with him. And now you're basically his personal doctor. How romantic!" She exclaims excitedly, luckily no one heard as we were in our dorm.
"I didn't want to take him to the infirmary. The nurses completely disregard his needs everytime he goes there. I won't put him through any unnecessary discomfort if I can prevent it. Besides, I'm far more qualified to take care of him than those pitiful excuses for nursing staff" I scoff, their incompetence definitely shows.
My eyes dart over to Y/N sleeping figure, I only hope he's not in anymore pain when he regains consciousness.
"Anyways, would you like to go out with me and Yoko to Jericho this afternoon?" She asked, but I gave her a look of disapproval.
"Go out with you and the vampire while Y/N remains alone in bed? No thank you, I have a patient to look after. Like I said, I'm not leaving him." I say, shutting down Enid's suggestion immediately.
Y/N began to stir in his sleep, whimpers of discomfort causing worry to flow through me. "Enid leave now. Y/N isn't comfortable with guests at the moment." She nods and immediately heads out, she may be foolish but she knows Y/N isn't in the mood right now.
I walked over to Y/N, who's still laying on my bed. I sat down on his bedside to gently comfort him. "Shhhh it's okay sweet boy, it's okay. I'm here." I cooed, pressing my lips to his forehead.
His eyes slowly opened, my hands stroking the top of his head as he awoke from his slumber. I smile down at him, letting him know that's he safe. "Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"
He couldn't speak too well so he began signing instead "Can I have some water please? My throat's really dry" He asked.
"Of course you can, darling" I grabbed a water bottle and held it to his lips, gently guiding the water down his throat in small increments. "Small sips, my love" he gulped down the water, soothing his dry thoat. "Your IV has finished. I'll re-examine you in a moment, but I'll give you some time since you just woke up." He nodded and began signing again.
"Can I have a hug please?" He looked embarrassed at the request. Usually I'd gag at the prospect of cuddling someone, but he's very special to me, and I love hugging him.
I smile at him and cup his face "You can have as many hugs as you want, mi amor. Don't be afraid to ask me that. Come here" I gently wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my chest, careful not to cause any unnecessary discomfort.
"I know you're still not feeling the best, my lovely. But I'll make you all better soon I promise. It's the weekend so we can spend the next few days together." He smiled and I reciprocated, holding even tighter to my chest.
"Are you feeling okay sensory wise?" He signs that he's not feeling great. "Is the material for the blankets and pillows okay?" He nodded. "Is it your chest that's feeling weird?" He nods again "How does your chest feel?"
He began to speak with words this time. "Umm it still feels little bit tight. I still have shortness of breath." I nod at his words.
"Can you sit up for me? I'm gonna have a listen to your chest, sweet boy" he did as I asked. I took the stethoscope from around my neck and put in my ears, warming up the diaphragm against my palm for his comfort.
I placed the stethoscope onto his chest to listen. "Is that too cold, sweetheart?" He shook his head and I smiled, kissing his temple shortly afterwards. His heart was racing, at least 90bpm.
"Hey, sweet boy it's okay. Are you panicking a little?" He nods his head frantically, his chest rose and fell rapidly as his breathing became more rapid. He began to stim, tapping his knees and playing with his fingers. He's gonna have a meltdown.
His heart rate had risen more, so has his breathing. "Oh sweetheart come here" I cooed. He leaned sideways into my shoulder, my arms securing his body. "We'll rock together while I listen to your heart so I can calm you down. Does that sound okay, my love?" He nodded and snuggled into me further.
His body was shaking a tremendous amount, as though his entire nervous system was in overdrive. I held him close to me while listening to his chest, wanting to hear his heartbeat slow down while I rocked him. "Shhhh you're okay, Y/N. You're okay. I've got you. You're safe in my arms." I reassured, hoping it would slow down his heart rate.
"I'm sorry!" He cried into me.
"What an earth for, my love?" I haven't the faintest idea why he's so upset.
"I'm sorry for not getting better. I'm such a burden, taking up all your time to look after me. I'm so sorry Wednesday!" My heart broke. I could never be mad at him for needing me to take care of him, he's sick and needs his partner to help him.
"Shh shh shh I'm not mad at you, mi amor. I could never be mad. Your illness is just being stubborn is all, it's not your fault." I say whilst holding him, rocking him gently, listening to the sound of his heart slow down at my reassuring words.
"You're doing so well, my love. Your heart is calming down a bit too. Take deep breaths for me, I'll do them with you." He followed my deep breathing techniques, his heart slowed because of it which caused relief to flow through me.
His heart rate became steady enough for my liking. Now that he was more relaxed, it was time to listen to his breathing. I moved the stethoscope down to his ribs to listen to the lung sounds. "A couple more deep breaths for me, sweet boy." He followed my instructions, the crackling in his lungs was still present, but not as prominent as last night.
I took off my stethoscope and put it around my neck. "You're lungs are clearing a bit, which means your condition is definitely improving." I feel his forehead to get a gauge of his temperature. "Your temp is lower too. How's your stomach feeling?"
"A little better than last night, still hurts a bit though." He says while still snuggled in my arms. I nod at his words and lean him onto his back, preparing some medicine for him.
I pour the medicine onto a spoon, he grimaced as he did so. "Alright darling open up" he sighed and reluctantly opened his mouth, accepting the spoonful of medicine. I patted his back to make the consumption of the horrible spoonful more bearable to swallow.
"Good job, Y/N. Are you feeling more relaxed now, my love?" He nods, but unable to talk. "Are you feeling non-verbal?" He nods again. "That's okay, you can sign if you want to. Can I take your blood pressure again?" He nodded and I kissed him on the cheek gently.
"Stick your arm out, my love" he does as he's told and I wrap the cuff around his bicep, making sure it's not too tight. "Does that feel okay?" He gave a thumbs up as response to my question. I put the stethoscope back in my ears, placing the diaphragm on the crook of his elbow where the brachial artery is located. I began squeezing the pump.
I stopped pumping the cuff and listened, his blood pressure had definitely improved. "130/86, better than last night. You're getting better my love" I smile softly and kiss his forehead. A sense of relief washes over Y/N. I put the stethoscope back around my neck and took the cuff off his arm.
"I know you probably won't feel better for atleast a couple days, maybe even a week. But, once you're all better I'll take you anywhere you want. The harvest festival is on soon. I know you don't like crowds but I promise I'll keep you safe and protected. We can get ice cream too" He smiled brightly which I happily reciprocated.
I cupped his face, my thumb rubbing in circles on his cheek. "But, like I said, we can go anywhere you want. My treat for being such a good patient" I open my arms for him rest his head against my chest, he gladly accept my embrace and moved himself to be held in my grasp as I sat on his bedside.
"I love you, Wednesday" He mumbled against my chest.
"I love you too, mi amor. My special boy" I kiss the top of his head and held him tight, not wanting this moment to end.
Thanks for reading this fic. I know Wednesday is quite out of character here which may be jarring to some people. If you'd like more stories where Wednesday is really gentle only for Y/N, please let me know.
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madebycloud · 1 year
I Can't Help Falling in Love With You
wednesday addams x reader — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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summary: you took your girlfriend on a date, one she will remember for a long time to come. warnings/themes: FLUFF!! softwednesday (???), reader is a simp, (who's not? it's WEDNESDAY ADDAMS) slow dancing, making out. words: 4.5k note: LMAO THIS GOT ME GIGGLING WHILE I WROTE THIS! i think y'all need some fluff before i write another angsty one again.. 🏃
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You raced over to Wednesday's dormitory as the clock struck midnight. You reached to her door, you gently rapped your knuckles against it, patiently waiting for someone to answer. 
After a few long seconds of silence, the door slowly creaked open, revealing Enid, Wednesday's roommate and a dear friend of yours. 
With a sense of urgency in her voice, she greeted you with a "Wednesday, faster! Y/N is here." She flashed you a panicked smile and added, "I told Principal Weems you're both sick, so she won't come looking for you."
You immediately understood the reason for Enid's stress and took a moment to appreciate her for saving your ass. "Thank you, Enid." 
Eventually, Wednesday approached you, and you couldn't help but notice how stunningly beautiful she looked. She noticed your stunned expression and rolled her eyes, breaking the tension.
Enid gave you a wink before closing the door, leaving you on your own. You picked up Wednesday's bag in one hand and offered her your arm. She rolled her eyes again, took your offer, and off you went. Wednesday followed you through the school gates and out into the night.
Wednesday couldn't keep her curiosity at bay any longer, and she asked you, "Okay, where are you taking me?"
With a grin, you replied, "I don't want to ruin the surprise." You could see the cogs turning in her mind, but she decided not to press the matter for now.
You made your way to a car parked on the street. "Where did you get the car? It's not stolen, is it?" She immediately asked, her voice both emotionless and full of underlying curiosity. 
"No, my love. It's my uncle's car. He let me borrow it for our date." Wednesday watched as you placed her bag in the trunk and walked around to open the passenger door for her, leaning your head back to give her room to get inside.
She didn't say anything but rolled her eyes one last time before sliding into the car's leather seat. You climbed into the driver's seat, started the engine, and opened the radio.
"That better not be a pop song." You laughed at her and responded, "Too bad, it is."
The catchy beat of Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift filled the car, and you began singing along at the top of your lungs, your voice sounding surprisingly in tune.
"Come on, love," you teased, leaning over to her and grinning. Wednesday's lips twitched slightly, almost as if she was fighting back a smile. But she didn't give in, just shook her head and rolled her eyes again. 
Despite her lack of enthusiasm, she sat in silence as you sang along to the pop song. 
She was clearly not a fan of the song and was probably wishing she was listening to something else, but she said nothing. She didn't want to insult you or your musical tastes and was willing to listen to whatever music you liked, even if it wasn't her favorite.
You drove on for what seemed like hours, your eyes growing heavy as your eyelids drooped more and more with each passing moment. 
The traffic was at a standstill, and the noise of the engine and the honking of horns from other drivers was starting to grate on your nerves. 
Despite the chaos around you, you couldn't help but feel peaceful and content as you looked over at Wednesday, who slept peacefully next to you.
Her gentle breaths and demeanor were enough to make you forget about the traffic and the stress of the situation, and for a moment, everything seemed okay. 
You couldn't imagine being anywhere else but right here by her side, even if it meant enduring the monotony of the stop-and-go traffic.
You reached over to the backseat and grabbed a pillow, placing it gently under her head. You wanted to make sure she was comfortable and that she was taken care of while she rested.
After enduring the never-ending road and traffic, you arrived at your destination, and then you saw a sight that was well worth the trouble.
You were greeted by a beach house, standing majestically in the middle of the pristine white sand and surrounded by clear blue water. 
You turned to Wednesday, who was still sound asleep beside you. You gently nudged her awake and whispered softly in her ear, "Hey, love, we're here." She stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open and looking up at you. 
You leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. 
She took in her surroundings, a look of confusion flitted across her face. "Where am I?" she murmured, her words still half-awake.
You replied reassuringly, "We're at the beach house I rented for us. I'll get the things, you stay here and rest," you said, and she nodded and leaned back against the headrest, closing her eyes. 
You leaned down one more time to kiss her forehead, stepped outside the car, opened the trunk, and started unloading your belongings.
When you were done, you opened the passenger door and held out your hand to guide Wednesday out of the car. She took your hand, and you helped her step onto the sand. 
You walked toward the beach house together, you noticed a small smirk forming on Wednesday's lips as she took in the scenery before her. 
Even on Wednesday, the often stoic and reserved Addams, couldn't help but be amazed by the beauty of the surroundings.
You led her into the beach house, where you had already set up your bedroom.
Knowing she needed some rest after the long journey, you gently helped Wednesday settle in the bedroom, watching as she lay down on the bed, her eyes closing as soon as her head hit the pillow. 
You couldn't help but admire Wednesday's beauty, even in her slumber. Her dark hair fanned out around her on the pillow, and her pale skin looked even more ivory against the colorful bedding. 
For a moment, you hesitated, wanting nothing more than to jump into the bed next to her and hold her close. You gently covered her with the blankets, whispering, "Sweet dreams, my love."
You went back and finished unloading the rest of your things. When you finished, you took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief. 
The long and strenuous journey to the beach house was finally over, and now you were both here, safe and sound.
You felt your stomach growl, reminding you that it was time for breakfast. So you steeled yourself and went to the kitchen.
You took a deep breath and began to prepare your meals, pouring the scrambled eggs and toasted bread into two bowls. You added a splash of hot sauce and some grated cheese on top, finishing off the meals with a sprinkle of parsley. 
You set the plates on the table and took a seat, feeling proud of yourself for managing to cook such a delicious meal. 
You were sipping your coffee when you suddenly heard the sound of the bedroom door creaking open. You turned your head to see Wednesday walking towards the table.
"Morning, my love," you said, standing up to greet her. You placed a kiss on her cheek and directed her towards the chair. "Sit down here, and I'll serve you breakfast. I was just about to wake you." She pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. 
You placed a plate of warm food in front of Wednesday, the scent of eggs and toast filling the air. You sat down opposite her, and you both began to dig into your breakfast.
It was simple, but it was everything you needed after such a long drive.
You and Wednesday had spent the day enjoying each other's company at your beach house, playing board games, eating delicious food, and watching movies.
It was a day filled with fun (and perhaps even a little bit of competition), but it was about to get much more interesting. 
The hours ticked by, you noticed it was already 4 PM, and with the scorching heat of the sun bearing down on you, you decided it was time for a dip in the ocean. 
Wasting no time, you hurried to your closet, choosing your favorite two-piece swimsuit, which was a sleek, figure-hugging design that highlighted your curves. On the other hand, Wednesday opted for a more conservative choice, a one-piece swimsuit that covered her body, providing maximum protection from the sun's harmful rays.
You both walked down to the beach, and you couldn't resist taking a jab at Wednesday's swimsuit. "You look like a penguin in that," you teased with a smirk, admiring her graceful poise. 
Wednesday raised an eyebrow and narrowed her eyes. "Say that one more time, and I'll rip your tongue out of your head," she spat back.
Feeling guilty about your comment, you tried to make amends by reaching for her hand, only to have her put it away. 
You tried again, but she pulled it away once more. "Not so fast. You've already offended me once, and I'm not one to forget easily," she said with a stern glare.
You tried to talk to her, but she ignored you, leading you to decide to tread quietly and keep following Wednesday as you both walked into the sea. 
Wednesday's resentment erupted when a random female stranger approached the two of you and asked for your phone number.
Despite the fact that she detests physical intimacy, she swiftly encircled your hand in a display of affection and dominance. 
She then marked her territory and made it known that you were hers and no one else's by giving the girl a death look until she walked away. 
You smirked, enjoying the idea that Wednesday loves you so much, and said, "Come on," as you pulled her closer to you in the water.
You and Wednesday made your way to the water, and you felt the soft sand sinking beneath your toes. The waves crashed against your body, sending a tingle of excitement through every inch of your being.
Wednesday's movements were as graceful as ever as she swam around you, with her black hair billowing behind her like a banner of victory. 
Both of you couldn't help but stare into each other's eyes, lost in the moment. You can't help but admire her features, the curve of her nose, the color of her eyes, and the way her hair flows in the water. 
It felt as though time had stopped, and the only thing that mattered was the two of you, connected by an invisible thread. 
With a mischievous smirk on your face, you couldn't resist the temptation to play around.
You took a handful of water and splashed it in her face. Wednesday's eyes widened with surprise, and you couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her reaction.
“Oh, you wanna play?" She asked, but her tone wasn't threatening or angry. Instead, it was filled with a playful edge, as though she was teasing you back.
Without hesitation, she began splashing you back, and you both were quickly engaged in an all-out water battle.
You tried to one-up each other with your splashes, but no matter how hard you tried, Wednesday seemed to always have the upper hand.
After a few minutes of fighting, you decided to take things up a notch.
Grabbing a hold of Wednesday's waist, you dipped her into the water and pulled her down with you.
She lets out a shriek of surprise as she is dragged beneath the surface. She kicks and thrashes her legs, desperate to reach the surface for air.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, she emerges from the water, gasping for breath.
You couldn't help but let out a laugh at her wicked stare.
You noticed how beautiful she looked in the sunlight as you wiped the water from your eyes, the drops of water glistening on her skin like tiny diamonds.
Without warning, you leaned in and planted a kiss on her jaw, feeling her soft skin beneath your lips. 
"I'm going to kill you, you know that?" she says with a mischievous glint in her eye as you scramble to get away from her. 
You take off running, your heart pounding in your chest as you feel the sand and water beneath your feet.
Wednesday ran like a bolt of lightning, her legs propelling her forward at incredible speeds. You try to keep up, but it's no use, she's just too fast. 
In desperation, you raise your hand in surrender and stop running.
You stumble to a stop and sit down on the sand to catch your breath, gasping for air. 
You look up at Wednesday, still catching your breath, your chest aching with the exertion. “I didn't know penguins were this fast," you manage to gasp out between breaths.
She sits down next to you, still catching her breath as well. "You're not too fast yourself."
You couldn't help but breathe a sigh of awe as the sun dipped beneath the horizon. The sky was a vibrant canvas of color, filled with gradients of pink, purple, and gold. The beauty of the world was all around you, encapsulating every square inch of the beach and even the very air you breathed.
"Oh wow," you muttered under your breath, your eyes fixed on the sky. 
You were so entranced by the breathtaking colors of the sky, the vibrant sound of the waves crashing against the shore, and the soothing rustle of the sand that you almost forgot you were sitting beside Wednesday.
Almost, but not quite, as your peripheral vision took in the fact that she was staring at you with such intensity that you couldn't help but smile. As if she couldn't believe that such a person even existed.
You continued to stare up at the sky as the sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon, casting the sky into a beautiful shade of orange and red.
Despite the beauty of the sunset, it was you who truly captivated her.
The way your eyes mirrored the colors of the sunset was almost hypnotic, your gaze drawing her in and making it impossible to look away. 
Everything else was just noise, but the harmony of the setting sun, the sound of the waves, and your very existence were all perfectly combined. It felt like home, a place of serenity and completeness. 
It was your presence that made her heart skip a beat, your face that kept her awake at night, and your voice that she would hear in her dreams. 
Wednesday had never experienced anything like it before, a feeling so intense and overwhelming that she felt like she was falling through a tunnel, with you being the light at the end of it.
She was so lost in thought that she didn't realize how long she had been staring at you. She only snapped back to reality when you called out to her.
"What are you staring at?" you asked, noticing the intensity of her gaze.
She hesitated for a moment before responding, her voice soft and breathless. "You," she whispered.
You were about to respond when you felt your stomach growl. You looked down at your empty stomach and let out a sigh of frustration. 
Without hesitation, you got up from your seat and turned around to face Wednesday. You silently motioned for her to take your hand, and she immediately reached out and grabbed it.
You both walked along the shore, listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the sand in the distance. You kissed the back of her hand, a simple yet romantic gesture that seemed to speak volumes.
You both stayed silent as you walked back towards the beach house, both of you engrossed in your own private thoughts. 
It was a comfortable silence, one that allowed both of you to simply be in each other's presence without feeling the need to fill the air with trivial conversation.
The soft hum of the radio fills the solitude of the night, and you can't help but feel a deep sense of peace and serenity sweep over you. The sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shore below and the shimmering of the stars in the night sky add to this feeling of calmness.
Suddenly, the sound of the glass door opening takes your attention away from the tranquil surroundings as Wednesday steps onto the balcony. 
With a curious expression on her face, Wednesday walks towards you and asks, "What are you doing up at such a late hour?" 
"Just admiring..." Your response may be short and vague, but it is the truth. You are simply admiring the beauty of the world around you, a world that seems to come alive during these quiet hours of the night.
She walks to the edge of the balcony, taking in the view herself, her figure illuminated by the moonlight, her silhouette framed against the vast ocean.
A/N: (I recommend playing "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" while reading this part.)
As you took in the beauty of the ocean and the night sky, the first notes of the classic Elvis song "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" started playing from the radio, and your heart began to beat a little faster.
You stepped closer to Wednesday, wrapping your arms around her waist. You can feel the warmth of her body against yours and the texture of her clothes as your arms touch them. You can hear the sound of the waves lapping against the shore, a low murmur in the background, as the radio's soft voice fills the silent air. 
She turns her head to look at you, the moonlight catching her features and illuminating her face, making her appear even more beautiful than before. 
You place your chin on her shoulder, humming along to the lyrics of the song. Wednesday, feeling the warmth of your breath in her ear, turns to face the night and the endless ocean in front of you. 
Slowly, you begin to sway her from side to side, the radio and the sound of the ocean providing a beautiful soundtrack to your dance.
The music lulls you both into a trance, and, without thinking, you lean down and kiss the back of her neck, feeling her skin against your lips, soft and warm.
Then, with a swift move, you twirled her around to face you, taking a hold of her hands and pulling her close. You held her left hand up, her right hand on your shoulder, and your left hand around her waist, pulling her closer to you. 
She squeezed your hand, your faces were inches apart. You stared deeply into her eyes, feeling the slivers of light in them reflect the depth of your love.
You didn't say a word, but your eyes told her how much you loved her without needing to speak. Your eyes tell her everything, everything you can't put into words.
The song plays on and the moon shines brightly overhead, Wednesday relaxes against you. You feel the soft warmth of her breath brushing against your skin, and it makes you feel alive in a way you never have before.
The bond that existed between you was as deep as the ocean and as vast as the sky above. You didn't need words to express how you felt, the love you felt for each other went beyond words, beyond the physical.
You lean in to kiss the crown of Wednesday's head, and you take a moment to savor the moment. 
The late-night air is crisp and cool, the sky is clear, and the ocean is sparkling under the light of the moon.
The song continues to play in the background, adding to the romantic atmosphere that you've created together. You close your eyes, feeling Wednesday's heart beating in your chest, and let the moment wash over you. 
For a moment, the rest of the world falls away, and all that exists is the two of you, standing on the balcony, holding each other close.
The day had been perfect from start to finish, filled with memories that would last you both a lifetime. As the sun set over the ocean and the day came to an end, you could feel a sense of melancholy in the air. 
It was time to head back to Nevermore, but a part of you didn't want the day to end.
You hopped into the car, with Wednesday riding shotgun. 
She was sitting in the passenger seat, reading the book she had just bought, her eyes fixed on the pages, oblivious to the world around her. 
You kept your focus on the road, though you couldn't help but steal glances at her as you drove.
Driving along, you couldn't help but let your mind wander, thinking about all the wonderful things that had happened that day. You had spent the morning exploring the shore with Wednesday, feeling the cool ocean breeze on your skin, and taking pictures together that you would treasure forever. You had bought souvenirs for your friends. 
And then there was the car ride back to Nevermore, which seemed to fly by, the traffic moving swiftly for once.
The road was quiet, and you could hear the soft rustling of leaves as the cool night air blew through the open window of your car. 
You felt a gentle tug on your right hand and looked down to see Wednesday's hand holding yours, her eyes still focused on her book. Your heart melted as you squeezed her hand.
Wednesday didn't say a word, but you could see the contented expression on her face as she continued reading, unaware of your gaze. 
The red traffic lights changed to green, and you drove towards Nevermore, your thumb brushing against hers as you took turns on the road.
Once back at Nevermore, you headed directly to Wednesday's dorm, where Enid answered the door, her hair a disheveled mess as if she had just woken up from a deep sleep.
You smiled and handed her your gift, a smile spreading across her face as she took it. "Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, giving you a quick hug. 
"Enid," Wednesday said, and the tone of her voice instantly signaled to you that something was amiss. Enid, clearly not wanting to add fuel to the fire, released her grip and offered an apology as she retreated back inside to help Wednesday unpack her things.
The door closed, leaving you and Wednesday alone in the hallway. You could feel the tension in the air, and a small part of you regretted coming back. You hesitantly stepped forward, afraid of the consequences.
"I'll see you tomorrow," you said, your voice barely more than a whisper.
However, as you were about to leave, Wednesday grabbed your hand. 
She gently caressed your palm with her thumb, and you couldn't help but feel a jolt of energy coursing through your body. 
You leaned in to kiss her cheek, but she pulled you in for a deeper kiss, her lips meeting yours with a passion that took you by surprise.
Her hands roamed over your neck and shoulders, holding you close and pulling you in even further.
You pulled away, taking a deep breath as you smiled at the warmth spreading throughout your body. 
Wednesday leaned in yet again, her lips finding yours for one more blissful moment. You couldn't help but savor the taste of her kisses as she held you close once more.
Once you finally broke apart, you rested your forehead against hers, feeling the connection that you shared. 
It was a moment that felt like it would last an eternity, your bodies pressed against each other, your breath coming in short gasps. 
You could feel the heat building between you, a tension that threatened to tear you apart at any moment.
"I love you."
The words were out of your mouth before you could stop yourself, a whisper that echoed in the silence of the hallway. 
Wednesday's eyes locked onto yours, her breath catching in her throat as she took in your confession. Her lips parted, as if she wanted to say something in response, but the words refused to leave her mouth. Instead, she kissed you once again, this time with a passion that threatened to consume you whole.
You wanted to pull away, to catch your breath, to take in the moment. But you couldn't, your body was consumed by the heat of Wednesday's touch. 
Your hands grasped her back, pulling her close as your lips found hers again and again. The world seemed to melt away, leaving just the two of you in the hallway, lost in a world of your own.
Finally, you pulled away, your chest heaving as you struggled to catch your breath. Wednesday's lips were swollen from your kisses, her eyes shining with anticipation.
"I'll see you tomorrow," you managed to whisper, before you leaned in for one final kiss. 
This time, it was slower, more gentle, as if you both understood that this moment was too precious to be rushed. 
You held each other close, your bodies pressing together, feeling the warmth of each other's touch.
Feeling a tingle in your chest, you pulled away, the warmth of her touch lingering on your cheeks. Her hand slowly released its grip on yours, her fingers lingering for just a moment longer before she let go, her face falling back into its usual stony expression.
The grin on your face persisted as you made your way back to your dorm. You knew that you would forever hold on to the memories of that perfect day. 
Then you sighed, the familiar weight of reality settling back in. 
You walked toward your own dorm, feeling the fatigue of the long drive weigh on your shoulders. As you entered your room, the familiar smell of home beckoning you to rest your weary head on your pillow, you couldn't help but think of the image of Wednesday that was forever imprinted in your mind.
One last look, the sun setting over her shoulder, casting a glow of warmth over her face. 
A moment frozen in time, a dream that would fade soon enough but remain a precious memory for as long as you lived.
And as you drifted off into sleep, the image of her remained seared into your mind. 
The waves crashing against the shore, the smell of salt in the air, the warmth of the sun on your skin. A dream like no other, a reminder of what it meant to be truly alive.
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Wednesday: I want to make a good first impression so I printed off some flash cards to prepare for dinner with your family. Can you go through them with me before we leave?
Enid: Sure! *reading card* I introduce you to my mom, what do you say?
Wednesday, making an awkward attempt at being flirty: Is she single? *winks*
Enid: Oh my god Wednesday! Please, for the love of god, don’t ever do that. The answer is ‘good evening and how are you doing’
Wednesday: Good evening and how are you doing. Got it. Next one.
Enid: My dad asks how your studies are going, what is your reply?
Wednesday: Easy. Last semester I studied the habits of a monster who was murdering people in the woods. I successfully learned of the identity of both the monster and the sociopathic teacher who was controlling him in a crazed attempt to murder every outcast attending Nevermore. This lead me to be captured, stabbed and almost killed before your daughter was forced to risk her life to save me, fighting a Hyde twice her size while I ran off to fight an undead pilgrim with a sword.
Enid: Baby no. The card says ‘I’m a straight A student at the top of my class’
Wednesday: Damn, I was close on that one.
Enid: No you weren’t. But okay, moving on. You sit down at the dinner table and my brother brings up sports, how do you engage him in conversation?
Wednesday: I know this one *clears throat* I am so bummed I couldn’t catch the game last night, I was arrested after new evidence surfaced in the murder case I’m a suspect in.
Enid: Is that why you were so late back to the dorms last night!?!
Wednesday: No. I fell asleep in the morgue fridges again, I told you that. I’m just saying what’s on the card.
Enid: Wednesday, that is not what it says.
Wednesday: I feel like I’m being gaslit right now.
Enid: You wrote the cards!
Wednesday: That sounds like gaslighting.
Enid: Whatever. Let’s keep going, I doubt this could get any worse. My mom’s cooking red meat for dinner, what do you bring to drink?
Wednesday: Espresso martini’s.
Enid: That’s weird, unnecessarily complicated and illegal for our age. But it’s the most normal response you’ve had since we started so I’ll allow it.
Wednesday: Made exactly as my mother does, with one glass spiked with cyanide. We Addams’ believe that a formal dinner without any deaths is a dull affair.
Enid: *considering faking her own death to get out of this dinner* I’m just gonna finish these as quickly as I can. My mom asks you what your favourite book is, please say something normal.
Wednesday: Frankenstein. I greatly admire Mary Shelly and hope to beat her record and have my first novel published before I’m 19. And once the time comes I plan to pay my respects to her genius as I temporarily emulate her morbid nature by making love to your daughter for the first time upon one of our mothers graves. Enid’s never been a patient woman so I presume it’ll be whoever drops first.
Enid: …just ‘Frankenstein’ is fine baby. And we’re not doing that. My dad asks about your hobbies, how about you pick something that won’t make my family question my sanity for choosing to date you.
Wednesday: Murder, serial killers, grave digging, exorcisms, murder mysteries, creepy abandoned buildings, waking the dead, killing the undead, centuries old mental asylums, making out with your daughter, reading and working on my novel.
Enid: Scratch out the first ten and we have a winner.
Wednesday: Your censoring of my personality is making me sound very boring Enid.
Enid: Parents like boring sweetheart and you love lying. You’ll have to time of your life pretending to be normal, I promise. Okay, last one. My mom begins— seriously?
Wednesday: We don’t have all night Enid.
Enid: *rolls her eyes* my mom begins clutching her throat, choking and foaming at the mouth, she has been poisoned for being mean to Enid, how do you react?
Wednesday, casually leaning on her desk: I’ll have what she’s having am I right? *slips an empty vial into her pocket* I don’t know who I should frame yet, I’m thinking I’ll know in the moment.
Enid: You’re lucky I love you.
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