#erick brian colon angst
bluewatersfairy · 3 years
i haven't written anything for a minute and we're going away for the weekend and i wanna write some short blurbs/headcanons. can you guys send in some requests? they can be smut, angst or fluff. i just need some ideas 🥺
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adxre-dejesus · 4 years
2:47 p.m.
A/N: aaaa my first one-shot on here! please feel free to leave constructive criticism and/or send a request for an imagine. While this isn’t necessarily an imagine, i hope y’all enjoy it! (i drafted this on docs so the format is a little weird, sorry)
Word count: 1194
Warnings: allusions to d*ath / Angst, and just a little bit of fluff.
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I open my eyes to the rumbling thunder sounding outside my window, jolting me awake. The trees shook viciously outside, throwing brittle, warm toned leaves to the ground and splattered drops of rain onto the glass. I stared at the clear glass vase on my nightstand with wilting white and yellow flowers caught in my line of sight. The nightstand filled with fallen, dried up petals, dirty tissues, not allowing whatever thank you note accompanying the arrangement to see the light of day.
I rolled my eyes and shifted over to lay on my backside. Now facing the ceiling, I’m met with assorted helium balloons. The helium-filled foil clinging to the ceiling lets me know mom must have brought them in while asleep. “Get Well Soon” I scoffed reading the decorative balloons, not finding any purpose in them -- other than being a pollutant.
Sighing, I sat up and pulled the comforter off the top half of my body. Wincing at the pressure burning in my left side, I lean over, reaching for my phone. I let out a deep breath as the pain drifted away when I sat back up. I turn my screen over to check the time, the bright screen reading 2:47 p.m.
It hasn’t occurred to me to change my lockscreen picture to avoid fighting back tears every time I glance at my phone. It was set to a picture that animated on command. I pressed down on the bottom corner of the phone to bring the screen to life.
The video began with Chris moving away from the propped up phone, running back over to where I was standing with his skateboard. He ran up, putting a hand on my shoulder, the other reaching for the end of the board closest to the concrete
“Acuéstalo.” I leaned down, placing the opposite end of the board on the ground. I looked back up for further instructions, only to be met with Chris holding his arm out. I took it, and we exchanged a smile, followed by a light-hearted giggle from Chris.
“Ahora, sube este pie” he nudged my foot with his own, and I placed my left foot onto the board.
“Okay, vas a subir el otro pie y te apoyes aquí en mi brazo” he steps to stand in front of me and the board with both his arms out for me to grab onto. Looking up at Chris for his approval, with the bounce of his swooped highlighted hair from a nod, I brought myself onto the board and balanced myself with his forearms.
“You’re a skater girl!” Chris shouted with a wide smile, startling nearby park-goers.
“I’m a skater girl!” I mimicked him. A strong gust of wind blew our way, sending chills down my spine. I brought my hand up to my face to move my hair that was now scattered in front of my eyes. With another blast of wind, I lost my balance and in the blink of an eye I went down, bringing Chris with me, the skateboard rolling off to the side.
Chris landed on my lap and we both burtsed out into a loud, uncontrollable laughter
Wiping away the trail of fallen tears, I place the phone back on the nightstand and turn over, back into the dip that has formed in my bed over the past month. Just as I begin to close my eyes, my door flies open. I look up and see Mila standing in the doorway, arms crossed and a small frown on her face.
“Jess” she drags off looking around the room and scrunching her nose. Mila sighs, putting her purse on the dresser nearest to the door, coming over my way, sitting on a clear space on the bed, by my side. Dreading the conversation I know is coming, I groan and pull my comforter over my head.
“Jess, don’t start.” Mila yanks the covers back down and puts a hand on my shoulder. “Hun, i know you’re in pain right now, but you can’t just stay in here forever. I know you’re hurting and I'm sorry that I don’t know what to say to make it hurt less. What I can do is take you out of here and remind you that there’s still a whole world out there waiting for you to go out and keep moving forward.”
“No there isn’t!” i shoot up, “You don’t understand, it’s as if i were in the car with him, i’m crushed. Except I'm still here, and I have to live with the fact, the pain, knowing he’s not here anymore. Knowing there’s nothing I can do to make it stop hurting. To bring him back. It should have been me.”
I shove Mila’s arm away from my shoulder. Hot, uncontrollable tears streaming down my face, “It should have been me! He should be here! He had a future waiting for him. College, a job; he was supposed to have signed the lease for his first apartment last Tuesday. He was the only thing I had.”, I choked out a sob, “And now he’s gone.”
Bringing my forearm to my face, I wiped away tears and stray hairs. Mila has never been the best at consoling, yet she pulls me into an embrace, letting my ragged breathing disappear into her washed-out rolling stones t-shirt.
We stay like this for what seems like hours until I've calmed down. Mila pulls away, her now soggy curls removing themselves from my flushed cheeks. I keep my eyes down, gliding my hands in my lap, and trying to contain the sniffles still in my system.
“I think,” Mila breaks the silence, ”we should talk about this a little more, relieve you of a bit from all that you’re keeping in. What do you say?” I nodded, pulling my sleeve over my fist and rubbing my eyes. “Alright, how about we go down to Judy’s for some coffee and we can just talk about whatever you feel comfortable with?” I nod again, remembering the strong scent of coffee and toast, mixed with the cool air in our local diner. Mila gets up from the bed and walks back over to the dresser by the door.
“Take your time to get ready, i'll wait for you downstairs, then we’ll head out” Mila gives a gentle smile, grabbing her purse and walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. I get out from under the duvet and swing my legs over the side of the bed, my feet grazing dirty tissues scattered on the carpet. I refrain from thinking too much about the outing and instead stand up, stepping into the slides on the floor by my bed.
I pulled on a random sweatshirt from the edge of my bed along with my phone, reaching for the doorknob. Before I went out the door, I paused to look at the framed picture of Chris and I, looking into the same brown eyes I know would want me to take this step on. With a deep exhale and a nod, I continued forward.
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tweetiebirb · 4 years
A taste at Normal life
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(A/N) So with Chris being 24 and such I couldn't help but think about him in a relationship. Being engaged to this girl and her being Prego and so on. I wrote this as bullet points since writing a whole fic would just simply be too long for my dyslexic ass to cope 
The engagement
·       Christopher would put a lot of thought into this
·       He would take months to find THE perfect ring
·       I see him as the type to ask your parents for your hand in marriage
·       The proposal would be simple and private but still romantic
·       He’d have the boys set up a picnic on the beach while he was bringing you to the location
·       You honestly would think it’s just a cute date he had planned
·       But when the sunset is half way done setting, when the sky is filled with beautiful colours he’d get down on one knee and tell you how much he loves you and how you are his person
·       You’d probably shed a tear or two
·       When he’d finally ask you to marry him you would just feverishly nod your head yes
 The wedding
·       The wedding would be simple yet romantic
·       Christopher would trust you to pick the theme and such since it is your day but the man would still help
·       He’s not the type of guy that tells you to pick everything because it’s “Your day” to get out of work. He’s the type to let you make decisions and help make sure they are seen through by putting in a lot of effort
·       Aliyah would be flower girl! Have you seen how much Christopher loves her! Of course she would be flower girl
·       You guys would write your own vows
·       He would definitely cry during the ceremony
·       And you guys would party the night away
 The pregnancy
·       Your pregnancy would be planned
·       You would figure out a way to make sure Christopher would be home during your 8th month of pregnancy and around the first few months of the baby
·       He would not drink your whole pregnancy as a sign of solidarity with you
·       When you guys were around each other he would constantly talk to you belly or have a hand on it
·       He’s even more protective of you during those 9 months (I mean obviously)
·       He helps you prep your hospital bag
·       And when you go into labor he is by your side every step of the way
(A/N) I hope you guys liked this! Once again feel free to DM me about things I could improve on or feel free to send in some request! 
-Izeultx -xox-
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papichriscnco · 4 years
CNCO Head Cannon ~ Reaction in a Fight
Aggressive af
You’re fighting because your work friend was hitting on you at the bar while you were celebrating your birthday
“He’s been after you for fucking months! And you just let him.”
Punches a wall
The second he notices you wince he changes
Super soft rushes to your side 
Posture not so rigid and up tight
“Baby I would never hurt you.”
Hand softly placed on your face
“I’m so sorry baby.”
When he’s done something wrong, he is sitting on the couch
Head down
Tears in his eyes
Guilty because he doesn’t want another failed relationship
No matter why you are fighting he feels guilty 
Tries to hug you and kiss you
You push him away 
If he’s upset with you he tries to talk through it 
He wants to be an adult about it all
“I hate fighting bonita.”
The only time he ever gets angry is when you make the fight last longer then it needs to
“Can’t we just stop? I said I’m sorry.”
But sometimes you like getting him angry because the sex after is amazing
Super concerned
“But baby, you’re not understanding what I’m saying.”
“Yes I am! You think you can flirt with your fans and you think it isn’t disrespectful to me!”
Running his hands through that mop of hair 
“I don’t see it as flirting baby.”
“Well I do.”
That’s all it takes to end the argument.
But when you’ve done something wrong, he is very different.
“I need more from you! Fuck!” 
Growling the whole time
Still running his hands through his hair
Tries to stay calm but is angry
“I'm sorry. I just I’m not affectionate.”
“I need that.” falls next to you on the couch
“I can try.”
He is super tired most of the time so he hates fighting
It takes too much energy 
“Nena, sit down.” 
Speaks calmly while you pace in anger
You were annoyed because his ex kept hanging around
“I love you. She means nothing anymore.” 
Pulls you into his lap
Rubs your back soothingly
“It’s the fact she meant something ever!”
You’re pouting, you know it’s ridiculous but you can’t help it
“I can’t help that!” 
He laughs but tries to hold it back, afraid it would anger you more.
“Tell her to leave us alone!”
He wants to make you happy so he just smiles, kisses you and agrees.
He doesn’t get aggressive
he gets frustrated
he mutters softly in Spanish so that you can’t hear
You would growl out, “speak louder Christopher!”
He would look at you and sigh
When he speaks, he talks fast
Uses his hands a lot
You’re frustrated like him
You try to explain your side of it
He just grabs you and kisses you passionately 
Angry sex
When it’s over you talk it out like adults
Make up sex
message me to be on my taglist x
@rosebud213​ @sapdfrpimentel​ @stellastyless​ @joelitos-baby​​ @joelpimenteljs​ @lostinzabdielito​ @h-bea92​ @marinohr​ @chrissycallejo​ @ericksmamita​ @mind-of-tavia​ @stressedkitkatttt​ @prettyboypimentel​ @la-undercover-latina @stripzabdiel
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miericksongo · 4 years
Never Be Yours Pt.1 // J.P.D.L.
angst with a dash of fluff
This is MY work, therefore do not steal or copy from it!
©2019-2021 Miericksongo
You don't remember a time where you've never seen Joel Pimentel as a cute, dorky, and friendly guy. He was always there to give you things such as motivational boosts, like when you had to present an essay in front of your class. He was always there when you were sick, literally buying a whole stock of chicken soup. But also, he was there for you. His presence was enough. You've had many friends and acquaintances come and go over the years, but Joel was one of the few that's been present through it all.
Joel doesn't remember a time that you weren't there for him. Like at one of CNCO's concerts, he forgot his bandana and D&G belt and you offered to hop back over to the hotel and get them for him. Or the time he wasn’t feeling well, and you got a whole surplus of chicken soup, causing him to laugh at the reference to when you were sick. Even moral support too, like accompanying him to interviews and shows. As much as it sounds cliché, he could never ask for a better best friend. He was so happy with you in his life. He loved being friends. However, you didn't want to be just friends, you wanted to be something more to him.
For most of the friendship, you had feelings for Joel. You even thought that he reciprocated them, too. There's been countless times when he would smile at you with that special glint in his eyes, or brush his hands gently across your cheeks. But, you thought sometimes that maybe he was just being friendly. Even other people, like the boys, thought Y/N and Joel would make the perfect couple.
But sadly however, as of recently, Y/N and Joel may never be, and that Joel and Winnie might take its place.
Winnie was also a resident of the boys' building. She was a food blogger with a beautiful and kind-hearted soul who also happened to be Joel's crush (according to your thoughts). You first started suspecting Joel's feelings for her about five months ago, when the boys invited her over for a small group gathering when Winnie introduced herself to you. The two of you made small talk when Joel walks over and says, "Oh Winnie, I've assumed you've met Y/N and Y/N, that you've met Winnie. Looks like one less thing I have to do.", he chuckles, putting his arm around her. Then, among other things, Winnie was starting to be in the picture more and more (not that you had a problem with it), and Joel became "friendly" with her more and more. Sometimes, you thought that Chris's flirtatiousness got onto him, and pushed it off.
However, your worst fears came true one night when Joel brought her up during movie night in his room, with just the two of you. “Y/N, you are my best friend, my confidant. Sorry to burst the fun bubble here, but I have something serious to tell you.” Turning up to Joel in his embrace, you reply “You can tell me anything, Joelito.” Chuckling at the nickname, he asks, “Do you know Winnie?” Tapping him playfully on the arm, you say to Joel, “Of course I do! She’s our friend who lives in the building.” Joel smiles at you. He then takes a breath and proceeds to say, “Well... I like her.” Slightly freezing, you go, “Of course you do, she’s our friend!” “No, I like-like her, more than as a friend. She’s been eating up my thoughts lately. She’s beautiful, kind, and who I dream of having, as corny as that sounds.” What was once a theory to you became reality. As much as it hurt and stung, you had a feeling that this was coming. But you couldn’t wallow in your thoughts anymore as Joel was looking at you expectantly. Coming up with the most cliché and least suspicious thing you could think of, you say, “That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you, Joel!”’
All you could picture on your way home, bawling your eyes out, is that he would never be yours.
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richardscamacho · 4 years
“i’ve been so worried about you, (y/n)!” erick exclaimed once you finally picked up your phone. it felt foreign in your hand after nearly two weeks of digital isolation. the hard case was cool against your palm, the screen searing the side of your face. at the extended sound of your silence, his tone softened considerably. “you can always talk to me.”
“i’m so tired of talking,” you whispered. for the first time in weeks, you felt as though you were unable to shed a single tear, even if you wanted to. a bone-chilling numbness had engulfed your entire being, to the extent that you felt nothing. “i had five months, erick. five months. i could’ve just waited it out, you know? then i would’ve been eighteen and able to do whatever i wanted, but i started talking and now? now... things are different.”
“what do you mean?” he asked, confused. thick, black eyebrows furrowed above glassy green eyes. picking up on his expression, joel quirked a brow at the younger boy, who sat to his left on the couch.
he knew what you were referring to. erick was your best friend, the first person you turned to in order to vent about your home life. he knew about everything, knew about all of the emotional abuse you were forced to endure each day. despite this though, the way you chose to phrase your last sentence didn’t make very much sense in his mind.
“i’m a liar because her husband says i am.” sat atop your messy, unmade bed, you stared out the window. you had to brace yourself in order to continue with your explanation. there was a lot you didn’t care to get into, a lot of details you had tried your hardest to block from your memory, but even the bare minimum made you feel uneasy when spoken aloud. “she told me she didn’t care about my proof. and, um, she packed up my things for me and told me i was done. i wasn’t even allowed to go inside to get it.”
his heart dropped to his toes when he put the puzzle pieces together. without thinking, he reached for joel’s hand. it was a habit he had picked up during la banda—something that comforted him whenever he began to feel too anxious. the older boy said nothing, simply allowing his friend to intertwine their fingers.
“she kicked you out? where are you staying? are you okay? you can come—“ his words were rushed to the point they had almost become slurred, so much that you felt it was necessary to cut him off.
“i’m staying with my father right now; it’s the same drive time if you ever get a break and want to visit,” you did your best to joke, though you were unable to find the humor yourself. he sighed audibly, most likely at the reassurance that you weren’t homeless. “i’m okay. we talked in person once, my father was there. she told him she doesn’t care where i go, but that i can’t come home until i apologize for lying.”
“i know you’re not a liar.” he said simply, unable to find the words to express how he truly feels.
he wanted to be in your presence. he wanted to wrap his arms around you, to hold you until you feel his love. truthfully, he didn’t understand how you were feeling. but he could imagine. his heart had ached for you with each passing second you had been silent, but it completely shattered the moment you revealed why.
“yeah, you’re the only one.”
this piece wasn’t requested, idk i just felt like i needed to get that off of my chest? if anyone wants a tw or anything pls lmk, i’d be more than happy to place one at the beginning of the writing. and if you find yourself in a situation like mine, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. things have to get a lot worse before they can get better, but i’m here to help you through it. we can help each other.
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stressedkitkatttt · 4 years
Kit’s Masterlist
 "≛" means smut is guaranteed/ "❅" means fluff/”❃“ means mentions of smut(nothing happens though)/ “❀“ means angst/ “✤” means dark themes/  “⁂“ means no warnings
These  stories belong to me. I, however, do not own you nor the boyband CNCO. I  will not allow people to publish my stories elsewhere without my  permission. Giving credit does not count as permission. Should I find  that you have reposted my work without my permission, being reported  will be the least of your worries. If you see my work posted somewhere else, other than Wattpad or here, please DM me. And if you see my work post on either of those sites, under a name that isn't mine, please DM me.
© 2019 - 2022 StressedKitKatttt
All Rights Reserved.
Request Guidelines
Last Updated: 5/10/22
What’s New: Ride (Any Boy, Smut), Boys Confessing Their Feelings (Headcanon)
What’s Next: ...
After The Show - ≛
My Little Quarantine - ≛
My Little Quarantine(Alternate) - ≛
Better Than Fiction - ≛
Overstimulation(Requested) - ≛
Just A Little Jealous - ≛
Finally(Requested) - ≛
A Day At The Park(Requested) - ❅
This Isn't Gonna End Well, Is It? - ≛ (My prompt for #papichriswritingchallenge)
Good Morning Zabdiel - ≛
Good Morning Zabdiel Part 2 - ≛
You Can Take It -  ≛
In The Mood(Tease) - ❃ 
In The Mood(Tease) Part 2 - ≛
Childhood Friends - ≛
A Christmas Together(Requested) - ❅
You’re Beautiful(Requested) - ✤ , ≛ , ❅ 
Threesomes or Higher/Any Boy
Wish You Were Sober(Requested Songfic, Any Boy) - ❀
Stripper!AU(All Boys) - ❃
Sex On Your Period(Headcanon, Requested) - ≛
Taking Your Virginity(Headcanon, Requested) - ≛
Walking In On Them Naked(Headcanon) - ❃
Boys Confessing Their Feelings (Headcanon) - ⁂
Just Like Old Times(Richard/Yashua Threesome) - ≛
A Night In Heaven(Zabdiel/Joel Threesome, Requested) - ≛
Little Miss Innocent(Chris/Erick Threesome, Requested) - ≛
Guitar Lessons(Erick, Part 1) - ≛ 
Ride(Any Boy, Smut) - ≛
Anon Asks - CNCO
**For asks that aren’t turned into headcanons
Squirting For The First Time - ❃
Letting Their Girl Know They’re In The Mood - ❃
Boys’ Reaction To Lap Dances - ❃
MLT Make-Up Sex - ⁂
Weak Spots On The Boys - ❃
Going Public With A Relationship - ⁂
Fav Non-Sexual Acts Of Intimacy - ⁂
Erick calming down Autistic!y/n - (Requested) ❅
Let The Games Begin
Dancing in the Dark(Let The Games Begin Part 1) - Christopher - ≛
Well Worth It(Let The Games Begin Part 2) - Richard - ≛
In Control(Let The Games Begin Part 3) - Zabdiel - ≛ (Here is a dirtier version)
Anyone Listening?
(These are just some random things I talk about that happen at school or in life)
Freshman create a 5ft flame in cooking class
Coffee incident in Chem 1
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cncown · 4 years
Hii please could you do a part 2 to the intense fight preference it was soo good xx
Awww thank you for the love ^^. Hope this lived up to what you expected, anon! I know it’s months late but better late than never :3
Chris: A knock at your door interrupted your thoughts. Your unconsciously rolled your eyes, already knowing who it was. You drove off in a flurry just a few hours before leaving your boyfriend alone in front of a club. You shuffled over to the door, preparing for the worst. Unlocking the door and opening it slowly, you laid your eyes upon Chris. He looked like he’d been crying with his hair disheveled and eyes glossy.
“Bebé I’m so fucking sorry.”
Your heart dropped at the sight of him in such a state. But you stayed silent, you were still hurting from his actions. You silently cracked the door open enough for him to come in, and gestured to him.
“Y/N. Please say something.”
“Come in.” You whispered.
He took a few hesitant steps into the living room of your shared home. You quietly closed the door behind him and turned to face him. He stood still looking at your unreadable figure. He slowly and silently brought his arms around you and held you as tight as he could.
“I love you so much.” He choked out. Looking up from his chest you were met with tears brimming in his eyes. The sight brought you so much pain. You uttered the words he’d been wanting to hear all night.
“I love you too Christopher.”
Richard: You sat on the edge of your bed fuming. Your cell phone was on ‘Do Not Disturb’ and the windows to the hotel room were wide open. The fresh air calmed you down and gave you a little relief from your constant urge to scream out. You couldn’t believe him. He acted so insanely rude towards you. It was completely out of character for him.
A knock at your door interrupted your thoughts. It must be one of the boys, they would want to come to comfort you. You dragged your feet to pull the heavy door and were met with the person you least expected.
“Before you close the door on me I wanna say I’m sorry. I overreacted. I had a shit day and I took it out on you for no reason. I’m so sorry baby.”
He ruffled his hair a bit and grabbed his arm. He looked pathetic with his stature caving in on itself and his eyes widening in anticipation to your response. You couldn’t help but pity him. But what he did still wasn’t acceptable.
“Listen Richard. What you did was really shitty, and I’m not sure I accept your apology right now. But I am thankful that you apologized nonetheless. For real, thank you.” You smiled lightly to show that how you felt was genuine.
“Yeah I get that. I’ll go back to Erick’s room. Just…. Just call me if you need anything or if you want to talk more, alright? Promise me.” He held out his pinky to you. You reached out your own to promise him.
“This feels a little childish Richard, but yes I promise.” You laughed slightly.
“Thank you y/n. I’ll see you later.” He turned on his heels to walk to the room neighboring yours and you let the door fall shut, feeling content with how you both handled it.
Joel: You dried the last of the dishes you had washed after Joel left the table. Your appetite had completely left you, so you began to wrap up the leftovers so you could eat them when you regain your hunger. Behind you you heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. You froze for a moment, but then went back to fixing the food.
“I’m sorry.” The two of you said in unison. You chuckled to yourself, it was like the two of you were in some type of scripted drama. You turned from your spot at the kitchen counter to face his form leaning onto the kitchen door frame.
“Joel. I am so sorry. I need to take you seriously and stop being so childish. I promise that I’ll be more aware.”
“No, y/n, I’m sorry that I yelled at you. It wasn’t a big deal until I let my emotions get the better of me.”
“Well, it’s kind of both our faults I guess.” You took a step towards him and you were met with a step towards you in reciprocation. You laughed a little and took the remaining steps to meet him in the middle of the kitchen. You clasped his hands in yours and brought his knuckles to your lips, kissing them lightly.
“I’m really thankful you apologized. I didn’t want this to turn in to more than it had to be.” You mumbled in his fingers. He smiled lightly and used his hand to hold your head and bring his lips to yours.
“Of course, baby.” He sighed out between your kisses.
Zabdiel: “Fuck fuck fuck y/n you know I didn’t mean it.” Your boyfriend pleaded. You shook your head in doubt of his words. You heard all you needed to hear.
“Zabdi…” You sighed out.
“No. Please. Can we at least… talk.” He backed away from your cowering form hoping to appear more like his usual gentle self rather than what he had just become. A silence overcame the two of you. There was no saying what your answer would be, and his heart hammered in his chest.
“I- okay.” You crossed your arms and let your gaze fall to your feet.
“I really didn’t mean it. You know I get easily annoyed but that’s just me. That isn’t your fault. You’re right, I need to talk to you more.” He blurted out. A silence filled the room.
“Thank you. But I just need a little more time Zab. I promise I’ll talk to you later but I need to leave right now.” You whispered. Your heart still hurt from his verbal attack. You knew in time all would be fine, but your insecurities were getting the better of you. You walked past him towards the door of your shared bedroom, but not before squeezing his arm lightly to let him know that you meant it. Everything would be okay.
Erick: It was a lovely fall evening but you chose to stay inside for the time being. Because of your recent quarrel with your boyfriend you decided that you needed some time for yourself. Your phone vibrated in your palm as you were scrolling through Twitter.
Erick ❤️
Look outside
You scrunched your brows in confusion and contempt. You were still angry with your boyfriend but reluctantly rose to look out your bedroom window. You scanned the outside to find a surprising sight. Erick was standing outside with a bouquet of flowers and a picnic basket. He waved the flowers at you with a meek grin and beckoned you to come outside. Sighing, you made the trek to your front door. You opened the door to see Erick now on your front porch.
“Here, I made these for you.” He handed you the flowers. Made? What?
Upon further inspection you found that these flowers were made from $10 bills. He wanted to pay you back for everything. His DIY skills weren’t too impressive, some of the flowers being lopsided, but your heart warmed with the thought and effort he put into it.
“I also made us lunch, so we wouldn’t even have to worry about who pays.” He laughed lightly and looked into your eyes. You could see how apologetic he felt, but he wanted to say it with his actions rather than his words. You pulled him into your home and embraced him tightly, a smile tugging at your lips.
“Thank you, angel.”
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anninhiliation · 5 years
Broken Promises
Summary: You trusted him, you love him more than life itself but he betrayed you, he broke your heart. Do you forgive him and take him back? I mean it was just one time, but once a cheater always a cheater
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He opened the front door gingerly with slumped shoulders and a saddened expression written all over his face. I had been waiting for him all night, I even cooked his favorite meal and kept it warm in the oven awaiting his arrival.
“Cariño tenemos que hablar.” He murmured as he saw me cheerfully dart towards him. 
My smile dropped and my pace slowed down as I saw him from the hallway. Something was wrong, something happened he never came home like this, not even on his worst days. 
“What happened?” I questioned as I cupped his cheek running my thumb along his five o’clock shadow “Are you okay?” He leaned into my hand, biting his bottom lip and sighed
“I-” He dodged my eyes as he glanced around the room “I fucked up” 
My facial expression turned confused as I tried to get him to look at me in the eyes. 
“What's that supposed to mean?” I asked
“I haven't been honest with you,” he confessed tiptoeing around what he was really trying to say
“Oh…” I muttered as I pulled my hand away afraid of what was to come next. My heartbeat raced as I waited for him to elaborate, praying to god he was playing with me and he had good news instead. I folded my arms across my chest and pinched my bottom lip, something I always did when I was nervous.
“Y/N...Baby, mi amor, mi vida...I cheated.” He choked out finally locking eyes with me.
My eyes widened like a deer in the headlights as my heart sank. 
“You...cheated?” I whispered still waiting for a smile, a laugh, a just kidding
He nodded, “It didn't mean anything though, te amo mi vida por favor perdóname”
I strode into the kitchen pacing away from him not wanting to believe what pierced my ears. The words that fell from his lips felt like an eerie fog, choking out the sun, and my happiness. He grabbed my wrist forcing me to turn around. I stared into his eyes breaking my heart into millions of pieces.
“Baby I didn't mean it perdoname mi amor” he pleaded “it all happened so fast”
Tears brimmed my eyes, the pet names used to make me melt but today, right now it felt like he stabbed me and twisted the knife. Every piece of my body wanted to forgive him right on the spot, forgive him and pretend like what he just said never happened. But I needed to think, I needed time, I needed space.
“Let go of me!” I screeched tearing my hand away proceeding to move away from him. 
I had no idea where I was going, but I could not handle being in the same room as him. And I did not want him to see me cry. He promised me the only time he would make me cry, would be the day he proposed and on our wedding day. Those memories now stabbed my whole body, as the blindfold of my love for him was pulled away from me. The grip he had on me, the power he had over me, was something I did not want him to know. I had to leave, I had to sort things out on my own.
“Y/N...please let me explain!” He begged trailing close behind me
“Explain what? Sos un mentiroso! You said you would never cheat, you would never make me cry of sadness, you promised to never break my heart and you did! I trusted you for fuck's sake! I believed you when you said I love you, I believed you when you said I was the only one for you!” The tears that were brimming my eyes officially cascaded down my cheeks. 
My mascara burned my eyes as my tears kept falling. Water swelled up in his big beautiful eyes as he watched me fall apart right in front of him. He moved his lips almost as if he was going to say something, but I cut him off. 
“You know what? It's fine, I'm such an idiot for trusting you...I'm such an idioit” I choked out between the tears as I ran back into the hallway and into foyer heading up the stairs. 
“Where are you going?” He pleaded following me up the stairs
“I don't know, pero me voy” I shouted as I slammed and locked our bedroom door. 
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I felt his presence stand outside the door as I grabbed a suitcase from the top shelf of my closet and throw it on the bed. 
“Por favor no te vas.” He choked out between his own tears
My heart tore to pieces as I heard the man I love break down. 
“I can't live without you, youre my whole life and I fucked up. I will never forgive myself for this Y/N” He continued as he moved the door handle 
I was shoving everything I could that was mine into this small worn down suitcase.
“Just please, baby, please im begging you let me in let's talk about this face to face.” He implored through the wooden door
I stopped dead in my tracks...
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pizzaspirits · 5 years
Stalker pt.2 - Joel Pimentel
words count : 2.5k +
warnings : cursing, car accident, angst angst angst!
part 1
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Something is wrong, Joel doesn’t know what it is but he pretty sure he know what he feels. Y/N who hasn’t answered his text isn’t helping at all. Just when Joel gonna call her, Zabdiel poke him, telling him they gotta do the interview. Joel sigh then get up from where he sat.
The man keep driving away. I don’t know where I am right now or where he is going to take me. Someone help me, please.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time ago. I come here to take you away with me.” He said with an evil gleam in his eyes, I could see it through the front mirror.
“Hear me out” He added.
“Why the fuck should I listen to you?” I commented.
“Such a dirty words from such a pretty little mouth” His smirk never leave his lips.
“That boy, Joel, had stole you from me. You and I were supposed to be together. Not the two of you” The man remarked. Joel. Oh God. I really wish he’s here now. I’m so scared, but I don’t want to show my fear to this creepy man.
“What do you mean? Wha—what are you going to do with me?”
“I just want you all to myself baby. If I can’t have you, then no one can.” He replied
Y/n breath became heavier, her thoughts were clouded with the unknown, and what did he meant by ‘If I can’t have you then no one can?’
“You have no idea who I am, do you?“The man badgered. I shake my head slowly, it made his hand grip the steering wheel stronger, I could see his hands turning white because of that.
“You just never noticed I existed.” the man really made me scared. God please help me. I swear I don’t know who is he or where he is going to take me, it could be worse than this, and there is only one way I could think of. It’s now or never.
I kicked his arm from the place where I was sitting, then I quickly closed his eyes. The man seemed to lose control of his car.
After y/n did what she think is the best way, the dark car interior floods with a bright yellow light. A car horn nearly shatters their eardrums. Tires scream against the pavement.
During the interview, Joel barely talk. His thought is somewhere else. He couldn’t stop thinking about you and why haven’t you answered his text.
“Bro, are you okay?” Chris notice something’s up with Joel.
“I don’t know. Y/n hasn’t answered my text.”
Chris check his watch “Don’t worry, it’s midnight there, right? maybe she fell asleep.” Chris right, maybe he’s just think too much.
Joel’s phone ringing startles him out of his sleep, he squints at the too-bright screen in the dark, blinking blearily at Y/N’s caller ID photo grinning at him. He runs a hand across his eyes before answering. “Hello? Y/n hey why-”
A rush of indecipherable noise - high and panicked but he knows it’s not Y/n, it’s her best friend Kira.
“Whoa Kira,” Joel days, his brow knit together in worry. “Slow down, what happened? Where’s Y/n?”
“There’s a car accident. So much blood. I didn’t see it coming. I don’t know if she’s going to be okay and-” Joel couldn’t hear the rest of it as his mind went blank.
“Where is she now?” he sounds significantly scare and panic.
Joel hands were shaking so much they were barely able to hold onto the jacket he grabbed out of the closet as soon as he hung the phone up. Joel didn’t only felt fear though, he felt like he’s going to puke, like he’s going to cry, like he’s going to pass out over all given how hard it was to get oxygen into his lungs. This couldn’t be happening, not to his girlfriend.
“Joel, we came as soon as we heard.” Said Richard as him and the other come through the hotel door.
“Good news, Clara got the plane tickets and the flight is in like 30 minutes, bad news is she just got 2 tickets.” Richard clarified.
“I’ll go with him.” Zabdiel added
“You both should hurry up. Don’t worry, the rest of us will catch up as soon as possible.” With that, Joel and Zabdiel quickly get out of the hotel and hopped inside the car then go to the airport.
Joel couldn’t think straight right now, he doesn’t even care that he often hit people in his way to the plane. All he cares about is getting to the hospital as soon as possible, making sure that y/n was ok.
3 hours later, they finally arrive at the hospital. Zabdiel go straight to the receptionist and Joel following behind.
“Hi,” The nurse say, softly and warmly “can I help you sir?”
“Hello” Zabdiel answering with a smile “a friend of ours-”
“My girlfriend.” Joel cut it.
“was admitted a few hours ago.” Zabdiel continue with his thick accent “we were wondering if we might be able to get some information”
“What’s their name?”
“Y/N Y/L/N”
“Let me see what I can do.” The nurse taps away on her keyboard. Zabdiel take a glance at Joel who couldn’t stop anxiety playing with his rings.
“Miss Y/L/N is currently in surgery,” the nurse says. “I’m afraid that’s all I’m able to tell you.”
Joel turns suddenly. “She’s in surgery?”
The nurse looks sympathetic again. “Yes, honey. I’m sure that a doctor will come to update friends and family soon.”
Her friends are her family, Joel wants to tell the nurse. He holds his tongue. The nurse is just doing her job. Joel knows the flash of frustration is misplaced, and  nod before running a hand through his hair and blowing out a breath.
“You both can wait over there” she pointed at a rather empty waiting room and all Joel saw was the back of a fiery red haired head, it’s Kira he thought.
It’s going to be a long night.
As the doctor speaks, Zabdiel glances at Joel out of the corner of his eye, his brown eyes are wide and exhausted and fearful. Kira doesn’t look much better.
“Wha—what do you mean?” Kira ask.
“This isn’t to say that she will never wake up,” the doctor adds, glancing at Joel. There’s solemnity in his eyes that makes Joel’s stomach squirm uncomfortably. “Just that we don’t know for sure.”
“You can see her now, if you’d like. Room 482.” the doctor adds.
Joel doesn’t wait. He wordlessly brushes past the doctor and makes a beeline for the door. Kira paused only long enough to say ‘thank you’ to the doctor before following Joel. Zabdiel lingers behind.
“What happened?” Zabdiel ask the doctor.
“Tom Johnson is now accused as a kidnapping case. He is also currently being treated, but soon he will be in jail for his actions. y/n really a clever woman. The police said she made Tom crash his car to protect herself from kidnapping.” the doctor answer. Zabdiel nod.
“And what about her chances, doctor?” Zabdiel asks, steeling himself. “Really.”
The doctor gives him a long, patient look. “She’s stable. And there is always hope.”
Zabdiel nods absently. He had been hoping for something more definitive. Something reliable. “Thank you. Really. And… I’m sorry about Joel. He’s y/n boyfriend. He’s a little upset right now. We all are. But we appreciate everything you’ve done for our friend.”
Joel remember the time right before he went from y/n house, she told him to stay. Heck, she even begged him to stay but he chose to leave her alone. He’d upset at himself for what he did to her and would feel a knot in his throat with a tear or two in his soft brown eyes. Maybe, just maybe, if he chooses to stay, this wouldn’t happen, they will be at y/n home now, watching some movies with popcorn while cuddling. Guilt consumed him and he never hated himself so much that he did at this point.
“Wake up, please, stay for me. Don’t leave me. I need you more than you think.” effused Joel. Right now, he’s sitting right beside y/n’s bed, holding her hand.
The room was completely silent, only the sound of the ticking clock and heart detector that y/n using, Joel really scared that someday the heart detector would show a straight line. He hoped that would be only his nightmare.
“I should’ve stayed  I should’ve listened to you. Fuck! I’m such a fool!” He tried to speak straight out, but it only came out as a croak. “You have to wake up, baby  I still owe you a promise, remember?” At this point, he really couldn’t hold back his tears. “The time when you told me about your dream, about us having vacation together with our future son, and I promise you we will living that dream soon? I owe you that promised mi amor. You want that dream to come true right? So please, wake up.” he’d be wearing a little pouf on his lips and his eyes would lose their sparkle.
Zabdiel steps into the bathroom. Kira is gripping the edge of the sink. Kira looks at Zabdiel through the reflection in the mirror.
“I’m sorry,” she swallows. “I just… seeing her like that…”
“The doctor said she was stable.” Zabdiel replies.
“He also said that they don’t know when, or if, she will ever wake up.” Kira snapped then averts her gaze. Her voice softens, “and it is not just that. You don’t know how panic I am last night when the police called me and told me about the car accident. I was with her before this happened! We went to a party, I drove her home right before all of this happened. This is my fault! If I stayed with her, this wouldn’t happen! This—this is my—”
“Hey hey,” Zabdiel says firmly, crossing the short distance between them “Calm down.”
“But Zabdiel, I—”
“Kira” Zabdiel grab her shoulders “Just look at me. Breathe.” Kira can’t hold her tears, and Zabdiel hug her.
As the boys arrived, Zabdiel lead them to y/n’s room then seeing Joel stared down at his girlfriend “Yo Joel, ¿estas bien?” Chris said, Erick nudge his hand.
“What did they said?” now Richard spoke. Joel sighed, unsure if he could answer the question. Understand what’s happening, Zabdiel answer it.
“Concussion and spinal cord injury.” they looks shocked and grieving.
“Why? What happened?” Sputtered Chris.
“There’s a man who almost kidnapped y/n but when they’re in his car, y/n tried to escape by made the man crashed his car. The police said it’s self defense that y/n can do.” Joel frustrating shaking his head then running his hand through his hair, he’s about to cry for the 4th time.
“Hey, don’t worry. Y/n is a strong girl. She’s going to make it. Let us take care of that Tom man”.
“Time of death, 03.22 AM February 14th.”
No one dare to speak, as if they knew this would be happening.
“Then what about the trial?”
“Let God do the punishment for him.” It’s been three days y/n has been in the hospital. Tom Johnson, the guilty man, has died because of severe brain injury.
“What about y/n? Is there any progress?” Joel asked the doctor, with hope y/n will gonna be okay.
“Her condition is better than yesterday.” The doctor answered. Joel massage his temple “When—when will she wake up?”
“We don’t know for sure, but we all know she’s a fighter. And there’s always hope, Mr. Pimentel. Sooner or later, she’ll wake up.” Joel go back to y/n’s room alone, the rest of the guys and Kira are still talking to the doctor and the police.
Joel stepped into the room, then sit in the chair next to y/n’s bed, the same place he sat since he’s got there. He’s sad and empty at the same time. It felt like a years for him, but it’s only been days.
“I love you, Y/n, more than you’ll ever known.” expressed Joel as he stared at y/n’s unresponsive body then take her hands. It’s ridiculous, he thought, talking to y/n as if she can hear it.
“I know you can’t feel it but I promise I’m holding your hand right now.” he chuckles. “Tom Johnson, the man who caused all of this, has died. And you know what I’m scared the most? It’s what if the police say your name instead of him? God, I can’t imagine if that—” Joel didn’t realize he was crying again until now.
“I — I can’t give up on you, so please amor, please don’t give up on yourself. But in case you—” his eyes are blurry now because of his own tears. “I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.” He said almost like a whisper. He’s crying, looking down while continuing holding y/n’s cold hand.
Joel look up at y/n’s pale face, almost looks… dead. No. Fuck, no. She’s not. She’s alive. She’s still breathing and she’s going to be okay, Joel assure himself, tightens his hand against her.
Joel open his mouth but snaps shut when he sees y/n’s other hand twitch against the thin blanket. He’s on his feet in the next second, he looks both hopeful and afraid that hope is misplaced.
“Y/n? Can you hear me?” Joel swear he sees her fingers twitch again and he hurriedly grab it. He watches the faint, steady rise and fall of her chest with each breath. Y/n’s breath catches before he takes in a much deeper breath. Joel can feel his heart in his throat.
And then y/n’s eyelashes flutter open. Joel releases a sound that like something between a sob and a laugh.
“Ssshh,” Joel soothes “Easy love, I’m here, and I’m never letting you go again.”
tags : @aaanaiddd @theweirdsideofstuff @cncoamor @zabdisamor @ericks-mala-actitud @benditocnco @igthisisacncoblognow @joelitoavocado
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bdjwjcjwjvndndnejjc · 5 years
i love you ; y.c
you accuse your boyfriend of cheating on you with a fan and he proves you wrong then shows you how much he really loves you.
words; 1K
warnings: angst, cursing, choking, yelling, smut (oral, fingering, intercourse, papi/daddy kink, ass slapping, creampie) dirty shit, yashua being a lil bipolar cabrón, spanish words, aggression, alcohol kinda?
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“what the fuck is wrong with you?” you yelled at your boyfriend, yashua camacho, while barging into his at-home studio.
yashua widened his eyes from the sudden yelling at him and slowly turned his rolling chair around, facing you.
he squinted his eyes at you, extremely quiet.
“you cheated on me! and i’m not even surprised!” you yelled even louder.
he got up and walked past you, leaving the sound proofed room, showing no emotion whatsoever.
“oh so you’re just gonna ignore me?” you followed him all the way to the huge kitchen in your huge house.
he rolled his eyes and got a bottle of some kind of alcohol from the cupboard. he then opened it and went to pour it in a glass.
“di algo, cabrón!” you yelled, the high pitched screams piercing his eardrums like a needle.
he dropped that glass cup onto the floor, making the liquor spread out on the floor, and scaring you.
he turned around to face you, and then calmly walked towards you.
“who the hell told you that shit?” he asked.
“it doesn’t matter, i got proof.” you spit out at him.
“well that proof is bullshit.”
“you kissed a fan, it’s on video.” you told him aggressively.
“i haven’t kissed a fan since i met you, even if they ask for it.” he growled.
“well explain this damn video!” you yelled while pulling out your phone.
yashua grabbed the phone out of your hands and threw it against the wall, making you jump.
“ahora escucha aqui.” he said firmly while pushing you closer to the edge of the island.
“i work so fucking much, and sacrifice a whole lot, to make sure you have a beautiful roof over your head and food in your stomach. i show you how much i love you all the time.” he said while slowly wrapping his hand around your throat.
“and this is what i get? you accusing me of some bullshit i did when we didn’t even know each other?” he squeezes your throat.
“yeah i kissed a fan, a year ago, when i was single and she wanted to have a memorable video.”
“do i need to show you how much you matter to me?” he growled quietly at you while you looked down at the floor out of intimidation.
“look at me.” he yelled, making you jump. you looked at him shyly.
“why are you acting like that?”
“i- i’m sorry.” you whisper, a single tear running down your cheek.
he looked at both your eyes, and then kissed you.
your tongues dances and he grabbed your cheek to deepen the kiss.
“i love you so fucking much, i could never cheat on you.” he looked deeply into your eyes and held both your cheeks to make sure you would look at him and only him.
you kissed him again and he picked you up to set you on the marble counter.
“let’s get this off you.” he mumbled while shuffling with your shirt.
it was a weird strappy tube top which he couldn’t get off so he ripped it off aggressively. you bit your lip as his tongue started playing with your nipple.
he swirled his tongue in circles while looking up at you.
“i love these.” he whispered before kissing down your stomach.
he unzipped your jeans, then he pulled them down.
you panted in anticipation and he then he took off your underwear.
he pushed you down so you’re laying and then spread your legs.
you bit your lip and whimpered.
“what’s wrong, princess?” he asked obliviously, while running his finger up and down your opening, coating it in your wetness.
“please.” you whispered.
he kissed your inner thighs, never getting to the place you wanted him the most.
“papi, porfavor.” you moaned softly.
“okay, mi amor.” he smirked before finally getting to where you needed him to be.
he began his attack on your bundle of nerves, reaching up to squeeze your boobs.
“fuck! don’t stop!” you moaned at the blissful feeling.
his talented tongue moved side to side on your swollen clit, making you moan and bite your lip.
he took a finger and put it inside you, putting pressure on all the right places. it felt like you could explode right then and there, so you did.
“yashua- fuck!” you moaned loudly at you reaching your climax.
“that was the fastest you’ve ever came.” he praised you while pushing down his basketball shorts, showing how he was missing underwear.
“que quieres ahora?” he asked while kissing your neck and stroking himself.
“you know what i want.” you whimpered.
“do i need to ask you twice?” he looked up at you, eyes darkening and his hand gettimg closer to your neck.
“p-please fuck me.”
“now that’s more like it.” he smiled while pecking your lips and teasing your entrance with his head.
he pushed himself inside you inch by inch, and started thrusting into you.
“you feel so good stretched around me, babygirl.” he whispered into your ear while wrapping his arms around you.
he picked you up and took you to the couch.
he flipped you around, putting you on all fours, and started fucking you again, this time hitting your g-spot over and over again.
“right there, fuck!” you yelled out, making him speed up.
“take this dick baby.” he groaned, slapping your ass, making you moan out.
“i’m gonna come.” he moaned.
he did as he said and released his liquid inside you, and then he replaced his dick with two of his fingers, ramming them into you aggressively, watching his cum spill out of you with every thrust.
“you gonna cum for daddy?” he asked, his new york accent making you wetter by the second.
“y-yes.” you barely got that out, as the pleasure overwhelmed you and you rolled your eyes back.
you felt your orgasm run through your body and you collapsed on the couch.
“i love you. don’t forget that.” yashua whispered when you were suddenly placed on your bed.
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imnotlaughingbro · 5 years
Confess | Christopher Velez
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BIG Congratulations to Lauren for hitting 300 Followers! Here’s my entry for her Writing Challenge. 
Prompt: “And boy, if you confess, you might get blessed” - God is a Woman by Ariana Grande 
Details: 2.4K Words | Angst & Smut  | Chris is your best friend but you both want more, who will confess first?  
Tags: @ericks-mala-actitud @gostosojoel @dad-ee-drea @my-only-angelle@cncwoah @ella-se-vuelve-loca @tie-me-up-velez @savloveschrisandjoel @richukisbb @fullprunerebelstatesman @itskathywillians @gigglychristopher @emsy55 @kinkvelezx @cncogirl18 @cyaneaa
The music booms in your ears sending vibrations from the floor to the ends of your hair, as if your body belonged to the rhythm of the song. 
Beads of sweat start sticking to the back of your neck as you lose yourself to the beat as rough hands find their way onto your waist pulling you towards them.
You turn your head slightly, while still moving to the music to see Richard Camacho - his hands moving you in beat with his hips, doing nothing to hide the fact that his erection is grinding against your ass.
You take his hands off your waist and turn around to face him. 
"Well, hello to you too" you tell him placing you arms around his neck to resume the dance.
"You know I couldn't help myself when you are looking like that, Mami" Richard responds back with a not so subtle sweep down your body, admiring the tiny black dress you had on. 
"I guess I will take that as a compliment then" You give an equally long stare down at his bulging crotch.
With no shame at all Richard pulls you closer pressing your body flush against his - one second his lips almost casually brushing yours and the next second he is abruptly pulled backwards away and out of your grasp.
You look behind Richard to see what was the cause and you spot him, Christopher Velez - Resident Fuckboy, the biggest goofball and ultimately your best friend. 
Chris stands there in his fitted black blazer, black dress pants and a black buttoned shirt - the first 3 buttons undone to show his inked porcelain skin. Not one to stray away from colour - his orange lens glasses light up his face. 
He looked as if he had just stepped off a red carpet and it made the mass of women on the dance floor direct their gaze in hopes in gaining his attention which currently was solely on you.
"Hi, baby" Chris' usual bright smile flashes at you as he releases his grip on Richard's arm, now marked red from where Chris had grabbed him. Richard flashes his finger at Chris' head before trudging off towards the bar.
Chris takes Richards spot and places his hands around your waist, pulling you into a crushing hug.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Ecuador until next week?" You half shout in his ear over the music.
"Clara said we had to attend some award show tomorrow, so I took an earlier flight" You had to hide your disappointment at his answer.
"And of course, I wanted to see you" His adds which brings a sudden swarm of butterflies to your stomach that only Chris can ever bring on - not that you would ever admit that to him.
"Aww, aren't you sweet?" You mock to hide the flush that has brightened your cheeks.
Chris shrugs his shoulders as a coy smile appears on his face.
"Lets go get a drink" His hand finds yours and interlaces with your fingers, the usual comfort of rings pressing into your skin.
You manage to find the table where the rest of the boys are sitting as Chris heads off to the bar to grab you a drink.
"Geez, I know he's protective of you but no need to maim me" Richard laughs and you instantly know there are no hard feelings between the brothers. You reach over with a smile and give his arm a rub - the marks not even visible anymore on his skin.
"This is for you, miss" You look beside you as a waiter puts down a cocktail on the table in front of you.
"Oh, I didn't order this"
"That gentleman over there purchased it for you and he asked me to give you this"
The waiter gives you a napkin, the words: Save the next dance for me hand scribbled over it. You look in the direction of the waiter's pointed finger to see a man holding up his drink in salute to you.
His hair a styled mess of blonde and his body towering over the table, his eyes gazing into your own. You nod your head in thanks and take a sip of the cocktail - sweet and intoxicating on your tongue, you know you would have to drink it slow before it got to your head.
Erick whistles low and mumbles under his breath "I wouldn't want to be that guy when Chris finds out"
For some strange overwhelming reason you feel like you have to stand up for yourself. You and Chris have been friends for the longest time, you both flirt with each other and may have shared a kiss or two before but it always goes back to neither of you wanting to face the fact that you could be more. 
"Hey, I can get a drink from and dance from whomever I wish, Chris isn't my boyfriend" You almost cross your arms and stomp your foot but thought it might look a bit too much like a toddler throwing a tantrum, so you settle for taking a big gulp of the sweet cocktail.
“I’m not whose boyfriend?” Chris comes up from behind you and glances from you to the cocktail in your hands, to the drink he bought for you in his other hand, to then the napkin with the handwritten note. 
“Well, Y/N was just saying that she can do what she wishes because you guys aren’t together. Right?” Richard clarifies with a mischievous smile looking between your reddening face and Chris’ confused look. 
“Of course, we are just friends, you all know that” Chris quickly emphasises before leaning on the table casually as if you guys were just discussing what you had for lunch. 
“Well, friend that guy over there wants me to dance with him and I need to thank him for my drink so I will see you all later” You respond back ashamed to hear the sting in your voice. 
Without hesitation you walk over towards the other table, the man’s eyes are on you in a second and the smirk he gives you makes the hurt from Chris’ words lessen. 
“I owe you a dance, I’m Y/N” you hold out your hand to shake his. 
He grabs your hand and brings it to his lips brushing a kiss over your knuckles, his lips soft and plump as they graze your skin. 
“Zabdiel” he responds back with his hand still holding onto yours. He moves around the table and starts to walk you towards the dance floor. 
As you move towards the dance floor, you walk back past your table and see Chris eyeing Zabdiel’s hand clasped onto yours. You hit the dance floor and Zabdiel immediately pulls you close, his body towers over your own and his blonde curls hitting his eyes. 
The music enchants you once more as you start to move with Zabdiel in a steady rhythm, Zabdiel being a gentleman keeps his hands on your back. You begin to get lost in the music until you spot Christopher. Leaning against the bar, his lips brushing against the ear of a pretty woman as she covers her mouth to giggle at some pickup line he tells her. 
The sting you felt when he announced to everyone that you were clearly just friends comes back in full force as you see him continue to run his fingers up and down her arm, his flirty persona easily getting any girl he wants. 
“Do you want to make him jealous?” Zabdiel’s voice interrupts your focus on Chris and forces you to turn back around. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You ask back thinking you surely had misheard him. 
“That guy over that has been staring at you all night and when you came to my table earlier you should have seen the look on his face, he is only talking to her because he can’t have you. So, what do you say? Shall we play his game?” 
The shock comes over you at first but then a smile makes it way to your lips and all you have to do is manage a nod to Zabdiel before one of his hands find you waist and the other tangles in your hair. Zabdiel’s head lowers and his lips grazes yours with a wave of braveness you kiss him. 
Slow at first, his lips so soft pressing against yours before you can’t help but slip your tongue against his mouth, his lips parting to give you access. A little groan from him as you continue to move to the music pushing your body against his. The grip in your hair tightens as the kiss grows deeper, Zabdiel’s cock growing hard against your grinding.
He releases your lips to make his way to your throat, his kisses tender against the sensitive skin before he starts to suck and nibble, alternating between delicate kisses to tugging at the skin with his teeth - making goosebumps rise against your skin. His leg finds its way in between yours allowing you to grind yourself further against him, the thin fabric of your panties getting wetter with the friction.
As his lip bruise the skin of your throat his hand makes its way to your ass, squeezing and kneading it with his palm. Zabdiel’s eyes flicker upwards towards where Chris is standing and there must have been a reaction from Chris because Zabdiel’s smile widens.
“He’s coming over here” he whispers against your throat. 
You feel Chris’ hands brush against your own, the familiar feeling of his rings brushing against your skin. You turn around to face him flicking your hair from your face and Chris eyes quickly latch onto the hickeys already beginning to blossom on your skin from Zabdiel’s lips. 
“Can I talk to you?” Chris’ voice is strained and his hand still hasn’t let go of your own. 
“Of course, I will see you later Zabdiel” You turn to tell him and Zabdiel playfully gives Chris a wink before planting a kiss on your cheek. 
Chris doesn’t let go of your hand as he leads you towards a broom closet, a very small space but at least you would be able to hear each other over the music. 
You step inside and Chris pushes in closing the door. Your hand traces the wall for a light switch but with little luck you give up and look up at Chris. Your bodies so close that you can feel his breath on your cheek, the smell of his cologne filling the room, the little light you have coming from the outside clubbing lights which brings a dull red filter to the small closet space. 
Chris uses his finger to move your hair that is hanging over your shoulder to behind you so he can look at your neck properly. 
“You let him mark you like that?” Chris’ voice is a whisper as his eyes travel up and down your neck, noting all the little imprints that Zabdiel managed to make in the short amount of time. 
You impatiently pull your hair back to its place covering the marks on your neck. 
“What did you want to talk about Chris?” Your heart is pounding in your chest as his eyes finally release your throat and make contact. 
“You shouldn’t be doing things like that out in public” He tells you, his voice starting to raise a little. You laugh in his face because the fact that Christopher Velez, the bigger player you know is basically slut-shaming you. 
“I don’t know why you are making such a big deal out of this?” 
“Because I came home to hang out with you! Not to see some guy almost fucking you on the dance floor” Chris’ face starts to get red as anger laces his voice. 
“We are at a club, Chris! And I noticed that it didn’t take you very long to find someone either, so why don’t we both just go back to our partners, calm down and see each other tomorrow” You put your hand on the doorknob but Chris pushes you back, his fingers hook under your chin and his lips suddenly press against yours. 
The butterflies in your stomach come back and the pressure builds inside you as Chris’ tongue pushes itself into your mouth. Chris fingers pull your dress up and rub against your damp panties causing a moan to escape your lips. 
Chris’ lips release yours as his fingers continue to play below. 
“You are not going to see that guy again, promise?” Chris whispers against your ear and his words are enough for you to stop. You reluctantly pull his hand away from you and pull down your dress. 
“You don’t own me Christopher and if you want me then you are going to have to do it properly. I am not fucking you in this broom closet just so you can turn around and tell everyone we are still just best friends” 
“Are you serious right now? You know we can’t do that - you know I have a reputation to uphold” 
“No, We are doing this properly or not at all. Confess right now, tell me” 
“This is bullshit, of course I want you, Do you see how hard I just got for you?” Chris glances down and you can see the evidence of his hard cock pressing up against his pants. 
“I want more than just sex Chris and you know it. There is none of this until we are official, until then I am going to go have fun with whoever I want” 
“You want me as much as I want you, I could tell by the way you kissed me, you won’t be able to resist” Chris challenges you and you let a laugh escape your lips. 
“Do you want to bet on that?” 
Chris smiles back at your words and you both know neither of you can ever resist a competition, Chris holds out his hand in agreement. 
"Whoever can’t resist and confesses first that they ‘love the other and want to be all boyfriend-girlfriend’ then they lose and have to be a slave to the other one for one whole day” 
You don’t even have to think it over before you shake his hand. 
“Well, let the games begin” Chris smirks before suddenly pulling you close, teasingly close enough to kiss you. 
“You are going down” You respond back before planting a quick kiss on his lips. 
“Now if you’ll excuse me, Zabdiel is waiting for me outside” Without another word you open the door and walk out leaving Chris behind. 
There’s no way you will confess first. 
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emsy55 · 5 years
Don’t call me up (Richard Camacho angst)
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Summary: Richard has been using Y/N for 3 years but now he went too far. It’s time to move on and she knows that.
Warnings: angst, a broken heart
When I’m underneath the bright lights When I’m tryna have a good time ‘Cause I’m good now you ain’t mine Now, now, now, now, don’t call me up When you’re looking at my photos Getting hot, losing control You want me more now I let go Now, now, now, now
You’re moving your hips to the loud music in the club, ignoring your phone that’s ringing for the 6th time. You don’t even have to look who’s calling, you know who it is. And you know why he’s calling. He must’ve seen that you’re having a good time on one of your friend’s Instagram stories. And he can’t handle that, he can’t handle seeing you having fun without him. He can’t bear the thought of you looking this good a the club and having guys hit on you. He cheated on you, lied to you and dumped you but as soon as you’re moving on he comes back in your life. And it worked every time. Every time you thought you moved on, he’d call you and you would be at his place in five minutes. He’d fuck you so well, make you his again, make all of these promises to treat you way better than he did before. And not even a week later he’d tell the same lies and break your heart again.
I’m over you and I don’t need your lies no more 'Cause the truth is, without you, boy, I’m stronger And I know it’s sad that I changed, have a cold heart But it was your game that left scars Ooh, I’m over you
But last month he went too far. He didn’t even bother to lie and tell you he’d treat you better. He just fucked you and sent you home right after he fucked you. He told you he had met someone else, while his cum was still dripping down your thighs. He used you all the time, but this time he ruined you. He broke your heart into a million pieces.
Your friends couldn’t handle seeing you like that anymore. They took you on a girls’ trip, taking away your phone so that you couldn’t stalk his Instagram, you couldn’t reread his old texts, you couldn’t text back or pick up the phone when he called. And that was exactly what you needed. You needed distance from him to realize that you’re better off without him. You realized that he treated you like dirt and that it’s time to stop him.
Don’t call me up I’m going out tonight Feeling good now you’re outta my life Don’t wanna talk about us Gotta leave it behind One drink and you’re outta my mind Now, now take it up Baby, I’m on a high You’re alone, going out of your mind But I’m here up in the club And I don’t wanna talk So don’t call me up
Your phone keeps ringing and it’s distracting you from the cute guy that just bought you a drink. So you take your phone and do what you’ve been wanting to do for a while but never had the courage to: block his number. You immediately feel some kind of relief.
The past month all of your attention went to moving on and day by day you’ve gotten further and further. And today is the day you’re letting him go. You’ve unfollowed him, blocked his number and are finally having fun and flirting with other guys. You’ve got your confidence and self respect back.
A big smile is on your face, but Richard is absolutely not smiling once he realizes that you blocked his number. He tries calling you with his brothers’ phone, but you still don’t respond. He’s not the type of guy to go after a girl, but tonight he’s desperate. In fact, he’s even desperate enough to go to the club, even though he’s never the one to come to you. He hopes that all those happy posts on Instagram are fake, he hopes that your friends took your phone and blocked him. He hopes that you’re going to run into his arms as soon as you see him. ‘Cause that’s how it’s supposed to go, you’re supposed to be madly in love with him and forgive everything he does, at least that’s how he sees it.
‘Cause I’m here looking fine, babe And I got eyes looking my way And everybody’s on my vibe, babe Now, now, now, now, don’t call me up My friends said you were a bad man I should have listened to them back then And now you’re tryna hit me up again Now, now, now, now
Once he’s at the club, he sees you dancing with some guy, having fun without him.  And that drives him insane. Richard always knew that he could do whatever he wanted and that you’d still come back to him. So he took advantage of that. He used you, knowing that you were madly in love with him.
He never even thought that one day you would realize that you deserve better. His ego is so big that he actually thought he’d never lose you. But now he starts to realize that he lost you.
And he doesn’t know what to do. He never thought he’d lose you, but he did. When he had you, he didn’t appreciate you but now that he lost you, it hits him that he actually had the most beautiful, loyal, sweet and caring girl. But he lost you. And his eyes fill with tears when it hits him.
I’m over you and I don’t need your lies no more 'Cause the truth is, without you, boy, I’m stronger And I know it’s sad that I changed, have a cold heart But it was your game that left scars Ooh, I’m over you
He’s staring at you, standing right behind you. but you don’t even notice him, you’re to busy with having fun. And he can see that.
After 3 years of playing with your heart, he’s the one who’s left broken and you’re the one who’s gotten stronger out of it. He knows that now. His own game has destroyed him.
Tears roll down his face as he leaves the club, while the smile on your face couldn’t be bigger.
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papichriscnco · 4 years
The First ~ Joel Pimentel
Becky Windsor is known as an up and coming producer working with CNCO. She was given the opportunity through her two best friends - Ali and Clara. It was just a normal day of producing music for CNCO when Becky confessed she was a virgin. Then the devilish plan occured. First one to sleep with Becky wins. But what will happen when one of the boys has real feelings for Becky and always has? What about Becky’s feelings for Joel? Or Chris’ need to collect every notch for his belt? Would Richard be able to win with their already flirtatious bond? Or will Zabdiel’s forwardness take it all the way? Maybe Erick’s young boy charm will see him through to the end. Or maybe it will all blow up in their faces.
Chapter One
Ali, Becky and Clara had been best friends for years. Ali loved business, she wanted to be a manager to the biggest names she could, Clara wanted to work as a music executive and Becky had goals to be a producer. They met at an industry party celebrating Ricky Martin’s new album. Becky had just turned nineteen and was sitting bored while everyone else was drinking. Ali and Clara walked over to her, noticing her young age and expecting that she was here with her parents.
“Why are you alone?” Ali asked, settling in next to her. Clara on the opposite side.
Surprised Becky smiled, “I want to be a producer and my dad has some friends in the industry that invited me here. They thought it would be good for networking but everyone’s drunk.”
“So why don’t you get drunk?” Clara questions.
“I’m only nineteen.” 
Ali and Clara were surprised that she wasn’t even legal but the conversation continued to flow until the early hours of the morning. At this point, Clara and Ali were already working with CNCO but the boys had just formed on La Banda and had only had a few meetings with the girls. The girls exchanged numbers and caught up every day for three weeks. They would go for walks, coffee, out to the movies but as CNCO rose in fame, Ali and Clara had less time to catch up. Becky was an only child, meeting Ali and Clara made her feel like she had two older sisters.
“You know everyone thinks it’s weird that one of my best friends is fifteen years younger than me.” Ali mentioned one day when they were cooking together in Clara’s kitchen. 
“It is weird,” Becky jokes, “You’re both weird.”
Clara rolled her eyes in response. “You love us!” she hit her hips against Becky.
“Mmhmm.” she hummed. 
It wasn’t that Becky didn’t have a lot of friends her own age, she was just more mature than most people her age. Ali and Clara were so much more similar to Becky than her other friends. 
When Becky turned twenty, she moved to Australia to finish her degree. She graduated just before her twenty second birthday. Even though they hadn’t seen each other every day, they facetimed as much as they could. Ali and Clara wanted to help Becky break into the industry as soon as she finished college. When Becky moved back to Los Angeles Ali and Clara picked her up from the airport. They ran into each other's arms as excited as ever but Becky knew that there was more to it than just excitement to see their best friend. 
“What’s going on?” she questioned. 
Becky, Ali and Clara had smiles so large their eyes were almost closed. Ali and Clara turned to each other, smiled just a little bit more than Becky thought possible.
“You tell her,” Ali nudged Clara.
“Tell me what?”
“CNCO are just about to start their second album. We’ve told the boys about you a few times and when we started talking about which producers we should try work with-”
Ali cuts her off, “we brought your name up and-”
“They want to work with you!” Clara interrupts. 
“No way! They’ve never even heard something I’ve produced, why would they want to work with me?”
“Well that’s not entirely true.”
“We’ve shown them some of your work.”
 Becky was so excited that she was jumping. The three of them in the middle of the airport smiling and bouncing. The girls all drove to Ali’s place, Becky was moving in for a few weeks while she looked for an apartment. They sat in a circle with tv playing in the background while they discussed working with the boys. 
A week went past before Becky was able to meet with the boys, the eight of them went out for dinner. The boys thought it was important to get to know Becky before they went into the studio and started pouring their hearts out into their music. Becky sat between Ali and Clara but it didn’t take long for Chris to swap seats with Clara and flirt with Becky. Embarrassed, Becky tried her best to ignore his advances. This opportunity was too good for Becky to pass up on just so she could hook up with one of the boys. 
“Stop harassing her!” Joel commented, when he saw Becky’s reaction.
“She likes me.” Chris shrugs, smirking at Becky, “Don’t you mami?”
Ali rolled her eyes. “She prefers younger boys.” Clara winks at Becky at the inside joke. Becky blushes immediately. 
When the girls first met, Clara showed Becky a photo of the boys. Becky immediately took a liking to Joel, “he’s so cute.” she gushed. 
“He’s single!” Ali clapped excitedly.
“He’s also three years younger than you.” Clara warned.
“I prefer younger boys.” Becky winked, “Well at least now I do.”
The dinner lasted hours, most of it the boys tried their best to make the girls tell them who Becky’s favourite was but Becky just shrugged claiming that she didn’t even know all of them by name yet because she had been in Australia for a few years. 
In the first year that Becky knew the boys, they had produced close to twenty songs together. Usually after a writing session, they would all go home, sleep and then they would celebrate making the song the next night. Celebrating usually involved too much alcohol and lots of dancing. Ali and Clara would never join them for their writing sessions or their celebrations but they were just as close to Becky as they had always been.
Becky often found herself dancing with Chris or Joel the most but it was usually because after a few hours of dancing the other boys would wander off back to their places with a girl they had just met. Becky wouldn’t classify herself as one of their closest friends but they were definitely friends. Ali and Clara would often make comments that Becky should try and flirt with one of the boys. “Take your pick! All of them want you.” She would often comment. Becky usually rolled her eyes ignoring their comments. 
From the first time, Becky mentioned that she thought Joel was cute, Ali and Clara would often make side comments about them dating. Becky was so embarrassed every time the girls made comments in front of Joel that she made them promise to stop. They did but they only stopped in front of Joel. 
@rosebud213​ @sapdfrpimentel​ @stellastyless​ @joelitos-baby​​ @joelpimenteljs​ @lostinzabdielito​ @h-bea92​ @marinohr​ @chrissycallejo​ @ericksmamita​ @mind-of-tavia​ @stressedkitkatttt​ @prettyboypimentel​ @la-undercover-latina
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miericksongo · 4 years
One Day // R.Y.C.P.
©2019-2021 Miericksongo
warnings: one curse word, one middle finger, mentions of not so healthy coping mechanisms, and mentions of cheating
4 years you've been living in Miami.
4 years you've been working for a small media company.
4 years since you've covered CNCO's first concert.
4 years since you started a friendship with the guys of CNCO.
3 years since you began dating Richard Camacho.
2 years since you've started living with him and his daughter, Aaliyah.
1 year since you got a promotion at your job.
3 days since you've found out that Richard Camacho, the supposed "love of your life", has been going behind your back and cheating on you for about 9 months now.
You didn't want to leave him, especially telling him like this. 3 days was a very short time for you to gather the clearest thoughts on the situation, considering your reaction. Crying, pulling hair, thinking you weren't good enough, and hell, the crying was even to the point where you got yourself sick. Literally.
All of your things were in your car in the garage ready to go, the penultimate step to leaving him was to break the news to him, just like he did to your heart.
"Hey Richard...", you called out to him in a softish voice. "Yeah bebecita?", he replied back from the kitchen, looking up from his phone. Taking a deep breath in and closing your eyes, you say the classic line: "We need to talk."
Richard was a bit confused on one side. He didn't know what you'd bring up at this time, but on the other side, he knew. He knew that his infedelity would have its consiquences. He knew that he was giving up a diamond to, in his eyes, cubic zirconia. He knew that you would eventually find out, and based on the type of person you were, probably wouldn't give him a second chance. Looking at you he gave you the cue to speak.
"I know you've been continuously cheating on me with various different women for nearly a year now. Rich, I love you, but why? I know you're not that type of person..."
Richard knew he wasn't that type of person too. In his part, he just wanted to have fun. At times he was tipsy, other times he was not. He wanted to try something new, and with you recently being gone to different award shows across the country and most likely gonna be tired when you return, Richard thought "why not?". There wasn't any way you would have to find out, right? Not many of his hookups were the ones to slap it all over social media, so it would be on the down low for now, but in the back of Richard's mind, he knew, he'd be caught one day, and that day was today.
Taking a deep breath, he decides to speak the truth. "I wanted to try something different, and with you flying to all these award shows, you were probably gonna be tired anyways. So, I figured, why not? But baby, believe me, I was drunk some of those times too-"
At this point, you started to cry a mix of tears. Betrayal, anger, and sadness. Having enough of his shit in such a short time, you say: "Even if I was gone and coming back tired, you could've communicated to me what you wanted. And 'try something new', what's that supposed to mean? That I'm not enough for you, that I'm disposable?"
"But wh-", Richard attempts to reply, but you weren't gonna have it with him anymore.
"No Richard, I'm not gonna listen to you when this is what you've been doing to me, going behind my back betraying me for 9 months. That is NOT what you do to someone that you once said 'significa el mundo para mí'!"
"Y/N I love you, that's never gonna change. The past is the past just-", Richard pleads but then stops cold at the sound of the door to the garage door slamming. As he runs to the garage, he sees you pulling out, sticking your middle finger out the driver's window. Then, he watched your car fade into the road for the very last time.
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richardscamacho · 4 years
love & live.
“i don’t understand your obsession with self image,” you huffed from across the room.
erick took advantage of your back facing toward him and allowed those green eyes to roll back into his skull. then, he watched for a brief moment as you pulled one of his large tee shirts over your head. it was so easy to find himself lost in your every feature, he would’ve lost his train of thought if you hadn’t had this conversation so many times before. it was basically routine at this point in time, permanently etched into his memory.
“that’s because i don’t have an obsession with my self image,” he quipped easily. nimble fingers quickly brushed tufts of dark hair from his line of sight, enabling him to observe you making your way over to the bed. although he could sense your growing annoyance, it took everything in his being not to smile at how lovely you looked without makeup, donning his clothing in place of pajamas. “we’ve been over this, amor. our manager makes those rules, not me.”
“there aren’t any rules about telling your bandmates,” you stated.
flopping down onto the mattress next to him, you placed both palms over your eyes and sighed loudly. not to attract his attention—for you already had all of that—but because you truly did not get him sometimes. you didn’t understand the way he thought, and sometimes, it became easy to doubt your stance in the relationship. it wasn’t that you wanted to leave—because that was the last thing you ever thought about doing—it was that you were unsure of how serious he considered your companionship.
“does it really matter that much to you?”
still, your eyes remained covered. his tone was serious, as opposed to condescending or sarcastic. he seemed genuinely curious to hear your response, though you felt as though it should be obvious. of course it mattered as much to you. not being able to tell the public was understandable, but what about his best friends?
“hey,” he spoke softly, using a gentle touch to remove your hands. when you finally looked up at him, you noticed he was frowning. “i’m sorry, baby. i thought you knew.”
“of course i told them about you. christopher ratted me out, like, weeks ago after i showed up at the studio with a hickey and i was forced to come clean. i just... didn’t think it was a big deal?” he tilted his head to the side, trying to piece together his thoughts. “no—you’re a big deal. you’re one of the most important people in my life, it’s just that i’ve never really seen much necessity in making a big deal out of our relationship in front of the guys. you know how they are.”
it took a moment for it to click in your mind. then, you bursted into a fit of giggles. the more he pouted, the harder you laughed, until tears welled up in your eyes.
“they’ve been teasing you! is that really it?” you asked between exasperated breaths. “oh my gosh, you’re such a baby! why didn’t you just say that?”
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