#ethan x kayce
jerzwriter · 4 months
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July - Sept: 43 Fics Written - 10 CoP, 32 OH, 1 WTD (More stats below break)
July 2023
A Celebration
"...and you have me."
Breathe Again
Objections (Short Series) [Canon Rewrite] Part 1: A Twist of Fate Part 2: Demands, Obligations & Loyalty Part 3: Reunited?
Ethan x Casey (past)
Moving On
Ethan x Kaycee
As Planned
Hot Idea
Tobias x Casey
That's the tea, T. [Feat: Bryce, Ethan]
Sweet Stuff [Feat: Ethan]
I'll Have What She's Having [AU]
Karma is a Barbie Premiere [Feat: Ethan x F!OC]
Moving On - @jerzwriter [Ethan x Casey - past]
Casey x Jessica (F!OC)
High Score 🏳️‍🌈
August 2023:
A Moment in Time
That's a Bet
Take Me Out 🎨by @/artbyainna (IG)
Ethan x Kaycee
I do. Me too. 🎨 by @/artbyainna (IG)
Tobias x Casey
All in the Past (Series - Completed) [Tobias x F!OC, Casey x M!OC] Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3
A New Chapter
High Seas (1/2) [Feat: Ethan]
Is This Magic? (Version 1) 📱
That's One Word [Feat: Bryce x Jensen] Jensen belongs to @mydemonsdrivealimo
When Husbands Become Prey 2 -[Feat: Ethan x Merida, Bryce x Olivia] Merida belongs to @lilyoffandoms Olivia belongs to @storyofmychoices
OH Friends
War & Peace Leftovers [Bryce, Jackie, OH Gang]
With a care in the world. [Eli x Zoe]
September 2023:
A Moment in Time (AU - Series) Part 2: Trystan's POV (2/3)
Ethan x Kaycee
Celebrate [Feat: Tobias]
What's Cooking?
Tobias x Casey
Predictable [AU] [Feat: Ethan x Celia] Celia belongs to @trappedinfanfiction
Movie Night - by @jerzwriter and @mydemonsdrivealimo [Feat: Bryce x Jensen] 🎨 by @/artbyainna (IG)
By Chance... (AU-Series) - @jerzwriter [Tobias x Casey] Part 2: The Morning After Ⓜ️
Her Secret Weapon Ⓜ️🔥
High Seas (2/2) [Feat: Ethan]
The Great Outdoors
Tobias, Ethan
Produce-ing a Laugh
Bryce, Casey (Tobias, kind of)
Know it All 🦄 [Bryce & Casey - platonic, feat: Tobias]
Casey x Jessica (F!OC)
A Quick Study 🦄 - @jerzwriter [Casey x Jess F!OC]
43 Fics
15 July / 15 August / 13 September
10 Crimes of Passion/ 32 Open Heart / 1 Wake the Dead
1 AU
16 Tobias x Casey / 10 Trystan x Carolina / 5 Ethan x Kaycee 3 Tobias x F!OC & Casey X M!OC / 2 Casey x Jess / 2 OH Friends / 2 Ethan, Tobias / 1 Eli x Zoe 1 Ethan x Casey - past / 1 Bryce, Casey
Guest Stars!
1 Bryce x Olivia (@storyofmychoices) 3 Jensen Valentine (@mydemonsdrivealimo) 1 Celia Moore (@trappedinfanfiction)
2 Commissions
1 Ethan x Kaycee 1 Tobias x Casey, Bryce x Jensen
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Steady Heart
Chapter 37: O Death
* Pairing: Slow-burn Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M
* Warnings: language, dread, violence, kidnapping
* Word count: 1,881ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant for being sounding boards for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. I seriously couldn't have gotten this far without y'all.
Author's note: I hope everyone is enjoying so far! I hope you love this chapter as well! Please don’t come for me with pitchforks and torches! 😅
Feel free to scream at me in my ask box. I have a feeling we’re all going to need to.
Stella had gone out to the barn to grab Abigail to go for a night ride. The bay roan was antsy. The mare could tell Stella was anxious. Stella hadn’t really had much of a chance to take her out properly as of late, so that didn’t help.
Kayce said he loved her. That still floored her. She wasn’t sure if she was overreacting or not. Her mind tried to downplay what had happened. The last time she got ahead of herself, she ended up getting humbled really quick. She definitely didn’t want to do that this time.
Stella had a hard time comprehending why Kayce would be interested in her at all. If that’s what was truly happening here. She would have to suck it up sooner or later and find out. Then again, Kayce had bigger things going on. He was getting everything settled and finalized with his soon to be ex-wife. He had a living situation, and the time with his son to figure out. There’s no way he would have even been thinking about her during all of that.
Stella quietly led Abigail to the outside. On their way out of the barn, she spotted a solitary crow sitting on a fence nearby. Her face scrunched. A single crow? At night time? ‘What was that rhyme about crows? One for sorrow? Two for mirth? Somethin’ somethin’ blah blah.’ She felt her chest tighten at the thought of what that could mean. She’d seen one too many single crows lately. ‘You gotta stop freakin’ yourself out, girl.’ Stella heard noise ahead of her and saw Tate over at the round pen. He was alone, with what looked to be an armful of hay. She led Abigail over to the youngin’ and his horse.
“Tate, what’re you doin’ out here all by yourself?” She thought it was strange that he was allowed to come out by himself at night. Yes, the ranch was safe for all intents and purposes, but there was no way to effectively say it was safe at all times. It was late and most of the guys in the bunkhouse were out taking care of Jimmy’s problem. Stella ran a count in her head of who was still home. Jamie, Colby, Ethan, and Jake were the only ones in there. They were probably already looking at the backs of their eyelids.
The little boy latched the gate behind him, and faced her. “Grandpa said I had to feed my horse before I got dessert because it’s not fair that I’m treating myself and he’s down here hungry.”
Stella smiled. “Well he’s right, buddy. We can’t just forget about our pets,” she gently patted Abigail’s shoulder. “Do you want a ride back to the house? I’ll let you ride while I walk her.”
Tate’s eyes lit up. “Yeah!”
“Alright, bud. Come stand over here.” Stella knelt down and cupped her hands so Tate could step into them in order to give him a hike into the saddle. When he was seated safely, she handed him one of Abigail’s reins and held the other to walk her along. “So back to what your grandpa was saying.”
Tate sighed. He hadn’t been expecting a lecture from Stella.
“They depend on us. If we don’t come to help them out, they can’t just go get the hay or the feed for themselves.” Stella looked up at the boy. “They don’t have thumbs.” She wiggled her thumbs at him, successfully making him giggle.
“Yeah, you’re right, Aunt Stell. I gotta start thinking about him too.”
Stella nodded, “now you’re thinkin’ like a cowboy.” The fast crunch and skid of tires on the gravel of the hill could be heard not far behind them.
“Who’s that?” Tate questioned.
Stella’s face pulled into a frown and stopped Abigail’s motion and quickly walked around front of her. She wasn’t familiar with the van. Her stomach dropped thinking back to a few weeks ago with those men that were following her. How she said to Kayce a few nights back, “how can you be sure? There’s so many places people can sneak onto the property and we all would be none the wiser.” A couple men spilled out of the van and started to close the gap between them rapidly.
“Tate, get down now!” She clambered to catch the boy so he didn’t hit the ground too hard. She grabbed his shoulders to hold his attention. Quickly, she explained to him, “no matter what happens next, no matter what you hear, I need you to run. And if you can’t make it to the house, I need you to hide in the best hide and seek spot you can think of that’s out of sight and don’t come out until you hear someone you know! Do you understand me?”
He shook his head quickly.
“Take Abigail, use her as cover to run until you aren’t seen anymore. She’ll find someone when she runs off. Go!”
“But Aunt Stel —,” Tate started to object, but Stella cut him off.
“— I said go!! Run!” Stella yelled at him. She hated to scare him, but something was awfully wrong about the situation.
She knew Abigail would make her way back to the barn or in front of the bunkhouse. Stella needed her to be a distraction to keep Tate safe. She stalked off to the round pen. Cursing herself that she only had her hunting knife on her.
“Can I help y’all?” Stella called out to them, shocked at herself for sounding almost like Rip.
“Yeah we’re looking to get a message to John Dutton.” The lead man expressed.
“You are, huh?” She slid the knife out of its belt holster, that belonged to her and Ryan’s dad, in a fluid motion. To the men she approached it looked like she fixed her jacket. “Y’all tell me and you can leave. I’ll relay the message.” She tried to keep her eyes on the men and make sure she could see where Abigail was headed in her peripheral vision. If she couldn’t see Abigail anymore that meant Tate was one step closer to safety.
“Nah we can’t do that. We were sent with a specific purpose. You weren’t it.” The lead man confessed. Stella’s heart sank at the implication about Kayce’s son. “Now where’s the boy, Stella?”
Her hands started to go clammy. Her breathing was shallow. “How do you know my name?”
“We know a lot of things about you. About everyone here.”
The second man started to search around. Stella couldn’t see Abigail any longer. She closed her eyes for a split second and breathed hard. She prayed with every last bit of her soul that Tate was on his way to his grandpa.
“That’s nice, but you need to leave. You’re not getting anything.”
“We came for the boy, and we will not let anyone, let alone some girl, stop us.” The lead man yelled to his partner, “Cut out farther until you find him. I’ll take care of her.”
Stella turned abruptly, starting to make a mad dash for the bunkhouse. Her burning legs wanted to give out, but she pushed them to go faster. She could hear the lead man behind her as he gained length on her. He was almost on top of her and she panicked. She grabbed a piece of rebar sticking out of the sand by the round pen and swung it at the face of the lead man, hard. Stella swung as if she was trying for a home run.
The man’s jaw snapped shut and reopened as he let out a deafening scream. He grabbed the bar tight and yanked her toward him. “You filthy bitch!” The man’s words came out garbled. He gripped up Stella’s hair and pulled as hard as he could.
Stella stabbed at the man with her knife, but in her panic she didn’t have a good hold. She punctured his leg and he howled in pain. It didn’t have the desired effect Stella had wanted. She jabbed wildly and got him in his side twice before the lead man was able to slip it out of her hands.
Tate must have seen her struggle because he screamed her name loud and clear from not far off, “Aunt Stella!!”
“Fuck!” She wrestled with the man to get her balance back and his hand out of her hair. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tate as he ran over to her. “Tate, I said run to the house!” Stella screamed at him.
Tate continued to dart toward her, he wanted to get the men away from Stella. He was snatched up by the second man she’d lost sight of.
“Stella!!” His tiny voice hollered. Tate struggled against the second man’s grasp.
Stella broke loose from the lead man and started to scramble for the second, but was grabbed from behind. “Fuck you piece of shit! Let us go!”
A fist hammered down onto her head from the man that had her, knocking her glasses off her face. She groaned as her vision blurred. She tried to get her foot behind or under the man’s leg, to sweep his foot out but he stayed on top of it. His arms were wrapped around the top of hers as she struggled to gain some high ground. She didn’t want to do this, but she didn’t have any other option but to ram her head backwards into his nose as hard as she could. She hoped she would break it.
Stella and the lead man both cried out, and he loosened his grip. Her head started to thump wildly. Quickly slipping her right arm out of the weak hold he had on it, Stella wrapped it around the lead man’s neck and tried to flip him like she would a calf. They both hit the ground and groaned. Stella was winded and half woozy, but scrambled her way to standing.
She ran forward trying to make it closer to the bunkhouse. A silent prayer was said. Stella let out a scream she hoped would be heard by the entire ranch. “Colby! Anyone help!!” She would have gotten away if the other man hadn’t been enraged and made his way back for her after getting Tate in the van.
“Fuck!” She squeaked out. He gripped her up by the neck making her lose air and landed a solid fist to her face that dazed her. Her posture drooped and the man behind her let her fall to the ground.
She tried to claw her way back to standing to run toward the van. Both men kicked her sides, her head, her arms; anything they could get at to make sure she stayed down. The bunkhouse was too far away to have heard their screams clearly. She couldn’t breathe from the wind being knocked out of her and her vision was starting to go. No one was coming this time. With one final attempt to crawl back to her feet to get to the van, the lead man landed a knockout blow to her chin with his foot and Stella stopped moving all together. That solitary crow cawed and fluttering wings was the last thing Stella heard.
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brooklynislandgirl · 6 months
10 Fandoms / 10 Characters / 10 Tags
Tagged By: my loves @kylo-wrecked and @tangleweave Tagging: Anyone who feels like they need one more Sunday this weekend.
I. Marvel: Beta-Ray Bill, Eddie Brock/Venom, Doctor Strange, Phil Coulson, Vision, Groot, Spider-Man {Peter Parker}, Gambit, Doctor Morbius, Bucky Barnes. M'Baku {Hate the moniker of 'Man-Ape'}. Magneto. Loki. Night Crawler. Frank "Punisher" Castle. Colossus. Danny "Iron Fist" Rand. Foggy Nelson. Ghost Rider {Both Johnny Blaze and Robbie Reyes, "Caretaker" Carter Slade}. I know that's more than 10. Whatever, I do what I want. >.> II. DC: Lex Luthor, Nanaue {King Shark}, Martian Man Hunter, John Constantine, The Joker, Jonathan Crane, Morpheus {Dream of the Endless}, Death of the Endless, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Bane, Swamp Thing, Green Lantern. Cisco Ramon. Hunter Zoloman.
I absolutely blame @nightmarefuele for at least two of these.
III. Star Wars: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Admiral Piett. Kylo Ren. Wedge Antilles. Kit Fisto. Han Solo. Chewbacca. Jocasta Nu. Darth Rivan {not to be confused with Darth Revan}. Jos Vondar. Jango and Boba Fett, and of course, all my 10,000,000,000 Clone children. No I will not be taking questions.
IV. Star Trek: Worf, Martok, Gowron, Chancellor Gorkon, Kurn, Dr McCoy, Uhura, Sulu, Chekhov, Chris Pike, Ortegas, Nurse Chapel, Geordie La Forge, Riker, Data, Lore, Chief O'Brien, Q, Benjamin Cisco, Garak, Gul Dukat, Quark. V. Firefly: Mal Reynolds, Jayne Cobb, Hobun Washburne, Zoe Washburne, Shepherd Book, Kaylee Frye, YoSafBridge, Adalai Niska, Badger, Jubal Early Take my life, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care 'cause I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me. {{My coat has always been a little...brownish.}
VI. The Walking Dead: Shane Walsh, Daryl and Merle Dixon, Michonne Hawthorne, Abraham Ford, Glenn Rhee, The Governor, Bob Stookey, Ezekiel, Dwight, Aaron, Morgan Jones. VII. Justified: Raylan, Boyd, Ava, Art, Rachel, Tim, Dewey Crowe, Johnny Crowder, Loretta McCready, Robert Quarles, Ellstin Limehouse, Mags Bennett, Devil, Jean Baptiste, Boon, Willa, Carolyn, Sweety... oh so many. VIII. Yellowstone: John, Jamie, Beth, Kayce Dutton, Rip Wheeler, Jimmy Hurdstrom, Thomas Rainwater, Mo Brings Plenty, Lloyd, Colby, Teeter, Jake, Ethan, Angela Blue Thunder, Malcolm Beck. IX. Law & Order- Alphabet Soup: Captain Cragen, Lenny Briscoe, Mike Logan, Anita Van Buren, Jack McCoy. Rey Curtis, Ed Green, Arthur Branch, Cyrus Lupo, Kevin Bernard, Frank Cosgrove, Jalen Shaw. Elliot Stabler, Olivia Benson, Odafin Tutuola, John Munch, Chester Lake, Melinda Warner, Amanda Rollins, Rafael Barba, Dominick Carisi, Peter Stone, Bobby Goran. I have seen literally every episode of the American Law & Order franchise Original, SVU, CI, OC, etc...with the first three watched multiple times. While I often wouldn't call it my most favourite show...it's probably my most favourite shows.
X. The Lord of the Rings: Boromir and Faramir, Éomer and Éowyn, Theoden King, Theodred, Gimli, Pippin, Sam, Meriadoc, Fangorn {Treebeard}, Beorn, Celebrimbor, Bard the Bowman, Dwalin, Celeborn, Denethor, Gil-Galad king, Fingolfin, The Watcher in the Water, Maedhros, Finwe, Manwe...and I could go on for years. My first true fandom as we know it {probably Arthurian Legend was my first and truest fictional love}, and one I have been faithful to for over 25 years. Honestly never please talk to me about it, because I have rabid opinions about literally everything. And lastly, I only included tv/movies here because books and rpgs would require an entire three or four Long Ass Posts all of their own. Much Love.
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Characters I will write for.
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Marcus Kane
Clarke griffin
Octavia Blake
Game of Thrones
Robb Stark
Jaime Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Jon Snow
Big Sky
Beau Arlen
Cormac Barnes (maybe in the future 🤔)
Kayce Dutton
John Dutton
Rip Wheeler
Lee Dutton
James Dutton
Elsa Dutton
Spencer Dutton
Jacob Dutton
Jack Dutton
Star Wars
Obi Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Cassian Andor
Evan Buck Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Bobby Nash
Chris Pratt characters
Owen Grady
Peter Quill/Starlord
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Alaric Saltzman
Matt Donavan
Caroline Forbes
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Ethan Machado
Landon Kieby
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Hope Mikaelson
Ken (King of Gods)
Grey's Anatomy
Alex Karev
Derek Shepherd
Mark Sloan
Chandler Bing
Ross Geller
Joey Tribiani
David/Prince Charming
Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold
Robin Hood
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Tony Stark/Iron Man
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Andrew or Tom)
Thor Odinson
Charles Xavier
Erik Lehnsherr
Chicago PD
Jay Halstead
Adam Ruzek
Young Sheldon
Georgie Cooper
Missy Cooper
Pearl Harbor (2001)
Rafe McCawley
Danny Walker
Sebastian de Poitiers/Bash
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jerzwriter · 10 months
OK, for all y'all that wanted Ethan content... you're getting some tonight, and I promise... you're gonna cry. Don't worry, in a good way.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Something New
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Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC, F!OC x M!OC
Rating: Teen
Words: 2,100
Category: Fluff
Summary: It's a special day for Ethan, and his daughter, Emma, has a big surprise in store for him.
A/N: Alexandra Lenarychyk is my FC for Ethan & Kaycee's daughter, Emma. She recently posted a photo of her and a friend as children and now... and this idea was born. I hope you enjoy it. @choiceschallenge-may2023 | falling in love, childhood friends.
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It felt like the rain hadn’t stopped all week, and Kaycee officially had enough. As she white-knuckled the steering wheel to avoid a large puddle in the middle of Storrow Drive, the meteorologist speaking on the radio nearly did her in.  
… one more inch of rain, and we will have a record! And trust me, we’re getting at least another inch of rain today! This will officially be the wettest week in Boston’s history!
“Of course it is! I’m glad he’s so happy about it! But this is just….”
While Kaycee was becoming increasingly flustered, Emma was unphased. Blissfully smiling at a text she just received, it seemed like nothing would dampen her mood. But as her mother began spiraling, Emma slipped her phone into her pocket to offer an assist.
“Mom,” Emma interrupted. “It’s going to be OK. The party is still three days away. Let this rain get out of the way now.”
Kaycee turned to her daughter with a weary smile.
“But Emma, it’s supposed to rain Saturday, too.”
“So? Does the venue have an indoor space available?”
“It does,” Kaycee sighed.
“Well, there you go.”
“But it’s not as nice and… I want this to be perfect for your father. We all do.”
“I understand. The Ethan Ramsey finally agreed to retire….”
“Well… retire as much as the Ethan Ramsey can,” Kaycee laughed. 
“True. I’m still astonished he even agreed to this party!”
“There may have been some arm twisting involved,” Kayce chuckled. “The Board really wants to honor him for all he’s given to Edenbrook through the years, but he would never agree to it. That’s why they called me in.”
“Smart move,” Emma grinned. “No one can convince him to do something like you can.”  
“Or you,” Kaycee replied. “You’ve had him wrapped around your fingers since the day you were born!”
“So, you see! We’ll both be there, and everyone else Dad loves will be, too. That’s all that matters in the end. It will all work out, Mom. It always does.”
Kaycee squeezed her daughter’s hand as they approached a red light.
“You are a smart young woman,” she beamed. “Your parents must be so proud of you!”
“Yep. They taught me well.”
All that worry was for naught; Saturday arrived, and it couldn’t have been a more glorious day. The sun shone in the azure sky, and not a single cloud was found on the horizon. A delicate breeze wafted the scent of roses through the air, and no wonder, it seemed every bud on the Eastern seaboard was adorning the patio where Ethan’s retirement reception was being held.
Emma was sitting alone at the table, nursing a glass of rose. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched her parents in the distance, laughing, socializing, even dancing… she had never seen her father so at ease. If only the same could be said for her. Her eyes anxiously ricocheted between the entrance and stealing quick glances at her phone. The pattern repeated until, finally, a warm glow spread on her face. A tuft of dark hair was all she saw at first, but she didn’t need anymore to know that it was him. Before he even saw her, she was at his side, playfully pulling him behind a flower wall and lovingly peppering him with kisses.
“Emm… mmm.”
She silenced him with a kiss, and as much as he wanted to pull away, he knew resistance was futile. The man was putty in her hands. Still, his warm cocoa eyes shot open when he remembered where they were. He had to retain some control, at least for now.
“Emma…” he whispered, gently pushing her away. “What are you doing?”
“Isn’t that clear?” she sang in response. “I’ve missed you, Julio.”
“It’s only been two days,” he smiled as Emma mocked indignance.
“Are you saying you didn’t miss me?” she pouted.  
The young man couldn’t keep a straight face but managed to keep his laughter low enough to avoid attention.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re impossible, Emma Rose?”
“Mmm, frequently. But you love me this way.” With a playful kiss, she nudged him forward. “Come on, let’s go join the party.”
While Emma was happily on her way, Julio turned pale as a ghost. Reaching for her hand, he brought her to a halt.
“Emma… you’re sure this is a good idea, right?”
“What?” she questioned with a tilt of her head. “Julio, we’ve been best friends since second grade. My mother invited you personally… how could there be a problem?”
“The problem is… I’m not just your best friend anymore.”
“Oh, that’s a problem,” she winked coquettishly, and Julio looked like an impish schoolboy once again.  
“I’m glad you find this so amusing,” he snickered. “Just promise you’ll visit me after your father lands me in the hospital.”
“Mmm…” she hummed with a wicking grin. “At least Dad’s retired now, so you won’t have to worry about seeing him. Uncle Tobias or my Aunt Sienna will take good care of you after you’re admitted.”
“It’s so much fun being in love with a comedian,” he smirked. “You know, if law school doesn’t work out for you, it’s a valid career choice.”
“I agree. But seriously, Julio. Six months is long enough to keep what we have under wraps. It’s time to let the whole world know.”
“I agree, mi amor. But… maybe your father’s retirement banquet isn’t the best time and place to make the announcement?”  
“Well, it’s not like I’m telling him before his speech,” she grinned. “That would be stupid. My Mom is going to be over the moon.”
“Yes… and your dad is going to kill me.”
“My dad loves you,” she laughed.
“Your Dad loved your best friend, Julio. He loved the little boy who always ripped the cheese off his pizza to give to you because he knew you loved it so much. He loved your friend who jumped in to take you to the prom when whatever that asshole’s name was….”
“Yes! When Roy stood you up at the last second. He loved the man who hopped in his car to drive from Hopkins to Princeton in the middle of a blizzard just to make sure you were OK after your accident.”
“Well, he did think that last one was a little idiotic.” She put her hands on her hips and did her best Ethan imitation. “Son, while I appreciate what you did. But Emma was already safe, and you could have been killed!”
“I could have been,” he said, brushing a stray curl from her face. “But did he think I could hear that my Emma was in the hospital and I wouldn’t move heaven and earth to get to her?”
“Mmmm, but I wasn’t your Emma then,” she teased.
“You were always my Emma.”
Overcome, Emma leaned forward, and the young couple’s lips met in a passionate kiss. It wasn’t that they didn’t care that two hundred of her family’s closest friends and colleagues were on the other side of the wall… but, at that moment, they were the only two people in the world. Emma pulled back and lovingly gazed into his eyes for a moment before kissing him again. Lost in a world of their own until…
“Ethan!” Kaycee signed with relief. “I’ve been looking for you! It’s time to make your speech, and…oh….”
Emma’s body froze; she tucked her head into the crook of Julio’s neck and prayed that her alarm would go off and ensure this was just a dream. But her boyfriend's racing heart, and her father’s screaming silence made it very clear… it was not.
“Oh, shit,” she muttered softly.
An astonished Kaycee bit her lower lip and looked nervously between her husband, daughter, and the young man who wanted the Earth to swallow him whole. Her heart was thundering for a second, then she broke into the biggest smile.  
“Juilo!” she beamed, pulling him into a hug. “I’m so glad you were able to make it! And just in time for Ethan’s speech!” Kaycee turned to Ethan, imploring him with her eyes. “Isn’t that wonderful, Ethan?”
But Ethan hadn’t heard his wife’s words, nor anything else. He looked even taller when he stood like this, erect, face set in stone, seething in uncomfortable silence.
“Uh, Ethan,” Julio fumbled. “Congratulations… sir… I’m really glad I could be here for….”
“I bet you are,” Ethan bristled.
“Dad,” Emma jumped in. “I’m sorry you had to find out like this. Julio and I planned on telling you both today after the party. It’s just that….”
“…he had to paw my daughter like a wild animal during one of the pivotal moments in my life first.”
“Oh, Ethan, for heaven’s sake,” Kaycee groaned with a shake of her head.
“It was a kiss, Dad! It’s not as if we were getting naked!”
“Emma, please think of better words….” Julio shivered.
“How long?” Ethan snapped. “How long has this been going on?”
“For six months,” Emma replied.
“For six… for six… for six months you’ve been sneaking around behind our backs?”
Kaycee moved next to her husband and nudged his arm. “Ethan, our daughter is twenty-two years old. Can you stop acting like this… it’s embarrassing.”
Ignoring her, he stared daggers at Julio. “And you kept this from me?”
“Ethan…” Julio started.
“I think you should revert to calling me Dr. Ramsey.”
“All right, Dr. Ramsey…. I really wish we could have told you the way we planned. But trust me, Emma and I didn’t want to disrespect or hurt you. It’s just… we’ve been best friends most of our lives, and before we told everyone, we just wanted to be sure….”
“Sure of what?” Ethan interrupted.
“That this was it. That we were really… in love…,” Julio took Emma’s hand. “I love your daughter, sir. I think I always have. I regret that you found out this way, but I don’t regret loving her. I don’t regret the last six months, though I have some regrets that it took us both so long to see what was right before our eyes this entire time.”  
Ethan turned to his daughter with sadness in his eyes. “You kept this from your Mom and me for six months?”
“Oh, Ethan, stop!” Kaycee spat. “Shall I drag Alan in here to tell them how long we were together before you told him?”  
“Kaycee,” Ethan whispered. “This isn’t the time….”
“It’s exactly the time. Ethan… this is wonderful news!”  Turning to Emma and Julio, she squealed. “Oh my God, you tow…. You’re in love?”  
“Mom, I’m so in love and, Dad, Mom is right… this is wonderful. You always told me you wanted me to find someone who would love me the way you love Mom and… well… I have.”
“She has…” Julio whispered. “I swear.”
Kaycee wrapped her arms around the young couple. “You know there is no one in the world that we’d rather see Emma with! This is the best gift you could have given us today…. Right, Ethan?”  
Ethan’s shoulders visibly dropped as his expression softened, his eyes meeting Emma’s, and he swore she looked like she was six years old again when she smiled at him.
“I suppose… I suppose it could be worse,” he mumbled.
“Kind of like she looks appropriate?” Kaycee mocked.
“Thank you, Dad.”
Ethan stepped forward and embraced his daughter. “I am happy for you, baby. It’s just hard to accept that you’re not my little girl anymore.”  
“And here I would have thought paying four years of tuition at Princeton would have handled that?”
“You had inherit your mother’s sass, didn’t you?”
“Would you have had it any other way?” Emma giggled.
“No,” Ethan smiled, tears welled in his eyes. “That’s exactly how I hoped you would be.”
“Good! And Dad, I’m grown now… but you know I will always be your little girl.”
“That’s it,” Kaycee said, handing Ethan a tissue. “Make him cry before his speech, sweetheart.��
Ethan approached Julio and extended his hand, and when the young man went to take it, he pulled him into a hug.
“I’ve always liked you, Julio, and I am happy for the two of you. But after my speech… we’re having a talk.”
“Absolutely, Dr. Ramsey.”
“Please… let’s go back to Ethan.”
“Gladly,” Julio smiled.
“Now, I hate to interrupt this love fest, but you have a speech to give, dear. Let’s go!”
“Yes, dear….” Ethan sighed. 
They began to walk off when Ethan turned around. 
“Emma… Julio… would you like to join your mother and me on the podium?”
The young lovers looked at each other and smiled. “We’d be honored,” Emma replied.
Kaycee wrapped her arm around Emma and gushed. “Tonight, you are giving me all the details, young lady… I mean all the details!”
As the two women walked ahead, Ethan put his arm around Julio.
“I still plan on talking to you after the speech,” he assured.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Julio laughed.  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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keep-the-wolves-close · 2 months
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Steady Heart
Chapter 16: Down
* Pairing: Slow-burn Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M
* Warnings: language, tame angst, kidnapping, hanging someone with a noose
* Word count: 2,944ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant for being sounding boards for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. I seriously couldn't have gotten this far without y'all
Author's note: Oh shit y’all, it’s gettin’ real. We definitely see a different side to Miss Stella-belle here. A scary side. I hope everyone is enjoying so far! I hope you love this chapter as well!
Stella sat at the table and watched the guys play poker. She was situated in between Jimmy and Ethan. After the whole fighting with Rip situation and everything that followed, it was nice to just kick back for a few minutes and relax. Since she wasn’t playing, she decided to get comfortable. She cocked her chair at the right angle to be able to lean back against Jimmy and part of his chair.
Jimmy looked down at Stella and back up in confusion. Most of the guys didn’t question her quirks anymore, so this would have been normal if it was anyone else she leaned on. He whispered to her. “What’re you doin’?”
“Makin’ myself comfy. What about it?”
“Nothin’.” He shook his head and went back to his cards. He noticed Stella trying to peek at them and laid them flush against the table. She went back to watching everyone shuffle things around.
“If you have three 10’s we’re fist fighting.” Ryan told Colby. Stella smirked figuring out she came by her punchy mindset honestly from her brother.
“Actually I do.” Colby taunted back.
“Yes, yes.” Ryan sarcastically agreed.
“We all know I do.”
“Here’s the river.” Lloyd laid out the cards in a row.
“Oh!” Ryan exclaimed. “Did you get it?” He asked Colby.
Jimmy looked at the card on the table and fought for his life to hold in laughter. Stella glanced between him and Colby.
“Is that your poker face Jimmy?” Stella asked.
“Cause you look like you gotta take a shit.” Colby stated. He looked at Stella leaning on the wrangler. “Stella what are you doin’?”
“I’m comfortable. A lot has happened to me over the last week. I’m tired.” Jimmy flattened his face, trying for a better look.
“A little better my dude, but you still kinda look like a toddler.” Stella laughed.
“I don’t think your bad lucks run out yet. I’m all in.” Ryan teased the newest wrangler. Jimmy pursed his lips.
“Ooh, I think you’re bluffin’ but I’m too broke to take that chance.” Jake said and folded.
Colby smiled at the faces Jimmy was making, pleased to see him gain some confidence. “This ain’t Go Fish Jimmy. I’m all in too.” Colby slapped his cards onto the table.
A chorus of oooos followed the action. Stella watched like a hawk. Jimmy looked at her and smiled. She could sense he was about to hit hard.
“Turn ‘em over boys.” Lloyd prompted.
“What do we got?” Ryan asked impatiently.
“Flush.” Colby declared.
Jimmy flipped his cards over and he had two aces. Everyone at the table laughed at the surprising turn. Jimmy flipped them all double birds. Colby and Ryan look disappointed that they’d lost.
The door swung open. Rip came with Avery behind him. Stella almost danced in her seat that she was finally here. “Hey boys, this here is Avery. She’s the new groomer. You treat her like a cowboy, you understand what I mean?”
Rip introduced the women for the sake of saving face. “Stella, Avery.” He faced Avery. “She’s the horse trainer, you can work with her.”
“Perfect!” She smiled at Avery. They shared a secret look.
Stella watched Rip leave with a smirk and the house got silent. It sounded like someone hit the mute button on a tv. Every man in the room was sitting like a little kid that was about to get sick. After about 10 seconds Stella belly laughed and looked at Avery as the woman got closer to her. “Girl, I have never heard this house this quiet.” She looked at her brother. “We should have done this sooner.”
“Which bunks free?” Avery walked around the table and assessed the house's layout.
“Uh, back on the left.” Ryan pointed out quietly.
“Didn’t you used to be at —,” Colby started to ask, but Avery cut him off quickly.
“— yup. Where’s the pisser?”
Ryan looked at Stella like she’d grown 17 heads. She smirked and gave him a shrug. Jake pointed to the back hallway.
“Shower that way too?”
“Unless somebody moved it.” Lloyd said.
Avery walked back around the table and grabbed her bag. She took her stuff over to her new bunk and all the wranglers rushed to follow. Stella came up next to her brother and leaned against the wall, excited to see the disruption the men were experiencing. Avery pulled off her jacket. Walker sat up, interested in where this was going.
“Well,” Avery sighed and started undoing her belt. “Might as well get this over with.” She yanked her pants down. All the men averted their eyes. Stella barked out laughter and slapped her thigh.
“I don’t know why you’re all so nervous. I’ve had my ass in every face in this room.” Avery jested.
Stella was near choking on her laughter, tears streamed down her cheeks. She clutched her belly, trying to breathe. “Oh,” she groaned. “I’m sorry Avery. Give your mission statement.” Stella calmed herself.
“For the record,” she stepped toward the group in the archway. “If I wake up in the middle of the night to one of you assholes standing over me beatin’ your root,” she made sure to look at all of them. “I’ll cut it off.” She pulled her shirt off and made her way to the bathroom. “Gimme 15 then deal me in would ya?”
Everyone turned to go sit back down. Ryan stayed in the archway and looked up at the ceiling. “God, this was not a test I was expecting.” He turned, glaring at his sister before making his way to his seat. Walker got up, grabbed his hat and put on his coat.
“Where you goin’?” Lloyd asked from the table.
“I’ve worked for some strange outfits in my day. This place beats ‘em all.”
Stella came over and took her seat in between Jimmy and Ethan again.
The game was in full swing with Avery this time. Everyone talked all at once. Stella spectated from the sidelines. Amused at Avery taking the table for suckers. Stella cheered for her victory. Avery leaned over the table collecting her wins.
The door opened and Stella spotted Kayce coming in. It was an odd occurrence but not unwelcome. He caught Stella leaning against Jimmy and his face looked accusatory. She sat up and opened her mouth to say something, but he looked more than angry, so she thought better of it.
He locked eyes with Avery. Both of them looked like the world had stopped turning. “Somebody point me to an empty bunk,” he gruffly asked.
Stella saw the interaction and felt her stomach drop when the room got quiet again. Yes, she didn’t know why Kayce was here and asking for a bunk, but with the way Kayce looked at Avery, she wasn’t exactly sure what was going on. She looked down at the table, trying to make herself as invisible as possible.
Stella quietly offered, “the only bunk left is the one above mine.”
He walked by and Stella watched Avery become entranced by him. Stella reached out to him. They brushed hands in a silent hi, but no words were spoken. Stella slouched forward, curling into herself.
Kayce threw his bag and it landed with a hard thud against the wall. He took his hat off and placed it on the bed. All the wranglers freaked out, telling him not to put it on the bed, all at once. Stella let out a soft chuckle because she knew Kayce’s thoughts on the matter.
Kayce glared at the decibel level. “I don’t believe in that shit.”
“Nobody told me that was an option.” Jimmy sounded exasperated.
“It’s not.” Lloyd says while Colby laughed.
Stella glanced up and saw Avery making literal heart eyes at Kayce across the room. The weird possessiveness that took over her made her feel sick. She needed to nip that quick. She could hear Kayce take off his zip up and throw it.
Ryan tapped the table, pulling Avery and Stella back to the present. “All right come on. Let’s play again.” The cards start shuffling around on the table. Ryan called Avery out. “You, big talker.”
“Yeah yeah yeah.” She mocked him.
Kayce looked back at everyone. He stole a glimpse at Avery, looked to the sky, and shook his head. He caught Stella’s eye, but let it go. He jumped up on his bunk with a grunt, laid back and covered his face with his hat.
Stella went over to her bunk. It was going to be a long night. Rip had told her to stick around. Something to do with John needing something done and it was time to teach her. She tapped Kayce on the elbow. He sighed loudly.
“What Stella?”
Stella shrunk back like she touched the electric fence for the cattle. “Nevermind.”
Her voice was small and it killed him to hear it. He just didn’t have the patience to answer questions. He felt the frame shift when Stella climbed into the bottom bunk.
Everyone woke up the next morning and got ready for the day. Stella tried to get out of the house first, but Kayce had beat her to it. From the looks of it, he had been out here with Rip and Lloyd for a while.
Kayce frowned and asked, “the hell are you doin’ here?”
Her eyebrows shot up and she made a face over her glasses at him. “Good mornin’ to you too.” She pushed her glasses up and continued. “I was asked to come along.”
“You what?”
“I didn’t stutter, Kayce.” She snapped at him. If he was going to be bitchy at her, she’d hand it right back. She shoved her hands in her jacket pockets.
Rip gave them their orders. “You two drive separate. We need two trucks.” Kayce huffed and went to his vehicle.
Stella glared at Rip from where she stood. He glared back and raised his eyebrows effectively getting her to stomp over to Kayce's truck. Rip wasn’t sure what had happened there, but they needed to put it aside and get the work done. Work didn’t wait for an argument to end.
She heard the door unlock and climbed in without waiting for permission. She didn’t even bother to look at Kayce. She put on her seatbelt and looked out the window. Cracking her window she refused to give Kayce the time of day.
Kayce cleared his throat, “Stella,” he paused and she watched his reflection in the window. He still looked angry. “Look at me.”
“No. You’re being an asshole.”
Kayce scoffed. “Whatever.” He roughly started the truck and they pulled out.
When they arrived downtown, Rip pulled into a parking spot and Kayce backed in. He put his hand on Stella’s headrest to look back at what he was doing. Stella grumbled to herself because an odd feeling came over her at the masculine display. She shook her head, forcing herself to remember she was angry at him and he had a wife. They got out and Rip gave them quick directions. They had to act as fast and as inconspicuous as they could. Lloyd was to start following Dan, then Rip, and then Kayce and Stella would accomplish getting him into Rip’s truck. Before then, they had to act natural.
Stella nodded at the orders wondering what natural was gonna be for them. Going to stand at the front of Kayce’s truck turned her ball cap forward and pulled the brim down to hide her face. Kayce stood next to her and said nothing. It was hard to ignore that his elbow brushed against her arm though. Always touching somehow. Stella bit her tongue and kept looking at the ground.
“What’s wrong?” Kayce asked quietly. He leaned an arm on the back of the truck and turned his body to face her.
She cringed inwardly at having to make this look convincing. She angled her head to look up at him under the brim of his black cowboy hat. “Nothing.”
“C’mon Stella, you gotta give me more than that.”
“I don’t have to give you shit. You’ve been an asshole since yesterday when I only wanted to say hi. I’m just returning the favor.”
Kayce groaned. “You can’t hold that against me.”
“Why can’t I?” She turned her body to face his. Her jaw clenched and she spoke through her teeth. “It was unwarranted. I did nothing to deserve that except say hi.” Stella poked his chest. “So I don’t don’t owe you shit. End of discussion. We’ve got work to do.” Kayce clenched his jaw as she turned her gaze elsewhere.
When she chose to look past Kayce, she could see Jenkins walking down the sidewalk. Lloyd swung in behind him from in between two random cars. Dan glanced behind him at the motion. Stella could see him tense up. Dan saw Rip leaning casually on an SUV. Rip stepped up onto the sidewalk and walked along the curb next to Jenkins. Dan started to reach for his pocket. He pulled out his phone, took a few more steps, and started to jog while trying to duck in between cars. Rip started whistling like he would if they were wrangling.
Dan found out the hard way that he wasn’t going to get through because Kayce spun on his heels and rounded in between the trucks fast. Stella came behind him at his back. Kayce grabbed Dan so he couldn’t run and opened stellas door. Stella opened the door to Rip's vehicle and she and Rip shoved Dan into the truck.
Kayce maneuvered Stella in front of him and let her climb in the truck. Kayce put his hands in his pockets and walked nonchalantly around to the driver’s side. Rip pulled out quickly one way while Kayce and Stella went another.
Everyone made it back to the ranch from opposite directions. They stopped by the bunkhouse and sent Stella to grab Jimmy. She wandered in looking for the not so new newbie. “Jimmy? We need your help with something. Grab your coat.”
He looked up from what he was doing. “Oh alright. I’ll be right behind you.”
Stella turned on her heel and stepped back through the door. She opened the back door of the truck so Jimmy could quickly get in.
Rip and Kayce drove them out to the middle of nowhere in the woods on the property. Lloyd brought up the rear with a horse. Rip looked at Stella. “Stand off to the side. We’ll take care of this part.”
She leaned back against the tree next to Jimmy. Lloyd held the horse in place. Stella was starting to put two and two together. The horse was placed underneath a thick branch. She let out a harsh huff. ‘Fuck they’re gonna string him up like old cowboys.’ She felt eyes on her and found Kayce watching her. She knew he was confused as to why she was here, why she was involved in something like this. Rip told her John wanted her here. She didn’t ask why, she just wanted to help in any way she could.
Rip knew John wanted Kayce to learn and he wanted Stella by his son’s side. When Rip heard her declaration of helping Kayce until her dying breath, he knew she had to be brought in and this was the perfect opportunity. She couldn’t help Kayce fight for this place if she didn’t know what was going on behind the scenes.
With some struggle from Dan, they got the noose around his neck and placed him on the horse. Rip tossed the end of the rope to Jimmy over the tree. “Tie that up tight.”
“You guys are fucking idiots!” Dan screamed. “You’ll rot in prison for this the rest of your fucking lives.”
Rip threatened him with a sneer. “No no no. It happens all the time. The lost souls, they come out here into the forest and they can’t bear to live another day. So they decide to end it all.”
Kayce looks down and smirks under his hat at the implied threat. Stella swallowed and stood straight.
“It’s really toughest on the kids, ya know? They never understand why.” Rip kept going.
“Fuck you.” Dan cursed at him.
“Don’t you look at me you piece of shit. You look at them.” Rip tossed his head to Kayce and Stella. “Stand so he can see you too.” Stella accepted that she was in this now, and there was no turning back. She put her hands in her jacket pockets and moved up in front of Kayce, and he placed his arm around Stella’s side and grasped it. He needed to feel like she was safe. He could control that. “They have to understand what they’re up against.” Kayce and Stella observed Dan from below.
Rip continued, prompting Dan to give up information to the pair. “That semi that ran into Mr. Dutton’s truck? Was that an accident?” Kayce and Stella’s faces pulled together in realization at the same time.
Dan admitted, looking at them. “It was a convenient opportunity.”
Kayce licked his lips agitated and looked down quickly. Stella’s face tightened as it settled into an aggressive resting position at the knowledge from Dan. She leaned back against Kayce, disgusted at the information.
“Well it ain’t so convenient now, is it?” Rip influenced him. Dan grabbed at the rope around his neck and grunted. Losing some air as the horse cocked its hip. Rip led Dan further into his admission. “I want you to tell them about the land. Tell them how you get it. Go on.” Rip watched both of them closely.
“We’ll inflate the land prices. Run up the property tax.” Dan was running out of air. “And price people out.” Stella could feel Kayce get angrier the more Dan spoke. The underhandedness and dirty dealings to steal the one thing that brought them all together and kept them safe had Stella seething. It was their home. Their safety net. Kayce’s home. How dare they? “You know how much the Yellowstone is worth? You think I’m gonna be the last person who’s gonna wanna take it?” He tried to yell. “Now your father has two choices. Either to sell it, or to lose it.” Dan looked back at Rip. “And that’s the fucking truth.”
Rip continued looking at the tag-team. “Now you both know. Jimmy, go on and cut him down.”
“Fuck you guys! Fuck you! Fucking idiots.” Dan gasped at them.
Stella spun around. She touched Kayce’s chest, grabbing his focus. Everyone watched them have a nonverbal conversation. There was some form of acceptance happening. A change in alignment. Rip felt something shift as it clicked into place in the atmosphere. Stella shook in anger. There was an almost imperceptible nod from Stella to the youngest Dutton.
Kayce looked down, taking off his hat. He walked behind the horse. He hollered. “Yah!” He smacked the horse’s rump. It neighed loudly and took off. Dan was left hanging. His legs flopped around and he struggled to grasp the rope around his neck.
Dan struggled and everyone was forced to watch. Lloyd stopped Jimmy from cutting him down, knowing that the duo needed to make a point. Kayce put an arm around Stella’s lower back to guide her back in front of everyone. They turned to take one last look at Dan. Kayce started to walk away.
Stella glanced at everyone and locked on to Rip. “Let. Him. Hang.” Rip’s eyes widened, stunned by her brutality.
Stella clenched her jaw and started to trail after Kayce. He yelled behind him for her. “Stella, come on! Now!”
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jerzwriter · 1 year
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Book:                   Open Heart
Pairing:                Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee)
Rating:                 Explicit 18+ Only
Warning: Explicit sexual content
Category:            AU/ Romantic smut
Summary:   In this AU, Ethan has recently published a phenomenally successful book that has launched him to celebrity status. Kaycee couldn't be prouder of him, but it's impeded on their time together, and with half the world lusting for the man she's secretly involved in, she becomes a bit insecure. Fortunately, Ethan knows just how to reassure her.
Words: 3,285 - sorry
A/N: It's been a while since we've had some Ethan smut. This was something I started for another fandom, but as I wrote it, I thought it would be a good AU for them, so I altered it to make it work. Participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge - Forehead kisses (They're in there... but so are a lot of other things! lol)
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Kayce gave up on sleeping over an hour ago. By now, she should know it was pointless to attempt it without him here. But she was growing restless. She picked up the phone and glanced at the time, then let out a long sigh. His interview ended over three hours ago. Sure, she knew he was likely invited to have dinner with the other attendees after; and even though it’s the last thing he’d want to do, he’d be forced to go. But, still….
Drumming her fingers on her cell phone, she considered calling him but refrained. She didn’t want to give him the impression that she was jealous because she wasn’t. It wasn’t jealousy but longing. Their time together had become limited since the unexpected success of his last book. Ethan became an unwitting celebrity overnight. The media loved him, and so did the women… and men… there was no discrimination. To his mortification, he was now a sex symbol. But as his agent reminded him, sex sells… and he had a contract to honor.
Kaycee simply adored him, and her heart was filled with pride. Still, she was painfully aware that their limited time together would become even more sparse as his star continued to rise. And rising it was, there appeared to be no end in sight. That’s why he planned this weekend for the two of them. Forty-eight uninterrupted hours alone together. He rented one of the most luxurious suites at The Plaza, and they weren’t sure if they’d ever leave the room… then his agent found out.
“It’s just Friday night!” “Fallon had a cancelation, Ethan, and we’re not saying no to Fallon. You’re going.”
She was coming to hate his agent.
Exhausted now, she yawned as she stretched between the silk sheets on the oversized bed he should be in with her. She desired his touch, his scent, and the sound of his voice when, mercifully, the door clicked open. Ethan was here! And suddenly, Kaycee was wide awake.
“Hey,” she beamed, her eyes roaming over him as he removed his jacket and placed it in the closet by the door. The tender smile on his lips as he slowly turned to her made her feel things she wouldn’t readily admit. When did she become that easy?
“Hey, Rookie,” he drawled. “You waited up for me?”
“Of course,” she smiled, shifting to sit up in bed. The comforter covered her from the waist down, but she could feel his desire as his eyes roamed over her. She began to question her choice of his oversized t-shirt as her night attire; perhaps something more seductive would have been preferred. But as his eyes turned dark, she knew she had made the right choice. Seeing her naked, if not for his clothes covering grazing her body, woke something primal in him.
“I saw the interview,” she smiled, sauntering over to him when he sat on the bed. Hugging him from behind, her arms wrapped lovingly around his chest as she peppered gentle kisses on his neck. “You were wonderful. You’re always wonderful.”
“You saw the interview? How did you do that? It doesn’t air for another hour?”
“I have my sources,” she winked. “I didn’t become the best,” she stopped. “Well, maybe not the best, but….”
“You are,” he interrupted. Pulling her arm from his chest, lavishing it with kisses. “You are the best,” he assured.
With a giggle, she swiveled to sit by his side. “You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“It doesn’t matter,” he droned, cupping her cheeks in his hands, “no matter what it is… you’re the best.”
A blush formed on her cheeks, and her playful smirk conveyed the confidence and uncertainty that simultaneously existed inside her.  
“I was going to say, you don’t become the best resident at the best hospital in the country without learning how to… make friends… but I know I’m not the best that Edenbrook has ever seen. Not by a longshot.”
Ethan caressed her cheek, dragging it down her neck as he spoke. “You always underestimate yourself. You’re still early in your career and have impressed me and others more than any others before. History will tell, but I dare say you may be Edenbrook’s best. Don’t you agree?”
He winked at her as he stood up from bed to remove his clothes. Deliberately moving at a slow pace to provide her with a pleasant show.   She tried to find her words, but the task seemed impossible. Mesmerized by each button coming undone, the way he tossed his shirt to the side, and how his muscles flexed when he pulled his undershirt over his head. He catches her staring at him, and a playful smile tugged at his lips. His ego swelled as he realized he had left her completely unaware there was a question to answer.
“Hello, my angel,” he spoke, his voice a graveled hum. “You haven’t answered me. Are you going to disagree with me, or do you think you may end up being the very best?”
“I don’t know,” she demurred. “You’ve set the bar pretty high.”  Glancing at the front of his trousers, she grinned sheepishly. “And it seems your bar is rising higher by the minute, do you disagree?”  
A deep chuckle emits from his chest; her cheeky sense of humor is just one of the many things he finds irresistible in her. “Hardly,” he smiled, falling back to her side. 
“There’s a joke in there, but I’m going to let it pass.”
“Good,” his fingers ran through her hair as his eyes fixed on hers. “Tell me what you thought of the interview. I want your opinion as my valued colleague and as my love.”
“As your colleague, I thought you were in a class of your own. Your knowledge was unrivaled, but you made complex content so easy to understand. Concepts that a layman normally wouldn’t understand will now be talked about around every water cooler in America because of you. Important topics that need to be discussed. You have no idea how hot that is. Which leads me to… as your love… I think you came across as charismatic, confident, and undeniably sexy.”
“Came across as,” he raised a brow. “Are you saying that’s not how I actually am?”
“Would you let me finish,” she teased. “As your… love… I think you’re all those things and more. You shined tonight, baby. I’m so proud.”  
Her review may have been glowing, but Ethan knew her too well, and he could tell the smile was missing in her eyes.
“But?” He asked.
“But nothing,” she insisted. Ethan would not have it.
“But…” he continued. “If you expect to have any real fun tonight fun with me tonight, I need you to be honest with me now.”  
“Are you saying you’d deny me?” She asked playfully. But the look on his face was no longer entertaining her. Kaycee knew he wanted the truth, and she gave in.
“You were amazing. I’m sure countless more people will be enamored with you now. But… sometimes it’s hard. It feels like half the world wants you now, and I know you’re mine, but….”
A knowing look comes to his face. “But we have to be a secret?”
“But we have to be a secret,” she sighed.
“All right then. We won’t be a secret anymore. I don’t want you hurting, Kaycee. Especially when so many other things are so right. We’ll go public; it’s as easy as that.”
Kaycee felt her heart soar, there was nothing she wanted more, but she knew the implications of doing that prematurely.
“As much as I’d love to do that, you know we can’t. It would have been bad enough for me, careerwise, if we were found out before your newfound success. If it were to happen now, I’d really look like some trollop throwing myself at you for my own benefit. No one would take me seriously, and everyone would question the success I’ve had so far. Not to mention your agent would take a contract out on me. She’s repeatedly told me how appearing single right now is important to ‘your brand’.”
“You know, fuck ‘my brand.’”
“Perhaps,” Kaycee said, rubbing his shoulder. “But what about my career? You know how it works. No one would take me seriously.”
Ethan’s face fell, he didn’t want to admit it, but he knew she was right.
“Then I’ll have to remind you daily that your residency won’t last forever. In a year, or two, we can let the whole world know you’re mine.”
The smile on her lips did a poor job of concealing the way her heart sank, and again, Ethan caught on in a second.
“Kaycee?” he asked his voice a command, demanding her answer.  
He calls out your name in a gentle yet demanding tone that demands an answer.
“That’s a long time. Your fame is exploding, and our time together is dwindling… I can’t help but worry. There is an excellent chance you’ll meet someone brighter, more beautiful, and more successful than me. Someone who could be on your arm without the hint of a scandal. Sometimes I wonder if we’ll ever get to….”
Her words were cut short when Ethan’s lips crashed into hers. Hungry and passionate, he pulled her close as his tongue delved into her mouth, making Kaycee forget what she was fretting over just moments before. He pulled back, his eyes dark with an intensity she wasn’t sure she had seen before.  
“I don’t like you worrying like this. You’re everything to me, and the idea that anyone could replace you is ludicrous. Fortunately, I have a solution.”
“You do?”
“Yes,” he sat up, pulling Kaycee along with him. “I’m going to have to show you, every single day, how much I desire you, how much I need you, how much I am all yours.”
Kaycee’s arms wrapped around his neck, and her lips found their way to his ear. Gently nipping and kissing him, she whispered. “And how do you plan on doing that?”
His hands encircled her waist and pushed her away, holding her at arm's length. Kayce gasped, stunned at his actions, then saw the look in his eye.
“Get ready, beautiful, because I’m about to show you.”
His eyes lowered, lustfully taking in her every curve. His arousal grew at the sight of her hardened nipples straining against the flimsy fabric of his t-shirt. He licked his lips in anticipation.
“Take it off,” he commanded, and Kaycee rushed to comply.   
But as her hands reached the hem of the shirt, she deliberately slowed the pace. Lifting his shirt slowly, she exposed one inch of flesh at a time. The cold air assaulted her naked body as soon as the shirt was off, but the heat of his gaze and desire in his hooded eyes warmed her in an instant. Only he could light this flame within her. A flame that could melt the coldest winter frost.
He would give this woman the world, but patience was not something he was willing to offer now. She didn’t have time to speak before his hands roamed over her body, each touch stoking the flame already set. He cupped her breasts, groping feverishly as his thumbs encircled her taught nipples, and his mouth claimed hers once again. He grinned as she moaned under his touch, absorbing each sound with his kiss.
Then she broke away, merely to gasp for air, but Ethan remained undeterred. His lips were her neck, then lower… as he nibbled his way down her body, gently marking her skin along the way.
“You want to know your mine?” He breathed. “Every time you look in the mirror, you’ll find a reminder.”
His words left her breathless, and she wasn’t sure she’d recover. Then he reached the swell of her breast and removed any doubt. She was gone, under his control. She was his.
He took her nipple in his mouth with an intensity that made her body quiver. His hands continued their quest to touch every inch of her. His name fell from her lips, mingled between desperate pants of pleasure. Telling him how good he was making her feel, how much she wanted him, that she’d always belong to him. Each sound was a symphony to his ears.
Kaycee's eyes clenched as her head fell back. She thought she could remain in this state of bliss forever. Submissive and pliant, allowing him to do whatever he pleased. She was his to enjoy, and she reveled in being the recipient of his pleasure. But need burned inside her; she had to have more.
Sitting up urgently, his mouth came off her with a loud smack. She frantically unbuckled his belt, then unbuttoned his pants. A prideful smirk on his face when he saw how he had her… absolutely desperate for him. But her eagerness had its downfalls. Her shaking hands fumbled with his zipper, unable to complete her task. Ethan reached down to help her, pushing his pants to the floor.
His massive erection sprung out at once, slapping against Kaycee’s thigh, and her mouth watered. She already felt it, his beautiful cock in her mouth. Her tongue, lips, and teeth grazing over him, taking him in the back of her throat and worshiping him the way he deserved, but that would have to wait. Her body was throbbing. It needed him, and she couldn’t wait. She sat back and rested against the pillows, spreading her legs open wide; her eyes dared him to take her and make her his own. Ethan growled in response, his dick ready to explode at the sight of her. She knew she wouldn’t be waiting long.
He leaned over and kissed her as she took his throbbing cock in her hand, eagerly placing it at her soaked center, her body waiting to feel him delve inside her… when he stopped.
Her eyes opened in horror, and Ethan chuckled at the desperation in her gaze.
“Relax, Rookie,” he growled. Reaching up, he dragged his fingers along her body.  Tracing her arms and chest, toying with her nipples, before stroking her stomach and thighs.  He skimmed quickly through the pool of wetness at her core.  A broken plea fell from her lips when they failed to slip inside.  
“Well, get to that,” he smiled. “But remember, I’m showing you how much you mean to me.  So, allow me.”   
His eyes locked on her before he disappeared between her legs. His mouth latched onto her with urgency as Kaycee grasped at the silk sheets.  Her mind was blank, and all of time stood still. He was the only thing that existed.  Every lick, nip, and suckle sent shivers up and down her spine. Her fingers laced into his hair, greedily pushing him against her as she grinded against his face. The stubble of his mustache and beard scraped roughly against her, deliciously making her swell, eliciting a pleasure she had never quite felt before.  
She didn’t think it was possible to feel more pleasure than she did at that moment, but as if he could read her mind, Ethan proved her wrong. Two fingers bluntly pressed inside her, and his free hand reached up and pinched her nipple.  A languid cry escapes her, and her thighs clenched tightly around his face. His lips and tongue danced around her swollen clit, as his fingers repeatedly plunged inside her. Kaycee’s senses were overloaded, she no longer knew where she ended, and he began. Then with one rough suckle, her vision bursts to white, and a million small explosions set off inside her as her unrefined screams fill the room.
She lurched back in the bed to escape him. Her body had never felt so sensitive, and she found herself nearly terrified of his touch. But Ethan wasn’t done with her.  Something primal stirred in him when he saw her, flushed pink and his body still shaking from all he had done. The look in his eyes told her to brace for more, and in an instant, he was on her. His bruising kisses consumed her, and her taste on his mouth was more of a turn-on than she could admit. Neither could wait anymore.  He lined himself up against her dripping core. Teasing her at first, he gently bobbed his head in and out as Kaycee squirmed. He reveled in watching her, growing more desperate by the second. When he knew she couldn’t take a moment more, he forcefully thrust inside her,  filling her completely in one shot.
A feeble cry escaped her as her arms wrapped desperately around his back, clawing the length of it as she begged for more. She pleaded with him to fuck her harder, deeper, faster, and Ethan was too happy to comply, giving them both what they desperately desired. His eyes screwed shut, so there is only Kaycee. Nothing but Kaycee, bare, swollen, and wet, she surrounded him as if she were made for him alone. His lips were against her ear, praising her, telling her how tight she was, how good she made him feel.  
If his motions weren’t enough, his words set her body aflame. Her hips lurched up, frantically attempting to meet him with each thrust, desperate for more friction.  Bolts of electricity shot through them with each pounding slap of their hips, then he pushed himself up.  She felt his hands pushing her knees open wide as he moved deeper inside her, hitting that special spot he knew so well.
Kaycee spiraled; there was no holding back. Ethan grabbed her wrists, feebly attempting to keep her body in control as she jerked beneath him. He let out a cry as her walls clenched around his length, and now it was his turn to unravel. His movements become unhinged, slamming into her as she falls over the edge.  Her graveled voice belted out his name. It only took a few more swivels of Ethan’s hips for him to join Kaycee in utter ecstasy.  A guttural groan ripped from his chest, and Kaycee smiled as she felt him explode inside her.
Collapsing onto the bed, Ethan rolled over and pulled Kaycee close in his arms. Their slick bodies glide against each other as satisfied grins remain on your flushed faces. Ethan brushed an errant strand of hair from her face and gently kissed her forehead.
“So, are you still worried someone else might lure me away?” he teased.
“No,” she whispers, still waiting for her breath to settle. “I’m not worried about that.  But I am worried about you.”
“Me? Why me?”
“Because I’m giving you exactly fifteen minutes. After that, we’re going for round two.”
“I see,” he smirked. “So your end goal is to put me in a wheelchair. Is that it?”  
“Yes,” she giggled. “So, on your next interview, you’ll have to tell the world why you can’t walk now.  Then, I will be a legend for the rest of time.”  
A chuckle rumbled deep in his chest as he pulled her close.   
“You’re already a legend to me. I love you, Kayce. And if I have to do this every day to reassure you that you will forever be the only woman for me, so be it.”
“I love you, too,” she purred.  “If this is what I have to look forward to if I’m insecure, then baby, insecure is what I’m going to have to be.”
“Then my plan failed?” he scowled.
“Ethan, if we have sex like this every day….”
“Ah, yes,” he winked. “Then we’re both winners.”
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @fayeswiftie @genevievemd @gryffindordaughterofathena @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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jerzwriter · 6 months
For Halloween:
5th - "I bet you won't manage to scare me tonight!" (Ethan and Kayce)
27th - "Haha, look! This pumpkin looks just like you!" (Tobias and Casey)
3rd - imagine your OTP meeting up for a horror movie night, and Person A has to take Person B into their arms because B is so easily scared (Trystan and Carolina)
Hi Kyra,
Thanks so much for the requests! Two of three are done, and #3 is a duplicate I received from someone else, so I'l let you know when that is done.
A Very Scary Halloween, Ethan x Kaycee
Pumpkin Love, Tobias x Casey
Thanks so much again! :)
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jerzwriter · 1 year
🥂 🍁 💐 🕸 for Eli and Zoe
🍥 ✈️ for E&K and T&C
Hi Ann! Thanks so much for the asks! (LIST)
Eli x Zoe
🥂 - How was their first date? 
Well, in canon, there weren't really "dates." Although their motorcycle escapes when being chased by The Raiders, and their time at the abandoned amusement park had elements of dates within them.
I will write something that is a little more "first date" like for them, but it will be simple, like a picnic or Eli cooking her dinner. Their world is so different; there aren't dates the way we know them. Whatever they are, though, I'm sure they're adorable AF. lol
🍁 - How was their first kiss? 
That was canon, and honestly, it was steamy AF lol Let's be real. The man lived in relative isolation since he was seven and in more or less total isolation for three years. Now here's this woman he's catching major feelings for, and he's fighting it like crazy (think Ramsey level, then double it). She kisses him, and he gives in. And I think they described it as a "volcano erupting," and I can see that. lol I had our beloved Ainna memorialize that right here... :)
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💐Is one more protective than the other?
Eli & Zoe - They're both fiercely protective of each other. I'd say Eli has the edge just a bit. After what happened with his parents & brother (if you don't know... it was BAD), he is terrified of losing Zoe; but Zoe is also terrified of losing him. So it's pretty 50/50.
🕸 What does one do that scares the other? 
Eli x Zoe - They live in a very dangerous world, but both are pretty cautious and know how to defend themselves. They worry about each other, but neither feels the other is doing anything to worry them. But Eli thinks Zoe can be too trusting of others (she is), and that causes him some concern. Zoe worries when she sees Eli going into a dark place because he can become very depressed at times.
Ethan x Kaycee, Tobias x Casey
🍥 - Who was (insert character)’s first crush? 
Hmm. Let's see.
Well, with Ethan, we know it was his old teacher that Casey bares a striking resemblance to. When Eli remembered that, it damn near landed him in counseling lol (There is a fic of this.
For Kayce/Casey, I'd say it was one of their childhood friends from Philly. One of the neighborhood kids a little older than her, she thought he was just so smart and cool. They hung out all the time, but he never knew she had a mad crush on him.
Tobias, why is it I can see this mofo having a crush on the hot nurse that worked the nursery he was in after birth? 🤣🤣🤣 Seriously, I think he'd have a crush very young. He probably had a preschool "girlfriend" and had a crush on one of his teachers there too. (Though, unlike Ethan, he owns it and likely lives out a teacher roleplay with Casey. 🤣🤣)
✈️ - How do they celebrate anniversaries? 
Ethan x Kaycee - I can see Ethan being very romantic and over the top. Dress up and fancy restaurant in Boston. If there is a musical she wants to see (or an opera, since she grew to enjoy them too), they'll see that. She'll get flowers from him, and she'll buy some sexy lingerie to surprise him with after. Some years, they go for a little weekend getaway instead. Especially if they're just not in the mood to dress up. Now, don't forget I HC Ethan gave her a beach house as a wedding gift, so they might just go there to spend alone time together.
Tobias x Casey - Tobias loves spoiling Casey, and anniversaries are no exception. He celebrates many... the one where they met at the deli, the week after that was their "first date", the one (about 8 mos later) when they FINALLY got together, the anniversary of the day she told him she was pregnant/they got engaged, the anniversary of their secret elopement, and the anniversary of their "real" wedding. So that's six. lol
I think he's more low-key for some, like the one when they met at the deli. I think he'd get her food from that deli (as long as they're in Boston), then at home, she gets a backrub, flowers, and 😏. For their wedding anniversaries, they talk to see what they're up for that year. Sometimes it is just a romantic dinner at home (where there would be candles and oodles of roses), sometimes it's a weekend away or big ol' vacation, sometimes it's dressed up for a night on the town, sometimes its in bed for the whole day with no clothes. :)
Thanks so much for the asks, Ann!
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