#eva vazquez
forbescaroline · 1 year
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favorite platonic relationships: amira naybet, cris soto, eva vazquez, nora grace and viri gomez “Those are the good friends, right? The ones who are there for the good times, the bad times and the fucking worst.”
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thebvbbletea · 1 year
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skamverse gifset — favorite girlsquad
⤷ las losers ‐ skam españa
"Guys, I know that I never said anything, that I'm very quiet, but.... you rock"
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caribbean-ace · 2 years
Hello folks! I did watch the episode of Station 19 6x03 that thursday but the streaming gave me hell so i thought i could rewatch it (because i was watching it in the middle of a lecture, talk about dedication am i right?) and expand a little bit on what’s happening and what we could possibly have for 6x04. You know the drill, spoilers ahead:
I have to admit that Maya working out is so hot even tho she’s on her path of self destruction and Jack is right there joining her with other unhealthy methods + Andy giving him some tough love i think + “are you always this rude? -only when i’m this angry!” That made me laugh not gonna lie😂 + the overall theme is that both Jack and Maya are not willing to accept help, not yet and forcing them to do so it’s not gonna end well + unless the show is paralleling both Maya and Jack then ignoring her pain just because it doesn’t look like Jack’s is pretty stupid i’d say
Carina and Ben duo, gotta love them! + oh yikes this going to keep going + popping pills like candy, not sure that’s a good idea, but then again Maya is in her own headspace, not even her wife can make her change her mind right now + lmao Ben that’s not a nice morning + “neurotic, self righteous half korean gay man” gotta love Travis😂 + Travic teaming up! + i’d find Beckett’s humor amussing if he wasn’t an asshole + i mean he’s kinda right, how can you depend on someone who’s just gone + lmao Maya and the doggy door + now she can come to them? Really? Ugh i hate they’re still going down the “i’m the villain” path + oh Robert i truly hope your lying catches up to you + i can’t even understand how he’s just okay with himself + lmao they don’t look impressed at all😂
Maya being confused is my favorite genre + kitty cracks me + i was very focused on Maya’s facial expressions, i think they all instantly picked up on the fact something is wrong and she’s obviously dodging it + Ben and Maya are like ugh this is going to be long + lmao chaotic Travic is my entire soul + I just want to hold Carina forever + i don’t even understand how that happened + “your husband” well, Carina Deluca can be considered daddy so i get it + where’s mama Bishop btw? + oh so we’re learning about Dixon now + Vic is me, i would actually work to avoid boredom + at least Vic is trying to talk Carina through the motions + Gibson’s hair has seen better days for sure + lmao Kitty + Maya was close to punch the living hell out of him + this is escalating way too quickly + oh my baby Maya :( + they do need therapy + Maya and Ben regretting so hard that call
Andy “i told you so” + oh yikes + Carina and Vic bonding forever + oh Carina my love :( + this was way too cute + i need more of this friendship + oh Maya babe :( + welp there’s that + oh no Carina’s smile broke me in half :( + lmao Ben was like uh we shouldn’t talk about it and Maya went like: lol i do not care one bit + lmao Travis😂😂😂 + damn Eva + so this is the moment Andy gets the approval + god and Maya is just going down this dark path and Carina can’t do a single thing, her so called friends are not paying attention
So things are moving forward, Andy seems to be more than ready to fill captain’s role which was a long time coming i guess, that means Maya won’t be captain again (i’m still bitter about the trial). I’m honestly glad that Jack is getting the help he needs from 19 but what bothers me is that everyone is just ignoring Maya, again unless they are making some sort of parallel about mental health issues and how they affect people differently then i don’t see how ignoring someone who’s clearly struggling but coping in a different way is acceptable.
I’m also wondering what’s gonna happen with Dixon, any sort of scandal that would take him out of the race maybe? Travis winning? Lots of questions i have. Also i’m wondering how things are going to progress between Ross, Beckett and Sullivan, is Andy gonna expose them or what, hopefully i get my questions answered.
If you read all of this you’re incredible🫶🏼 thanks for reading my rambling about the wee woo show that has my soul, catch ya in the next one✌🏽
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theonlyadawong · 6 months
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The Great Gatsby
Paper Mill Playhouse, 2023
Dir. Marc Bruni
(Photos by Jeremy Daniel)
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daughter-of-melpomene · 8 months
oc masterlist — original stories
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𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐬.
name: thomas sampson. pronouns: he/him. ship: ana vazquez. faceclaim: ethan hawke.
name: ana vazquez. pronouns: she/they. ship: thomas sampson. faceclaim: adria arjona.
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𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲.
name: marisol crúz. pronouns: she/her. ship: cece gomez. faceclaim: ana de armas.
name: cecelia “cece” gomez. pronouns: she/her. ship: marisol cruz. faceclaim: stephanie beatriz.
name: ezekiel “zeke” rojas. pronouns: he/him. ship: n/a. faceclaim: pedro pascal.
name: charles “charlie” kellman. pronouns: he/him. ship: n/a. faceclaim: tom hardy.
name: eva carmichael. pronouns: she/her. ship: n/a. faceclaim: lily james.
name: logan wilder. pronouns: he/him. ship: jack lowell. faceclaim: jordan fisher.
name: jack lowell. pronouns: he/him. ship: logan wilder. faceclaim: taron egerton.
name: harlan maddox. pronouns: he/him. ship: n/a. faceclaim: billy porter.
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swedesinstockholm · 10 months
15 mai
parfois je me demande pourquoi je me suis embarquée là-dedans. surtout à cause de l’argent que ça me fait dépenser, même si on sera probablement défrayées, mais je sais pas à combien. samedi dans le bus le jour de la perf on s’est pris une amende de cent francs et je m’en suis toujours pas remise. ça m’a miné le ventre toute la journée, à chaque performance que je voyais venait un moment où je décrochais pour me repasser la scène où j’ai du sortir ma carte pour payer cent francs aux tpg, cent francs bordel comment je vais faire pour les récupérer? en attendant le début de notre perf je répondais à toutes les offres de cours de luxembourgeois online de cours at home que j’ai reçues ces derniers jours dans un élan de panique, mais ils me les donnent jamais de toute façon. je déteste l’argent et je déteste la suisse. point très positif d’être à genève par contre: j’ai pas le temps de penser à r. d. ce matin au wc je regardais des vidéos de stand-up d’une humoriste américaine et dans une des vidéos elle disait qu’elle était techniquement bisexuelle, mais qu’elle préférait et choisissait activement d’avoir des relations qu’avec des femmes parce qu’elles se lavent les mains après avoir fait pipi et ça m’a fait retomber du côté gay de la bascule. et puis j’ai repensé à la conversation des ami.es de r. hier et x. disait qu’elle était trysexual et que donc elle essayait tout et s. l’égyptien disait qu’il avait d’abord été hétéro à cause de la société, puis quand il a déménagé au caire il était gay parce qu’il se sentait libre, et une fois qu’il a eu fait la paix avec ça il a de nouveau couché avec des femmes. mais il disait qu’il était d’abord attiré par l’énergie des gens et non leurs attributs sexuels et qu’en fait il s’en fout. peut être qu’on a la même sexualité. sauf que moi je peux être très excitée par la nuque d’une fille, ou un side boob, ou un bras, ou n’importe quoi.
18 mai
hier soir je suis allée à un atelier d’écriture d’élodie petit/gorge bataille de l’anthologie douteuse, j’avais vu l’affiche mardi collé sur la porte du couloir en partant de l’école et je me suis inscrite sur le champ, alors que j’aime pas des masses sa poésie et puis cette histoire de sexe omniprésent me faisait un peu peur, parce que je me suis dit et si tout le monde écrit sur le sexe parce que c’est à la mode et qu’elle nous fait écrire des trucs trash et moi je sais pas faire du trash etc. le truc qui m’a décidée à y aller c’est que dans une vidéo avec laura vazquez elle encense violette leduc et l’affamée et j’ai forcément quelque chose en commun avec les gens qui encensent violette leduc. pour le tour de table elle nous a demandé de nous présenter en citant le dernier livre qui nous avait marqué et j’ai jamais été aussi à l’aise dans un tour de table. j’ai parlé de ma passion pour eva baltasar et elle la connaissait et c’était très agréable de pouvoir partager mon enthousiasme avec quelqu’un d’autre. j’ai dit que c’était exactement ça que je voulais écrire et on a parlé de la sortie de son prochain livre et quelqu’un a dit une vraie fan! et j’ai dit ah ouais trop et ça m’a fait du bien de me retrouver avec des francophones plus ou moins littéraires, après tout ce temps passé avc r. et s. j’étais pas la seule intruse à l’atelier, y avait quelqu’un des beaux arts de paris, mais j’étais quand même la seule à ne pas être en école d’art. même élodie petit a fait les beaux arts. elle a 38 ans. je me sentais plus proche d’elle que des étudiant.es qui était tous habillé.es comme quand je suis entrée au lycée avec des gilets en coton côtelés à col montant et des baskets en cuir marron hideux et de la dentelle mélangée à d’autres matières aux couleurs moches comme crème beige et marron ou orange. je comprends pas cet engouement pour le moche, ça doit être comme un jeu, qui trouvera les habits les plus moches qui trainent au grenier ou dans les fripes, je sais pas.
on a parlé des bios et à quel point elle détestait ça parce que ça l’étouffe de se définir et d’être mise dans une case, la case queer transgressive blabla, elle disait qu’elle avait l’impression que ça voulait plus rien dire et que les mots ne voulaient plus rien dire, se définir comme gouine anticapitaliste and then what? elle disait que les seuls moments où elle avait l’impression de faire un truc vraiment politique, c’était quand elle donnait des ateliers d’écriture dans des écoles de banlieue défavorisées et qu’elle leur faisait désacraliser les auteurs classiques comme rousseau etc. on a parlé de comment ne pas trahir d’où on vient aussi, parce qu’elle vient d’un milieu populaire, et elle disait que quand elle écrivait, elle écrivait toujours de manière à ce que sa mère et sa grand-mère puissent comprendre ce qu’elle dit. moi j’ai l’impression que quand je fais des trucs d’artiste et d’écrivaine, je veux leur montrer regardez ce que je fais, je suis pas comme vous, je vis dans un autre monde, je suis une artiste. mais je sais pas, peut être qu’en fait je veux juste leur montrer que je fais quelque chose, par opposition à rien du tout. de toute façon on me demande jamais rien et tout le monde s’en fout de ce que je fais. mais j’ai quand même une espèce de fierté, quand je fais des trucs artistiques/intellectuels. même si au bout d’un moment j’ai besoin de rééquilibrer les choses et de redescendre à la mer. dans les toilettes de l’école l’autre jour en me lavant les mains j’ai pensé à l’autoroute et ça m’a donné une envie intense de faire le trajet en voiture pour y aller. même si je déteste ça.
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flodaya · 2 years
I don't get why people like Yara with Mailin when Mailin gives the most straight vibes ever! That made me think, which skamverse characters do you think have the most straight vibes?
eliott demaury :)
I am mostly kidding, my actual answers are
Eva Vazquez (affectionate)
the belgian Vilde and Jens (derogatory)
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
ARC Review: Best Women's Erotica of the Year, Volume 8
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4/5. Releases 12/6/22.
Sometimes, I get questions that are like "what is erotica, and why is it different from romance"? And I get it, because not only is erotica ill-defined--it's also kind of difficult to get erotica that is defined and presented as erotica in a format that is not... Literotica? Unless you know what you're looking for.
The Best Women's Erotica of the Year collections are great starting places for people who want to read more erotica (and discovered new authors). They usually have a theme and come in a variety of different subgenres.
This year's theme is "play", and it's a great one that the authors ran with perfectly. There's a lot to choose from here, and it's not limited to m/f, of course. Some of my favorites included:
The Devil Take You by Eva Leigh--A bit of historical erotica, with a widow attending a play, coming across the one man she hasn't been able to one-up, and playing along with his very public game. Obviously an exhibitionism/voyeurism piece, and so great. Eva Leigh writes fabulous sex scenes, and I wish that traditionally published historical romance would get on this level.
The Luv Sub by Karina L. Agbisit--This one has a sci-fi spin, with a pair of long distance lovers using a new "love sub" (an artificial surrogate) to allow them to hook up. Very fun and funny and somehow completely unabashed by the Black Mirror-esque premise. Good if you want your erotica to have a bit of a light, romcom vibe.
Ars Amandi by V.A. Vazquez--LARPing with a sapphic sneakysex twist. I enjoyed this one because it was decidedly not romance-leaning, and it also didn't have the cutesyness that I think has kind of become pervasive in wlw romance (not that there isn't a place for that, but sometimes I want some gray shit). Also, the protagonist was dressed as a nun at one point.
Out of this World by Robin Lovett--A scientist who researches the sexual habits of various aliens by fucking them meets the ultimate fuck alien. I don't know that I need to say anything else to sell this. I need to read more alien romance, obviously.
Embracing Against the Rules by Noor Juman--A bit of ritual, a bit of fantasy, a bit of hardcore sex. We love to see it.
Frenzy by Diva Darling--This one has some occult summoning vibes, and if you're in the mood for some spookiness by way of group sex and wild shit in a story... This is a good option.
Not every story in an erotica collection is gonna work for everyone. But this one definitely got my mind going and sparked some new ideas!
Thank you to Cleis Press and Netgalley for giving me a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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soylazaro · 7 months
South Australia Tourism from jani häkli on Vimeo.
Director: Patrick Fileti
Production Company: Yah Yah Producers: Annalise Menzel & Anna Bardsley-Jones Production Manager: Jesse Goninon 1st AC: Russell Marrett 2nd AC: Katrina Penning Gaffer / Grip: Nic Datson Gaffer (Kilsby): Matt Begg Production Design: Ben Brooks Costume Design: Chloe Spaulding Costume Assistant: Olivia Zanchetta Hair & Make Up: Tracy Philpot Production Coord: Fiona Lanyon, Bettina Hamilton Production Assist: Tiarne Cook & Eva Hodder Runner (Kilsby): Ava Jones Unit & Catering: Yvonne Karabatsos Sound Recordist: Rainer Davenport Drone: Ollie Davies Underwater DOP: Jesse Moyes Open Water Diver: Darren Mitchell Free Diver Supervisor: Freddy Cocchiarella Medic: Stephanie Grace Safety Officer: Richard Boue Drivers: Ben Duigan, Nick Crowhurst, Tom Goldblatt Editor: Lucas Vazquez Colourist: Edel Rafferty VFX: Vandal Final Online: Mark McKenna Sound Design: Abigail Sie Composer: Dan McCormick Casting Director Adelaide: Angela Heesom Casting Director Sydney: Stevie Ray
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remixinc · 9 months
AMAZON - All of that, for this? from Mauro Chiarello on Vimeo.
Director: Jara Moravec DOP: Mauro Chiarello Production Designer: Laia Ateca Stylist: Carolina Galiana Production Company: ProdCo Consultant Director & Founding Partner: Ian Pons Jewell EP & Founding Partner: Zico Judge EP: Maddi Carlton HOP: Sanders Storm Producer: Shirley O’Connor Production Manager: Kelly Brown DOP: Mauro Chiarello Post Prod. Supervisor: Tito M Fernandes
Client: Amazon Ads Director, Brand Marketing: Carly Zipp Head of Brand Strategy: Dipal Shah Senior Brand Strategist: Colin Kikcio Senior Creative Director: Marcellus Neel
Agency: Anomaly Senior Producer: Mateus DeFaria Creative Directors: Diego Fonseca, Dan Shapiro, Giles Clayton HO Account Management: Elektra O’Malley Business Director: Rachel Wintle
Service Production: Blur Films HOP: Pablo Herraiz Producer: Pere Cavanillas Production Manager: Òscar Viadé Production Coord: Elena Romagosa Talent Coord: Laia Figuls Production Asst: Albert Torrents Director’s Chaperone: @elbubudebarna Unit Manager: Javi Puente Location Manager: Sergi Cabrera
ADs 1st AD: Luis Casacuberta Abril 2nd AD: Natalia G. Bescós 3rd AD: Joel Adan Script Supervisor: Nuria Casanueva
Camera 2nd Camera Operator: Jose Antonio Santos 1st AC Focus Puller: Adrián Rodríguez 2nd AC: Carla Stebbing 1st AC B Cam: Marc Piera 2nd AC B Cam: Pasha Chui VTR: Guillem Tramullas VTR Asst: Pol Renau DIT: Ibon Esparza Data Wrangler: Pablo Romero Photographer: Tom Griffith Photographer Assist: Arkaitz Olarra
Lighto Gaffer: Rafa Ramírez Best Boy: Javier Vazquez Sparks: Alejandro Narvaez, Cristobal Marín, Adriá Pardo, Jesús Estaregui, Jesús Ramirez, Javier Carrión, Carlo Vernetti
Grip Key Grip: Danie De Juan Grips: Toni Espejo, Rodrigo Alvarez, Luis Vieites, Jordi Monfort
Sound Sound Mixer: Carles Prats Sound Asst: Agus Balda
Sound Post Production Sound Designer: Gregory Caron Sound Mix Company: Wave Studios Sound Mix: Aaron Reynolds EP: Vicky Ferraro
Wardrobe Stylist Assistants: Julia Puig, María Aznar, Ivan Alarcón
Make-Up / Hair Make-Up & Hair Artist: Eva Quilez Make Up & Hair Asst: Lorena García
Animal Handler Animal Wrangler: Carles Vilá
Talent Agency: Cristina Tingting, James Francis, Zannie Stutely, Brooke Walker, Mónica McCollin, Charles Niwishaka, Amiran Bhagwandas, Jamell Romero, Timothy Cordukes, Shiori Watanabe, Seiya Nobuta, Txiki Blasi Client: Michael Dozie, Caitlin Mac Doyle, Liliana Cabai TV Watcher: Chien Kuo Gamer: Rosana Ehizele Billboard Watcher: Adriá Lerma Food Stylist: Miguel Ángel Romero Model: David Valera Photographer: Lea Marks Focus Group 1: Kate Arévalo Focus group 2: Giorgia Losapio Behind Mirror Man: Txiki Blasi Behind Mirror Woman: Mónica McCollin Young Woman on Phone: Hawa Oulen
Stunts Precision Driver: Alex Martinez
Casting Spain: Bite Casting UK: Kharmel Cochrane
Art Art Director Asst: Verónica Díez Art Asst: Lorena Maroto Props Buyers: Vicent Sanchis, Claudia Espierrez Set Dressers: Santi Patricio, Cristian Deru Standby props: Ben Dusak, Billy Troc, Sebastián Martínez, Isaac Rodríguez Liquid Handler: Pau Arregui
VFX VFX Company: Electric Theatre Collective EP: Antonia Valsto Producer: Nadi - Samia VFX Supervisor: Alex Gabucci, Hugo Saunders Colour: Luke Morrison @etc.colour Production Coord: Emily Mayc
Edit Edit Company: The Den Editorial Sr. EP: Jenifer Mersis HOP: Kristina Thoegersen Sr. Post Producer: Kortney Rubottom Editor: Tobias Suhm Cutting Assist: Evan Carp
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forbescaroline · 2 years
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favorite platonic relationships: nora grace and eva vazquez “In the meantime, you have me.”
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emzeciorrr · 10 months
Let's Not Go Away from Blue Zoo on Vimeo.
Watch the Making of: vimeo.com/379284359
Every Christmas we do something a bit unique that represents and challenges our studio's diverse styles and skills. This time we have turned to our new dedicated 2D animation studio who have created something very special.
The first 2D #BZshorts film is directed by People and Talent Coordinator, Katie Gascoyne. Our commitment to pioneering new talent and giving opportunities to ALL staff is at the heart of the shorts program. This year, there was a blind pitch where the whole company was invited to pitch an idea for the music video to Scouting for Girl’s Christmas single. Specifically, the brief asked for an “odd couple.” Katie won the blind pitch with a heart-warming pairing between Dan, a living gingerbread man, and his human girlfriend, Mandy.
Directed By Katie Gascoyne
Storyboard By Luke Allen Jacques Gauthier
Art Direction Jacques Gauthier
Development Andrew Scott Jovan de Melo Maeva Verdun Adam Willis Larisa Bumb Francesco Guarini
Character Design Tena Galovic Katie Gascoyne
Prop Design Eva Strautkalne
Illustration Sophie Gallo
Rigging Plamen Ananiev Niki Kehoe Elijah Mazur Sonia Naqvi Georgia Read-Smith
Background Design Sam Bailey Kasia Brzezińska Charlotte West
Background Layout Farhad Chams Sebastian König Charlotte West Wei Wu
Background Paint Alice Geoffriault Lucy Munro Niccolo Magni Jovan De Melo Junior Nicola Coppack Katie Barry Maeva Verdun
Animation Lead Mateus Lima
Animators Emilliano Alcocer Stefanos Chrysanthou Michael Logar Lewis Nash Marcelo Perin Giulia Ranialo Saeed Rezvani Billy Shing Joe Sutherland Fernanda Valverde Eduardo Vazquez Elnaz Forouhari
Comp & FX Stuart Geddis Millie Spouse Jodi Henry Tania Maccaferri
Pipeline TD Chris Carter
Edit Alec Smith
Music ‘Let’s Not Go Away’ a Song by Scouting For Girls Music & Lyrics by Roy Stride, David Freedman, Jackson Freedman
Sound Design John Sutherland
Exec producer Oli Hyatt
Producer Denise Green
Production Manager Nikitha Mannam
Special Thanks Tom Box Adam Shaw Laura Annis Sony Music All @ Blue Zoo
Made by Blue Zoo Animation Studios © Blue Zoo Productions Ltd 2019
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mariamajesticblogs · 2 years
More Young Adults Are Buying Life Insurance Thanks to the Pandemic—if They Can Get It
In the Young Money column: Seeing loved ones die left me shaken, and worried about how my husband would fare without my income
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Young people believe that at their age, life insurance should be a breeze, but it isn’t. ILLUSTRATION: EVA VAZQUEZ
Before the pandemic, I didn’t think of life insurance as something I needed. Why would I? At the end of 2019, I was 25 years old and newly married. I had no children. The only time I thought about life insurance was when it came up as the killer’s hidden motive in true-crime documentaries. (I watch a lot of true-crime documentaries.)
But last year, my husband, Ryan, and I decided to apply for policies. As we completed our online applications, I was self-congratulatory, full of pride. Every so often, I sang our praises to my husband: “Look at how responsible we are!”
Beneath my flippancy was a deep relief. The gravity of the pandemic and the recent loss of loved ones had shaken me to my core, and I worried about my own mortality. I fretted over how my husband would fare without my income if I died. There were no certainties; the unimaginable was no longer so. 
I wasn’t alone. More younger adults have been looking for life insurance since the pandemic began. Applications for life-insurance policies jumped 3.9% year-over-year in 2020 in the U.S., according to MIB Group’s Life Index—the biggest annual increase in records going back to 2012. Applications were up nearly 8% in 2020 among people under age 45. In 2021, applications rose 3.4%, with the most growth coming from those ages 31 to 50.
How old were you when you first purchased life insurance? What was that experience like? Join the conversation below.
One source of the increased interest in life insurance was people whose jobs exposed them to Covid-19 before vaccines became available—service workers, first responders, teachers, healthcare workers—says Jennifer Fitzgerald, CEO and co-founder of Policygenius, an online insurance broker. But the effects of the pandemic made many people of all kinds consider their mortality and re-evaluate their finances.
Assessing the risk
For Ryan and me, one of the driving forces behind our decision to get life insurance was the death of my father-in-law at the end of 2020. As our family grappled with the sudden loss and the many loose ends Ryan and his brother were left to tie up in the wake of such a loss, I was a witness to the pile of costs that were left to the survivors: attorney’s fees, remaining bills, cremation costs. His father had some life insurance that eased the burden on the two sons. 
The pandemic—especially before vaccines were available—made everything feel uncertain for us. We isolated ourselves entirely and took every precaution to avoid possible infection, but we worried that at any moment one of us could fall ill and leave the other in the lurch. Our youth gave us little comfort as we watched the death toll rise.
I thought of what Ryan would be left to cover in the event of my death. He would be responsible for the entirety of our Brooklyn rent, which neither of us could afford alone, and we were looking at buying an apartment in Manhattan, which would be just as costly. Ryan would lose my health-insurance coverage, and the costs of his chronic health condition would soar as they had before we were married. I thought, too, of my younger brother, who was nearing the end of high school. I had hoped that once he started college I could help him pay for textbooks or other incidentals. I imagined what it would be like if I wasn’t around.
Ryan did similar calculations, had similar thoughts, and we came to the same conclusion: Whatever we could do to be prepared, we would do.
Technically, I already had life insurance. Many employers offer group life insurance as a benefit, typically in a lump-sum amount such as $50,000 or as a multiple of one’s salary. Through my employer, I already had such a policy.
Still, that policy only covers me for as long as I work at this company. What’s more, John Carroll, a senior vice president at industry-funded research firm Limra, told me that for most people, insurance totaling a year or two of salary wouldn’t be enough to cover expenses in the event of their death. Not only are many younger adults not yet in their peak earning years, they also bear a heavier student-loan burden than generations before them. “When you start to add all of that up,” he says, “there’s a real impact if they were to die prematurely or unexpectedly, the burden that they may leave behind for their families, or their parents. Just because you die doesn’t mean that goes away.” 
Approval is uncertain
Weeks after I applied for life insurance, I was approved. Now I pay $36 a month for a 30-year term policy worth several hundred thousand dollars. It’s enough to aid Ryan—and our children, should we choose to have any—in the event of my death. It eased the pressure I once felt to build up as much in cash savings as possible for an unlikely tragedy and freed me up to invest in our future. 
That feeling of security was dulled when Ryan’s application was denied. Ryan, being in his early 30s, had his youth on his side, but his health history kept him from getting coverage. It was a disappointment: No matter how much he works to save money through other means, like his emergency fund and his 401(k), those savings can never come close to the value of a life-insurance policy.
Ryan’s experience isn’t uncommon. While it’s better to apply when you’re young, your age doesn’t mean you’re automatically a shoo-in for a life-insurance policy. Chantel Bonneau Stewart, a wealth-management adviser at Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance, says insurance companies may not take on a policyholder with certain health histories or one with what they consider a risky profession or hobby, such as a pilot, she says. A DUI conviction or poor driving record or a low credit score can also be grounds for a rejections, she adds. 
Rosamund Lannin, age 36, and her husband, Sean Dove, 42, applied for life insurance in the fall of 2020, after the Chicago-based couple went to a financial planner for the first time. Ms. Lannin, who works in marketing, already had a life-insurance policy through her employer. The financial planner recommended they apply for their own policies, too.
The pair thought they might have to pay a higher premium for Mr. Dove, who was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 and entered remission in March 2019. But after applying through their financial adviser, Mr. Dove was told that given his health history he would be denied coverage for five to 10 years posttreatment. Ms. Lannin was able to get a policy, though her monthly premium ended up being $4 higher due to her having anxiety and depression. 
The outcome leaves Mr. Dove largely dependent on cash savings to build a cushion. “I’m a freelance illustrator, so my income changes so much from month to month, so saving has been a huge priority,” he says.
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Credits: Francesca Fontana
Date: April 2, 2022
Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/young-adults-life-insurance-11648844790
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joanatheskammer · 3 years
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montag 10:35 // martes 14:30
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moonkhao · 4 years
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thebvbbletea · 4 years
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"For me and the girls. Watch over Cris, Nora and Eva. Watch over Viri, Dounia, Noor, Elena. Watch over Mom and Dad and Joana. And Dani, watch over Dani"
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